Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JANUA11Y 21 , 1808. tl
f July Wheat Makes Another Adrauoe Under
Lcitcr Bnying ,
iAH tlii" MnrUrln U'crr
mill n . ( ioncrnl Ail-
vnnci' In 1'rlcc I *
CHICAGO , Jan. 20. All the grain find
provision markets were strong today nntl
made nddltlDns to their former prices. The
foattiro In the wheat was the strength
shown by the July option , which advanced
a cent tinder loiter buying nnd covering
by shorts. May closed at % c advance.
Corn and oats closed Vic Hilghcr each nnd
provisions Advanced f > tj2oc ,
In wheat Liverpool prices showed about
5id advance at the opening here and this
marked showing strength naturally had
Great effect'on the market her * . Mny ,
which closed yesterday at fllVlc , opened to
day at aiyoalTic , While July showed a still
greater advance , starting % jc higher nt
S5V4i/83y / c. Trade was very slow for nn
hour anil n , Imlf nnd fluctuations during
that time were practically conllncd to the
fractional differences of opening trades.
IJUt It Improved later , especially In July.
The Liverpool advance was supposed to be
the result of less pressure from Argentine
to sell wheat. This theory was partially
confirmed by a cablegram stating that
$2fiOi,000 ) gold that had been ordered for
Hhlpmetu from London to Argentine hud
been recalled , und ono from tha IJuenos
Ayres correspondent of a Milwaukee house
putting the exportable surplus of Argentine
at la.wO.COO bu. London quoted the price
of Argentine wheat-March shlpment 3is 6d ,
which Is Is above t'ne ' price It was being
offered at about a week iipo , or a rise
In that time equivalent to 3c per bu , The
tecelpts nt Minneapolis and Duluth were
307 cars , nml list 332 a wcok ago and 252
the corresponding week of the yutr before.
Chlcugo receipts were 3o cars , compared
with 29 a year ago. Of today's receipts
only two oars were contract , but 14,000 bu.
besides were put In store from unlicensed
warehouses. After 11 o'clock the trudo took
on some degree -of activity. May In the
tneantlmn Ixid risen to iKil&ffciaiic. The
Leltcr party sold that future at over 91c ,
but bought July , and us the price of July
lias gene up pretty easily Intuly the pur
chases of Letter frightened them to cover
ing. Tne consequence was an advance to
H114C , while May was hanging around l)2c. )
The receipts of the closing cables showing
weakness In the foreign markets In < i
measure restored the confidence of the
Khorts nnd Induced I'lu-ni ' to again put out
their lines , and during the afternoon prices
suffered a considerable collapse. The Liver
pool market closed with u net gain of from
94tl to Tfed ; I'arLi at a loss of from 10 cen
times to 20 centimes for Hour and 10 cen
times to 15 centimes for wheat ; Antwerp
lower by Uj centimes for red winter and
1214 centimes for \Valla Walla. May de
clined to and closed steady at 'JlTdc , while
July was bringing i3ie at the close.
Corn was an exceedingly narrow market.
There was plenty of bull news , which met
with little response. Tne strength of wheat
and heavy sialioard exports kept prices a
little above yesterday's figures most of the
session , though predictions of dry , cold
weather led to expectations of Increased
farmers' deliveries and caused some sell
ing. May ranged from 29'f/2lJ1/ ' to 2S7c and
closed Vko higher at 2'Jc.
The market for outs was quiet but firm.
The feature was the eintlnuetl buying for
Is'ew York account. This and r'le strength
of wheat caused a slight advance In prices ,
which was well maintained. July was
especially strong under fairly urgent com
mission house buying. May ranged from
2Bffi : | % to 2.Tfcrl(23yc ! , und closed < c
higher ut 21ic. .
Provisions were strong throughout. At
the start there was scarcely any trading ,
though prices were a little higher , duo to
the llrm hog prices. As the sticngth de
veloped In wheat the short Interest In pro
visions bcman to cover , and1 the demand
soon became quite active , prices advancing
rapidly. Some reaction followed on a fall
ing oft In the demand , but prices recovered
later. At the close May pork was 20c higher
nt J9.70. May lard 5c higher at $4.77 ! ! ! and
May ribs 7 ! c higher at $1.8214.
Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat , 33
cars ; corn , 32J cars ; oats , 23j cars ; hogs ,
23.000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows.
Articles. . | Opoii , | UU'h. | Low. | Closo. | Yost'y.
. ,
Cauli nuotutlons wre as follows :
ri.OUIt Steady ; winter patents , f I. MOT. SO ;
ntralKhtH , $4.1504.40 ; spring specials , $5,25(5.33 ;
fiprlnx patents , SI.40 4.70 ; straight patents , J4.W
( | i4.i ) ; bakers' , $ J.5niti3.8 < ) .
\VIIMAT-No. 2 wring , 87-iSIS9c ! ; No. 3 spring- ,
EllrtikNo. ; . 2 rei. 93-ic.
COIIN No. 2 , 27iT27Ue.
OA'W-No. 2. 23e r. o. b. : No. t white , S4f23lic ;
No. 3 white , ! IUQ2lfto.
HYI'J-No. 2 , 45c.
HAIll.KY No 2 , 27HWIIC. '
FI.AXSKK.D-No , 1 , } 1.2) ) iI.24Vj.
TIMOTHY SKICD Prime. 12.70.
rUOVIHlONS-Xless pork , t > er bbl. . $9.57'.4ff
9.62'i. ' Lard , per 100 lb . , $1.7034.75 .Short
rlbi fides ( loose ) , $ I.OOJi'l.iO. ! Dry jailed i-hoiil-
dors ( bused ) . > l.731/5.00. .Short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY-Dlstlllers' llnlsVed goods , per gal. ,
6lia.\IlH rut loaf , ta.l'i ; BranulattM , $3.51.
On the Produce exchange today _ the butter mar-
liet wan ea y ; cienmerli-ii , 1351Slsc ! ; < hilr.U's. 110
17c. t'lieifc quli'l at SSJSiie. l'.eK , easy ; fresh ,
Itc' . Dreiwed poultiy , steady ; turkeys , lOSlOVie ;
chickens. Cfe'To ; clui-ks. Nj'Sa.
M-\V voiiic tii\icitAL AIAHICET.
QiiolnllonH fur Ilii * Day on flour nil
Com ? modi I IN.
NEW YORK. Jnn. 20-KLOUR Receipts , 24-
S90 Mils' . ; expjrlH , 17.0S1 bbls. ; firm nnd fairly
iictlvu on trade ; city mill patents , t'j.KIt
C..IO ; city mill , clonrs , IS. 3505.40 ; Minnesota.
patents , $5.-'Off5.20 ; baKeis1 , $1 SUIfl.W ; winter
btrnliilm , (4-IOifl.r.O ( ; winter extras. $3.4003.00 ;
winter luw gradfs , JS.lKJtfSCO. Rye flour , iiulet
nt $2.&Ui3.1i ; , 1. itlcr for fancy , HucUwheat flour ,
iiulet ni $1,2. . 1.30.
lIL'i'K \ VIIU.TOulet ut 3Co.
t'ORNMIiAli Dull ; yellow western , CCc
RYE citrntl ) * ; No. S western , 55c ; car lots , 10
llAULEV-Qtilet ; feeding , JO'-ic.
1IAIILKY ilALT-Qulft ; western , 02'.4OC3e.
WlliTnelplii , 47,173 bu. ; , llrm ; No. 2
red. M.W'j. Options opened strong on EnglLili
cablen and was remarkably llrm all day on light
orterlnr * , ftiung'n pamtlon here nnd broad-
rnlng demand for July , cloadt UOIM- net higher ;
, No. 3 MM. Jamiury , i\t \ > iK <\t' closed , > 1.U3 ;
f May. 9J 7-lCtrJlHc , closed , l)3ytc. )
; CORN Itecelpt > , 39.000 bu ; rxpuilB , 30.919
| bu. ; spot , steady ; No , 2 , 33Ue. Option J
npennl llrm wllli whvat and were pen-
7 ci-ally llrm till day nn big clearances , xyni-
Sirtly ' . net hlghri , .lannary. 32'iW:311c ' , closed ,
tte. May. 33 IS-ieiJll i-irc. closed. 3le.
: OATS HvcelptH. fl.COO bu. ; exports , Cl.SSO bu , ;
1 npi > t iulft | ; Vo. 1 , 2S ; e , Optluni Inactive , but-
steady with wheat , closing Vto net higher ; May ,
i , lH ! . : st4o , clewed , zsHe.
_ HAY-Dull , ehlppliiB , J3ff43cj Rood to choice ,
II 701i 7.V.
HOl-S-.KIrm ; I'acino const , 18S5 crop , - O o.
IVM rr. > p , T 9o ; 1197 crciL 16W1-K ; .
J . .HnihH-si.m | > 'j ( lulvciton , I5c ; Texas , dry.
lie , t.illfutnla. 17c.
LlIATIIKR-Qulet ; hemlock foc. ! Duenoa
, Ayren.
Texnn , 14Jfl7c.
f. iteady ; short clear , $9,09
. . - Heady ; plckle.l belllei. $5O > a
t A .WJi1.1 " ' ' " "Mer * . $4.73fr3,00' plckU.l . linm .
i $7.'X M14 60. Lard , steady ! weittrn * teunietl , $5.03H ;
M y. J3.I5 , nominal ; rellned. ntcady. 1'ork , firm ;
" "orl " " ' " '
OIUS-ioton : ( e d oil , ttraily ; iirlmc crude.
United. Wlirf , hiuln. ' uteiidy ; strained , common
nsiS-c ' " < ! < iul'4'l' Turpentine , firm at 34tf
1 j Rin'-QulPtj fair to extra. JKtfU'/ie ; Japan ,
' , y T'y * < * V' ' > r 'ron ' w"rrnnti closed dull at
l9.Cuut.Tj uiked. Lake copper , unchanged t
IW.8S Uld und'111.00 nfhed. Tin. eleody at 13.60
.H'iv/'i.i ' . * lJ-'Wj'kl'li ! Spelter , unclunBfd at
k" ? nuked. Irfad , quiet ut 13.6214
1(3 6n ; I
UI'TTUH ' Hecdpti S.6JJ iucU Be : quiet ; weit.
" " " " " " ' "
SOo ; factory.
CIIKKBE-Urcelplii I.S97 pk . : quiet : l r e.
Sl'jif/ fi ) mbsr. siic : mall , white , Keptember.
IHSlrri l < * * colortd , Eptember. 8c imall.
. .i. . . , I iuui ;
r. tuatiui u. u. ctcb r. IUU
. purt
full fklrn * . Iff- ,
RUCIS llrrrlptu , 3.78J t'ktts. i e fler ; utale nm
t'ennnylvanl.i , ! * f/2Jo ; western. t2Ic.
O M A 1 1 A O KVnitAI. MA tt K I JT * .
Coiiilllloii nf Triulinml ( liiolntliin
on .Sfaiilinml l'aii.v Produce.
Th < > egg market U Innlly demftrnlUnl , the mill
weather Imvlng brought In n Ilood nt receipts
Slocks nrf nerumulatlnif nnd U la Impossible t
Rive nn ncrurato quotation.
HUTTKIl Common tn fair , Sflllc :
creamery , 2nc ; gn the red cte.imw , ISftlDc.
VKAICholcc fat , 80 tu IS ) lla. , quoted at 80
large nnd roarso , 4Sfi > c.
DIU.SHID i > ovi/riiv chicken * . c0o : ; tur
keys. lOtfllc ; gee c , SP ; duckn , 7'4c. '
OAMi : Small rabbits , per doz. , 73e ; large
II. Kl nqulrrpN , SOiffHc.
I'lOI'XJNS Live , 75c ; dead plgeon not wauled
HAY t'plnnd. $6.50 ; midland. $ ' . ,60 ; lowland
$3 ; rye dtraw , $1 ; color make * the price on liny
light b.ilos < wll the best ; only top srades brln
top prices ,
CKLRRY-Oood mock , large , 40c ; nmnll , r 8
ONIONS t'er I.U. . , II.
IinANS-Hnnd-plcked navy , per bu. , $1.253
l.M. .
8WBKT POTATOBS-Knnnon. 10-peck bbld.
$ J.M ; fancy .Muscatlne , 11-peck bbl < . , $1.J3.
OAllllAOK-Oocd Block , per bu. . IHc.
I'OTATOKS Home grown , 6. < P5ua ; we Icr
itock , 70c.
Al'PLIM Winter stock , n.WffJ.r ) ; Callfornl
llellelleiir , boxes , $1.50 ; Colorndo Jonathans
boxes , II.7B ; Oregon. IHIXOS , $1.3' , .
CUANilHIimE.S-Jerneys , per bbl. , $7.W7. (
Wisconsin Hell nml llugle , $7.6087.73 ; Wlsconsl
Hell nnd Cherry , W.
OlMNItB.4 Mrxlcnn. per box ; $2.7303.00 ! Call
fornla nnvels , $3. Mf.1.M.
LKMONP California , fnncy , $ .1.33 ; cholcf , II.
IJANANAS Cho'ce. lnr o stock , per bunch
$2.Wi 2.2.i ; medium nlzed bunches , $ i.75B2.X ( > .
NUTS Almond ? , per lb. , laige size. 12f11c
small , lie ; Hrazlls. per lb. , nRlOc ; KiiRllsli wal
nu tit , per lb. , fancy soft Mhell , lOffllr ; stnn.l
ards , S j'Jc ; fllbert , pe - II ) . , lOc ; pecans , polished
medium , C57c ; extra large , Sfi9o ; largo hlckor >
nuts , ILIMOl.lO per bu. ; small , | l,23tl.ui | w
bit. ; cwotinuts , per lW , II ; peanuts , raw. 683V4c
roasted , tttnufc.
I-'ldS Imported fnncy , 3 crown , 14-lh. boxes
12c ; 5 crown , 11-lb. boxes. 14JT13c ; 2-lb. boxes , S
C23c per Iwx ; C.illfomla , 10-lb. box , $1.
1 1 ON KV Choice white , 12o ; Colorado nmlwr. 1
KllAITT I'er Nil. . II ; linlf bbl. , $2.2.TiT2.S3. $
JIAPLK SYIltri' rive-Rttl. cans , oneh. $2.73
gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half gal. cans
$0.23 ; innirt cans. $3.30.
DATK.S Itnllowcc. 00 to 70-Ib. boxes , do ; Salr
t'.tc ; Fanl. 8-lb. Ixixos. 9c ,
ClUUU-Pcr half bbl. , S3 ; M > ls , J5.23.
DllKSHIID HKKP-Ooo < ! native steers , G'.ie
gootl forequarters steers , 5Vie ; good blndiiuarter.
steers , iVie ; western Fleers. Cc ; fancy heifers ,
( iVU'i good heifers , KP ; good forequnrter heifers
f > c ; gwxl hindquarters heifers , fc ; good cows
CTic ; fair cows. Cljc ; cow foreiiuarters , 4 c ; cow
hlndqunrten * . 7'.5c.
UBRP CfTS Hanging ten < lerlolns. 4'ie ; ribs
No. 1 , 11Jribs ; , No. 2 , Fc ; rib" , No. 3. Cc ; stee
rounds , 7c ; cow rounds , C'ic ; cow rounds , slinnk
oil , Sc ; cow rounds , shank nml rump on" , SVic
trlmmlngH , 4H ; beef shanks. 3 < - ; brains , pe
doz. . 33o ; sweetbread ? , per lb. , 12',4c ; sweetbread
( calves ) , per lb. . 40c ; kldnuys. per doz. , 3.1ox ;
tnll.i , ench. 3e ; livers , per lb. . 3c ; licarti , per lb.
3e ; toiiBites. per lb. . 1214c ; calf livers eacM. 33c
calves , whole carcass or fides. 9 ? ; calf head am
feet , scnlileil , per tct. 7rc ; tenderloins , fresh. ISo
tenderloins , frozen. IGc : boneless strips , fre h
Sc ; boneless strips , frozen , 9c ; strip Inlns
fresh , fi' , .c ; strip loins , frozen , C'A" ' ; rolls , bone
lem. D'.ie ; rwlls. fpencer cuts , 9c ; slrlnln butts
boneless , Sc ; shoulder cbvLs , iMineless , Cc
rump butts , boneless. 5',4c ' ; No. 1 chucks K'ic
Nn. 2 chucks. 4ic ; No. a chucks , 4U * ; boneless
chucks , 49JC ; cow plates. 3Uc ; steer plates , 4o
Hank steak. Co ; Inlns. No. 1 , 13c ; loins , No. 2
ine ; loins , No. 3 , Sc ; short loins , market style , 2 ,
above loins ; Fhort loins hotel style. 3c above
loins ; cnw loin ends , Xo ; pteer loin ends. 9c.
Mt'TTON l.'nncy lamlr . 5c per lb. ; lambs
7Hp ; sheep , CHe ; nnrket racks , long. 9c ; hole
racks , short , lie ; loins. S'.fcc ; saddles. Se ; legs
9c ; lamb legs , ICc : breasts nnd ptews , 3M.C
nngups. eacli. 3c ; foreiiuartcrs , 5'c.
rOHIC Dresfed pigs. rc per In. ; dressed hogs
t'.tc ; tenderloins , 12'4e ; loins , short. 5c ; long. Be
spare ribs , lo ; ham sausage butts , Clic ; Dostoi
butts , fie : shoulders , rough , 4ic ; shoulders
skinned , fie : tl burnings , te ; lenf lard , not rcn-
ner.'ii , dc ; neiuis , cienneii , c ; snouts and ears
3c ; backbones , 2c ; tlp | bones. 2'ic ; cheek meat
3'ic ; neck bones , 2c ; pigs' tills , 3c ; plucks , each
Co ; chitterlings. He ; bocks. 4c : hearts , iier doz.
23c ; stimnchs each. 3c ; tongues each 7c- kid
neys , per doz. . lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs
feet , per doz. , 2r.e ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rinds
3c ; blade bones , 5c.
1IID1JS No. 1 t-reen hides. 7c ; Xo. 2 rrcen
hides , Cc ; No. 1 tailed hides. Ssc ; No 2 greet
salted hides , " 1'tc ; No. 1 veal calf , s tii 12 llm
10e ; No. 2 veul calf , 12 to IS Ibs. , Sc.
fallKEr * 1'KLTS Gieen salted. eah. . 15Sl)73c )
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , each , 15o ; dry shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1. each , 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. actua
weight. 4oc ; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska
munuln wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 3'if
4o ; dry flint Colorauu butcher V7o ! pelts , per
lb. , actual weight , 43c ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight. 3Wie
TALLOW. OIIBASE , KTC. Tallow. No. 1
2c ; tallow. No. 2. 2Wo ; rough tallow. IV'c
white grease , 2H@24c } ; yellow and brown grease
J.-URS Bear ( black or brown ) . $5.00320.00
otter , $1.DO3.00 ; mink , I3rf/C0c : beaver , 51. W
JjCCO ; skunk , IDo , 2lc , COc ; muskrat. 3c. 57c
raccoon , iSifJOc ; red fox , 2Gcftl.3 ; grey fox
ZJigi.lOc ; wolf ( timber ) , 2jCf/S2.EO ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) , lOBfiOc ; wildcat , lO jj ; badger , 640c
illver fox. $30.00073.00.
HIDES-Kach. $1.60'3'.23. '
St. Louis < * ( > ii < * riil Mnrlci'tM ,
ST LOUIS , Jon. 20. FLOUR Quiet and un
changed ; patents. $4.70ffi I 85 ; straights , $4.3304.50 ;
clear. $4.001(4.23 ; medium. $3.50if3.73.
WIIBAT Higher , cluing le for January , o
for May and % c for July ol > eve yesterday. May
opened 'Sic ' higher nnd advanced ® % moie , declining Vt < s nmli closing with buyers 1-lCo
above the bottom. Spot , higher ; No. 2 red cash.
elevator , 91t' ; track. U3fiil6c ; January , 9lc ; May ,
9nje ; July , > , Cc ; No. S hard cash. SSc.
COIIN Active , with futuios stronger and n
Khmlo above yesterday. Siiot , llrm ; No. 2 cash ,
23i ? ; January , 23a bid ; May , 2Cij201ie } ; July ,
2711 L- .
OATS Futures firm nnd sightly better ; spot ,
higher ; No 2 caph , elevator , 23Kc ; track , 2lc ;
January , 23 0 ; May , 2IVj24 % ; July , 22'ic ; Xo.
2 while , 23c.
KYn-Klrm. 43c.
1'LAXSBBIJ-Qulet , $1.17. I
TIMOTHY KHD Prime. $2.00. '
ItllAN Strong ; sacked , east track. B4',4c.
HAY Firm for choice grades ; prairie , $6.33J
8.30 : timothy. $0.5069.00.
IUJTTKH Dull ; creamery , 15ff20c ; dairy ,
KOOS Firm. 15c.
CO'lTON T1US 70e.
1 1 A O O I NO 35TC'ic. '
MIH'ALS l.ead , lower , $3.4063.42' ' , . Spelter ,
nomlivil. $3.73.
1'llOVlSIONH rork , higher ; standard mess ,
jobbing , J9.SO. I.ird , higher ; prime steam ,
)4u2 > 6 : cholc . $4.ft ) , llacon , boxed lots , extra
Fhort clear , $3.37H ? 3.51 ; ribs , | 3.SO@r > .B2Vi ; shortH ,
$5.i.2M3.73i | Dry mil meats , boxed shoulders ,
$4.75G(3,00 ; extra short clear , $4.7'u.OO ; ribs ,
$5.WS ) | .12' < ! : shurts. ( d.l2 > .ififi.2S.
Ill'XMOlI'TS Flour , 3.000 bbls. ; wheat , 13.000 bu.j
corn 73.000 bu. ; oats , 24.WO bu.
HHH'MKNTS-Flour. 4/HJO bbls. ; wheat , 17.000
bu , ; corn , 120.0W ) bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu.
Comutlxsloii Coiuiiiiiiy ,
OMAHA OFFICB , Jan. 20. With cables ' , $0
higher this morning May wheat opened cone-
Fpondlngly strong , with July at 83'/sC ' , or ? ic
his her , while May and July corn were He
stronger und oatu unchanged.
Thu receipts and shipments compare reason
ably well In all kinds of grain , with receipts to
day of 29 cuis of wheat , nil spring , 422 cars of
coin and 231 cars of oats , with estimated re
ceipts for tomorrow of 31 cars of wheat , 323 cnra
of corn and 23i cars nf oats ,
This thowlng. with a slicing seaboard market ,
with the report of nil export of 43 loads ycstcr-
diy , was suHlclcnt ground to give our market
liberal support by buyers , which closed It at 93T c
fur cash or January , an advance of 2c , and 'JHic
for May , or nn advance of ft" , nnd July at SJftc ,
or an even lo advance. , with oats and corn clos
ing thn rame na the opening.
This would Indicate that the strength lies In
tbu cash situation , with the future attenllon
being diverted from May to July , as Is evidenced
by tha knowledge of liberal purchase * of choice
wheat In the Mlnncupolht market by Mr. Letter ,
with the clique paying UK attention to July ,
na above referred to. All thccet tlilnna unslst In
giving a very utromt undertone to wheat , with
Knh'lUli markets holding well , although the con
tinental market Is n trllle easier tonight.
With the present gltuiitlon unchanged , we look
for a higher range of prices , although there has
already been ulxiut 2o advance.
Wn have felt very lroiifj on wheat from 90c
in 9lc , us our former lalUrj have Indicated , and
should there bo any reaction from this advance
It la certainly n purchase ,
KaimiiK City ( iralit nml 1'rovlnlouii.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. > . WHEAT Hard.
2 m jteil. 245iS24 ? c.
OATS Klrni , active ; No , 2 while , 2l',5c ,
llYfc.-Stead > - ; No , S. 42V4e.
HAY Finn , receipt * light ; choice timothy ,
H.ti'fr'J.OO : choice prairie , 7.Cog7.SO.
JiUTTBIl Steady , but lovcieamery. . Iiai7c ;
dulry , Iftl4c.
EOas Weak on heavy receipts ; freiili , 144c. !
I115C1KHT8 Wheat , 2.J.SOO bu.j corn. Cfl,4 bu. ;
oala. I8.UV > bu.
sHUl'MBNTS-Whcut , ! 4,000 bu. ; corn. 60.MO
bu. ; oat , none.
' nulllmort *
lULTlirOIUJ , Jan , 20. FljOUIl-Qulet and un-
chanECd ; western tupertlne , $3.6003.70 ; western
extra , t3.33CTl.10 ; western family. $ f.30I.G3j win
ter wheat patent * , $ I.7MY5.00 ; > prlng patcnls.
J3.0C05.M Hiring wheat Xralgtili. JI.SOfl4.90 ; re-
c > 'lpt .M7.3 bbl . ; export * . S9.3SS bbl a.
WJIEAT Firm ; si > nt. month and February.
SSUQMic ; May. fUUOMVic ; suanier No. 2 red.
JJlilrOlc , recelpU , 45.HC9 bu , ; vxports , 16,000 bu. ;
slock , I.IM7.W7 bu. ; southern wheat , by umple ,
04O ! > 9c ; outhern wheat , on itrnda , fmitOX'-ji- .
OOHN Finn ; pot and month. 32 S2 < to' t' l > -
ruury. JJliS'SSHoj Rteamer mixed. 30H&31c : re-
Klpts. 173.3K bu. r export * . ! $3C31 bu. ; * mithern
whltft corn , 4iJ34o ; toulhrrn yellow. JSirJJc.
OATS Firm ; 'No. 2 uhlte , 294 ! 30c ; No. S
mixed. Kic ; rt-elpt * , 17,804 bu. ; export * , none.
- : No. X otarby , ttfto ; Nu. 1 ncst-
eni , MVic bll , receipts , W.I91 bu. ; exports. 41.W7
HAY-Sti-ady ; chulre timothy , $1J.
OllAtN KllKI'lHTS-Qitlet nnd tuny , stewi t
LUrp < > ol. i r bu. , 3 > 4d February ; Cork for or
ders , per qusrter , 3s 4H'l January ; 3s 4V d t > l
IirTTBll Fancy crMmcry , 2IQt2c : fnrc-y Im
tatlon , KBISr ; fancy Udle. ISc ; Kooil ladle. 14
ISc ; rtore parketl , 12f14c.
KdOS-Qulpt fresh. Ife.
OHKI5SB Steady ; fnncy NV\v York , 9 ; eiC-
fancy mellum , JOtnOHc ; tnncy small.
Ilvi > riool | .Ittirkot.
LIVKllI'OOL. Jnn. -WHBAT-Spol. . nm
No , 1 red western , winter. ? 9J ; No. 1 red north
ern. shipping , 7s 7 < ij ' .
IlN-Spot. firm ; . \merlrnn mlxeil. new , 3si
Ji "id ; American mlxe.1. olJ. 3s SViil ; future
steady January , 33 Id ; February. J > 24d ! ; Marcl
J 2tid.
FI/JIIll fit. Louis fanry winter , dull at Os C.
HOI'S At Ixindon ( rnclllc coast ) , firm nt S.
1'UOVISIONS llecf. nrm ; extra India mess , < X
M ; l > rlme mess i"Cs 3d. I'ork , nrm ; nrlml mess
nne Avestem , 4s 61 ; prime mess , medium wes
ern , 4X Hnm , short cut , flrm t 37s. llacon
dull at 27s ; short ribs. 2S * fld ; long clear ml.
dies ) , llrht , 27s 6d ; Ions clenr middles heavy ,
t7s ; short clear backs , 27 ; belllrs , 33s to
shoulders , 'wiuare steady at I6 . Lnnl , prim
western , dull at 2."s 3d. Tallow. prlnR * city , nn
nt 19. .
CIIBB3I3 American , nncst white and colorci
nrm at 433.
CINCINNATI , Jnn. SO.-FIXUIt-Steaily ; fancy
$ l.2rvff4.lO ; family. $ J.73.
WIIBAT Firmer ; No. 2 red , t > 3B9Cfl.
COIlN-Htfady : No. t mixed , 29c.
OATS Hrm ; No. 2 mixed. 23c.
HYH Slemly ; No. 2 , 41 * .
PIlOVlSIONS-tJinl. ste-uly nt | l. 2 4. llul
meats , firm nt $ I.CO , llacnn , firm nt $5.iX ) .
WHISKY Steady nt $1.19.
Ht'TTBU-Lowor ; fancy Blsln creamery , 21c
Ohio. 13 H c ; dairy , 103 ;
StTOAH Finn ; hard refined , $ UGMi.lO.
KOriS Firm , at 17c.
CUWKSU Firm ; good to prime Ohio tlat. 8
( irnln Iti'iM-liitM nt I'rlncliial
MINNBAl'OLIS , Jnn. 20.-Ileelpts ; Wheat
2CS cars.
riHCAOO , Jan. 20. Receipts today : Wheat
33 cars ; corn , 422 curs ; oats , 231 cirs. llstlmate
car lots tomonow : Wheat , SJ ; corn. 323 ; oats
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 20. Receipts : Wheat. 3
ST. T/UIS , Jan. 2n. llecelptB : Wheat. 20 cars
UULUT1I , Jan. 2) ) . Receipts : Wheat. M cars
llilfTillo .tlnrlirt.
nUFFAlX ) , N. Y. . Jan. 20. WIIBAT No.
northetn old , 91c ; new , par quarter ; No.
winter. 95c.
CORN-NO. 2. 3i\ ? .
OATS No. 2 white. 2 < ! a
IIARLHY Trading good.
ItYK No. 2. In store. COc nskcd.
IMitliiili'lpliln. P
I'HIL.\niLl > HlA. Jnn. 20. llUTTBR-Slenily
fancv wesiern creamery , 2 > c.
BOOS Flim and le higher ; fresh nearby nn
western. 20p.
CHKBSB Firmer ; New York factory , cholc"
New York fnctorj' . fair to good. S'4W
'I'oli'ilo InrUft.
TOLKDO , Jnn. 20. WIIB VT Active a-d higher
No. 2 , cash , 82'c ; May , DS o.
PORN Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 27-ic. )
OATS Pull ; No. 2 mlved , 23e.
HYB Unchanged : No. 2. cnsh , 4G'J ' < \
CI OYKRSBBU-IIIglicr and active ; prime cash
PEORIA , Jan. 20. CORN Market steady ; No ,
2 , 2lHic.
OATS Market quiet and Irregular ; No. 2 white
nominal : No. 3 white. 22 > iCT23'ic. '
WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits
$1.13. .
Detroit Mnrkol.
DBTROIT. Jnn. 20. WHBAT No. 1 white. 93c
No. 2 red , 92TJC ; May , 92c.
( -ORN No. 2 mixed , 2Sc.
OATS-No. 2 white. Me.
RYB No. 2 , 4c.
Hi-iirM Take Ili-firt from fiilum tnl
I'lliiinrlill nolinto ill Washington.
NBW YORK , Jnn. TO. Slight losses resulted
from today's transactions , the stock 'market ,
whlrhvfia Irrriiular nnd denreysetl on the re
sumption of Cuban and currency agitation at
Was'.ilngton , giving courage to certain largo bear
Interests. Recent professional manipulation of
stocka Is credited to people Interested In mak
ing n market for bonds acquired during the re
organizations. Western trade advices continued
good nnd further reflected favorable tinfllc re
turns , which were published today by promlnenl
railroad lines. The market had hardly recovere. !
from Its early hesitancy when liquidation urn !
phort sales were apparent , with lesultant Fharp
declines. Toward the close there was a t > mie-
what Improved tone and Increi ed activity. Lon
don bought a little on balance. Pullman , Mobile
& Ohio nnd National Lead retlc ted the declara
tion of dividends on these properties. Oregon
Improvement advanced lite on an Intimation
of possible changes In that company's relations
with other properties In the northwest. Oreat
activity and sticngtli of North American In the
flnul hour was based on rumois of a possible
reconstruction of the company's business. New
Jersey Central and Delaware , Lnckuwnnnn &
Western declined 116 and 2 per cent respectively.
Northern Pacific und Union Pacln > were pur
chased for London account. The niincy market
continued to display extreme case , round amounts
lielnc offered on call at 2 per cent. This condi
tion of affnlrp was tegarded by some of the
leading exchange Interests as offsetting possible
gold Imports , which In a measure would be Jus-
tilled by the current ex"hnnge situation. The
net josses of Importance were American Spirits
preferred , Hi ; Sugar , 1 ; Cleveland. Loralne &
Wheeling preferred. l i ; Columbus. Hocking Val
ley & Toledo , 1 ; Delaware & Hudson , 1.Minne ;
seta , lion , I ; lluffalo , Rochester & IWslmrs.
Hi. The gains were : Canadian Pacific , 2 % ; Na
tional Lsad. common , 1 ; Chicago & Uastern Illi
nois. 1V > | Oiegon Navigation. IHi and Oregon
Short Line , IVi. The bond maiket continued to
influence outside Interests , with Improvements
In some of the lower grade lines. The govern
ment bond market was neglected , with slight
con-cessions In bid price In some Issues. < / /
The Kvenlng Post's 'London ' financial cable
gram eays : The st > ck market opened dull and
cIoeU good , consols Felling In the recovery. A
lolnt used was the decline In Ger'man bank
nted. The feature In Americans was the rush
'or Klondike groups. Thus Denver & Rio Grande ,
Canadian Pacific and Northern PacDlc were
lought wildly. New York Is now absorbing
Canadian Pacific * . Grand Tinanks are a\do boom-
ng. Spanish , Turkish and International stocks
were sold from Paris , but Rio Tlnto copper was
the feature of strength. The apparent ease In
money here brings a steady tone.
Following arc the closing quotations of the
eadlng stocks on the New York market to-
Jay :
Atchlnon 1-W St. P. & um 74
dopfd Ul > do pfa US
ialtlmorn.t Ohio. , ml St. P.M. AM 12m
Canada Pacific 110 So , Pacific. ai )
'au.ula Soiitnurn. . fi'- * [ So. Railway 8M
Central P.ustrtc 1'J do pfd 3I 6
Cbi'H. .VOIiio UK Tox.-is .tPacllio. . . . 12
Chicago A. Alton..lll.'iH Union 1'acltle t. r. . . 1U
Total alen of etoclui today. SOO.OCO flmres. In
cluding : Atchlson preferred , 4,413 ; Chicago , llur-
Ington & Qulncy , i,93iV ( Denver & Rio Orande ,
3.IS5 ; Uiulbvlllo & Nanhvlllo. 4,420 ; Metropolitan ,
3,210 Hawaiian. 3.000 ; New York Central , 5.C90 ;
; oi-th American , 17,433 ; Northern I'scltlc , 3,070 ;
Northern 1'aclllc. preferred , 1,250 : Ontario , 5,510 ;
Oregon Hallway & Navigation , 3.SCO ; Oregon Hhort
Line , 3.SOO ; Ht , Paul. 13.C10 ; Texas & IMclftc ,
3,015 ; I'nlon Pacific. 23.157 ; Chlcngu Great West
ern , 5,830 ; Sugar. 59,772 ,
Silver ban , S7Kc Mexican dollari , 47OI7'ic ;
ruftH. night , 17U"i drafts , telegraph. 20c.
Iliuik of KiiKliuul Slatfiiifiil.
LONDON. Jan , 20. The weekly MateraMit of
le Hank of Bnitlaml ebowi the following diang j
fls pompared with the previous report. Total re-
mve. increase. Cl,20 . ( 0j clrcuUtlon. ilecreaie ,
477.000 ; bullion. incrcai ! . JCW.51S ; other i-ccurl-
[ tt. d. > creaii. ' . ( .IV > ; cither d po lti , decreH > ,
l,4E3COOi public OipvblU , Increase , fi.OM.COO ;
notM reserve , fnT.iTOCI.150.0M , Oovernment
( Wurmen iinrhnnKril , The proportion of the
llnnk of KnRlnnd'n reserve la lliblmy , whlclA Inst
wc-k WR 11.n per cMit. l. now 431 * per cent
Thft tlnnk of Knulnnd'o rat ? of Otorlunt remains
unrlmnirKl nt 3 per cent.
.Vow YorU Money MnrUpt.
NiW YOUli , Jnn. M.-MONT.Y O.V OAI.L-
Knry nt 2 per cent
I'ltlMK MniK'ANTtLK I'APKR 30W per
STHHI.INTl KXCHANOn Firm , with nctunl
hustne i In banker * ' Mils nt tl.SIH for ilemnnd
nnd l4.ft23t04.S3 for flity day ? ; posted rates ,'t and fl.So4rffl.SG ; commercial bills.
. .
OOVKHNMBNT RONDS Basler ; new ts. reg- . .
12S ; coupm. 129 ; 4s , reic. . 1I2M ; coupon , 114V ; ;
8s. reg. . 100 ; ts , res. , 113H ; coupons HIS ; Pacino
Cs of 'U9 , 103V1. , ( ,
Clotlng quotations on bond * \\-err \ as follows :
HAH SILVI'H Slcndy at KHd per ounce.
Money , 1 iicr cent. The rate of discount In thp
open market for short bills , 2 > A I > sr cent ; for
tlirvo months' bills. 3'i ' per cent.
KIlllllK'llllOllH ,
OMAUA , .Inn. 2) ) . ClonrlnBs. J931.790.94 ; bil-
nnces , { lOO.MO.ST. The Umalin. Cloarlns House
association hold Its nniuial election of 0111001 ? In
ta room at the Nebraska National bank laat cvn-
InK. The olllccrs elecleil were : J. H. Mlllard ,
[ iri > Ulent ; Henry AV. Yntcs. vice president , and
\V. H. S. Hushes , innniiRcr.
CILlCAliO. .Ian. 20 Clearlnss , JlJ.2T"iMO ; New
York exrhanfro. 70c premluni ; posti'd rales 44.S.114
( ttt.CC ; New York liusctilt , llrm und fairly active ,
) thers < | iilet ; clcsliiB : West CbicaBO , IW.i : rli.
nond Match , 113 ; Uike Stiect 1. . li'i : : Now Vorlc
nisrult.Strawboard ; , 31 ; Alley U 01 Vi ; City
Riillwny , 237'X- .
Ss'BW OIILKANS , Jan. 20. ClenrinKS , } 1,0 > 7,2JO ;
Now York exchange , par ; commercial , SI per
il.OOO discount.
I'HH.AplSLil'IlIA. Jan. 20. Clcarlnes , $12,518-
022 ; balances. $ lKlOS7. (
MKMl'lIIS , Jan. 20. Cle.arlnt.-s , . T57SCOi > ; tul-
inci'M. { 241,035 ; New York exchange , srllliur at $1
IlOaiXDN , . ffl-Cleir.r.R.1. . 17i27. > 7' > , itl-
ancct. { l.TW.SIS.
NB\V YOHIC , Jan. 20. Clehrlngs , JU2.99,49C ;
vilnncen. J9,3ni,133. Apparently the only thlnn
that prevents irold. Imports Is' ' the oyl'-'nie
icss of money hero , which 1 on < ! ie li'Hla ot 1(4 (
© 3 per cent fqrall lain * , mil aeniatul Kiilr.K ,
vhlcbvasnuoted at Sl.MTt oil.iy , with llwrrp-
> ly apparently bolTs more ihlui ii'J.ta * 10 to ! rtc-
naml. '
IJAI/TIMOU1 : . Jan. - ' ! -Cliu-if s. J2.S7S.OCn ,
jal.inces , $435,02S.
ST. LOL'IS. Jan. 20. ClearlnBs , $4,820.917 ; bal
ances , $037,11)6. Money , oTiS per rout : New York
exchange. O0c pienilum bd , T CipH-Miiltini ahlrcd ,
Fnri'lprn I'imiolnl.
IX > NtnON , Jan. 2i ) . Gold to tile amount of
fSOi.OO' ' ) was wlthwrawn from HIP Hank of
CtiBlnnd today , for shipment tto. .South Am * rlcn.
Oold Is quotcil at IJuenoH AyreH today ut lfi3.CO.
PARIS , Jnn. W. Three pel" csnt rentes. Iftjf ,
Vsc for the account. Husinespon tlm bourse
pcnod steady today , but became dull afterward.
* urks were prood. Copper shares were In bolter
omand on the announcement of the resumption.
of the work upon the part of the KnBllsh ciiKl-
r.I'JIlUN. Jan. 20. The Imperial Hank of rter-'y lias reduced Its rate of discount from 5 to
per cent. Private discount was easier on the
murso today enl reduction of the bank rate from
til 4 per cent. Nevertheless , business was un
filled , the unsatisfactory condition of affairs in
'ranee causing hesitation. Tire local department
va ( Inner after fluctuation ? . Ilink shares ,
\inerlcan securities and Canadian 1'acldcs v/oro
llaiilt of iKraiiuu Slaoincii ( .
PA HIS , Jan. 20. Tim weekly statement of the
Jank , of Franco irtiown the followlnR dmnges as
pmpared with the previous account : Notes In
Irculallon , decrease , 11,350,000 francs : treasury
ccounts current , decrease. 18.MO.OOO francs :
-old In hand , decrease , 0,200.000 francs ; bills dH-
oumetl. decrease , 03,37a.0ilo francs ; silver In
and , Increase , 2,205COO francs.
.1 ni ( ! Icin Si'ciirltii'N la London ,
I ONDON. Jan. 20. Th market for American
ecurltles fluctimled somewhat afler a steady
penlnif. then Improved on Kcneral siieculatlvc
cmand. closing firm with the demand moderate.
LMVH from b < > .VCMV IIiiKland IllHtrlt'lM
IH More AsMirlnw.
NEW YORK , Jan , 20. The course of today's
otton market was somewhat Irregular , with the
ondency In the main possibly toward a larger
esree of confidence , though the net gain In
entlment was scarcely appreciable. The later
iformutlon front HiiKlnnd wus , If anything , re-
s.i'jrlnk' . The mniket opened rjulct anil steady ,
Ith prices 1 point lower fo 1 pilnt iilghor. Kol-
OWIIIK the first call , which developed the fuel
hat there was rome Investment Interest , there
ne n further advance of litf/ points , nhslsleil
y estlmalea of n comparatively email movement
f cotton ut the ports , with the Kiiu'lsli ' cables
nakliiB a favorable averate. The inurkvt cables
ere backed up by buying1 orders ( rum Liver-
ool. The foil them continent also sent In quite
Mood of buying orders , illrectlnir tlif Ir attention.
mweverhlC'lly ' to the rummer inontiis. The
few Orleans market ropjited.a good export de-
land for cotton and mlvnncml < iuolotlonH 1 1-lCr.
thcr southern markrts , however , failed to alinw
correfjiondlntr Improvement. Later In the nes-
lon , as the receipts heinn to broaden , and It
as believed more aenerally that the claims of
le bears were juitllled ns to reoont bid weather
nd bad roadn ImMlnB back supplier the market
ased off. With better weather condition * today
amo an expandlni ; movement ut poit-s and to-
anl the Interior towns. Ilefore i p. m. the
inrlict had returned to yesterday's ' daBlne
rices under liquidation. The market was finally
iteady at a net advance of " ? < pnlnta. Spot.
mi ; middling , uo ; urofa rcoclpis , 4,2iG bales ;
xportH td thu continent , 1,311 bates ; forwarded ,
R ! bales ; Bales. 292 bales ; all spinner * ' ; Block.
1 2. Ml bales , Total today : Net receipt ? , 21,075
> alesj exports to ( Ireut llrltaln , li > ,7W lialea ; to
in continent , 20,813 biles ; stock , 130.99S bales.
unKolldatod : Net receipts , 197,120 bales ; exports
a ( Irvat llrltaln , 89,047 ba'eg ' ; to France , 9C2i (
inlcs ; In the continent. 50,022 balca. Total tinea
eptember 1 : Net receipts , fi,264t50 bales ; exerts -
orts to ( Ireat IlrltBln , 2,003 8 } lialcs ; to Krancc ,
41,699 bales ; to flic conllnen . 6,8.001 bales ,
Wool Inrl.-vlli.
HOSTON , Jan. 20. Following' ! are the quo-
atlona for InadlnB Jescrlptljps
Ohio and Pennsylvania | leecen , < X and above
2C6'J7o ; XX and XX Hbove , 2if3Co ! ) delaine. Sf ®
le ; No. 1 combine. 30331c : No. 2 combing30c. . .
llcblsan , Wlo-onnln , etc.-X illehlKBii , J4r ; No
Michigan ccinhln * . 29o ; No. 'l nilnoU romb'ng , ,
8029o : X New York. New Ilanjnxhliv and \Vr-
iont. 23Stc ; No. l N w York. New Hamp hlro
n4 Vermont. 2"c ; dclilne Michigan , 27c. Un-
ashecl medium Kentucky am ! Ind'ana ' iiunrter-
looil combine , U : : Kentucky' ' and Inrllmia Hirer
ShthH blood cDmblnu , :3924.n * Mlttourl iU > rter-
lood comblnic , J''fin' ' " . Mhuourl threr-elrhtlis
ilood combing , 23WS4" ; hrnldcombine. . ! S J I ko
nd Qeorela , 2 < ? :3c. Texas wool , uprlntr me-
liim , twelve months IMflSe ; feoured. 4iJI.Vr
irlng fine , twelve inonthf , HfllSc ; cijiireJ , BO
Mo. Territory wools Mr nlona fine me.llum mil
ne , ICfllSc ; ttonrKl , 4iffCC ' 1'lali. Wyomimr.
1C. , tlnn medium nnd tine. liaiTe ; H-nurel. c/
tmb'.iiK. kUiH-rllne 70672e ; cmfiblrp. ifoo.l. ( ' , f ( ,
$ H combine , average , C24i Cc } QuecnflunJ comb. '
ne. Ke.
HT. LOUIS , Jan.'OOI / - 1'lrm ; medium. 35
OWVic ; light fine , 136 He ; beavy fine , & 31lc ; tub
Run for tha Day Shows Fewer Steers and
Mnny More Hogs.
Iluyors TnUc KverytliliiKOIToroI nt
SlfoiiK 1'rlci-n llDKg , Active nt
. 11 DoHhii * Slieop Steady
| n ml Snou Solil. ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 20. Uecelpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Shceo. Horses ,
January 20 1.55S 0.7SI 4,693
January 13 2.4S ) 8.9SJ 5,419
January IS 2,73t > 7,019 3,233
January IT 1,472 2,308 4,477
January 15 1,445 0,410 3.5S3
January 14 1,917 C.1C8 4.3GO
January 13 1.5SS 7.SI1 4 , M 20
January 12 l.tlio C.SOO 1,031 7
January 11 2.OTI 9.SGO 2,151
January 10 1,415 3,715 B.GS9 2
January 3 CT.'i C.4S7 2,312 *
January 7 1,132 .27 1,272 20
January C 1,233 10.9S2 2.429 9
January 6 1C9 10.G13 2.223
January 4 1,410 C.S11 3.173
The oPlclnl number of cars of stocl
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. - Hogs. Sheep
C. , M. & St. P. Uy 1
Union Pacific System 18 32 12
C. & N. W. lly 2
P. . 13. it. V. H , U 13 37 3
C. , St. P. , M. A O. Uy 9 7
H. & .M. 11. H. It 19 40 4
C. , . & Q. Ilyv t 14
K. C. & St. J 2 17
C. , U. 1 , & P. Uy. , east 1 -I
Total receipts 02 143 1 !
The disposition ot the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 2 1.501
G. H. Hammond Co ICO 1,475
Swift and Company. . . . 334 2.S9S 1,609
Cudu'ny ' Packing Co. . . . 307 2,022 S20
P. U. Armour , Chicago 32 ;
K. Hecker and Degan. . 31I
Vansant & Co I !
Lobman . "i " llothschllds. SI
W. I. Stephens. . . . < , . 123
Livingston .t S ICG . . . .
H. Hamilton 101
L. P. Hart 103
Swift and Company.from
country , 990
Cudahy Packing Co.from
Kansas City 1,211
Other buyers 177 1 7 * .
Totals 1,582 9.70S 4.50
ATn K Tkicro was quite a falling oft
In cattle receipts , as compared with yester
day , only sixty-two loads being reported In
ihe yarda. The market as a whole did nol
show any material change In respect to
values. The demand , however , was more
active and tno general feeling was much
Only a few loads or rornfed beeves wore
offered for sale , and as the demand was
good the market \vns quite active , an
early clearance being effected. The prices
paid were steady to strong , as compared
with yesterday. The quality of the cattle
on sale , however , was nothing extra , so
that the sales did not show up extra well
on paper. Some fairish cattle sold up to
$4.30 , but there was nothing prlma on sale.
Cows and heiroffl were In good demand
and sold freely at just about steady prices.
The supply was not large , and as local
packers all wanted a tew the offerings
ivere all taken In peed season.
Stockers and feeders commanded strong
prices. So long as the supply continues us
light as It Is nt"pTcsent Uicre docs not
appear to be any likelihood of any very
material reduction In values. Thu coun
try demand Is not large , but It Is fully
equal to the absorption of the few loads
arriving. For that reason values , espe
cially on light stackers , have been held
very firmly , so much so Unat thu fluctu
ations of the fat oattle matkcU do not an-
S'o. . , I'r ,
1 milker 131 no
I milker 42 00
IluU.S JlerclptH of hoffsi Miowed u Kiiln over
yesterday of nhuut forty earn , the total receipts
twins , ' liberal lor Ihli maikit.
Thn Kenernl innrket waa 5 < : lower , lint the de
mand wan good nt the decline und thu hoi { ! |
moved forwunl rupldly toward thu scales. At
an early hour overythinff was cold and welshed
up , the market closing nbout thu name [ in It
opened , that Is , fo IjWcr.
Heavy hog * , nvoiuKinn 300 pounds nnd up-
wanla , nold very lamely nt H.H , while ? 3.53
wns quite a popular price yesterday. . llKht IiOK-i sold up to IJ.OT , 113 nKiilnst ,
! .C2ii < [ (3.03 yesterday.
Thu averuno of all the sales was 4'/4c ' lower
Today'u decline leaves the market a lltllo
higher than It was nl the opening f tha weeki
and a clmiln belter than It wn on ThurHdny of
a t week. Ho resentatlve sales ,
No. Av. Hh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
.1 431 . . .J340 4S 320 . . . $315
32 33 . . . 3 41 1" I 309 20 > 345
52 3JO . . . 345 rl S2I 2l 345
41 379 . . . 341 21 3C1 . . . 343
5 379 fO 34.1 H'l ' 31' 100 345
; 'J 371 B ) 3 46 to 311 . . . 3 li
G7 337 . . . 345 43 389 . . . 3 < 5
50 SK SO 345 43 37' KO 345
H 321 40 343 47 400 120 343
61 2S2 40 345 B5 333 fO 34"
11 321 . . . 345 71 332 120 343
43 3015 120 345 fl -.0 . . . 34)
40 41J 40 345 05 370 . . . 345
6'J 305 120 345 31 2ti2 2uO 341
C 293 280 343 Cl 323 20 > 3 4i
M 318 SO 341 41 317 2M ) 345
61 310 40 34' ni 3SC SO 315
46 367 4' ' ) 345 15 3M . . . 343
34 392 . . . 341 47 32) ) ! 40 343
S5 334 120 3 47l ! C4 313 480 3 47W
C3 327 . . . 3471,4 M 207 40 34714
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 47U JO ? 331 10 34714
. . . : . . . . kO 3 47'J ' C3 344 .0 . , ) ' , i
49 36'J 40 3 47VJ 1"5 339 ICO 3411.4
37 330 120 3 47Vi 31) ) ICO 3 47' ' {
65 3 120 3 47'i ' C8 8 120 3 W
Cl 3C4 160 S 4714 f,7 310 U ) 34714
4 > 377 . . . 3 47W C9 310 SiO 3 4"Vi
6.1 309 250 3 47V4 2 * SW 40 360
40 313 rO 3M 73 213 ICO 3 & 1
41 312 (0 3 ' 5
51 2)3 ) 8) 3 B
C3 :61 : 8) ) 3 SI
.00 ,2 . . . 360
CS 274 . . . 3 SO
| i ) ! ' 31 . . . 35) )
00 2'Jl ICO 3 Bl
VJ 220 KO 3 ffl
13 3 5 100 3 5)
) 270 . . . 35)
71 247 . . a SH
U7 2S > 1 81 35) )
74 2iS 123M )
fO 210 1J > 3 6)
fl iiO KO 3 51
TJ 2. . 4 It ) 3 ! 2W
01 S71 ) 3 ' 2V ,
31 ? M . . . 35 W
1.5 275 81 3 f2VJ
12 24 ' 0 3 Vi
KJ 20 < 0 3 tl
U ! rtl 10 3 ' 6
17 ? I7 . . . 3 51
61 161 8) S M
i" . . . .ns 40 a > \
S > . . . 231 . . . 3 'S
| 53 232 . . . 3t7U
7 M ? . . . JM ' . 17J . . . Sft >
61 l „ . 1ft ) tt 1M . . . 3M
. t4J 4J M 5 < i 1 . . . 3M
77 1 M t fit Ill . . . 3M
7S ta . . . 3 0 'v. . 77 J31 4i ) 3M
Rt ISi ! . . . 801 17. , , S39 . . . SCO
35 SOT . . . 3 0
WACIOV noos-ii'now oirrs.
1 3- , 4' ' > .140 1.v. . .SM . . . SOI
4 . | . . . J 4'1 ' 1 SH . . . 3W
B. . . . . .II' ' ) . . . .14) 37S SO 3 H
3 JCl . . . J 40 l. . tn..4M ' -3 41
I SS . . . 3 42'4 S ! 4"i " . . . 3 50
1. . . ! l . . . 3M 4 SK . . . 3K
C J71 . . . 3B2'i C ? M . . . 3 fv >
6 2M . . . 362H S MS . . . J S5
9 210 . . . 3 S3 4 W7 . . . 353
SHUni' Thp i-efelpl of fhfep wttf nKaln
llbernl todady nnd the Rcneint quality of Ihe
olTerliiff ! ! wax uiwd. As has \iftn \ the rule for
onio time pant , tlo demnnd wa ! < Rood nnI the
result WHS an nctlvc market. The late arrlvnl
of ome trains delayed the market "inipntiat.
but buyers were nil rendy to talk buMnrss nml
the offering for the most part chnnseil hnnds
In KI > < ! * P * on. The prices paid xv < * re Just about
steady with ypstrnlny. no nmlcrlnl i-hatiKe In
values beltiR sluinn. lUpresentatlVe mips :
No. Av. 1'r.
16 western ewes 140 3 73
2.12 western yearllnc ! > 3 4 13
251 western lambs " > BOO
4J9 western lambs S3 540
95 Mexican wethers S3 JM
SSI Mexican yearllnRs 77 4 Z7V4
S20 Mexican yearling 70 430
1 native wether 1M < W
J23 native Inmbs 59 < > < >
1 native l.imb " " v 1 ) c ° °
Arc Llotlvr. wllli 1'rloon lint
CHICAGO , Jnn. 20. Trndo In entile wn.s elow.
Cflttlo that weru not fat sold at nrm prloe. . f\
porters taking n Kood shnro. Other kinds sold
badly. An occasional sale wns ninile > at J3.40 ! > I >
S.50 , tiut hardly any Iweves wont over JS.20 nnd
the bulk ot thei offerliiRS sold nt Jl MffWO , very
ordinary lots nelllnK nrmind J3. ! > ' ) ffl.W. Fat cows
nnd heifers milil at J3.2.1W4.M and cnnnlnK Mult
sold nt } 3.0.Xf2.7. > . Calves woli' scarce nnd un
changed , Steers from Texas sold at S3 f W4V
The market for hoffs was active lol y nn.l
prlqes were a llttlo better than yesterday's late
figures , hut not up to the early ones. llojfS nol.l
at an extreme ran e of I3.45H3.70 , lamely nt J3.60
ff3.fiiH. nnd the bulk of Ihe plRfl sold ut $3.60ff
'Thoro win n fairly active tranie In sheep nl
unctmiiKcd prices , common to prime Hoi-kst Iwlnv
wanted at $3 005f3.55 and common imyllve-pmmd
Texas slu-ep selllnir at J2..V ) . Ilnms welRhlnc 103
and 220 pounds sold for J3.25 and ye'irlhiRS were
salable nt J4.iWrt } > .iV ) . I imbs wen > very dull nt
tlin recent dec'llntcummon to choice Hocks "ell-
Ins nlonly at Jl. ( > 0ir3.t53 , not many KoltiR beluw
J3.00. i
HHCKIPTS Cattle , ll.&M head ; llORS , SS.OOO
head ; sheep , IC.O'W ' head.
SI. I.oulH LiveStoclc. .
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 20. OATTL13-Il elpts , 2,700
head ; fhliniients , 1.000 heml ; mnikot ilull. rtcndy ;
fair to fancy Fliliplnir | nnd expnrt steers , Jl.lOiii )
6.30 ; Lulk of R.iles , f4.60jf5.00 ; dressed beef mid
butcher steers , $3.5lir4.S3 ! ; steers under l.PO )
Ibi. , JJ.305f4.33 ; bulk of sales , f3.70if4.20j slock-
ers and feeders , t.Mffl.M ; bulk of Fales , J3.30ff
4.25 ; cows nnd heifers , J2.00K4.33 ; bulk of eon's ,
J2EOf 1.2.1 ; Texas and Indian steers , J3.33C.fl.30 ;
bulk of sales , J3.C35f4.20 ; cows nnd heifers , J2.40I ?
HOGS Heeelpts. 7,800 head ; shipments , 3,000
head ; maiket steady ; llRht , $3.G'i3.70 ; mixed ,
JJ.Wff3.C3 ; heavy , fa.65jT3.70.
SI1KI51' Ilecelpts 300 head ; thlluncnts , 400
bead ) maiket liill , t-teady ; native muttons. J.I S5
5T4.50 ; culls anil bucks. J2.0'fi3.00 ' ; lambs J5.COW
" " > ; Texas muttons , J3.oOUI.30.
IiiillaiiiiliollN Liv < > St < H-l.- .
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. . .Inn. 20. CATTLK-Hc-
celpts , 4.10 head ; shipments , fair : maiket slow ,
weaker ; ( rood to prime bteers , 1 1.700.1. ' 0 ; fair to
medium steers , $ I.Wff4.70 ; common tu KOOI !
stackers , } 2.755r3.0i ) .
HOGS Ilecelpts , B.OO ) head ; shipments , l.r.OO
bead ; market nnly fairly ncllve ; 2Uc to 5o lower
than yesterday ; good to choice medium and
heavy , J3.705f3.75 ; mixed and heavy , } J.COf3.70 ;
cumnidii llsbtsi , t3.GOA3.R > .
SHKUP Ilccclpls. 300 head ; shipments. 230
head ; maiket fairly active , quutnbly Meady ;
prices ratiKcit from $2.25 for common uliecp to
$5.0&5.DO for uood tt * choice lambs.
iiN Olty Llvf Stuck.
KANSAS O1TY , Jilo. , Jan. 20.-CATTLK Hc-
ceipts , 0,3)0 ) head ; maikot steady to lOc lowe ox-
HOOS llecelptB , 1S,0 | head ; qunllty medium ;
best Krmlea stemly : others steady to Cc lower ;
bulk of sales , { J.I3&3.GU ; heavies. $3.IOfirC2i.j ;
packets. $3.47l-.liT3.C2U ; mixed , $3.43 T3.CO ; llKhts.
$3/:5ff3.C3 : ; yoikers. $ J.fifl'ff3 ' 03 ; plus , $2.73't3.45. '
KIliii' Hecelpts , l.W head ; market nc'lve
and stronk' ; lamba , $3,753.CO ; inuttons , $275ifM.iO.
Kast IliilVnld Live Stiiflc.
EAST IUIKPAIX ) , Jnn. 20. CATTLE Mmllum
to heavy shipping steers , $3.00t3.70 ; COUIHO
rouRh. $3.75511.30 ; frieen , $3.75Si4-.2-3 ; rholce fat
heirerw , $ l.23ff-I.DO ; mlxe < l butchers' stock. J3.CJG
4.15 ; fair to Rood butchers' cows. $3.5033.75.
HOGS Yorkers , Kiwil to choice , $3.Wl3.r5 ;
roughs , common to choice , J3.30iff3.35 ; pigs , ( ? oed
to choice , $3.7003.80.
SHKUl' S lpctnl wethors , $1.C5H1I.W ; culls to
common , $3.0MJ3.75. I imbs. choice to extra , $3.75
© 5.SO ; culls to common , $4.5004.75.
\eiv York Stoclc ,
NEW YOrtlC. Jan. 20. HEBVES Receipts. 1,223
head ; no tradlnu. Cables quote American , ( -leers
at 9H&IOV. * ; refrigerator beef , 7-Jf ( 8e ; exports ,
1,032 beeves and 2lbO qnurters of beef.
CALVES llecelptB , 119 heart ; veals , $8.0038.00 ;
grassers. $3.00H > 3.X ! ) .
iSinii' AND LAMMS Receipts , 2S2 1iead ;
sheeji. $3.50if4.50 ; lamba , $3.750.25.
HOGS Ilecelpts , 3.2.10 head : weak at $1.0081.23.
Slock In
illecord of receipts of live Block nt the foil. '
principal niarketH for January 20 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . U'r > 5 9.7S1 4.f.i9 !
Chicago . 11,500 28,00) ) Ifi.O O
Kansas City . 0.300 18,00 > > ] , sno
St. Louis . 2,7W 7,500 Sin
Totals . 22,055 G3.5S1 22.990
Cliieiiinntl Live Stoek.
CINCINNATI , Jan. 20. HOOS-Stcady nt $3.00
CATTL13 Steady at $2.23I.C3.
SHEKI' Ensy at $2.7DWI.03.
LAM11S Easy at $4.00iff5.75.
X < MV V rlc Ir > - CiooilH Slnrkot.
NEW YOIUC. Jan. 20. 1HIY GOODS-In the
local market today at first Imnds the strensth
added to the market by the developments of the
ast few days wus very apparent. In all lines
of cotton goods the sentiment Is shoncer than
icretofore. Although fellera dortnot find It ad
visable to advance prices us yet , they arc Btlll
very stiff In their attitude toward buyers. Ad
vances in both extras ana oatia in print ciotns
nro reported and this tends to give nrnme.'s to
he market. 1'rlnt cloths show slight advances
and a very niU'Ch stronger tone In eastern first
hand markets. Extras have been sold to the.
extent of 15/00 nt 21tc , "plus 1 per cent , " rur-
her bids nt this figure were refused today.
5lds for 3S',4-Gt pqunres at 3 1Kxwere also re
used. It was Reported that there Is a steady
Cmnml for both extras nnd odds. Eoj-tcrn und
outhern goods ore practically on the same Lusla
low. Prints are generally Him.
1)11 Mjll-l.-c-f * .
OIL CITY , Jan. SO. credit balances , ( VSo ; cer-
Iflcaleo closed at 05r > 4c bid for .tish. f.614c bid
or regul.ira. During the day there were sale *
follow.s : 2.COO bbls. I't-'hiuary delivery at CCo
,000 February delivery nt C6'ic ' ; 5.000 bbls. cash
t 03''jc ; l.OCO bbls. casli at CCe. Shipments , 90-
J79 bblt" . ; runs , I ) ,47C libl .
CHAHLH-iTON , S. ( ' . . Jnn SO. OILS Tnrron-
tlno. niniket firm at 31'ic ; mles , nune. llosln ,
firm ; sales , none ; unchanged
SAVANNAH. On. , Jan. 20. OIIvS Spirits tur-
pentlnf , nvuket oKned | firm at 32c , closed firm
ut 3ic ! cab' ? , 12' ' ) bhla. ; recelytc. 418 bbls. Ilnsln ,
im.-hansed ; sale ? , G 593 liblf. j 1-ecelptn. 0.5S3 bills.
WILMINGTON , N. ( ' . , .Ian. SO. OII.K-Splrlli
turpentine , iulet | nt 31'.fif32e. ' , Uouln , firm at $1.13
Wl.W. Crudf liirncntlne , llrm at $ I.SO anil $ l.t'0. '
Tar , quiet at $1.05.
S n tin r
NKW ORLEANS' , Jan. 20.-SUnAR-Opi > n ket
tle , steady nt 2V43io ! ; , steady ;
granulaleil 4V.B4 ll-Iie ( ; whites , 30I ; 1-lCc ; yellows -
lows , SViOl l-10c ; secomU , ; ' .4S3 ( ? e Molawes ,
kettle , steady Ht llf(27c ( : centrifugal , i'ii y nt
D 13o ; cyiup steady at ISffllc.
NEW VOIIIC Jan. Ji > . Bl'GAn-RHW. firm ;
fair raining , 3 9-10 ; centirugal , 9 left , 4 1-lic' re
lined firm : crushed , 5Vie : pnvijerej , 5 7 lie ;
granulated. 5Uc ; mould A , 5'/4c ' : utandurd A ,
CUe ; confectioners' A , O'.ie ' ; cut loaf , UVjc ; cubes ,
5 7-lCc.
Ciillfornlii IIi-li'il KrnllN.
FRUITS Steady ; evaporated apples , common. H >
7 Jo ; prime wire trav. Slic , wood dried , MAO ;
choice. gJc ; fancy , 9ftV/c. 1'runen. 3W8c. Aprl-
cota. loyal , OW7'/4oi Moor I'ark , OBlUjc.
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldfj. , Omaha , Neb
Brand ) Office. 1038 ft St Lincoln. Neb.
Membnrs Chicago Hoard of Trade since lS6i.
: ; rain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Sloclis
Orders Cuah nnd future Delivery Hollclleil.
Oinnliu Olllue , Huoiti 1 , .V. Y. Life II III If.
. . . .M'liomt 1X11. . . .
B9YD & CO. ,
Toluplionu 1039 , Omaha , Neb
tlrct ) wire * to ChlcuKO and New York.
CcmipondcnUi Jclm A. Wurren A Co.
iTOClCS. fill.I.V AM ) 1-HUVJSIO.V5 ,
Public Mlnr - .
Wiulonic Hold ,
tlcncnco llolpl Ni tr * Stand.
Gllrctv * l > ri > n t , Car , Jlnln nnd llroad *
. A. I.niriin. UllVrnt Kllli SI.
Cliej-cime Clnb.
Anilllorlnni llotpl XP > T Stnml.
Auilllnrliini A n inxIMVH Hditul.
Rront XopfluTii Hotel Xcrrn StniuV.
I'll 1 nu-r HOIIHOIMVH Stand.
Pofttulllcc XiMvn Stnml , No. sir Dcnr *
loni 8 roi l.
An ! iit < liicil AilvortlsiT'H Club , l'nliue
U'lMllloIl 1IOIHC.
The llolloiiilcii.
llrl.scotr Ilrox. , No. IK ) South Tcjon SI.
Harvard Uiilvcrnlty Library.
Itrovru IlotflVTVM Stniiil.
llniiilltoii A Ki'iiilrlc-k , 1)001)117tli nt.
McLtiln , 1'ltt .V Co. . Si ; % yixlPiMith St.
Pratt Mercantile Co. , 1517 Larimer .St.
I'lu- Stationer Co. , l , " > lli anil Lawrence
\Vliitlnor Hotel \ < -\v Slailil.
) IoNtN Jniiolin , Itoek iNliniil Depot.
V. M. C. A. ItcmlliiK llooni.
I3mil Hiir ciiH *
\V. A. > Io ie , ( Eth iivt'iitit * and ! \Iiitn utr *
Ilulciiik I'tilillu I-ibrary.
Itolirrt Ili-lil , Id-- .11vii > e Ht.
ContcH HOIINO A'uivN Sditiil.
V. .11. C. A. IliinlliiKllooiii , SIOVynn -
ildtle nl.
llHNourl Ht'iiiililifiiii Club , DO. llaltl-
niore Avc.
CluirlcN A. filllltro. . ! ) Strand.
J. I ) . Mincrliie.
I'ubllc Library.
Went Hotel ZVen-N Staiiil.
Cooper Union Library.
I'Mflh Avenue Hotel \uwn Stnml ,
I'M f til Avenue Hotel Ilenillii Itooui.
Itroomc Street Library.
Holland , lliniMC llcnillnij : llooru.
llolVniilll House.
Imperial Hotel XOTVH Stnml.
HccbaiilcH' & ' 1'railern' Krco Lllirnry.
Ko. 1H ICant SLvteenlli Struct.
I'resH Club , J \IISHIIII St.
WcntniliiNler Holel Iteiuliiit ; Itooiti.
WltidKor Hotel Ilenilliiir Hooni.
Y. M. C. A. , lSil : Street a nil 4th Aveiluo ,
MnCartncy .fc Co.
W. U'ebb , 1M05 U'llMlilllKfon Avc.
ircCnrtiiey & Co. , : ! < ! ( ( i ; . th St.
New York Herald Iteiullll Itouni ,
Avc. tit : 1'Oiiera.
V. C. HoiMlerVeNt Center Hi.
XV. K. Jones , l ! ! > t Aliler St.
1'ortliiiul Hotel .VeWH Stnml.
SlereniitHe I.lbrai-y.
Public Library.
I'nbllu Library ,
L. K. Hummel , Lyeunin Tliuutcr.
Salt Lake KCWM t ! .
C. O. OyHlon , I'tiNtnllli'i : ' \ MV
JNlKlofllne > cTVM lf | > ( .
A. T. Lilililberjf.
Gnrrrltxim Ilotfl N' < MVH iitiind.
Itloiiiliiiulu Hotel .Ni'T N Stiinil.
Hotel Vuiiiloiniuivu titiiud ,
t"iorK < - . L. Hunt.
I'ulillu Llbrar- .
Julia W. 0 rah inn , 7 : t-7 rS Ulvc-rxldtl
AvriiiH' .
Ilrniuloir'H .VutvN .Stnml , 7-1 12 il mood
K. J. Jrtt , H0l ( Olive Hi.
I'liintiTM' Hotrlutrii S fluid.
I'ulillu Lllirury , Oil Liicunt tit ,
Wllliinl'N Hotel Xi-wii .Stuud.
ArlliiKton Iloli-l.
AurliMillnrnl neimrtiiiunt Library.
ItciiillnuIliioni. .