10 THE OMAHA DAILY IJEEt TJIUKSDAT , JA"NITAHY 20 , 1808 , Ail * orllm-iiicitts for Ilieiie columns trill lietnli.n until 1U in , fur the rtpiiltiK mill until 8 p , in. for tbr inurnltiK iinil Snnilii ) edition * . Ailt urtlxcmt li } rciitli'Ntlnir n iinin- lirrnl cliei-U , cnii linto niidtTcru ml- Ii-mnoil In n iiiiintiorcil letter In cnre of HiiIlee Ain .ri NO nililri-i eil \\lll lie ilelltcreil on iircncnliitlon of lite eliceU only. JlnCrs. 1 l-lc n t\orit Itrnt Inxbrllnnt In n T enl llien-nftrr. .Notlilinr tnUe-n for ICHK I linn U..o for Ilic llfMt liutir- tlon. 'I IH-JIO niltcrlliteiiieiitN numl lie run conxi-ciillt ol > . uNTII > sim WANTii ; > . 1'OSITIONITII AN DPI OK- tunlty for promotion , by a Jounis woman who In familiar with handling cn-ih nml rclnll lusl * nofx ulllce wurk Addrci ! 12 7. Dec. A-1 * ) IS * WANTKIJ. HITUATION AS ASSISTANT TO liookkeepei In bunk Particulars when you write. K 2 < He.- . A-MI 19 * WANTlT I-OSITToN Art CI.KIIK IN 11DTK I. hy an experienced liotel cltrk , the best of reference * furnished Address Theo Arlght , care of Itanilalpli hotel , lllglice , MJ A MSI I 23 * WAM'IJH M.tl.U HKLP. CANVABSKHS TOTAKi : OHDKHS. NEW LINK I of wotk , no I.Cy Roods to entry , salary or commlMlun C. P. Adama Co , 24 Ho. IGlh Bt > 11-361 BALRSUAN roil OK1AHS. J123 A MONTH AND e pcnsc j old linn ; experience unnecessary. In- ducem'nts to custotncis. C. C. Ulehop & Co , Ht.oiils II 3tZ AGENTS AND nilAKCH MANAGERS. SAUAIIY iind commission. Hunter Tailoring & Shirt Co . Cincinnati. O. Jt &U98 April 2 * $100 CAS'I AND MIirnAti f"MMISSIOKS TOU K3od , experienced organizers , up to date plan ! easy to work. Henry C. AUn , Supreme HiKent , Imperial Myntlu Legion , Omaha. Neb IJ \ > 33'4 aovniiNMr.NT POSITIONS DON'T I'ltni'Aiu : for thi > pottinvo or other civil service exnmlna. tlon without seeing our IlluittntoJ catalogue of Information Sent free Columbian Cone , eponrtpnco College , Washington , D C II MSI. ) 22 WANTKD TUAVUI.INa \LRSMAN TO SIM , ! . , moil complete line of lubricating oils. Krenses , spcrlnltlc , < to. , on the market Liberal terms to proper pnrtj. Address The Atlantic Kenning Co. Cleveland , OhH 1I-S97-I2 WANTIjb. imidlITOt'NO 11 UN IIP.TWKCN the ugin of IS nml 31 to prepare for the uprlns rallwiy nmll service examination , the ponltl-ms nro permanent t IP salaries hUh and the worl ! nlcarant Ail 'rosi nt once , encloslnR stamp , A. 0 Haft , 2919 Groveland a\c , ClilcnK" III I1-JI902 20 * WA.VTTl ) , A riltsr GUVSIlLCKSM1TH for tilnn work Address M II. M itthl' t.-n , bupcrlor , NVli -M9 : 21' \VANTID - nw anon SOMCITOHS , ntralKlit salary , < lin't npplv mile's will drejseil and with KOOI reference. steady position to rlnit paitlts. Call 3 to 11 today , 1C Hellene hotel _ lt-M"-,3JM' iF YOU nN-rov A < T6b . isTAiu.isiiit : > trnd In teis and cljari nml wloh to ilnnwc limireadduss , with full p irllculars , Il > \ 113 , Uni-dRO H-M952 20 A SAMSMIN TO SDM , OIOAIIS TO UKAI. ur , we paj from JCtf to } ! 00 per montl.l Kilury and oxptiircs , experience unnecetsar > , per manent position The IJc Morn. Clunr I'o , Sprlnglkll , U. 11-M9'.0 20 * SAI : MIN WANTHD i'ou MJUHICATIMI olh mid RniFct , HrKo lint , pnluij or conimlt- Blon The Detroit HiIlnlnK Co , Dilrolt Mich. It M3IS y > * 1 WANT A MAN. KIHST CIA i3 UVUNDUY- man nt tnce C. W I.i r > , 1' O Dox 317 , Kllilt-y Iowa II W0 ! ! rou oIN jfretii5 * aiul specialties , lirffest line on the m.irlvet. Uiultabie Itellnlnj ; Co. Ce\elnnd. ! O It M3I3 SO- B\LR.SMI : : ; WANTUD 10 sni-i. nv SAMPM : ut holi ale ami retail , coodt Bell on i-lBlit. c-l-ry and commission Address Centennial Mff , ' Co. 103 Sth A\e. New York flt > It M911 M BAII'SMITN TO SiiITOII.UT SOAP TO D\T\ \ cr < J1W per month eilirj and expcnbes , ex perience unnpces-nry IvjuH Urnst Co St. tiul9 Mo 1J M918 SO * \VANTiiJ. AI quick , blK proposition. Transcontinental A < lv Co , ( X13 N 18th. ; 10 to 12 , 2 to 4 It MMC M * W V.NTKIJ lCWlK IIKM * . 100 G , - rOH AM. , ICIKDS OP WORK. $3 TO J7 week , ' niidlan Oltlce. lisa Dotislas C-3C3 \VANTI : ctiT oinL , ron SctiT housework 1S09 S \VANTI3n , A COMI'ETRNT OinLJ TOll OUN- < -ral liciiFcv.crlc In email fumll ) . Call 03" S iJth n\c C M015 SO o tAius TO no Nirni iwoiiK ATIIOMB Call Immediately Gum Mfs. Co . 170t Cipltol A\a C 9-7 19 * WANIID A GOOD niar. rou GUNIIUAL , liou-ienorlc at 2210 Doud'as. C 03f 21 * to I.ADIIH TO DO NIIDM\\OIIK AT HOMI : Call Immediately. Gem Mfff. Co , 1704 Caplto Ae. . C M933 W Foil PID12UTY 1MIIGINbNiARI A' ATI. GONJJ 113 H 33tli A\c , 7 rooms poiceluln linth closet , hot water , sae , maimls. fuinace , laun dry ; J30 CIO s. 27th St. , 8-room. tieautlful new dnelllnir Oik llnlsh. | ion elaln bath hot water , cue , furnace laundry , } 3 : 2911 N 2Sth Axe. , 8 room" , city water. Inside $300 belnu spent for repairs. Kent , J12 717 S ; i3j St . 6-room cott ice , city water , J8 Wo hn\o others , 1'ldelity , 1st lloor , N. V Life. D-M7SO ItOUHKS WAMJVCE , 11LOCIC ICTH and DoURl-is D 3C3 MOVINCJ iionsnuor.D GOODS AND PIANOS Om Van d blorane Co. , 1511H 1'arnam. lei 15J9 D 173 \ItGi : LIST. M'CAGUi : , 55T1I AND DODGH. D 3C9 _ iiousns , PLATS. OAKVIN unos. , IGU TAH-M D-370 _ nousis rou HUNT. IICMIS , TAXTON IH.K. D-371 _ _ I1OUSI73. J II. SIIKRUOOD , 423 Jf. Y. Urn D-37J IN AM.HTt OP THU CITY THU O I' Di\ls Crmpiiiii , 1505 rnrmm D J63 I10USUS 1JUNUWA . . CO , 103 N r&TII .ST. D va COTTAOUS .t STOUTS AM. PAIHS of city. Urinnan Ai IM\O Co , 219 S , ICth D-3C7 _ IIOIJSi : 5f8 SO 25TH ST TUN IIOOMS , MOD- crn , MO.Oi per month , 11 } ron Heed Co D-371 _ roil HUNT. ni.UGANT COTTAOU NUAli Iliinscnm park , modern , "lily $15 a month Jlrennan-I.o\o Co. , 219 South ICth street D M754 SO _ UHIJA I' HOPKINS HUSinUNCi : , 11 HOOMSJ nil modern , barn and carilacc houcc. COI I lee building _ p-723 A SIX-ROOM IIOURR ON 2CTII ST OPPOSITO the exposition Rrounds Joseph II. I'lper , room 18. Wlllmcll block. D-M903 J.1IOOM MOOUIiN IlltlCIC UWUI.LINO , NO ooi H , rsiii it. , to T-rooni uteam-heated Hat. 709 S. 18th , 27 5) . Apply to W II. Melkle , 1st Nat'l Hank IHdn. D-313 rou HnNT rtiitMsiiun HOOM.S , Toil HUNT. NUWI.V Kl'HNISIinD HOOMH , rcisonaWo prlcci. : ( ! ! Dodee , U Miss VUHY IUUASANT HOO r , WITH OH WITHout - out board , near llunicom park , modern house , K S. H"e. U-7k8 TWO t.vnnn THONT IIOOMS KOH men. 411 N. 17th hi E-79S-22' riTHNIHIIKD HOOMS , IIOLTSEKUKl'INO. Mil HI. Mary'n. E-9.1J ? 3 80IITU rilONT ROOM WITH AI- co\o ; modern. KiO Ilnrnej M. U 837 23 IIOOMS AM ) IIOAIIU. THH MKHRIAM. FIRST CLASS I'AMM.Y HO. tcl. 85th and Dodge Bit. r M70T ilANDSOMU I'AHLOHS EN SUITE NEWI.Y furnli'ird , also imaller rooms , tooj board. The Iloff , 1020 Hainey , r CChi ffWO NICE ROOMS , 2S53 DOUOUAH BT , NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND UOAHD for gentleman at 1121 Dodge t. F M76J ! ! IN rJUVATH rAMILY , WITH OH WITHOUT board. 191J DoJto. T-M7I1 K' NICE HOOMB. WITH tlOAHD. 1SJI HINNEY , near exH ltlon. F-M79S-K * KLONDIKD HOTEU COHNEH UTII AND Wvbittr ctrcetEurnpcan plan , 104 room * , tram heat , free Utth ; KVO < \ rooiui , II lt > per vreolc : twit mfJlum-prlccJ hotel In Omaha. I , il , Wattan. I'rcprlctor. V M5i rtiiMsunn HOOMS AND noAiin. ( Contlnueil ) STEAM HHATKO 11OOM < ? WITH HOARD , Jr09 HnflK ) ' K-M8M Kcb li' I72T DAVKNrOHT , TRANSIENTS r M708 I 17 .AHOB SOinlI HOOM STEAM lK.v ; lurtirl , rvfcrem m. 302 N. ISlli. T MW9 23 rou IU\T u.M'LHMsiini ) S CHAMHURS TOR HOt'SEKEEPINO. MAN find wile , nnttr In kitchen , e'.ecl sink 319 N. 17tli. G-COO KOH HUNT sTouns AND orricns. rOH RENT , IN THE DEE HUII.DINQ : One large corner room , 2d Hour , with \ault and prhate ofllce , nntcr , etc. One large front room , M floor divided Ints two roomi by partition ; water , etc One largo corner room , 2d door , with vault , wnter , etc. One front room , dlvldM liy pirtltlon , 3d floor. One comer room , with \nult. Jd floor. One lame room , 3d floor , with piitlllon dividing It Into one large room and t o tmaller private rooms , water etc. Two large Rround lloor rooms , fronting I7th St , with vault Several small rioms on 4th float .with vaults. All thejo looms arc heated with fleam , electric light * , supplied with llmt clits Janitor rervlcc. Elevators run day and nil night , building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 101 , Hre building. 1-193 roil RENT-The 4-STORY BRICK IUIILD1NO nt 9 R nirnam St. This building has n fireproof cement basement , water on all floors , fas , etc. Apply at the off IPS of The Ilee 1 910 ron RENT-DESK HOOM IN GROUND TLOOR office , llfo liullilliiR , wnter. steam heat , electric light and janitor service Apply to Superin tendent. Ucc building 1 197 finsT ci.Csa MEAT MAHKET LOCATION. G03 life. I-M2K HOTEIA STORES. HEMIS , I'AXTON I1I.IC. 1 375 1'INE KTOHE NEAR EXPOSITION , C11EAI' E 23 , Hec. I 51921 59 * A < snvrs LADV AND OENTI.KMEN AOENTS 1701 Dodge street Call 9am till S p in. J 933 19 WVNTIITO : WANTED TO RENT. A HOUSE OP C OR 7 rooms , vvllh K K Imth etc , within walking dlstanco of The Heo olllcc , will lease for a num ber of jcnrs Address D 4C , staling price , care of The Ilee K COS * DO YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE RENTED ! have 23 appllcatlpns for houses A M Conle , 211 So ISlh st ' ' < ' 1C SM-19 " ED TO RENT. SIX ROOM CXTTAOE , modern cimvenlenccs , ncir business porllon. Addre s E 21 lice K S29 , 13 * WANTED. MODERN 10 TO 12-ROOM HOITSE south of Dodge. E 27 Dee 1C M912 22 t'Aciric STORAOE AND WAREHOUSE ro 90S 910 Jcnes , ccncral storage and forwarding TI-37G OM VAN & S1ORAGE , lolt'fc KAHN'M TIU. 155D M-377 TH\NIC EWERq STORAGE , 1211 HARNPY. HauIInK and packing , Cheapest rates Tcl. S'.C. M-37S \vv\Tin TO IJUY. WANTED TO IUJY TOR CASH OMAHA SAV- Ingi bank deposits and certlllcitos of deposit Wrlto full particulars to E 1'J. IJee N 118" " . 21' HOUSE TO MOVK ADDRESS W. A. TOM.US , 'II bo. 29th A\c N M931 .0 * KOH J > VIE KIJIIVITLHIJ. ron SAM : CHEAP , HOUSEHOLD ture nillcc de k bTrsiln If taken nt once. Appl > 2HJ S 31th St O-M939 CO- I-Oll SAL I'INK , W HITU SAWDUST FOR TLOORS ETC , coarse for Ice , at 13 75 per cord. Tcl. IIS 901 Q 379 I1ILMARD HALL AND. ' HOWLING ALLEY doing good business , established 1S90 l ock box i , Johnson , Neb Q M212-Jan-24 * TOR SALE AND EXCHANGE-COUNTY lights for on Indispensable household Invention Large profits Address D. L liracc , K23 CurtU , Denver Cole Q 7C4-20 * ICD I "OR SALE. WILL CONTRACT TO SHU dally B cam of nice , clear Mi "fl liver Ic nbnut 11 Inches thp | > lunkton S D r bchnauber. Q M91I 22 -r > n nALE , MILIC. APPLY 2209 SPENCER ST Will deliver It 1C not over C or 7 blocks nw ly Q-)3o ! 21- ron SALE , i.ooo DJORS AND WINDOWS AjjT W3 bedroom seta from World's J'alr hotel cheap. J. Hue ] , 231 Kth , Street , Chicago. Q M9I1 24 CI.VinVOY\ . PROP. AMES. GREATEST LIVING SUCCESSful - ful palmist and clairvoyant medium , 2207 Put nam bt , sittings GOo. sallsfactlon positively guaranteed. S M77I 31" MASS VGE , 1IATIIS , ETC. MADAME SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , STEAM AND alcohol baths T M7S2 20 * MME HRISSON OP PATHS. CHIROPODIST medicated baths nnd massage. 107 N lth St T 134 P-l" ELECTRO MAGNEriC TREATMENTS AND massjgrt by iuura Ellison , 119 N llttli .St. , room 11 T MSS7 22 * MME AMES , MASSAGE AND BAT I IS Tc23U Howard blrtet. T MS93 23 * MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlora , restful and curative 417 S. llth. up. stnlM. T MS9I 23 MADAME .SMITH , 118 NO 13TH ST. . STEA5 ? and ulcohol lutlis. 1 4j27 * VIAVI CO , UTERINE TROUBLES 310-8 HKE ; Lh ) > lilan consultation or health book free. U 3S1 UATII3 , MAHSAdU. MME POST. 319H S. 15TH. U-3S2 CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND RE- palreil. da ) or nlKht , drtss suits for hire. Pantorlum , N , E Cor , 14th and Parnam Tcl. 81-3. U-3S3 HOW BECOME LAWPUL PHYSICIANS , pharmacists , V. D's , dentists or lanjers Loi.lt box rjO. Chkttco U 71S-JC PIHV.XTE HOME POR LADIES IIEPOHE AND during conllnement bablej adopted ami cared for Removed to 1130 N. 17th. UD32 23 MO.MY TO I.OAN HE vi. ES MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES THE O P. Davis Co , 1503 Painam St W 3S3 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO . 315 N. Y. U ; aulclc money nt low rate * for choice faun lands In Ion a , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W 3SO LOANS ON IMPROVED & . UNIMPROVED CITY property , W. 1'arnam Smith & Co , 1320 Pafm. W-3S7 MONEY TO LOAN. BEMIS , PAXTON BLOCK. W-901 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real citatc llrennan-Lovo Co , 219 S. ICth W 3S9 J100.COOOO SPECIAL PUND TO LOAN ON llrkl C'acs lmprov d Omaha ptoptrt ) or for building purposes. Pldellty Trubt Company W-390 6 PER CENT MONEY , M.OOO AND UPWARD& , on glll-rdced Improved Omaha real estate. Hemls , I'axton block. W 392 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED REAL E3. to to In Omntm. Council Bluffs & . South Omaha , Pusey S. 'Ihomas , 603 Plrst Nat'l Bank. Omaha. W 3J3 WANTED-CHOICE KAUM AND CITY LOANS. It. C. Peters & Co , U. B. Nrt'l Bank Bids. ' W M45S MORTGAGES FOR S < LB , PROPERTY OP NON. icaldents catcd for. W. B. Melkle , I t Nat'l Bk , W 391 WK IIAVH MONEY TO IXJAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebraska and western Iowa Brennan. Love Co , 219 South 16th Urtet. W MK9 F5 6 PER TENT MONEY ON NEB. FARMS & OMA. Im I'j-ci'erty. ' W. B. Melkle , 1st Nat'l Bank Bid * . W-M4W SIIOIITHANI ) AffD TYI B\VHIT1\O. A. C , VAN SANrB SCHOOL. 813 K. Y. LIFE. IT OMAHA BUS. COLLEOU , ICTH & . DOUGLAS -397 II. B. BOYLEB , COURT REPORTER , PRIVATE le on ; dy and evening. 407 Bee Bldg. 339 OMAHA UHOUT-HANP COLLEGE. BOYD'3 -ill ; ' ) Feb. 11 MOMJY TO I.OA.V UH VTTUI.9. 10 TO 110 COO TO 1X > AN ON HOI SIHOLD PPRMTrilE AND PIANOS HOIfLS WAGONS AND CArtRIAGKS , \\AHEIKifSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , at lowest rates In Omnlil , Soul i O-nalm and Council Bluff * . No removal of sootls Ptrlctly corfldcntlal , jcu can ] > the loan off at any time of In any atnoun's. atnoun's.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE I/JAN CO. 3O1 South 16tr St THE OLDEST LARGEST AND ONLY INCUR- 1'ORATED I > O\N COMPANY IN OMAHA X-394 Ill'SIMJSS CI1 V\CKS. TO GET IN OR Ol T OP HUSINKSS GO TO J J Olbson , Sll Plrst Nat I Hank 1X > R HUNT , IIIUCK STOREROOM COX22 , ALL conveniences , bert location In city , splendid business town John H Llndale. West I olnt , Neb Y Mill CHEAP , CASH ONLY , STOCK MKHCHAN- dlsn anil tlxlurci In southern Ne'.irnki town will worth price askc < l. Box SiVi , Omiha. Y-.M919 21' AN OPTORTUNITY TOR LADY WITH PEW hundred dallari to draw good rilar } and get lilg Income on money Invested , thl * vvlll bear closest Inspc-tlon E 22 , Ilee Y M91C ! ! ONE OP THE BEST BUSINESS OPENINGS IN Iho clly , locallon nlanc worth entire iharRO for fixture , etc . dirt cheap , small gnvery stock nt face coslj gcod location , vcrj * modcr-1 ale rent , owner must leave the business , no bail Ocbls nnd Kornl proflti Cn I needed about J1.200 Address till * week E 25 B c. Y 9M Sl rou i\cn v .Il WILL EXCH > VaE VERY DESinABLE clear vacanl Omaha lots for Clilcngo property. Addrem with full particulars , Box 282 , Omahn , V5-MS04 POR SALE OR EXCHANGE LOT CO BY 150 feet , with eight-room cottage with all modern Improvements , nlro good barn ; located In choicest residence part of Omaha , two blocks from Hanrfcm park ; one block from street car * nnd tcliool , paved itreet nnd brick walks , f2 6CO Incmnbrance. four jcars at fi per cent ; will sell equllv cheap for each or will rxchansa for a desirable stock of shoes Addrc.'i D CS , Bee , Omilm. Z-M737 Pcb 13 KOH SAI.I : ui : vi , IS > TATI : . KOUNT2E PL\CE BARGAINS , I ! CO ! ) . J3 750 TO J6.I01 J J , Gibson , 314 Plrst Nat. Bank Blrtff HlI-390 BARGAINS. HOUSES , I 5TS AND PARMS ; sale or trade. 1' . K. Darling. H-arKcr blk HE-400 HOUSES , LOTS , PARMS. LANDS , LOANS , also lire Insurance. Bemls. Paxlon block HE-M101 NEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS f04 I Bee Bldu RE M331 LOGAN VALLEY PARMS AND MERCHAN dlse Huntsberger < t. Clements L > ons , Nc > braikn. HE M369 J22COO POR 3-S'lORY BRICK BUILDINO. 41 fept frontBRO , near Hth nnd Douglis Sis. $ JSCO for Improved prop-rty on ijuinlng street near SJth street J N. Prenzer , Opji P O RE M7CO 14 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT. 2-STORY brick business building , price J3.10J Ad Ircss E 1 Bee. HE M7C1 MUST HE SOLD , 4 < 0-ACRD STOCK PAH.M ON Klavva liver , Bennett station , on K P H. R 70 ncres alfalfa umicr ditch , nil fence I 21 ccrek timber , plenty outside range , 21 miles eiit of Denver Win Mordlnb. Sfl30 I irlmpr St , Denver Colo. HE M306 2S PARM LANDS C P HARRISON 012 N Y L. HE-911 PIT POMPHET. CONN. TvO PINE ESTATES POR Rile , modern houses. Mulshed In hardwood throughout , Mist class plumbing , abundance of llrcplaccs , steam beat , unlimited supp'y of line wnter , stable , tenement hou e ; about four acreq land , biautlfullj sllunttd , view of mllca to nouth pn t and west , four and n lulf hours from Jseu YoiK , owners lomoved to niuthcr foctlon of HIP countri anil cannot use prop- ertv A NlKhtliiKale S. Co , Heal E tatp Brokers , Providence , R. I , Long distance tel ephone. HE M9I7 20 * LOST. LOST , LADY'S GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN , reward If returned to Mrs. , Ernest , 27th nnd N. South Omaha Lost M904 20 LOT-POX TERRIER ( PEAIALU ) NEAR Iljnscom IKirk. tun head , IluK around nick and tall , whlto body. Reward Retuin 1S17 Jackson last 93 21 * BLACK SLMIE , riHINKY HPILT. 1,030 pounds. Plense return or nc'lt" - L' Llnch , ICth and Pranklln , n d . . * reward lyjst M915 20 * iinnio.vi , . LADII3S ! CHICHE TER'S ENGLISH PENNY- rovnl Plllo ( Diamond bnnd ) are the best , safe , reliable , take no other ; fnd 4c stamps for pnr- tluularK , "Relief for Uidles " In letter by return - turn mall , at druggists Chlchc ter Chemical Co. Philadelphia , Pa. Mention B e MS19 20 * I'l.VV.NCIAL. MONEY LOANED ON LIPE INSURANCE ' 'OL- Icles or bought. L P. Van Xorman Minne apolis , Minn M771 Vcnl4 TYPCn'IUTUHS. TYPEWRITERS TOR RENT. 14 00 PER MONTH. The Smith-Premier Tjppwrttcr Co , 1625 Far- nam St. . telephone. 12SI C SE\VI\P. MACIUXnS AND SUPPLIES. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD & WHITE SEW- IIIR machines & supplies 1514 Cap ave , Tel 1574 403 IIOHSE.S WINTERED. GOOD STABLES , BEST OP CARE { 4 AND JO month A. AV Phelpa & Son , 207 New York Life. Tel. 1034. -402 Ol-TICES CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 1417 PARNAM st Rooms 3 K. 3. Tel , 1404 If STE.'SOfiUAPIIEIlS , WE SOLICIT AND PURNISH POSITIONS TOR btenographcrs free. The Smith-Premier T > pe- vvrlter Co. Telepnone , 1284 403 COAL. BURLINGTON NUT , BESl CHEAPEST PRICE 13 75 per ton. 'Phono E4S. Harmon A. Wcet i Co 401 DKESS CUTTIMJ .SCHOOLS. REMOVED. THE JOY TAILOR SYiTEM dixs.i cutting HChool , 1'Jll Cuinlng st stMS70 MS70 IVIi 15 ririiMTintn M. 8. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331 133140G 40G IIHICIC. SEWER SIDEWALK & BUILDING ANY Ql AN. tlty.tel. 49J. Loulsvll'e BrlcU Co , 330 Bd. Trade , PAW.MIHOICEUS. II. MAnOWITZ LOANS MONUV. S N. 1G ST , - ; CO.\TIlACTOn AM ) HUILDICU. a W. QILBEHT. CARPENTER AND CONtractor - tractor , Jobbing kollelttj. 1S13 St Mary's ave M340 Jan 29 Hall's ' Safes lus in tiecund liund J.ifi's. safes und Locks Unpaired J. J. DERIGHT & CO Successor to A. I , . Dcono 8 Co. , \Vosterti Asuiiti. Tele , 353. 1110 rarnitm , Ouinha , We want to buy second bund sufcs QUAHTBHMABTBn'S OPFICU Omaha , Neb. . January 20 , 169S , Seulcil pro- xisals. In triplicate , will bo received hoi a mill 12 o'cloek m. . February 21. 1SSS. und hen opened for furnUhlnt ; presses , type , etc , , and all material und lulor of every leBcrlptton that may be required for prlnt- nr at Hendciuartura , Department of the Matte. durliiK fiscal year commencing July , Ib'JS. Circular elvlnji full Information , with forms for bidding , will be furnished n application. The U. B. reserve * right to eject any or all bids. Envelopes containing iropoaaU to be marked "Proposals Or irlntlng , " and addressed to Sam H , Jones , Q. M. MJTItK TO CONTItCTOIt . NOTION TxT'cONTRAfTORS Hld will be rLfci\ed at the olllce of the Nebraska State Hoard of Directors > f 110 Trainmls'lsslppl nnd Intornitlonil KXIVOMI- tlon In the Mlll'itd hotel. Omaha , until 12 o'clock noon , Tu ° pdiJ , Janunrj 2S , W3 , for four prroup" ) ( onch roup n d'fferont ' de Un ) nnd two qlnplo pieces of statuary to In plsccxl up n the Nebraska State building nt the exposition grounds. Sketchiof RrouiM nnd ( Inures mtt t nccomptny nil bid * The board res rves the right to reject any or nil bids. Uy order ot the Uonnl of Director1' . \V , H , DUAUINO. Asalstnnt Soorelnry. NOTICE TO CONTHACTOKS. Scaled bids for the construction of the balustrades , docKtnifi nnd llnlsh around lagoon on the exposition ( crMincIslll be r - cplveil until 11 aYlock n. m. IVday , Jan uary 2S , U33. nnn4 nnd speculations can bo seen nt the 'Dfjpnrtmcnt ' Olllco , rot tier 15th nnd Sppnc r1 Streets , or sets vvlll bs furnlsied bidder * ! aticoat. The tight Is rc * rvvd to reject nny or all bids. Ttt l'ii KIHKUNDAM. , Man. urdg. & HUIRS. Dc'rit. , TransmlsslsslppV nnd International l xp , I'UUcnOT1C13. . ( Should be ranil D , lLY by nil Interested as changes ijxUy , 0ccur at nny time. ) Foreign malls for.tlig week ending January 1SDS , will elosLi ( I'llOJIinTA- nil cases ) nt the ct'iittTtl post odlco ns fol lows. I'AUCni.S I'OST MAIL9 plos * onn hour earlier thrill 'closing tlmo shown below. ' , Trnim-AtlniiUc Mull * . SATURDAY At * n. r. ; . for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and HRIT- 1SII INDIA , per e. s. Lv Normandle * . via Hnvro ( letters for other parts ol Europe must bu dlrctcd "por La Normandle" ) : nt S a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s s Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Amster dam" ) : at i a. in. for GENOA , per s. F RlsmarcU ( lotteis must bo dlricted "per F. Bismarck" ) , at 10 a m. ( supplementary 11:30 : n. in. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Servla , \la Queptistown ; at 11 a m for NOR WAY direct , per s. s. Norse ( letters must be dlicclcd " " "per Norgs" ) . PRINTED MATTER , i : re-German steamers sailing on Tucsdajs take I'Hntcd Mitter , etc for Germany nnd Special ! } Addrffcd Prime ! Matter etc , for other parts of Kunve Amer ican and White Star steamers on Wcdneslaj s , ' German steamers on Tliur da > s , and Cunaiu , I French nnd Oermiui sU-smers on SaturJajs take 1 Printed Matter etc . for all countries for which they arc advertised to eariy mall. After t ic closing of tlie Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above additional Mimilo- mentnrj malls arc opened on the pterx of tlie American. iniUli ! , Prench and Germ in steam ers , an I remain open until nltliln Ten Minutes of the hour of sal'lne ' of steamer. for ' until mill Central Anicrlen , \ VHt InilluK , 12tu. THURSDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary 11 n. m ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( ex cept Costtt Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. a. Advanet1 , via Colon ( let- lets for Guatemala must be directed "per Advance" ) , at II a. m. for MEXICO , pel s . Santo Domingo , \li Pro reso nnd Vera Cruz ( letters , must be directed "por Santo Domingo" ) , at 11 a. m. for JA MAICA , per a. s Aril mdhil ( letters for nollre , Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala must bo directed "per Ardandhu" ) . FRIDAY At 10 SO a in. for HAITI , per s s Prlna Wlllem III ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad. Brltl-h and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per Prlns Wll- lem HI" ) . SATURDAY At 2 TO a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Assyrian from Phil idelpiia : nt 10 a. m ( supplemental 10 10 a m ) fet FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA , and CARTHAGEXA , per s. s Alleshany ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per AlIcBhany' ) ; at 10 i. m ( sup plementary 10 ,0 .1. m ) for HAITI and SAVANILLA , per s. s. Ands ; at 10 3) ) .a m. for CAMPECHE. CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per b. s. Seneca ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Seneca" ) , at 11 a. m ( supplementary 11 " 0 a. m ) for VEN EZUELA nnd CURACAO , also SAVAN ILLA and CARTHAGEN \ . via Cunc.ao per a. a Philadelphia , at 1130 a in. ( sup- , plemotitnry 12 m ) foASSAU , N P , and SANTIAGO r , v-URA per s. s Sara- ' toffii.-vi' * T , i. m for NASSAU , N P , pet ' r. j. .Miami from Miami , Fla. ; nt S . ' 0 p m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from Noith Sydney , at S.CO p m for ST PIERRE MIQUELON. per steamer from North Sydney. Malls foi Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax and thcn-c b > steamer , close at t.ils olllce dallv at 8 30 p m Mails for Mlquelon by rail to Hos- ton and tlieicc by ttnamer , close at this olllce dall > at .SO p. m Malls for Cuba close at this ofllco dully at 7 00 a m , for forwaidlnK by steamers calllnir ( Mondays nmt Thursdajs ) from Port Tnmpa , 1'ln. MalU for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for despatcn by Eicnmer clorc nt this ofllce itally at 2 30 a , in and 2.20 p , m Ilogistcred mall closes at C 00 p in previous das. Traiisl'nclIUMalls. . illi for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s. I. Peril ( from Sun Knnnlsrnl nlrwn ) .nn > dally up to January 19th nt , 0 30 p m M.al' ' for Hawaii , pei s s Australia ( from Sai rranclsco ) , close bore d illy up to January 19th at C-30 p. m Malls for China am Japan , per s s , Olympla ( from Taeoma ) close h re dally up to January " 23d at t ! 3 < P. m. Mills for China and Japan ( specially addressed onlv ) , per s s. EmpreEs o Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to Jai.uary " 2-lth at C 30 p m Malls for the Society Islands , per ship City o Papeltl ( from San Fianclsco ) , close hero dally up to January 25th at G ,0 p m M.ilH for Australia ( except those for \Ves AusttallO. which mo forwarded via Europe , Now Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Saimnn Islands , per s a. Al imeda ( from San Francisco ) , close bore daily ! up to Jah- nary " 30th nt 7 00 a. in . 11 a m and C- P. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s H Aur.anla with Hrltlxh malls for Australia ) Malls for Australia ( except West Am- tralla ) . New Zealand. Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s. Warrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close here dally after January * * 30th and up to January 31gt at C:30 : p , m. Trnns-I'iclflc malls are forvvardeil to port of rall- Inu Oal y nnd Hie wliedule of closing Is nr- ransnl on tlie presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit Ileglstercd mill elope * nt f ! p nv previous div. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmtster Posloillce , New York , N. Y. . January II , KAlMtO VDS. . & MlSfeOUUI - , - - lllver nnllioid "TliHurllnK. . Burlington ton Houte' General OlIlLCs. N W earner Tenth and rnrnam Stieem Ticket Otllce , 1W3 RoutB rarnam Btioet Tcleuhone 2J9 Depot. Tenth and Mason Strectn Telephone 1 < ! S Lcuvc. Arrive S:23 : am 9 35 am 4 K prr 7:15 : pm " 11-9 urn Pally Dally except Sundai. ICANHAS CITV. hr. JOSEPH & Cduncll Hluffs Hnllioail- " "The Hurllngton Houte" Ticket Ollice. I'M Fnrnam Street. Telephone 250 Depot Tenth and Mtuon Streets. Telel phone 128. Leave. Arrive. Knnsns City Day Cx. . o 05 nm 5:10 : Pm KaiEaa City Night Kx. . 10.01 iim < ; . : ( ! arn CHICAGO , HL-nUNOTON & Qulncy Hnllroad "Tlio Hurl. Burlington InKton Houte" Ticket Olllco 1502 rnrnnm Ktreet. Tcleph3n Route 2JO Depot , Tenth anil llaaon Streets. Telephone 1S8 Leave. Arrive , CU ! KO Veutlbuleil Lx. . 6.05 pm 7:55 : am Chl-ttuo Exurcia . an. 4:15pni : Chicago & Bt Louis Kx 7:50 : pm 7:55 : m Pacific Junction Local , . HMO am 0:40 : pm Fait Mall 1.50 pin Pally. Dallj' ezceot Sunday. CHICAGO none ISI VND & Paclllo Ilallroad "Tho Great Iloclc Island Route- " City Ticket Olllee , J323 Fnmam Street. Telephone 423. Depot , Tenth ' 1 Macon bticets. Telephone 18. SeSES I.eav e , Arrive. Chlcaea and St Paul Vc-stlbuled Express . , 1 50 pm ' 1:13 : pm Lincoln Co'oraao ' Sli'fe' . Pueblu , Denver anil vieii 1.53pm 4 23 pm Chicago. Den Hack Island 7.0ipm 8.15 am ttlanllii Kxprettrf. fur DCS MolneH and east ern points . , . 7.20 nm 5.K pm Lincoln , I'alrbury and liellevllle J " 515pm 10.40 mil Dallj Dally" t-icept Sunday uibsounV J-Acnac IIAILIIOAD Ocneral Olllceji and Ticket O'llc ' , Merchant * Nailoia Uain liuiminir 12-'l I'm mi m Strict. Ffclilplion ? 101 De.iut , Klrticmh ir diWtfbfter S re f. Telej bon Leave. Arrive. "Hlffl ? 1 . * ! 1 -5.05l.rn .tt53Pm KatjsCltv uoi hi * L > ul Kiprc . . ( . . . . ' Pm 00 am N hraika liicat * ' < P" > . am Dolly. Dally except Cunday. it VII.HO vn. . ( Continue I CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. MINNE spoils & Omnht Hmiprnv atneinl ofllre Nebraska lM- "fiillllli 'i5" ' vision Plfteenth nnd Wtboer ! U IStW ? ' ' Stiects City Ticket OlMec. s JSJigx 1411 rnrnam Mreet Ttlernonc , 551. Depot. Fifteenth and \Vjbsler fltreetn. Telephone. MM Ix-nvt. Arrive BloUT City Apcommcxla. S.50 nm 8:19 : pm Sl"jx City Ac ommol.1. 9 W am S V ) pm lilalr Umerson , Sioux City Poncn Hiltlni- luon aid lll.wmfleld . . " 100pm 11:55 : nm Sioux City. Mnnknto. St. i'nul. .Minneapolis . " S.5 ! rm 0:10 : am Emir * > n PissenEtr 5-10 pir > 8 ( { am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday enly. Tliln l-ain stops nt stations Plorenco to So. niixlr Inclusive. Sundavs only , on wecl , da ) * Pa lllfllr enl > . Mlssoourl Vallev Ttnnayucn. | | eral OIIIce , ITnltel States Xn- tluiift ! B.-nl : nulldlm ; South west Corner Twelfth and rnr nam Rtre ts Ticket Ofllce. 1101 1 nrnnti Street Telephone. Ml. Di-nnt Plftccnlh and Webster Streets TVl ohone. i5s. | Len\c. Arrive. Illick Hills , D iil < roo3j am ! Hut Sprlnp . . . 3:0) : pm B.OO pm \V > omlnsr , Carper ana DjURlas . . . . 2:00 : pm B.M pm Ha tlnRi. York. Davl- ' City. Superior Geneva , HrMer nnd Sfvvnid . . 3-00 pm 5 CO nm Norfolk AVest Point and rremont 7'51 am 10 K am Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd r > mont 7 50 ntr 10-25 nm Pretiont Ixjcal " -30 nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Will * 'xept Saturday. Dally ' Mondur. HIP-AOU S. NORTHWiSTnilN llalln ay-City Ticket Ofllce , 1101 Parnam Street Tnlephono " < ! ! Depot Tenti nnd Mason Street ? . Telephone 12S Leav e. Arrive. Mlfsourl Valley. Sioux City. St rsul * n < i Minneapolis 6:40 : nm 10M5 pm Ml s url Valley. Sioux City 7:30 : am 9:05 : Pm Di'nnlson , Carroll , Wall Lnk 7:20 : am 0:05 : pm UaMert "xpre-ss lies Mi-lnes , Marshfll'tonn. Ccfiar "nplds OilcaRO " 10:45 : am 4MOpm Atlantic Pl > er Chlcaco and Hast 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pm Past Mail , Chicago to OmiTiit . 3:10 : - - - - pm Missouri Valley Sioux City , St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited 5:15 : pm 9.30 nm Omatn-Cnleana Special. 6.30 pm i.l'i am Daily. Dally except Sundai DMlv ' 10UX CTTV i PVl'IPIC KAIL- rorul General Olllcm. United States National Itnnk Uulld- Ins. S W Corner Twi Ifth nn 1 lar nm Streets TIcK-t Oltlce' i-- . - - 1W1 Parnnm Street ' elcpnone 01. Depot , riftccnth ani Webster Stiects. Telephone - phone MS " Ar"Ve < Slo > x | y MaUato.St. Paui Minneapolis . . . . C.53 pm 9.10nm UNION PACIPIC "THE OVEH- land Houlp" Oi niril Olll-eo , N. E Corner Ninth nnd I'nrmfm Stncts Clt > Tlcktt OIHcp. 1302 Parnam fetrcet Telephone 31C Depot Tentn nnd Mason Striets. Telephone 12S Arrtlc "Tho Overland Limited" for Denver. Salt Lake , vvcs'ern points s.CO nm :43 : pm Past mall iraln for Denver. Silt ijil-o PaclHo coatt and all vvi"itcrn points ' 1 30 pm ' 10.20 am Llnrnln Ileatrlcc and Strunisbuii ? i\pre-s . C 00 pm " 12.20 pm Koa-noy i\pi-ci-s . „ ) pm " 13.2(1 ( pm ' n t'j Dnllj except Sundnj v Council lllulTa Ixcal Leaves - , . 0 n in : , C 10 n , m , 7 SO a m s 23 j m . 10 t ; n m 2 15 p m : 4 Tl p m . 3 51 p m Arrive * d 2J n m . 7 20 a m Sam , " ) ft a m . It 3u n m 3.10 p m , C.10 p m 9 01 p in , 10.)3 p in CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE X. ST Paul Itnllvvos Cit > Ticket OHIct J504 Painam Street Telephone 2SI Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5 45 pm S.C3 am Oinnlii nnd Chl-ago Ex 11 CO am 1.30 pm Dally. OMAHA S. S-r LOUIS RAILROAD PSSI Uinuha Kansis Cits .S , East- pin Hillroid "The Port Arthur Route" Ticket Ollice , 1413 Parmm Slrppt. Telephone , 3J2 Depot , Tenth and .Mason Streets. Tele- flionu , US Leave. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Ball 1 4 33 pm II 30 am Qulnry Expicst 5:40 : am 0.50 pm WABASH RAILROAD TICKET OFPICE. 111 ! Farnnm Mreet f ! pnhone 322. Depot. Tenth and Mnson Rtie-ts , Telephone. 123. Leave. Arrive. St Louln "Cannon Dall" Express 4-10 pm 11 31 am Unity * COIIIIITSTIOV. Eli > iiiiitN Unit Cumltliic to Pioiliu-i- ' Connil r.itldii , In view of the number of umccountablo fire1) that occur In - Interest every cltjInterest at taches to a discussion In the Minuf.icturcrs' Gazette of the circumstances tinder which spontaneous combustion Is to be appre hended. It Is a danger much closer to the mill , machine shop anil factory tli.in most persons suppose. The first Condition of tie ! self-Ignition of Inflammable substances Is , as a rule , the presence of air of the oxygen of the air Without this no harm can bo produced , oxcppt In the case of substances like gunpowder , which have the oxygen within themselves , or dynamite. , i\hlch , when btdly made , explodes on belnjr ex cessively Jirred. It Is only when mixed vviin air inar ordinary iiiuminatmtr ens , Ueroseno oil vapor or finely divided on ; inlc matter , such ns sauiltibt , coil dust Hour , etc. , are explosive. So mixed , a spar'-t suf fices to pioduce a disaster , \vhlch spark may be produced accidentally by a nail or grit gettliiK Into machinery , or by friction il clecttlcitj , fiencinted at tome unsuspected point. N'ovv that sttong currents of elec tricity are employed In many establishments for the operation of motors or Illumination , there Is Increased risk of an unwelcome spark occunlngvhete legist wanted , Klour , sugut and all such substances arc laiiKctous when they exh.t In the form of i thick dust mixed with air Prof. Popper showed tills by an pxp ilmcnt which any one may tcpeat Taking a box a foot mninrivltli n linttnm rnrmod nf flmt tvlrn letting , like bolting rloth , the professor ) iits In It a quart of fine Hour and Hhnlti i t over an open tlame. When the cloud of lour dust touches the flame theio Is pro- luccd an . .iBtonlshlngolumo of llamo , not inllke the ttudden burst of Home from an gulled pile of gunpowder. The carbon , vilch Isa. . lartfe constltutnt of Hour , burns fieoly In the presence of abundant oxygen , nttch In the same way that the elmrcoul in 'Uiipowder burns because of the oxygen n the Hiltpotrcit contains. The explosions lorn teal dust in mines or from Hour dust n modern mills are frequent lomlmlers of ho rlEk if having open llghta In surfi ) laces Hut theio arc ras = s In which the risk s less oaslly provided against An oily or greuby rag thrown on the lloor has bsen ecu to blitz * up after a fnvv minutes. A Ktckage of lampblack mnj take llro on a hflf spontaneously. liubblsh exposed to ho bun , through a window or otherwise , altos fire at times In a mwt : surtirlslng manner. Sawdust saturated with oil from machinery accounts for many Hres. The armfr Is by no moans safe ; the hay In his mow may "heat , " burst Into a ( lame rfnd jurn down hla barn Cotton In a ware- loiiHO or In the hold of a ship Is subject to t Ilka mlb'iap. In mills the electricity fcnoratod on rapidly moving bands has to > 3 carefully guarded nrainst. Steam pipes nil lut-alr plpen become sources of danger vhen In contact with decaying wood or ubblih. Barrels of damp saw dust may jnlte spontaneously. Heaps of bltumf- ions coal und bales of rags , especially If bt'iw known to start fires , especially If towed uway In n damp condition. Kven In-turnltifjB , if malst , ore unsafe. The emcdy. us respects linn organic dust , HUCI | H presents Itself Inovltably In mills nnd thor quartera , Is to dampen thu air. 1'rof Tobln 'nas ' shown that by Injecting- live team Into the atmosphere the explosive endenpy Is removed , and ho rccommenda tint . wet-bulb thermometer ehould bo part f the outfit of establishments bubjcct to Ills class of risks. Inlii-rlttMl. Dotr< Journal : Her father was bald ; nlie as thus able to print a kUs In Icag primer pen his broiv. "I'vipa , " she slglicd , "I am considerably embarrassed to discover that I am encaged o marry both the Dulto Krilz Snlgglo and to Count Hobolielin. " "How like hur mother to Jump In and buy nero of a thing than blie wants , Jujt bo- caueo It U cheap ! " mused thu old man , muc'j novcd 'Iho beautiful grl ! lighted a fresh clgaretto , convulsively the vvhlln \rriiiiKlnwr HIT Piili-nilnr. Chicago I'off Tie aoclety woman wa oliin over her calendar of thu new year nd writing down namr after each date. "Von cu , I urn already arraimliitr ni > alU. " she fiaia. "Ah , > < , " returned iho Igncrant man who lood r.earVlun > ou are throueh It will i\ni.isii iv THE OP I < v T < . Pall Mall " I don't like no kind of medlclno. " " So don't I , too. " OMi \\.vrAci : OK nvni He Yon ought not to wear your hair over your cars. I don't bollcvo voa can hear me talking. , She Perhaps I don't wish to. Captain Fitzchump ( dying to oblige ' ' , apologetically ) I can't alng a nans , don't-chor-know. Fair Hostess Really ! I so atlmlr o candor. I will not press you Captain FHzchuinp Eh 1 What ! show the days when the various ladles me at home , I suppose " "On the conti.uy , " she returned , "It vvlll show thodajs when they are not at home. " Truly , In addition to being In the swim , one baa to be a woman to understand all the liner paints of social life. MIM\G IV A III ItMNCi 11ISTIIICT. Southern Ciillfornlii a SlrlMiiKT Con- Ira M ( ( olnxkit ( 'nhl rit-lilM. "nam'sburg , Cal , Hrtrt diveloped t nuinlifr of falily good mines during fie > pasti > car , " said T J Moynahan of Cripple tri-t'K a fovv da\s auo tin the. Denver Homihllr-.m "Hut these who go theio with the Idea that tlioy will mike a fortune In mining vvlll do well to famlllnrUo themselves with all the condi tions , I VV.IH In tliat nelghboihood .1 good many ye.us. ago , and while I did not go to the placQ W1010 the mine's haveHlmi - been located , I went ns near IB I wanted to go , "Tho ground there Is all eruptive lock , as It Is In nil parts of the MOJIVP desuil. In which these mines arc located. That there Is good mineral there can no longei bu doubted , but the conditions of llfu are ex tremely oppiesslvo to white men. The hot , dry climate. Is directly opposite to that of Alaska , nnd It would by dllllciilt to di-cldo whleh of the two places would be- the most Hovcro. Hiirly Callfornlans know all about the country , as many of them liuvo ex perienced the horrors of that dent-it. Th main portion of the desert Is below ten U vol and the heat that Is rellected from the glittering expanse of burning Hand Is llku thu blast from a furnace. The suifaco of the ground Is seamed with great llssuret , extending- down , and there Isn't a droy of wnter to IK > had that Isn't hauled In For two or three months In midwinter It Is POTIblo to live In the denort , but the b U ineo of the tnnu la Ib absolutely uninhabitable. "To attempt to live , there duilng th hot heason would be n tempting of Providence , as men would bo likely to dlo like sheep from the effects , of the desiccating at mosphere. ThO desert Is strewn with the bones of animals that have perished In thu attempt to cros * It , and some of the stories told by men who have been for years familiar with thu locality Bound llku the dntalls of n pilgrimage to hell "In all of my experlenco I lm\o nnvet Foen a tilacu like It , Without a tree In ttlght nor a slpgln green thing , a guul gray plain with the whlto bones of men and animals glistening In the HUH , barely to look at the- t'dgu of It Is enough without attempting to iioss It , and much k'hs to llvo within its borders. I saw oil I wanted of It and noth ing on earth would Induce mo to go there- for the purpose of mining , I do not under stand how It Is possible fcr miner * to exist In that climate , as working In the ground must bu a strain of the severust character , as the heat on the surface- so Intense that It IH almost unbearable , and to go underground to any great depth would bo Blmply to Intenblfy the difficulties of workIng - Ing In the deep It vein of the Comntoclc. I have scon a great many peoplu who lia\o been there and their U-dtlmony Is all to the same 'purpose. ' J Jiavu been fruiucntly told by men who havn crossed parts of thu desert that the tioofx of the liorxus ar * crisped by the burning sands until the animals fall by the wayside and dlo , " Hllllllfll ljtl' IllHlllll , Chicago Tribune : "For heaven'j sake ! What have you boon ilo'nj. ' Tommy ? " "Hccn Bwlmmli ) , ' mamma , " "You bad boy ! I'll sk'rt you alive ! What on earth " "The Ice broke with me. " "Coma to mamma's anna , my darlltiK uo > ! What would mamma have done without her prccloiw , " etc- THI : IMJ///.LI : ci.un. Answers to purrlcs of January 12 : . Uioom-silc Ic , broomstick 78. C S U S P I . E 2 U I S N E P L I : D E'N ) E 73.- L A D A O I n DIVES Sn E L E U T N E S T S w. Ai unto the bow the cord Is , So unto the mm Is woman ; Though she bends him she oboya 1im ! , Though Bho diav.s him , yet Hhe fol lov.s , UHcless eac.h without the other. Rl , The Omainn IJee. t > - . U u i a n c > n I in b o n o Jf A b u H I v IJ JI o n I t o U u n y ili I A " N os t i I 1 , D ii 1 1 a r U Diamond , emerald. W I ? T O I' T i : N 13 T N A U I' T A H II 13 II O N A T 13 i In the contp.st ended Docembsr 31 foi Iho bi-st original pur/Jett Hiibmltleil to the 1'iuzlo Club , the Shakespean has been nwarde-d to Not Jlli , Plttslnirg. Tex . and t.ho Talefi from Oiakespeaio to Joslc , Haills , Mlas The volume of poems foi the best list of words In the syllablii ptuzln goes tu .Mr John H. llrannon of Hrazos , Tex Mr lirannon'y list comprised over 310 irond words. Ills list numbered over : iw but there weto n few repetitions and si-vcral i-yllablcH. nit work shows it can-fill and close application. Numerous othei llsttt wuio received , Hoveral having o\er 150 words , but .Mr Urannon was u u Inner "by several lungthH , " Her I'lulii lii | > . Chicago Post. "What arc- you going to do now ? " uskrd the brother of the belleof tlio ocason during the few minutes' rest tliat followed the holiday guj riles "Why , thtio'H only one thing to do , " she answered In astonishment. "And that Is ? " "To got BO tired that I won't mind ob- nerving Lent when the time comes. " Kometlmea there Is more roll thought given to these society problems than anyunu would It U easy to catch a colii and just as eaey to get ild of It If you comment o early in use Quo Mlnuto Cough Cure. It curcu coughs , colds , bronchlttg. pneumonia end all throat and lung troubles. It la pleauuut to take , eafe to ueo ana cure to cute. A I.nolf Alifinl. Cleveland Plain Dealer : "Wo lent OM of those spoon * ma borrowed of you , .Mrs. Ual pin , Hero are the rest " "Did you bring another cpooo to rcplac the one you lost ? " "No , ma/uni , but uia. wild I VVBB to bay to you that uuo'u gala * to have ft silver wed ding party next year and atio'lt aav * you uu ot Iho upooaa she gtta lUcu. "