THE OMAHA DAILY BEK. E. nOSKWATEtt. Killtor. rUIJMSHED BVEHY MOHN1NCJ. TEHMS 01' BWISCIUI'TION'l t ) IIjr nee ( Without Sunday ) . One Year . > M Dully lie * ana Sunday , One Year . W Rlx Months . * Three Months . . . > . * o Hunday U c , One Yeiir . . . . > * ? BMUMny lice , one Year . . . 1 * Weekly Dee. One Yca > - . * Omntm ! The Bee Hulldln ? . . _ . South Omaha : Singer Illh. , Cor. N anil 21th St . Council lllufrm 10 1'earl Strotl. Chicago twice : 817 Chamber of Commerce. Nuw Vork : Tetnil | < - < unrl. Wathlncton : 501 Kourtc nth Blrfet All communications relating to ncw and edito rial matter rliould Lc ndilrtMedi To the Kdltor UUSlNKStS L.KTTE11S. Alt I'UOlnrat letter * nnd remittances uliould b ddresned to The Dee Publishing Company Omaha. Urafle , checks , nxpress and poitotllc money order * to bo miJ ; < - payable to the order o the company. Till : IJEK I'UUUHHINCJ COMPANY. STATEMENT OP ClIlCUI.ATlON. fitalc of Neliraika. Douiilns County , si. : eic'orjje 11 TMrhuek. se-retnry of The .lice Pub llihlng Company , bclnx duly fworn. ay that th nctual number of full and complete copies of Th Dally. Mornlnx. Uvenlni ? and Hunday lien prlntci during tlie month of December , 1S&7 , was s fol lows : I . : i.J7 17 . . ' . 21.37S IS 3 . 2I.4C.I 1 t . H.6S7 SO . 7 . 21 , COS 22 . SI. " . 21,313 21 . . . . 2I.2J 9 . 21,39:1 : 2. ( m'rn'g only ) 10.6. . 30 . 21,20 ! ) It . 510" ' JJ . 2I.W 2 . 21.20 1 ! . 2I.MO 21 . 2I.M1 13 . 22217 25 . 2t. < W H . 2I.34J 50 . 21.01 1 ! . 21,677 21 . 21.63 1C . 21 , 1C I Total . . . Kfi.ST IPS returned ami unsold copies . 12,32 Net total BalM . Ml.tS1 Net tlally morasc . 2113 OEOIIOE II. T23CHUCK. Pwnrn to l.ofoto me nnd subscribed In my Yirefonce this 1st day of January. 1W8. ( Seal. ) N. P. FUlf. . Notary Public. Autonomy dousn't nit-nsure up to ovi'i llii' liiilf-ii-lonf stiuulnrd In the vljw of tlic Cubans. Tin ? Si-inliiolo rebellion In the Indian Territory iirovoil to Inus Kraut a tele ns thi' roi'LMit Kurtz robi-lllou In Ohio. Whenever sut'ci'ssfnl business men K < Into politics they nt onee bpuoinc tar gets for the ji'iilousy of the uusiieci'iH- fill iKilllielnns. Th publli' must not ronfoiinil the ox- posltlnn with the exposition concessions. The exposition management does not hold Itself responsible for any of the nets of the concessionaires. If a slfjlit of the exposition grounds and building inspires in visitors the enthusiasm displayed by the members of tlie Missouri delegation the Iowa legislators cannot come too soon. The Increasing frequency with which Andree's balloon is reported to have been seen indicates ( hat Now Year's resolutions 1mve not been kept any bet ter this year than In former years. The pass-burdened Nebraska Slate Hallway commission has returned empty-handed from Its junket to Topeka and will doubtless proceed to charge up to the taxpayers a pretty bill of mile age and traveling expenses. The free seed department of the gov ernment received a hard knock In the protest of the northwestern fruit grow- < > is at tlulr annual meeting in Port land , Ore. , last week. The free seed department has a constantly decreasing number of friends. The Sioux City Journal lias fallen In line for the exposition. Sionx Oily I already feeling the benefits of the ex position project and can , If It will , secure Htlll greater advantages from the west ern movement of people and capital it Is bound to .stimulate. In his liungnral address the new governor of Iowa declared that "w.e are more in need , just now , of men who can fai > a facts thaiv of those who can pro mulgate theories. " And there are Iowa popoerats with snlllclent discernment to feel offended over the remark. We suppose the men who held up that Walnut 11 111 street car were acting in the most perfect of good faith. They certainly believed the law against high way robbery had been suspended by the police board suspenders just us much as the liquor dealers who have been selling liquor without a license be- llfvo the license law suspended. A cindered roadway Is not a paved street. The mossbaek properly owners who want to escape paying paving taxi's by getting the city to cover the streets with cinders and keep them in constant repair at the expense of tlie whole body of taxpayers will do btter to sign the , . petitions for repavlng which they have been selfishly obstructing. Members of congress who are open to attack because of having held their seats through several terms will clip out the story of the career of the late Itonry A'llllers nnd paste It where It can be found when the campaign opens up. Mr. Vllllers represented his district In 1'arllament for continuously sixty- two years. Almost any member of con gress would be satisfied with a record of that kind. The transmlsslsslppl teachers' con vention , If energetically pushed and properly supported , can be made UK * biggest gathering at Omaha during the exposition year. An attendance of Ti.OlX ) out-of-town educators should be the minimum expected and with favorable railroad rates and ticket conditions that iiuinlK-r should be doubled. The degree of the success of this convention will depend largely upon the people of Omaha. Not only does Oovernor Ilolcomb's lawless police board assume to suspend law nt pleasure , but It lias actually the audacity to presume to reverse the de cisions of the supivme and district courts. Four Judges of the district court have ruled that there Is no such newspaper ns the Dally World-Herald , but the police board outlaws in defiance of these decisions bring In new llndings , declar ing there is such a paper. No wonder the criminal classes think they can ply their vocations lu Omaha , with impunity. I t'ANSHI ) TIIK The Immigration restriction bill jwssei the Relink' by n veto of 15 t 28. This result was expected though n larger vote against Hi > meas lire was looked for In view of the nil morons petitions that had gone to th senate against the bill. There has neve been n doubt , however , that the moas lire would pass the senate , since It hat practically tlie same support whlci passed the bill that was vetoed by Pres ident Cleveland. It is doubtless safe t ( predict that it will pass the house am will recelvo the approval of the pres ! dent , although If Mr. McKluley ndher-s to what he said 111 Ills letter of accept mice , tiiat we should continue to w.-l come to our shores the well-disposed am Industrious Immigrant , he ought to veto the measure if it reaches him. Further discussion of this bill wll probably accomplish nothing beyoiu showing Its Indefensible character. As was said by Senator Caffery of Louin Innii It piopoues to tak6 the initlathv 01 n Chinese policy. It is not American but Is a repudiation of that broad and generous policy Instituted by the founders ors of the government , through whlcl In little more than a century wo him become one of the greatest nations of tlie world. The men who founded tli ? republic imposed no educational test Ulion thosr > who came to our shores to give their labor and their energy to the upbuilding of the new nation. The.\ Welcomed , as did their successors foi more than an hundred years , all who wiiiie here to aid in developing oui resources and in increasing our wealth and power , regardless of whether they could read and write. Hut in then ; closing days of the nineteenth oenturj si-lllshness and prejudice demand a departure from the wise and beiulleent policy of the past a policy vindicated by results unparalleled in the history of mankind and politicians yield to tin. demand. Will selfishness and prejudice bi > satisfied with this one victory ? Prob ably not. The educational test will not shut out so ; many Immigrants as Its ad vocates expect and soon there will be a demand for some further rc.sttletKm. Such is the Inevitable tendency of the legislation that has received the ap proval of the senate. JJKAJ//.Y iWTTKit iro/r/ : . The death of lion. Nenjamln P.uttor- worth , commissioner of patents , will be regretted not only by the many who knew him personally , but by a. much larger number who knew of him as a us.'l'iil public man and an upright citl- xt'ii. Especially will the people of Ohio , among whom his life was passed and by whom he was highly eyteemed , mourn his loss , for In his public career he had conferred honor upon his native state. A representative In congress for several terms he achieved distinction there , while he made a most creditaMe record In his olllcial connection with the Co lumbian exposition. Mr. Iluttorworth was an wide lawyer and one. of the best political campaign speakers Ohio has produced. While always a republican lie was not so strenuous a partisan as to concur In cill party policies and h. ? held very moderate views in regard to pro tection , having , if we remember rightly , opposed the McKlnley tariff. Mr. 15ut- terworth did good service for the cause of sound money in the last presidential campaign and is said to have than con tracted his fatal illness. His life , public and -private , was without reproach and Ills career was honorable to himself and useful to his country. TtIK MUltCHAAT M.IIHNE. At the extra session of congress Sena tor ICIklns introduced a bill to amend section li02 of the revised statutes. It provided for a duty of 10 per cent ad valorem , In addition to the duties now inposed by law , on- all goods , waves ind merchandise Imported in ships or vessels not of the United States and In cases whore no duties are Imposed by aw on goods , wares and merchandise mported into the United States there shall be levied , collected and paid n duty if 10 per cent ad valorem on nil such goods Imported in ships or vessels not of the Unlt.'il States. The bill was re ferred to the committee on commerce. V discriminating duty of 10 per cent on mportntions in vessels not of the United States Is provided for In the Dingley arifT , but it does not apply to Importa tions In foreign vessels entitled at the time of such Importation ; by treaty or convention , to be entered in the ports of he United States. The purpose of the liscrlmlnatlng duty is to promote the ipbullding of an American merchant iiarine. In a recent address by the president of he National Association of Mannfac- urers , Mr. Theodore C. Search , he ox- iressiMl his disapproval of a diseriml- lating duty , remarking that such dis- irlmlnatlons wo have protested against n the case of other countries and com- nerdnl ruptures would piobably result , is the warmest friends of this policy themselves admit and very likely bring is much real harm. "There are many friendly services , " said Mr. Search , "not only in commerce , but in other fields , which OIK ; nation must ask of another mil retaliation and tariff wars have- lever proved , themselves to be good or- irolltahle things In any country. Dis criminating duties as a measure of re- Iving our merchant marine do not uoinlso n happy solution of the prob- oin. " This is a .sound view , for ther an be no doubt that such a policy as hat proposed In the Klklns bill would irove exeei'dlntfly troublesome and moiv n * less damaging to our commercial In- erests , while 'as there could be no as surance of the permanence of the pert , cy It would undoubtedly fall of Its pur- lose. What , then , shall be done for the elution of this perplexing but most bit- lortant pioblemV Mr. Search iinqnal- tledly recommends mail subsidies and muntlcs. He points out that this has been the policy for many years of other cuiintrKw and of England In particular , hat government having granted annual subventions or subsidies to shipping lues engaged In the foreign trade for lalf a century. France , ( lermany and tnly make regular appropriations In one orm or another In aid of their merchant shipping , France having been espe- hilly liberal. To adopt this course , In ho opinion of Mr. Search , "would give Mir American shipping Interests what Uiey Uavo always lacked and what all other Interests In this country have for many years past enjoyed , ji.iniely : pro tection. We should thus avoid all pro. tests nnd commercial rupture * that would follow the discriminating duties. " Tin- evidence of the good results < > f tb > policy of European maritime nntlnii * In regard to their merchant marine l. un- iiuestlnnable. but there Is a public senti ment In tlio United States atinlnst sub sidles and bounties so strong that It I doubtful whether any party will ventiir to disregard It. Unfortunately , there I perhaps no subject about which peopl gem-rally know I.-ss or care less thai that of the merchant marine and ye there Is no question of greater Impoi tance In Its bearing upon our coinnier clal progress. . ' AS TO run A'rir r/rr i.nrr. The olllee of city tax eotnmlsslone was designed primarily with n view to an equitable readjustment of the bur dens of municipal taxation and lucl dentally to bring the tux valuation ui to a point where Omaha could make i respeetabb comparison with other cille. of its class. The raising of the vahia tions of real estate nnd the Increase Ii the returns of personal and corporate property impose tlie duty upon tin council to reduce the tax levy to tin lowest ratio that will produce the reve nue absolutely needed to meet tinclly'.s expenses. Tlie new assessment roll aggregates nearly double the total assessment o last year. The taxpayers of Omaha de numd and have a right to expect that the new levy should under no clrcum stances exceed 1T mills. That can bo done only by upholding the tax com mlssioner In his assessment of the fran chlsetl corporations which for years have escaped their due share of the tax burden through scandalously low valu ations. Nobody wants to oppress nnj corporation enjoying public franchises or for that matter any other corpora tion or Individual , but the spirit am' letter of the law requiring uniformity of taxation should be enforced without feai or favor upon all alike. P .v shifting the burden of taxation upon the small property owners oui municipal authorities have well-nigh confiscated the property of the home owners and middle class who are not possessed of the Inlluence to get theli issessinents modified to just proportions. Unless relief comes this year to the great mass of taxpayers by an equalisa tion that , the now tax com mission system will prove itself a costly fraud. /8Br'i/ / , ; cMifx.irA" While representative government is not accomplishing as much for the people continental Europe as for those of Great liritnln and thcl American republics , yet the surface Indications are In some measure deceptive , and evidences may be found of real growth of republican ism. Corruption may ba found in high places , the military spirit of ambition * nonarchs may not have been completely curbed , racial differences may still pro- luce feuds and factions in parliamen tary circles from vhlch riotous dead- ocks result , but these incidents , discour aging as thy arc to true republicans , do not prove that republican sentiment s dying on the continent. He-cent incidents show that the re- Mibliean principle has a ( Inner hold on he people of at least two leading coun tries than ever before. In France , on the approach of the parliamentary elec tions , the duke of Orleans , who coin- lines In himself the pretensions of the bourbons and Orleanists , wrote a letter vprlinaiiding his followers for their dls- losttlon to foment disorder In the hope of restoring the throne , and reminding hem that "the duty of monarchists 1 o work wherever the-y can for the triumph of ideas of order , of social pres- -rvation and of liberty. " Thus the pro- ender to a lost 'throne ' plays for popu- ar favor by putting patriotism above ) ersonal advantage antV assures his fol- ewers that the republic will live as long is It fulfills Its mission. In Italy an article has appeared In a ending publication , alleged to liavo been nsplrcd by the Vatican , denouncing- nonnrchy and coinmciwling to the Ital- ans a republican form of government , [ 'his doubtless does not mean that the Catholic ch'irch Is to become the ehain- ilon of republicanism in Europe , but it it least Indicates that the support which he church has given the moimrchs and ) relenders for centuries can no longer ie relied on. Thus In both Franco and taly republicanism Is making distinct gains. Tlie apparent inefllelency of represen- ative government In Euroive Is due note o any Inherent weakness of the repub lican principle so much ns to imperfect ppllcation of the principle In connec- lon with the surviving monarchies , 'he popular love of liberty Is every- vliere stronger than1 ever. It cannot be rushed out by pompous monarchs who ) east of their -power and talk of their wn "hallowed persons. " The very ggre-sslveness of absolutism is an ssurance that the lire of rcpub- Icanlsm will continue to burn more n-lghtly In tlie hearts of the people. If tlio new method of saving hogs from lie ravages of the cholera Is as suce' ill as Secretary Wilson and the experts f the Agricultural depnrtmant believe It o be , the estimate of ? 100(000oc < ) as the alue of the discovery to the American arm cm is not extravagant. It Is estl- lat.-d that the losses to farmers by dev- htatlon of their herds amount to from ! )0,00.OUO , ( ) to ? 1H)0 ( ) ( ) < ) ,00 ! ) a year. If DO ier cent of the alllicted animals can IK * aved by a simple treatment the annual irollt thereon will be enormous. The xpv'rlmcnts conducted last yeur show ncouraglng results. German farmers a willingness o have Germany abandon Its Hiignr ountles provlde-d other nations also Ive up their bounties at the same time , n other words , the industry having ) een well established in Germany , the iermans would like to bring about vorld-wlde free trade so they can coii- rol the markets of the world In- olinltely. Ex-Judge Macomber , who says he peaks us n republican , has projected ilmself Into public notice through the lopoeratlcorgan to expound the coiutltu- lou of Nebraska and reverse the re- ' cent decision of .ludge Scott. As nn expounder of jvSlistitntloual law Hi : ' ox- i Judge Is inue'li , CJi of an authority than 1 he Is on the ncifjteo of bank wrecking. Whether his vlAftl of the validity of tlio tire and pollce' Smlsslon law are righter or wrong , then fact that h > uses the ] lirynnlto inoiunilH'ee ' to address repnb- j llcans plaevs h1n,1n [ line with the other republicans who Jlntl It necessary to air their gtlevnneifi' In the Omaha news paper fen iv. J I1'1 ' The problcn'i ' presented by the fri qtipiiey of lyncJilicgs brings forth man picposed solution1 , the favorite on being some ser ( , 'olj ' a provision for pin IshliiiJ the woolen county In which lynching occtfps. ' The governor o Maryland , In Ills recent message to hi legislature , urges a law placing money damage upon any county I which a lynching occurs , nnd this will out petition of the friends or relative of the victim. Men may possibly b taught their duty by striking at thel pocketbooks , but It would seem tha some better plan of lessening tlie fro qneiicy of lynchliigs might bo tried. The fact that during the past yea the United States has been bnylui fewer goods In foreign markets and sell Ing larger quantities than ever befor has an important bearing on the treasury deficit. It will be remembered tint when the Wilson law was creating If big dellcit Immense quantities of forelgi goods were coming Into the Amerlcai ports and sales abroad were slmultano onsly restricted. A few Iowa printers are demanding that UK books used in the schools o Iowa shall bo manufactured In Iowa As well might they demand that all the facts contained therein should be gath ered lu Iowa and all the authors con cerned in writing , Iowa school books should be natives of the state. The "patronize home industry" Mdca has some limits. Not content with the reputation It has. achieved In the divorce line , South Pa kola forge's to the front with a case o court Intervention by injunction to pre vent the marriage of a young womai without her parent's assent. Marriage by Inandamus should come next. An L'nfiiumlcil Accusation. .St. lAuls lie-public. A Standard Oil corporation lawyer lias jus rccr.lvuil $700,000 In fees In one day. Am yet thure are ; people who charge that tliest bit ; monopolies pay uo consideration to the J.oiiB-ovlt.v of Solilltrs'VlilonN. . Clljljlj-Uemr.erat. The fourteen survivors of the war of 1S12 look lonesome when they contemplate the 3,287 widows of met\ \ who fought In thai struggle. UnclOf > am , has been too llbera In paying n premium , for- January and JUUP marriages. 12 v I lie net * < ) f HVINIIC.SK | llevlvul. ItuJTalo ISxpress. The Issues of stumped paper by the Post- ofllco department are considered among the best Indications , pf the conditions of busi ness. The value ql such Issues for the quar ter ending on Mar.cJi pi , 1S97 , was the larg est In the history of the department up to that time , but tbp record for the last imar- ter of the year , $ i3p35,5U. fs nearly $2,000- 00) better. Tlie Slriij"Kiml Miill. " KocmW < jnto City. ' Therela growlrjjj , opposition In Iowa to the "fast mull" service' , so-called , as now car ried on. This feeling M not oiu-flned to the acwtrvipeiYi of the state , tbc-URh they arc voicing It quite vigorously. Many of the buslixea men are greatly dissatisfied with tno present arrangement whereby eastern mail la held In Oaicago for three hours so that fast mall trains can serve as special carrieio for the early editions of the Chicago mwnlug newspapers. KiliK-iidiinnl Test iKiiorcil. Springfield ( Mass. ) liepubllcan. Eighty-four per cent of the pure Ila- wallans and 91 per cent of the part Ha- wullans can read and write , yet the present government dare not submit to them the luestfon whether their couc-try shall be ab sorbed by a foreign , power located 2,000 miles away. Nor docs the United States government , which proposes to absorb thnm. laro do It. The annexation , If accom plished , will bo the triumph of brute force , ana It will take its place as one of the slickest steals in history. Evolution In Coltiin Imlii.strlcH. Chlcaso Chronicle. The strike of the Fall Hlver cotton upin- icrs pressages evil times for the great tex- Ilo industry In Massacrusetts. The mill owners claim and apparently with JusU- hat they are being undersold by the southern nllls , which enjoy the advantages of cheap abor and cheaper raw material. The dlf- crenco Jn cost of production Is estimated at 25 per cent , and unless this dlflorence can bo made up in some way the Now England nllls will have to go out of business. The aril/ , for once , has nothing to do with the natter , the competition Is between two sections of our own country , and so ! oug' as the southern mills have the advantages Toted It Is hardly possible that the striking spinners can gain their point. The only result of the struggle will be a complete > aralysls of the chief Industry of New Kng1- and. lit the KxiMiNltlim. St. I ul.i fllolip-Dpinoerat. It Is unforlunato that through some mis understanding the legislature made no ap propriation for a state exhibit at the Trans- mlpslssippl Exposition , to open at Omaha June 1 , and continue until November. Jlut Missouri will not bo unrepresented. A com mission has been organized and Is intelli gently at work to secure a suitable exhibit of the productions of Missouri. This Is by long odds the first among transmlsslaslppl states , and Us place In an exhibition bear ing that name should correspond. The com mission has issued an address to the people of the state asking for contributions to erect a Missouri building , where they hope to make "tho finest display of fruits ever seen in America ; to collect and place on exhibi tion meritorious products of our farms , for ests , minea and factories. " Tlio building will also serve ! as a meeting place for Mis souri visitors. A matter cf such Importance to the state needs < au immediate and liberal i csponso. i I' < > < nl Ho fin-in nnilivNpiiiicrn. . Washington IJlspatch f > Globf-D.'inorrat. ( . IJx-Secretary of Aprlpulturo Norman J. Col- man of SI. LotiU is hero opposing the Loud pound postage rate bill. iHo says there Is not n publisher of a nWSpaper In the west , erIn In the country , that would not oppose It bit terly If ho knew what Its passage would cost , and moro especially If ho were aware that not a sample copy could bo sent without a postage stamp uprjn t , to any one , either to becure advertising or containing marked ad vertisements or 16 secure subscriptions , or to exchanges , or I0 > orc'dit ' subscribers , or In political campaigns or to subscribers after the time they have paid for has expired. Mr. Cole-man insists that under the bill news papers can only ho sent at pound rates to "legitimate bubscrlbers who voluntarily or der and pay1 for the satno. " When the tlmo paid for expires each copy must have affixed upon It a postage fctamp. "How would this affect the country news papers ? " ho aaks. "Are cur country news paper publishers asleep to allow such a bill to pas3without protest ? It will cost each of thorn from ? 50 to $500 per year , besides lota of trouble. The bill also requires ev&ry publisher to sort and tlo In separate bun dles his ontlro , issue by states , cities , towns and counties In his own office , an ] put It up In United States mall sacks. Every mailing day throughout the year this work has to bp fcrformcil. " , DORS KfSION Ktr.SU f nctnnrnllxltiK KIToH * of tlio t'nlnn ol Democrat * mill l' < ii\ill l" . Kansas t'lty Ktnr < Jm ) I/roklns 'back ' over the carnrnlgn of 1S06 , It becomes a question with the tlioughful ob. aicvcr whether the democratic patty was not harmed more than It was bononted by llu union with llio populists. That H gained some votfs by fusion la true. Wit who can toll how many It lost ? In Kntuw. ? City many democrats voted for Mrltlnley or tor Palmer , who would hive given their sup port to Hryan had he not been running ns a r'ralght democratic candidate , without any entangling alliances with the populist party. In securing the ruppnrt of the latter or- RJtilza'.lon , It Is certain thnt llryan alien ated a largo number of democrats who had tit sympathy with the popullstlc doctrine and who fcnre-d that the agrarian clement which came to tlio aid of the dcmorta would exert an Inllucnco upon the adminis tration , In the event of Dryati'g olorllon. Had the democrats formulated n platform In 1S96 dc-clarlns for frco trade- and bimetal lism ami rcfuacd to enter Into coalition with the populists their chince" for success would have bcon Improved , and , oven In the event of defeat , the party would , at IP.II.I. have bron In first class shape for the canvas - vas of 1000. lu the last national campaign thcro were plenty of dem-ocrata who were attracted to Mr. Hryaa and who- believed In lib personal Integrity who , nevertheless , voted -against him because- they didn't llko the extremists toy whom he was surrounded. The process of fusion U always bound to ho accomplished at the sacrifice of principle. Each party to the alliance Is forced to con cede sonuithlng which It should hold Invlo- la-tc > . The object , of course , is material gain , not moral achievement. Tlio scheme Isto attain power and make euro of the cfTleos. H Is a matter of 'bargain ' nnd sale and is always disgusting to honest men win are devoted to political doctrine * for the good which Is In them. The effect of fusion la Inevitably demoral- IzliiK. In Kanpsa it hns practically wlpe'J the democratic party out ot existence. In several of the cwithern states It has anni hilated the republican party and In the na tion It has bcnefltted neither the democracy nor the populists party. The people's party organized at St. Louis Is wise to proclaim as onti of Its cardinal articles of faith that H will keep In the middle of the road am will tinlto with no other organization. I can do no Icrs If It has anything wort ! contending for and In this act It lus ehowi more honesty and sagacity than the demo er-atlc party , which has suffered Incalculabl harm by K.s weak and corrupt -disposition > to go Into any fet : of a deal or a co.illtlot which afforis it a promlso of securing con trol of the spoils. JHt.VT WUJIltV C'MHIS. \Ovc-l Siirlnl 11 < > vrliirii < ( irmvliiK ; li Uu > HUM * . .St. Louis Globc-nomocrat. Somw curiosity will be excited by the an nounceiudi * . cf a new fedcratljn to be com poacd of "Don't Worry Clubs. " It first appeared pearod rather spontaneously in an costcrt city and sccmn likely to receive cci oldora lion. The articIcD of faith , ns far as an nounccd , are to the effect that worry nukes matters worse and should therefore bo d'a ' carded ; that courage and presence of niln. should take Its place ; that amrng Us evllo are a waste of vitality and Impairment of Uu mental f.icultieu . and that where It is In dulged happiness Is ImpcAvlblo. A now member is Impressed with the duty of at tacking worry as a cuaray , but ono that cai bo driven out by persistent effort. Advice is given as to cultivating a graceful spirit fcr what Is possessed on helping and comforting neighbors an ! overcomltvj cumltles anJ aver sions. Mere or less of ere Is admitted to bo the condition of existence , but the way to meet It Is cheerfully and bravely , remem bering how much of good t-hero In ki life anil avoiding frctfulncss as en evil that writes an unpleasant mcstuge on the face lowers the health , narrows the mind ani adds beyond mo'-suro to the weight of over } burden. Americans In general are of a nervous temperament and may need some calming Influence of this kind. Tnere Is no bettct temperament when regulated , fcr one of itn features Is high vitality. Some races and nations heed nothing In the form of "don't worry" organizat-lonu. The Turks tolte things as they come- and are quietlstlc to a degree. Theirs Is the apathy cf fatalism and a civilization the world lias outgrown. The lollander apparently never worries. Nature M rewarded him with a solid physique and a capacity for composed enjoyment. His country la a model of peace , comfort anu cleanliness , but Uien It Is mot very large. \s the possessor of a whole continent and .raveling c i fast trains Instead of canals ils tranquil chaructcrlsMcs might change. \Vorry la not unknown In England and thcro are Frenchman who worry when there d nothing exciting to worry about. But It .5 understood that the new federation la In- ended especially for Americans. In establishing this order no doubt , the act will be kept in view that there Is a lohie discontent which always has and always should effect the human mind ; -but - another name for this is aspiration for that vhlch is higher and better. It conduces to mpplness and has no affinity to worry. There are philosophers tell us that dls- outent of the baser kind is due to a hlmorlcal Idea frf the happiness of others. Franklin warns those who are eager to be omcthing else than what they are -that every Ituation In life has Inconveniences , and that be change mcst desired la often for the vorso. Another dwells on the lack of order as the chief cause of worry. A passage from lelen Hunt Jackson will bo of service to he new clubs : "Men call .fretting a minor ault a foiblo- and not a vice. 'Hut ' there s no vice except drunkenness which can o utterly destroy the peace and happiness f a home. " That Is a grave charge , but o coutiovert It would be no easy task. A ew club Is sometimes a new worrlmcnt , but t Is hoped the variety just launched will scape that result. UIUSS1A. SKKS TUB I.IUIIT. taken Oolil tin * Soli * Stiiniliiril of Viilur In flu ; Kmplri. . Philadelphia Heconl , For the past twenty years the Ilusslan overnment hos beta preparing Itself for the ofiolto establishment of the finances of that e-untry on a gold baslii. 1ie final steps have ow been taken , and It has been officially en ounced trat gold will henceforth bo the Dlo standard of value to the Ilusslan cin- Iro. The new unit of currency will be u ublo containing 0,7742 grams of pure gold , qual Invuluo to 01.45 cents In United Staters old. Silver will be issued for subsidiary coins nly , and ono rubla will ccnatln 18.02 grams f pure sliver , ch heretofore. The State Hank f Ilu&ila will bo , an heretofore , the only rod it Institution which will Ci.ivo the right o issue t't'ito credit notes exchangeable at jar with gold la the State bank nnd all Ha tranches. It may Is uo mich notes to an nlimltcd amount. 'Doth ' gold and credit otps are made legal tender to an unlimited mount. Tno issues of the credit notes by the Sbato > ank , if needed by the expansion of com- lerce , will ba KO regulated that Km emount f mitHHndlng notes will not bo allowed o exceed by moro than 300,000,000 rubles 10 value of gold coin and gold bars depc ! to3 n the State bank for their rcdomptlco. The mount of oulstcndlnK fitato credit notes December fi last In bank und in circulation as 1,008,000,000 rubleo , and the amount of eld In coin and In bar.s in the bank was ,100,000,000 rublcfl. The exchange of ntate rodlt notes at par with gold U guaranteed , n addition to the gold reserve , by the whole tale property about 000,000,000 ucres of orcst anl 15,000 mllea of railroads. boMJea ; overnment latidii , etc. Silver in the State > ank will not hu Included In the metallic cfiervo of the bank for tlio purpose of re- cmptlon. Silver hai been cc/Incd to the amount of 0,000,000 lublcs , ani the character of lEio egal tender of the ellver rubles has not been langed In the recent laws. Until It shall 10 decreed otbcrwixo , silver coins will bo n l-gal tender for all taxes end duts to the government in an unlimited amount , but not BO between private Individuals. The Hue.ilnn government will pay all Ha loans and Inte'r- rst in the money in which mud loana were contracted , according to the tenor of the con tract. The experience ct Russia bia been almost precisely tha experience of the United States. Thct government , Ilka aura , Jicn been ombar- ruEded by war debts at > l by tbo cmLs.ilon of a gruat volume ) of legal tender paper cur rency. Kuli Is also a largo producer of Dllvcr. The means by which currency reform hau been ( 'cccmplLsbed In Itusslu may bo studied with profit by our own alatcaraeu , IIUYAX AS AX OHATOIU III * ItrmnrliitMiI'rnflMrnrr tin n Sli'lHlit-tif-Mnntli Performer. fit 1'mit I1..m-rr . I TIM Mr. llryan. In his address to the students of the State tmhersltjld < them that the essential qualification ! * ot an cintor were that he "should know he wn * talking about and believe what he said. " Tried by I tbls test the Hey Orator has about as much i claim to the title as a sicltht-of-hatid ; per former In a dime tnu. eum. On his favorite subject of money and finance , on which In li.n set about to Instruct his auditors a ! prices ranging from 2. < cents to fl a head he probably knows lest of what he talks about than any man of matuie > year.i In America , engaged In a similar Norntlon , unless It be iR.-.ntlus Donnelly. And If he actually be lieves wlint he says , whatever creilt may be given to his sincerity must -ho denied to his Intelligence. Ily JiU own criterion he Is not an orator at all. Hut In the papular con ception of the term that Is all ho I * , lie Is n plausible and eloquent d-clalmer. He has the superficial gifts and graces of oratory , but none of Its higher or moral elements. Fcr he lacks faculty. He Iscks honesty , lie India truthfulness. He- lacks knowltdse. He Is a deft spinner of cfltchwords. of phrases that catch the oar of the groundlings. His arguments are- tricks ofcrhal prestidigitation Kve-ry .spe-ech .he has ever undo on thi ! ! qiiMitan cinci- his theatrical debut before the- Chicago convention with his erras of gold and crown of thorns has been full of proofs of the accuracy of this characterization. Take- the one- delivered at the 1'coplc'a church cci Wednesday the same- old oae which he han rec ted from hundreds of plattorrr.i ] In his peripatetic propagandlsm of free silver. " 1 propr.v . , " he said , "In show you that the geld atundard Is larceny by law. " He * would bring proof that would convince hu auditors of this. Now , how did he prove It ? First , lie alleged in a rouridaboutviy that gold had appreciated In va'.ue by reason of Its reiat'vo scarcity , nnd therefore had Increased in purchasing power. Hut where.3 \ Hie proof that gold IMS appreciated In value ? , Thnt Is the very proposition to be proved. He quietly assumes the truth of the proposi tion he- promised to provo and then affects to have proved It. And with this assumption that he lias proved It by asserting It , ho noes on to say : "We condemn , the gold utandarrl because It Rlvra us a rising d-olMr" that te , a dollar which has appreciated In value because of Its oearclly end tlmi adds , as if he was clmply giving another name to the Mine thing , "a dollar of Increasing purchasing power. I tell you ( bit a rUlng dollar Is a il'ihoniY-t ' dollar. " Thus , by a trick of am bidextrous word-shuinitiK , ho substitutes for the original proposition , which Is universally denied by his opponents , that the valueof the dollar has been Increased by the scarcity of gold , the far broader and In some re-spccts entirely distinct and unrelated proposition that the purchasing power of the tolMr has Increased , which under proper limitations mo one denies. Xo ono denies It Is everywhere rccog1- nlzod as one of the most beneficent advance's of modern civilization that the purchasing power of the dollar has Increased In refer ence to many things. You cnn buy more shore nnd clothes , more books and news papers , moro light and heat and steel rails , and moro of a thousand things with a given number of dollars today than could bo bought with the same sum twenty-live or fifty years ago. The luxuries of the rich have become the ordinary comforts of the poor. N'ot because gold has appreciated in value , but because , iu nearly every department of Industry , ono man Is now able to do the work of four or five , and In some cases of twenty or moro men a generation ago. If , by reason of this vastly Increased e-lficiency given to human labor by Its Increased coni mand of the powers of nature , the poor man can now purchase a suit of clothes or a pair of shoes or almost any other manufactured article for a third or a quarter or n tenth of what the same things would have cost him thirty or forty years ago , Is that rob bery ? Is It larceny which now fills the cottage - tago of the Intelligent workingman with car pets and furniture and pictures and books and musical Instruments and comforts of every sort which were beyond the reach of all but the rich fifty years ago , and in many cases not purchasable with the wealth of kings ? If it Is through larceny that this beneficent revolution has been wrought , who has been robbed ? Not the workman whose skilled labor is employed in the processes of pro duction , fcr the wage of his labor la the one ? thing that has not fallen. In ono sense labor is the fundamental measure of values. A given unit of skilloj labor commands as many dollars on the average now as thirty or forty years ago , while these dollars com mand a vastly Increased quantity and range of the comforts and luxuries of life. We have in these two facts a complete demon stration that it is not the appreciation of gold which has reduced prices , but tlio in creased elllciency ot numan labor. And no ono knows this better than JUr. Uryan. For no ono lias ever stated more eloquently than he the stupendous progress of labor-saving Inventions as the cause of the reduced prices of most of the products of labor. 'Hut that was 'before ' he took It Into Ills head that the truth was not the road to political popularity. Ills congres sional speeches afford the proof that In this case , at least , ho known what ho Is talking about , but does not believe what ho says. We might multiply examples. Hid ho be- ilevo what ho said when ho reiterated that ten thousand times exploded falsehood that the bill which dropped the silver dollar from the coinage in 1S73 was surreptitiously ; > asscvJ ? Did ho believe what he said when : se assorted that at the last election 39 per cent of the people voted for bimetallism ? Hy 1,000.000 majority they voted for Mc- ICinley on a platform which pledged him and ils supporters to the maintenance of the ; old standard , and which distinctly ropudl- ited any kindi of bimetallism which was not ased on the co-operation of the great com- nerclal powers of the earth. Hy a million majority they condcmnoJ Mr. Bryan's achcmo o ? a monometallic silver standard , which It s one of his tricks of verbal legerdemain to pass off on his hearers aa bimetallism. I , AMI < > T1II2K\VIK. Hoarding house keepers will bo glad to earn that California will probably produce :00,000,000 : pounds of prunco this year , Tlio payment of a poll tax Is not a pre requisite of suffrage in .Norway , but by re cent legislation vaccination la. No vlru.-i , no voto. Mrs. Susan IS. Wattles , the KaraH pioneer who died the other day , was the widow of ho famous Augustus Wattles , the cloao rlend and co-worker with John Drown In ho "underground railway. " William < M. Slngei'ly , president of tho-Chrat- - m' Street Natloral bunk of Philadelphia , which recently failed , la Of year.i old , but ucitil recently bis shown in Bigt : of advanc- ngago. Ho 6aa been owner , cJltor and pub- Isher of the l'.illadelphla Record for twenty years. Nellie McDonnell , a young and pretty girl , IBS been to two monthu in the lenltcntlary for stealing ribbons and other locorntlons from tombs In the Greenwood emotory , Hrooklyn. She told thu judge hat It was a ehaino to let such nlco finery go to wcstc. The grand master of tlio Free Masons of eru. who , according to ( Irand Master Suth- rland of New York , has committed Masonic .ulcldo by issuing on edict discarding thu ilblo co a baste for morality for the Mancnx under his jurisdiction , beam the coatradic- ory r.amo of Chrlutian Dam. John Ilrown .cf Wichita , Kan. , o famous uko v/alk'st ' , was chcwn , an account of the 'miner I'ark cake walk in which W. K. Vaci- lorbllt vi a iai.l to have coma off ICio prize vlnner and after reading It wrote * Mr. Van- lorbllt a challenge to a cake walk conteat In Vlchlta any tlmo thU winter for SSOO u ide , Mr. Vanderbllt's acceptauco has not ot been received. Ocorgo Julian Harnc-y , who d-lcd tbo other lay at the > U'o of 80 , was the lai-t of the JngllHh chartist leaders and had ber-n coo of the mcst active. Ho allied the Northern itar , the organ of ttoo movement , and was 'in ' he forofrcnt of all thu largo demonstrations. "or the last few years ho had acted no ro- lewer for the Nenvcsstlo Weekly Chronicle find only this year WB.I a recipient of a tCJtl- nonlal from admirers. John 0. Carllulei IraerlbM "Now Vork" op- lojlto hto name In the hotel rcgbiterH , thus rankly admitting that ho Itou cast his lot with the greater mutropollH. llooas formed an advantageous law partnership lr New fork and the prcupocUi are that the ox- ccrotary will make moro moimy from Ills law ipjctlco in ono yean than hb salary for the viaolo term of his service &n u cabinet olBcer. Mr. Carlialo Is tbo picture of wealth. , VOICM-J OP THU MMU.YSK.A MIKSS Kearney Hub- The Worlil-Hfrald ay.i th-M "lnrdiy within tlio recollections ot Onuhi m.-rchaiits hai the holiday irncjo of ISjJ been equaled in former years Certainly II ' .ins been far ahwd of any year elno 18SJ " , This Is a projncrUy Item that needs na con-incut. I I Kearney HubOtrmh.1 stock ynrdfl had n ' blR business during ts 7. Receipts of Mtlla I larsely exceeded any year sinceI'tw ' except j 1SII3 nnd 1S9I. Hogs showed an Increase ol iover rs.OOO , and sheep Jumped from 19 ! > , l ! > 2 ; to 409.501. It IB s-ifo to pmllcl that In 1S-.18 thereccivts will exceed those of any pre vious jrar since the establishment of Ilia jards. Columbus Times : The election of county assessor for a term oj two years an ef ficient , thorough business msti resp"iislbl for a competent dinuty In each township , would systematize- down to business methodi and principles , n business now pretty Inxlj conducted , and bo a long stride In advatKi of the present nvnner of running thai trune'.i of the icvenuc department of this ol any other state' . j. . York Times : tf wo have another gon\ f year a good many York county farmers will have money to loin , and In n few years \o will be carrying our own leans. York county will acme * day'havemiiicy enough to comlii"t Its own business and some to space to her neighbors. A country llko tills cannot al ways bo poor. Some ImllvUunln will bo poor wherever they are , but the majority of petyle- hero will have plenty , and nuuy of the most thrifty will have money to spare. Schuylcr Herald : The arbitrary adoption of the section lines ns the P.rpper plare to locate country reads Is proving" itself to have been not alone a very foolish , but a very costly rcte. Following a section line no mat. tcr whether It leads across n steep bluff , big ravines or Innumerable creeks U the blgce-sl piece of folly ever committed by n stale or ganization. In Colfax county wo expend about $8.000 annually to maintain our bridges , which if theroado could be rc-locateM along natural road llcics could | 3 reduced to ono- third of this ThcV too , the imnunt expended fcr read work would bo materially reduced , and an attempt might reasonably bo made 1'n establishing permanent roads. As it now Is , the amount cammlly expended anJ for which nothing ! s to bo seen at the expira tion of the year , la an Item which Is bound to Increase ns the traffic on the dirt road bccomea heavier. The Herald is of the opln. Ion that even now , nt this late day. It would he a good scheme to provide for the vaca tion of certain o.'ctlon line roads on certain conditions and the reads laid out where they would naturally belosii ; . H Is no wonder at all that taxes In our county arc so excess ively heavy. Tlio Herald will endeavor to ascertain the number of bridges which tie taxpayers of the county are compelled to malntaio , If such eMta can bo obtained. There Is nothing so damaging to a country aa being rompe'lled to levy a heavy tax. The bridge and road tax may be- reduced , but only by the er.ange of meat of the present roads and tue road laws. It can bo do-no , though. l.At'Clll.VC 3I.VTTK1I. Cincinnati ICnqiilrer : Cholllc Would you helli-ve It that 1 wa throate-ned with se > rlou binln trouble , when I W.-IH yourg ? Ilollte Indeed ? How did you Bliccce-d In having- removed ? Detroit Jonrnnl ; "In the ovjnliw , " remarked - marked t"ic observer of men nnd thing * . " , i Klrl will tell you Hint she carries her hear ; upon her sleeve ; the next day she -will carry her lunch in a music roll. " Chleigo Tribune : Jlr. Shnckwell My dear , Isit your children or my children that are fiuairellng ? Mrs. Shnckwell ( listening n moment ) Neither. Tno children of your wife's llrst husband are qunrrojlnif with the chil dren of my first husband's first wife. New York Journal : Hewitt So you nro back from Kurope. Do you enjoy these ) trips : icros the ocean ? Jpwett No ; something always comes up to mar my pleasure. Indianapolis Journal : "Alas ! " sighed the oyster , as he felt himself being conveyed from the pinto on the end of the tablcknlfi- . "alas ! Tils Is tin end to all my hopea of getting Into gcod society. " Washington Star : "Cheer up. penny , " said Uncle Kben , "even If yotih eloesn't git all yob 'marines you wants. Ue man ilat gltH mo'n Ills share o' mlnco pie Is gwlneter git ino'n his share , o' dyspepsia. " Puck : She Yo.'t those are expensive ma- teriila. but I asi/jo with l\onlus ! : "Costly thy habit as tl ' purse can buy. " Her Friend That was his advice to a young man. wns It not ? Shi- Certainly ! Xo man would find It necessary to give such advice to a woman. Indianapolis Journal : "Did I understand you to say that your Income Is not sulH- cient for your expenses ? " Inquired Mr. Hap- plgo's father. "Not at all. My Income , can meet them without any difficulty. Hut It always gets the worst of the encounter. " Detroit Free Press : "What are you treat. Ing me for , doctor ? " "Loss of memory. Ton have owed mo a bill of JSO for two years. " Chicago Tribune : "I remember once tell ing a boy , " Bald Uncle Allen Sparks , "that If ho would takes 'Kxcelslor ! ' for his motto ho would Ftieceed in life. That was ten years ago. I saw him hist week. " continued Undo Allen , plaintively. "Ho told mo ho had fol- 'owed ' my advice and was now an elevator boy at a salary of $5 a week. " Cincinnati Enquirer : "Pnt. yon complain of bpliig out of work , nnd yet I heard that c'oal dealer offer you a Job to drive one of his earta , not ten minutes ago. " "Vis. SOT ; but I'm dommed If I'll frcczo mesclf to death to keep alive , begob ! " Indianapolis Journal. "What In thunder do you mean , " asked the city editor , "by comparing the air to frozen quinine ? " "I meant to say , " said , the now reporter , with proud humility , "that It was blue ? cold , " KORECIXJSimE. Puck. I.told her that , as man of Inw , Love's side I should defend That In our case there was no flaw , We'd light It to the end. A frown spread o'er her dimpled face , She paced the polished floor "Ah ! pardon me , what Is this case ? You know I have a score ! " "f.ove versus Phyllis , there's the scrips , ' A kiss beneath your ncso ; In fact , a mortgage on your lips ! " S.ild "Please " Phyllis : foreclose ! THU IIUMTI.KUIS. Way out In Cherry county , On the North houp river bank. A little mound on thei candy ground Marks the gruvo of Ilnrd-Up Hank , There never was a braver coul And ho always used to boast That on the day de-atli came his wny It would find him at liU post. Now Hank and hl.ipard were "Hustlers ; " Nothing bothered them a bit , For there wasn't n brand In ull the l/inj They e'ouldn't counterfeit. T.-.lH worrli-d nil the stockmen That ranged the. eattle there. And every man thought of a plan To dorm the foxy pair. I.ato one summer morning While preparing for a Job , Hoth of the beiys heard n certain nolsa That caused their hearts to throb It wasn't nn aim-el's whisper , Iul ! tbo crack of a forty-four. And tno Kiillant Hank , wo tall and lank , 1'YJI to rlso no moro. Ills partner skipped the country- It was the proper thing to do ; If n < > cn iigaln by the uattlunicn Ho would din ivxIHi bin boots on , too. In c-oiic-luilliiK t'ow thn ! story I will say that It Is to , "C.iuro . Hank nn1 mu was pards. you sue , An' I reckon I ought tor know. " I. W. A Royal Baking Powder hot bis = cuit is the lux = uiy of eating.