Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1898, Image 1

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Little Anxiety Manifested by Officials at
Washington ,
Ho Apprehension of Another Outbreak is
Haborod by Authorities ,
Manufacturen and Financiers Somewhat
Excited by Riotiug.
MclClnley nnil the CnMnct Meet mill
UliiciiMn the iMttintlon CriilMe at
the Suiinilrun HUH A Ilc-
lutlou til Culm.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. The Cuban scare
had. subsided entirely today and little Inter
est or anxiety was manifested In It In official
circles. President McKlnley was unusually
frco from callers and even the offlccseekers
i\voro not on hand In their usual numbers.
The first congressional caller was Senator
Sowotl of New Jersey , who came nt 0'30
o'clock. Shortly before 10:30 : o'clock Repre
sentative Orosvenor of Ohio and Senator
Platt of Connecticut put In an appearance ,
but none of these visitors discussed foreign
affairs with Mr. McKlnley.
A perfect calm prevails In Havana , ac
cording to the dispatches received by Senator
do Lome , the Spanish minister , last night
Bii'i this morning. One of these dispatches
was filed at 1 o'clock this morning by Secre
tary General Congosto , which says : "The
tumult lion not been continued. Tlio calm Is
preset veil throughout the city. I believe the
normal condition will bo perfectly estab
lished Fortunately , there h not a single
casualty that wo have to regret. "
Aside from this dispatch tbo minister Ins
lecclvcd a number of minor dispatches , all
Indicating an absence of dl&turbanco and that
no anpro'iciiblon is felt by the authorities
Ho has given directions that every develop
ment bo communicated to him and , In view
of this fact , denied a feport that there vns
any outbreak yesterday , saying any such out
break would bo communicated to him and
that the report doubtless arose from a de
layed cablegram based on the outbreak pre
viously reported or else that there was some
minor disturbance of ruch a trivial charac
ter that It did not get to the attention ot
the official heads of the Cuban govornmoit.
Regarding reports tint the rioting In II.i-
vana had caused apprehension among manu
facturers , financiers and o'her" . that busi
ness affairs might bo unsettled by fcara of
fo-olgn complications and that they hid
wired the president askng him to withhold
the Ecndlng of war shirs to Cuban waters and
to use his Influence to prevent Inflammatory
speeches In congress , it can be stated
authoritatively tint up to It a. m. today no
dispatches on this subject have been received
at the White House.
Later In the day Scnor do Lome received
a cablegram dated Havana , 10 a. m , saying
prevailed at that fcour and
- thattranqulllty
that no further trouble was expected.
Assistant Secretary Day came over to the
Whlto House from the State department before -
fore the cabinet meeting and lelt a telegram
that had been received from Consul General
Leo. H was sent from Havana during the
middle houra of the night ani while It re
ported the existence there of much excite
ment and chronicled the attacks on the new s-
papers In continuation of the day before and
the participation of some .soldiers In the
demonstrations , It was said to convey an
ossuranco ot pence and quiet
When the cabinet met at 11 o'clock this
dispatch formed the basis of a short dis
cussion. The members of the cabinet pro
fessed to feel ratlsflcd with the situation.
The senate resolution calling for Informa
tion as to what had been done by the presi
dent to safeguard American Interests In
Havana during the period of the ilotlng was
received from the State department and was
also briefly talked over with a view to
determining the nature of the reply to be
The main subject under consideration be
fore the cabinet , It Is declared , was the
prospects of the Hawaiian annexation treaty.
The North Atlantic squidron which has
been gathering at Hampton roads Is to sail
southward tomorrow. Lest there should bo
a misunderstanding of the purpose of the
cruise , wlilch has already been described In
the orders as one ot evolution and drill
planned many months ago , the orders under
which the vessels will proceed have been
made public , and taken In connection with
tbo department's orders to Admiral Slcard ,
the Navy department says , show that the
squadron's movements have no reference to
Thceo orders are made by Admlwl Slcard
and are Usued In Identical form to the com
manders of ( tie various ships making up the
squadron. They are dated at Port ilonroc ,
January 11 , on board the flagsblp New York ,
and begin as rollouts ;
Sir : The squadron Is to bo prepared to
Ball froni H'impton Iloads , weather nnd con
tingent circumstances permitting , with for ten knots , nt 10 a , m. on Satur-
iliiy , January 15 , for the vicinity of tiie 13iy
ToitUKus , oft the coast ot Tlorldi. Vessels
will unmoor In the morning VV.UCM unless
signal Is made to the contrary. Squadron
under sailing oidcrs at S n. m.
The order of ships will bo : Tlrst division ,
Js'cw York , Iowa , making the first 8i.ntlon :
Massachusetts Indiana , making the second
section Second division , Texas , first cec-
tlon , The Tern will proceed singly to Key
"West unless otherwise directed.
The New York Iowa and Indiana will
proceed from Hampton llonds to the first
sea rendezvous oft Carrltuck , North
Carolina , latitude 630 N , , longitude
75.W W. , In about fifteen fathoms
of vvatei , the lighthouse bearing W.
0 , W. 'i W. , distant twenty-five
nillea , and wilt remain In that vicinity ,
weather permitting1 , until noon Sunday , the
10th. They will then proceed to a second
rendezvous oft Capo Fear , Nortn Carolina
In eighteen fathoms of water. Trying Pan
shoal light bearing north , distant about
nineteen miles , and remain In that vicinity
until about 0 p , m , Tuesday , January IS ,
when they will procceil to Dry Tortugas ,
communicating possibly by some light-
Urat vessel with Key West In passing that
It Is expected that the Massaclisetta will
le-uvo the navy yard on Friday , the. Hth
Inst.and the Texas on Saturday , the 15th
lust. The Massachusetts will endeavor to
join the flag first on the Currltuck rcn-
tenet oys , and II tbaa \ mJsscd then on the
Cnpo roar rendezvous. It 1 hardly ex
pected that the Texiu will be nble to Join
the flag on the Currltuck rendezvous ; there
fore , directly the Massachusetts Joins there
( prior to noon of the ICth Inst. ) the squad
ron will not then await the Texas , but pro
ceed to the Cape Fear rendezvous nnd there
It Is expected that the Toxaa will bo nble
to go In by C p. m. of Tuc lny , January IS.
Should the Mu achu ctts miss the flag
nt both rendezvous or should any ship be
separated from the flag by weather or other
contingencies , the next , third nnd final ren
dezvous-will bo the linrbor of Dry Tortugas ,
where they will nn.alt the flag.
"While the pquaJron Is on the Florida
tlrlll ground , which will Include occasional
nnchor.ago In Dry Tortugas harbor , the post
and telegraphic address , will be Key West.
The nbovo dates for sailing nnd rendez
vous nrc subject to change , due to the com
pletion ot repairs to vessels nt New Yorker
or to heavy weather. Should the Brooklyn ,
Maine or oilier vessels participate In the
drills on the Dorlda drill grounds detailed
orders will be given. It Is not Intended
Hint any of the battleships or nimorcd
cruisers ( except the Maine ) shall enter the
harbor of Key West except by special order
ot the commnndcr-ln-chlcf or In case of
emergency , S1CAHD ,
Head Admlinl Commanding United States
Nnval Force on the North Atlantic Sta
General Leo's cablegram , It Is also learned ,
stated that while he did not nee any Indica
tions of the resumption of the riots , yet la
view of the Inflammable situation In Havana ,
ho believed there might be further trouble.
He added that he would not bo surprised at
another outbreak. None of the disturbance ,
ho reported , had been directed ngalnst the
United States or American citizens. The cab
inet discussion showed that the president ,
while decided not to send a war ship to Cuba
at present , does propose keeping one or more
vessels within a reasonable distance of Hav
ana , 89 that one of our ships rray reach there
within six hours in the event ot a sudden
call for Its presence from General Lee.
The last newa for the day from Consi'l
General Lee came to the State department
at Z o'clock and was at once sent to the
White House. It went to confirm the pre
vious reports , and wao a simple statement
by General Lee that at noon today all vvJo
quiet in Havana.
One ot the dispatches received today stated
there would be no objection to the presence
In Havana of Miss Clara Barton of the Na
tional Red Cross , the authorities being ready-
to extend to her the same privileges as those
given to cny other citizen.
NORFOLK , Va. , Jan. 14. The United
States steamship New York finished coaling
at Sowcll's Point this morning. There h-ive
b3cn no developmenta and there Is no move
ment at present among the ships.
i\siJi/rs : TO A si'AMSii COI < OMI , .
Havana Viol ) SIni > N Illw Puce nnil Tears
HlH CloUiiiipr.
NEW YORK , Jan. 14 A dispatch to the
Woild from Tampa , Tla , s-iya : Among tut
passcngern from Havana was W. L Fulton ,
a cattle dealer. When the riot started In
Havana he was near the first nenspapei
ofllco attacked. He saya the mob was led
by officers of the Spanish volunteers who
had become cmraged over the autonomist
articles In the papers. They attacked the
offices of L-a Discussion and La Dalro do la
Marina , totally wrecking them. News ot the
riot reached Blanco and ho sent officers from
his personal abaft to quell the mob. There
was a platoon of regulars In charge of a
Spanish colonel , and as soon as he opoke
the mob recognized him and made a demon
stration against him. Words ensued and
some of the volunteers slapped the colonel's
face. He wao then seized and his badge torn
off and trampled on the ground , the crond
all the time crying , "Vivo Spain. " The
colonel's uniform WES torn off. The crowd
then proceeded to the office of La Lucha , a
semi-government organ , sm-iehed Its presses
and threw the typo Into the street. El
Reconcentradoes suffered the same fate a
few moments later. This was all done be
cause these papers favored autonomy. About
three minutes before the Olivette , on which
Fulton culled , left , a pajecnger was brought
aboard who said ns he wan leaving he heard
that an American woman had been shot dur
ing the riot.
Hit * Ilnth Local a ml I'oi-elKii 1'ulillea-
tioiiH Coining in iVInlls.
HAVANA , Jan. 14 A decree has been pub
lished prohibiting the publication in dally
newspapers of cable dispatches without pre
vious censorship and without twelve hours
notice of their receipt. In addition , In future ,
the postoffico here will detain national and
foreign newspapers not having been pre
viously censored. Publishers are warned
that they are under military Jurisdiction.
AnoUiPr edict will bo Issued forbidding the
gathering groups of more than four per
sons cither In the streets or lu the stores.
Ofllccr Surrender * .
HAVANA. Jan. II. M. Molina , the chief of
staff ot the Insurgent general , Majla Rod
riguez , has. It Is announced , surrendered to
the Spanish authorities.
General Garrardo has Issued a manifesto
announcing his wllllngnoca to do everything
possible to bring about peace In the district
of Sanctl Splrltus , province of Santa Clara ,
It Is announced from Spanish sources that
Lieutenant Colonel Tegon of the Insurgent
army has been killed.
e the American Legation.
MADRID , Jar. II. The police precautions
have been redoubled In the vicinity of the
United States legation and around the resi
dence of the United States minister , General
Stewart L. Woodford.
vorn ox THU iitui.'nii
' ) | | | ( ( o Deelile Hie Date of Their
.National Convention.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 14. The populists ccn-
eluded their work in , this city by giving out
tin * details for setting In motion their novel
plan of taking referendum vote of the rank
and file of their party. The questions sub
mitted are : "What date Is jour choice for
holding a natlrnal convention for the nomi
nation of presidential candidates : Monday ,
July 4 , 189S ; Friday , May 20 , 1899 ; or Thurs
day , February 22 , 1900 ? " The ballots nrc
similar to the Australian ) ticket and will bo
polled by the local committee- and populist.
press ,
Milton Park of Texas , chairman of thd na.
tlonal organization committee , and George
Washburn ot Massachusetts , member of
the national executive committee , vvcro
amcog the last to leave the city , Both men
vvero highly pleased with the prospect of
unification of their party , and a prospective
settlement of a clamor for a new party.
A majority of tbo national committee has
expressed Itself In favor of oa early confer
ence for adjusting the differences and out
lining a policy for 1900 ,
The leaders of the middle-of-the-road
- - - cle
ment expressed themselves today us desir
ous that the * work ot reorganization bo con
ducted strictly within the party , so as to
merit the approval ot the national commit
tee. - J
Action Taken that May End the Great
Engineers' Strike.
Committee of HIP Allloil Trn tics'
Unions Decides to Wltlulrnw the
Do in mill for Port-Hltfht
Itiinrn U'orU. i
LONDON , Jan. 14. The committee of the
allied trades union on the Initiative of the
amalgamated engineers has decided to with
draw the demand for forty-eight hours of
labor per week , and the workmen's ofilclals
hope the emplojcrs will withdraw the lock
out notices and thus end the great labor
The decision of the committee of the allied
unions mccns the withdrawal of the strik
ers' principal demand and the Immediate or
early end of the struggle. The statemeiito
of the strikers' representative , however , arc
conflicting , as while the decision mentioned
at Glaa-
above was announce emphatically
gow and In Manchester , where the employers
were advised to that effect , Secrtary Uarncs
of the London branch of the Amalgamated
Society of engineers decMrca the announce
ment Is untrue.
The manifesto of the AmalgamatcJ Soo'ety '
of Engineers Issued this evening Ignoreto
day's reports. It merely recites the en
gineers' contentions , and says they ar < s willIng -
Ing to arbitrate the question of hours of
The dispute bctweca the cmploycis and
the engineering trades union of Grout
Britain culminated on July 12 , 1S97 , with a
lockout by some of the large manufacturers.
This was followed by the engineers oilll-ig
out a largo number of men until about 13,000
engineers were Idle. Tiio Issue was over the
engineers Insisting upon eight houw work
per day , ova time to count as one and a quar
ter time for the first two hours , and as time
and a half after that.
noun ruiiJMJi/v TO THB KNGMSII.
GcrinmiN SiiRRCHt that n Joint ChliicMC
Loan Il 'Miulc. '
BERLIN , Jan. 14 The press Is greatly
excited , In the discussion of the Chinese
joint Anglo-German
loan , over a
Since It was mooted a distinctly friendlier
tone toward England has been adopted , approaching
preaching Upon flatterj. Prince Bismarck's
saying is recalled that It would be foollsh-
nesa to regard the English as fools In busi
ness matters. The papers are beginning to
recognize that financial Influence- far bet.
ter than the occupation of a Chinese bay.
While there is no more probability than
hitherto that the government would guaran
tee a loan , the situation Is encouraging to
German houses to assoclato with English
houses for a joint loan.
The East Asiatic Correspondence , a Jour
nal credited with Intimate relations to the
Chinese embassy , announces that after the
failure of LI Hung Chang China placed the
loan negotiations In the hands of Sir Robert
Hart , whose efforts to place a loan In Lon
don , secured by the salt monopoly , offers
every promise of being successful. The
paper adds that fresh < a\atlou Is being
planned in China , where the taxation rate
Is now only 2 shillings per head , as against
3 shillings per head in India , plenty of
revenue thus being available.
With respect to the Anglo-Russian agree
ment with Coreathe Eaet Asiatic Corre
spondence says"An agreement Is probable
on the basis of Russia controlling the cus
toms , and MacLcavy Brown , for some time
superintendent of customs at Seoul , succeed
ing Sir Robert Hart. "
It ID said that the emperor of China has
ordered LI Hung Chang , with a largo suite ,
to go to Tlen-Tsln to welcome Prince Henry
of Piussla , now enroutc , and to escort Jilm
to Pckln. In official circles It la believed
the government will not adopt protective
measures ait Klao Chau against foreign
trade. i
ISSUR cimun\cv HILLS iv ixmv.
Measure lute-educed ] > j Ministry In
ll e CoiiiiL-ll nt Ciilcullii.
CALCUTTA. Jan. 14 Sir James Westland -
land , the minister of finance , In the council
today Introduced a bill for the issue of cur
rency notes In India against gold. Mr.
Arthur , the paid secretary of state In Lon
don , In behalf of the banks and chambers of
commerce , endorsed the measure. The
finance minister said the Indian monetary
market was experiencing a period of ex
treme stringency. The local resources , ho
added , were unable to supply the demands
of trade. The scarcity ho explained was due
to the banks remitting their capital homo
and keeping as little as possible In India.
This policy was adopted before the legis
lation of 1893 , and was not In consequence
of that legislation , but while they were- ad
vancing toward the attainment of a ICd rupee
the success mitigated against the transfer of
sterling capital to India in exchange. The
banks must operate upon commercial prin
ciples and no blame was attached to them.
Sir James Westlond denied the allegation
that the government was holding money In
order to force up exchanges , but the recent
demands on the goveinment have been so
heavy that It had been obliged to ask the
secretary o state to Intermit the drawings.
The amount In hand was ample to assure
the controvertlblllty of the Indian notes.
Therefore , there was no ri&k from a cur
rency point of view.
Captain IIcmlrlcliN Adjudged Onlltj.
COLON , Colombia , Jan. 14. ( New Yoik
World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The
case of the American schooner George W.
Whltford , Captain Hcndrlcks , which has
been tinder seizure ever since March , 1S30 ,
for alleged Infractions of the customs regula
tions In loading a cargo at Porto Klco , has
Just been decided by the Colon supreme
court. The court adjudges Captain Hend-
rlcKs guilty In the third degree , and orders
the forfeiture of the vessel and cargo , or
the payment of a sum equal to their value
for the benefit of the Colombian treasury.
Captain HendrlcKs' counsel , Dr. Varela , has
taken an appeal to the Panama supreme
court ,
All ( Inlet In IlMlnelilHtan.
BOMBAY , Jan. 14 , Colonel Majne , with
250 men of the Bombay Infantiy , landed at
Ormara , Baluchistan , on Tuesday. Ho found
all quiet there , left fifty men , and then pro
ceeded toward Bazobc , twenty miles uorth.
Lieutenant Turner , who escaped after the
attack on the British mirvey tarty , is re
ported safe.
llciiew lAntl-/ola. neiiiniiHtriitloim.
PARIS , Jan , 14. There was a renewal this
evening of anti-Zola demonstrations when a
band of students paraded the Doulevard St.
Mlchela shouting "Down with Zola ! " "Down
with the Jews ! " The police dispersed the
Btu4oat Dions MT. ? exqhjnsed. between
the rioters and the officers. Later th <
students reassembled across ] the Hhcf Setni
and descended the bpulornrds. The pcoplt
on. the omnibuses Joined In the cries of th <
students. The police finally dispersed th <
students on the Avenue do 1'Opcra.
There were frcah disorders on the boulc
vard late this evening. At. Uosor , editor o
La Justice , was maltreated , and his wlfi
molested. Many arrests are reported.
Comto Estorhazy had a narrow cscapi
from ariest for divulging what occurred a
the court martial , Ho wan nble , however
to convince the authorities that ho was uol
responsible for the Indiscretions complained
of. '
PAiRIS , Jan. 14. < A number of law students
after leaving a lecture' today marched Ir
procession to the office of the Aurorc , shoutIng -
Ing denunciations of ftf. 'nmllo Zola. Th <
students also made disorderly demonstration ;
In front of the office of the Aurorc , and were
dispersed by thp police.
HUM IlcGii l orBrli'irVl' ' * Annie fet
Trifl * i ! Ji'chrH.
LONDON , Jan. 14. Sir Dd\\nrd Clarke , Q ,
C. , opened for the dofcfido today In the sull
of Daniel Jay to recover from Lady Sykes ,
vvlfo of Sir Tatton Sykes , the sum of 15,870 ,
loaned to the defendant on the security ol
notca apparently signed by her husband ,
Sir Tatton Sjkes testified that the signa
tures were not his. An txpert In handwrit
ing , named Englls , testified that the slgna-
turca on the bills and .letters of authority ,
purporting to be slgncdJbV Sir Tatton Sjltca ,
were , In his opinion , forgeries executed by a
woman. " i
Sir Tatton Svkes denied , generally , his
wife's evidence and said ho regarded the
transaction with Mr. Jay as being "wicked
and criminal conduct" on the part of her
Lnwson Walton , Q. C. ( cross-examined Sir
Taitton Sykes and showed him the checks
which a Monte Carlo banker yesterday tes
tified Sir Tatton had signed and afterward
repudiated. The ibaronrt positively denied
having signed them. Ho further slid the
story of the banker ( Mn Unwln ) on the nub-
Ject was a fiction.
"Do you suggest , " asked Mr. Walton , "that
Lady Sykes has been forging your name ? "
"I would rather not discuss the matter , "
replied Sir Tatton.
"When did you first ascertain that Lady
Sykes had forged your signature ? " counsel
then asked.
"Maybe It was twelve yea s ago , " arsweroi
the witness. "Tho first forgery was for
10,000. In December , 1S90 , I became aware
ithat my signature had been forged In a
number of transaction * . "
The case was adjourned .until Monday.
liiiiTtiiciIrilnur nnil Ethel Ilarr.i-
more Arc < oVc iI.
( CopjrlRlit , 1698 by Pro-is Publishing Company )
LONDON , Jan. 14 ( New York World
Cablegram Special Tclefe-ram. ) The engage-
mcnt of young Lawrence Jrvlng and nthcl
Darrymorc , though not -officially announced ,
Is conflimed tonight Of > lnqulry 'at the
Lyceum theater. Thejr l-Wro'thal 'took placp
Sund.iy last. The wedding has not yet been
fixed , but probably It will occur In the spring.
Ethel Barry more was Included In the Lyceum
company at the direct request of Lawrence
Irving , who has been paying her attention
for some llttlo time. He Is deeply in love
and Miss Barry more , seen today shopping
with Mfss Beckman at the 'Army ' and Navy
stores , looked radiantly happy. It is stated
that La.vrcnce Irving resented strongly the
rather uncnthuslastlc notices of Ullss Uarry-
moro's acting In ' 'Peter ' the Great , " and It Is
suggested that this piobatly brought matters
to a lie-id more rapldlyr than would other
wise have been the case. It Is understood
that Lawrence gets an allowance of $ 5,000 a
year from his father and now Intends to
combine acting with play writing , as PJnero
did In early days. Those who know him are
perfectly confident that he has a big future
| n store , Mss ) Barry more Is warmjy con-
g-ntulatcd on securing possibly one of tbo
most eligible partners in the piofcsslon At
Trench ScJciitiNts Conduct
tlons In ( ho iVniue I'leld.
( Copjrlplit , ISIS , by I'ressiI'ubJIshlnB Companj )
PARIS , Jan. 14 ( Now Yoik World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) Dr. MathlaB
Duval , the eminent hlstologlst who was
quoted last Wednesday as saying that "tho
attitude of French doctors toward Prof.
Schentk's alleged discovery Is one of be
nevolent reserve , " says further :
"M. Cornasso , at Colombleres , has shown
that ho can regulate almost the production
of cows so that thsy greatly exceed the pro
duction of the other sex. Ho does this by
regulating the time or bringing the pro
genitors together the earlier when In sea
son the greater the probability of the off
spring being female , dnd vice versa. The
agricultural , however , is the point of view-
most regarded In Trance , Some cxpeil-
mcnts are now being made In Pltou with a
\Ie\v of regulating the production of males.
The latter Is always more or loss under the
observation of the authorities of the Jardln
d'Acollmatlon and the Jardln des Plantes In
Paris , and possibly exact icsults will be at
tained some day. But up to the present
time exact results are wanting , and all eyes
are turned toward Prof. Schenck for them. "
Tuicojr MIMXO ntrrns.
CJo\ eminent Hctiilim ClnlniH In IllnclCM
of Ton'
OTTAWA , Ont. , Jan. 14. A committee of
the cabinet has dravva up new regulations
regarding mining In thoXYukon which make
Important changeo. II la now stated that the
alternate claim regulfj'icn has been aban-
doncd and that the government proposes to
reserve alternate blocks ot ten claims , which
It la thought will give minors a better op
portunlty to operate. The present Intention
Is to rescrvo the government blocks until
they are disposed of at public auction , An
other feature of the new regulations la the
abandonment of the sliding-scale of royalties.
Instead , an oven royalty ot 10 per cent will
bo exacted from all miners.
ncriiinii War Shtu IMmililed.
PERIM , Jan , 14. The British steamer
Gunera , from Southampton on December 29 ,
for Bombay , reports having seen a German
war hhlp In a disabled condition.
The German war shins Deutschland and
Gefeon. under the command of Prince Henry
of Prussia , are now on their way to China.
The last heard of them was at Port Eald ,
where they arrived January C last.
LONDON , Jan. 14. Perlin , from which
place the HrltUh steamer Durcna reports
having seen a German war ship In a disabled
condition , Is on the Island ot that name at
the entrance of the Red sea.
Snltiin Given 1111 Altcrmitlvr.
CONSTANTINOPLE , Jan. 14.--Tho eultan
granted an audlenco today to 'M. ' Zlcrovelff ,
( be Russian ambasoidor , who , It la asserted ,
( Continued oa Third Page. ) i
Eenato Defers Action After a Prolonged
Senator * llnnr ntiil White CrltlcUo
the Action * of the Anierlenn 1'ro-
tortlte ANMocliitloti In Unln-
JtollnlnuN ( Ini'MloiiH ,
WASHINGTON' , Jan. 14. Almost the en
tire four hours of the executive session of
the senate were devoted to tlio liullrcct con
sideration of the nomination of Joseph
McKcnna to bo assoclato justice of the supreme
premo court. The discussion was the result
of an effort on the part of Senator Allen
to secure a postponement for two weeks. In
the end a. compromise was leached deferring
consideration until a week from today , on
the condition that the Nebraska senator
should agree to allow a vote to bo taken on
that day. The Hawaiian treaty was not
touched upon during the session ,
The debate on Mr. McKsniu's'uomlnatlon
\\ns precipitated , by Mr. Hoar , who culled
up the nomination In accordance with his
notice of yesterday , anil askcJ for Immediate
action. In doing this Mr. Hoar spoke
briefly of the opposition to Mr. McKcnna ,
Baying that the Judiciary committee had In
vestigated most of the charges made , &nd
had reached the conclusion that U. y were
without foundation. He said that the
greater number of charges had been made
by members of the American Protec
tive association , and as they had
been founded solely on the fact that
Mr. McKcnni was a Catholic In religion ,
they had not been deemed worthy of serious
Mr. Hoar dnclt at some length upon this
point , excoriating any man who would at
tempt to Inject religion Into a controversy
of a man's fitness for office. He said such a
movement was unpatriotic and should not
for a moment receive the consideration of
fair-minded mon.
Senator White also spoke of the effort of
the American Protective association to
Interfere with the course of the sen
ate In giving proper attention tea
a question , the determination of which
should depend upon considerations of fitness
and Justice as between man and man ,
rather than upon an appeal to bigotry , prej
udice , and a false claim of patriotism. Ho
spoke of the American Protective
association as fools who could not bo prop
erly characterized In the senate.
Ho had no patience , ho said , with men
who held the opinion that Catholics must
necessarily consult the pope or some other
high functionary of the Catholic church hi
.every Important transaction of their H\CB ,
and addeJ that ho was convinced that the
American senate would not bo Influenced
for a moment by auch representations as an
order of the character of the American
Protective association would make. Mr.
McKcnna's confirmation shouU depend on
dlffeicnt considerations.
As for himself , while he did not contend
that Mr. McKcnna was a , giant In his legal
attainments , still he believed him to be an
honorable man , a competent lawyer , and a
Just Jurist and , he should support his con
It was hero that ( Mr. Allen Interposed an
objection to Immediate action. When his re
quest for two weeks' delay was met with
refusal ho took the floor and proceeded to
? lve his reasons for the request , which were
In the main that he wanted , and he thought
the senate should have , more time for con
sideration than had been given to it. He
called attention to the Importance of the
office to which Mr. McKcnna had been
named , saying It was a place ho would prob
ably occupy during the remainder of his life
and the senate and the public had a right to
demand that the charges should be sifted to
the bottom. '
He said so far as opposition of the Amer
ican Protective association was concerned It
did not Influence him In the least , and he
agreed with all that had been said as to the
Impropriety of any Interference In a matter
of this character on account of religious
preferencesor predilections. his
mind , far more serious charges and to prove
: bat such was the case ho read at length
'rom letters and newspapers attacking Mr.
MeKenna's record as an attorney and jurist
on the ground of iwant of legal attainments.
The greater part of Olr. Allen's speech was
devoted to reading these documents. Ho
called capeclal attention to an attack made
by the bar of the Pacific coast , which , ho
said , was deserving of more scrutiny than
had been given it. He also stated he had
understood the charge had been made that
argo corporations had been Instrumental In
securing Mr. < McKcnna's nomination. Ho
thought thU matter also should bo looked
nto more thoroughly than the senate had
lad opportunity to do.
.Mr. Allen disclaimed any Intention to
'ather any of the charges made , but asseited
: hat bis sole purpose was to secure time for
.heir proper Investigation. ( Ho added that ho
ilmself might vote for Mr. MeKenna's con
firmation , but said before doing so ho de
sired to bo convinced that the assertions
made derogatory to Mr. JIcKonna's character
as a jurist vvcro without foundation.
It was 4 30 In the afternoon before an
agreement was reached for concluding the
McKinna matter at the sitting on next Fri
day and by general consent the senate post
poned consideration of the Hawaiian treaty
until Monday.
.NOW nnui.vs.
of n .State Witness
IIIIIIIIIPH tin * nefeiiilant.
CHICAGO , Jan. 14. Direct testimony on
the part of the state against Adolph L. Luot-
Kert , the alleged wife murderer , was finished
today after 198 hours In court. Dr. Dorsey
was the last witness and bis cross-examina
tion by Attorney Harmon resulted disas
trously to 'the defense , the sausage maker's
lawyer bringing out emphatic reiterations of
matter material to the state's case.
When Dr. Dorsey finished Mr. Harmon ob
jected to the Introduction of all the evidence.
and testimony which had been offered by the
state , a motion which the court overruled ,
and then the lawyer , after excepting , asked
that the state put Louts Luetgert on the
stand , his contention being that bis name
was on the back of the Indictment. The
state's attorney , iMoEwen , replied that when
as a lawyer ho produced a witness he
vouched for Ills truthfulness , anil that as ho
could not vouch for the Integrity of Louis
Luotgert he declined to put him on the
The court agreed with the prosecution , and
then notified iMr. Harmon that ho taunt be
ready to proceed tomprrow mvralpe , < „
Weatlur Forocnut for Nebraska
Threatening ; Snow ; Northerly Winds.
I Cntmn Scare l < About Kmleil ,
ItaRlncrrft' Strike Mny Soon ICntt.
llltrh on McKennnVCnnflrnmtloii. _
litrr ! | * Coniinny jflHI HHl Caught.
8. Ilnimo Shuts Off cjl Kto.
3. XC\VR from Nrlirn W / Wtul City.
Vnlc'fl Keply l ) ( > P > HS.ifll
1. IMItorlnl nnil Cn Kpf B
0 , I'lnns for tlio Toii Hj j Biifrcsg
Stock YnrdR WnnH HUHAiRB.
(1. Council Hlutr * I' aS5 f ri > .
DoltiRSof lima MaciJlU o.
7. Oonrrnl NO\TK "lJljWhl'r 'est ,
Klnndlko Ilcllcrfici fl'oii llnltcil ,
8. Missouri ItnainrHBIJ HlToilny ,
Dr. rrunklln l. < jmHi | Mornlii.
0. Corn Itatrs to thn ( lulf Dlscumenl ,
School Iloinl nnil Its Wnntn.
Drllnqnent Tux of the Itelt Lino.
11 , Cninmorclnl nnil Flnnnclnl News.
IS. "Tho Whlto Cockmlo. "
A telegram received at the ofllco of the
waathcr bureau from Chicago announces that
the Indications are favorable for a heavy
snow In this ntlro scctlcm. covering Kan
sas , Nebraska , western Missouri , -western
Iowa , southeast South Dakota and eastern
State Ilonrtl of ( Agriculture ni
Onmliii'M Slum.
KANSAS CITY , Mo , Jin. 11. ( Special Tel
egram ) The Kansas State Board of Agricul
ture , In session at Topeka this afternoon ,
unanimously adopted strong resolutions en
dorsing the plan for adequate Kansas rep
resentation at the Transmlsclsslppl Exposi
tion and pledging the support of the board
for all efforts in that direction. This ac
tion was taken after Governor Leedy had
appeared before the board nnd explained
the situation , that the state legislature had
failed to make an appropriation for an ex
hibit and that whatever was done must bo
accomplished by individuals , associations and
boards. The governor urged that the Board
ot Agriculture father the work which lie
has had already outlined and begun. The
resolutions declare that :
"We , the members of the Kans-as State
Board of Agriculture , as icprescntatlvca of
the agricultural Interests of the statedo
moot heartily cndorso and approve the
Tiansmlsslsslppl Exposition as a demonstra
tion In which every state In the trnnsmls-
slsslppl country should participate. "
The board la without funds to prosecute
the work of arranging for a Kansas exhibit ,
but It Is confidently believed that , without
monev , it will be able to accomplish as much
as It did prior to the World's fair , when ,
In the absence of a leglslatvo appropila-
tlon , It pushed the work of state organiza
tion and raised an abundance of money for
satisfactory representation.
KANSAS CITY , Mo , Jan. 14 ( Special
Telegram. ) About thirty representative bus
iness men , Including a staff man from each
of the four dally newspapers , left Kaneao
City at 9:15 : p. m over the- Burlington for
Omaha , to meet with others from St. Louis
and other portions of the state , all to con
sider the proposition tint Missouri erect a
building at theTransmlsslsslppl Exposition.
The Kansae fljrjcontingent will also con
sider the ei VM ? of a special Kansas City
building in cace it Is decided not to creet
a state building , and In any case will study
the dcsliability and the possibility of mak
ing a Kansas City display.
Kurt ? Snj H 'I hey Cnu't llcino-\o Him
from the roinmKlee.
COLUMBUS , O. , Jan. 14. C. L. Kurtz ,
eader of "the combine" In the fight against
Senator Hanna , Is quoted In an Interview as
saying , In reply to the threat to remove him
from the republican national committee :
"I was elected by the Ohio delegation and
no one else has the power to remove me.
"H. M. Daugherty Is loud In his accusa
tions against me. Ho calls -mo a traitor. I
remember that five years ago Mr. Daugherty
was elected to the legislature as a Forakcr
nan -and then voted for Sherman. "
Mr. Daugherty , In an Interview tonight ,
denies that -promised to vote for Mr.
Forakcr five years ago. IHe says that ho
voted for the so-called Forakcr candidate
for speaker of the house at that time , but
hat ho was not pledged to Foraker.
I'lftli Man IIIcH from CITcctH of I'o vi
de r K II III I'M.
ANACONDA , Mont. , Jan. 14. At noon to
day , after forty hourb' of Imprisonment and
anxlaty , four of the live men who vvero in
the tuunel near this city which caved ' .n
near 1U cntronco as the result of a dyna
mite explosion , crawled through a hastily
constructed exit Into the light of day. A
temporal y tunnel had beCii made through
the debris. Jack McLcod , one of the five Im
prisoned men , had died sveral hours biforo
: rom the effects of the powder fumes , which
troubled all of them for about twelve hours.
fiTUVh 1MIOM I.UTTUIl. ] I\US. )
OrKiinUcil CiuiK1 nVorlc In All the C'ltleH.
NEW YORK , Jan. 14 , The tanks ot this
city vvero notified today that a largo number
ot checks had been stolen from letter boxes
In Detroit , Buffalo. Minneapolis , St , Paul ,
Toledo , Cleveland , Kansas City and Milwau
kee by an organised gang ot thieves , some
of tbo checks l.-ivlng been lalsed tund altered
tiy means of acldu. In eavcral Instances * the
thieves have been successful la getting the
checks i' *
All Art ; Injured , nnd Tno 1'rolinlily
Knliilly Hurt.
'BALTIMORE ' , Jan. 14 , The walla of two
now house * bekij erected on Twenty-second
street , near the York road , fell In this after
noon and seven men were Injured , two prob
ably fatally. The following la a list of the
njurcd : Lorenzo Carter , R , Warner , Thomas
Burns , William Adams , William II , Monta
gue , William A , Foraytbo , William A. Wide-
Mov oiiientx of Oeeaii VenHelx , Jan. II.
At Movllle Arrived Anchorla , from New
York for Glasgow , Sailed Ethiopia , for
vv Yo"
At New York Arrived Werkendam , from
Amsterdam ; Britannic , from Liverpool.
At Boulogne-Sailed Rotterdam , for Now
At 'Naplc-s-Salled-Ems for Now York.
At Liverpool-Hailed Nomadic , for New
York. Arrlvcd-l'etral , from Philadelphia.
At London-Arrlvea-M slsslppl { rpm New
York , i , > i >
Defaulting Express Company Cashier of
Slonx Oily Taken ,
Confesses His Oriraa and Returns to Facd
His Punishment.
Country Thief Taker Wins Where City
Exports Had Failed.
1'erMntciU'o of nn Amtiltlon *
Olllclnl I.cntln < ( he Downfall
of nn Aiinrcnly .
i fill Criminal.
'PHILADELPHIA ' , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) George M. Adims , the absconding
cashier of the American i\prcas company ,
has been tiken back to Sioux. City , In. La-
fay otto A. Gariijr , nupoiltiUnJent of the com
pany at Omaht , Neb. , left hero with Adams
last night and will proceed directly to Sioux
City wlfi his prisoner.
Adims was arrested hero last week and
was hold by the police until Superintendent
Garner could come from Omaha to Eecuro
him. Supcr'ir.ondcnt ' Qirni-r arilunl htro
on Thursday morning armed with rcqulbltlou
pipers from the governor of l > j\va and on
seeing Adams identified him beyond doubt.
Adams broke down completely , confessed the
embezzlement with w.'ildi ' ho Is charged and
eald ho was quite willing to accompany the
superintendent back to the place whore Lo
was formerly employed.
The crime to which Adir-is Jna pleaded
guilty 4s that of the cmbiurlonirnt of an
amount somowYat over ? 3,000 In the aggre
gate from the Amcilcan E\pr < vs company
whllo ho was employed as cashier of the
company's office at Sioux City , la. Adama
disappeared from Sioux City en May 29 , lS'-7 ,
and Hie seaich foi him has been continued
with much vigor ever since that date. For
seven months the bent skill of the detectives
of the express company and of the Icadl.vj
detective agencies of the country has hem
employed In ferreting out the mm wfn stele
$3,000 from t-'io company In Slout City last
May. But their gicat &kll ! vas comploey !
biflled. The longer they worked 01. the coco
the more remote seemed tlio probiUtlty ot
striking a clew that would lead to the aneit
ot the man wanted.
The capture of Adams was not duo to the
brilliant work ot the company's secret ser
vice officers or to any assistance received
from the several private detective agencies
at work on the case. His arrest hero was
duo solely to the Indefatigable cffoits of a
country marshal in the southwestern part oC
When Adams skipped out with $3,000 ot
the company's money and Inft the cashier's
desk at the Sioux City office vacant the com
pany employed the services of the best de
tectives In the country to work on the case ,
for It Is a principle with all express com
panies to let no embo77ler cecapo. It was
not solely for the amount that had been ,
stolen , but as much for the moral example
on the other employes , that the bcarch fop
Adams was pressed so vigorously. But
Adams was not to bo found. Not a trace
could be found In Sioux City or aiiyvvhero
in that vicinity. The company's detectives
ard the private detectives worked hard and
long , but their labors avallcJ nothing. The
descriptions ot Adams that were sent to all
parts of the country contained a very good
likeness of him , and It was due to the dis
tribution of this picture that his capture
was made.
One of the circulars containing Adams'
picture fell Into the hands of a MIssourlan ,
who had -strong Inclination for running
down criminals. Most of his running down
had been with the aid of bloodhounds and a
shotgun , but ho was ambitious to do better
detective work. Ho took one of the circulars
and studied Adams' picture thoroughly. Then
10 started off on a tour through the county
: o see If ho could find anybody that looked
Iko Adams. Ho found one fellow , andi
while the man was not looking snapped his
concealed kodak camera on him a couple ot
times. The pictures were ficnt to the ofll-
cers ot the American Express company , who
returned them with the statement that they
were not of the man who waa wanted for
the Sioux City embezzlement , although the
pictures did look something like thosa ot
Adams that had been printed.
But Mr , Marshal of Southwest Missouri
was not discouraged , He kept up his search ,
for Adams and finally landed Inn man. Alter
a couple of further unsuccessful attempts
lie learned that a man resembling Adamn
tid been boarding with some farmery In an
adjoining county. He cuddled his hoi do and
started In pursuit ot the next prospective
Adams without delay. When ho reached the
[ > lace ho found that the man had qcno to
Philadelphia. Hrnglng about the place for
eomo time he learned that the man had left
his trunk with the farmer's family with In
structions to send It whenever they should
hear from him. The marshal now felt qulto
confident that hta man would lic-u watching.
Ho waited , anil In the course or a few rtaja
discovered that the farmer's family hud re
ceived a letter from the abstot boarder re
questing tint his trunk bo forwarded to him
In this city , In care of the Adanib Express
The marshal secured poascflslon of th < ? 1ft-
tcr and tent it to the ofllccrs of the com
pany. Although tlio handwriting wan In lead )
pencil a rcBcmblaace to tbo liandwriting 011
the reports of Adims could cattily be dis
cerned , Ua ed on the revolted rcNemblanci
In personal appearance and the assumed re
semblance In handwriting the conclusion to
\\atcli the man who should call for Ibo trunk
hero was reached. Detectives wailed I'cro '
for some time without the suggestion of auc-
ccss. Several weeks paesed and the owner
of the trunk did not call for It. He was evi
dently desirous of tiring out hla watchcra.
Finally he put In an appearance laat r/e ° l :
and aeked for the trunk. Ho wan recognized
by the company's detectives hero as the man
wanted and was promptly arrested. Ho protested -
tested that bo was guilty of no wrong , am )
kept up an air ot Injured Innocence for eoma
time. Oa tbo arrival of Superintendent Uar-
ncr from Omaha and his further Identification
tionho broke down and confessed teat tm
wag the man wanted at Sioux City tor the
embezzlement committed last May.
lu police circlca hero the rather