Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE CXM-AITA. D AIT , IT BJBE : tTAinTAHV Id , 1898. 11
Enpport from the Loiter Crowd Prevents
Decline in Wheat.
'Corn and Ontx , After n Dull Day , Clone
lit Alioul tliiuliiuiKi'd 1'rlc.cit ,
While rrovlxloni Are
I.oiver. .
CIlirAOO , Jan. 33-Whcat today closed
at almost exactly yesterday's Ilnul figures.
Karly wcnkneMi , caused by a sharp decline
tit Liverpool , was overcome later by sup
port from the Letter crowd nnd covering
by Bhortu. Corn und oats , after dull ses
sions , closed about unchnngcd. Provisions
cl jsod nbout 7c lower nil nround ;
Weakness wan npuln the feature of the
opening pro ceiling ! ) In the wheat pit.
May wus sold at from ! < 0o to fiOVfcc , against
OOjtfiMSiC nl the close the day before.
There were substantial reasons for the
opening ilpt'llne. The Liverpool market was
9id lower to begin with and a little later
\ Htlll lowr. lleforo trading commenced
here tin- decline had deepened to a loss ot
from 1V (1 ( to Hid per cental. Paris was
likewise somewhat lower at the opening.
The Minneapolis nnd Uuluth rscolpto were
KB cars , against 37C a weclc itKO and 277
the corresponding dny of lant year. Chicago
Hot 33 cars , against 17 laHt year. Three
carloads only of today's ChlcaRO receipts
were of contract quality. The explanation
of the extreme wenUnt-Bs at Liverpool wna
that Argentine was offering wheat very
freely. London also cabled that cargoes on
passage wore very weak. A tlso of Vic that
tollowed Ilftsen minutes of free selling wnH
partly dinto fear of complications with
Spain , nrltlng out of the rioting said to bo
prcvaillm : In Havana , and which caused a
few timid Phorta to cover. The prlco of Slay
declined In a few minutes after the open-
ln to Mtidf/DOe , and then gradually
hard"iied In tone Until ! > ( > % was reached
for one or two 5,000 bu. lots. Huslliess wus
very llgnt und tor an hour or more the
alterations In price were merely between
offerings at fO'j" ' and buyers at the same.
The closing quotations from foreign mar
kets gave Liverpool from % il to Id decline ;
Paris , Hour unchanged for Jnimaiy and lOc
higher for .March-June ; wheat , lUe lower
for January and lOc higher for March-June.
1'rlmnry market receipts aggregated13IO.WO
bu. , against 270,000 bu. n year ago. Ship
ments from Atlantic and gulf ports were
equal , wheat and Hour together , to 321,000
bu. The effect of the generally discourag
ing news was that prices In the afternoon
began to tend downw.ard again , with buyIng -
Ing support from only those who had "puts"
to protect their purchases. Some buying
orders from members of the bull clique
changed the complexion of the mnrket In
the last hour. May had previously declined
to We , but It was well supported at that
llgure , not only by the Loiter crowd , hut
also by shorts. The market gradually rose
to fO'&ljBO-V. reacted to Miic a few minutes
before the close and was at that Ilguru
when the session ended.
Corn was Ilrnt In. spite ot the dullness of
trade and the early wheat weakness. There
was s ime country buying , sulllclcnt to take
care of the offerings , and buying by those
who had sold "calls" and found the market
against th-m was a factor later. The
range of prices was narrow. May ranged
from 2UVif to iQ29c , and closed a shade
higher ul 28'Au.
Market for oats was very dull. There was
some tendency for a time toward easiness ,
though for no well defined reason , but this
sntlment was ultimately quelled by the In-
lluenoe of corn and wheat. There was no
Important trading either way. May ranged
from 2Mic to MVifiSS c , and closed un
changed at 2u % < ! i23c.
Market for provisions was dull. Prices
were steadied early by the very small hog
receipts , but gradually weakened on In
creased offerings from local traders by
Knpllsh houses. Figures showing a heavy
Increase In packing for the week had a
bearish Influence. At the close May pork
was 7'/Se lower at JS.-teUs ; May lard , 7'/4e
lower at II.77V& and May ribs , 7'/ic lower
nt $1.7211. .
Estimated receipts for Friday : Wheat , 33
cars ; corn , 370 cars ; oats , 210 cars ; hogs ,
20,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows.
Articles. . I OIIQII. | llUh. | Lo\v. | Cloae. | Yest'y.
Wheat- I
.Tan. . . . llft1 Ii0) ( 80H DOM 01
Jlny. . . HO ttV < ( lldHWM 80.4 8 k
July. . . mitt-til 8U6 81 an *
Jan. . . : SOW "
Jlny. . . ! SM--'ll 2l"oW !
July. . . ISO
Oa IB-
May. . . 2'IXSiiS 'J.1H 23M
July. . . 'JJi li''H
Jnn 0 30 U 37H
Jlay. . . 11)60 ) 0 5'JHi 0 41iiJ 1) ) 42h U fiO
Jan . . . il 72j1 ! 75 4 07l < 4 75
May. . . 4 M5 -I 83 4 77 * 4 77 > 4 H5
July. . . 4001 Oo 4 87hi 4 U5
Jan. . . . 4 l > 5 , 4 OS 4 05
May. . . I HO1 SO 4 7'JKi 4 7'JHi 4 8U
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOt'll Quiet ; winter patents , ( I.TOffl.SO ;
slralghlH , (1.2(191.40 ( ; spring kpeclals , $3.251f3.35 ;
spring patents , $ l.404.70 ; strnlghts , $ I.O'Jf4.30 ;
bakers' , $3.50H3.SO.
WHEAT No. 2 spring SGSSG'/ic ; No. 3 spring ,
80i90c { ; No. 2 red , 90Millie.
CORN No. 2 , 2r.T4iii27c ; No. 2 yellow , 2GT4CT27C.
OATS No. 2 , 2ir ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 23Vic ;
No , 3 white , f. o. b. , 24j25c.
RYE-No. Z. 4l'i .
HARLEV-No. 2 , f. o. li. . 27 ( ? f3GVJe.
rLAXSEED-No. 1. $1.18V4ffl 2:1. :
TIMOTHY SEEO-'Prlme. $2.77' ! , .
'PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.3089.33.
I ird. per 100 Ibs. , $1,70. Short ribs , sides ( ) ,
$ I.COif4.75. Dry suited shoulders ( boxed ) . $ l.20a >
6.00. Short clear sides ( boxnl ) , $ I.SOiJ4.0. ! !
WHISKY IJIstlllerh' Mulshed goods , per sral. ,
$ i.l'.l. '
SUOARS Cut loaf , ( G.ll ; firanulated , $3.25.
On Iho Produce exchange today the butter
market was steady ; creameries , Hffiyc ; dairies ,
lll/lic. Cheese. < iulet , SfikVi' ' . Eggs , btcady ;
frerh , 2Cc. Dimmed poultry. < iulet ; turkeys , lOffl
lOVic ; chickens , COG'.ic ' ; ducks , Cf7'ic. '
< lllotalIoiiN fur ( InUny oil < it > iu > ral
NEW YORIC. Jnn , 13. 1 > 'I/UII Receipts. 2.--
& > l bbls , ; expoits , 7,715 hbls. ; quiet nnd nltout
Hteady ; city mill iwlents , (5. ' > 385.S ) ; city mill
clear , $3.351(5.40 ( ; Minnesota patent , $ S.OO3.0 ; ;
Minnesota bakers' , JI.2XJI.W ; winter straights ,
( MOffl.W ; winter fxtrn . $3.1063.03 ; winter IDW
Krndi'3 , J2.90if3/0. Ryu Hour , sternly nt $2.GOfli
3.20 , lluckwheat Hour , nutc { at $1.2SU1.33.
llt'CKWHl-UT Oiilet ul 33Uh'36o. ,
CORN'MEAltJulcl ' ; yellow western , GCc.
RY1' > ltn y ; No. 2 western , t > % ; car lots , 510
C2Uui Ixmtloiids , 35i > .
llARLEY--lulet ) ; feeding. f5c.
HARLEY MALT Sleady ; western. ffiv.ffOic.
WHEAT IlecelplK. 2I'J73 bu. ; exports 80.S33
liu. ; spot , steady ; No. 2 red , $1.01 it. Options
opened weak under bearish forelitn inarketH , Ar-
eentliio offeiliiKS und short selling , rallied Inter
on ivimrteil siles. ti ; Frffiico and donieitlc millers ,
together with better lulu cables and local cov
ering , nnd closed partly ' , ic net lower ; No. Z red ,
January , 97Tt4jOSe ; closed 9Si e ; May , 91 J-IOW
82 3 Id : ; clone. ) . 92Vio
COHN Receipts , OI.IVJ bu. ; exports , IP9.S24 bu ;
Fpot steaily ; No. t. 3OJc. Options opennl easy
with wheat , rallied on smaller lecelpts , country
huvlns nnd n good exinirt drmand , and clorcd
Via n-'t dinner : May. 3l4f3IVc ; closed , 3lfc ,
OATH-RecolpIs , 1I5.H10 bu. ; exports , M.G23 bu. ;
civil iiulet ; NJ B , 2Ss4c. Options Inactive lint
ttlmut Mendy all day , closing unchanged ; May
closed 2SUc ,
HAY Quiet ; shlpplns , 23ff43c ; gooj to choice ,
70 i73o.
HOPS Plenty ; stale , common to choice , 1895
crop , 4fG ? ; ISSG crop , 7ST9o ; 181)7 ) crop , ICOISc ; Pa.
elite cinnt. U93 crop , 4UCc ; 1S9G crop , 7ii9o ; 1S'J7
crop lGff7c. ]
HIDES Steady ; Oalveston , I5c ; Texas dly. lc ;
Cjllfiirnla , 170 ISc.
LEATIIER-QuU'l ; hemlock sole , Iluenos
Ayren. heavy. 20lir2UJc. ,
\VOOI--Sleadyj Jteece , UJD3Io ; pulled Texas , U
< fl"e , w
PROVISIONS-lleef , llrm ; family , $ II.OOJ11,50 ;
extra me s , $ S.OOii8.6' ) ; beef hums. $22 00j22.50 ;
packet , $9.COflO.OO , Cut menu , steady : pickled
I Jill In J , SJ.GOjjc.cO ; pickled ehouldeis , $5.00 ; pickled
Imms. (7.00. Ijiril. " llrm ; wntern steam. 1.1,10 :
n-Mlneil , tlrm , Pork , llrm ; men * . I9.00fl9.0nhort
clear , (9,7iWll.7Bi family , ( lO.COJflO.CO , Tallow.
dull ; country , SlJtfJHc ; city , 3Hc.
OII S Petroleum , dull ; United. CiHic. Itoaln ,
llrm ; strained , common to iroad , ( l.littwl.n , Tur.
peiillne , lltmer at SlUJiy- . Cottonseed , quiet ,
firm und held higher ; prime crude , ISc ; prime
ciude f. o. b. mills , iswico : prime summer yel.
low , SJ'jffSSf ; off summer yellow , 2So ; bulter oil ,
Il ( 7c : prim * winter yellow , 2TMf > 2Sl4c.
" RICE-Qul t ; fnlr to extra , 4V4&Cjc ! ; Japan ,
MOLASSES Quiet ; New Oilcans , open kettle ,
cooj to c'lolce , JCOJlc ,
Mwr.M.s T'J uenerul situation In the metal
n\nrKct iiri > ntis no new features. At the clo
the meinl exchange calluil pig iron warrant * dull
at $ > ! . & > bid pml $6.70 asked ; li-Ke eatiper nn *
chanewl at 110.85 bid und (10.93 nukml ; tin nrm
at IJ.V > hid and } I3 , ) usked ; spelter unchanged
nt $3.90 hlj nnil $4 aiked , und lead quiet nt (3.IUU
113 CUs , b'd. The linn tlmt IUe * the settlini ; price
for iiilii-m and Miieltem iiuutw lead at $1.51.
CHlil-i-K Riwlnln , S.23S pkir * . ; quiet : large.
While , ttniteinber , 6)i3 ) iiO ; unall. white , SJqi.
tember , 9UffOHc. lurffe colored. SeplPmlior , i'.JJ
JHc. itmnll , colored , 8ept mtxrr , 9HOK40. Hht
skim * . Q Hc ; part ultima , 4 < 4@4He , full skim ? ,
tVjHSH .
HITTER neeMptg , 1.115 t > kc ; rmlel ; western ,
18 Sc , Klnln , Swc , factory. llflISc
KOIS-RwslptK. 3,17 ! ) pk rs. , -m1y. i . state nnd
PcnnfyhanliL , 20 22c. weatern , IJSZlc ,
OMAHA iii3lvrTiTi ; > . aiAliicnrs.
Condition of Triulr nnd Qiiotiitlon *
on Ntmilc ntul Knncy I'roilucc.
KCIOR-Strlclly fresh , ISfflSf.
IIUTTK1I Common to fair. lOCIlc ! choice to
fancy , liaise ; reparator crcftmciy , 2Ic ; satlieicd
creamery , ISfllDc.
VKAL Choice f'it , EO to 120 Ibs. , quoted at 8c ;
tnrga and coarse , ttt'ae ,
DRKSSI3I ) POULTRY-Chleljens. Cfl7c : tur
keys , 11O11C ; geete , go ; ducks , 7l4c.
GAME Small rnbblU , per doz. , fiOtfCOc ; large ,
per doz. , $1.00 ; tquirrcta , MfMOc.
I'lOEONS Live , 78c : neai i-s ! ons not wantr-d.
HAY Upland. Jil.t'j ; miulnnd. J5.1 ; lowland ,
$3.00 ; rye straw , $1 : color makes the price on
hny ; light bnles cell the best : only tap graded
bring top prlcci.VUUBTA11M
QULSX'ES Onllfoinin , per box , l,23.
CELERY aood stock , large. 4'jc ; small , KO
lOc ,
ONIONS Per bu. , Kc.
HUANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , tl.SJOl.SO.
SWEET POTATOaS-Pcr hbl , , $2.50
JAIIHAOIV-Clood stock , per Ib. , HJc.
POTATOES Home grown , bOQDoc ; western
stock , 700.
APPLES Winter stork , $3.00 : California Dellc-
Meur , l > exes , (1.50 ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes ,
$1.70 ; Oregon , boxes , ( l.Zi.
rRANHEIMUES-Jerseys , per 1 > W. . $7.rfl7.50 ;
WHconRln Hell nnd llugle. (7.50 7.7J ; WlJconnln ,
Hell nnd Cherry , $ G.M
ORAPES CnlaHbas'S-lb. baskets. ItSlIc ; Mnl-
tlKns. Jj.OOflG.OO.
ORANGES Mexican , per box , $3.0053.23 ; Cali
fornia nnvcls , $3,23i(3,50. (
LEMONS Mcsflnns , $3.0001.00 ; California , SCO ,
} 3.:3 < i3.r.O ; 300 , $3.W.
HANANAS Choice , large stock , ppr bunch , $2.00
SJ2.25 : medium slzel hunches. (1.7502.00.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , huge HZC , l"T13c ! :
small , He ; llruzlls , per Ib. , 9Bljc ( ; Engllsli wal
nuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , 1'Jifllc ; stnnd-
nrds , & { ( 'Je ; Illbeils , PIT Ib. , lOc ; pecans , pnlMied ,
medum , OMic ; cxini large , . -ySc' lirge I rkory
nuts , Jl.OOifl.ln per bu. ; small , ( t.25@1.33 per bu
cocoanuts. \ > tr ! 00. $4.00 ; peanutc , raw , J 5V4c :
roasted , ( JflClic.
FIOS Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb. boxes
12c ; B trowu. 41-lh. . B55s : 2-th. boxes , 23
{ f23o per box' Onlltornla. SO-lb. box , $1.00.
HONEY Choicu while , Kf ; Colorado umber , in
KRAUT Per Mil. . $4.00 ; half Mil. . $2.23512.35
MAPLE SYRUP cans each $2.-B- ;
gal. cans , pure , per doz. , Jli.W : half-cat , cans
J0.23 ; quart cans , $3.CO.
DATES Ilallowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Gc ; Salr
CWc : Knnl , 9-b. ! boxes. 9o.
CIDEP.-Per half bbl. , $ .1.00 : bbls. . $323.
forcijuai li-rs hclfcis. Ba ; eood hindquarters
heifers , Sc ; good co s. 5V4c ; fair cows Oc ; cow
fureqjnrtrrs. 4i c ; cow hlndquarlers 7Uc
1JEEI' CIITM-Hanglng tendcilolns. 4-c ! ; rlb .
No. 1. He ; ribs No. S. Sc ; ribs , Na. 3 , Gc ; steer
rounds , 7c ; cow rounds , G'/ic ' ; cow rounds , shank
off , Sc. cow rounds , shank nnd rump off S".c-
trimmings , 4Hc ; beef shanks , 3c ; lirnlni , 'per
doi. , 35'sweetbreids ; , per Ib. , 12Vjc ; sweelbr-'adn
( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 33i ; ox
talli , cnch , 3c ; livers. pr Ib. , 3c ; hearts , per Hi '
3c ; tongues , per Hi. , 12'.ic ; calf livers , each , 33c' :
calves , whole cnrcasi or sides. 9c ; calf nnd
feet , scalded , per set , 75e ; tenderloins , fresh ISc *
tenderloins , frozen. ICc ; Iwneless strips , freoh'
Sc ; boneless strips , frozen , 9e : strip loins
fresh , S'4c ; Ptrlp loins , frozen , ( iUe ; rollx , bone
less. 9'c ; rolls , pp"ncer cuts , 9e ; sirloin butt- ! ,
hnnelf" " , DC : shoulder , clods , boneless , fie'
joins : cow jnln end" , Sc ; steer loin endn , 9c.
MUTTON Fancy lambs , per Ib. : lambs
7 < ,4e : shrep , C te ; market rack ? , long , 9c ; hole !
racks , short , 1U"Inn : , 8Hc ; saddles , S c ; legs
9c ; lamb legs , lOo1 breasts and stews , 3l4o'
tonsuea , each 3o ; forequarlors. c in.
PORIC Dressed plgH , 5c per Ib. ; dressed hoes
4".c ; tenderloins. liVjc : lalns , short. BUi" long S--
' '
sp'are rlbf. 4c ; ham sausage butts. EUc ; Boston'
Imtts , Cc : shouldcrc. roujh. 'H ? : -J' ulders
skinned. 5c ; trimmings , 4c ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , 5c ; heads , cleaned. 4c : snouts nnd enrs ,
3c ; backlwiios. 2c : slip bones. 2i.4c ; cheek mi-nt
? i/.c ; ni-rk bone ? , 2c ; pigs' tnllh , 3e ; plucks , each
C c ; chitterlings , Be ; hocks. 4c : hearts , per doz '
23c ; stomachs , each 3c ; tongues , each 7e : kid
neys , ner iloz. , lOe : brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs'
feet , per doz. . . 2Sc : livers , each 3c ; hog rlnda
3c : blade bones. Sc. '
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 irrcen
hides , Cc ; No. 1 salted hides. Sie ; No 2 green
salted hides. 7c : No. " 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs
lOc ; No. 2 veul calf , 12 to IS Ibs. , Sc.
SHEEP PELTS Oreen salted , each , 135J7BC-
green sailed shearlings ( short wooled i-nrly
skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
early jklns ) . No. 1 , each , 8c ; dry Hint. Kansas
jnd Nebras-ka butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
weight. 4S3c ; dry Hint. Kansas nnd Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3 ®
4c ; dry flint Colorado butchir wvil pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , 43c ; "dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. 38UC.
TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1 ,
2-ic ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'ic ' : rough tallow , Hie ;
white grease , 2'sffl24c ; yellow and brown grease ,
FURS Bear ( black or brown ) . $5.0020.00 ;
coyote ) . lllfCOc ; wildcat , 10SJ23J ; badger , 64J40c ;
silver fox.O.OOffl7..00. .
HORSE HIDES-Each , $1.50g2.25.
St. Louis ( Jfiirrnl JlnrketH.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 13. FfjOUR Quiet and un
changed ; patents , $4.7iMf4.R'i ; slrnlghts. $ l.33ff
4.5 < ) ; clear , $4.0004.23 ; inVdlum. $3.CO'it3.75. '
AVHEAT Irregular , hut closed MiC nbove yes-
tordnv : No , 2 red cash , elevator , 93V4c ; track.
93IJ33V-c ; 'January. 93V4c ; May , .I3 lc ; July , 7S' c.
CORN A shade better nnd firm : No 2 cash ,
25c ; January , 2.l)5c ) ; May , 27V c : July , 28Uc.
OATS Hotter hut slow ; No. 2 cosh , 'ile ; trick ,
2'y.e ; January , lT,4c ; May. 2IV4c : July. 22c : No.
2 while cash , 2SW23Wo ; May , 24iAc ; July , K % < " .
No. I white cash. a-i'i25',4c.
RYE Dull at 44V4c.
FLAXSKHD Higher at $1.10.
TIMOTHY SEEI-$2.GO for prime.
rORNMEAL Quiet at $1.40.
Hit AN Firm at 53c east track and BGBOTc at
DAnaiNC. 3flGVic.
HAY Steady ; prairie , $ O.OOtrS.BO ; timothy , $7.00
5j < 10.00.
IIUTTHR Pull : creamery. 10021c ; dalrj' . 9lGc.
EtUIS Steady nt ISc.
WHISKY Quiet nt $1.19.
SUSTAIN L nd. nominal at $1.CO. Spelter ,
nominal nt $3.73.
PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; Jobbing. S9.271 ! . ,
I > anl , lower at (1.82V4 fr prime , (1.0) ) for chnlre.
llnooii ( boxed lots ) , extra short clear , $ .i.2.iif
5.37''j ' ; rll , $ .r ,37'iW3.W ; shorts , } 3.COJf3.CJ',4. ' Dry
palt meals , boxed shoulders. $ l.7if5.00 ! ; e\trn
shoit clear , J4.75ifl.87'/j ; ribs , $ I.87'.MI3.00 ; shorts ,
$3i)04V ) > 12V4.
REC'EIPTS Klour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , C.OOO
bu ; coin. 159 , f bu , ; oats , 23 , 0'M ' bu.
SHIPMENTS Klour. 3,000 hbln. ; wheat , 9,000
bu , ; corn , 41,000 bu. ; oats. 27,000 bu.
lliiIllinotMInrkclM. .
HALTIMORE , Jnn. 13. KI/JUR Dull : western
superfine. $27003.10 ; western extra , $3.34.10 ;
western family. $4.3W54.C3 : winter wheat patents ,
$4.7595.00 ; tprlng intents , $3.00S5.JO ; spring
whent strnlghts , $ l.fcOfll. 0 ; receipts , 9,170 bbls. ;
exports , none.
WHEAT Weak : fpot nnd month , 9f > ' , if9 < ; % c :
February , Sfi'.te : May , H2Mfil2Uci ! steamer , No. 2
red , 91ttfl92c ; receipts , 62.02S bu. ; exports. 1SOK > 0
bu. ; southern wheat by mmple , 92Q974c ! ; south
ern wheat on grade. 92V4flWc.
CORN Steady ; month and February , 32'4W
32' ' ) e ; steamer mixed , SOJiOTle ; receipts , 233.1 )7
bu. ; exports , 80,001 bu. ; southern white earn , 29JJ
3t.- ; southern yellow corn. 28i33c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white. 29H030c ; No. 2
mixed. 27'/i028c ; receipts , 13,835 bu. ; exports , 123-
001 bu.
RYE Easier ; No , 2. nearby , C2'.in ' ; No. 2 west-
cm , B3He ; receipts , 9915 bu. ; exports , 8,572 bu ,
HAY Quiet ; choice timothy , $13 neked.
ORAIN FREIOHTS Very Hat ; steam to Liver.
pool , per bu. , 4d , January ; Cork for orders , per
quarter. January , 3s 7Hd ; February , 3s Cd
HUTTER Fancy creamery. 2I 22o ; fancy Iml-
tatlcn. I'Olfc ; fancy ladle , ICc ; good ladle , 148 >
15e ; store packed , IZfflHe.
Eons Quiet , fresh , ISc.
CHEESE Steady ; fancy New York. 9t@10o ;
fancy medium , lOWlOUe. ; taii'-y small. lOUWlO c.
Liverpool Mnrkot.
LIVERPOOU Jnn. 13. WHEAT Spot , No. 1
red , northern rprlng , dull at t 5''id ; No. 2 red
western winter , dull , 7s 9.1.
CORN Spot , American mixed , nrm nt 3s Iftil ;
futures ciulet ; February , 3a Hid ; March , 3s Hid.
FIjOUR St , Iy > ulH fiuiey winter , dull at 9 Ud.
IlOPS-At Indon ( Pacllle coast ) , 4 ISiWro SB.
PROVISIONS lleef. llrm ; extra India mess , CG *
3.1 ; prime mess. 60s 3d. Pork , linn ; prime megs ,
line western. 47 Cd , Hums , short cut , 14 to IR
bs , , llrm at 37s. llncon , easy ut 27s dl. Short
ribs , dull ut 29s ; long clear middles , light , steady
ut 27n Gil ; long cleur , heavy , 27s ; hort clear
backs , 27s Ms clear bellies , easy at 33s Cd. L-ird ,
pi Ime western , sternly nt 25s Gd. Khoulders ,
tijunre , Heady at 27s Cd. Tallow , prime city ,
firm at 19s ,
CHEESE American finest white nnd colored ,
llrm at 43s Cd ,
< J nil n 'HiM'i'lptN ' at Pi-liM-lpa !
MINNEAPOLIS , Jon. 13. Receipts ; Wheat. 29J
CHICAGO , Jan. 13. Receipts today ; Wheat , 33
cars ; corn , 493 cars ; outs , 305 cars. Estimated
cur lots tomorrow : Wheat , 33 ; corn , 370 ; oats ,
210.DULUT1I , Jan. 13. Receipts : Wheat , 40 < ? ar > ,
1'EORIA. Jan. 13. Receipts : Corn. 21,150 bu. .
oats , 21,850 bu. j rye and whisky , none ; wheat ,
1.2W bu , Shliunents : Corn. 2I.SKX ) bu , ; oats , 19,00)
bu. ; rye , COO bu. ; whUky , hW bills. ; wheat , none ,
Toll-do UliirK-ct ,
TOLEDO , O. , Jan. 13. WHEAT I/iwcr , llrm ;
No. ! cufh , 0 > ic bid ; Mo > - . We ,
CORN Dull , steady ; No , 2 mixed , 2S1JC.
OATS Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed. 22Vie.
IllYE Dull , lower : No. 2 cadi , 4Cc.
CI/\'ER SICii-Uull : , nnchangeJ ; prime ca H
and January , $3.1i. !
AVt'iire Co in in I UK I mi C iiiinii > %
OMAHA OFFICE , Jan. 13. The grain mirkets
In all line * worked clew and at u narrow ranga
today , wheat opening He weaker , but lusluntly
reclvcrlnsr. and continued llrm ut about venter-
day's prlcet.
Cabin Htre fie loner , ruld to tie on llberil
Ar entlnr fa ) j > . vrith the fontlnuot In llncil to |
prc.-s selllnfE , howner tht l > ir * tr rh rn fnlliM
to h.jM value * down , the market eviJiMly tjems
Miip > .rtcil by Lelter shuulJ foreiRti r.fwn tun-
tlnuo uf A fir nc bearish nature It mlRht t nl
ti Inwrr pitcpo , but li-lkio the Ixiur clement
nre In n p'Mtloii to compel thim ! > supputl an bf > n rvider-eJ t'idsy
With n strong nurthwenern ntuntlon and with
the or finance ns nbove referred to , ne look fern
n Mrndy mRfhet and nn advsnrlnir one upon a
dlsfintlnuntlon of foreign l * rl h news.
The t h oltuntlon runtlnues to develop
tttenKth In the w y of continued H ht receipts
and extreme light acceptances cin fancy bids nnd
In feeltons where S'/rne of tie very arduous
boars hud referred to an thtre belnjr a liberal
per cent of the crop yet held. The flttinllon on
the whole nppenrs ns though It would tnke n
ctpnt ilenl of prefunto to prmlucc ninlerlnlly
lower prices , with none exhibiting the courage
to fell thort. While on Ihe other hand there nre
reasons why It can be cnflly ndvnnccd In the
Interests of ttie profetslnn.
Corn nnd oats clo M 'no stronger tonight on
heavier lecelpts than for the Inst few days. The
condition of the roads la not permitting the
delivery from the farmers to nny extent and we
are of the opinion that they will advance.
KIIIIMIN City ( irulii und Provision * .
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 13. WIIKAT Hard sold
flowly , most enles ' .4o to Ic lower ; soft whent
firmly held ; Nn. 2 hard , 84c ; No. 3 , 82Vic ; No. 4 ,
79c-No. ; 1 red , Die ; No. 2 , nominal , roe ; No. 3 ,
F9o ; No. 4 , Me ; No. 2 fprlns , nominal , SOfiStc ;
No. 3 , one car nl 7 u.
CORN Rather slow ; mixed , VtGVio lower ; No.
2 mixed , 24'tc.
OATS Slow ; llltle lower ; No. 2 white , 235ic.
RYE-Wcalter ; No. 2 , 42c bid.
HAY Receipt ! * were light ; demand good ;
prices firm ; choice prairie , $7.0007.23 ; choice
timothy , $ S 6008.73.
I1UTTER Rarely steady ; creamery , 17c ; dairy ,
ISc.HODS Market unchanged ; receipts Increasing
slightly ; fresh , ICc ; storage. 12fjllc.
HrJOHIITS-Wheiit. 3'W.OOO ' bu. ; corn , 030,300
bu. : oatf > , ii.0t bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. STO.OCO bu. ; corn. 733,500
bu ,
rlnclnniitl .MnrUoti.
CINCINNATI , Jnn. 13. KI.OUn-Ste.ai1y. fancy ,
$ l.20ff4.IO : family , $3.BOiT3.73.
WHEAT Strong ; No. 2 red , 9.V
CORN-Flrmer ; No. 2 mixed , 29c.
OATS Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , ! lVitJ23e.
RYE-Stendy ; No. 2 , 4Gc.
I'ROVISIONS-Lnrd. steady nt ( I.CO. Bulk
meats , llrm nt JI.CO. llncon , llrm nt $5.CO.
WHISKY Steady at $1.19 ,
1IUTTIJR Knrler nnd lower ; fancy Elgin
creamery. 22c ; Ohio. 13iflSe ; dairy. "c-
flUOAR-FIrm ; hard refined , $ llGf6.10.
KOOS- tea < ly nt IGHc.
ClIUESE-Flnn ; good to prime Ohio flat , 8' &
1'eorla JlarkclH.
I'ROIUA , Jan. 13. COUN-Murkct Hrm ; No. 2.
OATS Mnrket firm ; No. 2 white , nominal ; No.
3 whl IP. 23c.
WHISKY Market slcady ; high proof spirits ,
Detroit Market.
DETROIT. Jan. 13.-W1II5AT No. 1 while and
No. 2 red. 91Uc ; May , 01 He.
COltN-Mlxeil , No. 2 , 2Se.
OATS No. 2 while , 23Uc.
UYK-No. 2 , 47'ic.
.San KranoNeo Wlieat 'Market. '
SAN KUANCISCO , Jan. 13. WHKAT Quiet ;
Mny , 1.33 ? .
STOCKS . \xu iioxns.
XIWM from llavaiin I'uts Hie Market
Uniler Henry I'resMire.
NK\V YORK , Jan. 13. The stock market was
under more or less pressuie today on nccouno of
the news from Havana. There waa heavy realiz
ing nt times , nnd some aggressive attacks hy the
hears. A number ot large operators recently on
thu bull side changed their views nnd sold Blocks
today , and the Impression on the/ market would
unilouhteilly have been moie serious hud It not
been for the remarkable sttength and buoyancy
ot several oC the Vanderbllts. This strength ar
rested the liquidation and steadied the maiket
and the ( iodine afterward In the general list
was not large , even when these stocks them
selves reacted on profit taking. The declines at
the opening were checked ulso by the execution
of commission house orders which had accumu
lated over night. These were the principal causes
to neutralize the undoubtedly serious view or
the situation In Havana , and Its bearing on the
relations between the United States nnd Spain
which Is held In Wall street. There was no news
to account for the buoyancy of the Vnnierbllts
beyond vague rumors of an Intended change or
policy In administration looking to the reduction
of operating cost anil an Increase In dividends.
The extreme rise In Lake Shore reached 4 points
and there was as much In New York Central.
Other members of the group gained all the way
from 1 to 2 points. There was quite a larse
dealing In some of the high-priced Investment
stocks. Pullman rising 2 points anil Great North
ern preferred 4 points. Some parts of these of
ferings which woull be Invited by the advance
In pricey. Manhattan , Metropolitan Street Hall
way and Ilrooklyn were all strong dur
ing the day and the first ami the last named
gained 2 jralnts or over. Sugar was the central
point of weakness In thd market And liquidation
in It was very heavy. The price was down 214"
per cent at one time and the boars put out short
lines on this stock on a large scale. Then buyIng -
Ing to cover was the effective cause of wiping
nut the decline. The grangers anil the recent
ppeculatlve favorites , Union Pacific and Northern
1'acille , suffered from prollt taking. London soli
III thin market with a. view to taking proflts on
yesterday's purchases or owing to disquiet over
the Havana Incident. Net changes In prices gen
erally are on the side of losses. Dealings In
bonds continued largeIn fromewhrat reduced volume -
umo and marked gains were shown by come
of the high grade 1 > onds. Total Bales , $3,530,000.
United States new 4s , coupon , were Vi per cent
lower bid and ! the 2s ' , per c < > nt lower.
The New York livening Post's l ondon finan
cial cablegram says : "I'roflt taking after a gen
eral icactlon 111 the stock market here today
was notably In the stocks which have arisen
sharply. Americans , after a reaction , closed
strong , and the general outlook continued fa
vorable. The weekly statement of the Ilank of
I-Jngland shows that the coin and bullion In
creased 1C5.0CO , although GS7.000 net In gold
waB exported for the week. The decrease or
1XX ( > ,000 In other securities shows the maturity
market bills held by ( the bank , the effect of
which Is also shown In the decrease of 1,0)0.000 )
In other deposits. The reserve "Increased SCO-
COO. Details of th % goli , , movement for the week
show the export of 000,000 to Argentine , of
100,000 to Egypt anil 17,00i ) to I'eru , nnd the
icci'tpt of 0,000 from Paris nnd of 24COO from
South Africa. No olllclal announcement was
made of the 100,00i ) In gold sent yesterday from
the Ilank of England , and It was not generally
Following are the closing quotations of the
leading stocks on the New York market to-
Jay :
T tnl sales of stocks today , 513,900 shares , In
cluding : Atchl on preferred , 9,418 ; Chesapeake
& Ohio , 12.21U ; Ciilcugo , llurllngton & Qulncy ,
21,645 ; I ul8vlllo & Nashville , 6,315 ; Manhattan ,
42,381 ; Metropolitan Street Railway , 5.1GO ; Michi
gan Central. 4COO ; Chicago , Indiana & I/iulB-
vllle. 3,080 ; New York Central , 40.957 ; Northern
Pucltlc , 13,437 ; Northern Pacllle preferred , 31,420 ;
Northwestern Terminal , 3,813 ; Rock Inland , 7.043 ;
Ht. Paul , 32.715 ; Southern prefetied , 3,232 ; L'nlun
Sun FriiiiulN < ! < > 3IInini ; lliinlatlonii.
SAN KRANCISCO , Jan , 13.-Tht > olllclal closing
quotations on mlnlni ; slocks today were as fol
lows :
Silver bars , 67o' Mexican dollars.
drafts , night , ISc ; drafts , telegraph , 17',4c.
llnnl of KiiKliinil Slnteiiifnf.
I/5NIXN , Jnn. 13 , Tha weekly statement of
thu Ilank of England shows the following
changes as compared with the previous account :
Total reterve , Increase , 600.000 ; circulation , tie-
isreane. fU5OCO ; bullion. Increase. 165.216 ; utlier
securities Vcreaie , 1G24.OOO ; other deposit * , de
crease , t,053COt ) ; public dcimslts , Imieaie
WO notes reerv . IncrNiSsN C7W.c . Government
s unties unchanged. TSi proportion of the
H nk at KnclanJ s rrcn-e to liability , which
last w rk was 39.17 per cint. In now II 43 it-r
The Kink rate ot discount remains un-
nt 3 per cent.
York > lonv > ; Alarkpl ,
NHW VOHK. Jan , 13. MONUY ON CAt t < -
N mlnally , J4S3 PT cnl ,
cent. . -i
STKRLINO KXrHANf1J > fltMi1y. with actual
Imilnem In tmnktrs' bill at.ji SISfll Sl % for de
mand. nnd II.S2HQI.CH for sixty days ; ixwted
rsten , J4.S 4S.i4 and JI.W ; cummcrclal bills ,
* *
il & 2
Sli.VKR rRUTiriCATJlor : < 5,0-0 ounces ,
& 7'&r ' feller.
1IA11 SILVKR- 4C. -
I10VKUNMKNT llONDfe-Vtrm ; new 4 . reff.
nnd coupon. ! < * ; I' . tff& lit ; coupon , Hill : 2s ,
100 ; Bs , res. and coupon , ' llll1 ! " : Pacllle Cs of ' 99 ,
U3' . ,
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows !
Ilnxtnii Slick ( liiotntlniiji.
IIOSTON. Jan. 13. Cnll loans , SifSVi per cent ;
time loans , 3SJ4 per cent. Closing prices for
stocks , bonds nnd mining chares :
\ < MV York MliiliiK ( iii tu < lniii.
NKYOIIK , Jnn. 13. The folljwlnsr are the
closing mining quotations :
Chollur. l ! . > Ontario L'oO
Crown Point SO Ooliir 33
Cou. Cal. & V.i. . . . 101) I'lvmonlti ii
Dcadwooti ! - ' . " > Quloltsllver 100
Gould A Curry 30 OulcHsllver nM. . . 000
Hnlo&'iS. . Ill ) Sierra Nov.i'ta. . . . CO
lloiucstaxu 3700 Standard ISO
Iron Silver 113 Union Con 30
Mexican 'JO Yellow Jacket . . . . : ' 0
London Stock tliiututliuin.
I/3NDON , Jan. 13. 4 p. m. closlns :
Consols , in'y. . 112 11-10 SUIMtil common. . . PPM
ConsolH , acot..lia 1,1-10 N. Y. Central . 114
Cun. iMctlic HO I'eimsylvaula . no
Krlu 15Vs
Erie iHt pfd 40 Hex. Ceil , new -Is. , lit )
111. 110 AtchtHon . 13K
Mexican ordinary. . ' - ' ! ! L.A.N . DH > S
HAIl SIIA'EH Steady -at. 28 ll-ica per ounce.
JIONBY 1 per cent , u
The rate of discount In ' the ojien market for
short tlm hills. 27-IC5JJV4 per cent ; for three
months bills , 27-lG2'.i | i r bent.
KIllllllClllI V\iICM.
OMAHA. Jnn. 13. Clearances , $93S.OT.73 ; bal-
nncea. $193SW.t3. I
CHICAGO. Jan. 13. Clfarlftep , $17,915,521 ; Now
York exchange O > o prt-mliun * M'oslfd latcs , $4.S3'i
dJI.Si. ! Tradlnif In 8tocksiilull | and uninteresting.
Clc-slns : West I'lilcnco. 'Mn % ; Diamond Match ,
131 ; North Chicago. KX ; lialie. Street U U % ; New
York niscult. C24 ; SlnUvboard , 2SV4 bid , 2)'S '
nfkpd ; Alley I * t2'l.
JinMI'HIS. Jnn. 13. Clrarfngs. $ r,73S3G ; bal-
iincM , $277,437 ; New York 1 xchnJigi > , par.
N1'3\V YOHK. Jan. 13. llanfr clearings , I
663 ; bilanc * . $7,911 , : 4. I : ;
11OS1ON' . Jan. 13. Clcoclngs. 121,021,413 ; bal
anci > s , J1.9 0W7.
I'lULADHLPHTA. J.n. . 13. Bank clearings.
J12.2IO.C13 ; balance * . $1,01.183.
NEW ORLEANS .Ian. 13. Clearings , $3,931,175 ;
New York exchange , bank , par ; commercial , Mo
per $1,000 discount.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 13. Clearings , $3.214.121 ; bal
ances. $737.71 : ) ; money. fnffS per cent ; New York
exchanffo 2."ic premium bid , COc premium asked.
HALTIMORE. Jan. 13. Clearings , $3,31C,31V ;
balances , fiC.111.
CINCINNATI , Jan. 13. Clearings , $2,230,90) ;
money. 2Vjfi per cent ; New Yurk exchange , 23c
Foreign Fluaiiolnl.
I/3NDON , Jnn. 13. Gold Is quoted at Iluenos
Ayres toilay at 101.7.
PARIS , Jan. 13. Three i > er cent rentes , 103f
130 for the account. Exchange on London , 2. > f
IWjr for checks , lluslnets on the Inurse today
opened he.ivy and Improveil. but closed ihill.
Prices were unfavorably Intluenced by tlie de-
cllno In Spanish securities iand by news from
IIEIILIN , Jan. 13. Business was Irregular on
tha bourse today. The price ot Italian securities
declined on Paris advices. Mexicans were llrm ;
Industrials -recovered on the presentation of the
satisfactory Prussian budget. American nnd
Canadian Pacific securities were easier.
HaiiU of France Statement.
PARIS , Jnn. 13. The weekly statement of the
Il-ink of Krnm-o shows the following changes , as
compared with the previous account ; Notes In
circulation , decrease , 24.IT3.CM francs ; treasury
accounts , current , decrease , 2' > , U73.000 francs ;
sold In hand , decrease , 7.730.ICO francs ; bills dis
counted , dei-reas-o , 6M .oo francs ; silver In hand ,
dcciease , 1,273,000 francs ,
Ainerleaii SeenrltieH 111 London.
LONDON , Jan. 13. The market for American
securities was Irregular , with a bullish under
tone. There were nu decided features. Operators
were Inactive. The closln ? tone was dull and
tlie demand generally light.
Coffee Market * .
NEW YORK , Jan. 13. COFFEE Options
opened pteaily and unchanged and ruled dull and
featureless , with , ' weak mi'leitone. under contin
ued heavy receipts at Rio ani Santos , falling off
In warehouse deliveries and weakness In spot
market. Clnsed steady , with prices uiu-hamed to
ft points net advance. Siles. 12.750 hags. Includ
ing March nt J3.C5. Spot coffee , Rio , dull ; No. 7 ,
Invoice , 10.23 : No. 7. jobbing , t .73. Mild , quiet
Cordova , } S.GOijl3.00. Tutul waiehouse deliveries
from the Unltud Sl.ites. . 10,107 bags , Including 13-
261 bags from New York. New York stocks ,
C39.C37 bags. Unlte.1 Htatea stocks , 772.SIO bags.
Afloat for thu United States , 3C2,000 bngf. Total
visible for the UnlteJ , States. 1,131,810 bags ,
ag-alnst 744.751 bags last year nnd .1Wi53 bags the
previous year.
.SANTOS , Jan. 13. rOFKBK Quiet ; good average -
ago Santos , nominal ; receipts , 17.COO bags ; stock ,
o. ig. '
IIAMIItUlO. Jan. 13' COFFEE Opened nt un
changed prices ; at 2:30 : p , m. , net unchanged to
Upfg higher ; sales. 14V ( hags.
tlve ; No. 7 Illo , 8.0J3 rels ; exchange. G15-1M ; re-
ccliits. 18,000 bags ; clearol for the United rflnlcs ,
10.COO hass ; cleared for Europe , 7,000 bags ; stock ,
SSI COO bags.
HAVUE. Jnn. n. COITEE Closed ' /if net
higher ; bales , 11,000 h gs.
Oil Mnrk.-is.
OIL CITY , Jnn. 13. Crrdlf balances. We ; cer-
tlllentes. falts of 2OfO bbls , regular nt G e ; close. !
with no bid or offer. ( SllIpinentB , 89.023 hbls. ;
runs , 94,93Ci bills ,
SAVANNAH. On. , Jan. 13. OILS Spirits tur-
psntliic , llrni nt 32r ; stile ? . 53(1 ( bl > l . ; receipts ,
1M lihlH , llokln , llrm ; B le . 6873 bbls. : receipts ,
3.5S4 lihl > . Quote : A. , II , C' . . I ) . . $1.20 ; E. . $1.30 ;
I1 , $1.3/i ; O. . $1.60 ; II. .11.70 ; I. . I.W ; K. . (1.90 ;
St. . $2 ; N. , $2.lCf2.20 ; W. $2.3052.40 ; W. W. ,
$ .t. t
OHAHLESTON' . S. f. . Jan. 13. OILS Turpen
tine. mnrket firm at 31He. Hoaln , llrni. Quote :
A. , 11. . C. . I ) . , M. , R , tl.Wl Q. . $1.15 ; H. . $1.20.
WILMINOTON , Jan. 13-iiplLS ( Spirits turpen
tine. llrm , 32c and 32'ic ' : crfiili ; turpentine , sleady
el $1.40 and $1.110. Itosln ) llrm , $1.15 nnd $1.20 ,
Tsr , nrm. $1.05. '
L1VEIIPOOL , Jan. IS.- OILS Cottonseed o | | ,
Liverpool rrflneil , dull , 14 ? Oil. Turpentine spirits ,
steady , 24s. Itoaln. conunop , steady , 4s ] < ? d ,
Wool Alnrl.clH.
fiOSTON , Jnn. 13. The" Mlldwlne quotntlona nre
made :
Ohio and Pennsylvania lleeces , X nnd nbove ,
27Jj28e ; XX nnd nlwve/.soasio ; delaine , 3033lc.
Michigan , Minnesota , etc.-rNo. 1 Mlchlcnn comli'
Ins. ISf Jc ; No. 1 Illinois combing. 2Stf23e ; No.
1 New York. N-'W Hampshire nml Vermont. 27o ;
delalno Michigan , 27o. 1'nwnshed medium Ken
tucky nnd Indiana quarter hlc d , Vic ; unwished
medium Kentucky nnd Indiana Ihrec-elKhths
blood coinhlnE , 2lf/2'c. Missouri nunrler blood
combing , 22&23c ; Missouri three-eighths blond
combing , 23i24c : braid omblnir , 2lc ; Inko and
Oeorgla. 22fl23c. Texas wool , spring medium (12 (
months ) , lC I17c ; scoured , 43 1 % ; spring line , ( ! 2
monthf ) , 17M8e : scoured , tOfi"32c. Territory wool ,
Mnntann line medium und line , IdlSa ; scoureil ,
4SijtiOc ; slnple , 62 < ? i3c. Utnh.S'yomlng , pie. .
fine mHlum and line. 15frL7o. AiiKlrallun ecourrd
basis comhlni : . superfine. 7if72c ; combine. B'xsl ,
KTttJc' combine , OJJrC o Oue nIand. OSo.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 13. W0orl'lrm ; medium. 15
O20\fco ; light line , 13ai7o ; heavy line , S814o ; tub
washed , 22930c ,
Ciir | < irnla Drlril FriillH.
I-'IIUJTS Apples , nrm ; other frult fteady , but
quiet ; evapornted upples , common. SftS'ic ; prime
wire tray , Sijc ; wood ilrl d , prime. Stjc : choice ,
S4e : fancy , OJI9U - . Prunes. SffSe. Apricots ,
Royal , 74rsijc : Moor Park , Sfflle. Teaches , un-
jieelcd ,
Supplies In'r ia Point of Numbers and
Itecelptx llnlfUly .Almirbeil nt Stonily
1'rlee * ll < > * Aetlvc mill 1'lve
C'ontN HlKlier , ( JlnaliiK H
l.lttle nunlvr.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jnn. 13.-llccclpts for
the tlnys Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Slicco. Horses.
Jniuiary 13 1'JIS 7,7S'J 4.W 20
January 12 1,619 , SOO lGU ! "
January 11 2.GGI n.StW 2,151 l
January 10 1,415 3,715 * R.CT 22
January S C75 G.-IS7 2.312
January 7 1,184 6,279 1,073 20
January 0 1,2.13 10.SS2 2.429 SI
January B i.csa 10.013 2.22S . . . .
January 4 1,410 G.Sll 3.173
January 3 1.GS1 2,476 f.,177
January 1 697 2233 2,129 23
December 31 623 6,916 1,016
December 3 $ M2 7,071 1.5SI
December 29 903 ti."iOS 3,931 . . . .
December 23 1,570 G.SI3 2.CU
The oillclul number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. I' . lly . .
O. & St. 1. . Hy a
Missouri 1'aelllc Hy S 2
Union I'aclllc System 17 25 7
If. , U. M. V. 11. 11 10 28
S. C. .t 1' . lly 2 2
S. , St. P. , M. .t O. lly , 12 8 1
U. & 'M. ' H. H. U 12 CO 6
C. , H. & Q. lly 2 S
K. C. & St. J 12 B
C. , H , I. , t t > . lly. , M 3 B
C. , 11. I. * 1 . lly. , W 1
Total receipts 83 120 13
1110 disposition of the day's receipts was
us follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Hiiyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 126 1.SS3
The G. II. Hammond Co. 143 1,017 109
Swift and CompanyHM 1,996 2,291
The Clldahy 1'acklllg Co. 5G5 1 , 3G 2
It. Decker and Degan . . . . 70
Vansant & Co 2ii
L/obman it Rothschilds . . 2.S
\V. I. Stephens 2
Huston it Co 11 > '
Livingston & Hauler C9
Ctldahy 1 * . Co. , from K. C. 217 7iU
Chicago 1 > . Co. , Xeb. City . . . 515
Other buyers 1SI . . . . 1,1)76 )
Left over SCO
Totals 1,921 7.S76 3.511
CATmE-llecclpta of cattle1 were heavier
by a few cars , but not enough to cut any
llguro in the market , only seventy-nine
loads being reported In. A feature of the
day's offerings was the unusually large pro
portion of cow stuff , almost half of the re
ceipts being made up of that kind of cat
tle. The market as a whole was without
feature of Importance or very material
change from yesterday.
Beef steers were In light supply and as
there was n fair demand , the offerings
changed hands In reasonably good season.
The prices paid were the same as those
that prevailed on yesterday's market , still
the sales did not show up so well on paper
ns the quality was not so good today. The
best cattle were only peed enough to bring
J1.G3 , there being nothing In the yards to
compare with the $1,75 cattle yesterday.
Cows and heifers were In good demand
and the market opened steady and active.
Later on , under the Inllueiico of the large
offerings. It cased oft and closed rather
slow. Hulls , stags and veals were In de
mand and at good prices.
Stockers and feeders were In active de
mand , ns has been the case all the week ,
and commanded strong prices. Representa
tive sales :
' '
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. 'No. Av. IT.
17..1361 $115 20..1248 14 23 3..1220 $4 30
IS..1327 455 23. . . . S23 375 OS..1251 440
7..1248 440 20..1181 443 2..1521 4 CO
13. . . . SCI 390 40..1140 415 40..1277 420
2..1213 4 25 12..1IS5 4 30 17. . . . 013 4 33
20..1211 445 11..1101 445 7..1251 450
IS..1233 4 C3
1..10IO 250 1..10SO 300 3..1033 315
I.,1231 3 40 4..1203 3 50 IS..1093 3 55
1..1070 273 3..1033 2 SO C..9C1 283
3..HOC 300 2..10BO 300 4..1170 310
2..106.1 315 1..1110 323 2..1023 333
4..12M 303 1. . . . 920 1 61) 7..M17 250
t. . . . 930 2 DO 1..1I60 273 2..1100 280
1..13CO 290 1..1110 300 1..1230 SCO
2..1WO 300 11..107 $ 310 2. . . . 970 310
1C..1071 320 1..1I70 323 I..1130 325
5..1002 330 22..10S9 333 17..1148 333
1..1190 333 31..11C9 333 G..107S 340
1..1CCO 350 10..1045 3.10 2. . . . 8f.O . 350
IS..1172 360 1..1290 3 CO C..1120 360
1..1210 3 CO 10..1180 370 1..1520 375
21. . . . 885 3 73 19. . . . 9 > ; r 3 73
3..1433 3 DO
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
U heifers 443 $2 90 22 cows 700 J2 0
IIOOS Receipts of hogs were larger than yes
terday by about twenty cars , making a liberal
run for this time In the week. The market
opened generally nbout 5c hlglisr , was active for
ft time , nnd closed easier.
Heavy hogs sold at $3.43 < ft3.47'i nnd $3.r 0. the
early sales being pretty equally distributed Be
tween the three prices. Yesterday's ratine was
$3.40ff3.47V { . . , with the bulk at $3.40fi3.13 , so that
today's mnrket was 2V&Qftc higher. Today's later
sales weie more largely at $3.43 , whlc'.i brought
the average down considerably.
Light and medium weight loads brought $3.50
03.G > 1. as ngalnst $3.503.53 yesterday.
The average of all the tales was 2ic ( higher
than yesterday , RTic higher Hum on Monday ,
lO'&u higher than a week ago , nnd 40c higher than
BHUKP The sheep market was In splendid can.
dltton so far na th Belling Interests wore con
cerned. The receipts were qulle liberal , but
the demand wan of large proportions ani iiuycri
were out early and after everything In night.
Thu result was a very active market , with
prices steady to etrong. The offerings were not
loni ; In changing hands. Representative uuk- :
No. Av. Pr.
Ml stockera 83 (320
293 fctoclierd , 83 320
. JeO Mcxlnan lambs . . . . . > . , t 4 M
Ji Mexknn Umb * > . . . . . . . . . . GS RIO
(49 Metlcan lambs , . . . , , , . . . M 8 10
S09 western ew * i , W 3 M )
; , SO western wethcra . . . . , . . . , , . . , , , . . . ISO 399
169 western wcthera 118 3 W
110 inlted westerns 1M 390
IH western lambs fS 8 1
: I4 western Iniubs DO C 40
M7 Utah lambs CC 4 7S
4 Mexican yearling ! ) 103 4 IS
ciiic.uio iTTvii "STOCIC M.\IUCKT.
Trnilo In HOK * li I.lvrly lit n ( Jooil
riHOAOO. Jan. 13. Tliore wns n brisk de-
nmnd for Rood drove * of entile tolny , such lot !
selling renillly. for cattle Hint did not firwlr
well llio demand was Inmlly ns Rood as It wns
yrsterdny , and there wns some weakness In me-
dhmi irriulM , some late snles beliiR made a little
lower. Snles wete on n basis of from $4 to
J4.M for common to medium loU of steers , from
14.75 to 43 for Rood to choice PlilpulMK beeves
nnd from J5.40 to J.V50 for fnnoy entile The
bulk of tin- entilenilil nt from $1.35 In (3.10.
TeO westerns sobl anywhere from II to II.MI , n
few , ti > lnc ns hlRh ns J5 nml entile weighing
900 to ! > W Ibs. sold around $3.50. Miockers anil
feeders have ntlvnnceil slwirply this week. Snles
today were mostly nt from J3.8S to J4.93 , 750-11) .
steers tcllliiR nt tile top price nnd prime feeders
were cold nt from $1.40 to S4.BO. Sranio prime na-
tlvo beef cattle sold for from $5.30 to J3.40.
Tr.iilc In lions was lively nt nn nvernire ml
vnnco of f e , there belnff the tisnnl wi-iikiiess
nfler the olTeilnps were nbolit nil Fold. HORI
sold nt nn extreme MUKO of from J3.43 to J3.75 ,
the Rrenter pnrt crossing the sanies nt from J3.CO
to (3.70 mil plis ; sold laigcly nt from (3.So to
i'rices wore sternly for both sheep nlvl lambs
with n ( rood deninml. Sheep were wnntrd nt from
J3 to J3.CO for Inferior to rrminon , lip to from
Jl.2.1 to J4.50 for KiHxl to choice Hocks nnd lanibfl
were In dminnd nt from tl to JI.75 for Inferior
to fnlr , up to from 13.M to $5.SO for Kood to
extrn. There wns < i belter ilomnnd for llKhl
welRht sheep than for henvy weights. Yc-nrllns *
sold nt from (4.30 to SI. " .
Heeelpls : INittle , 9.CCO head ; IIORS , :7,00 hcnd ;
sheep , 12,1X11) ) hcaJ- - .
St. I.ouls l.lvo Stuck.
ST , 1-Ot'lS. .Inn. 13. CATTLH-lleecliiln. 5.300
head , of which 2.90) head nre Tcxnns ; shipments ,
3,700 head ; mnrket strogn for unlives , with T ' \ -
mis steady nt nn advance ; fnlr to fancy native
Kllll'plUK ' nnd export fleers , } l.40fI3.33 ; bulk of
snles , J4.fi0trfi.00j dresscj beef ntiil butcher steers ,
J3.S5Sr3.00 ; bnllc nf snles. JI.fOif4 C3 ; steers under
l. CO pounds , J3.30P4.4.1 ; bulk of sales , J3.GfSi !
4.S3 ; Mnvhrtii nnd feeders , J2.fOfT4.60 ; luilk ( if
sales. J3.49iT4.23 ; cows nml heifers. } 2COtfl33 ; bulk
of cows , J2.731i3.riO ; Texas mill Iiullnn sleers ,
J3.30fi4.tO ; lulk of snlcs , J3.40iJ4.13 ; cows nml
heifers. J2.IV5f4.1C.
HOOS Heeelpls. 4.TOO bend ; fhlpni"nls , l.fOi )
hsnil ; nvirket Do lilehcr ; IlKht , J3.43Jf3.65 ; mixed.
J3.4M(3.rJj ) henvy. J3.COi3.73. .
BHKI5I' Herclpls. 6"0 bend ; shliments | , none ;
market flroni ; : native inutlnns. S3.MJffl.30 ; culla
and bud.s , J2.COSS.30 ; lanibs.J3.C083.I3.
K n it mix Cllj lilvt * Slock.
KANSAS C1TV , .Mo. , .Inn. 13. CATTLK-Hc-
celits. | 1.700 head ; inailet ; netlvp nnd stnuiK ;
Toxns steerii stroiiR to bv higher , nuotnble , J3 70
I ( if 1.00 ; Texan rows , fJI G3T3 l.'i ; native fleers J2.75
| 5fl.D3 ; nntlvo cows nlul heifers , J2.0 < 1(0 ( 1.23 ; stock-
cm and feeders. $3.00M.t4. !
11OOS Uiv-elits | , HIICO bend ; niailtet opened
SifJi'Ac hlshcr , cloolnir easier ; bulk of Fairs , J3.50
CfSM'i ; henvles. J3.4ifr.1.l'packets. : . J'l.riflf3.C7'4 ;
mlxeil. $ .l.43fi3.G3 ; llnhls , ! 3.33 3.GO ; yorkurs. J3.55
( fM.CO ; pUs , J3.10jf3.33.
S1II3KP Hecclpts , 1/00 head ; market stromr
to lOo liluher and iicthe ; Inmbs , ( LOinQTi. 10 ; mut
tons , J3.7u04.35.
KlIHt UlllTltlO I.IVO .SIlM-U.
KAST IH'KI'AI.O , Jan. 13.-l"ATTI.H Medium
M heavy slilpplni ; etoern. J3.PfljJJ.7t ( ; coarse roiiKh ,
J3.75W4.SO ; Kreen , J3.7. . < rfLI'S ; 'linliv fnt lielfern ,
J4.2rifi4.60 ; mixed liutcliom' s-tnek , J3.C5tfl,15 ; fair
to Kooil butchers' cows. J3.Wfi3T3.
IIOflH Ilcei-lpls , SO cars ; yoikers , need to
choice. , J3.72'Tf3.73 ' ; lOURlis. ennundii to choice ,
J3.1'irfj.23 ; plcn. Rooil to chul-e. J1.COtf3.C3.
SII1CI < : P AN'I ) I < AMIS ! llecelpts. IS cars.
Ijunlia , cb-ilee to extra. J3.7."iii5 HO ; eldls to com
mon , J4,30(33.40. ( Sheep , choice to j-elected wethers' ,
Jl.toft I.'JO ; culls to coinniun , 52.M15f3.75.
IiidlniitipollH liive Stcii'k.
INniAN-APOI.IS , Jan. 13. OATTU-Itecclpts ,
tra lieiul ; K ixl to pi line sd-ers. ? l.7."fi3.1.1 ; fall-
to medium steers , II.40ff ! . , " > ; common to jood
stackers , J2.73W3.50.
HOOS Ilpcolpls , 5.00) head : shipments , 2.0CO
lioail ; market strong nt 2'ic ' lilther ; BIKM ! I"
choice medium and heavy , J3.ojff3.7214 ; mixed ,
$3.CO r3.C5 ; cnnimon limits , S3.55ii3.iH ) .
SHBBP llocelpta. llRht ; market stendv nml
lOo lower nt J2.23 for common sheep to J3.40 for
choice , lambs.
.Vow York Ijlvt * Stork.
NfiW YOIIK , Jnn. 13. IIIJBVBS Itecelpts , 333
head ; none on Hale and no trailing. Cables iiuoto
Anietlcnn steers at SS'SHc ; uxporlB , 400 beevoi.
CALVKS Heceltils. 57 heail ; vc.ils , J3.W87.30 ;
grapsera , J3.0D M.50.
SIIBKP AND I AMIIS llTOi-'nts ' , 1,913 head ;
shM ( > | i , J3.Wri.73 ) ; lamb" , $5.BOf0.2) .
HOGS Itecelpts , 3,227 liend ; steady nt J3.70W
4.C03. <
riiicliinatl MviStock. .
riNC'INNATI. Jan. 13. HOGS Active , J3.00@
3.70. ' I
PATTI.n Stenily , J2.2r.ff4.C3.
SHKKP Steady. ! 2.7,5i'l , ' C3.
I.AMDS-Steady , J4.0063.75.
Stuclf In
Ilecord of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal maikcts for January 13 :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep.
Omaha 1.01S 7.7S9 4000
Chlcaga 9.000 27,000 12/00
Knnoaa City 4.700 10,100 1,000
St. Louis 0,300 4COO W > 1
Totals 20918 03,359 1700
OIIOIIH Steady , lint Attain CliiHt'N at n
I ) cell nt > .
NFJW YOnK , Jan. 13. The cotton market today
was exceptionally small In every respect. Open-
InR Hloidy at unchnnsed prices to a point de
cline , subsequent trading was within , u ranee of
4 points , with the maikct dually barely steady
at a net decline of from 1 to 3 points. The bear
ish features were Liverpool nnd New Orleans
selling' , following liberal receipts nnd Ronerally
easier southern Rpot markets. Kpot , hte-Ttly ; mld-
dllnB , 5C-lCc ; net receipts , ! iI4 ( ! bales ; Rross , 11.D20
bales ; exports to Great Ilritaln , 779 bales ; to the.
continent , 407 bales ; forwarded , 3.C1I bales sales ,
none ; stock , 137.171 bales. Total today : Net re
ceipts , 31,073 bales ; exports to Great Ilritaln , 10-
034 Inles ; to 1'rnnce. 4.405 biles ; to the continent ,
8,470 bales ; Hock. 1,295,395 bales. Consolidated :
Net receipts , 231 , C94 bales ; exports to Great llrlt-
nln , 11,108 bales : to Franco. 17,374 bales ; to the
continent , 43.543 hales Totnl since Seplembor 1 :
Net receipts , 0,035,519 bales exports to Great
Ilritaln , 9.13S.934 bales ; to I'rnnce , 5.11 , S3I hales ;
to the continent. 1,5'J7.55C Inles.
NK\V OUIiANS , Jan. 13 COTTON Kiitures
barely steady ; sales , 39.900 bales ; January , f.V27H
5.i8 ! : rebiuary , $3.24ff:5 ; March , J5.32fl5.33 ;
April , f5.3Sf(5.M ( ; May , J5.4SQr 44 ; June. f5.4S P
5.49 ; July , } 5.53i(5.51 ( ; AuKUst , } 5.57f5.i : ; Septem
ber , f3.r,9ii5.CI ! ; October , J5.CHi(5.C3. ( Spot , easy ;
bales , 7.250 bales ; ordinary , 4',4c ' ; good ordinary.
lc ; low inlililllnir , 4 11-1 He ; middling. Dic ! ; Kooil
uiliM'.InK' , 5 9-lCc ; middling- fair , 6e ; receipts ,
11,109 bales ; stock , 519.559 bales.
IilVrciirooU Jnn. 13. COTTON Spot , Rood
business done ; prices favor buyers ; American
middling , 3 7-S2d ; the mips of the day were
U.0'0 bales , of which 1,000 were for speculation
nnd export nnd Included 11.100 Ameilcan , He-
cclpts , 23,000 bales. Including 21,900 bales Amer
ican. Futures opened envy , with a poor demand
nnd cloned oulet , but steady ; American middling.
I , . M. O. , January , 3 9-Cld value ; January and
February , 3 8-Cld. buyers ; February nnd March ,
3 8-CM , buyers ; March and April. 3 S-C4Q3 U-CId ,
buyers ; Apill and May , 3 9-C4U3 10-C4d , buyers ;
May nnd June , 3 P-64S3 llf.4dbuyers ; June uni >
July , 3 11-BIB3 12-C4d , buyers ; July and AURIISI ,
3 12-Clif3 13-04d ; August and .September , 3 13-Ctd ,
buyers ; September and October. 3 11-Cld , pe'lera ' ;
Octobur and November , 3 ll-IMSM 15-C4d , ( idlers ;
November nnd December , 3 15-C4d , sellers.
\IMV Vorlt Dry ( ioodN llnrkct.
NK\V YOIIK , Jnn. 13. 1 > HY OOODS Tiio day
has been somewhat of nn Improvement o\er yes
terday , but the Ruin lia been duo mainly In
wcatiier and similar conditions. There is real
Improvement In the quality of Ihu demand for
cotton Roods nt llri-t hands , store tindlnt ; In
Iliceo lines Is ffnall In extent and mall outers
me without weUlit. Woolen goods have hail a
Kdierally lively day In most seasonable lines.
.Store trading Ix heavier. There IH now a fnlr
number of buyers In the maiket. In etuple cot
tons there Is no Mroimer muvrmcnt In lirown
goods. 1'rlnt cloths continue dull.
NDW OULKA'NS ' , Jan. 13.-8UGA11 Open ket-
tltf , steady nt 2M3 0-lfle ; cenlrlfUKnl , Htendy ,
Rrnnulaled , 4 H-lCfllTic ; whiles. 4fl ? f ; yellows ,
3T1W4V4' ' ; hocond ! ' . 2Vij3 9-lCo. Molasses , kettle.
btondy nt 14f27c ? ; rrntrlfugul , easy nt nf73c ] ;
Byrui ) , slenily at 1817-2 ? .
NKW YOIIK. Jan. 13.-.SUOAII Haw , linn ;
fair refining. S&c ; centrlfUKal , 90 lest , 4 3-lCo ; re-
lined. ( Inn ; crunhed , fic ; powdered , f. 7-lCo ;
Krnnulatod , G'.ic : mould A , H'jf standard A ,
Olio ; confectioners' A. u',4o ; cut loaf. 5o ; cubes ,
G 7-lCc
H. E. PENNEY b CO. ,
11O Board of Trndo Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Hrancli OHlce. 1038 N St Lincoln , Neb ,
01,1) COLONY Illlll.UI.Vn , OHIOAr.O ,
Meinljnrs Chicago Hoard of Trade since 1S6 < .
Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Slocks
Orders Cash nnd Future Delivery Solicited
Omiilia Olllcc , IKioiii 1 , N. V. Life llldir ,
. . . , ' 1'lniiic 1)111. ) . . ,
KIYI ) J. OASlI'lll'1.- n u lie r.
E BOYD & GO , ,
Telephone 1030. Omiilin , Nub
HOARD 01' ' TIIAUI ! .
Direct wire * to Chicago and Nuw York.
Correspondent ! ! ! J'llm \ , Warrtn & Co-
PuMIc l.
Vciitlomu lloli'I.
Hotel \i > n.i Stand ,
City XoviftDciiiit. Cor. Mnln inul ItroniH
R. A. nidi si.
Clivyriine Cluli.
Auditorium Hotel NIMVM Stand.
Auditorium Annex \ < MVH Stand.
Oreul Northern llnicl NCMM Sliiud.
I'aliiu-r IloiiNe Xc n Klnnil.
PoitnfUi-c \ < > un Miinil , No. U1T Dcnr-
born Street.
AMNOclntcil Advertiser' * Cluli , Vnliiic *
Wctlilell HIIIIKC.
Tin * llotlcnilen ,
Commercial Travelers' AxiKiclatlan ,
MiiNonlu Temple.
IlrlNcoc IlroN. , No. : i ( ) Sou Hi Ti-jon St.
Harvard IJnlvor.xlty l.llirary.
llrnwii Hoi > f \i-wni Sin nil.
llninlltoii .V Konilrlck , IKIfUill ITIli xt.
.Mcl.nlii , PHI .v Co. . St5 ! Kltt.M.nth SI.
I'ralt .1Icroanlll < > Co. , tr.17 l.nrlnn-r SI.
The Slntloiicr Co. , 1'lh and l.invrrnco
YVImUor lloti'lIM H SduiiS. ,
MONL-H JllCOllM , Ilofk iNlllIlll HcpOt ,
V. .M. C. A. llraitliiu Hooni.
( Jt'tU'RtiHllMDII. . ,
\V. A. JIooio , ( llh iivtMiiKami Inlii nl.
Helena 1'iihllu Uliriiry.
Unlicrt Itc-l.l , 1(11' ( > loC < > e nt.
Goal < HOIIMCftVN Stand.
V. > 1. C. A. itciidliiKItooin , S1O Wynuo
dotto nt.
.lIlNnoiirl Itciiulillcaii Clllh , 1)05 ) HiiltU
more Avc.
Gliiirlcx A. fSIIIlpo. . i > Strand.
, T. 1) . ICnierliie.
1'iilille Library.
Went Hotel A'uwn Stand.
Coujirr Union 1. 1 lira ry. |
Fifth Avenue lintel NtMvn Stand.
Fifth Avenue Hotel Heading Iluuiu.
Ilrooinc Street Library.
Holland HoiiNc HvadliiK Itoom.
lIolYniaii HoiiNe.
Imiierlal Hotel iS'ewM Stand.
Mei'liaiili'M' .t Trader * ' Free Llliraryj
No. IS Kant Sixteenth Street.
I'ri-HH Cluli , IUOiiNHau St.
\VeNtniliiHter Hotel Heading ; llooiii.
Windsor Hotel Heading Ituoni.
V. M. C. A. , - ! ! Street and 4tli Aveiiuo.
MuCnrtiicy * Co.
W. U'clll ) , Kir. WiiNhliiKtoii Avc.
JlcOartiiey & Co. , 'Kill tl.-Jtli St.
Ni-w York Il > rnlil Heading Itoom , 40
Avc. ilc 1'Uiiuni. I
' "
V. C. noctlcr , AVi-Hl Center t. j ( '
W. i : . .loiii'H , 1)1 Aldi-r SI.
Portland Hotel \cwa Mtaiid.
. -l"T f
aiercantlle I < IIirury. . (
I'nlillc Lilliniry. ;
IMiUlIo Ultrary.
, . llnininult Lyceum Til enter
Suit I-iiUe NeiVH Co.
C. fi. OyHlon , I'fiHlollli'i ! WCIVN Depot.
I'llNlolIU'OIMVH Dl-liol. \
( iiirrettNiiii Hotel NUWM SI a nil. \ 1
Aloiiilamln Hotel > OI > M Stand. . 1
Hotel Voiidoini ; JVuwH Htiinil. |
( Tcorne I' . Hunt. , <
I'ulillu laiirury. ] 'i
John W. ririiliain , 7i.'l-7-5 Itlvcrxldq
Avenue. (
llrniidow'H KIMVM Hlaiid , 7-1
15. J. Jott , KOII Olive Nt. , ' '
I'liuilt-rH' Holi1IMVM Ktnnd.
nlilln Library , Oil LouiiHt SI.
U'lllaril'H Hotel NIMVH Sliinil ,
ArlliiKloii lloti-l. ,
"oiiKri'MMloiinl Library. " <
IllKKN Ho ime ,
\Krliiiiltiirnl Dcunrtiiiviil Lllirary.
Sun ale Itciiillntr Room ,