10 THE OMAHA DAILY Bttjfrt FRIDAY , JANUARY 14 , 1808. SPECIALJOTICES Art * % rd ciiicii ( i for dicnc column * Trill ! " tnlccn until 1in. . for die ctcnlnaniul until B ! > i > ' for die mornliiB niul Siimltir eilldona. < AiH crllipr * , ! > > rc | iicidtin : n IUIIH- licrril rlicck , 'nn IHIVC nnmvpni riil- lrr ni'il lo it ininilicri'il lodcr In cnre of TinIltc. . Ann" ITU no nililrcdiCMl Trill IIP U'll pruil on iircocnlndon ot tlip I'lipck diilj. IlnliM , J \-\lu \ \ n - > iiril Ilr ( iiiNcrllnni lo n T ord diorpnflPi' . .NodiInn tiikLMi lor IPMH dm it aSp for dip llr ( ln rr- doii , Thpup mHurllticiiioit * iiltint lie run eonippiidM'lj. \VAViinM'iiJ\Tio.s. BITI'ATION AH HALKSMAN Oil MANAtinK OP Mock or ulilpiilng clerk , Ift j-nrn experience In rrotery niul dry K'-o-ls lni lne . p Hk ( Jerman , llohcmliin ami ntiKllih Andrc s I > 66 , lie1. A illIl * AS HTtSNOOIlAI'llKIl , Y YOUNG LADV ; small imlury accepted. 1) GJ. lire A M752 17 * \v\vrr.nMAi.L : CANVASSKHH 1O TAKU OHUKUS , NKW LINtt nfvu > l > , no I. y Kooili to cnrry. salary or miniiilsiiliiii U. r. Adams Co , 521 So. ICth St. 11 861 AMffiMvN ron cia.uis , $125 A MONTH AND ipenos , old Hrmj cipirltiico MinocMsory ; In- < luccm"ii1s to cuslumirs , C. C. lllfchop & Co. , Kt Ixmls 1J DC5 AOIIXTS ANIJ IlllANCII nncl cammlMlun Himtci Tallorlns & hlilrl Co , Cliw limit ) , O. 1I-M49J April 2 liOfi CAfl'l AND LllirlU.i ! MMI < > S10N3 B5Oil , enperli need organizers ; up to diito plnn ; luiy tovvoik. Ilcnrj C. Akin buprome Ilegent , Imiicrlal MjMlo LcKlun , Oinilin , N'eh. II j3l * 3 QOVKIINMCNT 1'OSITIONS-DO.VT PHIIPUII' 1 fur the ji.iMnnirr or ntlioi civil service exam- Innllon without seelnir our Illustrated citnl"ti.e of Inrorninllnn , ten' fn-c Culiiinlihii Oirro- riiondMue Colli'Bo , WiihlnKlnn , 1) , t' . 11 MCM ( l * WANTHD. lJlttci CLillK : , I Oil 5 YIUHH' experience , Dingle , registered. Address I ) rS , nmnlin ! ! D-M7I3 14 HAI.ISMIN : ; TO BUM. i.tniitt- ratlm ; oils on salary or commission Address llio Zone Oil O > Cleveland , O. I1-MT3G 10' DOWN TOWN 8TOIIK n 01 , lle 11 M7M II * \VANTID. riiisT.f-i.Asi SAI ISM\N : rou LI * . lirlritlnR nl'K ' , Rrenrrs and pptclallleH , filar ) nr < cmmlu'lon. KUltnhle | IletlnlnR C'o . Pleve- Innd. Ohio. II-.M7JO 11 * \v I\TII : ) vi , n 100 O1UUS roil AI.I. KINDS OK WOIllv , J3 TO 17 w tk Cnnadlnn Office 1422 Douglas. C-3C3 WANllJU-fOMl-nTKNT OIIU , roil nnNUIlAI. hotf-Pttijik 130' ! S. Mth St C 5 < * \VANTID : A 01111. ron nr.NiniAi , imrsi- vork , in South SCth trc t C 70J-13 * WANTID. : TIII : BIIIVICIS : or A WOMAN vim In c-ihualoil nnd rellililu ; KOOI ] paying posi tion Adilio-s D 5f , HCP. C 700-13 1VANTI3I-OIIU. roil ( i .VKUAI. IOl ! , ' i- nik , lofircncca icqulroil. 1311 s. Mth St C-722-11' WANTID-UOOD roit rnNiiiAi. hniicottorl : 2i"3 C 721-11 * WANTHD , coMi'irr-HNT iciTmnN aiur. : NO othirrt need apply MS S 2Cth mo. C X173I COMI'IIINT OHM , ron niiNi i. not'si- norl. , Knod u IKCK. S20 S Slit P-745-10 * iMns AND nini.s TO uo orn N'ini > M > neil : at their homes Call Oem MfK. Co , 17111 Capitol A\e C M7W II * \VANTID nM'iuiiNCio CANVASSIU TO mil "Perfection" helf-lleatlni ; Ilalr Curler. Wonderful Invention , 42S 1'axton Illoek C M7C3 11 * roil mvrHOUSKS. PIDKMTT ll.MtflAINS-NnAHI.Y AT I.TTo' T 1U S 23th A\e , 7 looms. pcrccHIn bitli lose ! hot \\atcr , gas , mantels , furnace. Inun- drj , 3rt E10 . 27th St. , S-room , licautlful now duolllnc , Onk llnlsh , porrclTln bith , hot \\ater , r.i" fuinipo Iaundr > , J35 973 N 27th Ave. . 7 uom1 ! , lialh , closet , lint water , clatein. furmrc cemented cellar , 200 ft frontatr' ' ' . "II looms to lie pilnled iS. pipercd , 5M 2514 N' 2'tli A\e. , S room" , cltv water Insldo J30) lielnic spent for rcpiliH. Itent. $12. 717 S 51 ! St. , C-room cottaRe , city water , fS. 2320 S 2'ltli ht. 3-room cottnue , elty water , j"i \Ve lm\o others. 1'ldtllty , lal Hoot , N , Y , Life D M117 noviNO iiorsniioi.n ooons AND PIANOS Om Van S. Storaco Co , 15lHj Kninam lei lr,33 D 173 LA nan MST. M-CAOUB. r.Tit AND nonan 11 3C9 nousns. ri\Ts. QAIIVIN nnos. , D 370 HOUSES rou UINT. nuiiis. PAXTON nuc D-37I HOUSCS. J. H. SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y. LU'n D-37. iiousns IN AM. \irrs or TIM : CITY run O. r. Davis Company , 1503 rnrrmn D 5C5 IIOUSHS. IIINI\VA s. co. . IDS N. IITII ST. D-3W iiousns. COTTAC.HS & STOUIS AM. PAHTS of clt > . Itrenmin & U > ve Co , 219 S. 16th P-367 ncs.po 2s-rii ST. . TIN ROOMS. crn. J10M per month. Iljron Heed Co D-374 im A i' HOI-KINS lU'winrrNrn n all nn item , I'irn and rarrlae liouse , CM ) is Wllll ininon , fOI lle , > IlldB 1)725 iiN coTTAon e IIOOM AND HATH. Ban 2711 S. Mth St near S Omilia motor. rent 117.50. Sec \V P Ixjienzcn , If21 S 17th 8t D-JI731 1C * FOIl ItTNT , ni.nOANT COTTAOI2 NBA II llaiifcom pirk mo tern , only ll'i i month Ilrennan-Uive Co. , 210 f-outh ICth ftreet D M75I 20 FOIl linNT FUHMSIIIJIl ItOOMS. roil 1H3NT NBWI.Y I'l IINISIIBI ) IIOOJIS , rcnsonnlile prlees. 2151 OOIKV. ! B M3SO TWO I.AIIQB KUONT DOOMS I'Oll ( IBNTI.B- men , nlcove , Lay window , hot vvater. lieit 411 N 17lh 13 M019-11 * NBATIVY ri'RNISHBD I1OOM , BUITAIII.n for t o Rentlcmrn 1S11 Cass ht 13 M730 10 i.Aiinr. SOI'TII IIOOM , BTIAM : HBAT , lionrd ; refcrenccH Wi N IStli , r M7C2 17 * HOOMS AMI IIO.VUI ) . TIII ? MBIUUAM , rillST CLASS FAMILY HO- tcl , 23th nnd IJodso Sts. I1 M707 JIANDSOMB PAH1XIIS BN KUITB NBWI.Y furnlHhed , alto smnlkr raoms , gooil liouid. The Horc , i020 Hnine > , I' COG IN PIUVATB I'AMll.Y , WITH OH WITHOUT board 1919 Dodge. r M579 H TUB AI.1IANY. DBS1UA11M HOOMH. TA11I.B board 2101 Iouila ; . I' M647 1C * NUWLY rUllNIHIIin ) IlOOiMS WITH I1OAIID , hot wnler heat S402 Cam , r M662 13 * NIC11 IIOOMS. WITH HOAllO. 18.il IHNNKYi' near exposition , I' Miii/J 15 I.\nlB SOUTH ItC/OM , Si BAM HBAT , board : references. 203 N ISth r 707-1 J * rrwo NICB IIOOMS , 2s.9 Douai.\s HT HTr7 r-7 on UICKI.Y Kl'llNlSHBD HOOM8 AND 11OAHD for Kenllenmn nt 17.'i DnJgt * Ht ! ' M783 si * FOII HnvriiM < Mii\isnin ) : D CHAMIIIMIS roil IIOrSBKBIU'IND , MAN and wife , water In kltclieo , steel fhiK. 313 N , 17th. O-COO FOR IIKNT STOItnS AMI OFIMUUS. VOll 11BNT. IN TUB I1BB lUJILDINQ ! One InrKo corner room , id Iloor. with vault and private olllce. watir , < tc. " Ona larto front room , 2d Moor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc One large corner room , ' 'J Iloor , with \ault , water , He. One front room , dlv Ided by partition. 3d Iloor , One corner room , with vault , Sd floor , One luruo room , 3d Iloor , vvltli paiutlon dlvldlnR U Into one turge room and two smaller private rooms ; water , itc. Two largo Kround Iloor rooms , fronting nth St. , with vault. Several email rooms on 4th floor .with vaults. All thete looms aru heated vvltli steam , eleclrlo IlKhts , supplied with Hint-class janitor service. Elevators run day and all nlKht ; building strictly tlrrproof. Apply to Superintendent , Itoom 104 , Dee building , 1 198 FOIl IIBNT-DBSK IIOOM IN C1HOUND office , Dcu building ; water , steam heat , eUctrlo light and .janitor service. Apply to Superin tendent , llee building. 1-197 HOTULS , UUMia , I'AXTON 11LIC. you iin\TSToiiis VMI ointi : * ( Continued ) rinsT CI-ASS MKAT MAHKBT LOCATION . ( Mile. , I ronNT-Thc4-tToiiY nl 9 1 I arnnm St Thin building lias n fireproof ecmcnl ba'emtnl , water on all floors , ga . cto. Apply nt the office of The llw. 1-910 AV VM'KD TO UH\T. WANTBD TO "llBNT , A HOI . B OP OH 7 room * ! with B f bath , etc. : within wilhlns illKtancc of The l > > e olHce , will left e fir n num. b r of jears. Address U 46 , ftatlng price , rare of The lice It-Mi * &TOUAHI : . PACIFIC STOIIAOB AND WAllBIIOfSB CO . MS 910 Jones ; general storage and forwarding M 376 O.M VAN & . STOIIAOB , ISIlVtrAUN'M TP.1.18S9 M 377 IMIANIC KWBUS. STOUAOB , 1214 HAIINKY Haullns nnd packing , cheapcal rates Tel. 930. M 3iS roil SAI.K AT PI'llMC AUCTION HATfllDAY. JAX 1. , at 2 n m. , nt II" N nth , furniture nnd carpet - pet to the lilghcst bidder. B. B. Alberton , nuctlonrer. O Mill 14 * rou SAI.U MI CUI.I.VMOUS . riNi : , WHITI : SAWDUST rou rLoons , BIC. ; coitfe for Ice , nl 53 71 per oord. lei , l > 8 901 - I1IM.1AIID HAM. AND HOWI.tNQ AI.M'.V dolni ? coed buslne ; estnblUhed 1S90 IjOCk box 23 , .tnliii on , Neb Q-M212-Jan.St * rou S.U B ] nNil TBIISBY cows AND calves. J , II , Klutz , 7iO Willow ave. , Council Illuff * , la. Q-MOOU4 _ IY H SA M : , ritisn : cow. HAM" .IBII BY Inqiilre Dnimmond CnrrlHgc Co , ISth nnd IHr- noy Bin. Q M.32 U * lIlOllOUOnillll.'D .IBHSBV COWS PIGS AND piggy sows Spu Ill's farm , Cflth nnd C mlnB. * MASS\CI2 ! , HITIIS , r.TC. MMB lllllSSON Of PAUIS , CHIROPODIST , medicated baths nnd maFFage. 107 N. 12th St. T 131 r-1 * MADAMI3 SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS. STBAM AND alcohol baths. T-.M333 II * MMB , AMBS. \SSAOK AND 11ATHS 1623'5 Howard street. T-M6S8 lti MRS DU I.BON. Bl.BCTRIC MASSAOB HATH pirlors , restful nnd curative. 417 S llth up stair ? . T-MbS : 16 * VIAVI CO. , I'TBUINB TIIOITIII.BB , 34C-S ItBB IlldB ; thslclun consultiitlon or health bnok free. I J SSl I1ATIIB. MASSAOn. MMB. POST , 319',4 ' S IVfll. U I S2 CI.OTHBS CLHANBD. PllBSSBD AND IIB- inlred ; di > or nlnht , dresn Bulls for lure. Pantorlum , N. B Cor. 14ti ! and rnrnnm. Tcl. 9b3. U 3S3 IIAVI3 YOUIl OAIIMBNTS MADB nY "GRBBN. berc , Tl'e 1'iofesflonal Ladles' Tailor , " 1703 Webster. U-MTTi-J-K * PIUVATB noMB ron I.\DIIS : nr.roiiB AND ilurlnc cnnllnenienl. bibles adopted and nred for llcmovrd to 1130 N. 17th. U 723-1 S * HOW IIBCOMK"i.Awrui. . IMIYSICIANS , pharmaclKt" , V. D'F , dentists or law > crs Uick box 1'JC. ClilcnRo U 7H-JZ5 * MOM'.V TO I.OV > _ lin\l. KSTATI3 MONBY TO LOAN AT LOW KATBS THH O I' . Davis Co , 1303 rmnim St W 3S3 ANTHONY LOAN & TIIUST CO , 313 N. Y. I * ; quick mane ) at low lates for choice fnun lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W 3S6 LOANS ON IMPROVBD & UNIMPROVBD CITY property. W. rarnam Smllli & Co , 13oi"ar'm W 3b7 MONBV 1O LOAN. 13B1IIS , PAXTON lltOCK. MONBY 1O LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate llremnri-Lovc Co. , 219 S. ICth W 3SD J100.00000 SI'nCIAL rUND TO LOAN ON tint C'TSS Improved Omaha piopertj or for building purposes ridcllly Trust Compaiiy - C PBR CENT MONBY , $1 Ott > AND UPWARDS , on Kill-edged Improved Omaha leal e t ite. liemls , Paxtan block. W-592 MONBY LOANED ON IMPHOVBD IIBAI. B-i- tite In Omaha , Council IllulTs . .South Omaha PUEcy Thomas , GO ) Plrst Nat'l Hank Omaha V3) ) ( WANTBD-CHOICB PAIIM AND CITY LOAN'S II C. Peters . Co , U. S. Nat'l Bank Illds W M453 r. ' ? ron SALE. PROPERTY or NON- resldcnts caicd for V. ' II Melklc , 1st Nat'l Ilk V , ' 391 WE HAVE MONEV TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebiaska and western Iowa Ilrennan- Love Co , 219 South ICth street. W M5D F3 0 PER CENT MONBY ON NER rARMS A. OMAha - ha property. W II Melkle. 1st Nat'l Hank 111 Iff. W M41C MOMJV TO I.OVCII VTTBI.S. $10 TO $10 COO TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD riJRNITURB AND PIANOS HOUSES WAGONS AND OvftlHACIBb , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , nt lowest rites In Omaha , Sout.i Omah i and Council Illuffs No rem"val of Roods , Ftrlctly confidential , vou cnti I y the loan off at any time or In any amoun't * O.M MIA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 300 South ICtr St TUB OMlBSr , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR- POIIATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X 191 CIIVA'CICS. TO GET IN OR OUT OI" RUSINBSS GO TO J J Gibson , 514 I'lrst Nit 1 IHnk. Y iJj ron RENT , I1R1CIC STOIIBROOM COX22. ALL convuilincen , best loenrlon In cits , eplcndld business town John H. Llndalc , West I nlnt , Neb Y M211 LOCATION ] WITH on WITHOUT DRUG store wanted at once by experienced Ameri can phjslclan , recular , or will bu > partner ship In t-peclalt } or ranlUirlum work Address D 69. llee. Y M712 14 * roil r.vcn \ - \ n. on SALE OR EXCHANGE. ONE DOURI.B lioust. is rooms , with all modern Improve ments ; 1918 and 19o Bmmett street , Omuhu ; within one blx'K of main entrance of exposi tion tiroumlB Incumbrance , JI.UO. will ex change equity for clear property fnun 01 city , or will rell cheap for cash. Send offers to II , 1' . Morrow , Missouri Valley , la. /-M5C3 19 WILL EXCHANGE VEItY DHSIRAIILH clear vacant Omilia lots fcr Chicago property. Addrcio vvltli full particulars , Ilex 2C. . Omaha X JI104 NBW TYPEWRITEIl TO r.XCHANOB I'Oll heavy hoise. 1 hrec-liorre power liollei und tiiKlne two hoi so ponci K'atollnc enclne , bir- for rash Room 4J , Douglas H k , Omaha , /-703-1J GOOD LAND IN LEB CO. ILL , TO 111ADB for stock of goods , nil ) kind In Iowa or Ne braska W. U. Illfgarl , West llrooklsn , III /-M720 11 * ADVHUTISBll CAN MAKE A TRADi : WITH A thoioUKh business man who has u stock of Kineial inerchandlso suitable for n country rtore , and who Is deslrlous uf repiesentlm ; a biiHlneFH concern In Onuha ami dlilrlct. Apply In llrst Instance to D U , llee , Oniulni Neb. K-746-13 * 1 "OR BALE , AN EXCELLKNT HTEHBOl'ICON and complete outfit for ox ) hyd gas ; large number of slides , would exchange for tun- seated rlf. waeon , learn , caws or an ) tiling til it can bo used on u faun I ) Cl , lice , Omaha Nfb K-745-13 * IXJIl SALE OR EXCHANGE , 'LOT ' CO HV 110 feel , wltli eight-room cottace with all modern Improvements , nlto good barn , located In choicest residence part of Omaha , two lilocV.a from Hantcom park , one blo'K from stieet cars and school , pated street and brick walks , JJ.500 Incumbianre , four sears at C per cent , will sell equity cheap for each or will exchange for a desirable stock of shots Addrcm I ) CO , llee , Oniuhn. Z-M757 1'eb 13 LOST , PARTY WHO HXCHANC1BD OVBRLOAT ( llrownlnir , King S. Co. make ) can Und ItU al A. 1 > . T , Olllce. Lost 701-13 J/ST. WEDNESDAY r.VENINO. JAN. 12TH , Ntwcen Patrick AVP , nnd Plnkney Kt. . n b'aik hand bag , containing ta CO In money , pledge cards , 2 pairs of mittens , ribbon lace ejc. Anone finding It plead ! icturn to Capt Einnii MiCormlck. 013 Plnkney fat. , Halv.itlon Army Rescue Home , Omaha , lam 713-H * STRAYED Oil STOLEN HOiiSH. 11LACK ; weUht , 1,100 Ibs , ; ringbone on lee ; reward. Mogy , 1110 rarnam. Lost 720-15 * IJOST. JAN. 1ST , SMA'I.L ' I1LACK COClCBIl spaniel ; hud sellow rlhbon on neck ; answers inline of Wang ; reward. ! , W , Carmlchiel , No. I , Wltbnell bldf. Lost U7l IT I'Ollli : IlIMI , n KOt NTXIj t'k\t C 1IAUOA1NS 3 * I.X.'OTO J6.-01 J J Ulb un. ill I lf t Nut Ilanls 11T.17 111. 3D3 KAIIM LANDS I P HAllIHSON , 912 N Y t. RE 3IS Jin I' . * IXITS ANO rale or trnds. r , K. Damn * , inrker blk HOUSES. LOTS. I'ARMS , LANDS. LOANS , also flic Insurance , ' Ucinls. Paxton block HE M4dl NI'.W OTTTAUG. MONTHLY 1'AYMKNTS COI llee llldtf , 11B MSel I/JOAN VAM.KV" ARMS AND MEHCIIAN- dlte. HunttberRcr & Clements. Lynn . Ne braska R DO YOP WANT THBM ? LOTS IN WALNTT Hill In fell , nrt one-half of the appraise ment b ) lux rommlseloner. T.ie S D. Mercer Co. SOS llam < ; p Illk. 11B-M738 1C 14 PBIl CBNT C1ROS INVIJSTMIJNT , 2-STORY brick biilne Inilldlnr. price } 3 SO ) Address 13 I. llee RB M76I $22 SO. . ) roil 3-STORY 111UCK IH'ILDIXO , 41 fert fronlaRp , n < vir llth nnd DoiiRlat Sts. 12,500 for Improved proprl > on Cnnilnc street , near S3th street. J. N 1'rcnzer , Opp P O 11K-M7CO PAWMIIIOKHItS. ii. MAitowiTZ LJOANS Mo.vnr. < is N. it ST. -407 TVIM2.VIIITiilS. TYPBWRITEtlS I'Oll IIBNT , Jl 00 PBIl MONTH Thn Smltli-Prenilcr Tp"wrltcr Co , 1623 I"nr- nam St. ; telephone , 12SI C7) IIOUMVA H AMI MIIIJU'VKS. SHBIIMAN ( WYO ) ORAVBI. roll S1DE- vvnlkn and rnidwavR for wile nt $4 per cubic Sard. Ciislied ( slaw for concrete In any nunn- tlty The Grant 1'nvlng Co. , SOO Uce building. -M721 IS smvi\c ; MACIU\IS AMI soi'ri.ins. NEW HOME , HOUSEHOLD A. WHITB SEW- Inij maclilnes & supplies 1514 Cap. nve. Tel 1574 -403. GOOD STA11LES , REST OP CARE. $4 AND $ G month. A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 New Yolk Life. Tcl. 1034. -402 CITY EMPLOYMENT IimEAU , 1117 I'AIINAM St. llooms 2 K. 3. Tel 1404 MS STHMUSH IIiitS. WE SOLICIT AND rUHNlRH POSITIONS I'Oll Stenouraphcra free. The Hmlth-l'rcniler Tpe- wrltcr Co Telephone , 1284 403 MIOHTIII > AMI TVl'i\VIUTI.N < ; . A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 013 N. Y. LII'E. 306 AT OMAHA lll'S. COLLEGE , ICTH & . DOUGLAS -397 It II I1OYLES , COURT REPORTER , PRIVATE lessons , day nnd evening , 407 IJee llldff. -393 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE ROYD'S the itcr M731 1'eb 13 CO XL. I1URLINGTONNUT. IIBST , CHEAPEST I'RICB $3 75 per ton. 'Phone S13. Harmon & Weeth Co -404 AVVMUIJ TO IIOIIUO\V. WANTED , 'SCO ON GILT-EDGED SECURITY A. P. I'rencli. M3C2 15 * G W. GILUETIT , CARPENTER AND CON- tractor. Jobbing solicited. 1815 St Mary's nvc M340 Jan 29 * Fuuxrruiin M. S. WALKIN. 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. 406 Icn TO COVl'K VCTOIIS. NOTICn TO CONTItACTOKS. Scaled bids for the construction of the rortli \ Induct across Sherman avenue con necting the exposition grounds > ivlll be re ceived until 11 o'clock a. m. Saturday , Jan uary loth , 1S9S. Plans and speclllcatlons cm bo seen at trio department olllce , corner 15th ami Spencer streets , or sets will bo tur- nlshod bidders nt cost. The right is reserved to reject any or nil bids. V P. KIHKEXUALU Mgr. Grds. n-.d Oldgs. Dept. , Transmlssls- sli > pi and International C\po. ( Should De read DAILY by all Inteiestcd , as cbaiiRCS may occur at any time ) . Korcljsn malls for the week endlnfr Jan uary 15 , 1SUS , will close ( PUOM1TLY In all cases ) at the Geiural Postolllcu as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EAHLIEH than cloblng Mine biiovvn below. TrniiN-ACIniitlc flails. SATURDAY At 6-0 : ! u. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN. POR TUGAL TURKEY , EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. B. la. Gasoosne * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe .must be directed "per La Gascosne" ) , at 7am , ( supplementary 9 a. in ) for EUROPE , per s. h. UmbriaKi Queens- town ( letters for Kruncc , Switzerland , Italy Spain , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt and Biltlsh India must be dliccted "per Umbria" ) , at b a. m. for NETHER LANDS dltect , per s. s. Werkjndam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "parVeiUcndani" ) ; at S a. jr. . for GE NOA , per b. s Worm ( letters must be dlioctcil "P r Wen a" ) , at 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND dliect , , p = r s. s. Furnessla , via Glasgow ( lettois must be directed 'per Furnesala" ) . PRINTED MATTER ETC German steamers callliiB on TuesdajH take Printed Mutter , etc. , for German ) , and Specilly ! Addressed Printed Mutter etc , for othci jurts of Euiope Ameri can and White btar steimers on Wcdnesdios , Gennan etcameia on Ihursdays and Cunard Trench nnl German steameis on Saturdays take Printed Mutter etc for all countries for which they uro advertised to carry mall Alter Iho cloninsr of thn bupplementary Trans- Atlnntlo Mails named noove. additional aup- plementnry mails are opened on the vlera of tne American , EncMsh , Prun n and German Gteamrrs , and rcmiln upcn until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of btcnmer. fur South niul CJi-iitrnl Anierluii , WOHt IlllIlfN , Eli : . FRIDAY At 7 p. m. for NASSAU , N. P. , per s. s. Miami , fiom Miami , Fla. SAIURDAY-At 10 a. m ( supplementary 10.SO n m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA. SAVANILI.A and GREY- TOWN , per s. B. Adirondack ( letteia for Costa Rica nitiHt bo directed "per Ad- liotidack"at ; 10 n. in. ( supplementary 10.no a. in ) for IIAYTI and , SANTA MAR THA , per s s Hohiteln ; at 10 :0 : a. m for CAPECHE CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s. S. Yucatan ( let- lei s foi other parts of Mexico and for Cub i must be directed "per Yucatan" ) ; nt 12 m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and TOBAGO , pel . H. Kreiuda ; at 1 p. m. for BARBADOS direct and NORTH BRAZIL , via Para and Manaos , per a. H Soliinlunro ; at S.30 p. in for NEW FOUNDLAND , per stsamcr fiom North Sydney. i Malls for Newfoundland ny rail to Halifax , and thence by HlcuirT clc e nt this ofll-l dully . at 8:10 : p. in Malls for Mhiutlon by rail to I Hogton and thence b > rtojimr. close nt this ofllca dally tit :30 : p. rn Mulls for Cuba rlo < a at IhU otllro dally at 7OV : a. m tar forwarding by fteamtrs nalllnK ( Mondayr and Thursdays ) from Poll 'Inmpu , l''lr. Malls for Mex ice City , oveiland , unlcw specially iiddres ed for dlcpatch by steamer rloio at 'liln nlllcp dally at 2:3u : a , m and 2:30 : p m "llcfilstcred mall cluics at C.CO P rn previous d.i ) . llnllH. Malls for China , Japan und Hawaii , per s , H , BelKlu ( from San Francisco ) , close hern dally up to January 9 at C.30 p. m Malls for Hawaii per s. s , Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here ilally up to January 1'J at GSO : p. in , Hal's for China and Japan , per H , f Olympla ( from Tacoimi ) , rloso here dally up to January * 'JJ at 0,30 p. m. Malls for China and Jupan ( specially addressed only ) , per B. s. Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up lo January " -1 nt 0:30 : p. m. Mulls for the Soclcly Inlands per ship City of'Papell ' ( from Han Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to January 25 ut 0:30 : p. m , Mulls for Austialla ( ex cept those for Wesl Australia ) , wlileh nro forwarded via Europe. Now Zealand , Ha waii , FIJI und Samoan Islands , pr H , H. Alamedu ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dully up lo January " 30 at 7 n. in. , 11 n. m. and C30 p. m. ( or on arrival at New Yoil ; of B. a. Auranlu vvltli British malls for Australia ) . Mails for Austialla ( except West AiiKtrulla ) , Now Zealand , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per . s , War- rimoo ( frgja Vancouver ) , close here dally POSTOKKICH > OTICt : . ( fcfntlmie.1 nfltr January 30 nnd up to January 31 nt 0.30 p , m , Tranii-I'nctfle riinllV nre firwnrded to port ol Mlllnc dally And the schedule of c1o lnR Is nnnnccd on th rrwumptloii of their unlnter- mrlel overMnd lrnn lt "Registered mall clo > nt C p. m prev lotn day. t-ORNELlfjs VAN COTT. Pootmaster. Po < talllce , Ntw York , N. Y. , January 7 , 1S9S. II Vll.UO CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , MISN1' apolls ft Omiha Knllwnv Otncral < > nice . Nelirailn ni- vision. Fifteenth nnd Wclnter FtrectB , City Ticket Olllce. 14H Pnrnnrn street , T > leiihoic , . riftcenlh nnd Wcbsler Street ) : . Telephone , 145S. Arrive. Sioux City AccommodT. ' S'fo tn Sioux City Accommodii ' 0'50 am S20pm Dbilr Emerson , hloux City , Poncn llattlnn- tuoh nnd DUwmncM. . ' 1:09 : pm ltt 3 nm Sioux Cltv. MnnVato. St. Paul , Minneapolis , . . RK : pm 3:10 : nm nmtri > jn Passenufr . . . . S:10 pm : ( S nm Dally. " Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. TliN train stops nt stations riorenca to So. lllnlr , Incluslvo , Sundays only ; on week Bo lllalr only. rnisMONT , cLKtioriN AND Missouri Vnllov Ilan | | y Gen- errtl oniees. United Suites Na tional HT.l ; : nmidlnp , South- wet Coiner Twelfth nnd Tnr- _ . nam Btreetii Ticket Ofllce. 1401 rnrnnm Street. Telephone , Ml. Depot riftccnth nnd Wcbutor Streets. Telephone , lies Lcive. Arrive Illack IIIIlB , Doadwoojd nnd Hot Sprlmr . , 3W pm J:00 : pm Wyoming , Carper nnd Douglas IlW pin B:00 : pm HnstlnK * , York , DavM City , Superior Geneva. Hxcter nnd Sevvnrd. . . . 3.09pm C CO pm Norfolk , West Point nnd 1'remont 7Bftm : 10:23 : nm Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd rremont 7 CO nrr 'MO S nm rremont Ix > cnl. . . . . . . < 7'SO .tin Daily. Dnlly cxccpl Sunday. Sunday only. Dilly rx-epl Satuiday. Dally cxccni Mondal' . CIUC.V'JO S. NOP.TlIWCSTnilN Itnllnny-Clty Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnnm Slreel. Telephone SCI. Depot. Tenlh nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Lave. Arrive. Mlosourl Valley , Sioux City , St. raa ! " 'i . , . Minneapolis C:40 : nm 10:43 : pm Mlwnirl Valley. Bloux . City * i0 ! nrn 9:03 : pm Dennlson. Carroll. Wull Lake . . . . * * 7.30 am 8:05 pm KaBterc ' 'xprefi De * Molnes Marshilltovvn , C : aar Inplds , Chicago "lOMS nm 4:10 : pm Atlantla riser. Chicago and Hast 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pm Tast Mall , Chlcaco to Omahn 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul. Mlnnc- apolli Limited 5:13 : pm ' SsW nm Onnha-ChleiiKo Special. 6.0 pm 1 S.I'i ' am Dally Uilly cxcep' Sunday Dftllv Kit'X CITY i rACiriC RAIL , road General Olllccs. United States National IHnk llulld- Ing , S W. Corner Twelfth and ramnm Streets. Ticket Olllce fn ti T. , , 1M1 rurnnni Street. Telephone 501. Depot „ , I'lfteenth anu Webster Streels. Tele , phone MuS. L"a' ° Arrhc" Slouiy. | . Mnnkato , St. ' " .iui Minneapolis . . . . C.53 pm 9:10 : am mjHl-ir.OTOW & AtLSPOUllI lllver Knllioad "The DurllnB- Burlington ton Itouto" General Olllics , N. W. Corner Tenth tind rarnnm Streets Ticket Olllce. 1502 Route rarnam Street. Telephone 230. Depot Tenth and Mnson btreets. Telephone 123 Lincoln , Denver & 'w ' Leave. Arrive. st 5:33 : am 9.35 nm Lincoln Denver Colorado rado , Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana and Pugct Sound . * - 4-33 Lincoln Local . . .j . . 7 Em 4-03 prr Lincoln rast Ma I 2 M 5m 7:45 : pm * llJO : aly. ! Sunda am KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSBPH Burlington & ' Council niuffs Ilallroad- 'The Uurllngton Route" ' Jlekct Onice. 1502 Farnam Route Street Telephone 250 Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- pnune 12S. ' Ifan as City Ray Bx. . „ q 03 n'n 5:40 : Kansas City NlghtaBv. . * 10.05 nm . < ; .3o am pm UNION J'ACII.-IC "Till : OVL'R- land Route" General Oinces. N , 12 Corner Ninth nnd rarnam Streets Clt > Ticket Olllce , 1C02 1'arnam Street. Telephone 316 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone USLeave. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver. Salt Lake. wts'ern points . . . . . . . . . ' 5:20 : 4:45 : pm Fnst nail train fo. Denver. S.Vt Lake. Pacific coast and all :30 pin Lincoln Ilentrlce ar.2 SlromsburB Express . . B 00 pro * * 12:20 Pm KcirnrtEzp - - -s 6:00 : pm * 12W : pm * Dally Dally except Sunday. Council Uiuifo Local Leaves. C:40 : n m , 6.5 < ) a. m ; 7:30 : a m , > 23 it m , 10-45 a. m , 2.15 p. m , 4 30 p. m. ; 0:55 p m. Arrives , 0:20 : a. in 7:2 : > a m ; S n m. 9-25 a. m . 11 30 a , in ; 3:10 : p. m 5-40 p m : 9 05 p m ; 10:41 : ) . m CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST Paul Ilnllwav City Tkkcl Olllce. 1501 rarnam Street Telephone 2SI Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 128 Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 0:45 : pin SC5 : am Om.um ami Chicago Kx 11:00 : nm lo : pm Dally. CHICAGO. HOCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Hock Inland Itoutc" City JUket Olllce , H23 rarnam Street. Telephone 4i ! > . Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets 'lelephono 12S Leave. Arrive. C'hlCJKu and St. Vestlbuled I'.xpicsa . . . 4.50 pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colorado tip s. Pueblo , Denver anu west . . . . i.S5 pm ' 4.23 prr. Chicago. De Molnea if Hock Inland . : liupm ' 8:15 : am All.int'c ' Express , for Des Molnes ar.u c-n = tern - ern points 7:2) : am :35 : pm Lincoln. Talrhury nnd Iell < .vllle 5:45 : pm 10 ' 0 am Dally Pally except hunday. MISSOOIU 1'AClriC IIAILIIOAO fjeneral Olllces and Tlclcel Olllce , Merchants Nailona ) Dink Hulldlng , 1221 I-'amnm Street. lelephone 101. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster S reets. Telephone Leave. Arrive , 12:55 : pm liaija Cltv anu 01 LiulK CxnrCH ? . . . . 9 30 pm 0.00 nm Nebraska Local t. . . 4 30 pm 8:43 : nm Dally Dally except Sunday WA11AS1I llAILHOAD-TlCUET OFI'ICK 14U rnrn.im Stieet felenhone 32. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Htreclf. Telephone. 125 , Lsnvc Arrive. 81. lyjula "Cannon n/iH" Express , . * 1:0 : pm 11 S1 arc nan. . . . . ; ST LOUIS HAIL- lo-d Omaha , Kant.au City A : Katitern Ilallroad "Hin Port Arthur Iluule" Ticket ASIfclMS Olllee 1415 Parnani Street Telephone 3i2 Depot ROUTE. Tenth and Maison Streels Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive St Loul C'annon Hall ExpreiM 4 35 pm ' 11:30 : am Quliey Exprffs 5:10 : urn 9.50 pm DrlrKiili' * > * > Llvt- Nlm'lc'mlv < -nHim , ST. I'AUL , Jan. 13 , Heforo adjournment of liio American Live Stock Tvieders' and HreederH' UHSOclutlon. d-'legates to the live stock convention ut Denver1 vvero appointed as follows : H 1 > . 'MrGlnnlH , chalrnmn , I ) . Ii'W Stone , A. P. Ilendrlckson , S. L , Mooie , T. I. . Sohmeror , Minnesota , The I'acllle Northwestern Catlle absjclallon will meet at I'endlcton , Ore , , Kcbruiiry B , Dele- Bales repiesenllng the convention were ap pointed us follow a [ J. J. IIIll. Vll. _ Sothani , Letson , I'll I ( I'll MlnV ( rU > rn' Con -nllon , COLUMJIU3 , Jon , 13. John Mitchell of Illinois was today elected vice president of tba United Mlno Workers of 'America , vice John Ivanc , deceased. , .v Mm STOIIY oMII : Trorn I llfgeml * IllnUl.r. Lovo. Marriage. HAD COMPANY. I'rom PIck-SIc-Up " He saltl ha judged people by the company they kept. " " What did you say "I said 'Goodby. ' " iiArvni ; > HULL oi-1 TIII : IMIM : . It It n n irUIioiiKli UK' KlrLMiiiui Dill Nut I'lill Hie Hupi * . "Did you ever ride hi Ihe cngli.cer's call on an engine ? " asked a talkative traveler of his silent vls-a-v.ls , quotes the Chicago Times-Herald. "Onco , " replied the silent man , briefly. "Exhilarating , Isn't it ? I rldo there often when taking a long trip and get a now view of things especially at night. HIow did It Impress you ? " "As I said , I never rode that way but once. It Impressed mo In a remarkable way , which I thought at the tlmo was supernatural. Hut my experience with things supernatural Is that II you .follow them up closely you will always find a natural explanation. An far that tilp In the cab , I have never settled the thing In my own mind liesldea It VMS a very trivial Incident Hero It Is , but I warn jou there Is nothing to It. I got In the cab with the engineer at ana of the stations for a definite purpose. I am a corporation lawyer , anil I had Just settled a case for this same railroad In which a large sum of money was pending as damages In the Instance of the death of a young man employed as fireman on the road. I won the case for the road , and a largo fee for myself at the same time " "Tho fireman had no case ? " "No , not from a legal point of view ; from a sentimental one It might havu heciii differ ent. Hut big r.allroida are not run on sent ) , mental lines. The young man had a wlfo and Iwo children The widow brought her lltllo ones lo plead tholr fathcr'.s case , but I proved that the firemen lost hlrf Ufa through lib own carek-KsneEs. He went Into the ditch with his engine , when , If ho had jumped , as the engineer did , ho would have been un harmed. " "Wo he killed in hla oib ? " "He was taken out of It dead. I had a curiosity about the manner of his death , snU I went over the road In the cab this road and the same engine and wo oinnot bo for from where the accident happened at thla moment. The night was clear moonlight end the engineer pointed out the spot whuro hi * fireman was killed , and I looked at It with otu r.\vouin .MORTALS. Phil Mny In Noble Amateur ( to high-born model ) Do you over sit to "ordinary" ar tlsts ? Tin : K uMimt , iTO \ \ \ . , Troni Plck-Mo-l'p Waiter 'Ero's the bill of fare , sir. 1 Farmer Hayrick Well , no , thauk yo ! I doii't care to read till after I'ra * fl Boniethin' to eat. Urn 7 much Interest. Wo were gains a good clip , but ho slowed up o little diul the engine bell begin to ring , which I thought queer Then the engineer spoke up sharply to his now fireman' " 'What the d 1 are you ringing that hell for ? ' " 'I'm not ringing the Lcll , ' the man said , and ho looked out of the cab vvlmlow and said that the bell was not ringing at oil. "Well , It gave us d shock. It was like a bo'l ' tolling so loud and solemn. Hut Iten not the bell of our raglno , and It stopped JIH soon aso had paired the fatal spot of the accident. Wo made Inquiries , and although all had heard the bell ring and < the conductor had scolded about It , no one knew what It meant When I went home the next d > iy I Kent my ( co to the vvlilovv anil orphans of the dead ( Ireman , for somehow I felt as If there might bo a moral obligation which I I.ud overlooked. I have not boon over the road since , but I wouldn't care to ride In that < nlj again. It might have been a chance t > ouml , but It had an clement of mv.itury in it that ! don't like Hark ! " Wo all llfltcnod. Deep and sonorous on the air the mournful ringing of a tell struck with a strange Intensity of tone. "A cow bell , ly crlckety Jlmlny ! " exclaimed the fanner , as his eyes grow lound. When vvo stopped at the ptatlftii the ici- glncer was abked If ho heard the hell. "Yea , oy , when vvo passel the place where poor Tom was killed. I hoard It oncu before , and that lawyer was aboard then , I wouldn't be In hla elioea for a mlllloa dollars lars " Hut the lavvjer had retl/cd to his berth for the night and no more evidence- the sub ject could bo collected. Anil-Saloon LIMKIKOlllrcrx ClioKi-n. COI.US1HU8 , O. , Jan. 13. The American Anll-Haloon league today circled olllc < rrs. 1'iesldent , lion , Hiram Price , IUVVH , vlcu presidents , Hev Dr. U H. Wilson , Washing ton , I ) . C. ; .Most Hev John Ireland , I ) . ! > . , man Bmytho. Connecticut ; superintendent , llev. Howaid II. Husscll , Ohio ; sccretaiy , James L. Irvlu , Washington : treusurer , J , W , CumniliifiU , New York Clly , TIIIJ .MVii/rv ; 'MILLS ( ! ' spiMiiH , SK-CWITH , T < > iiiiii'i | < M , nloa lliixi'N , llnli > Sli'lKliH Tlirm-il Oul. The Apool factoiles of .Molno turn out an > nually about 2.r,0,000,000 spools , wlllc'.i will hold CO.000.000,000 yafds of thread 200 j.irda lo the H | > 30 | . There are sevcntcui of thcsu factories In the Btato , oinploymg BIO tmndn at aveiago wages of | 1 60 a iMj path , or $217.590 a jrar total In the making of tlu > spoolu 30,500 cords of vvhlto birch tlmlioi , or in,25y- 000 feet , are tiBCil. This timber IH worth $1 a cord. A large- part of tint HI'S/I tlmhei cut In Maine la not manufactiiroil there , but Hhlnx'il from Ilangor to great factoilea In nnglanil acid Scotland. TJiU > ccf Iljngn ex- pmteil ti'J78CCS 'feet of spool bars to thn United Kingdom , the value bulng $111,100 Ml nioru will lu ) Hhliuoil next ytar. There H ipiactltolly no limit to the supply of ulutu birch available. The BO-callcil "novelty mills" of Maine aru mimcroiM all through the hard wood dlKU i < ts. In thrill ! milts art ) turned out all kin U < > C llttlo uocdcn boxes , many of which arc i ) " 'l ' by druggists ; checker boxed , checkers , iln o boxenvooilon stoptiura , huidlis of a thonannl kinds and ulupes , toothpicks by Iho mil ion , ladders , swings , sleds , school dciks and i luttw , toy carts anil vvheelbarrovvfc , taolts , nihks , cycle ntanil.i , tuby slelglm anil othci tniiina too ntiincrous to mention The lu gett "novelty" factory In the world Is ut ojiuli Purls , Oxford county , white about 200 ha J are employed A Dlxllclil factory liao Jubt tonilcit : d an order for 8,000.000 checkers and 200,0W ( dice boxed , and at another factory In thu t/imu toufi they have mudo this year X125.WJ9 000 toothpicks Onu flun has inado & .OJO 000 skovvers , such as are used by hutihurs , Wooden blcyclo rims are nUo an InipurtanC artlclu of manufacture. 'Hio iirodurt of ilionu faclnrlod goes lo all iiarts of thu vvctlil Thu timber usoj was once tonslJored praauullj ) ivorthlctia. TO OIIIM : COLD IN < IM : DAY Take Laxative Ilromu Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund Iho monuy If U falln lo euro , 2Sc. The ccuuliio linn L. II , Q. u uach