THE OATAHA DAILY BEE : W3DDNE3DAY , JANUARY 12 , 1808. OM THE FARTHER WEST \ \ HEROIC RIDE IN THE WEST iravery of John Phillips , for "Which His Widow Wauls Oompensition. HOW FORT PHIL KEARNEY WAS SAVED tlnnKprnun Illilo of - - . ' Mile * on n Cull ! MKlit .V Tnle of the Sioux UprUliiKr of Tlilrtj- Yearn W\KO _ llcpiirt rllcil In tlio Cnc. The report of Senator Warren of Wyoming en the 1)111 for the relief of Hattlc A. 1'hll- lliw eivca a most romantic account of the cervices of her httsbind , John 1'hllllps , In rciculng the garrison of Tort 1'hll Kearney thirty jcars ago. The bill proposes to pay the widow for his servlc&i and also some BG.OOO for oxen , mules and horses taken by the government. The report says : "The nnrao of John. Phillips should bo written Among thoae heroic men the tales of whose bcroHm , devotion and patriotism lllumlub thn story of savage warfare on our frontier. JTho committee believed that the government nlocs lardy Justice to his memory In allow ing this claim. It simply relmbursca hla nvldow for property actually loot , with a very Hi I Kilt recognition for the gallant and heroin cervices rendered. "In all the annals of hcroUm there nro 1cvf that can exceed In gallantry , In horo- 1.1 in , In devotion , In self sacrifice and patriot r Isni the rldo made by John Phillips from S'ort Phil Kearney , In December , I860 , to IFort Laramle , carrying dispatches which KOVO the first Intelligence to the outalde ( world of the terrible massacre near the for- jner post , and which saved the lives of the pcoplo garrisoned there men , women and children by starting reinforcements to tholr relief On the 21st day of December 3860 , Fort Phil Kearney , commanded b > Colonel Henry n Carrlngton , under th nhadow of the Ulg Horn mountains , over 200 imllcs from the nearest telegraph line , was thci extreme outpost In that part of the northwest The nav-ago Sioux , under HcA Cloud , had been hovering In the vicinity of the post for some tlmo and had been lasl ccon In largo nuinboro on Tongue river , northeast of the fort. "On the 2Nt of December the InJIans mado' nn attack upon the wood train a few miles north of the fort. A detachment of trooa tinder the command of Ilrovet Lieutenant Colonel rcttcrman , Including two other of- Jlccrs and sevorrt-eight men , and a number of Uxlllana , trade a daali fiotn the fort for the purpcso of protecting the wood train. When Home four miles from the fort thej \ wcro surrounded by the Indians In ovcr- ( whelming number * oml every man of the detachment was killed. The heroism of their struggle fcr llfo can never bo told , but the Icrrlblo slaughter which has since been ccn- fMsed bj the Indians of their braves and the fact that the troops were only killed after their ammunition wan ex hues ted , speaks elo quently of the horrible dnd bloody nature of the cnccinter. The triumphant end blood thirsty Slou c , conunatided by Hod Cloud aud outnumbering the garrison by twenty to one , had then surrounded and entirely invested Iho fort. An attack was hourly expected. It 'v.js understood that If the Icidlara wcro sac- ce-foful In tak'og Kio fort It moint deatn for the garrhcn and a worse fate for the vvomru and children , who begged pltcously to bo Iilaccd In the powder houa and blown i > i/ in case of a successful attack by the Indians. THD IJRAVB VOLUNTDEUS. "At this juncture , v\hcn bravo men felt that the only hope for tbo garrhnn was In taking nowa of tholr boleaguermcnt to the .nearest outsldo pest , and not a soldier could lie found who vvoull brave the attempt to "breik " through the eivagea and rldo to the nearest outpost , a distance of 225 miles , John Phillip : ? , a scout nd hunter , volunteered to lake dispatches to Fort Liramlc. Placing a ( o\v biscuits lii his pockets , tjlng on li'ij ta < l- < llo a small quantit > of feed for his horse , 'ho ' deft tlio post at midnight on the night suc ceeding tlio ma'sacro and reached Tort Lara- unlo with the dispatches five diju later. Tuo country acrcfis which Cio rode was absolutely uninhabited by white men , and the ground iwas covered with BIICW from three to flvo foot la depth ; he had no food for himself or his horse other thati the meager amount ho took with him , and It was necessary for him to travel entirely by night for fear of hostllo Indians. Tao vvoithcr was exceedingly cold , the thermometer roichlcig twenty degrees lielow zsro.Vhcn lie delivered the dls- lutehes at Fort Laramle , hardy frontiersman ns ho was , ho fell In a dead faint. Immedi ately cm receipt of the dispatches troops were forwarded from Fcrt Laramie and the Karrlsoa at Fort Phil Kearney was relieved. 1'or this moat remarkable act of heroism John Phillips has never In any way been paid by tlio general government , the only payment made him being the sum cf $300 which was ixild him for varlcuu scouting services. HUNTED nr Tim sioux. "In the jcars Immediately following hU heroic ride John Phillips was employed in _ . various capacities and engaged lu business la connection with government posts and he was continually hunted and harassed by the Slouv , who ahvajs looked upon him as the Juan who had wrested from their grasp the K.trrldou at Fort Phil Kearney. At ono tlmo ho was lassoed by the Indians , In an uttompt to capture him for t'lo purpose of toituic. At other tlniQi his cattle vverb Khot down , undoubtedly through pure wan tonness on the part of thcso Indian in a ran- < k'is In 1S72 John Phillips was engaged In liaullng wood for tbo government at Foit rcttctman , when a baud of Indians , sup iiosi'd to bo Oifallala Sioux and Gho > cnncii , < lio\o off and killed a. considerable amount of stock belonging to him , The Slau chief , Ilcd Cloud , acknowledged thlH depredation , but Insisted that the Indians belonged to nnother band than his. This claim was jiassod upon by tlio court of claims and thb ovldenco was overwhelming , including thu 'vldvnco of army otllccrn , Indian agents , npeclal examiners and others , and the court of claims allowed and entered judgment for tbo sum of J2.210. "U subsequently transpired that at the tlmo t\o ] depredation occuried John Phillip * rvvas not a fully natuialUed citizen of the United , States and therefore the claim was not paid , llrcken In health by the expoauro and strain of his long and perilous rldo. lit tiled In the prime of life , leaving a widow nnd child In etraltvncd circumstances. " nilAVCST OP THEM ALL- Pathetic Interest attaches to two aflldavlts which accompany the report. They are from General Carrlngton , who Is now living at ( IIJo Park , Mass. , and his wife. Trances C , Carrlngton. who Is the widow of Lieutenant Ceorgo W. Grummond , ono of those massa cred , 'Mrs. ' Carrlngton says that when all the troops were rallied for defense of the fort , and families wuro concentrated for tbo convenience of defense , that during that ter rible night , when an attack In overwhelming numbers was constantly expected , John Phil lips called to express his sympathy with her ; that , overcome by his Interest In her condition and the Imminent danger of all concerned , and weeping with sorrow over Ihcr loss , he saH" "If the General wishes , I rwlll go as. messenger If It costs mo my life. " lie presented to the then Mrs. Qrummond Ills wolf robe to remember him by If ho was uicu-r heard from again. She says his whole 'bearing was manly , brave , unselfish , self- eacrltlclng , and bo > end all praise. Ho had ibcen respected by tlio ofllccrs for the quiet courage ho always exhibited , and was the only man who realized the peril of the garrison risen to the extent ot daring to expose hli own life In the desperate attempt to cut through the savage hordes -with any faith iu the success of such a mission. He left with the good wishes of all , and U la the smallest possible reward that congress can offer to provUo a suitable support for lil Widow lu her lone and destitute condition. \ .1 . XIMV Itnllriiilil In California. 1.03 .ANGELES , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The DOW Itandsburg rall\vuy , running from Kra mer , on the line of the Santa Fo Pacific rail road to Johannesburg , lu the heart of the now mining district In the llojavo desert , IB completed and In operation , and tbo Southern Pacific company IMS joined with the new line Mid tbo Suuta Fo lu a joint freight tariff c c- talnlng rates on all Itemi of merchandise from varlois noln's In California to the tor- nilniifl cf the now road at Johannesburg. The cpenlng of the II ndsburg railway hail been nccompinled by the simultaneous aban donment of the Bingo linen from K rim ex anl Mojave , by which all supplies have betu csr- rlcl to the i < aw mlnhig district slnca the gold excitement B'artcd a little over a year ego , The confltructlcn of the now read was begun October 10 un1 the entire thirty miles from Kramer to Johannesburg bra been sur veyed , graded , laid with tics and rails and placed In ccrdltlon to bo operated within the limited period of less than three months. The read la a well constructed , stanJard pnigo line ' .ad , In addition to furnbhlng an o.isy means of Ingress and egress to the mines of the llandsbttrg district , will bo operated for the present a an ere road to develop the mlnc.iIn that section of the Mo- Jive dtacrt and the country to the aor'fo , known ao the I'aramint Valley district. 18KOUUS OV WK5TiiL\ r ot Them Take 1'nHNnKC for Miiulm from < ht > I'urt of Tnoiiimt. TACOMA. Wash. , Jan. II. ( Special. ) A glance at the ptissrngcrs 'Wlio boarded the Corona hero last week showed no Its5 than eighty men , possibly more , who are bound for the gold fields and the towns noted as starting points for the Interior , with the Intention of taking "the beat of It , " to nso tholr own expression. A well known de tective stood on the dock as the passengers made their way up the gangplank and enumerated party after party , some Email and Eomc large , which were made up of the most noted of the western "grafters , " sure- thing men and moro dangerous criminals. Thcro were two parties from the Golden Oato city , Including all told about eighteen moil , all "smooth" workers and men with records One largo uarty balled from Den ver olid was noteworthy for 1(3 ( excellent equipment. This contingent Is reported to bo a rich one , all members being well "heeled" with both cash and gambling paraphernalia and backed by sporting mcii of wealth In the Colorado metropolis Two partlca came also from Portland and sev eral small aggregations were made up of IIIMI who have operated about the Sound cDuritry for the last few months. Hesldov thcso there were numerous individual out fits owned by men who ate making their way north on "their own hook" and are traveling singly The exodus Is looked upon by local police authorities aa a matter for congratulation from a selfish standpoint nnd the opinion Is cxpicsscd that there will henceforth be lees crlmo nnd less trouble on account ot this tlass hero In the Sound district. Many of the departing "grafters" had spent from a week to a month In Tacoma Just prior to leaving and weio under surveillance all tht ; time On soveial occasions they attempted to "right a joint , " In other words to open up a sure-tiling gaino or establishment , but the police forced them to remain Idle and so fat as Is known none flow In the face of the order to lay low If they hoped to remain In the city unmolested until their boat should leave. TO nisctas 'run TVA. cii HSTIO * . Unique Concntlon Cnllott liy tlie fiotcrnor ofrl7onn. . PHOENIX , Ariz , Jan. 11. ( Special ) In Phoenix , January 23 , will meet a convention unique In political hlstorj. It will comprise all members of the boards of supervisors ot the twelve counties of the territory , the os- cesiors of all the counties , the territorial Board of Equalization and the territorial of ficials. T'ho convention hla been called by Governor M II. McCorJ , who may himself bo tbo presiding officer. nefcro the convention will bo only two questions1 The furtherance of economy in tbo manigement of teirltorial tad county affiira and the possibility for raising revenue frcm tcrrltorlii Industries no\v practically exempt from taxation. Arizona Is generally consid ered primarily a mining region ; jet her mines bear an almost Inconsiderable portion cf the burdens of government. The agricul turists. stockmen and railroads pay nearly all. The total assessment of the tcrtltoij ' .a .50,000,000 Yet ono mine alone within Ari zona , the United Verde , at Jerome , Is com mercially rated as worth ? 30,000,000. It paja taxes In Yavapal county on aucut ? 200,000 In ImpiovementB end machinery. Other largo mines , the main ones only corslderod , would bilr , the territorial wealth up to fully $1DO- 000,000 could they bo assessed. It Is believed the only way to secure revenue from the mines U by a tax en the bullion output , for the value of ore In pluco could not bo esti mated. To aid In the work to be done the gov ernor has asked that meetings be called for the same date In Paotalx of lee Arizona Live Stock association and the Territorial Agri cultural society. A special call has also been Issued from the executive office , asking for a general gathering in Phoenix January 25 of the miners of Arlzcoa , for the purpose of forming a miners' association. WYOllIMJ Oni > Ont , Anutlier In. SUNDANCE , Wyo. Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The Board ot County Commissioners for Crook county has deposed Melvln .Nichols from the position of county attorney and named as his successor Tom Hooper of Sun dance. Mr. Nichols was appointed county attorney by the board at the tlmo of County Attorney Stott's advancement to the district court bench. The action ot the board lu de posing Mr. Nichols Is slid to bu duo to the dissatisfaction caused , by his refusal to prosecute Mrs. ( Barnard , who was charged with being accessory to the niuidor of her husband , Ed Barnard , by "Annie" Cunning ham , the cowboy now serving a twenty-year sentence for the killing. Mr. Hooper , the new appointee , Is a vuteiau newspaper man la Crook county. SliootlnK Mfrii ) . IIAWLINS , AVjo , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) A shooting affray took placeat IHnnna Satur day evening between Boh and Charles Italmcy , colored. The men are brothers and quarreled about some trivial matter. Ono of them took a gun and fired point blank at his brother. The bullet , fortunately , struck a button and glance-d off. Inflicting no Injury. The man fired at then wrenched the gun from his assailant and shot htm twice , once la tbo leg and once In tbo head. Neither of tbo wounds was serious. The men were given a hearing before Justice Lytla and were discharged. They swore that the shooting' was accidental , lli-lil for Trial. SHERIDAN1 , Wyo , Jon. 11. ( Special. ) Charles ( Wilson was given a hearing Monday before Justice Tyler on the charge of crimi nal assault , tbo alleged victim being a 12- j ear-old girl uamed ( Elsie Flexing. Wilson was hold In $1,000 ball , which bo furnished , for his appearance at the coming term of the district court. ( Mn' > CIIIK ? A 111 criming' Ulrrtloit , CHEYENNE , "WyeJan. " / . 11. ( Special Tele- grum. ) The Cheyenne city election for aldermen , held today , resulted In the election of the following ; First ward , Isaao Green- tree , democrat ; Second ward , John L. Mur ray , "democrat ; Third ward , Abe Underwood , republican. About one-half of the usual vote waa polled. tt'orlca. STERLING. Colo. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) At a special meeting of the towa council tonight , and largely attended by the citizens , a com mittee was appointed to formulate plans lookIng - Ing to the establishment of a system or water works for domestic USD and for tire protec tion , The commltteo consists ot Messrs. C. M. C. AVooIman , A. G. Sfasrwln and J , C. Alkln. Vrrillet ol Olnrilor Atnrnifil. MADISON , Wls. , Jan. ll.-Tho famous French murder case from Ashland county , which has been tn the courts for the last llvo years and cost the county and state thousands of dollars , VVMB nettled by the supreme court today by ulUrmlnf the de cision of the lower court. French stands convicted of murder In the second degree. French was arrested for the murder of 0. A. Stcele , whom he accused of under mining his home. Through various court proceedings Frtmch 1ian had ulx trials , Arnold's Brome Celery cures headaches , lOc , 26o aud OOc. All druggUU. n vrM > r i TTI i > nnivn HIVM i RANCL GAlTLh DOING WELL Plcntj of Peed and Water and No Scvero Stoims. FLATTERING REPORTS FRCM THE RANGES Sloclc HctMot HufTcrcMl from Ail ) Sc.urcc Thus 1'nr DnrliiK the \\lntrr nnil the OtitlooK. In PIERRE , S. D , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The Fort Plerro Stock Journal glvw Ihe following flattering report ot present range conditions : Heportfl from the ranges are most flittering. The cattle on the range have not suffered In the slightest from the early cold weather of November and December. The beautiful weather which has prevailed slaco tbo cold snaps has allowed cattle to straighten out and feed up to withstand storms that are to come. Down on the Yellow cdlctno more snow Is reported than anywhere else on the range. In fact , the enow which fell a week Rgo lias long slnco melted and run Into tbo water holes. Below thcro la about snow enough so that the stock docs not have to travel for water. Sheepmen from all sections of Iho range rcipcrt that the winter so far has been must favorable for their Hocks. The owners of llvo stock have reason to bo thankful that the ranges of the northwest have escaped the storms of the corn belt states , whlc.i sec tions consider that they are much moro fa vored than the open range aicas. Cattle on the northwest ranges have not > et been called upon to face any blizzards or unusually deep enows , as the cattle In the feed lots have bad to staud , and as yet the range of the northwest has a decided advantage as far as weather aud wlater conditions aic concerned. 1'ntliiK LI > fur State I.nnilM. PIERRE , 3. D. Jan. 11. ( Speclil ) The land commissioner's olllco has been turning out a number of land patents lately to pattleo who prefer to pay up for their land with interest one year In advance rather than carry the loans they hate with the state. Within the last few days tweiity- three such patents have been Issued , racotly la the counties of Turner , Hutchtnson and Bon Ilonuno , while Clay , YonUton and Moody each make a showing. Thla action on the part of purchasers of state lands showa that the farmers In that section of the state are In good financial condition , as well as these In the range section \I-TV South DaUota Corporations. PIERRE , S. D , Jan. 11 ( Special. ) Articles of Incorporation have been filed for the Black Hills Coal and Iron company , at Rapid City , with a capital of ? 1.500,000 ; incorporators - corporators , William T. Coad , Charles T. Mattcaon John B. Henry , Rapid City , James Conloy Now York ; Joseph II. Mtihlke , Chi cago. For the First Methodist Episcopal church of Castlowood ; trustees , J. G. Sharp , John C. Sharp , Mr ? . C. E Anderson , Hatty Vandcrwcut , Mrs. D. M. Burgc , F. W. Ken- sey. npinocrntlo ( 'Inli nt Itnplil RAPID CITY , S. D , Jan. 11. ( Special ) Democrats have perfected an organization to bo known as the Pcnnlngtoa County Demo cratic club. The officers are : President , D. W. TUck ; vice president , G. Schnassc , jr. ; secretary , J. R. Sharp ; treasurer , G. F. Schneider , This organization will greatly deplete the ranks of the demo-pops in this city. A movement Is on foot to organise democratic clubs la all of the Black Hills towns. \ ntlo | > c GotUiiK1 1'lclitlfiil. PIERRE , S. D , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) J. K. Sechler , Indian farmer , at Cheyenuo agency , reports that antelope arc becoming quite numerous about sixty miles out on Cheyenne rlvei. This is from the fact that the ranchers are allowing the few which had been left In that section to Incrsisc , and are protecting them. If they continue In that policy there will soon bo a largo number of these animals in that section ognln. IllltllOlH Eggs are 75 cents a dozen In Elk City and scarce at that. The school boirds of Boise and Mountain Homo voted a week's salary to every teacher In their respective corps who attended the State Teachers' association at Kalley. Two wildcats were killed by Thomas Mlzer within 200 feet of Ills farm house about three miles north of Halley. They \ , ere so hun gry that they refused to run when he walked out to shoot them. The big cojoto hunt took place In the Bolso valley. The hunters were armed with shot guns with light shot. No heavier weapons were permitted In the hunt , because of the danger that would bo involved. The Pocatello Tribune Eajw It Is rumored tfcot there Is a movemerat on foot to recon vene the legislature , with the condition that the majority of that body will agree when they meet to Impeach the- supreme court of IiMho The ( "lephono line being built from the Anderson onnp at Twin Springs to liaise is now completed to Quirk's place , a distance of twenty-six miles from Andersen camp. It la expected the line will bo completed to Boise within a month. Tco Montana and Idaho Stage company , or ganized under the laws of Montana , with headquarters > it Dillon , Mont , , and Blackfoot - foot , Idaho , baa filed Ita articles of Incorpora tion with Secretary of State Lewis. The cap ital stock la $10 000 , and the directors are A L Anderson , W E Knapp , N , A Jones and J C. Anderson of Dillon and Clark An derson of Blackfoot. Wordnor News. Whllo cleaning a turkey Mrs. W , T Hales found a nugget of go'd approximating the size and abipe ot a split pea. All attempts to discover whcro the fowl came from were frultlew , except that It was raised somewhere In the Pulouse country A knowledge of this location would probably have resulted --neither craze clm- llar to that of the Klondike. Mrs. Ann JobL'fan , the v. con boy of We'sar ' , has turned off $500 worth of beef cattle , settled all her debts and Is corre spondingly happy and ccatented. All num- mer she haj ridden , the range , been la at the branding and helped at the roundup. She has to turn the delivering Over to someone ono 61se on account of a crippled arm , but wltl'al Is as happy aj any Imccuroo In tbo lend. W > ( Hill HUT > < > Y\N iXoll'S. A Masonic lodge * will soon bo organized at Whoitland. Flvo hundred thousand tons moro of coal were mlucd lu tbo state last > ear than lu 1S90. 1S90.Laramio Laramie contractors vvlll make an effort to bavo only Laramie sandstone used In the new government building at Cheyenne , A largo flour mill Is to be erected at Cody City In connection with the Improvements bolng made by the Cody Canal company , There are soventy-ono patients In the state asylum for the Insane In Wyoming ana complaint Is made that the Institution U overcrowded. At least 12,000 tans of Ice will bo bar- vested at Evanston by the railroad company. Fifty men are emplojed and they will be kept at It about sixty dajs. Mrs. Kato Pluto , the mother of thirteen children , was tlned $10 and sentenced to thirty days In Jail on n charge of adultery , at Rock Springs. The woman's husband waa the complaining wltucss. ( The land rental receipts of tbo ofllce of the slate register of lands , Miss. Estcllo Reed , for the month of November were aa follows : School funds , $943.62 ; Agricul tural college fund , (534 20 ; charitable Insti tutions fund , $ l,3i 8 01 ; Soldiers' homo fund , JOG.01 ; library fund , $3l7.i5 ! ; fish hatchery fund , $03.83 ; Insane asylum and deaf , dumb and blind fund , $532.01 ; penitentiary fuud. $811.73 ; public buildings fuud. $97 ; total , $1,911.62. < > \ imnuvninvr STOHP.S. All thr VeimiinporIA4iil Sninll Driller * Tnko n llunil lit Unncr. DKNV'ER , Jan. II * n extraordinary con tent has started In ibU < clty with all the dally pare" on cue slfit > and fourteen ot the kirgcst dry goods. tid clothing depart ment stores on the .other. No advertise ment of any of the firms appeared In todaj's papers nnd formil tMlfce has been given tbat none vvlll appear until the papers nc- ccdo to ttio demands of Ino merchants. I.snt week the business managcra ot the dallies aero Informed th t the department etoro cojiblne liai'i ' arbitrarily de cided that iidvcrtlsing rates must bo reduced about 20 per ccat. The firms decline to enter Into discussion of the denuud , sljply stitlng that they Lad given tholr ultimatum. They control about CO pet- cent cf the regular city advertising and be lieved Hint the papers must submit to their dictation , notwithstanding that advertising rates in Denver are lower than In nny other city of the earns size In t'.io country. The newspapers rcollcd tbat concession to the autocratic orders was not only Impossible for business reasons , but would destroy the Independent of the press. If the dtpart- ment store * could fix rates arbitrarily at their pleasure they could likewise dictate In all matters ot policy and the pners would bccouio moro handbills without Influence or self-respect. The first result of the contest Is the pas sage ot a resolution by the Trades assembly calling on the city council to Impose a heavy license on department stores , and warning all members ot labor unions against them. The smaller merchants nra taking advantage of the opportunity to Increase tholr advertis ing. In Denver , as la other cities , depart ment stores have been crushing the smaller stores and the latter are exceedingly glad of the chance to cut lute the business of their larger rivals. IMSMISH UMIinZXl.UtlUNT CHAIlfiKS. lM\noni , Tftthcr mill Son , Arc ! o\v Fret * Mm. ST. PAUL , Jin. 11. The Dawsons , father and son , are free men. The two remaining Indictments agiliut them went oft cuddenlj today like the others. The trial of the In dictment for embezzlement of $97,000 by overdraft against Wlllam Davvacn. sr. , short ns it was , was not without sensational In cidents. One was the withdrawal of Attor ney General Chllds from the case In view of the ruling made 'by ' Judge Willis that the iTttto mutt elect on what specific charge the case vvlll go to the Jury , 'ihe other notable Incident wag the remark of Judge Willis to the counsel and Jury , that as no evidence whatever had foeen presented , aa the scato had lied the field. It only remained for him to direct a verlct of not guilty. At the conclusion of the case another In dictment was called for trial. This was a Joint indictment against the Dawscca. charg ing them with the embe/zloment of $281,213 County Attorney Anderson uald that under the ruling of the court the Etato did nc-t think It could make out a case rnd thcrc- fore moved the Indictment bo Jiollcd The motion was gianted Mr O'Brien asked that the defendants Ibe discharged , there be ing no further Indictments against them Tlio motlcn was granted , ending the sen sational cases growing out ot the failure of the Bank of Minnesota ono year ago. HUMID * IN coM-nnn > cn. of ( lie \\orlc During the I'ail Year. NEW YORK , Jan. 11. The first session of the sixth confeicaco of the foreign mluslon boards of the United States and Canada wa > ' hold In the Methodist building at 2 o'clock this afternoon There ate thirty-three for eign missionary societies of the evangelical churches of the United States. The work of thcso societies Includes 1 913 stations , 1,617 out stations , 3,774 American laborers. 15,581 native laborers , 3,836 cnurd-os , 430,266 com municants. Theio were 31,870 additions laat year. 2GJ.56' ] children and ycung people un der Native contributions last year were $348,130 ana the total Income last year was $4.333,611. These statistics arc ex clusive of the work doao by some of the societies In Europe. There are six foreign missionary sock-tics in Canada , where work Includes eighty-nine pr'nclpil ' stations , 227 out-stations , 242 Canadian missionaries , 50G native laborers , 112 tativo churches , 9,111 communicant ? . Thcro v.ero 1,045 additions last year. Native contributions last year were $32J39 and contributions In "Canada la t year wcro $28170. The first pappr read today was by the treasurer of the American board , F. Wlgglu of Bcston , relating to "Legacies. " Til IMP MtllUEHS V M'ITM2 OIUI , . iiKciril IH-eaiife Ho Ilnd HIMMI III-- fnnril Komi. ELGIN , III , , Jcu 11. A tramp called at the homo of Christian Wollett at Algonquin this morning , and because ho was refused breakfast drew a revolver and shot Louisa Wollett , a 13-year-old daughter , who was in the house with the mother. Her mother run out to summon help and the tramp completed his work by choking the wounded girl to death A rosse is scouring the country for thci msn and declares It vvlll lynch IIVMKM2 VL. Itoht-rtuii-DiM In. NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The nuptials of John Rcbertea ot Chicago and Miss Dorothy Davis of this city _ were solemnized nt St Vary's Episcopal ch'urch at noon today , Rev. F. W. Ei < sa officiating. More , than 200 guests -nero present. Mr. and Mrs Roberton left for Chicago on an after noon train TO CLlin COLD I > > MI I ) VY Toke Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the mouoy if it falls to rurc. 23c. The genuine has L B. Q , on each tablet. SOMI : UJCIVP i\vivnot\s. A cuspidor recently patented Is kept con stantly clean by a spiral-shaped water pipe having perforations fitted to the splral- srapcd outer wall of the cuppldor the watei flowing through the wall at Intervals. V handy device for kitchen use i.s a table having the top nnido up of a sorles of shelves attached to a tilting frame by which tbo rows of shelves can be raised to a vertical position and used as a cupboard. A Colorado woman has Invented a pencil sharpener which has a crank geared to < i vertical shaft with a pencil-receiving head at the top of the shaft , having a cutting blade set at nn angle , and a cup surrounding the shaft to catch the shavings. An 'Englishman has Invented an appliance for bicycles which ho claims will keep dust from the gearing , 'a revolving fan bolng mounted on the frarito between the two sprocket wheels and 4/fven / by a cord and pulley mounted on the4prank shaft. Ordinary pens en a bo changed Into foun tain pens by a new dovlco , consisting of a spring clip with a point shaped like a pen and adapted to fit ofer'the ' upper side of the pen and form a resetvAlr with a small outlet for the Ink Just over ) ho nib of the poll. An English Inventor has patented a de tachable gas motor far bicycles , which Is attached to the rcaf part of the frame nnd has a plutonrod connected to n crank set In the motor frame which turns a sprocket wheel anl transmits the power to the rear wheel of the bicycle . To prevent tunning out on tbo main track after being placed on a switch a bteel bar Is sfct across the rail In a slanting position , with1 tlio Inner end pivoted In a socket and the outer end lilted with a loop to bold It In place over the rail by meant , of a pin and lock In a newly designed coal cart curved arms are used to support the box , so that when It Is raised from the frame by means of the gear shaft and crank It twists around at an nngle with the frame to discharge the coal , thus allowing the wagon to stand close to the curb while unloading In a new stair carpet fastener , patented by a Canadian woman , a wire cone Is slipped over the edge of the carpet with ono end of the wire ending In a loop la which thu screw Is Inserted to hold It la place , the fastener being put down first and the car pet afterward forced Into the cell of the vvlro cone. Housekeepers will appreciate a new colthrsdrler which can be used In the house and consists of a framework supporting a doubln row of bars , on which the clothes are hung- , the device being ouspendcd from tbo celling by a rope and pulley , so It can be drawn up out of the way after tbo clothes are bung. BILL ABBOTT'S ' MAN-EATER Record of a MiBsdnri Korea with an Appatito for Human Flesh. A HOLY TERROR TO DRIVtRS tlln Wild rnpcrn nt Council MlnfTn , llpil OnKOnknloiiMt , Dei Molnc * unit Otltrr lovrn la parlor P of the Murray Hill hotel , re lates the New York Sun , a pirty of horso- mca were waiting one dij- not long ago for the Dotrd of Hovlow of the National Trotting association to end Its labors la executive se'slon when the conversation turned to the subject of vicious horses , "Tho worst trotter I ever drove , or ever saw , for that rruttcr. " s IJ Charley Thorap- eon , "was old Dill Abbott's bay stiul horse Wcstmont , from St. Joe , Mo. He was one of the grandest looking stallions In the \\orld-iblood "bay " , sixteen hinds high , looked like a big , strong thoroughbred , and car ried himself lllco a king. I was campaignIng - Ing a string of trotters out In Iowa and Missouri la the spring of 1SS3hcn Abbott and his horse turned up nt the Council Uluffo meeting.A \ fellow named Dunn was doing the driving , and "Scar-raced * Char ley took care of the horse. The outlU hap pened to ibc stabled right ncross the row from where I was , nnd I saw a good deal of the men. and horse for a few dnjs No body but Charley opened the door of Wcst- tnont's box , and whenever ho wilked the horse out of nn evening It was at the end of a long polo nnd chain , .like you sometimes see used to handle an ugly bull. The bojs from Missouri all said the stud was crazy and 1 guess ho was. nut Dunn started film when his race came on , and ho won It so cleverly without doing n wrong thing that 1 began to think the talk nbout his being a bad horse was all moonshine. "All of a sudden ono morning , though , Just ( before wo shipped away to the next town , there was a terrible uproar In Ab bott's row , and I Knew In a moment that Wcstmont had got somt'body ' at la t 1 heard a mail scream for help , nnd then something was slammed against the side of the stall with terrific lorpe After tint I coultl hear the stallion snorting and tearIng - Ing around In lib box like some wild beast , and I guessed tint 'Scar-Faced' Charley wcj done for. Uy the time I could grab up n pitchfork that v\as before the dnva of wooden hayforks nnd get over there , the man laj stretched out on his face near the door of the stall with the horse down on his knees trjlng to cat him up He bcl- lowoj like a made bull when the door swung open. I raised the fork like a haipoon , ami , taking good aim at his neck , let fly as bird as I could , expecting to eo the long oteel tinea go clear through him. nut they didn't. They went In maybe an inch , but tbat was long enough to take his attention aWaj from the man long enough so I could drag him out and e.hut the door. Kor the next half hour we could hear Westmont threshing around his stall like a caged tiger the old fork handle knocking against the boards every itlme ho turner ? a corner. The man turned out to be Dunn , the driver Charley hadn't turned up for some reason or other , and Dunn , it seems , \\ent In to feed the stud Ho waa terribly cut and brulsod Eibout the back ami shoulders whore the stalllcn got nt him with his teeth , and ono of Ills arms was broken , 'but ' he got' I well. A SUDDEN1 DISMOUNT. "Old man Ablott came to me over at Red Oak the next week and asked ire to drive \Vei3tmont In liU race there. Dunn , of course , be'og ' laid up. I had seen all I wonted 'o see of Westmont at the other town and told Abbott so , but he begged and begged , and zsiuic'd mo that the atudr was TPVCT k icwn to make trouble after being hitched. I re membered how well ho had acted In lib race at the Uluffa end flnaily consented to Orivo him on the track , provided IJI1Ind his help- eis would take charge of him between hcita "He acted so well for a while that It kind of threw me off my guard and I get carele a. After the second heat I Joitgcd back to the judges' stand and poised my hand for per- rnlsslo.i to demount , looking up and tiKlng mj OJES off the horse M I did 10 lint them somebody came alongside with nnoUicr horse stopping c oae \Veptmont QUICK a.3 n flash l.o let a foawl cut of him > ou could have heard a mile away , and itirtod for the other horse- with his moi'th wide open , at the tame time trjlng to Kick Icoss I went up pretty near aa high as that judges' stand at the first jolt , but as luck wou.d have it , ! ii-dcd partly on the sulkj seat when I oime down. Before lie could let fly again , I raised up cad Crashed him over the licid with the butt end of the big whip that I was carrying , which started him off up the stretch on a dead inn. You can bet he never stopped wltlT me until he was run down and tco tired to break looto again The moment ho oime to a standstill I called to Abbott to get his horse right wherehe stood , and I never sat beh'nd him. again. "Over at Oskaiocsa that fall Wcatmont turned on 'Scar-Paced' Charlej and scared him terribly. I happened to to with Abbott when the rubber came In town to throw up his Job Ho was the color of chalk. " 'You'll have to get somebody eloa to take care of that crrzy stud of yours Colonel Abbott , ' said Charicy. 'I want to quit. He coiro at me thU morning without ever liyln' his ears back or glv'n' a sign , and I'm going to quit. I can stand a mean horse to take care of , but lies plum crazy. ' " 'All right. Charley , ' sajs mil , 'jou Jtnt look after him a day or two until I can find another boy , nnd It'll be all right. ' onivnus wnitn SHY. ' "No. I've done quit now. I got through just as soon as I got nut at Wcstinont'8 stall I was nil done two hours go , ' and Charley never went Into Westmont's box again "I guess Abbott get tired trjlng to find driver , ! and rubbers for the stud , for he sold ' . : lm to Jim Togo not Icng after that , and Page brought him down cast , trading him off , I think , to partlnt in In Vermont \\Vstniont got n record of I' 24 at Dts Molnes In 18S1 His sire , Colonel West , was a Lad horse be fore him I am convinced ftrom what I have scon and heard that both of them ncro sub ject to fits of lusHiilty I never saw another stallion that wouldn't lay back his cars be fore ho attacked a man " "Wasn't Bill Abbott In Homo way related to Jesse James ? " Inquired the young driver from Indiana "Ho was an uncle of Jems James , " replied Thompson , "and it was In Bill AbbMt's house up ilicro on t'.io side hill near the Si. Joe track that Pord shot James In the back for the big rowaid LIUOB up by the governor of Mlstnirl Jnmrs lived thrro off nnd on for several jcwrs right at the tlnio when the detectives were looking for him. "Ho wont by the name of Howard , and ho used to nniM with old m\in AbtMttVi trotters over at the track now and then when tils repilar butlnruo was n little sMck. I suppose there worn more thin twenty persons In St. Joe who know pretty well tfcat Howard wes Jcso James , but It was n good subject to fay nothing about down there In those d ) . Ho alwnjs were a loose fitting IVInco Albert coat and kept It buttoned. How many gunx and knhcs ho ctrrled on the Instdo I don't know. "Ono tlmo when the old mnn was slek Howard proposed to V. ti. CMrk , whu was then training for Abbott at the SI. Joe track , Hint they go down the creek nnd try to get n. squirrel or two for t'.io old man. Clark carried a rifle and Howard took along a re volver , remarking that ho used to shoot pretty well with that wecnon when o boy They sighted game after n while la the top of a tall shollbirk hlrkcxy- . Clark blnzcd away with his rifle , but missed twlco In suc cession. Howard then told CKirk to go nround cti the other side of the tree nnd siaro the squirrel back to whcro lie could get a shot at him. As soon as Mr Squirrel came la sight Howard whipped out his gun and fired without seeming to take nlm nt nil , but the game drorvwl just the sime Clark once told mo that Howard picked off three squirrels In the simo way th-U ( "ay without mMsltii ; n shot. It wasn't until Pord shot Jnmcd Hint Clark knew ho had been out hunting with Jesse. THU OLD MAN'S 11MJFF. "Old man Abbott himself was something of nn expert with a gun , " continue * ! Thompson. "UvoryboJy knew It down through the Missouri souri circuit , nnd ho had things pretty much hla own way there , like Uob Kncehs up In town In eirly dnjs. I remember drlxlug nn old blind horse for him down that way a good many jears ago. This horse was ns game Es his owner , and would go through any open- In f that jou steered him Into , blind as ho was. The trouble was to keep him going Gtralght nnd avoid running over everbody In the race , for ho had a mouth llku n mule , and. of course , ho couldn't see. Well , > I drove him the best I could , but he llnnlly carried me Into some one , taking n spoke or two out of the other fellow's wheel The judges ruled mo out for foul driving , and aa I wanted to explain to tl'eni how the colli sion happened , I went up Into the staud after the heat. "I hadn't said ten words before the mnln guy broke In 'That will do , joung man , we have heird that storv toomanj tlnua before ' It riled mo n little bit to think thej wouldn't listen to mj explanation , and ns I Know If the/ didn't , tint 11111 Abbott owned the hoiso and was down at the foot of the stalls , I tiled again In a diplomatic sort of wny tn give an argument , nut they wouldn't have It. "Tho man who acted ns starter said to mo right awaj 'You get right down out of hcic , now Don't jou opsn your mouth to saj an other word If jou do. I'll expel jou. ' Just then there was a no'uc down below on the stairs and pictty quick old mil's slouch hat nnd whlshi > i a bobbed up through the trap door In the floor of the judges' stand Ab bolt atood six foot sK Inches In h'a ' stocking feet nnd he itcpt a-comlng up through that ttao door bv the jnrd HKo a Jack-in the bo\ until his head was near the roof by the tlmo his feet reached the floor. HP had a 10-ltich gua poked away In his outside coat pocket ard there was ( Ire In his cje. " 'I want to know who the h 11 Is going to make him stop talking , now , ' demanded the old Mtaiourlan , looking square at the stirter Not one of thcnv opened his mouth Abbott turned aroand to mo then and sai 1 'Young man. you go nnd get that hoiso ie-dj foi HID next heat. I'm hero to sec that ho gels a fair slioiiIn this race ' And the old maa btajcd right thcro In the stand , too , and sat\ that the judges let him start ngnln I v.onder what the Board of Review would do In a csso of that Kind If It ever came up 'Twouldn't make much difference , though Old Dill In dead now " Mrs Mary Bird , HarnsDurs ; . Pi , cajs "My child Is worth millions to mo , jet : would have lost her by croup had I not In vested twentv-llvo cents in a bottle of On , Mlnuto Cough Cure " It cures coughs , colds and all throat nnd lung troubles it vii.iio vn I'lcobi'iici'h i > rn % \ . Vlnnj I.IIICN VIn.-i He IliiiK. Inil for tin * PrcNC'iit TJitn - nil Llici-rliii 11(3 . Tlio only roatl In China besides the Peklng- Tlentsln-Shanhainuaii line which appears , ? ti absolute certainty , sajs the Hallway Ago , litho the Wocaung-Shangbal line , of a dozen mllcrc The loidbed Is ready , and the lalla , which have been ordered In Belgium , are c\pcctoil to arrive in February The locomotive's wilt also bo built In Belgium. The roul , It Is ex pected , will bo In operation In May. If the drenm of Shcng Taotal Is over ful filled there will be rallioaus as follows 1. from Shanghai southwest to Hankow , 100 ra'lcs 2. From Shanghai northwest to Sookovv , about sixty miles 3. From SooLhow to Chlnklang , Q very largo and important city , whole the Oiantl caral crosses the Yengtso rivei , about sev- ent > miles , thence tn Nankin capital of Anhu province ( and of China under the old Ming dnasty ) , about sKty miles. 4. Troni Nankin west and northwest to Yunlng-Choti , on the proposed Hanl.ow- I'cKIng line , pawing through Lurhovv , JA Hung Chang's former home , a distance of stout 250 miles. D From Hnnkow almost direct north , through r. rich agricultural section , to Peking , 750 m'lei ' C Fiom Hankow In a fairly direct south erly loute to Canton , the great city of south ern China , a distance of about 700 miles 7 from Hankow in a southwesterly direc tion , following the telegraph line , and pass ing through u rich mlacral section , to Yun nan , about 00 miles S From Siitmn , on the Hnnlconr-Yunnan line , northwest to Chungking , in the gieat Szcchv.aj piovince , 150 miles. ! > From Postlne-fu. which Is on the Han kow-Peking lire , and only a short dlstaiao south of the latter city , suuthwcnt to Tal.Mien , thcnco continuing Its &otitliwpstcrly course to Tungchou , where the Yellow river It crossed , aud on to Hslan , capital of Shennl province , about 400 miles 10 Trom Poking northwcut to Knlgnn , N large place In the northernmoit section of the gieat Chili ( LI Hung Chang's ) province , and very near the boundarj line between China proper and Mongolia , a distance of about Id ) milt. ! ! 11. Prom Shanhalquan ( being a northerly extension of the Peking Tientsln-Shanhal- quan line ) , to Klrln , where connection will bo made with the Manehurlan branch of the Tran-ulberhn railway , a distance of about 400 miles Ill's would mnKo a system of approximately 4,200 miles. Hut 320 miles only are now In existence. War .SliljiH for ( Vntinl lincrlcii. SAN FUANOISCO , Jnti. 11 The sloop-of- vvar Alert Ht.irteil for Central America to day The guiiliout Mnrletlu H expected to get away for Nie.iriiuua the latter pait oC the week. EUREKA We have found It ! " iHow Ridiculous ! It is to see a business man fumbling among his papers with a cigar or tobacco in his mouth. He cannot see , he cannot hear , lie can not think. He is stunned by nicotine and his mental edges are slowly blunting while he nervously sucks or chews away ! The sit uation would be laughable if it were not pitiful. His & & X" * business capital health fV&l&f j2& \ and money are slowly . . . - / Z Z& . . poangaway and clearer business brains are tak ing the advantage. Bill Don't Stop TobaCCO SUDDENLY and wrench the nerves , permanently injuring them , take An absoltileaml kindly vegetable cure for the tobacco hibit , a kindly antidote for tobacco poison. Use the tobacco you require and take BACO will notify you when to stop by removing the desire. FT GEHTLY cl Wrllltn < lcir aeU ! cur * piruutill ; uj > "Ilk thn * k i , or r f.od Ui muitrj. toe. at 11 Uil , Urn Loin ( pitruiird ton ) fs.lO. Uru hu , > r viutiu tutaiiAL isu wru , cu , u tcosss , nu. MRS. CUKTIS , NEW YOKK , Tolls Her Bxporlonoo With Ovaritis. A dull , throblilnp pnln , nccomprmlpd by a scuso of tenderness niul hcnt low don n In the slilo , with nn occnslonal shooting pnln , Indicates inllnnnnntion. On examination Itvrlll bo found that the region of pain shows some swelling. This is the first stnpo of ovaritis , in * ilnmnmtion of the ovary. If the loof of your house leaks , my sister , yon have it fixed nt once ; why not pay the snmo respect to your own body ? Do you llvo ratios nwny from a dee tor ? Then that is allthciuofo reason why j on tthouhlnt * tend to j'ourself nt ( once , or jou will soon bo on the Hat of your back. You need not , you ought not to lot your self ( jo , \ whenonoof your own BOX holds outthohelp- ing hand to you , and will advise you without money and without price. Write to Mrs. I'inklmm , Lynn , Mass. , nnd tell her till your symp toms. Her experience in treating female illsis greater tlinn nny other living per son. Following is proof of what o say : " For nine yotirs 1 suffered with female - male weakness In its worst foim. I was in bed nearly a year with conges tion of the ovailes. I also suffered \\ith falling of the womb , was very weak , tired nil the time , had such headaches as to make me almost IN ild. Was albo troubled with loncorrhoun , and was bloated so badly that seine thought I had dropsy. I have taken be\eral bottles of Lyditi lj. I'inkham'a Vegetable Compound , and sovetnl of her lllood Purifier , and am completely cured. It is a wonder to all that I got well. I shall always ewe Mrs. 1'ink- hnm a debt of gratitude for her kind ness. I would advise all who suffer to take her medicine. " Mua. CUIITIS , Ticondcroga , N. Y Searles & Searles. SPECIALISTS IN WEAK HEN SEXUALLY. All Private Disease * ft Dlscrdort of MOM. Treatment by Mall. Consultation I rco. CurcTl for llfo and tlio potion thoiotichly cloaiiooi ' 'spl-riTnlorrfica. Seminal Woaltney , T.piit MTO- hood. Night KinlnnlotiH Deciycx : Fncultlns I'o- male Wcaknes * . and all ilfllc tto dlaorUors pceijj' PISTUr.\ mil KLCTATj UI.CRBS , IirDROOKI.U AND V\KlCO"13r.K p criiianonlly and successfully cured , Method now an d uiitftlllnf aildiJeetSio by new method without p tin cr cutting. Call oa or Rddress with BtiniP DBS. SEARIES S \ In ( In * SprltiK will Iiu TrpiiiiMiiloiiH. 'Hie moit iirolltiiblu liiiHlni'Hii ivlll ho In Transportation anil HfrcIiiiiiiIlKliiK niul in rurnlxliliiu I'ooil anil 4ui > j > llcM ( O ll ( > Illtlllllllllr of ( illlll SlM'Kl'IN ill Kliorl , u Ki'nrral Tiniilni ; , MITI'IIII- tlli * nail btcaniNlilp Iiaslm-Hx , It IVUM no In 'iH : ) -iv HI liti HO lit MtH. Tdo Alaska Transportation and Development Company "roi7PTued ! ! $5 ,0005000non " " To meet tills demand will own und operate Its U\\N STI : v vi iiis , no vrs VXD o\ Tin : CoiiiiPflJiiKT itlili llx cm ii liar of anil iimKiilllci'iit Orcini bf rnmor/i. specially adapted ( or pasiLiiuu CJUSIJILB : ! carry- IMS to that country an Inimcnui. amount cf ) Lr- I'l.lKS AND iQl7II'MiNl fur the nilinm. na ncll as lurnlaliliiB lhani Til VNSl'OltTAI ION for IhcnuehcH mid their sec . .9 niul otnlillslilni ; TilAIJlNO arvriONS at dirr.Meiu polntH All opportunlts Is nficrul nny poreon ho lluy at mill or lais * infill" tn I1 } fnurea nt Btoclc li tills conpiny mil I'Altl KTPATH In the HNOUMOUS l > IVIl > iM : > > , . rurc to bo cirnid within Ihe next Union * . IB. anui.9 AJtr. orri.iiui ) vr ii oo U.VCIi. nnr v iluc. non-i oiisable , and will bo ofttied for a Mini Pd tlmo only. bM'KK "III V.N SIM.S I ! VMCa AMI IJVMv "STOCKS. I'aylns larger < lluiluiJs > V illc mnncroi.i rav ings bun ! . 3 und bank * tine cuojj-nutil , iiunrpur- tutlon anl trading < .oni > inlc were never itui In the lUt of failures. rij | ttoiu la one of inu morl clesliublu Invutim nt , offered the public. Jho lnC'ii | > orJlcj | nn < l MotkhoMlrs who lire ujn tiected with ttil company are men of t\ldu ex. perlenco In elmllur undvrtiikiiiRii anil nun whn u imnica are tmlllUcnt KUarar.u. or iho Btandunl oC the ciiinpan ) , U ) wll AWIKUT L < IJI'VrZ , J-iea Vnl. Illntz Urcw. Co. . Milwaukee HON. VVM i : . MAbO.V. United blalcs bt-nator from Illinois D O UIHVAHDS I'.isu. 'Jralllo Her C II , * t ) ] t It . Cincinnati. 1'KVNIC A HiUIU , ot Chaa. Kdeitntr i Co. , CIIAH. ll'IIOCICWIJI.U Trnrtlo Her. C. I. & U It. II ( Million Itnult ) Chkaro W O MINIJAHSON Qen'l I'AHS Act , C. N O. a. T. I' . H U Cincinnati. U W mtirriTII , ITC I'lrst Nat'I UanW , Vlclishure. MtBtt. l'Ilii > A OTT1J. pan i Ishlccn years wltli Shelby Il.inl ( . Hh ° lby\lllc , Ind J. M I'HII.MI'H Cashier First National HanV , YlcMnunr. Ml a And hunilieil * of others equally prominent. and malic nil money pnyablo tn Kinder 11111111111(7 , cur. Van Hurra anil Dinirliorii SN. CIIK..UJO. II , ! , . CURED No Detention From Business. We refer to Uummi'DS op I'ATIUNTS Cunm ) PILES CURED In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain. OM : THI'ATMINT nous TIIK WORK. THE EMPIRE RUPTURE CURB AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE , ( Sacceitoni to llli : O K , SIII.I.Elt CO. ) 932-933 Hew York -Life Building , Omaha , Call or urito far circular * .