CURRENT , . NEWS OF INTEREST ( U . IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ml.MJIl MH.NTIO.V. Cooper , Fire Ins , 6 Pe fl. tel. 372. n. O. Berry of Etiewndoah IB In town. J. ! ! . Dugsan of Crcston Is In the city. ' O. W. Homo of Clarlnda la a Council Uluffi visitor. i The Bluff City Laundry Invites patrons ti call nnd examine their methods. D. J. Kcrr left the city la t evening li answer to a telegram announcing the deatl of a brother In Illinois. The South rirst Street Social club wll meet this evening at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Charles Warren. John La Coma of South Omaha nnd Don Gunschucks of Fullerton , Neb. , were mar tied by Justice Fcrrlcr yesterday. Shlloh tent , 'Xo. 1 , Woman's Veteran lie lief union , wll ] meet this afternoon It rarmcrs' hall In the eounty court houso. Wo give attention to little things In laun dry work. You get nil that Is best In flm work o < id good service at the naglo laundry 724 Uway. J. F. Gibson , divisional superintendent o Iho Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway lias been In the city looking utter tbo Inter ests of his road. County Auditor Matthews Is expected tt return from DM Molnos toda > , where lit lias been attending the state meeting o county nudltori. Judge Smith left for Atlantic yesterdaj morning for the purpose of presiding ovci the January term of the district court , whlcl convenes thcro today. N. W. Wells , president of the Omaha iS Council Bluffs Hallway and Bridge companj nnd whcoo homo Is In Schujler , Nob. , camt donn to preside at the meeting of the board ot directors. There are a largo number of bridges In tht city which need cepalrs , and the city en glneer huh a force of men looking after them The bridge over the creek at Tenth avcnui Is bckig practically rebuilt. Tno regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union will bo held tod.iy . at 230 p. in. at the homo ol Airs. II A. Ualllngcr , 721 Willow avenue. A full attendance Is dcnlred. The grand jury , which commenced Us work jcstcrday , Is composed of the following named men : J 1' . Williams , J. II. Mnsnc , II. Campbell , John Currlo , J. M. Dollarhldc , 0. W. Pierce , Hobert McClrath. N. P. Dodge has begun a suit in foreclosure - closure ngilnst Sarah A. and George W , Holmes , parents of the late Gcorgo A , Holmes. Iho nmount Involved Is $500 anil the property Is located in the country neai the city. Arthur Meglnncss , the Infant son of Mr and Mrs. J. C. ileglnness of Hazel Deli township , died yesterday morning at J o'clock The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock this afternoon from tiio residence , Intcrmcnl at Hazel Dell cemetery. The funeral of Edward T. McManlglll was held yesterday morning , Rev. G P. Pry oill elating. At the grave the regular burla Bcrvlco of the Patriotic Order Sons of Amer ica was conducted under the direction o ! Stymest Stovciason , state prcaldent of the order , Jlrs. Margaret Tootc , Tvlfe of Sidney Tootc , died suddenly lost night nt her home , 1902 Avenue U. ISlio bad only been seriously HI ono day. Death was duo to hemorrhage oi the lungs. She was 71 years old , nnd has lived here for many jears She leaves a family of six children , John nnd George rooto. iMrs. Wattle Talford of Portland , Ore j iMrs. ! A7\o \ Hunt ot iMarshnlltown , la. ; iMrs Hattlo Kleharty and Miss Ida Toote. John Chandler , who was arrested en Sun day afternoon on a charge filed by hla wife , who accuse 1 him of beating her , was dis charged after a hearing In police court. The wife was tiio principal petitioner for mercy and the eouit listened to her pleas. Wlthta a few hours ho was ugain taken Into custody on the charge of Intoxication His second ar rest was duo to a sudden ambition to cele brate his release from Jull aud his reconcilia tion with his wife. Ho will now have to eet- tlo a fhio of $10.70. nd Fuse and George II. Hathaway wore severely bruised In a runaway yesterday afternoon. The accident occurred In the vicinity of the Rock Island railway depot. The men were driving a. single horse to a light buggy. The animal became fractious ami In attempting to control It one of the lines broke. ( The horse then ran up the street at full speed. In making a short turn the buggy was upset and the met : thrown upon the granite paving with great force , receiving severe bruises and sprains , but escaping without broken bones. Mr. Hathaway Is an engineer cmplojcd on one ot the ' .Mexican railroads and Is here on abort bert visit to his relatives In thla city. C. B. Vla\l Co. remaie icmedy ; consulta tion free Ofllco hours , 9 to 12 anil 2 to C. Health book furnished. 32G-327-32S Merriam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Watur IIIllM Discounted 6 per cent , If paid on or before January 10th. Office open Saturday and Mon day evenings. AT TIIH i-.vut. of Kiitcrtuliiuiciit Furii fur tlie Mini } VlNKorw. There was a largo attendance last night at the Catholic fair. The feature ot the spe cial program was iM. Wollman and his phone graph. The largo hall In tbo Odd Fellows' block Is filled with booths , where are dis played many beautiful bits of real art work contributed by the women and any quantity of solid and substantial articles donated by business men. The booths are all beautifully decorated. The chief booths are the married w omen's booth , Llio young -women's booth , a bower of delicate beauty wrought of soft , lleccy pink material , and the joung girls' booth , where there is a great display of handsome and useful articles. A Gypsy's 'tent ' , made of black cloth , covered with gold tinsel and spangles , Is also conspicuous. Ono of the most popular places la the refresh ment table presided over by Mrs. Harry Plerco and < Mrs. McMenomy. The fair will continue all the week , with a chungo of program each evening. Tonight the feature will bo "a rlJIculous social , " wlhero the per- Eon -wearing the most absurd costume will win tbo prize offered. , Water IIIIU Discounted 15 per cent , If paid on or before January 10th. Olftco open Saturday and .Mon day evenings. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the beat nnd most bread. Ask your grocer for It. City foiill .MuctliiK' . fTho city council held a brief special ses sion last night , the streets and nlleja nilttco reported that the repairs to the Tenth avenue liildgo over Indian creek would cost moio than the committee was allowed to expend without authority from the whole council. A resolution was paescd directing the committee to do the work necessary. The St. John's nnglUh Lutheran church society called attention to ao error of the city assessor In returning a vacant lot owned by the society for itaxatlon as Improved property , thereby * adding two or three times the amount of taxes that should have been aisccaed against It. The council ordered the correction to bo made. After 'tho ' conclusion of the session the spe cial committee charged with the work of de ciding upon tbo appropriation and estimates to be made for the next fiscal year met In the mayor's office. It was practically de cide. ) to requlro all of the heads of depart ments to begin thu work of making cstlu.utea of the amount of supplies that will bo re quired during the year. THERE IS A GLaSS OF PEOPLE Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Re cently there has be n placed In all grocery etorcs a new preparation called QHAIN-O , made of pure g'alns , that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach re. celves It without distress , and but few can tell It from coffee. It des not coat over & as much , Children may drink It with great benellt. 15o and 5o poi Pftckate. Try it. Ask for QRAIN-O , CHARGES THE GRAND JIM Judge Thorncll Beta the Task Before the Connty Inquisition , SALOON KEEPERS THE SPECIAL OBJECT InNlrncilniiH in thn 12ITect tlint All lie Imiulrrd Into nn to Tliclr OliMorvnnec of the I.nw. Judge Thorncll yesterday convened the January term ot the district court. The only work of the day consisted ot the swearing In of the grand Jurors and the charges to them and making the first assignment ot cases. The chief Interest centered In the charge to the grand Jury. The recommendations made to the grand Jury at the last term of the dis trict court by Judge Green resulted In the Indictment of the gamblers In the city and suppression of the slot machines. In Thor- ncll's Instructions attention Is called to the fact that a largo number , If not all , of the saloons In the county are conducted In violation lation of the provisions of the mulct law , which rendered the men conducting them lln- blo to prosecution. The court pointed out the duty of the Jurymen under their oath to Inquire Into all cases ot Infraction of the atato's laws. The court , however , took oc casion to caution the Jury that matters oi this kind should fco approached with the same spirit and considered In the same man ner as the members would consider their own private business affairs , with candor and fairness. The docket for the January term Is very heavy and it all of the cases reach a hearing the term will bo prolonged well Into the spring months and up to the date of the be ginning of the May term. Among the cases that will eomo to trial Is the suit biought by Deere , Wells & company against the GSlcago , MilwaukeeSt. . Paul Hallway company for damages for the destruction by nro of the bis Implement warehouses on South Main street two jeats ago. The amount sued for is $140,000. The efforts of the railway com pany to hccuro the removal of the case from the state to the federal court have failed , Judges on both benches refusing to make tbo order for removal. Another case will bo the hearing of the cases against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Hallway and Bridge company. Both of these are suits Instituted to annul the flfty- jear charter granted by the city council at the last moment It had the power to excn- ciso such authority. The first was Instituted by the attorneys for C. C. Bump , a property owner living In the east part of town , which was started Immediately after the charter was granted , and the other Is a iiuo wan/ ranto proceeding instituted In the name of the state. Half a dozen lawjers will bo em ployed on either side of the case. The plaintiffs allege in their petitions that the granting of the long time charter is against public policy and the council exceeded Its power when It gave the company the exten sion. In the defense the company will use for nil It Is worth the fact that the people by nn overwhelming majority , more than three to one , gave assent to the llfiy-jear clause In the charter when they voted In favor of the Manawa charter. The criminal docket is light and contains no important cases unless the Dlckerso matter shall again reach the surface. The following is the first assignment ol1 civil cases for trial : Wednesday. January 12 : Julia E. Officer ngnmst Dmpkto Hardware company ; Urn- met Tinley against J. Flageollo ; Ulchard W. Keeler against Manhattan Beach Im provement company. Thursday , January 13 : Emll Schurz against Theodore Bachelor ; Leonard Ever ett against Hnlbert Gore and others ; Joseph Farrell against U. M. Duncan ; George C. Brown against Mnry Sapp. Triday , January H : Ella O. Plnncy against S. U. Wadswortb and others ; Charles Gregory against Wright , Raph and others ; Mather Grnvelle against John Short and others ; N. Merriam against J. W. Fer- rler ; J. P. and Llddio Cady against T. J. Cndy. Saturday , January 15 ; C. C. Bump against City of Council Bluffs ; George W. Hewitt against Lars Jensen and others ; State Sav ings bank asalnbt F. J. Day nnd others. Monday , January 17 : City against F. S. Eaton nnd others ; Jennie Forbes against Prank Forbes. Tuesday , January 18 : Citizens' bank against George F. Wright and others ; Se curity Savings nnd Loan association against Josle ; P. Boekhoff and others ; George II. Mayno against J. H. Mlllard ; Adeline E. Witt against J. S. Smith and others. Wednesday , January 10 : M. E. Street against W. B. Heed ( county treasurer ) ; Chicago & Northwestern Railway company asninst vime ; Mary E. Street against same ; M. C. Savings and Investment association against A. 11 Hooker nnd others Thursday , January 20. M. E. Hanaford against Barbara Hall and others ; C. It. Hnnnnn against Lake Manawa Railway comp my ; Ernest Ilusmnn against Paul Boquct. i Friday , January 21 : Llnder & Filter against John Llndt. nnd others ; Meredith Valley Savings bank against M. J. Swan nnd others ; Benton & Underwood against Charles Peters. Saturday , January 22 : C. C. Bump against Motor company. 200 tons baled hay for sale. One to five tens , $5 50 per ton ; flvo tons cr more , $500 per ton ; 20c per bale or G bales for $1.00. Lougco & Lougee. AViiler IllllH Discounted G per cent , If paid on or before January 10th. Office open Saturday and Mon day evenings. Itcul Khtnte TrniiNfei-N. The following transfers are reported from the tltlo and loan ofllce of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : Hannah Doyle to Mrs , Kittle. DownIng - Ing , vvli swVi and nwU nwVi 21- 70-41 , q. c. d $1,000.00 J. B. Johnnnson and wife to Clans Stamp , neU 17-76-38 , except 1 ncre cemetery , w , d 8,000.00 Sheriff : to Thomas Trench , nw',1 neii 31-77-U s. d , George W. Llpo und wife to St. John's English Evangelical Luth eran church , lot 9 , block 11 , Ferry odd , s. vv. d CO.OO Sarah D. Winder * to U. J. Morgan , lota 15 and 1C , Johnson's add. , vv. d 1.03 Ida Mny I lumer to James II , Wright , lot 3 , block 7 , Carson , vv. d 270.00 J , JJ. Bender nnd wife to Hannah Mny Hair , .12 rods oft north end lot 5 , Auditor's subd , of mv'/i neU 12-75-40 , vv. d 00,03 Hannah May Hnlr and husband to J. E. Bender , part lot ) , Audi tor's subd. nw'S ne'Vi 12-75-40 , vv , d , D A. Bl.mchard to Elizabeth DIanchard , 23 acres se'/i nw'/i 0-75-43 , vv. a 1,000,00 C. T. Clarke to W. R. McDowell , v\Vi nc'/i 11-74-39 , w. d 3,000,00 Ten transfers , total . $14,717.33 llnrtrmlt-r riiarKt'il with John Vccnker , bartender In a South Main street saloon , was arrested last evening on an Information filed by William Grogan , charging assault with Inte-nt to commit great bodily Injury , The arrest Is the result of a quarrel In the saloon Monday afternoon , In which It IB alleged that Veenker struck Grogan .with a beer glass , Injuring him Re- vorcly. Veonker claims that Grogan was the aggressor and that the latter tried to hit him with a spittoon. Tlio Information was filed In the court of Justice Ferrler , who set the case for this afternoon at 2 o'clock and released the defendant under $300 bonds. l Gliurcli MroUnur. At the annual meeting of the First Con gregational church on Monday evening , Mrs. H , W. Hart submitted a proposition to pay $1,000 on the church debt , amounting to $3,000 , provided the other members would raise the balance , The congregation accepted the offer with thanks , and an effort will at once be made to secure the money needed , Tlio following offlcer * were elected : Cleric , 73. S. Allen ; treasurer , E , B , Hnrtj trustei for three years , J. O. Hlxby ; trustees foi two years , A. IJ. Walker nnd I. S. Peck prudential committee , N. P. Dodge , W. W , Wallace , J. V. Howard ! music committee Mrs Havcrstock and Mrs. Levcrett ; ushers C. K. Taylor , W. Klmball , Dr. Roe , Charles Havcrstock , M , Hallsback and W. S. ( Homer ; Sunday school superintendent , C. K. Taylor ; assistant superintendent , I , S. Peck ; secre tary Walter Howard ; treasurer , E. E , Hart ; librarian , J. H. Strock ; chorister and organist , Miss Hester Hose. IlimGLAHS AVOH1C AT J.EISUIli : Take In llic Town Tliorotidlilj- Html II nny Viiliinlilo * . The citizens have been experiencing a lit tle run of highly successful burglaries during the last few days. Three complaints were made to the police jesterday by citizen ! whoso houses had been entered during the previous night nnd robbed of contents more or less valuable. I , S. llcck , chief clerk at the Hock Islaml freight , called at the station at II o'clock yesterday nnd gave the details of a successful raid upon his home at 720 Seventh avenue. Ho and his family had attended church on the preceding night , and when trey -returned homo they discovered ono ol the bedroom windows had been raised dur ing their absence. A fine hunting-case gold watch , with a valuable chain attached , belonging to Mrs. Heck , was missing , but thcro was no other evidence of the presence of burglars and the members of the family retired without arriving nt the conclusion that the place had been visited during their absence. When morning came , however , the presence of a strange nxo and No. 9 foot prints underneath the window , with corresponding spending muddy tracks on the bedroom carpet left no room for doubt , The axe had been used to pry up the window from the outside. The watch was the only thing taken. On the same night the residence of Dr. L. E. Hoe , within n block and n half of this place , -was entered In the same manner during the absence of the family at church. The house was thoroughly ransacked. A ladles' gold watch , $15 In gold and a bulldog revolver were taken , besides a number of smaller articles of Jewelry. Yesterday at noon the office of Dr. Mudge , another dentist , was broken open while ho was nt dinner and a search was made for valuables. Every drawer and receptacle in the place was opened and examined , with the exception of the ono that contained the gold leaf used for filling teeth. It was over looked and remained untouched. It con tained about the same amount of gold that was taken from Dr. Hoe. The similarity of methods of operation leads the police to be lieve that the three robberies were com mitted by the same persons , and they are now hunting for them. A half dozen other robberies have been committed In which the family axe has pla > ed a conspicuous part and the police bellevo that the parties who committed them are residents of the city. Dan Christiansen , a hostler emplojed in one of the barns located near the government building , reported to the police yesterday that his room ID the barn had been entered during the night and his watch taken. An attempt was made to break Into the place ono night about a week ago but a little dog gave the alarm and aroused his master. A few dajs later the dog was poisoned , and when the robber made Ihe second trip ho was able to get Into the room without awakening the sleeping man. sncLiins ins j.\VTiinu's AIIKEST. W. D. Cmilllin ! Chnrurcil liy Ills Son Midi Dflnir n W. D. Graham , an old soldier and nn old timer , was placed under arrest jesterday on the charge of bigamy , preferred by his son , Gcorgo M. Giaham. The complaint was lodged In Justice Vein's court and Constable Albertl made the arrest. The Information charges that for the last three years Graham has been living with a woman named Llzrle McLaln and passing her oft ns his wife , which constitutes a legal marriage under the Iowa laws. At the sanio time Mrs Santy Graham , to whom the man was married many jears ago , Is living in Red Oak and is undivorced. Graham's son explained his In terference with his father's domestic affalis by declaring that the other members of the family had been trying for a long time to break up the relations between his father nnd the woman , but without success Crim inal prosecution was resorted to as the last means When Graham was arrested ho was very Indignant and roundly abused his son , whom ho accused of persecuting him for the reason that ho refused to elve him some money when ho demanded It a few days ago Graham Is drawing a pension from the gov- ernnment which Is all he has to live on. Mrs. McClaln , who has gotten him Into trouble , Is something of a public character , and Is known especially among the oki soldiers mho are drawing pensions. She has filled the office of wife to at least a half dozen of them nnd has endeavored 14 each case to procure a widow's pension after their successive deaths. Graham was sonti to the county Jail in default of beads. The grand Jury will in vestigate his case. n -I < oiiB'M Clinrllj Work. Rev. Henry DeLong and wife have Just Issued a report ot their charitable work for the month of December. It shows that a largo amount of good -work has been ac complished. Food has been furnished to 219 persons and clothing to 243. The vari ous Sunday schools have been visited in the Interests of the American Sunday School union and 223 families have been visited. Much of their time has been given to the , , Girls' Industrial school and the interest and attendance are growing weekly. The report concludes as follows : The experience of the past has taught us that the period between now and the 1st of April is the hardest pait of the yeai for the unemployed poor , and In our judg ment there should be some kind of a con solidation of the different charities of our city. Much labor and expense could thus bo saved , and the grent drain cnubcd by bmooth Imposteis working ! on the sjmpa- tl.les of charitably disposed Individuals could bo materially lessened , The cast off clothing and food which the people of this city gladly give away would , if properly distributed , supply nil the needy persons of Council Blulfs , We close the work of last year with no outstanding debts , and wo de'slre to thank all who have aided us In the past , and solicit their co-operation this year In the worlc among the unfortunate. The supply of clothing , vegetables , jellies and canned goods contributed at and slnr-o Thanksgiv ing Is almost entirely exhausted , and the need nnd demand being * greater now than nt any time during the past year , wo would respectfully ask that all ix-rsons who wish to contribute clothing , food 01 cash far this cause would kindly respond as soon as con venient for them to do so , ] > ulill IiiNfullndnii. Concordla lodge , No. 52 , Knights of Pjt'.ilaa , hold a public Installation at the Patriotic Order Sons ot America hall last Dvenlng , A banquet and dance followed the Installation of these ofllcers : 'Fred ' Sherman , 0. C. ; II. W. Lewis , V. 0. ; George Hill. P. ; J. J. Klein. 'M. ' of W. ; V , E. David. K. of II. and S.j T. D , King , M. of D. ; J. E. Wal lace. M. of P. ; William Burke , M. at A. ; M. Kempkes , I. G. ; J. Q. Smith , 0 , G. ( > | II > OH | lion < i 11 llrc-ncry. SIOUX OITV , la. , Jan 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) Opposition to the proposed erection of -Immense brow cry cud malting house In Sioux City lies developed In tiio direction of outside- brewers aud maLsters , who annually recelvo thousands of dollars from their trade at this distributing point. It IKB been repre sented to the Latrcbe , Pa. Interests , which are preparing to build a plant and establish a business in Sioux City , that a very largo majority of the saloons of Sioux City either are controlled by Milwaukee , Chicago , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Minneapolis brewers or are owned by tbo big brewers outright. It Is thought that negotiations will proceed without further delay , as thla etato or affairs docs not exist. Moux Cltj' Health. SIOUX CITV , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Tlio report of the local health ofilcer ehows that the death rule In Sioux City appjaru to bo decreasing. Last year the death rote was 252 , against 347 In 1896 , Figuring a popula tion of 40,000 tbo ratio o' deaths In 1S97 vus only C.3 to every 1,000 Inbabltaata. DRAKE AND ! & ! LAWMAKERS Iowa's Governor Soi Hig Message to tb ( LogislnUuo , TnEATS AT LENGTIlfdri STATE FINANCES T 1 He iA rltiu < m 1li < Ttit < o Ilrniy AH Iiroprlntlcni * ! > < | u. In t ( Icii- critlMBLiul > \ _ riiti 31 In Coinnilttvvfi. DBS StOINDS , Jan. 11. ( Special Tclr- gram. ) Today's event In the legislature was the announcement by Sneaker lunlc oi the house committees. Next to this was tl delivery ot Governor Drake's message bcfon stopping out of the executive onice. The committees arc considered to have nn Inv portant bearing on the senatorial fight twc years hence , nnd the supporters of Ctimmlm for senator claim to have scored a consltV erablo vlntorjt over the Gear men In the as signments. The Important chairmanships arc : AVajs and means , Potter of Pottnwat- tamlo ; Judiciary , Carr of I'olkj appropria tions , Alerrlam ot Delaware ; railroads and commerce , Johnston ot rranklln ; munlclpil corporations , llrlghton of Jefferson ; hankc and hanking , Nolle. to : L'na ; Insurance , Lndl of Duller ; schools , Lavender ot Cnlholin ; constitutional amendments , Wholan of Em- met. Qovcrdor Drake , In his message , devotes much attention to the state debt , the flrot considerable one the state- has had In a generation. In the last two jears the state lecelpts Imvo been $4,101,78 , whllo expenses have been $4,731,746. Interest paid was $19u47. The debt ho attributes to evcesslvc appropriations by the last general assembly , which , howovei , wore for necessary purposes , chiefly extending the etato Institutions. lie reports the Institutions In satisfactory con dition ami opposes the plan of n single board oC control for them and recommends that n single board bo placed , In. charge of iac i class. Ho recommends careful scrutiny ol every appropriation , but advises that there Is no occasion for panic about finances. He calculates that the debt at the end ot the year will bo reduced from $430,000 , Its pres ent figure , to $370,090. The house In Joint sesslr a this afternoon canvassed the vote for governor and lieuten ant governor at the late election. It v\u found to be. on governor , as follows : Shaw , republican , 221,729 ; White , democrat , 194,853 ; Lloyd , populist , 6.200 ; Lelaud , prohibitionist , 3,243 ; Cllggett , gold democrat , 4 296 ; Kremer , socialist labor , 87G ; total , 4J8.213 ; Shaw's plurality , 29,876. The airaiigements foi In auguration were completed today and the ceiemony will take place Thursday at 2.30 at tbo state house. DUAKE'S MESSAGE. George Drake's message In full Is as fol lows : To the Senate nnd House of Representa tives : 1 esteem It jhU'h privilege to con gratulate ion as thu chosen repiesentatives of the people ot this great common wealth. . I congratulate jdu also oni the Improved condition of our state nnd the country nt large. Not for ie.irs has there been such evidences of prospeilty , .such plowing prom ise for the future. Uverj where the Indus trial world Is alive 'with new activity , and agriculture rejoices vilth commerce over en- laigeil compeiibatlofi f9r labor anil more generous rutuins fgr investment For the bestowal of these blessings let us not fall to express our gratitude to the Great Ituler of the universe. ' rinding from thd state auditor's icport , miule nbout the 1st iof Januniy , 1SD7 , that n deficit existed In the .state s ilnances In my message to thq Twenty-sixth General assembly at Its txtra session I qalleu attention to the fact , and recommended such legislation as1 would i educe expenses and pi o vide for the enily extinguishment of the state's Indebtedness. In pursuance of such policy , Investigations Into expendi tures were made and measures taken re sulting. In quite a saving , and In cutting down the expenses of the btate Steps were also taken toward Increasing the revenue , of which I will speak , presently The receipts Into the general revenue of iniV 2ite amou"ted , during the term to $4- 101,370 SI , and the expenditures as repre sented by warrants drawn to J4.731.7G4 3J Ihe exper.faes were theiefore ? G3l ,3S7 ' 49 ' lii excess of the receipts. There v\ ere var - rants outstanding at the beginning of the term amounting to J7305023 , making the ? & -m-U"n. , o e\Pen < 1"ureg to be met $ I.SOail4oS. The , . cash on hand nt the be ginning of the term was { J12,837 11 , which added to the amount of receipts above of the treasury , , ,1 2o Out of this .sum warrants were redeemed to the extent of I4.35S.2U 85 , and interest was paid on warrants to the ex tent of $19,347 44 , making1 the aggregate dls- buiscmentt4.377.BCl 29. The cSsh In the treasury nt the close of the term , there fore , amounted to $3CC729G , and the aggro- Ki'i'oof ' th ? outstanding- at rants to JH7- -i2 ! maklng the net floating debt $41 < > ! - ' CAUSE OF INDEBTEDNESS. This amount of indebtedness : Is largely the effect of excessive appropriations made by the Twenty-sixth General assembly , yet not altogether so. This fact Is well brought out In the report of the auditor of state. But for the Destruction of the main build- U1 , ? ' the Institution for Fecblo Minded Children , an expandittiro amounting to JCO- 200 during the term , and more subsequently , would have been avoided. The extra ses sion of tha general assembly , the labors of vvJilch , In my opinion , abundantly justify Its cost , entailed an expanse , including the publication of the new code , of J170 497 53 The advance of one quarter's support for the hospitals for the Insane , a measure in the Intel est of saving expense , took $107- p more. These three Items make the moat- Ing- debt greater by $ m.B18 53 than It would have been hail no such expjndltures bcun incurred Without these expenditures the debt would have been only $72 , " 09 24 The Twenty-sixth General assembly made provision for meeting much of the extraor dinary expenses Incurred by additional levies and levying certain Indirect taxes not heretofore known In this state I am not disposed to look upon the largo appropriations made by the Twenty-sixth General assembly as unwarranted al though some , of them , or perhaps the man ner thereof , may have been Injudicious at the time they were made. The. needs of the Institutions wcio great , needs that would have , to be mot In the early future If not by that body. In Justlllcatlon of the action tikcn , It may bo said thnt the time was a favorable one for making public Im provements. In no year , for several past , has It been possible to build so advanta geously ns In do jeai 1SEC. As another source , of revenue , I may call your attention to. trft ) subject , alrcaay agitated , of lnterest > on the public funds It Is regarded by successful men of business , firms and corporations an good financier ing to utIUzo all aviillubla assets , ns far ns may be. reasonably done , for Increasing revenues , and I am mrible to see. why such rule may not bo applied to the funds belong ing to the state thnt nre not immediately needed nnd a rea > prwblo r.ite of Interest secured by the statq rather than by Indi viduals and corporations from thnt source. This system sbHuw nlt.o apply to tbo counties , school districts and munlclp vlltles of the state. It wouldi undoubtedly opernte sensibly to lncrot * 1 the receipts of the Htato and local tr nsyrlea. j recommend thnt steps bo taken , to bring about such a ' system. , , v' The present coml.itlui and needs of the various state Institutions are reviewed at ength , the steadily Increasing numbers of pcoplo to bo provlfljMTi for entailing neces sarily Increased apfo imodatlons and ex penditures , being c , ° iuinented on. In regard : o the penitentiaries ( ho governor recom mended the establishment of a ( board to have general supervision over their man agement and the control of the expenditures , The question of ono board , Instead of the many now In existence , to have the su pervision of tbo state Institutions IB dls- cufsod and favorably commended to the legislature , SPECIAL APPnOPIUATIONS. The amounts asked for the several Insti tutions of tlio state , whether as additional permanent allowances or special appropria tions , are aa follows ; > Annual and 1 Specific Total Approp'tlon Term , University. Permanent annual . $ 1B.OOO . Improvements , etc . 41,100 101,100 For flvo jears . 15,000 . ot Agriculture 41,475 < U7 Normal school. Permanent , annual , , . , . , 5.1rw , , . , , , , , Hopalra . . , . . , , . , 1,000 11S.20 For three jenrs 25,000 . . , . , , . OrphnnV homo . , 4S.B.V ) 4iW Soldiers' homo 41.SOO 41,50 Home for the Hllml 34,100 34,9. > College for the Ullnd . . . . . . . 20 COO SO.CC * School for Dfnf 8,000 "W Kecblo minded children. , . . 4oCi Hospital nt < Mt. Pleasant. . 8,000 T6.7J Annual 20,750 Hospital fit Independence "l.fiSi 71.C1 Hospital nt Clnrlnda 151,740 Ii1,74i Hospital nt Cherokee 271,000 279,001 Industrial school , boys , , . . .ri.roo Industrial school , RlrK. . . 1 < UOO fS,45i I"t. Mndleon penitentiary. . 12 , < ! 00 12,80 Annmosa penitentiary 45.174 43,17 Benedict homo 12.CKX ) 1200i Fish nnd game warden . . . . 13000 13.CKX Omaha exposition 47,400 47,40i Historic hall , additional. . . 21.000 24,00i Totnli , $1,11V < 19 $1,215,31 ! Total additional annual allowance . . . $ i6XX ( The nmount proposed for specific appro priation * Is thus $1,022,119. whilenn nnmtn allownnco of ffi.COO or 1103.200 for the years. Is also nsKcd , part of It permnneni nnd part terminating ; making In nil $1,215 , ' 311 for the term. It will bo In order now to consider the re sources of the treasury. The auditor of stnto estimates thp receipt' of general revenue from sources other tbar the state levy at tl.tdl.OOO nnd from the stntt tax nt $ iKJO,000 , making the nggregnte re ceipts $4,011,000. The- estimated receipts fron the state lax , however , Includes $610000. UK product during thn first half ot the 1S90 of n levy of 2 mills , which levy vvn1- the maximum thnt could bo applied nt lh ( time the auditor's rcpoit was made. Th < provision of law llxlng the levy having beer repealed , the nmount to bo received from stnte taxes during the last six months ol the fiscal teim will depend on the expendi ture the present general assembly will an- thorlre. The ordinary expenditures. Includ ing Interest -warrants outstanding , nrc estimated nt $3iiOO,34S , nnd were un drawn Bpoclnl appropriations that might be drawn during the next fiscal term amount ing to t55S.437.Cl. GETTING OUT OF DEBT , The amount ot floating debt nt that time , : is above stated , was $410SJ7.77. To get the state entirely out of debt by the m ol July , 1KTO , would rcqulie that $3,1IOWO be raised from taxes during thu tlscal term , and this would permit of no speclil appro priations by the present general assembly. But as the estimates nrc made for a period about nine months of which will have ex pired before the general assembly will make Its appropriations , I have obtained from the llnnnclnl olllcers of the state a state ment of the gross tiansaotlons of the treasury for the llrst six months of that period. Those olllcers Infoim me that the receipts for that period amounted to $946- S0391 and the sum of the warrants Issued to $99" ) 152.18 , and there are jet undrawn of special npproprlntlons $141 , 38.91. On the other hnncl , warrants , wcio canceled amountIng - Ing to $ SG2G < U9I. and J15.121 CO Interest paid , making the total disbursements $ S77SOI. The amount of outstanding warrants nt the close of the calendar cnr was tr > 7iSCO nnd the cash In the treasury $10S > , UI5.47 , making the not Indebtedness $171321.50. Whllo tbs net lloattng indebtedness was thus larger by $60,493 J nt tlio end of the calendar year than , at the closu of the fiscal term , n vcr- theless the condition of tbo state's finan ces Is much more favorable than nt that time. On June : o there icmulned undrawn of appropriations made for specific pur poses nn aggregate of $303,13701 , which , added to the net Heating debt , nude a total of actual and contingent liabilities be- joml the amount In the trcnsuiy of $719- 285.3S. At the close of the > eir theic re mained undrawn of thesa appropriations only $141,313.91 , which , added to the net debt at that time , made the actual and contingent liabilities $012,000 44 , or $100- G04 91 less In amount than It was six months earlier. The expenditures of the present year , allowing $ I40OCO for the expenses of the session and tbo mlscell ineous Items of appropriations usually found in the gen eral appropriation bill , may be estimated at $1S-0OCO To this should be added $123- 000 to be diawn , as already provided for , for the new hospital at Cherokee , making the sum to be paid out & 1.9r ,000 If the re ceipts bo estimated at $2,150,000 , and that Is somewhat larger than , the auditor's estl- mxte , there will bo an excess of only $ .05- COO with which to pay off the net debt at the beginning of the > ear , and such of the undrawn appropriations as may jet be called for. Of the latter , however , it is probable that less than $100,000 will ever be drawn on , the Items In many cases representing balances of appropriations that have done their work long ago without ex hausting tha amount allowed But , ns- Mimlne that only $75,000 ot Ine sum of the balances should jet bo called for , the net indebtedness nt the end of the jear 1S97 would be about $333,000 , without any specific appropriations by this general as sembly. To this amount should be added , say , JJ5.000 , which must bo appropriated for expenditures made under authority of law , but for which the last general assembly failed to provide funds. The net Indebted ness at tbo close of the year 1S9S will there fore approximate $370000. This being true , eveiy proposed additional expenditure of public moneys should be scrutinized with the utmost care and us little us possible b- > allowed to be drawn befoie the s-prlng of 1S9" ) . Tbc resources and expenditures dur ing the lattei year will depend on the ac tion of the present general assemblj- . While extravagance Is ever to be avoided , the state on the other hand should never be panic-stricken AGRICULTURE. The weather and ciop service makes a gr.atifjlng report of the aggregate oil prod ucts of Iowa for the past season , showing that the farmers are. in condition to receive 1 fair snare of the benefits of our In creasing prosperitj' . Despite unfavorable weather conditions in the planting season and the scvcro drouth of the late summer and autumn Iowa still lends all the htntes In the production of corn , having a total yield ot 219,4 ,150 bushels of that great staple , harvested In the best possible con dition. There hns been an Increase In the acreage nnd total yield of wheat , and we have harvested this jear 14G13)4 bushels , giving us a liberal surplus beyond our re quirements for home consumption. We lead all other states In thu production of oils , having a total putput of 132,571,130 Jjushels. Our output of the staple cereals amounts to 404,20)539 ) bushels , nnd we have harvested 5301,401 tons o' cultivated nnd prairie hay The. total value of all our soil products which are mainly consumed In the produc tion of live stock , dairy and poultry prod ucts Is estimated to exceed $ :00,000- 000 a sum nearly equal to the world's production of gold nnd silver for the year , and approximating the value , of the cot ton crop of the United States. These figures servo to remind us of the fact that our foremost industry Is entitled to the fosterIng - Ing care of all who are. charged with legis lative and executive responsibilities The development of the dairy Interests In pur stuto during the past year has been large. At the present time there nro only three counties in the state without cream eries in operation. The increase In the number of creameries for the past year over nnd above those that have cloied or discontinued business la eighty-one This is n larger Increate. than for a number of years and indicates the effect of dairy agitation and Information. Territory th it heietoforo has not been considered as prop erly a part of the daily district Is now regarded as a good Held for development , and two-thirds of thu number of new creameries have been established In this , elnps of territory. There are now SOI cream- orles In the stnte , the largest number tint hns ever been In operation , The favorable conditions during thu entire jenr of 1S9G , for the production of butter , placed a mark ho high in the quantity shipped to markets outHlda of the stnte that it was unro ison- able to expect that amount would bo In creased during a corresponding period for some time to come. But It Is now found , notwithstanding the. partial drouth of the past season and the unfavorable spring months , that the shipments to markets out- Bldo reached 99,457,084 gross pounds , be-lng an increase over ISM of 4,2W,44I pounds. These shipments represent 153 620,081 net pounds of butter and a valuation of $15- WO.OOO , which amount came directly Into Iowa from neighboring states nnd foreign markets The New York market for the year ending November , 1S97 , shows an av erage of IS 83-100 cents per pound for fancy creamery butter , a slight Improvunent over the average for the previous j-ear. As 71 per cent of our shipments nro billed to New iork City , our people are materially Inter ested In that market. THD TRANSMISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION Under authority conferred upon the ex- ceutho council by the Twenty-sixth Gen- trnl n f > ml > ly Ihftt body chrt n eomfnlMM t-ornpofd of one porcon from encn ion KrcMlonnl cllMrkt to Irtke thnrRp tit dtiil rxhlbttd nn thin nlMo should mnkn In lh ( TrnnMnlKsls8lt > pl nnd Intermittent ) I xposl tlon The committee nt oni.netlvely entered terod upon thr * work nK lgned It , It hfi1 secured Rroifml ppnee for a building nnd floor room In the halK It hn nl o done much toward bringing the exposition to the attention of our people. In preparing the way for n great exhlbll Iho committee appointed n sub-committee to submit estimate * of the post of pre paring , Installing nnd maintaining exhibit ! to be worthy of Iho state , .which subcommittee mitteehns prepared n report thnt hns been sent to mo In ndvnnco of lt i presentation tc the committee nt large , which will not meel until next neck. The report nsks for the purposes of the exhibit an additional allow- nnco of $ I-IOO. The governor of Nebraska hns written me ndvlslng me thnt It Is contemplated to creel a grand commemorative nrcli , toward tht construetlon of which each of twenty-four states , Including our own. Is Invited to con tribute ono course of stone , Iowa hns contributed much of public funds nnd Immensely of private ro'ourtoi toward like expositions thnt were nt such n distance , from her borders thnt no ap preciable return has been received for the vn t outlay of money. It would seem , tint this one , which Is almost within those border" , should receive encouragement , both public nnd private , from the people ot town , How the treasury , however , can bo drawn on for nny more , I confess I nm nt a loss to know. The governor calls attention to the er rors and omissions which It has ibccn die- covered has crept Into the new code anil recommends speedy action to remedy the defects. THH MULCT TAX. The prohibitory law of the state ns modi- lied by the net of 1S1I If not entirely pop ular Is nt least generally ncatilesced In by the people as perhaps Urn one which , while not satisfactory to either of the opposing views on the subjc-ct , seems to meet with least ostensible opposition In Its enforce ment. One modification ought In my judg ment to bo innde , In icspcct to druggists selling Intoxicants. I recommend that n tux of the character of the mulct levy be Inld on nil drug stores where liquor Is sold In quantities or othcrvvlss than In phaimnceutlcnl piepnrntlonB. The amount ot the tux It would bo well , In my judg ment , to fix nt nbout half that exacted ot the plnco where drinking Is ullowcd on the premises , Tcllovv Citizens : it Is with conlldenco that the legislative body will not bo wantIng - Ing In devising llbernl things In the In terest of nil the people. In avoiding any thing like extravagance In expenditure , while alto avoiding that ssmblanco of econ omy that Is only pnrslmonv , nnd remem bering the truth of the scripture which t.ijs , "There la that scattcieth yet In- crenscth , and theie Is that wlthholdeth mote than Is meet jet It tcndeth to pov erty , " that I oloso thl * piper . Confident I um thnt nil the Intelests of our Mtiito are safe In your keeping ; that you will labor for the .greatest . good , not "of the greatest numbei" but of nil. Those Interests are all very dear ta me. After an VKrlciilttit-nl It > | inrliiicii ( . DES MOIND3 , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) The movement for an agricultural department of tSio state government was Bet on foot In earnest at the meeting of the Iowa Agricultural society today. The society , composed of the oPlcers of the 117 local fair associations and the State fair , demands the consolidation of the agricultural horticul tural , weather , crop bureau , veterinary and similar departments as the agricultural de partment , with a slate appropriation , lo be conducted after the general plan of tiic na tion il Department of Agriculture. A bill will bo laid before the legislature unj will ha\o a strong support. The sessions of the soci ety were today devoted to corolderntlon of this plan aud the discussion of papers , etc. It was decided to hold a fair thla > car , Sep tember S to 17. A movement to have the fair dropped this year on occouut of the con flict with tiio Omaha exposition has failed of its purpose. Annual Soles ovorG,000000 Boxes Sis TOR BILIOUS AND NEEVOUS DISORDERS such ns Wind nnd Pnin In the Stomach , Giddiness. I'lilnoss after meals. Head- ncho. Dlzzlnut.3 , Drowsiness. riushiiiKS of licit , Loss of Appotlto. CostUoness. Blotches on the Bkin. Cold Chills , Dis turbed Sloop , rrlshtful Dreams nnd nil Nervous and Tiomblliiff Sensations. THE PIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES , Every sufloier will acknowledge thorn to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IinnciIAM'S PILLS , taken as direct ed , willaulcUy restore ronmles to complete - ploto health. They promptly romo\o obstructions or Irregularities of the sjs- tem and euro hick Ucadaelie. Tor a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN , WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are And hftvo the LARGEST SALE of nny Patent .lloillclno In I lie World. 25o. at all Drue Stores , A SPECIALTY. Prlmarv , Fecondary or Tertiary BLOOD 1'OIbON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You cnn be treated at home for eame price under same guaranty. If sou prefer to come here wo will contract to pay rull- roait fare ami hotel bills , and no cliarco If wo fall to cure. _ IF YOU HAVE taken mercury , Iodide potash anil still time aclirs anil pains. Mucous I'ntches In mouth , bore Throat , 1'linplen , Copper Col. oreil Hpots , Ulcers on any part of tna body , Ilnlr or Hycbrowa falling out. It Is this Secondary We Guarantee fo Cure We FOllcIt the moat obstinate cafes nnd challenge ( lie world for a cuse wo cannot curr Tills disease has nlnas baflled tlio eklll of the most eminent i > h > Elclans , 1500,000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty Absolute proofs sent eraled on application. 1C page book tent trie , Address COO 1C IinUHDY CO. , 111)1 MriNoiilu TeniiilcClilciiK" , III. i ,3 DO YOU SHOW DR.FELIX LCI3RUWS > Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment in the original and only FRENCH said and reliab n cnro on thv mar. ket. 1'nce. Si.U ) , sent by ruuL ' Hcnnlno cold only by Uyera-blllon DrugCo , B. E. Cur ICth ana Far- nara Sti eu. Oman * . Ktb. Oild Cut * cnm colili In tliTi ( wlc KI pn tlio Innti , oHcoUKnuv cow Mid obstlimtocoldv And Kit lorrrn of crip. Ptopj tntrJr > ( f , ( dschirgei from tlio nn e ncl yM , Mfvcnl-i cnurrli , dlAMIuMft. pntum nu.Mid * 11 tnroitliml lung tronW IM. Thrso jilrniant mile ix-nounta Rb'&iutoly hurm w.Y l ttioiunnds of 1150 $ nfld prevented much dick- new Iho Mnnyon Itemed ) Company prtpnrn n rcparnto cure for e ch ( llBie. Al on rtruirsim cenu iivlM. If 5011 need tuMlonl nrt\lrowrlln 1'ror. Mnnron , 1(01 Arch Street , 1'btliidclpbla. It la Absolutely frpo. . Pills rtireir Vfcctntue , mild , anil reliable. Cauni perfect nijfftlon , complete absorption , nnd litnllhy regularity , for the cure oC nil dUorJfri of the Stomach , l.hcr. Dowel * . Kianrys , DlndJer , Ttcrvou * DKcacet , LOSS 0V Al'lMVI'ITIS , SICIC 1113 MCH15 , IIIMOUSMSS TO it iin i.ivuii , UYSIMU'SIA. OLrcrvc tlir follow Ine symptoms rofiiltlnu from Dlncnxeo ot the Digestive Orsiis : Conntlpntton , Inward Jillefl , fullness of blood In the licnil , nclJ Ity of the stomach , nnurcn , heartburn , OlKgunt o food , fiillncM of weight In the ilomnch , four eructations , oinklnK or fluttering of the heart , choking or eufTocntlne renditions when In n Ijlnti posture , dimness oflslon , dots or webi before the Right , fc\cr and dull pain In the horn ) , defi ciency of perspiration , Kllowness ot the sUln nna C5C9. pain In the side , chest or llmbi nnd tudJen flushes of bent , burning In the Ileh. A few do cn of HAUWAVS I'lU-S will free tin tstcm of nil the nbo\o named disorders. Price , 15 cents per bo . Sola by nil druggist * , or sent by mall. Send to DU. IIADVVAY A CO. , Lock IJojt 3C3 , New York , for book of advice. BBB And Surgical Instituta 1005 Dodjo St. , Oinnlin , Neb CONSULTATION riHI5. ( . , Ncrvons anil Private Diseases and nit WHAKN15SS and ll.SOHllltSof ! IIYDROCllLK and VAHICOCKfjE puiimtnntly n BiicceHHfnllv cured Itiovorv CIHO. 1II.OOU ANU bKIN DlHe ISCH. Sere Spots I'lin IB ScrofulaTunioru Tilloi Kezeiu.i iitut Wool 1'olson thoroitfrlilv i-lp-uimvi fioin HIOBSHICIII NKUVOUS Uobllltv bpiMin vtorrboi , Snnlinl L08SM.S Mglit KuilBHloiiH , Loss of Vital Potter * Perm incntlr and H | > illiuuud. . 1U'.AK MliN , ( Vitality WcalO in irto HO by too olosoappllcnllou to biiHlncRH or Blndj < xero montil ntritn of Bilcf : SKXUAL imvK < ! SKS In middle llfo or from thn i ITectB of vouthful lollies Call \\rttottieiii loduj. Uo\77. Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute DUFFY'8 PURE f ALT WillSKE ? All Druggloto. Wiiiter'sWinds on face and hands produce the same rei suits ns nn a\e on fie bark of a tree Cutl-t do Is youi bark. UncnreU for , It Is worsq than the proverbial bite And as it mould bo uncomfortable to guard f.ico and handi by n substantial enclosure use Rose and Cucumber Jelly That is better than a sheltering fence. It's cheaper , not in the wny , softens , soothe * thd chapped skin , removes redness nnd rough- lies' ! , eradicates wrinkles , destroys black heads , Is not sticky. Jlore , It flfthta the ivlnil and cold ofn Inter. It Is the best aft mnr asnlnst the breath of frost. Dy its cool , rtfrrshlnp touch It prevents sorei cracked nkln. It heals all parts exposed to the chllllnff blasts of out doors. 113 cents largo bottle and sold vvherevcu winds blovi. Your imme to us free nnmplo to jou \Vll.I..HMSOS : t ll'PIIAIL .II'F'G. CO , Dcliolt , Michigan. For sale by Boston Siore Oil A HA. For Snip Only Iy .IOII.V M.M1ISH , Mnln St. , Council Ilium * . SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL DLUFF8 WANTS. WWVA * WWW\/w\/w\\rf yrBL.uNaa , imujr , TAUM AND UAIIDU lands for vale or rent. Dny & Item , SU 1'earl TO IXJAN-ilRBUCCD ' - HA'in ON first clasa Improvr-d fnnnii and ln lde city yroper'V- Apply to Jn . N , Cassady , Jr. , 2i < Main Hit Jnntructlons. Albln Hunter ( tudia 233 Ilroadnay German method of Dresden Conieriatory , Reduced Prices ! New Improved King of them all , with the best mantle and chimnov made * Burns less as and makes more light than any other lamp In he market 8TEPHAN BROS. . 529 Qway.