THE O31AIIA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUAHY 12 , 1808. the men made their escape , running ncros the lot to the so'HhwnrJ. Mrs. Eaton' house was visited by burglars tnst Augus and a largo number of valuable things , In eluding an engagement ring , several stlcl Iilns and other articles ot Jewelry taken Slnco that tlmo she. has been on the lookou for persons of this character and attribute the saving of the family valuables las Monday night to the fact that she chanced to he on the alert when they called. ( Half an hour later Miss Rich , daughter o Charles 'Rich , living at 1CU Emmctt street wa aroused by a strong draft of air coming Into her bedroom. Partly awake , she coughed a couple of times and then got ou of bed. Aa she did so she bearJ a scamper Ing of feet on the sidewalks below and , going to her bedroom window , found It open iRurglara had also been In the room. In cf feeling an entrance to this house the men Iind evidently used a ladder ot some dcscrlp lion , as there were marks left on the win dow loOgo. loOgo.USB USB CHLOROFORM HERE. . From this place iho robbers went to the house directly -west , at 1C1S Emmctt street and here they were quite successful. Profit Ing by their failures , the men took no risks thin time. Sponges saturated with chloro form were Introduced Into the. rooms occu pled by Mr. and Aim. C. C. Troxcll. occupants of the house , also In the room of a serving woman and In ono of the rooms occupied by another member ot the family. The poeketbooka of c.very person In the house , flvo In number , were carefully col lectcd , and with lhee the thieves repalret to the parlor In order to thoroughly search them. From the pocketbook belonging to Mr. Troxcll Jin In cash was taken , from tba of the nerving woman a small amount o .change anvl from the others amounts aggregating gating In all about $5. Not satisfied with the money secured , the thieves once more returned to Mr. Troxoll's bedroom and tool from his vest a handsome gold watch valuct nt $100. After taking several other articles of small value the men departed. Mr Troxoll was rendered quite 111 the following morning from the effects ot the drug a-J- nilnlHtored to him. The police admit they know nothing of the raids enumerated , with the exception of tha on Mr. Rector's house , and nothing Is being done by the detective force to run the men to earth who arc responsible for thorn. I'll the meantime , however , the sacred pro clncts of the police commissioner's head quarters at the city hall are preserved In violate. lliiIMA.\l/.IXC ! ! PHOIM.13'3 I'AIITY Many Proiiilnrnt I.i-aili-rM fin HILT ill St. I , ulM. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 11. 1'opullsta of natlor.a renown are assembling hero to take part In the conference tomorrow of the peopled party national committee nnd the natlcna reorganization committee. The purpose o the confericice , as outlined by prominent leaders already here , Is to come to Bcmo undcratiiiiJIng ns to the future policy of the party , decide on a place to hold the next na tional convention and call a nominating c i- vcntkn. Among the more prominent arrivals of to day ore Hon. Milton IMrko , chalrrcca ol the reorganization committee , und Colonel Henry Tracy of Dallas , Tex. ; Dr. * n Crowo of Alabama , treasurer of Hie < . .imlt- tee ; W. S. 'Morgan of Arkansas secretary ; J. II. Fcrrlss , Jollct , III. ; Hon. AVtartcn Harker of Philadelphia , editor ot the American ; A. 'H. ' Livingston of West I'M Ira , Mo.-Cii.iern ; ! ! Frank illurkett of Mississippi , General W. L Pcako of Georgia , J. E. McBrldo and John Xebel ot Michigan andC. . U. Wcelsn of Iowa. Other members cf the two committees are expected hero tonight anil among them will bo a goully representation of the national committee who have tiiown a favoroblo feelIng - Ing for the conference , according to lettcm received by Chairman Parke. M. P. Stunu of Albuquerque N. M. ; A. P. Tugwcll of Taconia , Wash. , and L. W. Smith and L. C. P.atemcr.1 ct Maine have sent proxies. Amoig others who have signified their Intention of coming hero arc meat of the members of the national committee , Including > Mr. Wush- burn ot Dostcn. Chairman Milton Parko ot Dallas on the organization committee , which was appointee : nt the convention of the ralddle-of-thc-roac popullctp held last year in Memphis , was asked what was the purpose of the confer ence called to meet hero tomorrow. He said : "Tho Memphis conference was called for the purpose of expressing the dissatisfaction of the mlddle-of-tho-roaders with the non- action of the national committee In matters pertaining to the party's policy. Ac a rcwult of the meeting the national organization commlttco was appointed to do work that tha national commlttco failed to do. The conference called for tomorrow will meet foi tha purpose of 'bringing ' the members of the two committees together nnd ascertaining what should bo donu for the good cf the party before the campaign and election o" 1S09 , and who should do it. We wish to come to an understanding on matters re lating to the calling of a national nominat ing convention and rw to the policy to be followed at coming clcotlonn. None of the mlddle-of-tho-roaders favor fusion with the democrats and I nm pretty certain that pop- ulhts everywhere will have nothing to do with fusion. The conference , which will probably last two days , will bo behind closed doors and nothing will bo given out until Us conclusion. " iAIM'13.11. FVU ( U1VI3R nil'UOVHMK.VT. ItciliicMl for Appropriation to Deepen C'linuili-l of ( lie HHKNMI | | | | . WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. The house rivers nnd harbors committee gave a hearing today on the project of deepening and widening of the channel of the Mississippi from the gulf to Nmv Orleans. The object Is the further ance of commercial , ivllroad and steamboat Interests of the cities along the 'Mississippi , especially the heavy grain export trafflc. A largo delegation was present from Now Or leans , headed by ' .Mayor 'Flower ' and ox- Secretary of the Interior David R , Francis was among those who represented the In- tcrcata of other points. Captain J. W. Hryant ot Now Oilcans , spokesman of the delegation , complained of the narrow , crooked channel now usoJ , which prevented many vessels from carrying full cargoes , and cited not Infrequent eases of grounding of the vessels traveling this channel. 'M. ' J , Sanderson of Now Orleans called for action In deepening the entrance of the 'Mississippi ' , not as a local measure , but In the Interest of the ccmmcrco of the Mississippi and Its tribu taries. It was argued that with the opening of the southwest pass , as contemplated by ICada many years ago , and with the deepen ing of the b-ontli pass from Its present In adequate twenty-six feet to from thirty-two to forty feet mi' ' . } about 00 feet In width , the money expended would bo returned a hundred fold to the people of that section. The hearing will bo continued tomorrow , JOLLIFICATION AT ST. LOUIS. FIvi > IliiiuIriMl ' .Millionth llottli * "llinl- M'eUiT" n ( Alllli-llxrr-lliiHch I'llllll. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) The employes of the "Dudwotapr depart ment" of the Auhcu33r-Ilusch Brewery as- tsodatlon were remembered with a special Kitt today. The reason for the celebration ( wus the filling ot the five hundred millionth bottle of " " "Iludwciser. These astonishing figures show the great popularity of this beer In Ameri can households and all ever the world Flvo hundred million bottle. : of a single brand In a record thai has been reached by no other brewery In the world , and the of ficers of that monster enterprise have cautc to bo jubilant. Miivi'inciilN of OITMII VC-MHI-IN , .Inn. 11 , At New Vorki Arrived Scotl.i. from Marucllls , Balled Travo. for llromen ; } } ovli > . for Liverpool ; Alsnthi , for Marseilles , At Naples : Sailed Patrla , for New York. At Urcmer Haven : Arrived Kaiser Wil- helm dcr Qrosse , fram Now York. At Marseilles ! Arrived Aleslu , from New York. At Hoston : Arrived Pavonla , from Liver pool , At Ilremcn : Arrived Urcsdcm , from Maltl- inoro. C'ltro nil liver ills , bllious- 1103:1 : , headache , sour atom , nch , Indigestion , constipa tion. They c eaillr. wltU- outilnircrlpo. Kolclbjrulldrugptiti. js centl. Tilt ulj I11U ; ! kt wlUi liood'l " BUTTK BANKER MURDERED Patrick A. Larjoy Instintly Killed by Thomaa J , Riley , CRIME COMMITTED IN THE BANK BUILDING Anxnllnnt In Promptly Arrmlnl nnil Hurried Awai * lu ( lip I'enl- tciidnry to. Avolil DUTTB , Mont. , Jan. 11. Patrick A. Largey , president of the State Savings bank , and ono of the best known citizens of Dutte , was shot and killed In the bank bulldlnt , this afternoon by Thomas J. Rltcy. Rllcy entered the bank five or ten minutes before committing the bloody act. He callci Largey to a window , and the two talked for flvo minutes or more. They were conversing In ordlna-ry tones and thcro was nothing to Indicate that their talk was otherwise thai friendly. Suddenly Rllcy drew a gun and she through the window at Largey. The hullo struck the latter In the left arm and shat torcd the bone. Largey stooped down , am had ho continued In that position he mlgh have escaped with his life , as ho was pro tectcd by the counter. However , ho rose partly , and as he did so Rllcy fired a second end shot. The bullet struck Largey squarely In the forehead and ho fell on the floor dead The murderer started for the front door 01 Park street , and as ho passed the teller's window ho took a shot at those behind -the railing. The bullet narrowly missed Frank Holmes , ono of the clerks , dug a hole In his desk , and wont through one of the windows on the ' .Main streets sldo of the building Rlley then rushed out of the Park street door , thrusting his pistol Into his pocket as ho did so. \Vl.llam Husclton , a customer of the bank wis outsldo the railing when the shooting occurred. Ho made a rush for the man , but waa deterred by the sight of the weapon am did not giab him. Ho followed Rlloy out The murderer hurried wcat on Park street followed by Huselton , who kept calling oui to arrest the man. Officers , attmcted bj the aliootlng , did BO , and ho wao taken to SAYS LARQEY FOOLED HIM. "He fooled mo too long , " exclaimed Rllej when ho arrived at the county Jail , "and I killed him. Ho kept promising me work , bul did not glvo me aid , nnd I could not stauJ It longer. Now , If jou want to hang mo for It , ull right. Glvo mo a quick trial anil end It. " The murderer has but one leg. Ho lost the other ki the explosion of the powder ware house at the Montana Central railroad yardii nnd has since- worn n cork leg , Largey was manager of ono of the compinlca whcno warehouse exploded and cost the lost ol fifty-eight lives. In contradiction to his statement that Largey refused to aid him. It Is well known that the binkcr had frequently helped him. Ho secured employment for him a number of times , but Rlley was unable to hold a petition any length of time. Besides , Largey ocoislcoally supplied him with raouey. It Is Eccorted that the killing was the re sult of n conspiracy , or an understanding , to kill more than one man who had managerial or proprietary interests In the two ware houses that were the scenes of the explosions. These warehouses belonged to the Buttc Hardware company , of which Largey was manager , and the Kenyon-Conncll company , of which W. R. Kenyon was the head. Suits for damages aggregating $230,000 were brought and several verdict * ? were se cured , but the explosions and subsequent attachments had exhausted the resources ot the Kenyon-Connoil company , while the Butte Hardware company had gone Into liquidation and the judgments are vosatlsfled. Rlley was taken to Deer LoJge peniten tiary this afternoon , In company with I3ob Sbidwell , another murderer , to prevent lynching , which looked possible. They were smuggled out of town in the poor farm ambulance. OIiIJ STKAJIIIOA'P COMPANY ASSIfiXS. StnrtHHh .Seven 1'lciltillK 1'iiInccM nnil Xoiv HIIH Only Three. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 11. The Anchor line , operating a line ot steamships between St. Louis and southern ports , has Just made an assignment. The assets' a.-e given at ? 9S,000 , but no statement as to Iho liabilities to made. This city L > thj company's head quarters. TJC Anchor line vra.i organ'i'jd ' the year after the war and It was ono of the first combinations started In the west. Prior to that tlmo there were ishort steamboat lines running -between St. Louis and Cairo , Cairo and Memphis , Memphis and Vlckaburg , VIcksburg and Natchez and Natchez and New Orleans. These short lines were all taken Into the Anchor Line company. Tht small boats unsuitable for the trade \vero condemned , laid up or soil an I new boatn built. were s Two lines were started , ono between St. Louts and Memphis and the other between Memphis and 'Now Orleans. At the vailiius towns along the Mississippi river freight elevators were built and the controlling m- tercat In these elevators was held by the Anchor line or people Intorustcd In It. Be tween 18C6 and 1SSO the Anchor line prac tically controlled the tralllc on the water way between St. Louis and Memphis and New Orleans. About 18SO the Mississippi Valley Trans portation company of St Louis was organ ized. This line , with Its 'powerful sterv wheel tow boats and Its grain bargca , cut Into the Anchor lino's business. The barges and tow boats could bo operated cheaper than the Anchor UucYj floating palaces. Rail roads were built on each side of the Ml.y elssippl and the passenger travel went from the boats to the railroads. Secretary Forbes Zelgler said today : "Tho vast amount of liabilities has not been de termined , but thcro Is no doubt the as.i3t.i will cover them finally. Hard luck ha.i pur sued us for two years. Disaster followed discolor , until wo were temporarily forced to the wall. When the present Anchor line company wa.i organled there were seven joata , the finest on the river , r/lth / an average - ago valuation ot $50,000. There are only three boats loft now. The best of our fleet have been last or burned. " DeallM ol a Day. ORD , Neb. , Jan , 11. ( Special. ) Mcritgoni- ery Tlmmerraan , -well-to-do farmer resld- ng In Sprlngdale , died very suddenly this afternoon from heart disease. Ho was un early settler In Valley county , coming hero rotn Now York state. Ho was an old sol dier and a man generally respected. STROMSIJURa. Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Joseph Klmball died lust night , after an 111- less ot only four Cayo , at the ago of 5S , Mr. Klmball was an old timer here , having tved In this county over twenty years and In his city the last ten years. He WM a prominent Grand Army of the Republic ncmbcr and that order will have entire charge of the funeral , which -will occur on Vedncsday. REPUBLICAN CITY , Neb , . Jan. 11. ( Spo- clal. ) ! : . F. Crampton , an old citizen ot thin city , died this morning of pneumonia , at the igi > of 73 years. SANA FK , N. M. , Jan. ll.-Captaln C. 13. 4ordstrom. Tenth cavalry , acting Indian agent nt Pueblo agency , died hero today of a complication of diseases , Aiixtrnlliin ( Jolil SAN FRANCISCO , Jan , ll.-JThe stcnimr Mameda , from Australia , duo January 13 , carries In Its strong box nearly 200.COO goldeTi overelgus , equal to almost Jl COO.fOO , con- IgnedJ to the Anglo-Cullfornla bank of this city. The remlttaiico , added to previous ones , makes the total gold rjcelved during ho present season from the name saurco 12rKX,000 ) , a much larger amount than has ver come from Australia ns a balance of rado In California's favor during the wamo period of tlmo. I'rimt Ciim ; > im > - WniUv the Property. PHOKNIX , Ailz. , Jan. 11. The Merchants' .oan nnd Trust company of Chicago has lied new complnlntx against the Arizona mpravcment und Canal company asking orccloauro In the uuual manner upon the iroperly to secure mortgage debts nmount- ng to } ) ,400OCO. The new suits are under load to be for the purpose of dismissing he receivership and for securing posses- Ion of the valuable canal properly accord- ne to the code of procedure. in SHOUT iioM.vxcns. Proof of ( lie .SitaeepUlillHy or ARC to ' When A suitable time shall have cl.ipsel after the death of his second wife , which occurred last -March , Hiram Burl , of Clear Lake , la. , will bo reunited In marriage to his flrst wife , Mrs. < Mlnnlc L Knowlcs ot Rochester , N. Y. < Mr.Burl Is at present In Rochester , and when ho leaves for the west he will ho accompanied by the woman ho led to the altar forty-five years ago. The story of their early love , marriage and separation during the civil war , whllo both -were doing duty for the love of coun try , ono In the ranks , the other In the hos pitals , the years that followed , during which each believed the other dead. Is only another one of those truthful talcs that arc stranger than fiction , Mr. Hurt Is a fine-appearing man of C5 , and Mrs. Knowlc.i Is a brlghl little woman of nearly the same age. Both were a little reticent about giving any pub licity to their matrimonial affair , but attor Homo persuasion they told their story to a correspondent of the St. Louis Globe Dm- ocra. In the village of Hague , on the shores ol picturesque Lake George , In the northern part of Now York state , 'Minnie ' Klnney and Hiram Burt were born and passed the early years of their lives. They were children ol well-to-do farmers. They were near neigh bors , and the boy and girl played together In summer and went to school together In the winter. As thoyi grow older this friend ship ripened Into a warmer affection , and they were lookel upon toy their friends as an engaged couple. At this time the heads of the two families quarreled over the owner ship of some land , and a long lawsuit fol lowed. From firm friends the twain became bitter enemies , and the young lovers were forbidden to sco each other. Love only laughed , however , and ono day in the sum mer of 1852 , young .Burt and his sweetheart rowed across the lake to the village of Ben son , In Vermont , and were made man and wife. There they Tesldcd. The homo life was a happy one. Children came to them , and the present was so bright that the clouds ot the future were Invisible , Then came the civil war. Hlium Burt responded 4o the call for volunteers , crcsscd over to his native t'tate and at Plattshurg enlisted as a private In company E , Ono Hundred and Eighteenth New York Infau- try. iTlicn President Lincoln Issued a call for nurses and , after providing for flier children , Mrs. Burt wont to Washington and enlisted In the hospital corps. For a tlmo husband and wife were to gether. In Norfolk , Vn. , but the vicissitudes of war finally bore them apart , and from July , 18C4 , until January , 18S2 , each believed the other dead. On the 12th ot January , In the latter year , Hiram Burt learned that his wlfo was living nnd ho Immediately wrote her a letter , and explanations were made by both parties. Mrs. Burt had heard that her husband had been killed at Gettysburg and after two years of walling she had married Isaac C. Knowlcs. a surgeon In the legular army. In order that there should bo no complications In the future , a legal separa tion freeing her from Mr. Burt waa secured. In 1875 Dr. Knowles and his wlfo nnd their children came to this city , where they re- fllded until 1891. la that year Dr. Knowlcs died. died.At At the close ot thp war Hiram Burl re ceived an honorable discharge and sought about for his wlfo and children. Ho re turned to his former home In Benson , Vt. , and to the village of Hague , on Lake George , but could find no trace of them. Then he wont to Cassvllle , Grant county , Wls. , where ho mot Mrs. Margaret Rlggs , a widow , with two children. He believed his wife dead , but. In order to be on the safe side , he se cured a legal separation from his first wife , It living , and In 1SCG .Margaret Rlggs and Hiram Hurt were married and they lived happily together until last Starch , when the second Mrs. Burt died. It was whllo In cor respondence with his daughter that Mr. Hurt learned of the existence of his first wife and , after death had removed all barriers to a second honeymoon , ho came east on his un usual errand. They will bo married in Juno and will live In Iowa. Tloinnnee of IL I'liotORrnph. Prof. Alex Melville Bell of Waehlngton and Mrs. H. G. Shlbley of Perth , Oat. , were the principals In the flrst wedding ceremony performed In Greater Now York. They were married Saturday morning at the Park Ave nue hotel. Prof. Bell is the father of A. Graham Bell , inventor of the telephone , .and is 78 years ot age. His first wife died two years ago , just after Mrs. Shlbley's hustand left her a widow. Mrs. Shlbley lived In Perth , Cat. , and a photograph of her graced a mantel In the home of Dr. Kennedy , of whom Prof. Bel ! 'became a guest last summer. Prof. Bell was attracted' by the beauty of the picture and begged Dr. Kennedy to bring , about a meeting between himself and the original. He found that the photograph did aot do half Justice to the woman and told her co. What woman could resist n pretty compli ment , especially when delivered In the courtly manner that marks the protestor's every action ? Mrs. Shlbley evidently did not try , for before long she acknowledged that the trick of Cupid had been successful. It was planned that the marriage of the man of 78 to the w'omco of EC should be celebrated In the city hall on Now Year'a morning. But the arrangements for Mayor Van Wyck's reception prevented. So Prof. Bell and Mrs. Shlbley , the one coming from Washington , the other from Ontario , met Saturday morning 'In the parloro of the Park Avenue hotel. Prot. Bell's son , A. Graham Bell , and the Mtter'ti daughter. Miss Essie May Bell ; Mrs. Shlbley's niece , Miss Hattlo Mace , and her nephew , Harry Guess , and C. C. Shajno were present at the ceremony , at which Rev. Dr. Patterson ot Blnghampton , a pupil In elocu tion of Prof. Bell fifty years ago In Edin burgh , Scotland , officiated. "Neither white hairs nor years make men old , " Prof. 'Bell said as ho received con gratulations , "and the heart has no age. At 17 I was not , more ardently in love than [ am now , not less argumentative or what nen call reasonable about it. "No , the ago at which one ceases to fall .n . love never comes , , and I do not know at what ago ono begins tc fall In lovo. Per haps it Is a gift , and the man 'born ' to love would fall In love on a deserted Island. " Prof , and ttlrs. IBoll will remain In New York for a few days. Then they will go to ils beautiful homo In 'Washington ' , which lecorators are rearranging. The marriage of James -B. 'Haggln ' , the wealthy turfman of California , Kentucky and Now York , and Miss Pearl Voorhles of Versailles , Ky. , took place nt Versailles , December 30 , at the homo of Miss VoorhloV stepfather , James P , Amsdcn , In the presence of nicn-'bcrs ' of the brldo's family only. Miss Voorhles was attired In blue cloth , trimmed vlth lace. 'Mr. ' Haggln Is Cl years old and ils bride 28. She has Icng been recognized as ono of the handsomest young women In Centuckey. She Is tall and slender , a ovely type of blonde , with gray eyes and golden brown hair , Mr. Haggln has been a widower for four years and ban two mar led daughters and cue son , Louts Haggln. Ils other son , lien All Hagglu , died several 'ears ago , Air. Haggtn recently purchased ho lE'lmcndorf ' farm , near Lexington , _ _ _ To t'lenu Soiled ( ilovcx , A young woman recently entered a drug tore and called fcr this mixture ; Ono quart of deodorized benzine , ono drachm of sul- ihurlc other , ono drachm ot chloroform , wo drachms of alco'iol and just rciough ologne to make It smell pleasant. When ho order had been (11 ( loci and the fair pur- hr < cr had departed , the clerk turned to a cpcrter and remarked : "Do you know what that woman wanted ho prescr'tUlon for ? No ; well , ahe U simply going to wash soir.o soiled gloves n It. The preparation Is one of. the cheap- st and best for clcaualng kid that I know of. Pour a little of the mixture Into a lean bowl and wash the gloves In It Just as ou would was * . ! anything with soap and valor. When- the soiled fpots or dirt la bout removed , rinse the gloves In some lean fluid , Usually , one rinsing Is sufllclent , but If the gloves are very much soiled rlnso secccid time. If ( ho gloves arc of a cheap dad It Is best to dry them on the hand , but mio glove , after having been rubbed with a soft cloth to smooth out the wrinkles , may be hung on a line to dry like , an ordinary garment. The preparation U an excellent htng to bavo Ixtudy , not only for rejuvcnat- ng gloves , but ( or removing grease spats rom -clothing and carvets , and for changing oat collars and felt hats. Any woman can ave considerable money by following that no's example. " _ ( Continued' from First Pftgo.j plaudcd PrcsldrnL * McKlnley In his speech and denounced Senator Hanna. BOLTfiRS" , PALL IN LINE. Representative .Droste announced ttiat ho had Intended to present the name of Jcptlm 0 < irrard , but lip , \vould \ not now do BO , at the request ot that'gentleman , Tlio cheering'as'tho ' votes of Mr. Orlfllth ot Union , Manuel lot Montgomery , Joyce ol Guernsey , Dro , lo , iKemper nnd Lauo of Ham ilton were caeMor Hanna were tremendous. Hcpcesetitatlvo Otis desired to explain his vote , but was shut oft under the rules and the ballot went on with cheers In the gallery for Hanna , When the result of the ballot was an nounced as Hanua , G6 ; McKlsson , 49 ; Warner , 1 ; Wiley , 1 ; Lentz , 1 , thcro was considerable stir on the democratic side. Speaker Meson announced tbnt Marcus A. Hanna having received a majority ot the vote of the house was the choice ot that body for Iho short torm. The cheering out- sldo the halls for Hanna was re-echoed la the ears of the members as the result was announced. Tlio ballot was then taken for the long term , and It resulted the eamo , Its announce- inont being greeted with another long and loud demonstration. On both ballots Repre sentative Cramer was absent and thcro were thus only 103 votes cast. At 12:15 : p. m. the house adjourned and the hall wan used for A Jollification meeting with the crowd singing , "Pralso God , from Whom All Blessings Plow. " IN TUB SENATE. The senate gallery was crowded to Us limit when at 11 o'clock the flrst move In the great senatorial contest wen made. The report of the committee fixing the hour as to the time for taking the ballot had been adopted eomo time before , and this knowledge got outsldo and the public crowded In. When Lieutenant Governor Jones rapped for order and an nounced that cttB balloting for o. United Statcu senator was now under consideration , perfect quiet Immediately rclgneil. The people - plo realized that the beginning of the end had come , and that within a few minutes the vote that would largely determine who would be the next United States cenator would come. Every senator was In his eoit to record his action. At the aldo ot many sat women and friends whom they had brought In. It was Just 11 o'clock when Senator Sulli van nrcso to nominate Senator Hanna. Dur ing the delivery of the addrces It was a somo- vbat remarkable scene. The senators sat perfectly quiet , facing the speaker. Crowded Into th ? hall were hundreds of people taking up every available foot of space , and yet not a sound could be heard , save the words of th ? sneaking senator. Tlio vote In the senate for both the long and short term stood 19 for McKlsson and 17 for Hanna. With the seventeen In the senate and fifty- six In the house , Hanna'has Just the requi site votes for his election with all present , but with the absence of Representative Cra mer , democrat , who Is dangerously sick , llniina has ono to spare. A remarkable sccno took place In the sen ate chamber when the vole from the house vas announced. The republican ( senators , in- ojlTod by the encouragemcut , stood In thelc chairs and upon the floor and shouted them selves hoarse with calls for Hanna and vic tory : "What's tlio matter with Hanna ? " buy shouted , 'and < the answer came back , "Ho's all right , " It was several minutes before the halls were cleared. . The senate arid house both adjourned until 10 a. m. tomorrow.1 A Joint resolution was adopted to meet In 'Joint session at noon to morrow to canvass the vote cast today for senator. iMcKls'son bad a majority of two In the senate' toddy and Hanna of three over all In the house. There was no election do Jure , but there .was a de facto election. There is nothing to prevent changes to morrow from the -votes today , but none Is ex- icctcd , as the canvass has been so close and .borough. . . When Hie two Kfcuses , adjourneJ there was a General stampVle for the Nell house to congratulate Senator Hanna on the trallot- : ng. The feeling for him. became Intensely strong tcday because ot the charges of jrlbery that had been made by his enemies and his friends. As many believed the charges to have been sprung for effect on the eve ot the balloting , thcrowere many who said the charges did lHauna more good than larm today. Mayor McKlsscn denies that he pledged himself last night to free silver or to stand ca the Chicago platform when called into the democratic caucus. The democrats and others present cKifirm this report and state fbit Mayor McKtescn eald he was a blmetal- Hst an ! opposed to the policy of Secretary Gage , but he would not otand for the free and unlimited coinage .of silver. The oppo- Dttlcn to Hanna has evidently given up the licpo this afternoon of having any changes : omorro\r on the joint ballot. CHARGES OF DAD FAITH. Representative Haslltt. who voted for Gen eral Wiley , was a member of the democratic steering committee and had beco working : o 'keep the democratic members In line for [ Judinsll , Kurtz or any other republican who could bo elected over Hanna. He says he voted for a democrat because he had been 'oclcd by the republicans opposed to Hanna. They assured him I'Jot ' night that they had eight agulnst Hanna and only showed six on the ballot , one In the senate and flvo In the ( house. Representative Gay- man , chairman of the democratic steering committee , said Hanna hid now enough votes recorded to elect aad his election , it la not believed , can now bo prevented , unless some of his supportor.3 die , become seriously 11 or are absent at the Jo'.ut ballot tomsr- row noon. Charles Gerr.'sh ' , the coalition chief clerk cf the house , said Hanna was considered joitcci up to en hour before Hie legislature convened this morning , when "the combine" earned tbit Representatives Drosto and Lane would not prc.scut the name of Jcptha A. Gerrard , the silver republican who has had headquarters in operaticii hero for over two weeks. It was said that Drcsto would present the name of Gerrard and Lane second end It and tfrK the-30 two votes would cause a deadlock and possibly make a compromise winner out of Gerrard. When Drasto early In the roll call voted loudly for Hanna that was the slgial for cheers on the republican sldu , as ho voted before the names of Grif fith , Joyce , Lane , LManuel or uny of the doubtful ones were called , and all the doubt ful ones were afterwards recorded for Hanna , All the republican fuslcsilsta from Cincinnati voted for Hanna except Otis. CROWD CALLS ON HANNA. Hardly had -the result of the ballot been announced before a crowd filled the corridors and cheered fornllanna. It swept through the house oud out on , the streets. Senator Hanna responded to th'6 'repeated calls from his friends and In answer to their demands made ? . t'iierc'.i ' cDnrrcl-tiilatliig them on behalf of the republican , party for the auspicious out come. 01. 1 "It la not so.much a matter of personality with me , " said' hot "as it Is a question of keeping the pld fjed atul upholding the Integ rity of the pafty and of giving heed to the will of the peojpfe./ ; The excited firfw' ' lifted the senator from the lloor aid man utter man embraced aim , while others WorcC shaking both hands. Fj.wlly the crowd' was held back and got Into line and / < ? r ' ! ' " > ' cn hour the senator atood and grasped' the has j and listened to the exultant ncngratulatlcna of < ho crowd. "TiianX , God tiie flight will prevail , " ' "I'ralse God from whom all bleraings flow/1 and llndrcd : cxpreajlijha filled the air In choral singing , Olio'1'voter , , with uplifted hat shouted : "Senator , this tikes a loud eft mo as big a.s a freight car. " The crowd's cheering - ing continued unalated during the aftornocn , The feeling of relief among the republicans was Indescribable , The whole city was wild with excitement. At the 'Great Southern hotel there werp many complaints agMlagt members on the democratic side , os well as on the republican sldo of the house , Hcmo charged that Mr. Kurtz sacrificed McICl&soK 2nd did not want to bo voted for himself for senator when tnero were not enough votes In sight to elect. The democratic members were holding ccafercticca with a view to bringing out a straight democratic candidate for senator to morrow uml for that honor John R , McLean waa the favorite. In that event It was thought Itanra might tomorrow secure the enllro republican veto , The following statement was given out this afternoon by the representatives of the gen eral assembly who refused to vote fir Mr , Hanna : Whereas , Charges of attempted bribery In connection with the clecthn of n United States senator have been made on the floor of the house ot representatives against lion , M. A. Hanna , Charles Dick , S. D. Hollenbcck and ono Henry Harrison Uoyce ; and. and.Whereas Whereas , Other changes of bribery have boon mada In connection with the said elec tion ; now , therefore , we , the undersigned members of the seventy-third assembly of the state of Ohio , earnestly ask that before proceeding further with the election of ft senator to nil the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Hon. John Sherman that a Joint committee be appointed from the senate and house of representatives with power to send for persons nnd papers , and to thoroughly Investigate and report to the respective houses the truth or falsity ot such charges. Having an abiding fnlth and confidence In the truth of the charges of bribery made against the above named parties. In the nnmo of the people of this great state nnd In the nnmo of Justice nnd purity of conduct , In the name ot public morals and In the iinmo , of everything that Is dear to n , patriotic people , wo ask and demand that such Investigation be had , and regardless of our determined opposition to the election of Senator Ilnniia , It such Investigation shall result In showing that said charges of bribery are itntrua wo pledge ourselves to vote for Senator llnnna in the general assembly of Ohio for both the short nnd long terms. This Is signed by C. O. Rutan , Vernon II. Burke , William A. Scott , Jr. , Harry C. Mason and John J. Jones. I Join In earnestly asking for the Investi gation , but I cannot In any event vote for Mr. Hanna , for I absolutely know that he did attempt to bribe. ( Signed ) JOHN C. OTIS. I concur In asking for an Investigation of the whole matter. ( Signed ) SI. U URAML12Y. MASON TELLS WHY. Harry C. Mason of Cleveland , speaker ot the house , tonight gave out 'he following : To the Public : Tlio principal reason why I have been opposed to Mr. Hanna Is be cause ot the fact that two years ng-o , when the Ilfly-year franchise bill was before the legislature , I was approached by a man from Cleveland who was lobbying In the Interest of that bill. He offered mo a bribe of $1,214 If 1 would vote for that measure. At my conference with Mr. Hanna. last Saturday I told him that this reason would prevent mu from supporting him , because I believed ho knew the street railway of which howas president was behind the man who offered the bribe , and that ho himself was on the ground lobbying1 In the Interest of the bill. HARHY C. MASON. The democratic steering committee of the fuslonlsts tonight Issued the following : To the I'ubuo : Marcus A. Ilunna will nut bo elected by this legislature. ALLEN O. MY13RS. JAMES ROSS. It. M. DITTY. Colonel Jcptha Gerrard ot Cincinnati , who has been spoken of as the candidate of the free silver republicans for senator , when In- lofinod that Hanna had received enough votes to elect him , did not appear surprised uid Fr > eke as If ho expected such a result. Ho said : "It was Impossible to secure the vote of the Cincinnati delegation for Mc Klsson , as his sympathy for silver waa doubted. " ui > > oinor Bushncll tonight said : "I sim ply deslro to repeat the statement which 1 made a day or two since that the result of the contest rests with the members of the legislature. Whoever they may elect will receive my cordial support. " The governor again reiterated that ho had been misrepre sented and misquoted by certain newspa pers and declared that In some Instances absolute maliciousness had been reached. M'KISSON IS EAGER. Mayor McKI&son of Cleveland was In con ference during the evening with the oppo sition and It was declared very omphq , t- cally by Its leaders that the fight had not by any means been lost and that they would again rally their forces In the Joint ballot tomorrow to a sufficient degree to win the battle. Ine democratic members of the legislature held another conference tonight , at which Judge Ditty , a member of the fusion steering committee , reported that Kurtz had promised two moro republican votes on the joint bal lot tomorrow. Notwithstanding this report It was Impossible to get the three democrats who voted against McKlsson today to pledge themselves for him tomorrow. Sevcrol other democratic members refused to attend tlio conference , although they were repeatedly sent for. After repeated efforts to get all of the democrats to vote with the six dissent ing republicans , and a failure to do so , the conference adjourned until 9 o'clock tomor row morning. The workers for the opposition against Hanna will not sleep tonight , but will put In all the time until the joint ballot Is taken tomorrow at noon. Several members who voted for Senator Hanna today were In con ference with the opponents of Hanna. at 'the Great Southern hotel tonight , ibut no changes were announced. The chase for cbangco In the vote will be kept up even to the entrance to the state hoiuo tomorrow , when the members can get relief on enter ing their respective halls. Among the propositions pending Is ono to drop McKlsson tomorrow and vote for Jeptha Oarr > : rd. Representatives Droste and Line , who had been- favorable to Garrard , voted for Hanna today. Garrard's friends say there was a tlmo when the coalition might have been elected , but now they do not propose to have him nominated as a sacrifice. In connection with the bribery stories to night It is reported that witnesses will be called tefore the grand jury here for Indict ments against several prominent opponent * of Hanna for conspiracy and on like charges at Cincinnati for all connected with the Otis OIRC and Its publication. My < < 'rliMiN DlNiipprnriiin'e Solved , ST. LOUIS , Jan. 11. In the finding of the body of a well dressed woman In the MIs- slsslppl river , opposite South St. Ixiuls , the police today solved the mysterious disap pearance of Mrs. William T. Ciempp , the widow who left her home In this city No vember 11. Tumid DI-II il 111 Illn Hum. YOUNOSTOWN , O. , Jan. 10. David O. Hall ot Hubbard , nn Iron manufacturer of the Mnhonlng1 valley , was found dead In his barn yesterday evening. Ills body was hanging over u manger when discovered. Ho was .13 years old. Heart disease is thought to have caused his death. Filial Full on 1111 Icy Sli MADISON , Wls. , Jan. 11. Justice I. W. Newman of the supreme court fell on nn Icy Hldcwalk today while walking from his residence to the capltol , striking lilsi bend with great force on thn walk , fracturing his skull. The doctors Hay ho JIUB one chance In I.VOO for recovery. ' .Men Full Don-ii n Shaft. III3OMOSILLO , Mex. , Jan , 11. By the falling of a cage In the Creston mine at Mlnas Plcastras eight men wore hurled 500 feet to the bottom of the shaft. Flvo were killed outrlpht nnd the remaining thrco uro not expected to survive. ClinrKfil with KlIlliiKHlN Wife. DALLAS , Tex. , Jan. 11. This morning the ivlfo of Eugene Leo was found murdered in her bed at Ennls. She had been shot through the head. Her husnand nun been arrested. Thcro arc great excitement and threats of lynching , IMliicVorkrrN1 Convention. COLUMBUS , O. , Jan. 11. The United Sllno Workers of America met hero today. At the close of the session the body , at the expense of the operators , will so to Chicago cage January 17 to fix mining rates for the ensuing year. Most Torturing , Disfiguring , Humiliating Of Itching , burning , bleeding , scaly skin nnd scalp 1 mm ore is instantly relieved l y a warm bath with CUTICUHA SOAH , tn slnglo application of CUTICUUA ( oliit- incut ) , the great skin euro , and a full close of CUTICUICA RESOLVENT , greatest of blood puriUcra and humor cures. Iin > iii : E3 speedily , permanently , and economically cure , when nil ulso falls. r-i l > it ; < l An Tutu , AMo IVopi. IlottoQ , > JUw u Curv 1 I * O "k' ' univr , fr' < > . 'DIMDI v rllflrLY sun- . xTs .v run UIUXMAO TIIACICS. Fnvnrllrn In Hotter Form nnit 1'onr of Thorn Win , NEW ORLHANS , Jan. ll.-FAVorltcs were In much better form today , and four landed flrst money. Despite the prohibitive price , Forbush was played , and Oral , In the last race , was the best supported choice of the day , AVeathcr clear ) track good. Results : First race , sclllnp. thlrteen-slxtecnths of a mile : W C T won , Everest second nnil Alice C third. Time ! 1:23. : Second race , one mile : Forbush won , Robert Homier second nnd Jack Hayes third. Time : l:44V4. : Third race , selling , ono mile nnd a half : Pets Kitchen won , Nannie L's Sister second end and Courtesy third. Tlmo : 2:41H. Fourth race , handicap , six furlongs ! Hello of Mcmh | > ls won , Sllgo second nnd JJrlgh- ton third. Time : l:15)i. : Fifth race , ono mile : Sea Robber won , ISltholIn second nnd George 1J. Cox third. Tlmoi 1:44. : Sixth race , fselllnjr , six and n half fur longs ! Oral won , Sauterne second and Rebecca 11 third. Tlmo : 1:23. : SAN FUANCISCO , Jan. II. Results nt Oakland : First race , purse , three-quarters of n mile : Mlstleton won , Roulette Wheel second ami Malnbar third. Time : l:16i. : Second race , three-quarters of a mile , sell ing : Al Koran won , Ablna second and Morlnga third. Time : lilT'/j. Third race , one mile Rubicon won , Dou ble Quick second and Paul Grlgga third , Tlmo : l:44 : , Fourth race , three-quarters of n. mile : May W won , Tea Rose III second nnd Mid night thlni. Tlmo 1:16 : % . Fifth race , seven-eights of a mile , sellIng - Ing : Argentina won , Osrlo II second and Earl Cochrnno third. Tlmo : LIFTS Til 13 HAiFIIOM OUTLAWS. Important Acllon Tnken by AIIIIT- lonii Turf CiiiiKrt'NM. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Jan. 11. The Hoard of Appeals of the American Turf congress has decided that the case of John llranon should bo referred back to the Lntonla Jockey club , ns Hranon's alleged fraudulent work was done prior to the creation of the board. i lllppolyto Chevalier , who was mixed up In the Llttlo Pete srnudnl In California , petitioned the board for reinstatement , which was refused. The case of Jockey Kddle Dorsey was not before the board. The following resolutions wcru unani mously adopted : "Whereas , Racing prohibited by tho'rules of the turf congress hns practically ceased , and "Whereas , It la the full determination to nltord no excuse 'or Immunity to those offending against said rules ; be It Resolved , That nil persons heretofore out lawed for participating In races on un recognized race tracks located west of the eighty-first meridian are hereby reinstated from this date to the privileges of nil tracks racing under the jurisdiction of the Ameri can Turf congress. This In not Intended to Included suspended , ruled-on" , or outlawed horses , nnd it Is not Intended to apply to persons suspended or ruled off by the ac tion of members of the turf congress or by the action of any turf authority. " Wlirel Cluli Mcrtlnpr. A good portion of the monthly meeting of the Union Pacific Wheel club , nt the Millard - lard hotel last night , was devoted to a dis cussion of the tug-of-wnr contest with the H. & M. Wheel club , which takes place , with other athletic events , on the night or January 20 at the Turner hall. The chal- leniio from the IJ. it M. Wheel club was formally accepted. A list of likely ellglbles for the team was drawn up and the selec tion will be made In the next few days and practice will begin. J. L. Llvcsey was se lected as captain ot the team. The condi tions of the match will be arranged by the captains of ihe two teams. H. Lancaster , F. A. Gordon , E. W. Uurrouglis und U. C. Fowler wore elected delepates to the As sociated Cycling clubs. Some preliminary arrangements were made for a smoker to be given In Royal Arcanum hall In The Uec building on the second Saturday In February. Corlii-H Wniitx IIic Urownn. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 11. James J. Cot belt is the latest customer of Chris Von der Aho for his base ball franchise and team. Cor- bett said that ho would like to buy the Browns and was willing to put up n good piece of money for the club. "In fact , " said the ex-champion , "I have n man working on It now. I would like to buy and , iproperly managed. It would bo a good thing nail would pay mo nicely after I had the team strengthened and going right. Of course 1 would have to lose some money for a year or two , but in the end I would get it all back. " Ilnnlc Oanlilor Sliootn Himself. PEORLY. Jan. 11. Cashier Al. T. Cavcrty or the State bank nt Elmwood shot him self today and he Is not expected to live. He has been In poor health for some time. ARTIIIJiIt'S EXI'HUIIJXCK AV1TII CAT.YUUH EMKUIIOS. .V ' 1,011(7 Search Fliuilly Sccnrc-H the One. After a person hns struggled for years with such a dlgustlng malady as catarrh and exhausts the entire catagory of things remedial ho 13 decidedly pkeqtlcal. And when he finally meets with a remedy that cures him completely he Is not backward about telling- others of the fact. This ex plains why we ECO so many prominent pee ple's names In the newspapers testifying to the merits of whatever has been the means of restoring them to health. The following letter from President Arthur of the States man Printing Co. . Marshall , Mich. , Is an il lustration ot this fact : Mr. C. E. Gauss , Marshall. Mich. My Dear Sir : I commenced to take your ca tarrh tablets with no Idea that they would do mo any good. A friend told me they nverc effective ; that they had cured him. etc. , so I purchased a box as I have purchased hundreds of catarrh remedies before without much faith. My condition was frightful. My head was all stopped up and I suffered extreme misery. Droppings from the none at night made my throat ami lungs very bad and 1 was In constant fear of consumption. I hacked nnd coughed and omitted stuff to such an extent that I must have dlHgusted my friends. Now It Is dililuiilt. I noticed nn Improve ment In my condition the second day after I began takingtlio tablets. The first thing they did WUH to clear my head. Gradually my throat nnd lungs wore relieved and to my surprise , my stomach , which has been weak from the effects of my long ntandlng nase of catarrh , commenced to Improve. l need say no more. TJIOSO wno nave nn old cnso of catarrh to deal with will under- Htaml the Hltuatlon thoroughly , nnd It Is for. the benefit of all such that I furnish you with this testimonial. I never gave ono be fore ar.d do not believe In proprietary medi cines as a rule , but you certainly have a good thing and I wish you the success you richly deserve , Vpry respectfully yours , W. H. ARTHUR. The tnblctH nro sold by druggists under the name of Gauss Catarrh Tnhlatx , at 0 cents u box and where the druggist docs not keep them or won't get them for you they will bo mailed prepaid upon receipt of price by C , E , Oauss , 'Marshall , Mich. Ireland In Pictures Part XV Now Ready For Distribution , 10 cents to Tlio Boo olllco , oltlior in Oimilm or Council HlufTd , Mulled to uny uddroij un receipt of 10 cunts lu uohi Bright Eyes clcnr skin , rosca ami dimples , mny all t't yours If you will ilo what Is needed to cot them , 'TIs net hard. Only to follow some slmpla ruled of health , and to help honlth with Mine , Yale's Beauty Specialties \Vo have houghl a largo stock of thcso and nro selling them for a time at cut prlcoa to prove what Bargains Wo have to offer In all our departments. Slnco .wa commenced selling Mme. Ynlo'a beauty specialties In n special department we have been crowded with ladles who ere beautiful and who wish to preserve that beauty-Indies whose beauty for a tlmo U under an eclipse , and who wish to niako the ecllpso pass away under Mme , Yale's In- structlons. How to bo beautiful , and remain beautiful to rlpo old age. Is truthfully told In .Mine * , laloa { jrcat boolf , "U'omnu's Wisdom , " frc0 to all who ask for It. " Call and get It. Get ndvlco as to what you need from our salesladies , who will wait on vo ,1 ? ? ! ? 8V ! ' ' - ctorlly than male clerks. money by buying now at our Special Prices 1 ' ' Her Our Price. Prlco . . v i > IT i -iink s , 1Inlr To lc , restores health and color to the hnlr am ! stops R from falling , creates Its growth iX ( ) Halt- Cleanser , for shampooing. . i'oo iTultcura ( for Fcmalo Woukl * f l''reckla ' ( for freckle's' ) " . ' . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i'oo C5c V > o qJ ! J Food ' 9jmn11' ror Wrinkles ) . . 1.50 1.111 ( large ) 390 2.29 Uust Food ( ( small for developing ' Neck llust and Arms ) . . . , . . . . . . . it 1.19 IJust Fee < l ( large ) ! 300 2.23 Comp cxlon Fact- Powder , three ' shades-Pink. While , Urunctto. . . .TO Complexion Soap 23 15o ' Complexion llleaoh ( for Moth Patches and .Liver Spots ) . . . .200 1.73 Complex on Cream ( for Softening and refining the skin ) i ' 00 CDo kyelnsh Grower ( promoting growth of the Kyobrows and Lashes ) j m We Special Lotion ( Pimple Cure ) . . ! ! ! ! 1 > ) cue Special Oliitmctit ( Ulaekhcnd ' ' TOO ' ' niooil Ton'fc'U'iirlfyViig tlio'liioo'dj liw C3C llnnd hltcner ( nmkus the hands soft , delicate nnd white 1,00 roc Elixir of licnuty ( Skin Tonic ) l ' 00 CSc Magical Eocret ( for softening water ) 1 GO 1.19 Great Scott 100 tan Jack Rose Leaves ( liquid rouge ) . . I'oo ( Mo Jack Rose Utids ( Lip Salve ) . . . . 100 rae { ace UnaniH-tt'hlto and Plnlc. . . . 1.00 1.13 Kyubrpw Pencils .23 inc ' " ' nnd Wart Extractor I'oo 9c Skin Whlteuer i.oo cac Itellner , i oo Cflo Complexion Unish 'no lee ' ' Yale's Antiseptic i'co C'Jo ' ' Yale's Digestive Tablets ( for Indigestion - digestion , etc. ) largo slzo 100 COo ' bale's Digestive Tablets ( for In digestion , ete ) small size M 33o i ale's Complexion Tablets , large slzo j 03 COo ' ' Yale's Complexion Tablets , small Hlzo 50 S3c Yale's Fertilizer Tablets for con- ' stlpatlon. l.irgo size 109 fi5c Yale's Fertilizer Tablets , small ' slzo ' 50 3.1c A sample slzo bottle given away o'f Frult- cura with every purc > .as0 amounting to 3Jo or over of Sladamo Yale's goods. Drirg Dejisifmcnf. 16th and Douglas Streets. COCOAT and CHOCOLATES FOR EATING. DRIHKINQ. COOKIHC. BAKING 8 ? Purity of Material and I ii TOR SALE AI OUR SIORI5 AND DY \ GROCERS EVERYWHERE THE CREIGHTON Today Tonight 2:15 8:00 WOODWARD STOCK CO. -IN- LYNWOOD. Specialties : IBAPRLLK UHQUIIAUT & CO , IIUUTIIKHB DA.MM , MATSU KIOTO. riilllHiIll"JIM , THIS I'AXTON & nUJlOBSS , JIanuKcrs. Tel , 1D1S. Tonight MAXIMILIAN DICK. AMISHIU.V.3 CUIOAT VIOLI.MST. Wllli .MO.VDAM1.V UIIOUAL .SOUIUTY. PRICES Lower floor , Jl.OO , 70c ; balcony , 73c , Mlc. I'anlun & llunjes * , Telephone IDIO. Friday Matinee At 3 F. M. Direction Km UK Aileliniiiui , ' I'AXTON & 1JUIIOKS3. JBOYD'S Manager * . Tel. 1019. 3 NIGHTS-Thur dny , Jnu.,13 SIATI.M'313 SATUHHAV. OIIAS. K. IILA.VKV'.S Big Extravaganza Success , A ROY WAN A COSIIMXY or an PKOPLI : . TWO IHO .SHOWS IN O.N'H. PRICKS Lower floor. tl.OO , 73oj balcony , 73c , We. Matinee , lower lloor , 75c , Wo ; bal cony. Me , 25c. Fine Skating Exciting Tobogganing Day and Night. Admission , YSr1 Including admission to the Ice . , , , . * * Professor Woltz Cliatilploil tikntcr. Commencing Tliuraday iivonlug IIOTIIL9. THE MILLARD 13th nnd Douglas Sts. , Omaha , C12NTIIALLY LOCJATHD , AMKUIOA-V AND KUHOPJ3A.V PLAN , BACKER HOTEL Tiuii'ri < : i\Tii AND JOMOS KTRKKTS , 110 roonin , baths , iitcam heat and all modern convenience * . Hutea. 11,60 and 12.00 per dty. Tatle unexcelled. t > ( Kx-lul low rate * to reeulUI rN