EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAGES 9 TO 16 JU2sTE 10JS71. . OMAHA , SUNDAY MOlim'N'G- , JANUARY ! ) , 18D8-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY JTIVM3 OI3XTM. The immense sales of the past month , leaves us with many odds and ends and incomplete assortments. These we are closing out at ridiculously low prices. In ad dition we arc offering unheard'of values in the very finest winter goods to-dose * them out at once. Attend our great muslin underwear and white goods sales. The Big Store's guarantee goes with every purchase. \ Selling Cheaper Agents for ' BECAUSE . Buttcrick Patterns : We're Selling More. Unusual Values in Table Damask by the yard Full bleached Table Damask , | 7c Extra heavy Scotch Damask , pretty designs , worth 500 at Celebrated Clyde Damask , 58in , wide , worth 65C , at 45 Irish Linen , full bleached , 64-in. wide , worth 850 , at 55C 25 pieces German Damask , silver bleached , value 750 , at 10 pieces Austrian Damask , 2 yds. wide , extra heavy quality , 75C values , at 48C 10 pieces bleached Irish Damask , 2 yds. wide , value $1.00 , 15 pieces double Satin Damisk , 6y-in. wide , value Si. 25 , at 69C 25 pieces heivy unbleached Damask , 64-111. wide , value 750 , at 47AC 50 pieces turkey-red Damask , 6o-in. wide , fast colors , at 22C 10 pieces doub'e Satin Damask , 2.V yds , wide , value $1.65 , Art a.iicl Handkerchief All llr.cn brown crash 5c. Fancy check towellnK at 23-1. Linens. 'Block toweltag comes In blue anJ. red checks at 33-lc. Art Linens , 3C-ln wide at yard 45c 57'.c COo ami 7iic. Seel Spreads. Handkerchief Linen 3G Inches wide at yard SOc GOc "Cc. Large size spread , hemmed at 471/4c. Large size spread , mar&elllcs pattern , S3c. NapkinsSpecial. . Bxtra heavy spread ? 1.30 value Mon day 9Sc. One lot 3-4 full bleached napkins value $2.60 nt $1.75. Muslin and Sheeting. One lot 3-1 bleached napkins all linens ll.GO at 95c. Wo arc headquarters. 4-1 unbleached muslin , at 33-lc. Towels and Crash 4-4 soft finish bleached muslin at 4c. Heavy cotton towels large size at 3'.c 9-1 bleached sheeting , full 81 Inches-wide , 22c value. .Monday IGVjC. Turkish towels double warp woven sel- 4-t English long cloth , 10 yards In a bolt VHKC 6c 7' c lOc 12t4c 15c anil Iflc. at $1.10 per bolt. Huck and Damask towels at lOc 12'Xjc ' Apron lawn 40 Inches wide , value ISc , IGc 17c nid ) 19c. at 12 > c. Blankets on Sale Monday Letting down the- prices on Blankets. largo size , 2'jurds long , cheap at $1.CO pair , 2 cones 10-4 white cotton fleeced Blankets ; Haydens' price co Monday D3c pair. the wholesale price on these was G2' , c a pair , Dr. Wilson sanitary gray all wool Dlankeis Haydens' price Monday 19c each. as long as they last at Haydens' Monday sale 116-pound wool mixed gray Blankets , C5c at $1.75 calr. pair. For big Ulankets big bargains in Bla ikea ! , 200 pairs of 5-pound silver gray Blankets , attend the big DIanket sale at the Dig Store. Big Comfort Sale Haydcn Bros , carry the block and have the [ Comforts at $2.00 and $2.50 each , assortment to ( ilck from , Largo bUe Comforts nt 75c , 85c , $1.00 , $1.25 , Da Monday we offer you extra values In $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 and $2.50 each. Flannel Department At the big store of Haydcn fires. ' you will half price 5c. Cc , 7c , 8 ; , 10e ; worth double. find a big Flannel sale Monday. 35c. 39c and 45c fancy weal Eiderdown ca 1'lnk mix , blue mix , brown mix and black Monday at Haydens' only 25c yard. mixed Storm Flannel on sale at 5c yard. Cost cuts no llgure on wool Skirt Patterns. White Shaker Unbleat'.ied Cotton Flanoel They must go. and Outing Flannel all ga at 3V e. Remnsnta and odds and ends In Flannels Selling Bleached Cotton Flannels at one- at prices to close. Big Cut Price Sale of Black and Colored Wool Dress Goods. Itnlniicf ii f I InHIMINIIII'M Rood * iiumt Inrloxnl out tlilH Mftl < ri-Kiirilli-xH of iiiiNl prliTN. An iiiiorliinl | | < > to U"'l n urnoil , nrrt lcTil > lc anil N | > Hull up- toilntiilri'MN at prlt'i'M ( lint ivlll iiNtonlNli > < iu. A larg assortment of thin season's goods In 36-Inch black Figured Mohair , rich luster two-yard to eight-yard lengths , In black and and serviceable , worth 39c per yard , our all of the late colors and weaves , to be closed price now only 19c per yard. out at just about one-half of the regular re 47-Inch Black Novelty for spring wear , tail pr'cc. heavy raised llgure , hard finish , dust-proof , 38-Inch all wool French Serge , In all of something entirely new ; worth $1.25 per thi < new shades , Including black , cloth llnlsh , yard , our price only 79c per yard. worth 42 c per yard , our price now only 29c All open mall orders filled and money re per yard. funded If goods are not satisfactory. < No 47-Inch extra heavy and flue Mohair Serge , samples of advertised goads cut. dust-proof , docs not wrinkle , In nil of the New line of Imported all wool Chains , with late shades , including black , worth $1.0) per .dark background and small figures. Just ru- yard , our price now only G9c per yard. 'cclved ' In the new spring designs and colors. On Monday greets you with the greatest gathering of Silk BnrjjahiB over uhown In ny silk dopni'tmont in the west. Stock-taking over tind nil accumulations , odds and ends of Bilk to bo olo. cil out at nn insignificant price before NEW GOODS ARRIVE. of RuimmntB of both plain and figured silks in nl1 the lijjht ami dark aliadcn , nmny in the o.xtrn fine qualities , all go nt only. Plain , Heavy Colored Silks in Failles , Gros ( .rains , Taffetas and Mulrcn in lonnths from U to 12 yds. , worth "fie , $1.00 and $1.2. ) , to 49c close Ihebo flno SilkH , only Fancy Brocades for waists or trimming in beautiful designs and color combinations and quality one of the best , 100 pieces to close 59c out at only , Ph.In , Changeable TatTotas have you soon t'.to TulTatas Haydcn's are belling at 6l > c they are World Heaters wo want you to see them 59c wo have all the now bhadings in the best TalTota wo sell at. . . . Hero is where you ( joitho HedTnllotos in Beat-lot , cardinal , shadet of corisa and gornniuui , very 75c and SI.QD . Bcurcu and much wanted , jirieo J3JDAC1C Dig Lot Jllaclc Brocadco in good quality Grew Grain exquisite ilc- signs of the newest typo. Handsome sldrt or dress silk worth 8Uc and 81.00-nUo big lotof black Moire Velours Skirting Silk , 27 in : wide , all ut closing price , only 15 pieces Plain Bluuk Satin Duohosso in extra fine quality , all pure silk , 21 In. wide. Mondoyu prlcob only , Will be Cheaper During January Than it will be again for many years to come , This de cree went forth when the Dinjrley Bill was enacted into a law last July , plac ing a tariff of from 40 to 60 per cent on every piece of cloth that goes into the manufacture of clothing. Every man who contemplates buying a Suit or Overcoat simply stands in his own light if he 'fails ' to visit our Clothing De partment during this great clearing-sale. | As We Buy So We Sell All this stoc'lc was b-mghr prior to the tar iff bill goin jj into efTect Henc3 we save you at least 60 par cent on every garment you buy. I You can buy an all wool Blac' < Cheviot Suit at $3.50. A fine Brown Cassimere Suit , with the verbs't linings and trimmings , at $4.50. An elegant line of mixed Cheviots at $6.75. The latest and nobbiest patterns on the market at $7.50. A lot of our § 12. 0 Suits , broken sizes , ' at $9.75. ' 500 Men's Overcoats and Ulsters. Our $7.50 Coats , to c'o-e , 'atJ$4-.53. 3402. Irish Frieze Ulsters , in thrown , gray and b'aclc ' , at $7.50. < All the $12.50 and $15.00 U sters and jOvercoats at $10.00 , Our ent'rejinc o ! Overcoats and Ulsters , that sold for ' $18.00 and $20.00 , on sa'e at $12,50 and $15.00 , 2,000 pairs of the Fatuous Rsadin $3 oo Pant at $1.75. i.jjoo pairs of $3.50 and $4 oo Pants at $11.95. 3,000 pairs of bjys' Long Pants from 65c up to $1.75 a pair. We Carry the Largest Line of Clay Worsted Suits ill the City. An Line of . At 2-lc per yard for goods r worth loc.i At 5c per.yatd for goods worth soc. At 10c per yard for goods w.orth 25\.1 At 15c per yard-for-goods worth 300. Closing Out Dress TrimmMgs Closing Out All Furs At 5c per yard , worth from 150 'to 350. j At Cut Prices. GRAND THREAD ' 12 spools Dnstlng Cotton . 300 > arils Richardson's I ' best Odd lot Silk Thread , 2 spools tor Sr. Sewing Silk , black only . . . . for 10 spools Perfect Machine 100 j arils finest Linen Thread /a _ Odd lot of Silk Twist , 2 spools Thrend , full 200-yard spools . . . for . for Grand Fancy Ribbon Sale Closing Out Closing out all Fancy R bbons at 5c , fiOe lOc Purs-os Hand Bags oc 7c , 9c , 15c and 25c'yard. , 50o Ssitin - Bolt Supporters . 25c HOOKS ON SALE-QUO VADIS ONLY I3C-ALL HOOKS AT CUT PRICES. Everything in We se'l the best Chickering , Stein way and Fisclier Pianos Wilcox & White Syinphonys and Piano Case Organs It Is not necessary for us to tell you that the above named Instruments are the best In the world the names speak , for themselves They arc found o nly at Haydens' \Vo have 18 other dlffere nt makes All wo aak you to do Is to name the piano you want and we will make you a price lower than you can buy.the same Instrument anywhere else. ( . . . . _ _ . * f & * * * m * A few special offerings this week while they last 1 upright Fancy Mahogany Case nes 1 upright handsome Mahogany Case- 1 upright Kmcrson Walnut Case large sample piano $135 new sample piano JIM size new $203 1 upright Fancy Walnut Case new 1 Hallet & Davis upright silently used Sir . . New Voiu & Sons as low $11)5 ) . upright as. sample piano $155 1 uprlirht Kmorson. walnut case new $175 1 virii'lit ICngllsh Oak Case new sam 1 upright Emerson Mahogany case neAl)0 ! ) Factory guarantee with every piano. ple piano $175 NEW PIANOS FOR RENT. , nrS.BT ? MUSIC This week , we are giving some nway free to. every person visiting our sheet rnuslc counter We have over 10,00 different selections at 5c and lOc caoh All the late popular musie at strictly popular prices Waahburn. Mandolins and Gui tars I amous Martin Hand Made Violins Stewart Banjos , Special Sale on Silverware Rogers' 12 dwt. Knives or Forks , $1.19 for set of six. Rogers' Tea Spoons 6gc for six. Rogers' Table Spoons $1.38 for six. We have just received an importation order of gold and silver Jeweled Belts , very latest designs , now on sale at our usual low prices. Solid Silver Chatelaine watches $2.50 Special cut prices in all gold Rings genuine Hungarian opals in solid gold settings 980 each - A 200 pair of link and lever Cuff Cuttons , best * quality rolled plate worth 7c , $ i and $1.50 , your choice 4Sc Ladies' and Gents' gold filled Hunting Case watches , warranted to wear 20 years , with fine Elgin or Waltham works , 512.50 , regular value $25 Clearing Sale of Carpels Everything in broken lines to be closed out at prices less than cost of goods. f Moquotto Carpets , oholeo at 5c Velvet Carpets at . . ( jj { ) Good BruEBola Curpotut . . /1-Oc / Very Best Brussels Carpet at . . ( J5c Best All Wool In rnlnsat . . . . . 5j ( Extra Heavy Union Ingrains at , . . . . 26c CURTAINS. Some of the best valuoe over offered In Ince curtains and portieres. A uico curtain worth 75o for 3lj. ) i , A lace curtain , 3J yards long , 58 in wide.Si.00 pair All the Novelty and Brussels KiTuots , at $1.75 , $2.00 and $2.25. Worth double the money. Irish Point Curtiiliu from $2.25 pair up. New line of Tinsel - sol Draperies at 5c , 8 : , lOc , 12Jc and loc by fur the strongest line of these goods shown. Pull sized Tapestry Portieres $2.25 pair. Nieo line of colors to select from. Fancy Tinsel Portieres at $3.75 pair. 'Special Ladies and Gent's Furnishings Sale 10 cnfB men's Sot , black , ttuj , mottled , fancy utrlpco , worth 15c. Uli ; ut , JO-- UO dozen mm' * While Unlnunrtcrert Bhlrls. reinforced frunl anil tack anJ llntn buuom , wortli We , ut 2o EOU duztn men's Shirts nn4 I > ra tr , Camel' * Hulr , IlecceJ-llnwl mill line merino , worth "Jo , ut yji- t ca o men's ( Uiiwnilciii , luithor ana inolialr enJ . wortli We. ut Ko 5 cnerv men a fine Merliu fi\ix , Lmwn iinil Riay , nt IZHo CO Uoien men's Colorol Ihiw > in fililrts , nllKlitly nolled worth II W KIC Mi iloien men's WorklnK Ol'nen , worth Me ut Ko MO Oozcn nxu'i Fine .Vuokuiur , worth We at ! T.o il n'n Cellulolil fQllnr , ul J , . . . . Sc i M n' Cellulolil Cuffg at , n . joe IJ3W iloton men's Whllo nnrt Ci/lsteU llanJkeichlcfs to S cases ladltn1 flcwe-llnci ] Ifoso , ] 'ie ' r.i e liflis1 H nvy IlltibpU Ulcjrlf1 Hum ) at , 15o JW ladles' O > r el Oivern , worth 2Cc ul , , , , , , , Sc - fiu > j duteii la'llp ' Umbrella Drawnw , at ] 9c too Joien I illi * ' NU-ht flowni , worth 75c. at Uo Monday IB the Ornnd and Final Cut in Our Odds and Ends in Winter Caps We will sell cnpj that sold for 75c , Me , 35o for 15c , ! > 33o anil i' c. Atulii for Monday w i menilon our ) > -rilors ami iirjKnllii'onl line of oft and ( tiff lull. All m > lc , rotors ml at all ntk'ei. Van can art a. Rccd hat for 6.Vor 75o. Vou nn m a lut lihfr UH or soft for Jl.uu ( .hut you pay ulieuhcrc II 50 for. Ladies' Cloaks at 30c on the Dollar Our immense purchasing power enables us to close out three manufacturers stocks at less than one-third prices , viz : H , Black & Co. , Cleveland , O. ; Griswold , Palm er & Co. , Clvcago , and the Clvcago Novelty Cloak Co. , Chicago , These three stocks combined make a most magnificent display of hlnh class garments to bo elcecd out at prices BO absurdly low that It concerns every lady In Omaha. Posi tively the greatest bargains of the tlnus In now fresh stylish garments right from the factories. Children's long eiderdown cloaks , all lined , nt 39c Children's Jackets , ages 2 to 14 , empire and tight-fitting winter garments of stylish bouclcs anil mixtures , \\orth $3.50 at $1.48 300 elegant garments , ages C to 14 , hand somely trimmed , iiu.illty and etyle that you can't buy less than ? 0.00 at $1.98 Girls' long cloaKe , G to 14 years , made of novelty cloaklngs , either military or empire styles ; you can't duplicate them for less than $5.00 , at $1.98 Lot 1 200 Jackets In kerseys , beaver and friezes , bulf lined , \\orth $0.00 , nt S1..95 Lot 2 1,000 beaver jackets. In greens , browns , black and tans , In plain and braided keieey , boucle , astrakhan , Persian wool and two-toned effects , all lined thioughout with fancy or Roman etrlpo taffeta silk , dm trimming of many of them Is ot the finest furs anil braids , one of the Rrandcot collec tions of Jackets ever plnrpil on a counter , worth $10.00 , $12.00 and $14.00. at $4.98 Ladles' double cloth rapes , mode of all wool beaver and diagonal goods , $1.98 Ladles' astrakhan capes , .tO-ln. lone , double pleated umpire back , trimmed with Thibet fur all around , lined anil Interlined , tli.it sold for $7.1)8 ) , nt $3.98 Ladles' sills plush capes , 32-ln. long , llnest throughout with heavy black silk , trimmed , with fur , worth $12.50 , at $5.98. Ladles' handsome brocaded silk sklrl , cor rcct style and perfect hang , at $3.98 Ladles' accordcon pleated skirt , of cxtr film brllllanttnc , nt $448 Ladles' wrappers , heavy lined goers , at 98c These sales commence at the time given , and last one hour. If you want to take advantage of'-theseprices , you must be here at that time. 8 to 9 a. in , iii Laundry Soaps , from S to 9 , per bur. . . Pjo New Mupcntell lUlnlns. from S to 9. . . 3'o. ' { Hreakfast Oats , from 8 to 9. C Ibs. for. lD 2-lb. cans June 1'e.is. from 8 to 9 3liu White Navy Ortuip , from S to 9 , C Ibs 2-lb. cans Lima Beans , from 8 to 9. . . 4o for iQo 3-lb. cans Golden I'umpkln , from 8 to9 60 Java and Mocha Coffee. (23e ) , from ' 3-lb. cans I'lums , Peaches or Apricots , . ' 8 to 9 .12'4o fiom S to 9 gifo THIS SALE CLOSES AT NINE O'CLOCK. Fid 9 ifl 10 a. 1 at HABDffAHB DHPABTMB8T. loc Dish Pans , Horn 9 to 10 only 7'jo ' Large box Toothpicks , from 9 to 10 Me Tin Tea Kettles , from 9 to 10 only 7'JO ' 01'y ! ' . 3c Dippers , from 9 to 10 only lo 15c Stew Pan 2-tjuart , fiom 9 to 10 loc Dover Egg Beaters , from 9 to 10 only . Go only 5o 23c set tipped silver steel Tea Spoons , . 5o 20c Ccnl Hods , from 9 to 10 only 7ijo 5c Lid Lifters , fiom 9 to 10 . lo Mrs Potts' Iron Handles , fiom 9 to 10 5c Can Openera , from 9 to 10 . lo only r o Dlxon's Stove I'olMi , from 9 to 10. . . , la Blxby's Shoe Blacking , from 9 to 10 So bottle best Black Ink , from 9 to 10 lo only 2'o ' 3-plnt Coffee Pot , from 9 to 10 . Go 23 per cent discount on Skates from9 to 10 a. in. THIS SALKCLOS' B AT TUN O'CLOCK. 10 to 11 a. l at CHISA DHPiOTT. Me China Cups and Saucers , from 10 25c Berry Sets , from 10 to 11 Jo to 11 o'clock. 2Jc Syrup Jugs , from 10 to 11 5.Q lOc Oyster Bowls , from 10 to 11 . 3O 15c Sauce DlehdH , fcot , from 10 to H 5io ! 25o Holacrs Sugar Bowls anil Cream , Butter Pitchers Dishes. , Spoon from lOc Sauce Ulshen. from 10 to 11 3c 10 to 11 o'clock . . . lOc Flint Hlown Tumbleis , from 10 to 7o Cups and Saucers , from 10 to 11 . . . iuo * r\\ \ \ ( ' . ' ' , ' " . Uo . a - „ . „ - , „ , . , , . > China lcc-or.itcil Cream Jugn fU THIS SAL13 K.VDS A T I3LUVEN O'CLOCK. From 11 a. i to 121 in DIG BEPAIT1B1 Household Ammonia , 11 to 12 o'clock. $1.00 size Ku ili > gultilnn Tonic. $1,00 size Thompson's ) Beef , Iron and iXc ) size fin do Quinine Tonic. . . Wine 3-qimrt Hot Water Bottles 35c Lajos Farms Mineral Water 2-quart Hot Water Hottlrs 5c size Castile Soap , per b.ir i 0 Me lzi ) Indian Hair Orower 2i > o Me ilze BoswIck'B Cough Syrup 12o Fountain - 2-quart Syringe : i o 1 box Glycerine Soap , 3 cakes 5vio 4-quart Fountain Syringe 40o 33c size iJIalt Extract Ho B. & B. iMiiBtaril I'l iHcre , box. . 14 o THIS BALK KNDS AT TWI3LVK O'CLOCK If the people of Omaha are interested in buying first-class goods at unheard of prices read the following from the Great Transmississippi Head quarters The Bis Meat Dept. Sugar Cured No. 1 hams , only Sugar Cured California hams . Salt I'ork . 3 < &c Fine Ilacou . 7c Dreakfast Sausage . , , . Sc Ilulogua and Head Che H . , , 311) . cans best lard . , . 5'lb. cans best lard . , 28c 10-lb , cans best lard . 63c The Only Cheese Dept. Voung American full cream Wisconsin full cream . lOc Prime Ohio Swlu . , . . . . lOc. Fancy nrlck Cheese . , Fancy Llmberger . . Sap Sago Cheese , phg . 70 Ncufchatel checeo . , , . zc \ Pineapplechecser best . 75c Flncat Pine Apple cheese . C3e Our Fish Market Fine Hed California Salmon . , . , . . , . . Trout , large and fat . , Herring , each only . , , , , , . 2c Ancljovles , new Norway goods , , , , . 7c ' White F'.SU . Cc Cod Fish . , . ; Cc All kinds of fish and frceh oysters on hand. The Greatest Butter Sale of All The Finest Separator Creamery Iltitter made ia ( > Fancy Hell Duller 12&C. He and ICe \Vo have 1hu nicest country roll butler you over saw , freah every day from I'M tountrv. A big lot Monday at the abo\o prices. , The Finest Cracker Department in the West Finest Soda Ci ackers Co FlneKt Ojstcr Crackers Co Ginger Snaps 7jo > Newport Flakes , llo Hremmcr'a Lunch llo We have all kinds of cakes and fancy goods and u full uupply of health foods. Don't forget to vltlt our Great Cracker Ue- partuicnt. We are the Leaders in Fruits Fancy Lemons , only 18o Dotes , now goods , only , . , 7Ho FlgH lOo Deal Dales , JOe Nice , largo oranges IDo Now Walnuts , . , . . . . . ,12'/&u New Almonds , 12'/4a ' Couio here for nil kludtt of frulta aud outi