Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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Invoicing Completed Jobbers Arc Once Mora
Beady for Business.
Iltinlncaft SKtinllon All Hint
Coulil lli > I2.\pc < : l < 'il al
lluliIiTif CM n ncd ( in
ire Kurtiiiuili ! .
The course of business during the p.ift
ivcok has fthoAit the restrictive Inllucnci'i )
usual nt thlH nenson In full force. There ha
been a limited attendance of btiyi'ri ' from
the Country nnil the demand corning for-
warel has been small to what It was n few
weeks IIKO , but buyers iiru not expected to
ope rule with nny degree of freedom Im-
incillnlely before , or Immediately after the
hoMnyn ; , no that the situation has been
normal. Stock-InklAg operations and other
tnattcm pertaining lo the winding up of the
yenr'H1 business have occupied the attention
of Jobbers and retailers alike , no that the
prevalllnK < iulctmlc has not In any way
been n disappointment.
While the Immediate present has been un
eventful , the future , however , scorns bright
with promise nnd business men In nil dc-
IiartmcntH of trade nrc Hiving expression to
the most IIOIL-"UI ; pi < > dlctlons as lo the course
or Me rprlng Hade , Then- has probably
iie-ver bi'i-n u time ' -Alien Omaha Jobbers
felt nny more secure of their position or
when the prospect seemed more Inviting ,
In the ie-tnll department there his been
a fair business doing , at the weather has
been Inviting to shoppers , but the trading to
n conquerable extent has been In a small
way. or at least that has been the ex
pel lence ; of n good ninny local retail IIOUM-S.
Killl Hie buying that Is going on I * of a
vtry fair e-haraetcr considering the season
nnd tin ; further fact that thu cold we.ithtr
In De-cumber In luceel a large proportion of
consumers lo provide thennelves completely
wllh winter goods of all kinds.
The bank clearings of the P st week
showed a large Increase over thu 'ptcvlous
year , but uhtit was still better they were-
very largo f ° r 'l11llrst ' 'eik In January ,
thowlng tl-al n large volume of liu'lne" Is
d Ing feir the time of year. In the country
ut large , howi-vi-r , the money nnd banking
situation Is not entirely lo the llUIng or
these most Intetrslod. There Is enllrely
too tniirh money to put .he holders In a ' - ' um-
fortfihle frame of rnlnil and there Is a
tendeni-y among banka to roduc-e rates of
Interest on deposits nnd scare away Idle
money The savings banks In the eal l ,
while not culling down tne rate of In
terest in many Instnnces , me- reducing the
Interest p'llel by ri'slilcllng the plivllcecs of
withdrawing and depositing ,
At South Omaha a fair business was done
the past week , though the cattle situation
Is still rather un atlsfncto y , 1'acklng In-
leresls are walling for an Increased de
mand for beef from Ihe. east and until that
comes tlu-re can hardly be nny great Im
provement In the volume of business. The
work on the Armour packing house Is
progressing favorably and the prospect for
thu spring Is vury encouraging.
In the whole line or the grocery trad
there I * nothing nt the present time that I
utlraeting so much attenllon as canned
Koods Kvery turn of the wheel is watched
with Interest and still there docs not appear
to bo much doubt In the minds of tne trade
ns to the future of canned goois. as all
predictions look toward higher prli-cw.
Kaste-rn canned goods , both fruits and
vegetables' , nre In a very strong position ,
which Includes very nearly the entire line.
Small frnlt packing , owing to the un
usually low 'prices ruling at the height of the
packing season , was very much curtailed
while thu consumptive demand , being niuc-i
grcatur llils year than last , prices ) have
theru luiH been a big shortage In the pad : ,
will come onto the market with the boards
bare. AH an example of the extent of the
ndvnnce that has taken place during the
last few months two-pound canned straw
berries opened In llulllmorc al ( cents pel-
dozen , nnd nre now quoted nt OOcflSl.CO , and
two-pound blackberries opened at 37Vi cents
uml arc tiuw worth Co cents.
dinned tomatoes appear to be attracting
more attenllon than anything else In the
line nnd the market Id.really higher In the
cast than It Is In thV west. At the ) present
time three-pound Baltimore atandards could
not bu laid down here for less than $1 per
do/.un and a good many of the wise ones
talk of a $1.B market before the now pack
comes to hand. Stocks of both canned corn
und tomatoes In hands of packers arc lighter
than they have been before for years. All
Indications would seem to favor higher
prices on these goods , especially tomatoes.
The causes for the present firm market for
canned goods are very plain to any one who
lias given the subject thu least attention.
With the exception of a very few localities
theret has been a big shortage In the pack ,
especially In Indiana and Ohio. For n num
ber of years past there has been a great
boom In the canning business nnd every
town that could raise a few hundred or a
few thousands dollars In the way ot n bonus
Btarted a canning factory , In many cases the
farmers , who were anxious for a market
for fruit and vegetables helped place the
enterprise on Its feet. In a great many
cases the projectors , and In fnct the man
agers of the farlorles , were onllrely with
out experience In that special line and svlth
the business overdone It was not strange
that they operated at a. loss , Afler Huveral
yean ) of steady losses a good many faclorles
Biivo It up a year ago and remained closcel
during the packing season. That could
account for the shortage In many localities
In Nebraska only three out of a total of
twelve canning factories > wcre operated last
season , showing how unprofitable the bus
iness has been.
During the week the representative of a
western cinnlng factory has received a
letter from n prominent canned goods broker
In a large eastern city asking what he had
to offer In the way of lomatoes and nt the
fame time adding : "Our eastern Jobbers
must look to the west for nippplles ejn
iircount of e-nstorn packing being so nearly
exhausted. II may seem strange to ? hlp
tomatoes east , but at this time It Is ap
parent to the writer that he're Is no
nlternntlve " Tnl < would seem to bo another
Indication that such we-stern faclorles as
wuro fortun'ito ' enough to operate last sea-
6011 are Plu'ly to reap a good harvest.
rVlni-ly-Se-vi-llV iperleme1'rtNiiKi'H :
tin'IP Ml I n if Se-iiMeiu.
W. H. Hoberson , manager of R. O. Dun
& CO.'B ( Mercantile- agency for the district
of Nebraska , pays :
"Tho your 1M)7 ) closed with buMncss condl-
llons vastly Improved. The month of De
cember recorded two Important business fail
ures In Omaha a fact slgnllU-ant as wel !
H "phenomenal for the moral hazard ol
trade- during the holiday month Is notor
iously great and In c.very year of my resi
dence In Omaha thu last week of the ) year
( iiiH noted unusually heavy lows by busi
ness fnlures. Not only se > , but the figures
given below shax Iho failure. * for lhe > year
lM > 7 wcro less In number by 100 and less In
the aggregate liabilities by } 21SGM ( :
Total number of failures , 1SH7
Tolal value of assets of failed firm * Jl.859,232
Total liabilities l.CM ,
Net liabilities $ 223,031
Total number of failures , ISM 1" ;
Total value of assuto of failed llrniH ! , Ei3ra
( Total liabilities L',252,227
Net liabilities $ 44I.C9S
"Hastily reviewing the net results for 1S97
In Omaha I find I ho stock receipts and ship
ments largely lncreancil ; the packing hotue
far In exoecs of any oilier year In
ho city's history ; the volume of groceries
Hhoad of 1S92 , the last banner year ; the In-
( reasn In dry goods , with but ono. houre In
the Held , quite romarkablu ; the output of the
distilleries exceptionally large ; the product
of the. breweries exceeding any other twelve
months and the general volume of jobbing
trade larger by a handsome figure than the
normal aggregate.
"Among the uchelevomonts of the city are
( ho expotllKn , the union depot , the com
pleted government building , the Armour
[ Kicking plant and n larger Investment In
lm liH' H houxas and dwelling * than In any
r'nuon of the last coven years. At the banks
IIiid m > dltn eaty , money plenty , Interest
low anil confidence unquestioned. In tne
realm of the railroads we have ju t passed
throned a year with vastly Increased ton
nage. Improved service and renewed energy ,
n rehabilitated nnd rejuvenated Union 1'a-
rifle and the 1'ltttiburg & Oulf railroad at
pur gatu * with a through line to the Gulf
Of Mexico ,
"In thu state there In a complete trans
formation. On the ranges are more cattle
nnd sheep than ever before known und on
thn furnm there lire millions of fat hog * .
Inimlrt'ils of thousands of fat cattle and
several million * of sheep being fed for the
market , to say nothing of crowded granaries
pud corn cribs , millions of hay stacks and a
largely Increased production of sugar , chic
ory , hemp and dairy article : ) . It goes out
on the undisputed fact that from Chndron
to llulo and from Omulm to Klmball the.
volco of city , village and farm IH keyed to
one tone and that chorda with contentment ,
comfort and prosperity.
"Tho Commercial club hta been very
active through the year and has done a
van ! amount of good work for this city. If
It had done nothing more than bring the
people ot Omaha face to face with the man
agement of the PHtsbUrg & Oulf
nt the dinner last evening- would deserve
the commendation of the community , Kvery
real was filled nt the banquet board and the
entire occasion was ft complete success. The
npw road nnd Its constituency understand
nch other better now than ever and our
people will thoroghly appreciate the Im
portance of the n&v connection. I wnfl
pleased with the hpnrly reception which was
accorded the Sllllwell party nnd llkewloe
gratified at the Interest manifested by the
"It Is almost nn old story now to talk of
the prosperity ot Individual houses during
the year 1&97 , but a few facts may Illustrate
what R superior year we have Just passed
through. One of our large Implement houses
doubled Its business during U97 ns com
pared with ISM ; nnother'Increnxod Its busi
ness 31 per cent ; one Implement house has
Just given an order for ) vehicles ; one of
our hardware houses shows a net profit for
the year ot more than 10 per cent upon Its
capital ; the drug trade has Increased by n
largo percentage and the credits In all llnc
were never to good In nil the history of the
town. One of our large houses here In
creased Us business J2TiOOOO In 1K)7. ) The
largest grocery house In Omaha Is authority
for the statement that the grocery trade
was larger by hundreds of thousands of
dollars than ever before In the history of
the city. The. Immense volume of the trade
of the city during 1S97 as revealed at the
Commercial club In Judge McHugh's speech
Friday night Is almost beyond belief and
yet the figures quoted by the. gentleman
named arc bellevd a fair reflection of facts ,
"As to 1S9S I sec no reason why the for
ward movement should not continue , nnd I
expect It to reach every branch of trade and
commerce In this city and state. 1 ilrmly
bellve wo are entering upon a year of un
exampled prosperity , "
Condition of Trnilu mid < lnotiitloii
nn .Stnplo unit I'liiioy I'roiluee ,
KQaS-Strlctly fresh , WSMc.
IIUTTUH Common to fair , lOSllc : choice to
fnncy , Ufilfc ; nepnrator creamery , 21c ; gathered
creamery , UfllOc.
VLTAU-Cholco f.-.t , SO to 120 Ibs. , quoted at 8c !
Inrgu ami coarne. 4JJ3c.
UltHaSUD 1'OUI.THY Chickens. CCCc ; turkeys.
SUlOo ; Kceae , 8c ; duclcs , Co.
OA.MK Small rahliito , per ilnz , , tuo ; larco , Di-r
Joz. , 7lcStl.20 ; tqulrrels. 0300.
1'iQKONH Live. 75c : Oiad ulgeons not wanted.
HAY ttphiml , JO.tiO ; midland. J5.50 ; lowland ,
t'i.01 ; rye straw , SI ; color makes the price on
hay ; llcht Imlcn cell the best : only top graded
top price * .
QUINCES California , per box , Jl.U.
CULUKY-Uoud Block , laige , 40o ; small , Ctf
ONIONS P r bu. , GJc.
lli.ANS llnnd yi kcd navy , per bu. , Jl.KjIl.30.
SWIIirr I'OTATOaS-l'er Mil. . J2.5J.
< 'AIUIAOK Oood stock , per Hi. , IHo.
POTATOES Home grown , HOfljoc ; western
stock , 7vo.
API'LIM Winter stuck. J3.00 ; California Hello-
tleur , boxes , Sl.OO ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes ,
$1.75 ; Oregon , boxes , ? ! . : . .
niANIIlCIMIIKS Jprooys , per Mil. . 17.27 : ; r.O ;
\VlBconnln Hell nnd Ilim'le. J7.50(7.73 ( ; Wisconsin
Ilfll nnd Cherry , JG.&f )
QUAIS ! : i-nlawboa.'C-Ib. baskets. 14 15o ; Mat-
HBIIH , Jj.OOSG.O'l. '
OIlANdKS Muxlcan. per box , | 3.0Mj3.25 ; Cali
fornia navel ? . J3.2.1JJ3.50.
LEMONS Mmslnns , J3.004.00 ; California , 360.
! 2. : ; i.DO ; 300. J3.uO.
KANAKAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , J2.00
( T2.23 ; medium sized bunches , I1.75Q2.00 ,
NUTS Almonds , per lb. . IIUKC size. l : ! < f/J3c :
small , He ; HrazllF. per II ) . , 01loo ; HiiKlUh wal-
nulH. per lb. . fancy soft shell. lUifnic ; Hlnml-
ai-els. SjjOc ; Illberlfe , per lb. , lOo : pecans , i ill hcd ,
ine-dum , Ctf7c ; extra Inrse. > u9o : 1 iruo I rkorv
nuts , Jl.OOjn.ln per Int. ; Email. )1.2jQ1.3j per Im.j
cocounuls , p r 100. $4.UO ; peanutc , raw , oS5i4c :
iiMrted. CJ2CV4C.
FIC5S Imported f.incy , 3 crown. 14-lb. boxes
12c ; 5 crown. 41-lb. bo.xf . I4Cl..c : 2-lh. hoxeu , 22
W23c per lior'allfornlr. , 10-lb. box. 11.00.
1ION13Y ( . 'holeshllc , 12cj Colorado ambor. 11
illc. (
KIIAUT Per hbl. . J4.00 : hiilf bbl. . I2.23O2.35
JIAI'M-2 SYHl'I' I'lvc-BBi. cnns. each. J2.75 ;
gal. cans , pure , per doz. . J12.00 : half-K.ll , cans.
jn.23 ; iiunri cnns , J3.fii.
DATES Hnllowee , CO lo 70-lb. boxes , Co ; Salr
C',4c ; Knrd. f-b. ! boxi-H , Cc.
OIUEP. Per half bbl. . J3.00 : bbls. . J5.23.
UHUSSIJD I1KKK Good native steersCHc :
Bood foreiiuarters steer ? , 5lic ; good hlneleiuartWf1
slenTs. iVic ; wratprn stiers , 5yc : Texim ste-crt ,
TiHc ; fancy holfcrs , Cc ; good he-lfcrs , O c ; ? rfiil
forequartcis heifer ? , 5c ; cooil , hlndijujrirrs
off , Be : cow rounds , shank nnd nimp off 8c-
trlmmlnKB , 4lic ; beef shanks , 3c ; br.ilni , 'per
doi. , 35o ; Hweelbrc-ails , per lb. , 12'-iC ; swcetbr-Jadu
( calves ) , per lb. , 4Cc ; kidneys , per doz. , 33p ; ox
tails , each , 3c ; livers , per lb. . 3c ; hearts , per lit
3o ; tongues , per 11 > . , 1214c ; calf livers , each , 35o ;
calves , whole carcass or sides , Oc , calf hrad anil
feet , Fcalrted , per set , 75c ; tenderloins , fiend , 19c ;
tenderloins , frozen , 17c ; bDneless strip ? , fresh ,
10io ; boneleps strips , frozen , 9 c ; strip loins
fivsh. S'4c ; strip loins , frozen. 7e ; rolls , tmnc-
le. s , 9'ic ; rolls , spencer cuts , 9140 ; sirloin butts ,
boneless. O'.jc : shoulder clods , boneless , ! > Uc ;
rump butts , boneless. OKo ; No. 1 chucks , IS'.Je ;
Xo. 2 chucks. Cc ; No. 3 chucks , 4Uo ; boneless
chucks. 4 c ; caw ilatrs. 3'ic ; steer plate" ) . 4c ;
flank steak. Cc ; loins , No. 1 , 13c ; loins , No , 2 ,
Hie ; loliw. No. 3. 8c ; short loins , market style , to
iibovo loins ; short loins , hotc-i ntylc , Cc above
loins : cow loin ends , Sc : steer loin endn , 9c.
MUTTON Fancy lambs. 8ijc per lb. : lambs.
714c : sheep , C c ; market racks , lonff , Oc ; hotel
racks , then , lie ; l' > ln . SWo ; saddles , SJc ; less
9c ; lamb less , lOc breasts and Mews , 3Uo ;
tongues , earh 3c ; foreauarters , C'/tn.
I'OlUi Pressed pigs , 6c per lb. ; dressed hogs ,
4',4c ; tjnderlolns , lie ; loins , rhort , BV.c , long Sc-
spare ribs , 4c ; ham sausage butts , S c ; Hoston
butts , 5c ; shoulders , rough , i ie ; shoulders
skinned. rc : trlmmlnKs , 4c ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , 5c ; heads , cleaned. 4c : snotita nnd cars.
3c ; backbones , ! r ; slip bone , 2ijc ; check meat
40' neck bones , 2 < - ; pigs' tails. 3c ; plucks , each
fc ; chltlerllngs , Cc ; hocks 4c ; hearts , per doz
2Sc ; stomachs , each 3c ; tongues , each 7c ; kid
neys , per doz. , IPc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs'
feet , per doz. , ZSc : livers , each 3c ; hog rinds
3o : blade bones , fie. '
IIIDKS No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 green
hides. Cc ; No. 1 tailed hides , iftc ; No. S green
salted hides , 7ic ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs
lOc ; Nn. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c.
hIIKiP 1'KI.TS Hreen salted , each , lS76c ;
green sailed shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , ouch , 15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1 , each. 5c ; dry ( lint. Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pells , per lb. , actual
weight. 4gf.c . ; dry flint. Kansas nnd Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb , . actual weight , ztt
4c ; dry Hint Colorauo tiutchcr wool pelts , per
lb. , aclual weight , 4jJIo ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight. 394e.
TAU.OW , OH1JAHE. KTC. Tallow , Xo. i ,
2ic ; tallow. No. 2 , ZKc ; rough tallow , lV4e ;
whltu greatf , 2ViO2Jc ; yellow and brown grease
KUHS Brar ( black or brown ) . JS.COff'O.OO ;
olter , Jl.ttiifS.OO ; mink , IS GOcj beaver , Jl.OO
ifOOO ; skunk , 15c , 23c , ICe ; muskrat , 3c , O. , 7o ;
raccoon , ISBSOc ; red fox , Ki-fttl.K ; grey fox ,
WJf.'Oc ; wolf ( Umber ) , 2c J2.M ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) , ne&Oc ; wiltlcat , 10fl2ij badger. Eiif40o ;
silver fox , CO C037D.OO
IIOHSi : IimES-Eneh. . 0g2.25.
( irnln lti-ci-liN | ( at I'rlnoliuil MnrUt-tii.
HT. I/3UIS , Jan. 8. llecelpts ; Wheat. 19
car *
M1NNKAIXJLIB , Jan , S. Hecelpts : Wheat. 20D
CllICAOO , Jan. f. Receipts today ; Wheat 48
earn ; earn , 43.S earn ; oats. 2C3 earn. KMImated
carlots for Monday Wheal , CO cars ; corn , tea
cureoalr , 330 curs.
KANSAS CITV , Jan. 8. Receipts : Wheat , 33
ntJMJTir , Jan. 8. Heeelpts ; Wiicnt , SS
"I'lJORIA. Jan. 8. Heeelpts ; Corn , CO300 bu , ;
ontK , 2C.4W bu. ; rye. 0 bu. ; whltky , 225 bbl . ;
nhcnt. 2.400 bu. Hhlpnientii ! Corn. 61200 bu. ;
oats , ! 9.M bu. ; rye , none ; whlfky , 710 bbls. ;
wheat , none.
Iilvt-rpniil MiirUt ,
MVnill'pOI , , Jan. S.-AVIIRAT-Fpot. No. 1
ml , nrrthern Hiring , dull , 7s 9d.
COHN .Snot American mixed , llrm. 3s Cd : fn-
HITCH quiet ; 1'ctiruary. ' M iu . viaivn , js ini.
FljOIIll fit. IX > UK | fnncy winter , dull. Oj W.
HOPS At I ndon ( Paclllo t-oai'l ) 4 ISnffCK In.
PUOVIHIOKH Heef. llrm ; extra India mess , CCs
3i ; prime inem , f.c 3il , Pork , firm ; prime niesv ,
llnu wentrrn. 47H 6d. IUm . fhon cut , 14 to 1C
Ibs. . llrm. 37s. llacon easy. ! ( > < . Short ribs ,
dull , 3Ca ; long clear inlildles , light steaily , 27 Cl ;
IOIIK clear heavy. 27s ; short clear backF , 27s W ;
clear belllt-a , nmy 31s dl. l < irj. prime wcsitrrn ,
fti < idy. 21s Cd. HhonlJcrs , cquarc , steady , 1'Ss ,
Tallow , prime- city , firm , 19s.
t'JIUBHI'J American llnret white and colored ,
llrm , 4J Cd.
ICiiiixiiH ( ' )
KANSAS CITY. Jan. S. WHEAT About steady
and fairly active ; No. 1 hard , VCc ; No. 2 , S34f ( ;
kfc ; Ni > . 3. SKiOfSci No. 4. 798 Mile ; No. 1 red ,
tile ; No. 2. WHo : No. 3. SCfiSlvC ; No. 4 , He ; No. 2
spring , Sli$2c ; N : > . 3. KJc.
COHN Ho lower ; No. 2 mixed , 244 ! < f24Ttc.
OATS Active nnd uleady ; No. 2 while , Z3'tc.
HV1J Steady ; No. 2 , 4Jic.
IIL'TTUII Weak ; crearnc-ry , ICfllSc ; dairy , 13
KC1GS I wer on Increased receipts ; fresh , ISc ;
- Wheal , 49,200 bu. ; com , Sl,3o : bu.j
oaK. U.i > K ) bu.
4SIIIPMUNTS Wheat , 34 , WO tu , ; corn , 19WX )
bu.j eau , none.
Cliu-liinritl 1'roiliior MnrUelH.
CINCINNATf Jnn. 8. rUJUH-Qulet ; fancy ,
il. : ( > U4.40 > family , J3.Mii3.tO.
WHEAT Firm : No. t red , held nt 5'ic. '
COIIN Dull ; No. 2 mixed. IS lie.
OATS Qulott No. ! mixed , 240.
HVI.-Eany ; No , S. 4CO.
l'HOVlHION'8-I-anl , steady al ! 4.C7 > 1. Dulk
rneaU. llrm ut 14 49. llacon , qultt at 15. W.
WIIISIvY-Qult-t at 11.19.
lIl'TTKH-KIrm ; Elgin creamery , 23J ; Ohio ,
14ft20a : dairy , lift lie
SlUIAH-Kl'rn ; hard refined , { 4.1C83.1C.
IXJOB-Flrmtr at
PKOHIA , Jan. 8. COHN-KIrm and blither ; No.
I , Hi- .
OATS-KIrm : No , 2 white , nominal ; No. I
whit * ttiiOISttC.
WHISKY Market Iteady ; UI U proof tplrlti ,
Provisions the Only Option Showing nn
Increase in Price.
\Vciilhcr Iliirrnn' * 1'roillollon for Itnlii
nnil n Cold Wnvc KnllH ot 31u-
U'rlallzc , "WhichVtnUciiH
the \Vlical .Market.
CHICAGO , Jnn. S.Vhcat nveraged
cnsler todny over A moderate range. Trad.
Ing , though not especially heavy , was of a
nervous character nnd caused many quick
changes. Mny closed at Uc decline. Firm
cash markets and a good export demand
saved the market from a more severe
break. Corn lost He. Oats closed un
changed , and provisions 2&74c ! higher.
The action of wheat during most of the
early morning was In line with the early
news. The rain and cold wave predicted
by the weather bureau failed to materialize ,
which rather weakened those who yester
day had become Inoculated with the virus
of fear for next season's crop. Liverpool
showed Hd advance , which was hardly up
to expectations , nnd early Argentine news
was quite bearish nn regards the shipping
surplus of that country , a llosnrlo cable
estimating It -16,000,000 bli. According to
Uradstrcet's report of the week's exports
of wheat and Hour from both coasts of the
United States und Canada they wcro 3.4S1-
676 bu. , against 5 , 45,000 bu. the previous
week. ThH net result , of these sevprnl
pieces of Information was the creation of a
somewhat nervous feeling at the opening
of business , May wheat started at from
91c to Kllic , against 31T4c nt the close yes
terday , nnd In about half nn hour It had
got down to 91lft91Uc. ! The Duluth market
came again to the support of the bulls by
advancing cash wheat there from 91c to
92Uc In a few minutes. It was thought
here that thu advance could have been und
probably was manipulated from Chicago.
It had a bullish effect , notwithstanding ,
Paris and Antwerp each quoted a moderate
advance for the day , and that was an ad
ditional bullish factor that helped the
market to recover from 01Ui$91Uu to gl'&c. '
The receipts nt Minneapolis and Duluth
were 3. " > 7 cars , against 17-1 cars the similar
day of last year. Chicago receipts were
4S curs , 11 of them contract. There were
transferred from unlicensed to licensed
houses 22,000 bu. of No. 1 northern spring ,
nine cars of No. 2 spring and one car ol
no grade. The Atlantic port clearances of
wheat and Hour exclusive of Newport News
were equal to CSO.OOO bu. Primary market
receipts were 3 ) ,0tt ) bu. , against 226.COO bu ,
the year before. Other advices from Ar
gentine put the available export surplus nt
1.000,000 tons , or about 37"W,000 bu. , In
timating at the same time that holders were
anxious sellers to Europe nt lower than
American prices. Ileerbohm estimated the
week's clearances from nil ports'to ' Europe
this week at 6,400,00 ! ) bu. Unltlmore re
ported a large quantity of wheat sold for
export after close of 'change yesterday and
foreign bids todny at Ic over yesterday s
bill nrlc8. ! The latter Information , to
gether with the higher quotations from
the continent nnd heavy Atlantic exports ,
caused n further brief rally to 917/f.c , but It
quickly slid off ngtiln to UIUc , and was at
that point ten' minutes from the close. In
that ten minutes , however , the marjjct
turned strong again and at the close May
was offered at 91ic.
Huplness In the corn pit as dull and prices
moved reluctantly and within a small
range. The close showed a decline of Ho.
The feature was the absence of country
selling , the country on the contrary doing
a little buying. There was a llttlo seljlns
pressure toward the end , sulllclent to canse
the slight decline which marked the close.
May ranged from iO'.fen to 29i4c , nnd closed
nt 2H4 ! f29a c.
Oats was dull and without especial fea
ture. Market was easy at the opening , due
to sympathy with wheat. The sllpht de
cline was recovered Inter under fairly good
general buying , the close showing no
change change' from yesterday. Cash mar
ket was llrm at a slight advance. May
rancod from 2.17Ai'Jlc ( to 23f(23 ( = ic , closing
ut'STic. .
Provisions were strong nt the start nnd
at no time during the session did the mar
ket show any signs of weakness. A small
run of hogs started prices hlg-her. Com
mission hoiiKcs bought liberally , apparently
for the same Interest , ribs belnp In espe
cial demand. At the close May pork was 'ac
higher at J9.42V4 : May lard , 2' c higher at
$1 90 , and May ribs , 5o higher at $4.75.
Estimated receipts for .Monday : Wheat ,
TO cars ; corn , 5."iO cars ; oats , 330 cars ; hogs ,
40.000 head.
Leading futures ranged ns follows.
Articles. . ! Open. | High. I Lmv. | Closa. | Yeat'y.
Jan. . . . OIK
May. . . . un 91H HI IK
.inly. . . 8'JH awe Slit
Jan * . . . 20M 20M
May. . . JOW
July. .
Mny. . . .
July. . . 22J 1'3J4
Jan. . . . 0 26 n i7 ! o 'jr 0 27 0 25
May. . . U : < S U 47 0:15 : 0I'Jhi 0 US
Jan . . . 4 77W 4 80 4 77\ , 4 80 4 77W
Mny. . . 4 87H 4 I'O 4 87W
th'tl. b.
Jan. . . . 4 lU ) 4 C'0 4 110 4 I'.O 4 nr >
May. . . 4 7214 4 77 47i ! 4 70 4 70
Xo. 2.
Cnsn quotations were as follows :
FLOUIl Quiet ; wlnw-r patents. J1.70fr- < > ;
btralghtn , 14 SO.J4.40 ; spring tpeclnls , | 5.23fi5.3S ;
siirlng patents , 14.4004.7) ) ; Ftralghtu , J4.OCy4.30 ;
baiter ; ' . J3.50ff3.fO.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring. S' CSSKe ; No. 3 pprlng- ,
f2asilic ; No. 2 red. 2c.
CORN No. 2 , 2 ; 027c ; No. S yellow , 2C7i J27c.
OATS No. 2 , 22T < , e ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , IHlfco ;
No. 3 white , f. o. U. , 2432414C.
HYB No. 2 43c.
1IAIII.KV ! ' . o. b. , SS'tW40e.
FLAXHEBIl-No. 1. J1.1SV1.22.
TIMOTHY SEKU-1'rlme , 2 ' > . I
1'UOVISIONS I'ork. incus , per bbl. , J9.2u9.jn.
L-ard , per 100 Ihs. , J4.77iiOI.SC. llacon. phort
rlhs Bldea ( looce ) . (4 5'lff4.75. Dry failed shnul-
dtra ( boxed ) , Jl 7503.00 ; nhort clear sides limed ) ,
WHISIcy niftlllers1 nnlshed gools , per gal. ,
Jl 1
1SUGAnSCut loaf , JC.14 ; Krnnulated , J5.S1.
On Iho I'roiluco exchange loday thd butter mar
ket WIIB steady ; creimerlcK. ] S02lc ; dairies , 12
TlSo , Cheebe. quiet at fifSHc. Kgg , rtCHdy ;
fieth 22Uresfcd poultry , firm ; turlicyB , 10'i
Wile ; chlcXentf , 7VjiJ8c ; ducl < n , 7 j8c.
UiiotrilloiiH of tlii > ! > " > on Cit-iit-nil
Coiniiinilltlt-H ,
NHW YOHK , Jan. 8. I-'LOL'H-HccclplB , 22.5S1
bids. ; exporlH , SC.SS.'i bbls. ; quiet and about
Meudy ; city mill patents , J5.C5Q5.9) ; city mill
cliMr. J5.3305.45 ; Minnesota patent , t5.13H5.33'
Minnesota bakers' , J4.2304.W ) ; winter tlrnlBhlK ,
J4.Mffl4.fO ; winter exli-an , J3.40i33.l > 3 ; winter low
tirades J2.VOK3.W. llyu nour
, . . . , vieuuy ;
Huckuheal Hour , quiet at tl.2Hri.35.
Ill'CKWIIKAT Knuy nt 37c.
COHNillJAIr Stealy ; yellow tt-M > tern , CRc ,
HYU-U-sy ; No , 2 western , Me.
HAHM'JV Steady ; ft-edlng , 34c.
HAHMOY MAI/r Dull ; wi-ftern , 52VieCOc.
WIHJ.\T HecelplB , hC,230 bu. ; export * , 24I.W-5
bu. Ppol. easy No. 2 red , tl.01't. Oinloni opened
wrak. owlnit to bearish Argentine news , declined
under vmull wct-kly clearances and local realiz
ing nnd doped easy at ! ll * % ' net decline ; No.
2 rtd , January. 98V48fii5N.o : closed nt KSSc ; May ,
WWi'JS ti-Kf ; cloted at Ul'.vc.
HOHN Hecelpts , 41. W5 bu. ; exports , C5.237 bu.
| Mit , eaty ; No. 2 , JJ'.tc. Options opvnpd tuy
with wh&at and foil off under big accuunt offer-
lng and poor support , closing ' , HJlc net lower ;
January , 33U < s ; May. 34'iSj34Uc ; closed nt 3llc.
OATH Hi-cclpts , 218.400 bu. ' exporls , 1,775 bu
K | > ct. Klcaily ; No. 2 , Skftc. Opllons opened quiet
but fairly fleaJy , clotflng unchanged ; May clcFxMl
ut SSHc.
HAY Quiet ; thlpplnp , S5645c ; good to choice ,
70 7 .
HOPS Steady ; tate , common to choice. 1555
crop. 400c ; UM crop , 7ft9o : lf37 crop. iCiJISc :
Paclllo const , HM crop , 40Cc U5C crop , "QDc ; 1(97 (
rron , ISfllSc.
Ill DKS Steady j Oalveslon , 15o ; Tfxau dry , 12c-j
California. 17018C.
IjlJATHBIl Quiet : hemlock sole , Uuenoa
Ayn-a heavy , SOH02H5C.
WOOI < Steady ; lleece , 200310J pulled Texas ,
13ftl7c ,
PHOVISIONS-neef. firm ; family , fll.WBll.W ) ;
extra lures. tX.OOfi8.DO ; beef hamn. ; 22.C { i22.50j
l.acket. tU.OOaiO.OO. Cut rneatn. cteady ; pickled
l.elllm , J5.WOC.OO ; pickled iihoulder * , JJ.W ; pickled
lianiB. | 7. ( ) . I.ard. llrm : wen tern ulivini. 5.ii ! ;
ruined , llrm. Pork , llrm ; nu-rs , | S.7J9,25 short
cleur , tIO.UOfi'12.00 ; family. tl . "OfflO.W , Tullow.
dull , country , SHOJ c ; city , 3\c.
O1U ) IVlrolvunt , iull ; United.
. .
HICI- : Quiet ; fair to extra , 4UCCc ; Japan ,
MOUABSBS Qulel : New Orleans , open kettle ,
cool to choice , Wijllc.
MBTAUS PIK Iron , dull : southern , tlO.OOCIl.i3 :
northern , tKU&gil.tS. Coj < per , ftulel ; Lrokeri ,
HI Si' , lf "l. firm bruker * , Jl ' 3 , Tin , plates
quiet. At Hi 75 lukdl ,
IH'TTKIl Ileceij.l. J.2.M ! pk * t'mnrket nl.-ody . ,
KiKlna , 22c , we te-m > , loiiiici tauten" . 12Il".e\
( 'HEHSB HeeelpU. 1W j > Vft . , Inrse white.
September. i'tildHc ; rn ll wMre. Peptembe9'i
0t'ic ) ; l rKC eolnrwl , Sepleml'T1. SHBc ; smnll
cc-ore ! l. September , 9Utf9i'i Irtrvt-j October. ? HO
tlif ; mall OcteKr , 8\0 > c ; lUht.tVlnn. CJTC'iCJ
pnrt klm , Ciff.MJc , full rklmt , 2HQ3HC ,
i : < 3aS Hecelpt * . Z.S37 pktrs. ; market Merely ;
ulalo aneJ renn > > lvanla. Jl(12cv ( wfftern.
\Vouro Coiiiiulintoii C'oiiiinny.
OMAHA Ol-Tirn , Jnn. . i Cables this
morning were % c hUhc'r' ' fn sympathy
wllh Ihn advance In our ttinrUet yesterday.
which did not Influence any dmnKr In our openIng -
Ing prices. The receipts nnd jhlpments of wheat
were llKht nnd p'nctleilly n t na oft. A ihort
time after the opening the fnnrket grew weak
nnd1 declined Nc and Inter l-eeoxeretl to and
closed nt 91Hc for May , or ' .ic under yesterday's
price , the came difference lln registered In
the July option. This action In the futures of
wheat Is entirely n professions ! and locnl fea-
lure. The cish tliuntlon continued very slrong ,
closing at ? ic higher than yesterday , or at IHc
premium over the May cpllon and 10'io over
July , which Indicates the healthy condition of
values for this crop and upholds the belief In He
strength. |
Although receipts of corn were moro than Ihiee
times the shipments , the price only declined We.
whkh Is comparatively nothing when compared
with wheat and IU receipts and shipments.
The prlco of oats did not change , holding
steady upon on excess of CO.OOO bu , in shipments
over receipts.
The rsllmnted receipts for Monday nre 00 cars
of wheat , CM cars of eon : nnd 330 cars of oats ,
which compare favorably with the lost few days
and no doubt will atcdst In the Increasing of the
prlco of cash grain.
Hecponfes to Inquiries In re-K rd to the amount
of wheat In Nebraska arc conflicting , some of
Iho bent and largest elevator line men tnnkln ?
the extreme amount nt from B.000,000 to 7,000.'X > 0
bu. , while others say there Is not more than the
Interior mills will use ; another says there Is
none to go out of the slate and that seed wheat
will be higher than n , "cut's back. " Thess no
tations as against the report that there were 15-
OuO.OOO bu. yet to be shipped from this date ,
St. I.ouln ( iriii-rnl Market * .
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 8. 1-M.OUIi Quiet and un
changed ; patentf , t4.70m4.ES ; straights. I4.35Q )
4.1.0 ; clear , t4.0004 25 ; medium , J3.60SJ3.7J.
WHEAT Ijowcr ; May opened HOUcf lower , de-
cllncd I4o more , recovered nnd lost that again
lalcr , closing weak wllh sellers ' 4c above the
bottom. Spot , dull but Ilrrnj No. 2 red , c.iRli ,
elevator , 93c ; track , 9SJ93Uc ; January , 93c ; May ,
Dlo asked ; July , 79Uc.
CORN Futures weakened with wheat enrly ,
but late became stronger nnd closed about the
same ns yesterday , SpM , lower ; No. 2 cash nnd
January , 25V4c ; May , 27UC ; July , 2ic. I
OATS Kulures were fractionally lower , but
llrm ; spot , higher ; No. 2 ca h , elevator , 23Uc ;
track , 24c ; January , 234c ! : Mny , 24 0 bid ; .luly ,
2J'ei ' ( bid ! No. 2 white. 25G2J'frc.
HYi-Dull al 4i.bc | bid.
n.AXPttKU HlKlior nl 1.13.
TIMOTHY HKKU-Prlmc , ti.W.
lilt AN firm ; sacked , east track , B3e
HAY Strong ; prulrle , tIj.OOirS.W ) ; timothy , J7.00
JJ3.5' ' .
Ul'TTCH Dull ; creamery , 17C22c ; dairy , 00 >
KOOS-rirm nt ISe.
PnoVlSIONS-PoiJ' , higher ; standard nief > ,
Jobbing , t9.37'i. Lnrd , better ; prime steam.
(4.53 ( ; choice , t4.C5. Hucon. boxed lots , extra short
clear. J5.12H5(3.37i,4 : ribs , Jj.23fi5.50 ; shorts ,
t5.37KTS ! C2H. Dry sail meals , boxed shoulders ,
f4.75R5.00 ; exlra short clear. J4.C2 ,84.S7'.4 , ; * lhs ,
t4.75i5.W ; shorts. t4.S7i4T5.12'5.
RECE1ITS Flour , 3.0QO bbls. ; wheat , 14,000
bu. ; corn. 118.000 bu. ; oats. 33.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 4001 bbls. : wheat , 27,000
bu ; corn , 180,000 bu. ; oats , 71,00 ! ) bu.
IliiUliuore MitrketM.
HAI > T1MOHD. Jan. 8. FLOUn Firm : weslern
supcrnne. } 2.70ff3.00 : western , extra. JS.33W4.10 ;
western rnrniiy , jf.unri.i'u ' ; Fpring WIIPOI paivum ,
J5.00fl5.20 ; tprlng wheat str lghts , f4.80IT4.03 ; re
ceipts. 9.C73 bbls. ; uxporb" , none.
WII DAT Firm ; rpot and jjiojith , 97 iCt03c ; Feb-
ruar > " . CS'.iGSlS'iie. ; May. gsitcjlfleiuner No. 2 red ,
! ttifi93Mc ! : steamer No. OTiti'3'5 ° : receipts ,
84 , ! > 97 bu. : exporls , 152.SOV.bUi ; ' southern wheat ,
by sample. OSOWc ; southern - w'lieat , on grade ,
83liiiB8'ic. 4 > X
IXJHN Dull ; spot , month. nnd J'ebriiary , 32SB
32ic ; steamer mixed , 30i4rSle ; Vccelpts , Uf,45S !
bu. ; exports , 1'02,474 bu. : iuuthcrn white corn ,
Sl'iiiS.1 ! : FOiithern ycllow , 315IS3c.
OATS Firm ; No. 5 while. 27W30c ; No. 2
mlxe-J , 271.4 < a'2-c ! ; receipts , 19.5IS bu. ; exports.
HYF3 Firmer : No. 2. nearby , C3p53iic ; No. 2
western , MijOlUc ; receipts , D'1,879 ' bu. , exports ,
HAY Steady : choice timothy , a IX
OHAIN FHEIOHTS Steady more demand for
steamers ; steann to Liverpool ! IT bu. . 4d Janu-
nry : Cork , for orders , per qyarler , ' 's Cil January.
Ht'TTIOH Qulcl ; fancy Crenra'ory , 23c : fancy
Imllatton , ISifl'c ; fancy ladle , 17c ; seed ladle ,
ISClfic' store packed , 1214c.
EOOS Quiet ; fres-h , 19c.
CHHUSlt-Qnlet ; fancy New York , large , 9'i '
fflOc ; fjncy New York , medium , lO&lOiicr fancy
New York , small ,
Toledo L > Lirlvet.
TOI-KDO , .Tan. S WIIKAfC-DuIl and steady ;
Nc. 2 cnsli , 9H4c ; May , 93e.
COUN Dull .and higher ; No. 2 mixed. 2Se.
OATS .Dull , nnd Blcady-No. ; 2 mixed. I2'.c.
HYE Slightly higher ; N.o. ' ' 2 cash , 4G'ic. ' "
CLOVKHSEKD ijulet ; prime cash and June ,
Del roll MurUft.
DETROIT. Jan. 8. WHEAT No. 1 while nnd
No. 2 red , 91'ic ; May. 92e.
COHN No. 2 mixed , 29' , c.
OATS No. 2 white , 23UC.
HYU No. 2 , 4Sc. I.lvcStork. .
CINCINNATI , Jan. S. llOGS-Aclivs at $3.00
CATTW3 Steady nt t2.2.-574 ! C3.
SIIEE11 Steady nt t2.75ff4.73.
LA1IUS Steady ut t4.00j5.S3.
IC-vin-oli-il TnkliiKof Qnli'Ic I'rnllln IN
NEW YORK , Jan. 8. There was proni laklng
on quite a laigc wale In Ihe. stock market today
after an additional advance111 prices In tl'u
early Iradlng. That there should be taking of
quick proilts after such a sharp rise as Hint of
the last two days was to be expected , and the
professional dealers who bought stocks late on
Wednesday nnd Thursday'sold their holdings
of thu most active and' , utronKCSt Issues. The
realizing wan quite pronounced In Us effect on
New York Cent-nl and Sugar , which leaded more
Ihan n point from the high level of the moraine.
Them was evidence of continued realizing also In
the local traction companies. These itot'ks have
advanced steadily all through the dullness and
depression of the last few weeks , appaiently on
pool derations , and the present general slrenglh
of the market Is beln&l availed of lo lake prollls
In these. Some of the anthracite group also con
tinued under depression In tlie das' . Notwith
standing these reactionary lendencles the general
tone of the speculation continued slrone and ' 'on-
fldenl. Iluslnes UUH on n large scale and em
braced u large number of different Issues , some
of the usually Inactive Flocks being brought Into
prominence by thorn advances. The pressure of
largo suimi of newly disbursed money seeking re
investment war , ifllected In the demand for high
grade Investment stocks , the Vanderblltg ad
vancing on an average u point or more. Lake
Hhore was helped by the report that some t20-
44'XM ' of its high Inlerest bonds had already
been exchanged for the refunding 3'.is wllh the
consequent saving In annual Interest charges of
I5S8.675 , The demand for lunds also continued
very heavy , ' There.- was one tiuniaullon of tlW-
000 of New York Central and Ht. Ixiuls 4s nt
10V. Prices of hlsh gradu bonds generally are
now at the highest and the presume of Invtst-
rnent forces money Inlo Ihe middle and low
grade Issues. Realizing nt the close reduced
priceti considerably from Ihe best , and In pome
cases wiped eiut earllci gains. This caused an
easy closing , with net dunces mixed between
gains and losses. The expe-led has happened
In the stock market ( Ills week In an outbmik of
hcmclhlng very like u furi'reof speculation , re
sulting In an upward rut-h of prices of pretty
much all grades of securities. There W.IB a. halt
due to an nntlclpaled awakening on Monday
nnd ether causes , but primarily lo dlsnppolnl-
ment ut the continued stlffnets of the money
rnatket prece-dlng the fliml payment of the t'nlon
Paclllu tettlcrncnt. This luvi > l\tid the wllhdrawul
r'lom the market of tSM8,4W unit Its payment
Intn HIM iteuHUrv. and this operation , together
with accumulations uf funds Incident lo regular
January dlabursementK , rotnltfd In raising Ihe
rale of money to C per coin .on . Monday , lly
Wednesday nflernoon the. funds thus dUbu'tcd
began to come back Into tile ( narket for Invest
ment , nnd the marked ontgo > "of Intcrcdt and re-
denipllon had offset the Union Pacific payment * .
The declines In prices of , . toiks earlier In Ihe
week were quickly rereed , ( and profes
sional operators and commission house
broken- , acting for ouislelu sperulaljrs und
Investor * , l > e an to viol With each other
In imirklnK up prices , Toiay' | i l > anX statements
nhow complete rehablllal ! ( > in , of the New rk
money market , which waA ( foromiillsheil not only
by thf r-eleuso of funds dt'thW itnler hut by a
largo Inflow of money frouV Unlerlor points. In
vited by the recent hlsUiniUs , for money. Not
withstanding tlm additional iienuslls of tlO,52SOJ
havu llfle-d the le-vel of thelegJl reserveby
t3,632,075. Ihe heavy cash ) Ibt'reaw of t9lC7,900
liavt-s Iho surplus rcfcrve HUJ.k'-J higher than
last eek. Conditions , Inrfifdv proml ! such a
plenitude of money that nioncy lenders see their
prospects marred , and there Is talk of releasing
to Iho government Its dHx' ll * ' , which were left
In the New York banks on ttic part of the Union
l'altlc deposits. These deposits amount to
something over t77OVO. X ) . Tart of them urv c-
cuied by government Imnds whose redemption
Is already provide ! for , so that their surrender
would Involve simply n bookkeeping exchange.
Hut Iho laklng up by Iho government of the
wholenniounl would Involve * Ihe withdrawal of
u feutllcleiit ruin In Ihe money market lo nrve :
qullc ucllvely lo sleady rules of Inlerrsl. The
lilirh rnle for money wa rclnfor.'e-d as u factor
of stock market depression by the forebodings
rxpn-srcd by two prominent railroad operators
on Mondny that ( lie-re nould bo no prNll In coin-
IKJtllUo railroad biislness , a there had been
none , unleM > rongre-ss would aulhorliu pmllnir.
Hrcenl bull leale-ra of circulation made n rather
oclentatloUB display over their utterances , Hall'
roud t-arntngs rt'iwrttd for Ihe we-ek were n eT-
fo.-llvu curu for much of , Ihe gloomy apprehen
sion of railroad olllclals. In the fore-Inn ex.
change market the feature of Ihe week has been
a demand which has been speculallve und based
on Ihu prevailing low rnte nf excliange .ind Ihe
be-lief that Ihe ne-eil for exchange will grow
within the next few weeks. The uvtTdge Ie > el
of stock i > ricttt has rlken be-twe-e-ii 1 and 2 points
during tlie w ek. The Vanderbllts lead. Ijike
aiioru tlnif S polnls higher and New York On.
tral over t point * higher. Uurinesa In bonds tuu
U. , No. 1'aclllo 3a 01H
U. 9. Ss.roir No. Paolllo 4s . . . . ! H4 !
U , S. Os , coup N. Y. O. .tSl , L.4S..107
District 3.0.1s 11U N. , trW. U8 12t :
Ala..class A 101) )
Ala..classli 107 N ! \V. Deb. St. . ' . ' , ' . " . 117 ! <
Ala..clans 1 100 Oro. Nnv.lstH 11:11 : *
Ala. Currency. . . . HID Ore ) . Nav. 49 . . . . 114)4
Alclilaon4s , O. a L , . ( Is. t. r. llM'i
Atchlaonaul. 4s . . O. S. L at. t. r 7 > s
CunanaSo , UrnlH. . . 10 O. Imn. Istv t. r. . . . lo : <
C. A N. P. t. r. rs. , _ iO. Imp. SH. t. r 4Si <
O..t O. fls li ! Paclllo us of 'Oi. . . llH ) ! (
O.H. .VI ) . 4' s.
D.ill. ( } . Hta . . . . lt.U.Weit Ian
H.AU 0.4s 8ijcst. ! L. ii. M. oa'i. s
EautlVmi. Ists. . . , llil ) 1st. L. , tS. F.O'ii.
Hrlofjun.IB , 71)1 SI I' , consols
P. W.fcU. 1 . t. r. " : | St. l > . U. fclMvtl. . .
' un. El-c. fls 100M St. I' . C. .t P. 5 nu
G.H. , vS. A. 0 * 1O3 | S. C. noiifund
G.1I..IS. A.Ma. . . . 10 ! ) Southern Kv. 5s. . . . 02 '
H. > vT.Cont.Ss. . . . S. H. , tT. ( Is mm ,
II. iT. C. con Os. . 105 Tenn.nowsetn : ( . . S'l
Iowa C. Ists T.-x. IMc. U G.lsH
K. P. Cou. . t. r 1)1) ) ) Tex. I'i3. Us. ' 'dH. .
K.P. IBIS. t. r. , 111) ) D.I' , ists lou
La.NuwCon.4s. . . U. P. D. & .G. lati. . 33
L. .tN. Uni , 43 st ; \Vab. 1 t , " i
Missouri Us 100 \Vnb. ads
M. K.&T. ! * d H4H ! West Shore 41
M. K. , tT. < 3 .SiiU Va.CunlurIes tiS' '
N. Y. C. lets .III . ! yi.'deferred
Iloninii S < ook Uiiotntlonn.
BOSTON. Jnn. 8. Call loans , ZliffSK per cent :
time laans , 3f4 per cent. Closing prices for
stocks , bonds and mining shares : '
San KranclHco MliiUiu ; Oiiotn < l < niN.
SAN rnANCIROO. Jan. S. The olllclal clobln
notations on mining- blocks today were us fol
lows : ' '
London Slock QiiotndoiiN.
I/3NDON , Jan. 8. 4 p. m. closing :
ConsolH. in'y.,112 IS-lllIN ' Y. Centni . 11
CoiiHol-i , acct.,113 Ifi-Hl'PfimHylvnnla . f.n
Can. Pacific . KDHIHe.-idliii- . ] y
111. Central . 10tjMox ! ) Con. now 4i. . ( IH
Mi-\ican ordinary. . lIltiiAtchlboii . ] : n
Hi. Pan cominon .j ontjili. .t N . nn
HAH 8ILVI-it : Uncertain nl SOTSd per ounce.
MONKY Hi'a2 per cent.
Tlia rate of discount In the open miiKot for
short and three months' bllla , IMil'.ii per cent ,
NKW YOHIC , Jan. 8 The weekly bank state
ment nhowH Ihe folliiwlnir changes : Kurplua
rxi-ervo. Incrcafc , } CI75 > 23 : loamIncriase ,
lMi5.x : ! pnncle. Increase , J1,857WO ; li-pil lender ,
IncreiiKc. J7,2.V > , lf ; dciiolt . Incn-anp , tlt.Kf > .tn :
clrrulallon. Increase , fC4,70 ] . The bjnks now h 'Id '
> 22,2 < H,57 ! > In excess of the miulrrmentH of the
23 per cent rule ,
. \ -rli-jiii .Srciirllli-x In London.
I/NION , Jan. 8 The market for American
BCTurltlt'H was eenvrally firm , wllh the traillni ;
mostly piofetPlonal. The closing lone wan ijukt
but Kleiily and the demand moderate.
HOSTON. Jan. 8. Cli-uilnjn , J10.32I.343 ; hal-
- n f. . ' ,
HAIT1 IOH1' ] . Jan. 8. Clearings , J35SC.S23 ;
balancef , JSS1.077.
PHI'LADUhPIHA ' .Ian. 8 Ilank ccnrlnKii ! , I3 , .
020,711 : balances , 2.013ifi3.
At Omaha yetlcrday the hank clearings were
tSMd.SI : hank balances , J11I.K.VU7.
.MUMPII1S. Term. , Jon. S.-Clrarlngs. $717,000 ;
bni'inrei ) , 1254,000 ; New York exchange , selling at
' '
'ci.S'fJNNATI. Jan. S.-Clearlngs , U,7I5.0.0 ;
money. I.i4j6 per cent ) Ni-w York exchange , 25 ;
premium bid ,
KT. I/OI'IH. Jan. S.-p-turlngi < . 14,337.713 ; bal.
once. ' . JC39.710 ; money. Ms i > cr cent ; New York
exchange. 25c inc/mlum bid. M. ' premium afked.
ClIICAOO .Ian. 8. Clearing * . $17,4t0.rcO ; New
York exchange , SO premium ; pouted rate * , | 4 Uli
and I4.t > 0. Trading In flocks tylay was niomly
In West Chicago and fitrawlioarJ. doting ; Went
Chl'-aKO , H'2',1 ' ' ; Noith Chicago , 225 ; I-uke Ktri-et
Ii , li'4 : New York Hlrcult , C3 asked ; Hlruw-
lioanl. 02U.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 8-Clearlngs. J1C6.2M.407 ;
balances , I724i,600. ! The expo'rlH of fiu-tle from
the POTC of Nc-w York for Ihu week amounted to
tl..OO ) In irolil and J1.102LI3 In flh'cr Inijiorls
were : fjjld. 1817,831 ; fiUt-r , J1S7.218 ; dry goods ,
CctOlD2 ; general rnerchandl v , 17S7.1S4.
I'ori'lirn l''lniiiiliil ,
I/5N'nO.V. Jan. 6. Oold Is ( juoted nl Huenoa
Ayrei nl 1CC.70.
Ill'UI.IN' , Jan. S.-Ilvmlnc on the lnurw > hero
and at I'mnkfori was imleler Kxlay. 1'rlccn wi-m
will malntnlncd Mcxlcanii urnIn irrcat favor
nn account of Ihe conversion iiKBlblllly. Arn'-r-
Ican serurlllc * were uleady. Canadian Pacific
conllnned upward.
I'AHIH , Jnn , 8. Three per cent rentes , Iftlf fnr
Ilio account ; gnld. SJfJUc for rlii-cks. On lh > 4
bourte today Ui ln < tui wax oulet , Kpanl'h 4
were favorably Influenced by rurnom that Arnrr-
lean wuppoilera of the Cuban Insurgent * JiavH
cnuntelcd them to make m-ace wllh Bpaln , Hlo
Tlntci were early emler on rcallzatloni ,
Week Ends with Tow Cattle and Many
Hogs on Snlo ,
Iilfllit .Krvolplsi Tnkcti nt Stonily
1'rlcpn , nllli An Indication of Any
iiRth HOKH < : 1'Ivu
SOUTH OMAHA. Jnn. S.-Hccclpts for the
days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hess. Sheep Horses ,
January S . C76 G.4S7 2.tl2 . . . .
January 7 . 1,138 6,279 1,073
Jnntinry 6 . 1,256 10.JS2 2.429 ! M
January 5 . 1.C29 10,013 2.22S
January 4 . 1,410 6.S11 3.173
January 3 . l.CSl 2,470 6.177
January 1 . f , ! > 7 2,233 2,129
Deoem'ber 31. f.23 5,916 1,016
December 30. rx > 2 7,071 1.6M
Decojnbcr 19. P33 , 3,951
December 2S. 1,570 O.S43 2,041
December 27. 1,516 2.3S9 f.64
December 24. S12 5,040 1,019
December 23. 751 10,312 1,263
December 23. 1,049 11,313 1,1(0
December 21. . 1,119 9,778 1,501
December 20. . b.l 1,113
'VttHIUtl tV 4) ) * Oil TfcW * t w -
lUicelpls for the week with comparisons :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Week p-ndltiR Jan. S. " TSS 43,618 16.S92
Week ending Jan. 1. 6.KV3 2S.VW2 11,283
\Veclc cndlnp Dec. SB. 40.GW 6,101 ?
\Veck ending Dec. IS. 13,277 3 * > 2vH 14,279
Week endlntr Dec. 11. 13-iOl 40.402 11.1CS
The ofllclal number of cars ot stock
broUBhl In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. , > t. & St. I' . . . 3 2
O. & St. 1 . 1
Missouri 1'acinc . 1 2
Union I'aclilc System . 7 1
C. & X. W . 1 31
lSt. . 1 > M. & 0 . 5 3
H. & M. it . C 33
C. , H. & Q . S
K. C. & St. J . 2
C. , H. I. & 1' . , east . C
Total receipts . 23 103 10
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , earh buyer purchaaliiK the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huyers. Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Omaha Parklni ? Co . 1,200
0. H. Hammond Co . 4fi ] ,03i ?
Swift and Company . 11C 1CU 4fiO
Cudahy 1'acUlliR Co . 231 1.G7C 415
1. obman & Rothschilds . . 1SI .
W. 1. Stephens . U .
Swift , from country . MO
Cudahy , from 1C. C . 333 . . . .
C P. it P. Co. , Neb. City . 5'J7
Other buyers . HI . . . . 4W
Totnl . "CS3 C-IS5 2,311
PATTM3 Only twenty loads of cattle of
all Hinds were reported in the yards and the.
market was quU-t , even for n Saturday.
The offerings , however , wcro all taken and
at prices that were , about the winu > ns prc-
vallod on yesterday's market There were
no choice cnttlo ot any kind In the yards
and nothing to put a top on the market , so
that the sales were without notc-.vortl.v
fpn tu re
in some respects the cattle market of the
past week has been more favorable to the
selllriR Interests and then * Is a growing
feeling among many that the worst of tin-
depression so manifest just previous to and
during the holidays Is ever with. At the
same time the demand for the product Is
still rather limited and until the country
calls more loudly for beef It will not take
many cattle to keep the markets fully sup
plied. During the past week therp have
been some Indications of a better demand
and upon that f.ict are ba'od the hopes for
Ihe future- .
At this point the supply of cattle has been
very light for ome time past , hardly enough
cattle being here on some days to make a
maiket , and supplies have by no means
been largo at other m.irkot points. The
moderate receipts have given values a
stronger tendency.
The absence from the market of good
cattle Is quite a noticeable feature of the
present situation. Some assert that there
are very few good cattle In the country
and claim that for some reason the cattle ,
have not laid on fat ns readily as usual.
Be that as It may , It Is a fact that no
prime cattle are coming forward at this
point and other markets are receiving very
few. Shippers are still being cautioned to
avoid rushing the cattle in too rapidly If
they do not -wish to demoralize the market.
A feature of the cattle trade Is the firm
ness of the market for stockers In spite of
the dullness of fat cattle. While the de
mand for stocker. " nnd feeders Is not very
large. It IH strong , nnd during the past week
well bred 3.10 to COO-pound steers sold as
high as SI.GOJN.'j. Representative sales :
No. Av , Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
1..11S1JIOO 11..1023 } 4 10 2..1215 l 23
( i.32fi ! 410 1..10M ) 4 H 41..1P.O 4 10
37..1203 4 S3 23..1100 4 tfi 3..1270 4 23
20..1123 4 33
1. . . . K)0 ) 200 4..1007 210 1..1110 2 CO
4..1117 ad ) I. . . . 810 275 1..KXH 275
1..1010 B f5 3. . . . tlW 3W 3..1100 3 ? 0
7. . . . Ml 221 1. . . . H31 300 2. . . . 7f. : > 3 IM
8..100) 813 1..1230 3:0 1..ii:0 : 320
11..1IKI 323 1. . . . ifV ) 3 f,0 1..KSO 3 HO
17..1133 3 W 1..1200 3fi3 1. . . . U70 2' )
1..10SO 2 M 1..10UJ 2 C5 1. . . . K0 ! 2 W
1. . . . 910 273 1. . . . ! > 290 1..1K.O 300
15..IOS3 303 l.fOO 315 1..1430 31' ' )
] . . . . 7'JO 240 1..103' ' ) 240 C..1200 325
1. . . . SOO 1 & )
2. . . . 910 313 3. . . . 053 3 C1 1. . . . CM 2 7S
15. . . . 7S2 343 1. . . . 4CO 310 21. . . . 727 323
2. . . . f 0 323 4. . , . 422 330 1. . . . 620 340
I. . . . 810 3 75
I..I.W ) 340 1..147I 31215 1..1230 323
1..IOCO Z 75 1..10M 2 41) ) 1..1130 2 M >
1. . , . 1)20 ) 300 1..13IO 325 2..1070 340
1..J300 4 01 1..1230 4 CO
1. . . . SO B 00 1. . . . 240 & GO 1. . . . 130 COO
2. . . . 720 42. ' . 1. . . . HO 325 2. , . . C75 440
53C 4 M 6. . . . . COO 300 C. . . . CC2 3 W
COO 3 ST. 1. . . . 510 360 7. . . . 537 423
M 4 35 22. . . . 470 4 40
I1OOS A good local demand backed by favor-
nblo advices from olht-r market points iave Fcll-
ern the advanlage , In tplte of the fact of Its
being U Saturday , and In spile of the liberal re
ceipts , no that the day'H market was s Ironsto lie
liloher. The movement wan nctlve nnd every
thing In the yards was sold and weighed up In
Rood season.
Heavy IIOKS sold nt )3.40(73.45 , an nnnlnpt (3.35
Q1.40 yesterday. The most of the t-alCH loday
wein nt $3.40 , wiillu J3.37'i was u popular prlca
yc-sterduy ,
l.lKlit hogs Eold an hlRh as { 3.55 , or Cc higher
than the beet price paid yesterday.
The IIOK maikel of the patt week , so far an
iecclpl and demand were concerned , wan In
very h-ood rhape. Huycrs seemed lo feel Hint
thu IIOK * were worth the mani-y , and they bought
ns If declrous of obtnlnlni ; an many us pogsfblr.
An a resull , the trade wan active on most day ? ,
nil arrivals meeting with ( jiilte ready sale.
Values , however , had n lower tendency , Monday
liclng Ihe high day of Ihe week. There WBH n
drop on Tuesday and1 Wednesday , followed by n
reaction during the last two days of thu week.
At the clOKt- the market was only Sc lower than
at thu opening of Ihe week , am ? a cent hlh-hcr
than the clotc of the- previous week ,
The outlook for hogs teems In bo ralher i-n-
couniKlni ; and a cnntlnuiince of the present brl > lc
demand would have a strong tendency tu force
valued up a lltlle. In fact , the present month
opened with values 2fc higher than they wcru
nt thi < opening of December , and 20c hlKher than
Ihu first of November. HepreBcnlatlvc tales :
No. Av Sh. Pr No , Av. Sh. Pr.
U 4RR fl 'ft 11 IT. 01 * ri ? .M ! if
II . . . M . . . 5 M > SJ
4. . . M7 SO 1 80 3. . . . . . StJ J M
1. . . 343 40 3 4) 7. . . . . IV. ] 40
5 . 14) , . , S 40
8HIJKI1 The sheep market w t fully stendj
ind nt the > nme time nctlve. The offerlnci
cbanged hands enrly. the trnde coon coming U
an end for the nnnt of surpllcs.
The sheep innrket was gixi.l : | the past WfcH
nnd the arrivals , though migr. met with rrady
sale. Thete appears to be n scarcity of thrcji
In the east , nnd the demand for supplies trcmi
to be Increasing. Kor icnson the prospect
19 quite bright for nc t rn sheep feeders , lupre.
sentnllve sales )
No. Av. IT.
SJ western ewr * . . . . . , , , . , . 101 IJ (0
193 western ewes . . . 90 S SI < t
M western one * . 51 S M
II western starlings . , . SJ 4 83
21 nostern lambs . 67 5 ! S
4M we tern lambs . 76 S Si
Ailvnuco In I'rlpc I'lillin n Slronir lp
in n ml fur lloK" .
CllICAOO , .Ian. S. There wan the \isiml J > ntnr
day lack of offerings of itlK , receipts being ld
than tVW head. Sales In all cnvs were at > e -
lerdn > 's ruling prlees. but quotations were mostly
nominal , Iwtrger rei-elpts ale "sp-cted Irom now
on. but no one looks , for any big supplies ofl
trlclly eholco cattle ami such kinds inv pilly
sure to sell well right along. The quality of the
cattle now coming tj market slmws some ltn
pixivement , but the i-ecelptS1 of cimimon tr falp
half-fat c ttle continue altogether ti > large.
Thnro was nn active demand for hogn nt
strotiKrr to ! Hc higher prices , the supply being
wll taken nt nn early hour , I'llme liogs Hint
wdphrd nmuml ) to 270 Ibs. sold up t.i M.lii
and the commonest packing lots brought f3.J'U >
3.45 , the bulk of the hogs crossing the scales at
(3.5W3. CO.
An I * usual iw Saturday most of 'Jie light
"run" of sheep today was consigned to liH-al
slnughlerlng concerns. 1'ilcis i-ie steady nt
tt.OXiT3.SO for sheep nnd ! UOUVi3 for lnml .
llixx-lplB ! Cattle. Si head ; hogs. 1S.WO bead ;
sheep. 3.WO head.
St. I.iiiili llv < > Xdu-U.
ST. I/HMS. .Ian.
. -CATTI.K-llecelpts , 4f
heail , of which 2M head clo Texans ; shlpmerts ,
lr , > > i head ; maiket steaily ; fulr In fancy natlvn
shipping ami cxpoit Fleers , JI.-'IlTi.Ki ; bulk nf
sales. l4.MfH.S5 ; iltrvseil Iwef and bilteiier steers ,
M.S3r5.tM ; bulk of sales , JI.KWI.53 ; steers , under
1,1" ) Ibi. , J3.NMU.lfi ; bulk t sales ,'3 S3 ;
mockers nnd feeders. I2.101M.13 ; liulk of rnlrt
I1.104fil.00 ; cms and liHfcrs , Ji.lVMN.13 ; bulk ot
eo s. ? S.C01T3.3i ) ; lannlng rows , M.W5f2.75 ; bulls ,
j : . 3V3.G'i ' ; Tcvas and Indian steers , J3.4ifn.i ) ;
bulk of sales , J3.43If4.O ) ; cows nnd helfels. J2.--XI >
lintl.t Heeelpts. S.fHM head ; shlpineiits , HMO
bond ; rnikel IJL' higher on heavy and medium ,
xlnady nn light : light. J3.433.V ) ; mixed , J.I lp ( ;
3.W ; heavy , I5..VM.1.CI. (
SII15K1' llecelpls. too head : phlpmentr , IV lie ;
maiket steady : native muttons. U.COifl.rCi , mils
nnd bucks , n'.ll > 3.o : > ; lambs. K..OOif3.U. !
KIIIIXIIN < 'lt > I , Ire Stuck Mnrlirt.
KANSAS CITV. Jan. S.-CATTl.i-IeJelpts. ) 1CJ
head ; mntket unchanged ; only retnll trnde ; Texai
steels. S2.Mft4.30 ; Texas eowc. JJ.r.oriS.JS ; nntlvn
strer. ' , 2.iOitI3.00 | : nntlvi * cows an < l helf < rs. t.2i ii
4.00 ; slockenj nnd feeders , } 2.SOff3.00 ; bulls. J2.'J
3.73 ,
HDl'S -Iteeelpts. B 000 head ; m.tK"t opriu-d
ttriini : tr > fie blubcr. closnl with nilvnnrr loxt ;
bulk of Kales. J3.40S3. : . . ' : lienvlei. J3.3Hff 3.0215 ,
paekeiB and mlxeil , S3.ViCf3.Ai ; llnbts. S3.30if3.JO ;
yotkers. I3.l.1lf3.f,0 ; plirs , J3.OOft3.S3.
SIIIIKI'-ltrcelpts. r.o ) head : market strong ;
lamb : ! . J4.ooir3.3i ) ; muttons. Ji.i. < OtfJ.iO. :
KiiNt IliilVnlii l.liiHloolc. .
EAST Iiri-'Al.O | Jan. S.-OATTI.K Kxtrn to
prime steels , J5.0ctir > 10 ; fair to good Meers , J.I.TS
J4 2.1 ; fulr to gnod mlxetl bulebeis' rlncli. J3.M5 >
4.1.1 ; fulr to g.xid butcher.- ' cows $ 1.2393. S3 ; com
mon , old to fair cows , 52.Wi2.73.
HOOS Herelpts , 4 cars ; Yoikers. good to
choice , J3.76I3 7714 ; roughs , common to choice ,
jt.2Pfl : : i.3f , ; pigs , common to ehiiK-e J.I Cft3.7. > .
SHMMI' ANIl l.AMHH llKi-lpts , S cum ; lnnil .
chnleo 13 extra , J.'i.lOilC.l'O : culls to common , Jl.r.O
KT5.G ! .
NKW YOHIC , Jan. -IIHlCVIW-U Mlpts. 043
hwid ; no trallng. Cables iiiinte American Hteera
at ! ) S.i4flOac ! ; refrlgernlcr beef at 7'U7Sc. ' Bpoils ,
1.53G beoxes , 103 i-liiH'p anil 4. ICO ipiaitrri * of beef.
CALVES Herelpts , 8 head veals , S3.COifS.00 ;
gratsers. J3.CC4i3.23.
SHREI1 ANP I < AMIVHeeelpts , 2.IWO head ;
sheep , } 3.r,0ii4.73 , ; latiilis. J'.riMii.23. (
1IOOS Hucelpts , 2bOO head ; Him ut J3.d004.15.
St < ll-U III SlKlK.
Ilc enl of receipts of llvi- stock at the fonfl
principal markets for January s :
Catll- .
Omaha . ( , ' : , 0.4S7 2.M !
Chicago . ; ,0) ) n.c'ou ' 3IH <
Kansas City . HO .10) )
St. Ix < ul3 . 400
Totals .1,473 23IS" C.011
K lii - iKiiIMH ( n Sllinulalc
TriKtliiR- KllliiiSill. . - .
NCW YOI1K , Jan. S. The cotton market opened
ijulet nnd steailywith prices tinelmngod to 1
point lower ; rulihl . ( inlet , with scarcely a hairs
breadth variation , nnd ut 11 o'clock V.IIH dull nt 1
iwlnt net decline. Sales to Unit lumr weru IS.ft'd '
l.i.Ica. It was a liciil marl. el rnllrely , Tli r
waa nothing In Knglleli IICWK In etlmnlato vvn-
turea on either sideof the nrcmmt , filtuica at
I.lvcniool Ix-lng steady , but without Important
change In prices , while spot collon nt that point
wnn slow and featureli'us. Tort lecclpta
prumlsi'd to show n miiteilal falling off this
wer-lc , today's being estimated at 3S.t < > * bales. Aa
th < > market drew tuwnnl tli < > close trading1 picked
up n. llttlt * and prices rulel stcHdler , The mar
ket wn Dually quiet nnd steady nt nnc'hanged
prices to 1 point advance , v.'lth total sales of
2S.700 bales. Snot , eteady ; middling , fi IB-lft- ;
ncl recHpIs , ! I4S linles ; gins ? , 4.422 UIJI-H ; Kilns , sa
bales' , all spinners ; stO"k. l-li.nil } bales. Tiil-il
today and consolidated : Net receipts , 40.1C3
I'lilcn ; exiiortH tn Grtiit llrltnln , 401.017 ball's ;
1'Vance. 10.2(5 ( bales ; cuntln nt. 13no ? bali-a ; cld.'k.
1,21'G" ' > 3 bales. Total since September 1 : Net n-
cclpts , C , 011,388 bales ; PximrtH to ( intit llrltaln.
1.8i.S12 ! ; : Imles ; I'VnncxS24.71K ! bales ; continent ,
1,570.522 bales.
l.IVKHI'OOU Jan. S. COTTON Spot , in < lc-ai
Inislness , prices steady ; Amvrlcnn middling , S' d.
Th ( ! sales of the day were 7KO ( bales , of which
500 bales wc-re for speculation and exp.irt , and In-
eluded 4d bales American : receipts , M.OiO
Uilew , Including 10.700 bales American. I'lltum *
opeiifsl ijulet and steady , wltli moiU'nito de
mand , and cloned quint ; American It. M. f .
January. 3 ll-CId , bnyiTK : Jutiuai-j' and February.
3 10-CIB3 11-OM , buyers ; l-Vbiiinry and March.
13 10-6IR3 ll-C4d , bnyi-is ; Match and Anrll. .1 11-C4
fJ3 12-C4il. Kellers ; April nnd May , 3 ] 2-C4d , bu > cis ;
May nnd June , 3 13-C4d , buynra ; June and July ,
3 14-C4d. buyers : July and August. 3 I5-tllil , buy
ers ; August and September , 3 16-R4d. scllera ; Scj-
tember nnd Octnbcr , 3 1C- I3 17-fild. sellers ;
October and Novembr-r. 3 17-f-ld , vulii'i ; November
nr.d December , 3 17 CI03 18-C4d , value ,
NKW OUI.I2ANH. Jan. 8 , SUdAU-Opcii ket
tle , Bteaily nt 3f710-lCe ; eentrlltiRal , steadv ,
granulate.1 , 4i r4 13-lCc ; whites. 4 i4 7-lCc ; yl-
I-HVK , Mifil 3-lCc ; Ki-fdiids , Hif/S ll-16c , Molansm.
kettle , pteiidy at 14f(27c ( : centrifugal , cany at 331
13e ; syrnp. steady at ! Sf22c.
N'HW YOHIC. Jan. C.-SITnAU-llnw. llrm ;
fair refining , 3c : centrifugal , W lest. I 3-1O ; re
fined , llrm ; erunhcd , 5c ; pnwdercd , S 7-I8a ;
granulated , r.Vdc ; mould A , B4c ! ; rtandord A ,
BUe : conffctlonerh1 A. Biic ; cut leaf , BT40 ! cubes ,
5 7-lCc.
Xrw Viirlc Ilry ( iiioilsi .Mnrkrt.
NKW YOIUC , Jan. S. The close of the week
nnds the dry gnodn market In a thoinng'.ily un-
tettled Btale. The Balec In all cotton linen hn\o
been unsatlKfaclory. Although fie woolen gnodx
illvlflon IB well sustained , the general inaikit
shows poor results "in the whole. Jobbers have
attempted little ami lm\ < > not been pu-prbied at
the lesult. They anticipate heavier trading In
new tprlng lines next wick , baring their belief
on the advbcs of retail' ' IT , who arc plunnlnit
trips to the metropolitan maiket ,
IMilliiili-lplilii rrodiicc.
. . IltJTTKn-ntillj
fancy western creamery. Kc ; fancy wcsf'in
ins , 23c.
IJOflP Klrm : fresh n "ir1iv and wcilein , li ! ) ? .
fllUIMIJ Klnner : New Yolk fnrlory , ehfilr
' 4fjH4c ! ; New1 York factory , fair to good , S'l
Cnlifdi'iilii Drlt-il KriiKN ,
KIU'ITS Firm ; 'vaporuled applfs , rmmnon , BW
7c ; prime win- tray 8V c ; word ilrleil , primp ,
HMfl'H" ! choice , SVtii'i'ic ' fancy. ' . > W\\c. \ \ I'IUIUK ,
3flS > C. AprlcotH , HojTil. 7J/Mic ; Ilixir 1'ark
He , reacheo , impeded 7JOo ! poc-led ,
Members Chicago lionrel of Tnulei plnco lfC2.
Crain , 1'rovisions ' and K. Y. Stocks.
Orelera Gush nnd Future Delivery Bollcltcd.
Uniiilin Dlllc'iIliioni 1 , .V. Y. l.lfu Hliltr.
. . . , 'I'lieine1)111 ) , . . .
KI.OYI ) J , CAAIPIII" : . ; , ,
Ji'u.lES L BOYO & 00 , ,
Telephone 1030. Onmlm , Neb
Dlre-t wires to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren A Co.
TEU'H'IIONI'J ' lira.
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
1 1O Board of Trade Bltlf * . Omaha , Neb
Orancli OMlto , 1038 N 81 Lincoln. Nob.
C. C. CHlUSTIi : . ) . STHEBT.
1'rtulJint. Vlce-l'ie iaenl ,
Secretary ,
Christie-Stfeel Commission Co
Caul tni gr < > , ( , ruiiy 1'uM.