Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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? car Just Olosacl Makes Good Showing
on Failures ,
An Over Ilnlf tbr Cln-mlflril 7,1 urn the
illecoril .Stnniln M'UIimit nn
YORK , Jan. 7. n. O. Dun & Co '
Weekly llovlow of Trade will say In Its Is-
uc tcmorrow
In failures 1807 ' .vas not only the beat year
fllnco ISM , but on the whole the best ever
definitely known. With 11,522 failures , In
number 11,0 per cent Icsi thin WS. and
JlS2.Wil.771 defaulted liabilities , .11 per tent le's
than In 1VU The year's bunking failures
ivrro 171 and counted for t23,249,7d > , anil the
commercial failures were but 13TJl , with lia
bilities of J10I.T12.071 , the average per failure
being only Hl.rc , ' > , the lowest ever known
except Ir , 1 12. But even In tnat year the
failures during Ihe last half averaged Hi-
bllltlcH of $10.177 per failure , while In the
last half of 1&97 the average was only $0,591 ,
The returns by branches of business show
that In fifteen out of twenty-eight classes
the failures were lower than In any ptcvlotis
year of which Ihere Is record , -wllli espe
cially large ilocreai > In the great number of
unclassified manufacturing am' trading fail
ures. Moreover , the year showed remark-
nble decreases , as some other prosperous
years h.ivo rhown Increases , comparing the
second with tbo Ilrst half
The now jear began with disappointment
for speculators In stocks and griln. which
IK not n bad sign. Prices of stocks have
gained a llttlo. after yielding at Ilrst , and
close 7.1 cents per shnie. higher for railroads
nnd $1 0 > per fharo higher for trusts.
Wheat declined m cents , oAlng to the
trrmlmtlon of the corner nt Calcigo , nnd
northwosti rn receipts were about double last
year's , with Atlanlio exports : , S-I.31S ( ) bushcK
Hour Included , agilnst J,1iXTO ! last year. A
speculative e tlm ite makes the quantity
illl In farmers' hands 40 per cent of the
< -top. which Is ( julto possible , bill Ihe con
sumption and exports In half the year ought
to tnko more thin -10 pr > r cent of the joir's
oupply A fleet of vessels Is reported at
Biltlmore or on Iho way Ihllher for w licit
Exports of corn for Hit- week fell below
last j ear's although western receipts are
unusually urge , and the price fell but * of
n , cent
r tton wis u disappointment to many bc-
rauso It did not chingo at all In ppot price ,
although the accounts of reduction In w igcs
by NeM Kngl mil works v\arrant hope of
larger consumption Cotton manufacture Is
a little t-r { ouragpcl by larger demand for
goods slnto the teductlon In pilces , and the
abstention f > f buvers for months past his
prolnbly b < en due In large measure to c\-
pi'otntlon of that reduction. But with tao
certain- Hint the print e-loth works are to
continue pi Ires have further declined 2.1J
The woolen nnd worsted mills are both
bnvlnir wool nulte l.iruelv at nrlcos nrobably
ole e to the best , for n ports which declared
thcro were no concessions i month ago are
now rejoicing that recent raggedness In
in'ces has piissed away. Behind all the
market repoits there Is the fact that con
sumption of wool has for about live months
been the largest over known , ajid the buying
Indlc ites , as does the demand for such
lieivy weight goods as has been opened ,
that a satisfactory half jcar Is expected
D'rlces so fir paid are said to bi\ from 20
to I'D poi rent hlcher than a year ago , with
wool from 50 to DO per cent higher.
Tie Iron manufacturer has been further
encoui iged by unusual business for the HP i-
ton Ireludlng n large building contract
made nnd othoi * for bridges pending at
Chicago , a sale of r,0,000 ton * of pig to ono
pipe foundry at the east and contract for
two vessels of ri,000 tons e icb at Cramp's
yards iml contracts tor 3,300 tons hoop at
> 'ew York and MO for Mexico. Prices are
gonerilv unchanged , though castoin works
luive advanced stiucturil beams R cents to
Jl 13. I'lg Is unchanged , wlln lalrlv laigo
pale * VMble supplies of tin arc 29.T > 'j tons ,
agilnst 2J.SU tons a year ago. with 1ST
cents quoted , rtml with oxportu of 10,30" tons
of copper In December nnd 121000 tons for
the jeir. 11 cents Is now quoted for lake.
The coke output continues heavy and the
output of nnthrnclto conl was 41,2U" > , COO tonfl
In 1S17 though the consumption was ahou'
SITOOOO tonn smaller , and there are sales at
? J T ) tier ton higher.
Failures for the week have been S22 In
the United States , against 171 last year , nml
In Canada thltty-tvvo , against sixty-two last
am vnsTiinirrs ituvnnv OP TIIMH : .
Outlook for tin"cvv ( V > iir Tnll of
iNIJU * YORK , Jan. 7. Uradstreet's tomor
row will txiy : '
The jear opens with a tone of quiet con-
fldonro pervadliv all branches , enrour.iKlng
tindca ipsumptlon of work ; by many thou
sands of Industrial employes In tbo west-
c-in glass Industry , n Inrgolj reduced volume
of business failures as compared with cor
responding periods in preceding , and
11 peiuru outlook certainly not Inferior to
any pic-vlous year nl Ihls lime Dlslilbu-
llvo trade bas naturally boon lather slow ,
pending stock taking nnd the toturn of
H ilesmen lo Iho Hold.
Whilii Iho volume of dlslrlbullve business
1 < no InrirerJ Industrial activity Is a special
fc-ntuio unconflned lo iny ono section , but
wpeclally notable In the vvcst Resumption
of work after the holldajs has1 bec-n gener-
nlly encouraging In Hint section. Autumn
v either In the northwest cneoks distribu
tion , but collections are rcporteel good.
Silea of Houthein Iron nro laige. Loulsl-
nmi Mi/war / crop leturnq have been very sat-
Isfnclorj Nine-tenths of Florida's or.tngo
crop was giithereil before the late freeze1 ,
an * ) cotton Is stcud > and In good export dc.
Wool liaqop"ned up actively In some east
ern markets , and prices for cotton
Roods have stlmulited some demand ,
Nalutally e'liougW theio was n slight gain
over Insl week In the i failures 3.5J , against
233 last vv cult 'but ' a ( heavy falllngi ore from
Ik97 , when the tolal was IS8. The lolal In
thlH week , of ISOOj was -IIJ4 ( In 1S9'103 and In
1SUI 1SI , ihus flhoulng a falling oft fiom this
week In leeent piecedlng jcais fron one-
iuiutei to one-third
Bank falluics In ISO" followed thcvgoncinl
tendency oC business mortality In .ill other
lines of business The icputallon of the
banking ! community for conservatism , how
ever , Is borne out by the relatively heavier
falling off In the number of failures , and
the icduced volume of ll.ihllltlea of banks
nnd trust companies , aa compared with preceding -
coding > ean ns compared with oullnnry
commercial lines
The total number of falluics of national ,
stale and private banks nnd loan nnd trust
companies In 1SU7 was lO'i , n little more than
half of those of ! ! > % and less than one-llfth
of those of Ibo panic jear J S3 J. Llabllllle.s
nlso showed a heavy falling off , being 00
per cent smaller than liiu nnd SO per cent
man 1VJ3. Tlio number and llublll-
itle.s , however , were Hllghtly luiner than 1SUI
The poiccntn/ru of asBctu to liabilities In It'JT
wan only 0,70 , the Hinallcst icportcd nlnco
Jlindstii'e't'H iccord of hank suspensions
iv tw b'Giin.
Thoio were forty-eight business failures
In the Dominion of Canada thl.s week ,
tiKiihist twenty-two laat week and Hl.\t-llvo
in UilH weclc u ) ear ago. i
The liolldiiH have exercised their expected
I'ffert on expoit tr.ulo In leading cerenln.
Wheat export ! ) fiom thn United 9tate. , ind
Canndn for the Ilrst vveck In Jnnuaiy
iimount to 3,431,570 bushels , iwnlnst t < , K6.0J
bu.shelH last week , 3..MAX ) bushcU In Ihls
vviulc n ye > .ar ngo and J.471 000 bushels In Iho
rot responding weclc In 1SW. Corn exporl8
u ai-nslblo diminution ainountliitr to
If you do not get Whisky of
the proper Age and Purity. "Six
Years Old , joojg Pure , " is the
Govft nnitnit's Guarantee on every
buttle of
Dollied by W. A , GUMS 5 CO. , ITanVfoft , Ky.
The Government Internal Rcvenuo
Ofllcen nt tlio distilleries Intpect the
contents of every bottle. In bu > lng be
sure the Internal Hcvenuo Stamp over
the Cork nml Cupsulo U not broken nnj
that It bears the nome W. A. CAISCS & CO.
anr ft it a Govtrnment Guarantei
that fffft mlA tkn Mtlinf.
lotils outBlilu N
Hamilton . . .
St John , N. II
itr.vimv or Tim STOCIC MIIKK r.
\elUlt > - mid
Hi-Kin to Vliiltc a .siuniln .
v YORK , Jan. 7. Brael treet's nnau-
clal review tomorrow will say :
Although dull and somewhat reactionary
conditions ruled at the beginning of the
vveck. the last three days have ! brought a
dl ol.ay of speculative activity and strength
In the market. The earlier hesitancy wis
ippirently duo lo dlsappolnlment cm the
P irt of traders , 'who had bought stocks on
the thcorj- tint there would be a pronounced
Jimiiary rise , because the public did not
come Into the market at the very com
mencement of the now buslncs-s vcar The
small professionals consequently liquidated
long holdings to cover Monday nnd Tues-
daj and put oul considerable lines of short
silos hoping that the decline would ex
tend further. The le-adlng factors In spcc-
ulitlon ieeni to have contributed to this re
sult and their brokers were for a tlmo con-
sldonble sellers on the niaiket Among the
unsettling factors were rumors of possible
compile Ulons among the Kmopean power.- .
In regard to China , while Interviews weio
put out In which some of our prominent
rillrcul men declared through nllioad i.ates
v.cre unpiollt iblo and the conditions under
which competitive lialllc Is curled by Ihe
raids render It useless to look fet Improve
ment unless legislation is becUrcd looking
to the formation of pools.
" \VYO1IINfi M\VS.
Supreme Court Decisions.
XB , Wjo. , Jan. 7. ( Special. )
The Wjomlng supreme court was In session
today nnd handed down several Important
decllons In the case of John Kelley against
Oliver P Khoacls , as assessor of Laramlo
county. Chief Justice I'otter rendered the
opinion. Suit was brought by the plaintiff ,
Kelley , to recover $230 , collected by the as
sessor In 1893 , upon u band of sheep which
were grazling In Laramlo cotintj- , having been
brought Into the state from Utah and dilven
across Iho state to the earitern boundary and
then shipped easl. The lax was collecled
by Iho assessor under the provisions of the
act of 1S95 , piovldlns for the taxation of llvo
stock brought Into the state for the purpose
of grazing. The court ruled that the law of
1895 constitutional ; that It did mot vie
late any of the provisions ot the federal CT
stale constitutions ; that the law was op-
pllcablo to stock brought Into the st-Uo prior
to the last day of the year 1893 It v.aa
held , however , that the sheep being In
transll , and for no olhcr purpose whatever ,
the glazing was "merely cm Incident of the
transportation , and the property was not
subject to state taxation.
ID the case of EJward W. Stone against
the Board o' County Commissioners of Lira-
mlo county , suit was brought by Stone to
recover the amount of salary paid by him
to L. K. Stcvie , as deputy county treasurer
for the flrst six months of 1891 , Kelward W.
Stone being at tlwt lime Ircasurer of Lara-
nile counl > and Iho county commissioners
refusing to allow him a deputy. The district
court rendered a Judgment In favor of the
plaintiff nnd this Judgment Is ainrmed.
To Ill-cover Tlnilier Viilne-H ,
BVANS10X , Wjo. , Jam 7. ( Special. )
SnltH have been commenced In the United
Slates court ag.ilnst aoveral residents of
Ulnta county by the United Stoles to recover
the value of timber said to have been cut
emel manufactured a number of jears ago.
The suits are ono against A. K. StoiIeMrt ,
Thomas A. Kerr and William Lolshiuan to
recover J17.712 and Interest for ton years ;
ono against A. K. Stoeldart to recover $1,2S2
and Interest for ten jeard , and ono against
Jesse L Atkinson to recover $33000. Papers
In the stilts were served on Atkinson and
Lclshman by United States Mirshal McDermott -
mott several dajs ago The other defendants
have removed from the eta to.
WniK ( Hidden Itenio\ed.
OlinVUNNK , Wjo. , Jan. 7. ( Special. )
A potltlon has been forwarded to Governor
Richards , signed bja largo- number of tlio
residents of the Jackson's Hole district , Bak
ing for the removal ot H K , Ullddcn from
the position of dcpuly gimo warden. It Is
charged lhat Olldden Is not a clll/cn of the
etato anil Is engaged la the business of shlpt
ping game from the district lo caalcru buy-
era ,
Come Into a I'ortimr.
DHTUOIT , Jan. 7. A special lo Iho News
from Xllcs , Mich , , Bays : Airs. Kallo Am
man of Vundalla township , Cnua county ,
nnd two minor heirs over whom she baa
been appointed guardian , have fallen heir
to a estate by the death of her
aged uncle , Bllas A , Trabos , a Jackson ,
Miss. , planter -
Iliilmt tin ? 1'rlee of fin * .
. niCIIMONU , Ind. , Jan. 7.-Tho Natural
Oaa company hns ordered an advance of
H per cent In the price of gas by metro
iinu mixer to domestic consumers , aft e tIng -
Ing mveial thousand patrons. The latter
will Ilia Hulls against the action , ullegln-j
lhat U Is not authorized by the company's
Terminate * it Heeeli emlilii.
COLUMBUS , O. , Jan. 7. The receivership
of the Columbus , Hocking1 Valley Coal nnd
Iron company was terminated today. The
receiver htnacd over JIOO.wo In money.
Mnrtlorer of Blanche Lament Expiates His
Crime on the Gibbet.
MntndtliiH ( lit * AVoniliTftil Arr\c DH-
jilujoit IJtrr Slurp UN Arrcnt
tli In ( lir lnl _ IllMtnrj- ,
, _ , < if the Crime. i i i i
( Continued from rirst'Pago )
other matters. Mr. Hoardman left with
others , merely remarking that ho had ex
hausted all the resources at his command In
the Interest of his client.
iitsToiir oi MiHiiiAvi's eitnn : .
Altornc ) * llnkiHfinnrUnblc 1'lnlit
< < > Suvc IIIncclc. .
Wllllim Henry Theodore Durrani , who
was executed today at San Quentln , Rave
his 11 To In cxchariKe for the lives of two
} OUIIK women , who vvcro members of
the church to which ho belonged ,
\Vhllo Currant was convicted of but
oiio murder under the law , he was bold
responsible by public opinion for the mur
der of both Ol.ncho Lament and Minnie
Williams , and It Is felt that his do.Uh ex-
plitcs one crime as much as the other.
Uurrant'8 crimes vvcro peculiar In their
atrocity , from any point of view. He nas
reared In a Christian home , and until the
tlmo of his arrest was regarded as 11 model
> OUIIR man of Industrious 'habits ' , who was
tryln ? to inork hh > muy through a
collego. TJ'o only characteristic that
neemed marked In his nature vv.m his piety.
Ho had benn n prominent member of the
nnmiuiol IJ.iptlst church for several years
and for a year previous to his arrest hid
been assistant superintendent of the Sunday
school. In this capiclty he made the ac
quaintance of lilinchc L/imont and of Min-
nlo Williams , both of vv'iom ' were destined
to be murdered by him In the church where
they worshiped together
Blanche I.imont OKipnoarcil on April " ,
IS1' ' " ) , and was never seen alive afterward
She loft the homo of her aunt Mrs C G
Nobhi , o that d ly to KO to Fchool , and for
ton diij-s no trice of her could bo found.
Many members of nmanucl church nsslstcil
In the .scarrh for tno missing Klrl. and
among others -\\as Theodore Durrani , who
hid often uc'ed as Jllss Lumont's escoit.
Ho seemed grcatl } distressed on account
of Miss Limont's dlsippcurance , and at
length c\pressinl the belief th it she had
lolned the lanks of the fallen women 'Ihis
theoiy seemed plausible to the police , and a
search was made among the places where
U ivni believed the missing girl might bo
found. Durianl assisted In ttic Inqulrj ,
which came to naught. Ten diyo had
passed .since Miss Limont disappeared , and
her filends had almost given up hope of
over knowing her fate , when a dlscovciy
was made vvhleh led to the finding of Mls > s
L.unont'a body.
The women of nmanuel church wore en
gaged In decorating the edifice preparatory
to the celebration of faster Sunday services ,
when the mangled body of Minnie Williams
wa-i found , almost naked , In the library. A
numbei of ugly knife wounds and some
rags tint had been forced down the > ouns'i tlnoiL told ot the stiug-
glo she hnd made to protect her honor
Miss Williams' body was illseoveitd In
the aft rnoun and late the sinio night the
Hist clew to the murderer w is obtained
IVoni porno Jf the young woman's friends
It was learned that she had been seen the
evening bufoic with Durrant , and , although
thcro v\as nolhlng else to show that ho had
any connection with the crime , the police
derided to nTost him Durrani's homo wab
visited late at nlpiht , but he was not there
Ills parents said that 'ho bud left at mid
night with the signal corps of the National
Gurud , to which ho belonged , to make some
hcllogiaphliig experiments on Mount Diablo
The next tialn cairled two detectlvn to-
v\ard the mount-iln , and , after completing
their journey h > stage , Durrant was found
Into In the afternoon and arrested. But
the news that he was charged with tlif
murder of Minnie Williams was not first
Impaited to him by the olllcers. A message
was Hashed on the lajs of the sun by the
hellographers In this city , who were taking
part In the experiments of the slfnal cotps ,
and Durrant Know that he was to be
arrested before the o'lleers arrived.
Whllo events vveio taking place
on Mount Diablo , sixty miles awa > . a dls-
tovery hud been made In this city which
( Hied the .stieets with men and womui
CO Ing for \tngeinco I'rom the first the
police associated the finding of Miss Wil
liams' body with the disappearance of Miss
Lumont , and a hearch was at once begun
In the church for her body. Men noticed
all night tearing up floors and breaking
down p trillions and at 10 o'clock Sunday
moinlng the body of Miss Jyimonl was
found. A broken door Knob and a lurnoil
bolt excited the su'-plclona of the beiirchers
and the door loading to tin- belfry of the
chuich was broken down. Up the winding
stairs the policemen groped their way and
at the thlid landing , Ijlng In the corner of
Hie darkened btlfry. the naked body of the
murdered girl was found. No knlfo had
been used to commit the crime , as was the
ciso In the murder of Miss Williams , but
the imprint of five lingers burled In ber
tin oat revealed the manner In which the
youngf woman met 'her ' death
The post mortem examination showed that
murder was not the only crime that hud
been committed. The news of the discovery
of the second body In the church had spiead
with lncredlblo velocity , and at b o'clock ,
when Durrant , In custody of the oltlcers ,
alighted from a feny boat at the loot ot
Market stteet. In this city , he was met
by ii dense crowd that was ominous be
cause of Its silence The police were pre
pared for an oiitbienk , however , and two
companies of armed mun vvtre ptc&uit.
Dun ant was placed In a closed can luge
Fin rounded by llfty men mined with Win
chester ! ) and dilvcn to the city piison
Dm rant then protested his Innocence , ni
liu did to the hour of his death , but the
evidence against him accumulated lapldly
and on April 21 an Infoimillion was tiled
against tilm by Dlstilct Attotney Uarne.s
charging him with the muider of Blanche
lj imonl.
The trlil , which began on July 22 and
listed until November 1 , was one of the
most celebrated In criminal jurisprudence.
Neatly 1'JOO talesmen were examined before
tv Jury was scoured and six weeks passed
before the taking of testimony was begun.
The evld"iipo throughout wasclicumst.intlil ,
but i lien laken together formed a chain so
itrong as to admit of no rea onnblo doubt.
The prosecution pioduccd uvltnesscs who
traced Dm rant's movements on April 3
from the time he left Cooper Medical college -
lego until ho enlercd Ihe church with Miss
Limont To all of this tes Imony the pris
oner entered a denial , and In rebuttal pro
duced the roll call of the college , which
showed that ho IWUH attending a lectuto at
the hour when Miss Lament iwas murdered.
The prosecution disputed the loiiawilty of
the roll call ami fallowed that students were
accustomed to have cli&smates answer for
them when they were not present. As the
case became more hopeless Durrani went
on the stand hlmsHt , and , although ho
maintained a remarkable composuio
throughout , his teHllmony on a number of
Impottant points was palpably false. The
case was submitted to Iho Jury on the
afternoon of November J , 1803 , after having
bren on trial over three months Tnenty
minutes after they left the court loom the
jurors returned and tendered n verdict ot
guilty In the first degree. The California
law glvos the jury posver to fix the punish
ment of the criminal , but as no lecom-
menditlon of mercy was made Judge
Murphy , n. ftiw days laler , s > cnlenced Dur
rant to bo h ingcd on February 21 , 1890.
Then began n light for delay , vigorously
maintained up to the moment of
execution , Durrant appealed from the
judgment of the supreme court , but bis
appeal was not perfocled for many months
A preliminary proceeding waj the Kettle-
mcnt of Iho bill of exceptions a very
lenglhy document.
The defendant's ntlorneya first prepired
their bill of exceptions , the district attorney
added amendments thereto , then followed
frequent meetings of opposing counsel to
determine ) their differences : the document
WHH lead by the court and given to the
printers , but It was Augusl 1 , lt > 96 , before
the bill of exceptions and Iho iranserlpt
reached Iho supreme court The case was
then placed on HIP September court cilen-
dar , and nt Los Angeles , In the following
October the defendant's attorneys not ap
pearing , the case was bubmltled on the
papers Illcd.
Durrani's nltorneys subseouenlly moved
to sel aside the submission , and they were
allowed to Die briefs , but wore permitted lo
n uko no oral argument Attorney General
riUgeruld Hied u brief In reply , Durrant'a
attoineys answering the attorney general In
.another brief , and the case nuia not rcall )
1 under submission un 11 January , 1S9T.
The supreme court nlllrmed the doclclon
of the superior coutt on March 3. 1S ! 7 , and
within ten days I. c , , on March 13 Dui-
innt'ti attorneys tiled a petition for a rn-
hcarlng , The application for a rehearing
was denied by Iho supreme court on April
2 , and the fol'oAlng ' day u romlltltur was
handed down to department three of the
nuperlor court , ordering that court to pass
final judgment. B
Superior JudgJPahrs of department three
fixed Saturday , April 10 , as the day for pubs.
Ins sen encp nnd on that day Durrant was
r -sentenced and ordered to bo hmijel at
San Quentln atnto prison/on Friday June
11. Un the afternoon MI April 10 Durrnnt
wai taken from the county Jail , where ho
had been confined ever since hewas held lo
answer lo the police-court , and laken lo
San Uucnlln
The attorneys for I uftiint were flllll not
willing lo give up , but took the case lo tNe
fedor.ll court The United Stiles circuit
court denied the write of habeas corpus
nskod for and the ca if "W/8 appealed to the
United Stales supreme court , which
handed dottn an - opinion affirming
thit of the laser court This appeal had the
cflocl , however of delaying the cxecullon
set for Juno 11 On hftBanding down of
this opinion Judge Bihrs promptly rcscn-
lenced Ihe condemned ithn.
An appeal from Ihls senlenco was taken
and Iho supreme courl granled n stay on
the ground thai undue hnslo hid been ox-
erclsed by the lower court. The supicme
court finally re-sentenced the accused to be
hung on January 7 , 1VR The ntiorncys
again turned Ihelr attention to the federal
court , asking a writ of habeas corpus , which
was denied , n * was nl o the rluht to ap
peal to the federal supreme court. Even
then the attorneys for thp uecu ed did not
give up , but applied to the United Slates
supreme court for a stiy of execution , which
was denied , and with this exhausted their
list legal rorourco. In the meantime con
stant pressure had been brought to bear
on Governor BiuM to mcure a rcmlsslui of
the death penalty and allow the con-
demneel man to servo out his natural life
In prison , but this , too , was In vain.
Durrani was never Irled for Iho murder
of MKs William' , bill Iho evidence of his
guilt was a. * conclusive as In the Lament
cuso. Miss Williams lived In Alamoda. and
on the afternoon she was murdered Dur
rant was seen to meet her at Iho fetry
and boird a westbound car. She came to
this city for the puiposo of attending an
entertainment to bo given by the cfturch In
the evening , and It Is supposed that when
Durrant met her ho maOe un appointment
bcforo going to the entertainment. At
any rate , Miss AVII11 ims nvent to Iho home
of n friend In this city , and at 7.D o'clcx-k
starlcd for the cntertilnmcnl. Half an hour
later she was seen standing In front ot
Emanuel Baptist church talking to Durrant.
She was never seen again alive At ! l 30
that night Durrant arrived atthe residence
of Mrs. Vosel , where the entertainment was
being given nvltb Hushed face and In a
highly nervous condlllon Ho asked lo bo
shown to a toilet room In order thai he
might wash his hands and later nskctl thir
Ihe person who dlreeled should say nothing
about the Incident When he was arrested
at Mount Diablo , Miss Wllllims' purho was
found In his overcoat pocket. Dun ml fald
he found Iho ipurso on the sidewalk while
going homo fiom the entertainment He
was poeti In 110 vlclnltv of the church at
12 oYlock that night , and It Is supposed that
ho nvent bark to the library whete he hid
strangled Miss Wlllinms , and , finding her
breathing feebly , cut her wrists and foicea
par of her clothing down her thro it The
theory of the prosecution has always been
that Durrint murdered MIrs Williams to
conco il fie muider of Mls-t Limont The
two young women wete nuilialntinccs , and
Duinnt suspected tint Miss Williams be
lieved ho knew something about the disap
pearance ot Blanc 10 Lamont.
\MCriJI. . Tili\TME\T OP A HOY.
AfTiilr CoMt llriu-st ICuliolilHU'h 11 Pine
nml .lull Sentence.
HUnON' , S D. , Jan. 7 ( Special ) Judge
Kemp fined Ernest Kutschbach $100 and FCII-
toncea him to the county jill for fifty dajs
far the inhuman treatment ol a boy whom
ho took from an Illinois Otphana' home bomo
months since. The chlld'n person was bluck
and blue from beatings inflicted by Kutsch
bach. Deep g-.uhes wcrd cut in the flesh ,
some of them nearly to the- bone , and from
these the child snftcrc'il gieatl > . The arrest
of the Inhuman keeper of'tho boy was pro
cured by neighbors , one of whom teak Iho
little fellow homo with him after the trial.
Insurance Commissioner J. II. Klpp was In
tlio city last evening. He said the repot t
lhat he Is keeping a man on the road exam
ining Insurance companies Is not true. Ho
does the work himself , jud examined but
flvo companies last jcar , at an cxpenso to the
companies of only a Ijttlo over $500 , and no
expense lo Iho stale. ,
ov oii AM'.iCOTMY. .
Unity Children at Present IVIIluiul
School Kai-nillcs.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D , Jan. 7. ( Special. )
Preliminary sleps looking lo Iho organlza-
Uon of Gregory county have Leen laken , and
a merry war Is In progcss between those who
favor the movement and those who oppose It
The present population of the county Is
said to be In the neighborhood of 2,000. and. It
Is asserted , there arc manv children of scnool
ago who arc denied educational facilities be
cause the county Is not organized , and It H ,
therefore , Impossible to organize school d'-j- '
trlcts. The county contains about 223 square
miles , and Is attached to Charles Mix county
for Judicial purposes. The state statutes
make It mandatory for the governor to organIze -
Izo a county upon petition of 1GO legal resi
dents of such county.
IMilille I.niitl I.CIIMCH.
PIEHUE , S D , Jan 7 ( Soeclal ) Tha
[ and commissioner's olllco has In the nast
been unable to lease but little land west of
tvio elver , and applications for the Icaso of
a solid lowmshlp In Tall Illver county , and a
number of sections in Harding count j , where
no leases have hoen made In past years , show
an Increased demand for lands In that portion
tion of the state The leases of lind will
bo made In Maich , this > car the work hi
the Black Hills sections froni the 10th to the
12th. and In the unorganized countlco west
of the tlver on the 15th Tno sales will bo
made In Hie week beginning the lilst , anJ
lands will lia offeied In the counties of Rob
erts , Grant , Deuel , Coellngtcn , Hamlln.
Biooklngb , Moody , Turner , Lincoln , HutchInson -
Inson , lion Hommc. McCool : , Mlnnchalia ,
Vankton , Union , Lake and Klngabury TUc
leases in these couitlcs will follow the saleo.
In .lull nt Slniiv I'nllM.
YANIUON. 3. D. Jan 7. ( Special. ) A
W. Brake of ClirlnJa , la , has been In this
city seeking Informallon as to his his soi ,
Chailca J. Drake. Young DraKe vvia anejtcd
In Sioux Cltj Iwo weeks ago , cl.irgeii with
robbing the United States p"stofnce at Jeffci-
son , S D. Last Mondaj ho was brought
heio Lj the sheriff of Union count j , taken
before United States CoramUsloicr E. T.
White , who bound him over to the United
Statco grand Jury In the sum of $1,000. Ho
was then taken to Sioux Falls , where ho now
lies In jail. The father M > s ho thinks the
boy's mind Is alfcetcd
Woman's CIiili.
DEADWOOD , S D. , Jan 7 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Black Hills federation of
Woman's clubs met this afternoon In Dead-
wood. A musical anil dinner were fcatuics.
Olllcers were clecled as-jf llojvs President ,
Mrs. T. B. Hammond , 'iHaihv oed ; vice presi
dent , .Mrs. A. B. Conuc g , Spoar/lsh / ; secre
tary. Mrs , Horace Clatk , Lead , correspond
ing secretary. Kato Kcpiper , Deaihvooil ; treas
urer , Mis Lewis , ndilll1 City. The next
meeting will bo hold ot _ Hapld City.
Saltation Arm > Ollli-ern.
DEADWOOD , S. D'Win. , . 7. ( Special. )
The Salvatlct ) army heUl yeclal services last
evening In this city , assisted by some of the
members of the Lead organization. The fol
lowing ofllcers were cpiinrifisloiied- . Itej-
nolds , sergeant major ; Mss ( Ilcrtha Pc-tcreun ,
junior sergeant major ; ) William Bronii , local
secu'tary. Cadet Young was promoted to the
position of lieutenant , , y
Coiitehlx IIU KnllH'r's Will.
CHICAGO , Jan. 7. Thtf will of the late
General Joseph T. Tprr.etice Is to bo con-
tested. The contestant 'U ' David Terrence ,
a young farmer of Logan county , Illinois ,
who assorts ho Is the son of General Terrence
renco by the lattci's first wife , whom ho
married In Ohio , and UH such Is entitled tea
a son's share of Iho cslate. David Torrence's
rcabona fet contesting the will arc peculiar.
Ho say that General Terrence at the tlmo
of bis death wu possessed of the Insane
delusion that David Tom-nee was not his
son , but his nephew , and for that reason left
til in only J2JO. The claimant also declares
General Terrence uas of unsound mind
when he made hln will General Terrence
died October 31 , ISM , leaving an estate
valued at about tCOOGOO , the bulk of which
lie houoathccd | to his then supposed only
child , Mrs Jessie Norton Terrence Magoun
of New York.
x ( uniMtuuK ( ielx u Verillct ,
NBW YOUK , Jan. 7 , A Jury In the
United Stales court yesterday awarded
Anthony Comstock a verdict of 6 cents In
Ida contest suit for TAOX ) brought against
Dr. M. It. Leveraon. Mr Comstock claimed
lhat his character hud been damaged lethe
the extent of his claim by an assertion
publicly made by Dr. .Leveraon ,
Factions in Ohio Must Wait Till the
Legislature Moots.
Ivt in C'nme from All
1'nrtM of I be State unit 1'roteit
Ac'tlnu. of ( lie
COLUMBUS , O , Jan , 7. This was ft quiet
day amonp the army of political workers
enlisted In the conlest. Senator
tlanna's managers were apparenlly more
cheerful loday , but the cause for It was not
apparent. They bavo adopted quite n dif
ferent policy In their canvass from thai fol
lowed at the beginning of the contcsl here.
It Is nol so easy to secure Inslilo Informa
llon , nnd Ihls policy Is generally approved
by the senator's suppoitcrs , Whatever Im
portant developments there may bo are not
kept under cover , nnd as a result the op
position lias been forced to partially change
Us plans ,
The efforts ot the steering conimlltco lo
whip the democratic members of the legis
lature Into line to vote for a republican for
senator have not 'been ' so successful as they
expected. As a result It Is staled mithorl-
lallvely lonlfihl that there will bo a caucus
of the democratic members next Monday
nlghl. The purpose of Ihe caucus Is to locate
the doubtful members and pledge those who
are willing to carry out the proposed fusion
so that enough members can bo kept In line
to Insure Iho maintenance of a deadlock ,
should one bo forced.
The most reliable Information tonight Is
that Mr. Kurt ? will bo proposed as the can
didate of the opposition , 'both for the long
and the short term 11 is believed by Ihe
democratic leaders now that iMr Kurtz will
bo more acceptable to the majoilty of the
democratic members of the legislature than
any other man
Senator llamia spent a comparatively quiet
da > at the Nell house. The activity of bib
supporters was unnliited , however Specu
lallon on the vote for the senator has not
changeil It Is generally believed now that
the vote on the first ballot will show Mi
Hatna'fl strength to Lo about the same 0.3
In the organization of Ihe IcslaYilure The
oppo. . ition will bo divided. Two of the Ham
ilton count > members are counted to vote
for a free silver republican It Is chimed
by the leaders of the opposlllon lhal all Iho
democrats will stand toselhor , but Ihls claim
is not borne out b > the information from
other sources It is claimed by sonic that nt
least twrnty democrats win reiu o to UUBHU
the caucus , but this U probably exaggerated
.More conservatlvelj Ihe number Is placed al
six to ten Indications tonighl weie that the
opposition is prepailng'for a long d.oidloclc
The calling of a mass convention of re
publicans In this city ine\t Monday by the
icpubllcan state executive committee to pro
test agilnst Ihe attempt to defeat Sc.iator
Hauiia somewhat disconcerted the members
of the opposition ahoy claimed Hint It was ,
merely a move on the part of the Haniu
people lo Intimidate the lepubllcan member , ,
who refused to vote for Mi. Hania. The
calling of the convention las roon Kcnerilly
cndorisad , however , bj the supporters of Mr.
Hurna In I1 parts of the state , according to
telegrams lhat have been iccelved at the-
Hanna hcatlquarlers.
It develops that the Kuitz people had de
cided to tuke advantage of the cffcrto of
certain republicans to ttirow cold water on
the ceremonies attending the Inauguration
of Governor Binhnell. The Kurtz people
thought the disapproval of Governor Uusn-
nell's attitude would keep the Hanna repub
licans away from the city , and thc > set nbout
to bring a big crowd of Governor Bubhnell s
frlcnel.3 here. It Is elated that for Uils purpose -
pose rollroid tickets were sent to ceiUM
lecalllles where Iho governor's friends were
thought to be numerous , for free distribution ,
for the purpose of bringing as many as possi
ble to Iho cltj.
The culling of Iho mass convcntlci will
now bring a laige crowdi cf Ilauiu biipport-
ors to Columbus.
Agents of the Kurtz people wcio tcxny
cndcavotlnj ; to pi ice pictures of the govciior
' i the windows ot business hoiibos c all the
principal streets They me- with considera
ble opposition and but a few pictures a-
Pr'eparallctis are being pushed for the In
auguration bj the local committee detrllo the
opposition. The IrauRiiral carade will he
made up chlelly of mllltn.y , as neailj all
of the nolltlcal : lnl)3 lhai had decided to i ar-
tlcirato * have rescinded tl'elr action. Some
weeks ago the Ninth battalion of colorel
ttoops tendered Its seivices as escort to Gov
ernor Biishnell end the goveincr accepted
the tender In recognition of the lojalty shown
by the people of the state In the eh-nlTi In
the face of the light made against him on
account of the Urbana lynching Today
Major Charles Flllmore , commanding Ihe
N'lnlli battalion , sent to the governor a let
ter declining to net as a personal escort.
I.OHCM Her roeUetliooU.
no = allo DeLcury of 115 South Twentieth
"treet loportcd last night that "ho had lost
her pocketbook yestcidiy afternoon under
clicumstanccs which led her to believe tint
she had been rob'icd. She stales tnat .in ap
parently drunken man had staggeied
against her In one of the MOM <
and not long nftciwaid she missed the pi" ' \
The contents weie JSU In money and u tui-
auol-o ring of about the suno v iluo Alif
DcLenry gave , n desetlptloil of the * aspi > i t l
man and the mattci Is being Investigated bj
the detectives ;
South Side Improv emeiit dull.
The So'ith Side Improvement club held a
short session lact nltht with 1'resich IK John
Powers In the chair. O.vlng to sessions bein. ?
held last night of sevcial other on ; mira
tions , to which mcmben of the ulub b.-
An utter collapse. >
The man who has nl- _
ways been n model _
business method nnd \
dignity who would as
soon think of pulling
1m feet on the piano nt
home ns on the desk nt his office finally
goes to piece * nil at once. Bankruptcy
with it 1m come an utlcr loss of ambition ,
ditfiiily , and heallh. Ill-lieallh is nl Ihe
bottom of il all. Bankruptcy slares in Ihe
face every business man who neglects Ms
henllh. A nnn cannot work on forever if
he is suffering from brain fig , nervous ex
haustion , nnd debility. All thcbt : can come
to the man who neglects to keep his di
Kestioii perfect , his bowels regular and
his bloocf pure.
Business men everywhere have come to
recognize Dr I'ierce-s Golden Medical Dis
covery as nn invaluable remedy. It m.ikcs
the digestion perfect , invigorates the liver ,
re-itores the appetite , regulates the bowels ,
purifies and builds up the blood , makes the
flesh and muscles firm , and tones up the
nerves. It is a business man's medicine.
Thtrt J. Torbert. Sr. , of Old bpritiKhlll , Mnr-
engo Co , Ala , writes"I want lo tell you the
good the 'Oolcleii Medical Discovery' has done
me. I had erjelpelas and eczema. Had fuf-
fercd for elghl years. I tried all remedies nnd
several doctou , but could Ret no relief , I lwu-lit |
a bottle of your' Roldcn Medical Dlicovcry' imd
tried it , I me4 , four I > ottlc3 nnd n half It com
pletely cured me , I have had no symptom.iof Its
return. It has been three years since my cure. "
Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser has had a larger , eale than any other
book of this class ever offered the public.
This hook of 1,008 pages with 300 illustra
tions , is full , from cover to cover , of practi
cal ndvico on health matters. Tills great
book , in heavy maiiilla covers , is now of
fered FUCK to whoever will send ai one-cent
Stamps to pay for mailing onlv. If nn tie.
gant French cloth binding is desired , send
10 cents extra : 31 cenU in all. World's DU-
pecary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
longed , but few were present , The commit-
lee hiving In charge Ihe lntwc H of the
new boulevard to bo bulll along Valley
Mreet from lllvervlew jnrk to Huns-Mm
park reported progress. Mr ritrpatrlck ,
representing the committee on Ihe zoo al
Illvervlew park , reported Iho new tornl
completed , the animals turned loo'e in It
and all doing finely On motion of John But
ler the secretary win ordered lo have S.Oft )
dodgers printed and dMtrlhuled In order to
raise the nttendince at the next meeting
night. H Stuht In rodueed a re < o ! Ulan lo
Ihe cffecl that fin club dl vprovcd any ex
trusion of Ihe wnlr work * franchise , and
the club then adjourned.
The present cnfMgcnient of "Secret Service"
at llojd'o will ccncludo with a tnatltioe atvl
ovcnlnR performance today. Tlu-ater-Rocrfl ,
of whatever grade , should not fall to avail
thcmachra of tlio opportunities to see a thor-
ougaly adniluihlo plaj udcquaiely presmleel ,
T4io Woodward conifany takes possession
of the CrclRhlcn thcaler next Sunday , open
ing I's ' long ensagrnuot with two perform-
uticcvs of "Lynwood. " Thc fipeclnltv people
for next week are Isibcllu Urntihart , the
Damui hrothors and M'Hso ' Mold.
13 H Sothcrn's ongigcniriit aL Bo > d's next
wi-ek will consist of three pcrforimmccs.
"Tho Adventures of the Ijidy1 Ursula" being
Riven Meriday u'ght ' , "Tho Uidy ot Ljnns" at
at matinee on Tuesday and "Lord O'lUinloj"
on Tuesday evening.
Charles R Bhtie > 's big extravafrinza farce
comedy , " - \ Boy WantoJ , " which appoint tit
llojil's the last half of next week , Is without
doubt -thp blggen't winner c\e-r produced by
tint succosstul author Among his siicec'-set
nwy Lo Mentioned "A IllioJ Olrl , " "Tho
Ulcctrlclc' . ] . " " A BaRpaKo Check , " "A lluu
on the Bank. " "A Hallroad Ticket. " "A Cht-
tel LMortgaKei" a llsl of which any uulhor
may feel proud ,
llojnl ( Inl.N liiNtnllnlliin.
OiU grove , No. 1. of the Kojnl O.iKs , held
in enteitalnment togethei > vlth a public ex
hibition of the ritual In Libor templex list
night The hall wis well tilled The mus
ical and lltenrv piogram was pieaclngly In-
teipreted bv a lugo number of peifonneis.
Don LOUR opened with i piano solo , fol
lowed by I'rank Brjnnt with a reel ! itlnn. A
clarinet solo by .1. Cull ill in completed the
Ilrst put The Install Ulm ceu-monlos weie
thru In order and weie conducted l > v Chin-
cellor Oul , v Its The olllorrs Installed were
Worthy consul , C ! . F Dinum. vice eon'til ,
N WhiMton. pist consul , Mis. L Stuirt ,
treasurer. Mis P U DivlQ. secret niv , P .1
Milestone : herild , O O. Leu , gu ird M'ss
Loni Oulwlts , sentinel , Miss Luev Slever-
llng. After an address bv llon I' M liut-
lett the second poitloii of the entertainment
was carried thiough with a cornet "olo bj
Prof Dinlels , reading b > Mis Davl" . pi mo
solo by Don Long , violin Milo by 1'iof Rlrr.
rocltntlon bv llattle Mltchill , 7it ler polo bv
I'icf. Muellei , cornet Hole by 1'iof. 1' Wal
ter" , lenllng b > Mrs HiiUnnn and a ror-
net duet by Mcs is Dinlels and Walters.
More CTS mi llniiKeoni I'm U l.liie.
The Om ilia Stiee.t It illvv iv compiiiy h 11
iec ntly Increased the servlee on fe H in-
scom park and Tiventy-foui th street line In
an cfToit lo relieve the pleasure complained
of bv patrons Tno new em hive been
added to the equipment , making i totil of
sixteen cirs Instead of fourteen , and a .iv-
Ing will be effected bv a faster lime "ohed-
ule The trip 'fion the north to thp south
end of the line will hereafter bo nude In
forty mlnulcs Instead of forty-throe The
last southbound ru will leive Punim
stieet at 12 o'clock and tlle list chance
toward the north will occ in at 1220.
"Mullen Clets il IjleeiiNC.
Rvldence. was heud ve teidiy mcrnlns In
the case of Michael Mullen , ippllcint for
liquor license it 301 North Sixteenth Btieet ,
and , il o I'd I and 1"1S PivenpoU street The
tcstlmonv t iken w is slmllat to that In ihc
ca e of Nc'lle Oulll whoso locitlon Is neross
the street , and a HKo decision was lendeted.
Tlie a | > pllcatlon for C01 Noi th SKteenth
street wa granted aid the Hi cnse ord rwj
Issued. continuance of the lesoit at
nil nnd 13IS Divenpoit Hticet , v\hlrh In
cludes the preoe it beer giiden. w is not
thought to be to the hiu Inteiest of the city
and the license wis denied.
' 1'iMliiK to < ie < I.eeiler Oul.
The attorney for 111 Leedcr , the
who vvnp sent to Jill bv .Tudore Scott for con
tempt of court bccau e he failed to pav the
allmosv grinted hI- > wife b > the district
court , list night sought to HI cum ts.P K'PISO
of Lcpdi r by prese'iiting a supeTsedoas bond
to Jailer Shand of the counlv jill The lit
ter refused to ne'cept the bond unltss It v\ns
ipprovcd by the elerK of the Mipnme court
an 1 Lee > der consequent ! " rrm lined In Jill
over night. The bond wl'l be ent to Lin
coln for annroval this moinlng. The amount
of the bond Is } 2- .
The condition of Louis Kash , : , on of irt-
ward Nash , VMIS lepoited to bf i re.itlv Im-
provud. Ho } } a been critically 111 for the
ant week , but his htiength now appetis to
iav ' oveicotno Iho disease with which lie '
iai been allllctod peritonitis. I j I
inrlli"iiiiilw < ' Shock In \ evorlc. . I
MALONU N. Y. . Jan. " . Quito a severe
earthquake shock w is felt here at 1 20 p.
m. ted ly. Buildings trembled to tint the
occupants were startled for the momeat.
HHMi'P TU1lllill < > vanish In ) mlnntns
tinder the nnglcnl wand of Di Agniw's
Cuio foi the Heart. A heart spec Ilk and no
ease to ncuti to be dispelled and absolute
ge.od hi alth icHtor < d. ) . Jtoadliouse , of
Wll'lseioft ' , O , wiltos 'Cold hweats would
slind out on me lll.c beadx , so Intensf wtio
I he attacks of hi irt disease Dr's
? uie foi the Ilcnit cuied me , and today
[ mow nothing of th ° toitur q ot IhlJ
Irouble " . ' 3 Kuhn & Co jr.ih and Doug
las , Shu man & ilcl'onnell Drug Co. , 101 !
iiKiR \\or.n. .
\Vlir 1'eople Drift A to UK I iitll II Of-
< i-n l Tixi I , ate , JCxplalueil II ) n
.Solon of M-lrnoc.
"I met n Rcntlcmnn on the street toilay
whom I have not seen for some tlmo , but
the moment my eyes rested upon him , I could
sco Hint he was doomed "
1U was a member ot the faculty of n Nowr
York Medical College who made this state
' I saw , " ho cot'tlnueil , "that peculiar color
of the counlenanco , that lack ot expression
In the e > ei and pmllness umler the 1UU wlilcli
Indicate the presence of Iho mint horrlblo
of nil known discuses. The corners of the
man's mouth wore drawn down
and the lines of the fnee were distinctly
marked. 1 foil like wainlnj ; him , hut 1 \\.ia
nut cm sulllclcntly Intimate terms to war
rant my lining It , so I mcrcl ) slnlod ho
was looltlng oa though hovoio not In the
bebl or condition
" 'Oh , I nm all right ! ' IIP oclilmed. "In
fact , I tlilnlc 1 am pijo > lng voij good hivillh.
It Is true1 , ' hp conllnueil ' 1 do not al-
wa > sln > p well , my npputllu Is minor Ili-Uln
nnd 1 feel tiiinccnunlnbl ) tired nt tlmra. hut
I II.IVP no pain whatpu'r , nnd 1 think 1 am
getting along alt light '
"I left him with .1 wimlng not to be tin
cortalu about his condlllon , hut I tpll jou
that unless that man takes prompt action
ot the right kin I , he' Is a c.iii'lldato for thn
grave , .uul that , too , within a limited
period "
"And jol IIP docs not - It1"
"Tho thing which makes llrlRht's dlspaso
ot the kidneys , which that man uml ubtc'dlv
has thp most dnngnrous of nil diseases Is
that It his n n sjmptoms ot Its own 1 nu > an
that piin Is seldom felt In the khlnejn tlunn-
sclvi's. and jit 1 ilollhcrntul ) si > ito us n
phjslcl'ii that nearl > ono-lulC of the ilPiths
In Anicrlpn nin rnnand h111 Iclit's < Hirii n
of Iho Kldnejo This mi ) sound like n rash
elntcmcnt , hut I am prep-icd to fnll > verify
It Hunilroils cf bin tat certlliiates ln\e Urn
made * out hj fimll } pliji.lclans for he irt
disease , 'npop'cxj ' , ' 'pjnl > a'3 , ' 'spinal com-
p'alnl , ' 'rliiuniitlsm , ' 'pupuironli' and other
common complaints , when In rcnlltj It wi-a
Hilglitii dl'i'isc of tin1 kldne'js'
"Kew ph > slc'3iis and fe\\ei prop o ical'O
the extcit of th 3 iVaeasj ot IU clingnoun
and Insidious naluic It stcils Into the u ,
tcin HKo a thief n vnlfeots Itself by the com
moncst uji'iploms and fatleii' Itielf upon tlia
constllutloa lefcre the victim is aware of its
presence It la ncarlj s l.eieclltaiy C3 con
sumption , ipilte as common ard fullj as
fatal intlre families , Inherltl i ; ; It from their
ancestors , have died and jet none o' f-o
number knew 01 realized the mjsterlous
power which wao ramoUtiK them"
"Not only thK but until recent jcars "O
icmeily v as known which could prevent or
cure tills meat fearful of dlsciben. and even
todaj , with rll HID advancement ot bcleneo
there Is but one KPO.MI dlsruverj hj waleh
It 0111 he pievcnted , controlled when It la
contiacted 01 finally cured That rcmcd ) Is
Warner's Sifo Cure , n-Ml it ini , to mj ccr-
ta'n ' know ledge , saved more people fiom un
timely de.iths , a.ul Is Kerplr- more people
lu perfect health todi > than any othur dh-
coveiy ever Known la the cntlie hlstor ) ot
the v orld It wiu concerning this remedy
tlint the late li nlo Lewis Slid
"While ni ) own life has been devoted to
the picvcnttcu of disease , and while yeirs
ape I give up the use o' med'cincs , I jrite- ;
fully recognize the pier'oiis value of W ir-
nert , TT'O Cure , and If I fo'ind m > self rho
victim ot 1 Uncy tiouble , I ahoul 1 Instantly
Uf,0 It "
When phyislclans of the Illicit standing
BO unlicbltatlngly cndono ci inolern dis ov-
01 > . which .vlll certainly cuio the mot ter-
i iblo ot diseases , docs It not stand t" reason
that thrno of tw i.ho icalbo that wo nio
slowly drlftlns Into a Btato of decline ; 1'iat
our kldncs , llvc-r or urinaiy orgina are not
what they should bc > , nhould avail ouiiu-lves
01 the benefit > of s > o gicat a Hilentldc Ols-
oovory , which aio pltccil so cahlly willua
our reach'
111 Ji ll !
Part XIV
Now Ready
For Distribution.
Hi-iiiL' 10 cents to Tlio Hue ollloc , oltlior
in Omaha or Council lilufls.
Mailed to any uddrosi on iccolpt of 10
e'oats In uoiu
It lias been many a year since skating1 has been sojoop-
ulni'iu It la thlvliitoi1. . Thld U u ) < 1 jtib * dm lo the faut that no htusli
ojoi'itinity ] ) Inn hcc'ii olluicd in tlu faliajic of a yocd place to skate Tills
year , however , the
on the Exposition Grounds
makes an ideal skating rink The boys and girls of this
city und South Omaha uro olloroJ u cluiuuo to obtain their
i N < - V
Tickets Free
t/x v % xO
To every person bringing in 30 cents for a two weeks
subscription to the Daily mid Sunday Hoe or the livening ami Sunday
Hccvo will yhe a ticket ntlmlttinj ; them
To the Exposition Grounds
To the Ice on the Lagoon
and to a Ride on the Toboggan
Bring orders to the Subscription Department.