CUBAN RELIEF COMMISSION Governor Holcomb Naracj Men Who Will Take Part. NEBRASKANS TO AID THE STARVING ) Ccnrnl ? ( Committee \ntncil lir Pronl- denl CtlcKlnlcy Ktill * < the Co- jUiiiTntlon of .Some Itniirc- Nciilndvc Citizen * . LINCOLN , Jan. 7. ( Spoca1.-0ovcrnoi ! ) Holcomb today appointed the following per cons as members of the Cuban relief com mlttcc : UPV. H , C. Ilowlanls , Qcncml I * . H Jlarry and M. IX Welch , Lincoln ; J. E. Utt W. N. Nason , Omaha. The appointment o the commlttco was prompted 'by ' the rccelp of the following telegram : NH\V YOltK , N. Y. , Jan. C.-Oovcrnoi Kilns A. Holcomb , Lincoln : Central Culm Jlcllef Commlttco appointed by I'resldcni AlcKlnlcy urg-es upon your excellency tin Immediate formation of .olllclcnt commit tecs for the collection of funds , food , cloth. I UK and medicine In your state for Cuba's starving people to bo transmitted free bj this committee to Consul General Lee. Ha vana , May wo depend upon your hearty co operation ? Wlro nnftwer. STUI'HISN 13. lUUTON , l Chairman. In reply to the telegram the governor ecnl this answer : LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 7.-Stcphcn E. Bar. ton. Chairman , Now York City : Ncbraskn will heartily co-opcrato In providing for the relief of the sulTi-rlnK Cubans. Hnvc Jusl appointed i > troii state rcllsf committee tc tnko up work , I feel , however , that I repre sent the unanimous sentiment of Ne'jraskn ji oplo In. expressing- opinion that wouli our national government extend to the struggling Cuban patriots the rccognltlor to which they ro entitled nnd which hu manity demands , those contributions for the Htarvlng would be unnecessary , SILAS A. 1IOLCOMH , Governor The printed copies of the house Journal of the last legislature wore completed today , being almost nlno months later than thi adjournment of the legislature. No Inch ! explanation ot the unprecedented delay haf been made. The stnto superintendent reports thai Fchoola employing n total of BS'J teacher : have made applications for wpaco In whlcli to mnko exhibits at the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition. Attention U called to the fact that applications for space , In order to be granted , must roach thectato BUperlntcndcnl on or before February 1. The state treasurer has made a call foi university fund warrants amounting to ? 8- 000 , to como In January 16. About fifty people from Lincoln will go tc Omaha tomorrow night to take In the .lack- sonlau banquet , among the number being several of the state olllccrs and deputies' It ! s worthy of remark that two or three local polltlcans , who now style IhcniiTclvon "silver republicans , " and who claim to be good republicans except on the money ques tion , or say they are "Abo Lincoln repub licans. " have received Invltatons to aitentl this banquet of the Jackoonlan club , and are looking forward to the festivities of the Ocea I'4 nian with vivid expectations , and are saying nothing now about "principles of the old ro- imbllran party to which we belonged before it ab'.tidonetl us. " Ono of the clerics cm- ployed In Governor Holcomb's olllcc. in com menting on this today , declared that there was IM party distinction among the fuslonlsts "Jackeonlan democrats. " now , they all being LINCOLN LOCAL NOTES. A comparison of the number of arrests rn-tdo during the years 180C aad 1S97 has been figured out by Captain Adams of the day po- llco force. In 189C 2.2U3 arrests were made , while In 1897 the total number of arrests made was 2,008. In 1890 the meals given to tlio prisoners totaled 5,801 , at a cost to the city of J725.12. In the year 1S87 4,373 meals were furnished at a coat of $530.12. What appeared to have been a foregone conclusion In regard to tlio Lincoln post- mastership seems to have developed into a desperate fight for the office. At ono time It was practically conceded to H. M. Bushnell , but now Captain Jotin H. McClay has entered the lists backed by the old soldier element. In fact , the entire opposition to Bushnell comes from the veterans. The damage to the store of Fulton & IIol- lowbush , caueeil by rats gnawing matches and starling a flro last night , Is now scaled down to about $300. Other damage to a small amount was ilccio to the stocks of E. II. Hal- lett and Bumstead & Tuttle. At 2:15 : this afternoon W. J. Bryan left for Chicago for tlio purpose of attending the jneotlng of the Jackson club , which he will address. From Chicago he will go to Min nesota to attend a conference ot free sll- jvcrltes. The art exhibition , which has been In prog , rcss during the last two weeks ot the unl- .vorslty , closed this evening. It was held under the auspices of the Haydcn Art club and has been quite successful. There was a Toccptlon In the gallery which was quite a ( brilliant social affair. Tomorrow the famous picture , "Breaking Homo Tlca , " will bo sent back to Philadelphia. Omaha people fit the hotels : At the Lln- deir C. 1C. Collins , F. A. Tldd. Frank L. Gregory , F. L. Crone. At the Lincoln M. II , Collins , G. W. Shields. A. G. Slgwart. SKOHIST ( HUMOUS I\ST.V 1,1 , OI'FICKIIS. New 'Aleii Placed In Control AVltli Ap propriate l'ereinoiile . HASTINGS , . Nob. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) The local ledge of the Loyal Mystlo Legion of lAmerlca , council No. 1 , had Instal lation of olllccrs last night In their hall. Besides Intsalllng olllcers a ilno program was rendered. Canon Hml- cllff of Denver delivered an address which nvas followed by an address from Rev. John Powers. At tlio close a banquet was enjoyed. The offlccrs Installed were : John W. Lum- Jiils , W. C. ; Mrs. B. I ) . Wllcox. W. V. C. ; II. S. Miller , W. P. ; M. D. Hoagland , W. T.j 'A. C. Heacox , W. S. Dr. F. G. Schaupel- iborgor was the installing olllcer. The Ancient Order of United Workmen nnd the Degree c Honor held their annual Installation of olh rs last night. The fol lowing olllccrs wcrt 'Installed ' by the Ancient Order of United W knicn : II. M. I'armen- tcr , M. W. ; George O. Turner , P. M.V. \ . ; O. .N. Staley , F. ; He.Vrt Wanzcr. O. ; John Snider , F. ; Robert Fatner \ , R.j II , M. Car penter , U. ; George Williams , 0. ; A. U. Van- Sickle , I. W. ; J. A. Itoso. O. W. The Degree of Honor Installed Mrs. Par- incntcr , C. of II , ; Mrs. VanPattcn , L. of II , ; airs. Yager , C , of C. ; Mrs. Salllo Watklns , . ; Mrs. Marquis , F. ; Mrs. Williams , U. ; Sirs. IJaker , I. W. : Mrs. Wanzer , 0. W. ; Miss Carrlo Ogg , U , The members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows ledge Installed the following olllcers In their hall last night : N. G. . Mr. .Whlteman ; V. G. . N. S. Rohrer ; S. , Jacob Heller ; T. , J. H. Flcmmlug. Installing ofllcor , C. II. Kemplc. NORTH IJKNI ) , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Deputy Joe Shlvoly of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Installed the following olll rcrs of North Ilond ledge hero last night ; N. 0. , S. T. Ilalllett ; V. 0. . J. C. Nowson ; S. , J. U. Foot ; T. , John Cheney. After the Initiatory degree had bce-n conferred on a candidate the ledge adjourned to the ban quet room where refreshments were served , llrother J. n. Foot , who has been the clll dent secretary for a number of years , was presented with a line silver set. v\ - v Clly Clrrlr. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) At the meeting of the city council last jilght C. H. Menclc , now county clerk , ro- slcncd. and Mayor Thotniaon appointed In his place i-M Hooper. Wtillo Mr , Menck was a democrat and Mayor Thompson Is a demo crat , though elected to the mayoralty on a nonparIcaci ! ticket , Mr , Hooper Is a repub lican. No appointment made for years has given such satisfaction , A resolution was X unanimously adecited extended the bait wishes rV of the council to Mr. .Menck , and thanking Jilin for his ctllcltut atid courteous services rVI oa city clerk. , I : Poultry Sliutviit Suiit-rlnr , SUPBIUOIl , Nub. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) The Ecccnd annual show of the Republican Valley Poultry association , held hero during the past tltrco days , has attracted gonrral at tention , not only In thin valley , but from oil parts of Nebraska and KauaiB. Hundreds of Visitor * are Ui attendance dally , and many Ire the favorable couinicuti. Among the ex hibitor * nrc ; August Scarcre , ( J O , Cattle O H Sem-le of EdRftr , Galley and Herbert V. E. Shirley , Will Ilia kwood. C M. Barker L. R. Deshogo of Nelson , F. A. Dlcke-reoo o OuMc Rock , the Jansen purscry ot J nscn H , E , Dowman of Lawrence , L. A. Glcbo o Mount Clare , J , F , Rock of Mankalo , K n. Albert Smith of Rubens , Kan. , M. Hastrlte of Gregory , Kan , , J. C. Iay and Goorg Jackson of Cadams , W. H. Peacock , E. P Stubbg , C. R. Parsons , Mrs. B. B , Young Mrs , W. S. Hllyard , E. D. Ogdcn and Wll Ham Crane of superior. M\VS < ; in.\\in AT HASTINGS Item * of Intercut frnm ( lie IlnMlIni \rlirnnkn City. HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Speclal.- Thomas Mullady , receiver for the RoUtctn band , tio.3 entered suit against W. S. 'Mehuley ' ct al to pe-curo poMesslcn of deeds to th following lands : Southwest 32-C-12 , lots 1 2 and 3 , block ID ; lot 2 , block C , and block 19 , In the town of Holstcln. He has also brought suit against N. Gcntevstund Christian Hargcbroad to compel a deed to be given to him for southwest quarter , 16-C-ll. Mrs. Mabel R. Durtcn has filed suit In the district court for a divorce from her bus band , Olllo D.'Burton on tbo grounds on noti support. At the annual meeting of the Young 'Men' Christian association the following officers were elected to fill odlco for three years : G H. Kdgcrtcu , J. C. Hedge , * , Charles Dlnsmorc J. C. Ferguson , 0. II. 'Uurr. ' At the meeting of the board of directors George F. Work wa elected president ; Dr. .A. R. Von Sickle , vice president ; Charles Dlnsmore , secretary ; G II , Edgcrton , treasurer. It has been decided by 'tho ' members om offlccrs of the Baptist church of this city to erect a new church edifice. All arrange mcnts have been made. The new building I to bo locatedco - the northeast corner of the block on which their present church stands When completed It will have a seating c\i paclty of ubout l.COO and will bo planned ac cording to the latest methods of church work It will have a basement under the entire building , which will bo fitted up to do Inatl tutlonal work , TJio building will be of brick and when completed will bo one of the fines churches in the state. OAl'TUIU-J A POSTOFFICH ] ltUlfiI..Mt HuniioxiMl to lie the .11 n nVlio Vlxltci Mxi-tcr nml AriipiilHx- . CURTIS , Nob. , Jan. 7. ( Special Telegram. ( Shortly after the robbery of tlio postolilce at Arapahoe a description of tho'burglars was given the public. A few days since a couple of tramps appeared In Curtis. One was Im mediately arrested by order of J. L. White and the other escaped. Mr. White Im mediately wired Postofflco Inspector Dice a St. Louis , who ordered the fellow to bo heli at all hazards until the proper officials couli eomo after him , as he was also wanted for robbing the postolilce at ( Exeter , Neb. , It December. The olllcers arrived yesterday ani the light lingered gentleman was examinee and u combination tool called a klugcy was found Inside his shirt. He was taken to Grand Inland by the officer , there to answer before the United States commissioner for his offense. A reward of $200 had been offered lot his capture. IH'Vs In the County .lull. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. . Jan. 7. ( Spaclal. ) Kugeno Guernsey 13 serving out a five days' sentence In the county jail. Imposed upon film by Justice Mansfield of Homer for com mitting an assault upon L. Rorabaugh , pro prietor of the hotel at Homer. Guernsey also had an encounter with George Myers , whlcli resulted In Myers being taken before Justice Mansfield , who fined him $1.00 and costs , which ho paid. Vt-rdl t of Coroiior'M .Tnry. ELKHORN. Jan. 7. ( Special Telegram. ) The jury , empaneled Coroner Swanson , after viewing the body found by Chris Rolss and listening to the evidence of several wit nesses , found that the deceased came to his death by his own hands. There are no new developments In the case. The body was taken to Omaha by Coroner Swanson for Identification. Dr. Gnlhrnlth Hurt. 'ELKHORN ' , .Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Late last night whifo chrouto overland from Omaha to Elkhorn Dr. W. J. Galbralth of Omaha was thrown out of a buggy and badly shaken up. Barring a few bruises he was not Injured. The accident was caused by ono of the horses attached to his conveyance slipping whllo crossing a bridge. \ < > w Oillorn .Stop In. ST. PAUL , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Today the old Howard county officers vacated their scots , and the new ones took their places. County Treasurer Peter Ebbersen paid to his successor , Chris Apple , in cash , mostly gold coin , the amount sfonwn by the books to be In his hand * , $30,404.23. Vi'liiN. CRETE , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) In the voting contest , gotten up by the Crete VI- dette , for selection of the most popular young woman as maid of honor to Queen Polaris at the Omaha Ice Carnival , Miss Mabel McCargar won by 220 votes over all competitors. Firm TEKAMAH , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) The firm of Mitten , Nesbit & Mitten , general merchants of this city , have dissolved part nership , J. F. Nesbit retiring. Hon. J. F. Nesbit , the retired member , was a member of the last legislature from this county. A lluil Conjfh CurtMi. "Mrs. Sally Pennlngton , an old lady wha lives near here , was troubled with a bad cough for a long tlmo. She was so bad that sbo could not Ho down or sleep of tilghts. After using one small bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy she could rest of tilghts , and by the time she dad used 'three ' bottles her cough had dleippeared. " E. K , Smlthson , Arne , Turin. llnnlc Mny Cft KM .MomIlnplc. . CHICAGO , Jan. " . The report of Receiver John C. McKeon of the Calumet Electric railway , ono of the principal as set of the. iU\fnnt't National Hank of Illinois , was filed in the federal court today. Tlio report shows avcrago monthly earnings of $18,000 , nn Increase - crease of 20 per cent over the earnings of the rood for the corresponding months of the previous year. Mr. 'MeKeon regards the property IIH a valuable asset of the Na tional Itank of Illinois and thlnVts tbo traf llc tlKuren Indicate * that tlio road can be cold In u year or two for BUlllclent to cover the $ -,573,000 advanced to It by the bank , ( iriiNVPiior XoAfrnlil < of OiTryinniiilc-P. COLUMHUS , O. , Jan. ' T.-Congressman Grosvenor returned from Washington tn- day and Immediately denied the published story that he had gone to Washington to see Judge Day or anybody else with refer ence to becoming a candidate for senator in place ofMr. . lliinnu. With reference to the proposed gerry mander of Ohio congressional dlstrlctH to throw Grosvenar Into a heavy democratic district , ho said lie could win by over 1 , W If his district Is changed an proposed , A Cough , Cold or Sere Throat should not bo neglected. Brown's Bronchial Troches are a simple remedy , nud give prompt relief. 25 centa a box. NTACENTATTllECROCN Object is to Facilitate the Handling of Exhibitors' Business. RAILROADS AND EXPOSITION FREIGHT ICnlm of Hie Norllnvelorti Propose * to dunlin 1'rclitlit Men lite " imlbllllr of Unltlnw mi Thin Point. There will bo a meeting of the freight representatives of all the lines en erlnp Omaha on Monday morning next to cdhsldet the advisability of establishing joint ngencj ( or all the railroads at the exposition ground : to look otter the handling of oxhlbta and other freight between the various frelgul depots and the grounds of the exposition. The different lines will handle the exhibits com ing by their lines to their own terminals ant ! within the grounds the freight-will bo han dle J by the exposition management under the direction of Manager Babcock of the Depart ment of Transportation. The proposition to establish a Joint agency for all the lines to handle the freight between the different terminals and the exposition grounds was broached by General Agent John A. Kuhn of the Northwestern' In a letter to the other railroads. Conversation with the freight men ot other lines developed general commendation of the scheme and there la nc doubt but that Monday's conference will re sult In an agreement for the object desired , Mr. Kuhn's Belt-explanatory letter Is as fol lows : I Imvo been called upon by our company to prepare a circular ot Instructions to gov ern on exhibits for the Transmlsslsslppl nml International Exposition , particularly less than carload shipments. I Imve called on Manager Habcock and am mlvlsocl by him that he has prepared i schedule of rates to govern on articles of exhibit after reaching the exposition grounds , but thure Is no provision made for transferring' the goods between the depots of the several lines and the exposition grounds. Furthermore , It Is suggested that It would be necessary to appoint a joint agency to tnku charge of trnlllo after ar rival nt the grounds , similar to the ar rangement made at Chicago during the World's Columbian exposition , and with a view of obt.ilnlng uniform action on the subject I would nslj 1C It would bo conven ient to attend a mcuting to discuss the above subject , to bo held In Manager IJab- cock's olllce In the exposition headquarters on Monday , January 10 , at 10 o'clock a. in. It Is also suggested that thu local agents of the different lines be Invited to attend the conference. MUST II.VVU S.VKI3TV APPMAXCKS. Union I'nvlfle .Joins In tliu Move to Obey the The Union ( Pacific has followed the lead of the Fremont , Elkhorn & CMUsouri Valley and the Chicago , St. Paul , iMlrneapolls & Omaha railroads In the Issuance of a circular to the effect that no cars will bo received from other lines for trafllc within the state of Nebraska unless they are properly equipped with airbrakes and automatic couplers , the safety appliances required on all cars after January 1 , 1S9S , 'by the State 'Board ' of Trans portation. As In the case of the other two lines cars not equipped with safety appliances may be received for Interstate tralllc. This means : hat the railroads will 'reserve ' all their cars : hat are equipped with the safety appliances 'or tralllc wholly within the state of Nc- jraska , while the ears not so equipped will JE used In Interstate trafllc. This course , which will probably .be pursued by all rail roads In the state , Is adopted because of the iresenco of a law on the statute books of Nebraska forbidding the use of any car or ocomotive not equipped with safety appli ances In trafllc within the state after January 1 , 1898. The national law to the same- effect was to have become operative on the same late , but through the Intervention of the railroads was postponed by the Interstate Commerce commission for two years. KAIMIOAIJS GKTTIXO TOO ETHER. Or Kan I.I I ill ? to Combat Slnte 'HnlMvay C'OIIIIlllNNloilM. ST. PAUL , Jan. 7. The operations of state railway commissions In several states In the northwest were today the subject of a general - oral conference among prominent railway officials. The meeting- was held In the olllce of Judge Thomas Wilson , chief counsel of the ) maha road. There were representatives of ho legal departments , the executive heads and the trafllc managers of the Northern 'aclflc , the Northwestern , Great 'Northern ' , ho Omaha , the Milwaukee and other Toads , . Aside from attorneys and traffic managefs otj the Northern Pacific , the Great Northern a'nd the Omaha roads In this city , there were ircscot Marvin Hughltt , president of the Chicago & Northwestern : Iloswell Ollller , iresldent of the Milwaukee ; Charles F. Manderson , general solicitor of the 13. & 'M. ; G. II. Peck , general couascl of the Milwaukee ; W. N. I ) . Winnie , general auditor of the ( Milwaukee ; II. > R. 'McCullough , bird vice president of the Northwestern ; M. C. Dlrd , traffic manager of the ( Milwaukee ; ' . H. Duggan of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy ; A. J. Earllng , second vice president of the Milwaukee , and several others. The object of the conference Is to con- Ider pending and threatened litigation against the railways by the various state allroad commissions and unity of action s desired by the railroad officials. YM.IAXCE KLKCTS lITS OFPICGUS. tCHOliitloiiN Cull for n Reduction In Frrleht IlntcH. ST. PAUL. , Minn. , Jan. 7. The Farmers' alliance today elected all' ' of the old officers vho were present. These Included : Pres- dent , J. C. Long ; secretary , J. C. Hanlcy ; ecturcr , II. V. I'ooro ; treasurer , A. H. Swalno of Northflold. H. H. Rahtlly of . .ako City was elected national delegate. Secretary Hanley submitted his annual re port , In which bo placed the number of alli ances In the state at 1,492 , with an aggregate - gate membership of 49,000. The report of the committee on resolutions , gnatlus Donnelly , chairman , denounced the dealing In options , called for a committed of fifteen to present the demands of tbo alli ance with regard to a reduction of 20 per cent In freight rates ; a passenger rate of 2 cents per mlle to protect the holders of nllcago books , and the establishment of cales at every railroad ( station In the state. A reduction In the legal rate of Interest rom 10 to G per cent In this elate Is do- uandcd. AVlNf-oiixlu LVntrnl CJoitNlp , MILWAUKEE , Jan. 7. The latest gossip oncernlng the reorganization of the Wlscon- In Central properties Is to the effect that fight Is on between the factions as to which : iall get control of the Central's lines. A romlnent railroad man stated today that the lew deal Is'entirely In the Interest of one action of men Interested In the properties s bondholders and stockholders. He eaya There's diiUKcr III wet f Ht ? and every body known the boys will Imvo wet feet If you'll only give them n chnnee but there's no use Riving them u chance when you can got such popular wet weather school ahocs as Drex L. Shoo- man offers at $1.50 a Khoo that's niado for the real live boys a whoc that won't wear out until \QI\K \ \ after you've your money's worth a good , substantially matlo shoe Thousands of Omaha boys are wearing tlit'so $ < ) school shoes Don't think because they're only $1.50 that they're n cheap shoo AVe do uot claim n prollt on them If wo did wo would Imvo to ask ยง 2.00 even then you'd be gutting your money's worth. Drexel Shoe Co. , 1410 PAKNAAI STREET the fight will last six months , and at I la end the rql < win again bo on a count ! bails as a united system , ' * ' It Is nlso stated that IrrtfirJ minds of gome of these who hjive becrfrffffiltly watching the trend ot affairs , ths'Brtinjjatlpn of the new Wisconsin Central Raflwaj ? iomnany was by no means so much of a surprise tcTEdwin 11. Abbott as wits at first hinted. U U tx- lleved Mj , Abtott undcrsthnds fully whit their object Is aad It hq Is not 'directly back of It he at least knotv ou : who Is and It satisfied. South Omaha News tMrs , Edith Baycs , who Unemployed at the Western Union telcgranh , , , , < j/nce / at the Ex change building , was robbed of her purse containing about $22 while on her way home from -work Thursday night. She says tha when passing the corner of Twenty-second and K streets a. man jumped out of th shadows and snatched her pocket book , which she was carrying In her hand , and ran away Mrs , 'Baycs says that she 'was so frlghtcnei that she did not pay any attention to th looks or clothes of the thief. The robber } WAS not reported to the police \intll ycstcr < 3ay afternoon and owing to the lack of at accurate description the robber has not bcci apprehended. "Work ' .Via on ir tlir i c l > % Those Interested In the dispensing o charity this winter assert that the calls fo aid come almost entirely from Americans Next come the Irish , the Germans third ffnt Bohemians fourth. So far this winter not a single Polandcr has applied to the authorl ties for aid. A majority of those In destitute circumstances are comparative strangers It the city , having como here with the expecta tlon of finding work. In four out ot five cases the applicants are not voters. Tester day three members of one family called a the mayor's office and askel for provisions and fuel. The visits of thcso members were made at different times and the Intention was , presumably , to obtain quite a suppl > of groceries. The mayor investigated the re quests before writing any orders and sue cccded In materially reducing the amount o provisions asked for. There Is a sad case o sickness nnd destitution at the Keystone hotel. A short time ago an old man namei Orson Lewis came hero from 'Missouri. ' He Is suffering with dlabetls and while he hat no money he thought that the doctors ui hero 'might bo able to do something for him The mayor has furnished him medicine an < food and -will make an effort to get the eli man Into the county hospital. It Is merely a question of a short time before Lewis wll die. KrowiTM1 Co n von tlon. The executive committee" of the Natlcna Stockgrowcrs' convention , which will bo licit In Denver January 25 , 2C and 27 , desires that the secretary of every live stock exchange brcedera' association , etc. , sending delegates to the ccnventlon sena tbo names of the dele gates as soon as possible. About COO dele gates have alreu < ly been appointed. The Texas and Wyoming delegations will travel In spe cial trains. It la estimated that fully 0,000 persons Interes'.ed In the live stock business will alter. } . W. N. Babcock , formerly gen eral manager cf 'the ' Union Stock Yards com pany , has been appointed by Governor Hol comb to represent 'Nebraska ' at this conven- tlcn , mid the local live stock exchange Is en titled to twenty dclegalcs. 'Secretary Lott of the Llvo Stock exchange bero already .has quite a. list of commission men nnd others \vho desire to attend this convention and It la predicted that the South Omaha live stock Interests will be well represented. Wiiyar Will Xot ln > rfic. . la cciiiwction with the resolution passed by the council at the last' ' meeting of tint body requesting the mayor < o Instruct the chief of police to abate certain alleged violations of law ut the Imperial IMiyslc hall , the mayor said yesterday afternoon that bo had not com piled with the request anfl did not propose to. Continuing , the muycr.'sald that lie was satisfied that the music hall as now con ducted was no worse than slmllar resorts In Omal'i and ho did noUseo 'any need of police interference. } , tbat the complaints against the report were made by certain sa loon keepers on N street , who iclt sere be cause they were loping trade , especially at night. As for minors being allowed la the place , the mayor sa'ld ho had been In there several 'times end had not noticed any ; in fact , ho could find no fault with the manner in wilch the hall Is now run. City onieeH Shy on llcul. The city officials continue to complain about the lack of heat at the city offices. It is claimed that the owners ct the building buy a poor quality of coal and thco restrict the janitor to a certain amount. During extremely cold weather the prisoners in the jail can hardly keep from freezing and are compelled1 to keep moving all night in orflerto prevent being chilled 'through. ' In the ofllco depart ments too supply of heat Is very Irregular , on warm fiuyo there being 'too ' much and In cold weather not enough. The attention of Redlok 'Brothers has been called to this mat ter a number of times , but nothing has come of tbo complaints. It la thought that the beat way to bring the owners of tfco property to time will be to refuse to pay the rent until orders have been given the Janitor > lo ueo enough ccal to hoit the building comfortably. 'City ' 'fioMHlii. . A flno fox iterrler belonging to Mayor Ensor was stolen yesterday. Mrs. H. E. Tagg will entertain the Home Circle High Five club this evening. The Presbyterian church choir will meet at 7:45 : o'clock this evening for practice. Mrs. Ilobb , Twenty-second and J streets , la recovering from her rcccn.1 severe Illness. The hospital association reports a largo number of useful donations made last month. Mrs. II. J. Kendall , Twenty-fifth and J streets , lias about recovered from her recent lllnesl. Fret ! Mack of Stanton accompanied , a con signment of live stock 'to ' this market yes terday. Louis Thornton has been arrested on a ehargu of assault and battery preferred by his wife. The old officers have been re-elected by the stockholders of the J-IC Street Scwcr company. J. M. Tyrcll , a well known .business man of Wood Hlver , was a visitor in the city yesterday. Communion services -will bo held at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. ' Mrs. Edward Baker of Ashland , formerly Miss Nora Cox of this city. Is hero spending a few days with friends. George Boyer , an old resident of this city , has accepted a posMlon with a Sioux City live stock commission , firm , Joe McKernan Is locked up at the city Jail on suspicion cf having stolen uomo Jewelry from a Third ward residence , ' Tbo Judges of the .dlslr.lct count have ap pointed William Mabcry a member of the South Omaha Park cc/m'mlsalon / , The 'cello recttal at th'o First Presbyterian church last night was wfcll attended and was an enjoyalblo affair. { Tfli ) playing of Karl Smith , the bor 'cellist , nn l Harry Brlggs the young pianist , were features of the en tcrjtalupeof. . iA. B. qable , one of Hartlngton's rcpriv Tentative citlicns , Avas hero , yesterday look Ing | ter his property Interests. Mrs. H. H. Ames , Twenty-third nnd atPcew , has re-turned , from Iowa , where sh visited friends for a nhort time. A meeting of < he etockholdcrs of the Soutl Omaha. Printing company has been called b President Ocddcs for January 14. The Salvation Army will open headquar tera In thU city today. Barracks will b located on. Twenty-fifth street , south of > street. ' The afternoon meetings at the First Metho dist Episcopal church conducted by Ilev. Dr Williamson are well supported and exceed Ingly Interesting. Miss Kittle Wllklns , the "horso queen o Idaho , " Is In the city for n few days nltent Ing to business matter ? . Miss \Vllkln ranchou nro at Mountain Homo , Idaho. Mr. Wells of Maryvllle , Mo. , who boo bee In the city for 'tho last two weeks the Rues' of his cousins , Charles Wells and the Mlssc Wells , returned 'to ' his homo yesterday. Hon. Scott Urownlco of Gordon , Nel ) . , I the guest of Dr. and Mrs1. H , L. Wheelc Mr. Brownlco Is on his way to Osbornc Miss. , where ho will reside In the future. Secretary Lott ot the South Omaha Llv Stock exchange says that W. II. Thurber o Ong and other shippers may have the us of the exchange hall for the purpose of hold Ing a meeting to organize a ttato live stoc shippers' association. The King's Daughters of the Presbyterla church have elected thcBO olllcers : Mrs ' Harry M. Wells , leader ; .Mrs. U. I ) . Gibson vlco leader ; Mrs. J. M. . Is'oc , secretary ; Mrs Sherman , treasurer. This organization I ncaklng arrangements for the sale of a sll quilt and a social. PRISON DOORS YAWN ( Continued from First Page. ) so retained by the plalntlffl In error was In pursuance ! of nn agreement to such efTec between the parties , , \vo think the cvldenc warranted such a conclusion , and If so , I was sulllclcnt to sustain the verdict ren tiered. It follows from the conclusion herein reached that judgment must b alllrmed. DECISION IN WHITNEY'S CASE. Following Is the syllabus of the oplnloi In the case of Whitney : Whitney against State. Error from Hrtr Ian county. Alllrmed. Norvnl , J. The Information with sulTlflent particular Uy nvcrH that Harlan county. In this state was the owner of the money alleged to have been cmbezzludi by the defendant. 2. The order In.which testimony shall bo Introduced : rests largely In the discretion , o the trial court. 3. lOrror can not lit predicated on tbo ad mission of testimony where Hit ? fnctw sough to be established by It are subsequently ml milted during ! the trlaV upon the record b > the parties. 4. Krror In the proceedings of n. trial wll not bo presumed , but must afllrmatlvelj appear from an Inspection of the record. 5. Under section 121 ot the criminal code the fallurd and refusal of n county treas urer to promptly pay to his successor li olllce any of the publlo moneys In bis hands Is prlmai facie evidence of embezzlement. C. Secondary evidence of the contents ol an Instrument is admissible upon proof thai It once existed and was last seen In the pos session of the advcrstl party , where ho un- tUr oath on the trial ban denied the exist ence of such Instrument. 7. Tin/ / act of thu state legislature provid ing for the deposit of state and county fumla In banks ( laws 1891 , chapter 1) ) did not re peal section 124 of the Criminal Codt- relat ing to thci embezzlement of pu'ullr moneys. S. The mere depositing- county funds In depository banks by a , county treasurer In stiict compliance with the requirements of section C , chapter v , laws isui , is not an embezzlement of such funds by ths treas. urer. 9. Instructions set out In the opinion de- llnlns : a rcasonabln doubt hold , correct. 10. A conviction will not bo reversed Tor the giving of an instruction , though errone ous , wheres the defendant was not preju diced tliereoy. 11. An incoming- county treasurer accept- ng a bank check In payment of public funds lue from his predecessor Is chargeable with the amount of such payment where ths check is surrendered by tlio incoming olllcer to the bank which Issued it , the amount deposited therein In open account under the depository law , other deposits of county funds are likewise mndo therein from time to time , checks ftpilnati the account drawn by the treasurer aggros-atlng n sum In ex cess of said first deposit are honored and Dald by the depository -Tjank and said acts have been ratified by the county. 12. It Is not error to refuse an Instruction where tlio substance thereof Is contained In some paragraph of the charge already given. 13. Evldenco licit ! sulllclcnt to authorize a conviction for the crime of embezzlement. 14. The fact that an accomplice turns state's evidence and testifies to such facts as are within his'knowledge , under and In pursuance of a promise of Immunity from punishment made by the prosecuting olllcor without thti consent or advice of the > court , docs not constitute a Icig-al defense to u proscutlon against such accomplice. Whitney was sentenced to serve a term of ; wo years and a half , while Mills was given Ivo years. 'Each will now have the usual orty days' suspension , while they perfect applications for a now bearing. In the meantime 'Mills ' has 'been confined In the penitentiary for safekeeping. I'ETTIT ( WILL PIj.VY ISf AMUIIIG.V. Content for "World's ClininiiloiiNlilp nt Court Trimlx. BOSTON , Jan. 7. Thomas Pcttlt , ex- chapion court tennis player of the world , gave out yesterday the following answer to he challenge Issued by Peter W. Latham , champion of England : "Peter W. Latham , champion of Kngland , on the eve of his departure from New York several weeks ago , Issued a challenge to me , through a third party , to play him a match in England for u stuku and the championship of the world. "I went to England In 18S3 , and by de- eating George Lambert won the title to ho championship of the world. In ISM 1 also went to England to defend the title against Charles Saunders , I won this match , mt soon after resigned the championship. , atham evidently considered that I stood n his way to a clear title to the champion ship , hence this challenge. "After having won two matches for the championship of the world In England , I consider It only fair that tiny ono challeng- ng me should play in America. Therefore , ! will piny Latham a match In any court n America for i,000 a side , the match to > e the boat of thirteen sots , played on three days , four setH each day , with a day's rust ictwcen. If the match should become six- all , the deciding set shall bo played on the ast day , " Dcclili- . Knvor of lIlfTcriMitlnl. COLUMBUS , O. , Jan , 7. The Ohio miners' convention today went on record In favor of n differential bstween Ohio and Pltts- jurff low coal llclds. They released mem- jers who nro preachers from dues , refused o adopt nn elyht hour resolution and de manded' ' an ndvanco on the present scale of prices , three-llfths of the price of pick mining to bo allowed for machine mining , I.Murr 11 mi ( M for .MiiNUiin Trade. SAN FUANCISCO , Jan. 7.-Cuptaln Wll- lam. Kldston , Pacific coast agent of the forth American Transportation and Trnd- nt ; company , has started for Now York , o buy several ocean and river steamers vhlch will bo put In the Alaskan trade , i ! It'u an easy matter for UH to sco what your teeth need { .hp bcst part of our life lias boon spent In tlio care of tlio teeth wo know jusb whsiJ tado and wlion to do it oftentimes a llttlo tilling will preserve your natural teeth the balance of your HvoT-'lI"l ' our linings tire the best to bo hail small tfoltl tlll- Ings are 82.00 silver and jrcM alloy fill ings $4.00 then \vo can build up broken teeth with beautiful contour gold 1111- hi's { that is really an improvement upon natural teeth wo have people from all over the west come here and our work is so satisfactory that they recommend us to their friends Painless extraction without gas 50c Lady attendant. DR. BAILEY , PAXTON BLOCK , KELLEY jmGER & co , OUR ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE STILL IN PROGRESS Extraordinary sales in our Linen Department on account of unusual low prices for first class goods up-to-date patterns , etc , Tomorrow we shall continue our great discount sale on winter goods 0 , 0 , ' 0 ' 0 Discount Discount Discount Discount On our entire stock of Ladies' and Children's Under wear Union Suits Separate Pieces , etc. , Ladies' and Children's Cashmere and Wool Hosiery our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Underwear , 285" Odd lots in Underwear marked at about half regular prices , from which the sale discount of 20 per cent wiU be deducted. Discount on our entire Dress Goods stock , embracing all our Black and Colored Dress Goods. 3j Discount : Discount Discount Discount on all our Ladies' and Misses' Jackets , Long Gar ments , etc. Please note that all our fine tailor made Jack ets are included nothing reserved. Cor ; Farnam and Fifteenth. 1 > ( > MCI2 IIAVK A OIU-llUKll MVSTUHV. I , . 'A. IIuillow , n SlriiiiKer , Is ICIIlfil nt IIdle Itock. LITTLE HOCK , Ark. , Jan. 7. The police are Investigating one of the most mysterious murders that has como to light here la re cent yearj. Wednesday night a well-drcesed white man of middle age was found In an unconscious condition In an empty freight car In the Iron Mountain yards In North Little Rock. The man was taken to the hospital , where ho died without regaining consciousness. From papers in his posses sion It was learned that his name wao L. A. Hudlow. It now develops that Hudlow was some time lei the last few days a passenger on. an ron Mountain passenger train. A conduc tor's ticket marker was -found In his hat , > ut where he came from and where ho was going is not known. At the Inquest to day it was discovered that Hudlow'o Insldo vest pocket had been freshly torn open , In dicating that ho was murdered for his money. Where and by whom the crlmo was com- nltted Is a problem that the police are un able to solve. SECH13T.AUVV11.SOX AVII.L ATTI3XIJ. Mitloiinl Live Sloc-lc 'AMHOolntlonMectH ' Ki-jtt Wcclr. ST. PAUL , Jan. 7. The present Indications are that the meeting of the National Live Stock aesoc'ntlon , which begins in this city next Tuesday morning , will bring together an unusually largo number of prominent experts andi others Interested In "live stock. Word was received today that Secretary of \griculturo Wilson will bo present. A. M. Mien of the Standard Cattle company , Ames , Neb. ; J. E. Urethour of Hu.'ord , Ont.j F. J. Derry , the well known Chicago horse ex pert , and others will "be " present. Prof. T. L. of animal Industry jj-on of the dcpirtment f the University of Nebraska at Lincoln vlll speak , but has not yet seat In his oub- ect. KIlliMl ! > > llyimiiilti' R.vploKlon. CHICAGO , Jan. 7. Uy the accidental ex plosion of n dynamite cartridge in n. new sewer bolnii built nt Central Parki boule vard and Ilumboldt street today Thomas Hlley , a laborer , was Instnntlv killed and John NuHh. contractor , nnd Patrick Hed- llon and Mike Glenson , laborers , wore in jured. Illley'H head and left arm were blown completely off nnd were found seine distance from the body. IlKllllllN IMfllNIMl AVlHl .MoxllMIII I.IIUll. KL PASO , TPX. , Jan. " . The representa tives ot the Choctnw nnd Chlcknsuw na tions have arrived hero on their return from Inspecting the 3,000,000 ncreH of land lu Mexico , which they expect to buy , and which llo on the Itlo Grande , llfty miles be low this city. Morp-an Cole , ono of the repre sentatives from the Indian Territory , suld that the .members of hla committee were highly pleased with the Mexican land , FUIII30AST FOIl TODAY'S WIJATIIHIU Ocm-i-nlly Fnlr 41 ml Colder , triU ( Nor < Invent AVIiiiln. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Forecast ; For Nebraska and lown Generally fair ; colder west to northwest winds. For South Dakota Partly cloudy weather ; west to pouthwcst winds. For Missouri Partly cloudy weather ; colder ; northwesterly winds. For KUIIHUS Partly cloudy weather ; colder In southern portion ; varlablu winds. For Wyoming1 Threatening1 weather und. light snow ; variable winds. 1.noil I Itc't'urd , OFFICE OF TUB WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Jan. 7. Omaha record of rainfall and tcmpcraluro compared with the corre spending1 day of the last three years : IbOS. 1807. l&SC. 1895. Maximum temperature. . . . 4.'l 39 31 22 Minimum temperature . . . . XI lit 12 S Average temperature 33 : io 22 IS llalnfall 00 .00 T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation nt Omaha for tills day and slnco March 1 , 1S97 : Normal for the day 19 Kxccss for the day 19 Accumulated excess since March 1 400 Normal rainfall for the day 0.1 Inch , Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall Blnco .March 1. . . 19.SO Inches Dcllclcncy since March 1 10.02 Inches Excess corropp'g period ISiO 4.79 Inches Dellclency corresp'K period Ib93. . 11.11 Inches it's n sight to sco the way we're soil- up now pianos these times reductions hat you never dreamed of on such llanos as the Kimball now scale- * Kniibo Hallct & Davis Krnnisch & Boch Any on terms of $25 cash nml 83 to 810 lor month A few bargains in upritrht , ihghtly ascd pianos , such as the Hard- nan old scale Kimball , Fischer , Voso t Sons , at SOU.OO to 89S.OO on payments of Slo.OOcaah nnd $0.00 to $8.00 u month heso bargains won't bo here long. 1513 Douglas Doy bret mo in witl n Hpcslml tmno tor end do mctin nv do derektui-H an don oy necked mo out Hut wuz do wors puns f cbor see nn yor can bctchor life UB kids ( join ter tend strikly tor do tor- mkor bi/.noH from now on Nobody over its mad dat smokes do Stookor five ont eignr jid link how muny follors ud suvo money nn Hinoko tie Stoccker nstid of puyin ton cents cose doy tink o flvo center IB us Rood why follors ut Imvo smoked do Htoecker toll my iid dtit its as good an In oomo OUSCH ) otter dan do ten centers doy Imvo con Binokin for all do boa dealers Belle e Stocckoi * . 1404 DOUGLAS.