* * * * * A , 10 TiiJ < J SPECIAL NOTICES \ < lv ITIIHMI | for I limp column * \illl lie Uiltfii iinlll IU in. for die voiiliitt mill tiulll N p. in. for the in o in 1 11 ur mill Siiinlii ) cilltliiiiH. \0t t rll < i < > r , li > rc'iiiH-NtltiHT n nniii- licrril cht'Hi , mil lin % mimtrrii rtil- IriNM'd lo n numbered Idler In cure of 'I IIP lice. Aii mor no mlilrrsficil Mill Inilcllv < TCM | mi iiretenliillon o ( InI'licck onlj. 11 n lex , 1 l.in word Oral Insertion ! < u nnnl Ilicrciiflcr. .Nidhlimr liiUvt for li-tt ( linn ! J Be for ( he llr ( limrr- ( Ion ' 1'lu'xc n ill erllMOJnenlx iniiKt lie run cMiiir 'tilli ! > . WAM'IHI SITWATIO.NSt v ANTE ? ) TO REPRESENT KOMI : ooon in : Hi l , | * In u e In IId < FUJI llavvaln mil < \u tralla Kill edge references Address U 38 , lice A Sol-i * \STni > _ M\Li : CANVASSERS TO TAKI : ORDERS. NEW MNT of ttoik. no heavy Roods to rnrrs , tn ory or uunmlulon C. r. Adams Co , S21 bo. ttilii St II 3tl i ; \LIMMAN roii CIOARS , $12 : A MONTH AND rxpriwii , old firm , expTlcnce uineciwary. In- rtuciniMits lo customeis. C. C. Illihop & Co. , SI l.oiils H CARPENTER on P'APER HANOER TO no work for rent Hoom 5 , ITcnicr block , opposite j. ( j II M300 AtlENTS AND IIRANClt MANAOKU3. SALAR\ iind eomnilmilon Ilunler Tailoring & Shi" Co. Cincinnati. O. 11-M)93 ) April 2" AN OLlf nSTAIuJsilKD CHICAOO JOIIIHNCI lea. clisnr nn.l * plcc house wl'l ' nd.l . n few more tiiMclliiK raUHmn llml enjoy a good oftalj- tlFhpd Undo and tocoid Aililrcu , wl > UI parllcularn. P. O llox 013 , ChluiBo. R-MJbOJl CANTED AT ONCE. 2 I-I11ST CLASS UNION p'umlicrs : steady wotlomd KO-X ! pay lo _ Rood tneii. Tiif & Illock , IMS rarnnm " _ ! lJ TIM CASH AND LiiiiiiA7. : rtt7Mi feNs roii is mil. cxp"ilinccd orKinlor , up lo dale plan , opsy to work Henry C Akin Huprctue UiBCiu , ImpTliil Myi'tlc Lfglon. Onnha , Nb II o31l .i-Mr.N or HOOD ADnnr.ss , AH AII.- m n In tinPltJ. . f. > r a rollible nn l old < -lal > - ll lied hnuac. 2irt Otnnlii National Ilink It'ulld- ' ln _ [ ! Z ! _ _ \ \XTHD "XTi TxpiitnNrii : : : ) MAN rou Iliwrr 1'iiTdcn , one who fpeiiks German. APP'J to II ilnna , 1S13 Vlnton fit. IJ jol-i \ \ \vrnu riusT-cLAss SAM MAN i nit LIT. brlrntlPK ell . Rrcntei nnd piclnltle , f-ilnrj icoinmtii lin nqullable Hcllnlni ; Co. , I'ev eland , O. 11 MuiU ! > -SALIWMKN TO SIM L riGAHS TO DI.AI > - rrB. c pn > from JfO ti J200 per month Hilary nnrl exprn- ; exp 'rlenco unnccnwiry , per- nm nt po lllon. 'Ihe De Mora I'lcnr Co. , Siirlnslleld , O LZl iTAi.isMiN : WANTID : no SII.L nv SAMPLH nt vsholerale nnd tetnll ; BOO.IH . sell on Kluht , nlnrv nnd rommlrilon Addieps Centennial Mfg Co , 4"i ! ) Slh avenue , Nen York CJly I \ M" * > 7 6 VANTHD. nnST CTAR1 ? SALRSMI7N FOR wdl known line lubrlcatlnff olH. Kreatei nnd rpccl iltirs : inlary or comml * Ion Aildrc'i The htoddnnl Oil & CompounJi Co. , Clevelnnd , O II M5jS o * BA USM nN n A VINO nsTAiiLisuno OIL on machinery cuppls trad" can Ret well piilng Bide line Nn"iti Chemical Woiki. .13 Can il sireot , New York. II M355 \v VNTI : _ KIMii : HUM * . 100 CIIULS rou ALL KINDS orvomc , $3 TO 17 week Canadian Office , 1IJJ Douglai C-3C3 GIRL POR OENERAL HOUSEWORK , SMALL famllj. C23 N. 10th. C 511 5 \\AN-lED , SECOND OIRL , NONE HUT MOST competent neut apply ; 2 In famllj , Rood wapes. cell Thur da > or I'rldny afteinoon or cvenlUB IMC Chicago C 5235' IIIIM. roil OENERAL HOl'SiEWORK. MIIS U II aooilrlci , 1117 S 29th Ave. C 5J2-C" WANTED A OIRL TOR GENERAL IIOJ'SE work. 191S DoilKC. C-M5I' . C * GOOD OIHL rOH Gr.NHHAL 23I ( ! Divcnport. C MoCO S * OIHL ran OINIHAL : HOUSPAVOIIK MIIS , It W Hrcckenrldge , 1310 S 30lh avenue C-M-,61 7 WANTHD. OIHL TOR GENERAL IKUSI > work. 3)31 ) S. 15lh. C M536 7 * rou im\Tiinusis. J'IDL'LITV IIAIIQAINS NKAIILY ALL GONH. II. 8. 3"ith Ave , 7 rooms , porcelain hi'li , closet , hot water , gas , m intels , furnuce , Inim- dty , $3) . BIO S 27th St , S-room , lieiutlful new dwelling. Oik finish , porcclnln b-ith , hot water , ra , fnrn ice , laundry , $3"n 873 N. 27th Avi > . , 7 rooms , bath , closet , lint water , cistern , furmce temented cellir , 2fO ft fnintnge , nil rooms to be p.ilnled it papered , $10 , 2.11 N. ZSth Ave. . 8 rooms , cltN water. Inside J3D ) being spent fr lepilrs. Itent. $12. 717 S. 33rd St. , C room collage. clt > wilier , } 9. 20th & Curtis Ave. , 7 looms , line ripilr. well , rlHli-rn , bain , on < > ncre lot , $ ' ! 232 > > S. ath St. , 3-room cottage , city water : J"i We have olhers. 1'ldilit ) , Iht floor. N Y Life P-MKO JlOtJSHS. WALLACE , I1HOWN 11LOCK. 16TII and DoUBlaa. D 368 MOVING IIOITSEIIOLD GOODS AND PIANOS Om Van & Storage Co. . 1511'4 Karnam Tel 15M D-173 LIST. M'CAoun , ISTII AND DODOI : D-3C ! ) HOUSES , PLATS. GAHVIN HIIOS. , 1013 PAIl'JI D-370 11OUSES I'OR KENT. IIEMIS , PAXTON IlLlF D-371 IIOllbES. J. II. SUEHWOOD , 423 N. Y. LIPE nnrsEs IN ALL PAiiTs or THE CITY THE O r Davis Company , I'M Kntnam D 3CS HOUSES HENEWA A CO. , 10S N. 1STH ST. D-3CI ! HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORES ALL PARTS of cltj. Hrennan Ac I eve Co , 219 S. Hilh D-307 _ HOUSi ; CM PO 2STH ST. . TEN ROOMS. MOD- irn , 110.01 per ironth. llyron Reed Co D-371 _ NICE riVIMlOOM HOUSE. 1120 N. 17TH D 430 _ I'OR HENT-10-ROOM MODERN' HOUSE AND tinrn : newly pu , tiled nnd papered , nnJ plens- nnlly located. Btram heiitcd lint , bett In the city , In new Dnvllgo bultdhiKa ; opposlti- city hall. John \V , Robhlna , Agent , 1602 rarnam A LARGE rOHRTEEN-ROOM IIOUHi:7 : MOI- cms In friiml location for roomers nnd bnanleis : will IC.IFO for one > ear nt J40 per inonlh atid make what rcpulra are neceasinij to put the. lioimi in llrst-clam condition Will consider only tenant financially lefponslble Omaha Loan and Iriut Co , ICth nnd Douglnx St. ' D-D07 fl FOR HivrKURMSIIii : ) H001IS. 3 NICE ROOMS ; IIOUHUKEEPINa. 1112 S 11th. E-CW low CAPITOL AVI E-333-J-5 * NEWLY PURNISIIED PIIONT ROOM , PHI- vatu family. 1811 California E 50S C > LARGE SOUTH PRO NT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. Mixlt-rn. 2TD Hurney st , E M31S 11 JLARGH PARI/R. HAY WINDOW. OTHER I uuma 014 North 19th. E-3S-12 * rURNISHED ROOM. 1510 HOWARD E M561 ROOMS AM ) HOARD. 'i'JHJ M12RRIAM , PIRST CI-\ PAMILY HOP - tel , 23th and Dodge HID. P M707 HANDSOME PARLORrt EN SUITE NEWLY fiirnluVir , nl o fmullcr rooms , good board. The Ro c , 1020 Hatney. l'-co THE CAP1TOU 1722 CAPITOL AVE-DESIRA- bl voutli rooms , transients accommodated. P-331 0 NICE ROOMS. WITH HOARD , 1S21 RINNEV. near cxpoxlllon , 1' M4SJ 7 * rilONT PARIXJR. WITH HOARD. CIAS HATH. I'H'Clrla ln > ll good table , C o'clock cllnncra ; prlct ) rea Dliablo. CK N , ISth St , I' M4W i , ' IN PRIVATE PAMILY , WITH OR WITHOUT tioold. 1S19 DoilKf. P MM ! 6 LAROE SOUTH ItOOMt STKAM JII5AT Ixiiira : references. 203 N. ISth , P M5JJ d roil iti\rSToius AMI POIl RENT-The 4-STORY 11RICK HUILDINQ at 9.8 Kanmm SI. Till * btilldlnE has a fireproof lenient baxrinent ; water on all floors , ras , etc. Apply at Hie office of lliu ll . l-tlt rnit HUNT-iTOiiian AAII orritus. ( Continued Poll RENT IN THE IlKB III ILIUNO : One Inrge cnrner room , Id floor , with vault nnd private ottlce , wgter. He. Ono large front room , Jd floor divided Into two 'uom by partition , water , tto One inrgf corner room. Id floor , with vault , water , etc. Ono front room , dlvldnl by nnrtltlon , 3d flo < ir. one corner room , < vllh vault , M floor. One larto room , Id floor , with imitltlon dividing It Into one Inrge mom and two unalltr private rooms ; water , etc. Two larso uround lloor room" , fronting Uth St. , with vault. Several unnll room * on 4th floor .with vaults. All thttc looms nrc heated with Mrnm , electric lights , supplied with niwt-cl fs Janitor service , Elevator * run day nnd all night ; building otrlctly fireproof Apply to feuperlntendi-nt , Room 101 , Dec building. I-1DS HOTELS , STORKS. DE.MIS , PAXTON W.K. 1 375 PIRST CLASS MEAT MARKET LOCATION. C03 l ! e. I M21I POR RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND VlJOOtl office , life building , water , Mrvini hent , electric light nnd janitor rervlcc Appl ) to Supctln- tcndent , Dec building- 1 197 . \CJI : > T.S \ \\Tr.n. . AGENTS Poll OUR IIRAND NEW THAN1- fnimliig sign. i > el | everjwhero nt ftlqm ; pi > " JH to JV ) per week , pnrtloulnra free. Union Hnc'-lnlty Co. , No. 12 Ilnindwa ) , New Inrl : , N. Y. J Mjli 6 * \\TIJIITO HKNT. WANTED , TO RENT ! SMALL MODERN hou i' well furnlfhed , Omaha or Council Illuffs , good rent for nice place. Addre' D 3't. llee. K-M3C.1 12- PACIP1C STORAGE AND WAREIIOUKE CO. . DOi 910 Jones ; general Murage and forwarding , M 376 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1M1V4 PARN'AI. TP.L 1339 M 377 I'RANK EWERS , .STORAGE , 1214 HARNEY. .Hauling and packing , cheapest rate A Tel. ' 130. M 378 ) TO IIIIV. WANTED TO IIUV. A WHOLE OR PART IN- ten > st In n retail cigar business. State lota- tlon and terms. Address D 37 , lleeN N M53G fi * rou s iiii : iMisuniiiiMOUS. . PINE , WHITE SAWDUST POIl 1'I.OORS ETC. ; cmrce for lie , at f3 70 per cord , lei , 4i8 901 Douglas. ( J 379 NEW IIICVCLES POIl SALE. LESS THAN factor ) eo t rir l class sewing machines from $18 up. Nebraska Cjelo Co , 1 > th & Hniney Q MSOj-Jan-O I1II LIARD HALL AND HOWLING ALLEY doing good business , established ISDO Lock bo3 , Johnson , Ntb. -M212-Jnn-21 GOOD IIARDMAN PIANO. J210 , OMAHA SAV- Inpx bank licet. taUtn In exchange 214 So. ISth - - Q-M4S3 S UPRIGHT PIANO AND PAMILY HORSE , must be sold. Cottage 2:2. ! Harncj St Q-M4SI S POR SALE , MY ENTIRE STOCK OP DRUGS , show cape" , tlielvlng nnd counters nt a bar- gnln , nlso will rent stjre. Call nt Union Depot - pot Hotel , Ernest Stunt , Prop Q 31)u ! ) S HEAD NICE PIIESII COWS AND SPRINGERS Call afternoon , > n-d JJth J5. Hurl St Q-GC-G POIl SALE , A REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IN perfect condition , price $30. Inquire at 1811 Locu t St. Q SJl-ti * SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER IN GOOD condition , cheap for cash D 33 , Dec DecQM9 Q-M9 7 POIl SALE. HROCADED SILIC CAPE TRIMmed - med with mink fur , reasonable. Gil N ISth. Q-M3CO C \ IIIVOYM'S. . PROP WHITNEY , CLURVOYANT. PALMIST and astrologer , has moved to 1709 Dodge street. Prof Whitney has no equal In giving advice on love. Uw deeds , wills mining divine changes , Imcs'mentx , patents nnd all business of a finan cial nature. Readings : I.idles , 60 cents and gentn Jl. Readings given by mill. Olllce nnd private rmidence , 17C9 Dodge street Office hours from 9 a. m. to 10 p. in Telephone 1S19. S M.13S-Jnn-G .MVSSVOi : , IIVTIIS KTC. MADAME SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS , STEAM AND alcohol baths T 112 7 MME HRISSON OP PARIS , CHIROPODIST , medicated baths nnd massage , 107 N. 12th St T 431 P-l * MME. AMES. MASSAGE AND IIATHS ICl'J Hovvaid street. T M303 9 * MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors , restful and curative. 417 S. llth. up stairs , T M302 9 * ELECTRO MAGNETIC TREATMENTS AND massage 1 > ) Laura Ellison , 119 N. 10th St. , room 13. T 34-10' I'KIISONAL. VIAVI CO , UTERINE TROUHLES. 346-8 HEE Hldg , ph > Flilan consultallon or health book free. U Ml IATHS , MASSAGE. MME POST , 3I9VS S 13TH. U 3S2 CIXITHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND HE- pilicd , day or night ; dress suits for hire. Pantorlum , N. E Cor. 14th and Parnim 111. 9U1. IJ 3S3 IAVE YOUR GARMENTS MADE IIY "GREEN , beig. The Profes loiiJl Ladles' Tailor , " 170S Webster U M377-J-1S * STYLISH DRESSMAKING , REASO Nfi LE price , at the Joy Tnlloi Sjhtem School of Drein- muking , 31. Karbach block illhces Campbell & , Ciswcll U M42S-J-11 R1VATE 1IOMK POR LADIES IlEPOHE AND during confinement , babies adopted and tired for Removed to 1110 N Kth U 314 Jan 10 V/.ONA POSITIVELY ENLARGES THE HUST 5 Indies In 30 clajs. failure lmposslbl Cotlnnu Lnhman , Indian ipolls , Indiana. U M337 C * MOMY TO LOHIVI : , KSTATU MONEY yO LOAN AT LOW RATES THE O P Diivls Co , 1503 Pa num SI Wi3 ANTHONY I/3AN . . TRUST CO . 313 N. Y. L J quick monty nt low ratei fet choice faun lands In lown , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W-3SO IX > ANK ON IMPROVED At UNIMPROVED CITY proiwity. W. Piirnam Smith & . Co , 1320Pjr'm ' MONEY TO LOAN. HEMIB. PAXTON IH/DCK. W i , l MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Hrcnnan-Lovu Co. , 219 S. ICth. W J83 J100.COOCO SPECIAL FUND TO I/AN ON llrst CHFS ! lmprove < l Omaha p opert ) or for building putpores. Pldellt > Trim Company \V-310 0 PER CENT MONEY. Jl Ifli AND UPWARDS on Rllt-eiUiil Impiovel Omaha leal celnle. llemls. Paxlon block. W-39. MONEY -1X1ANED ON IMPROVED REAL EH- tiltIn Omaha , Council lllufTn & South Omaha Pusey d Ihomiu , 03 First Nat'l ( lank Omaha W 333 WANTED-CIIOIOH PARM AND CITY LOANS. II. C. Peters & Co , U , J , Nut'l Hunk Hlilg. W-.MI33 0 PER CENT MONEY ON NiilRAS : KA PAR MB ami Omaha property W. II Meikle , 1st Nnt'l Hunk lllilb"N Mllu MORTGAGES POR SALE PROPERTY OP NON- ref Identic i ed for W. II Meikle , 1-t Nat'l ll\ . \\-391 WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebraska and we trrn Iowa llrennan. Lo\o Co. 219 9utl ICth uticel W M353 II IIOMSY TO M\\ _ 'll VTTii.S , J10 TO J10.CCO TO I.OAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNirURE AND PIANOS , HORSES WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC. . lit lowest rules In Omnha , Soul.i Omalm and Council lllufft. No lemoval of goods ; utrlctly conlldentliil , vou can | rj ) the loan off at an ) time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 South ICtti SI THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X 394 HIISI.MS.H cu.\\'ois. ' TO GET IN OR OUT OF HUSINE88 GO TO J. J Gibbon , 614 Flr < t Nul'l liunk. \-JJj POR RENT. 11R1CK STOREROOM fOX ! : . ALL conveniences ; Letl locution In city , iplrndld buslneis town John 11 , Llndatc , Went Point , Neli. V Mill I WILL FURNISH MONEY TO PATKNT AND proinotu a iraxl Invention for an Intenat. . M- druu Uuvlot-iu , P. O , box til , New York N. Y. Y-U471 * 111 IM : S < u \ ( ( mtlnu d ) GREAT IIARGAIN-C'IOAR STORK AND fixtures. 3H South Tenth utrett , pflnlillRhnt In 1 7 , chfap fir cash. Y MM ! C POIl SALE. CIIKAP. CASH ONLY , STOCK tndchnndl < > and flxtureii In sotilhctn Nc- bm ka town : Ktxxl will vvortli price n ked liox MJ . Omnhn i S i t * WANTED , PAltTNER IN TUP. HEST PAYING business In Orrmhn. FpK-ndld locallm. Jiv l re quired. Address. D 31 , lite. roii i\rn \ > cr. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , ONE 1MIPIII E houce , 18 roonif , with all modern Improve ments , 19H and 1TO ) Emmelt street Omilin , within one bliek of main enlrnnce of exposi tion srounds. Incumbrance , II000 , will cx- ihange eqtiltj for clear properts farm or cllj , or will tell cheap for cn h. Send offerslo , It. P. Morrow , Missouri Vnlley , laXM1S3 X-M1S3 19 rou i\cu DRUG STORP. WANTED , FOR WHICH Wi : will trndc eltv property nnd some cn li. "K , " euro of Carrier 35 , Omaha Neb. 7M303 Jan7 WILL EXCHANGE VF.RY clear vacant Omnhn lots for Chicago property. Addrcm with full particular , llox ICJ , Omaha. X-MSOI KOH SM.iHi\L : IJSTVTI5. KOUN1XK PLACE I1ARGAINS 2Kli ) $3 750 TO O.W > 1. j. j. GlbEon , 511 First Nat. Hunk Hide. RE-399 PARM LANDS C. P. HARRISON , 912 N. Y. L RE CIS Jan 1C * HAROAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. P. K. Darling , Uirkcr blk RE-400 HOUSES , I.OTS. FARMS , LANDS. LOANS , also fire Insurance. Uemls , Piixton block HE-.M401 LOGAN VALLEY FARMS AND MP.RCHAN'- dlse. Hunlsbcrgcr .1 Clements , LjonNe - braska HE M301 NEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS. COI Hce Hldg. RE M331 2224 CHICAGO STREET. 10 ROOMS , MODERN ; corner lot ; the-ip for ctish W. II Gates , nole agent. CIS N. Y. Life.Phone. . 1291HEr,03 HE-r,03 9 FOR SALE , S1X-R HOUSE , N PART CITY , ON monthly paincutsV. . K Selb ) , 331 llomd of Trade. RE-3VI-7 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , FOR Denver nropert ) . C023 Oak St , Onnlin RE-332-ll * LADIES' CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY- rojal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the bc-l Sife , icllible. Take no other. Send 4c stamps fet partUtilnrs. "Relief fcr Lidlca , " in letti r bj return mall. At druggists Chl < heytcr Cnem- leal Co , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention llee. M303 C GOOD STA11LE.S , IlEbT OF CARE. $4 AND JO month. A. W Pheljia S. Son , 207 New York Life. Tel. 1031. -102 MINT orrirns CITY EMPLO\ME.NT HUREAl' . 1417 FARNAM si. Rooms J , v 3. Tel. 1431 ZK TYI'llWIIlTUUS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. 'Iho bmlth-Premler Tvpe- wrller Co Teltphone , 12SI. 103 r\cicin. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL 1331. 400 I'AW.MlllOIvlJlli. II. MAROWITK 1XANS MONEY. 41S N. ! fi ST. 407 SIIOUTIIVM ) AMI A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. AT OMAHA HUS. COLLEGE , ICTH S. DOUGIS 39 ; H. 11. HOYLES , COURT REPORTER , PRIVATE lessons ; day and evening. 407 Dec Hldg. 393 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE. HOYD'b theater. JI31" Jan 7 * CO.NTIl ICTOK A YD IILILDHK. G. W. GILIIEUT , CARPENTER AND CONtractor - tractor ; Jobbing Eollclled. 1S13 St. Marj'H live M34J Jan 29 * LOST. LOST A ULACIC SPANIEL PUP , WITH COL- Inr and small padlock , very small whit * spot on breast 12.'C N. 191.1 Ave. Reward Losl 283 LOST PO"KETI1OOK. HETWEEN 1713 CIII- cage and Ihc courl house' on ISth street Re ward for return to 1715 ChicagoLost Lost M3I7 7 * snxvixr. MAOIII\IS AMI MTI > I > MIS. : NF.W HOMi : , HOUSEHOLD & WHITE SEWing - ing machines A. uupplles 1311 Cap ave. Tel 1371 IOJ CO VL. HURLINGTONNUT , RES1 CHEAPEST PRICE J3 7u per ton 'PhDiicSlS. Harmon JL Wectn Co. 401 w\vrnnTo iioitit\v. WANTED. JHO ON GILT-EDGED SECURITY uP. . French M3GJ 13 * \OTICi : STOCKHOLDERS' STOCICHOLDHUS' Notice lii lioreliy plven that the minimi imetiiif , ' of the stockholdons of the Omalia Union Depot company will bo hold at the otllcc of the cenenil solicitor of the Bttr- llnKton & Mlssoinl Illvcr Hulli-orul In Nc- hrnska In Omalia , Nebraska , January lutli 163S , at 10 o'clock a. in. The meetltiR will be hold for the election of a Board of Directors and for the transaction - action of such other bunlncss as may como buforu tt , Inc udlng action upon the ques tion of a dissolution of the corporation. T. lj. KIM HALL , President. Attest : J. G , TAYJXm , Secretary , Omaha , Neb , , Dec , 17 , 1897. D21D 20TM OP M3u- Hordvvaru Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. Dec 11 , 1SH7. Notlco la liercby plven to the atocklio d- cr of the Lce-ClTrke-Anareeson It.udvvaro Co. that the annual mcetlnff of the stock- holdtrH of the company will bo hold at Iho olllces of .ha said company , 1219-1221-lc)2'5 Hnrney street , In Iho city of Omaha In the stale of Nebraska , on Tuesday , Jamtaty 11 , A. D. 1SI/S. nt tltree o'clock n , m , for tlm purpose of electing n board of dltcotoid for the comimny to servo ilurlnir the cnsu- Ini ; yettr and to transact such other business an may be presented at such meetlnt ? II. J. U3i : , President. Attest : W. M. GUASS , Sccrotaty. Dllil 32 1 STOUIvHOLOKHB MIJKTINO. Union l-uiil Company : Notlco Is hereby Riven that the annual imt'tlnK of tlm Htotkhold- of the I'nlou Land company for the election of live di rectors and the transaction of mien other business at * may lawfully come before the meeting will be held nt the olllco of the lencrnl bollcltor. Union P.ioltlc bulhlltiK , Omaha , Neb . upon Momluv , the 10th day of January. 1&.13 , at 10 o'clock a. tn , Tliu Block transfer books will bo closed ten dayn previous to the meeting. lioston , MPSS December. 20th , 1S97. ALKXANDim MILLAH. Secretary. Has 20 to Jan. 10 , NOTICI : . The Pacific I3xpie s Company , Olllce of the President. OMAHA , Nebraska , December 2 , 1837 , Notice Is hereby given ( hut t-io annual meuttiiK of the stockholders of the company far tlm election of directors and the trnnxac. tlon of such other Imsliu'ss , as may proper ! ) comn before It. will bn held at the otlko of the company. No. HOI Hainey utrcjt , Onnha , Nrb. , on Thursday , January Cth lS9j , at i o'clock p , in , Hy order of the Hoard of Directors. JJ. M. MOnSMA.V. I'renliUnt Attest : W. ! ' . lliCHiL. Secretary , Dec. 2-9-1G-2J-30 & Jan. ti.'fli nimimr PAi'uu ron rut : "n'ni.ic rniNTixo AND HINDINO , SIAI.ID IMIOPOSALS will tie received until January 13 , 1W , at 10.30 o'clock n m . for fiiniMhlniT the I'Al'HU for the 1't Ill.IC riUNTINO and HINDINO for the your cni- InR 211h of Kcbru.iry , 1S ! # . the < mld pro- po alt to bo opohi'd before nnd the award of contract'/ 1m made liv the Joint Com mittee of C ngres on 1'ubllc Printing to the lowest nnd best bldMor for the Interest of the Kovcrnmcnt , the committee roscrvlitff to Itself the rl ht to reject any nnd nil blilM ns Its judgment of the best lntere ta of tno Government miy dlcttto. Detailed schedttlorf of the description , quantity , nnd quality of the piper required , accompanied by simples nnd blank pro posals , nnd Kl''liiK tno reKUlntlons w Ith \vhlch blddprs tnu t comply , can bo obtained bv nddrcssltiR r. W 1'altncr , Public Printer , Vv'nshliiKtou , D. C. The contracts will bo entered int ) for gup- plyliiR such qutntltloa of piper as may be needed during the year , and no more. The estimated ( iiiantltles sot forth In de tail in the schedule comprise : iVi.OOO roams mnehlnc-llnls'i printing paper 21x38. 15,000 rooms miichlne-flnlsh prlntlns paper , ! Wx4S. 27,000 reams sized nnd super-en cndctcd itthlto 01 tinted printing paper , various sizes. 21'CO roams white wrltlnR pn ! > ( > various sizes nnd welRhts , 2.COO reams colored writing piper , various l7i > 3 nnd wclRht * . 2,000 reims cover paper , vatlous sires mill 7".COO pounds of best plate pnper. in.000 pounds of best map piptr. 200,000 pounds line coated vvo d-cltt paper , 3,000 re.ims tnanllx paper.ailoits sizes and weight- * . 100,000 pounds glazed bond pnper. 20,000 pounds artlllclal parchment , vnrlous sizes. 2.COO pounds parchment deed. 110.00J sheets cardboard , various colors , sizes , nnd weights. 2,300,000 sheets btl-nol board , \niloils colors , sizes , and weight0. 7,300 icaniF Ilrst-ola's ledger paper , white or blue , laid or wove , various plzes and weights. ? , OCO reams seeond-clnss ledger piper , while or blue , laid or wove , \arl- ous sizes aim weight' . 2,700 icnns tissue nnJ copying pnper. 33 icam * blotting pap r , any teiiulred color or weight , loOleuns tar paper , 2K"5. * 313 reatiH plaid , nimble , and comb p ipcr , various sizes. SoOieints typn.vilter paper , various sizes nnd weight * . sa" renm- * cap , letter and note piper. 100 re inm white Kiench fo'.lo , 17x2. . 2,000 sheets pnu-hment I"ix21. Proposals will be received fcr one thou sand team1' dr more. lly dltectlon of the Joint Committee of Congress on I'nbllo rrlntlnt ; . r. w. PALMiti. Public Pt Inter. \Vashlnglon , December 23 , 1MI7 D-21-0-J-t-M ; TUHASUIIY DUPAUTMnNT. OKF1CH Supei vising Atchltect. Wa-hlngton , D C , December 23d , 1S97. Sealc d pro- posnLs i.vlll bo received at tills olllco until . ' o'clock p. m. on the 2.1th U.i > of Januarj , 1ST , and opened Imme1latel > theto iftor , for all the labor and m tterlals required for the completion of the Interior finish , iron stalls and plumbing above Hist story , etc. . of the H S Court House , Custom House and Postolllce building at Omaha , Nebraska , In accordance r.vith the draw Ings and Epeclll- catlons , copies of which may be hail at tills otllee or the olllco of the Supotlntopdont at Omaha , Nobrnski The. right 1 < reset veil to reject anv or all bids and to waive my defect or Infoimallty In any bid , should it bu deemed In Uie Interest of the Gov em inent to do so. Proposals must be enclosed In envelopes , scnled > and masked "Proposal for the Completion of the Interior PlnKi , etc , of the IT. S'Court , House , etc. at Omaha , Neb , " und addte.s5 d to the Super vising Architect. D2S-.TO J1--1-G-SM Ci ; iTO CO > TH VCTOIIS. NOTICn 'TO ' 'CONTRACTOHS. ' Sealed bids for t3ie construction of tha Colonnades connecting the Government building with the fine Arts and Agricul tural buildings , on the exposition grounds , will be received until 11 o'clock n. in. Mon day , January 10 , ISIS. Plans and speculations can be seen nt the Department. Olllce , oirnet lotn and Spen cer streets , or sets will be furnished bidders dors at cost. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. P. P. KIHK12ND VLL. Manager Grounds nnd Buildings Depart ment TransmUsIsslppI and Inir-rnntlonat r\posltlnn. : D31 JlOim 1'OSTOKKICt : XOTICD. ( Should be read DAILY by nil interested , as changes may occur nt any time ) . Foreign malls for the week ending Jan uary S , IS-JS , will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cases ) nt thu Geiur.xi Vostollico as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ONH HOUR HAULIER than cloblng time siiown below. Trniis-\tlmKlc flails. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FR.VNCn , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT Hid URITISH INDIA , per s. .s. La Uretagne * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per La Hretagne. " ) : at S a. m for NETHERLANDS dliect , per s , s. Vecndim , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo dliected "per Veendim" ) ; at 10 a m. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. P. Aurania * . via Queens- town ; at 11 n. in. for NORWAY dliect , pur s. .s. Thlngvalla ( letters must be di rected "per Thlngrvall i" ) . PRINTED MATTER , ETC. German steamers nailing on TuesJios Ink.- Printed Matter , etc. , for Germany , and Specljlly Aild'ossed Printed Mutter , etc. . for other parts of Europe. Ameri can anil White Star Bieamers on Wednesday s , Gumun elcamere on lhuredu > B anil Cunard French anl German steamets on Saturdays tike Printed XIatter , etc , foi all countries foi which thty me advcrilseil to earn mall At"r the elo-Ons of the Supplementary Trans- Atlnntlc Mills named nnove. additional eup- plemeniary malls arc openei ! on the piers of the American , Ensi'sl- ' , French ami German htcamers , and remain open until within 'len Minutes of tht > hour of allln of bleamer. fur Soiilh nnil Central Amerleii , \ \ ent Iinllc'N , it < ! . FRIDAY At 1 p. m. supplementary 1 3) p in. tot ST. DOMINGO and Tt'RKS ISLAND , per s. s. New York ; at 2 p m. for PORTO RICO ditcct , per s. s. Arludli. SATURDAY At 'MO a. in for NEW FOUNDLAND , per s. s. . Roumanian from I'hiladelphia. at S a. in. for UKR.MUDA , per s. s ' 1 rlnldad ; it 10 a. in ( supple mentary 1C .10 a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and CARTHAGENA , per H. s. Altai ( letters In- Costa Rica must be directed "per Altai" ) , at 10 a. in , ( supplementary 10.30 a. m. ) for HAITI , per s , n Alps ; nt 10.CO a. m for CAMPECHD , CHIAPAS , TAUASCO and YUCATAN , per * . .s. Ynmnrl ( letters for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cuba muht be directed "per Yumttrl" ) ; nt 830 p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steami'i from North Sydney : at S:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE-MHJUKLON , per steamer from North Sydney. Mulls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by ttenn"i : clc e at tills olllce iluily at S.30 p , m. Malls for Mliuelon , by rail to Ilorton ami thenro uy steamer close at tliU olllco dally ut S:30 : p. > r. Italia for Cuba rlo : ; nt this oillce dally at 7 00 a. m for r jrwanllns by steamers nailing ' ( Monday ? anj Thuimtuys ) fiom Port Tallinn , I'm Mulls for Mexico ice City , oveilaml. unlcrs epeeliilly iiUilres-sciI for illcpateh by steamer clorc at ili ! > oillco dally nt 1M a. in unU 2-31) p m. "Registered mall dotes at C.OO p , m previous On ) . Tr.iiiM-PnTifUi tlnllN. MallK for Austtull.icopt ( these for West Australia ) , which are forwarded via Eu rope , Now Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and 8a- inoan Islands , per s. s Moann ( from San Fianciieo ) , close here dally up to January " 2d at 7 H. in. , 11 n. m. find 0:30 : p. m , ( oren on ai rival nt New York of s. s. Anranla with Hrltlsa malls for Australia ) . .Malls for China and Japan , per s , s , Vlctoila ( from Tucomu ) , close iiero d ill > up to Januaiy "Jd at 6:30 : p m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except Wust Australia ) , New Zea land , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , pina. . u , Mioworn ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally nftei Jiuiuniy " 2.1 . and up to Jiuui- ary 3d nt 0:30 : p. in , .Malls for China , Japan and Hawaii , per H s , Ilelglo ( from S.in Francisco ) , cloae here dally up to Janu ary 8th ut : " ! ! ) p. m. Mulls for Hawaii , pjr s , a. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to Januaiy 19th ut O.ifl : p. m. Mulls for China and Jap in ( specially ad dressed enl > ) , per o s , Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close huio dally up to January " 21th at fi-,30 p. m. Malls for the SoclMy Islands , per onlp ulty of Papcltl , ( from San Fiunclsco ) , close here dully u | to January 23th ut G.30 p , m Trans-Paclfle malls ore forwarded to port of allhiK daily anil the schedule of closing Is i arranged on the presumption of their unlntir * 1 ruptcl overland transit "Reglitereil mall | clones at C p in pievlous day. I CORNELIUS VAN CO1T , Postmaster I Poitofllce at New York , N. Y. , December ' SO. 1 97. It MLKO.IUS , WAI1A8H RAILROAD TICKET OFl'ICE , 111 ! rani.im Sticcl ; el < * Dhone , 3li. Depot , Tenth and Ma on Htro U. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrne. Pi. Ixjulu "Cannon Hall" , , , , . < : SO pm 'II 3) ) arc KAILUOAn.V ( Contlntinl ) CHICAOO. ST. TAt ! „ MINNl polls & Omilm llallwnv ( I neral offices , N'elir.inka Dl vision Fifteenth and Welutei Streets City Ticket OHlcc 14H rarnam blrrd T < loj > hon\ Ml . ucpot , riftc nlh nnd Webster Btrectf Telephone , 1458 , Arrive City Accommodi. s V ) nm 8tO : pm Sioux Clly Acrommol.1. 9 60 am 8 JO pm 111 ilr Emerson , Sioux City , I'onca. Huttln- tuon and Ulnomfleld MrMpm 11S5 : am Sioux Cltv , ManUato. St. Paul , Minneapolis . * : SB pm 8:10 : am Emirs > n Pnssomrcr . . . S:10 : pto tj 8 4S am Dally. Dally except Sunday. only. Thl < train slop * at stations Plorrnco to So. HHIr Inclusive. Sundais enl > . on week dnvs 80 lllnlr only. KRICMONT. ' LKIiORN AND Mlsiooiirl Vallej Rillnmy o.'n. rrnl Ofllce" , United States Na tloiia ! II.ill : UultllnR South- \tni Corner Tvvelflh nnd Tar- nam Strc ts Ticket Ofllie. 1401 rnrnim Street Telephone , Ml. Depot rifteenth amiVbstcr SUceU Telephone , 111 Leive. Arrive. Hlaek HIIU D niUv-ood and Hot Pprlnc . . . 3:0) : ) pm . . ' 00 pm Wjomlnc Casper nnrt DiURlas " S.Mpm 5:00 : pin Hastings , York , Divlc City. Superior Ocneva. Exeter and Sewnrd. . . . " 3:00pm : BCOpm Norfolk. West Point and PrTnont 7.5) nm " 10.23 am Lincoln , Wahoo nnd 1'rcinont "sEO atr " 10 : : ; am rremont Ixieat * ? ' 50 am Dilly. Dilly except Sundny. only. Dally ' .x-ppt Saturday ' Mcnilas. "PACU . ; : -ORTH\VESTEItN : Rillvvay-Clt > Tlck"t Olllce. 14DI rarnam Street Telephone fl ( ! Depot Tenth and Mason Street ? . Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Ml'sourl Vnlleyi Sioux City SI J-su ! Minneapolis . . B:40 : nm 10:4 : : pm Ml < siurl Valley . . . . ( | * ( ( y . . , I . U Ulll 3:03 ] Dennlson. Carroll , Wall Lake " 7.00 am 3:05 : pm EiHern "xprcss Den O-nar ' ! npld , Chlcnco :0:45 : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic riser Chicago and East 4:13 : pm 4:10 : pm fast Mull , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Ml sourl Vnlley , Sioux Cltv St. Piul , Mlnnc- Limited 5:13 : pm 9.30 nm Oi - ICHRO Special. " 0:30 : pn S.l'l ' am Dnlly Dilly cscept Sunday. i'x CITV , t I'Actne HAIL. road Oenernl Olllccs United Leave. Arrive. Slo ix 1 y Manknto , St. 1'iui Mlnncapo Is . . . . 5.53 pm ! > 10 nm UNION PACIFICHE OVERland - land Route" General O.'llces. N , E Coiner Ninth and rarnam Streets Clt > 'llcl.et Onicc , L03 1'arn im Strict. Telephone 3pj , Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets lelephono 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "The Ove'laml . for Denver Ball uea'ern points S.20 4:4a : pm 1'aFt mall twin f&i Denv er , Si t I * l > e , Pnclflu const and all western poln- . * 2.30 pm 10.23 am Lincoln lleatrlec ai-5 btiomsbittg Uxprcss . . 5 05 pm M2'20 pm Kearney U't'ws . . . . 3:00 : pin "li.20 pm Dally Dally ex"ept Sunday. Coum 11 FlluiTi. I .cal Lcftves , 5:4) : n m : 0.50 n. n , 7 30 a in . > -J 11 in , 10.45 u in , 2.15 p. m : 4 30 p m , C 53 p in. Arrives , 0.20 n. m , TiJ1) ) a. m , 8 a m. , 9:23 n. m , 11 30 a. m ; 3.10 p. m ; 5'40 p m : 9:03 : p m ; 10:43 : y. m. CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND & Pantile llnllronil "rhe Grtnt Hock Island Houte" City HUtet Olllce. 1121 rnrnam Street. Telephone 42b. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets lelephono 123 Leave. Arrive. ClitcagiTlind St. l'uul . . . . Vcstlbulcd Cxpiess . . . 4'50 pm 1:45 : pm Lltuoln Colorado bP'B3. Pueblo , Denver anu west * : M Dm 4:23 : pm Chicago. DPK Molnes i- nocK tslnnil 7W : pm Sio : am Atlant'c ' Express , for Dei Molne * ar.i ast ern points 7:20 : am 5:33 : pm Lincoln Tnlrbury and rtell"vllle E4pm " 10"a am Dally Dally except Sunday. UUHMNGTCIN & .MISSOURI River Rallroul "Ti Uurllnc- Burlington ton Route" General OfTlces , j , ' . W. Corner Tenth and Knrnam Streets TlcUet Odlce , 1W2 Route Tarnam Street. Telephone 25) . Depot , Tenth ami Mason Streets. Telephone 128 Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Denver & west 8:33 : am 3.33 nm Lincoln. Denver Colorado - rado , Utah , California , Ulack Hills. Montana and PuRct Sound 4:1" : pm 4.05 prr Lincoln Local 7 03 nm 7:43 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall . . . 2 53 pm " 11:30 : am Dally. Dally except SumUv. CHICAGO. IH'RLINOTO.V & Qulncy Railroad "The Ilurl- Burlington Inglon Route" Ticket Otllcc 1502 rarnam Street. Telophini ! Route 230 Depot , Tenth and Maton Streets Telephone 1CS Leave. Anlvc. Clilc.igo Vesttbuled Ex. . 5.03 pm 7:65 : am Chl-ago Express 9.4 < an- 4:15 pm C.ilcago S. SI. Irfiuls Ex 7CO : nm 7.55 am Pacific Junction Local. . " 11.40 am 6:40 : pm Past Mall 2.50 pm Dally Dalj- ! except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. hi1. JOSEPH & Council Dlnfls Railroad Burlington "lhe llurllngion Roula" Ticket Otticc , 150 ! rarnam Route Street Tclephor.e ISO Depot , Tenth mid Mason Streets Tele , pnune 128 Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . . 9 ( C am 5:40 : pm Kms.is City Night Ex. . 10.0) ) or ' , 30 am MISSOURI I'AClriC RAILROAD Geneiol Oillces anl Ticket Oillc * . Merchants National Bink BulIdbiB , 1221 ratnam htrret. lelephone 104 Depot , riftoenth ana W bfter S recte. Telephon * lC.i Len\ . Arrlvp Kansas and Nebraska ' 3dPm * 12 53 Umlted - - ' Pm pm KabCltv and St LJU | " L\pie' S:30 : pm 0 00 am Nebraska Local . . . . " 4 30 pm " 'J:43 : am Dally Dilly except Sunday CHICAGO MIMVAI'KL'E & ST Paul Railway Cltj Ticket Olllee. 1504 rarnam falreet , Telcphono 2S ) Oepol , Tenth and Mason Slicets. Telephone 12S. Leave , Arrive. ChlcaRo Limited Ex. . . . 5.43 pm 8 : < > 5 am Omaha ami Chicago Ex ' 11.00 am ISO pm Dally. OMAHA & HT. LOUIS RAILROAD-OMAHA , Kansas Clt > & Eaelem Railroad "The Porl Arthur Route" Ticket oillce , Hli rarnam street Te'ephone , SJ. Depot , lentil and Masn streclH. Telephone , 12S Leave. Arrive St. Louis Cannon Hall Expre1 * ! 4 35 pm 'll'SOam Quln-y Mxprofa C'lO nm il.SO pm Dally. Till : IILOW AT HILLY I'A'I'l'IJHSO.V. U'lioSfriirU 11111 } fLUvIit on u IllN- liirUInclilciif , During the Imlcyon day * of the ileniocratlc party In old York county , Pennsylvania , bpmo time. In the ID * , when to get the nomination for the county onico vv.is , tlie nnln thing to lusuio an ulectlon , the pirty leailotH hail much to do , und nnny consul * ' tatlons among themselves and with proml- nent mon In several townships , myi a writer i In the I'nnxsiitawney ( I'l ) NOVVH. Annlranta we-io many , all ofMhom had their friends. Uvtiy effort v.as made to secure tlio dele gates to tlio nomination convention by the several candidates. The county olllcur.s weto a potent factor In making up the slate To this end they held meetings In the Miverul townships and In central localities to leirn , the vie AH of the prominent men , und thus I tnako up the delegations to the county con- 1 vontlon and Insure the nomination they had decided to have made. At this pcilod the i county commissioners visited the townships to hold appeals In the mailer of assessments i for tax. These , appeals afforded opportunl- 1 ties for consultation , and were used In pre paring the way for the nominations at the I county convention. 1 At one of these appeals , held at the Ultto , Hall tavern In Chant cfoid township , the In cident occurred which led to tlio oft-ro- peated nuehtlon so frequent In political jour nals all over our state and nation , "U'ho struck Hilly 'Patterson ' ? " At least two of the county commissioners iwcro present , Peter Ahl , a veiy actlvo and Influential democrat , and the vciItablo Illlly Patterson , who was s.tld to have been struck Illlly Patterson was also an active and Influential democrat , I'nter Ahl was subsequently asso ciate Judge of the court. Hesldes these commissioners there were others present , among whom was an Irish man named John Maffct who was a warm friend of Patterson. .Maffct having left the loom for a short time , It was proposed to have a little sport with him when he re turned \Vh ° n ho came In Patterson coin- plained of h ivlng been struck a violent blow arous.d thu Irishman , who determined \ i.wvSUIT < : "It's such n pity lor misMis to lu.ivo .ci unv ut lying on this sent , tfjf very day. after filvln' me notice. I'm ufearetl It's goln' to bo sat 6a [ } ' But Mary Ann fotgot the hatpins ! mcccitiv sinnsu. Troirt 1' . ck-Me-Up. Beggar ( to old gentleman who has just given him ft halfpenny-- ) ] Thanky , sir. ( Very pleasantly ) Jest back from Klondyko ? \LI.HOIMI itiriTii : : . 1'ioni Judy Ho Yes , I loved a girl once , and she mntlo a fool of me. She Some girls do make a lasting Impicsalon , don't they ? to avenge the violent blow his frU'tnl had received , crying out In his r.igi > , "who struck Hilly Patterson ? " When It vwis hinted that I'etur Ahl was the man who had done thu strll.lng , flourishing his HhlllPlan , which he ilways carried with him , Mallei approached Ahl , saying , "dorn you , did jutt Hlrlke Illlly Patterson ? " Mr. Ahl hepKi'd off , denying llio clinrgo , OtherB Interfering tiuluted tlie lilshman with tlio aHsurinc-e tit it It wan a joke , and all passed off without further i cinonstratlon. Hut that was not the end of It. Homo ono reported th- > matter , and the opposing party began to us * Hi it ( itasllin In i way annoying to the di inoi rats , Intlmat- ng that the democratic lead is had licen In i tcrrlhlo flgTit among Ihumuelvts , to their -uut Injury , and HO in thu prjgrc.sH of time , when there was a loss In the democratic vnto , or a partial victory , and Chpeclall > when the cause of this change was nut fully understood , the Irishman's cry , "w ho struck Illlly I'atterson ? " liucamu n sort of liy-word all over the state and nation The facts as given above 1 got fiom lion Adam IJbaugh. late of Htowaitstown. York county , Mr , Uuuugh , who died last May at the ago of 90 , cx-stato senator and cx-as- Boclnto judge of the < ourt , Informed me that ho received the history from Illlly Patterson | during his lifetime , I was well acriualntcd with both the commissioners und Mr Pat * terson during his last Illness , and ofllclntcd ut his funeral. I had Bi-veral convert-atlons with Mr. Hbaugh about the matter and a fuw months buforo hU death , at my lip wrote mo the history of the Incident as given above. IIMII'H for Iliiriclnry. CHICAOO , Jan. f. . JnlliiH Lunto wa given a sentence of olghty yearn In the peni tentiary yesterday In Judge Huker'H court. \Vliilo ono Jury was coming In with a con viction of Ltinte , another wast hurrying out to find a vi-rdlet , against him. Ho was tried on four Indictments for burglary , although Uventy-onu had been once voted against him. In the trial of the third Indictment Lunto broke dtMii on the stand and pleudwl guilty. Under the habitual crirno act ltd received t'Atnty yearn for each Indictment , or eighty years In all. Tills Is the longest aeiitcnui but emi over given In this county. Will KlKliI -Nllliiilf > , . ST. LOUIS , Jan. C. The street railway picsldentH who were arrested last week , charged with violating the vestibule law. op. pea red In court todiy and worn granted con- tjiiuanecs until January . Dofenduntu Chares If. Turner of tlio Suburban road , and IJdwurd AVIilttnKer of thu Llndell line Imvit already filed motions to ( jtiash tlio In- formitlon , and It Is expected that thn othern will do the same. Tnu cldnf j > olnt of attack by the defense is that the vestlbuln law lit ( lahH legislation and unconstltulloiial When the cases ant called Satuiduy Hie motions to tjuash will bo