Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Uecreo la Ininod Definine : the Duties of
Each of the Members ,
With Till * i\rrpllfiu AM D
f ( he ( iivcriinicnt Will HiCiiin -
| ili'ttly In ( TlmrKi * tit
tin Culittirti
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. The largo measure -
uro of authority conferred on tlio now Cuban
cabinet Is shown In en official decree Issued
at Havana December 29 , ethics of which
liavo been received liy the SpanU'.i legalbn.
The ilocmnent cuportions tlio budget of the
Island , giving IB each cabinet officer the
cmoiint to bo spent In his department cud
stoles In detnll what subjects arc to bo man
aged by each minister.
The first provlflbn states the powers which
Governor General Illanco nnd hl sccrelary
General , Dr. Congcsto , will continue to ex
ercise , a follows : The cceiduct of general
nffalra between Spain and Cuba ; Intercourse
with diplomatic und consular oinccrs of for
eign Rovcrnmeuts ; census or foreigners ; pub
lic peace and order ; honors and decorations ;
relation with the t'.iurch.
With these excepted powers the cutlro ad
ministration of the affairs of the Island are
ttiKicd over to the members of the cabinet.
Kadi members Is authorized to select an as
sistant secretary and employ his o\\ti staff.
The authority of each cabinet officer la then
specified as follows :
Tlie i. Tcmier , Scnor Galvez , directs the gen
eral policy oT the Island , confers with the
other ministers nnd Is th > ; executive head
of the organization , the detailed work being
left to the other ministers.
The minister of Justice Interior , Scnor
Govln , bis charp.u of affairs relating to the
courts acid Judicature , appointment of mar
shals and ot'.icr court oHlctrs , jalln and nenl-
tentlaries , municipalities , provincial dciiuta-
tlons , local police , public charity , charkablo
llHtltuticlis , etc. , public health , etc.
The mirlster of Ilnanco Senor Montoro , has
co Irr.l of all affairs relating to the customn
of the island ; .ippolntiiunt of cuntom.3 olll-
cors ; conduct of the treasury ; disbursement
or public money , etc.
7IKii'lnistcr of public Instruction , Senor
Xavas. has charge of the University of
ll'iinnn , pll college. ? , professional schools and
othrr Inititutlora 'n wh'ch ' the control Is not
re. ( rvod to the province or municipality.
Tne minUter of public workj and tclo-
rraph. Scnor Do/ ! , has cortrol of the posl-
ollli'o srid tclegiiiph HystcnM , railroads , ports
and lightships , public bulld'xtgs ' and grounds.
The minister of commerce , Senor Kod-
rUucS ! , has charge of agriculture , patents sr.d
ccpjrlt'hts , hanlcs and chanvbsra of com-
m-n-p , public forests anil mining.
Thb Jlvicioc. of the duties will continue
until tha Cuban legislature meets and es
tablishes by law the exact duties of the
various cabinet olllcers.
It wj.i drr'lred to have the cabinet begin
work at once , so without wMt'ag for the
legislature the decree establishes the system
until the Inw Is made. The Spanish mln-
K-ier regard ? the decree as fully carrying
out the plan of turning over the International
ultalrs of the Island to Cubra olllclals. As
I'J.eating this the minister points out that
the cU-creo reserves to the governor general
only three general questions which relate
directly to Spain or It3 Intercourse with the
colony , while all the Internal affairs , such
as customs , prisons , etc. , are conducted by
Cuban oltlclala with their own staff of os-
Five Our IIinullT.l ilollur Hills Komid
In ( h < - SiilitrciiMiiry.
WASHINGTON , Jan. S. One of the most
dangerous counterfeits ever discovered has
ma'Je Its appearance. Jc'.m Cramer of tht
subtrcasiiry at Philadelphia today brought
to the secret service five $103 oounterfel
silver certificates , heacj of President Monroe
The general a < , i.icarance Is excellent and aftei
clcso examination the officials of the trfas
ury cash room were undecided as to theh
genuineness , and only after the notes IMC
been baiki'd in hot water , when the two
pieces forming the front and back of the.
note came a'art , were they convinced o
the fraud. On examination of the day's
troury cash another of the spurious noteb
waij discovered. The no tat brought over by
Mr. Clamor had been turned into the sub
treasury by two leading banks and the Phil
aicchla ) ! custom hou e , which 'had rocelvei
them s.i genuine. Agents of the secret scrv
ice everywhere have been wired a de
scrlptlon of the notes with instructions to
be on the lookout for parsons attempting
to r-iss them.
Telegrams have been sent to all the
leading Laiiks to bo on the lookout for per
ECUS attempting to pass them. taqulrtes
have also been pent la all the leading cities
as to whether any of the notes have ap
ticarod other than In Philadelphia and Wash
inton and the best men In the service wll
be put en the cacc.
Fallowing la n description of the note a
furnished by the secret service : TIio not
Is of the series of 1S9I , ciirck letter D , face
plrte 1 ; Tillman , register ; Morgan , treasurer
| K > rtralt , James Monroe. All numbers s (
far iecn begin with 315. The most market
d'ffercnces between this note and thu gen
nine , however , urn found In tha seal an
tlic > numbering , the former being a shod
lighter than in the genuine and the latte
slightly different in formation. ISapeclall
Is this tnii > of the 3 nnd1. . In Ih
jliiuro H the lower loop does mot ex
tend up cs far toward the center of tfi
JIguro f. < i In the genuine trid In the figure
the apace between the base and the cento
crosallno Is narrower than lu the genuine
Oneof the principal v'olnts of difference
however , is that the now' counterfeit 's ' one
sixteenth of an Inch or less shorter" than tb
g-UUilH * .
The chief engraver at the bureau of on
gravrhg and printing announced the coun
terfelt a very daiigc-roi'.rs production. It wa
encravcd on ateel and printed on two piece
of paper pasted together after colored sll
flJiro had boon distributed botwccn them
The worlc. ho said , was of a very carefu
nnd excellent engraver , and while them wane
no appreciable difference between the gen
uluo and thu counterfeit note to the cnstia
observer , under a glass many nllght dlffci
cncea were discerned. This , however , wa
extremely dinicult of description.
In view of the cHngeroua character of th
couutprfi'lt Secretary Gage decided today t
titop Issuing and to call In all $100 sliver
certltlcates , of which ( hero nro about $26-
A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter-
Tells nil about Her Troubles when
Daby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
" At tlio ago of two montlia , my baby
began lo buvo sores break out on his right
check. Wo UBeil nil the external ap
plications that wo could think or hear of ,
to no avail. Tlio sores spread all over ono
uldo ol his face.Vo consulted a pbyiii-
clnn nucl tried his medicine , and In a week
the sere was iono. Hut to my surprise in
two wcokH uioro another scrofulous loolc-
jiitioro } ; appeared on baby's nrm. It
grow worse nnd worse , and when ho waa
three months old , I bccan gMne hl l
Hood's Barsaparllla. I also took Hood'o
Bareaparllla , und before the ilrat bottle
was finished , the cores were well nnd have
never returned. Ho Is now louryeavsold ,
but ho has never had uny sign of those
pcrofulous sores ulnco hovas cured by
Hood's Sarsoparilla , ( or which I feel very
gratotu.1. My boy owesJiia K ° ° d health
and smooth , fair skin to this great med
icine. " MBB. S. 8. NVnoTEN , Farming-
ton , Delaware , Get ouly IIood s ,
. , r , . , . ere prompt , efllclent and
HOOU S FlIlS easy In effect ' . > 5tcnU.
iOO.OOO outRtandlnR. These will bo changed
or silver certificates of smaller denomlna-
Ions , and the plates destroyed. lAa soon as
icw plates can be engraved a now series will
10 Issued. Assistant treasurers at all ot the
ubtreasury cities will be requested to send
o the treasury In WaxhlnRton all $100 silver
crtlflcates In their possession , and request
I banks , trust companies and other moneyed
nstltutlons to do Pie same.
Secretary OHRC declred the statement made
hat In his judgment It wcs unsafe for busi
es * mm or others to accept sliver ccrtlfl-
atcs of this denomination , and In case any
were now on hand they should be * ent to
ho bankH for transmission to Washington. .viTvi1 r\v TAX o.v I.AXD.
iilirt'in < Court I'IINKI < t'linn n \ < irtli
Dttkoln Cnnc ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. ActttR ! for the
vorcme court of the United States Justice
'eckham today handed down the opinion
f the court lu reply to questions certified
o the court from the United States circuit
ourt of arpcais for the Eighth circuit , In tlio
JKO of Kdwln II. Mellcnry and others
igalnflt Lore Alford and others. The case
nvolvcs the clRht of the state and coitoty
uthorltlev ) ef North Dakota to tax the lands
mbraced In the Rovcrament land grant to
in Northern Pacific Hallway company nnd
lie present caco grew out of the effort of
ho authorities nt Richmond county to levy
uch A tax under the stntu law ; In this case
' .10 land of the railroad company was solder
or taxes and the railroad rejclvers brought
ult to set aside the cales on the ground of
rrcgularlty and Invalidity of the rales.
There were six questions certified by the
ewer cpurt , but the supreme court held
lat : three of them did < iot fall within the
ules ot the court. The other three questions
n which I'jc court made reply were as fol-
ows :
1. Was It the purpose of chapter xolx of tht *
aws of Dakota for l < s.i to exempt from
axatlon the land grants of the Northern
'ac'lflc * which are outside * of Its rlght-of-
vny and are not shown to be used In Its
niMnt'SH ns a common carrier ?
2. If such was the purpose , was the act
old In i * lieu * or In part ns transgrcsMiiK
he limitations pnc ! < * d upon the power ot thu
crritorlal IcgNl.nture ?
3. C3ncPdlm.r the lands In controversy to
uive been subject lo taxation for 1SSS , were
Iiu appellants , by rYnson of any of t ; < *
illesfcl Irresulnrlties or c'efecta In thu mode
of iisrii > sdmint , rntltlc-.d to equitable relief
vlthout Hr i offrrliijT to pay the taxes
properly chargeable njjainst s > .ild lands ?
TW : first and third ot these questions were
pnswcrcd In the alDrmatlvo aud the second In
ho negative.
* rntTlnl llcrrpimr Is .Mil ( < . Durlni ; Hip Olontli.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 2.-The monthly
statement of the pullic debt 1'sued today
shows that at the closa ot business Decem
ber 31 , 1S)7 ! ) , the debt , lees cash In the treas
ury , amounted to $990,111GG7 , a decrcose for
the month of $10,114,890. This decrease in
: ho debt Is due principally to an Increase
In the cash which Is accounted for by tin *
ulo of the Union Pacific rallrcad.
Following Is a recapitulation of the debt :
Irterest bearing debt , $ S 7,3GOG20 ; debt on
which l-.tcrcct has ceased since maturity ,
? l 330,270 ; dc-bt-hearing no Interest , S3S3S9o"-
1IG. Total , $1,22-4.580.330. This amount , how.
ever , does not 'include ? 37G,9jtJ,033 In certifi
cates nnd treasury notes outstanding which
are offset by aa equal amount of cash In the
The cash In the treasury Is classified as
follows : Gold. S197.-1C9.235 ; silver , $307,291.-
GS4 ; paper , S10G.331 G91 ; bonds , disburoinz nr-
flcers balances , etc. , $50,298,728 ; total , $3G1-
391.370 , Bgalnat which there are demand
liabilities outstanding amounting to $623 -
916,601. which leaves the- cash balance In
the treasury. $235,471.7G3.
Its llrtirflti Mi\y litH.tUMiilfil by
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. The benefits de
rived from the- extension of the .rural free
delivery of mall matter , H Is expected , will
be inci eased as soon as authority can bo ob
tained from congress en the subject. At
the request -of the house postolllce commit
tee. First Assistant Postmaster General
Heath la preparing an amendment to the
service appropriation bill giving to carriers
In rural districts authority to receive cash
and obtain money orders for patrons ,
and to receipt for and deliver registered
letiter.1. This additional duty can be readily
performed by the carrUra who will , It the
scheme Is put In operation , become "travel-
Ing postofilces. " Country people therefore
will have nearly all the benefits enjoyed by
residents ot the city In this rssard , as the
carriers are permitted to oarry postal cards
and stamped envelopes for sale. Should the
proposition work well , the department will
bo enabled to abolUh many ot the small
pcstofllccs along the star routes.
SJi OK ' 1MU3 ( JOVI31lX.ME.Vr.
M nnrt K.MiriuIKiircH for .Month
Of OiTI-IUllIM' .
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. The monthly
statement of the government receipts and
expenditures for the month of December
f-hows the total receipts to have been $ uU-
G1UG93 , of which 511G60,7SS was from cua-
toms , ? 11,312,028 from internal revenue , and
533,642,080 from miscellaneous sources. The
expenditures for the month aggregate ? 27-
The receipts and expenditures for Dccom-
btv Include $31,715,201 received during the
month 'from ' the sale of the Union Pacific
railroad. $000.000 pah1 , outi to secure the W.I
on the Kansas Pacific , and ? 517.-123 Interest
paid on Pacific railroad subsidy bonds not
duo until June. Including the'o items the
receipts amount to $27,031,491 , and cxpcnJl-
turcci $2G,21GG-33 , leaving a surplus for the
mcuth of $1.711.831.
A.s compared with December , 1S9G , there h
shown to have been an Increase of nearly
$1,000,000 in the receipts from customs , and
about $1,145,000 Inorease from Internal rev
enue sources ,
Il * r llldM for .In11 in1 MI * Trnilp.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Omaha producers arc looking for
markets in other countries as a result of the
tariff bill , and are casting about tor ways and
menus In which to meet the products of for
eign manufacturers on their own ground. P.
K. Her has written to Congressman Mercer
asking the latter to Interest the customs
division of the Treasury department , and
especially the internal revenue branch , In
making a favorable ruling on his request to
have flvo gallon casks designated an the low.
cst alzed cask acceptable by the Treasury de
partment Inatead of ten gallons as now. It
Is llcr'a Intention to compete with German
and Rngllsh produeer of alcohol for the
trade ot Japan , but In order to do so ho
desires a modification of existing rules re
garding the sl/.o of casks. Transportation of
goods from seaports to the Intorlor of Japan
Is performed by coolies , the same ns ban
existed for centuries , That this coollo labor
may perform transportation easily. Her has
sent on casks and packages showing just ex
actly what he purposes doing to aecurti a
portion of the trade. i\t ono time ( Ivo-
gallon casks were quite In vogue , both In
Cincinnati and Milwaukee , especially In the
beer trade , hut of late years nothing has
been heard of any change desired , so far as
the treasury department Is concerned , until
Mercer preneuted the case of hla constituent
today. The matter has been taken under
Nt-iVH for ( lu Army.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3.-SpcclaI ( Tele
gram. ) The following transfers nro made In
the Fourth cavalry , to take effect February
1 , 1S9S : Captain Alaxandcr llodgcrs from
troop K to troop A ; yaptnln Harry 0. lion-
eon frcim troop A to troop K.
Lieutenant John U. Bennett Second In
fantry has bfcn ordered to Vancouver liar-
racks , \Vath. , as aide-de-camp to Ilrlgadicr
General Merrlam.
Captain George Huhlen , assistant surgeon ,
has been ordered from Fen lllley to Van
couver Harrucks. Wash.
Leaves ot absence : Lieutenant Charles W.
Penrose , Eleventh Infantry , extended two
months ; Lieutenant William H. Dashlell ,
Twenty-fourth Infantry , three months.
DlMiiiliixrH tli < > CrtiNxiyIIIKMI ! .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. In the supreme
court ot the Unite.l States today the appca
of George I > . Croasly from the decision of the
circuit court for the northern district o ( Cal
ifornia , denying him a writ of habeas corpus ,
was dismissed. Crotsly waa ouo of tbo rail-
read rioters In California In the jwmme-r ot
ISfiri and was charged with being responsible
for the death ot an cngtaecr .caused by the
derailing of a train. Upon trial In the state
court ho was found guilty and sentenced.
It wns sought to bring the raso Into the
United Stated court on the ground that the
derailed train wcs a mall train , but the court
held there wns no statute under which the
case could txivo been tried In the United
States courts and held that the enpllcatlon
for habeas corpus was pruiorly denied by
the circuit court.
Ororftim * In tinntlonnl ItiinU Xtito *
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. The monthly
staton.cnt of the comptroller of the currency
shows the total circulation of national bank
notes on December 31 to have been $228-
930.2S1 , a decrease for the year1 of $6,016,100 ,
and for the month of $619,426. The circula
tion based on United State * bonds was $190-
146.09,1 , a decrease for the year of $19,701,214 ,
and for the month of $5,589,473. $ The circula
tion secured by lawful money amounted to
$32,781.188 , an Increase for the year of $13-
038,114 , and for the month ot $1,070,054. The
air.ount of United States registered .bonds on
deposit to secure circulation notes was $218.-
9D2fl0 , and to secure public deposits , $30-
Scerctnry RIIKI * II | ii' It Will Itenr
Priilt In I.cKlKlntlon.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. Speaking today of
the report of the monetary commission for
the reform ot the currency Secretary Gage
said. "I have read the report with great In
terest end much profit. Avoiding abstract
terms It proceeds In plain , comprehensible
language to point out the sources cf our pres
ort financial weaknrro and the remedies pro.
pcaed are so clearly set forth that all may
understand. The reform measures recom
mended I regard as well adapted to euro the
Ills from which wo suiter and which threaten
our future. I skicerely hope It will bear
fruit in legislative action. "
nf Omnlin IlnnlcH.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) At the clcse of business December
15 , Comptroller Dawca announced the stand
ing ot Omaha national banks as follows :
Individual deposits , $8,390,926 ; due- from ap
proved reserve agents , $2.218,574 ; gold coin ,
$ S50.714 ; total specie , Sl,218,395 ; loana and
discounts , $9.002,759 ; duo from national
banks , $038,035 ; due from state banks and
bankers , $832,131 ; average reserve , 32.72.
The Merchants National bank of New York
has besn approved a.s reserve agent for the
American National bank ot Deadwood , S. D.
Omnlin MMM'H Smokt * Consumer.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Hlds for resetting the boilers in the
Detroit public building have been opened ,
Shull Brothers being the lowest , and as they
have Included In their bid the Hcynolda
smoke consuming device made by an Omaha
man , It would-oeem ns if this scheme needed
only Omaha endorsement to make It a go.
There Is some opposition to giving the con
tract to Ehull Brothers , but they are so much
lower that It Is believed they will bo given
the contract.
iiiv < < > I'oH
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The. resignation ot Fred II. Platz ,
postmaster at Davenport , Thayer county , has
been received at the Postoflice department.
First Assistant Postmaster General Heath
has directed the postmaster at West Point
to re-weigh mail with a view of Increasing
the amount appropriated for clerk hire.
Ci > lniiK < * Dsirliuv DpptMiilirr.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. The monthly
statement Issued by the director of the mint
sftows the total coinage at the mints during
December to have been $5,741,481. as follows
Gold. S3.62C.G42 ; silver , $1,977.107 ; minor
coins , $137,071. The silver dollars coined
amounted to $ lGOt,330.
MorrlHoii Admitted < ( , I'rnctlnt1.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. Among those ad
mitted to practice in the supreme court of
the United States today was Hon. William
11. Morrison , who has been for so many years
chairman of the Interstate Commerce com
mission , and who now resumes the practice
of law , his term of offlcc having expired.
AVI11 llocflvo ( ' 111,1111 Aid.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. The State depart
ment today announced the following mem
bers of a committee to receive at New York
all subscriptions and supplies for the suffer1
crs in Cuba : Stephen B. Barton , chairman ;
Charles Schercn and Loula Klopsch.
DlI'VVI'H SlIUCeiMlH I3vl l > lM.
WASHINGTON , Jn. 3. Charles G. Dawes
ot Illinois today took charge of his ofllce era
comptroller of the currency and N. 13. Scott
ot West Virginia assumed hU new duties of
commissioner of Internal revenue.
lT III Wll
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mies Louise Squires , daughter of C.
K. Squires of Omaha , Is the guest of Fred
Squires at Portner Flats.
flittl- 'I'ii ftMll ! V S4n t ntiiitrit.
WASHINGTON , Jun. 3. Today's statement
of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balances , $235,471,709 ; gold
reserve , $100,911,516.
XiiincM MoViiIdi foiReceiver. .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3.-Gcneral John Mc-
Nulta has been appointed receiver ot the
National Dank of Illinois la place of John C.
Keen , resigned.
Ili'iilIiTX V < > Important ICHDIIH. |
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. No Important de
cisions were rendered by the supreme court
To I'nituliiti * Them with Surplun from
till * CUll-H.
NKW YOHK , Jan. 3. Now England's
abandoned faring are to bo reclaimed , re
stored and operated on a plan that Is pri
marily , philanthropic , and secondarily com
mercial , A corporation has been formed ,
with 'tho ' secretary of the Now York Stock
cxc/.iango at ltt > had , to purchase arable land
tnd farm bulldK'gs In the states of Massa
chusetts , Conn/ctlcut , New Hampshire and
Vermont , and to resell both on' such terms
as to attract purchasers In large cities , and
sa relieve the congested population.
The Is Indorsed by John Wana-
maker , Mrs , IJalUnitrm Booth. Nathaniel S.
Ilcsoman , manager of the , Hebrew charity
fund , and William H. Sessions , secretary of
the iMaKsaohuseKts Hoard of agriculture. Of
ficers will bo appointed here tomorrow. It
U estimated that more -th-an 200,000 acres of
rich fallow U'nd ' , under cultivation twenty
years ago , lies idle today in ths New Kng-
land states , and it is the intention of these
who have associated themselves together for
thci purpose to secure by option-and by out
right purchase , all or nearly all , of thu
vast territory , and to populate It with ma-
torlal drawn from the crowded cities.
Misslci-.ary work will bo begui In the
largo cities , principally Now York and Brook
lyn , and the assistance of all organiza
tions 'interested In bettering the condition of
society will bo Invited.
The president of the company is A. W. Light-
bourn , fcccretary of the New York Wool ex
change ; Gecrgo M. lAtklns is treasurer , and
Cbirlcs llobleo general manager.
President LlKh'bourn said of the scheme :
"Our organization , whllo a buiV.iess enter
prise , is founded on a basis of true public
spirit , and its incorporation under 'tho ' lawri
of the st'Jto of Maine U hailed whit delight
throughout New England , for our success
mcaca the putloir ! of lite and now bluuj
Into a territory whose frultfulneta should
product ) milllcn * of revenue. "
TitiiI Clliit | | > rtiui Inland Incident ,
SAN FHANCISCO , Jan , 3. The American
flag- that Is rrportud to have been hauled
down by the Mexican marines at Cllppcrton
Island Ip ono that was taken from this city
by Paul J , llennltr , an cnvoloyo of the
Oceanic ! Phosphate company. It-was tiolsird
above the Cotal rim by Hennl and two
other San Franciscans , Joseph F , Moore nnd
Churlea A. Johnson , by direction of the
company that has for several years been
marki'tlntf thu phofphatca. Thu American
claimants will nslc their government to pro
tect their right * .
Jndeslriiblo at .bcitain Periods in the
Oonntrj's History ,
\ililrem by t.T-Co : nprollcr ( Uckctn nl
the OnnvtlpAtlou ICxi-rvlxoM
of tiiur Chlciifco
lnlvumly ! ,
CHICAQO. Jan. 3. The Hon. James II.
Sckclfl. ox-comptroller of the currency , do-
Ivered an address at the convocation exer
cises of the Chicago university , held at the
\udltorlutn this evening. His subject wag
Public Leadership. " end a largo audience
nrplauded his sentiments. He said In part :
UiirliK. the slavery agitation nncl the years
of the civil war Individual Indoprndenro wns
undesirable. 1 believe It was * equally uncle-
Mrublo In that curlier parlod when the
country was passing- through Its ycais of
experiment In establfRhltiK upon n safe foun-
daton n. constitutional republic. These dele.
Silica with authority , without abuse of It ,
secured to ths citizen his fullest rights , and
f nt times arrogant and keenly partisan ,
it the basis of every act wna nn unsclilsh
mtrlotlstn nnd n disinterested devotion to
Today , however , the country ihulss Itself
confronted by a situation where Individual
independence of action not only will not
jeopardize the nation's Interests , but must
lie Invoked to rid'It of threatened 'tigers. '
L do not underestimate the patriotism of
those who control party org-nnlzatlona and
1111 places of legislative and administrative
trust , but there must bo something radically
wrong In existing public morals and public
service , when questions of great national
rnipr.rtnnce are treated from the point of
view of moru local deslrea , Instead of on
the broader ground of a whole country's
Interests. It cannot but suggest more than
otiu serious doubt us to the future * glory of
th ? country , when It Is noted the tendency
upon the part of public servants to com
press the Interests of all the people within
the narrow conilnes of a concrosslonnl dis
trict , nncl measure the wisdom of taking-
courageous action by the possibilities of nn
The most friendly of our foreign critics
has declared that we have no great nubile
leaders. 1C such be the case th ? reason for
It is not dlllicult of ascertainment The
strength of political party organization has
In recent years been built up at the expcns ?
of party principles and public good Its
machinery has reached from city to state ,
and from Ftate to nation. Hy torce of Its
demands there 'have been nllonlnnted from
party ranks many of those who bellevp that
political bodies should be maintained In
order to contribute substantial benefit to
the government , whether It be national ,
state or municipal , and not in n doctrine the
reverse In practice.
There wan a tlmo In the annals of our
political history when the chief executive of
the nation could at the pame tlmo be both
the leader of his party and of the public.
Hut that day Is passed. There must continue
tinueto be an Im-prc'sslble conflict between
the good of the public service and modern
party organization as long as the latter
makes abject party obedlencp the absolute
test of public preferment and political hon
ors and the only guaranty of accepted ser
Out of all this-disturbing- destroying
force of party organization iher has still
eomo In tlio largest measure much of Ines
timable value to the public. It has. aroused
the business , man to political action , called
to duty the scholar , and created to a greater
or ICES dPRrc-e Independence even In a par
tisan press.
I am confident that the public leadership
which Is now t , | > e njost forceful thins fur
Kood In municipal. stutp. , and national af
fairs rests with tho.-io elements In one so
cial and palltlca.1 system. It Is leadership
divided on mans" h'slies nnd holding to differing
fering- views on many questions , but united
in a common purpose' to unselfishly pro-mote
tlio cause , ot { rood government. Its virility
la In the very Individuality iwliic'h is denied
to those who denounce political Independence
as KomctliliiK to be abhorred and courage o
conviction as afjalnsj party decree an un
pardonable sin.
Its good olHee < liavo more than once , dur-
IIIK the ipast two1 decade * ? , be'on enlisted in
behalf of reforms which have gained for
tlio public at Inrirc beneficial results and
added to the comfort of the Individual. Its
protest is against lowering1 the standard of
American national and commercial Integ
rity ; Its demand that the country s > h.ill have
a financial Ej'stem rational in construction
and adequate to properly meet the e'hnnglng
r.rcdj of trade and commerce. It rightfully
Insists that those who have the power and
the opportunity to act shall not take coun
sel of political expediency or endanger tha
financial fabric ot the nation through un
necessary delay.
The thoughtful citizen everywhere must
deprecate a political condition which de
mands a leadership outside the lines of a
responsible party organization. The fact
Itffif bespeaks the need of awakening a
dormant public conscience- and calling to
notion a heedless electorate. It comes only
when great Issues arc at sta'o and great
Interests are involved. It constitutes a de--
ff-nrn against these who , unmindful of the
trust reposed In their keeping , would sub
vert the ends of government to personal de
sires and political ambitions.
However weak the Independent loader maybe
bo at the caucus , ho can boast of a. power1
nt the. polls which each year grows more
potent and with each election gathers to
his cause * added force. lie will remain a
controllng factor In American politics until
political organization ; ! arc careful of the
rlBlitn of nil and guard without reference to
-nriviitn fnrtnnp.tho. creator Intnresta nf thn
public. He will diappear when In party
ranks arc leaders who are courageous and
far-seeing enough to deal 'with national
questions In a national way , frto from local
environments and unmoved by local throats.
His leadership and his following came lio-
caiiBO of the arrogance and unfaithfulness
of the dominating forces of a party ma
chinery budded upon surrendered personal
ity and avowed loyalty to a self-consti
tuted leader air.l held together by a judi
cious bestowal of public patronage. It can
not cease until this monaco to the country
is removed and Instead is given party or
ganization which , while faithful to party
orco-ils and party needs , still heeds tao
hluhcr duty claimed of It.
The greatness of the nation must always
rest In the kecolng of a leadership strong In
Ha sense of right , patriotic. In its devotion
to duty and unwavering in its fidelity to the.
whole people. Upon no other basis- can the
republics endure or the happiness and pros
perity of the citizen 1)0 vouchsafed.
\VI11 AIUKMI ! to Ti'jklllo Workers for 11
CriKTtil SlrlUc.
NEW 'BEDFORD ' , Mass. , Jan. 3. The
weavers of this city mean to make a stand
nn less decided 'than the spinners , and the
operatives are almost unanimous la favor
of a firm 'resistance ' to the proposed reduc
tion of wages and at the same time a strike
against the fining system which it was
proposed to fight iiu'March. ' 'A ' deputation
has been appointed to go to Fall Illver for
a conference wltb the Fall Ulver oiriclals.
This committee will endeavor to secure the
pli > die of the Pall ifMver unions to strike
as BOOH an the ! N/sw 'Hedford ' strlko begins.
It was voted also to send out communica
tions to all centers of i'the ' textile trade In the
north , soliciting financial support and propos
ing the snmo action as the committee will
suggest to the Mil River help.
KAM , UIVE . "jMuiej. ; . Jan. 3. The new
wages schedule , 11 1-9 per cent below that of
the laat three years , "went " into effect In the
mills of this citytoday. Matthew Hart and
others , representing the iN'ew Ilcdford wcav-
ors , visited this < ! lty 'today ' and had an In
terview with Secretary , , ' White of the local
weavers. Mr. Whlto' had decided to call a
meeting of the wt-avers for tomorrow night.
WOUDISSTBIl , Mass. . Jan. 3. Reduction In
wages took place In several Worcester county
mills today , cotton mills predominating. The
reduction in waged at the iMIIIbury cotton
nillla was not as largo as at first cpcctoj ; ,
the average being between 7 and 8 per cent.
At the Flskdalo mills , Staibrldgo , a reduc
tion in wages took effect today about the
aamo In range aa the wage reductions made
in Fall River.
About soventy-fivo men employed in the
bottoming department of the R. & A. II.
Hatchellow shoo factory at 'Xorth ' Drookfleld
had their wages cut today. The cut ranges
from 1 to 2 cents u case.
PHOVIDKNOB , II. I. . Jan. 3. Notices of
a reduction In waged were sent 'today ' to the
cotton mills of the Goddard , Knights , Lip-
pills , arvi these operated -by the smaller
corporattcns in this state , and have been
posted , or will be tomorrow. The operatives
will offer no resistance to the reduction in
this mate.
I3.VIJB.M , ( Mass. . Jan. 3. In the plant of the
Naumkcag steam cotton mills thu reduction
of 10 per cent In wages went Intel effect to
day. Abrut 1,600 employed are affected.
CHESTER , N , H. , Jan , 3. Operatives io
the \mosltcag corporation began work today
on a 10 'per cent reduction. At the Stark nnd
Armory mills the reduction will not go Into
effect until next ( .Monday.
niDOBFOIH ) . 'Me. ' , Jan. 3. The I'epperrcll
and Laconla cotton mills today announced a
reduction in wages of about 10 per cent , to
toke effect January 17. The two mills em
ploy 3,200 hands.
LKWISTOX. ( Mo. , Jan. 3.-Tho ngonts of
nil the cotton mills In Kewlston and Auburn
tolny received directions to ninko a general
reduction In wages on and After January 17.
Notices In accordance with these Instructions
have been posted. The reduction ot wages
Included the Lcwlnton blcachnry and dye
uicot3xi/is : w\o SPHCIAI , O
KnulnnilVI11 DiMiinuil Saino 1'rlvl-
IcKt'N Arcordod to Otln-rx ,
MANCHESTER , Eng. . Jan. 3. The ManChester -
Chester Guardian today fays : "Tho govern
ment has categorically stated that Great
Urltaln will refuse to recognize any special
rights granted at any Chinese port to any
particular power. Any port opened to ono
power imurt. be opened to all or open to nono.
If Russia had been granted the right to win
ter ships at Port Arthur Great Britain' will
enforce Its rights to the same privileges and
Its shlpa will winter there whether China
concedes or docs not concede the right. "
Continuing , the Guardian sayi : "If Ger
many obtains a naval station at Klao Chau ,
Great Hrlta'n Insist ? on having a IWKO o *
ground for a naval statlco at the- same port
and will support every other power making
the same claim. TCio contention of tin- gov
ernment Is that the most favored nation
clause In the British and all other treaties
with China forbids any special concessions
of the tiaturo contemplated by Germany nt
Klao Chau and prevents nations from ac
quiring special benefits lo which the others
diavo not a share.
"Tho government has also declared that
the same principle applies to such transac
tions an 'railway ' nii'l' ' mine monopolies. Tak
ing Us stand on the treaties , Great Britain
refuses to acknowledge sucli concessions nnd
will Insist upon similar railway and mlno
rights and will use such force to secure or
defend them as may bo necessary.
"This declaration does not apply to ces
sions of territory to which the existing
treaties do not refer , but relative to this
contingency the dispatch says that when It
occurs graver questions will arise. The gov
ernment 'Will then consider the manner In
which 'British Interests can 'beet bo safe
guarded and the form which the compensa
tion to Great HJrltaln for the special ad
vantages of other nations must take.
"It Is reported that n similar declaration
has been 'delivered ' to the Chinese and other
governments by Japan. "
Comply \vl < li ( ionium Drnmmls.
PEK1N Jan. 3 ( Delayed In Transmission. )
The Chinese nuthorites spent three hours nt
the German legation today , discussing the
recall of the commandant of Tsao Chou ,
province of Shan Tung , who Is charged with
having used threatening language to a Oer-
men missionary , and finally consented to
summon him to Poldn for examination , also
promising that lie should not return to Tsao
Spanish Siii'fHs in l'illl ! | > i > iin-N.
MADRID. Jan. 3. An official dispatch from
Manila , capital of the Philippine islands ,
announces that the Evanish flag has been
hoisted at Camorent and Blacubato. It Is
added that ths Insurgents rendered military
hcciora and cheered for Spain.
OuCtinjv In on HiiKllsli Trnilc.
LONDON , Jan. 3. The Pall Mall Gazette ,
commenting upon the Increase of American
cotton shipments to Japan , says : "The spe
cial Interest for us lies In the Injury to
Indian cotton growers , ff the American
staple ' 001111(11103 cheap and the American
takings Increase , it is more -than possible
that ere Ions America will soon ship to
China. "
TnrlioyViuitH u CrnJscr.
LONDON , Jan. 3. According to a dispatch
to the Times from Constantinople , an Im
perial irado has been Issued 'instructing ' ithe
admiralty to apply to t'ao Elswlck works
( Baron William Armstrong's ) for estimates on
specifications of a first class armored
liiiiiilinriloit .SirliifiM | n It Sni-jiHsr on
( lie Ilook-iniil.-iTN.
NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 3. Flv0 races' , all
with large fields , but with entries of the
lower middle class , made up today's cardj
Mazarine and Tremona , both at generous
prices , iwore the winning favorites and the
eleven books had the be. t of a mild and
general play. The weather was fine nnd the
track Cast. Thu event of the day was Hoin-
bardon's win at long odds , 100 to 1 beiiif ?
offered against him nt one. time. Uesults :
First race , selling , ono mile : Itnshllelds
won , Liewanna pccond , Jim Hogg third
Time : l:43'/4. :
Second race , selling , six nnd onhit : ! fur
longs : Mazarine won. t'rystalllne second ,
Uen Frost third. Tlmo : l:2i/ : , .
Third race , selling , fifteen-sixteenths of n
mile : J M 15 won , Elkln second Oreusa
third. Time : 1:37. :
Fourth race , polling , mile and twenty
yards ; < Ionibardon won , Lobcngula second ,
Tranby third. Time : 1M.
Fifth race , selling , seven nnd ono-half fur
longs : Tremona won. Verdi second , .Mc
Millan thlrd _ Time. : 1:2751.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. -Weather clear ,
track fast nt Inglesldo today. Results :
First race , selling , seven furlongs : Velo : ;
' .von , Little Singer second , Rufalba third
Time : l:2S : i.
Second rnc'o , ipurse , eleven-sixteenth * of a
mile : Dr. Slinrin won , Oflicial second , Mar
tha II third. Time : liOT-'Si.
Third race , allowance. , one mile : The
Roman won. Horatio second , lied Olcnn
third. Time : ] . ' , { .
'Fourth race , soiling , mile and a half : Ar
gentina won , Lorennu second , Charles Rciff
thlicl. Time. 2:37Vi. :
Fifth race , allowances , six furJpnKs : Cash
Day won. Rubicon second , UcnamcU third
Time : 1:13 : > i.
Sixth race , soiling , six furlongs ; Fashion
Plato won , Kamsln second , Stentor third
Time : 1:13. :
I'oiir-CoriH'i'oil Middle nixftiucc 111-
i.J ( . | , . itnoe in I'roHpt'ot.
. NEW YORK , Jan. 3. According to the
Herald , a nice for ono hour on an outdoor
track , scientifically curved , between the four
fastest middle distance ) bicyclists In tlio
world , with unlimited paccmaklng , nnd for
a purse of J20.0CO , 1 = ) what the New Yorkers
will bo treated to early next summer If
negotiations now pending do not miscarry ,
The race should bo the greatest In tho. his
tory of cycling. James .Michael necessarily
will bo ono of the quartet of competitors
and the oilier three will bc < evolved from two
series of trial heats , which n\ill be open to
the world , and for which special prizes will
bo offered , As at present proposed , all the
foreign cracks , including Lucleii Lcsna of
Switzerland , Kduard Tayloro of France
Tomllnson , J.V. . Stokes and A. A Clmao of
hngland , will bo Invited to compete In ono
of these series , whllo all the. likely Ameri
can riders. Including W.V. . Hamilton ,
Arthur Gardiner. IS. A. McDulllo , John S
Johnson , A. G Merlins. W. C. Banger nuct
J. F , Stiirbuelf , will bo Invited to compete
In the other porles , The tvlnnern of these
two series and a third rider to bo selected
according to merit will then meet Michael
In the final. For that final the best rlclcra
In the lAorld will be nocured for puuomuhing
purposes and the manager of uaoh com
petitor may employ as muny multicycles as
ho sees fit.
KlI.Mil ) IX A FOOT H.\JI , GAM 15.
Momlior of Slnnford 'JViini I ) | ( > N from
11 IN IiiJnrlfH.
MAUYSVILUC , Cal. , Jan. 3.-W. C. Man-
well of the Stanford foot ball team , who
was Injured In the giuno with the Marys-
vllle athletic team last Saturday , died at
2 o'clock this mornlnt' . Ho received an In
jury to the spinal cord opposite the sixth
cervical vertebrae , which caused j > nraIyslH
from the seat of the 'njury downward ,
There was also some- Internal Injury In
the region of tlio chest.
A short tlmo before his dentil young
Man well said : "I was playing quarterback
and tackled one of th Marytvlllo men In
doing HQ I caught him above the knco
Then I fell , my head resting on the leg
of the man 1 tackled , und niy body on
tlio ground. Whan the playcra began to
pile upon us In the scrimmage J felt my
neck crack and then the crowd piled off
I cried 'Oh , my neck , ' und turned over
on my buck , Tnat Is all I remember. "
AimtralliiiiM rile Up Itmiu ,
MKMiOl'HNK , Victoria , Jan , 3.-In the
second teat mutch between the Australians
nncl the vlRltlng Kngllsh cricketers , the for.
mer vvcru all out today lot KO runs. At
the close of phy this afternoon the KUT-
llahmen had scored twenty-two runs for
on > wicket down , i
Think * HeVtuiti u ( Minuet * lit Kill
NI3\V YOHK , Jan.Following Is n let
ter from Pony Moore , the father-ln-lnw of
Chnrloy Mitchell , who desires to correct
the Impression that the Kngllshmnn ever
declined to moot Kid McCoy. With the
letter Is a challenge from Mitchell to Mc
"As Kid McCoy 1ms lientsn Crecdon , and
n.9 he says Charley Mitchell would not IlKht
lilm while he was In Kuplnnd , you will
oblige by Inserting the following challenge
In your valuable paper. Just to show the
sporting public who tlunkod out of n match.
Yours sincerely ,
On He-half of Char'.ey Mltc-holf. "
The followlt.g Is Mitchell' * challenge :
"To Kid McCoy : Onarley Mitchell here
by challenges Kid McCoy to tight him for
any sum from 00 upwards- and the best
; > urso offered. The Olympic club of Illrm-
Inghnm In Knglnnd will five a purse of
tl.POO for the mutch to take place on the
21st of February. This purse Is good enough
for mo and should suit McCoy. Hoping Mo-
Coy will accept this challenge and come to
Kngland at once , I remain ,
Yours truly ,
P. S , I will allow McCoy 100 expenses. '
n.vinwix ( JUTS vex nun AUK'S CASH.
Supreme Court 'SiiMtulnx HM | Verdict
fol' ItiuiiiiM'e * .
"PHILADELPHIA. " Jan. 3. The supreme
court today nfilrmed the judgment of the
common pleas court of Plttsburg In the
damage suit of Pitcher Mark U.ildwtn
against Chris Von der Abe , owner of the St.
Louis basa ball club.
This suit grew out of charges of con
spiracy made by Von der Abe annlnst Hald-
wln at the time the latter wa playing with
the Plttsburg team In the spilng of ISM.
Von der Abe nlleiscd that Halchvln attempted -
tempted to persuade "Silver" King , then a
famous pitcher , to desert from tlio St. Louis
team und sign a contract with Plttsburg.
llnldwln was arrested nnd locked up and
Inter he sued Von der Ahc * for $10.000 dnm-
ages for falsu arrest. Two different lurles
In Plttsburg decided In HaldwIn'H favor fir
JJ.riOO damages , and today's decision ot the
supreme com l dolermlii"S his right to that
amount of thf SI , Louis magnate's cash.
Sends His Klritt 'lIoimiKO ' lo Orentei1
Xeiv York MuiilelpnlK.V.
NRW YORK , Jnn. n. Mayor Van Wyck's
message to the municipal assembly was read
upon the organization of that body today. It
treated at length ot the financial condition
of the greater city. The document was ac
companied by lengthy tables furnished him
by the comptrollers of New York , lirooklyn ,
Richmond and Queens. The figures Indicated
a funded debt ot the entire city of $227,153-
r > 29 , tnd an assessed valuation of real estate
of the entire city of $2,161.703,192.
"There Is , therefore , " tlio mayor salj , "an
apparent margin within the constitutional
limit of further indebtedness of about $19-
000,000. " Continuing , the mayor said : "Thin
exhibit of the financial condition ot our city
I submit without further comment than that
It ought to Impress every one with the stern
necessity of the utmost caution In the au
thorization of any bond Issue until we have
provided a greater margin as between 'tho
percentage of our real estate valuation pre
scribed In the constitutional limitation and
our outstanding net bonded debt. "
Regarding the duties ot Ills subordinates
Mayor Van Wyck said : "Kvcry one In public
station must understand that they will beheld
held to strict accountability for the honest ,
Intelligent and prompt discharge of such
public duties as they may undertake. In no
other way and by no other infiucnce can they
retain thuir positions. Fidelity to thu
pledges upon which the suffrages of our citi
zens were asked ami secured demands that
we demonstrate the advantages oB responsible
govurnnont ; that wo prove that an adminis
tration for 'which ' a great political party
stands sponsor can bi > depended upon not only
to reward merit , but as well to deal mcst
severely with betrayal of the public confi
dence. Including in this designation not alone
every form of dishonesty and every degrcu
of Inefilcieiicy , but also any want of Industry
and any indifference 'to ' the safety , comfort
and convenience of the public. "
Instructions ( o I InUreiiler Xerv York
NEW YORK , Jan. 3. The police commis
sioners had all the commanding ofilcers and
captains in Greater New York before them
tocl-ay. In an address President York said
there would bo no political preference In the
department and that all laws on the statute
books must be rigidly enforced. Gambling
and lottery ! a\\s were especially alluded to
In regard to the widely discussed action of
the old board under Theodore Hoosevelt Pres
ident York said :
"Wo do not want men detailed on the street
for the purpose of arresting women for the
purpose of discovering disorderly houses.
That Is .not . part of our duties as olllcere , but
wo expect you to break up such places and
enforce all violations , whether gambling or
social. The Impression has gone abroad
through the public prints that the Incoming
of this board meant that there would bo an
open city. There will bo none BO far as this
department Is concerned , but wo want the
laws broadly construed and liberally en
forced. "
Iteinnrkiilile Aillienlvc ( liiMlHIes of ( Ho
Western Soil I'll ! lo the Text.
II. M. I'archcci and Henry Klein have re
turned from a trip to Cascade county , says
the Helena , Mont. , Independent. Everything
went well on the trip out , but returning
they encountered a heavy thunilorelorm wll'i
a fall of rain , and Ici a few minutes the
road was made almost Impas&iblo. The soil
is thick clay , of the order known in sonic
localities as gumbo , aud whcn a little water
comes In contact with it a Btibstanco not 1111-
llko glue Is the result. The wheels soon
became so weighted with the Bluff that travel
in tlio wagon was Impossible , and It was re
solved to take chiuiccs afcot. There is a
peculiarity about gumbo that it sticks like
Hy i apor to everything 1'iot ono doesn't want
It to remain attached to , anil it somehow
won't stick to the ground long enough to
step out of It.
The members of the party flr t tried Ur > -
toolng along , Gradually the sticky suh-
stance accumulated under the balls of their
feet until they were lifted far fiom the sur
face of the ground , and still It accumulated
more and more. Gumbo Is not as light ap
jionio other substances , cither. Kadi foot
that a pedestrian raises from the ground
adds pcvcral pounds to his burden of woo.
Tiiere Is a limit to a man's carrying ca
pacity. When ho has acquired a atllt on
each foot that weighs 125 pounds or so he
feels like ctopplng to rest or rid himself of
the burden , or both ,
Mr. I'irchanwas the Irst , It Jls F-aUJ to
try to kick himself loose from his appendage
of mud. Posing himself on ono heavily
laden foot , hc kicked out with the other
with all his might. Hut ono 01 mint kick
gumbo from his shoes , The stuff has been
known to resist the efforts of the pick. Mr.
Parchan had not calculated on that. When
ho kicked the momentum of the hoivy weight
carried hlin forward on that foot and to save
himself and recover his balance ho waa
forced to thrust his other foot forward with
considerable vehemence. That foot , too , was
heavily laden with the same sprt of mud
and the momentum of It had a similar elTcct.
As each foot became heavier by the accumu
lated weight of gumbo each other foot < bo-
conio heavier , too , KO that the increasing
brake upon the pedestrian's ppeed waa com
pensated for by the Increasing momentum
furnished. TJio accumulation had grown to
alarming figurce , If expressed in pounds , cnj
Mr. I'arclion encountered an up-gpiclo und
was saved. Ho secured Implemcnta fitted
for the purpose and managed to ucrapo off
the bottom of IiU shoes making a nlco now
eurfaco for more mud to cling to. '
Thu experience * ) of the other members of
the party were similar. They all ploddol
along thu line of the Great Falls and Canada
railway Into the city , which they reached at
midnight. Their horses hod been turned
looiio and they reached homo later with 'balls
of tnud clinging to their tails as big aa foot
balls and smaller spheres of mud hanging
pendent from "their " manes. Mr. Woodn took a.
hunting dog with him and the animal lay
down In the mud to roll , So much of It
clung to her that It was wltb difficulty that
she dragged Leruolf Into the city.
President Likely to Prmlon or Parole Jamoj
W , Molntjro.
Om it Power ln > Pnlltlen , but Now
Con vlrt VJIM n nil DOTVIIH In
tlcil.lfr of i >
' ( llniikvr. i , , Jf
OlIICARO , Jnn. 3. ( Special Telegranvi
Jnmes S. Mo'sityrc1 , who was pnt to tha
house of correction nt Detroit. Mich. , six
weeks or two months ago , to serve a oon-
tcnce of ono year , will. It Is said , be- paroled ,
or pardoned by President McKInlcyvlthln
the week.
Mclntyro was tried o.nd convicted before
Juclgo Orosscuu In Chicago for using the
United States malls to llont dotcntnro boinln ,
the product of n company organized nt Cln-
rlnda , la. , and said to have beer.i chartered ,
and Incorporated under the laws of that
state. Albeit , the courts decided that the
class of paper uttered by him was of the
lottery kind and therefore fraudulent.
Twenty years ago Mclntyro was a man of
great prominence In Iowa. Ho located In
Clarlncla at nn early day and engaged lit
the banking business. Hut hU penchant for
politics wrecked him. In18GB he- was elected
to the state legislature < rom his county ,
serving eight consecutive terms , ( alternating
between the house and sctMtc. He became
Involved with the lobby that Infested the
capltol of lown during the legislative ses
sions of hlci tlmo and this wrought his down ,
fall , lie was shrewd , subtlecurnlng and
was hard to defeat at the polls , even nftcr
his constituency found him out. Despite hli
money , however , ho was defeated In 1S78 ,
when he removed' to Hastings , Neb. , where
he again engaged In. . banking cod Bought to
jump Into political prominence. N'obrnskass
would not have It. and he was defeated In
his effort to reach the legislature. Still ho
left his sting , for his bauk'ag venture fnlleJ
nnd a large number of conlldlng depositors
were raught.
iMctntyro's iimst erratic career began In
1SPO. InipoverUhe.1 lo wealth nnd character ,
he sought .1 new field for iJbor. Going 4o
Alabama with Dr. 'Howeu ' of that stale , ho
founded the Cildc-onlto order , a cog in the
popullstlc wlieel. This society was of secret
character and wan built upon the ( traditions
of Glclecn of iHlldo fame. Mclntyro sought to
organize u political society In bind.3 of ten
and cliiiplora of 1100 , In each coigrcsslciial dis
trict of each state , for nho purpose of waging
war upon the ? party in power. In a word ,
transposition was to occur In , the democratic
south and republican north. So successful
was this Initial effort thaiti the Kolbltcs lu
Alabama won their first and only victory.
Mclntyre then made an effort 'to lodge the
order In every city of the land. In 1S92 ho
had n membership of over 3,000 In Chicago
alone cud a foothold In St. Louis , Louisville ,
St. tonla , Cincinnati , Plttsburg and other
cities. DUrlng that memorable campaign the
cloven foot manifested Itself. He undertook
to sell the vote of his followers , chiefly labor ,
outright , and It would not down. Ills Chi-
rvi if n ovn priori nn In t it in 1 t i\ ni * n n * nn.i iit .
- 0 > -.i | > . .t .I. . . . . ! . 114 iina , mu umiufcu LlAjl null
his liberty and ho then went Into the deben
ture brad business with the result known.
Sllllt l > > - IllUllOMII AMHIINHlll.
JACKSON , Mich. , Jan. 3. News has just
been received from , the Algorn Agricultural
and Medical college , for colored people , near
Hodnoy , iMlH3. . that the president of the
college , K. G. Triplott , was shot and fatally
wounded lant evening by an unknown ns-
rassln whllo on his -way to prayer moutlng
fatato Superintendent of Education Klrican-
non wns notified of the shooting and re
quested to send bloodhounds There Is no
clew to the assassin. Mr. Trlplett. at 9
o'clock this morning- , was sinking rapidly.
HeccpMflii to Dick O'llrlcii.
NEW YOHIC , Jan. 2. Dick O'Urlen of Hos-
ton , the middleweight prize fighter , returned
from a six months' trip abroad today. Ho
and Prof. James Kelly arrived on the steam
ship St. Louis and were met by a number
of siportlng men who wanted to give O'Hrien
a "sondoff" upon bis victory over the "Har
lem Coffee Cooler , " whom he knocked out
in the second round before the Olympic
club at Ulrmlngliam , England , not long ago.
Full to Arrnl n Urn. Xnelc.
NEW YOUiv , Jan. 3. Mrs. Augusta Xack.
Indlcto-d with Martin Thorn lor the murclor
of William Gulden&upno , the bath rubber , In
a cottage at Woodsldo , L. I. . In Juno laat ,
was not arraigned In the county court to
day , as It had been expected she would be
No date for her arraignment has been set ,
but it Is probable her case iwill bo disposed
of at this term ot court.
Her ProfexHlDiuiI
Cleveland Plain Dealer : The haughty
young typewriter drujv herself to her
queenly height.
"George Verinilllon , " she said , In Icy tones ,
"no one could mistake your attentions to
me. My lawyer says I have n beautiful
case. Either 1 will sue you for bro.ich ot
promise or else you must give , mo the legal
right to write ' .Mrs. George Vermlllion' on
my calling cards. "
"Write ItV" iracifil the unh.innv nrrmlovnr
"Great Caesar , girl , you can't even spoil It ! "
Scientific Selection , of Food Adnpt-
cd To Hrnln ItuiUUng ,
The manner In , which the human body
transforms fet > J Into tissue and brain large
ly determines the kind of man or woman.
Proper food must bo furnished the 'labo
ratory ( stomach ) or falluro In power , both
physical and mental , la the result.
Ono sure way to make brain , tissue that
mind can play upon and produce success
In business or profession Is to furnish the
body with Eclected food elements especially
required In the ibullcllng of that peculiar
greyish substance of which the Solar Plex
us the Uralu and tlio ncrvo centcra
throughout the body are composed.
13.13 per cent of Postum Food Coffee con.
elsts ot Protein , a UESUO maker , whllo
per cent consists ot Dextrlno or IJrltlsh
Gum , Grapa Sugar , ( Terms given to certain
highly nutrltlvo properties obtained from
cereals ) end other energy and heat produc
ing elements , giving a total of 7D.21 per
cent of the exact food demanded by nature
for this work.
The analysis by Dr. I ) , F. Davenport , on
ot Now England's ' meat famous Chomlotn I'i '
of Interest to thoughtful people , who ecclo
to Invoke the aid of proper food to enable
them lo Hklllfully carry on the dally duties
ecid maintain wlthlu their grasp hounding
"This Is to certify that t have purcliatcd
In the open market of Iloston an unopened
original commercial package ) of Postum Cer
eal Coffee. I have carefully examined the
same. , and find that when It is prepared ac
cording to the directions given on the pack-
ace , it forms a healthful , jitipctlzliig bov-
crago , of an agiccablo fragrance and wholly
free from these propertied which render
ordinary coffee no harmful to many. I have
carefully analyzed It 'for the proportions of
nutrient substanceo contained li * It , aud todi
them to be as follows !
I Per Cent.
Of MoUturo C.S5
Mineral or bono-formlng substance. , . 4.01
Of CelluloKo energy and fat producing rl
BUbStOllCCrt 8.70
Of ] Fat or energy and heat producing- .r
substances , l.CO
Of Protein or ilenh forming cubatancca 13.13
Of Non-nitrogenous extracts , KUCU ati
starch , augari , Rumu , etc. , lieat and
substances. . . * . . „ CC.U
A total ot 100
Bennett ff. Qwppojtt