Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1898, Page 11, Image 19

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    Til.13 ( TM'ATTA DATr.V Tl"RTC. TTTTr.Sll AV. .TATCTTAUV .1.
IorJ of Traro ? Election Dctrscts frcm
Interest in Lfarkots ,
I nr\HTtr | < l liiirenKtIn I In * Vlallile
I'lirnlxlie *
| lu > Ili-nrUli InlliiiMivu on
the .Market. _ _ . |
CflirAOO , Jnn. 3. There was more In
terest display'1' ! In the annual board of
trade election , which took place today , than
In trading In nny of the pruln nnd pro
vision pits. Wheat was weak , following Informaton of that tendency , nnd
clrred Ifil c lower. Corn lost % , nnd oata
Ml * * of their former prices , provisions
wcrfc strong nnd Z'AlfWc ' higher nt the close.
Wheat stnrtt-d easier nnd nt lower prlcex. .
Slay nt V2c , which showed -lie decline slnco
Prldny. Liverpool howc < l % d decline to
begin with , nnd northwest receipts did not
tiy any means Htiggest nn Immediate fall
ing oft In volume. Those were the features
in the early IKSWS which nppirently created
n desire to sell at the start , nnd also ex
tinguished for the time being any Inclina
tion to buy. The rostilt was that In the
flrwt thirty minutes' tradltig May declined to
01 ' ,4 , nnd even nt that price showed very
little tendency to react for porno time.
Trading ul the best was readier slow , t is
Interest of traders belli ? ctntcred on the
annual election Chicago receipts were lib
eral , and the visible supply statement was
c-xpectcd to be an additional discouraging
factor. The .MlnneapDlls and Duluth ru-
tr Ipts nlnce lust Krlilay morning were 912
cars , against 1.C07 for the similar time the
week ijcforc. and 374 the llrst Monday In
January. JS 7. Chicago received 243 cars ,
imnlimt 7S5 n W HC ) go , and 1C3 the corro-
Fliondlng day of 1S97. Ihu exports from nit
( Miintrlra to lOtirofie last week amounted to
7479,00 ; ( ) lmsiols : , ngiilnst n.Gir , IXJI bushels the
week lifforL- , and 4tC2.0U'J liusheli * the corre-
npindliiK week of last year. 'I he ( | Uaiitltj
on ocean passage was neither Increased nor
decreased last wek ; New York reported
Homo foretell IniyliiK orders at the oix-'nlnK ,
lint not enough to have an InlUitmce on
I.rlces There were bills here also for .No. 1
northern spring wheat for export , but the
holders of all of that description now In
Chicago held their property at prohibitive
jirlces. The visible supply statomcfit was
even more bearish In Its lie urea thiin had
been expected. The Increase. InMead of
being about 1 2.-n.OnO bushels , as looked for ,
was 2,300HM bushels , making the lotnl 3S-
Hlii.OO ) bushels. A year ago the visible n-
crease was only 20S.WO btisheLs , line the total
was 5l.fi51.000 bushels. About the- only dis
tinctly bullish Item In the days
news was the cUarances from Atlantle
ports , their amount llng enuul In wlieat nnj
Hour to srl.i 0 bushels. Of that New Or-
leiuiH contributed in shape of Hour iS.COU
bnrrels. The announcement of these Hsures
Injected a little nrmnoss Into th ? drooping
nrnket , nnd May. which in the meaiitlino
bad drooped to 91. reach ng that llsttre
about 12 o'clock , recovered > slowly to 9m.
It declined npaln to UlVj. but In t' ' e 'nst ' fw
minutes trading reacted again to 91',4'ipl AC.
"corn was ° heVvy at the start , and became
still weaker as the session progr ssed , clos
ing pnu-tleally at bottom prke- * . The ilown-
warll tendenr-y ot wl.ent Intl" ' " ,1 corn.
but the Immense receipts. ! U. ! cars , , were
In the main responsible for thu decline.
T.ierwas some country Helling both
through roeilvltiB houses and elevator peo-
] > ! e Uiiylng was seattered : May ranged
from 2a fi29cl and closer % c lower at
aswe Weak nil day. hong * nnd ele
vator concern were qultp free sellers I lie
heavy recelplH. W. ) cars , had n great deal to
Jin with the ll.iuldatlc.ii . , and sympathy wlh
v.hf > al and corn was also evident , inete
w s some recovery from the bottom on
commission house buying , presumably
iigalnst sales of corn. May ranged from
2ikc : to 23VMi2ttc. : ! closing Viflc lower at
ni. . . . .stf.u , , , . nnilvn trade 111 provisions.
" "
The" market was decidedly strain ; nnu
lilBliMat the start , duo to tht > small hag
anil higher yard prices Local
lnnH anil packers so'.tl freely ut the open-
Inir iidvnnco and onusctl a eniiHldeniOlo re-
et-lou but nuiLtt'o ' end there waH 'in In-
1-riM.sp in buyliiK orders and pr t0u
other upturn. The tnarlset closed Htronc.
Jl y pork 100 hlKlicr at p.Wfo Jlu > ird.
7i p ItlKhcr , ntI.M ; and May ribs 5c hlsher
" '
"V'atl'inaU'd recE-lpts Ttrxdiiy : Wheat. 130
rirs : : corn , i.075 c.irs ; outs , 175 cars ; ' >
" : ! 'futures rangml ns follows.
ArTlcieBTTI I Lo.v. ijngao.T Kr iUy
Jan. . . . DIM HOW as
May. . . Hii 111 Oil
July. . .
Jan. . . . JfiVj
May. . . ill
July. . .
live. . . .
May. . .
1 ink
Jan. . . . I ) 074 ) 07 ( < i 0 01) ) 8 07 Mi
May. . . U 37 ! , u I ) JO oaaSi
Jm : . . . 4 H'Jki 1 7f. 1 Ul ) 4 724
May. . . I 05 I 1 4 7i ! 4 US
Jan . . . 1 lil )
May. . . 1 70 4 07 ( s
( null ( were us follows : , , . .
Vl-Oril Klrm : winter pitents , J4.70B4 rn. ;
\VIIKVT-No. 2 tprlu ? SCi4BS7c ; No. 3 spring.
OiJK'N ' . ' " ' ' lOHl91e.
tOIlNNo. . 1. ZMifiSWc.
OATSNo. . 2. 22M23C , f. o. I. . . : No. 2 white ,
llflU'lc. No. ! l white , ttiu.tUC.
li VI'Nn. . 2. 4Co.
1 inl ner 1'H ' ) Ibs. . JI.EO. Short rlbf. rlden ( ! < ' > .
JIMVI73. Dry hnllctl HiouldeiH IJioxed ) , Jl.tOfl
i 75 Hliort clrar sides ( bo\e I ) , fl.'oKIS.i.
WHISKY-IMntlllers' llnWied KOJds , per Bal. ,
l-iqf , $0,11 ; Brnnulnteil. r > .Sl.
On tbu Pro lure exchange today tbe butter mar-
kPl\VIIH Bleady ; i-reiiinerles , IWJIc ; dalile 12ff
ISc. Cheeie , llrm ; fiJ'x. ' . Efts * . Ilin"
pnullry , fteady ; luikeya ,
clilckc-ns ,
Qnotntloim of I h < * DII J < > ( rni-rnl
NE\V YOIIK. Jan. 3. rLOt'U-llrcoliitn. 33.201
bbls. ; expurts , 7OC ( ! bills. Marlvet iluU and lower
on cliulin liranus rliliine | | | and winter ; city mill
patcnls , ji.CJSTJ M ) ; city mill cleir. JHWD.60 ;
Minnesota ptitents. fj l"W3.5J ; Mlnnesi.ta bakers' ,
winter patents , J.SOf(5 ( ( 15 ; winter
MnilRhts , Jl.S'ill.CO ; winter extras | 3.IOI.04 | ;
winter low ra .ex. J2 SO | 3.0) . Itye Hour , htcndy ,
J2.0)4)3.25. hitter for fancy , Iluckwheat Hour ,
ailll't 'KH ' EAT -Nominal. 3Cifl'37e.
COHN MKAL ( julet ; yellow western , fi'e.
HYE Steady ; No. 2 western , We ; < arlots , OIC1
IIAULEY-Qulet : No 2 western i4c.
IIAItLEY MALT-Dilll. 62 > . CCp.
\VHEAT-lteceliit , 113.775 Im. ; exports , 39.175
bu. i pot ucak ; Nored. . II. W , , Options opened
weak , ur.dcr cables , declined further on t *
heavy vlklhlo fupply Increane and closed TiOl'.ic '
net lower. havliiK received very little mipiwrt
fnini any wmice durlnK the day ; No. 2 red. Jan
uary. 1MI97C. closed. 97 4c ; May , 93i Mic ,
co | od , 93n.
COItN Hccelpts , 2S.75 hu. : expoits , 63,037 bu. ;
rpot , \\talt ; No. 2 , S5Vc. Options opened
cj ler with wheat and HUb eiuently | do-
cllneit under cables , clojlnso ti't Hwer. Jan
uary closed 33'jc ' ; May , 3IUj3H4c , clourd , 3 1 Vic.
OATH Itecelpts 273.VCO bu. Hpoteaker ; No.
I nuts , JS SfZSliC. Options ijulet and easier ,
clo limat 3 c net decline ; May closed at 2Sc ,
HAY Hti-iidler ; fehlpplntt , } JU4Sc ; K0)d to choice ,
JIOI'S Steady ; flute commcn to choice. U93
crop. 4Jlfc ; I'1 ' ! rop. 7SI9c ; ISO ; crop. ICJJlSc ;
] > nclll < count , 1S93 crun. 4UCo ; ISM ciop , 7f9o ; ! Si7
crop. Iff ! Ike.
IIIDES-Qulrtj Clalveiton , 15c ; Texas dry. He :
California. 1141 ISc.
LEATHEIl Steady ; hemlock sole , Iluenos
Ayres. IlKht lo heavy weluhts. JOUftJUic
WOOL-Qulet : domentlc. SJJfJlc : Texas. UlTKc.
I'HOVISIONS llccf , llnuer , family. Ill.OOfjll.HO ;
extra nifsn. | S.Wil1 ; be f liiniin. li2.bOO22.5U ;
packet , ISfMTin.W. Cut me t . iiteady ; pickled
{ milieu , tS.OOtfti-00 ; pickled shoulders , S5.0U ; plckleil
Imini. 17.00. I.'ird. llrm ; urtlern teamed. $110 ;
rellned , firmer. 1'ork. llrm ; mens , JS-75i'J.I5 ;
short clear , llO.COinj.M ; family , JlO.JjfJll.Oi ) .
Tallow , dull ; city 3Vjc bid : country , JSff'Hc.
OM Cotloiifeed oil , ijulet Imt llrmer ; prime
cnnle , : : ic ; prime crude , f. o. h. 'mlll > , ISmCo ;
off summer yellow , ! 2c ; butter oil , HffJTc ; prime
I winter yellow , HUtjlSHc ; winter lei low. ISViif
, lo. ! ) 1'etroleum , dull ; I'nlted , cU'U'J. no market.
MUcllriln , ftCJdy ; common to good , Jl.lOif
l.d. Turpvntlne , quiet. S340U ! c.
ItlfE-Qulet ; fair to extra , ( UtlClic ; Japan ,
MOLA8SES Ste dyi New Orleans , open kettle ,
gn \ lo choice tCSJJlc.
UISIVVLS With the exception of lead all de-
parlnienta of the metal inaikct Hurt the week
In fulriv iiood Imix' , with a Ki > od demand for
Iron. The tnetul uxi-hange calli PK ! Iron wor-
niuti iiulct t thn cloie at J C3O < .73j lake cop
per , tuidx t tlO.S CU.00 ; tin , Oriu ut
15. "i. fTH6r. ( iuft ; at . "fl'l'l i-nl If 't ft-y
nt t3. " 'ii1,72'i. ' ' Thn nrm t lt | T M the ( . . mini
price for l a < 1tnit mlr. r find rincllcr calls tn "
lc. 1 nv.rl < "t -I i ? at II V.
nrrnt-Rrr ! idn. | 9 , 3I nk * . ; market nrm ;
vttrtftn < rp mery. l.VRSlc ; lilelns. Me ; factory.
CHKESK-HeoHpts. 6,015 pki * . ; m rkft steady ;
l r K white , f-viitrrnlx-r , SHW c ; small white ,
September. OfjSiiC ; lirw > lored , September ,
* 4 ! IMc ; nmnll colored , September. WHicj lar ? e.
Octolrtr , SviBS ic ; ftnall. O--tol r. > i < 4ftS ic : light
skims , WC' ' c ; part tklrni , ( ViSfS1 ' - : full rklmo ,
ElOS-Hecclpt , C.I57 pkm. ) msfket steady ;
state and Pennsylvania. 2Hf25Ho ; weutetn , 221 > c.
o.M.vii.v iTnxTjuAf. JLVHKKTS.
Cnnilltlon of Trnilc nnil Qniilnt Inns
fin Stiiplp niiil I'nnc-y rrniliicc ,
EOOS-Strlctly fresh. 190c.
HUTTKIl Common to fair , lOnilc : choice to
fancy , HfJKc : separator creamery , Sic : gathered
creamery. ISWISc.
VEAL Cholco ft , SO to 120 Ibs , , quoted at ! c ;
large and coarse. 43c.
IiUESSKI ) POULTHY-ChKk ns. CflSs ; turkeys ,
9JIOc } ; gecfc. 7c ; iluckd.
QAMK Small rabbus per dnz. . We ; latro , BIT
dot. , 7-c tl.M ; fiiulrrcU , MiiW.
1MOEONS Live , 75 : : dcml ulgeona not wanted ,
HAY t'planil , J5.M ; mldlnnd. i.f > 1 ; lowland ,
13.00 ; rye utrnw , Jl : color makes the price on
hay ; light bales tell the best : only top grade *
.bring lop prices.
ViOI2TAllLES : ) .
QUINCEH-Cnllfurnla. per box. l,23.
_ CELEHY-Oood stock , large , 40cr small , XO
' '
o'.VIONS-lVr bu. . COffKc.
HEANH-lland-plcked navy , per bu. , l.iO1.20.
KWEET POTATOES Per libl. , 2.51.
r-AllllAOr.-nfH-l stock , per Ib. , l 4c.
POTATOES Home grown , WOISc ; western
stock , 7Uc.
APPLES Winter slock , t.W ; C.illfomla Hellc-
fleur , Imxcs , JI.SO ; Colorado Jonntlmng , boxes ,
$1.75 ; Oregon , boxes , Jl.K.
rUANIlEUIlIES Jerseys , per Mil. . I7.00O7.J3 :
Wisconsin Hell and Ilugfe. 17.50 ; Wisconsin Hell
and Cherry , tS.tfl ,
OHAPES CntawbaJ" , C-lb. baikotn. ll I5c ; Mai-
OtlANOES Mexican , per box , J5.23C3.50 ; Cali
fornia. navels , } 3.fiO.
LEMONS-Messlnas , J3.0001.00 ; California. SCO.
j.Sr. ? 3.60 ; 300. J3.CO.
HANANAS Choice , large flock , p r bunch , JJ.OO
< ? 2.23 ; medium sizol bunches , (1.7:02.00.
NUTS Almonds , per Hi , , larco. size. 15V5S13C !
small , lie ; llrazlls , per Ib. , 9ifluc : nngllsh wal
nuts , per Ib. . fancy soft fhell , lie ; slan-lards. 9
fllOc filberts , | > er Ib. , lOc ; pcc.ins , imtlshed ,
medium , Sjflio ; extra largo. 10o ; large hlckury
nuts , ll.OOBI.lO per bu. : small , Jl. 2561.35 per bu. ;
cocoa nuts , p > : 200 , JI.OO ; peanutc , raw , u < J75Vio ;
roarted , .
FIC3S Imiwrted fancy. 1 crown. H-lb. boxes
12e ; 0 trown. 4Mb. boxp * . KClOs : Mh. boxes , 22
U23c per box : California , 10-lb. b < ix. Jl.up.
_ HONEY Choice .vhltc , 12 ; Colorado amber , in
-Per hbl. . J4.00 ; half Mil. . I2.235J2.33.
MAPLE SYni'P Klvc-gal. cans. each. j.75 ;
ral. cans , pure , per doz. , J12.00 : half-gal , cans ,
J0.23 : quart cans. J.1. . " * .
DATES Hallowre , CO to 7Mb. boxes. CSalr ; ,
CV4c ; Kurd. j-ib. boxes. 9c.
CIDEP.-Per half Mil. . J1.CO : bbls. . J3.23.
PRESSno IIKMK-Good native Rtecr.s , C'.Jc ' :
good foroiuartfri steers , nije ; KJtxl hlndiiunrtPrH
Bleers , ; western steels , Gic : Texas step | ,
3'4c ; fancy helfiTS. Cc ; good helfeis. B'ic ; g' il
rorequarters helfnrp. Tii1 ; - > il , hlndquaflorp
hvlf rs. S * * ; gncwl cows , fli c ; fair , owy , r Hc ; row
foniiuaitiTS , 4'4c ; ci w hlndniiarters , "i/.r ,
I1EEI. ' ClTS-IlniiBlnn tenil.-i loins. , 4'-.c ' : ilbi ,
No. 1 , lie ; libs No. 2. Se : lib" , Nj. ,1 , fie ; steer
loimds , "c ; cow muniN , CVic ; cow rnuiulH. rhank
off , Sc raw roun.l. ' , shank and rump off , Slfc :
trimming ! ) . * 'ir : bi-ef slunlLi , Kc : uniln , | el
doz. , 3r , , . ; swieibreids , per 10. . 12V : ; swee'lirMdo
( calves ) , per Hi. . 40c ; kidneys , per ilo ? . . 3"u' , ox
lalli. each , 3c : livers. pr ! ! > . . 3c ; hearls , per l'i. ,
Sc : tongues , per Ib. , li e ; calf ll\ers. each , 33c :
calves , whole carcasi or sides , 9c , calf hiMd n.nH
feet , scalded , PIT set , 7o ; tenderloin * , ficsh , 13c ;
terd rlolns. frozen. 17c ; bjnfle s strips. fiX'Hh ,
lO'i" ; hoiiplefs strips. frr > : en. 9Uc ; etrlp loins ,
fr'ili. S'/4c ' ; strip loin" , fror n. 7c : mils. Nino-
Icsn. DV4c ; rolls , pp'ncer cuts. S'.ic ; sliloln buttt ,
IxMielops , 9 ! c ; shoulder clo-H. bonee ! , U\jc :
lump InittM. lionele' . * . t cj Nn. 1 chucks. M..c ;
No. 2chucks. . Cc ; No. 3 chuck" . 4'r ' ; bon lis
chucks , l ic ; cjw ( ilaten. 3ic ; H'ear pl.ili" < . 1 ;
flank ttcak. Cc : loins. No. I. 13.loins. ; . No , 2 ,
l"c ; loins. No. ? . Sc : short lcJn . market slyle , 2-
alMve loins ; short hVns , hot i style. 3" above
lolnt : oiw Mln ends. Sc : steer loin i/ndr . 9i\
MUTTON Fancy lambs , S'ic ' per Ib. lambs.
74e ! ; sheep , CVle ; market racks , long. ! V ; hotel
racks , fhort. Ho : Inlns. S'.Jc : rnil'iles , S"4c ; IORS ,
tc : lamb legs. lOc bren tt nnd stews , 3' ' c ;
tongues , ca h 3c ; forequnrters. CVC. :
I'OIIIC Dressed plgi1 , " , e per Ib. ; drepsed hogs ,
IVic ; tenderloins , He ; loins , fhort. 5Uc. long , r c ;
spire ribs. Ic : hum nausago butts , tijc ; Ito.'tnn
butts , rC ; FliouMers. loiich. 4 ie : shouldpra ,
tiered , rc ; headp. clenned. 4c ; pnoiits nnd ear ? ,
Kc ; hacklwinns. 2I e ; sl'n bdnc" . 2' ' c ; cheek moat.
4o neck bones , 2c ; plgV tails. Sc ; plucks , each
rc ; chitterlings , r , ? ; hncUs 1r ; hearts , ix-r doz. ,
23c : stomachs , each : ! c ; tongues , eicli 7c : kid
neys , * or doz. lOc : brains , n T dos. , 15c ; iil s *
feet , tier doz. . 2.1c : livers , each Sc ; hos rlnJs ,
Sc ; blade bones , Cc.
HIDES No. 1 greenhides. . 7c ; No. 2 preen
hides , Cc ; No. 1 tolled hides. 6'iC ; No. 2 yreen
salted hides. 7c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
OIIL.J..I i i-juin vnuL'n Funfu eacn
, , Juffijc ;
ijreeh salted phearllngs ( short wooleil early
tklns ) , each , IJe ; dry shearlings ( fhort wooleil
aarly skin ? ) , No. 1 , each , 5c : dry Hint. Kansas
ind Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
weight. 4ffOc ; dry ( lint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual woltht , 3f
Ic ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wool pelts. | > cr
Ib. , actual weight , ISSc ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. Sjjlc.
TALIXJW. r.HEASE. ETC. Tallow , No. 1.
2c ; tnllcw. No. 2 , 2y.c : rough tallow , l'4o ;
white greove , 2Vffi2Vic ; yellow nnd brown crease.
1H 2 C.
I'M'IJS Dear ( black or brown ) . J3.00iJ20.00 ;
otter. Jl.SOffS.OO ; mink , UT/COc ; Leaver , JI.OO
25coyc. . . . _ _ .
silver fox. 150 00373.00
HORSE HIDES-Each. Jl.nOir2.23.
.St. Louis ( ieiifrnl Murkctn.
ST. I/Ol'IS. Jon. 3. VIJOVH Quiet , unchanged ;
patents. } l.7AB4ffi ; ftrnlchls , 1435&I.60 ; clear ,
t4.C05T4.23 : medium , JZ.50If3.75.
WHEAT Irfwer , closing H101&C bclqw Friday
far May. with July % c off ; May opened Kc
lower ( torllned He more , reacted tic. went down
Vic and rallied ViOc. closing with buyers at' spot , lower , dull ; No , 2 red oinh. elevator.
93Uc ; track. 93V.C ; January , 93 % ; ; May. 9I 4S
94ic ; July , fO'ic ; No. y hard cash. S > CfiS7c.
roitN Futuies lower , closing Vis below Fri
day , with buyers at He abore the bottom ; ? pot
easier : No. 2 each. ZGVic ; January , 2C'/ic ; May ,
27'lc ' bid ; July. Wte.
OATS Futures lower , with other grains ; epot ,
dull ; No. 2 cafh. elevator , 23o ; track , 23He : .lan-
triry. 23Uc ; May , 23c ; No. 2 white , 24H23s.
KVE-Qulct , Ka bid.
FLAXS13ED Ixiwor. ll.H.
C'OHN MRAI < - ) . ) .
liUAN Quiet , steady ; sacked , east trJck , 51ff
HAY-Eiifiy ; prairie , JO.COiiT ? 13 ; timothy , J'.OOIS' '
llflTEIt-Dull ; creamery , 17Q22c ; dairy. 9ffl7c.
( Xl ) TO N TI EH Cf p.
Inal. f3.7JS. !
PHOVISIONS-Pork. nun : standard mess. 19.
Lmd , higher ; prime Elcim , Jl. 5 ; choice , JI.C3.
llacon , lioxed , ots , extra fhort clear , J.r..12Viil
5. : : . ; rlls. } 323i/5.o.ii ; i-liorts , J1.37i,65f'.G3. Dry
Halt meats , boxed HhouliVm } 1.75Ti5.CO ; extra
rhrrt clcir. tl.C2'/jl.75 ' | ; ribs , JI.7JOl.b i ; shorts ,
| l.73firi.i ( ) > .
PEfEIPTS-KI-Jur. C.0-0 bids. ; wheat , CG.OOO
bu. ; lorn. 3C7.00I ) Im.'oats. ; S'.fOO bu.
HHII'MKNTS-flour. 3.000 hbh ) . ; wheat , 17,000
bu. ; coin , H7.CCO bu. ; oats , I2,00 > ) bu.
HALTIMOItE. Jan. 3-FLOUIt-Qulet ; west
cm superllne , ta.70ij3.0i ; westlcin extia , ti.'tttf
4 ID ; western family , > ji4.t"i : spring wheat
patents , J5.033,20 ; uprlng wheiit otralghls , JUub1
Jl.t'3 ; recelptn. S.1M bbls. ; expxte , 1,157 I'blf.
WHEAT Dull and lower ; spot and month , 9GTJ
< B97c ; Februair. I7'4c bid ; May , 93 io bid ; steamer
No. 2 led. 91Ti 93c : receipts. 47C t bu. ; cxporlj ) ,
H.IXW bu. ; Huuthern wheat , by sample , ;
Hoythcrn , on giude , ( KnilMIKc.
lHHIN-Weak ; rpot nnd montli. 32H033 > lc : I-Vb
niary. 324c asked ; steamer mixed. 3054W3Jo ; re
ceipts , I' I Lu. ; exports. S50 , 42S bu , ; southern
white and yellow corn , 29C3lc.
O.vaW-Flrmer : No. 3 white. 23H0SOe : No. 2
mixed. 270ic ; rece'pl , 22 CC ! bu. ; cxiwrta. none ,
K YE Easier ; No. - neju-by , Kc : No. 2 ost-
ern. M > ie ; lecelpta , 2Ji"J ) bii. ; expats , 72.W7 l > u.
HAY Steady ; choice timothy , JI3.
( HIAIN FllEinHTS-Diill ; demand Mat nnd nn-
chaiifcd ; rnU-rt Ivircly Hteady ; Hteam to Liverpool - .
pool , per bu. , M , January ; Cork , for orders , per
4i rlcr. 3s ca. January.
lltTTKK-Oul u fancy creamery , 23o ; fancy
Imitation , IStflSo ; fiuncy ladle , 17u : coed ludle ,
ir.ii ICe ; store p.icki l , 12f/l < c.
EOOS stea ly : fri > h. llie ,
CHWnSE Steady : fancy New York , large , 9i
OlOc ; fancy New York , medium , 10S10 > ic ; fancy
New Yori ( , small , WUnoHc.
Clly Ornlii nnil I'riivlxliuiii.
n'out ' lo lower ; soft neglected ; No. 1 hard , Sic ;
> b\\ t. MMOHlic ; No. 3 , 76STS2V , " : No. 4 , 76W
7 > Vie ; No. 1 riil. P0e ; No. 2. MVsc ; No. S. 84fjli7c ;
No. 2 sprlns , Joj No. 3 , 7S4080c ; one car mixed ,
COHN Active , nnd cloalng rather weak ; No.
2 mixed. 2 2H c.
OATS Active anil nrm : No. t white , EQ
" '
"HY'E NO. z. e.
HAY Fulrly active ami steady : choice Urn-
Ithy. Il.70ff8.75 ; choice rralrle. IT.M01.75.
nUTTEU-u\ctlv ; creamery , .JCOlSo ; dalr > ' , U
KcVlS-Fresh , We ; Mnrflir * , HClJc.
HIX'EIPTR-For three d ji : Wheat , 130 , 00
bu. ; c-orn. 1C9.6M bu.J oats. Jl 000 bu ,
BHII'MKNTfi-Wlioat. 10.000 bu. ; corn , 61,703
bu. ; oats , none.
PEORIA , Jan.COIINMarket dull and
lower : No. 2. 2 c.
OATS-Market dull and lower ; No. 2 white
WHISKY Market Eleady ; high proof spirits.
Wcnrr Co in in I no I on Company.
OMAHA Oi'wioj , .inn. 3. Market * today were
nil lower at the openlnir , caused to somn extent
by the cabled Ud denllne In Uverp l marlioti
ami literal receipts.
May wlicut oo n l J SZo and cradually worked
< Vnn ti n nnl rirrtmt-d steil ; at , ir 1 hill
f ) . , ' ini'i nmr ii.p .ij.w. wh n U re.i UN ! and
rj 1 lit ! it. | | . , ; , rv.
Hi.iiMff oiipiiiy r.xjrt | sh > ws nn ln.T\ ' In
whtnl < > f 2i".i ' ) Im , n > t mure than wai -
l > "i-tel an im-iease of 271 , OO ) bu In porn , which
Is not M rmil for C"rn , and a Uecreiiw of IJ.V'W
bu , for onts.
The Ixmrlsh sentiment , nhleh hat hn deveiiT-
Inn for some tlm . s. me.1 to IMIVP KnlnH 111
strengtli tmlay , nnil may l * " ! * ! ! ! ! " more evident
should It hnvp the s ! > l isnef > of weakening
news , which we doubt It will Rot.
May corn opened at sntyc nnd following wheat
dellnnl nnd r-l > - - < \ at Sc ) to 2 Hc.
O.ils were the Mrongnyt cereal toilay , opening
nl Sine nnd closing1 nt MHc ti 2 > , c.
A fwe hnve said Iwfffre wp believe In tn
strength of these conrs- grains , nnd can see no
KO < | ren on for nny deckled i1 c4ln In w limit ,
but nn tv eontinry think It should be IwuRht.
e. [ ioclally on tlie e soft s | > ots.
\IMV OrlrniiM .Mnrlcol.
NFW OHL\\NS. | .tan. 3.-HOO PHOni'CTP-
Qulet nnd sternly. Pork , KUindard me < is , . " -ic.
Ixiril , refined tierce. l ; < Mic. lloxe < l ments. dry
> H shrmldeM. 4Sc ; i > We , 4 * c. Ilapon , clear
rib sides. 5 4ff3'4c. ' Hams , choice sugar cured ,
f\FFEE Steady : Illo , ordinary to fair. T'.ifl1
r ,
Fl/II'lc-Pteadv ; extra fancy , N.HSM.CO ;
pnlent" . I > MM. ( .
roiiNMrrAL-Qni-t. ji.w.
1IHAN Dull , Ri'rJ'Oc.
HAY-Eoiy ; prime , tlX ! ( > 31 ! . < ; choice. JH.01
013.0) .
COIlN No. 2 , sacked white , 36J3"c ; mixed , JSe ;
yellow. 37c.
OATS-No. 2 , nicked , 2DK 30c.
llicn Steady ; otillnary to good ,
r.i-ntn 1trc > rlilH | n ( Prhiclpnt
ST. I/JUIS. Jnn. S. Itecelpts : WliMt , 79 cars.
KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 3. Hecelpls : Wheat , 219
ClilCAOO , Jnn. 3. Receipt * todny : Wheat. 211
cars ; catn , 9IJ cars : onls. PC9 cars. Estimated
car lots tomorrow ; Wheat , 150 ; corn , 1,073 ; oats.
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 3.-Ilecclpt ! Wheat , 83
car. " .
DITLI'TH , Jnn. 3 , Receipts ; Wheit. R2 cars.
PEOIHA. Jan. 3. Receipts : Corn. 122,700 bu.
oats , tfi 101 bu. ; rye , COO bu. ; uhlrky. 73 bbU.
wheat. 8,300 bu. Shipments : Corn , 73,500 bu.
oats , 33.000 bu , ; rye , none ; whkiky , 935 hbls.
wheat , COO bu ,
Clnc'liituill MnrUrt.
CINCINNATI , Jan. 3.-FI.Ot'R-Qulet ; fjncy
Jl.2ixrf4. < n : family , J3.r.v 3.w.
WHEAT-Mrm ; No. 2 red , 93c.
IXJRN Easier , lower ; Nn. 2 mixed. SS ,02Je.
OATW-Mnn : No. 2 , 2IVi823c.
RYE Quiet ; No. 2. 47c.
IMtOVIHIONS Lard , quiet , higher , JI.705 < l.fO
tlulk metits , firm. JI.43. llacon , quiet , firm , 13 37
WHISKY-Qillel. fl ID.
nt'TTJ-il--l.-rri' : | ; Elgin creamery , 23c ; Oilo :
14fPl > ) c ; dairy. Il 12e.
.SUGAR-FIrm ; hard rellned , J.lJff8.10. (
EOOS Firmer , 16V4C.
VHI | | > II * Supply of ( Iritln.
N1\\ ! ' YOUJan. . 3. The sttitomcnt of the
vlsllle nipply of grain In store and nllont S 'ur '
day. January 1 , ns complleil by the Jfew York
Produce exc-hunc ? , Is ns follows :
WHEAT S . "iir,0 > ) bu. ; Increase , S 197.O ) ) bu.
COI1N ? t < 2t. ( * bu. ; Increase , 2720 bn.
OATri 1V.S4I.CDO bu. ; decn-ase. C'.S.OOrt bu.
RYE I.OiVi.OO ) bu. : Increiise , 315.CO ) bu.
HARLKY 1,141,0 ? ) Ul. : decrease , 315.000 bu.
Liverpool . Inrkct.
shrrt cut. tlim , 35s ; Bhould rs. iuare , ilull , 23
E..con. clear bellies , dull. 373 Gd.
ImpJitH of wheat Into for the wee !
from Atlantic pirtn , 4i,70 ; < ) quarters ; irom r.ione :
rorts , none : from other ports. 81,00) ) quart.-re
lir ; < jrts of coin from Atlantic pirts Into Liver
pool for the week , M.200 quartern.
Ti > I < -li ) Allirld-t.
TOLK11O. Jan. 3. WHEAT Active for May
No. 2 cnFh , 02c ; Miy. 921ic.
CORN Lower ; No. a mixed. 2Sc.
OATS Steady : No. 2 mixed. 22c ,
RYE Dull : No. 2 cn'Jh. tC'.ic. '
CI.OVERSEED Dull ; prime cash and January
JJ.22',4. '
Di'trolt .MlirUi-1.
DPTROIT. Jan. 3. WHEAT No. 1 while , 91c
N 2 rod. 91c ; May , 91 lc.
COIIN No. 2 mixed. 3)c. l
O NTH No. 2 white , SliU. '
RYE-NO. 2. 4Sc. ' '
I'll Hnilul till III I'roillico.
but rteady ; fancy western creamery , ! 2Uc ; west-
cm prints. 24c.
EGOS Firm , and lc higher ; western. 21c.
.Stiff Money Mnrlct KOIMIN tin
I'rloc of Sopk ( .
NEW YORK. Jan. 3. The money market
failed to shew nn cntler tone today nnd Jan
uary's boom In the pi Ice of stocks , wVilch some
people Had expected to begin Immediately , fallel
to arriveon this , the first business day of the
new year. On the contrary , there was quite a
Hurry In the money market before the da >
parsed and the calling : of loans precipitated some
thing \cry like a squeeze. 'Ihe rate for rail
money run up to C per cent , though offerings wert
mude later at 2i ! per cent. There wns 1:0 : actual
loan leportcd du Ir.R the day. howexcr. at le s t .an
2 , per cent. It Is dlltlcult to fay how far
lallve. Certainly the ttock market all day did
not Ehow Gvldenuffs ot any great plentltudc of
funds available fer speculation. The ex-change
market hardened , the actual rate for long tttr-
llne rising to 14.HUThis wns paid to be due
to an Investment demand basel on a presumption
of easier rules foil money here lit tlio near fu
ture and looking to the lending of money
abroad. A pe .ceptlble easing of money In Lon
don nnd Berlin did not serve to Interfere with
this demand. The disbursement of January In
terest by the governnlent and the. further sums
paid out for the redemption ot Pacific bonds
were expected to afford relief to the money
market today and to offset the. piyment of iS,3"0-
000 which Is to lie m.ide on Wednoiday by the
Union Pacific syndicate to the government , be
ing the final payment of that account. What
ever additional sums were released to the money
market today , the large operations pending
eccin to have made ncco-sary the shifting of
loans , which icsulted In the afternoon In stiffen
ing of rates. Of the ordinary disbursements for
dividends nnd Interest It wnu not expected that
u large proportion would become Immediately
available for the money markei. As bearlns on
the future ot t'.ie money market , It In Important
to bear In mind tlat the government Ins now
on deposit In New York banks upwards of
J33.COO.COO. It Is said by tubtrcasury nltlclals that
the government Is not likely to take up these de
posits for a reasonnb.e time lo come , nut on
the other hand It lies within the option of the
banln to surrender the deposits by taking up
the bonds which they have placed with
government as cecutlty. Such a surrender of
these deposits would naturally tend to sustain
the rates of money In the. market. The situa
tion In the money market kept the tone of stocks
heavy and restricted the trading within narrow
llrrilts. The heaviness was added to by the
pemlmlotla utterance of the president of the .St.
Paul D3 to the unprofitable nature of competi
tive business nt prevailing rates. Even the local
securities fallc'd to benefit greatly from the rec
ommendations In the mayor's message , prices
being kept down by realizing on lines ! that Imd
been bought In anticipation of tha message. For
eign markets failed to rulect any apprehension
of the ultuatlon In , the far cast. The liquidation
In tin ) grangers here was quite heavy , ejpeclaily
In jt. lliul , and declines of about a point are
shown throughout the group. Declines were gen
eral and reached u point In other cases. The
I'ittshui * , ' , Cincinnati , Chicago & SI. Louis stocks
I rigl'in & limn * y . ' . ' 'I" . L.uiMilU' A N.l h\llle ,
. s , i ) , .Milr. iitlltiin street Ralht.iy > , ! ' 4. Mil *
' i url , Kansas * Texas preftrred. 4 frW Northern
I in IIUS , * 6 , N.'rtlurn I'nriric j iif. rrej. l,227 |
R k Island , 5.897 , st Pmil. SO.J',9 ; American
Tnluc- . ' . "Ml. fhlrngo ( Trent \\erte-n. 9.047 ;
f'ropltt'a Oas. J.J9J. Sugar. 11919 ; Western Union ,
\ -iv Vitrk .Monpy Mnrkrt.
J-'Irm. 2HWJ ptr cent ! last loans , SH per cent !
clofed , 24 3 per cent.
STERLLVd EXrltANlE-l.'lrmer. ( with actual
biiilness In bankers' bills nl Jl.SI'tflUS for de
mand and nt J.S2'ifM.S2 % for sixty days. Potted
rates. JI.SJ and JI.S5HHI.SS. Commercial bills ,
? " * ' '
Closing quotations on bomb ) Wftro ns follows :
tl7s. no " 4s. rei. . . . last STjJ'a * - . 110
U.S. now4 * coil. . . . 12X N. C.'ill ' I''i
H.S,4 .rv ; i2 4 N.U'rti.i- . 101
U.S. IH. coup 11:11 : , No..P.Vin , 1 H. . .lilt
tJ. S.2s. m IMlVj No..t.icUl3 ; .11 01
U.S. Oi.rnr . .lit NoJV'iW 41 . . . . D3M
U.S. iii , coup 114 N. > , , C\i3t. L.41..10IW
District.I. UMV < N.W. . t ! * 123
Ala..clnsA 107 N. W. Cn-Mobi Ill
Ala..01:11 : ? II 107 \WIMu. . fit 1 ItlW
Ala..cliH : ' 3 101 OP.V M.iMlBti ll''M
Ala.Currency. . . .ion Oro. Nav. 41 . . . . lim :
AlclilHon Ii H0' ( O. Slvii. ll . t. r. l'J41 (
Atchlsona'il. 4s. . . . S H O.Stli fil. t. r U0' <
CanumSo.'nJi : . . 1II7H O. Imii. Isls. t. r. . . . 101
C. A N. P. t. r. 3s. . 40'm > . i-iiij. J , , ur 4ilU
C..VO..H . 11 Ml I IMsflle A,4 or'Jl . .103 ! <
C.II..tD. 4 i. lOIHIRji. ) n-r'4i ' HUH
IJ.AH. ( J. IHH . .HI4 < 4lt.(7.'nVWliM : | ( ' H'J
D.AII o. it smlsu u ; r.fji. oj1.1 ss
K.iHtt'Mi. iin . . .lot jst. u&g.'p.GM.a.inm
KrleCM'i. tn 7iimjSt. lj ( lOJimli IH :
V. W. t D. U. t. I70' ' SL IO.'V P. UH. . . lit )
3cit.Kl3j.Dl 1034 St. lYC. , V P. .1 * 11JK
O.H. nS. A.Oi. . . .Uli S. C. naiifinl V <
( Mt.&S A ' 'iH..10111 Soulhsra ! l/ . . * . . . . 02 > i
II.xT.UJtil.ti 10.1 , 3. K. AT. ill nj > <
II..VT. C. on O-i..101 Tonniti'iw AAI34 . . H1
Iowa O. titi Id ) Tux. P.ic. L ( J.litt 07 (
1C. P. Con. . I. r Kt T.JT. 1'AMtJ..Mv. i !
K. P. l :8.t. r. 113 U. P. iHti 10:1 :
I.a.NuiviJjn. . . .100 ( J. P.D.tin. . . 40
UAiN.Ual i Hl' < Wlb.lH'.H 107 ? <
MlsiO'trl 01 100 tt'.i" ) . ' 'd > i01i
M. K. A P. 'I ( 113 WoilS'nr ) II . . . .10.1 4 . . H'l ' i V.i. Ciiturln OS
N. Y. C. Isu 110 V.i.djrjrpjl II <
IltMtnii Sloi'U ( liiotntliiiiM.
liOSTON , Jan. 3.-Call loans. 21401 per cent ;
time lanns. 3f(4 ( per cent. Closing prices for
stocks , bonds ana mining shares :
AlT.AS. P luR ' \V. Klcc. pfl . O'J
American . 141l West Kna Hlff.lls. . O'JHW
Am.H.irar nd ( . . . HAH Krt. Kloa. In . 10,1
llav State U.I * lt ( fJoti. Klcj. nfd. H4
Pol ! ToloplioiiB. . . BUS Atchlson pfd 30
Ilosion.t Albnv. 2'JO AtchOon 4i H8.4
lie ton.V Mama. . . 107 Uonur.ll Kloc. us. . 10. )
C..U.A : 0 ! ISH Win. Cent Oa 1'JflW
t'ltchDiiri' ( H- * Allounz .Mlnlii ? C3 CO
( iencral Hlo tno. . 114 Atlinll' '
lllmola SUvjI. . . 40 IIO910II .t M.Tlt.TJ : l 14UU
Moxlcui : C.'ilral. . , - > U Ililtto.U Doltr.n. . . . *
Old Colony 1R7 . ( 'alillnot i lIscU , .
U.S. L 20 ! Centennial <
UiiODor 1'iH Kr.inkliii. , om
tlulou P.iclUc L'.H Osccnl.i Ml )
West End M4U Oulnav 117
ilnpfil 10:1 : Taiuarnelt ill.
W. Eloc 20d WolvorniH 1H
San 1'rniH'lni'o Milling Qiiotnilon.i.
Sliver bars , ECo ; Mexican dollars , 17Vj4Ec
ilrnfts , right , 15c ; ilrnftH. telegraph , 17V4C-
York JIliiliiK Uuiitntlouii.
NR\V YOIIK , Jnn. 3. The following are the
closing ; mining quotations :
Chollnr. SO Ontario 1'jO
Crown Polnu Ill ) ODIHI- . (14 (
Con. cat. AVa. . . . . l'J.1 I'lvinoutn O'J
Dculwoou : tin QulchHltver llll )
OuuUl.t Oilrri- 40 Oaluisilver nfJ. . . uon
llalu&Mornrj ? ! . . 14D SIcrr.iNoval.v. . . 711
Iloiue taico 371)0 ) StanUirJ 1.10
Iron Silver 83 Union Con ' . ' ( )
Mexican HO Yellow J.ileet 1(1 (
London HtocU
I.ONUON , Jan. 3. 4 p. , m. closlnx :
Consols , m'v . .11'- common. . . H7W
ConsolH. acct . _ . . . Y. 110 > 4
Can. 1'actnc H4 ! i u ! )
Erlo 1.V
Rrlu Ma 39. Mox > fhiii. new
III. . . 1O7 AUU'.aoii '
Me.\icaii or.linary. . _ J S _
Har f liver dull. IG C-lCd-pcr ounce. Money
IVjGS ner cent. late of idtajount In the oitcn
mitrkrt for short and thrco , uipjitht' bills , NfS
J4 | n-r cent. Har Raid , 77s lid ; American eagles ,
7tia U. ,
American Securities in Loniloii.
LONDON , Jan. 3. The mnrlict for American
! o = urltlcs. after a dull nnd nthr weak openlnK.
was llrnior. but jntlier Inactive , with no micclal
features. The closing tone was tlrm and the de
mand moderate. " > I
LONDON , Jan. 3. Gold nt Kuenos Ayrcs to
day. 171.10.
1'AltISV , Jan. 3. Three per"cc.nt rentes , 103f SOc.
KxclianKo on I-iiiloii , 25f 23 < c. ' Buelnoss on the
bourse today was InactiveI with a tendency to
more favorable prices. ' i
lliillilny one ' > v Vorlccv Orlounn
anil IIveronl Rjrliiin > ; i'M.
NEYOIIK , Jan. 3. COTTON The exchange
is closed today.
NK\V OIILKANS. Jan. 3. COTTON Exchange
closed , no market.
ST. l.OUIS. Jan. 3. COTTON Quiet and un
changed ; mlddllnu , B7-lCc ; sales , none ; receipts ,
.1,712 bales ; shlpnientB , 4,764 bales ; stock , 67,237
SrBMPIIIK. Tcnn. . Jan. 3 COTTON Steady ;
middling , 0 % ; recelptB. 4,016 bales ; shipments ,
7,023 bale * ; stMk , 14S,99i > bales ; wiles , 1,500 bftles.
OALVE31XDN. Jan. 3. COTTON Firm : mid
dling. 6 Ho.
LlvnnrOOU Jan. S. COTTON Exchange
closed today.
NEW ORLEANS. Jim. 3.-SUOAH-Open l < et-
tlv. steady at 2lS3c ; crntrlfUKnl. nleody ; Kran-
ulatfd , 491CT4 13-lCc ; whiles , 404o ; yellows ,
3Tif4o ; seconds , 2ViS3 11-lCc. MolnESes. kfttlc.
stfady at 14ff27c ; centrlfUBUl , vtuy at GfllSo ;
cyruii steady nt.722c. !
NEW YORK , Jim. 3. StlOAIl now , firm ;
fair reflnlns , 39Sc : entrlfuBal , % test , 4lic ; re-
Iliied. llrin ; crushed , 6Tic ; powdered , C 7-lCc ;
HTanulnteil , ( Hie ; mould A , CV4o ; ctandard A ,
5We ; conffctloners' A. C'/tc ; cut loaf , 57io ; cubes ,
5 7-lGs.
\Vniileil Ills \anii- ' i > iiipreNKvil.
The recent dfatli of Frank Wilson , the
amotis B'iniblcr , recalled to on old Sioux City
fournal reporter some of Ills oxporlences of
twenty years ago In connection wltli writing
O tlio account of Wilson's killing of Frank
Wilder. The reporter says ;
' "Hio mornlciK of tlio Buootlns I was alile
o get a very short account of the clrctim-
stance Into the paper , and the following
day I went out after tlio details , The nia-
erlal for n biographical sketch of Frank
Wilder , the victim , was secured from his
mistress , and tha circumstances of the alioot-
DI ; were obtained from different persons.
In the evening I went to see Wilson to get
a biographical sketch of him , After asking
several questions as to the lougth of Ma
esldcnco ticro , and about where ho came
rom , I asked ;
" 'Frank , how old arc you ? '
"IIo looked at mo and Inquired : 'What
lo you want to know all this stuff for ? '
" 'O , ' I replied , ' 1 want to wrlto up this
affair In good shape. '
" 'But you had It written up In this morn-
ng's paper. '
" 'Yes , but only for a quarter of a column ,
and I want to work U for what It Is worth,1
" 'Of course that's alt rlgiit. Work it up
; oed and plenty. Hut , any can't you Just
eave my name out ot It ? '
"This was the most aggravated Instance hi
ill my experience In the way of a request
o sururess a name In reporting a piece of
news. "
IllKh Lltfliln.
Chicago Record : Men pun owe one an
other Ms money and stll , bo civil , but n
woman quits speaking1 to another -woman
who owes her IS cents. /
I-clfe l n pchool In which the most gen
erous father cannot pay his son's tuition
After a woman Is marnMntic sometimes
wishes she Imd hunguji a horseshoe In-
teail of mistletoe.
Even the man who ls > friild of his wife
s bravo enough to iibux'4 'congress. '
Genius Is the gift of holding on until other
people get tired nnd let KI ( .
A Hatignlno tempernmem Is ono that picks
out a good place for n tojimto patch while
hero Is snow nn the ground. *
Tinfilrl nnd Hir * Kootlirlnt.
Cleveland Plain DealcrJj What I * the girl
olng on her knees In the"EiirtA ?
She Is measuring a fogtnrlnt.
Jt Is the. footprint of the young clergy
man , who has just ! > as cil.
Christmas morning be U'ill receive n pair
of slippers that are wltbln pevural sizes of
being n fit.
fli-ver girl ,
Happy clereyman.
Week Begins with a Bolter Supply nm
PnjSlpnily l'rpcn | for Wlml IMcnaest
Them , lint iKtiorc Uvrrytliluir
HI up HOK Oprn Five
Higher. , i
SOUTH OJIAHA. Jnn. 3. Receipts for th
dnys Indicated were :
Cnttle. Hoffs. Sheep Horses
January 3 1,033 2.476 f.,170
January 1 E97 2535 ! ,129 2
UcctnVbcr 31 52.1 r.S16 1,016 . . .
Decsmber 3J M2 7.071 l.&S-l . . .
December ? fl. . . . . . f > ! 5 ti.fiOS 3.MI . . . .
December 28. 1,570 6.S43 2.C41
Decembel 27. l.Slti 2.3SJ SCI . . . .
December 24. M2 5,043 1.019
December 23. 751 10,313 1,153 . . . .
December 2 } . 1,019 11,825 1.150 3
December 21. 1,119 ! > ,77S 1,501
December 20. 871 4.23S 1,113 81
December H ( W4 7.9S2 1.313 17
December 17. 1,871 4.974 2.C23
December 16. 2.270 0,817 2.9S9
The olllolal number of cara of stock
hrotiRht In today by each roail wns :
C.ittle. lloss. Sheep.
O. & St. J , . Ily 3 3
.Missouri 1'nclllc Ily 1 1
Union Pacific System 20 8 C
V. , 15. ci M , V. It U 1G 13 13
C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ky 10 .1 4
H. & M. U U. H 19 9
C , , H. & Q. Ily 2
C. , U. I. & P. Ily. . west. . . . 2
Total receipts 71 33 23
The disposition of the duy'a receipts wns
ns follows , each buyer purchasltiK the num
ber of head Indicated :
Htiyers. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omnha Packing Co 12
O. H. Hammond Co 17S SSG
Swift and Company 377 . . . . 5K
Cudahy Packing Co 552 1.19G 1.135
I.oilman .1 Kothsehllils.-
Huston & Co 3
Livingston & Shaler 49
Swift & Co. , country ' . . . . S3 !
H. Hamilton 133
Planklnton , Milwaukee K-0 . . . .
Chicago P. & P. Co. , Ne
braska City 220 . . . .
Other buyers 22 . . . . 2,743
Left over 1W . . . . 70
Totals 1,577 2,407 5,178
CATTM3 While there were only flxty-
elsht cars of cattle here. It was the largest
run In some days , In fact , the unrest since
Tue'ilny of Init week. The mntkct. hov.v-
evcr , dd ! not Improve In the sanw ratio as
the receipts , there lieliiR little phane ; In
Handy little oornfed beeves , which just
happened lo please the buyers , were fully
stc.idy but there wi > re very few cattle In
the yards that would answer to that de
scription. On the other hand , the most of
the receipt. ! consisted cf common nnd coarse
cattle , which were slow and easier.
Co.v stuff sold about the same np last
week , and the market was barren ot any
very Interesting features.
Stockers and feeders were In bolter de
mand than for several dnys past , and the
marltc1. was llrm. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. NoAv. . Pr.
18..1240 J4 20 1. . . . SIIO 3 7S 4..11O ) } 3 SO
22.12t'J : 3 SO 2..1055 4 00 10. . . . 811 4 05
S3..1270 403 20. . . . % D 115 41..1210 4 W
32..1152 430 34..14M 445 1..1370 4 43
19..1332 443 1C..10S3 4 O ) 21..12iM 435
10..1S38 363 1. . . . S90 3 Co 3..771 383
53. . . . 784 400 E0..11M 410 ID..1114 420
10..1210 4 SO 21..1213 433 " . . . .1313 3 1)5 )
5U..1302 4 40
" . . . .IOCS 273 IS..1001 315 25. . . . 037 3 C3
1..10o 273 1..1250 283 1..WO 2 S3
2..123. . 2 $3 19. . . . S91) ) 3 PO 1..11CO 310
1. . . . 940 310 1..1UO 315 20..1063 320
10..1V61 a ) 1..1250 323 5..1070 330
1..127S35 2..1253 325 1..1330 333
20..1155 SCO 2J..1070 370 1. . . . b70 223
3. . . . S73 240 4..1003 260 7..107S 275
1..1270 320 0..121C 321 CO..1004 300
1..H20 SCO 13..1112 330 1 1000 330
11..11CI 330 22..1100 3 SO 1..6SO 375
1 : :0 273 1..1110 315 1. . . . 830 260
1. . . . W ) 2 CO 1..120 ! 273 :0..i73 300
I. . . . MO 3 CO 13. . . . S73 300 3..122.1 310
22..1103 335 1..12r.0 355 1..11W 353
1. . . . Mft J.OO. - 3. . . . ECO 323 , 12 9"S 360-
3..10SO 370 ' ' 1..1CS1 370 1..11SO 400
4. . . . S20 3 SO 12. . . . 741 333 3. . . . 833 383
1. . . . 740 3 M 1. . . . ISO 375 1. . . . 410 073
3. . . . 7CC 4 00
.I3CO 2 no . . .11.10 2 93 S..1420 3 10
.1390 3 15 . . .1MO 3 4) 1..1320 S CO
.1351 2 Or , . . .1430 2..12B3 3 10
.1760 3 15 . . .14.50 3 13 1..1C30 3 CO
.1713 1 10 349
1. . 290 SCO G. . . . 208 G 73 2 SSO S 43
1. . 13" f , 2 ?
1. , , 830 3 40 2. . . . ! I10 3 W 1. . . . 710 4 00
G. , ,481 , 420 1. . . . 770 3 S3 1. . . . 87D 3 10
1. . , 690 4 ( 18. . . . 708I 23
No. Pr.
1 wringer } 23 1)0 )
1 co-v and calf 3000
1 springer 3 ! 00
1 cow and calf 57 10
1 cow nnd calf W m
I cow and calf 4000
1 cow and calf 10 W
No. Av. I'r. Nn. Av. Pr.
5 feeders. . . . 83S 3 23 130 feeders. . . MS $3 S7' ' &
HOGS The receipts of IIOKS wore very ll < rtit ,
but still there 'as a fair run for n Monday ,
thirty clKht cars belns reported ,
With the demand EDOd the trade was soon
over with , values lielns ; nbout te hlsher.
Heavy loads brouRht } 3.43U3.47 ! ! , as apnlnst
3.J17WT3.4 : Satuiday.
Uitlit and llifht mixed went at J3.47ii.1.55 , nnd
on aturdav at J3.40'ii3.0. '
Hogn sold today at the highest point touohod
since thu fitt > . week In November. Ilepresenln-
tivo sales :
No. Av. Sli. I'r.
22. . . . . .318 BO S3 40
38. . . . . .242 120 3 43
11. . . . . .281 . . . 345
. . .333 200 3 43
C4. . . .2S2 1C. ) 3 45
BO. . . .270 80 3 45
70. . . .250 320 3 4"
M. . SO 3 43
fil. . 60 3 43
49. . 60 3 43
45. . . .353 ICO 8 45
. .321 ' 3 47V5
. .273 'io 3 47U
12. . . .240 3 47
59. , . .323 347V4
31. . . .133 3 DO
78. . . .192 3 W
71. . . .241 ll ) 3 CO
C3. . . .202 3 55
60. . . .210 3 M
43. . . .209 3G5
60 1 3 CO
S 23 ? BO 333 J 2W . . . 175
8 425 . . . 3 n. , 1 310 . . . 3 3j
1 2.V ) . . . 333 2 40' , . . . 337'i
3 3' * ) 80 333 3 S70 . . . 3)0 )
4 S2- ) . . . 833 3 Z4fi . . . 3 W ,
R 8,11 . . . 340 0 216 . . . 3 4Jl'j
3 2SO . . . 340 1 ICO . . . 3 W
4 305 60 345 S 231 . . . 3 SO
fi 270 . . . 3 43 G 1'C . . . 3 lil
2 2M . . . 345 4 1C5 . . . ? V )
i 110 . . . SCO
SIIEEI' It haw been a IOIIR time slnco there
veto att many sheep here ns there went t' lay.
mt there were none too many for the deman.l.
A.VIMI half of the Bhii > p wore feeders , which been In Kuod re < iuest all the time , ami
vlilch command Kuod prices. The mnrknl nn
muttons wui nctlvu and fully Btoady. Itopro-
nenlatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr.
34 we tem ewes 7 12 0 ,
3 stans 300 2fO
105 weselm eweJ , , , , , , 126 3 CO
31 western ewes 102 370
72 native mixed 112 4 rO
! > t western yearlings W l 50
90 wuitern Inmbi 73 fi (5 (
73 native yoirllnKB ffi G 23
31 native ewes S3 G 33
.12 u-HslPrn wethers 1IC 4 00
721 stock lambs 40 4 50
. . . . . . - . . , . City I.lvc Sdiclc , .
KANSAS CITV , Jan. S.-CATTM5-Uorcpl | .
7.00 < > heail : innikct Btronc to lOe blither ; Ti-xaB
ulcers , t2.F5 3.OT ; Texas cows , J2.33TC3.00 ; native
slcern J3.75fll.ii3 ; natlvu cnuit nnil lu'lf > TH , II.MO
4.25 ; Etockeru and feederg , J2.7IOI.23 ; bulls , K.W&
'i tm.
silEEP Herelpts , 2,000 head ; market slronir ;
sinba , JI.MG5.53 ; muttons , } 2.75Q4 50.
St. LonlM Live Nliu-U.
8T. LOUIS. Jan. 3.-CATTLE-Ilecelpts. G.SOO
icnd , of which 4,101 were Texan * ; shipments ,
00. Market lower for natlveii , with Texann
teady ; fair to fancy native shipping' and export
teerp. II 2365.10 : bulk of ral' ( l.33 < } 475 ;
Iresred beef niuk butcher teer . JJ. ; ) 7I.75 ; bulk
of tulef. ll.05iil.45 : stieui under l.COO pounds.
3.4QR4.G5 ; bulk nf sales , n.70fi4.r > : ft'i"k.-tB nd
eederif. J2.MJI4 20 ; bulk of rales , J3.10.00 : cows
nd helferc. it.ZMIM ; Imlk of cow . J2.Mff3.S3 ;
unnlnir cows , II. 75ft2.7i ; bull * . t2.iO ( 3.DO ; Texan
ml Indian fleers , 3.W3.t3 | ; COWB and heifers ,
I.COfrJ 03.
HOaH-Hecelptii. 7.700 bond ; t-hlnmcnU. l.00
icail : mirktt 5c lilRher : lluht , } 3.Mfl3.CO ; mixed ,
3.4.-PilMj hejivy , l3.CSOJ.Kli.
SlliKI'-llccelil ; | . COO head ; glilpmenti. 400
head : market rlrong ; native muttons. J3C0174.W ;
ambs , > ; .Wii5.75.
IiiilliiiinpiiIlN Live.Sdiilt. .
INDIANAPOL1H. Ir.d. . Jilll. S.-CATrM ! He-
elpu , lltlit xhlpinrnts , none ; auoil to prliixf
Icero , H 753.03 , K ( | ti chnlcc Ftri-ri. tl.SOJ ?
.Cfi ommnii to K" " " ! sfvki-rs , JJ 75f J.V > .
HOOH ll po'.nts J.IXrt iirnil niliiirfrit ! , 1.IVM )
cod , nuirlct uctuc , Jc lilflifr , jjoud to Uiolco
m lium ivml h vy i WffS.W , mlx l , J3 tiffJ.M.
com men llchts. U..Off3 K.
8IIKKI' Hfi-flptK , Hirhti nhlpmnti , n"
to Pholoi- l ml , p.XXI ( * 7S , ctwimon lamlx * . 13
ffS.IS , comnwn nhrcp , t2.tS03.7i ,
riuuAco i.TvS .srooic MAHKHT.
( ooil l'ii < ( * nlp | llrlnir nn Ailvnncr1 In
1'rlrc ,
CIIIfAOO , Jan. J.-T1iero a revival In thp
( Icni.iml fiT K < I > I fat cattle todn.y and nicli lots
wfro larRpIy aNint liV hl/rher / , Imt half fat trem
were slow of ilo nt recent flmirwi. Sntes wrc"
at an extreme- Ke of | .1.SOffu.SO for Inferior lo
pxtm cliolcc cntUe. ttie Imtk of the ( v\l"-i Ivlnt !
nt SirowS.IO , Kxiortor | ! werp KoM Infers , tnit
feftllne cattle ttere rather Blow of Mle. 'Pirro
wa < < nn tmitlcular clmnirp In price * for stockcn
nn.1 fcoiUix the tatter rnnclnx trim I3.SO t > i
Jl.2. ' > and stuokprs from $ .1.10 to J3.73. A soo.l
m. ny fe > t e tern. < nnd corn-feil Trxans clnnsi'd
ImtKLi nt unNinnced prices. Cnlvo * sold at ? i > .0)
< W5 for the bolter Kr.idrn.
Supplies cf IIORS were nnexpcctetlly small nnd
bidding wns untii < ually animated , price * shx > tln <
UJ ) 6C10i\ The t < n > price paid \vas J3.IJ. S.-ib-i
were larRely at } 3.&MiM.CJ'4 nnd It did not tnkii
Ions to dlM H < of the supply , conrrp. hPAvy
packrrii fptchlni ; J3.Ci3N ( > . A * iitual.
\ > pfr1itt | were too tiumeroiiA nnd wild nt a
Then ? was a pooil demand for nheep nnd Inmbfi
nnd price * rfinalnpd steady nt JJ.Mfll.G.'i ( for In
ferior to choice fhccp , few RjliiR nl ivp Jt.W.
U'pi'prn-fed phecp sold larRfly at JS.7.SJH.W ,
hpnvy exKrt | shei-p lylnir clew lit 1125. UimN
said freply nt M.t JM,73. chlertv nt fi.rr.tfo CS nnd
yearllnRs were wanted nt JI.5Dit4.75. A few fancy
liunbs were Fatahle at Ji > ROffti.W.
Ilpceltt : fnttlp , , ) hendi IIOKK. Irt.O-'fl hpnd ;
sheep. 13.0CO head.
Hunt IlufTnlo l.lvo SlnoU-
IIA'IT llt'KKAljO. N. Y. . Jan 1.--CATTI.1-
to choice Bhlpplne steers. $ t.7MM.9i ) ; ti" > -
dlum tn heavy , JLLMi'l. ' . ' * ; c an < e roiiRh , . "
4.30 ; ch l < v fat holT'I-s , JI.2.M < 4.4 : , ; butcher nivk. !
f3. ( " W4 l'i ; fn'r ' tc K oit cows , J3.25IT3.55.
irons < Joxl : to cholcn yorkers. J.1.7. > ; prime.
? 1.7. > ff3 "Ilj ; li'ixed packers' wiwtpv , ' 3.7 : luM\y.
J3.M ; rcuiBh , J.1.I05M.SJ ; pl * . f3.Ufid.Kl.
LAMI1S ' 'PnrllnKC , choice to prime. J4 DW5.fl ) ;
fair to RTIO . , Jl.tiiVCTI.Srt ; culls. M.V.Mtl/.O : natives ,
cholco to cxlin. l'i,0'rc,15 ; fair to Rood. Jj.GXI"
0.00 : cull * , * l. : > a < i.M.
SIIEEI'liolip to srlpplnt wethers. JI.GuUI.S3 ;
mlxiM , JI.25r4.M ( : culls , J2.WJi3.70.
\i-w Ynrlt I.I viSfitcl ; .
NEW YOUK. .Inn. -HEEVES-Ite-clpts. . 2.f4 <
head ; strerd. lOIUTic hlff.ier ; native steers. $1 4W
5.00 ; slaps and men. J2.754.M ( | ; bulls. ? 2..SOf3. | 5 ;
ilry COHII. J2.00ir3.r,0. , Cables quotp American
steers I05MM : refrlKeintor beef at 7ilW7-\d ; no
export' .
CALVES-Hccelpts. 77 head ; veals , J5.COif3.23 ;
Krnsserp. J3COI3. 0 , wertein , > H4.3.
SIIEEI' AND LAMtlH-Uprplpt * . 11.881 liead ;
shoep. J3f.Ofl4.SO : lambs , $3.7r f .45.
llOGS-Itcci-lptfi , 1L4,0 : head ; llrm nt J3. ! > 045'
rim-lnimtl Live Stork.
t-INCINNATI , Jnn. 3.-I1OC1S Active , { S.ICfT
OATTl.E Stionit. J2.2-.5JI.K5.
SHEEP SlroniT. { 2.7..ir4 C3.
LAM.IS-Sti\idy ) , ! 4.0)f5.75. ) ,
Stock In
llpvoriJ of lecp'iits of live clock nt the four !
principal maikuts for January 3 :
C.iltle. linns. Sheen.
Omaha . I.C3I 2.47n -i.i-o
rhleai , . H.iVO 25.COO 1900
Kansas Clly . 7,0" " C.ftM 2110
St. Lfiils . C.fO' ) 7.700 Wi
Totals 19-J33 41,170 20770
Wool Mnrl.i'ln.
IJOSTON. Jan 3. WOOIThe following ire
the quotations for the Icndlnc dcscrlitl- | '
Ohio and I'oiinfylvalila lleecea. X and nbove.
2cXX anXX above , 2aiff20c ; delaine. 30ci
No. 1 conihlnir , 3'c ' ; No. 2 cotiibliiK. 2W20c.
MIchlRau , Wliromln , etc. . X. Mlchluan. 2JJ)24 > .
No I Mli'lilmm CDinblnfr 2Sic ! ) ; No. 1 Illinois
combing Z t ( ' ' c ; No. 2 MIchlK'H emnblni ! . 2SfS
2 < ic : No. 2 Illinois cnnibltiR. 2S { < : if ) : X New Yoik ,
New Hampshire nnd Vermont ; 'OI4r ; No. 2 New
York. New Hampshire and Vermont , 27c. ui'lalne ,
27c ; unwashed medium , Kentucky and Indlann ,
quarter-blood c miblnK , 2302le ; Kentucky nnd In
diana threc-eluhthB blood combing , :4 25r , Mis
souri iinarter-bood comblnp , 22ii'3c ; .Ml < i.oiiil
three-eUhths blood comblntr , S3J724C braid comli-
liitf , 21c ; lake and Gpcrnla , rajj2.1c ; Texas wools ,
r.prlne medium (12 months ) . 1IW1S"conred : price
ClVlic ; pprlnR nnu (12 ( montliD ) , i'fftSc ; scoured
price. rooiSJc. Territory wools. Montana line
mpdliun nnl line , IGSJISc ; scoured price. 4SJf30c ;
staple. 624f.V > c ; Utah. Wyomlnir. etc. , line me
dium and line. 13t > 17c scoured price , 4Mr60f ;
staple , G2j15Sc. Austr.illan wool ? , hcouroi bail" ,
comblntr , eupornrte , 70W72c ; KOod. C3i6b'c ; uvcr-
ape. C2fi6)C , Queensland comhlnf ; , G3c.
ST. 1X31MS , Jan. \VOOL-Qulel nnd 1111-
cliaiiEOtt ; mi'dlum , lC(20iheavy ( ; fine , Sljllc ;
light fine , nyi'c ; tub washed , 22030MC. :
CofTcp JliirUctx.
NE\V YORK , Jon. S. COFI.'IK Options opened
steady nt u polntH ndvancp Ion llrnier Hninburi ;
cabin- ! , ruled Inactlvu all day ; speculation
chocked by nluence of lirazlllan and Havie ca
ble nrw.H. Increase In , Amerlciin vUllilo supply ,
prcvnlllnt ; low prices nnd slack ? pot deninml.
Closed quiet , with prices 55IO points net ad
vance. Sales , G.WO bnKS , Including January ,
J5.S3 ; March. 16.10. Spot coffee , Illo , easier ; No.
7 Invoice , G > , c ; No. 7 jobbing , 7c ; mild , quiet ;
Cordova , SUJJlJc. Total warehouse deliveries
from the United States. 5,248 bans. Including
4,215 from New York ; New York stock today ,
662.029 hayj ; United States Mock. 6M.1S5 batis ;
afloat for the United States , 513,000 bags. Total
visible for the United States , 1,210,11-5 bafis.
analnst 767,591 last : year and 383 971 the previous
SANTOS. Jan. 3.-COI'TEE-Holldny.
HAMIIUIUI , Jan. 3. COFFEE Opened ' .ifl )
Hpftf. hlKhcr ; closed nt a net Kaln of V-yi pfK.
Saleu. 10.000 bass.
IIAVRI ) , Jan. 3. COKKKK Holiday.
1HO DD JANEIItO , Jan. 3. CWKEE Holiday ;
OIL CITY , Jan. 3. Credit balances , C3c ; no bid
for certlllcate oil. Regular delivery sales of G.OOO
barrels cuth oil , G3Hc ; shipments , December 31 ,
7),29S bbl. . ; i-una , December 31 , 143.510 bbls ; ship-
mentu January 1 nnd 2. 123.C7I bbls. : runs Jan
uary 1 and 2. U3.9UO bbls.
CKAULESTON , Jim. 3.-OILS-Turpenllnn ,
llrm , SO'.ic ; rosin , llrni : A , 1 ! , C. D. JI.IO ; E , F.
J1.15 ; O , J1.20 ; H , J1.31 ; I. J1.40 ; K. Jl.GO ; M ,
J1.60 ; N , J2.20V ; G , J2.40 ; W W. J2W.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Jnn. 3. OILS Spirits tur-
psntliiB , llrm , 30c ; sales , COI bbls. ; rwelpts. 6.T.
bbU1. uosln , firm ; sil < , l,701tlbs. ; receipts 5033
IDS. ; A. H.I C. D , J1.20 ; E. F. J1.23 ; G. J1.35H ; ,
fl.CO ; I , J1.7S ; 1C. J1.83i M. J2 ; N , (2.23 ; window
Klasa , : . ; : W. W , J3.
WILMINGTON , N. C. , Jan. 3.-OILS-Splrlts
tun > entlne , ' 303ic. Itosln , llrm , J1.15il.W. Cnido
turpentine , rinlct , tl.40fl.90. Tar , firm. J1.C5.
\ MV Yurie Dry ( iuoiln .llnrkct.
NT3\V YORK. Jan. 3. The dry goods marltet
oday shows ( ovr iij-tual rcmilts. The confusion
ncldtmt to tlie opening of new boqks , the taking
if Inventory , the ti'ltllni , ' of accounts , Hie chaniea
n firms and removals , nnd the fact that the day
followed two holidays , prevented tti'i reciudlng
of many actual sulca. The divisions of the mnr-
cot at llrst hands showed uncliatiKPd condlllims
n C4 > ch. Staple cottons were dull In all lln-s.
JU > icbe < li coxl9 ( ore featureless In nil lines , the
liiTlne l HnfPtlll Inx. Ilrown Rnodn were the ,
mibjcct of a limited Inquiry to-lay. Exports
fo. > l3 In all grades nro quiet an licrelofnrp
Coarse colored cottor.H are without fcatnp' .
'rlnt cloth continues dull.
California Drlc
, N.IJJyOn.K. ? [ . Jan. 3.-CALIH3UNIA DUIED
HUlTrf Quiet Evaporated apples , common ,
i07c ; prime wire tray , 6s ; c ; wend dihd
irlme , BKfiSi.ic ; choice , SWiSKo ; fnripy , 'jfi' " < .c.
rune. * . iSc. | Apricots , Itoynl , 7fi8'i.c ' ; M , , r
I'arK , 95Hc. ( Peaches , unpeclwl. 7fillc ) : pecleii '
ilU ! IA.IXJa" ; ! . - 3W ' HAT-No. 1 northern.
COItN-"o " -oi"fWi 98lc ; NJl ( ' wlllle' ' . Wi1-
OATB No. sTwIiHV. ' 2Sc.
HAJILEY Choice w < ! iTn , I3c. i
UYE No , 2 , In store , G2c.
Wo will Bend you a tire (5) ( ) tiny trlul
troAtnieut nf Ilia Fruncli Ituaiodr
CALTHO3 fri-u. ( o l1. o , li'.i and
a legal cuarantea that CALTlloa will
BTOI > Dlicharfr * nnd IlnilMlnni ,
C'UItP.Hp'.ri.iiitorrliru.VurlcuccIc ,
nnd Jtl > rl Kill : I.o.t Vigor.
Q It coats you nothing to try It.
VonMOhlCO. CGI BM' m'rif 1icU.'liKl n llO.
H. R. PENNEY & CO , ,
110 Board of Trade Bldp. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Odlco. 1038 N St Lincoln , Neb.
C. C. CHltlBTII ! . K. , t. STREET.
I'resldenL Vlce-I'ietldont.
Idfislie-Slfeet Cominissioo Co
r.o , ooo.oo , i.'uiiraid. .
Members Chicago Hoard of 'I'rndo Hlnco 1SC2
Cra in , Provisions and N. Y. Stoclis.
Orders Cuuh nnd Future Delivery Solicited
Oiniiliu Ollliullooiii t , .V. V. Llfu
. . . . 'I'lionr 11(11. ( . . .
I'LOYl ) J. OA-MI'IIIOL ? , , Jlunnucr.
Telephone 10.1 } ) . Oinalm , Neb
Dlre't wire * to Chicago and New York.
CorifpondenU : Joaii A. Wurreo It Co.
1 from nature. If you tinre toit or dltilpMcd
or frittered nw y the best portion of your
young life now Is the time to msko an effort
to regain wlmt U lost The feeble unit the
premature are those- who hnve dlsoboyeil tha
lawn of man and the liura of science N'o\v
eonies man with a knowlcitgc of aclanco , u
dtvp anil widespread knowledge , and hn
Mya : Ho a man. Got back your strength
and visor. How ? say you. The answer Is :
Use the remedy treatment , HUDYAN.
IU'DVAN can be h d only from the iloctoM
of the lludcou Mrdlcat Institute. It In a
treatment. No ono else known the secret.
HUDYAN restores iron to the glorious prime
and vigor of his true self. HUDYAN Is < i
scientific treatment for nervoils disorders ,
HUDYAN cures Varlcocele , Hydroccle. Nerv
ousness , Sleeplessness. You should consult
the Hudson doctors about HUDYAN or wrltu
for Circulars and Testimonials ,
Hudson Medical Institute ,
.StoelUiin , MiirUct nnd Mllln Sin. ,
Sun 1'rnnclneo ,
Soon ten's It ? own tain
on your face ami llmls.
You will have sere
V patches In the throat ,
copper-colored spots ,
etc. When In the first.
secondary or tertiary
form n speedy cure Is
effected by the SO-D.iy
lllooil Cure. Wrlto for
30-IXiy Circulars.
ro.Nst'i.T MKIMIJAI.
IMH-TOHS nun : .
Hudson Medical Institute ,
.SIoeMnn , Market unit KlllH StN. ,
SA.V l-'UAMMSl'tl , fll.ll-'OllVIA.
tr\lfi F.ITilF.U MKX.
Tli Is remedy licliiR in-
jcctcd Ulrnctly to the
went of tlinno iliMcnncn
of tlio Oculto-llrliim-y
Orcmia , poiiulros no
cbntiic of diet. Cci-o
ffiiiirnntuiMl in 1 to
( ItiyH. Minnll plain pnc.s >
by nif > si , s
on'v bv
Myers-Dillon DIUR Co. . OS. . H. Cor ICIh nnfl Far-
nnni Slreeti , O . N .
ti Ills" tor unnaturU
cll clmrfi , tnOainmiilloni ,
Irrlutlcni or nlrrratloiu
. i u iiiltiDM , of innr.uui innnbrancj.
'raV ' < ou t"it. lon. IV.altM , uti'l nut uitrlo.
IHEttliU CHtUicuCa. " 'nt
. , n p | | wrrfi
br axpro t , prfpftlu , < of
81. H ) . or 3 'notllei ,
Ily I'lireliUHlll/i' / Gninln Almle lit ( lie-
luivliiK1 .VclirnsUli l''nel rliT < .
( SuccCFFO's Omaha Tent and Awnlnr Co )
Manufacturers tents , awnings : jobber * Indies r.n I
Ijimth' r.liu-klntnslies. Tents for rent. 1311 Var-
nam St. , Oinalia.
Carload i-hliwientH made hi our own refrls-
erator cura. Illue Illblun , Elite Export , \ lonna
ExH | > rt and Kuinlly Eipoit delivered to all pal IB
oS thu city.
llttiiufncturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices , ( lil-
vonlEPil Iron HIsyllBhts. Tin. Irim iinrt h ate
UoollnK. AKfiit for Klnnear's Steel Cclllne.
108-10-12 North Eleventh stiect.
Wholesale Cracker Manufacturers.
\VOHKS , IHUI Kuriliiin H .
Dyelns and rlranliiK f Kiinnentu and Roods of
every description. CIvnnliiK of line garments a
" "
S. F. ( i11 , 1 A.V.
Klonr Meal , Keeil , Ilran. 1013-13-17 North 17th
Stri-et , Oninlia , Neb , C. K. IllaclC , Munugrr.
Telephone1 512. *
Iron mill llriiNN l'"oiiiulerM.
Manufacturers and Jobbers nf Machlneiy. On.
erul tejialrlRK a specialty. 1101 , 1003 mid 1503
Jackson street , Oiniiliu , Neb.
Manufacturers old process raw Ilnsred oil , let-
tit- , boiled llnsceil oil , old protTES K'ounil ' llnsveit
cakes , ciound and sciteiiod llnxFi'ed for drug-
Klsts. OMAHA , NEII.
L. < ; . mini' .
Manuraetiirer Lounge * , c'nuchci'Mattrecres. Job
ber of Kprliiff Ilcds unit IVathcrs , 411-413 hioulli
10th Street. ;
oil IIIA iiiiii.\ ) ( ; < ; o ,
Mnnilfiifturcis of hlxll Rradc Malticises , 1302-1.S
IclmlMH Street , Oiniiha ,
Clothing. I'anls. Hhlrt . Overalls.
Excluilvo custom flilrt tailors , 1215
Manufaclurcrs of VlneBor. I'lcklen , Cntbii | i ,
Mu tnnl , ( 'elery and Worcvutmhlru Sunce.
WILLIAM l'KiiKl''iil. : ;
For a ( 'nod euhBtnntlal vehlcln of uuy ilc-crlii-
tlon , for repalntlnK i.r mblier Ilien nn new < > r ol I
wheels the licit jiluce In 27th utul
DHIJMMO.M ) ( 'AIIIU.U ; ! ' . CO ,
Cheap , medium priced and tony
Any DiliiK you want , ircjnd hand or neiv. Ili'ml.
tiuarters for rubber linn. wnnunlcJ. ISth imt
Hitrney , oppoBlto Court Houre ,
A. J. .SIMI'SO.V ,
I ! ( ) ! ) , 1-11 I loilK < ' .
1'ull line of CarrliKfi. lluttuleji. I'tinptium. I'3'y
Carts. Wherli rubber llred. Tlie br t IB tin
cheiii > ; it ,
HUM : Ace ,
I.3rK t factory In ( lie wc t I.rnduiR *
of Oinulia. Kiuuav City , I.lnr'-ln u < l hi.
our KUudB. 1M ( > Vurnum