THE CVMA1IA DAILY I11513 : AIOXDAY. .lANTAKY 1SD8. SPECIAL NOTICES \ U < * rlU < ni < * iil < for llu ir ciilunilii Mill Intul.iMi iinlll I- ill. for tin- iMiiiluniiiiil iiiilll H I' . 111. for tin- iniiriiluu nml viiiiiln. iMlllliinx. \il\ , TII i N , lit riMiioillim | n niiiii- liorcil i-liiM'U , IMIn IIIIMiin tori uil- ilri'ksril lo n iiiiiiilMTi-il Irlti-r III euro iir tile HIM * Vtfottr * , HO mlilri' MMl Mill lie itollt rroil on | iri" oii Intlou of Ilii * I'lii'i'K mil } * Hiilc- 1-Uo u Monl Ilisl Intorlloni tr MIIril llirronflcr. Siiltilnwr ItiUi'ii for ! < , < Ilinti U.o for I Inllrl IIIMT- lloii 'I IIIMmU crlNiMnoiilM iiiiml hi * run ciin-MTiil lel j . UTi : HITI I rw\s. A MTi > i > i.r MJrn UIIM. Nsm ii > i.itct : TH i t > n iiiiinim lioim'Uu. IM i nr 'In re HIM vvoiU , l 'M irrttrn , r ( jlM-ll , 413 N Kill M w\Nirii UHITIIIN AS iiiiiKKiii'iii ! : : : on tacliliT -MIPIii'nioil nn I uipnl'liHlHcr iniin , ttliiiirriii1. lit-Kt uf rofriclut'i. 1' O. r nfcS ! inniiti , ! A-MIV1 3 \ \ OANVAS' ToTAKi : OHUIJIW. N'lW ' I.IM3 or ' K nu lnnv > itiK'iln in i rr > , ! Mlnry r rutiiiiili n C. I * AOiuna I'o. Ml So. IClli hi II 3fil H.vT.riM vVnll nilAHfl. W. A MONTH ANO PXI n-i i | . | iirni. I'xpprleni'p unni'f'imii > , In- ihii cni'nt li > tUfl.'inPrH. O. C. lllfbup .V Co. . si i * m -sra lAIIPIMMl < ill PAI'Ull IIVSHIIH TO Pll vik I .1 . nut lloom S , I'renri-i blml > . nptiiwllo " " \ \ \ MIIiM > tiT"iopo vAiiPs or IAUTH : in v. I I.I. i- April 1. IS.OS. A.l.lipss flic New A.-rK 1.1'iiulMIHB. . n-- > nTO-im1-5 { \\SIMI rHnrm iYnr.rn7i. xn THAT CAN HP.ik . , ( nmt Is aeqiinliilil with I IIP lii- mn n. tiu < ln < " mul a tenl'ti-nt ' "f Ni-bmsVa I.INI..I.-I Ai1ilri" In your HVMI hiiuUMltltij , ' tn IIIK n-r.-nn. pxtwrl niCWP ntul "nl'ry ' " ' ! - . i ,1 A.Mr "M > _ ! ! _ Ili'P II-\144I-1 _ _ * OOVI IINMPNT 1'ilSITlnVS , 1 ON'T I'ltCI'Alli : f.r Hi'tmliilllii' or "Ihi-i elvll rMi-p i-xnin limn.ui . vvtilinnl spctmr mir llliiKtrn'wl rntnl-KII of mr iinitl.m. pi-tit fn-e Columhlimr - rwp ui l. inCollege. . WnMilnKlnn. ' ' ' [ , , _ , , , „ _ , , AN oi.P iPT.Mii.ismTiT7Mii"cAc.o : joniuNd lei .kir ami xplrp IIIIUHP l 1 n.lil 11 few moio luiMllt'K Kiile'inni thnl enjiivn C"i l wtnli- | , , . , mil.mul leicii.l Ad.lrMn. with fill' ' . P O ll.ix . 841. Chi -IIKO. ll-MISO II ' ' Sllll'I'tNC POH VVAN'lil : > YOl'XO MAN < -li-Hi nml lo rnip fir slm-K of inu-ilnei ) . t-ul Mon.'ay ' moinlnR ill 130S-1J13 IznnV St. 11 M4S1 3 WAN m"7m ; ? o situF VNP TAKI : CAUI of cow nn.l O.-llvrr Hie mill ! . Apply -2'1 ' fpen- , , , r 11-M OH AI1PNTS ANP llllANCH MAN'A 121M. PALAin nn.l . . - innil-- ! . n lluntot I'allorlnu fc Slilit C . . i inilnniitl. O. 11-\1 I'll April ; VAVMP.P rwo AOINTS. : ONLY iiffTLtnth n. 1 m 11\ . --ilmv il I'liininl'cl.m. c'lill Mon .lux liiinmv 3 , nfleiS n1 , lock n in MM" p..iiLln . . hlnH-t C. L. Si\t.n II M300 S * \ \ ivnu riMi.r. 111:1,1 * . ini C.ll.l , pnTr.VLL KINIV1 OPVOIIIC. . J3 TO } 7 \MI | CnmiillHii Office. 1I1'iiUKlif v\v\iri > iTTnLTno no C.PNP.RAI , IIDCSI- w il In fimlly of three Mrs. N. P. Pell Si'H S.MII . , tilth Rl C-M1P. out ! . " _ > ST SJ UV _ 5 _ VV2 ; _ ' ( lj-'a vvNripnnuniT. ; . ACTIVIVHMVN OP l.u-'lii.-iis . to iiiuniK. ' a .l.-paitmi ut , mmt lie vMllmi ; lo civ. ' t\vi > \vi-ilw l > leorn lui liu8 A.I III-H P 2T Ilee nMce c l -.n WANTCti d LMUIN TO 1 1 Niii > Li : WOIIK nt honitep. . rleiu-e not nei-e sar > Call iJem MlllKlo. 1701 Ciilillot Ave C MI993 * run Mill I IIV I.AKIi.MNS OM.1 V Pi\V : LIII-T 11-'s ' tli MM'iiue. 7 ioom . pn n-luln Inlli. el i et hit \\.II M Kn" . nimiti-ls. rurniup. t.unnlry , J.W Com. r sih MIL ) s-io. in In aiitlful m.-\ ilvielllni ; porci-liiln Imtli. elojit hot nter , gas . - trl. . lUhl. fuimice. Inun.liv f7.0 ! S3IJ MII OII Btieet , 'J looms nil niniliicrn , S2j. J7I V 2.lh iiM'tni. ' . 7 moms Intli. elo et. ho vvaiV-r ilMi-in , fiirnnce. inn.-iiieil le'lar ' , ' ' fut fiiiiniKe , nl ! looirs to IH ; pnlnleil nn pnii.ii..l } jo 1911 N JMIi iiveinie. S iinma. cll > wnter j oo l.hi ; fpeiil foi lepnnn. rent } l ! 1C. N Hit lr , et 1-iooin coltiiKe. el-tern J" > StiH li-liv 7iooin elt > vvnlii ekt.ill lulll J10 717 1J.I.liiel 6-iooni ootu Re city w itei $ * ! uuili mul ( 'mils nviiuie. 7 innini. line repair u. II il-luii li.irn nn.l 1 nrre lot. $ S Jl S J'i ( i Mi.-ot 1 inoin i-oltiiK. ' < -lt > vv.iter. $ " 71. mill 711 S Kill Mieet 7 room Hals , bill i lo" . t h t vvnler mul K B. ! 0 lo J22 COPi Izn it tiiet ill-oom IIHs. liv wnte'i S" 1C 5 \\e have others I'ldellly Ut llooi , N. Y. l.lfi D Jfil 1101 SI'S IN ALL 1'AllTS OP Till : CITY Till' ( i P Pivla Conipmo. ni > " > I'lirniin P-StS noi SIH IIKNUWA co. , ios N irrni ST P Sl.ii Jill l --I . COTTAOUS ft STOItllf ! . ALL I'AIITS uf illv llienmm & 1-ove Co , ! 19 S. mill IMIi iVALLACI : . UIIOWN IM.OCK IBTM uti I Piuiclas. P-3CS MOMM1 1IOCSFHOLP OOOPS AND PIANO- * inn \ in ,1 Storage Co. . toll's I'mnnm Tel 15'.9 p-371 I \Ui.t. LIST. M'CAdUK. 15TI1 AND POtlOP. D 3i.'l It'll I'LATS. OAltVLV IlltOS. . 10U PAIl'JI D-370 iimsrs rorti3NT. . iin.Mis. PAXTON IILK not j. n. siiinivvoop. 4jj N. v.D D 37 * Hill , | - - po. ISTU ST. TKN ROOMS. MOP- rtn III ntr inrntli. lljron Itec.l Co D-374 MI-I i i K nooM norsii JIM N. D-M r > ii irsr IP-HOOM MOPIUN HOI HI : AND 1 rn t . -i K piiltittil un.l pnper.-.l. un < l pleag- . 1 1 % I . 1 1 oil , F. .o . ' . . lint , lie I In the city. In new "ni l MlillllKH ! nppillellv 'lll'l J in Vir.hlns ! . , Ag.nt. Ie02 I'm mini P-r.Sl rnit iii'.N'r rrnMhiiL'n notms. s"\u i TTooMs , iiofsiiciui'iNti. : 1112 s nth i : i TIM - - r a c A'TOL AVI : iM.i- \\T uooii. NKWLY , . . PI la iteil. UHK bath , ( lit one Davl ! . - I oil liuUtshtienii uiiel Pallium ; - JU VI -.11 PL MOPIil'.N l-'KONT ItOLIMS I1AV tulil'.v hou eki-eiii | ( ; 511 N lull i : MUT ! \\D no\itn TIM" MP'IIMXM I-'IHST CLASd PA.MILY HO 1,1 . : ii an I U'Ue ' Ms P-M707 M \v 7't uNi ! = nri > HOOMS WITH IIOAIID. h.-t l r he it . ' 1C Ca > tifft. f-liC ) -3 iiAN'crAni.ou. ! . - , UN SUIT NKWLY fiiinl-h.-l B ! > O finn'l.'r rucms. KOOI ! board. Iho Ile < * 21J llin ney T 1.00 . TUB t-M-niiir 1722 CAIMTOL UM-PISIUA- : ble no tli i" . ins lcnu me inmiu.l.ited l'-Ml.j trcLY rniNisiinn I-UONT noost. MOO- rin com.iilt-ncer , prlvute fnnill > . 702 H. S9h ( St ' l--JSO-C -STRASI HEAT. ii DAViNroiTr" . r-35i- : : POPTH I100M : RTIJAM HKAT tMi.ird icdrcnces , SM N. ISlh r MHO 3 NU'K ItOiiMS. WITH 11OA11I1. Wl lllNNKY. eipniltlm. " ' _ LZ.111 ! ! ritoNT pAitLon WITH no.\nn. OAS'IUTII. ele. irlc liells iii.xl ulile ( I n'cluelc .tlnnora. jirle- nan -liable 512 N ! 9lh Ut. P-M4M f IN riTlYVTK FAMILY. \ | Tll OH WITHOUT Lonui i'Jir. H.-.IBI' r-MMi c roit HUNT vnuiis : AMI rou nn.N'T IN TUB IIKI : One Inisc " rn.-r ri-om ! J Hour , with vault ana private olll. e water , etc On lai-p ! front room : a iloor JIvlJ&l Into t o raoiiin by partition , w tor. etc Ona larue rorner room. 1,1 tluor. with vault. nier ei- Ono fninl nwm illtl.leil by partition. 3d foor. One cornci ronn vtlth vault ! .l . Moor. Ono l-r c room 3J tnor. ! wllh partition dlvlJInc It Into one lurce roum and two enialltr private rooniti , kvaler. t-tc. Two larve cronnil floor room * fronting 17th St. . with vauli Several iniall raom < on 4th ( V'or will ) \aulti Alt tin-to ic , in are healed wllh rlemn electric llxhtu euppl.e'i . will- lint clan Janitor nervlce Klevamr * rim < * ay un.l all nlKht bulMlnit utrlclly llrturo.'f Appl > to ciueiintcndent , Ilrjoni KI ! < tuildlnc I-15S UOTUUJ. DEMI8 , I'AXTON I1L1C. ( -M40D ron ni'M' sronrs ( C nllllllel I Poll 1IP.NT THi : 4 ST01IY nilli'K Itflt.lllNO lit 91 * Purniim S | TM liHlM.n * lm < n nrrproof erinenl li f ini > iit. wnl r on nil Hour * . K rte. Apply at Hie . > IIIe of 1 in Hfc . I DID lilt ItP.NT M'HK linciM"N | ( TllOPNP I'LTlnlt .ifri f'f bull llin u it.-r. Me nn hrnl ei.etrlo Unlit nn.l Jinlt.r . rMe * Applj to Sure In- Irn.tenl H.e l.nil.line I 19 ? IIIRT CLASS MlT M UIKI'.T LOCATION * it c. 1-11:11 u OKNTH WANTKP APPLY PAi IPIC Ml Llfii lti . Co. A. V To.M , ecu I nRl. . SIO ll.-o -Mir J I < vt > us ANP OINTI.P..MIN : WILL in : PAIP 111.1-rnl lonnnlfuloii for fi-UliiK new nrtlele. H.'oni in , 11.2.1 Pnrnnm. J- .sniuci : . ACIPIC SFOltAOK ANP \UP.IIOPSi : CO , 901 * 910 Johes , ute'niBc nJ for ar.llnK M 91 < M VAN A STOn.VOi : Bins I'MIN'M. TP.L1M3 itANiv iwiita. : UTOUMTR 1211 ii\its'i\ llanlltiR anil packing , ehenp-nt rnte . Tel 9' . i M 9V1 -'on svi.i : isi'iii , INI : . wniTi : sAWiu ST KOH PI ooits mv. : eTinfoi Ice , lit J3 7i per conl Tel. I ' " ' 1 _ inc\vT.i:3 : OMA ii A nicvci.i ; oo TAUNIY . niuitY. : RKATP.S ssc TO .su ; tUateg Hlmrpone.l , lie. Onnln Illocle Co. 0-82S viw : ntcYCLiis rou JTvi.i : i.iw * THAN fartory eo t. riisl elans few Ins mnihln-i from IIS up .Nebrnnkn Cfle Co. . 15th ll.iuiev. Q MMV-J.m 8 Nl ) HAND HICYCLiS OMAHA IlICYCLi ; CO IILLIUM HALL ANP linWI.INO ALI.n\ itoliiu Komi biinliipM. estnbll hi-.l 1 1 * l 'ek Imx I' . . .lolilKiili. Neb tj-Mll J.in3l ifAiiTTiirvN TMANO. JM. OMMIA SAV- Intt , linnk iit-cU tnl.en In e < ih nje. ; 211 So ISIh. 0.-MK1 x Pl'lllllHT PIANO ANP \MILY inuiit be sold. Cottage 2122 llinm-N SI ( "I. UHVOVAVI'S. 1IlOP.VtmNiY. . CI.AIUVOYANT. PALMIST nml axlrnlnwer hi" movi-.l to 17KI PO.IK. ' st ei > t 1'rorhltrev him nnninnl In Klvli'B ' utlv lee on love , Invv i\fvi\i \ \ will * inlnl-ic , .llvoree cliniiR.'s . Inveytinent < pmrnts nml nil Inislneri o' n liniii- elat naluie It. n.lliun Li.lle . W pnti nml Ki'iitK II. Iten.lliiKM Klven by mull. OilUe mul lirlvnti- ll.'in.I7in P.nlw lipel Ot'l'-o hours Ti-otn 9 n in lo 10 I' in Telephone Kit S MJIs .1 m * MISS VniilHS PNP.M'iLLit ) MUDll'M. II V rilnnic.1 fee Smuliv church nollce' ' . ren IttiRS .Inlly. 20s N 17th. S-M4I1 4 MA .S voi : , ii VTIIS , ITC. MUlAMi : SMITH. 1313 DOUGI.\S. STHAM AND ah oho ! baths T 112-7 * . nii' soN or PAUIS oivis : ALL Kln.lx nio.Ucateil mut massiiRe. 107 N 12lh Rt T-SI232 J4 _ _ TLicTiio : MAUNITIC TIHAT.MINTS : ANP HiusiiiKi' b > l.aui.i inilson , 119 N 11 , 111 i-t . room 13. T M29S Jnn a * MMI : mtisPON or PAHIS. meillealeil bitlii anil iiiii-nasc 107 N 12th TJ4SII'l MMI : AM IN. MAHSAOI : AND HAT us H.IVVJI.I s-ticit T M5ul ' . , parlors , lestful mul ciiiamo 117 H. llth up stalt.i. T M > )2'.i' ) \L. YIAVI co. UTiniNi : TttopiLis , 3tn s 111:1 : lll..K. phjflclnn cj.n iillatlon or health b u-K free U 933 IIATIIS. MAHSAC.i : MMC. PO-'T , 319Vj S 15n : . U-UM is CLIANIU. : pisissni : > AND nt : . piln-1 : , l.iy 01 iilqht , dicss suits for hire 1'nolni hull. N 1 : Cor llth a'nl Parnani Tel 003 P-W5 LITniiAllY ASSISTANVtJ. MANPSCItil'TS piepam ] , rcvls-il or coriecteil. letttr of nl ileirrlpt'oiK ' vvrltten , \perlen e 1 nevvmiiipir nun In chiw. nil hiislnc'-s cunlUentlil Ail ilresi 1' O. Hex 137 , ui call tor HKirit.\\ ofllce 411 lie" blelfj. U 173 JJ PKP.I : IHNTAL : WORK. OVPII w > pintt-oNs took ailvnntiiK. ' of the fiee tllnlc at tinPcntu college , eor. 1-tii anl Parhlc f-ti-ct-i , last month , after Jaii'iarj 1 thenvvlll IK- twelve ehaliH rcrervecl for ileiiitn- teeth free ol eliniKo eu-ry Weilnes.las mimiliiR tiom 'J lo 11 o'clock ! ! lL'l ! ! HAVn VOUR OARMnNTS MADi : 11Y "C.nKP.V- heiB The Professional UiJles' T.illci. " 1703 Weli ler. U M3S7-.I1-- ' SI'YLIHII liniSM\'vlNO , JllJASONAIII.l price nt Ine .lov Tailor System School o Hie * iiiiMni : 31. 1C irbacli block Ml eiCimp In-ll & Cas el\ . U MI2Jll pi7iv\Ti : IIO.MI : POH LAPIPS iippoiti : ANI iliii Ini7 ronllnenient. liableailopleil ati'l ' n e fir lleninveil to 11V. N. 17tn P M217 .1 in J : Y TO sioNiY TO 1OAN AT LOW ltATI3'till O. V I ) iv Is Co. 1303 1'arnam St W 936 \NTIIONY LOAN A : Tltf.ST CO , 31D N. Y L ituicK money at low late- , for c .old ? fnrm laiul In Iowa noit'iern ' Missouri , eastern Npliraxk. W SOT LOANS ON iMPitovim . < t'NiMi'noviDcn\ property. W rarnam Smith , v Co. 1321 l-'arjni MON12Y TO I/J.VN. 11IJMIS. I'AXTON IILOr/ < W-W.1 MONIV TO I J'.N ON i.Mi'uoviii : OMAIL real cslni-1 Uier : : : . ! / > > . Co , 219 S IMhW W 960 tlW.OOOOO SPECIAL PtIND TO LOAN O > tlrat ela = s Improveil Omaha picpertj or lo piinu" ' ' " PUellty Trust Compiii ) pin. : CINT MORTOc.t : - poit HA LI : PIIOI rit > ot r.-n-resijents i-a . -.1 for by W 1 ! Melkle. Plitt National Hank li'ilu , Omnlia \V-BC3 G pp.ii c7NT MONIY : $1 MO AND PPVVAIIDS on Rlll-Cilpt I IniiirG , * , . O , .iiu rfsftatr - lleinis Paxton hlock. W fill ilOMTy TO LOAN ON liI'ROVii ! > HUAI cuato In Oma.i.i Council Illunj ami Snutl Omaha I'u . .y , \ : Thomas , S03 Plrsl Nutlnnu Hank Onuhii. " . ' M100 WANTHD. ClIOICi : PAIl.M AND CITY l/1\Nb II C I'ctira A Co , tS Nat Dank bl.U..M133 V , -.M133 cT'lirTcpJCT IOMn' ON NP.lllt.VHKA I A KM nml OniHh.i piopert ) \ \ II , Me-lkle , let .Nat dank Hi U vv-.Mi .MOMV TO LOAN CIIATTHLS. JIO ' 10 J10POO TO LOAN ON ! | OPriiHH.D : ri'llNITPIlP AND PIOb noiisn wAoos's ANP c\niu\nis. : \VAHIIIOU-I : uiciu : > is irrc. nt lovve t rnte ! ( in Omnl.n Sou'h Omaha an < l Council IlluffH No lemoval of ( jooels itiletl > , > o can piv the loan ctt nt an > time or In an amount * OMAHA MOUTilAOi : IX1AN CO . 3'G ' South ICth St. nn : oi.nnsT LAIICIHST AND ONLY INCOI I/JAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X-9CI nt IMSS : en TO Cim IN Oil OPT OK III alMJSb GO TO J. J tlllxon 311 Phot Nal'l Hank Y 5C3 POH IHNT. : IIUICK SToitiitoo.M. rox2 ALL ciaiventemcH , l"J-"t loiatlun In city . bplemlld bin > lne d town. John H Limlale , West Point , Neb. Y M211 PAUTY Dtsinis : TO siciin : AIIOPT js.w/ooo. / viouhl like to luive about 10 or 12 > oung men with { ; r'iM ) eat-h to Invest , willing to nhow where money can 1m iloiiblel In one jeara time. Tor iiaitlrulnrs uil.livsn . I ) IS I lee utllcc. POII SAW : . IIOTIL , OOOD LOCATION. QOOD IMtionaKiNo npp i Itlon. AilJress J. II Kven * . Cri-iton , IM.ittu Co. , Neb. Y M420 4 * WANTnn , ACTIVi : PAIVrNRlN C.OOl ) 1'AY- inff e tablUheil bunlnet. * , Kood location : I'XKI 00 require. . ! . 11 Ik. Ilee. Y M43S-1 * i WILL priiNisii MONIY TO PATINT : AND linmotei n K < > . ! Invention for an Intcrful . ' I- driHi llusln.'sa , p. O. box 672. New1 York. N Y. Y-M 171 S _ _ A oiiop opuNiNO ron \ SMALL HANK" Hull. linn can bo unioJ and c.ite ; atalLmer ) mil llxturivvlll be Hold at u Kical nacrtMce Per puitKular * j.Iilro s 11. 8. IMIM , lloselaml Neh. Y-M45I-4- ann.\T H.\iin\iN-cui STOHH AND llxturen. 31S South Tenth Direct ; cMablinhcU | n 1SC7. .heap fur ea h Y MMI o * i-'on unuo STOHK WAKTID on WHICH \vu will trade city property nnd ome rafh "K " care of Carrier 35 Omaha Neh /-M:03 JinT WILL lixCHANfin VnilY in-FutAHLC clear vacant Om ha l"t for Cmcaga properly Addreaa with full pirtlculari , Uux CC ! Omaha Z-MWl ron vt r. HI : vi. i-srvi r. . hOLNTiii : PLACi : 1I.MUIAIN4 H b . 13 " | | } W. J J Olbnoti. ill 1'irnt N'at Hull , 11 Id. 11U WO 7'AIIM L\NPS f'THfiIMllll iiN 15 N Y I , UK -M-.lnii-1i ! * 1IUUSK.S I ( ITS ANP PAHMS. or trntr 1' K Pflillrg. llmker lllk IOPSi : . I.OT3. . al o tire Inrurtnec llcml * , 1'nvtm block IIIM971 : 1XX1AV VALLEY I'AIIMS ANO MRHCHAN- ill'o Iliintfbereer X CletneiiH. Ljiinn Ne- brnskn , P.iIJt9 NI\V COTTAOI : . MONTHLY PJ.YMINTP. rn tico nut ; nn MSM IMII s\t.i : P. ACIIIS : rut IT L\NP PUPR lulleul .if Conn , II niufron T-ft nil I A-l - tlti" ' s L.inn'd W7 I : pit r. . e Cuinoll IlluffK IIP. Mlti I snoit'i n \\i ) AMI Tvi i\viirm : J , A c VA"N SANT s scnoou tu N Y iTn-7 -972 T OMAHA UPS COLLlMi : ICTUS DOt'OLAl. -J73 i. n : , COPIIT RipoiiTtit : piuvvn : Icftons. .lay mul eveiilnK. 107 lletllldB MAi.HH or-i A ND coLi.ia- : theater M3P , tnn7 coMncTon \M > iiriLnr.n. i w iiiLiipiiT C\HPINTIII : : ANP CON- Iraclor , J.ilil.l.ig . poll. Ho,1 , 1VI3 SI Mnrv'i nv.- -M3I > I.OS' ] ' . . .OSTIILVCK SI'ANIt : ] . I'CP WITH C'OL hir nn.l . jnnll ivin. < u MM Final ) while rpot on bieaat 12.'i > N 1911 Ave. Itowm.l . sn\vi\t ! MI"IIIMSM : > SI'IMM.IIIS. ' NIW : HOMI : , Hopsniioi.TiHITI : sn\v- Ins maihlncu S. Buppllc * IBH Cap nve. Tel 1" | 17.1 COM. . IPULINIJTONNPT , lllST , ClinAVHST PIllCi : } 3 73 per Ion 'Phono ilf. Ilarmon . < . Weeth Co iop.sis WINTIUIP. : iusr or CARI : RAIIX 15 per month W i : Owens. C607 Cinti-r btiert M163 .l.iliJ' loon STAiii.ns. HINT OP CAUI : ft AND Hi month. A. W rh.'lna & Son. 207 New York Life. Tel 1054 242 i - WI3 SOLICIT AND Pl'llNISH POSITIONS POH Stem Rrnpheri iree. 'Ihe Smith Piemler TV tie. writer Co. Telephone 12S 307 ITHMTrillJ P.VCIvii ) . M S WALKIN. 2111 CUM1NO THL 1331. 17C n. MAnowrra LOANS MONIY. 4is N. ic ST. K s'roticnoMins' ; : > IIITI\K STOCK IIOIUIHS MIJ. The Onuli.i .V ; Itt-pilblk-an Valky Hallway L' > . NoticiH lu-itliv Klven tlml Hie annual nn'e-tlnj ; of Ihe aiopliholdt IH of Ihe Oiniili l A : Itepuhlltan Valley Itnllw.iy compinj for ihe elec'llon of seven ( llii-ctor.s and Ihe iiansit-tloii of sin h other liusin.--m as may awfully coiniliofoie tne mei-nllnt ; , will i.n lie-Ill 111 tlij ollli-e of tiltiieneril ( inllellor rnlon I'ailllrbiilliliiiK ; . Oniniia , Xelna K.i , \Viiliu-Ml.iy tinTith ilav of .laniurv , IS'JS. bi'tvvt-tii tl'e hoins of 10 , i. in. and ( > p in The stoi-lc tiansfti houk-t will lie iloel ten days before Hie date of the meeting. ALiXAXDnil MILLAIt , Hecrclaiy. lioston , Ma s. , Decemlier 2S. 1 7. Dec. 211 to Jan. 5 SI. STOCK iior..mRS' .M i ET tTnlon Klrvntoi Conipinj of ( Dm ill i : Notice Is heicby Klven that the nnnuil mcethiK of the stocKhoIileri of Hie Union Ulovatnr lompany of Omiiha , for the pur pose of t-lirlin he\en dlrcelois nnd Hiicli other business , i may propel ly come before the iiieellinr. vvlll bo held at the oMIciof olliltor , I'liion Parltlc building Dmaha. Nf-b . upon | nn. ! , the 3td tl.iv of .Ini'iiaij , ivis between the hours of W o'clock a. m. and ' > o'clocl : p. in. The ; btoek transfer books will be. closed ten (10) ( il 'yj before the date of the nu-et.- IIIK. ALiXANUiit MILLAIt. Seeretatj' . lioston. Miss. . December 12 , 1S67 Dllm2U STOl KIIOLDP.HS MCiTIXG. iTnlon I ind Company : Nnlltc In hereby Klven that the annual nifctltiKT of Ihe stockhold'MH of the Union l/ird c-ompanv for the election ot live di rectors , and the transaetion of such other business ns may lawfully come before Ihe meeting vvlll bp held nt the olilc-e of the HOlicltnr , Union PacificbulldliiK , Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , the 10th day of Janu n y , lbf" < , at 10 o'clock a. in. The stock transfer books vvlll be closed ten days previous to the meeting. lloston , Slpss. , December. 20th. ISO" . Dnu SIILLAII , Si cietaiy. Dec. 20 lo Jan. 10. STOCK UOMinilS' MI5RTIXO. Xolien Is lieieby clven that tin- annual nipetitifr of tli stockholdc-r.s of ihe Omaha rnlon Depot company will be held at the ollice of liie Keneral solicitor of the Hnr- lliiKton A .Missouri lllver Itallioad in Xc hrnska In Omaha , Xebraslta. January 10th , I'-'is , nt 10 o' lock a. in. The mectlim vvlll be held for the election of a Hoard of Directors and for the Irans- aetlon of such other business as may come Ii. Ion it , li.c'udlng actljii upon the ques- llon of u dlhsolullon of the coipotation. T. U KI.MI1ALL , President. Attest : J. O. TAYI.Cm , Secretary. Oninhn. Xel. . . D.-c. 17 , 1S07. D2ID 20TSI stin-1. bill it ITS' Meed UK. Oni.iha Klkhorn Vnlley Uallway coin- inny : Xotlce Is hcrdiy 1'iven thai Hie annual inei-lliiB of the stoi kholJurs ot the Qnialu i IJik mm Valley Ila'lvvay ' company tor the olr .lion of illteelors and Hie lian-ic- tlon of Mie-h other hnslnei' * as may lajiv- fully come before. Ihe meeting1 will be In Id In the olllee of the Kcninul solleltoi Union Pac'lle ImlldliiK , Omaha , Xenra'ka. upon Wednesday , Hit , " > th day ot Januaiy , 1SUS , nt 10 o't-lock n. in. The htoe-K transfer books vvlll be closed ten diys befoirv the date of the mcctlnir AMXANOIII : SIILLAH , .Secrelary , Hoston , Slass. , December 14 , li'J7. S I iieL holders' Meelln r. lluidwiiro Co. , Omaha , Xtbiaska. Dte. 11 , IMS' . Notice Is hereby given to thn Htockhold- i'i of the L < v-cirkc-Andreesen : : Hardwaie Co. thai Ihe annual meeting of the stock holders of the company vvlll be held at the olllcis of the Bald company , 121D-1221-1221 Harn.y street. In the city of Omaha , In tin- state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , 11 , A. D. 1V.IS. nt three o'clock p , in , tot the purpose of electhiK n board of dlreelois for Hie company to neivo during thn ensu- liih' year and to tranxacl such other business us ma'be presented al Mich moetint ? . II J. un , President , AttestV : , SI , CiI ASS , Secretary. Dlld S2t NOTICI ; TO CO.VPIIci ons. XOT1CIJ TO CONTHACTOHS. Sealed bids for the coiibluictlon of ( lie Colonnades connectlnt ; the Uovernmont hiilldliiK wllh ihe Fine Arts and Agricul tural hulldlnps , on the exposition KroundH , vvlll be leci-lved until 11 o'clock u , in. .Mon day , Januaiy 10 , 1SO ! > . Plain and apeclllcatlons can bp seen nt Ihe Depaitment ollice , earner 13th and Spen cer sliefts , or sets will be furnished bid ders at cost. The rlKht Is reserved to i eject any or all bill. " . P. P. KIUKKND-U.L- , Manager Grounds anil HulldliiKs Dt-part- nu-nt Tiansmlbslsslppl und Iineinational exposition. I Jill JlO.un i'o.sTori''ici ' : .VOTICI : . ( Should be read DAILY by all Inlcrcstcd , at , chaiiKos may occur al any time ) . Foreign mall * for Ihe week ending I in- uary b. Ktf. vvlll clo.-io ( PHO.MPTLY In all cases ) at the. Gum nil Poslolllcu us follows lowsJ'AHl'UIS POST MAILS close ON1J HOI U KAHL1I-U : Hum closing llmo tmown below. TriliikVllnntle Mull * . TriSDAY-At s i m for GKNOA. per H s Norm nnd i lit tiers must hi direi-ted "per Normutinla ) ot 11 a m uupp't-num irv 12.TOiin i fur intOPK pu-s s Kins , r \ \ ilhi-'m dt-i * v .u Sovnl iiniuou .in.l llremen U13UXKSDAY At 7 a in ( supplemcniiin n in. ) for Rl'HOPU per tH rit Lou via Hoiilluiinpion , at U a , m , iMisrornrr.oi u i : . e * t ry IO.Ti > n. nn loVlr.riinPi : . PIT s. s Oermnnli * , via ijiii' . fc'tiun. at to a in. for HKI.UIt'M dlnPfr W > . \Ve ti'in- Inlnl.ln Antvv oip duller- * mint lie dlnru-.l | "PerVistirnlund" ) . SATftinAY At 7 n in. for I'llXCt : . KWIT/.KHLAXP. ITALY , SPAIN. POUT , THAU Tt'HKIIY. r.UYPT tnd IHUTISIl ! 1NP1A , per s. . Li Ilr. , mm' * , vli' ' llavio ( li'tteri for olln-r IUM * of Kiiropo 111111 lie dlri-t-tcd "pir L.i lln-t 115110' ) , at S a. in foi XllTllKllLANIl ? per s. t. Vi end nil , vl.i llottird.ini tleiti'r * nuHt bo dirortoil "per Vi-i'tid nn" ) , at 10 a tn ( nppU inclitnry 11 W n tn ) for iJPIlol'l : , PIT s. . Aur.inii" , vli gui-en-- tovvll ; at II u. 111. tfyri ; iill\\ Adlrrrt , T-r H s. Tlilni\alH'ilrlti'iH nuiit \ > c di- u-i'tPil "pet TlilnBV.tlli" ) . PIIINTCD MA mill iTC-Oerinan : > t.'imer < ralllliii on 1ur ! > ila > ii takr Printed Matter , tie . for ( leriiinnv , mul Spccully A.llne.l Pnntr.l Mutter , ete , for other parsii of iun pe Ameri can ftti.l U Idle Star nte'iirers oh \ \ ednrilti > s , O.iiuiili ftcaiurii * on Thui .lifi anil I'limiiil Prcinti ant Herman nicnnier * on S.vtunln > i tnke Printed Miller tic . fir nil e.-iiniri-i for vvhl.-h tluv are mtverU'e-l to CUTS nmll Aflt-r the elo-dm ; of Ihe Snpplimi-m u > Tr.itn- Atliintle' MiH n.inie.l ml.Iltl uial KIIP- pleiiu-ntim nialN mo op. tn-.l on tne plei of lli Atiietleau. Cnc'Uli , Preiich nnd Oerinan Fteaniui , iiiul reiniin open until within Ten Mliiilteg of the hour of snllllu of htiamer. Mulls fur south and C.nlrnlnurliii , U i-- > t Illdli-N , iti : < . MONI'AV-At ,1 p. in. for lllll.l/i : , Pl'ICItTO COIITI'// and ( IP \ TKM1.A . .pi'iMti.nnor frrni Now OrleitH Tl'iSI : > AY--Al II a , in c iinili ; in.-nt irv lit' ' ) u , in. ) for VHNKXrnLA ind i'PK\i'\O nl-o SAVAN1LI.A and CAIITIII'N ( ! \ . via 4'nriiiMii , pi r . . dim n. it U tn for r.HKXAHA. TIMNli\U | .Hid Til- IIAK ) , PIT * . s. In.ivaddy , at * ! p in for COSTA ItlCA. IHIMti.iliui ftoin X.-vv Or Ic.ins : , n s , ; o p. in. for NKWI'ol Nl > - LAN1) , p'l Mti-inii'i li oil Neil III Sj din l , < lt V p. Ill foi POUT ANTONIO , per stetnnr from notion , \Vii.VisilA\-At ; | 2.TO a. in. for POUT AX- ToXIO , p r stcini'i fiom Phllad.'ip li at s u. in. for HUA'/.ll. jiei s. \VOKISVVOI Hi , vl.i Piin imliiico , llahla and llio Janeiro tietteis for Xorth Iliir/ll and Ui Plat i totintil.-s must be ( Hinted "per Wotds- worlli" ) . nl H ) . . > i ) a. m , for HAITI , pi-f s s. Pilns Wlllem IV ( k-tteu f u Veiiezuel i , I'm .HMO , Tllnldiul , Itiltlsh and Dutch Guiana must be dliictnl "p. r Puns Wlllem IV" ) , nt 12 .10 p. m. ( Siipplomciilarj 1 p. in ) for ST. THO.MAS , hi' I'llOIX , I.1K\VARD ] \V1XD\\AUD ISLANDS , per H. s. ( 'Trilline ( lelters tin Itarbado musl be dliected "per t'arlbbi e" ) , al 1 p. in. foi Ct'HA. per M. s Cunelio , via Havana ; at 2 p m. for IIAHMMiOS dlr et und XOHT11 liKAXIL , via Pu.i. M irail- liam and Ceara pel c. s. Polv.arp. Kill DAY Al lp in.suppli ( > 1 " , ) p in lor ST. DOMIXGO and Tt'llKS ISLAXD , per s .s. New York , at 2 p rifer for I'OHTO UlCOdlreit , per > , . s. Alkulli SXTI'IIDAY At 2 10 a. m. for XKW- rI'XDLAND. ( per y. s > Koiimanl in fiom Philadelphia ; al S a. m. tel IIKUMCDA , per . s Irlnidad ; al 10 a. m ( supple mentary lo.I- ! ) a m. ) for PollTl'Ni- : ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVAN1LLA and CAUTHAGnNA. per s. s. Altai ( letters t u CO-UT Hlea mint be directed "per Alt il" ) . at 10 a. m. ( supplement iry 10 ) a. m. > lor HAITI , pel .s. s Alps , at 111 " 0 a m for CASIPIHfHH CHIAPAS , TABASCO and Vl'CATAX , per h. H. Yumiiii ( lelleis for ollni paits of Mexico and for Cuba must be dliected "per Yiiiiinil" ) ; at S SO p in. for XIWF'Ol'XDLAXD per steamer fiom North Svdne ) ; at S .10 p m. for ST. PII"HItl > MICjrii.OX : ( pu itcimor fiom Xorth Sidney. Malls for N.nvfounJlnii.1. by mil lo Halifax , ntnl theiitc by Mean' * " Hljje lit this ofllc-i ilnllj ul S:30 : p in MalH for Mlqiiilon. hy rail to l'o-ton an.l . tlu-ncu i > y hte liner close at thU ollice dally at ! > :3 p. m Mails for Cul.n . < I--- nt this Dill c > ! all > nt 7 00 n ni lor by hilling ( Men.lai" . mil 1 hursilny-- ) from Poll 'lump i Pl.i Mills fir Mexico ice City , oveihinJ. unU < < - ' nililrcsstil for ill--p.itrh I'y st.-nmer rlo-- . * at Hili otllce elilly ni i M n in aiiel 5 W p in neM-itorcil - innll closes nt GOO p in pievlous .U ) . TiMiiH-I'ni'lllc Unlit. M.ill'i for Austi.illi dcept lliese for Ve l Ausltnlla ) , which ate loivvaided via Du- lope. Xew Xealand , Hivvall , 1'ijl and Sa- moati Island" , per s. .s Moana ( from Sin rrani-lfco ) , close In ren1 illy up to .lauuai.v * * 2el al 7 a. in , 11 a in. and fi ! 0 p. in. ( oren on al Xew Yolk of s s. Ailiania wllh llritlsi mills tot Aitslrilia ) . Malls for Cliini and Jap-in , ' per s. s. Victoria ( fiom Tacoma ) , close here d illv up to .1 inuaty * * 2d it I ! M , p. m. Malls tar Aus- tliilla ( except West All-ill alll ) . Xew.en - Ijud. II ivvail and I'iji IMai'ds per s. s MUnvoi.i Ifroni Vancouver ) , clo e" here dally iiftec January " "Jd and up to .Hnu- aij lid nt iV < > p. m. Slalls for China. Japan and Hawaii , pei s. s. 15i < ljic ( fiom Sin I'lainlsco ) , elt'se heie dully up lo .Lum my 'Uli nt U IM p m .Malls for Hawaii , i > Qr H. D. Austialla ( Horn San l-Yunelsco ) , close heie dally up to January Pith at i > .10 p. m Malls for China and Japan ( " -peelallv ad dressed only ) , p r s i1 nmprrss of Japan ( fiom Vancouver ) , clnse here dally up to Januaiy'lth at OJO p. in. .Mails for the Society Isl mils , per ship Cltv of P.ipiltl ( fiom San I'rmchco ) . clo1 here dally up lo Junuaiy 2.1th at 0 30 p. m Trans-Paclllc mulls ( ire forwaiiled to port ot Hailing dally and the teheiiiilc of cloMiiK U 01 ran eel on the presumption of their unlnti r- rurtel overland tians't ' "IlcglslcrcJ mall closes at Cp. . m previous .Iny , COHXKLU'rf VAX lOTT Postmaster. Postolllce at Xew Yoik , X. Y. , Derembur 30 , 1S97. lAILItO\r 5i. UNION PAciPic-"Tiiu ovnn- hina rtoute" Otncral Olllccs , N. i : Corner Ninth nmt Karnam Ktreets Clly Ticket Omce. 12CJ Parnuta Street. Telephone 31C Ucpot , Tenth and Muson .Streets Telephone 12S. " " " " Leave. Arrive. "The Ovr-lan.l . LImlt l" for Denver S ill l ike. wes'ern points . . ! 4:4 : pm Past mall train fu. Denver , Su't I/ike. p.iclllc coast nntl all western polu-s 2.30 pm ' 10.2)0171 Lincoln lleatilee a-.i HtroiiibljuiK Impress . . 5:00 : pm "IS : : ! ) pm Kc.mieuh . . . . 5:00 : pm 12-S ) pm Dally Dally except SunJuy. Council nuiiTa I cal lA-avei. 5:4) : a. m : 6.59 n. in , 7.SO a ni , H 2" , a ni. : 10.15 a. m , 2.15 p in . 4 SO p. m. , 5.M P in. Arrives. 0:10 : a. m , 7 i'1 n ni ! 8 n in. . 0 K i. ni , U 30 n , m ; 3:10 : p m , C-IO p ni : 9i : > 5 p m ; 10 45 9 , m CHICAOO. sr PAUL , apolls & Omul.a Hallvv.iv G neial ollireq. N hiai.Ka III- vlxlou , I'lfti-tnih'l.iiei . . Ftifets. City Ticket Ollice. 1401 Parnnin Kli ct Tilerhm . . _ 'lltecnth and \Vcli3tci Streets Telephone. 1158. Leave. Arrive. Hloux City Are .iiimodt. . S V ) nin " St.O pro .Siuiix City Aci .iiinno . IT. 9 B uin S 2) pin III iir imer > .oii hloux Cits. Ponca inrtln - tuon and Ill.ioniileM . 1 00 pm 11,55 am Sioux Cltv , Mankuio. St. Paul Jllinieapoln " fl:5" : pm 0:10 : am Kmers .n . PisnenB--r . . . 5:10 : pn' S 45 nm Pallv Daily cvitpt Uumliy. Hund.T. only This tri'n ' slops nt slatlnni Ploient to Bo Hl'iir InolilsUc. Sumla > s only , on neck dnvrt So Illnlr only. I PR.MONT. ULKIlOn.N' AND Mlssoourl Vsllej RjIr | ay On- eral Ofllr.-i. Pnllul Maiei Na- II. ) ! , . , ; ! 3.-n ! : IJ.II lint- , South west Cornei Twelfth and Par- naia Streets Ticket Ollice , 1401 1'Hrnam Street. Telephone. Ml , Depot Plfteenth anil Webster 8trei-t . Telephone , JIM. . -I.eivo. Arilvo. Hack ! Mills , DcnUvjool anil H-rt Sprint' " . . . 3:0) : ) pm 2:30 pm Wjomlnu , Casper am ! DoURlas 3:0) : pin ' 6:00 : pm Haatlnh'8. York , Dav-J | City. Superior Geneva , nxeter ami B-vvatd . . . 3:00 pm 5 CO rm Norfolk. West Point and ' Prermiit 7 : " am 10:3 : an Lincoln , Wahoo and premont T-tOair MIO-:3 an Fremont Local . . . 73' ' ) un Dally Pally except Sun.lay. . Rumliv only " "Pally 'x-ept Saturday cxecf * M mill' . . - ft NOHTIIWISTIHN : llallvvay-Qlty Ticket Ollice 1401 Parimm Street. Telephone F.CI IH'i'Ot , Tenth ami Maton Streets. Telephone 138. , Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City , B ! J'aul 2"'i ' MIlHICUpollfl 'CIO : am 10:45 : pm Ifaourl Valley. Bloux 7:30 am 9:03 : pm Dcnnlson , Carroll Wall Like " i ; u uoi 9:05 : pm in lert "sprees DCK Mnlne > Manhjl'tovvn , CVaar " pl U chliat-o " 10:43 : ati 4:10 : pm Atlanlle Pljt-r Chicago nml Kant 4:45 : phi 4:10 : pia r.i t Mall. Chicago to f OiiMha 3:10 : pm Mlnkuiirl Villloj Bloux I City. Bt Paul. Mlunu- upulls Limited . . . J5-.I5 pm 9:3) : ) am OinJha.ChliaKo Special. * JC.30 pm fc.l/i / am Daily " Dally except sunela } . SIOUX GUY & l'\CII-'IC HAIL- road ( literal Olllcea , ( lulled hlntea Nitlonal Hank llulld. inif , B W. Corner Twelfth and IllUiJicrlfil * ' Parimm . f treeU Tftket Ollice. Hn j.aru'lln Ktret. . Telephone DOU Depot , Plftcitith unil Wtluti-i faltctla. Tt-lc- phone TjS I * av ? . An he. Slo x I y Mankato , 81. puui MlnncuiiulU . . 0 5j pm 910am DalU \ WAllARH RAILIIOAD TlC'KIlT OFfls' ] : in Parn.un Sneei r h-ulu ne 32 : Depot , Tenui j and Mason StreU Teei | > hon < > I2J ' I ave Arrive , Bi I itdn "Cannon nail" . . . . t TO I'm H J am 11 Vll.ltOUIS IContltlll , il I 1" id iNilliiN A MtSSOlMll Illv. . r llaili.iid r \\u\\Mt- \ \ lon li.-ule' HIM i ml dill e N. \V r iriirr Tintti nml Parimm Sltccln Tli kit untev. l.vo-,1 . r.uu.nn Slriet. Telephone Z5 > 1enlli aiiil Mason Hire. l leliplmne l ! < I.eave Arrive. SJj : nut 9.3 } mil C1IIC.M10. 1IPIILINOTON & ijulnov Itnllroa.l "The llurl- It.Kl.'n . Route" Tl.'ki-t . Oni. o 1 o ; Pitriinm Stt-eet TolrphMi. ' Ifi Pep , l Tenth nnd Mnni'ti Street * Telephiuip KS , l.eiive. \rilM- . * o. 7-Rl > pm am 'i-li ' ntn 4 U pin 7 Ml tun 7 M am Ml 1) am C pin S JO pin i inn Iiij- KANSAS cm. M.tOSP.PII .V. Cniinell tlluffs Itnlltoa.l- "rialluillimton Roiilc' Tlck.t OllUe. 1102 Paninm Stre. t 'lelephoi.i. sr.O Depot , Tmlli nnd Miii-oii Streets , 'tele. ph..i.e t : < i. l.'nve. Arrive. Cliv Pav r.'i OS .im 5 10 pin i Cltv Muhl P.\ * IO e ur- > 4 IK urn Cllli MIO , HOCK ISLAND ft Pn "The ( Heat .1 . Itoutc"-Cll > HI ! ' , i- 1121 Kniiiiini Te eph.ine . 12S. Depot , aii.l M ison Stitelii. iv e. Arrive. VesMhuh-d i\piea : * . . 4.33 pm 1:43 : pm Llu. . olu Col..l . i.lo Sp Hi. " ' " " " ' ' " csl" ? ' . : . : ; . . . : . - . . „ .nap , , . Chli IKO. D.Molnen A- Roil , Island . -.Wpin SI15 nin A11.1 nil. ' i\pres-s : , for PCS MnlntM an , ' > .inJ- eni imlnlH 7.1) am 5:33 : pm Llncnin Palrbury mul llell.-vllle " fi 4-i pm " 10 W am ) > .ill > " IMII ) uxccpl Sutiilaj J.llSSOPItl l-ACIPIC ILMLI10AP ijnuinl Olllcci nn.l . Ticket O'llc , Mor. hnnts Nnlonn Uini ; lliiil.lliii . ; 12JI Pauinm Sin-el I.U-i.h m. ' HU Depot Pin-null and W > b lei S reel , . Tclephoa ns 1-eave. Anlve. " " " N'V"1V'V "l&l"1"1 * = 'W' " " " ' S , ' : 1 Maes"1 ! . 1.30pm COOorn Neir , K i L.H..1 . 4.3.1 pin | 4 , am Dallv " Dilly except Sunday CI1IC\GO. MIl.VVAPUKi : . < c ST /'V Paul llnllvv.i > City Tliket Ollice. 1504 Pnrnam Stiett. MILWAUKEE ] Telephone 'JS4 Depot Tilltll " ' Sf nnd Mason SUects , Telephone WAULI 1-JS. l / Leave. Arrlvt. .1 HK. . . . * " ' . 'J I" " S 05 .1111 Omaha nnd Chicago IX Ml.CO am l.iOpni Dilly. oitAIlA A. ST LoTTs \ILROAD-OMAHA. . Knnms City A in < loiu Rnllioad "The Pint Arthur Route" Tl.ket ollice , 1115 Kainam street 'le'ephonp , IJ. Depot Tenth and .Mason Hi cits. Telephone 1-H Leave. Arilvc St Uiuls Cannon Unit i\pre-n * 4.1" ' pm * ll SO nm Qiil'i v i\pnss : 5.1' ) , im * SljJO pin D.dlj. A < ; ini. 111:110. : she Hi-lives l eiilli to Mi\e Her Little Minnie Nles : knows she in o die' , lint she c.ues not. for her b thy sltci , May , Is s.ito. Tele i-iiu-l hoofs of the. llyintj hor-c did not li.irin Iho biby. but . .Minnie- i.v i < taken to thel'lovvtr hovt-ilne ; heivveen life and duath , it-lutes thu Nt-vv YtnkVoild. . " .May Is all light , " she gasped , "that's all I caif. " 1 I.'i Nies is a haul-working in in , i.vln/ . keeps his IPtli- family cumfui tnblu on Ihe wattes lip i.uns fiom the' IljRila letconi - piny. Tu-y live at 31" > ISist Kot tv-soveiuh stteet. ICvi-iy Snnd.iv n.oinin * ? llnds the f.illu r and mother .it worship in the Ch ipi-1 ot Hp.ivnilv IlPSl. rorly-sf venlli --tiei-t , Lexington av't'iiiie ' , and evt-lj Pundjy .ittertioon linds the elilldien at Bund.i.v soliool thotf. Liit Sunday nt S f > . in. 12-yeii-old Minnie put on lie , best .mil Jiu-Ket auel took It.iby M-i > , 3 > ear- old , off to Snnd iv school , lioth knew Ihelr It-'sons and toeh not a ptetty e.ird as a itvvard. So with ll bt hearts tiny Plait.-d lionn-waid , clutching the e-hei islit-el c-aids tlKhtly In ilicli little lumds. .lust .is they , v-e cio-slns Thlid avenuf they lie nd tli- wild tooling of will-ties and the' cl.umlng of boll.s. Tni.was .1 [ lie In Fifty-second street , and hook- and ladders , engines , ( lie pitiols and hose t-jits veil toning up Thlid avenue. Poor little May wus'-o frightened that she drtpm-d her sister'-- hand and fe'l ' ho' ; > IOss In the --Heel I'p lioni I'oityMMhtieet e ime 1'iie Chlel' Welsh's buggy , teirlng .ivv ly te > , v nd the Ibe. M.iv "fitlined. .Min nie missed her .sister and pi i reived ilit- danger al the u.imc inoinent ot llvlns horse hhc MprniK1 out Into the fctreel whole thebiby vvaIvIiiK Tin horse was alino-t upon her. but --he tileil only to pull the llttk one out of Ihe vv ly o ! Ihe liv inn hoof "Look out1" yelled Welsh. He couldn't .stop , and over the t.v little KliN plunged 'he hoistbul nol before 'Minnie ' , .sc-reum- Int ; , had Ihrovvn her little body over her biby sistei's.Vlitn \\\lli able to stop he jumped Iroin his biifg.and went luck. lie found ti.vo little heaps on the ! > ivement , still as death and covered with mild. The little girls' pretty Sunday rlotlie - were torn tohieds. . "They're killed ! " cried the crowd tint had soon the accident. Hut a moment later one of the little foi ins moved , ntitl FOOII Hiby .Mav wn conscious. t5he was unhurt , al most. Her Klstei't , body had mlclded hers from hum. lint she had a light brnl > - cover - over her il ht e > , and , like other babies , she beh'.in irvini ; lustily. lint little'Minnie ' was motlonle * * . She vva coveii'd i.v lih blood tli it llo.vel from a sreat vvoiind over lici temple nnd another under her left eye. V.'e-lsli culled an luiibiilnnue , which curled the child to the Klci.ver ho Thuru the phy.s'cliini ' dressed hei wrundsvvlth little hcpe of HivliiR In-r life. Mlnnle'n father nnd mother weie .summoned , llibv ' .Mav wan there , too. "Tln-v were Ihe d.-aiost children In Ihe worl ! , " said Nles "I've bei n ill for two \vieks in lih pit mlsy and Minnie iiwtl to come .mil pray for mo beside mv bed. " "Vein,1 ll-iC4l ' ; M IV , " .ill1 I used lo p'llV ovv.v , evvy nhflit for in } papi to get well. " Hut .Minnie UJH opening her eyes. She sivv Ihe llttlf KIOIIT at her bedsldi. "Is May safe' ' " she asked And when she In ml tlmt thn child was hnrdls * M-iatehcl ] lc tinned over and smiled. All day she innmid IniKonv. . but at night fhitook a tilin for no belter and ( he doctor * , slid that the biave little llfe-.iver h'ld n eh mee for hei * III.- , thoiii.'li her he id Is frlKhlfnlly em and all one liliof her holy Is bullied. 'I'll I- l.'lllNlMDili * fiiro ( I'/svpt ) Hptiinv : "l-'atlier. vvlio h tlmt man l.vltb the bumps all ovir bis fai. and hamlH ? " "That , my child. Is a tourist man No , In lirif , not fallen off the Cleat I'ynmlil ; thoHi ale only the foi 'tt-me-nol brunds of lln miiltlliidlnoiiH Calio mo-riulto. He U nevvl.v airlvcd In the land of the Pharaohs am Hin-li as In- the Cairo mosquito lovrs will an exd'edlinr urc-at love I-'or , 'tis an Innet t ptHsIni ? bird lo pleaseHo cares not for lln luitlit'iy-sklnneil native , but savc up bis , i | petite dK'il'iHt the time rvbeii the tenilnr toolhxomp palefacisiall Hock bitberwari and fiunlsb unto him and ill bis bu-tlnii Hie f.v for a wiiaro | nipal. Wln-i lie lias been hero a few d.iys be will become i-viii as you and I , mosiiulto proof , an 1 the : bl'i friends will not need a new liitioductloi every llmo they meet him on the sticot HcKard him well now , my son , for i mon qulto In Htabblim him iinavvaies In tin bacl of the neck. I'loonlly ho will nvat him Holf a mighty blow tinder the luck balr-r ' "And Hlay the mosiilto ( | , father ? " "Not to any extent .son. llo may Ihlnl HO , but when be feels around for the re .malnx. lo , the remains iu ( . iH.iltzIni ; lo paslurofc * mnv , " IiiNt llofnro tin * r.iiiMiienn-ii ( , f'hlcano I osi : "I PPO they have a machine low for photographing one's thmiKlitH , " In laid for wall I of souu'tlilne ; belief lo Hay "I v/lsli > ou could photOKi.iph mine , " uln rot u mod "Why'1' he nuked "Possibly It would eiicour.iKO you n III llo " Hlio aiiHwered. Khortly thereafter It was deelilfd that h should " = ! pipa" just as soon as ho couli iiilihtcr up Miilllclcnt In ( be U'roiin Orilcr , f'hloairo I'osi : "HolAjH marrloil and wen oiazy , " she hild , referring to a sLilomon In a moinlnt ; paper , " ( IrintiiiK that ho bad any sense In th Ilrst pluL , " bo r-turned "jou nuitft ouv Hot ihe siaii-im-iil" ' II 'W do yjii niiiin'1idi. . d mm Ud " 1U vv.nt < nzy (1'id niirn. I m > | > i- | 8i-ttn nioi. p ) iiislblf ' In * i"--.t-r < il Of coiiiM in ha 1 > lri u > ) j < mind to iicih tin evi mils vi-i u d. re ui liv vv juidn t li iv cl.irrU to tu > It. POKER LENDS A TIMELY HAND A Steamer Gnii'o tlmt Cotvocl tlio De tective's Purpose , NOTED FORGEK LURED TO JU3TIC flirt of Hip PriM'ci'dfi of UN Crime * IU'1'IUl'l-l'll Illlll ( IIIt'lIMlK Pliii-lii-d \ \ Illuint an i\lriullllim : 1'lnlit. I "I'okor la not goiicrnll.v looked upon na mi nutMii of Justin1 , bin I DHCP sit In a KAIHP. or. inthor , a gorlcH of names , when II did ptav that toll' nrri"iiifiillj , nml tlio recent coiivli'- tlon of tin1 International liiinro 'error ' , \VinMvvnnl. lias roiMlted It to mo. " s.iitl n Invvji'i- the nlmlmil coiirtB linllillm ; to tlio Now York Sun rrpie"i 'iitntlvi ? . "Wiwdvviird haM nindi tliu tuuni' Mud of ulilll v llh c.irds nml tlio tii'rvo to luck It up na a il'i ' lire nciinnlninnrt' of uiliio whoso cants liort' tlio ii.iino 'U'.illi'iIII out. l.oiiilon , ' but It Inndi'd tlio former In SIIIK HIIIK ,1111 ! tlio liitlo" , If ho Is Ktlll nll\o. Is nndmililcdl.v using liU skill for tlio bi'iiolH of | IH | follow men.Vo I'hanroil to bo piihsKMiRPis on tllo H'lino sliMinor lioinul for Niins.ui mid tlioVst In- tllos a few > i'.iis , iio ; MJ trip VVI.H n t'om- hltiallim of liiMlm-x.-t nml pi-AHIUC. A tmi.ill losaoy h.ul plun-d In tin pimi'-i-uim gi.OOO ! , which I foil flop to Invent III n nponmhnliiry on vvlilcti I liul hail m > o.\o for MVV 'nil > I-.IIH , ! nml I ili'toimilled , nftor so'tll IK m > liiisiniR-t nt Nils-Mil , lo taKe advantage of this op- Imillllllt.V .lllll OMl'llll 111 } l.lp llottll 10 Cuba. "Iho bint HUH two du > s out lipfmo iho nillil all of tlio Kiilf stream t1i.i\\oil the pasMuiiRorH. ainl wo cumo on drcU to sun oni- st'lvco. It \\IK , i little' out nf tin.1 Koaanil , anil tlio passciiKors nuniboioil lent than tlility Two of tlio nipii nltriii'.pd my attention nt onco. Ono was a slim , KOo.l . look- in K JOIMK chip , with a dlduil | t-it-i > ami - ni oMonsho wardrobe. Tit- captain told mo thit hU ii-unc was Iliinl anil thai IIP bcllined him to bo an UiiKllshninn of tltlo who vvns tiavi'lltm Inoon. The other man was Ilionl , iiml there eollbl bo . no dcnlit as to hiw nationality , Corknoy at j that. lloaa a blK man , tUioni'ly P t to- Rotber , ami his faro pave out the Impression Hut ho wan much moie nit-it than arc moat of bis countrymen who nio riiURlit on tlio tly away from homo. GETriXt ; TOCSI2I'll 1311. "It was app.ilt'iillv i-hnnie that mnilo UIC-MO two I'liKllslimcn follow pnssciiKeia. ami thanks to the eaptaln , who abaci veil that we eonld nml mutual Interests lo aimiMus , \vc ere all tinco soon senti-d In the rimuklni ; ooin ImpiovliiR our aeipialntanee ovir > ramly ami sml.i. lluit anil limit ropre entoilrry different ela-iscs. llnnl tulKoil bout Oxford , the army , bin Ramo In India ml a Rood deal nhnut horsed and Kallli ocKshlrh \\ero Ihcn atlraotiiiK imiro lan their usual .share of attontlnn. He ) ok omo lint to plaei > lilmt > elf , how ox or , and I reeelved a ver > dellnlte Impulsion ho was a voting man of fortune who was traveling for pleasure and hcc.ntse he was an Ilient , nn the other hand , fiankl.v aiiuoumed hii'irfelf as a civil en gineer , and he said he was bound to Cuba In behalf of an KnglMli romp my to nuke o preliminary i.iilioad survey between Havana and Santiago The tall ; drifted mound from one subject to another as we sat In the deck Miinking loom , with both duors open for the bieeyo , until al last il got on poker , and there It stajed. "Ilrth the englishmen knew f.ic g-ime. I wns pretty cocky on poker -it tint time , and while I was In no seiibe a gambler , I enjoyed a small game Intensely \\'s toll Into It grace fully. Hrent called foi a i tick of cards to II lustrite a hand that he was telling about and before we knew It wo weie peggl'ig nway at a ,10-ccnt limit and enjoying It. Luck ran evenly , and I Judged tluit , so far as pokei was concerned , we were in the s-ime cl-asj When Imipli time airlvt-d II.cut hud Ion $ N and Hind ( ind I liud about divided il be tvveifi lib TI.Mi : AND PLACK I'OIl A C.AMK "Thc-io Is no better place for a ( pilot , en lojablo onKor game than the biioUng looir of < i steamship that , is Juul sllpiilng into the Iropl-s. Tile life on board is I < i/y nt beM and one feels as If lie unlimited linn at bin disposal. H was ipille that after lunch we should continue t'ic ' game .mil . during the afteinocci Hind teemed U have nil the luck He , iln > cd his cards boldly and he bluffed well Hrent playei' cautlouslM and watched Ilnrd's game After dinner we went at It ognln , and asve pro sed to lave a long sitting wo got t'.ie ritow ard to bring a hhip's lantein Inlo the smoking room , so tlmt wo should not be left In tin dark when the electIt ! lights wore turner ! nit Whether II was the biandy or tb > gambling fever that got Into our blood IOCEII'I mattci liicnt suggested Hint we stop plaj ing a baby game and imho It teible stakes. We agreed , and from then utilll (1'iyllglit the time singly How. "Luck came my way firsi ; then II swung around to Hind , and I snw that the yumif chap was a llert-o gambler , and finally It set tled on nront'a side of the table and bta > ert theio. Three-handed poker Is a ctit-throal game and mighty uncertain. Hrent played It Inarlous vvajs. I was out m-arly $1,00' when ho began a setles of fool pl-is. Hi raised Ilunl three times Tunning out of lib- pots on bluff hands , vvlilch he showed down with a grin each time after winning tli. pot. Ilurd svvoie softly and Intensely. Again Hrent raised him $200 anil Hurd laie-rd UT-U Ilient was game for nnot'.ier ? :00 , and Ilurd IhlnKing tliat he was binding , junked hln ngaln. I had dropped out. Ill cut Jollied th thing along skilfully , and when Ilurd flnallj railed him on a $1.100 not ho shewed ilo.vii four Jacks and took the niuiey. GOINfi UIIOKK. " 'That was when I didn't bluff , ' IIP s-il' ' "Wo went at the game the next afternco and with much the same icsult. Hurd and I won ut the stai < , and thci Ilient gc-i all o the cards. Wo both v.alchcd him closelv and lie know It. Ho dealt and handled tin cards < ilvva > s above the table , and then could bo i.o siibph Ion of his cheating. It was a novel cxpeilomo for me > ho gam lillng for high Make * , but I had lust 1.0 nitic-1. that I kept mi In the hope of gc'ttlrg It back- As for Hurd. he came out In his true coloii I'o was u gambler at heart Ilient piu/le ' mo He floomod to be as elated as a boj wllh hlb good fortune and Ilunl paid lo m. ; hat ho thought Ilrontaa a lendoifoot pla > i'ig In luck and lhal wnould luvi our revenue before we reached X.jbsau. 1 was I'okcr cia/.y nnd K ) was Hurd On tin i Igbt before reaching Napoau we both ilj > ei , PS If we were millionaires. About 2 In the morning I went biol.o. I wns fS 000 out o' pocket , and I knew that 1 had been a fool Hur-J wanted to keep on. and finally ho end llinr.t bigan plajlnghowdown ( for JHO n hand. Ilrent etlll had the luck and Huni finally threw the raids down with sn oath that vv.i.s nrst applied ( olloctlvoly to all of h.i ! anccbtors and tJien Indlvlilually , winding up wllh hln own op1'Ion of himself. " 'Thank jou , ' I said. " 'Oh ! I'm Iho blKgcr fool. ' said Ilurd 'I risked everything for thai money which I have lost , und I think IM better Jump ovoi- boird. ' "JiiHt then wo hoard the bell ring In the cnglno room , and the oapla'ii began shout Ing orders from the bridge. It was nearlj da > llght mil our steamer wa oulalde o' Nassau harbor waiting for a pilol lo tiiko u In A led rocket was nent up , and tlien another ono In the distance we heatd tin rattle of oaisind the 'Humph ! humph1 humph ! ' of the negro rrew that was biln - Ing the pilot out to us. Ilrcnt watched Hurd like a cat as ho fltood near the rail The pilot ramo aboard , and Just after da > - light wo found ourselves anchored In the hatbor. with tlio town a mile dUtatt and llip bottom of coral plainly onillnuil below ua thioiigh the clear water. The health olllcor came out on hlu tug to look u > < ) over Wrc-tthed no 1 full over my less , vthlili 1 could 111 afford , the urine tiileu'stod me Heebies thcio ws < > tome comfoit In tin- thouRlit that Hurd'Htnwa \ were grcato' than mine ' 'Doi tor , vvc are now In KiiRlUOi waior.i aren't wo and uudir the Ijigl sh llau' ' e ln- Hrent 11 You arc sir ' tald the hea th oIlKer prouill > ' Thun said Ilrtnt ' 1 have a uupl < > an ant tint } to perform' nnd bcfnut the uai of u * know what vvaa happening he Jumped ( VI Hurl Jnil ns tlio VHUIIK mm W < M tmlt "K for the Kill. miapptM , i pair of nlrrew m hli wrl M .mil mid iiulotty : " ' 1 arrist > ou , I'npMIn lllinU' TUI5 Al'M'IM ! I'l.M' "Tlio iiamo by which ho .1 blressod llu V wtii tint of a > num : wlm In * cot ml.tod a soiliM of foigprle In l/im ! < a t'.irro monlhn bofoio and dlsippoirod with largo ( imomit if mnnpy Mo Now York before Ills ilhRtncp , mid ti an liclr lo nn old title bo hid boon roi-olv.'ili by fa.Oilnniblo pu.plo and made tnm h f during o FIIRC.H at Xowpnrt When b * forqeilpR bpp.inii' known tlio del ills wo'o Piiblldhod very tullv In Iho Now York IMHOI . fiid bptno I luiil no dlllb-utlv In v > l.icln i < " Iiamo All rtili Unshod tlnoiiRli my tnltitl ' mi Instant , and I watched the oMironsiun it the at 11 HIo < l man llo was trembling ai l very pile , lint Indliln'l Hunk " 'You IMVO tno all rlisht oii'iiiKh,1 ho BI 1 , Vtld 1 wan a fiml to como ilitwu hero whorr I ( ould bo arionied and taken bick the nooonilty of oxtMilitlon tupeis I sli > ul t Invo utijod In Iho United States und If vnu Illld omstod mo I could tn\o sti.vcd otT llin L'Minditloli until m > fuller 1'id IIPUI pn- sii'idpd to Kipiuio U ( > tUo'C n itiM. I < > inn hero on a fool's oriaml In a.Hvvcr to . lali- ! giMm fiom a worn in 1 once know , \\ilt .von lot mo m o hpr" ' " \ am souv f > r you.iplnln ( , ' tald llrciit , 'and I have slmplv been ilitlng my dutv lit thin cam' I directed m > agent here lo sivid > ou that enblo. I don't know whore tin woman whose name W.IK nlgnod to II Is' ' 'Well , with jour poker winnings ami your loward for mv ciptuto yon hue nu In i big hull on IhlH trip , that bis ended mi unforluimtol.v fur mo ' ' M don't not the poker money , ' mid ItrcMt. and , humlliu" mo a roll of bills , ho 'aid 1C > nu will count ( bat Mr.mi will tlml tbvil It IH tlio e\ let amount ll-ai 1 won from you * " 'U'lial do jolt mom by giving It biik'1' I asked In tiurpt Iso. " 'Wb > , > oii SPO. sir , jou were In Iho I'liun with I'm , lain It'aill , htro and I roiildn I ii- Ringo It HO a to win onl.v fiom him. ' " 'Do > tm mean that you Invo cheated" ' t nsked. " 'Xiatlv ovorv bund , ' cald llrint , wi'b ' a pleised ninllo. 'and 1 think 1 was prcttj HI ! Ic about It. The ( tilth of the matter Is t ! it Oiptain Blank's mine > wan the insult of I M forgorloR and he was such a si uperj cunt' ' m r t' I wanted to got It In my Innds her 10 wo limlod. I plicated him nut of II , hut I in going to turn It over to his father. AH ' > r you , sir. let mo advise 5011 , as an old I Mil , not to filay poker with chincp acipnlu1 uu s. You'll tl'ank mo for the lessmi. I'm suio' "I have thought thofo games ovir iiiiiny times Hlneo and I can't Inuglno Inns Until cheated He did , though , and I loll j.m t never felt so pliaced In mv life an vvlun t re ill/oil tl'al I h.uD my $ : > , nOO back and t' .it 1 could accept It with n eioar con-s-lnmo I h''ard aftoiward tint Hiont was the miiiiit aporcach tn a ro > il. live detective In Seill'inl Yaiil , and I'm wlll'ng to odmll that ho vv 11 rlpvir. Oiptain lllanli went hick to Rngl.i'itl under anest , but his father pild i.'i his n t s and the tioublo was cettlod b > ngreoiiu n . Ho hail been n gambler In stocks , on l''o ' Ituf and at cards und he had lesorlel to forgiT } to pull him out. I was siny for lao cNip. I V.iad l-iil the llorce oscltometit or plajlng for high stakes acid losing iill my inoi ey and vvjion I RPI l < bicli I swoie i ( T i u poker. At th" siine time ooker served I a ends of Jlistl-o as playol by Detective llri it igalnst Curtain lllnnk. I sboiilil like t i s , a a K'liie bet vv ft n Ilient ind Wiudwaid " \ \ Ill'llnur l.'lrcl 111 DiniKi-r. It Is pit-dieted that the vehsels'of ' the w li ' - Ing fleet , most of whoso underwrite ! ; ) an i i San rranolsco. have boon caught In tin i , and some iii.-y not last through th si. i , Danger also thnntena those who n ! t what oio called "trilling ailments , foi ti y may not last through the crisis Iti-nn i Hosteller's Stomach Illitors at once foi elplent rheumatism , malaria , constipj'i i , nervousn ss and kldue > oomphlnl. Clllllti\ ! : \M > COI.1IS. 'lllllll- < , ' ( ( \lltil-l- \ It'll III ( lie I'lll'f < f I IllliOur. . . In s'mo hoiiM hole's It h liken as . .1a ref of couiae that during the winter montl > i chili ] on shall have an unrenilltiiig sue < t of toldfr , which under the little out , i - comfoi table Ihemsolvos. and L'Mi'sslvei , > J - agietul-le lo poisons with whom thij i > j in tontacl. Hut this state of aflairs is o > to ignorance , declares Harper's IJa/.ai T i ciluputid inothci now appieclatcs thit . i Infliipn/a Is an unaoiessary adjunct to li r child's perbJiiallty. ami thai a chronic ca'a ' i i i to IP avoided as is an > other disease . - o takes precautions to prevent colds , and .f by some mUnliancu they come , know * li.'v to care for the patienl In Iho earlier M.-u i of the complaint , or until such a time us -she finds it advlbable to consult a physi iiu. Hut above all , she believes In the pioiai- tlon thai Is n stronger weapon than turo In the fiibt idaco , the small chill mil't wear woolen no\t to his skin and tun woolen must extend to neck , wilsts an I ankles. At night his .sleeping garments a o Canton flai.nel drawers wllh feel , or. be't-r still , they aio of knit or woven milorl 1 , three-iiarters wool and ] one-quarter eottn i These are to be bought icady nude , mil alreadv shrunk , with bo many Improvemeu's that they are very nearly perfect Under the night drawers goes a shirt which cllii ) . ' * n ere closely than does the larger outsulu gaiment. Of course , this shirt Is changed for another In 'the ' ilajtlmo It may bo well t > remark , In passing , that union suits ( shl t and drawers in one piece ) are now made for ( I'lldrtn. and are not a necessity. Indeel , many mothers find thev Keep the foil too moist , and thus render the wearer scnaltivo to cold. Unless ho Is not well , the properly con ducted child will go out every day that tlo woalher Ih nol actually inclenunt. Them outings need not be of a lengthy chancier If the thermometer Is very low or the wl d k cn and raw. For a small child all walls and dtlves and out-door play should con i N'twoou the hours of H a. m. and I ! p. pi The nursery must be a piinny roomi | which Iho Iheimometcr gets no higher thai 70. During the night It may bo coal v i well ventilated Ah the fool are peiulU-ly sontlllvo lo chill Ihoy should 'bo ' protci t 1 by atom fdioeu , and In damp weather OVP-- Khops miisl be worn. Running abut. , t'-a rrom barefootel Is a habit of whiili t ia WKP | mother disapproves , and w'lich ' s o foiclbly forbl'i ( ) . Aftei the children are hatuctl and tin r heads ahan.pooi'd. ihey may be treated in a bilsk nibbing down with alcrbol Tn.i s'louiil also be freely nppliul lo the he > I after It has been lub'id dry with a i oar a towel. M-iiMlnr Ki'iiiin'N l.iii'l. nt Itnllliiic. I was tel f a cm long slrry the o'her di about the late Senator Kcnna of WtsV - gl-ila whoso statue i.s to bo placed in t i > capital In a. few days , lelatcn a corrcsp i .1- . cut of 'the ' Chicago Ilr-roril. WJien h > II , t cnire to congress 'Mrs. ' Kearon. who livi 1 In the s.iiiie boarding , peibiiadi-d hi to buy a ticket In a radio at a chun li fa for a cooking stove and compute kli'h. ' outfit. Ills ticket turned out to be tli luokv one and ho sent the goods lo his ho-i In West Virginia While ho was for their shipment at tlio railway statni was Intioducod to the joiing woman w1 aflerwaid htcnmo his wife , and Jocularl. i - vltod hoi lo become his conk. She np'i I lhal she would bo % ory glad lo do so T i noxl winter Mr.s. Koaro.i sold Mr Krnni i tli I , t't In another fair given by the H.I i o church. This time the prl/e was a plain i : > 1 ring nnd again he was successful He c a Hie ting carefully away until It was n < ' , ] I at his wtilding a few months later. .1 i < l it EO happened that his bride was Ihu Ilrst p . - son to lire the ( ook xtovo. Mrs Kenna Is now postmistress at ( ' a c-- 1on , W. V.i , and Iho IcKlHlatiiru of that hi a has decided Its n irmontailvH i i gallery of statues of statesmen .it th < ati- tnl shall be the man who won his uollii. ; ring and his kitchen furnlinro nl a r.illle V Mutter of Mtnljt , Cleveland I'laln Do.ller " ' : "I don't k-imv what lo do about ttml lilllo count ! } ' r murkeil an I'uropf.iii st.ite.sman. "It Isn't big i niiiigh In prevent youi ltuv Ini : y.uir . own way In \ hilevvr you unU'i * "'rt i rue Hut I ran'l mate up my mind vvlulhei It vvnild be more piMliil D 1. ) own li or ui coll. ' indi-mnllits from n " Don't Stop Tobacco Su drnl ; odrtrkltittirrr * ! UU llllll-U KU. 11.0 oull rvrt vkllu u , lug lulitra. Mt.tttl l n . II bmri . DrupvUU or of III , ItGently Woans. A > U Mini. ID. , utt , nu