TII13 OMAHA DAILY MVAli "MONDAY , KS08. I CURRENT NEWS OF 'INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIMMl .Itr.VIIOS. Corpor , Klro Ins. , 6 I'earl , til. .172. Six oner Croc-try Co. . 323 It way. Tel. 3U. Srlimldt'a l n relief photo * ate the latest. styles Is cunnnoil to hla home by The , -lty roiinc-ll will hold their rcKul.tr monthly ittpptlng this evoiilui ; . I'nity Ritllil will hold a fiioclitl tnectlnR thi * i-vpiiliiK nt the rosUlotiru of Mrs. A. II. Cook. 131 Vine street. Mr. Thnenas IMwiurtti of lletenn , Mont. , Is tbp Riirst of Mica Howmati ati the Mlwes I'attrrs'M ot their homo on Sixth street. Mies Mantle Mneher of Mctnhato. Minn. , Is tinBUI'S' of Mian Clalr Trouimaii anil Miss 7 , o mil. Shu will toinaln In thp city next work. Mrs. S. 0. lldrlow anil Miss Ailillp Orottt of Worn nre visiting la HIP elty , the Kitestr of Mr. ami Mrs. A. Grout of 217 North I'lrst ttrcrt. A i torn -y ( JoorRo h. Oabte. nccomiianleil by his \ \ lrtrppnt nirlstm-ts ami Sow Year with his inrc-iits In Denlson , rottitulng homt 1 < 18 ! I'VI-lllllR. ' Attonipy Frank Shlnnvlrn iMil bscm In tin. rlty itti'intlnR the Ootivorap illsbarincnl -roeil'nRs ' In tlio illatrlct court , retnrnei liomp iJ.'t rvonlug. \Vo want you to fcol that your packnRo I1 very well onto nt our placu , anil every offorl \vill lie ii. a IP to pk-iiso > ou ftt the Kagl' Launilry. 724 IJway. r S Ilulibanl Icavo.T rnVpilnpila > fa lie > MoittojMrrp he has pwllrot roarton f r o\i'-.K | ' [ ; | . ' . .ti > ip-tppalntment na otto of thp assist. nit ilnorlipuinrn of the sciwtp. I'l.f. Ilbpy. Mrs. Illsey , Mies Itarmlt unil Mis. ' I'ors.iM hnvp returnpil form lies Molnps , ttlicro tlioy ittenik-il t'.te State Teachers' as- su , i.itldii ini'PtlnK. They report a i.ilwsant iin.l in1 , llt-iblo time. UPV. O. IV Kry rf the Kltth Avenue Metho- i's ; KnUi-of.il rlinrrh. Mlleil thp liulpli at 1'r.iailAuy churcn jestorday monvXiR. lie vr.jcht 1 i' very Impresslvr sermon from the aulijii-t. "T'.io Christian's Hope. " Mrs. Sauinlpra and ilauchter of Linden , Out . innther < ind sister of F. ( ! . Sjunders of Harle , HI. : SCo. . . orrlvrd In the city yes- lerday , and will locate rl'hcr here or In Omar.i. w'le-ie ' they will tniTPl-ose a liome. William lUIrd died < it his homo In Hazel lloll town.-h'.u yesterday , after nn Illness of sevir.iluclu. . Ho was 72 years ot eiuo. Ho leaves three children , Wllllum LMIril of Lln- coMi. Hadli-y H.ilrd. who lives In Dakota , and Mia. W. Miles Hall of that comity , lie will bp burled toi'.ay ' In Orange cemetery In Hazel lcll ) townsh'ti. Celly IloiiKh , whoso arrpst on New Year's was due to his appropriation of ei silver dollar lar whi-li he picked up from the counter In a saloon where n number of nu-.i were di-luk- InR. restored tlio money to the owner last il ovcnlap. mil thus eliminated one feature of the rl-Jirse nRtilnst him that will be he-aid In police co'Jit this morning. In honor of their Kiicst , 'Miss ' Stevens of G.ilcsburn , 111. , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Stevcus entortaUicd on Thurs'oy even-liiR about thirty friends : Ivlgh five. The prizes were won by Mrs. nnil Mr. Vr..l llrnnt , the former ti'klf.i ? a very dainty handkerchief and the latte-r a necktie rasp of embroidered linen. The front parlor was decorated In pink I-O.-CB nnd the Kick room in red rctcs. Liiht rc- frcshmiTita wore flervetl. The United States civil sen-ire commission bus ordered that an examination be lie-Id by Ita local board In this city between March 15 and Ayr ! ! 2r > , for K'rade of clorlt and carrier. Only citi zens of t'.ie United States can be exam ined. The ago limitations for this examina tion arc as follows : Clerks. IS and over ; carriers , between 21 and 10 years. Applica tions for this examination should be promptly filed with Se.-rctary Fred 1) . Johnson of the J ) local heard. Cornelius O'llrlen died at tlio ros'doncc ' of his soii-.ii-Iaw , Mr. William Pe-j.-ack , 1S03 Seventh avenue , at 5 o'clock yesterday , frnm l > neumrnia , at the ago of SI years. Ho lc ivos two dauRhtC' . ' . ' ! and one son , Mrn. Thomas Slonn of Omaha , Mrs. William Pea cock of this city nml John C. O'Drlcn ot Georgetown , In. Thp deceased wns a native of Cork , Ireland , end cmlg-.ated to this coun try In the rarly fife. IccatltiK at 13Imi a. N. Y. He removed to fieargetown. In. , In ISfi.l where he resided until ten years ago. whet ho came to this city , w'aoro lie lias since lived. Tie ! funeral will occur frcm the resi dence tomorrow at Sl0 : a. m. Services at St. Francis Xavlcr church at 9 a. m. The Inter ment will bp hold in Catholic cemetery. A party of lanilseekpiv will leave tills city tomorrow far Arkansas , where they will louk up some opportunities for Investment that cifo reported to be cxccll.eit eVanccs for real izing handsome profits. The i > irty will visit il , , . . . .imn nni-Mnn nPllin ttn llti ) crt ph.ipnittil Chief of Police Canning when he ir.-ido a re- ccut trip there. The party will consist ot C. I ) . Walte. J. T. Collins , Hana llendrlckson nnd Chris Peterscti. They e.\ect ; to be absent for sove.'al weeks and some of them nay nut return at all if the outlook proves to be as favorable ao reported. Canning will make another trip to the same- locality in t'.ie spring ud may take a ixirty of friends wilh him. The fi.iccUl Inducement Is line farming luiids at loss than $10 an acre and plenty of \\lld turkeys and door. C. D. Vlavl Co. , temaie renieily ; consulta tion free OITlco liours , 9 to 12 and 2 to G Health book furnished. 3:0-327-323 Merrlan : block. N. Y. Plumbing compinv. T < " 1. 250. Domestic sono wrapixisall for spoons. I'nIiIT l.oimrliuiN Cnllcil. Rev. Father honglnui ? , pastor of St. Peter's Catholic church , has boon calle-d to Atchisrr.1 , Kan. , where IIP will assume the pastorate of the Abbey church connected with t Hen- edict's college there. He will leive for Ills new Hold of work next Wednesday. Father Longlr.us will be succeeded here by Father Thomas Hurk , who c-omes from Mount I'leas- nnt. Kan. Father Hurk arrived bore jester- day nr ! assisted In the New Year's services at St. Peter's. Father Unglnus NIB been jxistor of St. Peter's cliurch for the last five aud n half ye-ats. during which time he has endeared himself to his congregation and done much for the parish which has been under his charge. Since assuming the pastorate of St. J'eter's he has not only reduced the debt on the church , but has built the handsome rar- ercuige beside It which stands todiy without a dollar of debt on II. Under h's ' care the Su&day school has Increased until It no\ . number * about 100 pupils. The church so cieties have also thrived , especially the Young MenV > lyceum , which has been Father I onglnus' special pride and care. Iteforo coming hero Father Louglmis was assistant pastor at St. llcnedlct'H , so on gol'g to Atchison - chison ho \ \ 111 le among od ! frlencK He succeeds there Father Charles , who h i ? been made director of the ) college. St. Dene-diet's parish , which 1 Independent of the collego. numbers over 400 families , while there- are not inorti tluci fifty belonging to St. I'ctcr'i ? here. Domestic suir. ) wrapjcrb call for spoons. Even Heat , Untie ilcat. J-'ci > rioiiiy IIC-VCT Inforo nu n with toft coul. lit tons - _ _ Of tllft I'Ottl Pilllll I ton of hard. A report from Uev J Hcale Hif.ait I'lerce SI : " 1 hve lieen utinn your II Jt HlHIt With toll coul ua fuel for tlx weeka. We are \ery much i pleuf U ulth It. It ; ? not only Blvcs an joo.l . tutlifactlon ' n > our hard coal bite burner , but U caving u laree part ot the it CASADY IS IN THE KLONDIKE from the Missing Man is Ilntl by His Fricutls. D1G3ING GOID TO SQUARc HIS AFFAIRS Inl.-rcil In Viiiunlilo CliilniN Will l.ll.i'ly II..Siilllplrnt to Mure Tluiii S.'lll.All UN I.noil I ( J. N. Casnily , who left the elty a year itRo amlilcnly anil uinlcr a nnanelnl plotul. after vlnn llveil hero for more than it quarter era a century nnd always been couutoil as otic 01 the foremost cltlzims , has hppn hpanl from , lie Is In the gold llohls of Alaska , where he went shortly after leaving liore. When Mr. OaK.-uly left ho was hopelpsisly Involved , and his slid len departure was duo altogether to limhlllty to meet his nnnnclal obligations. Kor many yeais ho had been counted as one of thp wealthiest men ot the elty , owning property that was worth | 100- Oflo. SpoeuliUiotiB tlmt wpnt wroni ; and llaatK-lal oDlig.itlons assumed for the accom- moilatlon ot frlenda resulted In the larKC p.irt of this property .becoming liuolved. Money that had come Into his possession as trust funds and Invested with hla own was swept away In the iH'tieral rnln , and thp belief that ho was liable to arrest and would bo prose . cute ! on criminal charges leil to his IllRht. Immediate ! ) after his departure the graml i Jury of the district court convened In the , regular term , and there was a rumor to tin eftect th.it Indictments had IIPPII found I against Casady and that the olllrers of thp law were an.xUusly seeking him. Thonc rumors were wholly 'Without ' foundation. No nttompt was made to procure an Indictment , and at no time was there any ilcslrc on the part of the men who had been surierors through Ms mistakes to bring him back uiul prosicute him. Kroni the limp of his Disap pearance until the p osetit there has b.en only one general sentiment onUTtalaod and ex pressed by ( lie pec pe ! of the city who have known 'Mr. ' Casady for a generation , and that was sincere regret that ho should have deemed It necessary to leave under a cloud. The reports 'that ' reach his friends from I Alaska Indicate that he Is nowin a position where IIP Is'likely to .make . sulliclent money In a short time to render It easy to pay. ylf all of the dpibts and leave him a comfortable fortune beside. 'Ho ' has located several claims In the richest portions of the new gold tloHs , and there appears to be hut little room for doubt that some of them will prove to Le exrcedinglj' rich. He announces his inten tion of returning to bis home as s-oon as hi1 succeeds In making enough money to pay his debts. 'Mr. ' Casady Is botwcen CO and 70 years old. Domestic soap wrappers cali for snonns. IVUro'lze the reliable Hluff. City Laundry. They are easy en clothes. Domestic sojp wrappers call tor spoons Suiiiliiy School oil Sliimart Kuril ! . On the form of E. 1. . . Slmgart , live mile.- , east of this city , called Kigewood , there Is ono of the most Interesting Sunday rchols vi the county , i.nd a nourishing church organ ization. l'io.11 thp church and Sunday school are entire ! ) nonscctarlan , and are known ns tbo l-Mgewo-.cl Union c'nirch and Sunday school. Tlie present organization was formed November 7 , ISflfi , after several unsuccessful experiments along denominational I'.ues. Them was about i-lnety tfcholars present at the school yesterday , ana in unlimited am cunt of oiijhusl.'m. The otilcers are : Su perintendent , S. Sncathen ; rtsalstant superin tendent. T. K. Winter ; secretary , Miss Mamie J. Triplctt ; treasurer , ' .Miss Ntttlc Venuu ; organist , LMrf. A. IV Cooper ; librarian. M'tas ' Jonnlo McCr.ie. Thp trustees ot the church jro F. S. CCillJs. K. L. ahugart. J. It. Aler- ton. W. K. ' .McCrac ami lr , . W. S. Hurd. Thi > bullillns is owneV , by'Mr. ' Shug.u't ami IIP has donated the use of It for teni years anil agreo.l to pay .ill "he expesises for t'c llrnt je'.ar. . Tlio only condition of tne lease is .hat Sabbath p-ool is to be helil every Sum' ' > anil preachliiK at least twice a month. The school Is held at 2 o'cloi-k and church services at It o'clock. Tiicre" was no cliurch service yesterday. At ' .he Rundny fi-nool Mr. Shu- Fart anir.iinoed . his willingness to donate JoO to bo expended for prizes for those fccurlug new members and for best attcndiuro dur'ng the next six months. Uev. Henry DeLong county superintendent of Sunday schools , wa.i prsFcir. cud eomnuntcil vcrj' favopibly upcn the rpcord male by the scluol t.uia far. One pleasant feature of tile church organization is a series of ioclulb helJ at u different house In the neighborhood every Thuisclay evening. Next Sunday there will be preaching by Rev. T. W. Williams of thp Uc-orgaulzed Churc i of Jesus Chrtet of Latter Day fal'.rs. Miss Cook's stuJio. Gran' ! hotel annex. Domestic sajp wrappers call for spoons. Hoffmayer's fancy patrrit Hour makes the Lest and most bread. Ask your grocer for it. M01IKST UKIH KST I'Mdt KI.NDS. IIMVII AKi-li'iilliiriil Cull.'i- DOCH Xot . \NC ! Much of ( he Slntc. DES MOINES. la. , Jan. J. ( Special. ) The Eovc..teentii biennial report cf the S'.a e Agri- cutural college aj Ames has been filed with the governor. The most striking feature cf th ? report 'Is ' a conspicuous modesty mani fested by tae beard cf trustees In i.s re quests for new appropriations. The mem hers ot the board sate t.at there are many th'.Mgs the college needs , but ttat In view ot the prrt'ilng dcn'.and for mcr.ey whk'h are ir.ado on the s'ato at present they choose to Jpicr le-iiuests lor any DIH 'iie'ir urKi-iu iirem- . until times prow bettor. The trial amount iMkcd for is $11,475. the Urgent Hem In wls-lch Is $15,000 for books. Otner speclflc recom- uicn'i'tlcns ' of tile trus'ees nreas followu : * We ask Unit the Rove-nior and superln- teiulPiH of public- Instruction lie : i 'do 1 to the boirtl of trustee. ? a& meiuli r * cxolllcio.'u nsk that the board of tru < tei > be author- l/ 'il to pure'ase not to c-xeee-d elcbty , ieres of land adjolnim , ' the pre-scnt eolkmfarm and to pay thcre-fi.r . from the endeUment fund In necordnnee with the .provisions . of the national Knint'e nnU that the e-oi- Ue fise-al ytnr be dt Unholy llxed to be-Rln on July I The board hasib elded to ilo away with thn present method of holding eomminee-mentH In the fall and In the futurv isi'.l hold them In tie sprlnn , on the srniml that the untvcrpal exiierlene-e of Ameriean rollesris Is against thei fall commencement Cilt : Siiliniii Mi' " ( o 'I'linc. SIOUX CITV. Jan. 2. ( Special Telnsram. ) County Attorney Ilallem to-lay nollfld all the saloon keepers of Sioux City that lu the future they must comply with the provisions of the Martin law. Complaints have bscu made that the law la grossly violated In Sioux City anil they have become' no numer ous that the authorities have decided to take action. The law permits no fixtures ailde from the bar In the salcon and no free lunches , screens or even pictures. Further , alt saloons muat close at 10 p. m. nnd remain . Impel on Sunday. None of thcsa provisions are now compiled with In Sioux City. The authorities tay they are In earnest but they do not auk the keepers to cloce before 11 p. m , but they mut > t do tint to the urmilc. The edict wan ciulte a surprise to saloon men. but It will bo usele'LH to proUst. Work of ii 'I'miiiji. POCAHONTAS. la. , Jan. 2. ( Special. ) Cti Wirfi'.esday of last week the farmers of Dover township In this county discovered a school hou.ie on fire. The building was to tally destroyed be-fore they could get help. As no school had been held there for several days all were at a less to KKOW how the nre originated , but 1.10 same afternoon n tiamp was ecen to enter toother school house two miles from there and flames were seen from the doors and wladowB , but the farmers nearby r.iri-eednl In pxili tm .in * tlio ILimrs. Shortly after this 'ramp wen : to a farr.i hniij-'f , where IIP IJIJKP out several lights of glass , but before the t < rmer. at w twi house this depre.iatlou was -mmltled. . eoulel pet asU tft icoi 't\ \ order to capture the man , the tramp \ppcHred. . He Immp- elkiti'ly oouniled HIP alarm and a crowd ef thirty or forty farmers sai'i g.it < teri\l ami wrnt In pursuit. After " short search thp tramp wan captured and tason to Konila. where a trial was ludd before a justlcp of the pp.icp , ntul he waive , ! preliminary exam ination to await thp action of the grand Jury. Thlr t for ) tl Onu Core , CHI5STON' , Id. , Jan. 2. SpecM. ) Uotucs- HP 'trouble mime near resulting In a blocJy tragedy Saturday at the homo of Mr. .tud Mrs. Harry Johnson. Th"o relations existing between this couple have been strained for tome time. Saturday Johnsova went home | slightly under the lullm-nce of llmior nnd ns- saultcd hlA wife , knocking her down and tire , 'ptvlng to kill her with an ugly look'MK butcher knlfo which lie wielded. Mrs. . Jc4insoti had l.lm nrre-sted for ai < - I saull with Inteut to commit murder. When the olllcers went tr Jthnsci.i'9 home he raiiE.'ht refuse in t.io attlp auil refused to coiuo down when thp o'llcers commanded A little strategy was u , edvnl Johnson was captuie'd. The ofllrirs pretpnded tint they wire going to leave and Jol.v.acn came ilcwn ot his own accord. lie was iirrosted cud liken down town to answer the charge. Ho was plol.'Pil under bonds and In company with Sheriff Nichols went 'xi search of friends , r. got ball. Heus < permltteit to go home , and then rctusi-d to return witn the olllrer. Nichols came down town to get assistance , and while ho was absent Johnncu ag-'ln crawled through the If le In Hie celling cud hid In the attic. He was forced from his 1'ldlng whesi the olllcers arrived , lie rtui'icd Into the ( arlcr and picking tip a razor cut a horrible gash across his neck before t t olllcers coul'd In'erfere. Ho was * f.i.ally \ knocked down with a idiilr. Jih..iLM ino- l teateJ ' Rxiln.st the services of a phalclan biti j wan forccil to accept aid. HP was removed : to the Cottage hrspllal after nia woun.l. " Cwd , boeu dressoJ. lie threatens to kill l..msclf when opportunity presenti1. KOUT WOnniS. la. . Jan. 2. ( Special. ) The wholesale Implement linn of Ownger & Mitchell of Fort Dodge , which for many > ears liiw done the largest buslriesa In- Its line In this part of the state , dissolved partnership January 1. 0. U Granger will continue the huslntsB , Peter M. .Mitchell retiring , Io\vn 1'rcsN Comment. nubuquo'Telegraph : 1S07 liua be.'ii a bol ter year for the American people than IS-Ofl , nnd It Is sincerely to be hoped ilui 1S9S will bo far better than 1S)7. ) Sloax City Trlhuno : Deacon S. V. White who his just raid all scores on his last fail- tire , was formerly an la-wan and could there fore see great things in wheat. Sioux City Journal : The year 1 ! )7 ) l.as not on the whole , been a bad year fur Sioux City. It lias been a year of recuperation , r.m It will be pleasantly remembered. The new year , however , promises lo bo a better. Therefore the welcome ! Is general and hearty to IS'JS. Atlantic Telegrapn : The rsport recently made giving the vai'io of the prodnots o , " Iowa soil Is a great uniloraeiiieiit o * the pro- dtictiveiie-ss of the state taken together. Sec retary Wilson also says that tin eastern and southern portions of Iown ho coasblu-v the most prosperous iRrlculturnl country In the world. This Is uo elUparaut ieiu : 'o otlier sections , but it is the > iulli regarding south western Iowa at least , and still t'.ils region is but partially devolve 1 and is becoming better every year. The possibility ot suutli- wo.Uern lo\\n as a producing country Is prac tically unlimited. DCS Moincs Leader : Ilora-o 0. Hurt the now president of the Union I'.icitic railroad , received his railroad training In lo va. lls ; iirst responsible position being 'owa super intendent for the Nartliwcjtei-ii railroad , then ho was transferred to Omaha and dually to St. Louis , kisi year becoming third vlco president of the Northwestern , with headepiarters at Chicago. Mr. Hurt , like nearly nil the successful railroad men of the generation , worked his way up from the ranks , depending upon his ability and the character of his sarviccs for advancement rather th-in "pull" with directors. In spite of all that Is said to the contrary , the poor boy still has a chance in this country. llMVII llllsllie-M * .Ill-Ill . * . A new coal mine. Is being opened at What Cheer. A new hprih is to to established at Clarion in the spring. The total valuation of Uremer county is given as $3,772.390. H Is rumored that the Koch Island will this yi'ir extend its Huthven and Winterset branches. An Imleperdent telephone company h'S been organized at Denlson. Dos Moincs bank clearing. ! for 1897 aggre gated $2,131,517 more than for 1S90. The Glcnwood Opinion learns that a num ber of residences will be built In the city In the spring. The Western Electric Telephone company has supplanted its old 23-foot telephone poles at llritt with new 50-foot poles. During the year just closed about 100 new residences were built in llert Oak. The Im provements for the year co.U $101,2.V ) . The Cudaby 1'acklng company has 100 car- icaels of material upon the tracks in KB yarlh In Sioux City End George IMrks , general master of eonbtriiction , ha.j wired II. J. Uus- tiell , general purchasing agent , to go slow for a few days. Iliiilding egg eases for next Be.pon's pack was commenced at a factory In Waterloo las : week. Stock for 4,000 cases Is now on haml and an additional supply of the fame amount will bo required. About 1.400 pounds of nails wl.l be used In the work. The Dubiuue | Times declares that "not withstanding the calamity howl In some quarters , Dubuque has had the finest holiday trade for soveial years. Ore feature of the trading w.n a most agreeable surprise ; thu was the geTieral ca.sli pa ) incuts for the goods bought. " TO critH COM ) IN < > M : HAY Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to euro. 25c. The genuine has L. II. Q. on each tabici , Ucntlis of n liny , UMA , Peru , Jan. 2. Captain iA. J. H'U of the schconcr Laulse , which iccer.tly arrlveel hero from San iKranelsco with a eargo of lumber , Is dead at Oallao. HOSTON. Jan. 2. Judge Kdmiind II. Ilcn- , nitt , tlio rccicrablo dean of the Hoston un'- I vcrslty law echool. died today after nn 111- | iici * of a few week * , rgcd 74 years. From 1 1SC5 to 1SC7 he was nv.yw of Taui ton. From 1.S05 lo 1S71 he was lecturer at the Harvan1 lav ; school , and he had been professor in' ' eltun ef the Hester ] U'.ilvorsity law fljioj Hlnco thr latter due. HOMK , Jan. 2 Jlgr. Sarnelll , urchbUh.r. of Naples , U dead. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 2. Konr prominent men o : this city , died toi'.ay. Charles S. Tatisslg. ? i attorney , was ( auail dead In his bed thr ! wsrnlng. Mo was iiged 40 yearn and dea . . WCB caused by a burflng bled vesa : ! . Kmllo A. Becker , a real e.i'.te ' n in .1 ! proml.-.ent In Grand Army of he Itepubli. I circles , died of toficnlng of the biu'l-j. Dr. Jantra Hackctt , aged CO. rc.e of th , I foremoat iCiyslrlo.is of : ' )0 city , dltd from . . j overdcso of chUrofonn. Ho hail long bei. ' a sufferer from Htotnach trouble , and w .s . . . : the lubit of taking chloroform to relieve tin ! pain. . D.1. Fred Rocpkc , aged F5 , a well kuom Gcniv n physician ot 60 yeara' prae Ice lei S' Lul.died of nil age. HHATH1CK , Neb. , Jan. 2. ( Spaclal Tele gram. ) William Blakely , a \ve-ll knowi Nebraska pioneer , dltd at his hcme. tor miles west of 1 ! .airice , today after an 111- nem of nevcral weeks. Da eased was T1' yeais of age. Ho came to Nebraska ni'arl ) forty years ago. Ho was a past grand mus ter of the Odd Follows of the state and luul been a member of the order almost from Ho organization lu Nebraska. Tlio funeral will bo held at 11 o'clock Tuesday forenoon at the Kllpatrlck church , near the lilukely home. Deceased was a brother ot lion Nathan Illalu'ly of Beatrice , LAWMAKERS OF IIATOYEBOM They Will (3st ( Tojothor for Utuiuojs Ono Wiok from Today. ' ' MANY TOUG I PROPOSITIONS to TACKLC. Itciipliorlloiiincnt ami tin * l.linioi- lliiCNllon Will llolli Di-niniiil 'I'lu'lr Allciillon Funk N Miit.il for SiicnUer. lliS : M01NU9. Jan. 2. ( Spec ! ii. ) The twenty-seventh ge-noral assembly i > f Iown will oppu I's ' sessions-on Monday , January 10. On the following Thursday Leslie M Shaw will bs > Inaugurated governor to IMIP- ceed Kr.incls M. Drake1. The govrr.or'i messuno will be nt OIICP transmitted to ihc assembly and the seiions buslne&H of th. cession will begin without delay. It will be the tlilrd session held In as many yuirtj. Th- r..nl.ITtnaslnn nf ISflfl Undertook to ndorl n revision of the Iowa code and failed. It held n special session of nearly four month' In the winter and spring ot 1M17 , completing this Immc'iso task. Th ? session this wlnte. . will make various corrections and amend iionts to the now code to smooth up th. diicefl when * a brief experience luis piovod o need It. On the whole the new code hat given good satisfaction nnd the majority o. ho elriiig.'s will require little time for con sideration. An exception to this la expected n the Insurance lawn. , List : winter sotix athur radical changes were mad ? In thcst statutes and the Insurance eompaulivi wll demand moilltlcatlons and uutlie u strong effort to force their point. Aside from thes ? corrective measure , there will be a large number of new matters which are expected to tequlre much tlm. nnd careful consideration. First o" these wll , bo the report ot the committee wnicn nas boon Investigating the conduct of mute in otltutlans. The committee has completed It tour of the Institutions and Is now In tin city completing Its report and roeomniendii- tlon1 ? . Hach ot the state Institutions there are nearly a score of them at present has i board of trustees , appointed by tlio govetnoi with the approval of the s-enate , to manag.- Its affairs. The .system , with Its multlpllcit > of trustees and corresponding expense bills. IIP- been eiltlclzed. and a committee vtas named a year ago to ascertain If the p.'eMeti. system Is needlessly expensive and ti , recom mend , It deemed advlsible , some new plan. It I.s practically certain the committee will recommend n new plan involving ra.1 icnl changes. The otate board of control ide.- is the basis of the proposal expected trim the committee , but In whit form It will hi presented Is uncertain. One proposition it to create a single bincel of five or seven members to manage all the Institutions ; tc niv iroo.l . alarica. do away , with all loca. boards , and give , this one board Jull powe aiul full responsibility. The plan is objcctoi to In some quarters on the ground that I would lodge an Immense patronage contrc. in n small board , which would promptly be com& the most powerful'.political body ii the state. Another plan is to dlvi'le the hi stltutlons into three or four cbsscfl , placing for instance , the educational institutions In ono class , the penal and're-formative Instl tutlmis In another , null thp eleemosynary and benevolent In a thir.1 ; nnd place end class in control of a board. Other sugges tions Involve modifications of one or anothei of these plans , while many insist that the present plan of strictly local control is tlu tight one. It I.s certain that the state insti tutions are maneuvering tor tlia fight and that they wlll ; demand the retention of the present plan. The result will be a long fight , ol which the- outcome ) is uncertain. KEAIM'OII'TIONMENT. Heapportioument of the sii te will occupy some time. The senatorial districts a : least will bo reorganized , anel possibly the repre sentative districts. A cons'-'itutional ameud- mcnt is pending for a permanent appar.iei.- mcnt of the douse of represen ativia , aiul I ; will cause- come opposition. it itasses | lie legislature it will then bo submitted to i , popular v.-te some time durXig the coming uunimcr. It proptscs to give one incmbe : of the hou. e > .o ych of the iili-.cty-r.lnc counties tad an additional one to e-ach couiu > that has cue and three-flfihi times the raiio of population secured by dividing t'iie ' total popnlutlon hy ' .he number of counties. 'Kiero will bo en effort to further slmpjltj the Austialian ballot lav. Last winter the scheme of marking the ballot w s tahangel and the result , as indicated In the recent election , was that the uumuer ef defective ballots was onormouu. Tne cry ha.5 gone u ; fiom the entire s'.a e that the law must bi simplified ; but how to do it i.s not , so ap- iaicit. It is very likely ttat a compromise will bo rcacCied , leaving the law s It now stands until tne voters can oecome educated to it. The Cheshire amendment , Introduced las wiener and defcateJ In the senate after over whelmingly passing the hotuc , will come up ag&'o ' and is certain < : o occasion a bitter struggle. It Is a proper' ; ! to ail apt the In- dlara plan of taxlag telegraph , express , telephone - phone and sleeping car cmpanle . Briefly , it proposes that the total valuatlca of all the proper. ) ' of a company no secured by ascertaining the market value of > 'll stocks , b&ndaand other evldcrcea ( t ownership. T'luu ' t.io total mileage shall be cdcertalncd , and also the total mileage in Icwa. The assefneil valuation for Iowa snail be i.i proportion to the tc".l valuaticu , as the mileage in lowr. is to the total mileage. The tallroads op- pr e-.l the plan vigorously last winter beoaus' they believed It1 It were applied to the other cmp'cn : ' now it wouli cconer or later be \ipplled to railroads , and the rallre.- > didn't want It. It is announced on behalf of the llttlo group of members t'i.1 i. amendmon- will bo cffcred , au KCOII as the Cheshire bll ! Is brought in , to make it apply also : o the rallioads. If this is done It will brig ! : dowi the greatest fight the assembly lias known fci years. LIQUOR LAW. TCio democratic members will unJer'ake to force came changes in the liquor nKMiifao turliif ; 1'i.w , to make it moie libcial. The ) allege t'nat the measure passed last wXitc-r was not a aucccus ; that so many restrfctLr , are ) thrown around he bui ! ncss that capital will net fccek'Investment iu It until atsme- ' of mere security from Interference ! by the legislature or by loal. iluptuatlcas of opin ion. Tnere In no doubt seveial hllh will 1' Introduced lo.'ikJ.ig to such modification. . * . \Victlier any of them will r ca Is very ilotil)1- ful. TCB Temple ame'.iiltnd'.t' , which was Hi event of the extra whsloii * last winter , will bo at ' o front. It la riow a party measure of bth th'1 republicans ami democrats , with hidden al tndc.rsementB , ( n the populUt. fcllve- rcpubllian to-1 socialist jartios ; It will p ijj , without opp./slt'i'/n. ' ' To memters cf both housebu especially the lower , Is greatly riu is-l. M > ny of the leaders , of last ) i-ar 'Wufo ilefcate-lj othr-r.j I'imples. Motclun , bliU'kliead < , rc'l. rou Ii , oily , mcitliy t-kiu. itching , scaly hcalp , dry , thinand tailing Inilr , aiul 1/aby ll"ini-ln'H jiri'Vi'iiteJ liy OtTii-fUA Hiur , the most , tffei'tlvo skin purifying aa 1 beautifying soap lu the world , us wi'll as purest uuel Kweetoist for tullut , bath , ami nuraiiry. It Milt IbrouiliQUt the * nrM. I-.ITTBU u l ihc Kule l-rup * ItQiluu , I' H A. * " lltfW lo i'mtut T cu Huuwirl , ' mullfl ftr v hintarlly retire. ! . The ileiuorw s will 'i.ive lhlrty-rlg.it votes In HIP loner house. Instead of I unity-one In thr hint house ; lift j-one I * iiertw.iry to coutnil. I'.i HIP upper hinise he reiunllcant | < li.m > Ihlrty-nliR1 of Ihr tlfty members. J. 11. Funk of llardln counly will undoubt edly bo c'lectesl speakrr. lie lias made n vigorous HUIMISS. n d one by eoe his op ponents have withdrawn till at present only J. F. Lcive-iular of C.tlhoun pouhty and \V. U. Hanger of lll.u-k Hawk -IIP id thp Held , and they are ccncedeil to Cuvo pMclleMlly no chance. ii\ti MIMS : oi.towv I.OM ; Ado. t'.nt-ly lu > In n Once I'loiirNlilntx lliM Uoc loiluMr.i. Ill the spring of ISS2 I lande-d as a boy In OahMia to seek my fortune In the leal mines , writes Hawkins Taylir In the Dubuqiio Times. How It happened how I found my way thorr has boon n mystery alwa.xs to me. 1 was rnUetl In that portion of Kentucky noted for Its whisky. In that portion of the world they do not mnkp nor waul to make much ; they do not make as much In the whole county In n whole year as Chirlstlan Chlrage will smuggle off of free 'tax In a work. 1 like the-sp people , was dlssatlslled and con cluded that 1 would go on the Mississippi u seek my Cot tune. This Is how 1 roachei Galena. A few days before 1 reai'he-d ( lalen : the surveyors mirvovlii' Wisconsin dlscovproi leal on a branch about two miles trom the Mississippi , where I'ol-sl Is located. The excitement In Onlenn was then very gie.i over what wan called the new discovery The i.rw diggings \\erp almost thirty mile , ftoni Galena. WP spent O..P t'lglii In iliilena and the next day all went to the mines ntid went Into camp. WP had little shanties made of logs , split ami covered with elm hark , nnd we had hunks two s'.orlts high. Our hod and covering was a thlek .Mexican blanket , but what good , sound sleep wo dtJ have ; not a trouble rn our minds ; not one of us who wns not confident of stilltlng a le-ad F.oon. All told there were .about sixty miners In camp , and of the whole lot then- was hut a single qfairelsomo man , 'by thp name1 of Malony , an Iilshman , and his spite was agulnst Fred Williams , a peaceful le.i w and weald ) . In ihc midst of cur happiness news i-iime to us nbG.it Ii o'clock ono evwi.'iR ! t thp ludlara had dpfoattil PHllwell on lto-k liver , ad were then wak''ng their way ovard ti'io M'lrslSv-'ppI ' nnd would probably ; -jss dowu the. 1'latto tud rob the s'ores cf Do Pautebar , at this town , atirt Lor'.og , Wheeler at Gibraltar , and alno take lu our ramp. Cox. lhen sheriff of Urcut ecnnty , had ncut : < . mebsniger from Mineral po'nt to give u v.-ariiius ; , .eul with. ' . ! ten minutes of the time , lHi ; the news eame 10 the camp more t an forty miners -n 1 gathered at Major An'.er- i-ou'ii camp. illut Hie IndKn scare wns of ftort duration , acid soon after we all went . . 'ck to ; > hc cllggltigs. We liullt a strong log i'ort and then we felt secure , for even If the Indians did put in 11 appearance we kitw : that we * could h.'ld them at Vay until .issUt- \no could arrive. We mined through the day and at ciiglr slept iti Hie log fort. The oloek house was on the high ground north of iho branch , an-i 1 oderstood that some years 'XO hero was a Catholic church near by , nnd hat the old log shanty that I had lived In . a. } s ill stciacllng uear Wis enure , ) . In 1S2S the n.'lnera .had ctossed over the ilvcr and back ot Dubuque had been success ful lu f.nillng lead , to mui-h so that they jiillt a smelting- furnace on the island , but ho IniKt'.is complained to the govcininent tul troops were. E > ? nl and Uie minuin were lihcici fr m the lsl > ud. When the troopa were wit .iltawu tsoon after we madeup a ! arty and In a ihort time were agahi in , jesse < * S'ic'.i ' of Hie Island anil the line lead mines there. Mrs. Mary Illrd , Harrfsburg , 1'a. , says. "My child Is worth millions to me ; yet 1 would have lost her by croup had 1 not in vested twenty-five cents lu a bottle of Ou Minute Cough Cure. " It cures coughs , colds and all throat and lung troubles. DKI-'UMHMi I'lSHSlIIHVr 7.KI.AYA. SIIJ-M iMvjiiK < ii l-'x.'i-utlvc Is n VIclliu of MlNi-i-iirc ciilatlon. NEW YORK , Jan 2. Lewis Uaker , min ister to Nicaragua , writing from that re public lu a personal capacity and In refuta tion of certain allegations as affecting the administration of I'tesldent Xelayu , says : "I have known President Zelaya for sev eral year.3 and hai'o been conve.'sant with his official acts , and from a disinterested point of observation , uninfluenced by parti san passion , which runs as high here as it Mil in the late mayoralty I'nnt.u n in New- York , 1 aver that Gcneiul Xolaya has given the people of Nicaragua us good a govrn- ment as they \\lll permit him. During his four years incumbency as presllent his po litical opponent's have f.vn : ? .Utemptb'l to elici. a succiEbor by resart to reviilut-tm , and both times they failed duabtitniRiy. "Ill * efforts are for the preservation of pi > ace and the development of the rie'i re sources of the country , and th ? elevation of his people. He Is endeavoring to educate and nlnvnlo Ms npnnln hv milking lhr > Ollblip schools universal. He I.s endeavoring to de velop th ? country by building railrovlf , thiongh It. Ho Is endeavoring to 'nako the people prosperous by encouraging thorn to ho peaceable and Industrious. "Foreignoni who attend 13 tlicir own busi ness anil do not meddle with the politics which do not concern them are fully pro tected In person and property and are only nominally taxed , If at all. Taxation on na tives Is light , except where they join In i < > - litical cmi.trades to overthrow ihe lawful authorities , and then they are taxed to pay the cost of their mutinies. "President Sielaya 1.3 an educated man. Is Intelligent , braad-mlnded end liberal In his administration o ! public affairs. I have many reasons to believe him an honest IIKU ml Hut O.IP In brllrvo hut nUiirwHo 1 wnni lo pmph.islKP Ihinirtipmptil II" be M RKi I M * PP iml.iMrlio.i nil 1 ruinvruina for iiprn i-otiip lo N'liMrARiM \ * live , 'lint iliey ire lightly taxrd nnd full ) plolooted Ile l nn onthuslantlc admirer e > t the Ampri-l.ui peu- pip. of their progrpss , Michetirgy nnd their jovorntupiit , nnd will welcome with hivpltal- ly Antprrlaiu wlm may Join In the ilovplop- unit ot HIP Uuluatrlps , HIP neil atul the goht nine's of NlexiragtM. " it vMr.vt : vt , . Kliitt-t'ooiM-r. UAI'ID CITV. S. ! > . . Jan. 2. Miss Harriet fooppr , ( laughtPr of Attorney 0. U Cooper ot thin Pity , was unlloil lu innrrliigo to Frank S. King of Otiinlm. Tht-y will niRke thplr home lu Omaha. Mornln-Kot iiotilN , LKAP , S. D.'an. ' . 2. ( Special. ) 1'rof. l.jmi MrOaln , principal of the Terry srhools. was married yeslprday to Ml ? Hessle lley- nolds at the home of the bride's parent * at Kim Springs. They will make their homo at terry. Wnrncr-ltl- | . CLINTON , 111. , Jan , 2. The wedding nf Mlsn .Minnie Dlshop to Colonel Yesj .i 1nn Wnrupr took place nt lOtfO this forenoon nl the fpsldi'ticp of ex-Mayor lll'hop on North Center slrprt. The woddlug was a tiulel nue. HP-IP but thp Immediate frlt-niM being rn- - ent. They loft for Chicago , whence Coimie man Wa'rner nnd his bride will proived to Wcshlnglrtt. Son Kill * 1H Mollicr. I'lHLADl'ILl'lll \ , Jan. 2. Mrs. Mary Lamb. J221 Cutlvieit stre-et , died tPtiluht In the mrdleo-chlrurglcal hospital from a fnir- luicil skull , and 1'ff son by a I'rst ' liiishiin. ) ' umipr arrest on suspli'lou ef liuvlug eattscit her drath. The ton's tin me Is Malaehl Scannell. Last night Mm. Lamb wns found iylng al HIP foot of the stairs In her homo , she was uiiponsrloiiK and her body was oov- oi-od with hrubri. The police. It Is suld. leatned that the womnn nnd her dim hid hern iiunrrollim on Now Yeai's eve. Senn- nell will be given a hearing tomorrow. lill-ll fi.CX Co Chill ! ! . STKV10NS POINT , WIs. , Jan. 2. Captain Klrh. formerly chief engineer of the Wis consin Central and later connected In Ihe samp capacity with Hip ? oo line , had been appointed director-general ot railway In China. Ho spent Ihe must of the last year In China and while then- made a surve\ through 7W ( miles of the Interior of that country for a railroad from Hankow 1.1 Pekln for HIP Chlnise government , lie re turned to this country last August , hut left last Thursday for China to ncsutne the du ties of his now position. KOIIKCAS'P Foil TOIIAl'S \ \ K VTMKll. I'ill i.Diiv I'i'iimlsi'ilvllli ' \\csl to Sotitlilliils. . WASHINGTON , Jan. U. Forecast for Monday : For Nebrnskti and Soutll D.iltotn-Falr ; 'i\i st to south 'A ' Inds. 1'or Iowa Fiilr , warmer In eaMrrti portions tions ; wi-pterly winds. For MlsHourl Fair , warmer ; soiithweste-rl ) winds. lor KunsiisI'.i ' r ; wostt-ny wimls. l-'or Wyoming l-.ilr ; variablewliuls , Lot-ill Itccoril. OFF1C10 OX THK W1CATI1KU HI'IlKAl' . OMAHA Jan , 2.-Omaha retrd of r.ilnfiii nnd temper.itiiriiomp'irrd with thn e-uriv- 8iondlng | tl.iy oT the. . hut three years : . 1vr , M.ixlmiini . temperature. . . . 'is ll . Mlnlmuni tpnipernture . . . is r. Avi-rag' tempernture 1S ! 'M 7 " " Rainfall . Ul T .00 . ( ii Itceonl of U-niporsiturp and pr. ciplt.itlon sit Omaha for tills el.iy an 1 since Mirch 1. Normil : for the ibiy 17 Uxi-ess for tlit day 11 Aceiimulnted excess since Maie-h 1 X2J Normal raliifnll for the day ( im-ii IJclle-ii-iu-y for tne day n.l im-h Total rainfall sinceMiireh 1. . . 1 ! ) Ml niru.- Delieieney since March 1 10.17 iiu-hes KxeJc ? ; ? for cor. period , 1MM ! I.W ! indies DcllclciH-y for e-or. period. IViii. . . 11.da li.rhes Iti-piu-ts fi-iiiii MIntloiiM nC S p. in. , So\cnty-tlfth meridian time. HI X GO 3 ; T " " STATIONS AND STATE OP WUATUUIl. Oinnlia. o'.i-nr North I'lntto. clc.ir I < Halt IjiktCity. . cli-ni- I e'ho > i'nno , elenr lliipt'l ' C'lty. cloudy lluion , clonr e'hli-aKo. luitly clmnly | \Villli-tin. pnitly clou.ly ' . ' , ' < St. Ixiuip , clo'ir : M St. Paul , cluinly l > ii\i-npuit. cloudy I'll ' liok-nn , old- ) ' ( I IH Kiin-tn city , clfjir H ) It\io ! , t-k'ar : ! S | 0) 0)M lll-iniiiTU. paitly rlouily 30 0)OJ ( 4l | OJ T InillcatKi tracinf prcrlpltatlcm. L A.Vii.SlI : , I.uciil Forei-ast Olllcial. PERFECT m ELESANT TOILET LUXURY. Used l > y people of rcfincinent for over a quarter of a. century. Not irom a financi.il staiulpoint exactly butfree from the ik * loots louiul in the a e healing system , Steam and Not Wafer Heating All the lealing Incan.lcscent . , Gas Burners and \M.uites. ! work. B 202 Main ami 2J ( ) ! I'carl St. COUNCIL It LUFFS , IOWA. Reduced Prices ! 5Sf' M $ 1 ss&TtsrW r CW < Mjy 0-j ; s. . If w King of them ail , with the best mnntlo and chimne' ' mid3 Burns loss ens ; and makes more liqhtthan any other lamp In he market. STEPrtAN BROS. , 529 Bway. ruiitloni cuiixl by TurLUli . M Ji.hil | Cuiu , DCM-r fill > FullIr llh ( : u-un tiJtO.W - - - - HAHN'O PHARMACY , Itlhn DON'T , Ivni't itliiinpt ( o irforin Hi- world ! It Is luigp li < Mitli > -ii'ri' niul llfo la short. Iiott'l tnlU l > olltc-s ! tit Indira or dry irooda ( o KfiitUiiucnl rinod liiatolll iMiilniao titMlltc-r. Don't think bromine you hnvp lin-n HUP * pi'Wful In one llilui ? you Ptili sile-e-i-nl Ml nlll 1'Yw IIPCI | ! ( < mie-e-cril cvou lu OIH < thins. Hoit'l think yourself jiliyslrnlly otnmt > o tout ! 'I'hPvrn1 < -Rt iirvsolis nml the nhoi-t * est lived iiro frciiupnlly those who fi-i > l Hon't drliiyUicn you firlviiile , Inn * Kiilil , run down r .Iclillllnlnl ! Tnttf .m-e- tlllllK to atlmillnlP yolll' PIliTRtPSI nt ollrr. Don't tlilnk tlmt nny stimulant \ \ \ \ \ .tut l > oi-u > rn , Ft-lPiitlKln mid HIP IK-SI iiuihi'H- tle-s mil-re Hint imrc whiskey IB tinmiiy tollable stlimtliitit. Mon't IIP ili-ol\rd Into \isluc nn Infrvtor whlskcyl lleMtiPinlipr tlmt tlm innnt i > n | > u- Inr , the tmre-st , tin * most IIIUM-HIII nnd it > most viiiunlilo wlihkpy Is Huffy' * I'nfo Mnlt ntul Hint It Ims lire-ii MI mlnitttcd top yours. Pou't let your tbnlor deprive you or tut- in T u | > on you tiv miylni ; he IIIIH "HOIUI thliiR liiiit MM ( ; mil. " nr " .iniiiPlltlMR In- < ill ii'i-ninim ml. " Hi1 IKIM Inti tcsti-il muttv in HIU-II IIVKI rlloim , iinl tiny should lit- ! IH- Irusli il. BLOOD A SP.ECIft.LTY. Tiitnaix. S . null-1 > or Tuthny lll.CtHi l'tM | 'N1 I"1' ' t'l ' ( l11 nl1 Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You riui li. lii'iit-il nl IKIIIII' ( " ) ' i ii- jii 1.1tni'l. . r NIIIIIKII.II.IIU \ . If , . "ii pi iii1 to l. 'lilt- hi I'f Wl- Wilt < . 'lltl t" I'l. 1 I rnii ! ( .in1 nl hi-tfl MHi. . iin.l ii" I'M. ' i' IfM - full I.iin. . - . IF YOU HAVE t iKt u lnt-1 'iny , 1' ' U'il pitt.iMli ant "tttl II.IMntlf .ui'l ' P'lim. Mm- MIX I'al. h n inniith. S. nTlni'iil ' riihp'if l'"i'p. ' i i in.I Spi In tlni- < n inn luiit i.r Hi. N'lv. II.ilr 'i r.limwfilliinj i nt .1 . l ihN Si. iitiitim We Guaranties to Oure Wtll U tn ! > m.t t < tb Mmtr < u r - nn < l < I u l'Hip ( tlif i lil t-u i i \ \ unn 1 < un ThN < ll uiiHr lifi' ( UwiixI'.itli . l the skill < > f the nx' t finiiii'iil pliv-i t.ui- f IH ) > > o t fip'tiil Ii' htn-l i nr uti D u inil Kiinratitv Abt'-'ui. - in-'nf v , nt " . nl 1 on djipll-'iit I'm i o i jti In U " nt fn ' A.Mi. . . - * - CIK ( ) ItHMKin CO. . 111M , III. fSearles # gSearles. \ . KPHCIALISTS IN PRlVflllJISOT. WEAK HEN All Private Discasct ft DNorclcrH nf Mon. Ircntiticnt by M.ill. Ci'iisiillution 1'rco. . SYPHILIS Carcrt for life ami the pol on ttiorouuhly cln.inael " npnn'ntiirriioa. Seminal Wcakne , I/oit Man- booil NlKht KinlBsloim llponywl K.icultlni. l-o- male Wc-aUni-ns , unil nil ililtcatiilinordrrs pecu liar 10 cltlior BI-X , prmlllvely cnnsl. rljhi FISTULA nncl KKOTAL , I'LCRHS. IIVDUOCKnU AN'D VAIHCOI'BLS peminni-ntly iuul succuiiBiully cim-il. Methotlnow and inilaliliiE. Stricture a id Gleet by new method wlthoui p.iln cr cutting. Call on or RC-drcBH with stain P DBi 8URLES HEARLB " As the Sun Outshines the Moon n the early mornng ! of summer time , so lo our fine optical gooils overshadow all others In the superior quality of our snper- Ino pehblo eyoglasaes and spectaclps that wo will ( It to your oye-s alter testing 'them sclcntlfii-ally. Our line opera , magnifying , Held and marine glastt-a are from tlio best munufactureis In Kuiupo or America , THE ALOE & PfHFOlO CO , , ' ' ' ' I'lIOTOttUAl'lllO Sfl'I'LIKS , I IOK I'nrinu ; , ril , ( Inn. I'nMiiit llotrl. Mount Venioii PURERYE Owin to its fine , I'ull , mellow llnviir , tliisvliihkey fiitnuiiituls the hipli- ( cst prie'o in htii-re-ls Mo Ktu'lciiilo cloai- CI-H ) of any brand now on tluinni'kut , nnd ! < tlio nn iM f most of tlie > but tled blended wliUkoy now aooxlc-iibivuly , HotIt-it at Iliu HlHtlllory with nn ii1it.nluto ( lunranty of I'urlt ) nuj ( ln in il CoiiJitloit 'J'lin cioiiBiiinuiliuyiiiir tliis--tlio only ( lUlllU'i-y btitillnz tif Mol'XTiiMN ' | ; ijn Hyi'Altl' llot'l.jt ' , c.ich bc.irlntc tiio NIIIII- hcruil ( Iti.irouly l.ihM1iiiiios jhililsli - n-,1 L-niitetif 1'iiu- ItyoVlilhl. . < -y | u Its , iMiluvil i-i iiilltliui i-ntlii-ly fit- " fi i ailultciatuu wltlielioaii splnth .mil II ivnrln s , FOK MHIHCIN.VL IJSH It bus i bo Indnii-nnii'i I cf III. , niti-t lira In I no lit iyNlrlniii lliri'iih'liout ' lim I'lilfd Mali" , . I'orSiiJ.l.y All li--li.iM" l SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFPS WANTS. MUN1.Y TO l.n\N lull ) ' -f j. ; | I'um'm' ' A ' 'lly J" - " ? ? ciwaii"1',0 ! ' ' ? , limruriiont. Aliin ilu'.tor. t < ij S3i llniKluny _ . ( irrinnii nu-i uf Dfi-iJti j. w , eouinu , CITV AND I-AUU