LOOKING OVER THE LINES Now Head of the Union Pacific Oat to Look at Property. PRESIDENT BURT AND PARTY START AVIII .Mnki * n TliomiiKli Iii"i > rrtlon of flic l'li > Ml < * nl Oiitiilltlon of ( lie < in > nt Ovcrlniul Ili-forc Homco G. Hurt , president-elect of the Union Pacific railroad , Is not losing an } tlmo In becoming thoroughly aciiua'.ntea' ' v llh Iho property of whloi he will eon become the ciintoJlan and chief executive oIHccr. Ho epciu the last day of the old } car at local headquarters familiarizing dlmc'clt wl h the work of the management , and he began the new jeir by start'iig on a trip of Inspectlcn over the ninKi line and branch lines ot tlio "Overland lUulc. " It was jusi 8 30 o'clock this mottling when a special tra.ii , conBlstlug of n locomotive and thrco private ccrs , pulled out x > f the Union depot EheJt < , bo.ring the prcjldtnl's ixirly. With Prealdcnl-elect Hurt were : Oliver W Mink of lloi'ton ' , first -vice presi dent-elect , Hlward Dlcklnscn , general m n- agcr , H U Hucklngham , siipcilntcndent ot car service , P. J. Nichols , general super- Inltadctil , Joaerh H MrConr.plI , saperln oid- cnt of mo-tlvo power cud machlner } , und H L. Lamax. general r'JKcengcr and llckcl agenl The olllclals wcro accomr-mlcd by Ihelr sec- rutailcs. Tao three private o rs had all htc'i bruahul up for Ihelr trip and the locomotive cf the 700 c'dHs tiiat pulled the train had ils every a rip of brass and Btesl fairly glistening Iti Iho molding sunllghl. One of the olllclals remarked t < iat If the new president wiyitol d fast rldo on hid uenv railroad lit thought he could get It without much trouble And that.i what Tom Grogan , t he engineer , thought as ho Ml this cab with his hanJ on 'tho ' throillo watting for the now head ot no r > .ad to get ahoard the train. Tom Grcgan made iilu reputation last summer when ho hurried anrllu > r olllclil pirly In frcm Ilvans- lon , Wo , to Omaha In the longest continuous run liv i in i tiilapnr nul nnn InoDinotlvo V ver 1 nil llj i iu Ul r.ltui made In AmcrUu He did not ntart out this morning with the locomotive that performed tlat feat , No 890 , but he nad one neirly as gocJ , ami the engineers on the reid say that GroR-'i could get arced out of any pltcc of mach ery that ever came down the tmcka. WILL INSPECT IT THOROUGHLY The president's party Is out for a thor ough trip of Inspection of the entire Union Pacific road. Most , 01 the inspecting will b done by dalight , iho parts ol the ro..d being covered at night Hint going vest being scheduled to be gone over In dajllghl coming erast on tlio return trip The ( list pail of the line lhat will receive tli attention ot the now president will be tli * Omaha & Repub lican Valley branch , and that will be gone over today. Aft'r that cath brunch will betaken taken In the .order that it conns , On tlio going trip It is not expected thni any bursts of speed will be made , but most of the men along the toad are looking for some record-breaking runs uffr Iho pait } starts ca t from Ogdcn Although this will be Mr Hurt B first trip ever the Union Pacific as its chief executive , he Is bald to btvco fimillai with the "Oveiland Route" It is well knov n that when he formerly lived In Omaha , prloi to August. 1S9C , ho frciiuentlv went o\ci the Union PaUHc from Omaha to Cheyenne When ho went out to the Wo mlng divisions of Ihe ElUhorn road , of which ho was geneially maiiag r , he Invarlabl } went from here to Cheyenne over the Union Pacific , lu preference to using Iho Klkhorn , and Is , therefore , supposed to h ver } famil lar with the properly ot which he Is about to assume charge. I3eforo the train pulled out a member of the official part } In reply to a question paid "To all Intents and purposes , Mr Durt Is now nrEBldL'iit of the road , and is lust KOiiiK out to get acquainted with the line. No one knows when the receivership will be forimll } tcimlnated , and the reeelveus discharged Mr. Mink says thit ho thinks It will be about February 1 , and thirty das Is pretty close to the time1 that It will take lo finish up Ihe worklucldeiilal lo Ihe Iransfei. No ono knows an ) thing about the future make-up of the official family , but It Is not expected that there will be any Immcdlat" changes In any of the departments. " llollilii } at tinOlllcvM. . New Year's day was quietly celebrated In local railway circles. The hcadquirtcrs of the Union Pacific , the U. & M. and the Kllchorn had their main entrances closed , lint the Janitors unlocked the big doom throughout the morning 'to ' let a few of the olllclals and their chief clciks Into their offices A few callers , mostly for the pur pose of securing thcii transportation for the joar 1SOS , were scan about the guieial man agers' ofllces , but olicrvv'&o there was scarcclj an ) activity. The clt ) ticket olllccs were open between the liouifi of < J a. m. and 12 m , though not enough tickets , even at the previlllng re duced rates , were sold to Justify the opsnlng of the 'ticket ' cases. The few morning hours llut they were In their ofllces save the ticket" sellers an opportunity to complete their monthly sales accounts , and In most cases thcso made a satisfactory showing The passenger business out of Omaha dm Ing the month of December has shown a gratlf- Ing Increase over that of Dcemher 1890 During the first part of the month business was very slack , but the Increase since De cember 15 , owliiR largely to the reduced rates , has moio than offset the dull condi tion of affairs dm Ing < tlio first part of iho month. KN of Oiiliirnilo ItonilN. Jon. 1. The carnlnga of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad for Iho six months jusl clrmod show a lotal of ? 1,151- SS3 , an Increase of $01l,5JO , 01 17.11 pel cenl over 1890. The loial earnings of the Union Pacific , Denvei ft Gulf for the ) ear are $1lril.321 , an incuubc of * 417,21G , or l.i.74 per cent over IS'JO. ' i } Aoti'H unit l't > r > > oiiiilN. John A. Muni co , freight tralflc mcciaRcr of the Union Pacific , was unable to KO out on the Inspc'Ct'on ' lour ot Prcbldent Hurt and party. Ho left for Kansas City last night to tike part In en Important conference ot western ll-cs there On Monday , January 3 , at 12 o'clock noon , o contract between the Wabash and the "Kat ) " tallioads for the Ubc ot the tracks of the latter company between Hannibal and atoberly , Mo , by the former company will lurome effective. Negotiations for such a contrael have been pending for some lime end were finally completed on Thursda ) The advantage of the contract to the Wabash la that it will give that line a shorter route bu- To California Now IB tlio time to go , niul the Hur- IhiKton tliL > rouio to t.ikc. Pt'iMinnlly comluctiul vNciifblniib leave Omaha 4t > T > o\cry Tlnusday nfti'inoon. No liaus- ft'ts cars KO il lit tliuniKli. Only . ' ; to San Kiani'lsco ; li'/j to Kos An * . Clifapcst way llicio IH. Com- foitaMi' , loo. ? 10 for a tlt-Ki'l. ? r > for a but 111. Ticket Office , j18020lMAMV:8Ti : ยง J , D , REYNOLDS , P < * > * AST. twcen Kansas Clly anil Chicago than at pres ent via St. Ixnils. One train each way over the new route will be put Into service on Monday as a Blotter anl If thcue prove a uc- ccss It Is predicted that most of the cast and west buslncw of the Wahash will be run via MobcMy and Hannibal , Mo , Instead ot via St I.ouls. As an outcome ot the recent compact made between the 'western roads and the transat lantic steamship companies the roads have decided that representatives ot the steam ship companies are entitled to have passes issued In their favor One annual pass will bo Issued to the traveling man of each steam ship company and other employes of the steamship companies will be granted trans- porlallon when It Is shoun that they arc iravellng on business for which passes may properly he Issued J H. Mcl'arllaml. assistant superintendent cf the llurllngton nl Ollumwa , will be trans ferred to HitriliiRton to fill the position of train and roadinaster resigned byV. . C. Cro s. W 0 Pabens , roadmasler on the llurllngton and Ottitmwa division , wilt nil the position of trainmaster between Ottumwa and Crrston , Including the Albli and DCS Molnca branch , with oflce ! nt CKtumwaV. . II Double roa'masle- Charlton , will suc ceed Mr KabensV 12 Crlsswcll of Charl ton will succeed Mr Double ( llllllll ) III I'lllllOH , It Cias aluajo been our policy to [ iirnlrh our patrons with the best pianos manufac tured and at the mcvit reas.nnble price con- slctctit with the qlillty furnished This pol icy has made pcsilblc the enormous business douo by our house during the past > car. Our twenty-four years' experience In this line hat proven fnllj that It pa } in to sell the be.it pianos ca well as ) ou to bn > the best I i the Ktnbv , new pcale Klmtill , Krauloi , & Hach and Ilallct & l > ivls plan OH , 'the bent IK represpnled with variety of tcne lo ex- aclly suit the inert critical musician. But Iti them all the quality Is there to make every p'trc-hneer know that he has not spen hla money in vain \Vo have ab-ut tin or twelve more planou than ro.in for , therefore tor the next day or t\vu , 01 lutll our stock Iti rcJuced to narn.al proportions again , we will sell a few ot the beiil or cheapest pi nos In our house for less money than they tan be replaced. \ few bir > ; alns In itprlgh p'.lghlly used pl'tio-i such cs the Hard man. old scale Klin- ball rischcr , Vote & Sons at $ G3 to $18 , on pi ) men s cf $1G cash and $ C lo $ S a month A < iy new piano hi the house this week for $ J5 cash and $8 to $10 monthly. A iiosrn. 1511 Dang ! ' s > , Omnha. Sam'l Durns h closing out gas fixtures at coat. Clnn of 'Irlnltt victliiMllNi. The- Men s Clan of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church Is about to Inaugurate a series of cnterUlnmcnta to bo given at HIP chinch , Twoitj-flrst and ninney slreets this winter bj the clan The first cnterlain- mont will be given January 17 , wllh Iho follow Ing proganr Cill of mcctlnp to order by winding or horns utiikr the Immeillntp ami personal su- poi vision of hlifh muster ot ceremonies , ilor rls McKumlreo Himlln. Maiulolln Duct DuctMessrs. Messrs. Schneider and Homan Opening Address High Master of Ceremonies M. Al. llamlln An AutohhKnpile Story . . . .M. W. Swain Music Qinrtct . . . . ' . . U , U. Williams , J. J. Toms , U. C. Towler , r. r. Teal. Autobiography F. G. Cnmlall Autobiography R. S Wlleo\ Debate Resolved , That Women Should I3e AOmltleil us DiltBitcs to the General Ccnfirence of the Mcthod'st ' Hplscopil Church with the S.imo Rlghls and 1'rlv I- lefces Accorded lo Men Atllrnrillve , U A Parnmli'p CV. . DoLanmtre , nega- tlv > , C. P. Wellcr , J T. Robinson. Mandolin Duet . .Messrs. Schneider and lloimn Decision of Judges Mrs. L , A. Harmon , Mrs. J. H. Micombor , Mrs A U. J.iqultn. Monster Chorus The Clansmen ClansmenHy Hy the Clan Diamonds direct Importation Rings , Art China , Cut Gla's Hubermann's. 13 & Doug Blank Books , have them made by A. I. Root , printer and binder. 1609 Howard. A D T. Co ; messengers furnished ; bag gage delivered. 1S02 Douglas St. Tel 177. "l r. DoilRf" ( Jot'N to lluPen. . An Item In a recent drug periodical re- pmllng D. N. Dlckenson , known In this city as "Dr. Dodge , " states thai he h.is been sentenced to two jc.irs In the pcn- llc'iill iry nt Iluttf * , Mont. , on the chirfo ot mind Inrcenv. "Dr. Dodge" did biislnes it Ifill Douglns street during last suminei and Is sild to Invc defnuilcd a numb = r of ploslclans of this city on different scMemes His ptlnclpil method was to sell ) ) hslclutm' supplies as ngcnt for , i supposlHous medical C'oiiipinv , upon which conliacts he obtnlncd small advances. He was arresled htie on a complaint of the State Hoard of Health , but minted to get out of town before his eiso e ime up for trial. It was developed nt his hist Irliil Hint ne w.is vv anted for similar offenses nt a number of different cities. Plrc n ( ( In- SchlKHotel. . All Incipient Hie was Intercepted at the Schlltz hotel at 11.1C o'clock last night The clerk happened lo be In Ihe hall at thai lime and noticed th-it smoke was Isbiilng from tno dumbwaiter Flmft. Ho gave Ihe ahum and awakened llic guests of the ho- ti-1 On the arrival of the firemen seirch was made for the source of the lire but .ilthoiij.h the rooms wera nilcd with smoke , It was some time before tie ( lames vvpre cllMcovercd In the boiler room. They were extinguished with nominal damage to the building. The cause of the ( Ire Is somewhat In doubt , but n tjcllon of steam pipe was found to have been unwrapped of the as bestos covering and Is thought to have Itrnlted some oily rags which were Ihrovvn In a corner. TliiM-c DriuiKN unil a VHP : . John Hlgjjlns vlblted the premises of n. \Vakeley on Trld.iy night and created n Bon- cral disturbance. He was arrested on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. Ycs- tcidiy he was sober and penitent .md was paidonod on the intercession of Judge Wakeley. I'oto Nicholson , another drunk , fared worse and received ten days In the clt > Jail. James Smith was fined $1 Quid costs for being noisy and Intoxicated and Frank Fl liei , an alleged vagabond , i.vas "cntcnced to tell days. The hitler case was appealed. \ < > vvciir It < - P. C Ilolman Uas arrested last night on the complaint of his Hvlfe , iMary Holman , who chilniR thai he Is gullly of malicious inlHchlef It Is said that Holman went home In a jubilant condition inl started the now > enr opening up the house Ho found a neckjokn In the barn and , armed with Ibis Instrument , broke every window In the building' und played havoc with tables and chairs. r l.iirrj , An Inquiry was received from the supcr- inlendenl ot police of Minneapolis yesterday In regard to the > w hereabouts of Liurence Mnhonej , iMnhoney disappeared from his homo In Shcelsburg , WIs , eeven years ago and It was reported that ho had been te- ccnlly rocn In Ibis clly , Hess & Swoboda. tlorlatk , Jilt Tarnam St 'I'hono 1501. I'lilnis , cut flowers and floral designs , 9 U. I'atlcci , dentist , 1S01 Locust street. cnic.vco i.nii'rii : ) THVIV uu p. . Via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Hlectrlc Lighted , Steam Heated , i Solid Vcs Ibulcd Dining Cur. City ticket oinco 1C04 Tarnam street. anonan n HAYNHS. city i > ar > cnKcr Agent. I' . A. NASH. Octieral Western Agent , RirilARDB-Mra. Alice U , vvlfo of J M Richards the well Known Inmrance ad- JIU | T. died veiy suddenly Thursday of niioploxy. 1'uncrai nervlci's will bo hold from tlio family ic ldencu at No. U15 South 'rilrly-vt | < oonil Hire I Sunday nl 2 o'cloi-K | i in. Trlends are Invited. Mlb. lllohnrds linn been an actlvu in m- bi-r of St. Marj'n Avcnuu Cougregutlon il cliuii 'i dm Int ; hci res deine here of narly fourleen > curs , and luiu many dear frlendv who mourn her lo s Kho leaves n luisti mil and three children , HHN'SON-Mrs Ullzii , ad SS > ear3 , l tcr of A 1 . Johnson and Mrs A. Trajror , Turn ml from residence , vi'J South Nine teenth HtrciM , 'Mord ' ty Junu.iry 3. nl 2 i ) , in , , to I'oresl Liwn ci'tiK'tcry. Krlimli of faintly Invited. HIT v let n In charge ol UevB. MrMsiH. Turkle and Staples , pastors r bpce-tlve-ly of KjimUo lUmoilal und Qiacu UaptUt cnurchcs , PHILATELISTS NOW OBJECT Protest Against Transm'ssitsipp ! Having Stamps of Its Cwn. DEMAND TM\T rO .P.CIAL STAMP IS UE Arum- Hint CollcclnrxVII1 llit\c to Ilii ) 'I In-ill It 'I lu- > Vrc Put ( UK , niul CoiiM Muni' } . The action of Postmaster General Gary In deciding to Issue a series of special posugc stamps In honor of the Transmlsfiissippl anl Intcrnntlon.ll Exposition has raised an In dignant protest from 80111 ? stamp collectors , who soIn this action of Ihe department nothing but a prospective raid on their pockctbooks They are formulating prolcsts to the I'ostodice department , In which the1) Insist that the Idea nlioulil b ? abandoned These collectors all use the sime argument against the Issue of tpeclal stamps by the United Stales government. The following copy of a letter SMI ! 'n the postmaster gen eral by a Chicago dealer * In stamps shows the argument used by them : I'ostmnBlcr General Gary : Dear Sir I wish to register u piotcsl njrnlnst Ihe 1'suo of special commcmornllvo stamps for Die Omnlm exposition , and respectfully urge that the Idea or tlulr Issue be reconsidered and abandoned. Since the Issue of the Co lumbian set In 1S9J , or more sit Icily In Ihe last few ye.us , iho citslom of emitting spe- ( lul stamps lo cclebrale occasions of vary ing national Importance has bo > n abused , especially by minor countilcs that cons'der such Issues primarily us u convcnlenl means I'aroiigh which to replenish governmental exchequers b > the silo of stamps to phila telists , that tiia commemorative Issues have lost all charm nnd novelty lo Ihe phllalellsl CT stamp collector. Rather , the philatelist now views speclil , unnecessary Issues with dlsfav or and Impatience. Hv ie ortlng to tlio hackneyed plan of providing special stamps for ths Omaha ox- poslllon , jou will unwillingly disquiet stamp collectors , und. In conseauc'ticc exercise a sinister effect on the stamp business. The Department of Publicity and Promo tion ot the expo-iiilon , through which the special stamp Issue was secured , Manager Kosovvater havlnu urged the matter with i the nostmastor ceneral and \arloUs other olllclals and congicEsmcn when In Washing ton recently , Is not greatly alarmed about Hie efforts being made by the ttamp col lectors to ward oft what they regard as a deep laid plot to get Into their pockotboolcs Th's ' special stamp Issue Is regarded as ono ot the ipost effective moves made by tno federal government so far as the exposition Is concerned It fixes moro dimly In the pub lic mind the Importance of the exposition ES a national an 1 International affair , and the widespread effect on the exposition of the action of the Postofllce department Is almost Incalculable THOMAS \\oiu : Tvicns CHnr.n. . nl r < > lHM-Mslnii CIiiiiiKcx llnilcls roiH'CHslnititll C'H I | IIIIN. The Ice carnival concession at the exposi tion grounds has changed hands , having been sold by Morris & Love to Thomas Srtobe of this city. The negotiations for this doil have been in progress for several days and were completed late yesterday afternoon when the papers were signed and Mr Swobo took formal possession at mldnlgnt. "I saw that this concession was a big thing , " said Mr. Swobe , this morning , in speaking of his new business deal , "and 1 have been considering for some time howit ( ould be secured. The opportunity presented Itself a few dajs ago and I took advantage of It 1 have looked Into the details suf ficiently to krow that the conctesi n s an e - cellent one I shall give it ui > personal su pervision and shall see to it that nothing is left undone to make It a success In every respect The arrangements made by Morris & , I.OVP for the ice carnival , the curling and toboggan clubs and all the other amusement leaiures , win DO carried out and I am now working on an elaborate plan which will eclipse anthing which has been proposed in tlio way of entertainment. The imttei is not In shape to make public at this time but It will be ready for full announcement in the Sunday papers of January 9 The punlic can ie t as > sure3 , " continued Mr. Swobe , "that the Ice carnival is gO'lg to bo a big tlilni ) and that a seiiey of ev a Is In prospeu that will eclipse anjlMkig .n ' the line of v.Inter festivities ever i.ttcmpteil In this rsrt ot the countrj " The first clllclal move made b > Conces sionaire Swobo after taking cl-argo of the v\uter concession was lo appoint W. L M-irdls In charge of the Ice gang Ills duty will bo to see trat Hie Ice is kept In con dition at all times. Mr MarJIs and a crew under hla direction worked all of lut night on the Ice In the lagoon and this morning tne broad surface was like a sheet of glass Meta a lump or a soft ipot vvcro to bo been Bud the Ice was as hard as flint. > 0CN Of ( litnVII The Morse Machine company of Rochester , N. Y. , will make an exhibit of draughtini ; room furniture. II. Charles Judge of Dallas , Tex , has ap plied for epacc In the exposition grounds foi an exhibit of windmills The Harroun Portrait and Picture Frame company of Grand Rapids , Mich. , has applied for space for an exhibit. The State Grange of Nebraska has applied to the Nebraska exposition commission foi office room In the Nebraska building for headquarters. Georga W. Flshback of Philadelphia has re quested the Department of Exhibits to authorize him to negotiate with the authori ties ot Buenos Ayres for the magnificent mineral exhibit owned by them , lie also suggests that the Philadelphia Commercial club has a fine exhibit of woods , hides , min erals , etc. , from various South American countries which might bo secured for exhi bition. 1T.HSOX , P VII Uill YIMIS. J. n Caps of Kansas City la at the Millard - lard J II , McCoy of Minneapolis Is at the Mil- lard. George S. Ostrom of Chicago Is at the Mil- lard. lard.Ray iNjo and 'wlfo of Fremont are In Omaha. Walter C. Atwiter of SI Paul Is at the Mlllard. 'Mayor ' John S. Wlldo of Wahoo was In the city yesterday. 'D ' I 'Ellis ' and Krnest 'Hoponell ' of Tekamah are In Omaha. r. W Thompson and J. J. Durciavaiit of Nafchvllle , Teno. , are Barker guests. Dr. Chailcfl Lincoln Smith and wife of Chicago arc guests at the .Mlllard. Jdtucs Williams , Denver , and George Stein , Chicago , are late arrivals < U the Darker Mba C. Ma > s , Miss D. Drew and T G Flaherty of Kansas City spent New Ycar'a at the Darker. G. Fiddock , Kl > rla ; F M. Hall , Hastings ; H. C , Pohlzon , Punier ; A. T Stubbs , Ne braska Oily ; William Collln. Nebraska City ; G. N. Monger , Hastings , aru sta'e ' arrivals reglstereJ at iho Darker. At the Mlllard : W W. Hea. Minneapolis , J. K. Crockett , St. Lou's ; J Strains , Bur lington ; L L Williams , Wisconsin ; Paul W. Keck , Henry Mcrnorj , T I , Dettchsr Chicago , C. L Jensen , Hot Springs W. F. Cody , "Buffalo Dill. " passed through Iho city last night from his rancb to Now York , where ho will arrange preliminaries for hla nl'ow during the coming ee.iison. He hue been In Ihe Dig Horn basin for several weeks looking after his colonisation scheme. Bishop Alexttnler Garrett , D U. , who Isle lo preach morning and evening la Trinity cathedral today at 11 a m a-J 745 p m , h ono of the most brilliant divines In the Epltcopal church. He \ . > .s ( or three years HID popular detn of Ihe cathcjral dur n < ; which time. li.71 to 1S74 , It attained l.s greatest success M Kaluton of Lincoln In an Omaha visitor. Xcbraskans at the hotels 0 P Perluy , Broken 'Do * ; II .1 Hi lines , Grand Inland , J. II , CralKcr , Norfolk ; Nelco Hoyer and wlfo , Jackson ; Gcorgu ' 3 Fanan , WlnulJoj N. C. t-'cars. Wlsncr ; George S hadhold , Mcrrlman ; AV. J Orr , H S Hoagland , It. F. Curtis , Lincoln ; n. Olson , Kcariej ; J. C Donaldson , F. Uiddel and wife , l atrlcc ; C'harles 3. Mil ler , 'Fairmont ; A. M , Bcgles , Au'juru ' ; I. " ' , Aulta. HIVIO1) .HIItllF.K OP TUT. l'01'i : . Olltclnlci ill 1tiii > M.fiiiil Ix Viiiiirontt | ) In l\c ia < nl ll < nltti ItOMK , Jan. 1. Tn filxtlcth anniversary ot the pipe's ( list ctltbratlon of truss was observed at the Vatican today , I'ully 3,000 delegates from Catholic ssrlctles and pare chlal committees wcro admitted to the Sala Delia l.oggla of l e Vatican at S 30 o'clock this morning , and shortly tter that hour his holiness was carrtnd In on a ncdla gcsta- torla , amid the aeclamitlons of the spec tators The iiope. ' oinclated at his nwn diamond masn , the music being furnUhcl by the -ctoolr of the Slstlne chapel The venerable pontiff then alien Jed a mass ot thanksgiving , kneeling on a prlo dleuv At the conclusion of this ma-s his holiness , In a strong voice , pronounced the pa | al brncdlo.lon He then took h'r seat on the throne and received dcleRillotis until 10 30 o'clock , when he was borne out on the Bodla gestatorla amid the acclama tions of those present His hollncw had a most radiant face , nnd It was evldenl that ho was cnjolnt ; ex cellent health. He received hundreds ot rl ih presents. Emperor Francis Joucph ot Austria-Hungary sent him 50,000 florins In Bold In a gold casket , and the queen regent of Spain sent a massive gold and Jeweled Koblet. His gift from the United Stitcs was a diamond cross President Faure sen : six sevrni vases and the present from the sultan of Turkey was a superb dUmoml ring Cvcry countrj sent a largo contri bution 'to Pcler's pence fund , iivnv SOMKHSIJT" "CIUTIOISUII. More IHxurU'ftloii IH Itciiortcil from CMiiiuln. TORONTO , Ont. . Jan 1. The Mall Hmplrc ea > s today : "Dissatisfaction at the ro-elPO- tlon nf Lad > Henry Somerset as vlco presi dent at the World's Woman's Christian Ttm- perance union convention , held hero in Octo ber last , Is rapidly spreading. Follow Ing the icslgnatlon of the world's superintendent of the Puilty department , Mis Josephine Dul ler , as a protest , Mrs. Cole , superintendent of the Depaitmtnt of S.vstematlc Giving , In the Dominion , has also resigned A strong vote of censure of the world's executive ha , been passed h > the Montreal union. Mrs L M. No } es , ex-Domlnlon superintendent cf "clcntllc temperance Instruction , Is openly Indorsing the agitation against Lad } Somer set retaining office./ In a letter addressed to the mcmb'ts of the Canadian Woman's Christian Tcinnor. once union , Mrs Moves asks"How can Canadian women continue In connection with a band of workers who , under anv clicum- slanccs advonote compromise with sin' " rniMiivi : : \ \ sFvi-nu 1:1,0111 irn. Itliotiii-lcnl ItcfVrfiirc to fi. ! < > rn nu-iilN 1l n i-nn-nln In riilnn. DHRLIN Jan 1 The Mord Deutsche Al- 1-gemclne Zclti.ng araounces In big t.vpe that Cmpcror William had nirbcd unexpectedly from Potsdam and had confercd ) with Prince rohenlohe , the chancellor , the Inference be ing that it was a mretlng of special Impor tance. The paper also prints the follow In ? evi dently Inspl'el paragraph "Whatever talki- live persons may write or sa > about Gei- miny's nc\v naval development , this Is ccr tain , that when the muse of hlstor } turns the pares headed 1S1" she will pensively lln ger over the part In shining letters , 'It Is written In the lands of the Germans on the gaud of trc Yellow sea ' " There Is moro of the same soaringChirac tcr , h dlcatlng Us origin Liberal and radi cil politicians , however , are bound to confess that the enthusiasm for the navy Increases and spreads dally , cspcclall } in Prussia and Northern Germany. Di'liiliiK War Humors. LONDON' , Jan. 1. The admiralty today issued an official denial of the reports that throof the Empress steamers have been requisitioned by the admiralty , and also officially denied the statement that the naval reserve of the China station llad been called out. Klnir HiiiiilK-rl's Itffi'ptlon. HOME , Jan , 1. The real family ot Italy hold the usual ireceptlon toda } King Hum bert , rop'v'ng ' ' to the address of the senate , said the year opene < l for Italj under happy and peaceful auspices Replying to the deputies his majesty appealed 4o them not to delay the v ork of Parliament Uiiliui I'lic'llli. "The Overland Limited. " The nest SUPERBLY EQUIPPED ( rain west ef the Missouri river. Twelve hoi.is quicker than any other train to the Paclfir coast Call at Ticket Ofll'.o. 1302 Farrmm St. lloll.luj Iliites. The Chicago.'Milwaukee ' & St. Paul Ry. will sell tickets for the holldajs at grca l > re duced rates. Olty ticket olllce , 1C01 I\iiaam s reel GRORGn D. HUYND3 , City Passenger Agt. I' . A. MASH , General Western Agent. i.oc M , IHIIVTIIS. The annual meeting of the Nebraska Hu mane fiociot } vvl I be held Monday evening. Januar } 3 , at 7 30 o'clock at the Commercial National bsnk. J. P. Kelly , better known as "Honest John , " died nt St Joseph's hospital last Wedcesda } . The deceased had been a resi dent of the city for many jears and at one time was quite wealth } The remains aiu at lies fey's. It Is expected that they will bo claimed by friends If the } are not , they will too turned over to ono ot the medical colleges. THE FAMOUS Chicago Eye Expert Again in Omaha at the Millard - lard Hotel , It Is with pleasure we m > i ! < o the announce ment that Ii. Charles Lincoln Smith la again to visit our clt } and will remain at the Mlllard this week He b highly recom mended by eminent pliHldara and scientific men The noble and successful work done by him In Omaha during his vhilt In ISO : has been extensively commented upcci am ! lie has given unlverB.il satisfaction and thor ough ! J proven his skill for many jears. There U no doubt that those who are suf ferlng with Irrltat'on of the optic nerve and Id ) train of erlh will take advsntag of this opportunity to have Ihelr ejca ex amlntd by this grctt expert Your eyesight Is precious , moro valuable than any of the npeclal tO"tcs Ho gives atlontlon to errors of rcfr ctlon Moel people wear glasses tLot M'l to correct the last named trouble He member it costs no more to cmplo ) a Iliiit- clais expert than It docs to risk jonr vision with Inoxperliaced han-'n Consuliatlon free If > ou have hlurrlng ilUiluiss , neuralgia headache , sppts before the ejr * . Inllamma- t'on , granulation , winking , trembling spells , cataract , burning and amirtlng ot c > cs van- out nenoia and bwln afftctlo-H entailing not only positive Injurj to the sight but un told inlscrj Ir Charles Lincoln Smith will be at the Mlllard hotel private parlors , No 120-122-121 , this week. Olllco hours 10 a m , to i p. in. Consulta tion frco this week. \\BATIIBllOFT\VELVIillONriIS \ \ \ Forecaster Wc'.sh Exploits "What Wo Went Through With. LAST YEAR HAD MANY PECULIARITIES AlnKo nn t'xt'i'llcnl Mu Ilimot i p 1) I Him r con III i * I'crxoiml KMIITlciKM1 VlltJ llllXO IICCII llureiitiVvll iiiiliiL-il. Omaha did not have the best kind o-t weather during the jcar Just past. In fact , the vvather of 1S97 was of a particularly iiaut } kind , since It tame In chunks and bunches. In Iho first place It was a prcttj hot jear The average normal temp rature during the > ears In which the local weather office has bnn In existence has been a little less thin IP degrees. The mean temperature of IS'J ? was more than a degree above this average , being about Bl degrees The most dlsagrfe- ahle parl of the weather , however , was found In the sudden changes of temperature. One day It would ho way up In the hundreds and thni again It would drop down twcnt } and thirty degrees This continued through the summer and fall. In the early months of the fall , particularly , a man could hardly keep cool in hU shirt sleeves on ono day and on the next he would llml an overtoil com fortable. The highest tempornlure was In July , the mean tempeiaturc of which mcnth was 79 degrees The hottest davas July 31 , when the mercury humped Itself up to 102 which , however , was four degrees less than the rec ord , 100 degrees , In lSfl4. The coldest month of the } car was January , which had an aver age mean temperature of 21 degrees The coldest Jay was Januar } 23 , when the mer cury slumped to 13 degrees below , but this again was far below the record The coldest day on record occurred some jears back , when the mark of 3.2 degrees below ? ere was reached. The range of temperature In 1S17 was , consqucnfl } 115 degrees Thlrt-tlght d.is of the jear registered above 90 deg-t.cs. 'he jear all around however , was hotter ban 1S1G for In that year there wcrr only .ftcen . days when the mercur } went higher lian ! )0 ) degrees and the highest mark touched vas 96 degrees above zero. \ The } ear was a dry } ear , although It was lol generally cxnstdcied such by the public The precipitation was only 2139 Inches , vhlch la 1039 Inches below the average. Most of tli's rain fell during the grain sen- son , so that the crops were not affected by ho deficiency. The greai cst rainfall In any consecutive tw nt-foui hours occurred on \prll 22 and 21 , when 1.-I7 Inches fell. The } cor did Itself proud in the enow line , how ever. In the twelve months 32 9 inches loll , which Is moro than double the fall In 1SOG | ind the fall In 1893. The blggeht part ot hts snowfall oame in December , when 170 m.hc.3 of It would have b-cn piled up hid t fallen at the same time. Precipitation n measurable quantities fell on 107 das of the } eai. Thunderstorms occurred on thirt-seven das. Dining the } cai there were 141 clear das , 12D paitly cloudy das and nlnct-five cloudy das The highest wind velocity was reached on July 9 , when a zephyr fiom the southwest ravelled at the rate ot forty-three miles an lour. The prevalllug direction ot the wind luring the } ear was southeast. The Weather bureau's local office Is now cqu i pcd with all kinds of practicable weather apparatus In existence There Is n self- recording thermograih , which gives a con- Inuous record of the temperature ; a self- recording rain gauge , which registers the rainfall and the rate every minute ; an clcc- "ic self-recording Instrument which tells : he w'tid ' velocity and the direction ; a ma- : hine giving a continuous record of the : arometric pressure , a photographic sunshine machine and minor acoaratus. During the past jcar was Introdjced the sjstcm of Issuing dall } weather cards upon v.-Vilch the forecast of the day Is given. Tneso aio distributed early every morning to some 400 merchant ! la order that they may hnov what kind of weather they will have during ; he day. About 270 weather maps have also been delivered dail } in the clt } and viclnitj A I. Root , a't s Ic boo't bind" , 1CC9 Howard. I'crsoimllj CoiirttifMMt r ciiiMloiin to Ciillfornlii. VIA UNION PACIFIC. Leave Omaha every Frifa } , 3:30 : p. m. , reach ing San Francisco Monda } , 9:45 : a. m. Cor responding ! } fast time to Southern Califor nia. Twelve houis quicker man any other Person jlly Conducted Excursion nouto from Missouri river. Cltj Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam Str < "i-t. Just fnlEdicd taking inventor } and find wo have too much stock on hand that Is , too many pairs of certain lines. Now we're going to get rid of them and the only way to do it is ta cut a dice off the price We've doio that and } ou'd better come around early tomorrow nnd select the pair } ou want. You know it's a great big saving to } ou. Ladle'i flue silk vesting , cloth top O * vlcl kid $4.00 lace bhoes Women's 75c Warm House Slippers Women's Leather Foxed fl.CO Felt Lace Shoes Women's $1 25 Felt Q8c J"J\ * House Slippers Men's fine ? 1 35 Jersey Cloth 1 f\\ l.UVf Alaekas Men'n JiOO Russian colt sliln , welt solo Lacs Shoes Men's tine JiOO Winter Tan calf J f\f\ t v v welt Lace Shoes Hayden Bros' Shoe Dept. \\II.I.I\M roiK\ TO u r -prr of Muter niul Miitlicr Ho- ( ( Ul-K till * Dl'lltll SclltclU'O. LIUBIITY , Mo , Jnn. 1 This afternoon the Jury In the trial ot William Foley for the murder ot his sitter and mnthcr , after being out two hours nnd forty minutes returned a verdict of murder In the first degree. After the verdle-t had been read Judge Ilroaddus sentenced Polcy to be hanged Fri day , February IS When JOIIIIR Foley was brought into court to hear his fate his face was ashen , ho trcm. bled perceptibly and perspiration stood out Upon his brow , and after Judge IlroaddUR had p.-esed sentence upon him he Rink limp nnd helpless Into a chair. Cut Onlj n Siiuill One , SPRINOFinLD , Mass , Jan. 1 A special to the Union from Boston , sas Treasurer Parsons of the Lnian mil's ' of Holxokc said toda } that the wages In that mill were cut to conform with th wages paid In New Ucd ford. As the wages were cut 7 per cent about n jear ago , the cut now will be small r In .Innlor I'ltrtiirrx , LONDON , Jan 1. J. Plcrpont Morgan , Jr , and \V S M. Hurni have been admitted as partners In the firm of J. S. Morgan S. Co , bankers IM\S > IONS 1011 wicsrr.iiv vnrint v > < . s ir\UiirM of I.nlp Wiir llnm-tiilx-rcil ll > tllf Opilt'flll ( il > \ ITIIIIUMlt. WASHINGTON , Jan 1 Special ) Pen- Elons have been issued aa follows Issue of December 14 : Nebiaskn : Orlplnul Churli" ? C. Cottrcll. Auburn , J8 , Jitmen McKvoy , Oretna , JO Special Dei-ember 17 , Ulchurd Aldrldge , Lin coln , J10 ; John 11. Herrlimlon , IllsltiK City , $ s Increase Htrberl II. lliUSprluc Hunch , $ G to $10. lovv.i. Original John Corklll Onlxa , } ( i ; James A. Hnrley , Washington , $ 'j ' ; Hdniuml H. Joiaw , Keokulc , $ S ; 'ihotuus J , Drown , Clinton , $ G Increase Leander 1C lltshop Summervet , } S lo $10 , Henry C Foster. Vll- Hscn , Jfl lo $ S. Ilelssuo niul Incn-ise Ralph O. Trlpp , Llscomb , $0 lo J < . Orlt'ln.il widow elc. Special December 51 Sn. ill A. Nichols , Sioux Clt > , W. North Dakota * Orlnln.il widow , etc. Susan Gllb'itsoti , P.nk Illvir , JS Caloiado OrlKlmil Snniuol Moore , dead , Denver. $12. Increase Deles O Klnc. JG lo $ " > OilKlnul widow , tli1 Mary 12 Moore , Denvn , $ S South Dikot.i : OrlKln il Hdw In Harrison , IJe Groy , JS Montinn. Oilglnil G orpe Gear , Livings. ton , JO. MiislclilllM ( in Out on n Mrllto. CHICAGO , Jan 1 A btilUe of the musi cians of the "Hand.i Rossi , " Hub's crack bind , nullified an eiiteitulnmoiH scheduled for Ccntial Music hall last night and dis appointment for 1'pOO ) ipoiilt > The musicians imulp a demand for b.iek jny whlth was not foi tlicomlng , IIIMt Nirill III V fl'lllllMt. I31TRLINGTON , Yt , Jin 1-The rill- rca "s In this section vvuc hiiidlcippod today bi .1 heavy Miovvtonn vvhkh piev tiled over nearly the tntlrontc. . Most of the trains ire behind time , 'llic cojn'ry roids aie biillj dilfted InilliiiiN SlKii ( litVfiri'i'incnt. . WHITi : , ROOKS , Ulan , Jan. -List 1 Wednesday n ' ouncll w is held between the Trusses and Syringes. A good Family Silnje . EOc A g-ood 2-quirt Fount iln Svilngp . 49c A wan .inled i-quart Hot W.itir U ig . 50c Rubber Goods NHvV , as i.ve buy dlrecl f loin factory. factory.Write for Cnta'oguc. Sherman ? Go \lldillf of IllncU , - - l.'lil Begin the New Year by economi/.injT and bhtiv injj vouibclf and Use only the Star Safety This razor has boon on the market for many years , has given such absolute and general satisfaction that It hardly seems necessary to call attention to tic | fact thai It was Iho flist Safct ) Iln/.or that did not belie its name and wad really what It profesbel to be a 'Safety Device , ' which renders shaving an eas } and convenient luxury and pleasure. Once tried , It will never be disc-aided , as It Is simply perfection. We'll bo pleased to show It to vou. Jas. Morton & Son Co. , 1511 Dodge THAT'S WHAT THI3 Is Iho most critical smokers seem unnbli to II ml an1 , fault with It Vou will have tc try a Jcisey to loull/o how good a tlsai can bo had for C centt We cany all Ihe leading brands of li cent elKurH al o a line line of pipes am smoking tob.uco. Paxton Block Sigar Store , JACOIl JAhKALriC , I'ropr 10th a in ! FARNAM. SB The Advance of Years is as steady as the advance m our biibin'ess methods ? . We want this store to sat isfy us and you , We don't expfict to be perfect , but we're poing to keep trying and get as close to ' yu find us fully equ pped to / v take cure of cur increasing trade and every opportunity will be afforded for wise . and household saving in supply.ng your personal needs. The 1319 1319Fnrunm 99 Cent Fnrunm Store Street rintixh iml White Ulver l'te ' ami the Crow llathcads coniml'i'nn ' on tlm subject ot aniline jmrt of the I'lntnli reservation to tlio I'ncoinpahKrc * . Twenty-live Ulntnhft signed the agreement Vestridiy nnother Mg council wn- held niul the agreement IW M signed ! > > 100 Indians. A majority of tli trlbo Is lie. Minor Police Miitlrr . .T. It Walton wns found lnnt night by Ofllcor Mpfnrlhv on the walk nt Twelfth niul Dodge strcols He was Intoxlcvtcd niul In n hnlf frozen conilltlon. Alex McClnln of 710 North Seventeenth street nports the theft of n dark Milt ot clothes ( iom his room. Ills ntmplrlona nro directed toward n roomnmto who disap peared ntiout the salno time. WHY THEY Two years ngo todav we originated the rut price drug store of this city Wheth r It has been n success llnnnrlall-that's our business. Hut one thliiK wiio It has bpen beneficial to the public. We know our ef forts have been lu-artlh appreolnlcd , es pecially In thetlllliiK of prescription . Wo have never made the assertion that all doc tors wcie PliiRRers but we have and will continue to say there are n number of ilon In Omaha who have their olllre rent l ild and also receive a commission on Iho prescription * they send to ocrlaln drug- Klsls , whom we have dubbed "Pets. " This class of "Docs" have bctn making special efforts to keep their patient1 * away from our store During the year "US vvo shall continue as In Iho pist .to show to the public through the press why tht'y nlwujH Insist on YOU golnj ? lo certain druggist1 * . We want the public to dlsllnctly under stand that we do not pay olllce- rent or commission to any Doc lo plug1 for us and when a Doe Insists on ) on poliig to t-prtaln druggists or htis your proscription llllcd for * > ou and then sent to > our house , ho's a Pluggpr nnd needs watching ; MVDVMIVMVS iiivnius. Aa the Mndnme lectures hoio tomorrow , we call spocnl nttontlon to hci prepvra- tlons and wo want to Impiess on the pub lic lhat our sto < k Is all fn-sh goods ha'1 ! been received tlurlim the p ist U'Uidns if they were old , shelf-worn goods vvcf would Imvo swapped thorn off to one of the "big Htores. . " MiHlmiutnlr'N llntr Toiilt * HSn VImluin < - nli-V l.ii rri-cUln. . . . . . . " * < ? VlllllllllK1llll > * N lllINt Pdllll tl . * vlon fillip lUc Vliiilnnu- \ | | OoiiiiiU * ' ' Ori-nni SSo VIiilnine : lnli > H C'liniiili'xlim MnitMIIIi * Aiili'H Illood Ton It * rs < VI nil nine II'N | IMIvIr ol llciiiit > < > su Vlnililinc i nli-'M I'm-i' I'.linni-I. . . . Il o VI lid. . i nu- \iili-M I llv SMnV litton- . . . IT . -iSo. l' > | iltllti liitlilu Cri'iiin . 10u | ' | NII'M Coiiniiiniilloii Cm i1 . ! , " > < I illUKriiln ) < lnlnliu > Ciilisuli'N. . 'u I < ! < > / . : ti4nln ( luliiliunpsnlcH. . . To I ill/ . .1-H I'll I II ( | llllllllllIMllVN . . Kill Itli'iiv.f'H ( nlnri'Ii I'ovvilor . it'll * Dull ) Mill ! VtllsU < - > . MHi DRUtiOIST Kith unil Chl.-nu" Sis. P. S Wo can furnish jon with nil or Madame Yale-'s new preparations ut cut prices. 2 nights to California. 1 night to Utah. via tlu / " UNION PACIFIC ; 12 lioni'3 quiokor than any oilier line fioir. Mlssoiul Hivur. For IcUets , tlinu tablet. , or any liifomwtlon , call at City TIcKct Oulce , K02 ! F.uiuiin St. As the Sun Outshines the Moon In Iho early morning of summer time , so do our line opllcal goods overshadow nil others In the superior quality of oui super fine pebble oeglaasc nnd spectacles that vvo will fit to ) our eyea after testing them sclontinYally. Our fine opera , magnifying , field and mailrio gliasoH are from Iho best manufacturers In Huropo or America , THE ALOE 6 PEHFOLD CO , , PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES , I IDS Pa rim : : , rll. Onp. INixtou Knlcl. oo-o-oo-o-o 6 . 5 Give Your TEETH A Now Year's Hiirpribo by huv- in" thorn nut In Di'onor form for masticuittoii. TAKES LITTLE MONEY to enjoy thi'bo onmfortn. Gold and Hilvci Illlitt rt itHpuciulty. I'uiiilnsn I'jxtrai'tton 25u Liyht rtublmr 1'lulus fj.OU New York Dental Go. , o IU ) UI.I.MMr.K. Msr , Q ICth and JJonnluB His. Over Cart X wilpht'M Hhoi- Store , W Sundays , 0 lo 1 p in. Lady attend X " dant. O" i O-OO O-O-O--OO-OO 0 - No. N tii' ! IH hereby given Unit v\ will intiko It "red hot" instead of ' ( ull u'ann or jiuf- Victor White , 1(105 ( Farnuin. Toloohono l7