fel 4 THE OMAHA DAILY 15EE : SLT7S DAT , JANUAUY J , 185)8. ) li I FROM THE FARTHER WEST . _ I * i. i r * [ ' v llow Tountr Tieh Are llcnrctl at the Hatchery Hoar Manchester. PROCESSES OF HANDLING EGGS tc Iiinllliillnn I.iionli-il lit a ' . In - llriiiitlfiil I'll vii ml .Spot lon-n Suptu-ry Alinnl llnlflicry Cunt mill Oilier llciiin. The work of ccnatructlon of the United atatcs nsh hatchery at Spring Ilrnncu , In Delaware county , la. , noir Manchester , was bccun In 183C , and has been continued ever since. Tliu bulldlngn are now nearly all completed and the first hatching was done tnoro than a year ago. The Manchester News gives the following account of Iho methods In use at the hatchery : "Thcro are forty-two ponds which will be tlscd for rearing the fish at various stages of their development. Of these t'Jreo arc largo ponds , situated at the south cod of the grounds , and will contain the grown fish , which are keyt .for . breeding. Next north are elcht nsnilu 80x20 feet In nlze , called the largo rearing pcuds. North of thcso are yet smaller ponils which will re ceive tlio young flHh from the butchery. The eight ponds are three feet deep and con tain about thirty Inches of water ; thu smaller ones have about eighteen Inches of water. The ponda are lltied with two-Inch hemlock olank , are sodded about the edge , and walks nnd driveways border all of them. The grounds are leveled p and brought tea a gentle elope from t'.io base of the blurt westward. The brushwood and many of the trees were of neceiwlty sacrificed , but as much as possible of the natinal was pro- flcrved. When the entire plans are com pleted , the landscape , with Us srnclous driveways , well kept lawns nnd sparkling f'uiitalna , will be a picture which will de llKht the eye to rest upon. Uiion entering the grounds , whit strikes the observer llrat in the substantial manner nor In which t'.ie government performs what ever It 1ms to do. Not an Item of work or material Is done or put In p ! ice without passing the critical eyeof am Inspector , and while the architecture Is always of the latest and best , the misslveness and solidity Imnrcsscs one that the ordir-iry buildings of this rapidly devckvcd western country are but makeshifts In comparison. The tchory bulld'lng ' Is 48x60 feet l i size , and contalriA In addition to the troughs the cfllco end labcratcry cii the first floor , o id apartments above. The eggs for hatuhlng are deposited In shallow tnija , of wU'.ch < here are 1,232 In niumber , 12'ix24 Int'i's In t-Ize. The sectional view of the Interior of the main buildl'.iK shows the trough * which receive and retain the eggs during line process of hatch ing. The trays , which are perforated to permit the free circulation of water , are placed one o.bove another and the spring water flows through .them In a u iu'c < rriiptcd Btrcam , jasslng oft through the overflow pipes , and la cotrluctctl to Die ponds below. GRAVITY STATION. TIio'Manchcs'.LV ' h-'aicry Is what Is known as a gravity static-n. There are but very few of the kind In the United Sta'm , ms of the plan's ' reiiulring the nppHcaiki.1 of 'P ' 'V.'cr to keep the water In clrculitlon. In th's respect the government considers Itself very fortin < to , for It la an uncommcn oc- /-llrrnnpo In find . nrlill ? . ; xvl'h * illppnt ( | hnnd to Dorcc the water supply through il 35 stem of totchciry buUdinc ; and rearing ponds are 'supplied by water from the big spring nearlySO rods north , which la c..iJucted In a fourtcen-iuch pipe. The c-jpicliy of this iprlng Is 1,500 K * 'ICMS a minute and the head In Dtilllclent to give several pounds pressure at the outlet. The lower spring has 0 ca pacity of 1,000 gallons a minute anJ impplles tbrfo largo slciiigo i vails. All of the ponda are cor.neetol by Inlet anil cutlet p'-pes and F/ites for regulating .lelght . of water de sired. 'Hoth ' of the springs from which the wa'er supply la drawn have been' confined by walls. The 'buildings ' comprise the one already mentioned for hatching , a tool and workhouse - house " 0x28 , .11 barn 20x30 , lea house , the mess house which was remodeled trom m old building on the grounds , thJ superin tendent residence and other nectu'oary Binaller structures. The superintendent' ; ! residence Is situated on the rise of ground above the wcat l > : mk of the stream and over looks the whole works. H Is 39x50 feet in size , and Is a very handomo structure. ' HASS STATION ONLY. The Manchcater .hatcher ) liafi 'been de- elgned as a bass station , but of course It will not bo entirely devoted to that purpose. Already several consignments of trout hsve been hatched here sail distributed In the lakes and streams. Haes culture may as yet bo considered In IU ? experimental stage , al though , to bo mire , the government has been turning Its attention In that direction ( or Borne tlmo pusl. During the last sewon ' uulto n number of largo baas have been transferred tc the large ponds to 'become ' acclimated , and they are expected during the coming si < ison to furnish the eggs which will start the first real wjrk In that depart ment of the culture at this relation. The trout cggu 'which were flrjt hatched hero wore brought from the government st.Uloiifl elHOwlicro. The operation of hatching la very Interest- liiK- The cgsa having been procured they arc placed In the small trays , about a certain number , wl Ich la calculated by measure , in each one. where the water continually runs through them fresh from the spring above. It Is necessary to watch the process of hatch- The other youth. A pud of wind blew nn insignifi cant , almost invisible atom of dust in one of his eyes. It blinded him. He clasped his hands over his uyes mid staggered on , only to be run down nnd killed by a cable car. That man's death was due to nn insignificant trifle , nn atom of dust that was barely visible under the microscope. It is thus with health , Men find that they nre suffering from a trifling disorder of the digestion. It docsu't amount to anything , they think , nnd time is precious. They don't stop to correct it , but stagger blindly on and nre run down in the heyday of ambitious youth by death. Neglected indigestion is the first cause of nil manner of wasting diseases and nil forms of nervous disorders. Dr. l'icrce'8 Golden Medical Discovery cures nil disorders of the digestion. It Invigorates the liver , imparts n keen , hearty appetite and causes the life-giving elements of the food to be perfectly as similated. H purifies the blood and builds healthy tissue , It is the great blood-maker , flesh-builder , ami nerve tonic. It cures consumption , wasting diseases and all disorders of the nerves. " I was n sufferer five or > lx vcars from Incline- lion. " writes II. 1' . Ilolmci , oT Ciaiftity , Spartan. tmrp Co , , K , C. , "nUo from bore utomacll Had constant lieailaclic. I then tucil lr. Tierce's + , - Ooldeti Medicnl Discovery and' IMcaniit 1'cllcts , ' l | X vrhtch In a few day K VC me pcrm.iucnt relief. " * "The People' * Common Sense Adviser" explains HTinptoms of ailments common to every family , and unrests remedies. It his several chapters on woman's ' diseases nnd weaknesses. An edition in heavy paper coven ) will h ilisUitmlfd absolutely /rrt. Send the World's Dispensary Med ical Association , lliilT.ilo , N , Y , one-cent \ etatups. to pay the cost of nulling only , < Hotu binding may be had for 31 IHR and every day or two the trays are ex amined and the dead egs thrown out. Tlio young fish are traiiflfcrrcd to the first nerlca of small ponds , wlicro they RO through tlio first process of rearing , and arc sorted so that there will 1io a uniformity In size of the fish In each pond. From the first ponds they proceed to the next larger In natural pro gression , until they have attained a growth sufllclent 'to ' allow of their being transferred Into the streams. The young fish for trans planting are shipped In cars owned by the government nnd especially designed for the purpose. The government owns four of these cars. Kach Is equipped with tanks and a pump and boiler for the purpose of kceplns the water In constant circulation through the tanks. An air pump Is also brought Into tuo to keep the water aerated and pure , from the hatchery to the car , cans dcslgnoi for the purpose are used In the transportation. TTMK POIl WATCHING. The tlmo required for batching vurlos. de pending upcm Iho lempcraJuro of the water. In water at 50 degrees trout eggs will hatch j fifty days , e.icto degree colder requiring five days ledger , nnd taoh degree warmer a com- inratlvely lens tlmo. It may bu said hero 111 A the temperature of the water from the springs which supply the Manchester station stands regularly at 50 degrees without any varlatluci either In aummor or winter. When the fry nro hato.icd they arc adorned with a nninll sac. This umbilical sac supplies the young flf.h with food fcr the first several dajs of Its existence , hut after the centeuts of the eac nro absorbed It becomes necessary to begin feeding. LAver finely ground or chop ped Is used largely for artificial feeding , and that part of the rearing U very Important. for If proper care Is not taUcn In mis reaped Oho loss will bo very cctisldcrablo. The young fish begin to take food In about .Shirty iUys after hatching , their movements deter mining when the desire Is upon them. At the present time there are -In process of hatching a largo number of egg. ? of the brook trout , which I'MVO been commca to Spring lleach for many years , the clear , rip pling waters of the stream being very favor able fcr their existence anil propagation. The egga were procured from the trout which Ir. hahIt the brooch. -ATTRACTIVE SCENERY. The scenery In and about this favored spot Is very attractive and every year Spring Hninch is becoming more and more a favorite resort. Since the establishment of the government's enterprise there Is an additional attraction which draws visitor. ! from long distances , who spend the hours , In Inspecting the lutchcry or bisk delight fully and comfortably beside tlio gurgling brook or In the slvade of the big rocks aim tla-lr fantastic dresaos of natural timber. Ono of the points which Is more often tin resort for pxcurnlonlstH Is'Tnblo Hock , whlcl Is situated In the valley just 'below ' an. ' adjoining the government property. Rising abruptly from the level plateau which lies between Its base and the stream , Table HocU Is extremely picturesque and beautiful. It Is worth the effort to make the laborious ascent for the reward of the view up and down the valley. Down the stream the sparkling water winds Its way , uow tinkling over IU bed of polished ( gravel , now resting for a moment In a deep pool where the trout are wont to hide in fancied security from the avaricious angler , then almost lost to sight for a space n.s it glides under overhanging bows which overreach and Intertwine from the banks on either side , and eo on until It reaches thu Maquoketa , and thence with ac celerated speed to Join the Father of Waters. Manchester people may be pardoned for taking a good deal of pride In the nsw hatchery. It lias reached a point In com pletion now where the full plans are re vealed and the enterprise 15 of much greater magnitude than It was at llrst generally sup posed. The appropriation of $ ' . ! 7,000 so far provided by roiigres ; has been carefully ex pended , but It will of necessity1 require ad ditional sums to bring the system to a degree of clllclcncy and completion which is contemplated. There is still more work to bo expended upon the grounds and the ad dition of ponds , but congress will ' without doubt liberally supply the- funds for'the pur pose , more especially that It Is being con ceded by all the olllcers ot the government that'thu location and plant la the best , one among all that have been built. Trnn Drralli-il. CHEYENNE Wyo. , Jan. 1. ( Special Tclc- gr-im. ) Westbound L'mlon Pacific pacoonser train No. 3 ran oft the switch In the Green River yards this evening , derailing two ot the ears. The passengers \\ere considerably shaken up. but otherwise no damsgu was done The- accident was lessened by the en gine clinging to the rails and holding all but The accident the two cars on the track was oiusil by a broken switch red. l < ] II till N > M NllU'N. The Hanks hotel at Pocatello has been , sold to ox-Mayor Kaslska for $11,000. Ivitah county farmers have paid off $100- 000 mortgages the last year. The good price for wheat was the lover that lifted the bur dens. Preston Is Raid to contemplate an active campaign , to take the county ieat away from Malad and locate IB over on the rnll- lotd. lotd.Tho management of the Seton mine re- potts the entering1 of an ore body In crosscutting - cutting on the sixth level nnd a big ton- case of mineral Is now coming from tut' mine. Day and night tfhlfts are atwork - running the tunnel , to develop the Lucky Hey iu Gambrlmis district , at the depth of COO feet. Although over 200 feet will have to be- run bofoic the rich oio chute Is reached , some good rock Is r.ow coming out. W. S. Sirca and others from Wallace have stru-k ; i fine olpht-lnch vein on the north fork of the Clcarwnte.r sixty-five miles from St. Joe by 'the trail they blazed. They lolt four men to work the vein all winter and the main party will return lu the spring. Specimens of copper ore from Rapid rlvor compare tavorobly will ! the finest product , of the best inlnaj of Lake Superior. Thrf copper Is In 'the nativeatato , evenly dis tributed through ithe rock , anil can bo con- conti'.itcd nt very llttlo expense. The ledge from which Iho specimens eamo Is 1,200 feet wldo and has been tracoil scvoiul miles. An eastern company now owns the opal mines on Siukn river. The mines were dis covered three or four yc-ars ago and largo uumiVer-s of beautiful stonua wore placed O ! < - tilemarket. . The1 ownora of the nilnos , not understanding bow to care for thu gems , did not give them a chance to harden 111 the dark , and A large percentage of them ciacked and went 'to plfos. This gave our opals a bnd reputation , but wltH' the mlneJ In the bands oj cxperlenred operators thcru Is no doubt-that thu glittering gems will soon find ready tale. \t-vniln Nrvn .Nitli'N. "Old Indian Jim" , ls dead. Ho came to Carson valley the year they built the Sierra Nevada mountains. The Do I.anrar mill handled 0,000 tons ot ere during November. The earnings arc es timated at $200,000. W. R. Lee of St. Clulr. Churchill county , has shipped 320 cases , 7,4SS pounds , of honey to Indianapolis , I ml. A shipment of ore from the- ' Altoona in I no yloldrd per ton $38 In cold. 25 ounces of silver , and & per cent of lead. Reports from OuckWator state that the range ratllo hi that section are In poor con dition , nnd a number have died during the recent cold weather. The Uber lynchcre nro scattering since the grand Jury went to work on the case and the governor offered a reward for the con viction of the gang. On thn'Comitock ' It 1s the belief that Im portant delayed work will bo started at two or more points on the lode early In the pres ent year. 8qmo of this work was reported by expurtH appointed for the purpose. The Austin Mining company's teams are kept buiy theuo days hauling old Iron from Upper Austin to the Clifton dupol. which Is loaded on the cam and shipped to San Fran- clsco. The shipment Is estimated In the neighborhood of 2,000 tons. The Mono lake hydraulics will operate on an extensive scale ne\t year. With gold In the ground , an abundance of free water and no debris commission to Interfere , thera ought to bu sonio protH , but tbo last venture there wa * so fearfully bungled up from start to tlnUh a& to cauas a considerable measure of doubt 'regarding thu sanity ot the promoter. WOLVES KILL MUCH STOCK Ranchmen Count on Loss from This Source Every Year. WORK OF EXTERMINATION DIFFICULT Hound * \Vlilrli Arc- Knit KuntiKrli to C'nlrli ( hiItlK ( irny I -Not Strong I'.niiiiKli lit KIM Them. PIERRR , S. D. . Ja . l.-Spcclat.l J. 11. Hinder , a ranchman from the Little licnd country , In speaking of the pest of gray wolves which 4iJd been disturbing ranchmen for several years , taya they must for the prestot cou t en a certain per cent of loss from this source every year , and that the per cent Is becoming greater each year. Ho considers the ridding of the range country of these pools cne of the scrlo'.H problems which cattlemen have 10 deal with. The Jlfllcuttlcs ciicounleri'd hi tha wort : arc numerous , o'o ; of .them beitiuin Im.JWfiblllty to use poison for Hie reason : lmt til is class of wolves , tuillko the pralrii ) wolf , never touch n carcass , but only cat of t'niwo they have killed , and vo- fuse to touch the same carcass the second time. Thin trait of thelru only makes them the more destructive , as they kill whenever they uro hungry , and , after eating what they want , leave the rest of the animal lying on the prairie. So far hunting tiicm with dogs boa not been a success , as the hounds which can tatch them , even If sighted , either can not or will net kill them , and the heavier dogs which , foulj lundlo them are not swift enough to go. up to them. Agalti , they are HU thy and watchful uhcti out of their detis that It W almost Impossible to get within rifle shot of them. Taken altogether they re a hard animal to get oft of the range , and whai. to do with them U the question , 'Mr. ' Binder Is attempting to breed n class of dogs which he thinks o-ii handle them If they get out cute the prairie. He U crossing i Russian wolf hound with a stag hound , nod l links he v > ill get the speed , and strength combined to catch and handle the animals. Ho has been out several times this winter In sections where ( ho wolves have been at work , cciJ so far hag not been able to get a sight of one of the animals , all.hough trace of their work wa to be found and they could bo heard howling at night. While they arc destructive to all classes of stock and arc likely to pull down full grown horses and cattle , they do the most damage among colts and next among calves. Those who bavo seen them at work say they will get among a bunch of horses or cattle and allay the fears of the animals by playing around them In the most friendly manner urtll the animals are grazing iiiictly | , then spring at their throats and 'the ' victim Is soon down with Its throat cut and a feast for the wolf. SMALL ONES 'FOLLOW ' ON. While the prairie wolves are not dangerous or destructive to live stock they take advan tage of the work ofthe grays , and after the larger wolves have left thu carcass , fill them selves with what is left , and as a result arc repotted to be fatter than usual for them at this season of the year , when their food is generally scarce ai d hard to get. It has been estimated that the destruction by gray wolves in the range country Is over $100,000 a year , and as they are increasing In numbers the loss from this source .becomes greater. So far their work Is confined to the west side of the river , but an occasional one Is seen on the cast side. They occasionally rros. < nn the Ice but have never remained on this side for any great length of time. While 'they aie so destructive to stock , they are very shy In regard to human beings , and keep well out of the way , but It Is possible that they might attack people If It were not that they can secure all the food they want from the beards and not get Into danger which they would encounter In attack.ug Gencial wolf hunts have "been " tried as a means of getting rid of them , but without any great degree of success , as they keep themselves well hidden In the day time , and If closely hunted on one section of the range only move 'to ' some other section where they are not so closely pressed. This satisfies those who were losers by their presence , and some other section Is worked1 over , leaving the damage they do just as great as before the hunter drove them out. The question is becoming a serious one -to portions of the range country , and unless a breed of dcgs can be secured which will clean them out , the stockmen will be at a loss to know what method to use in getting rid of them. _ _ Will Trj It A V"I n. MITCHELL , S. D. , J.n. 1. ( 'Special Tele gram. ) The hearing of the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul Railroad company an-3 the State Railroad commissioners was com pleted today before Judge Smith so far as the case goes at present. The commission ran up against a proposition It has en tirely overlooked before end will cause some delay In reaching a llnal conclusion of the case. The company were cited to shew caust why mandate should not Issue from the courts compelling It to establish a dally passer.ger train scrvlco between Mitchell and Chamberlain. A. IJ. KIttredge of Sioux Falls represented the Milwaukee companj and T. II. Null of Huron the railroad eom- mlEJlon. In Klttrcdgo's defense ho denied the right of the commission to make thi- demand ta Its own name , claiming It was not u personal matter for It to takf up , tut must be brought In the name of the state. Judge Smith took the same view and gave commission the privilege of chang ing llo petition ar.d bringing the same In the name of the state , which It will do , and It Is likely that all future suits will bn brought In the oame manner. < liiMpi-i't S < u - Hi-form School. MITCIIKLL , S. I ) . . Jan. 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) The State Board of Charities and Corrections , accompanied by Governor Lee , was In town today , having been out to IManklnton to Inspect the state reform school. The governor stated ttat the work would bo commenced on the dormitory for the girls Just as soon as the weather will permit. It will be built of stone , which will ' 'oe quarried and dressed by convicts In the state penitentiary. They will commence at once to get out the intone to have It In read. Incss for use when work beglnn on the build ing at rianklnton. Thu board nnd the gov ernor went to Yankton to Inspect the Insane asylum. Governor Lee stated that all { ho state Instltutlens so far as visited were being conducted very satisfactorily to the hoard , Workmen Havea Illur AIIBUDEISN. d , I ) . . Jan. 1 , ( Special Tele gram. ) The United Workmen wound up the year by Initiating 111 new members last night. Largo delegations from outside town.1 ] Uiclpod : o swell 'the crowd and add to the Interest of itlio occasion. Great rivalry exists between the Sioux Kails and Aberdeen lodges. Sioux Falls now leads by eighteen members , but Aberdeen Is the banner lodge of the United Sbitos in proportion to the size of the town , having a mombt'roMp of 700. An elegant banquet was wrved during the night. The work waa not completed until 6:30 : I'.lila morn- Ing. WorU of CKIUR UAI'IDS , Jan. 1. ( Special TeM- gram. ) Word comes from Ul/lcr a little town In Delaware county , that burglars broke Into the postofllce and general ttcro of Ilenilorsco & Sons last night , blew the safe open and escaped \\lth $225 In ca h , a check of deposit on the Coggao b nk for J300 and a lot of atampi. There Is no clew. To tilt" VuKon by Trolley. TACOMA , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) Within the next two weeks , barring accident and delay , work will bo commenced out of Taiya on in olcctrlo 'tramway , twenty miles In length , to the summit of the mountains. What la known as Uio Talya & Klondike Tranports - tlon company U undertaking Ill's ' work and from what U learned In advance those In charge hope to complete the U&k within forty-five days after the arrival at Talya of the michlucry and equipment , which U ' now being made In San 'ranclj-cs The Vulcan Iron works of that city -building the tramway proper and the Westlnghouso company has the contract for furnishing the electric supplies for the enterprise and both rutabllshmonts are rusHTifR the work In or der to avoid a moment' ! unnecessary delay. To Itct'iivctValuable Iit ml. I/O3 ANOKLKS. Cal.'j.in. I. ( Special. ) The California Miners' aikbclatlon will try to Ret a bill through eofigress this winter creating n commission to. examine all land patented by the ralloicl Sotnpanles In thl state during the last IH' ' years. Uotwcon 1SD2 and 1S9G the Centr'Al. ' fAclflc ? , California & Oregon and Southorii I' clflc roads paten ' en tevl in this site ovdr 2.400,000 acres of land. It Is the belief of moil of the Miners' entcd In this state over , 2,400.000 acres of this land Is mineral land anil Is therefore heM fraudulently < > > the railroads. This Is In addition to the lands nought to be saved by the mineral lands bill , whloh the Miners' assetclatlon has been trying1 to get through congress for the last three years. M > OCCASUI.V TO < JI'VP liVCITttl ) , Opinion ( | | , | ( Mcxloo HUM a ilood Tltlt- to ( 'llpprrtiiii iNlmtil , WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. The story of the dispossession of a party of Americans from CMpporton Island by n Mexican war ship , as reported by an Incoming steamer at San Francisco , as yet has had no offlclal conflrma- tlon. All that Is known at the Mexican le gation here Is that vague rumors were afloat that the British had taken possession of the Island and that , with a view to ascertaining the sovereignty of ( Mexico over It , a war ship was sent there to maintain her claim. The Department of State has nothing at all on the subject , hut Is not disturbed over the news. The law permits an American citizen to locate upon any guano Island , such as Cllppcrton , solely for the purpose of taking Dfl the guano , but It must bo alllrmatlvely shown that the Island Is not part of the terrl- lory of another nation at the time of loca tion. As to Cllpperton Island , therefore , It Is simply a question as to the prior right of Mexico to the title and tlio Impression Is that Its title Is as good as was that of Brazil 'to the Island of Trinidad , which was bought by the British for a cable station. U Is recalled hero that In two cases the United States gov ernment relinquished Islands lying In the bay of Honduras to 'Mexico ' under similar cir cumstances to those presented lu this case , upon proof of Mexican title. IMUISTOX U'rTi7 rAKu"TAClC Tll.VIX. Army MiMitctmiitH to Iluvo Hardy Mountain Mule * . WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. The War depart ment has pl-icsd Lieutenant Guy II. Preston Ninth cavalry , In charge of the army pack trains that are to undertake to get supplies Into the Klondike region. Lieutenant Pres ton has been In Washington for some 'time , j The principal assistant will be Lieutenant James Uynn , Tenth cavalry , who gathered up the pack trains at Forts Washaklo and Ro'jlnson. The animals already at Vancou ver are to bo reinforced by about seventy-five more , all selected mules from the Rocky mountain country and used 'to ' extreme rigors of climate. It has .been . definitely decided not to burden the expedition with wagonb. SCOTT AM ) DAWKS iK13SWOHX IX. They Sm-i-oeil CuHc-i-lor I'nrinnn nnd ( imilitrullrr IQokulN. WASHINGTON , Jan. ,1 Nathan B. Scott of West Virginia yesterday took the oath of olllce as the commissioner of internal reve nue In place of W. S. Fornian of Illlapls , who returns to the 'practice of law In East St. Louis. Charles G. Dawes of Illinois took the oath as comptroller of the currency. Mr. ICckels , the retiring comptroller , loft for Chicago yesterday , where ho becomes president of the Chemical National bank. "Both Mr. Scctt and Dawcs take charg'e of 'their ' respective otllces' next Monday. . ! 1 X lUaf'KI'TIOX AT.WIIITK . IIOUSIC. I'Kiinl XIMV Vc'iir'M Function Omitted This Vcilr. " ' ' ' WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. The Wlirte House was closed today for the first time upco No\7 Year's day for manyyears. . The presi dent ; and Mrs. McKinley went out for a drive in the forenoon arid then spent the remainder of the day In retirement. Vice Prco'dent Hobart and members of the cabinet omitted their receptions as a mark of sym pathy for the president , and their example la being generally followed. The day was very quiet In Washington. MovlMK' AlUMUiili IlldlaliN. WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. Commissioner Hermann of the general land cfllce Is prepar ing a report on the bill Introduced in congress segregating 'the ' Indians now occupying Annette - notto Island-nff U'.io Alaska ccast on the west pcnlnoula of the Island end restoring the re mainder to the publac domain with a view to oportlng It up to settlement. Hia'.i mineral dcprslts are found In the Island and a determined effort Is being made to have the country opened to settlement so that 'the whlto 'man may enter andi Introduce mining operations. The west peninsula contains about twenty-mo square miles , sufllctent , It la asserted , to locate all the Indians now In tha Island. I'OHtponi * Carter Gourt-MiirMal. WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. By mutual con sent or 'counsel ' on both sides , the beginning of the court-martial at Savannah In the case of Captain O. M , Carter , engineer corps , has been postponed from January ti.to January 12 , In order to allow further opportunity ( or tlio preparation of evidence. The expecta tions are that the trial will consume n great deal of tlmo , as It will bo necessary to sub mit a voat amount of documentary evidence. to take the testimony of a number of engi neer ofllcials , even Including Colonel Halites , who will bo obliged to temporarily drop his work with the canal commission In Nicaragua to return to the United Stales. IICCOIIIIIK-llllH t'lllllltfPN 111 tillI.IHV. . WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. The secretary of tlio Interior has recommended to congress the repeal of the clause In tiio law governing Ithe lot'Ung of contracts for transportation for the In J ton cervlce , requiring contracts of over $2.000 to bo advertised nnd let to the lowest bidder. He > also urges legislation requiring Indian agents and army cttlccrs acilng < m such to give bonds and that registers and receivers b made liable on their ofllctal boiid for the proceeds of Mies of Indian lands and ill other money received by them under the law or otllcial regulations. 'Hi-iliii-NlN ' Grant of 'Authority. ' WASHINGTON , Jan. l.T-Coninvlssloner of Indian /ffalre Jones hn qn.t a communlca- tlrei to O.ialnnan Sheriiwo ' of the house Indian commT.teo ! urging , rthat a clause bo In serted In the Indian , appropriation bill authorizing the commlsalfrivr of Indian affairs to transfer advanced punlja from the beard ing or day schools on nny , reservation to ad vanced schools on or off such reservatlcrs In the same or other xtatca vyfthout the consent of thu parent1) , or wbcno r fn .his Judgment the 'Interests ' of such pupjli wlll subserved . by such transfer. Vulur of SIlviM' I WASHINGTON , Jan. K The director of the m''V. ' has rr.ado his quarterly estimate of thu value of foreign stan if deliver coins for the guidance of customs ( ! other ofllcerc of the government. The average prlco of silver for the three months ended December 1 wui .CS5G5 , as against .1UG933 for October 1 last , which would lndlcap"an | Increase of about one-fifth of 1 per cnt. ' ' Ilcil CriiHH Arccptrf. lluTaxi. . - . WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. After consultation with the State department officials , the Rod Gross has arranged to opcai headquarters In New York for t'.io reception and forwarding of contributions to Cuba. Miss Barton thinks oho may find It ncccesary to go to Havana to confer with General Lee. nriiiiuuniti ! I'lnnt .NilI 'for Hall- , ST. LOUIS , Jin. l.-Harrlson I. Drum- mend , president of the J , T. Drmnrnoml Tobacco cunpany , made a positive anl em phatic denial today of a statement that ne gotiations neru uml > r way for the sale of the Urummoud roirpuny'H plant to the American Tobacco coir.pany. He siiM. "I du lro to fay that no lU'KCit'.utlonx looking to the sae of cur plant are or have hern under way. No prp ; > o.--ltl. . n h.i In en ccm- fldcred Tie Drummoml Toluroo cormuny l.vlll not be sold It 'Will ' I'f cpi'iaud In 'e- ' ticndcntly In 1V'JS , a It has .utvaya been. There l not the r'lBMm foundation for any stut'-nient to the contrary. " WELCOMING IN NEW YEAR Young Moo's Christian Association Puts in the Day Ptcfitably. SOCIAL INTERCOURSE AND ATHLETICS Hull ( Jninc llrtttiMMi Oninlin mill Cli I en no Outof ( In * Mulu Kt-ntiirt'H of tinOn'n 1'tlJdJ tlUllt < l. The year 1S93 was welcomed at the rooms of tlio Young Men's Christian association ! ii tfcls city In a most auspicious mnnner. While the eicrcd features of the work of tlio or ganization were not lost eight of In the ex ercises of the day , social intercourse and ath letic cctitcsts were made much more promi nent. The Raines were well contested , and worn enjoyed not only by the participants but by a numerous crowd of spectators. The event of the day was the basket ball game between teams representing 'the Young Mcn'fl Christian i-e-soclaUcno or Onietin and Chicago. The game waa ployed In the even ing under the glare of the electric light , and was 'Witnessed ' by about 100 spectators. Tfte victory rested with 'the team of Chicago , whoso men evidenced longer experience with the game. The final score was twenty-three goals for the Chicago team and nlno for the Omaha tram. Tiie Chicago team roiks as Olio of the llrst four basket ball twins In the country. Though the work of some of Its playaru was at times brilliant l sl evening the general work was not up to the team's high standard , as stated by some of the play ers themselves after the game. On account of the hard ride from Chicago the Chicago men were iot lu the best of trim for their guino hero. The work of the Omaha boys was good , fully as good an was to be expected of u team or so brief an existence. Stllls : < i's work tit left forward was by long odds tlio beat for the Omaha ! sldo nnd that of ( inn Miller at right forward and of Captain lledfleld at left guard was such us to merit especial commcn- ilattua. After the game Ocooh Uarncs of the Omaha ttam said that ho felt perfectly sat- Lsfleu1 with the result and that the b&ys had acquitted thcuiEOlvcd Ui a praiseworthy and credltablo matticr. The players of the Chicago cage 'tram who deserve montlco for brllllont playing tire Captlan Ocorgo Scllar , whose quick work at left forward helped out his team wonderfully ; II. Haumsartner , whoso work at right guard was very fast and meat olTeoMve. and William French , left guard , whoso gcul throwing was well worth the prlco of admission to see. In the llrst half of the game the Chicago : > oys outplayed the Iccal boys , going at them In hammer and tongs fashion from the start. The result of the first halt was : Chicago cage , IT ; Omaha , 0. In the second half Omaha picked up wonderfully and scored 9 goals , while Chicago secured hut 0 , making the llnal score : 'Chicago ' , 23 ; Omaha , U. If Chicago cage outplayed Omaha In the first half the reverse of this was true during the second liaU. 'Good ' training on the part of the Omaha boys showed to good advantage In that they were able to outplay their op ponents In the second half after having been outplayed themselves In the llrst half. John Latto and \V. III. Jefterlu of Chicago acted as scorers and W. ai. Van Arnam of South Omaha served as umpire. After the game the members of both teams sat down to a supper of many courses. In which the utmost good fellowship prevailed. The Chicago cage boys were made to feel thoroughly at home during their entire stay In the city. They were met at the Union depot l the morning by a delegation of the Omaha asso- clatlo.i , all of whom were attired in suits typical of the western plains and were seated astride the best bucking bronchos that could be found in Omaha. During the morn ing the visitors were escorted through the exposition grounds. Between the two halves of the basket ball game Herbert Whlpple. 'Roland ' Klnney and W. 01. Van Arnam gave a fine exhibition of tumbling1. Whipple'd work on the irlngs and Flnney's handstand work were Iboth excep- tloi ally good. The running high jump was won by Ollphant , five feet three inches. Wil liam French won the 'high diving contest , five feet three inches. Ollphant won tke polo vault , eight feet. The Indoor base ball game between < the Omaha and the Chicago teams was played In the afternoon and won by Chicago. Score : 36 to 1. This contest was witnessed by about 150 people. In the evening there was an Interesting musical ami literary entertainment , given under the direction of T. G. Iladley. Hech- told's orchestra furnished line music. Carl Tuneborg rendered a couple of excellent piano solos. There were vocal solos by iMrs. G. W. Johnston and T. G Iladley. violin solos by Klinoro 'Hlco ' , a cornet solo by Chess lUrch and an admirable recitation by Mrs. H. 'E. Sunderland. The team- lined up as follows. OMAHA (0) ( ) . Position. CHICAGO (23) ( ) It. 13. Stlllson..Lcrt FciUard.George Sellar ( Captain ) Gus Miller..Ulght Forward.II. ItaumKartncr A. C. Ring-quest Center Hen Pilgrim J. n. Rpdflcd..Le.rt ! Guard..Win. French ( Captain ) J. A. Moneglmn.Hlght Guard K , Ollphant M.Y.SUI iit.u > i : HAM. FOR -run novs. H midc x li > > M .Have a HlKli Ol.l Tlim- . The first "annual grand 'masquerade ' ball and banquet" for the benefit of'the newsboys and bootblacks of the city last night was a big success. Crelghton hall , 'whoro ' the 'ball ' took place , was filled with a big crowd of dancers and the big attendance gave promise that the street gamins would receive a sub stantial donation after the expenses of the affair am paid , "Moj-i" engineered the affair nnd ho later In the owilng also gave the newsboys and bootblacks an excellent banquet In his dining parlors near Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Turkey and cranberry sauce was the main dish on quite an extensive bill of ? are. The feast was enjoyed by about 175 of 'tho ' lads , who afterward returned to the hall to spend the remainder of the evening at the dance. Some of the -boys wore dressed In striking masquorate costumes. The newsboys and bootblacks had plenty of opportunity for enjoyment yesterday , for they had no less than three spreads. Be sides the "Mogy" 'banquet they had a feast at the irooms of the Woman's Weekly about noon , at which about 100 were present. James Moore also set up a dinner to some fifty at "Mogy's" dining room In the middle of the afternoon. WIIIIIIIII'H Cluli at Home , The "Woman's club was "at homo" to Its frlmda laBl ovmlng at the beautiful parlors of the First Congregational diurch. The rooms arc hung with the club pictures and the further decorations were holly and roses. Upwards of COO gueits presented the co npll- mcnts of 'the season , to the women of the receiving party , which consisted of the ofll- ccrs of the club , 'Mra. ' W. P. Harlord , presi dent ; Mr . J. H. Andrews , firm vice presi dent ; Mrs. W. W. Koysor , second vice presi dent ; iMru , George Hooblur , secretary , and 'Mrs ' , Charles Hosewater , treasurer. 'Member. ! cf the club directory assisted about the roams , and Mrs. C. K. Squire , with her assistants o { thu homo and homo committee , was ki charge of the refreshment room. The table was brilliant with candelabra , cut glass and handsome silver mid china , end the red scheme of colcr wus carried out hero through lamp shades -i-nd ( able ducoratlonu , whllu fca- tocns of green passed from the central chan delier to the corners1 of the room. ' The Su- trlous 'Mandolin ' club , atai.ttt'il by Miss Lowe , harpist , discoursed music. niri-ti-lc itniiil Over Cliili I I'IIHM. BAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 1. W. K. Durk- lioldcr of this city lias gone to Alaska to t-rcct nn electrictranmiiliHlon plant to op- erut ? nn electric ruuil over the Cbllkoot jKihs. Hlectrlclty will \ > e generated at Talya and transmitted twenty miles to th point \vhero It Id to ho used. At the ( iiHri lliu td- I'pheuiKe system will hi used. In addition to the ulfetrlc1 wirm. the poles will uupport t-nli esi from which heavy ears * will bo sus pended. Theinotom will bo stationary and tilt ) cam will bu propelled up thi Inellno by iMbk'S on n drum. Vttni'k Vnll.Illy iif Iliillrouil llnailH , prOENIX. Ariz. . Jan. -Attorn-ya for Yiivupul county In the d'-iirlrt ' fuurt ye-- urdjy. a'U-'k'd the vnlldl'y of bonds of ihe coun y an.emu inn to J2J > , OW. issued in subsidy of the defunct Trescott A Arlnna' Central railway , They claim the original Issue -was llloR.il , and that the territorial I loan commission , which nvontly refunded WVl,000 of the bond. * , had no le i\l oxMtencu after January 1. 1S 7. _ VU : M'K IXIM'CTIM ) I.VI'O OI-'l'H'K. fiinxNti of Only NEW YORK. Jan. 1. New York today be. camethe second city of the world , with Robert A. Van Wyck as Its mayor. At the city hall n largo crowd gathered early to witness the Induction Into ofllco of tno new mayor. Mayor Strons transac-teil A few little matters of routine. Nearly nil the old members of Mayor Strong's cabinet dropped In to say good-bye. Floral pieces * were strewn In every direction. A 'tiger In yellow and black Immortelles , rest ing on a be < d of roses , was one of the moat notable * decorations. At ten minutes to 12 Mr. Van Wyck en tered the office * . Ho was greeted 'by ' Mr. Oleason and Mr. Strong. They chatted for pome time , nnd the great crowd of office holders and ex-olllceholdcrB made a circle around them. About one minute before 12 o'clock Mayor Strong said : Mr. Van Wyck , the people of this new city , made up of tlvo boroughs and 3,1300,00) ) people , decided that you should bo the llrst mayor nnd doscnml from your position as judge to assume the position of niaglptrate. My Impression In that this old city In ( which you and 1 have lived for about the wiine number of years this old city of New York th U Is passing away , will con tribute $ .1,000.000,000 worth of property to the now city of which you will fin mny-or , $230 , . ( XM.OOO of buikln - stock and K.OOO.OiM.OOO of deposits , and you will take charge of this little borough alonwr with the. others , and you will always feel , I km , v , that It ls the brightest little Jewel In tlio cluster of live. You have been cho'cn to bo mayor of one of the largest cltlca In the world. I con rixtu- late you and welcome you as tiuyor of Ornii f rtt * rtttri * l/ Mayor Van Wyck in reply said : The people have chosen ino to bo mayor , I received the. olllce from them mid to them I Mill answer. Then , after a great shaking of hand * , the ceremony was completed , and the admlnlstra- tlon of Mayor Strong weis a thing of the past. A good contingent of Urooklynltes accom- l > anlpl illlrd S. Color when he took charge of the comptroller's office. Mr. Coler an nounced several minor appointments and got through the ceremony of Induction with little ado. ado.Coroners Coroners Ilooher and Tutblll held that tholr terms of olllce had not expired and refused give pojsereloti to Messrs Hausoh , Kltzpatrlek and Hart , elected coroners under the new charter. The now olllclal.s , how ever , obtained entrance to the olllccs and assumed ithe places. Messrs. Hoc.ber and TU'thlll ' say1 they will appeal to the conns. 'Mayor ' Van Wyck has announced the fol lowing appointments : John Whallen , cor poration counsel ; Thomas J. Hrady , commis sioner of buildings ; . 1 > . Koatlng , commis sioner of highways ; Henry L. Kearney , com missioner of .public bulldlnga , lighting nnd supplies ; AVIlllam L. Dalton , commissioner of water supply ; James Kane , commissioner of sewers ; Thomas J. Lantry , commissioner of corrections ; James C. Clauson , president of the Park board ; August J. 'Moobtis ' ami George L. Drewer , park commissioners ; I' . R Meyer , J. Sargent Cram and C. R 'Murphy ' , members of the Tnck board ; Thomas L. Rolt- nori president of the tax boards ; 'Dernard ' J. York , John 11. Sexton. Thomas 'L. ' Hamilton and William K. Phillips' were appointed police commissioners. York and Sexton are the democratic 'members ' of the board , while Hamilton and Phillips represent 'the ' republi can party. York nnd 1'hllllps are from Brooklyn , Sexton and Hamilton from New York. The salary Is $5 000 per annum. UTAH WII.I , UIO AT Til U KMMISITIOX. It < > l > iMiduclluii or Mormon Talicriuiclr to Hi * a l < Viitiii-c. SALT LAKE. Jan. 1. ( Special Corre spondence of The iBee. ) 'A reproduction of the Mormon tabernacle will bo one of the novel and attractive features of Utah's ex hibit at tho. Transmississlnnl Rxnnsltlnn. The material used In the construction of the model of this famous building will be Utah onyx , which varies In color from pure white to all shades of lemon and orange yellows. The roof of the miniature tal > ernaclo will be hollowed flrom a solid block of onyx. The material Is found in ledges and may be ob tained from the quarry In any size dcalrcd singularly free from flaws or Imperfections. The forty exterior pillars , which will sup port the root and contribute to the massive solidity of the building , will afford ample op portunity for displaying the mirrorllkc sur face of the polished onyx , and electric lights on the Interior of the building will reveal the transparent properties of this beautiful ma terial , which has only recently been discov ered within the boundaries of the new state. The work of the building will > be done by Olaf Nllson of Salt Lake City , an expert marble cutter who made the onyx casket to contain the Book of Mormon 'which was re cently presented to King Oscar of Sweden. Silk culture , -an - Industry which was Intro duced Into Utah by 'Ilrlgliani Young almost forty years ago , 'has ' been given a new 1m- pems by the appointment of a state silk com mission and by the payment of a 'bounty of 25 cents for each pound of cocoons raised In the state. Efforts are being made to have a complete working exhibit at the Transmls- stsaippl Exposition , which will demonstrate the development attained by this Industry In Utah during 'the last five years. The women of Utah who have engaged In this work have not only succeeded In raising cocoons of extra good quality , but have added to their knowl edge -tlii ) art of reeling the silk from the cocoons with marked success. A silk flag formed part of the decorations of the tabernacle last July when the pioneers celebrated 'their ' entrance Into the valley. This flag , iwhldh was two yards long and weighed a pound and a quarter , was made from silk raised , reeled and woven In Utah. Silk culture Is an Industry which Is yet In Us Infancy In the United States , and ono which offers a now and broad field for women. The task of reeling 'the ' silk Is particularly adapted to women , as It requires a light yet accurate touch , and the Utah exhibit will beef of extraordinary Interest , as It IB proposed to show the process of silk reeling as carried on by Mormon women. women.BLLKNOHB DUTCHI3H. OlllHiil'all for a Convention. ( INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. l.-H. II. Ilanna , chairman of the executive committee , of thu Indianapolis monetary convention , yester day mailed to the boards of trade and com mercial organizations of the country tlio notlco for the call for the reeonvcnliid of the convention In'thls city , January > , Maryland 1'oNlolUcr Itolili.-d. HYATTSVILLH , Mil. , Jan. I.-The post- ofllco bore was entered by burglars during the night , the safe blown open and looted of J7W ) In currency and stamps. The burglary was not discovered until morning. There Is no clew to the robbers , llryan Hack from Mt'xli'o. AUSTIN , Tex. , Jan. 1. W. J. Ilrynn , ac companied by ox-Governor Crlttendi-n of Missouri , arrived hero after midnight last night and today wa tendered a reception at the homo of ex-Governor J , S , HOSK , ONE IN IVERY FOUR ? Our IVrMiii In Kvcry Knur SiilViTN from I'llcx. About ono pcrscn In every four suffers from fiomo form of rectal disease. The matt common and annoying Is Itching piles , Indi cated by warmth , slight moisture and In tense , uncontrollable Itching In Hie parts affected. The usual 'trratmcfit has boon some simple olntmcu of ralve , which sometimes gives temporary relief , but nothing Ilko a perma nent euro can bo expected from uuch super ficial treatment. The ctily permanent euro for Itching piles yt't discovered 'to tbo I'yramld I'lle Cure , not cmly for Itching pllea , but for every other form of piles , bl'nd , bleeding and pro truding. The first application gives Instant relief and Iho continued u o for a short tlmo causes a pornwciMtf. removal of the tumors or Iho small paraultcitlch cau o tbo Ill- term o Itching and discomfort ot Itching piled. Many physicians for a long tlmo supposed that the remarkable relief afforded by tbo .I'yramld I'llo Cure was because It was sup- pcuol 'to contain cooilno , opium or similar drug. ) , but such ID not tbo case. A receut careful analysis of the remedy chawed It to bo absolutely frco from atiy cocaine , opium , or In fact any poisonous , Injurious drug * wha'ovor. Sold by druggists at & 0 cents per package , Send to Pyramid Co. , Marshall , Mich. , About 2W people nUemled. Mr , Pryan rui thorlzed tbo ittatcment by the Apsoclaldl 1'res * today thnt liewouM not mke anr pt\te.mpMt ; on hi * Mexico trip until ha foachcd Lincoln , when ho would Rive th public his views In detail. He , however , PK pressed himself a * delighted with the coun try , \nd the ( people. Mr. llryan nnd tha members of bis party1 will assist Oovtrnnr Culborson In his Now Year's reception Ihll ovcnliiK from (1 ( to 10 o'clock nt the1 executive mansion .mil leave tonight at Imldnlfrht tat Mtiftkogfo , 1. T. ThcTo Mr Ilryiin iwlll 3toj > u ilay or two before Kolng homo. 77 miKAKS UP COLDS The First Day more onslly than If the Cold la permitted to run on. Those who keep "Sovonty- sovon" handy , nnd tnUo n dose nt the first snooze OP shiver , never hrwo n bnd cold nnd are snved from Pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases. " 77" cures Grip , Influenza , Catnrrh , pains nnd soreness in the Head nnd Chest , Cough , Sere Throat and Fovor. A 25c. vlnl lends to n Dollar IMaik , At druggists or sent on receipt of prlco. Ask for Dr. Humphrey's Specific Manual of nil Diseases at your Druggists or mailed free. free.Humphreys Medlclno Co mpnny , NowYork , 'AXTON & . mwciKsa , Managers. Tel. 1513. and Tuesday , January 3-4 Daniel Krolniinii'H Special < Coniitniij > > IN HIS GRUATliST OF N. V. LYCEUM SUCCES313 V PRISONER .ILZENDA HY AVPIIOXY 110PH II \ INTEIIPUKTKD 11Y THM FOLT/JWINO SUI'Kllll I'l.AYKItS , A IWXV/\N/X/ } * * \ Howard Gould Faochon Campbell > N j R. li. McClannin Grace Reals I Robert Elliott Vauglmn Glasor | llcnj. Montcitli Charles Drandt ! ; Duncan Hurras and Others p * O I'AXTON & I1UUC1KSS , Managers. Tel. 1919. WEDNESDAY , JAN. 5 Special Appearance of the Triumvirate Stars , LILLIAN RUSSELL , BELLA FOX , JEFF DE ANCELIS , Presenting SlnnRc & Edward * B Hrllllant Comic Opera. THE WEDDING DAY r > mr-cTioNT OP niANic JIUUKAY. A Production of Vocal Opulence Stiirlllns Splendor Scenic CJrandenr anil Munif icent Knsomhle. Prices lyjwcr Kloor , J2.0) , Jl.SO. Dalcony , JI.&J , Jl.OO , 75C. Gallery , Me. SKATS ON SAhK "MONDAY " MOHNINf ! . Kill13 LIST KNT1UKUY SUHI'MNDKI ) . PAXTON K lUl < ( il.S.S ! , MEM Telephone ! Thursday , Friday , Saturday Uinee and Saturday 6 , 7 , 8. Charles Frohman Presents William Gillette's American P-ay As performed with gre.it suc cess for 300 Mights in New York 6 Konlhsin London , EnsSanO (50 ( Rights in Boston 6 Weeks In Chscngo With its great cast , sconsry and effects. Moor. $ | .SO , Jl.OO ; balcony , 7Io and COc , HKATS ON BAI.K MONDAY MOIININd. i KI ; GUILL'S S , K. Cor llh ) mill Ditvt > ii | > orl .Six. OO\CiUTS KVISHY MUIIT TlSIO TO 118 , Matinees TUfmluy , Thurnclay and Halurday , 2:99 : THIS WHISK'S ATTUACTIO.V.Hl I'rank Oyor & Howard Dickey D.mcliiK BouliretteH. Ono wfnlc more of thu only Tlielma. Itlco unJ Oclniar , Gunnnn Comedy Hkctch ArtlHtH. SIny Bennett & Raymond Bessie Houliretti'H. ICd Wrothc. Comedian , Thu wlntut term nt Moranii'H dancing school , 1510 Harnuy , will hcuin the lirst week In January ( Children , Saturdays 10 a. in , 2 or 4p , in. AdtiltH , Tnusdiiy.s and Fridays 8 p. in. AHSUinbliuH Thurs days 8 p , in. Admission 25c orchestra niiiHlc. Terms reason * for rust of saaKon. THE MILLARD 13th and DoughiH Sis. , Oinnlia. fKNTHAM'Y I < OCATISD. AJIIJUK'.VN AMI KimOl'KA.V nAN _ J. 11 MAIUCi : ! , A SON , Vrous.