Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 TTIID OMAHA DAILY V 13K"frltNlAY. : JANTAKY 'J. 181)8. )
MIo n Mu.vrio.s.
Cocpcr , Klro Ins. , 6 Pearl , tol. 372.
St'Concr Oroewy Co. , 323 Uway. Tel. 311.
Schmidt's b.m relief photos are the latest.
Ml a Eil th Honham Is spending Now Year's
day In Mulvcrn.
Shirts , collars and cuffs last much longer
when sent to the Bluff City laundry.
Nearly all the Council Illuffs churches
will observe the wtck of prayer , beginning
with special services this ovcnlng.
\i \ , C. and S. W. lleslcy , who went to
Whcato.1 , 111. , to attend aho funeral of their
father , arc expected homo this morning.
For Mln or trade , equity In a 24-acre fruit
farm three miles from Council Illuffs. Win.
Wilde , 013 3d Avc. . Council niuffa , Iowa.
\Vu wont you to feel that your package li
very welcome at our place , and every effort
will be made to please you at the Eagle
Laundry , 724 Uway.
For sale at a bargain , a small but well-
established and remunerative mercantile
business. Inquire of D. W. Otis , IBS Poail
street. Council Bluffs , la.
The regular annual business mcctlm ? ami
reception of the Women's Chrlst'an ass.-cla-
tlon will be held Inthe Hoyal Arcanum par-
Jo B Monday afternoon from 2 to G o'clock. )
The funcial of John Harding was held yes
terday afternoon at 2 o'clock from All Saints'
church In Crescent. The deceased was n
b o'hcr of George Harding , the barber , of
th. city.
'I1io regular convocation of Star chapter ,
No. 17. lloyul Arch Masjna , will be held to-
inor.'ow evening. Some important business
will come before the meeting an 1 n full at
tendance of the members Is desired.
The police were nctlRc ; ! last night of n
burglary eomm''tte\l at ths homo of a citizen
of IteJ Oak uaniej LalTcrty and the loss of
< i gold watch and some filler property. It
in believe , ! the burglar left the town on si
train for Council IllufTfl.
Si'lomon Meyer , the iucst of UIP Crcston
house who \\as taken 'to ' thu Woman's Chris
tian Association hospital a week ago after
( being sclzc\l at the hotel by a violent attack
of epilepsy , was re-ported to be In a dying
conditi n last night. He Is an OJd Fellow ,
ami upon the application of Julius linger ,
L. Harris , one of the members of the order ,
baa bren appointed his guardian. The rela
tive - of the man are unknown.
A building on Upper llroadv.-ay nan bee1 * ,
rendered somewhat conspicuous by the
rlgnu that cover It. Over the doorway are a
cous-lr of signs which indicate that soap Is
rnado and saws arc filed within. On elilirr
Elde of the doorway are displayed the regu
lation Hoard of Health cards aiinounclnt ; the
presence of dlpiniicrla and membranous
croup. Immediately over the doorway on the
insiiiu Is a framed crocheted card bearing
the legend "Go.l Uleas Our Homo. "
A now lodge of the Fraternal Union of
America was Instituted In Garner township
Wednesday night by Deputy Supreme Pres
ident Sam Weller at Granger's 'hall. ' The
lolge started with twenty-five charter meni-
beis and the following olncers : Fraternal
master , C. L. I'routy ; Justice. Frank M. Ar
nold ; secretary. H. L. llartlett ; treasurer ,
M K. K. J. I'routy ; stewards , John F. Gar
ner , Mrs. Jennotte llartlett ; protector , Wal
ter S. Clay ; guide. Marcus Bartlett ; Inside
guard , Harry Hncllock ; truth , Miss Kmm.i A.
Medlar ; mercy , Maude Uartlett ; sentinel , E-
It. Andc-rson.
C. II. Vlavl Co. . female remedy ; consulta
tion free Oinco hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to G
Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Mcrrlaiu
N. Y. Plumbing company. T < - ! . 250.
JIIss Cook'a studio , Grand hotel annex. '
Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons.
Council ll'luirN ChurclicN.
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church , Cor.
Her First Street and Broadway , Rev. J. H ,
Senscncy , Pastor Preaching at 10:30 : a. m.
toy Rev. G. P. Fry , i > istor of Fifth Avenue
ilethod'st Episcopal church. The service
will be followed by the sacrament of the
Iord's supper. Sabbath school at noon ;
Junior league at 4 p. m. ; Kpworth league at
6:30 : p , m. Evening sermon at 7:30 : by the
pastor. The week of prayer will be observed-
services at 7:30 : each evening during the
Congregational Church , Corner Sixth Streat
and Seventh Avenue John W. Wilson Pas
tor Services t 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
Morning theme , "Entire Consecration. " The
sermon will bo followed by the reception of
new members and the sacrament of the
Lord's supper. livening theme , "The True
Children of God. " Special week of prayer
service every night during the week except
Christian Tabernacle , Corner Scott and
Mynster Streets. S. M. Perkins , Pastor-
Services at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. by
Hev. M. H. Kendall of Storm Lake. Morning
subject , "What la the Church ? " Special serv.
ic for business men In the evening. Good
Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner Fifth Avenue and Eighteenth Street '
Jtev. G. F. Fry , Pastor Key. J. H. Sen-
scney will preach at 10:30 : and administer the
sacrament of the Lord's supper. At 4 p. m.
the pastor will conduct a special service
for railroad men' and their families. The
Btibjcct of the evening sermon Is "Alarm
Dells. " Sunday achool at noon , Epworth
league at 7:30. : The week of prayer will bs
observed by special service on Wednesday ,
Thursday and Friday evening.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church , Sixth Street.
Near Fifth Avenue , llev , L. P. McDonald
Hector Holy communion , 8 a. in , Sunda >
school , 10 a , m. Morning service and sneclal
parish meeting 11 a. in. Solo by Mrc.
Loomls , Evening service and1 sermon , also
with parlih meeting , 7:30. : Sunday school at
All Saints' chapel , Eighteenth street and
Third avenue , 3 p. in.
St. John' , ? B-gllsh Lutheran Church , South
east Corner Willow Avenue and Seventh
Streets , Hev. G. W. Snyder , IViotor PreachIng -
Ing by the pastor at 10:30 : a m. and 7:30 : p.
m. Morning subject , "A Year. " Evening
subject , "Rest. " Sunday school at noon ,
Central Christian Church , Odd Fcllowu'
Temple , Rev , A. It. Camllo Pastor Rail )
and roll at 10:30 : a , m. At 3 p. m. a special
Hormon to OdiJ Fellows and Daughters of
Hebekah. Young People's Society of Chris-
tlan Endeavor at 0:30 : p. m. Regular preach
ing at 7:30. :
Spiritualist meetings. Union Hall , 140
Broadway Miss Ethel Weathcrford , the 10
year-old medium , will' give tests while
blindfolded and Mrs. Carrie. Fuller Weather-
ford will lecture and give tests at 2:30 : and
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Science , Room 403 Sapp Bulging
lllblo lesson at 10:45 : a. m , subject. "Com
munion with the Risen Lord. " Readings
from the libido and Science and Health.
Experience meeting Friday evening at 7:4.ri : ,
Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons
It rul till.
J oil n J. Fralnuy gave hlu now Shakespear
ean rocltal at the Christian tabernacle last
night to a good sited audlcnro. Mr. Fralney
lies commll'tcd ' to memory nearly all of the
plays of the great dramatist and Is able to
give a varied program of selections from all
of thu great drama P. He. has been a Shake
spearean student all his life , and has bccomu
tm Interesting analytic critic of the great
tiard. He prefaced his recital last evening
with on Introductory that required half an
hour to deliver. The recltatlcns were made
up from selections from the "Merchant of
Venice" containing the court scene , the
Bconu In Portia's chamber and on the Rlalto ,
the prl-jon tollloquy from "Richard II , "
eoveiul of the most popular ( elections from
"Richard III , " three scenes from "Hamlet"
nuil selections from "Macbeth , " "Julius
Caesar" anil "Othello , "
Domestic BOCO wrapui-rs "ill for spoons ,
llorxi * ApTfit SliirlH for Kuroiie ,
FAlRFinLD. la. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) Bert
Blubbs of Denver , who was tcccntly appointed
by Secretary Wllscn to visit the European
countries In the Interest of the American
liorea tiodo , spent a few days visiting at
his old homo hero and on Friday started for
Washington to rccelvo Una I Instructions and
dart tcr Europe. He expects to be gone
Uio most of the present year ,
Pottawattaraio County Oommissioaen Make
Their Report.
Siicehil Affi-iitlon IN Clvcu In .Dcnllnp :
ivlth tin * IniMirnlilu CiiHen Now
In the I.ncnl ll < iMdtuli |
IIN ! of tnfnrtiiiKitt'x.
The D.ard of Commissioners for .tha In
sane has completed Its work and has Issued
the report upon which the members of the
commission and County Clerk Reed have
been engaged for ficveral weeks. It Is the
drat report of the kind ever Issued , and It
Is believed It will prove of great value ap
well as convenience. The report contains
the namc of the patients , the addresses of
their friends and relatives and all that Is
known about the unfortunates , making a
concise and complete history of each case.
The re-port refers largely to the incurable
cases , which have become county chirgca
and are now loatcd In St. Bernard's ' hos
pital or being cared for outside of the hos
pital at the cxpciuo of the county. The
report In tirade Up after a complete personal
examination of on oh patient and showa that
there are twenty-eight male and thirty-two
female , mostly Incurables' , In the hospital.
Two of these , Henry AVchlnnJ and A. D.
Quick , are nol regular county charges. While
the report was In progress of preparation
and since the visit lo the institution three
of the patients have bseti discharged.
The commissioners make a suggestion to
the county supervisors , to iwliorn the report
la directed. They say : "Your commlsslon-
eis respectfully ask that they be permitted ,
to draw expenses for the removal of Insane
persona lu their Jurisdiction to their homes
ouuido of the sfato , and thus relieve the
county and state of the expense of their
keeping. Frequently such cases arise ns
that of Herman Muyfleld , who was scut to
Clarlnda In July and discharged as cured In
December , and returned to this city. During
his confinement in the hospital his mother
removed to Louisville , Ky. , and desired htm
sent there. No funds were available to
soml him. and It wa feared thnt If 1i > fi
here he would again 'become ' Insane and a
charge on this county , and your commis
sioners , wishing to relieve the taxpayers
from any posalhlo chance of hlu being again
charge on them , directed their secretary ,
F. L. Keeil , to purchase a ticket from here !
lo Louisville at the expense , of $19.25 , which
was done. Similar cases arise during the
intermissions of the beard , ami your com
missioners suggest that It Is in the Interest
or economy for your honorable body to In
struct the county auditor to honor such
requisitions as your commissioners may In
the future make '
to 'meet such cose ?
"Your commissioners further report that
i ' . , cases comlnS Before them for
nvestlgatlon. careful Inquiry la made as
to the property , residence , etc. , and wherever -
ever nny property Is found the appointment
of a guardian Is suggested , and if not made
by those Interested Is made by the board.
Inmates " " "I ls m2 < 1 ° as to the number Of
confined In Clarlnda , as that Is a I
mpon'n C ° ll"S 'I ' y ° Ur knmvlodBO at each
meet ng of
your hoard. We further report
reprt sllmv8 , lhat of " " > females rohr -
f 'Ilcurablcs ' * wclvc wme from Mercy
hr ,
hospital , Davenport , and sixteen from .Mount
Pleasant and Clarlnda , making a total of
twenty-elght. Of this number seven have
( lied , one has recovered and twenty yet re
main at St. 'Bernard's ' hospital. The total
number of acute female cases sent by the
board to St. Bernard's hospital was thlrty-
Mve. Of this number seven have died , fifteen
have recovered and eleven yet remain. Of
the male patients twelve were received as In
curables from 'Mercy ' hospital , seventeen came
from Clarinda a total of twenty-nine. Of
this number twelve have died , two "have re
covered and fifteen remain at the hospital.
The total number of acute male cases sent
to St. 'Bernard's ' hospital was fifty , of which
number ten have died , 'thirty ' have recovered
and ten remain.
Three 'Incurables" from the state hospitals
have been sent home " "
ns "recovered. Forty-
five acute cases sent to St. Bernard's hospital
have recovcroi and nineteen such cases have
resulted In death , making the recoveries In
acute cases a little moo : 'than ' 54 per cent.
Five cases still In the hospital arc yet re
garded as curable.
Following arc the names of the patients
now confined In ISt. 'Bernard's ' : John Carroll ,
Ed Gannon , John Kranlgcr. William J. Mat
thews , John W , "Moss " , Lee St. John Campbell ,
Levl Grayblll , Tommy iKox , Walter Nellson ,
Ole OlcBou , Joseph Hurries , Lawrence
Kavoney , Thomas Crow , John Casey , John
J. McCold , William Goodwin , Rlloy Brad-
shaw , Thomas JIcAdams , Thomas Lynch , Abe
Quick , 'Edward ' Herman. Henry Keller ,
Patrick Pj&ley , 'Henry ' Wehland , Carl Kuhl-
melcr , Georglna Chapman , Ida S. Llpfert ,
Mrs , 'Elizabeth ' 'Bowman , .Mrs. Bridget Mc-
Laughlln , Lizzie Shaffer , Ellen Hays , Mel-
donette Sides , Lottie Fadden , Martha Wilson ,
Carrie S. iMadson , Ellen Boyle , Annie Scott
( colored ) , Miranda iMaxflcld , Catherine Uhr-
bana , Lottie 'May ' Sankey. 'Bridget ' Kelly ,
Ciertle Skakson , Mrs. Rebecca Barton , Mrs.
11 , Peterson , 'Maggie ' Orady , iMary Rodgcrs ,
Mary Hasmusscn , Annie Cronnan , Ida
Blaney , Sarah J. Mclntyre , Lena May Bossey.
Jessie illrown , Kitty Collins , Sophlo Has.
nuiKsen , < Mnry Casey , iMis. Susan Qranshaw
and Luelnda Tagtie.
The commissioners say 'that In the selection
of cases sent to St , Bernard's the wishes of
the friends are consulted. All alcoholic
cases are sent there , as they generally re
cover soon. All cases of genural paresis ,
whlph arc always Incurable , are sent there
at once. All cases of mental Imbecility
which promise nothing In the way of re
covery and where the patients are too 111 to
bo sent to Glcnwood. are sent there , as arc
also all cases where the patients are too
feeble to stand thu exhaustion of the trip to
Clarlnda and remain there until such tlmo ns
they can bo safely removed. By this method
the boar ! not only observes the wishes of
the Crlcnds , but looks to the 'welfare of the
patients and to saving expense of transporta
tion to Clarlnda. The medical member of
thn board , Dr. Thomas , has the medical c.iru
of the patients at S ( . Bernard's and cxer-
clsca a watchful care over them without any
expense to the county.
AT "THIS iis i.7 Mi SCIHMH.
IN rollim.'d by n Mtrriirj-
Thoao who paid a visit to the DcLong In
dustrial ectwol yesterday while the Now
Year's dinner was ! ei progress were treated
to na pretty a sight SLB one would care to
see , The larger rear room had been trans
formed Into a veritable forest of pine trees ,
In tiac midst of ntilch mcuy long tables of
fered their bountecus store to hosts of happy
children. The trees were dakitlly deccmled
In accordance with a beautiful scheme of or-
tiamcntatli designed by the willing women
workers who have associated themselves with
the Rev. Henry PeLccig cud wife in . ( heir
splendid work of prae'lcal charity.
Tnc. entertainment prope-r commenced In
the largo front room of the Dlseman bulldlug.
Rev. J. W , Wilson , pastor of the Congre
gational church , delivered an address es
pecially for the children , in which he il'fi- '
played his powers as an entmulner cud In-
struc'or. ' Mies Daisy Bites , who was one
ofthe members of the sriiool w.'uu It "wait or
ganized icven years ugo , rendered a beauti
ful recitation , The Sunday ucnool Ictson ,
a regular feature of the t < ; bool , was read and
brlelly commented < by Mrs. Black , Rev ,
DcLong does not believe In long programs ,
aa ho says they ore tiresome , and at tlHb
Juncture ho announced the feast 4hat would
bo served In too rear room. Many exclama-
tlous of dcll&iit burst from the childrtu a
they beheld for the flr * t time the miniature
paividlse that had been prepared. Thc'.cjch-
era uml other workers of Hhc school were
there lo . * dmlnlatcr t'iclr Juvtullo wants.
A brief prayer was salj. ar.J then the work
of demolition begin. It was n pleas
ure to see tdc little cues enjoy themselves.
At 4 o'clock the tables were aga.'n cleared
and . .II 'he 'boys present wrc Invited to par-
itako of the repast.
During thn nfterr.on n portion of the school ,
headed by Mr. Dclxng , took . short walk
around by Bayllsa park and back to the
Messrs. Black and John Halle , Jr. , spent
nearly the whole day In assisting In racking
cttndy cod in arranging some of the heavier
decorations. The to'al number of children
present was about 500.
MICtliTV UlCL'Oltl ) < I | . ' THK AVI3I3K.
Ciiiloin of IlrrilvliiK on X % YV Vvnr'H
ln > - Still Prt-vtilN.
Few social events of any public prominence
occtirrd during the week beyond the regular
dances , but there were any number of prl-
vnto entertainments und one of the largest
and most pleasant of the semi-public events
tfas the party given by the Council Bluffs
Regatta association on Monday evening , The
flue floor and apartments of Royal Arcanum
hall wire made use of. The hall was hand
somely decorated for the event. It was the
party of the season given by the association ,
ami the menrory of the many delightful
events that occurred last summer nt the boat
club at Mannwa made the Invited guests an
ticipate a delightful evening. They were not
disappointed. The- hall was filled with
dancers. Excellent music and other appoint
ments of the perfect character tint have al
ways marked the entertainments of the boat
club made the occasion one of the most en
joyable of the season.
The Council Bluffs High school foot ball
team that earned a great reputation by going
through the season without encountering
anything thnt had oven th ? symptoms of a
defeat won new laurels on Tuesday evening
when the second annual dance was given.
The hop was a crowning success. The pro
gram was a lengthy one , containing twenty
dances. The hall was handsomely decorated
with the color. ? of the team and the attend
ance was sulllcient to fill It.
The noncommissioned olllcers of company
L , Dodge Light guards , played best In an
agreeable manner on Friday night .when they
entertained the ollloers at a watchnlght
oyster party. All of the olllcers and members
of the guards were present with many of
their friends and a real military time was
enjoyed. Speeches , songs and toasts were the
order until midnight approached \when \ the
cntlro company loaded their guns and flred
three crashing volleys In welcoming the mi-
vent of the New Year. When the sound of
the tremendous volleys had died away the
oyster supper was served.
All of the social pleasures of the week
culminated la the New Years' receptions that
took place yesterday and last evening. Hun
dreds of people kept open house and received
t'.eir friends In formal and la formal style.
M'vny of the leaders of society Joined acid re
ceived their friends. Cue of the most
brilliant of these gatherings was at the Fifth
avenue rrsldeinco of Dr. and 'Mrs. ' Donald
Macrae. The reception continued from S
until 11 o'clock last evening. The fine homo
won brilliantly lighted end beautifully deco-
ra'cd. The women who received there were :
Mesdames Donald ( Macrae , Jr. , W. F. Spp ,
Charles 'Htas , the ' .MUwcs Sehoentgen , Pln-
iey , Montgomery , Dodge , Ellen Dodge , Bar-
eiard , Wilson of Sioux CJty.Ellen Aylesworth ,
Gcocvlevo Baldwin , Wlckham , Brown cud
Ryan of Omaha.
A similar gathering occurred at the resi
dence of Oharles T. Stewart on South Sixth
street , where they received callers from tt
until 11 last evening. The women who re
ceived end graciously entertained their
friends were : Mcsdames Obarles T. Stewart ,
E. W. Hart , F. P. Wright , Misses Montgom
ery , Wilson of Sioux City , Oliver and Kcflt-
1ns ; Mcsdames J. J. Hess , Stlllman aud Ml so
Trlco of Chicago.
At the 'Benciott ' residence on Willow avc-
nuo a number of young women kept opto
house from 9 until 11 o'clock last evening.
They were Miss Bennett , .Miss Sadie Furns-
worth , Miss Frances Bowman , ML s Lynn of
Kansas City , cod Miss Jcnks of Chicago. The
jiouso was brilliantly lighted and decorated
and there was d stream of callers until the
lights were turned out.
l At the home of Miss Ethyl Tluomas a. . num
ber of her young friends Joined her hi re
ceiving during the afternocn from 3 to C.
Among them were Miss Jeseio Wallace and
I Miss Alberta Troutman.
Ono of the brightest places during the af
ternoon wao .the home of Miss Gcnevleve
Wlck'ham , who was assisted In receiving by
I the members of the Council Bluffs Cooking
' club , an organization of bright young women
I wuo devote a largo prtlcci of their Idle time
In learning how to cook. They had u. throng
| of visitors and welcomed them In a house
that was resplendent with handsome decora
tions and overflowing with good things to
Rev. J. W. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson received
at the Congregational iwirson.ige from 3
o'clbck In the afternoon unMl 10 in the even-
Intf. Them wr ro mpnv n.nllnro \\r.\n r/\ .ii
this homu to be one of the few places where
the punch bowl was oc-t conspicuously lu
Minor lliitifiilitKH | | of tliv Week.
Palm Grove. No. 1 , Woodman circle , has
arranged for a scries of socials at the homes
of the members during the remainder of
the winter. A masquerade ball has been
arranged to take place at Woodman hall
on the evening of January .
Miss Fletemeyer , in bo had been visiting
relatives here , has returned to her homo In
Lafayette , Ind.
Mrs. W. W. Sherman , Mrs. George Van
Orman ami Mrs. Robert Mullls have re
turned from a vlplt In simiv nitv
Miss Laura Meyers and Miss Louise Her
man wont to Little Sioux to attend the New
loara dance there.
Mr. and .Mrs. H. L. Cummlngs have re
turned from Kansas City , where they spent
Miss Muff Meagher of Mankato , Minn. ,
Mlsi Hornans has returned to her homo
. ' nfU > r an cxK""le < l visit with
Miss M
Montgomery ,
Mrs W. A. Hlghsmlth has gone to partlc-
r 1 y TUE | ° " at ' .he home of her
parents In Columbus Junction this being
the first for sixteen years.
Mrs. Taylor Woolsey Is In Sioux City ,
where she went last
Wednesday to attend
the wedding of Miss Zclla Nile's , daughter
of Mr. H. P. Nlles , formerly of this city
1rhnUrITy0Y"1 " ° absent "bout t"n days :
trip"t' ' U ° n a Ur'Cf '
Mrs. Annlo Crane of Cameron
, Mo. , It
visit ng her sister , Mrs. H. Peterson V'l
Avenue A ,
Mrs. W. L. Park of Des Molncs Is vUitlng
her mother Mrs Rolen , during the holidays
Miss LouUo Brown of Duluth Is the guesJ
of Captain and Mrs. 0. M. Brown.
Miss Mabel Stevens of Galenburg b spend-
" 'Iay8 wllh Mr' ac(1 MrsA. . L
Mrs. J. A. Reed gave a kcnslngton Wed
nesday afternoon for her Ebter , Mrs. William
F. X. McTlgue , formerly of this city , but
now of Sioux City , vlsltei Council Illufft.
friend. ? Saturday.
Miss Sue Reynolds , who has been the
° El'ferMr" R K'
fUer8tn - ' ' K"e"Bl' Of
, , , ,
1110 Fifth avenue , has returned to her home
In Dunlap.
.Mrs. W. W. Blair and daughter are spendIng -
Ing a few days In liocno , Conductor Blair
IJJB removed to Boone and his family will
soon remove there.
Mr. llali.ii Mueller of St. Louis Is spending
the holidays with his parents at their homo
on Willow avenue.
Mrs. C , 0. Saunders and children have
gone to Delta , la. , on a two weeks' visit with
relative. ? ,
Mlns Robinson of Sioux City , who has been
visiting Mies Alice Hazard , has returned to
her home.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F , Montgomery of
Missouri Valley were guests Saturday of Dr ,
end Mrs , P. J , Montgomery.
Miss A , Tompsett and Mies L. Mack of
Omaha were visiting MUs E , Drago yestcr-
a day. MUs Drago la spending the holidays
ru a
with tier slater , \h-xr-A. C. Kcllar. Thirty-
third street c id AVeh'de n.
Mrs. C. T. leniis ) > < Mnd daughter of Ogden ,
Utah , arc visiting Mrs. Denny's ixircnts , Mr.
and Mrs. Julti : Qre iof ) , South First street.
Mrs. I. N. Morgan of Harlan , la. , who has
been the cueot of Mr ! nd Mrs. M. 13. Aycrs
nt S10 Avc4iiic H , Illti ) returned to her homo.
Miss Nellie Mooro' entertained on Monday
night Mlsa Andre&cri'nnd iMIss Webster of
Omaha , both ofJlom attended the dance
given by the Ilowlrrg ripsoclatloti.
Dr. Charles McDowell , Miss Martin of
Omaha and Miss llcncckc of St. Joseph , spent
Monday night the gtfcsli of Mr. and Mrs. R
P. Wright , also taklAg In the Ilowlng asso
ciation's danco.
Arthur Kccllnc Is homo from Worcester
college to upend the holiday season with
Ills parents In this city.
The Smith family pf Omaha has arranged
to give a musical ctvtortalnmcnt the evening
of January 10 under the auspices of the iMoti-
day Musical club , at the homo ot Mrs. Don
Macrae , on Fifth avenue.
Mrs. J. McMlIKn and daughter 'Mary ' will
spend the coming -week with relatives lu
Perry , la.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Watts of North First
street pleasantly entertained a watch meet
ing 'New Year's eve. During the evening
light refreshments were served. Progressive
high flvo and otter games served to whllo
the time away until the ushering In of the
New Year. Among those present worn : .Mrs.
S. P. IHarrls , 'Mr. ' and Mrs. P. 0. Mlkesell ,
Mr. nnd 'Mrs. ' H. II. Harris , Mis ? Fox of
Omaha and MIss'McCullough of South Omaha.
On Monday evening Mrs. O. M. llrown
entertained the members of the Reorgan
ized Married Woman's High Flvo club. The
club has long been one of the popular sochl
organizations of the city.
Mrs. W. R. Asher of Tecumsch , Okl. . 1- .
enjoying a visit with her slaters , the Misses
Mr. and Mrs , J. I. Lutz imd Mrs. W.
Shcpard have returned from llurllngton. ,
whore they .went with the remains of Mrs ,
Lutz' mother , Mrs. Klrchoft.
Miss Hattlo Ferrler Is spending the holi
days with friends In Atlantic.
Mrs. J. C. Drake has gone to Manuokota
la. , where her fnthcr nnd mother both Ho nt
the point of death.
W. L. Harris Is In Ottumwn , where ho Is
enjoying it holiday visit.
Otis Sanford of Worthlngton , Minn. , nc-
conipanlcd by his wife and eon , , Is vlstiing
his sister , Mrs. G. H. Jcmes.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolph Waters ot Dunlar
nro visiting friends In the city for a few
days.Miss Edith Aycrs Is spending the holidays
at Avoca with Prof , and Mrs. J. Peasley.
Domestic soflp wrappers call tor spoons.
Hoffmaycr's fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
Ill the I'ollce Court.
Judge McGee held a ibrlef session of the '
police court yesterday chiefly for the pur
pose of permitting any of the offenders
whom the police had gathered during the
previous twenty-four hours to escape the
necessity of remaining all day In jail on the
first day of the year If their arrests proved
to ibo unjustifiable ! ' . J6hn Doc , the unknown
stranger who asj'ed 'police assistance In
sobering up , was found > to be In a condition
hat required the imposition of a $10
Inc. Ho announced his intention of rcmain-
ng lit Jail until the required time had been
served. Celley Hough , , who was picked up
on the preceding night , was permitted to
emaln In jail uivtll Monday , the charge of
ntoxloatlou lodged apalnst him being of
such a nature as 'to w.arrant his belief that
10 could prove his Innocence If the hearing
was postponed until Mpnday.
Domestic soap wraupcrs call for , spoons.
I'liONC In Iowfi..Wtri | * IIiir Pntrun-
IJSIM ! I.list Y - ir Than I3vir , llcfori * .
DES MOINES. Jan'V 1. ( Special. ) Secre
tary Fowler of the. Iowa State Agricultural
society has received reports from 104 of the
107 agricultural societies In the state
n regard to their business during t'uc year
1S97 and these reports show them to be In
a more prosperous condition than they were
at the same time a year ago. The receipts
from the different fairs for 1887 are over
$50,000 ahead of those of last year. While the
aggregate Indebtedness of tlje associations
has Increased something like $10,000 the 'bal '
ance on hand has 'been swelled more than
proportionately. At the close of last year
there- was a balance in the combined treas
uries amounting to $0,345.25 , while they
emerge this year from tholr annual celebra
tions with a balance of $22,070.10 , Even with
in Increase In the ladcbtednci-'s of the asso
ciations the entire amount rwlll not average
moro 'than 25 per cent of the value of the
property of the individual associations ,
which average all the way from $3,000 to
$10.000 each. Over sixty of the associations
have sent In the required affidavits and re
ceived the $200 bonus from the state. The
ether forty will probably make a showing
'beforo ' the legislature and eventually receive
the same sum.
Coil M * n nt Work.
ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 1. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Ceofldenco men tried to work Rlndle
Hros. and Charles Applegate , grain mer
chants , on the wheat racket. The first did
not bite , as the sample wheat shown was too
clean. At the sccctid place the amount
claimed on hand was more than double coy
o o farmer In the country lias and suspicion
was aroused. Ono called ra Phil Southwlck
and cl'iilmcd to have
sold him hogs last year
and had better porkers ! < hls jcar. The deal
was closed and the date of delivery set. Fifty
dollars was advanced. The con men then
beat their livery bill , blring a livery and
driver to take them to Maine and sending the
team home , promising to retusci last night
: nd settle.
\t-\VN Of IlMVll CIllirt'lll-H ,
Rev. John Schutz , Baptist , of Corning has
been called to Knoxvlllc.
Catholic fairs were held at Rockwell and
Dougherty , and both were successful.
The Cop.gregatlonallsts of Eldora have
called Rev. Frank G. Wllcox of Manson.
The Methodists of Harlan have been con
ducting a revival meeting for seven weeks
with marked success ,
The Ladles' Aid society of the Congrega
tional church nt Ames raised $250 during the
year by market days and cleared 1120 on a
The Protestant people of Castle Grove have
Incorporated a church to bo known as the
Union Christian Church association. The or
ganization is non-.eatarlan.
Rev. Father "Planner- St. Anthony's
Catholic church , ' Davenport , has Just cele
brated his silver Jtibllee , having been or
dained twenty-five ? yearn ago.
Editor Wpn-cr of .bhawa Is superintendent
I of a Sunday schobl at Onawa and editor of a
democratic paperi' w'hlch ' causes his brother
dewooratlc editors terwonder what kind of a
man.he Is. _
The German CuUiolic society at Dan bury
has purchased -Lujthoran church , paying
? 1.600 therefor. Ue iilldlug will be exten
sively Improved. ; < \ Priest will bo perma
nently located ar nanbury , and a school
btartcd for Instruct'ton1' In German and Kng-
llsh' a' " -rti
The Unltarlaa rCpureh ( In Salt I-ake has
called Rev. and Wnjj H. -Maynard to the
pulpit to succeed 'RpXA. ' . L. Hudson , who
goes to Buffalo. Mrs. 'Maynard Is also a
preacher and will alternate with'her hus-
band. She Is a native of Iowa and' ' graduated
f re m Cornell college. .
The Seventh Day dvontlsts of Davenport
are to have a new church. They have leased
ground for live years and are erecting
thereon a portable church supplied 'by ' the
Church Extension society of the denomina
tion. The building wus constructed In Chicago
cage and put up in 'Davenpart without the
UBO of a nail , The tabernacle will bo dedi
cated January 15.
IlMVll 1'ri'HH Cllllllllflll ,
Durlhigton Hawkbye : The twenty-seventh
general essambly will have Hie experience of
the proofreader ; the cjily euro way to revise
the revise.
Cedar Rapids Gazette : IndUn Agent Re-
bok , at Toledo , should be made a D , D. with
out delay. If ho can 'Induce the Muskwakla
to ute the hath house that tie wishes the gov
ernment to build be will have yanked the
groisy loafers farther alcng the road to par-
than nil the missionaries who have pro-
him have dene.
Red Oak Express ! This lo the first genuine
cpubllntn Christmas and New Year we have
fyul for a kug time , acid It seems a whole
lot better than > the Grover Cleveland kind ,
Slcux City Times : Some of toe- wise men
who are celled upon to talk to the tcachcru
of the s(8''o ( ' seem much to prefer to bluster
lo the discredit of the government of the
Uciltci States to dealing wllh the govern-
menof ths public schcols of Iowa.
Kcokuk Gate City : The Plato Institutions
of Iowa will not suffer by care In making ap
propriations for Miem and by following ftrlcl
busJaeso methods Iti t. elr management.
There Is no disposition apparent In any quar
ter to crlpplo tihelr usefulness , but there 'Is
a etrcng public sentiment In favor of econ
omy and the exercise of good Judgment In
making expenditures.
Iowa City Republican : Wo are Informed
from the county auditor's ofllcc that taxes are
being paid up better than for several years.
The 'tax Rile held lately bears evidence to
C.ils fact , since. It was cue of the smallest In
recent years. This fact Is , In conjunction
with the unusual number of mortgages paid
oft this season , shows raiicr conclusively
that the people of Johnson county are pros
pering under the present national adinlnls'.ra-
The Enterprise Is the name of a now re
publican weekly just started In Storm Ixtke.
Leo T. Waterman of Danville , 111. , has be
come advertising manager of the DCS Molncs
There are nrospects that the Plcrson Ku-
teixirlso will bo resuscitated by O. M.
H. W. Robltipon of Colfax Is to start n
newspaper at Osccola to bo called the Clarke
County Cllriter.
F. 0. Dean will start a new paper at Doc-n ,
tha DOOM Press having fallen into the hands
of the mortgage holder.
The first number of the Wapello Tribune
was lesucd yesterday. H Is owned by a
local company of republicans.
Lafo Young , editor of the Des Moines
Capital , went to Vlcksburg , Mies. , with n
oarty of Iowa pccrile Interested In the pro-
oosed national park there.
John C. Paradise , who was business man
ager of the Kcokuk Gate City , but has re
cently been with the Constitution-Democrat ,
has returned to the former paper , and N. C.
Roberts of Furt Madison succeeds htm. Mr.
Evans , business manager of t'Jo Gate City ,
will start a new republican cvcnltig peticr ,
backed by local capitalists.
( Continued from First Page. )
magnificent diamond scarfpin. He is a con
tractor for the British army and navy , packs
meat In. Chicago , hao a tea and coffee busi
ness In New York , manufactures ginger ale
and mineral waters In Ireland , makes con-
tectlons In Loa-don and grows coffee and tea
in Ceylon. A syndicate offered him $40,000-
000 for his bus'ciess in 1S95.
Pope Kvtciiils Ills < 'oiiKrl dilutions to
( hr ICinpi-ror.
( Copyrlslit. IMS. Iiy the A * > FOlitrd T'rcrp. )
BERLIN , Jan. 1. Bishop Anzcr of South
ah a n Tung , China , dined with the emperor
and empicss at the new palace on Tuesday.
On the following day 'the ' bishop , to whoso ,
shrewd advice and detailed Information re
garding the whole province of Shan Tung ,
lu which Klao Chan Is situated , the German
government owes much , gave an Interesting
account of the occurrences of the previous
evening , and of the audience he was accorded
'ly the emperor In-November , and also told
of his audience with the < pope a fortnight ago.
The 'bishop , who has been thirty-four years
in China , and who is about to ircturn , said :
"There is no doubt Germany means to keep
Klao Chau and Its contiguous territory ; and
if the right 'measures ' arc taken. It will prove
a. most valuable possession , even more valu
able -than Hong Kong , because Its mineral
wealth , coal and1 Iron , although needing a
laigo amount of capital to develop It , is al
most Inexhaustible. "
Relative to his audience with the pope ,
Blshco Anstcr sild that his holiness "highly
ai proved the ciiergy shown by Germany In
the gigantic tasK of evening China and pre
wiring"It for the blessings of C-.iristlanlty
and clvlll/atlcci The pope also expressed
the opinion that speedy penalty would bo
meted out to China for the last mission mur
ders which would 'strike wholesome terror
Into the breast of its heathen government. ' "
The pope charged Bishop Anzcr to convey
his cordial greetings and wishes to the em-
Ccror , exrrcsslng the hope the further
measures to be taken by Germany In China
would bo crowned with success , as Ger
many's mission was arousing the sym
pathetic Interest of nil Christendom.
His holiness touched upon the question of
the Catholic mis
a German protectorate over
sions In China , lilttierto considered 10 uu in
the hands of Fiance , and the pope further
Intimated that instructions tad recently been
sent to the bishops and higher clergy of Ger
many to shape their conduct In regard to the
Chinese expedition and the enlargement of
the German navy , In consonance with the
views of the Vatican on these matters.
I'\Vtill3 ;
lln * I'oivtTN on Ciirlnif for
WIilti'-WliiK'-il llov * .
PARIS , Jan. L President Faurc , at the
New Year's reception of the ambassadors ,
replying to their congratulations , said :
"Faithful to 'tho principle 'which has con
stantly guided the government of the .re-
pu'bllc , Franco will not bo wanting In the
task It has set itself In the work of civiliza
tion and pe.ico. The results obtained In 18U7
were not such as to discourage our elforts
and hopes. Thanks to the firm spirit of union
which has constantly prevailed In the council
of the powers the supreme Interest attaching
to the maintenance of peace has emerged In
tact from dllllcult 'trials. "
'N X * v 1'lriy.
( CopyrlK'.it , UJS , by 1'rffs Publishing Company. )
LONDON , Jan. 1. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.J- Laurence Irv-
Ings five-act dimiva , "Peter the Great , " was
produced tonight at the Lyceum , with Sir
Henry Irving In the f.'itlo role , Exceptional
Idterc3t attached to the occasion and It was attended -
tended by a most distinguished artistic ami
literary society audience. TUB drama Illus
trates the striking contrast of character be-
tweer Peter und his dreamy , soft-hearted
son , and Peter's fuHlo attempts to mould
Alexis into a man of adieu and imbue him
with his ovcrmcdtcrl'.ig ' ambition.
ICils interesting character study Is cleverly
devoU'pcd , but the first half of the play Is
entirely lackvng In aclon : , the two acts being -
ing virtually rc-petltlcns of each other. The
dialogue , too , thawed u tendency to drift Into
nmimcnplaij and In ithe earlier parts needs
severe ceijilonsatlon. The three later acts ,
In which AlcxU < Is captured at Napleri and
brought back to Russia charged \vlth co.i-
spliacy are executed , are more cffoctlvely
ccn.vructed , end tiio flr.'Jl scene between
Peter awl Alexis , In which the feelings cf the
f..ther and ambltloua czar are brought into
pathetic conflict , was marked by iho supsrli
effort by Irvtag , which brought down the
curtain amid a storm of applause. The
final scene 'Is .highly dramatic , for ; Alex'.o
diets by r-olwn Peter Is Informed ; lmt 4ils In-
fiut srei .by Empreea Catherine en whom all
his hopes for pcsterlty were founded ls also
MUs Terry , as Kmprws Catherine , gave a
delightful remlnlsconco of her memorable
Madam Sana Glue , but riio hau very little to
do In the drama. Whllo tlio'aiidluiee was un
stinted In Its applause of Sir Henry Irvlng's
IiretentatUti of : ho half mad ravage , the
opinion Is generally expressed Uiat the prun
ing l.ulfe must be rutiileanly employed If the
play -is to bo successful. It was staged with
surpassing Iflttte acid at enormous cost.
. \NNl-NNIIII-llt ( O lAIll HllKllltMTN.
LONDON , Jan , 1. Delegates representing
1,250,000 trades unlonltc.s held a meeting here
today and pasted resolutions congratulating
the cnglueera upon Uielr "splendid Btand In
defciieo of trades unionism" end asking
all trades unionists , of whom there arc
2,000.000 In Gro Britain , to make a weekly
levy of a minimum of 3d to suppott. the ( ti-
sincere , whcvo fight It was tuM "U the fight
ot labor against capital all the worU over , "
W.MI. OP THI : POOH niAi is. : > nx.
H | CH fp I.OIIK unit 1.41111 ! from tin-
( CVipyilBhl. 1 S. ! . ) the AMOolntf.l
LONDON , Jan. 1. The year closed spring
like , with bright sun. and the txipcrs note
many Instances In which flowers are bloomIng -
Ing In gardens of the south of England. The
wall of the London storekeepers at the holi
day business Is long and loud. The com
plaints , 'which nro universal , arc attributed
to the 'baneful Influence of the Jublleo fes
tivities. The numerous country house par
ties also thinned the number of West End
purchasers ,
The queen's New Year gifts to the poor of
Windsor wore distributed today at the Rid
ing school at the castle. There were nearly
1.000 recipients and about 4,000 pounds of
bfcef and 100 'tons ' of coal were dispensed.
The prince and princess of Wales and
Princess N'lctorla of Wales start on Monday
to pay a week's visit to the duke and Ouch-
csa of Devonshire at Chatsworth. The prince
and princess will occupy the royal apart
ments In the west wing and the mansion and
fountains and cascades will be Illuminated
nightly. There will be theatricals. In which
Lady Randolph Churchill will take part ,
balls and other entertainments.
The marriage of Lady .Anne . Coventry , second
end daughter of the carl of Coventry , to
Prlno.i Dhulecp Singh will take place on
January 4 ,
The United States ambassador , Colonel
John Hay. and' ' Mrs. Hay are visiting the
carl of Crowe , who was thrown from his
horse whllo hunting with the Cheshire
hounds on 'Monday ' last , sustaining a fracture
of the collar bone and Injuries about the
The Dally Chronicle says the Into duchess
ot Teclc left debts to the amount of 30,000
( $150,000) ) , mostly household expenses. The
expenditures at the White led e , which was
the residences of the Tccks , exceeded , It ap
pears , the duchess' allowance Cti 000 ( $25,000) ) ,
by f.L',000 ( $10,000) ) . yearly. Whether the ef
fects of the duchess will be sold to meet the
deficit dcpcnJs upon whether the govern
ment will apply to Parliament for fumta to
meet the emergency.
Judging troin the new Do Brctts peerage ,
the Britishers' boasted contempt for foreign
titles la only affectation , as fourteen mem
bers of the rojal household hold foreign
titles , while those of lesser rank arc thicker
than blackberries. In this connection. It Is
Interesting to note that the jubilee wvn a
record year for the baitowal of honors , whlc'i ' j
totaled fo 577. The charitable beqmnts of
Iho year also topped Iho record , todill-.ig
2,000,000 ( $10.000,000) ) . Wlthcut the Wallace
collection bequeathed to the nation seven
testators aggregated 1,000,000 ( $3,000,000) ) In
A great number of new cotr.ianles were
floated during the last mntli , making the
total olfcrcd , lu 1S ! > 7. 15S."OCVii > 0
( $792,500,000) ) , tfie largest amounts since 1SSU. ,
The foreign government loans aggregated. ,
roughly , 10.000.000 ( $50.000.000) ) ; Indian and :
colonial , 14,000uoo ( ? 70,000.000) ) , breweries
and distilleries. 17.500.000 ( $87,500.000) ) ; en
tertainment , 3,000,000 ( $10,000.000) ) ; cycling.
5,000,000 ( $40,000,000) ) ; hotels , 3.003,000 ( J15.-
000,000) ) ; Klondike , 1,7SO 000 ( JS.000.000) ) ;
American rallroadn , 1,000,000 ( $20,000,000) ) ;
mines , 13.250,000 ( $ GG.250.000) ) , and industrial
and miscellaneous , 52,500,000 ( $203.030,000. )
A Chancery Lane lawyer c-ntributco an an
nual letter to the press in regard to the wind
falls of the year among the mlFsing heirs
and legatees , many of whom nro believed to
bo In America. Among oinors fortunes are
awaiting W. G. Clement , who went to Cali-
fornli In 1SOS ; James Moff.itt. who entered
the United States navy In 1SG3 ; the descend
ants of Jchn White , the first attorney General
of upper Canada ; C. 1C. Sayles , who went to
America In 1S70 , and Joseph Phkto ot WIs-
The will of tl.o late-Alfred Nebtl , the
Swedish chemist and expert In high explo
sives , who died at San Rune , Italy , on De
cember 0 , ISnfi , has been proved. The per
sonality is valued at 134,033 ( $2.170,4t5) ! ) .
Among the Icgateco Is Alfred Hammond of
Waterford , Tex. , who receives 2,000 ( $10-
000) ) . About half the estate goes to relatives ,
and the remainder is Invested , the Intornst ,
annually , to bo divided into five prizes of
about 2,000 ( $10,000) ) each. Prizes one , two
and three arc to be awarded to the persons
making the most Important discoveries in
physics , cliemlMry , physiology or modiuno.
Prize four Is to be given to the person mak
ing the best literary contribution upon the
subject of physiology or medl'ine , and prize
flvo Is to be awarded to nny person who
has achieved the most or done the best thing : ,
looking to the promotion of the cause of
peace throughout the Iworld. These prizes ,
which are all open to any person anywhere
In the world , will bo awarded by the varioua
Swedish academics , except the prize for the
propagation of peace , which b left In the
hands of a committee , which Is to be elected
by the Norwegian Parliament.
The conclusion of the French racing sea-
eon finds M. Menlcr of chocolate -fame at the
top of the list of winners , with 30,000 ( $1SO-
000) ) . The next In the Vlcomto do Harcourt ,
17,700 ( $85.000) ) . then comes Baron SchlrkUr
with 15,200 ( $7fi,00ft ) . Among the owners ef
French steeplechasers. Mile. Mersy , the oc-
trc-ss , lends with 14.000 ( $70.000) ) .
Sir Thomas and Lady Haskcth ( formerly
MUs Florence Sharon of 'San Francisco ) ,
have taken Barrdctstown , Klldare , for the
remainder of the seuson. Lady Hcoketh
made a brilliant debut with the Klldare
hunt. She finished In the front rank and at
the end of the ninety minutes' run.
There was a dramatic scene at the National
Liberal club on Wednesday. In the midst
of the speeches the chairman called upon
Mr. Gladstone to make a speech and a phonograph
graph Immediately gave an extract from
the statesman's last speech In the House
of Commons on the subject cf the House of
Lords. The wards were most clearly hcaid.
Mr. Gladstone said : "It Is not for the Com
mons to pronounce Judgment on the subject.
There 1 a higher authority than the , Com
mons. It Is the Judgment of the nation ,
which. In the last resort must .decide. . " An
Immense outburst of applause greeted the
repetition of these memorable sentences.
There are disquieting reports regarding
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone's health. They at
tended church on Christmas and appeared to
bo most feeble. 'Mrs. Gladstone had to bo
led to the communion table , whllo Mr. Glad
stone was compelled to cling to the choir
stalls on his way there. Mr. Gladstone's
sight Is worse. On leaving the church ho
failed 'to BOO his carriage , which was only
two yards off.
It Is reported that Herr RIehter , the well
known music conductor of"cnna , expects
to accept in 18)8 ! ) a long standing cffer of a
tour of the United States.
I'Vrucli Slil | U'ri'i'licil.
MARSEILLES , Jtr , . 1. The French bark
Lombard , Capt'ilti Dane , which lef. M bile
Ala. , November U , for Gclte , Department of
Hcteault , bunk yesterday evening wtille enter
Ing the port. Flvo of her crew. iMcludlng the
captain , were drowned. Eight otheri ) were
fiaved. The Lombard wus built In 1S97 at
Nantes , France. H registered auoir 5SO C'.IH
< ind was owned by Dcvllle of .Marseille ! ) .
iM Si-rtlcTN ill the rnxllc.
BERLIN , Jan. 1. Aa usual on New Year's
day there was a religious ecrvlcp today in
the chapel of the castle. It was attended by
the emperor , the empress and cx-Emprcits
Frederick ,
Movi'iiirntN of OcrmiVhorlN , .Inn I.
At New York Arrived Prubuhi , from
Hamburg ; Munclicn , from Bii'iiitn. Sailed--
Lul'humpagno , for Havr. ; ICtrurl.i , for Liv
erpool ; Palatla , for IIarnlur ,
At Liverpool Arrived Cevlc. from Ne-w
York. Sailed T.iurlc , for New York.
At London Sailed Kensington , for Phila
delphia ,
At Southampton-Sailed Ncv York , for
Now York.
At Havre SailedLuGaxcoKiio , for New
At Movlllc Arrived Ethiopia , from Now
Many Omaha Tcoplo Testify to the Efficacy
of It ,
Proof Comltm in Dully Nothing
SlM-iiUx I'luliHMTlinii I'm- . *
SiiliMtntitliil rlilrrti * ) II v-
. lllll * Ul-NllltN. .
Vram time to time for govern ! years past
tlio columns of The Hct > have borne willing
testimony to the phenomenal success attend *
InR Dr. Seymour's work In this city. No
organ of the human system Is of moro deli
cate construction , or BttcidH In ncod of inoro
Intelligent treatment , when defective- , than
the eye. Cllven the eholco of Ills , nny well-
balanced person would suffer the. lors of n
limb rnther than sacrifice one of theao mag-
nlflccrit windows of the soul. And yet there
arc those who , fully nllve to the Inestimable
vnluo of sight , iRflorarlty trust tholr allliiR
eyes to the hands of unknown and unskillful
opticians , rcculllng frequently In n train of
vlMMl disorders that place the dcllcnte or-
RIUIS of sight lu Jeopardy and not Infre
quently , end In the 'Iras of Clod's moat price-
Ires Rift-
In largo cities , however , this Is not so
much the fact ns In smaller communities.
In the larger cities people soon learn by
hitter experience , and thanks to the news
papers , which arc always glad to dUsemlnato
the news of moat vital Interest to their read-
crs , easily discover who la and who Is not
best lltted to Intelligent ! ) * dlugimyo and scien
tifically remedy the various forms of defec
tive eyesight.
A few days ago a reporter for The Ilco
Interviewed a number of well known Omaiui
people In regard to the skill of Or. Seymour
ns an optician anil printed the gratifying
results , which were copied far and near , us
the doctor Ins frlcmta lii every Important
city of the west.
"That article was all ritfit t'ul ( n the
point. " remarked 0. K. Scollelil yesterday.
"No man In the practice of optics today 'is
better lltted for that Intricate science than
Dr. Seymour of 'this ' city. No other man in
my experience brings to It the same depth of
learning or breadth of Intelligent obso\n- :
tlon. I suffered for years with n mlv < > d
astigmatism which dolled the efforts of
many of the best opticians of this and other
cities. I hail grown tired of experiment *
an J had lost faith In many whom 1 had es
teemed highly In their profession , and had
concluded that It was little better than gin Re
work after nil. Dr. Seymour has convinced
me to the contrary. It In In his hands an
oxnet science. I never before experienced
the relief secured b ) wearing his glasses and
heartily endorse every word of praise you
have plvon him. My wife re-echoes this son-
tlment , too. for he fitted her .eyes to her en
tire satisfaction. , Ho Is , without any < iues-
tlon , the foremost optician of the west. "
. Such words fiom O. K. Scolleld , the well
known dealer In elraks and furs at 1510
Douglas street , carry conviction.
"Ami you may put me down for the sa-no
opinion , " romnrlad n. R Cady. "My eyes
were a source of trouble to me for ycjre ,
ami .1 despaired of ever netting Just v.lut
1 noedul in the way of glassm until 1 con
sulted Dr. Seymour. iiy his method of ex-
amlnatlon , failure Is absolutely impossible.
The lined. Instrument ! * In existence nro in
his posessoii : : , and the eye Ks tested Just as
accurately as the thcrmomieer indicates the
heat cf the sun. Its power Is weigh.d
i and Its ra'llall-in measured so minutely 'that '
j 'thu ' glasses rc'.oru ' the eye to Its normal
I ccndUlon , and reading and close work of
I any kind becomes a painless pleasure. "
Judge llownnn also gave a dec'slou on tiio
case before the couu of public opinion , and
It was slim. fhaip End to the point.
"Von can say. " be said , "that my ojra
were different an 1 gave me great trouble
for years. Olajpea secmiM to help mo only
| slightly At the beginning , and I roon 0111.-
, grew' them , proving conclusively that they
were not properly adapted. I see now as
well as I ever did In my life , and close ap
plication to my legal dutlea never ( Ires my
cyca. I have no hesitation In endorsing
JJr. Seymour an.l recommending him to my
friends as the ablest optician I know. "
The public should be batlefle. ! with the
splendid nrray of testimony procured from
unqucHtlciwble resources , and nil who
suflcr from any Infirmity of sight
o\cr may bo assured at 'ibc hands of Dr.
Seymour of the ablest scientific skill In the
profession , to which his whole effort * are
so fittingly devoted.
In Pictures
For Distribution.
Brine 10 cents to The Hoc olllco , either
in Omaha or Council BlulTs.
Mailed to any address on receipt of 10
cent * in coin
1 i
< * /v'v < - ' * 'vvv \ y vrtxvr > j x/x/vv- _ _ ,
lanuit rcr mlc ur rrni. Uny & IK'sa , jj I'esrl
llm-clius Imiinivcil fnrm and Inutile city
l'r ' ° P < Tly. . Apply to J , , . N. CaMady. Jr. , Kt I"
Minn ot.
limtiuclloni. Altiln Hunter , ( "id
838 llroailway. dcrmun inttlmJ
of Dim.len Contervutory.
J , W. AND KAltit IX3ANH.
For steam bollura fiirnncea , etc.
ThlB unite Is bolus InrKfly used In
puckliiK houses , urewerleH , mills ,
HlcaiTi hcii'liiK ' plimtu , or any piano
where Hteum bolleru arc licluir used. *
They urn the most economical , dur-
ublo und elllclent Hhuklntt Krutu
mudo und will HUVO fuel. Write for
Rose Patent Grate G
Council BlulTa , low *