Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin3 OMAHA ] * K.Ei StTNf > 5\.T , JA'STIAKY ' - > . 1808.
Extraordinary Bargains Mu
New Embroideries
To close out our 1897 stock of Linens we have been
planning fw Iho lust week to make this tlio moat astounding sale of the season. K'l Is almost Kilo Imperative of FI-5ARLESS tlmt careful REDUCTIONS. and cconomlrnl housekeepers should attend this Made from good serviceable materials , trimmed with neat and durable 3 VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS.
All tinlliust innki's of ( ! < ! and TlMn. ilonlili ? satin damask
Talilt ; Uni'ii tlmt sold up to $ l.r > o yiml , o at , yard $1.15 and 90c laces and embroideries underwear that will give thorough satisfaction 1,000 yds Cambric Embroideries
Law tlitT"-ittai'tor ( by tlirt'CMitiartcr Xajiklns to match , 3.75 Good cloth , excullent needlework ,
dozen to the
wearer at popular prices.
. inches wide
All tin- extra liimvy smiles of ( ! S-ln. Silver Hlrae-h Table 75c neat designs , 2 to 3. : yard
I.lm.'ii , oictmmci ! salt1 , yard Good Muslin Gowns
All tlio ( Jl-ln. liloiiuhcil Table Linen , worth 7t"c , ekmrance Night , 42c 1,000 yds fine Cambric Embroideries
59c Tucked trimmed with cambric ruffle
sale , yard , yoke
3i to 5A inches wide , fine cloth
Napkins to nmteh $1.W ! Do/.cn- GOOD MUSLIN NIGHT GOWNS , 45c and fine needlework , beautiful designs. . . .
. ' , : ; lonjr .that noc-uin- Tucked and embroidered insertion with cambric ruffle n yard
All the remnants of Tnble Line n. from I'to . yards , yoke , " "
nluted ( ItirliiK thu holiday sale , m ust 1m cleared out at remnant prices. Fine Muslin Empire Night Gowns , 50c 750 yds fine Cambric Embroideries
1"il doxen Itleaehed . ' ' . ' slx.e , . value ,
Napkins. 'i.v'Ji reKitlar $1.80
1.25 band ruffle inches wide , fine needlework c
clearance price , do/.en trimmed with wide insertion cambrjc 6 to 10 ,
no do/.en silver bleach Damask Tray Cloths , open work all 25c Fine Muslin Night Gowns , beautiful guipure and open work effects. n yard
around , worth -I5c , clearance price , yard Tucked and embroidered insertion yoke , embroidered ruffle and finishing braid
ft cases of largest size Fringed lied Spreads , for brass beds , " " Hundreds of yards of beautiful line Cambric and
and worth .fli.U. , clearance price , each 1.35 Fine Cambric Night Gowns , | Nainsook Embroideries , all new designs , at
i ! cases largest slxe Honey Comb lied Spreads , extra heavy , Plain yoke , wide collar , trimmed with wide hemstitched ruffle
95c 6c 7-ic 9c 12ic and 15c yard
, ,
- ,
hemmed and ready for use , each Fine Cambric Night Gown , . " |
2 cases Marseilles executed , lied gout Spreads , llnu quality , designs handsomely 1-97 Maltese lace yoke and cambric ruffle with maltese lace edge. . * Fine Cambric and Nainsook Matched Set Embroid
. Fine Mus'.in Empire Night Gown , . ; eries , Insertions , and All Overs to
UK ) do/.en Inrjje slue dew bleach Htu-k Towels , equal In every 1.1 , Edgings Beading
way except In name to the "Webs well known hlfli price 29c Deep embroidered yoke , fine nainsook embroidered ruffle match , all at very reasonable prices.
brand , clearance sale , each ' ' " ' '
Fine Muslin Skirts , ,
KM ) do/.en Devonshire1 lluck Towels , open work on ends , 75c New Torchon , Medici , Ciuny and Smyrna Laces at
25c with ruffle with medici and guipure laces.
deep ,
plain white or colored borders , each edged prices that will sell them.
! ! < ) ( > dozen Fancy Damask Towels , knotted fringe and open Fine Muslin Skirts ,
work on ends , borders In all colors , each with deep hemstitched fine cambric ruffle
One case double warp Star and Crescent mills Hath Towels ,
was inc. , go tit , each Fine Muslin Skirts ,
Deep cambric ruffle , with torchon insertion and lace edge , . Ail Extraordinary Opportunity.
Good Plain Muslin Drawers ,
Clearing Sale with c'uster of tucks , i o / QQi oooi o/
OF Fine Muslin Ombrella Drawers
Per Cent POP Cent deep cambric ruffle , embroidery , edge , 13O 003O' OlJ3O
Discount Discount
Fine Cambric Ombrella Drawers , .
n. > >
Owing to the recent warm weather , the sale of b'an- deep cambric ruffle with medici insertion and , lace edge Discount Discount Discount
kets have been somewhat retarded , consequently our Fine Muslin Ombrella Drawers , , , In order to close out our entire Coa'c ' Stock in the
stock for this time of year is too large and must be with embroidered cambric ruffle , . . . , next few days , we have decided to make a reduction
closed out before February ist to make room for spring Fine Cambric Ombrella Drawers , ' , : ' of 33 percent Th.s . applys to the entire stock of both
goods ; to move them quickly will mike a 20 per cent deep cambric ruffle with innsertion and embroidery edge ' '
ladies' and children's garments no reserves All our recent
discount on every pair in stock. This is a grand op Fine Cambric Corset Covers , , : '
portunity to buy blankets at prices which wi'I ' never oc neatly trimmed with embroidery , lace and finishing braid , cent arrivals of ladles' up-to-date tailor-made j ckets from
cur again. AH blankets mirked in plain figures from the most noted manufacturers in New York City embracing
25c 37k ; 50c 65c to $1.50 each
which a discount of 20 per cent will be deducted. , , , > tip bracing all the most fashionable materials.
Corner Corner
Farnam and Fifteenth Farnam and Fifteenth
Eedticcs tlio Salaries of Toiobors at the
Institute for Feeble Minded.
Honrcl of I'nhlle Lands anil Iluilil-
llll > H I'MllllN ItNL'lf 111 KlIVO
of a I'rolinlilc
LINCOLN , Jan. l.-r-Spcclal. ( ) It Is said
that the Hoard of Public Lands and Uulld-
Ings will glvo the teachers In the Institute
for the Feeble 'Minded ' at 'Beatrice ' a New
Year's present In the form of a reduction
of salaries from $50 $ per month and board ,
the 'present rate , down to $40 per month and
board. This reduction will strike six teach
It Is rumored that the populist officials
have become alarmed because of the smallness -
ness of the appropriations for several of the
state Institutions , and will make a general
cut In wages In an effort to make the money
Jiohl out , the Indications now 'being that the
burst of populist economy In the last ses
sion of thp legislature will result In good-
nlzcd dcllcteucy claims before the next ses
The- supreme court calendar for January ,
February and 'March ' was Issued last week.
The cases regularly on the call for the
various dates are aa follows : January 4 ,
Kos. 7.74S 'to ' 7,780 and 7,783 ; January IS , Nos ,
7.781 , 7,782 and 7.7SI to 7,829 ; February 1 ,
Nos. 7.830 to 7,874 ; Fdbruary 15 , Ncs. 7,875 to
7,020 ; March 1 , Nos. 7.922 to 7.9BG ; March 15 ,
Nos. 7.9G7 to 8,011. In addition to , these there
will bo called on the various dates a number
of state cases and other cases that have
been advanced.
York and Scward Whist clubs sent down a
Tacts About thu Now
Gauss Remedy.
Upsuts the Time-Worn ami Useless
C , K , GhUEs of Marshall , Mich. , has pre-
( xirc'd a new kind of catarrh cure that Is
meriting Iho attention of physicians and
doing wonders in the way of curing catarrn.
It la In tablet form , dry anil taken Internally.
This plan of treating catarrh Is somewhat
different from the widely advertised In
halants , douches , snulllers and other reme
dies for local application.
It Is claimed by all well-informed phyal-
clans that catvirrh means a disturbed bodily
temperature , producing Inflammation In Hie
dcllcato natal membranes , and becomes
chronlu as the rruilt-of a succession of colds.
The only \\uy u > reduce this Inflammation
and restore the membranes to Average bodily
heat Is to treat the nervous Ejstem con-
trollng bodily temperature. The success of
Gauss Tablets 's ' thus far so surprising that
It a wonder the plan was not tried years ago.
1'hyslclans have all along contended .tint
constitutional treatment was the only way to
cure catarrh , but the absence of ; ui exact
epeclllo pievonied practical demonstration of
the theory. Now that liio specific has been
found considerable progrccs Is reported In
curing a disease- which has heretofore- -
Uted the best medical talent. GauEs Ca
tarrh Tablets are being placed with all first-
class druggists , who wilt fill pre
scriptions , or the tablets may * be
bought by the box at 50 cents ,
In CUEO your druggist does not have them u
box will to mailed direct , prepaid , on applica
tion to C. 1C. Gauba. Marshall , Mich. , If the
price U Inclosed. Ho also sends a treatise
on catarrh ot ( lie mucuous membranes ot the
oar , node , throat , > , itotuach , bladder ml
bowel * . _ >
) Ickcd wMst team from their clubs to play a
niStch game with the whist players of the '
Unlcn-Comnierclal club last night. Twenty' '
players on each side , a total of forty , played '
thirty hands , resulting In a victory of sixty
trlrlcs for 'tho ' Lincoln men.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer entertained a
largo body of friends last night to bid. fare
well to the dying year. An entertaining-part
of the program was an Informal talk by Dr.
Jordan of Leland 'Stanford ' university on the
seal question , a subject on which he Is quali
fied to speak with authority. Near midnight
a merry dance was begun , and the new year
was ushered in fittingly ,
IteniK of IiiU-ri'M nit-mini In tin-
HiiHtlliiK Ni'lii'iiNku Town. '
HASTINGS , Nob. , Jan. 1. ( fuecial. ) The ,
remains of Theodore Speckles , who was ac- ;
cldentally killed last Saturday by a switch :
rnclno while working on a rallrcad , arrived' '
ti the city today and will be Interred in
Parkview cemetery tomorrow.
The new wells at the city water works are
nearly completed and are expected to be In j
running order within another week. The'
new machinery for the airlift process has
been put In and so far as tested has proved
sntlblactory. 1
Work cm the now wing at the asylum has i
been going steadily on and the brick work
bi.s already reached t'.ie first story above the
basement. A force of twenty more bricklayers - !
layers will be put to work Monday morning ,
and It Is thought the brick work will be en-j
tlrely completed within the next fifteen days.
The citycouncil has recently taken steps
to prohibit the putting down of board walks
within the business portion ot the city.
The Hastings electric light plant , which
was so badly damaged by lire Monday morn
ing , has been repaired and Is now running
Cull speed every nlgnt.
The social function of the soascu was the
grand ball given by the Elks In their bill
last night , U was a full dress affair and
was largely attended ,
New Year's day In Hastings was very
quiet , an all the business houses were closed
and nothing of Importance oicurred to mar
the almost perfect weather. The Women's
auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation and the members of the association
entertained from 4 to 10 o'clock. The Young
Men's Christian association rooms were
beautifully decorated and looked very in
viting. There were plenty ot music , refresh
ments and games.
Silver Weil ill n ur.
YOTIIC , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) S = cety ! In
York ushered ! In the 'New Year last night In
the parlors and corridors of the I31oilgctt
house. The occasion was the twenty-fifth
anniversary ot the wedding of iMr. and Mrs.
A. Holdgett , There were nearly 400 guesU
predcnt. Potted plants largely termed the
decorations and music was furnished by
oivhcstras stationed In the reception .rcoms
and in the dancLig hall. The refreshments
were bountiful , Costly gifts In generous
quantity were bestowed by the business men
of the city , the various clubs and lolges tu
which the host and hostess belong and the
regular guesta ot the hotel ,
AHxaiilt on mi Old .11 aii.
HEATRICE , Ne.b. . Jan. 1. ( Special Tele
gram , ) Dee Jackson , a well known char
acter about town , made an sasault on Wil
lis Hrlnton , prcprietor of a Court street
'billiard ' room , tonlgtot , In which Urlnton re
ceived Injuries about the head which may
result fatally.
The more serious Injuries -are a fracture
of the skull and a ghastly cut over one
eye , Ilrlnton was carried to his rooms over
the 'billiard hall. Ho Is over CO years old.
Ho Is wildly delirious.
Cranil lArmjOIHeerM. .
COZAD , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) Llndsey
post , No. 205 , Grand Army of the Republic ,
has elected the following officers for the en
suing year : Commander , James Walling ;
senior vice commander , O , J , llleckmin ;
junior vice commander , C. Itcascr ; eurgeon ,
W. S , Larmon ; chaplain , S. S. Gibson : officer
of thoj day , Captain T. A. Taylor ; officer ol
the guard , W. J. Coon ; quartermaster , J , T.
Buckley. '
Women * ! Ilellet Corps elected tlio fol
lowing officers : President. Mra. May Owens ;
senior vlco president , Mrs. Mary Drown ;
junior vice president , Mrs. Ida Roberts ; sec
retary , Mrs. Anna Cowlck ; treasurer , Mrs. j
Rosle Atkinson ; chaplain , Mra. Jane Ar
nold ; conductor , Mrs. Mary Hess ; assistant
conductor , Mrs. Addle Roberts ; guard , Mrs.
Sarah York ; assistant guard , Mrs. Gibson.
I'niMiierlty lit Ili-iitrlee.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) If
anything more tangible Is needed than sur
face Indications to show that the city and
county had entered upon an era of prcs-
pcrlty the records of the county officers
wculd furnish It. The real estate mortgage
Indebtedness of the county , ns will be shown
from the following figures , has been reduced
during the. > oar just cl.sed $230,245 , or nearly
a qu'aiitcr ' ct a million dollars. The record on
this class of filings for the month of Decem
ber was : Farm mortgages filed , 35 ; amount ,
$31'S92 ; released , 4C ; amount , $14,323 ; city
mortgages filed , 12 ; amount , $6,290 ; released.
14 ; amount , $30,054. For thu year the record
is as follows : Number of farm mortgages
filed , 394 ; amount , $105,932 ; number re
leased , 451 ; amount , $502,111 ; city mortgages ,
filed , 119 ; amount , $71,013 ; released , 220 ;
amount , $205,709. There are also other mat
ters that are usually taken m Indicative of
the feeling of capital. During 1897 there
were eighty-one fewer real estate mort
gages filed than there were In 1S9G and there
iwero sixty-six 'more released , and , last , ttierc
were 223 marriage licences issued in 1897 , as
against 183 issued In 1896.
W. II. Prince did not get h0 ! ball bond
secured yesterday ns he expected he would ,
His attorney at St. Paul , Minn. , wired him
that It was practically arranged , but It ap
pears It , was not completed , As It wns ex
pected the bond would bo forthcoming at
any moment , he has spent moat of his time
In company with an officer nt a Turkish bath
house , where ho enjoyed all the luxuries ho
could obtain by a liberal supply of money ,
but this got tiresome to all concerned , and
ho was again locked up to await his hearing
which will probably be held Monday.
Sewnril ItuiiiN ,
SEWARD , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) The
machinery for the new oatmeal mill has bepn
coming In and Is being put In place.-
The county board meets January 4 to clcao
up Its business and the new county officers
will go In on January C , ,
William Blck has bought the Louie Reese
property on the west side of the isquart
and will put up a brick block In the spring
It lo reported on good authority that thc.-o
are 7,155 head of cattle and 55,525 head o
Ehcep being fed In Seward county that wll
be ready'to ' ship in the near future.
Next week has been cho.icn as the week o
prayer In this city and the churches hav
arranged programa , each church ( having ai
evening out of the week.
The Heaver Crossing Review has been re
vlved again by E. N. Overman.
.iNlllllllll .VlllcN ,
ASHLAND , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) Th
meetings at the Christian church that hav
been conducted for the last three weeks b
Heva , Warren and Warren , traveling cvzn
gellttg from Nuckolls county , have closed.
William N. Nye , whose soM-lmposed sur
render to the lown authorities for dUncalu
of mortgaged property at Wahoo Neb. , wj <
announced In The Bee of Wcdne day fron
Lemars , la. , formerly lived at Mead. II
left that town under a cloud seven year
ago , since which time the Nebraska officer
were unable to locate his whereabouts ,
Hx-Slit-rlfT Trli-K lo Uuil IIIH Trouble * *
WEST POINT , Neb. , Jan , 1. ( Special. )
Ex-Sheriff James H. Gallon \\as discovers
last evening In a disused barn In the rca
of the American house In this city , hangln
to the rafters , but was cut down before lit
was extlnci. Mr , Galleu has been pursuing
the downward path for some years and hsa
been drinking heavily. It Is auppcaed that
his attempt to commit suicide was caut d
by a fit of temporary aberration , Ho Is one
of the oldest settlers of Cumng | county ,
v\KrliMilturiil .SoelflOllleerH. .
OL-AY OBNTEJl , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special , )
The Clay County Agricultural society held
Its annual meeting hero yesterday and elected
the following officers for the ensuing year :
President , B. W. Campbell ; vlco president ,
S. McKelvIe ; secretary , J. E. 'Wheeler ' ; treas
urer , H. IE. 'McDowell ' ; marshal , N. W. John-
on ; supcrlntenJent , U. II. Dunn ; representa-
ve to meeting of State Board of Agrlciil-
ure , 13. V. Phelps.
Siirju'lmfor Cnntnlii Short.
NELSON , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) Cap-
aln Ed M. Short of company H , Nebraska
\ational Guard , was tendered a banquet at
alkenburg's Thursday evening by the mem-
ers of his company. It was a complete eur-
rlse to the captain , as he had only been In-
! ted to "take oysters. " Covers were laid
or fifty and the event was a most
Innr-niif nnn. n.intnln Shnrt trnosthis wpek
o take charge of the Franklin schools as
Coiivc'iitlon \eWHiiiier | Men.
LINCOLN' , Jan , 1. ( Special. ) The No-
> raslta State Press association will hold Its
annual convention In this city , January 11
and 12 , the first session being held on the
morning of that day. There will be three
esLsIons each day , morning , afternoon and
evening , the one on the last evening being
ovoted to a banquet.
Ivllleil While WurkliiK I" Well.
BANCROFT , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. )
Carl Skoog , a young Swede farmer , was
ns'.antly killed while working In a well on
ho farm of A , F. Peters , three and one-half
ulles from this place , A heavy bucket
fell thirty feet , striking him on the head
and crushing his skull. Ho was married
and leaves a wife and one child ,
IMiilnllir FullH to Appear.
MULLEN , Nc.b. . , Jon. 1. ( Special. ) The suit
wrought against E. W. Estes by L. A. Myers ,
.o replevy some cattle taken up for destroy-
ng aorno of Estcs' hay , wae brought before
County Judge Ed Stcpaenson of Hooker
cour/.y and as L. A. Myers did not appear
ludgmcnt was rendered against him for $20
acJ costs In favor ot E. W. Estes.
SnreeKHfiil Cntholte Kulr.
FAIIU1URY , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Special. ) The
Catholics have been holding a most success
ful festival and fair this week for the ben
efit of thulr church. It Ins been well pat
ronized .and a most enjoyable time has been
the result. Many valuable presents have
been received by the lucky holders of the
right tickets.
Dnnee the Old Venr Out.
BATTLE GREEK- Nol Jan. 1 ( Spe
cial. ) A masquerade ( ball' ' vas given at the
opera house last night. IjiiVre was an 1m-
mi.iicn pi nwil i rn < innt ftml'Mninv jlnni'nrml
In masks. ' The New Year was welcomed by
th ? unmasking of the ; dancwrs , by ringing
bells , firing salutes ahU a general stir all
nleht. . n
I- ' Department Hull
PB.S'DER. 'Nob. , Jan. 'if ' ( Special. ) The
Ponder flro department' ' ' gave * a grand liall
last night at the Warrrf | (6j ( ) Opera house ,
which was attended by ov erB100 couples. The
receipts were $95 , which , ' KQCS toward paying
for the new uniforms whM the fire boys
have lately procured. '
, ( , -r
I.eeture at ItfiVtrell.
BURWELL , Neb. , Jen. 1. ( Special. ) Rev.
D. 1C. Tlnfiall of Grand la'jand ' gave his lec
ture "The Attractions ot tie Holy Land" at
the Methojlst EpUcopal church on Thurs
day evening In the Interest of the Epuarlh
County ( \iiii in I st. I u n IT Il
FAIRBURY , Ntb. , " Jan. 1. ( Special. )
County commissioner /I.obert Brock has re
signed his olfico and -I. I ) . McCord lisa been
appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Brock ex
pects to rcako his future home In California ,
Worlil'N AruhlleetM to Compete ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan , 1. Thu truatcqa
appointed by Mr ? , Phoebe Hearst to obtain
the architectural plan of the buildings and
grounds for the University of California
have Just completed their ( program for an
International competition , open to the arch
itects of the world , -which la to be Issued ,
Immediately , -
Packing Houses as a Eeeord Breaking
PnokerN llriuieli Out utiil Largely In
crease IIii' Cannc-Ity of Their
'HcNiiectlve ' Tin 11 IK 1'roNiiceln
for ComluK Year.
The past year has witnessed a very grati
fying Improvement in the volume of busi
ness doing at the South Omaha packing
houses. South Omaha as a packing center
has made rapid strides and has experienced
some phenomenally prosperous years , but
none equal to 1897 , 'though the record ot
might compare favor
some previous years
In 1894 there were phenomenally heavy
marketings of stock and the business ot
the packing houses was pushed way
beyond anything previously reached at this
poln , but it dropped In 1S95 to the lowest
point of the present decade , or elnco the
first few years after the establishment of
the market. The heavy decline of business
was due to natural causes , -which ) had their
influence In every ether department ot man
ufacturing or commerce and which made
1895 a year to 'be ' remembered. With the
advorvt of 1890 there was some Improvement
noticeable , but It was unimportant and the
total volume of business was small aa com
pared with previous years. The coming ol
1897 ushered In better Units for the packing
Industries of the whole country , More people
ple were securing employment and hence
coming Into a | x > altlon to be consumers of
meats , thus creating an Increased demon a
for packing house products.
During the 'past year there has been an ac
tive business nnd packers have been more
concerned as to the supply of live stock
than they have regarding the marketing of
the product. In order to keep pace wJth the
demand South Omaha packers have been
forced to send buyers Into other markets
to patch out the supply of packers ami keep
Bholr hotircs running to the required ca
pacity. At'tho ' same time the active demand
has kent prices on stock up to a point which
has Induced shippers from a wider extent
of territory to come to this market , Large
Increases In receipts from all the western
states are noted consequent upon the urgent
demand for cattle at this point and to the
enterprise of Interested parties In securing
It Is , however , the figures that tell the
story after all , and they show that only
twlco In the h IN lory of the yards have as
many cattle been slaughtered as during
1897 , and never ns m'any hpgu or sheep , and
taking all kinds of stock ( together 1897 way
by all oJds the heaviest year ever experi
enced by the packers at this point.
The following will show the number of
head of cattle , hogs and sheep slaughtered
> by the packers for the years Indicated :
Cntllp. Hogs. Sheep.
1897 . 4fil,2l8 . .IIO.M ! ) 409tOI
ISM . MUS2 110,474 187,492
1M . HIS.149 .OK2.K9 87.31C
IBM . 529,45) ) .471.W7 124.SMJ
U93 . K4.10I , OVJ,4J9 1-15,03S
1S92 . 451.113 ,320.STI ! 99,4)3 )
1891 . 3SI.GGO 1,210,370 M > , ! 0 >
IhSQ . 323,923 13 9OM 58,310
It Is Uafo to Bi > that the packing houses
and Union Stock yards company at South
Omaha cxpcuded $200.000 In repairs and 'Im-
prc'vemfnts during the year 1837. Among
fie packing houses the most extensive Im
provement : ! Imvo been inaJo at the Cudahy
plant , where at loat : 160,000 has been ex
pended durliig the last three months In alter
ations ami extensions. The new sausage
factory , which la now under roof , cost $20,000 ,
excluelvo ot Iho onacblaery which la to lie
placed In 'It ' wiien it Is completed. Two ad
ditional sborles , vavo been added to ' 'he neutral
hougo and the headquarters of the Cuduhy
flro department Iwve born enlarged. Many
improvements have been made at the soap
factory cad new machinery recently pur
chased Is now being placed In this big ten-
story building , ftlany other improvements
Oiave been made during the year , miming trie
cost way up Into the thousancs.
In onnectln with improvements to be
made as soon as the weather will permit the
Cudahys have planned fc'no erection of a
largo two-story brick stable , wnich will cost
at least $10,009. In this stable will be stalls
for forty-flvo horses cud room for as many
wagcns. A largo power building and ex
tensive uiddltlons to tie glycerine and toap
factories have been planned and work on
these will commence early In the spring.
Besides ) the Improvement to me buildings at
the Cudahy plant and In addition to the es
timate of the expense given must be added
the private telephone system which was but
recently installed and which oc-st to the
neighborhood of J 1,000.
It la tiio intention of the Cudahy campany
to expend something like $100,000 during the
spring And summer In oJdltlons , alterations
and repairs. A great deal of new machinery
will bo purchased tifid djnamon to propel
this machlncut will be maintained In a build
ing to be ereWid for the purpose.
Some .time ago the Cud.inys let a con
tract for another artesian well , but t'.ie ex
tremely ccld woither came on. about that time
and It was decided to postpone all such
work ira'Ml ' spring. In connection with this
well there will be built n > 'resorvc-lr ' holding
1,000,000 gallons , which will be held In re-
servo to bo used In case of fire or emergency.
Plan/t are also being made for a largo fer
tilizing building which is to be built on thu
site of the present fertilizing plant.
Superintendent Cameron or the Cudahy
company has gone cast for 'the purpose of In
vestigating the advisability of adding to the
vailety of the products of t'he ' plnt and It Is
portable that extensions not planned for at
this tlmo may be adopted In addition to those
already mentioned.
Manager Noycs of the G. II. Hammond
company estimates that the repairs and Im
provements made to the Hammond property
during the year Just closed cott $25,000.
While no now buildings were erected , a num
ber of changes and alterations were made
which Increaacd the capacity of the plant
carslderably. As for the coming year Man
ager Noyes says that new smoke housei-j will
bo built and additions made to the shipping
ani packing rooms. The cost of these Im
provements Is estimated at $15,000. A new
office building Is now being planned and Is
to bo erected just north of the beef house.
ThU ibulldlng will bo designed capcclnlly for
an olllco and will be fitted with all modern
prrivrnlonnwl. Thn MSt of tills lllllldlni ! will
be between $20,000 and $2.r $ > ,000. It Is likely
that other Improvements not seriously con
sidered at this time will be made by thu time
the busy Reason commences.
Swift and Company spent fully $50,000 In
Improvements last year and will spend as
much more this year. Smoke liousdi to cost
In the nelghlorliooi of $10,000 will h0 built
nnd additions made to the storage rooina.
This company IB now carrying a heavy stock
of meats and more otorago room Is needed.
While plans have not been made for any ad
ditions to thu store roonin the matter is be
ing considered at the head offlcoH of the com
pany In Chicago.
Manager Tallaferro of the Omaha Packing
company stated yesterday that no Improve
ments or additions wore made to the plant
laat year and none wore contemplated Jor
this year.
It Is expected that the Armour plant will
bo In operation during cither June or July ,
end this addition to the packing business
will mean much. Five ot the Armour build-
Inge are now In courou ot erection , and with
mild weather they may bo completed by
sprint ; . An soon BB possible In the Hprlng
the other four buildings of this plant will bo
commenced unil puehed to completion. An
Immense amount of money tia.i been npent
on the Armour Bite since the commencement
of work bet July. It IB t tlmateU that 10-
000 000 brick will be used In the construction
of the buildings , and the completed' plant
will , It IA said , cost $1,000,000 ,
The Union Stock Yards company baa made
many Improvements slnco work commenced
. the Armour plant. Now pens have been
added to the cattle division , a largo addition
built to the seep barn and many of the alleys
paved with brick. An extensive addltlen to
the exchange building ! s now being erected ,
which will coat when completed about $100-
000. This new building will bo molern In
every way and will be a very neat and Im
posing c/tructurc. / The kitchen , dining room
and barroom addition to this wing ot ( he ex
change are completed. The furnishings ot
thcsa apartments are the best that money
could buy and have been p'.iccd with great
care. This new building a'.one , aside from
the furnishings cost $50,000 , nnd the Interior
work will run the total cost up to $100.000 ,
while the other Improvements at the yards
made during the summer will swell this
amount about $23.000.
Si-vore Storm In \o v 12iiirlniil. ;
BOSTON , Jan. 1. A Htnrm of considerable
energy swept over New England lawt night
iiml early this morning , causing henvy
northwest to Koutlicast giilos and was ac
companied by heavy ruins In the southern
portion and from four to clpht Inches ot
Know further north. TYIC storm at noon to
day Is far to the eastward over tlio
piovlnees nnd IH being rapidly followed with
the UHlial cold wnvu mid high westerly
gales. In Now Hampshire thu snow drifted
b.ully and trains from tin- north were from
one to four hours lato. Telegraph service
was not materially crippled. In Maine about
eight Inches of snow foil and considerable
more farther north , much to the delight of
the lumbermen.
Fair mill Wiii'mrr , tvllli VorllnvoNt to
WASHINGTON , Jan. l.-Korucast for Sun
day :
For Nchr.iPkn , South Dakota and Iowa ,
Missouri and Kaunas Fair , lA-anner ; south
west to south wlndH.
For WyomliiK Fair , warmer ; variable
winds ,
I.OCIlI Itl'IMiril.
OMAHA , Jan. 1. Omahii record of rulnfali
nnd temperature compared with the corresponding
spending dny or thelimt three years :
1S9S. 1K97. H9fi. 1895.
Maximum temperature . . . 2i : ni VI 11
Minimum temperature . . . 11 20 IS 12
Averngo temperature . . . . 17 . ' ! 8 & 1
Ilnllifnll ( X ) .01 .00 T
Ilrcord of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omaha for thlH day un.l Blnco Maruh 1 ,
1S97 :
Normal for the day 19
Ufllclpm-y for the day a
Accumulated CXCSBH Hlnen March 1 .111
Norman rainfall for the day 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall Hlnno March 1. . . 19.H ) Inches
Deficiency flnce M irc'i 1 11.44 Irr hen
Ucllcleiicy for cor. period , 1SU7. . . . 0.02 tnuii
Deficiency for cor. period. 1S90. . . . 0.03 Incn
1 . A. WI9UHI , Local ForccaHt Ofllclal.
TIIInv : STOMcn iti : > nnv. :
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The resultH of recent Investigation hnvo
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Over six thousand people In the state of
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Full Hlzud packages may be found ut all
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Bund for free book on utomacb diseases.