n THE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY JANTAKY 12 , 1803 Omaha , January 3 , 1S5S. /I If Monday morning at 8 o'clock begins our annual January clearing sale not one solitary item advertised here but what is a gemime reduction from our former selling prices we mean to make this sale so large the bargains so great that it will be counted by one and all as the greatest January Clearing Sale ever held in Omaha you who have patronized us can see at once how great the reductions are you who. are judges of values can look at these January offerings compare them with any you may see and we are positive that you will aoree with us than no such genuine reductions prices have ever been made before. MAKK-HOOM Looking around a I SEI.UNU OF corner tolls us to DHKSS f.OODS hurry. Now goods will soon want ten- milage and we must make room for them. ' be greatly differ- Perlnips tlH-y'll not HO out from tlii'St' not likely to bo ; but for ' UH , they must < i ; for you It menus great er wiving than H | > uii(1liK. ( ! In I lie list of hints below , each original price represents the actual earlier selling price doubtful if the now stuffs will be even as cheap as these wore. We are : paying much more for many coming tiress stuffs. These In full dress lengths. 5c , was 12c } a yd I'nrltlc Huttings. 15c , was 2Sc a yd Oht'vlot Suitings in two tone effects. 22Jc , was ' 10 ; a yd Invisible Check Sultlups. * 25c , w.is nOc a yd Hcnutlful Suitings , extraordinary value small checks and mixed effects. 33 l-3c , was SOc a yd Three Toned Cheviots 20 different styles to snlert from. 55c , was 75c a yd Novelty Suitings. 3'Jc. w.is ( ! ( ) ; a yd Hrocade nnd leisured Novelties. 5c ! ) , was SI.00 a vd Choleo Novelty Mixtures. 57c , was al.t)0ayd.j ) Desirable Suitings. 7c. ! ) was $1.25 a yd New J.icquard Novelties. 7Sc ( , was $1.25 a yd Two Toned Arnni.'o Novelty. OOc , was SI.25 a yd KiiBllsh Novelties. ( 3c. was $1.00 a yd M'lntiRO Suitings. ( ! ! ) c , w.is $1.25 a yd Suitings. I 5c ! , was Wi ) a yd llasket Novelties. ' j 6 ! ) ; , was $1.00 a yd T\vo Toned I'ebblo Cloth. 02Jc , was $1.01) ) a yd Two Toned Hasket Novelty. C ! ) c , was $1.00 a yd. . . Ilnndsomo Tailor Suiting. ? )8c ) , was $1.50 a yd Granite Tailor Suiting" , 4 ! ) ; . was 85s a yd I'ebblo Cloth. I 89c , wasl./IOa yd Two Toned Tailor Suiting. 39c , was 75c a yd Novelty Suiting. J)8c ) , was $1.50 a yd Silk and Wool Novelties. 31c , was 4Oe a yd Jamestown Plaid Suitings. SOc , was 50c a yd Plaid Suiting * . 43 ; , was ( > 5i a yd Hasket I'lnlds , very choice. 8'Jj , was $1.25 a yd Ottoman Plaid Suiting. BLACK Not a single DRESS reason why GOODS you should not save half the price of your black dress if ynn buy dur- insj this great special clearance sale Liciutty that has only tarried hero because of the largo wirclmso made early in the season , wo have marked tlio balance of them at hurrying prices to close them out. 25c , was 37c } a yd Twenty-llvo distinct styles to select from. It Is worth a visit here Just to Hee thorn. 51)c , was 75ca yd And such a line of them-yoiijmyo been buying them all season at 7jc-all new styles and wouves. 75)c ) , w.is'l.Olu ) yd Yes , each ono of these choice novelties remember , they woie Ua perfect ueni Imi.oVtod . to sell at l.00-tho best choosing Is inndo early. OS : , was $1.25 and $1.50 Pnrli novelty-nil the choleo deslRns tlio best Paris mamiiueturcrs- from und such , a line of thorn-one of the most beautiful , most swell over shown by ua-You cannot afford to inltw see ing them at least. Si / ! wns $2.25 a yd Prices tipped sky high by tariff-but umble.1 lower than over 1 > y our great January clearance sale " > ese "Ices scarcely coino again for lull one- tiilrrtmore , tlmn wo are asking for them during this sale. MUFFS Those will nharo In the general - oral mioriueo. Finest $300 HIeetrlo Seal Muffs , the Jj.lX ) hid itt' $2.w > each. J3.5Q , Wool Seals , Husslan Mnrten-tho V > r. itltids at $1.73 each. Battle Cry of the Ojpwtion in the Ohio Senatorial Contest. BOTH SIDES NOMINATE THEIR TICKETS 'Hi'innln ' Awny from Ten lU-pnwU'1" " " 1'liflr 1'urO' Ciiui'HHpH , lint Three of 'I'lienirv llc- | ported Sick. * COLUMBUS. 0. . Jan. 1. The caucuses for tlie nomination of oltlccrs of the legislature , which convenes next Monday , were held to night. Usually these caucuses ore of etato Interest only. Tonight the re-election of Senator Hanna was directly Involved , and In directly , but openly and aggressively , repub lican opposition In Ohio to President Me- Kin ley1 and bis appointments asiumed or ganic factional form , The result of the cau cuses showed that the nominees of the Hauua SILKS SHORT AND LONG HITS AT SHORT PRICES \Vo cannot toll you bow many pieces wo are going show there nro so iminy that wo bnvo no time to count them. Bright women will come when they rend this tid. for .they know every ref - f duc'tion ia genuine. 25c , was $1.00 a yd Fancy I'lclsse. C3c , wns SI.00 nnd $1.25 a yd i Black Hroeades. I 7 < 1c , wns St.25 and $1.50 a yd Black Ilrocades. 42c , was Sac ; 50 : , w.is $1.00 ; ( i2c $ , wns $1.25 ; 75c , was $1.50 Remnants Ulack Sllks-5 to S yd lengths. 50j , w.is $1.00 ; < > 2 c , was $1.25 ; 70o. was $1.40 ; 7nc , was $1.50 . a yd Black Molro Silks. < J2Jc , was $1.25 ; 75c , was $1.50 a yd Black Moire Velour. lOc , was $1.00 a yd Colored Molro Velours , i We , was SI.50 a yd Tinsel Vcstlngs. We , was 75c and $1.00 a yd Short lengths Colored Duchessc and Rhadnmes. 25c , was ( iOc a yd Drapery Silk. ' iJ2c. } was $1.25 a yd Fancy Taffeta Silks , black ground , shot with bright colors. 40c , was $1.00 a yd Fancy Armure Silk , black grounds , shot with bright colors. 37Jc , was 75c , : > ! ) c , was ! Kc ) , 42c , was S5c. 'l'c ! ) , w.is $1.00 and $1.25 a yd Fancy Novelty Silk for waists. 42jc , was 85c , 49c , was $1.00 and $1.25 a yd Plaid Silks. KID GLOVES 4Sc per puir A few sizes only of S-incb Mouscruc- talre Suede and Glace Kid Gloves , sold at Jl.T.'i pet pair. Sizes , 5V4 , C l , Ci and 7 now 4Sc pel pair. WOOL HOODS. Clearing sale of these FASCIISA.TORS articles to make roorc AND SKIRTS for sjrJnj ! tiu ° ds Note the reductions and then como and see for yourself 73c Black and Colsred Fascinators re duced to fiQc each. fiOo and 50c Black Fascinators reduced to ICic each. COc colored Fascinators reduced to 2oc each. 23c Black Fascinators reduced to 13c each. $2.2 , " > Black and White Crochet Shawls 2 yards square , reduced to $1.50 each , A lot of small Black Ice Wool Squares that were Me and Me , reduced to ioc each. A LOT OF W1I1TR ICK WOOL SQUARES AT THK FOLLOWING PrtlCKS : $2.00 reduced to ll.HO each. $1.73 reduced to $1.23 each. Jl.no reduced to $1.00 each. $1.23 reduced to 73c each" . A LOT OF BLACK ICK WOOI SQUARES AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES : $3.00 reduced to $2.00 tnch. $2.00-rcduced to $1.CO each. 73c reduced to tOc cacb. IN LADIES' KNITTED SKIRTS Wl HAVE CUT PRICKS AS FOLLOWS Jl.CO Skirts reduced to 73o each , Il.tO Skirts reduced to $1.CO each. $1.73 Sklrtt : reduced to $1.23 each , $2.00 Skirts , reduced to $1.23 each. $2,25 Skirts , reduced to $1.50 each. INFANTS BONNETS- Our entire stock , consisting of colore silk , velvet and cloth Bonnets ; urean silk Bonnets , cream silk Bonnets an Angora Bonnets to be allowed 20 pe cent off each bonnet. Also a lot of Colored Silk Crochet Bon nets at $1.00 each , LINENS Tliorij is nothing ing- dearer to the heart of n Rood house keeper than line linens in olden times the dowry of u g-ood wife often consist ed of her stock of fine homo made linens und today as of old , linens still t-otill n their hold on the peed housewife in out- great Jan uary cloui-iny : sale we Diuko it easy to replenish your stock of these beautiful Scotch , Irish and Gorman yooda. Note our prices : < i TABLIC DAMASK All our $ l.i > 0 Bleaclu l Table Damask now OSc. All our S1.2.Blenchdl Table Damask now SOc. All our $1.03 Bleach 0.1 Table Damask now 75c. All our SJc Bleucho l Ta.lole Damask now COc. All our SOc Cream Ta.ble Dama.ik now 25c. All our DOc Turkey Red Damask now 23C. TAHLI3 CLOTHS All our $1.75 Bleached T.iblo Cloths , 2'i long , now ? l,2."i. All our $2.nO Bleache < l Table Cloths , 2'Xj long , now $1.C. . All our $3.50 BleacheJ T.iblc Cloths , 2Hs long , now $2.11i. All our $3.73 Bleaclu'tl T.iblc Cloths , yards long , now $2.ui , TABLE NAIMCIXS All our $1.2.1 Table ICapklns now S7c pel dozen. All our $2.00 Table Napkins now Jl.KS pel dozen. All our $3.7j Table Napkins , now $ J.S ! ) per dozen. TOWELS Choice of all our fine towels usually sold At Ific nqw l ) ( : n . -S * ' ' ; ; . . each. _ _ Choice of all our IJnen Huck Towels , usually sold at 25c. now ICc eaoh.-i All our 7c Crash CM-slies now 3c per yard. All our We Crash nor "c } > cr yard. All our 12Vic Crash n < , \ - Sc poriyard. DOMES TICS In our domestic lopartinont ' . o wi 11 offer m'gnins as wo have novcr before shown our NOW FOR A CLEAN An oxtrnordl- UP IN OUU CLOAK nttry Clearing DEPARTMENT Snlo in which every price will bo far below anything horotoloro known remember this is not a sale of old and shopworn garments but a sale of cloaks- some of which have only been in our Btoro one week out' cloak stock is not largo and at the prices wo make will un doubtedly be sndly cut down in a short lime- Monday morning at S o'cloc'.c will find us ready to commence fie new year iwlth renewed effort to < p1easo you. RADIUS' JACKETS To make a quick clem up , every coat In the store will be sold at absolutely one-half of our regular low prices , as our goods are all marked In plain fig ures they will tell the ta'.e themselves. All our $5.CO Coats will be $2.50 each. All our $10.0) Coats will be $5.00 each. All our $1.1.00 COats will be $7.00 each. All our $20.00 Coats will bo $10.00 each. All our benutlfill Russian Blouse Coats , In 'velvet ' , some worth as high as J33.00 , at one price , $15.00 each. Everyone knows we bad the finest line of Novelty Rough Cloth Coals , all silk , lined , over shown in the city at $10.00 , and ladles who purchased at that price they were cheap. To make a tjulck clearance of the balance , $5.00 each will bo the price. LADIES' CAPES- 30-lnch. CloTU > 'c5pes , which ; would really ba cheap at $0.00 , clearing price J2.50. All our handsome $13.00 PlushCapes _ at ' " * * r * " " * * 47 . M'facliV"1 All. our hnn < ] somoj > $12.00 Capes nt- $ G.OO each. G.OOt * All our $0,00 "Cloth Capes at $1.09 , , . ' - . ' Jbiir $7.0l > "Cloth , Capes 'atT $3.00 erfchT' ' We 'have had some sales some grefl't sales and some extraordinary sales In our Clpak'Department but we shaH ' commence the now'ycar wlth'nho most memorable of all. SILK PETTICOATS In this great Cleat- ins Sale all our line silk petticoats will bo closed out at the following low prices $10.00 Silk Skirts will 1m Sfi each. slate ara t&ort three votes of election In the house and ono vote In the senate , and the U > lnlon provalld that Hanna will bo short four votes of election on the Joint ballot Wednesday. January 12 , unless changes are made In the inwnllino. republican caucus next At the Joint Wednesday night Senator Hanna will have no opposition for the iiKiilnatlon , hut It Is stated now that there are enough republican members who will not enter the caucus to prevent his election. The legislature stands seventy-five republicans , sixty-five democrats and llvo fuslonlsta. The fuslonlsts are Senator Voltfht and Representatives Drosto , Kemper , La < io and Otis , all of Cincinnati. In the house republican caucus tonight Uroslp , Kemper and Lane participated and are pledged to Alexander Iloxwcll for toeakcr , John R. Malloy for chief clerk. Andrew Jack- and other candidates eon for scrgeaot-at-arms dates for minor places on the Hanna ticket. Droste , however , says that ho will not enter the republican senatorial caucus next Wednesday , is ho proposes to present the name of Jcptha Gorrard , a silver republican , for senator against Hanna , TUN HKl'UHLICANS. ABSENT. Including the fUBlonlsts there are. sixty-two republicans and forty-seven democrats In the house , a total of 109 , with fifty-five necessary to elect. There 'Wero coly fifty-two present at the uouse republican caucus tonight. The ten absentees were Uramlcy and Mason of customers. Our stock o ( Bnissulls Not Cur tains In qnisito dc- 4igfiis wo will sell Moiidsiy inornin at and below cost This i * an opportunity for any person conlonipiutiii" ; buying curtains for spiinjr No lady should miss this sale. Wo will also placeon sale one lot of odds nnd ends ol Nottingham Lace Curtains , also below cost price. 1 Jot Delft Colored Ciope , SO-lnches wide , nt 7'/jC i > 3r yard was liWc , 1 lot fancy Denims. Turkish designs , at IZ'/ic ' per yard wai 20c. 1 lot of staple nnd lancy llress Prints at : i' , c per yard wis. 6' c. 1 lot of fancy Plall Oltiprhanis at 3'ic per yard , was SV4c , HOSIERY UKDUCTIOISS many irioos quoted , but cnounh toirjiiko a good days beltn at our Iloa- ieir Uepurtinont. C1i1Idr n's 25c Ulack iilbcd. also Flat H'oai Hose , now 15c wr pair , or 2 pair for Ladles1 23c lllack U'ool Hose now 13c per pair or 2 pair for 23C- . Men's 20c wool Half IIoss now lOc per pair. Cuyahogi , Grllllth of Clinton , GrlftHli of Unlcfl , Jones of Stark , Joyce ot Guernsey , Manuel of Montgomery , OLU of Hamilton , lluton of Carroll anfl Scott of Fulton. Grimth of Clinton , arlltltli of Union and Manuel of Montgomery are re ported as sick , and tie others are In the fusion with the democratic members to beat what Is called the Hanim , slate next Monday , and ono week from t Wednesday to de feat Senator Hanna for re-election , The antl-Hatiiia republican and democratic members In their Joint house caucus nom inated Harry C , Mason oC Cleveland for speaker a id Charles Gerrlsh , assistant state oil Inspector under Inspector Charles L. Kurtz , for chief clerk , r > d a complete list of candidates for ottier places In the organiza tion of the houso. The oriw > sltlcci tonight claliiui that it will tiavc enough votes Monday to organize the house -with fifty-live votes for the Mason ticket , IJtty-two for the Hox- well ticket and two kbsent on account of sickness. The Hanna men claim tliat GrinUh of Clin ton. Grllllth of Union cad ilanuel of Mont gomery will vote for Botwcll Monday and elect him. The meralers from Clinton and Union nre , however , jeported tonight as so Blck tiiat they will bo imsUlc to tie In their scats Monday. Previous to the caucuses Mr. floxwell called to see Charles U KuiU , wlio Is leading the opposition to Ilanoa , * n4 Kurts refused 10 r < c lvo him. Mr , Upxrpll'tluu allied Ucprc- 7.50 Silk Skirts will be $ I. 0 each. YARNS Remnants and odd colors of yarns at oo pur skein. Vfe carry only the best. FLANNKLUTTE NIGHT GOWIXS A sale of extra ordinary interest of honi'btly made stand ard goods. Our annual clear ing sale of Flannelette - otto Gowns for La dies ami Children oc I curs Monday morn ing.It It is not offering Ilimsoy material bought in large quanti ties ni'M'oly to induce gelling , but it is honestly made , carefully manufactured and wo are not ashamed to show them. They are gowns made as you would make thoin at homo , at prices less than the co > t of the material , as an example wo quote the following : ladles' Gowns , $1.0) ) , 880 and Ke ) each ; former prices , $1.33 , $1.25 and S3c. Children's NlKlu Drawers , CSe ; former prices , COe and C3c. Children's ( inwnu , 3So ; former prlcen COc and D'Jc , j sent-Uivo Mneon for a conft-rtncc , and was again declined att audlccice , IIAN.VA'S ( OPPOSITION CONFIDENT. Wifillo both sldes-claim the organization of the houao .tho ppcpjtlon to Senator Hanna and the IJoxweU' ticket 'Is most demonfltra- tive. Represcn'faUyA ' iMoson tcolgh' gave a theater party aDd'tjuquet afterward > io his republican colldiiguca wiio remained away from lilio repuhlltq bousu caucus. The 11 'nna ni'aiiaKers claim that , the senator will succeed oven If the Uoxwell ticket Is dcfea'ed. Tiio oppcoltlon would then h.tvo the formation of all the. comir.-lttcea , snd wltn the chalrtr.an- , shlpa and other pE'trosiage ' at their disposal I It Is believed tbi' Serj'tor Haixu's chance. ) will not be evcci 4f his opponents get 'the organization on Monday. Representative ' .Mascn , tli3 cpposltlcn can- dliato for speaker/comes from Senaitor Hanna'a iionic. Mason < U bitterly opposetl 'c < Ilaona for t < 2imtor , < M he ! H the frleirl of Mayor ' .McKlBson. iMuson Is for McKUson for 'the ehcrt term a d Gavciror Ilushncll for the Icng term for senator , and he la running for speaker on the Issue of "any body * for senator to bMt lUunu. " G-sverncT Uuslmell aud 'the ci'i'lre sta'o ad- m'.n'jtratlon took an ctlvn part ! o the eau- cures tonight against Serator Ilunna , joInXig the democratic members and those republican members who remained away from the caucus , WuIIo tlio crowds around the cpp:3il9n FLANMUI.L Eiderdown ilunncls 27 inches wide plain culorn and ftinoy. All nt 24c per yard , reduced from 30c , 40c , 50c. 55c. Cotton Swnnsdown , our regular ISc nuallty , nt IDc per yard. All fleece lined Wrapper Flannels at 7',4u per yard regular lOc goods. Dark Colored Outlnjr Flannels , heavy quality , nt 5c per yard regular 7'ic nnd SM > c goods. Turkey Red Outing Flannels , with black figures , nl Cc per yard , reduced from SVie. All Wool Hod Flannel at lOc per yard. Skirt Patterns , all wool , full size , with pretty borders , at COc each reduced from $1.00. UNDERWEAR REDUCTIONS know wo have been giving extra good values when selling these goods ut our regular prices so at these reduc tions you may bo assured that .von are buying them for less money than you over have before Men's GOc Itlbbed Cotton Fleeced Underwear now 40c each. Men's 7C Natural Wool flat goods now COc each. Men's $1.00 Wool Fleeced Underwear now 73c each. Men's $1.50 Wool Fleeced and Wool Hack Underwear now $1.00 each. Men's $1.2 , " > and $1.50 ribbed Combination Suits now $1.00 each small sizes only. Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Wool Combination Suits now $1.73 each small sizes only. Ladles' We white Merino Underwear , flat goods , now 23c each. Ladles' 75c Camel Hair Underwear , flat goods , now COc each. Ladles' $1.00 Camel llalr Underwear , ( sizes 2S , 30 and 32 only ) now COc each. Ladles' S3c ribbed , fleeced Combination Suits , now HOc each. Misses' $1.2. ; and $1.50 Ribbed AVool Com bination Suits , only 73c each , Ono lot of children's Natural Wool Vests and Pants , laige sizes sold as high as $1.10 each your choice for 40c oach. S pair of Children's Ulack Wool Tights , reduced from 73c to Me per pair. BLANKETS AND An opportunity "to COMFORTERS buy good seasonable goods at such low prices will novsr bo offered to. you again Provide yourSeU' with those- bargains while you have a chance. HoineinbiT the reductions are genuine. Note the following : All Wool Grey HIankets that were sold at $3,23 , now $2.13 per pair full size. All Wool Grey HIankets our regular $1.00 ones now $2.SS per pair. Our $3.00 All Wool Plaid Blankets now at $3.50 a pair. All wool , extra largo Grey lilankets , that we considered u bargain nt $3.00 , now $3.73 per pair. 11-4 extra heavy Grey HIankets. all wool , now $2.10 per pair , reduced from $3.23. Our $0.00 Grey HIankets now $1.73 per pair. Our $10.00 Grey Blankets now $700 pet- pair. Fancy Wrapper Blankets that were beauties at $ I.CO each , now $2.73 each. $1.50 Cotton Blankets , now $1.00 per pair. $1.25 Grey Cotton Blankets now ! ) , " > e nalr. $1.00 Grey Blankets now 75o pair. 75o White Blankets now 53o pair. ! > 0e White Blankets now 3Sc pair. Fine Saxony Wool White Blankets , that wore $1.75 per pair , now $3.50 per pair. Fine Cotton Warp White Blankets now $2CS per pair , reduced from $3,73. Our $11.00 Saxony White Blankets at $7.50 per pair. Our $ S.OO nil wool White Blankets now $ ( i.OO pr pair. Our $1.00 all woo ] White Blankets now $3.00 per pair. Largo size cotton warp Blankets , white , the best value we over had for $3.00 pair , now at $2.2.per pair. SIxo GSxDO Inches. This Is a chance for hotel keepers. Heavy weight Comforters now $1 00 , wore $1.3 , ) this Is the soft , downy Ulnd. Our $1.73 Comforts $1.13 each. The $2.10 kind now $1.3S. . Our ? 2,73 Comfort now $2.1S , Our $3.25 Comfort now $2.31 each. DOWN QUILTS $18.00 now $12.03 ouch. $15.00 now $10.00 each. $9.00 now $ ( J.M each. $0.50 now $4.50 each. Sl.OO now S2.SS oach. CORSET L0ox , SPKCALS I. C. Fronoli coivot made of the fincbt French coutollo bust orrss bone.s and gores lup.s short and gores Venus buck- live liookH and nidn Hlecls lace trim mings Jlogular price J5.50 each ; price to close , $1.00 oath. I. C , FRBNCH COHS13T A I.a Peres- phone made of the finest quality French sateen , bust boned and gores , bins full and gorcsi , Venus back , 5-book side nteels , fionnlno whalebone rsgn- lur price $0.00 each price to close , ll.uo each , See If we have your size. hcadcu'.arters are jellifying It was lojj-ncd that filx democratic members nf the house were also absent from their onions tonight , which wea secret. The republican caucusoo were open to members of the pros. It la claimed that these six dcmwa'lc members are opposed to voting for republicans , anJ want to vote for democratic candidates for legislative ofllcos end for senator. Under the law , If there la net a majority of all af'.cr ten lallottt , a majority cf a quorum will elect officers of the general atoernbly , end until the 4iouee clc-cts a speaker Secretary of St > 'to Charles Klimny , a strong Hamvi man , pre sides. T.io Ilanna men declare with con fidence .hat I.'oxwell will bo the speaker. STATUMKNT FROM IIANNA FORCES. Late tonight Senator Hanna and h'ci a.flo- . clatea at their headquarters gave out the fol lowing statement regarding the result of the cauciiini tonight : The result of the caucuses tonight nnsures the stir/porter * of Senator Hanna that ihe Intrigue of dlsloyul republicans ultli the Allen O. Myers-John It. . .McLean democracy for the election of n free silver man to the senate will not ba successful. Mr. Kurlz and his associates had claimed tint tnero - 'publicans cculd not muster more than thlrty-llvo vote * In tonight's house uaiicui ; Instead of thai fifty-two were pit-Kent and iit leant two others would h.ive attended but for Illness. , , They boasted con.Manf.y I hat they would keep at ! ? > * twenty-seven republicans oui of the hou c-jjius ; lnn < a.l of that but one-third of thnt number rein lined nwny. In the senate c.iucufl every republican was , present with the except ! m of lUtrke of J Cleveland. Of the ton absentee * from the houco caucus two Inoro detained by Illnc8 < t one of them sending word that ho would support the nominees of the party , while of the other eight It Is known that some will vote for Senator Hnnnn. Tonight's results encourage the. friends of Senator Hanna nnd the tlsht wilt RO on to the finish. They feel that the sentiment of the republicans of the state and country \ thoroughly iiroifsod ngalnst this plot to overthrow the ls\lll of the people nnd obtain control of con- sre's by the election of u free silver senator with republican votes and It Is confidently bellved that public sentiment will be so felt by the men who hold the power to de termine this question thill they will not re.filso to vote with the party which elected them. At the republican senate caucus there were two absentero Senator llnrkeof Cleve land iiml Senator Volght of Cincinnati , the Istter ibelng the only fuslonlst In 'that body. Volght ha.i ibeon counted among -tOie support ers of Senator Hannn. The republicans noni- liuitc-d J. Park Alexander for president pie ( cm of the senate , A. C. Calno for chief clerk and R. F. Haywurd for sergc.uit-at- arms , Gallic and Hayward arc rcnomlnalo.l for tholr okl places. Although on the ll.inna 'tlcltot Haywnrd Is from Springfield , Is a neighbor of Governor Ilushncll ami has been his clcso friend. The democratic ponato eaticua nominated Senator Ilurke of Cleveland , an nntl-IIatina republican , for president pro tern ; Judge Ditty of Hlllsloro. democrat and friend of John H. McLean , for chlct clerk , nn , ! dem > Pr.lt.c fnr nil tlin nthnt. tn ru. Lieutenant Governor Jonrs Is hero , and will preside In the senate. It Is conceded that the democrats will organize that body , which stands eighteen democrats , seventeen republicans and cue fiislonlst. The attitude of Senator llurkc will not likely leave the tie vote to be cast by Lieutenant Governor Jones. While Grimth IMS been counted cm by both sides , and was reported as nick at the re publican caucus , It Is believed that tlito takes him out of the Ilanna list and entcw him wltti the ornosltlon. After the antl-llanna republicans and the democrats caucused separately , they met jointly before midnight and nominated Mayor McKlsson of Cleveland for the short term and Governor Ilushnell for the long term for senator , and entered Into a fusion agreement to organize both houses. Senator Uurko wan notified to remain away till the senate was organized. HUSII.N'KLL A CANDIDATE. Governor Biishnoll , In an Interview to night , made 'the ' first announcement of his candidacy for the scnatorshlp. Ho said : "I am a candidate only in the receptive sense. I want the members of the general assembly ( „ Kettle It for themselves. If I jwowny political future I want to rest upon t right now upon my opposition to Senator Hanna. " GOMEZ STILL HOPES ( Continued from Flmt Page. ) politicians , etc. , reached tlio thrcnio room at y o clock a. in. A now iblblo was open on a table and upon It the secretaries took the oath of fidelity to the queen , the monarchy enni the Spanish government , placing their right hands on the blblo and kneeling as they repeated the words required. Marshal Illanco then addressed the onicials. At the conclusion cf the ccrmonles the captain gen eral remitted the death ponnlty Imposed upon persons who had been convicted of common crimes. ( ; i\Ki\i ! , m is iiivisit.v i.v CIIAI.VS. iHiii-Kcnt l.i-mliT .Unroll < Ml 1 .Mon- ( .luit'li l < "orri-Ns. I3AUOBLONA , Jan. 1. General mils Rivera , the Insurgent leader who was cap tured , badly wounded , In the province of 1'lnar del P.io by the Spanish troops under General Volasco , on March 29 , 1897 , and who was condemned to death and his sentence modified , has arrived hero and was conducted on foot and in chains to Montjtllch fortress , between lines of soldiers and - mounted gendarmes , General Ulvcra was calm , but he protested apralnst beliiR chained. Xo ono was allowed to speak to him. There was a big crowd of people in the vicinity , but there were no manifestations. IIAHO.V HAXKl-'Y CAI'TIOXS ' 1M3ACK. Sei-N Siiicli ( o lei < For for HiiiiKiirliiu IVunlv. nUDA PEST , Jan. 1. Baron Banffy , the Hungarian premier , received the liberals of the Diet today according to custom. He said that thirty years' experience had taught Hungary that it must not dissolve the pres ent economic alliance with Austria. Though , of course , there might be bounds to Hun gary's desire for Its maintenance , recent events In the Diet , ho claimed , were entirely unjustified , shook parliamentarism to Its foundation , and violated Its nrlnclnlcs. Continuing , the premier remarked that no words were strong enough In expression or eiiindeiitly energetic to condemn thrao pro ceedings. But ho believed that with the help of the king the liberal party would bo able to find a way out of the dllllcultlcs. MO UK TUOOPS I-MMI lilM'HIl Ml,10. T\v < > KiiK'llNli Hi'iilim-Mls Orili-rril In I lie Front. CAIRO , Jan. 1. The Warwickshire am ] Lincolnshire regiments of the Hritish army have been ordered to start from Wady Haifa for the frontier. TIO ; ordering of troops to the front was oc casioned by reliable news from Omdiiran ( the khalifa's groit camp near Khartoum ) to the effect that the dervhhe.i are preparing a northward movement. Though the move ment has ciot yet actually begun , the greatest excitement prevails here. CniiKrrndilutions from HiiNhln. PARIS , Jan. 1. The czar , in his own name and In the name of the czarina , has sent President Fauro an effusive 'telegram ex pressing their sincere good wishes for the president anJ friendly Franco. President Fauro replied that the words of their Im perial majesties "touch the hearts of all i * I uminuii. . The olllclal Now Year receptions were held at the Elyseo palace today with the cus tomary ceremonies. HVK.vrs ox TIII : HI VM.M ; TH.UJKN. Vow Yolir Iliinillciip IN I IKFciilurc - ill XIMV OrlrnilN. NHW OHL1IAN.S , Jan. ] . Tlisro was a derby crowd at the track today. Eleven books drew In and handled a lurpe busi ness most profitably. Only two fuvoiltoj landed , both ridden by Beherrer. The Now Year handicap was the feature of the card and was won by J , A. CJrey , thn favorite , In tao fastest tlmo for the distance of the mooting. The weather was clear nnd cold nnd the track fast Itosults : First race , polling , seven and one-half furlongs : Tit for Tat won , Hlsler Mocniid Ardath thin ) Tlnn 1 r.17-tl " Second race , six furlongsT Taboiiio't won , Wilson second , Dudley 15 third. Time : 'Third race , wiling , mlle nncl one olghtli : ICvanulus won , Clmrlmi second , Omlngue third. Tlmo : 1:5714. : Fourth race , New Year handicap , six fm- ! OIIKS : J. A. Grey won , Sllgj second , Klon Jac'kot third. Time : 1:15 : l''illli race , selling , lx and one-half fur longs : I'eacemaUer won , ills Itowott see- oiKi , Jack Hayes tlilrd , Tlmo : 1:21. : .Sixth nice. Belling , KOVCII and one-half fur- ion : Alva won , Hot Stuff second , John Sullivan third. Tlmo : I:3S : % . SAN FKANCISrO , .Inn. 1. Weathoi c oar ; track fust at InKk-slde today. l < : ddlo Jam's won the seventh race , but wan disqualified for fouling. This Is the first of a now rule inaugurated at Inglcsldo. The dl * < r " " ' ' liorso ( jets second place , Itosults : Klrst race , soiling , six furlongs : Koss won , Tuwnndii second , Sonlro third. Sfcond race , allowances , six furlongs : Travuwr won , Ht. Calatlno second , Imp. Tripping ll'lrd. Tlmo : lH4. : ! Third race , steopb-clms ? , short coursu : Itnio won , Ksperancu second , Bllvorudo third. Time : t'iS\4i. : \ Kourth rne ? , Now Year's handicap , two miles : .Mnniulso won , Can't Dance second , The Bachelor third. Time : 3oy. : . Klfth race , silling , mlle and ono-elgatli : San ilarco won. Llttlit Crlpplo second , SVal- ter J third. Tlmo : , I:55V4. : lxth raco. holllng , six furloiifs : Ooorge Hose won , Sorrow iiecund , Highland Hall tiov'entli race , allowances , Bovcn furlongs : 'Toislda ' won , JCddlo Jones second , Hun An tonio third , Tlmo : 1:27 : % , aiCHAEL SETS THE PACE Wius tbo Twonty-fivo Milo Rnco from Tny- lorc , tlio Frenchman , TAKES THE LEAD AFTER THE FIRST MILE ( iiilns Vpoii III * CnniprMliir Slriullly from Slnrl ( i > KlnlxliVlniiliiK li > TlilrU-cn NEW YORK. Jan. 1. Jimmy Michael of Wales again demonstrated his superiority as middle-distance wheelman tonight befwo n crowd of tncr 12,000 people In Mia twenty- five mile match mco with Kduardo Tayloro of France on the hoard ttxrok at Madison Square gatdcu. ' 'Hilly" Young , who had Taylore under Ida careful Supervision In training tor tills race , s-ild tonlRhl after the wee was over that his nun should have utnrtud with a higher gear than Ot. Hut the work of his man alter ho exchanged his broken machine for one geared to 104 was not up to his trainer's cxpccta- tlcm ami there Is no reasonable doubt from his work that Michael can give a Inlle In twenty-five to the Frenchman and beat him easily at that. Men. women , boys nnd girls thronged every available Inch of Madison Square gar den tonight for the regular Indoor bicyclu races , which were held tindur the uurplcrs of the American Cycle Racing association. The hoard track was arranged sa that Kin rldcrii had to cover ten laps to complete a mile , nnd the measurement was vouched for by throe city surveyors. At ! l o'clock It wi.i estimated that 10,000 people were In the big building , and then there were folly half as many nwro clamoring for admission at the entrances. The big event of the evening was tlin 'Mlehaol-Tiiyloro ' race. Tayloro won the polo on the toss. The FreiKhmnn's Rear was ninety-four and .Michael's 100. The riders got on the scratch line at 10:20 : o'clock. Thy- lore rushed oft and caught the pacers on the first turn , with Michael two lengths behind. Tayloro rode like a whirlwind , ami at tha end of tlio first mile led .Michael by a length. In the flr-st lap of the second mlle Michael forged ahead , and at the end of the third mile ho was one lap to the good. In tlio fourth mile i.Mlt'hael gained a lap , and In the fifth ho had the same distance to his ercdlt. Tayloro was outclassed In the eighth mile , and ( Michael passu.ii him for the third tlmo. Time at the end of the eighth * mlle for Mlrlinol. ir.-nT SI'ECTATOUS OET EXCITKD. Thy lore lost hi * pacemakers In the tenth mile , and at the beginning of the eleventh Michael was close up to him and paused him , then being four laps to the gooJ. The spectators wore by this time worked"up to the highest pitch of excitement. The Frenchman was evidently beaten , but ho stuck to liLs work and was seemingly not dlshoartncd when Michael pasacd him on the thirteenth mile for the fifth time. Michael ran up another lap to his account In the fourteenth mllo. In the seventeenth mlle Tnylore roilo around after Michael's pacemakers for three laps , but the effort weakened him considerably and he had to letup up and 'Michael ' ran ahead another lap at the end of the nineteenth mile. Taylore's saddle broke In the twentieth mile , , and in exchanging wheels ho lost two lap.s , thus giving 'Michael ' a clear lead of a mllo. The wheel which was substituted for Taylore's damaged ono was geared to 101 , but the French rider was unable to cope with the superlative efforts of the "little wonder , " and the midget gained another lap at the close of the twenty-third , mile. From this to the end of the race Michael went oo swiftly that It took all the starch out of his rival , and Michael finally won by thirteen laps. Time by miles : \Vlil | > | icil Mini. NI2W OUL1CANS. Jan. 1. Dan Creodon , who has located in this city for the winter , said yesterday : , Kid McCoy Is enjiylng the fruits of n combination of accidents. McCoy claims the middleweight championship as the re sult of his light with me nt catch weights , 1 welgliPil four pounds over the limit , and 1 know McCoy was more than fourteen pounds outside the middleweight notch , HcHldes that I was sick during my train ing , sick durlnpi ( lie llfi'ht ' , and am still under the woalhcr. In my condition Mcf'oy should have beaten me la the sixth round , but on my word ho can't punish at all. I Mopped because my own exertlmiB ex hausted mo. I can defeat McCoy at any terms , but be Is not a heavyweight , and as a 'eaten weight' ho was a mongrel. If ho wants to win the middleweight cham pionship I will light him for It , but It in ana 13S pounds. " iiAitv.viin CIIAIII\IS ; roicxr.i.i , , . Conch I.eliililinn Coiillili-nl ( be CriMV * Will .Meet. NK\V YOHK , Jan. 1. 11. C. Lehmann. the Harvard roach , accompanied by O. J. D. Ooldlo and II. Willis , salld for Ungliind to day on the ICulrurla. Mr. Lohmann Haiti that ho would return In April , when lin would suleet the members of the Harvard crow to row In the big raeo. He slited : Hint there are forty applicants for plm-x and that seven ( if hln former crow want another trial. Mr. Lfhmann stated positively that Harvard hud challenged Cornell nnd that whatever Yale decided to do , his crow would row the Ithacans. When asked how , i tilanpular race would bo possible when Yale and Harvard 'hud contracted to r > w at New London and Cornell had refun \ } , Mr. Lehmann raid : "That makon no differ- onoc'o. I nvn confident that the three cr wd will meet. " 1IKIKICS Till' IJilAlllMO.V Wl\ i SSHIT. WliiN tin * CiiKllron Mednl li.v li-fi-ii I Ini ; Crlni. DAYTON , O. , Jan , 1. Hollies and Clrlm shot hole today for the eastlron ined.il and tlio title of champion wng | shot \nu-rlcii. . Holkes won by a score of fill to W ) . 'I ho conditions wore 100 live plgioi-s. llvo traps , thirty yards rise- . Charles A. Yountf of Spring Hold , O. was rifi-reis. A llglit , Moady wind from the norlhwcHt , live lixhoj of KIKIW on the prouml , tlierniomntor t ) ilo- green above zero , were the woatht-r condi tions. Slilli'Uc.v rillleimeM I < ' | I/.MIIIIIIOIIM. A'ALLH.IO , Cal. , Jim. 1. Thoniak Sharhoy has Issued a challenge addressed to llobn't Fltzslmmons , In which ho demands th'it Fltxslminons give him the llrtit chance mi IlilHlr llellllM ( In1,1x1. . NKW YOIlK , Jan. 1. Amos HusUv of the Now York IWPO ball olub. nccorillng to thn averages , Just completed by President Young , Is the leading pitcher of the Na tional btso ball organization. President Young ha not yet given out the uvuniK H of all the jiltvhori * In tabulated form , hut ho announced that the New York pltcier lit-uds the list. Weak Tired. S Thousands are In this condition. They are despondent and fjloomy , cannot Bleep , have no appetite , no energy , no ambition. Hood's Barsaparillasoon brings help to such people. It gives them pure , rich blood , cures ucrvouBiicea , creates an appetite , tones and strengthens the utomach nnd imparts now Ufa and in creased vigor to nil the orijansot tbo body , porilin Is the Ono True Jilood Purifier. All -JnujBlsts. $ U Hood's Plllo euro all Liver Ills. 23 cents ,