Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Part III, Page 17, Image 17

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BANKRUPT STOCK from the Assignee of W. G. HITCHCOCK including Priest ley's FINEST DRESS GOODS and '
Priestley's Black Goods.
100 iilwa of 10-Inch liliu-lc '
i 50 p.eccs of high grade Nun's
Hrllllntitlni' , also
colored flKiiruil Ciiinllllnn Clotli , Veiling with wide hemstitched
strictly nil wool novi'lly border ; also 50 inch pure Mohair -
8uMnp < ; MB wholesale hair Novelty goods , extra
p.-Ico on snlu of tlioso at It'c jjoodH yard la IWf , J ALL NEWJPERFECTj.ATEST THISYEARS STYLES , at Less than 33c on the Dollar , i
_ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _ uhs { /L / j n
tOO plocss of Figured Black © teUUlfAfa and wide wale serges , I
Dun-Is , large and small de a 1 worth $1.50 yard at
igns on satin Uerlicr grounds
jnd rnshmcro grounds ; tfa. wholesale , on sale at
In -trtctly black nil nnd wool colors Henriettas , whip , half price , 750 yard.
cords. , In llc smooth ! and wool and Novelties rough , Wo These Were Bought from the Assignee , and are All Fine Garments Such as the FINEST TRADE '
on effects saleon ; wholesale bargain price square at ; DEMANDS. Priestley's $2 Goods at 98c.
25c yard . Priestley's black
500 pcs high
100 pieces of tlio $1.00 quality art Novelty Dress
of 1'rlcstly's all wool Imported Goods , also plain
, In pin In 1
ed flllack Goods
Henriettas and Scrgos , MK- cloths , every yard of
urcd Novelties , llnest quality '
Of silk llnlshed Mohair Htli- them worth whole * a' 1j
llnntlnu. nil of llu'in nrtually
tvorth $1,00 nt wholesale , on $2,00 , for Monday
iiilu In lre t Goods Depart j
ment at just halt price We at gSc yard.
cloaks with capes ,
all a es , wholesale
o 7
price $1,50 , choiqe
50c each.
820 ami 825
Jackets for S1O
50 ladies Choice of 200 I Choice of 1,000
Ladies' black black beaver novelty cloaks in all 34-inch long Boucle Capes Choice of 200 high children's and
Table No. 3 contains colorsRussian , blouses i silk lined throughout , trimmed half wholesale price grade novelty cloaks misses'reefer jack
cheviot cloth cloth jackets , all the $10 and $15 English box coat and med with real thibet , em- for children and ets of heavy mixed
all fly front reefer styles , jackets p re p'aits ' clown the baclc , Elaborately braided and misses goods , plain and
jackets , wholesale silk faced , jackets , all of them smooth and rough ; early in the
wholesale price $10.00 , on ted plush rough effects all
sizes wholesale silk taffeta lined , cloths , plain a n d season the same ,
, of
sale # 3 made novelty '
price , that this season's
braided , wholesale capes were styles were $15.00 , style
price $5.00 on marten , fur trimmed '
sale at 9Sc prieoSSO.OO and Sil , back $20.00 , go at on sale at Huston Store , who'esalc pr ce up
on sale at 52.50 on sale at $5.00. on sale at 310.00. goods , empire ' ' , $10.00. 'MO to select from , at S3. to $3 , choice $1.50
all this season's godd's ,
wholesa'e ' price $2,00 , on
sale at 80.
sr = 'gg > wj t ; f 7 roy ? t. > > aia vi MiJ i J > 'g T gV'y ' ?
In the In the batcniuii In the basement In tlio babcmcnt In the basement In tlu basuiuuiit in the biuc in nut In Hie base-ill. . nt la tliu busoiiioiu III the basement In the busometit 111
full si/oil readymade full sixn ruiidy blenched full size ICE Standard Six Cord 10,000 yuttlH of all our remnants of inincMic : bargain three oa s of 10.000 111 till bilSiMllOIlt
made Pillow inuiio Slieofcs Table Crocheted ICEWOOL Machine Swansdown vrai > - Double ' Napped in 2 ni and IGc Light n nil Dark prade bu t fjrado A in 03-
Slipl. good of trocd bleached WOOL THREAD , 1'of ' Flanael , worth up to 20o Sha'.cer very largj and Outing riiuiiul ,
bleached inuslm hhcctincr. In mill luii' ths from BcdSpreads white and black 200 yuriN ; you all worth 2"ic , fi ) at , tit heavy 'i'tirliiHli Hiackaiul White APKON
, yard tliu I ist lot for this
m to 10 yards , at 1 > | low tliu Imiml ' GLNGIIAAI ,
* / T iujiilar Ac Kiaile , " ; 3n 'I'owols , as long smsun , worth 8'fcc , PSISTTS
a c ' 4 as they last at SO lit rcfjiihir price 7ie ,
L tioh Each Each A Box spool Yard Yard ard worth lOc 15c 2ic yd ttt 3ic yd
E IPt O Si A
it , WJi. U > A. C'onnn Doyle. )
( The Frenh army , Including a iait : of the
trlflh brigade , under Marital Villeroy , hold
thn fortified town of Cremona during the
wlnlor of 1702. I'rlnco Kugene , with ) the ,
Imperial army , sui prised It ono morning , and ,
owing to the treachery of a priest , had oc
cupied the whole city before the alarm was
{ Ivcn. Villeroy was captured , together with
many of the French gartlson. 'Tho Irish ,
lowever , consisting of the regiments of Dillon
uid of Uurlce , hold u fort commanding ttio
river gate , and defended xnemselves all day
In spite of jyinco Eugene's efforts to win
them over to uU cause. Eventually Eugene.
boloK unable to take the post , was coinoclleu
to withdrew from tuo city. )
Tlio traitor priest C.issoll 1ms done as was
foretold ;
The traitor priest Cassoll has touched the
Ocrnmn gold ;
Ho hau duif away the Bcrecn ,
He hua called to 1'rlnco Eugene ,
Ho has optncd up a passage to Cremona ,
The grenadiers of Austria are proper men
and tall ;
The grenadiers of Austria have scaled the
city wall ;
They have marched from far away
'Ere the dawning of the il.iy.
And the morning- saw them masters of
Cremona ,
Them's not a man to whisper , thero'n not a
liorFO to neigh ;
Of the footmen of Lorraine and riders of
Duprec ,
They have crept up every street ,
III the market pined they meet ,
They arc holding every vantage. In Cre
Th * CVInrrtiil Vllleroy ho has started from
his bed ;
.Tho Marshal Villcioy had no wig upon
his head : \
"I Imvil lost my men , " quoth he ,
"And my men ttity have lost me.
And I 8orol ffear me both have lo t Cre-
I'rlncei KtiRcno of Austiia U In the market
place ,
Prince Eugene of Austria has smiles upon
his face ;
Says he , "Our work Is done ,
For the cld.ulel ! won ,
And the black and yellow flag Hies o'er
Cremona. "
Major Dan O'iMnliony Is In the barrack
And Just COO Irish boys arc waiting for him
there ;
Says he , "Come la your shirt ,
And you won't take any hurt ,
For the morning air Is pleasant In Cre
mona. "
Major Dan O'Mahony Is In the barrack
And just CCO Irish boys will neither stay
nor wnlt ;
There's OiKon and there.'H 'Burke.
And there's be some bloody wrk ,
'Ere the Kalserllcs shall boast they hold
Major Dan O'Mahony has reached the"
river fort ,
And Just COO Irish boys are Joining In the
sport ;
"Come , take a hand ! " ? ays he ,
"And If you will btand by me ,
Then lt'n glory to the man who takes Cre
mona ! "
Prince Eugene of Austria has fro.vns upon
his face ;
And loud be calls his galloper of Irish
blood nnd race :
'IMacDopneUi , ride , I pray ,
To your countrymen , and say
They nave nothing left to hope for in
Cremona ! "
( MaeDonnnll ho has reined lib marc beside
the river dyke ,
Ills trumpeter behind him laJth n lias upon
a pike ;
And COO hoys were there
From .Limerick nnd Clare ,
The last of all the guaidlans of Cremona ,
"Now. Major Dan O'Mahony , give up the
river gate ,
Or , Major Dan O'Mahony , you'll Und It IH
too late , ' '
FT when I gallop back
'TlH the signal for attac-k ,
And no quarter for the Irish In Cremona ! "
And Major Dan ho laughed : "Faith , If
\\hat you say la true ,
And If they will not come until they hear
again from yon ,
Then there will IIP no attack.
For you're never going back ,
And we'll keep you snug and safely In Cre
mona , "
All the weary day the Kalserllcs they
came ,
All the weary day they wcro face.l by fire
and ( lame :
Thov have Illlnd the ditch 'sUb ' dead ,
And the river's running- red ,
Hut th y cannot rain tlio last fort In Cre
mona !
All the weary day. again , again , again ,
Tne horsemen of Du ° prcn andjthe footmen
of Lorraine ,
Tnnfo nnd Ilerhersteln.
And the riders of the Rhine ; '
It's a mighty prlco Uioyjiv paying for Cre
mona ! - - ' ,
f- i 'V f
Time and tlrno they came. , with ' ( the deep-
mouthed German roar ; ' "
Time and time they broito like the waves
iinon thu shore :
For bettor men were there
From Limerick nnd Clare ,
And who will lake the gateway of Cre
mona ?
Prince Eugene1 has watched , and ho gnaws
his nether Up ;
Prince Eugene has cursed as ho saw his
chances flip :
"Call off ! Call off ! " ho cried ,
"It Is nenrlng- eventide ,
And I. fear our > v\ork Is finished In Cre
mona , "
Bays Wauchop to McAullffo , "Thelt fire Is
groAlng slack. "
Says Major Dan O'Mahony , "We've seen
their last attack ;
nut -wc'ro loth to stop the game
there's light to play the same.
And -we'll walk a short way with them
from Cremona. "
And BO they snarl behind them , and be ;
them turn und ccme.
They have taken Nenrjere'H standard , the ;
have taken Dlak'f drum ;
And along the winding I'o ,
Very gloomily ami slow ,
The Knlsurllcs aiu tiding from Cremona ,
Tlrero just 200 Irish boys arc shouting on
the. wall ;
There's just 400 lying who can hear no
slogan call ;
Hut what's the odds of that.
For It's all the mine to Pat
If he pays his debt In Dublin or Cremona.
Says General do Vnudrny : "You've done a
soldier's mork !
And every tongue In France shall talk of
Dillon and of Burke !
Is there anything at all
Which I. the general ,
Can do for you , the heroes of Cremona ? "
"Why , yes , " says Dan O'Ma'hony ' , "one
favor iwo entreat ,
Wo were called a llttlo curly , and our
toilet's not complete.
We've no quarrel with the shirt ,
But the breeches wouldn't hurt.
For the evening air Is chilly In Cremona. "
I.'riitnreN of llocent 'DuclHlutiH of Vnrl-
iiiiN Court * .
A constitutional provision requiring lawb
to prevent gambling la held , In People , Stur-
g's against Fallen ( N. Y. ) , 37 L. R. A. 41'J ,
to be not necesharlly violated by fixing the
penally for making or recording a bet en a
horse race merely at forfeiture of the value
of the waEer , to be recovered In a civil
The fact that a. notary public Is sccretarj
< ind treasurer of a corporation la he'd , In
Hortach against Tyrol ! ( Neb. ) , 37 L. R. A
434 , Ineufllclcnt to raise the presumption that
ho Is a stockholder , or to make an acknowl
edgment of a mortgage to the company ,
which was taken by him , Invalid ,
A.n . c.xprces prom'se of a benefit Insurance
contract to pay $3,000 upon maturity , and
another stipulation that tic amount obtained
on a full .Gscbsmcnt on the division when It
has less than 1,200 members shall ue a pay
ment In full , are held. In Thucnen agairst
Iowa Mutual Benevolent association ( Iowa ) , 37
L. R. A. 5S7 not to be void lor repugnancy.
The liability of a rallrond company for InJury -
Jury to a young child which strays upon the
track because of the lack oE a fence In sus-
talrcd In Rosso against St. Paul & Duluth
Railway company ( Minn. ) , 37 L. R. A. , G91 ,
oven tiling a prior decision to the effect that
the statute requiring fences was exclusively
for the protection of domestic animals.
An order drawn by a married woman upon
the executor of her father's estate Is held , In j
Freeman's Appeal ( Conn. ) , 37 , L. R , A. , 452 ,
to bo subject to the laws of her domlcll ,
where she signs the tnatrument , and It Is ac
cepted In that state , although It Is dated In
another state and Is mailed by an agent of
the payee to the payee In another state.
A representation that notes are as good as
gold , made to Induce a vendor to accept them
as pnrt of the purchase price of land , and In
tended and understood to be a representation
of facts within the vendee's knowledge , of
which the vendor kncw nothing. Is held , In
Andrews against Jackson ( Mass. ) , 37 , L. R. A.
402 , to constitute an actionable falbc repre
sentation , and not merely an expression of
Driving a llro truck to a fire BO rapidly that
on approaching an electric otrect car track It
Is Impossible to stop In time to avoid a prob
able colllJlon Is hold. In Rarrlty against De
troit Cltlcns' Stiect Railway company
( Mich. ) , 37 , L. P. . A. T.2D , to constitute neg
ligence on the part of the driver , although
by the city ordinance ho has Iho right of
way ,
The revocation of a will by the mere e.xe-
cutlon of a subsoquci-t will without clauoo cl
i evocation Is ilunlcd lu Chctver acalns ?
North ( Mic.i. ) , 37 L. H. \ . r.Cl . , but It 1
iicU that tliu ilcstruotku of tim later will
revives -ho former on'I < li thu cafe i $
an extensive rovlow of the elections as to thj
lovoo.tlcti of a will by a subsequent will niuj
the revhal of the former by the dcatructlon
of the later.
A btatuto BhliiK a lo ; owner 'ho right to
build coc-half of a wall not more tan
clshtcra Inehcnido upon the loud of liin
neighbor and recover frcm tliu latter ono-
half cf the expense whenever he vibes the
wall Is regarded , In Swift aKatast Calnnn
( Iowa ) 37 L. ' H. i.402 , as not free from
doubt as to Its validity , but It Is upheld an
an exercise of .tho police power , in view ot
ICIIB recognition , and enforcement.
.Maliciously entering judgment upon : i
judgment note against a solvent maKcr at 10
o'clock at night , with the ImnieJIato IFBUO of
cxecu loa tiiercon , under which hUi store In
broken Into and his goods levied upon for the
purpose of Injuring and duBtroyini ? Ws bunl-
ncss credit and ropulatlci. Is Sicld , In Doctor
ocaln t Hledel ( VVIb. ) 87 L. II. A SSO. lil-
sufflclcnt to maUe the crc'lltor liable , for ma
licious prosecuHon or i hiuo of process
A Ktatuto Teqiilrlns nil ioa'1 comp.inli > H on
tliu discharge of an cmplo > i > 10 pay nil WBR t
then earned , at the contract ralo , without ,
any abatement or deductl n for payment
bofo-o the llmo agreed luiion , and that in
default thereof th ? wages shall continue at
the Ecune tate until paid , but not to oxci-ed
Hlxty days unlei.3 actloT 'B comm-no .1
within that time , Is sustained In St. I.onls ,
J. M. & S. II. Co. VH. I'nul ( Ark. ) 37 Ij. II.
A. SOI ; and It Is nlno hold that exemplary
damages may be allowed for nonpayment o'f
the wages.
Keening larco nunirltl s nt iivnimiin ami
gunpowder In a wooden store 'in a tlilcliy
lettled portion of an Incorporated town , In
cojo ! proximity to irnny luilldlngs end per
sons. Is held , In lludder va. Koopman ( Aid )
37 L , II , A. 1S9 , to roTtliuto a inilBcii'o
which wll ] render the p o.irlctor llublo for
damiiRcs caused lo oth"r pff-sona In cass of
an explosion , even If I'.hlH Is duo to a Ilio
which originated without hits fault on the-
premltcH of a third pc-con.
HunnliiK an eleetrle car at an unusually
lupld rate over a much frequented crossing ,
when the usual iulo wan from twelve to
fourteen miles per hour waw held , In JSvanH-
vllle St. H. Oo. VB. Oci'lry ( Ind. ) 37 I/ . It \
378 , to bo such negllieni' ? ns eonsiltut a
little less than wanton and ruclilcss dlm1-
gard of human life. Hut It Is held l > at
Homo tllght proof tat least of a want of
contributory negligence was rerun re I hi
niso of n man lulled by the rxir and found
about forty-flvo font from the erossi at
which ho had stepped from another car.
Cum crxnlInn.
Detroit Journal : "He will roinc ' "
mused Jleryl.
With a nigh she diew back the cm tains
and pa tl out Into the darlcllng dusk , for
her father's IIOUKO v. u 'hiillt with u view 10
convcnlonri * , and FIO ! could do that.
"What hhall I say to him ? "
Tliu lioreo ubnw was no more ; tliy six-
day bicycle race wan H tUni ? of thu
IShe dill not underKtand foot ball.
There was nothing left but the
and currency reform.
\Voulil Unl.c It I.'iiNfur llliu.
"Well , youtij ; man , " ald a prcw-eutliiB a- |
toniey. "I sco Hiat you haveundcrtnlicn Iho
practice of law In curnott. "
"VcH , " rcplloJ Iho ban-liter who had Ju-t
lost JilH llrtt caee. "I couldn't wive my
man , but 1 put up ( ho be t flg < it I knew
how to. "
"I dco't doubt It. " Then hw added with
a alKh , "I wish t'lero were more llko you
practicing at this liar. "
"Indoed ? "
"Voa. It would make iny work
easier , " '