Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 10, Image 10

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Jnmmrj UIPiiixilnliil Tliur fur Sni-
< ( I mill I'mlllnlili' Slint | | > lnw.
NHW YOUK Dec -Notwithstanding Ihc
inroads Christmas has rruilo on every
woman's purse this Is the t'mo for her to do
rotnc very vigorous shopping The counters
re fairly bristling with such bargains as
enl > come In January , when , In the big dry
Roods emporiums , they are selling off the
leavings of holiday mock tbit threatens to
liccome unfashionable As a matter of fact
tnoro velours , corduroy , black satin brocade *
In bold designs and such like am nd longer
ultra It the truth must ho told , but mirked
down every ono below $1 a yard , they offer
ran ) chance lonny woman with i soul above
nlavlsh Imitation of only the very latest
Dtly up largo figured Iwocailca end make
them Inlo whit are called full dress shirt
waists , with gay lace garnished tlca and
j-lilnostone slutls. They arc garments fit to
wear anywhere IJKick molro velours Is still
n'jil always will bo an admlrablft material for
the making of plain black dress skirts , to
rwcar with all manner of toncy light waists.
Mere Is a ( suggestion for the woman who
always sighs over the expense of lining he. '
skirts with silk A silk lining undoubtedly
Klvcs body and buoyancy and a sense of lady-
llkcnoss to a skirt that no other dress founda
tion can , but It luii lately been found Hal It Is
really only necesnary to line a skirt with
Bilk up to the knees In front and sldea , and
up to the wnlst only Immediately In the back
The remainder of a skill can he done en n
foundation of thin alr ic/i cud thereby ex
pense Id rediicpd while the set of the nolll-
teal 'and ' the all-Important rustic Is Just aa
imnrpsnlvn JIH nvnr
As to cordutoy , It mokes the very most
sturdy warm and Inexpensive ahlrt waist fern
n Intel wear It Is poaslblo to recommend
} 'uro white onesnio wcnn at the theater , with
MR roller collars rollluK ovtr the & 'i < iulders ,
fa-cd with pale yellow or violet colored satin ,
and the little pointed front vest striped with
r ws of silver spangles
Poiio of the newest toques seen bnvo
thplr crush crowns of corduioy sprinkled
with spaigles , for flcklo woman seems now
to ibhor anything In the nature of a smocth
velvet hat. Thi > crowns of all the pretty
toques end turtoans arc built of what Is
called rucked velvet the shirred kind , or
vcUot laid In liny stltcheil tucks , or sitlny
lidy'a cloth hoivily slllchcO Those who ROte
to tbc play those January evenings will
1)0 apt to sco very moilibh women wearing
email bonnets tuado of all vlolot leaves cut
out of green velvet and bedecked on the
left sldo with two high tossing white osprcy
sprays springing from a knot of pale blueweed
( wood violets
A MODEST irtLOwnrtnT.
Wood violets are the blossoms that In
silk , cotton or velvet possess all the popu
larity of the moment , and It Is only right
ito tell the homo hut trimmer's that bows v.r
quills , plumes or sprajs of flowers on tonnes
or turbans , are fastened over the left temple ,
nnJ bo low down on the edge of the toque
as to almost touch the forehead
vnother suggestion To any one who
ft'HiiKs ' 'ler'blg ' plumy black hat a little som-
Ibt-r for her style let her fasten In front , on
llio hi Im and near the edge , two big blobs
of velvet In sharplj contrasting colois
Jhts.0 arc not losettcs , but cuishes of velvet ,
usually uncut or the mlioir variety , and one
of St I'attlck gieen and another of soft
cerise ; set quite close touthei toward the
left , gives a sutiprlhlng and perfectly taste
ful K.iuty to any chapeau
This pretty bit of folly In decoration
ji eves that trimmings are clipping more and
more to the front and as a natural consequence
quence all the hats that don't flare , like
iludly cai cctied ships on one side , tip farthe-
tti3 farther , as time goes on , over the eves.
Thcae are too -perilous , but becoming angles ,
sind no woman of progress thinks of pinning
lier dress chnpeiu In commonplace balance
nml perfect equilibrium on her pretty nod-
Mention having be en made of St. Patrick
greet , the new all conquering color In a
JlKht tone , a word < = hjuld aljo be sent fcith
llm la a rich dark tone wall flower purple
la the latest naveltj e\ploi ed This is us
much a led as a purple , and builders of rue
raiment aio using It liberally In velvet for
cellars and girdles , etc ? t IMtrlck greed Is
of that tempting , appetizing , vcidant , tint
that pcau and lettuce and lima be .i s show
In early spring and now , though csilj appear
ing on the most up-to-il-ite tollo s It promises
lo the months to come to ravage unln errupt-
eJly the affections of dicearnaker and cus
tomer alike.
So far It Is cuily ob ilnable bj the common
herd in , chilfonc to , a fabric that ought to
be llirlco welcomed Chin incite la to chiffon
what Swiss or dotted muid'u , or line batld o ,
iv dimity , Is to moussellue do sole. It Is
In short , lovely vvldo silk rod cotton goods ,
port -is chllToii , wasiable. charmingly dyed ,
DI In white , and adaptable to an > use from
jut veiln to the simplest of dancing or aftcr-
tie u garden party elrcsae * .
Lo1 and behold' It ) the biggest of the
tluco pictures this wcejt luvv l.iffonotto can
bo used Over a sllp'of fonfii t-mc-not blue
goes the elcirt and low bodj , of pearl plnK
chlfictiitto , touclud V'lth i line of gMden ,
Unplucked bc-ivcr fin The cuffs of the
trtj opaient alcoves aid tips of ' 'ji > o tabj fill
ing from the shoulder uro crys allized with
i'lvcr ' spangles , and the cost of this fooa
Illtlo gown wxiuld not lalse a frown on the
blow of a miser. Such aie the virtues of his
Bow material.
Pur , let note be taken , Is the choices
Julng wo Know of so far foi liimmiiig tvcn-
Ini ; milts. Kven brides have rolzcd on It and
alaa1 not content with white fox and ermine
they go row to go thn In'rlralc mitrlmonUl
kno' ' lied In furi of dlvprs rolora Unde-
nlibly inaBnincont howcvc-r. is the effect
of i mlllloi'iiliegs tukhiR iier holy oata In
whlto brftpido , irlmmsd v I h silver fox fur
She rang a rhango on the cammtiipUce com
bination cf satin and pcails by having a
panel up the flklrl nr.d her bodice vest nod
ilecvo tops embioldered thlPkly with pllvcr
sppid and monistones and as a foil blow
at conventionality , her great fur-bordered
train was lined with rile green , sllvcr-
spangled ratln It was beautiful , but It WK >
no bridal , even If hpr veil vvaa all of Uin-
crick loco and her bouquet the new puuy ,
vvnlto Bermuda lilies and palm leaves
Up In their hair women nro wearing of ( in
evening a variety of objects No end of
cnmlm. If they possess Jeweled ones or plain
shell tuckers , while b > way of color , a trllle
not Rccti heretofore , Is a dainty affair of pink
hcatliPi , tied up with a pale blue rlbboa
and n spray of blue and whlto csprey curling
tip rather high. Thcso cv fly ospreys arc
boldly worn by the tenderwt hearted mem
bers of the Atldubon societies , because the
delightfully humane and sympathetic milli
ner sajs they are the feathers ohcd by tbo
osprey naturally , not the plumage wrenched
from the poor blid martyr's body. Let us oil
hope the milliner Is telling nothing but the
truth , einco those banner-like sprays wave
from nearly every p-etty dancer's and diner's
head. Moreover , they are dyed all possible
tlnta , anil ono enthusiastically adopted hair
decoration Is made ot carefully preserved
real fern leaves , tied with green ribbon and
topped with a green osprey. It is socn In
nearly ovcry golden head
So far no society for the prevention of
cruelty to helpless creation hns raised any
pioteat against the wearing of the tails of
fur-bearing anlnnln Literati ) millions of
( nils long aud short , well-coated and
HiiniRplv p.mcred are in active business this
winter Of course a goodly majority are
Ukcn along with valuable pelt , from the llt-
tln Canadian and north European nnlmnls ,
who die that rich women may hoist another
luxury , but there Is simply no denying the
fact that tbo city cat has a new terror to
avoid and the race of bob-tailed felines Is on
llui astonishing Incrpaac
I5o that as It may , It takes anywhere from
two to two do7cn talla to make any woman
strictly fashionable this winter , and ulth the
fur-trlmuKvl evening dresses are often worn
a bunch of wired tails In tbo well arranged
coiffure. Thcso Httlo topknota of prettiness
are always tot pff by a dab of flowers and
perhaps n scirlet or yellow osproy. Mabo
poor pussy would never recognl/o the erst
while prldp of her person so artfully does
the do pot change a tortoise shell or gray
anil white appendage Into a mink , or sable ,
marten or skunk fur. Speaking of tails the
latest things in crnvatK Is a length of ivory
lace with a couple of real sable tails nest
ling lu the folds of the bow. Talk of the fly
In the amber'
Here Is good news for the woman who has
i oretty foot but a weak ankle , and finds her
sufferings and dangers greit In a high-heeled
"venlng slipper There are now to be had
iho most smartly cut cvc lng shoes of glace
kid lined with crimson satin and laced up
he front , over V-shpned openings , as high as
.10 middle of the calf Through these openIngs -
Ings ample glimpses of the pretty cpen-
worlci'rt evening stockings aio PP ° II and so far
lown doe the lacing extend tint as small n
, ! ZB of this shoo can bo worn as of any low
i Upper It is the high sides of the shoo that
hold the ankle firm for dancing and mcac-
over such footgear can bo appropriately worn
whin driving about on a round of calls.
A chic little oddity , assumed by luxurlou
women. Is the bedroom elipper , fur-edged and
hpclless oeid quilted In bright plaid silk
Such delicacies of t'.io toilet accorryany plaid
silk stqcTJlngs and gay taffeta petticoats to
Though not nearly so durable as those of
oiipdo nnd dressed leathers , or even canvas ,
mothers arc choslng for their Httlo boys
legglus to match their overcoats This Is all
1 srauso the doctors have fallen foul of the
little leather and canvas leg casings , de
nouncing them as too hot and not admitting
ilr properly to the youthful masculine leg
rttub wo pan account foi a new fashion , apd
the smart little man of rising 5 years wean
black cork soled shoes , legglns of castor gray
nioltan and a gray ccachman's coat of the
same material , Under that coat his sturdy
person Is wisely clothed in a pair of log-o'-
mutton tweed trousers , with elastic knees
i end a sweater.
On top the curls , and , by the way , it Is ro
Icragei considered snmit for Httlo boys In
trousers to wcai long ilnglets , but a brush of
short curls clustering about the ears , a de
lightfully quaint John Hull beaver Is set
feometm ! " ! these shiny hata. that the tiny
e'laps love to smooth and , are called
Pbkwicks , but whatever their name their
becomlngness to losy , round faces Is not to be
When there Is no great depth ot snow.ann
Juprter I'luvlus etaye his hand , the women
golfeis are on the links and ate utlll showIng -
Ing aomo wonders and delights In the way ot
outing hulls. They are wearing btrlped or
biokfin. plaid skirts of Trench flannel lined
with coral plnlo or heavenly Uue baby flan
nel , and thus aie warm enough on coldest
days to dispense with coats and capes
Ihelr ehlrts have four to six tiny tucks
tunning down directly under the ch'u , but
they all button to one aide , and instead of
plilii-iaaplng linen collars -ind satin ties they ,
rmo and all , displiy .sporty , but eminently
becoming and womanish neckcloths of ( Inn-
ncl , Of a truth , the neckcloth Is a stock ,
warm and soft and vastly more comfortable-
than anything" else so fur tried By way of
bklrts , pU'm round , ankle Ions scant oneu
of rough Harris tweed seem to be- ruling
the links , along with washwoman's fined
hat Is nnabrlnt.ahli1 vvprm and like the
twctd merely has a dpep hem turned up
and stitched over a band of crinoline No
lining 's used -ind two plaits , directly be
hind. supply nil fullness.
All honor ibc to the golfers for Introducing
a new &liapo of outing hat Lot the readers
tat.o a look at the cue on the head of the
figure ( sketched tlihi week That Is a stitched
felt , with a waterproof crown that the owner
can drlnlc out of , If she chooses and no
hurt will co mo to the rough braid band
and two long argus pheasant qullta do
aervlco ao trimming. This hat M > the mil
liners say , Is bouml to tumble the alpine from
Its vain , proud aud hxtighty elevation
M > T uni'iivriNtt VP i.r.isuui : .
Hun li-illj-1 Mnrrloil Citutili * Ciruiellil ( eli
li Mutual At'iiuiiliitniic'i * .
Most old sayings have more or less founda
tion In fact , and ptobably of none can this bo
more truly sold thin of tha ad.ige : "Marry
In. haste and repant at leisure. " Nevcrthc-
ro nime l from flame C ommlsslo .er SHIII
on the eve or hjiJ $ farture fnr " 10 icenr > c.
I'IP Indian trouble * m Ilout * cjiinty , but tin
dIJ i tt order In i to Jon the other vardons
In the shooting jfThe law p-ovMfs hrw
rvtr thai whcnjthpi redskins get to Kukl R
up a mues all the wardens may be called out
to shoot and b ? shot ft
Mlsa M Ualfj'Who a born In Missouri
wenty-Mx years iRe Is an attractive bru-
! ttto , re-ncd : rjd tftlrl-g and accomp.lshed
Aa ypt e-he ha .not decided what coslume
to weir when on. duly as a warden She hai
Independent ctit not rallied , ideas on ilrens
Skirts ind such things she thick * arc out
of p'aco when a woman Is horseback or cy
C''HK She Is not In fiver of equal rtiiffrnne
nil takes no pnrt In pnlltlra except to vote
Said Mtes Mctciit * f'l do not antlclpnle that
I shall be ( out to the front or will have to
brive any very great danger ? though I
expect to perform every duty. If called on.
no matter what It cenalsls of. "
v iirsrTF
1 ho eiiialnt Hume of Siirnh lliirii-
\vvll Klllott.
Facing the main thoroughfare of the louth-
cm university town , Sewanec , stands the
homo of Sarah Unrnwell nillott , author ot
"Jerry , " "Tho Lhirkct Sperrlt" and other
sketches ot Tennessee mountain life.
U Is a many-gableel cottage , peeping out
from gum and maple trees , now a perfect
blaze of color under n declining November
sun. MUs Elliott Is the daughter of many
bishops She was born under the very aegis
ot ccclcslastlclsm , so to speak , being the
daughter of Illshop Stephen Elllolt of
Georgia , slater of Bishop Hobert Elliott of
Texas , niece of the first missionary bishop of
China , lit. Rev. William Doone , and cousin
of Illshop Uoono , his son.
She Is by concession a colonial dame , will
glancing flamrs of an open wood fire play
over old-fashioned portraits , high-backed ,
chairs and a lot of MS piled upon a table j
near a pleasant window eeat. TheBO old '
tomea are collection ) : ot Miss Klllott's |
father's and grandfather's lifetime , In Greek
and Latin , French , German and Hebrew
lint It is not amid these quaint mirround-
Ings that Miss nillott finds her Inspiration
for work. Her sanctum Is a log cabin ( the
counterpart of that depleted In "Jerry" ) ,
which lies across a leaficarpeted hollow In o
ulilrt of woods to ( ho rear of the houbti.
"You see. It would bo Impossible to con
centrate here , HO near the front porch , " she
says , "where In summer the young nieces
who come to visit mo occupy the hammocks
and chatter Ilko magpies. Let mo give you a
Klimpso of the plaie.
Mlas Klllott led the way from the front of
the house and putheil open the blind of a
icar window admitting the western sun hang.
Ing low- amid the over-arihmg trees. Atroks
the ravine , amid much intoiminglUi rolor ,
the squared logs of the cabin allowed thorn-
" 'The Kellmeres' was your first book , MUs
"Yes written when I was In my teens
I do not know why I should have given It
EUih a Bomber con trovers al tone , unites
evuu then ccciudlaailcal problsma were Jej-
terlng In my luim ! My life hnn bpon largely
| , isspil BUI mi K divinity students and rollego
p. fetors nnd naturally my earlier work
li ok Its tone from so Stfrlous an environ-
meet "
Anil jour short Rtorles ? "
"Thoso written several ypars ago paid my
way through Europe"
\\iid jour mountaliuer type1 ? In your later
stories' "
'Have hppn fnlthfully studied. I love those
shy , proud ppoplo All our barter and trade
I'ero at Sewnnoo Is with the Covltes , who
fearlessly climb up anil down these rugged
places to bring us what wo eat. Many a
time , when a mere girl. 1 have gone oft on
horseback ami stayed all day with these
Cove people Just to unlock their reserve and
got them to tall : , then , too , I hnvo done
much mission work among them
"Do you reilly care to examine some ot
my nit trcasuics' " Miss Elliott Inquired ,
noting my admiring glances "This teapot
was bought by any father at a sale of Louis
1'lillllppo's effects In Paris ; that pitcher Is
English and of very ancient diamond cut ;
thh spoon Is niido from a rJilnoccros hide ,
and those are curios 'brought ' by lilskop
Uoono from Chlm. Yes , those candlesticks
are of ancient date , but I see you recognize
Iho value of my pictures. That figure piece
over the piano Is by iParmlghlano , a , pupil
of Corrcgglo's , and that IE < thp > head ot lo
palntel by Corrogglo himself It belonged
to a princess who - waspersuade. . ! by her
father confessor that It was of too lascivious
a character to have In the collection of a
Christian woman , so It was cut out ami
another hean substituted In Its place. Jlv
brother , Bishop Mobcrt Elliott , -when abroad
took t o trouble to hunt out the pictures ol
that collection and found that the threads ol
a certain canvas ran the same way with
the head of this picture. You can see thai
i these shoulders never belonged to this head.
less the falrle ? are sometimes good to couples
who wed without conventional deliberation
as Is proven by the story related by the best
man at a recent wedding. "About as quick
a wedding as I ever heard of , " he said , "was
ono in which I was the matchmaker It was
about four years ago. In a Loulslina country
town. I won't mention actual names , but
I shall say that Percy Alien of the coun
try town and Miss Jessie Milton n visitor
fiom New Ol leans , met each other. You
know how It is In the country ; young people
don't have to climb garden walls to bo able
to converse together. Well. In a week Percy
anil Jessie were on pretty friendly terras , but
nci.ody suspected them of anything more
than friendship and they themselves had no
suspicion of anything more- serious Nowhere
hero ia where I come in ; it was I who fixed
them for life Dy the force of suggestion , no
in the raso of Beatrice and Benedict , I caused
them to see each other In au e-ntlicly differ
eit light. We three were walking down thu
otreot together Suddenly I looked , with a
veiy critical eye at Percy and Jessie and
eald 'What a fine couple you would make.
I never saw two persona better suited for
each other' Percy laughed awkwardly.
Jessie blushed 'I would be perfectly wil
ling. ' said Peicy , 'but I don't know whether
Jessie would have me ' Jessie laughed. ' 1
wouldn't mind , ' eho'answered. 'Oet married
this evening then , ' I put In 'Hive snap I
slMlI get the licence tocay. ! ' 'Uut I have no
clothes ready , ' lemarkcd Jcisle. 'Well , If
you wish to put It off. ' remarked Peicy , 'wo
shall rrako It tomoirow ' When we reached
the hoiwo Jessie went Into the parlor to
receive the visit of n young man Percy came
to me He was agitated Ho sald I wen-
dor If Jessie was only Joking ? I wonder If
she would have me9' 'I think so , ' I an
swered , Viho has told mo th'it she likes you. '
As n icsult Percy waited until the young
man left , anil after half an hour's conver
sation with Jessie matters v\cro arranged
Dy noon of the next day they were mairled
and on their way to New Oilcans. I accom
panied them to help Percy out. Of courrva
Jessies pecpla raised all mrripei of row
but when they discovered tint Percy was
n nlt'o young fellow and atle to support a
wlfo "bless you , my children , ' followed
and champagne was openej. Percy and
Je fllo are a happy couple today , and they
piobably wouldn't have had gumption enough
to como together unless I had beea there
Until events proved that It was a happy
union I wan In mortal tenor because of my
fiharo in the affair , and you may bo sure I
would never play tmch a part again. Mar-
rlago Is much too serious a matter to bo
entered Into In that way "
roi.onvuo's MciimJirvnnn \ .
Vomit ; \Vuiiiiiu Who Mil } lluv to
riuht IiiilluiiN or Citiinu VloliitorH.
Michigan can no longer hoist that It has
the only female * game warden In the coun
try , Colorado hereafter will claim dhtlnc
tlon In this respect. % Game Commissioner
Swan of that wtato recently appointed Miss
Annie Metcalf of Denver , lately a commer
cial traveler for a St. Louis house , to thh
rather dangerous position Miss Metcalf is
well QualllltHl for the practical duties of tht
position. Like Mrs. Warren , Neal of Mlcht
gan , aim la an expert rltle and revolver shot
and can handle most weapons aa dexterously
as eny man. Shea \ also a clever horse
woman and as a daring , dashing rider A
without an equal among horsux In tbo state ,
Hclng a thorough western woman , she hat
had many experience's that do not ftll to tha
lot of tbo average person In these eJayn ,
even there While living In the wcutern
part of Colorado she defended the family
borne often from the Utes , who came OVPI
from Utah almost every year to kill game
and terrify the settlers In Itoutt and Itlo
Itlanco counties She hao broken vlclouft
bronchos end nothing delights her more than
to tackle a "buclter" that has been pto
nounccd unbreakable. Miss Metcalf did cot
seek the position ot warden The position
of clerk to the game commission was offered
her. She accepted that and Mr Swan went
her one better by making her a gamn
As clerk she retch us $900 per year As
warden tthe will rccc-hi > $ T > per djy only when
lu theHeld. . Mloj Meti-alf received her { >
four colonial governors in the direct linoof
descent , and it is not surprising to nnd in
her family distinguished physicians , divines ,
writers and educators
Miss Elliott responded to a tap upon the
outsldo door , and gracloudly said , "Come iu ;
there is a lire upon the libiary hearth , and
you find me alone , as for the present I am
only camping. "
The Interior of this gothlc house has the
setting of 100 years back of it. Dingy books
line the four walls of the llbraiy , and the
U belongs Jo the same collection , and Is
head of one of Iho Orslni These four wer
sent to my grandfather from Homo by
certain. Italian noble , who was under a hciv
moneyed obligation to him , and have bco
treasurc-d by .us ever since , just as they are
in their ivvonn-eaten Florentine frames
"Few know , perhaps , that there are fou
suoh valuable iplctures , real old- masters , I
a private collection in this country. I pro
pose to place them on exhibition some da
In Now York , with a pamphlet -written b
myself telling of the Interesting way In
w'lMi they were como by "
Miss railott possesses these "two most
excellent things In woman , " a gentle stop
and a ijulot voice" She Is a blonde of
charming appearance and belongs essentially
to the typo of womanly woman Her man-
noi Is composed nnd dignified , as of ono as-
Hired of her position nnd conscious that she
will not Jiavo to seek the world , but the
world must come to hor. She speaks witli
unsparing praise of the work of others and
never alludes to her own cffortu unless
pressed to do so , land then In the shyest
A sii7r-M\i : > r won w
MI Moili'lViiH ( lie Ile-Klu-
111 UK : of Her reiriuni' .
Hero is a true story ot a young vvoman'n
failure and HUCCCC.I as a bread winner In Now
York. She came to the city fiom a Httlo
country town Intending to go on the etage.
That was five yean ego , She vvaa liuod-
some and had a talent for dress , and per
haps a talent for acting , but of that no one
can speak with much usburnnto , for she bus
never had : any ctmir-c to act. She besieged
managers and agents , only to meet with
plentiful FiiuliH from tfio remoiultile ones ;
her only chances of engagements came from
the shakiest of traveling concerns , and as she
had no money to cuond In paying her own
way homo from remote parts of the country ,
aa ulio disliked walking loog distances and
had always a level head , who would not leave
the city
In trio meanwhile , as she was very clover
at sewing and demonitratcd It In her own
rlolhfs , eho managed among the actrc.sjoi she
encountcrpd to get some employ meet for lur
needle. She worked1 extraordinarily well for
inferior nrlces and among drebsmakeru that
It a moihul euro to fuinlsh brcucl , If not
Par a year aha was a most unsettled , un
I ippy creature , and only miking enough to
Keep soul and body toiethor ;
The only chctico hc got for appearing on
the aut-'o was In the choniij or a : omlc cpera
Blio did net Mud tht ) atmosphere very con-
gen al anil when tihu was cequcated to ap-
( 'Mr In ttR'.Ug and veiy little else ho gavu
up her poeltlou ant ) her histrionic ambitious
t the Mine time 3ho eettlcit down to nt-
end to her dressnuklnn for nil It was worth.
At that tlmo Blip wa living In n wretched
ttlo room , In which the slept and scn.ed anil
ookod and oto She Ilvexl on the cliMpcut
ood. mainly rice. Icr two wcoks. to save
noney wiough to carry out a Httlo scheme
ho had In tier hrod This was to make a
Isht dress after n pretty , novel Idea ot her
own , nnd then try to neil It as a. mold to
one ot the big shops
She succeeded nnd got $20 for It Now she
vas ctiough ahead to try another step she
ml conceived as likely to advance her She
i put to a young actress who was to apprar
n a iotv " costume part" of the eighteenth
century and offered tt > make one ot her
; owns for nothing It the < ictrp s would give
her the beitpflt of her Influence In gottteig
more work The octrews had none too much
noney liprclt and our heroine manned by
sonio arts and arguments to got the job
Cnough of the preliminary step * and let
is look at the dressmaker as she Is now
She retitfl A beautiful house on one ot the
good croi streets near Kltth avenue Part
of the first floor she lots to a fashionable
physician and his Is the only algu that np
Dears on the dwelling , she Is too well for u
BRII | Slit ? has two or three other lodgeia
and the rest of the house Is used by hersoll
and the thirty seamstresses ahe employs
Last summer. In the dull season , she went
to Noyport anil cleared $ GOO In two inoiillis
She dresses very beautifully herself and
? lves her costumes a little touch of pic-
: uresquenenfi thit advertises her talent to the
theatrical folk , who are still her chief cus
tamers She says tholr catrriage Is the only
xm Meet km with the stage she wants now
3ho Is still young and Inmlsomo nnd cer
tainly has a fair prospect of n fortueie at as
early an age as ttio successful self-made mm
generally achieves It.
SIMIP i.ocs KOH v 1/1 VIM : .
OoL'iiiintliiii. IniiniirfnUfTil l Mncnlu
rollimcil li > Two ( ilrlN.
Splitting logs Is the vocation followed by
two women In the woods back of Wall's sta
tion , on the Pennsylvania rallroid. Annie
and Mary Wilson are the eiinies of these two
wonion They aie sinters. They split calls
and make pit posts and cctHi for the Spring
fill ! Coal company , whose works are between
Wllmcrdlng ami ! Wall's They do all th
work of felling the trees , bawlng them Into
proper lengths and finally with their axes
splitting 'heai lot pil costs They are nj-
slsled ta oonip extent * by their younger
hiot'aer flic Rlils work together always and
can swing an eight-foot croscut suv
through an cak tree with apparently as much
cise as some women run a type-waiter
When the tree is rawed thiough anil reidy
lo split one ot the girls sets an Inn wedge
Into rtio end ot the log and with i large maul
weighing about twe'iity pounds drives U In ,
cnllttlng Iho log from end lo end The op
eration Is revealed until the log Is split Into
iz < a for posts. Then tfio axes are In ought
Into play and the posts trimmed up and
sLjped. The glrln came from Indium
"The work is not hard when you gpt used
t : > It " said cue , "aiul then we cin make more
money sylltllng rails and maklag pit nos's
In one illy tlnn WP could In i week working
In n kitchen What's the difference so long
as the work Is honest how one earns n liv
ing ? Although I woiK haul every day , ralci
01 shine I never got sick I was nevei sick
In my life The people around Siete all talk
about us , but we don't care fet that We are
earning a good living and dou't owe anyone a
cent "
IVinlnlmPel sonnlx.
Miss Adi Ncgrl the young Itillan poet
who Ins bec-n having a con iderible voiic
In Lcradon , is an ardent socialist
Miss Mary Hall ot ValpanUo , Ind . dau ? h
ter of the cashier of the First Natlonl bank
of that city , Is the youngest and first woman
director of an institution of fine arls
Governoi Jones of Arkansas has commis
sioned Miss Cmma Whltllnglon an honorary
colonel of the ic-ervo militia This is the
flrst appointment of this kind ever made in
thai state '
Mrs Jessie Palmer Wobcr of Springfield ,
III , a diughter of G neial John M Palmer |
has been chosen to succeed the late M * s
Josephine Cleveland as llbraiiin of the 1111 .
mils' Historical library. |
Miss Mabel Peicy Haskell an American j
Klrl living In Paris with her mother , has I
Just bcon decorated with the grand crflas
of the Order of the Alelusino by PrinceGuj
do Luslgnan for hei rare talents as a mlni-
ntuio palntei and writer.
KltlKhlirn Kntn Tn phn _ ni nn lie Is knrmn
to mnga/lno icadeni , Otano Watanna la n
young Jap mae woman living In Chicago
She was at one time in hoi newspaper cncei
the only woman allowed to be prcsemt at
the sessions of the British council in Ja-
Tour young women were elected to olfice
In Kantas this fall 'I hey are Nettle lion-
ham , registrar of deeds In Meade county
Kite Johnson , treasurer of Norton county ;
Stella Strait , registrar of Bouibon county ;
and Delia Leslie , county clerk of nro\ci
Rosa Maso Is ono of the bravest heiolnes
of the Cuban war of independence She Is
only 19 years old , and is the dniightci of a
weallhy planter , whom Woylrr had butch
ered , together with her only brother. She
esciped from the Spanish and dlvlden her
tlmo between nursing the sick Cubans and
acting as a spy for General Gomez. She was
the first lo cross Wcyler's , trocln
MUs Kamcay Gibson Maltland , the only
daughter and heiress of the late/ Sir James
Ilnmsay-Gllison-Maltland succeeds to estates
In Midlothian woith about $100,000 a year ,
to an estate in Stirlingshire worth about
$10,000 a year and 'o on estate in Linllth-
Kowshiro worth a few hundred'a year Miss
Maltlaiu is in her early twenties
LI Hung Chang has appointed as his fam
ily physician MI&K Hu King Cng , who Muillnl
norne years ago In an American medical col
lege She Ins pracllced foi some lime as a
mission doctor in I\.o Choo and lias boon a
Christian since her childhood. II Is believed
tjiat her appointment will do much to o\er-
como the prejudice prevailing In China
against female physicians. Next year Miss
Hu Kihg KIIR will icpresenl China nt the
London congress of medical women
The empress of China was to have cele
brated hir fclxtieth birthday with great pomp
and lavish expenditure of money In Novem
ber 1801. In consequence ot Hie war with
Japan she Issued a proclamation that Iho fes
tivities hail been given up , because they
would seem ungracious tu view of the suf
fering caused by the wai. This proclama
tion did much to endear her to the hcarlo of
her subjects This yeai the empoior decided
to have the dcfened festivities on Novem
ber , 3 , and about $100,000 was put aside for
The Queen
of Beattty
Returns to Lecture
At the Urpcmt Request of Thousands 9
O in aim's Progressive Womou.
H Monday Afternoon , Jan , 3 ,
Next Tuesday Afternoon , Jan , 4 ,
At 2 O'clock.
Monday v/oman's / Health.
Tuesdny-YaleJsauty System
you aip hoi "by noiiflpd thn Mine
Ynlo has mo U Kluil Usly consented to
vMt Uni.ui i nnd delUm two Icctuics
DiningMnu > \ ill's mint visit th nftiiuls
of Omaha s pioM s ve vvoniPn vvl.o hnil
hoped to pi nit li > Mmuk''s vvlb" tout h-
Ings wcu uuabl" to obtain tillers 01 to
< ven gain an cntiiinc'i- the thoUir ow-
IIIK to In r ov r c tow did In ii"t nml conse-
qu Dtlj u pititlon w is forwaid"il to lm1
iale by in my of hci st-s , asking foi ix n ,
tuin kituiivvliloh riquc'it slu > not only
consented lo Kraut but ilcildpil to glvi1 two
lectiuos so thai hei lOinplitisvstpm may
lie Intelllg ntl > tinileistooil mill for tin t ] >
i IU bom lit ot hli-K womm llnic1. i nli will
ilellvei n silentilii lictuit ol her hi illh
rsy loin Hint tic.ilB of lining all known ill
nnuts iiffntlnK woman's IIP iltli Kvery
ladv attcndliiK tbc } * < ttiii Momliiv aftpi-
noon , .Iinuniv Till will rirplvi1 a flee bottle
tle oC Mnio Yale's r llt leinnly , I'riilt
I'uia "Uonutn'-i Tonic" ' 1 liO'-o attcndlni ;
the beuilv lot tun on Tup iHv . 'flu noon.
Jin tlh , will lucpivo a viltiiblt ilc-t irtl-
clo fico.
Mine. lie t.iKc-s iilfisin > In .innouiitli n
that her lectutos vvill be i ompllment iry
Heseivod spit tlrkets foi l > otli of those
lecture's can now be ol > t ilni'il frto hv ciul-
ing at tin ill UK ilep.irtmi'ni rf th IJostoii
Store , thtse ilclc t- ) it tl le b rer to 'e > ired
si , iti Seine tkkets cvily uj 'ntiny wilt
be- turned aw.ii '
the purpCMe , but aaln the empress gave her
veto , on the ground that a better use ml ht
bo made of that sum
A fieorgia pastor , who rpslgnel because ho
co'ililn't collc-i.1 his silary , said In his fare
wll bcrmon " 1 have Httlo clso ( o add. dear
bietbrun , save tills You were all in favca
of frfe Kilvition and the manner In which
you .lave treated mo U oropf tint you got It "
UPV Mr Alderson , a T peka clergyman H
croilltcd with tiling the follo.vlng , v/likh Is
icganled as tathor an odd metaphoi to bo
uttiTpd from the yulplt "So wi > see the
beauties of spiritual life oven as inture lit s
her skins an 1 ie\cals nil cntranoog spe -
tacle "
Iho jastoi of a I.onilon pliurrh. In order to
pcnularlre his services , jjcnnlts the main
nipmbera ot his coiiKregatlon to smalto and
furnlaheK the tobicco lie also supplies tha
womm vvh'i tci. cakes and ma.malado NIMV
Jcrjey h bound to keep paci ) , Itectoi Stoil-
ilarrt of Jcihey fity Livlui ; started a daiiilui ;
class In his chinch
Mr nryce ip'itcain am sing aue loto
vvhlph ho K t from a mhsio'iary \ IJasulo
had returned Iv his native pountiv from the
diamond nrm.s. Ho dr.iurlbed lo I lie mis
sionary Ma pVjiprkupo thiro On CUP ooia-
Hion his eye luiI fallen en a.ihut > l. . > illa-
rnoml In the clay lie was breaking into frig
inent ? While ho was umknvcrlng lo nick U
up ho ppifohcd t'.iu ovcrBOcr ap.uc-ii.hlni ; ,
and , having It by this time In Ma Innd uau
ioi a moment toirlbly filghtened , the ininsh-
nifnt for the tlipft bplng M ry severe fho
ovprsppr however , pjsaed on "Anil then , "
oild the H.iHut > "I know lhat then was
indeed a Oed for IIP lid pipnerved mo"
Herr njoriiHtjirtip Itjorrgon ( ho eminent
pfnt and nnvoliil , iclubratcd his lioth birth
day at Munich