Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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ow Phnss bftho Exposition Ensatablo Gets
. Attention.
lArchltcctn-lii-Clilrf Tlpcltle an Stria *
IIH < hn ( iciiernl Feature of the
'Architecture ' , tvlth Sonic
Sllnht .Moilllcfi1lon ( .
The style of architecture ot the buildings
which are to bo erected on the north tract
of the exposition grounds Is engaging the
attention of the archltects-ln-chlef ot the
exposition , now that the drawings for the
buildings and architectural embellishments
ot the main court and the structures for the
bluff tract nro practically out of the way. .
As hac been said many times , the design of
the nrchttocU-ln-chlcf has been to concentrate
contrato the stunning effect In the main
court and the measure ot success which has
attended their efforts In this direction Is
daily bccomlns morn apparent as the mag
nificence ot tbo stately main buildings Is
rfcvcaled as the work progresses. The bluff
tract having been set asldo for the state
bulldlnga , the arcliltccts-tn-chlct have little
to do In that direction except to cxorclao
sufficient supervision to guard against archi
tectural monstronltlcs. There will bo a num
ber of buildings on the north tract , liow-
cvcr , and It Is the selection of the ntyle
which shall dominate these that has been
under consideration.
It has been decided that the style ot arch
itecture prevailing among the farming dis
tricts of picturesque Switzerland ahall bo
followed In making the designs for the build-
IRAK ' which are to 'be erected on the nofth
tract. This style Is charming Jn Its almpllc-
Jty and pleasing to the eye. In a general
' way It may to described aa a style which
brings the heavy timbers ot the building Into
prominence , thi-no tlmberu remaining un
covered. The space- between the timbers Is
covered with a rough coating of plaster.
The timbers will bo painted a dark rail
color , technically known as burnt sienna , and
the plaster will remain the natural color.
Tlio Idea of the architects is that this char
acter of construction will act as a foil for the
elaborate bulldlnga of the main court and
wlM form a pleasing contrast to them.
Prominent among tlio bulldlnga on the
north tract will be the Transportation build
ing. The preliminary sketches for thl ?
structure have been made , but have not yet
Iteen approved by the executive committee.
These sketches provide for a building de
signed In the Swiss style referred to , the
building to be about 400x000 feet In size. As
at prcse.nt contemplated It will stead a little
east of Twentieth street , about the middle
of the old 'fair ' grounds.
Following out the decision of the archltocts-
ln-chlcf regarding the style of architecture
to bo used on the north tract , the viaduct
which will aftord a oastageway from the
north end of the bluff trnct across Sherman
avenue to the old fair grounds will form
a pleoslnE example of the Swiss style of
architecture. . The trusses supporting ibis
viaduct will be of the cantilever style aud
the sides of the roadway will bo formed by
mUilaturo Swiss chalets , In each ot which
will be Installed merchants with small , warcs
ot various kinds , giving the viaduct the .ap
pearance ot a Eli-cot In a Owls * .village.
The clans and specifications for tula
will bo turned over to the
Buildings and Grounds
and bids wlljiJje-a'iHPrWerTue ccnstructlon.
The plopa'arid specifications to- the colon-
- aiA"wnTch ( ! arc to form covered passageways
from tbTe' povcrnmont building to the Agri
culture' ' building on the north , side ot the
lagoon and the Art building on the south side
Jiavo been 'completed by the archltects-ln-
chlof ami turned over to the Department of
Buildings' and Grounds , lllds for the con
atructlou of thcso colonnades will be asked
at once.
Tiicsu two colonnades will form , an Impor
tant feature of the general design of it < ho
main court. Starting at the west end ot the
Agriculture building the north colonnade
'begins with a handsome pavilion , extends duo
west n short distance ana then describes a
wide circle around the ibank of the Mirror ,
'being ' forty feet from the water. When near
the Government building It changes direction
slightly , running In a southwesterly direction
to the point where the north wing ot the
Government building joins the main body , of
the structure. There are four pavilions In
each'of the colonnades and these ,
with the handsome design of the
colonnades proper , form a handsome and
striking setting for the broad Mirror and
the stately Government building. The style
of the architecture used In these colonnades
Is Fompcllan Doric and It Is the Intention to
enhance the beauty of this portion of the
ground by a liberal use of foliage along the
colonnades , adding to their btauty. In addl.
lion to adding to the architectural beauty o
the west end ot the main coilt the colon
-inadea will afford a covered passageway
twelve feet In width entirely around the
Mirror , and It Is thought that this shady
walk will bo very popular when the sun la
shining on the exposition grounds.
Tho'forco Jn itho office of the archltccts-lo
chief Is now working on itho drawings for tin
two largo restaurant buildings which are to
form the cast end of the vladuet leading
from the main ourt across Sherman avcnu
to the Bluff tract , and the colonnades am
Pivlllons which are to form the cxcJra a
the cast id of 'tho main court leading to
the viaduct. These drawings are well undo
way and are ncarlng completion.
The detail drawings for the MoorUh vlllagi
fr'ivo been completed and several contractor
are now figuring on the plans preparator ;
to putting In bids for the construction o
< ho 'several beautiful building ! ) whlohwll
form ono ot the meet attractive features o
the Midway.
' ' *
"Mollinir tinllnll. . "
A mechanical genius baa applied to th
Department of Concessions for the prlvlleg' '
of Installing and operating a wonderful con
trlvanco which ho calls "rolling the roll.1
Ho proposes to construct a track on The orde
.of n switchback , about aevmty-ftvo foot 1
length , and for cars to has Immense tub
seven feet In diameter , with seats Inslil
The passengers who deslro to toke the thrl
ling voyage uro strapped In thcso scats an
the tub starts on Us trip. Tub and passer
gors are rolled over and over with llgtitnln
-ced , the track being built en a shato In
cllno. At tho. nd opposite the starting train
the tub strikes against heavy springs whlc"
.starts It of ( In the opposite direction dow
another Incllno. When the end of the Jou
nay Is reached the tub Is directly beneat.
the starting point a id the passengers an
lifted out and the ( lib raised to t'jo hlghe
platform , where It Is ready for another lo > 0
The iiroii'oter of this extraordinary contrlv
anco uaya to has operated It In several place
In the east , where It met with great favor
lie says the motion Is rather unusual , bit
4a not disagreeable nfter a. trial or two.
" MM. Mary Bird. HarrlaburR , Pa. , say ;
"My child Is worth millions to mo ; yet
would have lost her by croup had I not Ir ,
vested twenty-five cents In a bottle of On
Minute Cough Cure , " It cures coughs , cold
and all throat and lung troubles.
Slult' I < "niifrill nirrcl ,
The Nebraska State Vuneral Directors' ns-
soclutlon was called to order by 1' , C.
lloafey , president , to make arrangements
for naming tha date , nnd selected Sfntem-
ber 12 to USlfor the atato nnd national con
ventions , both conventions to tnko place the
pami ) week. The superintendents of com-
eterles convention to bo the same week.
The thi-co conventions are to be. In touch
with euch other The executive committee
consists of N. 1' . Swunson , IS. Hatnour. H.
" ' C Ilvi'f mos Herton- : ' . * ' . "oil and
Arnold's liromo Celery cures headaches ,
JOc , 25o and COc. All druggists.
Oiieiii 'IliniNi * ill Chllilrcn'a Homo.
HBV. ttlr. and airs. Clark will keep open
house at the Children's , JU-scuo home , ( XM
South Eighteenth treql , today. Thpy will
bo clad to moot their friends nnd all of
.those wlro ere Interested In the welfare of
the hMiuvieas end destitute children.
Coats moTO worth more , because pure
Wrlsbt'i ( iure , old-fiuhloned buckwheat flour.
IttiKtr Dln e of it \ nil cr
ot I'dullnur Cnnei.
JudgeU kcr devoted yontertar morning
to disposing of cases upon his docket , clear *
Ing up tbo accumulated business prior to tha
adjournment ot the September term of court ,
which occurred lwt nluht.
Henry llccht , convlctc-J ot choking to death
ono Frank Zatecl xvhlio the two were at a
dance held In South Omaha during the night
of July 3 last , was sentenced to a term ot
two years In the penitentiary. In passing
sentence Judge Baker said ho felt certain
that the defendant ( lid not Intend to commit
murder. The crlrao was committed during
the progress of a drunken row In which a
number of parties tosk part.
Stella Green , a colored woman , secured a
new trial on the charge ot robbing Mayer
Levl of fSG , but was sent to the county jail
upon a plea ot KUllty to having stolen $30
from another party who had/ / visited her den
la the Third ward.
The following parties were arraigned and
nit pleaded net guilty to the charges pre
ferred against them : Frank Hrnmako , dis
tributing llbclous literature ; Hlla Holf , grand
larceny ; Ma.iou Swift , grand larceny ; Charles
Bobbins , assault with Intent to do great
bodily Injury ; Joseph Osborne , burglary ;
Charles Hcndrichs , robbery ; C. T. Hosman
and Bert Thompson , foiKery ; .Frank Curtis ,
neglect of duty as a registrar of election ,
Honda for appearance wcro renewed and
caeca against the following named parties
wcro continued until tbo February term of
court : Joseph Koutsky , assault upon John
M. Tanner with Intent to do great "bodily lg-
jury ; Lyman A. Page , adultery ; Alice Gor
don , assault upon airs. Ole Jackson with In
tent to do great bodily Injury ; John Drown ,
assaulting Mrs. "Morrisonwhile she was at
tempting to secure the release of her dog
from the pound.
on Molloii ' ( Tntniluteil.
Arguments on the application for a now
trial In the civ.o of thu City against the
term'bondsmen of iHenry-Dolln , ex-city trcas-
urer , were completed last night , Attorney
Mahoney for 'the bomlsmcn occupying the
ontlro day In reviewing the evidence nnd the
conduct of the Jury. Jlo contended 'that
there -wnti error In the trial and that a re
versal of the verdict -was Imperative.
At the hour of adjournment , Judge Sla-
baugh announced that next , Monday morning
at 9:30 : o'clock ho would 'Pass ' upon the mo
tion , 'taking the matter under advisement
until that time.
HiMiinvt'H n. llluci > lvcr. ,
In the suit brought by William Preston
against the Northwestern Cereal company
Judge Scott has removed the receiver , Ed
gar Zabrlsklo , and appointed W. A. DeDord
In lila stead. In the order It Is stated that
this action Is taken IB the best Interests of
the property of the estate.
Judge Scott lias Issued an order author
izing L. A. Crofcot , receiver for the Omnba
Flro Insuasce company , to collect the assets
of the company , authorizing him to make
such collections by suit or otherwise.
Mrs. Clnrlc CSotH n Decree.
A decree has ( been granted In the case ol
Rozella Clark against Walter Clark , The
plaintiff charged cruelty. She Is glvon. the
custody of the two minor children.
' \oteit front the Cnnrtn.
Savanna Reed has been released onbonds
to appear at the next term of the district
: ourt. She Is charged with larceny.
Maggie Flncganhas asked to be divorced
'rom her .husband , John Lewis Flncgan.
She alleges desertion that has continued for
raora/'tfcan two years.
"Tho Prlscticr ot Zenda , " which comes to
Uoyd's theater next Monday and Tuesday
nights , ha. ? the great merit of being Inter
esting from , beginning to end. Interc-st docs
not abate at any part oJ the play , and from
flvo minutes after the raising of the curtain
o the finish the audlenco Is kept In suc.'i
a tense atato of expectation that cpcctatorc
are forgiven for using their ears , while the
eyes fall to absorb the rare cunning shown
n the staging.
Daniel Frohman of rue Lyceum theater ,
Now York. Is responsible for the production
and selection ot the olayers. The company
Is headed by Howard Gould , and Includes
maay of tbe old favorites seen In the play
last season.
The comic opera trio , Lillian Russell ,
Delia Fox and Jeff Do Angells , will bo the
attraction hero next Wednesday night , when
they will present Stango & Edwards' comic
cpera , "The Wedding Day. " The production
will bo precisely the sarao as that which
marked the original production ot the opera
In New York , where It ran for over fifty
nights at the Casino. The story has a his
torical Incident for Its foundation , but this
has no particularly serious aspect , and no at
tempt Is made to rivet the attention of the
audience to It. Comic situations , wit and
humor have been the main Ideas of the
author of the book. The company numbers
sovonty-Hvo people.
The play that comes to Doyd's Thursday ,
Friday , Saturday matinee and night , January
C , 7 and 8 , has been the dramatic sensation
of years In New York , London and Uoston.
The play Is William. Gillette's "Secret Serv
ice , " a four-act drama founded on certain
Incidents In connection with the siege of
Richmond during the late civil war. Prom
inent among the players In the big cast are :
Dyron Douglas , Hardeo Klrkland , Arnold
Daly , Hamilton Harris , Albert Perry , Samuel
Wood , Jamw Cody , Henry Wilton , John
Veromo , 'Edgar ' Selwln , Forrest Haynes ,
Woodward Darrett , C. M. Emmerson , Hannah
May Ingram , Margaret Mayo , Isabel Waldron ,
Helen Buckley , Annlo Wood and twenty
"Non-Fcrtisan"Mi jrity Stands Tirm in Is
Appamit Predilection.
F , Ilcnlinnn nnil 1'rnlioilr Give
Ihu Oiilnlnn i\pcctiMl from Thrill
.Iliillnrtl nnil Moore * I'llo
llHrntliiK Opinion ) ) .
The decision of the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners In the Kitchen license
coso was hindcd down yesterday afternoon.
The majority opinion was signed by Gregory ,
Hcrdmau and Poabody. It was to the effect
that the two editions of the World-Herald
constituted ono newspaper and that this
combined circulation exceeded that of any
other newspaper In Douglas county. That
the applicant had published his notice In the
World-Herald In good faith and that consc
qucntly the protest should bo overruled and
the llccnao granted.
Commissioner Bullard presented an Indl-
! \ vldual report which merely dealt with the
i i question ot good faith and recommended
' granting Iho license. Mayor Moorcs sub
mtttcd his opinion cs follows :
In the matter of tho" application of Kitchen
Bros , for a liquor llcenro.
I deem It Incumbent upon me ns one of
the members of the Board of Flro nnd Po
lice Commlsslonr3 to lllo a dissenting opin
ion from the majority of the board over
ruling , the remonstrance filed herein by N
P. Fell , for t'iio following rennons :
First 1 believe that the testimony on be
half of the rcmonstrator shows by a l.irg
preponderance that the Morning and Kvcn
iiiK World-Herald are two separate nnd dis
tinct newspapers.
Mr. Hitchcock testifies that not to exceed
100 persons In Douglas county tnko both o'
said papers , therefore the subscription Us
Is different.
The names are different , ns shown by Ihi
papers themselves , nnd their history , ns
testified to by Mr. Hitchcock , the Morning
World-Herald being the successor to the old
Omaha Dally Herald , a morning paper ex
clusively , and now In Its thlrty-rourih year ,
ns shown by t'iio volume mimlocr , viz. : Vol
33 , No. 8J. etc. ' See exhibits 1 to 10 ; tlr
Evening World-Herald being the successo
of the Omaha Evening- World , started bj
Mr. Hitchcock us an exclusively evening
paper , over thirteen years ngo. So ex-
hililts 1 to 10.
An examination of the UB-O papers for any
one day r.bows that the matter Is substan
tlally Ulffercnt , ia. largo portion of the tele
grams -ippc rlng In tlio evening ip.Tper not
appearing In the in'ornlns pnper until tbe
next day. The Tratket report.- * are nlways
different In the two papers of the same date ,
so that , with Hie exception of the editorial
matter , the tl.vo papers , In tliclr eeneral
I LOWS features , arc decidedly distinct , the
I evening proper of ono day nnd the motninsr
tlon of the editorial , mor * slmlinr In general
r.owa features than the two papers of thfc
sami ! day , or date. See the papers , exhibits
1 to 10. '
The rules of th'e ' Associated Press as to
what constitutes a morning and ovenlnt ?
paper ( see. exhibit 11 , by-lnw Ix ) , convince
me that the general custom In the iio'\e-
pnper business is to rtigard a morning and
afternoon paper ns two stiparatu papers , al
though published by the same corporation.
Second I also believe from the evidence
that The Evening J5eo has by far the larg
est bona llde circulation of any newspaper
published In Douglas county , the proof
showing that The Evening Bee had during
the month of November , 1S ! > 7 , an average
circulation In this county of 8.-126 , and for
the month of December , 1S97 , Its circulation
was on the average of 8.4G9.
The testimony also shows that , as claimed
by the World Publishing company , the
Morning World-Herald has nbout 3 , )0 ) bona
llde subscribers In Douglas county , .and that
the Evening World-Herald has about C.400
subscribers , neither ono of said newspapers
having within 2.000 of as many subscribers
In the county as The Omaha Evening nee.
Third I also find from the evidence that
there Is not now nnd never has been pub
lished In Douglas county a newepapsr
known n thi > "Omaha Dally World-Her
ald , " anil as the proof of publication sheas
that the notlco herein was published Jn a
paper so-called , and the evidence-showing
there la no such paper , I hold that until this
nippllcant publishes In a legal nowispuper
that this board has no power or jurisdiction' '
to grant a license and that therefore the re
monstrance should bo sustained und the
license refused.
As to the question of good faith , the
proof of publication shows that the notice
livas never published In a newspaper printed
In this county. The testimony of the appli
cant that the notlco was published In both
the Morning nnd Evening World-Herald
cannot avail-him until an affidavit of pub
lication to that effect Is filed herein as by
law required.
( Attorney E. W. Slmeral for The Bee Pub
lishing company then filed notice of appeal
and the hearing of the next case was set for
Monday forenoon.
The board acted on a numbeC of ap
plications on which there were no pro
tests on file. Licenses were ordered
Issued to Henry Rohlf , 724 South Thir
teenth street ; Dundy & Blttenger , 'Mer
chants' hotel ; Henry Ostoff. 513 North Six
teenth ; Julius Treltschko , 601 South Thir
teenth ; Jose | > Havllcek. 1401 South Thir
teenth , and ' .yilllam . McKenna , 2801 Sherman
A protest against the lasuanco of a license
to William Mueller at Twenty-eighth and
Leavenworth streets was heard briefly and
taken , under advisement. The protest wan
solely on the ground that the property own
ers In that locality did not want a saloca on
the corner.
The protest by property owners agalnot tbo
proposed saloon ot Low Hlbben at 207 South
Fifteenth street was set for hearing at 2
o'clock. .
J. A. Perkins of Antiquity , O. , was tot
thirty years needlessly tortured by physi
cians for the cure of eczema. He WHS
quickly cured by using DeWltt'-s Witch Hazel
Salve , the famous healing salvo for piles anil
skin diseases.
Turn over start the new yonr on a
clean pace You've nmilo some mistakes
in tlie last twelve months but that's no
reason -\vliy you should go. on dolug BO
now Drcx L. Slioomnn has told you
time niul time Jifraln all our boys'
shoos You oiiKht to know by lhs ! time
tlmt they are the best Sl.f.O shoe ever
eolil anywhere on envtli-most people do
Give the little follow : i clinncc to titund
alone alone in his o.v i shoos the shoes
to bn our ? l..r > 0 Ititiil- Then he can look
the New Year in the fare and bo a
man We want to thank nil our frlamjs
for the past year's imtroiiittio and we
wish them'all ' nnd thosu that have not
patronized ns a happy and prosperous
Transmlsslsslppl Imposition New Year.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
I'so sined de pledge ter keep off do
street after ono in do moriiin and I've
got n new leef ter begin wid so I'm
goln rite down ter my dad's smoke
house an Uklis one uf dem live cunt
Stoecker cigars nf hissen Youse fellers
had better swnrc oK on dom ten centers
youso been muokin an got de best cigar
use ever smoked fur n nickel Yer get
fifty uf de rappers an dad'll give yer
one uf my kid pins will a diamond set
right In it Do dealow will get some
prices fur do New Year in Sunday's
paper da I'll nmko dcr hair raise up. i
' '
Itcv. Dr. McMIIInn 'VJnilrm 111 * llculu-
nntlon nut Stcrelnry.
NBW YOIIK , Dec. Bl.Tho resignation of
nov. Dr. Iut n J , Mc.MlUn | , corrctpondlnt ;
secretary of the Presb.l'ter.lcn Uoavd of Homo
Missions , which was .tendered and accepted
four weeks ago , has ju t been made public.
The cause of the resignation was the action
ot the last general assembly In directing the
work to bo done In , the future by ono secre
tary Instead cf two , to 'exalt a certain plan
if mission wcrk fctlbwh as the "Indiana
.ilan , " aad favored b'y the Chicago leaders
n the general aMombly.otably ' ex-Moderator
John L. Wlthrow of Cn.jc.iso and Dr. Kane of
Bloomlngton , 111 , „ , , ,
Dr. McMillan founded fho first Gentile mis
sion la Utah and tie wdi ono ot the pioneer
flKhtccs In that territory In favor ot the antl-
wlyKamy law. Educational Work started by
im has developed Into a series of academies
and surrounding missions In the different
valleys. Dr. McMillan for ten years was
president ot the College of Mcntnna , located
at Deer Lodge. Ho foucided this college ,
and , before leaving It to come to New York
eight years ago , secured buildings costing
{ 125,000. He lias been In the service ot the
homo beard for twenty-seven years.
The beard haa not yet taken action on the
remaining eocretary , Itev. Dr. W. C. Roberts ,
who has not resigned , but those who know
th ! ik there will be d now man chosen for
the ono secretary , who Is hereafter to do the
entire wcrk.
IllltcH Employer' * fintc of
NEW YORK Dec ; 31. The remarkable
robbery of the entire funds and papers ot the
American Estates association at Its offlcc hi
this city , which was discovered yesterday
has upset the police , who can find no trace
of Clerk Joseph Lockley. The manager ot
the association , James A. Rellly , was at
work almost all night trying to find out ex
actly how much Lockley had made away
with. The amount stolen Is put Just now at
about $3,000 asldo from the papers the clerk
took. The greater part ot thto money was
gotten from the ba.nk by means of raised
checks. The rfot of the money and the
deeds , books nnd papers , and oven private
letters , which wcro tyolen , wore abstracted
from the sate la the olllcc.
E. C. Perkins , attorney for the American
EstC'tcs ' .association , said : "Tho extent of
Lockley's defalcation 1 think will bo found
to 'bo about ? G,000. Hp did nothing but raise
his own checks , -such'as Avero given 4ilm for
salary. These checks ! ho filled out himself ,
and consequently liad' the opportunity of ar
ranging them so as , to put In additional
figures. "
'ell ' of tlio .Event * on Hip XlKht of
Their Mother' ! * Murder.
LIBERTY , Mo. , Dec. 31. William Foley
rled when his sister ! . ' . Mrs. Amnlo Morrow ,
estlficd In his behalf today. There were
rnoro of Foloy's relatives present than at
ny tlmo during the trial , and a dozen or EO
elattvcs ami friends testified as to bis good
taracter. Mrs. Morrow , at whcse house
'oloy and another slater wcro on the cilght
f the murder , told 'of ' the arrangements
made the day previous' to visit her. She also
- aid that the reason , she and 'her brother
rove by the Foley-'hdflsb on the night of
he murder was that tli'ey wanted to alarm
ho neighbors first. 'AWell ? Foley corrobo
rated her sister's testimony , and said that
oley was not present1' ' When the arrange
ments to visit Mrs. Morrow were made. The
nrosecutlon had MlasV Foley's testimony at
ho previous trial t'&ld ' ; and It was shown
"jat she had then testified that Foley had
> CCH present cri the 'occasion mentioned ,
luring a rlsld cross-examination Miss Foley
urthor contradicted * herself. Miss Allle
-ilgon , a former swecheiirt of Foley's , -wis
one ot 'the wltmcsscsitoallcd by the defense.
Colorado' * 'Jllm-rnl Ontpnt.
DENVBIl , Dec. St. yho gold output of
Ublorndo this yeavt js .estlmatcd by the
Times , from , the flgures furnleheil by the
nmelters , tnllls nnd.amlnt , at $22,000.000. an
Increase'of fO.OOO.COO dvqr , tlmt of ISSG. " The
sliver produced wnsVft-orth .EOT.OiO : li'-J
$2C72 ; copper. " "
H. O. Burt of Chicago Is at the Mlllard.
J. M. Reagan of Chicago Is at the Mll
Oliver W. Mink of Boston Is at the Mll-
L. H. Cornell oB New York Is at the Mll
At the Mlllaid : J. ' II. Ager. Lincoln ; C.
D. Woolworth , W. J. Candllsh , C. E. Knapp ,
Chicago ; J. Sterling 'Morton ' , Arbor Lodgd ;
Morris Lang. Gabo Lang , Philadelphia ; .John
Oilman , Worcester , Mass.
D. E. Morrow , Hartford , Conn. ; Cecil L.
Gates , . Kansas City , Mo. ; Mark O'llelley ,
Chicago ; I. L. Flsk , .Beatrice ; I. E. Doyle ,
Detroit ; H. F. Eller , McCook ; C. E. Wllklas ,
Philadelphia ; J. H. Beobe , Chicago ; D. L.
Garrison , SloUx City ; IC. D. Harrington , Ne
braska , Olty ; J. D. Hogg , Jaiiesvlllo ; H. A.
Haley , Chicago ; H. Fj Bacon , Deadwood ; J.
C. Metzlcr , Wymore. G. C. Stella , Crete ; D.
P. Marsh , Janesvlllcj J. C. Ward , Fort
Smith ; Frank G. Robins. Portland , are travel
ing men spending Ifoe-'new year at the Hotel
E. G. Irvlngton reports that ho had hung
his coat and vest on a. peg In an outer room
at MeCord & Brady's ( offlce , where ho Is cm-
ployed , and that oomq-thlef had divested the
latter garment of a feold watch , chain and
charm , valued at $10 ,
Gus Butzer of Thirty-second nnd Q streets ,
South Omaha , came to the city Friday night
and during the evening's stroll passed
through the alley near Twelfth and Jack
son street's. Ho met two colored women
midway of the' block' and claims that they
robbed him of $5. *
Omaha People Glad to Sea the Day Oorao
M < il nnd Mirth , Snntr nnil l'rnjr ,
Dnncp nnit .Devotion. . Murk the
1'nnslHK- 1SU7cro *
the Styx.
The new year was ushered Into Omaha In
the Mme good old fashion as thousands of
new years bavo been welcomed all over the
world tor thousands ot years with dance
and music , with mirth and merriment , with
feasting nnd drinking and also a few Jsps ,
but the latter were few nnd far between , It
can bo said with credit to the city's high
repute. And poor , broken down 1S97 hobbled
out Into oblivion , almost forgotten except
for tbo few prayers that bid him godepocd
as a. slight token for the Joya ho brought
with htm.
TSiero wcro entertainments ot all kinds In
the halls about the city during the evening ,
It nas particularly the night tor the secret
society folks , and despite the fact that there
was a great number of the affairs there was
a goad attendance at them all , A good many
ot thcso entertainments were ot A musical
and literary character , but they were almost
Invariably ( followed u | > with dances. There
wore also n Jargo number of balls , pure
and nhnnln. which cnero.'it.tuMl n. few hours
upon 1S9S.
But while some thousands ot Omaha citi
zens thus welcomed the new year with noth
ing but Joy and Rladness In their horns ,
without a thought Of the morrow , there were
others who wcro none the less glad , but
took thouglit of the things that may como la
the newcomer's trail. With prayer and oong
and devotion they called down the Creator's
blessing upon the now year and rendered
thanks for the many good things that the
past year haa brouglit. In all the Catholic
churches throughout the city mass was
performed at midnight. I'll the Evangelical
churches at the same hour the event was
observed In a similar ep'.rlt. Holy com-
munlcu was served the congregations of the
Episcopal 'Churches , and In thu Methodist
churches the now year was welcomed with
song and prayer service and sermons. usual din of shots and bells and
whistles broke loose at midnight and lasted
for several minutes. The chimes ot Trinity
cathedral also welcomed the new year with
the usual musical songs.
Labor temple was the scene of the third
annual entertainment of the labor organiza
tions of the city In celebration of the es
tablishment of that worthy Institution. An
additional cause for rejoicing was found In
the fact that the temple b : . > been' Just Im
proved and remodeled to a great extent , tho-
finishing work having been completed yes
terday. Ono big additional hall has been
built Bind this , together with the other three
halls have been repapered handsomely , re-
carpeted and refuratohed to a considerable
degree. Additional room has been secured
on the flrst floor of thu Patterson , block , the
two north stores In that building having been
secured. Ono hso been turned Into a big
reading room and the other has been cut up
Into throe committee rooms , an onlce anil a
small hall. The basement has been trans
formed Into a pleasant card room. These
Improvements bivo Lecn madeiat an expense
ot over ? 500.
The entertainment which celebrated this
Improvement and the establishment was of
a musical and literary character and was
very cr-joyable. The numbers on the pro
gram consisted of zither soldj by Henry
Bruner , "Ba'by" Allen , Miss Maud Huston
and Q. H. Faster ; vocal so'.os ( by G. R. Fos
ter and Lester E. Wilson , and. . a vocal trio
by Mabel. Maud and Margaret Huston.
All the halls in the temple were employed
la the entertainment. The program was
rendered lU one , and at Its conclusion , re
freshments wcro served In another , dancing
.was. enjoyed , in a. , .third and the other was
used as a smoking room. The affair was at
tended by a great number of people.
An entertainment , a banquet and a ball
was the program of the Now Year's affair of
Union Pacific lodge. No. 17 , Ancient Order
of United Workmen , In Myrtle hall. The at.
tendance at this entertainment was also very
large , the big hall being entirely Inadequate
to seat all1 those who responded to the In
vitations. Despite that fact , the evening
was very enjoyably epent.
The program was an excellent one. It In
eluded piano elections by Miss Carrie Uhon ,
songs by John. Gleasm Carry ( .McMillan , C.
R. Miller , Jack McKcnna and Brady and
Gleason , autoharp selections by Mlcscs Emma
Helmer and Grace DnUerty , character
sketches by Messrs. Brady and Bowles , a
piano duet by the Misses Turner , recitations
by C. Christman , foanjo selections by the
Bowers brothers , violin oolos by Mcotcr
Drelbus , selections by the South Side Glee
club and-drummajor 'fcita ' by Charlie Fay.
At the conclusion of the program all thi
children In the audience wcro placed In Dm
and they were marched about the hall. As
they passed the stage they wont by three
members cf the lodge , who distributed to each
one presents ot candy , fruit and popcorn.
When thlJ pleasant feature was over a feast
was served and then for several hours the
guests were entertained with dancing.
Us sixth annual New Year's ball and e < n- .
tertalnment was given by Beech caing No.
1.454 , Modern Woodmen ot America , In the
fine lodge rooms In the new Odd Fellows'
temple. As at the ot'aer affairs of the even
ing the attendance was almost too large , to
bo comfortably handled , but acverthcless the
'evening was full of pleasure and enjoyment
for these who attended.
The. program , was a short ono. An or
chestra rendered a dumber of selections , Rob
ert Llndberg played scveial eolos , Lillian
Wlth the now -year comes new hopes
now ambitions the fiope nnd ambition
most uppermost In lour minds this l d
New Year's time ls > tlmt the 5cc will bo
nice nnd smooth We're not selilsh wo
want you to enjoy he sUntlti then In
cidentally we want to sell tlmt great bis
stock of Peck & Snyder slmies we've on
hand We only sell.'ilie Peek & Snyder
kind for they nro the WD se'i the
best of everythliiK-rWe chopped a liillc
bit off the prices on these "Heat" Skates
so as to make selling a little ON slur
selling tbe U."c onoij for iMVou'll Jiil ! ;
Roneral decline In the prieeu cli'ar np
to the ' fancy ones aff 11.00 We don't be-
Ilevo 'there is : uiotiv.isnch ) ( ; lot of skntos
shown in these parts.i
A. C.
How happy you could be this glad new
year if you had Jiist 'taken care of yonr
teeth All these ijjtjfp and big aches
come from pure neglict If yon hud con
sulted a dentist Ji 'would put a little
lining here nnd . ( liii'vp ' and your tcctli
would have been wivi'd Our small gold
niling nro $2.00 silver and gold alloy
$1.00 Now you wilt probably have to
have them extracted , they're beyond re
pair llwt means jartlllclul teeth Wo
extract without pain or gas for 50c use
gas when desired , but It's more Our
thin elastic plates at $10 will suit you
they're perfect In action so comfortable
and look like your natural teeth Lady
attendant ;
/ ;
13 Year * a a Floor Piixtou Dllc. .
Experience. 10th n 11 il Vuruuta. :
Btruillo recited nniT Meo MtiR , J.v , Houdor
delivered n odtlrew. The program win
followed by A tsry excellent banquet In the
dining room , htxl by the tlmo thli WAS con
cluded the big litll wa * cleared { or dancing , i
which continued for eovcral hours ,
The Foresters ot n. ft M. c mrr No. 9,722 ,
Modern Woodmen of Amprlrs , gnvo a Utll In
Woodmen ot the World hull In the Crounso
block. An excellent program of dances was
provided for the largo number of guests , nnd
It was far Into the night when the affair
The J. M. C. club danced out the old yewv
nt the ThurstonHides' armory. A proRrftm
of well selected dances kept the big attend *
auco until Iho irly hours ot the morning.
Courts Mondamln , Alt-&ir-Ucn nnd Omaha
Independent Order ot Foresters , fittingly In
stalled their officers for the coming year last
night. The Installation wan Joint ono , but
wag not public. Tlio-ccrcmony was performed
In the hall In the Continental block.
The services nt the Salvation Mrmy head
quarters last night wcro conducted by Major
Henry Stlllwcll , chief ot thi Southwestern
dlvUlon , The exercises were continuous
during the evening nnd cleacd with tha
ushering In of the nowyear. . During the
moro formal program ilnjor Stlllwcll received
flvo recruits with n fitting ceremony , He
nlao delivered the address of the evening ,
describing the prospects of work during the
coming year and the life of self sacrifice
which the recruit must determine to accept.
Tonight the "Downfall of n Young Man , " a
representation from real life , will bo Riven ,
Two cases of destitution liava been brought
to the attention ot the local corps which are
recommended to the public. Ono li that of
a woman -with three children nt Thirtieth
and Maple streets , where there U no food In
the house nnd furntturo Is bolcig burned for
fuel. Another family consists ot n father
and mother , nged SO nnd CO years respect
ively , nnd a daughter , who has several small
children. There Is no fuel In tlio house nnd
no food except commoal. Ono of the chil
dren Is suffering from lung fover. Further
information will bo given * nt the headquar
The Lcuillni ; Mnl ! Uxtrnot.
Malt-Xutrlna la the only really great extract -
tract of malt offered on the market , other
so-called extracts being nothing better
than strong 'black beer with n largo per
centage ot alcohol anil n very small one of
extractive matter. Such extracts should not
be given or recommcndoi ] to convalescents
or strength-seeking people , olnco their
merits arc on the label and not In the bottle.
WOUK OP THIS l-'lll 13 a > KI AUT.MKX'r.
Ciller Uriloirn HeiHirt MnUcH n Monl
i\iM-llfiit Sliim-liiK ; .
John nedell , chief ot the Omaha nro de
partment , has' prepared his annual report
for the Hoard of Flro and Police Commis
sioners , showing the number of flro alarms
that the department answered during the
year ending last night , the valuation of the
property exposed , the losses and tlio Insur
ance Involved. It compares very favorably
with all orevlous reports , and reflects great
credit upon the work of the department. The
total number of alarms answered during the
year shows -an Increase from the preceding
year , but the total loss and the loss to
the Insurance companies lias been consider
ably less.
In the total losses , by months , It will be
seen that the only heavy losses were during
the months of August anil September. In
the former month Is Included the fire at the-
plant of the Ilees Printing company , and In
the latter the flro at the mattress factory
of L. 0. Doup. The report of accidents In
cludes seven persons fatally burned , fourteen
painfully burned and ntx slightly burned , a
total of twenty-nlno persons burned during
the year. There were also nineteen horses
burned to death.
The complete tabulated report by months
Is as follows :
Undo Sam's Jnstico Mill Winds Up 1(8 (
1897 Grind. '
JllilKCMilliner "AVI It Take Up tli <
lOocltct on AVlilult Aliinc * of Of- ,
fcndurn < Analiint Uncle Snni ,
I Arc Entered ,
; a . , i
When Judge tMungar ot the federal court
left the bench yesterday at nuon ho adjourned
rourt until next Monday morning , The after-
noon's session was declared off 011 account
ot the tuncrnl of Mrs. J , M. Woolworth , and
Saturd.ty was passed over because It Is
On Monday .mornlnR the iietlt jury will
report again for service and the -remaining
two weeks of the term will bo Riven to crimi
nal business with the exception of the two
days which nro expc-ctoJ to bo taken
with the trial ot the case ot the Modern
Woodmen of America against the Union
National bank. Dy agreement between the
attorneys for both sides this trial was post
poned froni January D to January 10.
The first criminal , case to bo taken up U
; hat against Frank Leo and ( Frank ( Harring
ton , -who arc charged with .breaking Into the
postofllco at Stromsbitrg a couple of month *
ago and stealing a quantity ot iiostodlce
effects , Including a considerable number ot
King Cunningham .was this mornkig son-
twicod to ouo year In the pcultuitlary at
Sioux Falls on the thargc of pnsslog counter-
felt money , in last August ho succeeded
In "shoving" a bad dollar npcMra. . August
Llckcr at the market at Ulovtuth cad
Howard ulrccts. Three < if the coins were
glvtii to Mrs. Llckcr during the course of the
day , and a number of others wcro also passed ,
Cunningham pleaded guilty to the charge
against him and explained that ho wai
drunk when ho passed the mctiey , but the
authorities are of the cplnlon that he was
wio of a gang who wcro operating at that
Thursday aftcrnocn _ John T. Wright ol
Chi.ulron. x < * fined J100 and costs cud wan
scatcneed to sixty days In Jail CQ Iho charge
of uelllng liquor without a government stamp.
He pleaded guilty.
The litigation In connection with the Kear
ney Canal and Water Supply company prom.
Iscs to reach some sort of a climax In tin
near future , Judgkig from the proceeding !
that occurred this morning. Receiver Frank ,
who was appointed In August , rcada appll.
cation for an attorney on the grounds thai
ho required legal advice before he could
make a report as ordered by the court. Th
trouble Is caused , according to the state *
in cut that he nvido , by the fact that the
Kearney Cotton Mills company refuses to
pay a claim of Rome 130,000 for water powci
for several years and1 has been putting oft a
settlement on various pretexts. Itccelvoi
Frank Insists that If the claim were paid
some needed Improvements could bo madi
on the canal company's plant. Ilecelvci
Frank alee asserted that the cotton mllli
company la evading Its contract : by not using
the water power , but Is employing Bteaiu
power , the expense for which It Is charging
up against the water cipany. . On the rep <
resentatlons ot the atta'ioy for the cottoi
in 111,3 company that a sV.tlcment might bi
reached In the next two weeks Judge Mungei
put off tbe matter for that length of tlmo.
Although many remedies are pushed Inb
the. market by spicy advertisements , Itt
null's Cough Syrup still takes the load.
Don't Lo frightened at the noise of
the clearance sales ours has been going
on for nearly four weeks and we're
Iiretty well cleaned out of those clear ,
mice sale pianos only u few left but
these that are left are the best It won't
make much difference now If we do have
to move- them into our own store they
won't tnko up much room yet if' you
want to get one of them at the cut pricca
we've been making you can If you
come early enough they are nil high
class makes Some second hand ones
yet at $03 up to $08 One square piano
In fairly good condition only $20 Our
easy terms make it so easy to buy.
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
. .We know of lots and lots of people
' that are hnppy today for never In years
'havo we eold as much in nil that's good
in Jewelry and Homebody must be the
happier In receiving these gifts That
jimlavs us happy and vfo want to thank
the Omaha public for their share in
making us so We're happy , too , lo bo
able lo nay that our Block Is now the
most complete In the west nnd' ' we are
going lo make the prices HO that all can
avail themselves of the' ' stock 100 en
graved visiting cards with copper en
graved plate for $1.50 Mull orders re
ceive prompt attention.
C. S. Raymond Co. ,
Jewelers ,
15th and Doughis Streets.
Don't be troubled with your eyes this
new year bring them bore with you
and we will lit them to a pair of our
scientifically made eye glasses We have
never yet seen the eyes that wo could
not correct If glasses are what they
need Wo have every appliance ( o aid
us In making the examination thorough
Wo make no charge for the examina
tion then wo have a manufacturing
plant not simply a grind stone but
complete In every sense of the word
with competent workmen In charge Wo
can tell you If wo can help yon If wo
can wo will guarantee satisfactory , re-
sujts. i
Columbian Optical Co
HU Oikiopa. Ul a Ktn fit ( U Main.