t S THE OMAHA DAILY K33EJ SATUHDAT , JANUARY 1. 18(18. ( COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL BcctmbiT Wheat Deal Closes in Peace and Tranquillity. DvD COMES WITHOUT ANY EXCITEMENT * Jn t ( iltviintli ! llcnl In AcliuilVlirn ( mi llcconl I'IINHI-K Into History U Illiiuit CrtMitliiK a Hippie- rilK'AOO. UPC. 31. The Dr-combcr wheat 0 il , Ilk- the iirovc'i blnl March , "carno In 1 k j a lion , " and today "went out Uko a uunli. " Trtoro was no excitement ntlond atil Upon the closing session , December \\liulir.K iiji nt Me , or toe aboveyestenlny'3 uo.se. Siieculutlvo business In May w UK.HI but llrm , thnt month closltu < % 'u".4c ulvanno. Corn nml oats were lifeless and closed at substantially unchunRi-d jirli'tH. Provisions wcro strong and closed It was a typical holiday market In whent. Notwithstanding the fact tliat It was Kiittle- incnt ilay and the session marked the elosu of ono of the most gigantic deals In actual wheat on record , ' there was not a trace of I'xi'ltemont cither In the caab article or In the speculative futures. May was quiet ulid Him at the opening , starting ' ,4c higher at OJVd'JSIie. A few small bids were made n moment or so later at W&'Lt'Wti ; but the nmikit advanced at once to IM * , around which IlKure It hung for tsome time. Trie feature of the early llnnneas was the ! < ur- lirlBlng HtreiiRtli Khown by Liverpool , which innrki't showd ' , .d advance. Some of the strength , no , was carried over from yestar- ilay'H war soaro curb market. After u little. Khow of activity around the opening tne market began to feel the effects of the holiday spirit and became exceedingly dull. Local ruccipts by lull weie 107 card , of which 10 were contract and 3SW bushels contract wheat Wfle recelvi d by canal. The total addition to contract slocks In regular houses was about 127,00. ) busluls , and It was i-alt-jlated that the on tire amount of that glade applicable' on con tracts Is 'J.lXMOOO bushels. Minneapolis and Duluth received KIT c.irs , against 701 curs the com spending day of last work. Inere were no Hhipmenttv at wheat from Argentine this week , llecrbohm estimated that In con sequence of having Imported earlier In the neason In excess ot Immediate consumption icqulr ments the weekly needs of foreign wheat and Hour In Kurope for the re- malnder of the season would be ( j.'JGO.UOO ' bushels , and the same statistical authority UlcUlltleU Hint tne UVUliauic surplus in UA- portltiR countries to the end ot the crop veiir would not come within ltt , C < W bushels iv week of supplying their requirements. The exports from the Atlantic ports were iiKiiln surprlslntfly liberal. Without the re turns from Uultlmore the clearances today were etiuiil to GST.lWJ bushels. Of Unit quuntlty New York contributed 895.H,0 bush- elH The market became strjiiRer on this , Mny ( ulvBJu-liiK t < * fflViC , There were com- liaratlvi-ly liberal olYetltiRs at that jiflce , nml ' down to IC'.s about 1 o'clock the price was A92VThe MtreiiRth aRaln developed nml in the last few minutes' trading the price utlvnneeil to Wc , where It closed. Notnm , ? of a sensational ehnrncter developed In the December iletil ; Allen-Grier were buyers ot December and sellers of May at 2c discount for hitter when any one could be found wl.rh i to make the cimtiKV. The price of December held between li4Vjfi'J" all fore noon. It closed the day before-lit "JlWc. Durlns the session December sold as high " 'Com was exceedingly dull , traders sbow- IHK almost no Intereest In the market the result beltiK a raiiKO In prices of only , < , V4C. Thu feDlliiB throtiBhout was llrm , princi pally throiiKh sympathy with wheat bhort sellers of yesterday were the princ pa bu > - ers today. May ranped from ffl'AiJWOc lo m T/ZO ie , and closed n shade bluher at " " "oaW were slow , though showlnir more life than corn. The feolltiR was llrm early , especially for December , mostly caused by the evenlnt ; up of short lines. A uee/ime v.fSuowi-11. due to Roneral dullness ami a lit e iffiHnS'u-lffi lIar ' m rVvffi rnelfitlyatnSfe ? and v'ery ' strong throughout. Opening prices were hlcber with wheat and on the better heR llrfccH llenvy commission house buy iiR ketit prices on the advance all day , the on y Important scllbiR belnc read ly ab sorbed. Armour was a buyer n the last hour At the close Jfay pork was J. > c 22V- May lanl lOe hlKher nt lilRiher at $9 - ! $1S7VA and May i-lbs fo&c hlHher nt $4.67 > > 4. iCs'tlmaled receipts for Monday ; V lleFv'- ! 2TO cars ; corn , CM cars ; oats , -140 cars ; IIORS , 1G.OOO head. Leading futures ranged as follows. AVTiVTfB l' iJMrTm-jjri Low. I Closa.JYeH ly Wheat Dec. . . . nnj P.'iJi 04 05 Jan. . . . till May. . . 02li Com Dec. . . J7VS 27 Jan. . . . ' May. . . j'.iij-ll'li July. . . ao , aoi Oals Dec. . . . May. . . lork Jan. . . . H H3 8 82 H l)7l ) < May. . . I ) ( li U 05 H 07hi Liiru Jan . . . I I ) : ) I 7B 1 (16 ( 4 < \ ' > . May . . 1 bO .1 DO 1 MU 4 87 ! i 477k Eli'tUlbx Jan 1 .PJH I -in Mav. . . I ltd 4 i7 ; ! i r 5 dish nualntlons were ns follows : . . _ . , KLOl'll Sleiuly ; winter patents , Jl.iOjri.S litH , JI. USi'l. 10 ; tprlni ; specials.W ; Hiring $ l.4'HI.Sfl ' , ; trnlBht , J4.1004.10 ; bakers. -No. 2 sprint ; , SSCfSSc ; No. S spring. 7r > frSc. ! ) No. 2 red. UMiltV.1 roIlN No. 2 , 27fll27Wie. OATS-No. 2 , 22 i.fi 23c ( . o. bNo. . 2 while , 2IVj5T2Bic ; No. 3 white , MiiJfSH-ic. KY1V No. 2. WVio. IlAHIjIJY No. 2. 27VjJT3Sc. riJdOTIIY HKKD Prime , $ - . * ' * > . PI OVlHlONrf-Me.s pork , per bid. . J7.97Vj07.OS. I nrd per lf > IbsM.TVj. . Whorl rlb.s sldei } ( loW ) . 'si. iI4.70. Dry sailed moulders t boxed ) J4rdiSI.75. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , (1.1.10 ' \ \ ' ' Distillers' llnlshed RoodH , per gal. , ut liaf , $ .H ; RTimulntcil. P.M. MAHKKT. f tin * Hay " " ( li * riil Cn mill oil II ICH. NRW YOltK. dice. 31. KhOril-Hecelpls. 33- 613 bbls ; exports 2H.CSI bbls. ; ipilet and steady , closlnit eoty with llnal break In wheul ; clly mill patenls. iri.S5tft.50 ; 'lly mill clears , J3.40fl5,50 ; Mlnnerntu p.ilents , 15.1005.11 ; Mlnne-oln baker ' , ? 4.:0 < J1.M ; winter palenls. JI.SOfjO.15 ; winter strnlBiils , Jl.CUi/l.fiJ / ; winter extras , JS.lOtfI.OU ; wlnlcr low guides. 12'Q3.CO. llye Hour , nulcl ut jOCl3.2latter for fancy , lluckwhcat Hour , dull at ( I.25&I.10 UYi : Steady. N > . 2 wetteni , ( ie. I1AH1.KY Stea.lj ; fredlnn. SHic. 1IAHI.KY MAI.T Htenily ; wekti-rn. IIVsCiMc. AVIIHAT lle'elpls. ICO.UObu. ; cxKrls | , 2JS 224 bu. ; H'i'1. ' ' Him. No. i red , Jl.UlVt. Opllons optjiiej tliinor. advanced' fhaiply orv fair clear- nncen and lu'tlxe cmi-rliiK. WI-H IrrcKulir In the uftetnoon with tunic realizing and closed llrm on a rene\\ed dfttuintl from febu'ts nt { flc net udvance ; No. 2 led. Mny. 'JIVtiSIKc ; closed Die. COIIN Heilpt , is..ii bu. ; uxuoils. 2J7'2J bu , ; Fiiot Mcndy ; No. 2. .I .c. Opltons opened Him with nheal. a < lviincd en huge clearaiu'vs ami covcrlims , odted elf iiiidt-r lehllzlnj ; , but clobed ktcady at V c net advance. OATHHecelptH. . ISU.iw bu. ; exports. 119,300 bu. ; spat iiulet ; No. 2 , 2 > > V. Optl ms dull all day , closlnfi unenunRiMlMay ; O'IKA ! nt 2s ke , Kl-in-Oull ; bran. C2" ' 7Uc ; tye , Ued. liojjOit ; ell 70c. HAY- Dull ; shipping , I'J KOO to choice , , , . 7Cff7tc. HOPS I'lnn : flute o minion to eludee , lS9j crop. i Cc ; IkSB crop , 74jlc ; 1S97 clep , lUjflkc PUOVIHIONH lln-f. Heady ; family , JlO.OOff H.W ) ; extra. IV.VOMIi.M ) ; beef hams , $ ! J.O' ' S2.50 ; iiackel , 5H.iWilO.co. c'ut incuts , quiet ; pickled bellies , o.Ce.Jj .OU ; pickled shoulder * . fD.Wjiu.S5 ; plckleJ hanu. J7 Uiril , slendy ; wt-htern sleum ( NOOj May. 15 "o : iciliu-d , steady. Pork , dull ; men1. ts.Wiv.0 ; hort clear , IID.ufltfll.oo ; family , lio.rojrio.50. Tallow , Hun ; clly , 31ic bid ; country. 3V < j3Hc. IIIDCH Quiet , tlulvekton , 15e ; Texas dry. 12c ; fnllfoinlu. lHlc. MiATHKH-ljulet ; hemlock sole. Iueno3 ! Ayres. WOOlr fO'ic ' ; etmlne tinekt . , more actUf , prlirc iiiiile. l19c ; prime crude f. o , b. mills , 1. ' ' ' i , prime milliner yellow , tic , off summtiv ' > ; IV e ; primp winter yel low , ! 74i'S7 ( c. Ill'i-Htcady ; fair tu vxtru , 4 > iQ6Ko ; Japan , fJpSHc. MOUAS.SKK-Qulet ; New Orleuiu , open kettle , peed la choice , SffiJU * . MKTAUS-Plif lion , wurranls ulcndy nt I6.70 Idd and JC.W u > knt ; lake copper , unchaiiKed at J10.S3 bid and tlO. % linked ; tin llrm ut in. 70 bid Hid J13.W aktd ; pelUr , uncliunttd at .W bid nnd 14 Diked , lend , ttrndr tit .70 bid snd SJ.TS ntki d , brrik r ' , JJ.W , llt'TTKn-Ilf.c | pt . x.421 pkr , ; mmk t 8ttadr , crenmery , ISfiJS ; Elgin * Szc , fact-jrj't 13c ntUUMI } ItecMptc , 3.SJ7 pkgn. mxrUtt ltend.Vj Inrgp white , Ffitemb | r. 8SOS 4c. lnrn cjlorrd , t 8'iB iC dm-ill colored , September , fttue , O"tober. SHflfiV , fmnll. Oetolj r. light tkln * . 6fl Vic ; part skims. 44W ci full eklmf , Z flJ'jo. ' ndOS llpf''lpt , 4,0(3 ( pkRS. ; rnnrkM firm : * t te nnd Pennsylvntdn , ! * tfl23Vtc ; wettern , Ztf(2."rC. ( OMAHA CIMH.\I : , MARKETS. Coiidlllon f Trntlinnil ( Itinliillnlin nn Simile nnil l''iincy Produce. r(3J8-Strlclly ( fresh. 13R9)c. IJUTTKH ( 'ommon lo fair , lOWUci cholco to fnncy , HffKc ; separator creamery , Zlc ; gathered creamery , ISfilSc. VKAlt-Cholio f.it. SO to 120 Ibs. . quoted nt Sfl Inrcn nnd coarse , ly.'c. DIIKSSl'b POUI/fllY Chlrkens , EQCc ; turkeys , 0 10c ; u.cic , 7c ; dllrkti , Cc. (1AMR Small rabbits , per dnz. , Me ; larro , ner doz. . 75cll. j : prairie ( JilcKcnu. > j ; ijunll , 9) ) 5(11.H ) . Miiirris. | . JjfHOc. PIOIIONH I.lvc , 74 ? ; dead plK on not \\nnted. HAYUpland. . tfl.W ; midland , I5.M ; lowlnnd , ti.OO ; rvo utrnw. II ; color makes the prlco on liny ; light tmles sell the best ; unly top grades brlns lop prices. prices.vnotrrAW.K& vnotrrAW.K& . QIMNrKM Callfoinln , per box , 11.23. CiiilHY-Unod : stock , large , Oc ; small , ICSJ : oc , ONIONS Per bu. , eftffttk : . ItHANH-IInnd-plckcd navy , per bu. , J1.25Q1 30. swnirr POTATOES Per I > M. . M.B ) . I'AllllAnr. len.1 stock , per II ) . . lijc , POTATOES Home grown , HOSIKc ; western stock. 70e. rilt'lTS CAUFOIINIA STRAWllRtiniKS-Per pt. . 30c. APPLKH Winter slock , JJ.Ofl ; California Illle. lletir , boxes , Jl.M : Colorado Jonathans , boxes , J1.75 ; Oregon , botcs , J1.2r > . cnANIII-UIMI : .lerseys , per Mil. , J7.00a7.2S : Wisconsin Hell nnd Ilusle , J7.M : Wisconsin Hell nnd Cherry , 1C.do. i.iu.M'iK i ntawbas. D-lb. baskets , lltflSe ; Mai- gas. J3.0000.fi' ) . TIIOPICAI , . 0'tANais-lIexlcnii : , per box , J3.23iT3.t,0 , ; Call- oinla navels , J3..o. MJMON'SMceslnns. . 3. > 0.00 ! ; California , 360 , ! .S'ia3.r.O ; 300 , $3.in. ! 11ANANAS Choice , large slock , per bunch , Z.OO f2.23 ; medium slze.V bunches , J1.73U2.00. SllSCIOLLANKOUS. NUTS Almonds ' , per Ib. . lnr c size. l2U13ci small , lie ; 'mills , per Ib. , nuiun ; niiKllsh wal- mls , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , lie ; standards , u OlOu. filberts , per Ib. , 10c ; pcc.inj , polished , neJIum , 8jj3c ; extm larse. lOc ; larRc hickory nils , Jl.00jfl.il ) per bu. ; small , Jl.23Ul.31 per bu. , 'ocoanuts. p : : oo , J4.00 ; peanutc. raw , JI3V4o o.istcd , cac'.ic. FlOS lmportcd fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb. boxes I2o ; r. truwn , 41-lb. bo\e li ; ! . . : : 2- " ' . boxes , 22 ® 23c PIT boxCall'ornla. . 10-lb. box. JI.CO. HONMY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 1 11c. KU.MT Per bbl. , J4.00 ; half bid. , J2.23ff2.33. MAPLK SYIlt'P Flvi-gal. cans , each , JZ.ioi Kal. cans , pine , per doz. . J12.00 : half-gal , cans. tS.23 ; .mart cam , J3.CO. DATiS Hallow ee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , Co ; Salr. & % c ; Kard. P-b. ; boxes. Cc. CIDKP.-Per half bid. , J3.00 : bbls. . J5.23. T'ltlMH M 13 ATS. DIUlttSIJD Iiunp Oooil native Fteei > . 6Uc : K < H > il forciiuarters steers , G'4c ' ; B x l hlndiiuarlen" ulcers.jc ; western steers. Mic ; Texas steers. "iU-c ; fancy hnlfers , Cc ; t ud heifers. 5o ; IT mi roreiiuni tera heifers , 5c ; Kootl hlndipiarti'rs Mfeni. Sc ; Rvicid c ws. 5'4c ' ; fair cows , Rise ; now forwinnrtpw. Hie ; ci.w hindquarters' , 7V-c. IH3i : | . ' ClTS-IlniiKliiB tenderloins. 4iic ; ribs , No. 1 , lie ; ribs. No. 2. So : libs , Ni. II , Cc ; steer rounds. 7e ; cow roundK , ( i'/id cow rounds. Hhnnk off. ( c. cow rounds , shank nnd rump off , Slid IrlmmlnKS , < ' , tc : beef sli.inU.s , 3c ; linilns , jier ilnUV : ; swcttbri'ids , per Ib. . 12iJc ; nuoetlir-Mdn icidves ) , per II ) . , 4Co ; kidneys , per do33i - ; ox lalK ( ieb. 3c ; lively , per II ) . , Sc ; hearts , per ! ' . , 3e ; totiKUfR. per Ib. , 12Hc ; calf livers , each , 33c ; calves , whole carcass or sides. ! > c , calf ht-.id nnd feel , xcaldcd , per set , 73c : tenderloins , fresh , lie ; tevderlolns. frozen. 17c ; b ) iieleH3 stilps. firHli , loie : brneless strips , fnwen , iHc * ; strip loins , 'penh. S * c ; Rtrip loins , frozen , 7c ; rolls , Ixme- lep i. DHc ; rolls , Hin'ncer cuts , 'JHc ; sirloin butts. noK'FS. Oi c ; Hlioulder clods , boneless , IPc ; rump liuttR. lioneless , S lc ; No. 1 rhuckH , i"ijC : No. 3 chucks. 3c ; No. .T chucks , 4Ue ; bon lo s chucks. 4\c ; eivi iilntes , SWc ; steer plates. Ic ; Hank ste k. Cc : loln.s. No. 1 , 13c ; loins , No. 2 , lOc ; loins , No. 3 , Sc : short loins , market style , iV iilxjve loins ; short loins , hotel style , fie above loins : omv loin enils , 8c ; nicer loin endn , 'Jc. MUTTON Fancy lambs. SVJo per Ib. : la.mbs. 7Uc ; sheep. Ciic ; market rucks , long , 9c ; hotel rackn. rhort , He ; loins. 8V4c ; saddles , S ic ; legs , : ic ; lamb lens , 10e breasts and stews , SVicj tonsnes , eavh 3c ; forenuiirters. riie , I'OItIC Dressed pigs , fie per Ib. ; dressed boss , IHc ; tenderloins. Ho ; loins , ort , &i c , IOIIB , Tic ; spare rlba. 4c ; ham Bausnue bulls , S'.ie ; Ho ton butts , fie ; shoulders , rough , 4c ; Khoulders , skinned. So : trlmmlnRs , 4c ; leaf Innl , not ren- dere.l , i"c : heads , cleaned , 4c : snouts and ears , 3c ; backbones , 2'ic ; slip bones , 2Hc ; cheek meat. 4o : neck bones. 2c ; pips' tolls , 3c ; plucks , each rc ; chlllerllnKS , 5c ; iKK'kn. 4c ; hearts , | > er doz. . 23c ; Btoinnchs. each 3c ; tonBues , mch 7c ; kid neys , per doz . lOc ; brains , per doz. , 13c ; piss' feet , per doz. . 2Sc ; livers , each 3c ; hop rlnJa. 3c ; blade bone ? , Cc. HIDKS , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 Kieen hides , 7c ; No. 2 Rreen hides , Cc ; No. 1 tailed hides' 6c ; ; No 2 Krecn Called hides , 7 c ; No. Ical calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. . lee ; Ni. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8b. SIIKKP PKLTS Green salted , each , 13fJ75c ; ? reen salted sheatllnRs ( short wooled earl > skins ) , each , 13c ; dry shearllnRs ( short wooled iarly skins ) , No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas jnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . aclual weight , 4f5e ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , aclual wcUht , 3IZ Ic ; dry flint Colorado butcber wjol pelts , per Ib. , actual wciKhl , 4ft3c ( ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool itflts. per Ib. , actual weight , 3@4c. IIORSI5 IllDES-nnch , Sl.Mff2.23. TALLOW , nitBASE. KTC. Tallow. No. 1 2lc ; tallow. No. 2 , 2',4c ' : rough tallow , lVc white Rrense , 24 ! < 32)4c : ) ; yellow and brown grease l'jiif2Ue. ' I'UUS Hear ( black or brown ) . 15.00OSO.OO otter , Jl.30jfS.00 ; mink , 15l&COc : beaver , Jl.OO fl600 ; skunk , 13c , 23c , COc ; mnsltr.it , 3c , Gc , 7c raccoon , 13C30c ; red fox , 25nil.23 ; Brey fox J..StlOo ; wolf ( timlei ) ) , 23c$2 M ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , ItigMc ; wildcat , 10S2.S ; badger , &Q40c sliveifox. . SoO OQg75.00. St. I.iiulH ( Jcncriil ST LOUIS Dec. 31. FLOUIt Quiet , with a small decline ; patents , J4.70JIIS3 ; stralKhts. J4.3 IM.f.Oclear. . J4.CK184.25 ; medium. J3.TO3.7r | > . WHEAT Higher but unsettled , closlns T4c above yesterday ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , We truck 9f < - ; December. We bid ; January , K'ic ' Miv 05 * c : .lulv. 81V4c : No. 2 hard cash , S7c. "COIIN Firm ; " No. " 2 cash. 2CSc ; December. "CHc ; January , 26c bid ; May , 27ic ; July. 2SIJC. OATS Sternly ; No. 2 cash , 23c : truck. 23H5j2lc ; necember , 23c ; May. 24Vi&24c ; No. 2 white , 25c. HYt : Quiet at 45i4c. IJAIILKY No trade. l-'LAXSEKIJ Nominal at tl.lSli. TIMOTHY SKKU-J2.23n2.30. fUVKHSKKl- ' t4.u. 11HAN Quiet at 5Zc , cast track. HAY ITnclmiiRcd ; timothy , J7.W < fflO.OQ ; prairie , .rjff. ) .r.n. ntJTTl-Il Quiet ; creamery , liS2c ; dairy , Sff 17c. 17c.IJC.C.K Klrm at ISc. WHISKY Stenlly at $1.19. METAI.S I ad , lower at J3.50. Spelter , nom inal nt J3.721/ ! . COTTON TIES-Ctc. PHOVISIONS-OFiierally higher and Hrm al around ; porK , i-tandaul mess , JO. Lard , prim rto'iin Jl.r.O ; choice , J4 fO. llucon ( boxed lols ) Jobbing hales , extra short clear , J3.12V4W3.2. ' clear ribs , $5.2W3.37K ; elcur sides. J3.37'4e3.CO Dry tall meats ( boxed lots ) , jobbing Miles shoulders. J4.7.1513.00 ; exlra short clear. J1.C2Vi < f l.7.ribs ; , Jt 73W4.SC > , . . . ; clear sides JI.SCVjiif3.00. IIKCEI1TS Klour , 7 WO bbls. ; wheat , 30,000 bu. ; coin. 127.l'0i ) bu. ; oats. 31/W bu. .SHIPMENTS Klour , 3.0CO bills. ; wheat , 30,000 bu. ; coin , 77,000 bu. ; oats , & 2.0W bu. Hill 11 mo re Mnriictii. DALTIMOHH , Dec. 31. KLOUH-Qlllet ; wes crn BUperllne , J2.705f3.X ( ) ; western extra , J3 Vn 4.10 ; western family. $ l.4Jf ( I.C5 ; sprliiB whea pile-its , J.I.COffS.a ) : spring wlmnt strnliflitH. Jl.t Iff 1.83 ; rcct-lpts , l,29i bbls. ; expjrls. II , CO I bbls. WIIMAT Klrm r ; m > ot , month nnd Jimuan 57T i/3Sc ; May , 94\c bid ; steamer No. 2 rd. . 91 Cl'Jta ; receipts , 3I,2CI > bu. ; cMxirts. 21l'ii ) | bn soutliern wheat , by Huniple , 93SDic | : ; riniUirrn wheat , on grade , S.T.uWWso. COIIN Steady ; spot and month , 33153c : : De- ceinl-nr , n.w or old. 31Kl3y4e ; steamer mixed , 31iWX'o ; rt-roIplM , 3 . .4'.7 bu. ; exporta 107,113 bu. ; southern white nnd yellow corn , ' OATS I-'Irm ; No. 2 while western , 2JV41JSV ; No. 2 mixed , 27VjflJiC | lecelpts , 33,700 bu. ; exp - p < > rl . 32.92 $ bu , KV13 l-'lrm ; No. 2 neiirby , Klc ; Ni. 2 western , 34c : receipts. WW > bu. ; expnrU , i , mt > , HAY Hte.ulv : choice Uniulliy , $1.1i . OIIA1N KIIKIOHTS Dull ; demand llnl nnd un- ohniiKeil : nitea barely stenly ; sleam to Liver pool , per bu. , 4d. January ; Coik , for orders , per nuarter , 3s M , January , IlIITTUH Quiet : fancy creamery , 23c. IUJOS Kleidy fresh. 17o. ( MIKHHK > Slcady ; fnncy New York larue. ay , ffioe ; fancy New York , medium , lOiilOVjc ; fanc > New Yoik , small , 10Vi < J10'lc. ' Vciv OrlciiilH llnrkr'N , NI1W OHIj ANS. Dec. 31. IIOO PllOUrCTJ ; i-'tcady. Piirk. rtnndnr.1 niei-s , SHo. Uird , n-nne.l HeiTe , 3W3'.e. ll.ixiil meats , dry s'llt blnulderi' , 414i ; ; sldca , lic. Il.icon. cleiir lib sides , BKffl'ic. llni'iH. clear suKar cured , SJiS c. COKI'I'Il'lim : : Illo , ordinary lo fair , 71.ij'J'.4c. ' l1.0UH-ixlm _ ram-y. H.WSit.O ) ; patents , fl.ti ) CiillNMl-lAl Qulet. $1.0) ) . ItllAN-Qulct , Wii70c. H \Y-Fnsy ; prim" . H12c : cholre. lU'lfip. COUN-Slcady ; No. 2 , sacked while , 30ff37C | mixed. S6c. yell. w. 37c. O\T.S No. 2 wicked , 30c. HICH Quiet ; ordinary lo ifoad. 3fM'Jc , Clni-liiiiiill . Iiirliei. CINCINNATI. IVc. ai.-I''IXUH-Iull ; fancy. U. ) n4. * ) ; family. 13 & 13.KO. | WIIHAT Knsler : No. 2 red. 93Vic. < XllN-Klrm ; No. 2 mixed , ! 0c. OATS I'lrni ; No. 2 mixed , Jl'.ic. ' P.YK-Olllef. No. 2. 470. PIlOVIKIONS-Klrm. Lard , $ I.C2H. Hull ; meats. SI.IV llaron , Ji.M. WHIKICY-Sleady. 51.19. IIUTTKH Dull : K\f\n \ \ Creamery , 23c ; Ohio , HO 20o : ( laii11HUV. . IKH1H Oulet lit ICc Clll'IlWlI-Sleady ; seed lo prims Ohio Hat , 8'.4 ' OOc. Detroit .Mnrlict , nr-JTIlOlT. Dec. 31 , W1I15AT No. 1 white , SHiO ; No. 2 red , tilUc ; May , ,11V. txJHN No. 2 mixed , * V. OATH No. \\hlle , 2ulie. UYi : No. 2 , ISc. ( inilii lIccclplN ut Prliu-lpiil KT. I/1U1H , Dec. 3l.-Uecelpls : Wheat. 43 curs. M1NNEAPOL1H , Dec. 31.-llecelpts : Wheat , 43J curs. CiHCAQO , Dec , tl.-llccclpts today ; Wheat , 07 curs , coin. ( iJrnrn , o-i's ' , 314 cnfs Kstlmntej car Ints Monday Uhf.it 1,0 , i rn. C J , o l Ilo I'AN-IAS CITY Ut . .1. It tJIptsStifnl , 79 CAM. CAM.DI'LT'TH. . DCL 31 P.I . 'M.tVhenl | M cars , PKOIUA , Dei SI - Iti-e. Ipts Curn , 74.CCO bu. , ts. inroi bu. ; rye. l.uo bu. , \ hl ky. none , whcM , C.OOO bu. Shipments : Corn. 2 ISO bit. , mt , Kt,700 bu. ; rye , none ; whltky , I.IK bbls. ; whent , 1,200 bu. U'on re Ciiiiiiiilithin Ciiiiiiiiiny. OMAHA OKKICU. Dec. XI.-CnMrii this mom- R were slightly I , wer , but were furprlsligly slrong , consldcrlni ; our decllno of ycsteril.iy. The mnrk t st rt 1 sirrnser nil nround , Miv wheat opnln at M p. or He over ln t nlihfs closing prlee , with Dconibnr ( conesjKindinglv sttrmif. Mav wlinit went to H8He. nloslng rtendy nt 92 tc : December struck ' > He nnd rlorcd nt ! > 3c. The * who weie expec-l.ig : o c < fir "vorks In Hie pit ttdny on nctfiinl of iho close of lh D"- cetnber deal were dKippiinted , and uutM. ] * * "f lielnjf vry nervnuri nnd subject to rni > ld lluclun- tlr.ns of n K" " < 1 rnmre. which cniiswi some PX- cllement nt the time , wn ? comparatively quiet. The clique prolohl ) * now oflns 12 O0. ) . ( ) bu. of contract whent. nnil were thn nnly buver of nny amount of Oe < vmb-r , nnd se.-m'il t > be Inelhi to support Mnywheat around 92o. llecelpts at Chlrngo were : Whral , 107 cars ; corn , 4i2 cars : onls , 341 cnr. < : noithwesl , C70 cnr . I'Vtlmnted recelnls Monilny nt Clileimo : Whent , 230 cars : com , fi.V ) cars ; oats , 44' ) cam. The wheat situation continues slrong. dr < * at llrllnln tmmt nt lenst have I2.1.ro ) . < xx > bu. more n > carry them through , and while Kurope Is better supplleil , WP think , with OJiwm stnAk i S.iW.OOt bu. ntiort of lust year , the reported unfnvnrabp * wcnthrr In Interior Ilussln , hot winds In Ntw X.e.iland. togelher with the rnlunil estimate of tl'o sundu" for export from Anr-mllnc , licit th. * I'nltcil Kingdom will need all the surplus whMt we ran SIM , ' * * . Corn oieneil nl EOVie for Mnv nnd lluclualed within a narrow range and closed nt 2Hc * l i 2)Hr ) bid. The market wnfl featureless , but will prolKibly be nffecled by Iho net Inn of wheat. Oats noted much the same art corn , opening at 23 o for Mny nnd closing nt ! * lo. While Ihese coarse grains mnv decline cnoiiRh lo nhnkc out some weak holdings we bellcio the market will lx- healthier for It , nnd that thej should lie bought for long pulls. Liverpool AlnrUct. I.lViilPOOL. Dec. -PROVISIONS Tfncon. dull ; nhort rib" , on.iv. His ; short clear backs. dull , 2Ss ; clear bellies , dull , 3Ss. Tallow , prime city. linn. IDs. ClllIUSl' American llni-st while nnd colored , Hrm. Us. WHI'AT Spot , No. 1 red northern , spring , llrm 7s flVtil. CXJIIN Spot , American mlxi-d , sleady , 3 2'4d ' American inlx ° d , January , Kebntary nnd March , steady , 3.s 2'4d , Knnsiiv City ( iraln mill Pr KANSAS CITY , Dec. 31. No grain market to day , holiday. HUTTKIt Pest grades 1e lower and slrong , creamery , ICtflSc ; dairy. 13 < { iir.e. IK1OS Marltel Hrm on scarclly ; slrlctly fresh 19c ; flornge. HfllSc. ItraiEIPTi * Wheat , 42,000 bu. ; corn , CO , 100 bu. oats. 13om tin. S11IPMUNTS Whent , C3.WO bu. : corn , 40,300 > u ; cats , none. Cnllfoviila Dried I'cullH. NUW YOUK. Dec. 31.-CAI.IFOKNIA DIHRD "IlttlTH-Quloi but stenily ; evnponited apples ommon. G5J7c ; prime win1 tray , SVic ; woai rled. prime , SUSiSVie ; choice , Si.yffS'ic ; fnncy JTllUjC. Prunes. SflSc. Apricots , lloyal , "SfSHc leer Park. Mfllc. Peaches , unpecled , 74jH- celed , 12if2'c. ' Pcorln > lnrUitM , PEOIIIA , Dec. SI. COltN Market steady ; No . OATS Market nulet ; No. 2 while , nominal No. 3. 23c. 11 YE Market quiet ; No. 2 , liic. WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits J1.1S. rrnl < * il < i MurUi * ! . TOLEDO , O. , Dec. 31. WHEAT Active steady ; No 2 cash and December , 93,2e. ; May , XPto bid. COIIN Dull , Kteady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc. OATS-iDult : No. 2 mixed. S3c. KYE I iwor : No. 2 cSNli , 4Ce. KSEED Active , flrm ; prime cash , J3.20. HiilTalo .llurU < * l. 11UKKALO , N. Y. . Dec. 31. WHEAT No. 1 lorthein. old , Jl.03new ; , 99Vlc ; No. 2 winter , " " "cbrtN No. 2 , S2"c. OATS No. 2 wldte. 2Sc. I tAULlCY Steady , 4V. HYI-J-No. 2 , In store , Me. Plillli.lclphlll Produce. . PHILADELPHIA. 'Dec. ' 31. IllTTKIt IJn- * hangt l ; fancy western creamery , 22i2fff23c ; west- em prints , 24c. EC.GS Dull and 2o lower : fresh neaiby , 20o. Sun Kra IU'IMIMI M'lirnt SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 31. WHEAT ateady ; May , J1.40V. . STOCKS AM ) 1IOXDS. Market Dull. ivllli Only Trivial CliiuiurcH In PrlccM. NBW YOHIC , Di-c. 31. Today's market for slocks was very dull nnd net chances for Hie most wen * trivial , and wen * divided without much Hctnblaiico of consistency or order. The looil : r.Lcllon acciirlli were the favorites , na has been the cusc for many days past , nnd they rose at , ono time aharply ab ve last night's level under the belief that they would In-ncllt even If the [ iroi > osed rapid transit project wns consummate * ! . Brooklyn rapid transit enjoyed a special advan tage from the reiwrted judicial decision denying an injunction against tlio use of the western bridge terminus for a loop. This stock was at one time 1 > 4 nbjve last night's level and main tained 11 point of this gain. Sugar was nl o a stiMnir feature n d roxo nt one time lu. , but heli\ only n fracllon of that nmount. The. Vn'i derblllH were trailnl In ex-dlvldend lod.iy. liiko Shore Knlnlng a point. Other stocks which were notably strong were HutTalo , Itovheslcr & Pitts- burs preferred nnd common , American Spirits preferred gained 2 points. There was oon.slderabie activity In the gninger , with early ytreiiRth , Durllnglon crossing par , but later recessions tar ried frierb'Mow ' last night's level. News tills moinlng from foreign exchanges dissipated nil apprehension cau il by yesterday's icporln that the ItrltUh nnvnl ieerve bad been ordered out. Ilrltlnli consols advanced n fraction In Ijondon , an unfailing biromeler n peaceful outlook. The Himness of the wheat market also relieved the uneasiness In speculative circles ovei the outeomo of the creat December deal. The b.ink atiUoniPiU wns disregarded , us It Is so Involved with the Union Puclllc operation as to offer no Indication of the drift of general conditions. Thq Himew'mt codilraillotory llrmness of money and hardn s-s of foreign exchange continued lodny. though Ixith markets were very dull. The t > ub- treasury bail Jl.440,742 lo pay nt the clearing house today , again rellectlnij the continuing re plenishment if the money market from that source. There wns n disposition to make much of the exceedingly favorable November slnto- ment of the Pennsylvania system. The Incrc-ise In gross earnings for Ihe whole syslom over No vember of last year was JI.492lo ) , and the In- cro.-iso In not wns J7..9.30 < ) . The week has been one of dullness on the stock market and outside of n few specialties of n highly tpeculatlve character , almost apathetic Trudlns bus been In the hunds of profcwgional room traders end outside Intercut has been In- signlllcant. Ynrlous causes have contributed to the irultness. The holiday scncon has kept many dealers out of the markets. Den'e s In the mar ket have the habit common to all bnMmm men of closlnB up all accounts with Ihe enil of the year us far us possible and of taking account of fondlllons before enlering uun | new ventures. There has been liquidation of speculative no- counts during the week In accordance with this custom , the effect of wnleh has been In the specialties recently the favorites In speculation. I'rollt taking In the nto"ks of lucal corporations caused fume sharp recessions In values , hut bilcr developments have resulted In lecoverles. The decisive faclor In rettrlctliiK speculation , however , has been Ihe bliffness of rates for money and an apprehension of a nquoezo at the close of the year an upprehciurlon that has grown less and less as the week processed. Monday's payments to the government by Ihi ? union racinc symucaiu 01 almost is.ioii..uu neces- slluled on extenslvu thlfllngof loam nnd con- fequenl dlstuibnnci * of the money market , which even thu tilaboiate pret-aullons of the banks and the govoinmenl were not wholly averting , Of the Union Pacific pnymenls Jl.MO.OOo was left on deposit' In New York banks and the Jl 300.W.1 paid Into the Irensury was more than affect by amounts paid out on account of Puclllo bond re demptions on Monday und Tuesday. Th money market has lieeu leplcnlsheil by uddlllonal umountu on this nccount each day of the wick and. although rates for mcney have been pretty sllff. there has been no stringency. Tlie harden ing of exchange , which bfcimo pionoiinced on Thuisday. rellects Iho conlldenru that rates for money will work to an easier basis soon after the llrst of the year. Kxpert estimates of the umounlfi to be disbursed In January dividend * nnd Interest make them for New York jgardAOOi- for Iliiiton , J15.UCO.COO , anil for Philadelphia , ' In ostlmallng the future of the money mark t other fa.'ts can b ; > coni-llrieil. The governmsnt hu deposited In New ork banks over J33 Ci 000 of the Union Pacllle payments. It IB not 'ln- render thorn , which , In the natural course of thliiKs , will be us soon ns the money market shows a lendency lo bet'uino easier The season's enrrmmis li-.ide babin-3 In our favor has left UK larg crwilts nbroaJi which are uvull'ble re ourcej In Ibe evcnl of mv great r > M here. Hut this bal.inre has bnn ino.1 . HUM by the rccolutg ut Sun I'rancleco slnco August 1 of $11.87500. . ) In sold from Australia which largely represents pHym-nts of Australian lndebtelnef ; to I iglund bv luyinenl of Knir- lund's debt lo us. It Is further modified by cales of foreign holdhiifj of American pecurllles and by illvl tenilii nnd Inlerej-t to bo pNi | on securities > tlll held by fcrelpncrs ( Kith the Items being very dllllcull lo exthnale. Prices Kenoiully outside of a few cf Ihe sp'-liiltes. | are lower on the week , the < li lln reachlnu 2 per cent or over In Melrotolltan | Street Ilallw.iv and s ma of the coalers. Manhattan l lier ( VI1. higher. The bond market has shared In Iho dullness of the stock market duringIho week but prices have been held llrm or hav Im proved. United Slates 4s , both the now and the olt Imrum , are ' .J per cent lower bid and lliu 5s i , | , per cunt loner. The Kvenhiir l'ct's London llnanclnl cable gram says : "Hurlneja In the Mock market to day was restrlete.1 by the- fact that U .vlll b u liolliUv tomorrow here and on Ihe continent. Tim tone , however , was good and full of prpmUc f r the new yesr. although politics re main an Important factor. The nmkels of which the highest hor-ex nre entertulned arc mine * . ArgMillnen and American. Tli * latlur were featurelris lodiy. Chlnn nnd Japan slocks . lire on Ihe I'own ( trade. Turkish stocks wera 1 * trons on I'arU support , nnd copuer nor | were k'i > id for th tiir.if reajon. Further large loans rre miulo lir the llnnk of TTnRlnnil todny , nnj ie mnrkct probably owt.i th bank over ! : , OCO ( XW. " r'ollowlne nrc thn claslnfc ntiotatlonii of the radltig stu.ks on the Ntw York market to ny : I Xi\v York 'Miini-y ' Mnrkrt > NEW YOtlK , Dec. 31. MONKY ON CAM. Kli'm nt SIASITI per cent ; last loan , 4 per cent ; closing , SVitn'A per cent. " llI.Mt : MHHCUNTILK PAPKll-IViOl'i per SI'KUUNO KXCHANC1E null and easier , with anlunl business In bankers' bills 51.S4' lr 4.84 % for demand and al J4.S2 for hlxly days ; pasted rates , JI.82HR4.S3 nnd Jl.Sj'.iJfl.SC. ' SlhVKll CBUTll'ICATUS GSlie. 1IAU HII.VEll .17'ic. ' MEXICAN DOM.AllS-4r.Hc. OOVEIINMENT 11ONU3 IrreRUlar. STATll HONDS Pull. IIAIMIOAU 1IONUS Slronif. Closlnu iiuolatluns on bonds were ns follows : lOilHlcr .IloinKnlcN. . NP.W YOIIK. Dec. 31. The Hnnnclor snya : Thi > statement of the associated bankof N w York City for the week ending December SI Is nn argument in favor of ca ' .cr muney rntoa. The bankn snei | > December 21 hiivo Rained In en-ill -.TV > . ? n , and their net dL-poHllH have PJT- pandcd m-arly f.OOCOOi . As the Kalnx In CIHI : ! and In deposits went almOHt Identical ! ) : lv- i'i\ ) ' ( * ban Increased In proportion that l , It l nlnut 7"i ur cent of the total cn h expansion. The rcHtilt Is that the margin if cxcens m rve bfw lytvn Increated J4.2'u3 ' > ) . ' nnd at the COSK ! of the week stood at $15.7S.t,73) . In view of thin showing ull fear of Htrlnpreilcy over the close of the year muul bn dbml > Heil. Durlnis tbn next week the Union Pacltle committee will nnke nn- ntl-er $ SOCO,0) ) nayniPiH 'Into ' the treasury amV thcrn IH no I Ike ! 11) xd : Hint It will have any inui. > effect m tliH inarktt than last wei-k'8 seitli'inent f a slllnr nmwnt caused. This will end a rn'twctli-n which had an Im'.virlnnt bearlnw on money alTalt fi r Bjme , llmc , and a nornnl P'tli'l will iiuci-iMMl It. The ileiTcune of Jj.ttl.TU ) In Ua is ft-r the current wsejt njipearii to have been more than nccount.il fijr through th iipcra- t'rx.s of their Inrso binks. 'Pr > lniblv tin * nd- VHIIPI * In call rates iMrller In th wwU was rej Kprniilbk' for this , but njr o matter of fnc1 tbu , ! . - > . . | , | tateinint hhows the. 'Joan Item of the nrnjorlty of the banks hlKhPi than at th * close of th-a picvlouH week. Thu , uanu'il dividend jn'rl' ' . ! , with Its call for over fSO.C/M.CM f d.sbnr.ieinc ! nn In New York , has caurcd ( nonj or lens shifting ' . : fun.I a , n.nM It In only natural Hiit there should h * an Increase In the CUH'I ' neTiJry for payment * . If the current stntpnicnt reJIrrts the nctiial biih'- ' niMs of the lMnk the d.io.slt. irnln durlm ? the lis'- slx il.iyn hius b.'on In cji'h , nith.'r than In c.ejlt . 1'ore I iv u ( 'liniiicinl , UONDON , Dec 31. AiniTlcan oUKles. 764 C'.id. IUr itol.l , 77s llfcd. Amount of bullion K"ne Into the Hank of Ilnxland on balances today. 3.COO. Ooljviiii quoted atiilluenos Ayres today at 174.70. PAHIrt. Dec. 31. Three per cent rentes. JOIf 7'-c ' for the account. MxclianKC on Ixmdon , ' . ' , 'f ; tc for checkx. Thn tendency of th market today \viis firm and llnal prices en the bourxi * wrr the highest for 'jnlfli securities , which -cro off * ri .l for salu iid tVcllncd. Clold mine shuns were llrm. IIICHLIN. Dn31. . Iluslners on the bourye here tod.y wan llrm In rrrponre to the tone of tht London market , where prices woru higher. Hank shares and Northern Pacific securities ma'ntlined their prices. Canadian Pnclllcs were hlBher. \c\v YorU IiiiporlH anil Hvpiirlx , NiW YOltK , l.'re. 31.-The lmin > Hs in the port of Nuw York this week an. : Oo'.d , S10I U3 : illvrr , IW.oaC : dry foods. 11,313.411 : Keni-nl ) niT-hnnillm- , t\404,701. The exports of np < > ci ! > am muted to $3U > ) In Kold anil > ,2n In vllvcr. AnuTlcnii ScciirlllcM In I , iiilon , LONDON. IVc. Jl. Tha market for American socurltlw. after a dull and rather weak < pen- Ing , was tinner , but rather Inactive. The clos. Inir tune was linn and the deanand generally ' Unlit. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Year Winds Up with a Lijbt ; Run of All Sorts of Stuff. ANOTHER DULL DAY IN CATTLE DIVISION fnnettled and I'celliiK le- fliledly Nervonvllli Vulurii 1'norl.v .Su titlncil 1I > R 1'ollciiv liino Five CrntM Illnber. SOUTH OMAHA , Uco. 3t.-necelpts for the days Indicated were ; Cattle. UofTS. Sheep Horses. npcptulbcr 31 . f.2,1 B..HG 1,010 December 3D . W2 7.071 l.&SI December 2fl . 9H'i f.WS 3,051 . . . . December 23 . 1.570 C.S43 i,04l . . . . December 27 . l.olfi S.3S3 504 December 24 . M2 5.0W 1,010 Deceinhcr 23 . 751 10,312 1.2G3 December 32 . 1,019 11,325 1,150 3 December 21 . 1,119 8.77S 1,661 . . . . December 20 . 871 4,233 1,113 84 December 13 . G94 7.9S2 1,313 17 December 17 . 1.S71 4,974 2fir > December 16 . 2.270 G.S17 2,9G'J December 13 . 2.4SI 5,131 1.S30 SO December 14 . 2,467 O.G79 3,420 llecolnta for the year by months : Cattle. HOBS. Blicep , January . 4S.WI 113r,0 > ! 41.0U4 February . 47.13S 112,291 51,019 March . 52 , ! > 17 110.44S 77303 April . fd.Sll IO < , S50 CS.S3D May . & 3.S04 1B'J'J77 7G.214 .lime . ( IS.lS.'i 176.0.VS 38,401 July . 09,85. ! 131,495 25,637 August . 72,013 1I3.S.VJ 33,72 September . 119,537 28,751 l < i,74i ; October . 112.1 2 tOj.SGI 2.C'l ) November . 78,352 121 , S65 f > 33j December . -14,253 1G7.G32 50.2JG The olllclal number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. . M. & St. T'.IJy . 1 Missouri I'aclllu Hy . 1 Unlonl > aclllc system. . . . I 20I ? . & N.V. . Hy 1 I 1B. 1 [ ' . , B. it M. V. Hy H 21 B. C. & \ \ Hy C. . St. 1' . . M. . O. Hy. . n 11 , , & M. 11. Ity 21S . 11. & Q. lly 2 S K. C. & St. J. lly 3r C. , H , I. & P. , east r C. , II. 1. & 1' . , west i Total receipts 23 93 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num. ber of head Indicated : Uuycrs. Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Omahn Packing Co MG . . . . O. II. Hammond Co 85 1,259 H\vlft and Company 13 ! ) 1,271 Cudiihy Packing Co 210 1,503 571 H. Hi't'ker and Derail. . . . 12 . . . . . . . . Livingston & Shaler 2.1 Swift , frsm country -142 l-uduhy , from 1C. C 519 Oilier buyers 23 Total 492 5.91S 1.01G CATTUI3 The receipts of cattle were very llKht apaln today , the situation belnn about the same as yesterday. The fact Is , there have not been enough cattle In the yards this week to make any real test of the market. Fat cattle have sold at RtrotiB prices all the week , as compared with the prices paid at other market points , but the demand has ocen ot sucn small proportions that there has been no Kreiit activity to the trade. Under present conditions there can be little doubt but what prices on killing cattle would break all of 25c If there was anything like a good run. Today was barren of new features of Im portance , the market showing little change as compared with yesterday. Some pretty goid steers sold up to ? 4.ri5 , but there was nothing as good as yesterday's top cattle. Cows and heifers sold In about the same notches aa yesterday , and the offerings were all taken early. Stockers and feeders wore also steady and the market was without Interest. Hcpresen- tatlve sales : NATIVES. JlKliF STKKU9. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr. 1. . . . 7SO S3 75 2..13M Jl 10 1..1130 $4 10 ! . > . . . .114 ! ) 415 10. . . . 975 420 r.1064 430 17..142:1 : 435 20..1110 4 45 30..1321 445 3S. . . . 975 42D 20..1103 435 19..1290 450 17..1)34 ) 455 10. . . . ! ) S1 425 IS..1295 440 1..15SO 4 40 17..1519 4 45 COWF. 1. . . . " > 0 1S3 1. . . . 920 225 1. , . . S70 240 I . . . 910 240 1 OSO 2 40 1..1030 250 1..10SO 283 2..1220 290 2..1245 295 ! . . . . ) SO ) 1..1220 315 1..1W ) 315 1..1043 330 13..1133 330 25..1001 335 7 1127 340 2G..110S 3 T.O 4..13ft ) 350 li. . . 710 225 1. . . . 900 225 1..920 223 1 970 300 13. . . . 917 3 GO 1..310 200 1..1200 250 4. . . . S10 S75 1. . . . 940 273 1 . . .12'M ' 2 SO 1..1000 285 1..820 300 r , .1220 33i ) 1..1200 330 1..1090 335 4. . . . SSI ) 3 r.O 1 10SO 3 G5 2..1090 250 1..12IO 3 15 HEIKEHS. 7..11S2 SCO (1..1017 ( 3 S3 1..T20 300 2. . . . 765 300 1. . . . SO ) 325 3. . . . 630 3 : < 5 1. . . . 740 3 GO 8. . . . i)70 373 3. . . . 743 3 S ) HULLS. 1 . . .1270 275 1..1C60 300 1..1230 310 1..1200 315 3..1223 330 1..1CCO SCO 1..1370 2 R5 1..172) ) 3 Kl STOOKKHS AND FHI3DE11S. 1. . . . CIO 273 1. . . . W. ( ) 3 10 13. . . . 778 3 Co 1. . . . 770 375 1. . . . 590 335 2. . . . C33 400 1. . . . 810 4 00 WKSTKHNS No Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. II steers 133C J3 40 12 feeders..1013 J3 15 HOGS Receipts of hops were liberal , but other markets were reporting advances , wbllo pro visions were stroriKer. ami the local demand good. The result was a reneral advance on nil lilnila amounting to about 5e. Heavy hops sold at JS.30S3.37'-i. ' as afralnpt $3.23B3.32Vi. Tlie built fold at J3.32' ' , lif.35 : ! tuJuy and at $3.27V4ff3.30 ycstenlay. UKht and llKlit mixed hogs lirouslit $3.3 : > { f3.45 , with < iulte a strlns at $3.40. The market was active nt the advance and everything sold In good t-i'apon. Tlie uvernRp of all the salts was 1'4c ' hlslier t'.ian yesterday and 9o higher than a week aco. Today's ndrancc carried the maiket to the hlKlicpt point touched this month and to the hlRlii-st of any day plnce Novemljer 22. Repre sentative sales : No. Av. Sli. IT. No Av. Sh. Pr 13 2-0 . . .J.130 45 402 . . .J330 18 3 6 4.1 3 SO SB 403 210 330 .f > 311 200 3 30 57 OT ) ICO 330 19 411 ICO SCO M 337 120 320 31 343 tO 330 K ! 370 H ) 3 SO M 29S 200 330 42 37S ICO 33' ) " 1 312 RO 330 5J S03 10 332V- rS 307 ICO 332 ! ' . 00 ! ! S9 . . . 3 32ii r,3 32l ! 10) ) 3 32Vi M 313 SO 3321,4 48 3S7 M 3 32Vj Cl 303 ICO 332V , 4S 332 40 33214 NW 274 240 3 321 * ,12 332 60 352' , ! . 49 3CS 120 3 32V4 40 3S1 40 3 3JVi 7.0 . 371 120 3 32Vj ( / ) 277 ICO 3 3JV.5S 313 40 3 32Vi fS S 211) 3 32'i M 340 SO 3 32V > C9 207 200 332" . f.1 326 . . . 3 S2Vj 41 301 ICO 3 KV. r,1 314 . . . 332V. 11 3JO M ) 3 32'/ ' . B2 3CO ICO 3 32 > ' 4 (11 ( 278 120 335 M 310 320 3 3j' 46 299 120 335 M 2SO 240 333 10 273 2CO 335 ! .9 171 . . . 333 f,7 363 . . . 335 4S 321 . . . 333 r.- 271 . . . S K ! 02 315 20 < 1 3.1" IniHiiiiitlioIlN lilvt * Steel ; , INDIAN'APOWK. Uoe. ! . 'UTTU'J Ileeclp'r , 1 10) head : Khlpmenm. COO hold ; ninrlu-t jctlvi- and n - clearance \ wan mn'lu ' ; iood to prlmn Hte < > r-i , Jl.7rifjtj.03 ; tmod to cliolc-o steer. $ ( .3 > ifi > 4.O ) ; iHiminon to unl htucUcn , t2.7.'i .1.S ) . I 11OS ! Ilei-elptH. 1.5C" ) head ; hlimentH | , 3f.O ) hood : nvjrket native , U'f hi lir : < i > m to choice mnjlum and heavy , 1SfteS 7M , inlxi'J and 1 hi-.ivy. n.4'iii3.M ; rnmimn In HBht. I-1.H/1.0 , B1IBK11 llcre'liits , 5t ) heart : phlnmcntH , 4 < X ) h nd ; inv l It cholco limln. t3.COJV"V ' oniinun Iambi , J3.2iJT5.l5 ; common Kliecp , f2.2Jf/2.73. Vi-w Vuru Mv Ni\V : YOIIK. 15ie. 31 3 7CO head ; nmket active : native nicer * , SCO ; Ftar.n and oxen , $3 CO ? I.M ; bulls J3.COS3 50 ; dry cows. tZ.C'CS.SS. C'ablfH quote refrigerator beef at 71iHic ; e port . SO ( hecp ; tomorrow , 1,170 beeves and 3.771 quaitcrs of boef. I'AIjVKS nwelpU. 287 heal ; veals , t3.0038.Z3 ; cranriB. I3.MQ4 Vt. KIIKKI" AND 'IAMIlS-Ile"elil [ § , 2. 97 head ; ihc p > 3..OQ4.7J ( ; lambs , JG/'Sge.M. 3i5 < ) head ; llrm at J3 8304. CO. KIIIIHIIH City l.lvf Slocl ; Mnrkel. KANSAS C'lTY. 1 > 0. 31. CATTl.E-Itcceiiits , 3.00 lieud : nmrliet struni ; to | 0o hlKher ; Texas rtuem , t3.2Jd4.S3 ; Texan cow * , 12.50 3.20 ; native fleer * . | 3.00J4.i ! ) ; native cow and lielfcn , Jl.OOM 4.25 ; litockerv and feedera , 3.00in 5' ' } ; bulU , | 2.40ij > 'i.K. IlOGH-HerelptH. 13.100 head ; market active to So higher , bulk of sales JJ. liifD.tZV , h nrlm , M.4oaJ.MiJ ; pArhfns . . IJi3CS.tS : ll ht , W. .Mi Yorker * . plr ( * , H. WtfJ . SIlKKPnKlrt . l.PM hei\aj ni.\t1et Iambs , J4.MH5.ei , mutton * , fJ.SoOS. : ; . . ouuunt ) i.Tvi : STOCK MAnur/r. Acllvo Uriiiitiul for UOKI mill PrleeH H Mekrl Illuher. CUIOAOO. Dee 31. I'rlCM for enttlo were BlronRcr for choice nndi steady for othern , with n fairly netlto demand. The bulk of the offer ings changed onnershln at from JI.30 to J3 , the l xn t beff steers dflllng at from W.S ) to Jl ninl the be t Irt-eves nt from J3.30 to J3.40. Kx porters nn < l enxtern shippers boiiRht freely and cuttle thnl had imallty and Just met the views of buyers sold briskly. The Btockcr and feeder trade wa slow , but prices were no lower , sales rnnvlnir nt from J3.10 to JI.25. CVilvtH nrrlved RparltiRly ami prices wore stronger , the bi-st sflllnu for J .r . A good many fed. wrrtcrn steerH sola st fiom J4 to JI.SO nnd MlMonrl fed Texans hronKli from M to $4.00. There wna nn nctlvo general demand for hogs , nnd the market was slroimcr. with snlrs n nickel higher , llos * sold at an eitromo raiiRe ot from J3.JO to $3.00 , largely nt from J3.4' ' ) to J3 " > . heavy packf-rs f.-tcJihiR from . ' J3.30 to Jt.K'.i nnd prime tmtcher w duhts jelllnK for J3.00. The supply was well taken , plR scllliiRchlclly nt from J1.30 to JJ.Srt. I.lsht welRhl hoes failed to shale In the advance. The- late mntket was dull nnd thendvniic wan lost. Prlcet for shwp and Inmln were steady , with n fairly nctlve demand. Sheep sold nt from J2.75 to JI.7C , chlelly nt from 13.75 to JI.M , west ern fed lots preJomlnntltiB nnd sellhiR nt thnt range. Heavy export sheep were had seller * and handy light welRht killers were the fa vorites. I4\mbs sold nt from J3.73 to J'l.tK ) , chiefly nt from JS.fS to J5.S5. some of the westeins hrltiKlnR J3.7r > . YcnrlhiRs sold nt fiom JI.OO to J4.S.1. llecelpts : Cnltle , 3.0CO lirml ; hegs , 2 , * > , COO head ; sheep , 7 , CCO head. S ( . I. oil I I , ( to HiiirU. ST. 1/5U1S , Dec. ai.-l'ATTl.l' ltecelpts l.WIO head ; shipments 1.200 head ; mntket steady to stromr ; fair to fancy shlpplni ; steers , t4.251i. 23 ; stockers and feeders , JZ.St'gri 25 ; cow * nnd heif ers , j.2,04.:3 ; Texas and Imli.in steers , JJ.IOfl 4. CO ; ciiuii and heifers. J2.MST3 25. llOflS Hoeelpts , B.COO head : shipments. 3.700 head ; market stroiic ; IlKht. J3.30ti3.43 | ; mlved. 13.SOtfS.45 ; butchers' , JS 4l ( 3.r.O. S1IEP.P Uecelpts. MO head ; shipments. 200 heiid ; market strong : native muttons. } 3.505ft V : culls nnd bucks , J2.00JT3.23 ; Btockers , J2.00if2.73 ; lambs , J3.0005.90. 12llMl l.llMTljllv < Stlll-U , KAST I.UIKIITY. Pa. . Dec. 31.-OATTt.K- . Steady ; prime , tl.SOJt4.90 ; common , $3.23IT3.GO hulls , stacs and cows , J2.PKJ3.70. ( 1IOOS Steady ; prime Im-dltmn. JJ.OOOT.OS ; best Yorkers , J3.CO ; comincn to fair Yorkers nnd pl , f3.fiOfr3.ro ; heavy. O.finns.fu , Rood roilRhs , J2.73 5f3.13 ; common , J2.23fT2.CO. SHIJI'P Steady ; choice , J4.C05T1.73 ; common , J.t.OOf3.Co ; choice Umbs , t3.90tiO.00 ; common tc Bivxl , JI.50JT3.fO. CAI.V13S Veal calves , Ji.MJi7.23. ( ( rlni'lniii-.tl llvi < Stock. CINCINNATI , Dec. 31.-lIOtlS-Ac.tlve , 53.01j ( 3.W. 3.W.nATTr.H nATTr.H Sleaily , S2.2-.iTI.03 , SHI3MP Kt.-ady , J2.75rt4.IV , . tc.idy , J4.0lMV3.'r. ' . I.OIlNvllll * llvi > StlM'I.- . I/31'ISVU.UJ. Deo. 31.-HOrS-Itw > . | pls. l.lfO hend : mnrkttt steady ; tops JS.W ; llKht shippers , . . . MIIKHP Market shade off ; boat f.it , $1.40rf3.00 ; lambs , JI.WS4.S5. SlocUIn Itccord of iccelpts of live Ptnck nt the four principal markets for December 31 : Cattle. Hops. She.-p Omaha . 523 rir ! ) 1010 Hik-aRo . 5.000 25. nw 7.000 Ki.nsun rity . S.Oik ) 13.000 1.000 St. I.ouls . 1.900 0,000 SOO Totals . . 10,423 49.910 9.S1G COTTOX MAItlCKTH. nUrcly l.ocnl , ClONhiK Tlirri * lo Klv ' I'olnts I.OAMT. NU\V YOHIC. Dec. 31.--Hic cottoa iiinrliet was narrow us to fluctuation * and small as to volume today. The ctitlro scope of the variations were only a matter of 4 points. Openlnu steady nt n decline of 24N Iwlnls there was a further loss of If2 points , with the mnikot llnnlly cloflnt ; r.toidy at a net decline of 3jW points. Trailing was al most entirely local ; there wns , however , suine In- vcHlmcnt huylnc on the weaker Intervals. Hi > ll- InR was checkinl by n dlKippolntltiK movement nt the ports anil Inlwlor towns. S put , iiulet ; mid dling , r , 15-ICo ; net reeelptp , 1,531 hales ; irross. T.TOu | MI > H ; oxjiortu to the continent , 310,210 lialcs ; fonrnnleil , 753 bales ; n.Ues. 21 bales , nil Fplnners ; titcwk , 123.0S2 l < iles. Weekly. Net iccelpts , , S.'W lj.Ues ; pross. 40,717 bales ; exports to dual Britain , 1,814 bales ; to France , 1,951 l > ales ; to the continent , 0,311 IxUrs ; forwiirded , 13.7 M Uiles ; sales , 540 bales ; spinners , 110 bales. Toinl totav : Net rucelplH. Wi,73r , bales ; exports to C.ient iiltaln , 33.747 Ixiles ; to the continent. 13,151 bales ; stack , 1,21SC& ) baJeis. Consolld.iUd : Net H-celpts , % W,0 < ! 7 bales ; expoils to dreat Hrltaln , 03,190 bales ; lo Knuicp. 11,081 bales ; to the con- inont , 70.9S7 bales. Total since September , i : Vet rccclpta. fi.SIG.CSS bales ; exports to ( Jreal Tirttnln , 1,770,412 bnle.s ; to Fiance , 49lr-D la1--- : : o the c mtlncnt. 1.4l4ftKi bales. The following iru tlhc total net receipts of cotton nt nil pi-r- . * nin e September 1. 1S07 : Galveston , 1J7'J.O ) < > ales ; New Olbnns. lr.2l.6 , * > 2 blle.s ; M'ib'.le ' , D2T- ! ' )3 ) I'-l'-s ; Siva < nnah , W\10u bales ; Cbaib'ston , JM.035 bales ; Wilmington , 2V. ( ) 013 bales ; Nnrfnlk. 122.317 bales ; ilalthncne , 31,421 bales ; New Yorit , ( i4,3 > 2 bales ; Boston , IO-I.4SD bnles ; Newport News. " > .4l'i biles ; Phllnihilpliln. 3,017 ! bales ; llrnns- wlck. 11 ! > ,12(1 ( bales ; Port Itovnl. 4lio.S ! bibs , " 'enrtieola , 03SW bales ; total , 5tfirnOVbales. : . NttW OItI.iANS : , Dee. 31.-COTTON-Future. ; .teidy ; sales. 18.000 bales ; January. Jii.ItJSili.CG ; -Vhrunry , $5.39(15.40 : March , J5.41J5.Ari : April. f5.49fi5.M ( ; May. tZ.SMiS.US ; June. $3.Hr3.r,2 ( ; July , ; > .GC < it3.C7 ; August , J5.C3iIt.ri.71 ; Seplember , $3.12i ( 5.71 ; October , I5.7W5.78. Spot , easy ; s-iles , 4ini | : : des ; ordinary , Hie ; icood ordinary , 4-Jic ; I > w mtddlhiK. r.l-lGc ; middling , 3c ; Rood m.ddllnr. j c ; middling fair , Cc ; receipts , -1,701 b.ilen. slock. 444.001 bnles. MEMPHIS , Dec. 3l.-COTTON-Sloul : > ; mld- llnR , , , % ; receipts , 3.31B Ixileti ; Bhlpmi'iitu , 3fGl lies ; flock. 149.r,3l , I iles ; Fal".s , S.S'O bales. ST. LOUIS , li-- . 31. COTTON Quiet ; mid dling , 57Kc ; 8nls , 2) ) Uiles ; receipts , 3,155 riles ; shlpiner'ts ' , 2.0S5 bales : Hock. CC.4'0 bales. fJAIjVBSTON , Dec. 31.-COTTON-Klrm ; mld- lllnK. BHc. IjIVUftPOOI. . IDec. . 31. COnTON Spot , In fair lem.ind , but business cnly moderalc ; AmiTlc.in middling , 31Jd : the sales of the day were 10.100 " "es , of which f 0) ) biles were for speculation and irit , and included 9,4iX ) Ixiles American ; ie- jo'Vts. 3r < ii ) linlet > , Includlm ; 2,900 bales Anier- CVIT * . Futuies opened stc.uly , with n mod. rate Jemnrwl nnd cloaeil iiult-t ; American middling I > M. C. . Jnnuiirv. 3 13-Cld , wllers ; Jnnuarv nn > 5 i-V-bruary. 3 11-Cld. Kelleis ; February nnd March , 1 Il-Clfill 12-Cld , tellers ; March nnd Apill. 3 12-6M villnrs ; April and May , 3 13-G4d , selleiH ; Mav nnd June , 314-64.1 . , buj-MB ; June nnd July. 315-Ri | | , > uyent ; July and AiiKiist , 3 IC-CId , buyers ; AUCUHI - ml rit-ptcinb-r , 3 17-0 d , value ; Seiilember and October. 3 IS-Md. KJllera ; Oi-tober and Nnveniber , J 18-315)3 13-G1.1 . , buyers. Wool 3lnrUclN. UOSTON , Dec. 31. The1 Huston Commercial UuIIetln will say tomorrow of the wool imik.-t . : Never hi'.s > ni year clortod so brl-k a liuslnebs as 1S97. Tu ! > cities of th' > last week are very bUKi-ly of territory wools on a hnsln of 4W3' ' > u ilean. The li-yeiu lira the blR worbtcil mills and Ciey have paid full rates. One hou * * In f > ur we. kh Ins Kdil i.ver 2COO.f < V ) Ibs. of territory wool. T.ie sales of Iho week nio 7,261,0)0 llxs. domesli- mil 2.07,0')0 ' ) Ibs. fnrclBn , aitnlnot 7r/r2,0) ) ) Ib- . di.mrstlc and 1.3S2.00Ibs. . forelsn last \vei-lt , ind lLt)2l ) > A > Ibs. domestic and k7lix Ibs. fori lun A.i' tile same week lust year. 'IIuHICH | ti > dito "how' an lnoi-0-iso i.f l'0it\WJ \ Ib ? . ilnnii * tlc n-id 130,219tf'O ' His. fore'sn from th rales to the same date of 18 % . Tlio receipts to date show nn In- Tcanof 110,407 bales domratlc and 30lCtl ; bik-.s The follnwlni ? are the ijuntatlcn.s for the U-ndlnr ; descriptions : Ohio and PcnnKylvunla lleeees , X nnd above , 2 cXX an-i XX above. 29S30c ; delaine SOc- , No' 1 combliiB , 5'c ; No. 2 comhlni ; , SWWc ; Michigan , SVIi-consln. elc. , X. Mlchlsan. 23B2I- ; No. 1 Ml-hltfan comblnB. 2Sif29c ; No. 1 Illinois comblnir , 2SS2Jc | ; No. 2 MIchlK-n ciimhlni ; , 2 ! ) ® -9c' No 2 Illinois combine. 2Sif.9i' ; X New York , New Hampshire and Vermont 2W24 : ' ; No. 2 New York , New llniiipiililio nnd Vermont , 27c ; dvlalne , 27e ; unwashed me.lluni , Kentucky and Indiana , quarler-blood cjinblnt ; , 23jj24c ; Kentucky ami In diana. thiee-elKhlhs blood combine , 24fl2."n- ; Mis souri rpinrler-l)0od ) comblni ; . 22ft23c ; Mb aurl IhreH-clsbths blued cnmblnR , 23J(24c ( braid cnnili- Injf 21c : lake and Geoiu'-a , 22 (23c ( ; Texas wools , Aprlng medium (12 ( inontlm ) , 1(14)18 ( ) ; rcuuri'd price 43ifl3c ; sprlni ; line (12 ( months ) , 17RUc ; Hcouied pile.COS2c. | . Terrltoiy wwilii , Montana tine mcilluin nn 1 line , IGfclSo ; scoured prlci- . 'S(50c ; staple , 52jfSV ; t'lah , WyoinbiK , etc. . line me dium nnd line , 1SW17C scoured jirlce , ISftiOc ; Ktnple , C2t'33c. AiiMrulluii wools , hcourel ImtH , romblUK. kiiperllric , 70fi'72c ' ; iood. CliiKtic ; avcr- Uj < e C2iC" , Queensland combine , ( irc. ST. 1.OUIH. Dec. 31. WOOI 'Julet and un I'lmnKed ; niedlum , L'jJjSOc ; heavy line , S@llc ; llyht line , 13j"fl7c ; tub wafhed , 22630V4C. CnlTc < - M ii r kc IN. NIJW YOIIK , Dec. 31.-ClKKI5i-Opll ) : ins < pened steady at unclianiseil pilees lo S points advance , on Muiopenii buyini ; un.t Icciil covnlnit. Impuivcmenl wan urn-tied by rellhiK by leudhiK ' .ibur operulors of Iho reason and abt > eitLO of pi'H- rure from "nollces ; " clored baiely steady with prices unchaiiKed to o points net ; talcs , n 750 mil ! * , IncludhiK March , tc.05. Siwt coffee , Illo , dull but i-tendy ; No. 7. Invoice. ( % ; No. 7 job- blnrf. 7',4' ' ; mild , quiet. C'rnluyn , S'.jQISc ' Total wuiciouse dellverlei fi'nn the United Statin , 10- 4C4 liaii-i , Incluillni ; 15.1C3 IKIKH from New York : New Vork flock today. StO.211 IMKK ; t'nlted ftntcs clock , 9.IC3 buns ; allcut for the Unite ! States , 405.COIAKI \ ; total visible for the United Slates , 1,154.103 boRs , n ta | n HI 73 , 27 IIIRH last yeur and 011,172 bufj tbu pruvloui yi-ur , HANTOU Dec. ai.-COWKK-Qulel ; Kood nvcr- nie Santoi. 8.D)0 ) iel ; iccelpts. 22,000 luKit ; stock tCl.OOO ImRB. HAM lit 11(1. ( Dec. Sl.-COl-'KKI'J-Opcned U pfk' . lowoi ; cloti-il net umliuiiKt-d to > , 't \\SK \ \ , hlKla-r ; tulee , C.OCO IIUKS. Hit ) ! ) ! ! JAN1IIHO. Dec. -COPFKK-Oulet ; ND. 7 Illo , 8.300 rels ; mcchaiicu. 7 3-32U ; n-ccilpta , 2.000 baKH ; cleared for thu United rltites , H.Mii ; clcureil for Kurcpe , 8,1(10 ( baijHj stuck , zVi- . HAVIti ; . Dec. 31. fOKFUU-KIrm ; chied ; Me net lilKlivr ; sales , 15,0(0 ba s. NIISV OIII.UANH. Dec. 31.lIOAIlOpen I.Pt- tl , ( iteady at 2ttM3c ; centrlfupal. steady ; Rran- ulatod , 4Vil4 13-10e ; whiles. 4illr'.e ; ; Hlmvn 3Tifll3-lCt ; ifcfmdn , ZiiJ/3 11-lCo. MoIiiiH-s , k-tfe , cloudy ut 1VTf27c : centilfuKal , ca y at O I2c ; nynip. steady at l&Bl'lc. CINCINNATI , Dec. SL-BUOAK-Klim : hard reflnt-d. t4.l54iC.10 , NBW YOIIK. Deo. 31. SUClAll-ltuw , llrmi fulr refining , 34ic. centrlfusul , 0 tost. 40 , 10. lined , linn ; crushed , & ' 4c ; jigwdcred , 5 15 lo ; KTivnul tr < l. 5'ic ' : mould A , Mc. staniliml A. FHC | ' A , 6Uo. cut Uxtf , 6T40I I'lniuuMnl Xor , NU\V OIll.KANS. Dee , St.-rinflnR . | IOS4. RJ6 , Now * York cxchnruie , bank. IIATI commfrcliu , tt per \\.W \ d4 connt. ST. 1XHM9. Dec. SI.-OlMrlnRfi. t5.H7Mli I'M. ' nncrs , JM1.7IS : money , quiet nt HIS per c nt | pxehitntto on New York , c prrmium bid , fOa nsked. Ni\V : YOUK. .Dee. -Clmrlnm. ( . JlSS.StO.PSU bfttanees. t .S53.UO. [ HOSTON , Dec. Jl.-CleatlnK > . J16.116.S')1 { ! ) ! BIKM , J1.644.J&S. MEMPHIS , Deo. -OcnrlnRi , J3H.S30 ; b | . nncea. JS2,1SI ; New York i-xc.iatiKe , nelllnff n par. par.HAl.TI.MOItH. . Dec. iU.-l'lpnrliiK * , J..WJ.SSSJ bnlance , J4JS.WKI. I'lNl'INNATI , Dec. -Money , S < 4f il per cent : New York exrhntiRe , par ; clearing. tZ,4l9f' : > J. PlIII.At > iiPlIIA. Dec. 31-Ilank clenilncs JIl.STS.Sil ; Inlonws. ) I,4I1 > V1. For the year : Clearings ' , J-1.J ! .SMOSS : Kilnnnw , t iPSIf > 7. I'llR'AtH ) , Hec 31. - I'lenrlnss , $14.149 CIS ; .Vew Yolk evchi.HRc , t > So premium ; po te < l rater , J1.7l : ! 4 Mi. Sumo dnnsnd for New York lllscitlt ani Lake Street I. others dull. Closing : West O.il- cnpo. IOIH ; Diamond Match. 1M Id I. lit nnked ; Irtke Strrel 1. . 17H ; New York Itlfvult. C3 ; South Side I , , Ct'il I'tty Urillwny. 53.1. Oil Mnrkfli. Oil. CITY. Pn. . l'c. 31-CnMlt balances. tSc ; rertlllcates , January delivery , clo.ed at ft'Se ; sa'ei of 5.000 bids nt < WV nnd 4.CO. ( bids , nl CSVo J rl'p ! . ' " > < l J'i shipments , si.iss bid ? ; Hins , 1H.- 5,0 bbls. SAVANNAH , (11. , Dc . 3l.OlISplrlt of tltr. pentlnc. llrm nt 30-\e ; sales. Ml bids. ; rvcelp it , 371 bids. Kojln. llrm ; sales , 6.535 Ibis. ; receipts , fl.sri bids , ljuote : A. , II. , C. . D. , JI.SO : 1 ! . . ! ' . , Jl. : . . ; U. , JI.35 ; n. , JI.CO ; I , , J1.73 , K. . JI.S3 ; M. . f2 : N. , J2.S3 ; W. . U. , J2.00 ; W. . \ \ \ . J3 W11.M1NOTON , Dec. 3l.-OII-Splrlt of tur- icnt lie , nulet nt 30 < llf3OTip. Uosln. firm at JI.15 ? 1.SO ; crude turpentine , rjulet at tl. < 0lfl M. Tar. llrm at jl.oj. VtMV York HiiiiU SI NKW YOltK. Dec. 31. The Weekly Ivink Rlflle. iipiit shows the follinvhiR chnnxcs ; funihi-i re- ' s-rvc , Increase , } l.2M,3W ( : lo.m.s , tlein\in\ J2S.4.- 701 ; specie. Ineren.so. JS27k > - ) ; local ten.iers . , In- rrenso , J3.42I.2CO ; deNislts | , lnclca e. 9(1,131 ( , CM ; clrculallon. ilrrrniK. } S > 1. . ) . The Iviliks How linld } 1 > .7SI.7.V ) In excess of thn H\mltciiirnl3 u ( the 35 per cent tub * . Now Y rlc Dry fiiioili AlnrUct. N1JW YOUK , Dec. 31. There wns no liikltns of moment In diy uoods today. The innrk'-t tilled iiulet , while stock tnklni ; onii-os. cd li-o allenllon of all branches. Quotat'ons en all Ki-ades were uncliniiRel , with the cxccpllon of certain PiirlDe prints , upon which new ptlrc * have been made. Mntii < 1it > Hli > r Ti'Mlli * I'lilirlci , MANOIII-STin. Dec. .H.-n > itls nnd yarn.i , Hteady , with u fair demand. IM < : XSIIXS ( VHTHII.VX.H. Siirvlvui-M of lnU > U'nr Itcnicinlicrcil ! > > lu > ( ii'llcrill < ; < ci'iinuMlt. WASllINOTON , Dee. 3l.-Speolal.-l'cn- ( ) .slons have liet-n Iwtieil ns follows : Isstii' of Dcceinber 13 , 1S)7 ! ) : Nobraslcit-Orlelnal : John N. SchneWer , Oconto , $ S ; Peter Carey , Pern , Jfi ; Wliion \Vakclln , Urock , $1 ! , lU'tiewal anil Inrrouse : .TiimuH X. Husc".e. lUpnlilloan City , Jf. to $12 Increase : Iten.lainln McConnell , Huperlor , $ to * 12 ; Jehu J. YolitlK. AHliliilul , } t ! to 512 ; John Snaw. Hoattlce , $ f to JS. Original widow , etc. : Surah A. Wooley , Hosklns , $ S ; Ivjnlsa A. ChMilHVyinore , JS ( spoclal De cember IS ) . Iowa OrlfInal : Thomas Karrol ! , Clinton , $ S ; Samuel l 'oltz. l.esan , $ S ; Uriah Vander- vrur , arlnnell , $ . itelssuo : Itomiilun I. . Cloyil , DrakesvllhJ17. . Orlclnal widow , etc. : Julia H. Peter. Osccola , is. Colornilo Original : Henry II. Moss , Tin Cup. $ S ; Tliotnas 1C. Haslanil , Coleilale , $ S ; Wlllliun Travis , Tellnrldo , JC ; Uphralni Hush , l.cailvllle , $12. Montana Original : Samuel (1. Smith , llntto , $ fl. WyomltiR Orlfilnap. John Kllni > , linslu City , $0. Sjtith Dakota Original widow , etc. , ro- Issus : Elmlra 1 , . Green , Cnstor , $12. North Dakota Original : Charles ! < . Grahor , Graml Forlu , IS. Acclilcnt to Millionaire Trillin ) . ST. UOUIS , Dec. ,11. A .special to the Post- Dispatch from I'ailncah , Ky. , says : J. K. IJerry , the Ko-callttl "mllllonalro tramp , " was found down near the wharf early this morning1 with his leg broken. Ho fell from thn platform while partially under the In- lluencL' of liquor. Since 'his arrival yester day he has scattered his money with a lavish hand. In ( In Sprint ? AVlll lie Tremendous. 'Iho ino.st ] t roll till ) It * I > IIHIICNH " 111 lie- In TriiiiMior | < iitliiii nnil Ici'clinnillHlnJ anil 111 Kuril I Mil la | V Kood anil SiiiilloH | | lo tlif iiiiiltltiulc of Cold .SCCCI-M til sliorl , a Uftiornl Trnillni ; , .tlcri-tiii- tllo nnil HIcnniNlilp biislncMH. II trim sn In ' ! ! It Ti-lll InNII In > I.S. Tlie Alaska Transportation and Development Company rncorporatcJ aon-osssstablo To meet this demand will own and operate Its OU'.V STKAMICUS , IIOATS AM ) OX Til 13 YUICO.V. UN IMVII Iliio of lui'Ko mill iiiiiKiiKlount ( leeuii StriiiuerN. iocliilly adapted for pasteimcT business carry- inn to that country an hninense amount of SUi'- I'UES AND UQUIPMUNT for thu miners , na well as furnishing them TIIANKPOIITATION 'or themrclveg and their Eoocli nnd cslnbllMdni ; TflADINO STATIONS nt different points. An jpportunlty IB offered any person , be they of mall or lorn' ' ! means , to buy shares of block in this company and PARTICIPATE In the K.vomioirs ni viDic.vns. jure to be earned within the nes : 12monii : > . HllAitiCS AHM OFFKIIIJU AT .1(1.01 ( * KAUli. mir vnluo , inn-nH8e ii.iblc. uad will bo offered for a llml'.ed time only. SAFttll TIIAA SAVINCJS ItAMCS AMJ 1IA.MC STOUKS. PaylUK larger dlvWends. SVnlle numcroua far- IIIKH banks and bunks have Husptimpd , tiaiupur- tntlon and tradlnj ; coinpanlcn were never tcin la the llbt of failures. This EIUCK Is one. of iho mort desirable Investmcntti olfcred the iiubllc. The Incujpornlom nnd HiiiclihoidcTs who aii ; con. nected with tUU company me men of ldo c.x. perlcnce In similar unik rtnkiiu : and men ulioto nainen are sutllclcnt guarantifu or the standard it the company , to wit : AWIBHT ( . ' . JILATZ , Pres. Vol. Illatz IJrcw. Co , Milwaukee. ( ION.VM. . B. MASON , United Slates Senator from Illinois. D. G. MDWAIIDS Pass. Tralllo Msr C. II & D. U. U. , Cincinnati. ( . 'HANK A.IIBCHT. of Chas , ICncstncr & Co. Chlcaso. i-llAS. H. 110CICWKI.U Tralllo MKr. C. I. & K It. K. ( Munim Home. ) , L'lilcaco. iV. C. IllNBAHBON. Clcn'l PAKH At. , C , N. O. & T. P. 11 It. . Clncinnull. I' . W. ( UtlWITH , Prca. Klist Nat'l Dank , VIckBburit , Miss , l.'HBD A. OTTB. pact eighteen years with fiholby Hunk. Shelbyvlllc , Ind , / . M. Piril.I.II'S. Ciishlcr Plrut National Hunk , Vlck bnrB , MBS. | \nd hnndrfds of olbcrs ' 'qunlly prominent. 1 Address nnd make nil money payable lo KlMlicr 11 u 1 1 ill n K , our. Vim Iliiren nnil Dcnrlioi-n SIM. Clllii ; O. 11,1 , . 01,1) COLONY lirilll.\i ( , ( * IMJAiO , Members C'liIcaRO Hoard of Trudo since HC2. Cra in , Provisions an-J - N. Y. Stoclis OrdcrH CiiBh nnd Future Delivery Hollnlteil. Oiouliil Olllcc , Itooni 1 , \ . Y. Lift : lll.lfr. , . . .M'lionc 1)111. ) . . . I'LOYl ) .1. OA.MPIII'.LT , , BOYD & GO , , Telephone lOrtl ) . Oninhii , Nsb COMMISSION , GHAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS I1UAIM ) OP TlfMIR. Direct wires to Chicago nnd New York , Correspondents ; John A. Warren * Co. TJ3U3I'HONI3 l'ri. ) : H. R , PENFEY & , CO , , 11O Botird of Trade Bldg. . Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS llranch Olnco , 1038 N St V.ncoln. Nib. C , G. CIIIUBTIi : . E , .1 RTHKirr , President. VloPiii ldent , O .W. KI3NNKY , ticcretarv. Clifislie-Street Commission Co Cuiiltul Ijir.O.ODO.OO , Fully Pnlll , STOCKS , tilt.VI.V A.VfJ PHOVISIO.SJ ,