10 oy MI \ IJKH JAXPAK\ : i SPECIAL NOTICES Aili rlllM-iiicnU fur tlirxc columns iv III betiiUin until Him. fur tli < - \iiilnu nnil until S p , in. for Hit- in n r n I UK nnil Stiiulii ) t-illlliitis. lilt prtlHi-rx. b ) niiiilliiu ] n niiiti- | IIIM ( Ml i-li.-cK , .Mill lint iiin - < - rml - ilrcMHcd In n iiiiinlii-i ril lolti-r In i-nr < -I if 'I InHot - \nstti-i-s i mlilri-HMCil vvlll ili-llM-rcit on | iri -iiliitl < in < ' tineliceK only. llnli-M , t I-'Jc iixiril first liiftri-ltont lia vvnril lln-1-f.-irti-r. Niitlilnu liike-n | finIISH tliiui J..ifor Hitllrst Inti-r- ! lion 'IluMiiiilMrllMPinrtits iiiu.it lie run < -nn-.i- A j.inw.i : A < ii > \ . .voMANot ID I.IKIJ TO t Ut a pliro IIB hour'I-t-tjwr nr lu rf1 end vvulK ; l > < t rilcrui IK Klvin. 41S N. Itlh StA A 41i"- \v\vrin : M M.I : nm.i . ( ANVAHSHHH ' 1O TAKi : UltDiJl i M2W LINK of woili , no heavy Rood' to curry , Mlari nr cjinmlKlon C , 1' . AJnins Co , 121 So ICln St. 11-W2 SAuTsiH'N mil CICLVI13. $121 A MONTH AND expenses , olil firm , experletnv immensity. In tlurements to customer" . C C lll hoi | ft To , , St UU' . 1'-9.1 \l'l ' S 1 IOil I'VI'P.lt IIANiinit TO I'O ' work for rent , Itcrmi B I'retuci blnrk rt > ! ' | O . .11M3XI WANTIII ) AI10IIT Z.CMi VA11I1S or I'.AUTH rncneil Icfjic April 1. IS' * Aildrer * rin New \'c rk l.lfu hultdlnit 11 Mia Jai 3 \\ANTKI ) . AOKNTHi KOTO ! ' . A WIIJ'.K S tovorkr . no rnpitnl netiled nv KIO.I ; nr-v n'nn , rrlls nt plKlil ; c\ciy Mmlly neeiU It It. S Co , box 421 rinclnnntl. Ohio II vv-sNTiTn. irin.FAiTiTI.I : : = MIN : TO Ininillt * n-r linn f I.ulirlrnlln < ? Olh Oren es. i to . oxclu Uely or IIH a fl 1i line I1-MI2I ! ' BAI.iSMP.N : AIAUY nil rOMMHMOV I'OIl line nf Konf'ji men limit ttnisl lime Ills In- iliieeminlH tifferpil mli > Immense IXii-rldiif tinnc"-i rnr > Arnin .Mfs ' " , " " " ' ' l'1' clnnntl Ohio U \vvvrr.nrii : n.u joe atni.s rou AM. KINPS orVOUK - . w to > 7 wick Canailbin Olflcc 13:2 DuuKlit * C-031 VANTi'.i ) , film * no no ( iiNiiiAi. : iiousi- : work 111 fiunlll of lliuc. Jlrs N' r. Tell. 203 South Mth St C M3I3 A GOOD OIHI. 213 SOl'TII 'f.TII Rtrect C-336 clll * \VANTII : ) . oiui. ron ( iixiiAi : ! , iiorsi- : \vork 4211 ( Irnnt Mriet. t' 311 < 13I vrANTniT-oiiu. rou OINIHAI. : noun- work No 31JS Chlcnso til C % 0-J-J OIUI. Mil ST MAUY'S AVII C 332 VANTin. : oiui. i OH QINIIIAI. uorsi- : work Appl > from 10 to 5 o'clock at 1"3I rjcnrKli Ate C MUG 3l 1-011 IM\T nousns. riiii.ITY I1AHOA1NS ONLY A rnw I.I3PT : 112 H Tilli ntcnue , 7 luums , porcelain lintli claret , hot wntpr. K ° S , lunntels , furnarcl.iunilr , $ 0 Corner 27th nnil llounnl S-roin ( beautiful new < l plitiR ! purceinln lintli , L ! ! hot water , Kiia electric Hunt Inrnnce lillnilry , 537 W 917 Mifon strret " > roonm. all moilcrn ( M 971 N 27th nxenue 7 rooms bath , closet , hot water , cistern ruriinc e , cementci ! eill ir , 'Ml feet frontaKC , all rooms to In- painted and pnprrnl 120 Z91I N 2Sth avenue S roonis. clti witer Inside , J100 belni ; Fpi-nt for repniH rent J12 1C22 N 21t > t Htrect li-room cott.me , clutotn , J3 I.WI l'orb > , 7 r , clt > water cl-.tern , limn. J10 717 S 31d street. G-room cottaee clt > wnter fS 30th nnd Curtis avtrue 7 roc ma. line lepair , well , clhtern. Imrn and 1 ncre lot , J8 31 23 0 B 29th Mtreet 3-room cotlnRe , cltj WJter , K 712 and 714 B 16th Htrect. 7-rnom Hats , bat'i. closet , hot water nnd K" " . J50 to 522 2015 Iznrd street , 4 room Hats ilt > watei , $7 to JD Wo hmc others riJclltj , 1st lloor N Y. Life. 1) bbl IIOUSP.S IN ALL PARTS OP Till : CITY Till : O r Dav Ip Company , ISO'i Parnnm. D S33 HOt'SIIS. HIINr.WA & CO , 101 N. 15TII ST. D 930 nousns corTAons K. STOUHS. ALL PAHTS of city , niennnn & Love Co. , 219 S. lijthD D 93D iiousna Av-n , JJIIOWN HUOUK. 11.111 and Douglas. U\UO3 ! LIST. 15TH AND D 910 HOUSnS , PLATS. OAKVIN IIHO . . 1CI3 PAIl'M D Sll IIOUSP.S POII IHNT. nnMis. PAXION HLK D-913 J H. simnwooD , 423 N. y. MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS Om. Van A. Storage Co. , 1511W Pnrnam lei 1339 D 913 HOIISn , BBS f O 2ST1I ST . THN HOOMS MOD- crn , J40 00 per month. I ) > ron need Co.D . D 94S N1CI1 FIVn-HOOM IIOUSU , 1120 N. 17TIID D 130 I-'OIl HUNT. in-HOO\f MODP.KN HOUSH AND Ii-xrn : newly t > ilnted und papered , and pleas antly located StPim-hentid flat , best ! > the cltv , In new Davldne building ; opposite clt.- hill John W. Itoblilna , Agent , 1S12 Pnrmm. D nil A i.Aiinn rotTnTKKN-iiooM HOPM : . MODern - ern , In gooil location for roomers and boarders vvlll Icate for mip jear1 at $40 per month nm mike whnt lepalrR nre necesparv to put tht house In Una cl.iSK condition Will conilder nnly tinant nnaiuHHy letpnnslblf Omali. I.IMII and Trust Ou. , ICth and Douglan 'St D M424 2 HUNT .ii'tnixisiinn noons NICU HOOMS , HOUSIKIIPING : 1112 * nth FUflNISlIKD IIOOM 1913 DOUGLAS ST 11 M3IC 31 * nLP.OANT IIOOM"NFVLY PUnNISH HI ) steam heiled , gas , bath , Hit outUasldso building , iighttenth : and Parnam , references IIHAUI'IPUI. MOIinilN I'HONT UOOMH 11A\ window. Iiounekeeplng 511 N 19th II Mill 4 * rtTuNISHP.D ItOOM PLIIASANTLY SITI'A ted all tonvcnlinces , private famllj. Ki < > Par nnm. i-MWV : 2 HOOMS AM ) 1IOAHII THD MP.llIUAM. PIR&T CLASS PAMILY HO lei , 25th nnl Dod e Sts P MI07 NP.WLY PUIlNlbllP.D IIOOMS , WITH DOAUD hoi wnter heat 240 ! Cass iinet P 176 J-3 ICANDSOMP. PARl/DUS KN SUIT NP.WLY furnished , nlfo pmnller rooms , good board The Hose. 2020 Ilnrncy , I' ( X)6 ) with gjod boaid 22W Douglas. P-M293 Jan 2 IN PIUVATi : PAMILY , WITH Oil WITHOUT bo-ird 1919 Dodge P M20I Jan 1 TUP. CAPHOL , 1722 CAPITOL AVi-DisiHA- : liln noutli rooms , trnnslents iiccjinmod ited P-331-5 * NICni.Y PllHNimiHD PIIONT IIOOM , MOD- iTii comenlencen , private famll > , "C. S ! 9th St P 33) 4 * UTOI'IA STHAM IIHAT , 1721 DAViNPOllT : hT. P 331-3- KI.nOANTLY Pl'llNlSHUD HOOMH AND boird , 2. 7 Piiinim P Mr.3 Jun 2 * I.AIIOE SOl'TH HOOM : BTIJAM IIIMT bo.udj references 2UJ N l"ith P M430 3 11OOMK , WITH 1IOAUD. 1S2I I1INNI3Y , near exposition l'-M422 7 K4)ii uij'r sT nus : AMI orricns , rou HUNT IN TIII : mi : TIUILDINO One laigo turner ruoni. Sd lloor , with vault unj prlvatti olllcc water , etc. One Iarg front room 2d tloor dlvlJuJ Into two rooms by t > artltlon , water , etc. One large corner room. Id door , with > ault , wilier , etc. One front room , divided by partition , 3d lloor. One corner room with \uult. 3d lloor One Urge roum , 3d llnor , with partition illvI line It Into one large room and two enulli-r private room * ; water , etc Twit large ground lloor ioom , fronting 17th St. , with vault Bevernl fnmll morns on 4tn floor , with vaults All the e looms are heated with fleam , electric IlKlit * , fiipplle.1 vvlth flrtt tlnra Janitor service. iiuvntor : run day and all nlxht bullillng Ktrlctly fireproof , Apply to Supeilntendent , Ituoni 101. Dee building I 10S 11OTI2IA bTOltnS. DUM18 , PAXTON HLK 1-M4UO rou HUNT Tin : 4-sTonv iiuicic af 918 Farnain St. Thin building Imi a tlreproof cement bHrement ; water on nil Haor , g.i . ute Apply nt IliA otllce of The 1'fe ' , 1 Vlu van KNT-nisic : IIOOM IN OIIOUND ofllce , ) ) building ; watrr , tteari heat , eloclrl-- IlKlil and janitor errvlce. Apply ta Superin tendent , llee nulldlni ; . 1 197 CLASS MRAT MAIIKKT IXJC-ATION (05 Ilee , > il14 I'OH ItKVP STOHI.SM ) Ol-'l-'lt l' l , ( I nllnin ' i I' ' > P t i.NT : D1. . K H00.f'ALL ! AT ? ' ! Hi'K Hiilld iig. I--1 at * A'iHVPI U IVIHn. Alir.NTS WASTMl AI'PLY PArlKlC Ml'TtJAlj LifeInt. . Co. A. V. Tofl-1 , cn'l nil.M lice , lihlK J MJg J4 I _ LAIIIKSNO OliNTl.KMUN WILL UK PAID llli inl < i mm ! Hon for i-lllni { TK > aitlplp lii ni lo H23 1 iiinani .1 MJlSJinS * un TWO vvo.N'onn. fill wl < n < Oaf tnt ntmt.ne tnr olil e. Sale * l. > HKont % nlmpl } iiJtonlfhintt fend nl once- f i imrtlotilmi" Men nr women C. f. IVmWr ti i-o 17 So. till St Mlnni-ni > nl' Itlnij t " " A"O"INTS : WANTP.U IN 10 rnt'NTir.IN n\m utatp tn ll l.ybo'ii tntPiit limits in AnntH Kn Ho PII cncli rlKhl t'll Any adult can make II nut of mctrtlnl that would li UK lc f r nnjlhlnx rlre llvtr ) fnmlly will -.vant rliht rend 5e In ctniniu fir dew-rlptlr.n nnd term I ) , I Lite , SI , nej li J M423 S * .sroitAi : . p.u'irii' 8TouArtu"AHn WAiinnot'sn ro. WS-D10 Jones , coiici.il gtorage nnl forviardl.ig. ' " " " " ' 1 OM"\'AN"A MToiT.vnT'isii'i PAHN-V. . TP.L iss M oiu rn.\NK inx-nns sTon.\nn isn and packing , cieap l rntcs. Tel o \v\vi r.n TO nt'Y. WANTIID , 8ini.viNo snow tcinnd wall ihiw rtrff l.ottcis " i Hte ollk-i' , ( rum II ItluriS N MS'.T Jan FiTt7 ! A i7"iTui7i"fTN"cnTAiL \ "sA vNii AC- cnunts Mnr ln > and Tue lis I 'arm ncai Omnlm P D. Wc.nl , ICtb nn.l . Dmmln * I'ttll s\lIJl < 'tHMTI Hi : . MAN AND WIl'P. HHMOMNQ I'llOM CITY vvnuld cell furniture all mvv and eight inont ? ' | c > i i * to good cottage cln c In to tellable tenant without chlldlin Addre's D 19 llee rou s MI : uiscr.iii.v\iors. - INIJ.vnni : SAUDP.ST POII n onus. irrc. eiirs- for Ice. nt J3 73 per cold. Tel. 4Vi D1 Dougla- " . Q 9"il ND-IIAND HICYCI.iS : OMAHA. IJICYCLK CO 1AUNI3Y . linilHY , SKATIIB 3iC TO f3.5U , Ekatea hlmrpened , 13c. Ouuha lllcjclc Co Q-925 NMW nicYCLi-.s roil SAI.I : i.Uha THN factory cost. Plrst cH 9 sewing mnohlnoj ftom J18 up XebniFka Cjclo Co , 13th Hitnej. Q M293-Jan C ND-HAND HICYCr.nS OMAHA HICYCI.i : CO Q -9'J niLI.tATlD HALL AND HOWLIXO ALl.HY ilolnR rnod liuslnei'S , e'tablls'ied USD Ixick ho21 , Johnson , Neb Cf-M21J JnnH * aoon HOI.L ioi' IJISK : rou SAI.I : OMAII \ School btipply Co , tor. lllli nnd ILirneyuls rt \ . i-rt 11 A riNn iitTppALo noni : POII SM.I : CIIP.AI' , nt 1S12 Corbj St. Q M3U ) Janll' 10 m\n PHIISII rows AND SPIHNCIHS : Cnll afternoon , > ard 23tii and Hurt street ' * Q-32S-3' ron SAI.I : , AUOUI si TON" SIICDMJ-IIAMJ street railway IC-pound lion tee mils foi lelaj- Ing , b.irgnln price. State IiixiBtmeni . 'o Norfolk , Neb U-M337 Janl A I'INI : OIMIINSIY cow 4ir ri uin < ? st CcI. I. IMwnrds Q-M3" > 7 Jan 2 * OH s u.n-oN'n SIX-HOI.I : COOKIXO HANOI : No vcconillinnil man lued call 2010 Pinnklln St Q-409 31 POII SAII : NIW LOT ruusii cows PAUT Holbteln lilt I'oppleton Ave Q 411 J-2" TWO SHOW CASKS AND COUNTERS S l'iiT Hong , one5 feet , new and line cases 131't1 rnrnam St. Q 110 31 * HTllliOPTlCON OPTPITS CAMIIUAS , C.H\M nphcnes and Clnogrnph pkture macblnt-s bought and -sold Send foi bargiln list. Lnn tern flldes made to older. Ulclnrds & nin-h 200 Nlcollct Ave , Minneapolis Minn MinnQM4M Q-M4M ! CI.IHVOVAM'S. . PROP. WimNMY. CLAIRVOYANT. PALMIST and astrologer has moved to 1703 Dodge sttoet Prof Whltne > Inn no equal In giving advice on love liw , deeds wills niltilrtf , dlv orce changes Investments patent's nnd nil bu-lness of n limn clal nature Reading Ladles , 50 cents am gents Jl Readings given by mall Olllce am private residence 1709 Dodue street Olllco hour from 9 a. in. to 10 p m T.elephonc 1C19 S M15S .Tun G MRS I'Rimis UNixrnLLiD : MRDIPM , HAS returned : pee Sunday church notices , reading dally 20S N 17th S-M413 4' MASS VCR , IIVT1IS , KTC. MMR HIUSSON OF PARIS OIVKS ALt kind * m"dlcated batns and mass ige 107 N 12th St T M232 J4 MMI : . AMIS MASPAGR AND HATHS. vxv Howara street T M275 Jan2' MRS DIl LiON : ULKCTRIC MASSAOH I1AT1 pirlom , restful and curative 117 S Hth , up stalls T M27CJun2 ILICTRO MAONRTIC TRIATMINT.S : AND massage by Laura Ulllson , 119 N llith tt. , room 13. T M298 Jan 3 IMHSOXAL. VIAVI CO . UTiiUNC TltOUIJLI S. 310-8 IIHIJ Uldg , phjflclun confultitlon or health book free U-953 HAT 119 MASSAOK MMi : . POi'T , 319V4 sIsTu" U-934 CI/DTHP.S CLUANRD. PRHSSRD AND RR- palrel : day or night ; dress suits tohire Pantorlum , N , i : Cor llth and Parnam 'lei 9C3. U 933 _ L1TRRARY ASSISTANCrJ. MANUSCRIPTS prepared. re\ ! * il or corrected , lettrra of nil descrlptfons written , experienced .newspaper man In charge , nil business confidential Ad dress P O Hex OT7 , ui call for Interview at ollice 419 Hee blilg U 175 J3 FRRR DRNTAL WORK , OVRR 301 , PRRSONS took advanlnga of the free clinic at Iho Dental college , cor 12ta nnd Pncltlo sti ets , last month , aftei Jaii'iur ; 1 Hare vvlll be twelve chnlrs reserved for cleaning of teeth free of charge every Wcdnesda > mointng from a in 11 o'clock UM3CI _ _ HAViOlin QARMTINTS MADE HY "ORRRN- berg The Professional Ladles' Tailor , " 1703 Webster. U M587-J18 * STYL1PII DRRSSMASCINO , price nt tie Joy Tailor S > stem School of Dressmaking. 312 Knrbuch block Mh > ses Camp. bell & Casvven. U M42S Jll PHIVATi : HOMP. POII LADIP.S DRPOIli : AND during conllnemcnt , babies iidorled and caeil for Removed to 1130 N. 17th U M297 Jim 3 MOMY TO LOAN HI : vi. r.yr.vTi : . MONIYTO LOAN AT ix > w RATRS r O. r. Dav IB Co , 1505 l-'urnam ht. Vr 93b ANTHONY f/3AN & TRUST CO 315 N. Y. L . quick money at low rates for choice farm lands I In Iowa , not them MUsour1. , eastern Nebraska I W-9J7 I I.OANS ON IMPHOVRD S. PNIMPHOVRD CITY pioperly. W. Farnain bmlth U Co , l i Fnr'm W 938 MONRY TO IXAN. ) 11RMIS , PAXTON HLOUC. W Ml MONRY TO I/J/.N ON IMPROVRD OMAHA real estatf Urernan i \a Co. . 213 S ibthW W 900 J1CO.OOOM SPP.CI.U. KUND TO LOAN ON first-claps Improved Omaha properts , or for building purposes Pldellty Trust Compa W 9C2 C PRR , CP.NT MlMlTOAaRrf POR BALK PROP- ertv of n n-re ldenta cared foi byf 11 , Mclkle , Plrst National Hank b'dg , Omaha W 9G3 0 PRR ORNT MONRY JIftl AND UPWARDS on gllt-edgdl lmi.ro\iJ Onwv ! nz > ettate Hemts. Paxton block. w 9i3 MONRV TO LOAN ON IMPROVRD URAL estate In Omaha , Council Hums nnd Houth Omnha Puevi A. Thomas , 503 Plrst National Hank Omnlm , \V M100 WANTRD. CIIOICR PAHM AND CITY IXANS It C. Peters & Co. . U S Nat. Hank bldg. W MI55 C PRR CRNT MONRY ON NKUliASkA "KA11M and Omaha proper ! ) w H. MelXlv , 1st Nat'l Hank IMUg NV Alt lit SIOXHV TO l.O.V.N CII.VTTRI.S. J10 TO J10000 TO I.OAN OM HOtlhRHOI.D PPRMrUUR AND PIANOS 110RSP.8 WAOOVS AND CAUHIvORB WAnRlIOUSi : JlRCRIl'lS , P.TC. nt Ion cit rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council TllulT' . No removal of good * : Btllctly coiitldentlnl ; Sou can pav the loin off at any time or In any aniounU. aniounU.OMAHA MORTOAai : LOAN CO . 36 * bouth 161 h St. TUP. OI.DRST. LARQR8T AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OsIAIIA X-351 III SIM. S I J ! \ \ { . . TO III 1 IS .1 Dl i Or i. . i ' ) J J Oil n 4 1 l > t N .1 I 1. rk \ KH 1 I NT III" K Sr < . ' ' I' ' " "M "v- " % V * I * tinvinun it lit-t 1 i n n Ih i 15 pl - 'U bunncK iin Juhn II I.iJalo. U.it P Int. Neb. Y-MJIt p.uTfY DKsi Tt unro"Mcf ri K "A HOTT * v w CD. would llho to Imw dlxmt 1" < r I * yoim * men Wi SMO.'O Mich t Iniwt : wl I nn to * h w vvher * nunry run he rtnubl * ] In tne t'mp. Per parti. ulars ad .IMS D 15 ll j A CI.KAN TcrK OP OROrERIlW ASH PIX- lures , bu > ln * r tihll h l/ li trmle , centriil Irrmlr.n , inndetnt * tfiii anl enl > for Mle 1"- owrrr lilli't retire Ml t ire nl otire nulcfc htcck call I e led-.red If liens y. innltnl npil > I tl llr to 41 HO lib ? bir- aln. AdrtiCds 1) 1C , llec. Y S 3l TO ! ? PAMTV WITH SMALL onpltal , ft nl colling novelty , staple a ruoar , Apply mi m CT M rcARltl * ' „ i V II. 30 * , 1 roil BAl.i : HKLOWCOKT IP TAliKN AT i OIIPP , clean Mock of mil irtry nnd nxtutrs Schilj er , Neliiaol.1. Add ess Imi C0" . Ml < rl Vnlley town Y 5ml Jan ! \ANTRD-PARTY WITH Jl 001 TO INTRURrfT lilmrrir Ir llgit | i olltnble manufiicturliiK geol . Mai-te ns FUjnr. ( 'nil nnd fre poxln nt Mor- rhnlils hotel. A I * ChrlstJ Y-4DS-31 * OR SAI.I : . HOTPU doni ) CATION > , OOOD l < atron-ipe No rt > p iilllon \ < lilii" 1 H Rver , Option Pintle Co , Neb Y-MI2C 4 roil n.vciii ! : . D1UJO RTORi : V.'ANTI'.U. Pr > R WHICH WR will trailc illy property and some cn h "K " cnie of Cnrrbr r.5 Omihn Neb a-M'OS J-inT YvILL iXCHANOR VI'.IIY DHSIRAULi : c enr vacant Omaha lots for C ilrago propert > Address with full particulars , Hex 2C2 Omnlm X MS04 bllOHTH VM ) AVI ) 'l'YIli\VHITl > O. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL 513 N Y L1PR. 972 VT OMAHA UUS COLLUCIH ICTH & DOUGLAS. 973 II II ItOYLUS , COURT RRPORTRR. PIUVATR , day nnd evening. 407 Hce Hldg 974 OMAHA SHORT-HSND COLLRC3R HOYD'S tlienter JI315 Jnn7 rovrii VCTOR VM > C. W OII.HRRT CARPRNTCH AND CON- tractoi. Jobbing solicited 1S15 St Maiv'n live. M340 , Inn29 * rou SAI.I : HI : vi. IVPATI : . KOUNTZR PLACR IIAHGAINS $2500. J37WTO 16,500. J. J. Gibson , 614 Plrst Nut. Hank bUg. RR-W.J PARM LANDS C. 1' . HARRISON , 912 N Y L III : 54S-lan-10 UARUAIfsb , floUSRS , 1O1S A.ND PAHMS , sale or trade P , K. Darling , Darker lllk HOlTSi:5 ! , LOTS , PAHMS , LAND"3 , LOANS , also lire Insumnce Uemls , Pnxton block. RR-M971 I/DO AN VALLRY PARMS AND ItRRCHAN- rllfu HunUbUfcti . CkiiiLiits , I/sons , Ne braska. RR M3C8 NIW coTTAon. MONTHLY PA MRXTS. > ai Dee Hldg R1M551 I WILL 8R1.I. HOITSi : AND LOT ON SOUTH ICth street formerlj v-nlued nt 51 f < , foreclosed \inder $1,700 mortgage , for 11.2CO pnv Ing pild In full. Mu-t have cash. Address D 23 Hee RR-M42S 1 rOTTU'.R AND LOT ONR HLOCK PROM CAR , tine nnothei , J'(0 ( 4ii ncies good farm land , C miles from postolllce , JJOOO Cottage nnd lot , 27lh near Like $ C"0. Pott igc ami lot 27fi nnd Dougl is , Jl TOO Aero griund 14th St. south fCOO Double lot 2sth St. , north , jr,0. Good bldK lot near Park ave and Icavcnworth , J > .CO Pine residence neat Inncom park , tl CTO. Geoigla ave 10-room hou ie , 75 ft J35-0 P. D. WRAD , IGth nnd Douglas. RR MI27 1 LOST. LOST A HLACIv SPANIRL Pt'P , WITH COLlar - lar and sm ill pullock , very small whit" fpot on bieast 12iS N. 19t i Ave. Reward Lost 253 LOST A POCKRTHOOK CONTAINING Cult- icncj and pipers Kinder vvill tlea-o return It to 401 S. 10th tat and receive reward Lost 413 2 * LOST , RNGL1SH &RTTRR DOC -\\1IITi : WITH light bronn ears and Fpots on hick Return to 311 bheclj block and receive reward. LaM41S 2 snviM VCIU.MS AMI NRW HOMR. HOUSRIIOLD -\\HlTi : PRW- Ing machine ! ) S. supplies. 1514 Cap ave. Tel. 1371 973 COAL. .l NOTON NUT , URST. CHRAPRST PR1CR J3 75 per ton. ' 1'hono 848. Harmon & Weetb Co 403 iioiisr..s HORSRS W1NTURRD ; 1IUST OF CARR , RATKS $3 per month W. R. Owens , 3007 Center street M1C5 Jnn3 GOOD STAHLKS , HRST OP CARR S4 AND jo month A. W. Fhelps & Son , 207 New York Life. Tel 1034 242 TVln\VHITIJHS. WH SOLICIT AND PURNISH POSITIONS POR Stenographers tree. The Smith-Premier Tvpe. writer Co. Telephone 18 * 307 ruiiMririii : PACICRII. M S WALK1N. 2111 CUMING. TCI. 1331. -970 I > VWMIIIUKRH.S. II. MAHOW1T55 LOANS MONCY. 41S N. 1C ST 977 UNiTin STATJS CIIICUIT COUUT , FOU the Dlbtrlct of Ncbi.ibk.i Oliver Ame.s , Second , et al vs. Union I'.iclllc Hallwny Company ct al , Centtal Trust Compiny of Now York \s. St. Joseph & Grand Inland H.illroad Company ct nl. Upon reading the putitlons of the Kansas Clt > A : Omaha H.illwav c ompiny , Ulla-i C. Benedict , the Centi.il Trust Company of Ni'w York , Krodorlek P. Olcott and othtrs for a Iliml settlement of no account of the rcculvi'iH and a distribution of the funds and procoi-ds of thu property of the St , Jo.seph Ai Grand I.slaud Itallroid Conip my In tliolr hunils In thuso cases , It Is hereby ordered that all per sons who have or claim any interest In or lieu upon any of Huch funds or piopc-ity as creditors of Hit said receivers or as creditors of such rallioul company or In any other way lllo vorllled statements of the natures , dates of accrual and amounts of their respective claims with William 1) , Coriil"h , Special Master , at Omaha , In the ! State of Nebraska , on or before the llrst day of May. A. U 180S , and that If any of tlipm fall to do so they anil each of them so falllnjr shall bo barred from sharlnir In the benelltH of the distribution of the moiiejs and procet-ds of the pioptrty of the said railroad compiny that now are or hen-after shall be In the hands of said re- tcKeis In these casis , Any party to these suits and any party who Hits his claim In uccaidance with this older may lllo nil answer to Ihe claim of any other party hcreunder with said Master within thirty davs ufu-i May 1 , 1803. and may contest the same. All claims nculnst or upon these funds arn referred to said Special Master , who vvlll hear them and report the amounts justly owliiK theion and the order In vvhkh they nre lawfully entitled to pnymc-m. Thlh order shall bo published forthwith once In each week for four successive weeks In the Omaha Hee , which Is pub lished In the City of Omaha , Nebiska. . and In The Independent , which Is published in Iho t'lly of St Joseph , Missouri , I.et a copy of this order be served within thirty days from this date upon the 10- i-tlveis of the St. Joseph .V Gland Island i rtullrodd Company , upon the I'nlon I'aclllc- i Hallway Company , upon the Central Trust ' Company o ? Now- York , upon the St Jo- popi ! & Grand Island UiiKroad Company and upon the Kansas > 'llv Ac Omaha Half way Company. Uaeh of thci-o parties muy lllu answer. * to cither of the petitions on which this order Is basul on or before the 1st day of Kebruaty , U9S , am ! the petition ers may reply tht-ieto on or bofor Feb ruary .0. IfcDS. All Uio questions presented by the petitions and answers not hereby dUposed of ar rcfeired to said Special Master. WAI/PUK II. SANHOHN , Circuit Judee December 3 , 1S37. D-11-IS-2JJ1 TIfi : Til OONTH ICMOIIS. NOTICH TO CO.VTUAC1OHS. Sealed bids for tlm construction of the Colonnades connecting tha Government InilUllHK vvlth the Fine Arts and Aytluul- lural liulldlns. on the exposition h-roundx , vvlll bo received until 11 o'clock n. in. Mon day. January 10 , IS'JS. I'lana and specifications can bo soon at the Department ollice. oornor 13ti nntl Sp n- per streets , or sets will be furnished bid ders at cosl , Thi ) rlBht Is resor\cil to reject uny or all bids , F. P. KIUKHNnA- , , Manager Grounds nnd Ilulldlncs Uepurt- mt'iit TraiibinUalbslppl und Iiuirrntlanul Kxiiojltlan , U21 J'.Uam Minor r- : ' 7lf ) imi1 ! ns MII.TI\O ! T ) UdLLiKitB Ml I.T1NO T1Orfiitsi , . n ibU 1 1 \ i1 i llillw ly i p II V N 1 HI rrlr , , R vjn trit tin nnnu ° l i of tr ! f bAhoidrrs of ih" tlm i i i litpub'tr-an Vnliy ! tthlinnv e-o-nptnv tor | the e-.rctl n of ; tveti ) dlrectots and th * trRr. acllon of MichiOthrr busiiipyg ns mny Irt-.fuiy come ; jbrf Vc tip mo ntlrn , vvlil bi held In th otrlce of Ihe Kcncnl snllclnr. Union Pnclilc liu hlliK , ( .l-nah. * , Nehriskn , on WcHlntflny trtf ith day of .l.numry , i i't' , botwfrn tr-P hours of 10 a. m and G p. tn. The sttJfK 'rntisffr books will ho ' plrseel ten d < i > V before the elite of the M1I.1.AU. Eoercl u-y , Boston , Misi I > conilicr 2S. I"i7 Dec. 2" ) to Jan 5 M . t'nlon IJlcvvator Compnn > of Oniihi- Notice Is hctplij clve-n that the annual meetliiK of the slockhotdoiB of the Unlnn i IJlovatnr rompiiiv of Onrthn , for the put-1 poie of i-lr-ptiiiK seven directors anil such | other business ni may proporlv conic befoie I the meeting , will be held at the oillce of I the Kcnpnl ollcltor. Union IMcllle building , I Omihn , N'pt > . upon Monday , the 3id day ; | of Jnnunr.v , iw. between the hours of 10 o'clock u. in and 0 o'clcci : I1 , in. I I The stork transfer books vvlll be. closed ten (10) ) daya 'uuiorc HIP ditto of the maol- ItlK. ALUKAN'DI'.U MIM.AU Secretary. iJoston , Maes' . . December 12 , 18OT. Dl4m21t STOl KHOLDKUS MKHTINO. Union I ind Company : Notice Is hereby Kiven that the annual meeting of the xtoclcholilTn of the Union | Land e-ompiiiy for the election of llvo ell- i lectors and the tnnsactlon of such other business as tnay lawfully uomo before the moetlns will be hold nt the oillce of the pcnorni solicitor. Union 1'nclllc InilldliiB. Omaha , Nob. , upon Mondav , the 10th day of January , isns , at 10 o'clock n. tn. The stock transfer books w 111 be closed ten dajs previous to the meeting. Hostoli , MPSS. , December. SOIh. 1S97. ALHXANUUU MILL AH , Secretary. Dec. JO to Jan. 10. STOOKIIOLDERS' MHRT1NG. Notice Is hereby plvon that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha Union Depot company vvlll bo held at the ollice of the genctal solicitor of the Bur lington & Missouri River Railroad In No- biaska In Omaha , Nebraska , January 10th , ISIS , at 10 o'-lock a. m. The meetlim will bo held Cor the election of a Hontd of Directors and for the trans- nctlon of such other business as may come before it , Including action upon the ques tion of a dissolution of the cotponvtion. T. L. K1MHALU 1'rcsldeiit. Attest : J. a. TAYJ.OU. Secretary. Omnlm. Nob. . Dec. 17 , 1S07. D2D ! JOTM StocUlinl.U-rs' Vli Omaha & Klkhorn Vnlley Railway com pany. Notice Is hcioby given that the annual meeting of the slorkhol-lors of the Omaha & Ulkhorn v'allcy Hallway compiny for the election of t > even dlrectots and the trant.ac- tlon of such othtr business as ma > lam- fully come befoio the mcotlnsr vvlll bo hold In the Olllco of the genei.il sollcltoi Union I'acllic building , Omaha , Nourafcka , upon Wednesday , the 5th day of Januaiy , 1SD3 , at 10 o'clock a m , The stock tiansfor books vvlll be closed ten days before the date of the meeting. ALCXANDUU MILLAR. Secretary , Roston , Mass , December II , 1S97. Slnukhnlilorn' Mi OF UnU-CLARK Unrdvvaio Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. DGC. 11 , 1S)7. ) ' Notice Is horebyiplvcn to the stockholel- crs of the LearCia ko-Andrcescn Hirdwnro Co. tliat the annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will be hold at the olllces of Iho said company , 1219-1221-1223 Harnty street. In the city of Omaha , In the stuto of Nebraska' ) on Tuesday , Januaty 11 , A. D. 18'IS , nt three o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of'electing a board of dlroctois for the company to berve during the ensu ing year ( tnel to transact such other business ns may be presentcel at such meeting ill. J. LiB , President. Attebt : W. M ! GLASS , Sec-rotary. 7 Dlld 32t \OTICHS. TRHASURY DHPARTMnN'T. OFFICC Supcrvlslns Archlte-ct , Washington , D. C , December 23d , 1897. Scaled pro posals -nil - ! be reculved at this oilice until 2 o'clock p. in , on the 2."th day of Januaiy , lt9S. and opcneel Immedl itely thereafter , for all the labor and matoilals required for the completion of the1 Inteilor finish , Iron stall" nnd plumbing above first stoiy , etc. . ol too U S Court House , Custom HOUS.O and Postolllce building at Omaha , Nebnska , in accordance ivlth the drawings and specill- cutlons , copies of which may bo had at this olllce or the oflico of the Superlntemlenl at Omaha , Nebraska. The. right is leserved to reject any or all bids and to waive anj defect or inform illty In any bid , should It be deemed In the interest of the Govern ment to do so. Proposals must be onclosei ! In , envelopes , healed and maikoel "Piopo = a for the Completion of the Inteilor rlnlsi , etc. , of theIT. . S. Court Iloubo , etc. . ai Omaln , Neb , " and addiessed to the Super vising Architect. B2S-30 J1-4-C-&M PROPOSALS TOR ERECTION OF buildings , U. S. Indian service , Ro < m- bud Agency. S. D. , Docembei 11 , 1S97 , Sealed proposals endorsed "Pro- pos vis for Erection of IJulldlnt-'s , " and addressed to the undeislgneel at Hosebud South Dakota , * .vlll bo iccolved at this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of Thursday , Januarv oth , 1S9S > , for furnishing the neces sary materials and labor requiied In the erection and completion of one frime work shop and ono frame , double employes quartern , at n uolnt fouth of White Rlvei on the Rosebud reservation , S D. , where the now Issue house Is located , In strict ac cordance wltn plans and spetMlie itl ns ivvhlch miy be examinee ! at the olllce of the "Heej" of Omaha , Nob. , the- Builders K. Tradeis' Cxchinge , Omaha Nob. , and at this agency. For any additional Inform i- tlon apply to Chas. E. Mc-Chobiiey U S Indian Agent. DlS-2o JIM rosTorrici : ( Should be read DAIIA" bj all Interested , as changes may occur at any time ) . Foreign malls for the week ending DP- ceinUer 2"ith , lb 7 , will clo = c ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the Geiuial Postolllru in foi lows PARCELS POST MAILS close ONI- HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below , TriuihVUniitli - 3InIls. SATURDAY At 7 a. m for I'RANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN. PORT UGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and liKITISH INDIA , l > er . s. I. < i Champagne * , \li Ilavio ( letters for other parts of Europe must be llrected "per La Chnmpigno" ) nt S a. in for NETHERLANDS direct , per B s Obdam , via. Rottoixl im ( letters mus be 'dliectoel "per Obelain" ) ; at 9 a m ( supplementary 10:30 : a , m. ) for EUROI'L per s s Etrurla * ' via Queen.stown , nt : o a m' for SCOTLAND direct , per B , Anchorl.a. vl i Glasgow ( letters * must bo directed "per Anchorla" ) . PRINTED MATTnil. iTC. Oermin steamers Balling on Tut day < InliI'rliited Matter , tte for Germany , ami Specially AUUiesscJ Printed Matter , etc , for other jmrls of Kurrpe Ameri can and White htnr uteimer \\cjnemlays , Ottman steamer * on ThursdnjB and Cunard Tieneh an-1 Qcrman ateameis on b.iturdnyi tiiku 1'rlnted JIaller , etc , for nil coumrlex fur which they are advertised to carry mill After Hie elosinuof tlm buppltmenury Traas- Atlantic Malls named iiDove. nddlthnal sup plementary mall& art ) opened on the piers o ( the American ini' : h. Trench and ( ierman taeameiH , nnil remain open until within Ten Minutes of tha hour at fulling of bteamer , MiiIU for Hoi lli nnil Ce-ntrnl Ami-rlcn , \Vi-nl Inilli-N , Klc. SATURDAY At R 30 p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , i > y rail to Halifax , and thence liy nteam < " 'clo.e at Ihls olllsi dally at b:30 : p m Malls for Mlqttclon hy rail to IloHon and thenee uy Blc.nner cloee ut thla olllce dally ut M30 p. m Halls for Cuba close at this ollUe dally at 7.00 a in for furivardlnj by stfnmcrs Rnlllni ; ( Mnndayr nnd Thuroda-/ * ) fiom I'ort Tampa , rii Malls far Mexico ice City , oveilnnd unlcta specially uddrcsjcd for illfpalch By" ti-nmer cloro at Hits oillee d.illj at:30 n. m and 2.30 p in "Registered mall c'opes ' at C.W p. m previous dd > . ' ' - ' 'I'l-illlX-I'lll-HIlt Malls for flilmi nnd Japan ( specially ad dressed only ) per n , s Hmpress of India ( from Vancouver ) , close here ) daily up to December ' 27th nt 0 30 p in .Malls for Oilna nnd Japan , per s s. China ( from San Francisco ) , close here ) d.illy up to December tflst at C.JO p m Mails for Aus. trullu ( except those tor West Australia ) , which nro forwarded vlu ISurope. Now /.I'liliiiul , Hawaii. 1'ljl nnd Snmoan Islands , per B. . Mnann ( from Ban I-'ran- clseo ) , C.OHB here dully up to January id nt 7 00 a. m It n. m and G 30 p. in ( or on arrival at New York of s. s An- ranlu vvlth llrltlxh mulls for Australia. ) Mail.s for China nnd Japsn , pet s s Vic toria ( fiom T.icoma ) , rlose her' daily up to January " 2 at o SO p. in. Mulls for Australia ( except Went Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii find KIJ1 It > lunns , per i > H Mlowpra ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally nfti-r January W ami up to Janu- nry 3d it C.a ) p in Ma lit for Hawaii , pt r n , H , Auitrnlla ( from Ran i'rincis ( o ) . close hero dally up to January 13th at \orirr . ( OontinucJ ) li W p m Malls for the Pocloly Inlands , P < r hlp flt.nf IMpiltl ( rom r Sun I'ran- elsoi ) , clo ilure ililly up to January 2 th nt C .TO p. m. Trans-Pacific mulls nre forwards ! tn port of Mlllnc dfllb nnd the rcliMlule of clo lnR Is nr nnupil on the prcsiimptlon tit th lr itnlnttr- tuitrl overland Irnnrlt "RMl tcrcd mall elites at C p. m previous da > Po tMllc > nt N'PW York , N. Y , December 23 , 1C07 CORNELIUS VAN" COTT. Postmaster. I it Mlltd UT , . UNION PAClPtC-'TUn OVIJIl- land Houtc" Oeneral Ofllres N i : Coiner Ninth nnd Putnam Street * Clt > Ticket e illce , 1203 Pnrnam Sited. Telephone 316 Depot , 'lenth and Muson Streets . . . . , - Telephone 12S " " Leave. Arrive. "The Ove-lnnd Limited" for Denver , SHU IMC. wes'crn points ' ' ' 4:15 : pm Paul mall train fe.i nenver , Si't ' 1 < ah ? ; Paclllu comt and nil . . . . western poln-s : . ! ) pm 10.20 nm Lincoln lientrlce ttni Stromshuri ! i\prrns : . . C 00 pm " 12 20 pm Kearney K tp < > s . . . B-.OO pm " 12.20 tun Dally fulls except Sunday. Council IliuiTr , ! , -.L.il l.cnves. 2:4) : n m ; 6 60 n ni , 7.30 n in , t.K a m. , 10:45 n. m ; 2.1I > p. m. 4 30 p tn , 8 M p in Arrives 6:20 : n m , 1-y n m ; S a in. , 9.25 n in , 11 30 n in j 3.10 p in O 40 t m , D-C5 p in fit 45 o m Lincoln , Domer. Colorado rado , Utah , Cnllfnrnia , lllnck llllls , Montana nnd I'uget Sound 4 Si pm 4Cprr .ncoln I . . . 'f.il ' 7n5pm 7 13 tm > Lincoln Past Mull : tf pm ll.oO um Daily. Dally except SunJi > . CII1CAOO. IH'IIMNOTON & Qulncj llallrond "The Hurl. litKlon lloutc" Ticket Olllce 1"02 1'ainam Street. Telephone 2V ) Depot , Tenth nnd Mnson Streets Telephone 12S Leave. Airlvc. Chicago \estlbulcd Kx. . a Oj pm 7:63 : nin Chl"aKO KMircsB . * 9.41 am 4.11 pm Chicago _ bt i ouls 1'x 7:50 : pm 7:55 : am Tacino Junction Local. . " 11.40 am 6:40 : pm Past Mall . 2.60 inn Dally r lv ! ezecct Pundns" . KANSAS CITY. hT JOSIil'Il & Council niults Halltoad- Burlington "Thu IlurllUBton lloutc' Tlcktt Olllce , 1302 I'nrtnm Route Street Telephor.o :50 Depot , Tenth nnd Mn-on streets , 'ielc- pnune 12S. Lea\c. Arrive. Knn-ias Cliy Day Fit , . . 9.05 nm 6.40 pm Kan as City N'lght IX 10. ( ur- i , 30 um 3 CHICAGO. ST. PV.UL. MINNt : npolls S. Omaha Itallvvav General ofllces , Nebraska III. vision Piflecnlli nnd Weli lei Stiecls City Ticket Olllco , 1411 Parnam Street Tiler-harm - , Ml. Depot , rifteenlh and Webster Stree-ts Telepho-ie. 145S. Irfav : . Arrive. Sioux City Accomnioili. ' S ru ain SCO : pin Sioux City Aceomtnola. ' 9 50 um S 20 pm lilalr nnietsun. bloux City , 1'onca Hiitlns- tuon und Illnomllelil 1 00 pm "J1-B1 am Sioux Cltv , ManUnto. St. 1'mil , Minneapolis . " 3,55 pm 9 10 am Emerajn Pnssoniter . . 5:10 : pm 8 45 am Pally. Dally except Sunday. Sundav only. ThH train stops nt stations Ploience to So. nialr. Inclusive. Sundajs only , un week dam So lilalr only. I'JinMONT. ni.KIIOIlN AND Mlssoourl Vallej R.illuay Ocn- eral Otllces , United Stairs Na- Iluimi HJ.I : Hull ling , Snnth- weit Corner Twelfth and Fnr- nam Streets Ticket Otllce , 1401 Fnrnim Street. Telephone. 661. Depot fifteenth nnd AVebster Streets Telephone , liw Lea\e. AriUc mock Hills. Dcadwoood nnd Hot Springs 3W : pm S.OO pn Wyoming , Casper and Douglas " 3.00 pm 5:00 : pn Hastings , York , DiIf City , Superior Geneva. Hxeter and Seward . 3 00 pm 6 CO pm Norfolk , West Point and Premont * 7 50 nm 10.25 nn Lincoln , Wahoo nnd Premont 7 50 nm 10.23 nm Premont Local * ' 7-50 .un Dally. Dally except Sundiy. Sundaj only. Dnllj 'x-ept Saturday ' DnII : o\ccn * Mcndar. NoriTiiwisTiiiN Hallway City Ticket Olllce. 1401 rnrnam Street Telephone 561 Depot Tenth and Mason btieet ? . Telephone 128 Leave. Arrive. Ml-sourl Vnlley. Sioux City , Pi r.-.u ! an ! MlnneapollB 5.40 nm 10.45 pm Missouri Viilley. Sioux Clt > 7:30 : am 9.01 pn Dennlson Carroll , Wall Lake * * 7 30 am 9.05 pm Eastern Express DCS Molnes Mnralnlltown , Cellar P.iplda Chicago " 10.43 nm 4:10 : pm Atlantic Pljer Chicago and Hast 4:43 : pin 1:10 : prn Past Mall , Chicago to Omahii 3:10 : pmS Missouri Vnlley , Sioux Cltv. fat. Paul Minne apolis Limited 5,13 pm S 30 am Omaha-Chicago Special. G.30 pm b.lam / ) * Dailj Dally except Fundaj SIOUX CITY & . PACIFIC HAIL- reid General Ollices. United States Natloml Hank Ilulld- Ing , 8 W Corner TV tlfth nnd Parnam Streets Ticket Olllce 1401 Purrnm Sticet Telephone 661 Depot , Plfteenth und Webster Streets Telephone - phone IKS Lea\ ° . Arrive. Sioux City Mankato , St. Paul Minneapolis . . . 5 53 pm 9 10 am Dallv. atifasaum 1-ACipic UAILUOAD General Ollices and Ticket OIIIOP , Merchants National Ilink Building 1224 P.irnam Street Telephone 104 Depot. Plftecnth nnd Web'ter S reels. Telephon > 145S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas nnd Nelirasua - _ „ . . . _ . . Limited S-0' ' l'm " 12.5o pm Kat.-a Cltj nnd St. LMilj VJ\pieg * 9 : 0 pm C 00 nin Nclira ka Lornl . . . 4 30 pm 8,45 nm Dally Dally except Sunday. , CIIICAQO. HOCK ISLAND P.ic-lllc llnllro.nl "Iho Great llotk Island Iloute" City llekcl Olllce , 1321 Parnam Street Telephone 42S. Depot , Tenth and M-ison Stiet-ts 'Iclephone 123 Leave. Arrive , Chicago and St Vcstlbuled i\presB _ . . . 4 SO pm 1:45 : pm Lincoln , Colorado bl > B9- Pueblo Denver and , west ' -M Pm 4S3 : prr. ChlcJKO. Di > llolnea * Hock Island * ? .0u Pm 6:15 : am Atlantic Express , for Des Molnes and coot- crn points 7 2) am 5:33 : pm Lincoln , Falibury and nellovllle " 5 43 pm "lO-'fl arn Dally Dally except Sunday. WAIJASII HAILllOAD-Tinr.irr OPPICE , 1415 rarnam hlieel feleuhoiiL' . S2J. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive. Bi. lyiuln "Cannon Hall" s 4Wrm : ' 11 31 am CHICAGO , MILWAPIvKi : & ST. Paul llullwut cit ; } Ticket Olllci1504 Kirnam htreet Tclipliane 2SI Dtpot , 'lenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. I ave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Ux. . . . 5.45 pm S.03 am Omnlm and Chicago Hx 11 00 am 1M : pin Daily. OMAHA & ST. I/DUIS IIAILHOAD-OMAHA. Kansis l'lt > & . nnitoni Itiillroml "The Port Arthur Hontp" 'HcKct ollice , 1411 Parnum stieet. Te'eihone | , 32. Depot , Tenth und MH.SJH btreetb Tc-lephonc , 128 Lnve. Arrive St UmlH Cannon Hall Hxpreivi 4 35 pm ' 11.30 am Qulnry Ilxpiets 5:10 : um 5:50 : pm Dall ) . Killed liy a SlilflliiKT IIIKIMS | 1'1I1I.AIIU > IIA ! , Uco -Through cire- lc.ssne.4s In luuklni ? n h-ilftliiK oiiKtno on a track In the yurU of the Wunlen Hulk-i v\orl n ut Nineteenth unil Allegheny nvrniio , thlfl nftcmoon , Walter OriKoiy nnil I'lillllp Mi-Nelley woio Inatnntly kllloil. Two othr-i.s. I'ltrlek O'.Malluy 'Hid J'atilck .Mi-HiiKh 10 itlM-cl InjurlPH whlth will Illtoly reHiiit In thtlr iltatliH , nnil John llalllli.iuviis o- virtly hurt. The men were oiiKiihcil In puslilnj ! un oiniity c.u when u plilflmi ; en- Klnu rather Hulftly cnti-led the janl nnd struck the cur. All live men were thrown down and the car ran over them. IlcHi-iilN | ml u riiiiilllnrll- ) - . ST , hOUlS , Dec31TiN inonilntf while Wllllarn Smith was pissing a Kcconil-li.iml ftuiu on Morgan atrwt , ' .Morrl.s Mueller and Vlutor CioldMteln , attarhe of the stoic , belzt-d him liy arms and tried to induce him to ( ntfi the Htnri- and muko a iiutuhaxp. Smith drew n ro\nl\i > r and ivoikiMl the trU- Kur ( U'B times Mueller I IH t.iken to the ! lio.-qilta ) In u dylni ; conilltlou , GoliUtuln'H arm waa puneturiMl | jy u bullet uud .Smith takin tu jail , I BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP , jfj there. | g a womnn In Chicago Mho In thf proud possessor of 201) teapots -Mrs. Helen rrltlonJeu Adams of HtlPiia park Kour yea re ago Mrs Adams was Inspired to follow tills novel fad by reading of a Russian woman who had ncpumulatoel 8,003 tonpo.ts In Japan. Tlila unmrknblo collection , by lliu vvny , wis pro- sontcd to HIP .Museum of St. Petersburg. "I keep n teapot book. " said Mrs Adams , "which Is much after the fashion of the 'baby bnol ; . ' In It I roaster the mi inborn of each p'ecp ' , the nainoof Hie giver , the kind of ware , etc. I can nc\cr bo fooled about m > teapots , either Not long ngo , for Instance , several of my friends camp OUT on m > blrtluliy to present mo w lib n number of teapots , and m > brother , who had forgotten the event mid n lulled to bo 'In It' himself , slipped from the loom mid appropriated one of my teapots When It nmo to his turn lie made n neiuilt * tlo npccch of presentation , 'Thank jou , ' 1 sild. when ho had finished , 'but 1 guess I knowmy own toapots. ' " Among curious pieces In Hie collection Is a clou bio Japanese teapot with two opouls which Is at\va > s use \\eddlng festivities In that country 1 > > the bride and groom Then hero la the palo blue , dalnlllj figured combl- latlon teapot of two part ? , and two bundles "ho upper part has a sUnolIko arrangement or the leaves and the lower contains the cheering concoction. The "Mikado's chrjsanthcmum" Is the pitssrO the Inflamed part of the Injure t hind RPiitlv doun on the opening Such a peculiar sonsaiion tt sceme < l lo Iho nun th.il bis whole Imul wns being drawn with great force Into the 'bottle ' llv would hav taken It a\vny. but the sister was holding It gentl > but flrmlv Then thcro was , \ feeling of relief , It seonml ns If the Inaldti o ( that hand hid berome Iliiuld and vvn * injuring Its unpleasant contents Into the bottK Tbnt wtis almcx't exactly \\hil was happening , and with the liquid went the offindlug splinter The hand was bathed and bandaged end the carpenter continued ha work without fiuthcr liiionvculeiice. . A good wato clnin oil pilnllngs and gilt , frames U the following : The rlcture should bo tnkeu from the frame , Kild flu and cov- cied vvlt.i a elcth molwcncd wl'h win watin Hils process should be rtpiatod tuilll all dirt txi the pte-'uro ' IHM been absorbed lij the dolli or Is so saturated with moisture tlut It will bo an emj ma tor lo take It off \\lt.i the doth. Afier this thepleluio should bo gone o\er gently with a bit of cotton eU urattM with pure 1'i'seod oil Tie paint will then look like new. It should never bo washed or scrubbed and c\u w 111 spi II an > plctuio. u\ drop or two of spltlts of ommonliV Ui tie water w Uii which ! ho cloth Is moist ened will tiot hurt. Ollt frames are best ic- stored to their orlglml brlllhncy bv rubbing with half a frei.li juicy oiilcu. An bcuior two after tie application of the onion tto QOWN WITH JACKHT FRONTS AND I.ACG VCST FROM HARPER'S BAZAP A cloth gown trimmed with velvet ribbon can be made In any color desired. The ono Illustrated Is of a light tan shade with seal-brown velvet. The skirt fits close around the hips , and has little fulness , and the trimming consists of bands of velvet rlibon , which are put half-way up around it , but do not extend across the back breadth The waist Is ai exceedingly becoming stvle , a full , white lace blouse with short over jacket o ! cloth trimmed to match the sUlrt. The cut of the gown is glvca in the tissue-paper patterns Issued by Haipei's Ila ir , whole It appears The velvet ribbon Is only sowed down on one edge There are a lace collar and wide Jabot of lace on the blouse , so that the general effect Is soft and becoming. The belt Is quite ornate and Is of velvet , studded with coloreel stone o'inamentis , and Is cut so as to bo more pointed than round. The sleeves are quite elaborate , aln-cat tight-fitting , made of the cloth , and trimmed with bands of the velvet ribbon the entile length from shoulder to wrist. Over tlio tops of the sleeves are short epaulettes tiimmed vvlth velvet rl&bon. name of a circular teapot with sixteen petals forming the fluted edge. H Is in imitation of thu crest of the Japanese ruler. The "puzzle" teapot Is another queer one. It has an it regular contour , and diamond- shaped ornamentation on the side. This piece has an opening on the under side , into which the tea is poured. There Is no stopper of any kind , but aalphon-liko arrangement conducts the liquid Into the sides of the teapot , from which It is poured out In regulation fashion through the spout. At a recent wedding in Neiv Yoik the brldo adopted the bomcwhit hs/arelojB cole kchcmc of gieen and jellow. Palms and superb chrysanthemums can led out In flowers the colors selected , and the bridesmaids' gowns wcro of yellow poplin with white mull liclius With these gowns were worn green velvet picture hats vvlth nodding plumes. Green and gold Is an cllectlvo combination , adds the Post but 1 something rather novel In weel- dlng colors when it Is carried through the gowns of the bridal party. A fashionable glrlw' school in New York gives dances eveiyi two weeks , to which na men arc Invited , ami on the last occasion of this sort the girls vvero permitted to ap pear la fancy Circes co.stumes Tlito , fiajs the Sun , was an unusual privilege , end they made the most of It A dozun of the older gills powdered their hair and then the } wanted tn rouge their cheeks Kongo was rot supplied by the school , hut enough cora- llne was found In a manicure outflt to redden the cheeks of each girl. The effect was etlll brilliant They had eciubbcil and scraped until they had scratched then cheeks , hut the torallno wouU not como off. They have been blushing ever since A story Is told In the clubs of a JOUIIR woman at the top of New York society who under the chaperonage of a well Inovvn court favorite , met the prince of Wales anil BO Pjsclnated his lojal highness that she became dizzy , cajo the Now York Press "My dear child , " salil her guide ami pro tector ODO right 111 the bcclusion of hei boudoir , "you must bo exceedingly careful Tills Infatuation may lead to harm " "Hut , vour ladyship , " the girl replied archly , "tlie k'ng tan ( to no wrong" "The king ? No ! Hut > ou must under stand that this man 1 merely a prince , and ho can raise h 1 ! " UomovliiB c splinter from a suffering hand may not bo a nice ami pleasant subject , but homo surgery may sometimes give someone ono a feeling of heartfelt Joy. , The sufferer who Illustrates the matter on thls"ojca3lon was a carpenter , aays itho Now YoiK Tlmea lie was working at his trade at an Institu tion over which the ttlatcrs of the Iloiimn Catholic church presided. One day ho broke olt un ugly splinter In his hand ami could not got It out. Ilo went homo at the e-lose of his day's work feeling no annoyance from the wound , but by the next morning the hand was In a gcrlous condition anil HO painful that working was an Impossibility On his vay to tlio doctor's the caipcnter stopped to trll tlio slbttra why lie must de lay hli. work. "Lot mo fcee what I can defer for your liand before you go lo the doctor , " ealil ono ot the ulsters. The nun demurred. "Yea , " slid thu sister , with gentle Insist ence , "It "will do not harm , anyway " Slio quickly Illlcd within an Inch or no of the top a rather vvldu mouthed bottle with steaming hoi water , autl as slii ; held It anol'nur slut r frames hould lie spcnged wl'h a llttlo tepid rain water atii It should bo lir.-iiodiately dried without rubbing it by prrts ng solft linen upon the fiame until ull the molsturo In a dlyappeared. \ charming room fitted up recently by a clover New York mother for hei 10 jour old daughter has several odd features One of tlichc , a > s the paper rofeirlng to tlio mailer , is an alcove wh'ro a big bathtub , a regi ment of sponges , erash towels and brushes aio drawn up In battle array. In ono corner la a gvmnastle apparatus and on the He or stands a pair of li.dlan clubs. Trls Is the "licnlth corner" In a narrow- tnt I friiie , hung near the dainty dre-sslng table are tlio following "rules for beautv" In .an > I ully illuminated text "Heai-tv Is only skin deep Din t use pato-H creams nnil washes "Never sleep on a high pillow , unless > ou admire a double chin. "Uroathn from the diaphragm , Inhala deeply , keep the montl glased and hold tlio rhcst well up , if yi u woulj secuio a high chest , broad shoulders and a alim waist "Walk from the hips , and bear In mlinl that tliu American woman's greatest sins are a wobbling walk and a shrill voice "Heauty dooa not come In a day "The secret e > f beauty Is good blood ex cellent illge-stinn and a clear coiiEclenco " Tinsonlso and quaint precepts wcro laid down by tlio family phjslclan , who kn v.s a good dral about the aoda water-loving an.l turaincl-eaUst ; ago of 1C The woman's club IH essentially an Amor- lean Idea , HID natural product of our frc-o boll , but It Is ik-Rtlncd to a wider growth , Kmlly Teilman observes In Llpplncott's In England , win-re social conditions aie loji favorable to its existence , It IH gaining In favor , and is said to bo looked up n with approval hy the queen It Is slowly sp calling In corsrrvatlvo ( let-many , and making rapl 1 progress In republican Kranco. Of the 1 300 clubs belonging to the general fodorallon two are In India , one in nnglatid and onu In Australia Doubtless another blunnlum will see a much larger number ot women enrollc I In this army whoso weapons are more pciwor- ful for tlio overthiow of evil than tlio sivord of the mighty The unoiganlicil women < f Kranco exortcil a potent Inllurncc In tlm Ki-oneh revolution. May not the orgatil/ol women of Ame-rlca bo instrumental In bring. Ing about a silent and bloo-I'loss ' revolution which nliall ho tlio dawn of a new anJ glorious day for humanity ? Tlio reason wiiy sinks are rtoppoJ an otlcn U be-eauHo grease gradually Mils the pipw nnd hardens there Into okiH ! , which must bo taki-ii out by the plumber If they are ton hard or too largo to resist the ucllcn ct l > e There Is always dancer of this stoppagB from grease , but the danger In less when housewives InsUt upcti two dally ruled (1) ( ) All io plate-,1 anil dixies must bo sciaped with n palletto knlfo or ome > other flexible blailu , KU that ns little grease ) as possible ar 1 certainly no lumpo of IniUiuolulilo matter rextch the pipe * . (2) ( ) Aflor every dlsli-wuih- lug and thu last thing ut night pour douci a certain quantity of pclath l > u dissolved In hulling vvi tor and use wullu hot as poshlblo , This makes a soft scop In the pipe , wiilth molts away as water comes down , anil pro- vltloil that tliero In no foreign subs'unco , like mutches , stleku. blUi of paper , bono , hair or fruit stones lodged in there , Icavw It clwir aud. tree ,