THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , DECEMBER 27 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES AilvrrtlxcnicntH for tlirnr cnltininH vlll lie In Urn until l-in. for the pyptiliiK mill until H p. in. lor the innrnliiK ; mill StindnjeillllniiM. . Ailvcrllm-pH , ! r 'iiir llnK n niiiii- lierpil olii-cU , ann Imvp IIIIHIVITH uil- ilrpNMeil t n tiunilierpit li-lti-r In c-nrc of Tlip IJpp. Aimircm no nililri'n pil T lll IIP ilpllvpruil on iirpHpiitntloii of tlip clipclc only. ItntpM , 1 l-'Jc ninril nrnt Insertion ) Ic n Moril tliprpnflcr. Xollilnir tnkcii fur lex * tlinn U.'c for HIP llrnt liiRpr- tloii. Tliexp iiilvurdNvniPiitN numt tic run poi WA\TI : JIAI.I : CANVARSnilH TO TARH OUDBHS ; NDW tINn o ( work ; no hcn\y goods to entry : iwlnry or commlislon. C. V , Adam * Co. , 521 Bo. Kth St. 1J-93I BALIMIK : rnn ciaAns , 1125 A MONTH AND cupenncii ; old firm ; experience unnecennry ; In * dtictmentB to customeri , C. C. lllahop & Co. , SI , Ixiuls. 11 933 WANTHD , BAI.KRMAN TO RHM > T.I N15 OF lunch Roodii to faloon nnd grocer trade ; itde llnp ; cnmmlKAlnn ; Klvo rcfrrencen nnd territory co\ered. O. A. Itnnken , 8X nroohljn nt. , Ht. Iau\i. \ Mo. n 2Ct M VANTKD , MKV TO I.UAIIN THIJ HAH1IKU trade , hort and IhoroURli npprcntlrenhlp ; only elKht wfpkt ipqnlrcd ; ronitant < "nll far wad * Uatnt ; K'oulnn demand for men with our diplo ma * ; complete outlH of tools dnnnted ; W\KP nnd experience In rhnp * Baturdat beforecom - ) > lellni ? : IMS cntnlncue mailed free. Moler Ky tem Harbor Bchool , Clark & Van Huron ts. , H-M232 30 \VAvnn i : 111:1.1 * . 100 aint. 3 foil ALL KINDS op wonic ; to > 7 wtek , Canadian Office. 15J2 Douglas. C-031 WANTHI ) . . . COMtMVrnXT QIUI. KOU SKC- end worlt.pply No. 11ZO Park ave. C 6M WANTED. A OOOD O1UI. KOIl OKNJMtAI. housework , nt onro : good wages and > crmnnput pcmltlon. B22 N. 1'ith st. O 210 27 WANTKD , OIUI. FOR 1IOUSK- work , 418 N 2lnt. C M2C2 27' nxi'muiiNrnn aim. ron OINIIIALIIOUSI. : % work ; references required , no nnshliiK. 2102 Latliro | > lit. C 210 23 WANTKI ) , A nilST-CIAflS COOIC. Al'l'LY TO Jim. James U. lloyd. 190S Davenport Ht C M2C7 28 FOIl In\T IIOUSKS. 11OUSH3 IN AM. I'AUTS OI" THH CITY. THU O. I' . Davln Company. 1503 Knrnain. D 035 iiousns IIINIWA & co. . IDS N. ISTII ST. U-03G J'IDCI.ITT IIATiQAINS. ONLY A FIJW L131T : 112 S. Jath nvniiuc , 7 rooniB , porcelain liatli. clot-ct hot wnter , ROS , mnntelf , furnace , laundry , J30. ' Corner Slth nnd llownnl , 8-room heantlful new uucllinR , porcelain bath , i.os ! t hnt ntcr , KOII. electric llsht , lurnnce , Inundry , J17.W. 2017 Mapon ntrrct , rnornH. all modern 125. 873 N. 27th a\enue. 7 rooms , bath , clopet , hot water , cistern , furnarc , cemented cellar , 1W feet frontnRe ; all loom * to be painted and papered , J2U S914 N. 2Sth nxenuc. 8 room1" , city water Inside , 1300 bolni ; fpenl for repairs ; rent , $12. 123 ( ! N. 31st street C-rnoin cottnse. cistern , } 5. S301 Corhy , 7 r. . city water , clutern , barn , 10. 717 S. 33d Hreet. 6-room cottat-e , city water. 18. 80th and Curtis nxor.ue. 7 rooms , line repair , well , cistern , barn and 1 ncre lot , JS.33. 2WJ B. 20lh Btreit 3-room cottaRe , city water , J5. 712 and 711 9. ICth Btrect , 7-rnom Hits , bath , closet , hot water nnd cai , J20 to } 22 2015 Izard street. 4-room lints , city uater , J7 to JD. We have others. Fidelity , 1st floor. N. Y. Mfe. IIOUSUS. COTTAGHS & STOUES. ALL , PARTS of city. Ilrennan & lave Co. , 219 B. ICf.i.D33J D-33J HOUSES. WALI VV , ! : , IUIUWN ituuuic. ICTH and Douglas. D 037 i.rsT. M'CAaun , ISTII AND DouarY D 840 nousns , FLATS. OARVIN nuos. . 1513 FA D-041 nousns FOU IUNT. : BHSVIS. I-AXTON in > ic. J3-842 _ HOUSES , j , n. siinnwooD , 423 N. Y. LIFH. , D 813 _ „ _ JIOVINO IIOUSEUOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van & Storace Co. , 151l',4 I'nrnaii ) . Tel. 1533 itouan , CM so. : STH ST. , THN nooxis. MOD- cm , $40.00 per month. Ilyron Reed Co.D9IG D-9IG Nicn Fivn-nooii noosn. 1120 N. i7Tit.D430 D-430 THN YHAIIS IN Tim RENTING HtJSINnSS. I have nexer lost my clients one dollar ; that's luck. Xy business extends from the Atlantlo to the I'.iclflo , and amoiif ; my clients are num bered II , KonntTf. Kounte liroi. of New York. Ames cstato of Iloiton nnd Whitney extato ot Washlneton ; tlmi's luck , too. I want mort , non-resident properties to look after. If I set them , that will be more luck. J. J. Gibson , 514 1st Nnt'l Ilank. D M67D FOR RENT. lii.ROOJf MODKRN KOUSR AND Imrn ; newly painted and pupcrud , und plens- nntly located. Stram-henteil Hat. he'd In the cltv. In new Davldse building ; opposite cltv hall. John W. Rabbins , Agent. 1S02 Farnim. D-Oil FOR RI3NT TWO Fm3-IIOOSt HOUSES AT 301 and 3flS N. 15th St. One ten room house , 1'ilJ Davenport. O S. Orten. Room 2S Rarkcr n xnoe IT * KOIl UUXV VUHXISIIliD HOOMS. J FURNISHHD ROOMS FOR IIOUSCIfEEPINO for man nnd wife. Rent taken In board , 319 N. 17th. E-512 ! NICK ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. 1112 S. lllhT E C33 MODERN * FRONT ROOMS , 1IAY window , ho'.iBCkeepliiK. 511 N. 10th. M221 2S ririsinn iioims AMI IIOAUD . THE MEItUIAM. FIRST CLASS 1'AJIIL.Y HOtel - tel , 25th nn.l Dodse tits. F M707 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH BOARD ; liot water heat. 2H2 Ca 3 ftiect. F 17tt 1-3" IIANDSUMI5 TAR1.ORS EX SUIT NEWLY ftirnUheil , also mnll > ir rooms , need board , The Rrst' . yKa H . - IN I'RIVATU FAMII.Y.VITII OR WITHOUT board. l li ( Do.lce , F MOTS 27 * FRONT 1'ARLOR. WITH FIRST CIUSS , man and xvlfo or l o Ri-ntlemen : bathr hot and CdM water ; elrrtrlo call bolU ; all modern ccnvenlencrii , K2 N. 19th st. I'-:03 27 NIPIJLY Kl'KNISIIKn I'RO.VT ROOM , MOD- rrn conU'iileiu'en , prlv.ito rnmllj. " 02 S. saiii [ AROI : HOUTH ROOM. STEASI HEAT."noAhiv ' refcience * 202 N. ISth , F M270 ! S * roil HP.NT UM'UHMSHini ROOMS. I OR I FOR LIOHT HOUSEKEEI'INO ; MODern - ern conMMlcnci'K , walkliiR dlttancp douu town ; near car line ; no children. Addrcis C 42. Rat. fJ-M51 rou UI\T s'rouis AMI FOR RENT. IN THE 11EE DUILDlNn : One larKe corner room , Zd floor , with \uult and private altlc uuter. etc. One larRe front n oni 2d iloor , dlvldi > 1 Into two rooms by partition , water , etc , Ono In mo corner room , M door , with \ault. walrr. etc Oi\e front loom. dUlded. by partition , sa Iloor. One corner room with \uuli , 1.1 floor. Olio larKO ro.itn. 3tl Iloor. with partition dividing It Into onebirua ruom and two wnallcr prltaio rooms ; watrr. tc. TT" larsc Kround llgor roum , fronting 17th St. , Wllll MlUlt Several nun II room * on 4tn llaor. with vault * All theio room * are hunted , v UH iteanu eluctrlc IlKhts , fiipplle. ) with llr t cluni Mnltor pcrvlce , ilo\ntor : > run day and all nlclit ; bullUIni ; utrlelly lluprcof. Apply to Superintendent , Iluoitl 101 , Ilia bulldtllic , 1 133 FOR RENT-DESIC ROOM IN UIIOUND FLOOR office , lift bulldluni water , utejin litut , elrctrli- lUlit nnd janitor service. Apply to Superin tendent , IV tiulldlnr. I 197 FOR HUNT TUB 4-STORY UIHCIC at tia Farnam SI. ThU bulldlim lias 11 llrt proof cement batemtntatcr ; on ull tlu r . tf f it- , Apply at tha onice of Th lice . I W IIOTUI.S. SI OR US. UEMIS , VAXTON 1-M4IXJ FIRST CLASS llUAT MARKET IXJOATION COJ Il e , I-M'14 AUKXTS W'AM'KD. iQENTS WANTED. Al'I'LY PACIFIC ML'TUAL ' Ufa In * . Co. , A , V , Todd , KVII' | ul : , , > 40 Ileo Mdtf. J-Mr Jt STORAfiK. VACIFIC HTORAQK AND WAREHOUSE CO. . l > Joncn ) KCD I storage and forwarding. l U-941 SToninn. ( Continued. ) OM. VAN A STOnAOC 1511'i FARN'M. M-943 FRANK KWERS. STOnAOR. II ItARNKr. HanllnR an-1 packing , cheapest rates. Tel. KG. ' M 50 l-'l'UMTfllU KOII SALK. NEW HASEIU'llNER. IIIIST MAKE. rHK MeCarnnr. 1911 t r"j"R ; _ O-MOM WANTED TO SELL FURNITURE AND LEAHfi of hotel , Rood location ; rail nt No. 108 N. " ' "I Rood reasons for wnntlns to fell. O M2 4 K' _ KOII SAI.K 3IISCI5M.AXKOUS. SAWDUST , RULIC Oil BACKED-CRlliniNO and hog fences. C. R. Lee , Ml Douglas. 2KD.HAND IlICYCLKg. OMAHA. IllCYCLU CU. IIARNDY & UKHIIV , SKATBS. KG TO .W ) skates sharpened , 15e. Omaha lllcycle Co. NKW IlICYCLflS FOR SALE LKSS THAN factory CMU First clam sewlntr iiclilne * from $18 up. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 1st 1'ATENT UriUOHT PIANO , 817 8. 2ND-HAND H1CYCLES. OMAHA UICYCL CO. 11ILLIARD HALL AND "OWt.INO AMJBY dolnc qood business : cstabllsTred , box 25 , Johnson , Neb. Q FOR BALE. 4 FRF-SH MILCH COWS ; NO. 1 milkers. Call on A. Wcllman , :314QVc1'j ? ; OOOD ROLL TOP DESK. FOR HALE. OMAHA School Supply Co. , cor. llth and IInrn \2"lsj1 \ CL.VIIIV4JV.VXTS. PROP. WHITNEY. CLAIRVOYANT. PALMIST nnd astrologer , has moved to 1709 DodRe street. Prof. Whitney has nn equal In RivlnR udj Ice on love 1-iw. deeds , wills' , mining , divorce , chanson , Investments , patent- ) and all buslnerf of n llniin- clal nature. RfudlnRs : Ladles , to cents and Bents Jl. ReadlnRH Klven by mall. Olllce and private residence. 1709 Dodge street. Olilcc hours from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Telephone. l ° la- , IIATHS , KTC. MME. IIR1SSON OF PARIS GIVES ALL kind * medicated baths und massage. 107 N. 12111 St. T-M2J2J4' ELECTRO MAONETIC TREATMENTS AND mn'oage by Laura EllUon , 119 X. lth St. , room 13 , T MCC3 27' MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND RATHS. lf.23'4 Howard street. T M275 Jin2 MRS. DR LEON , 13LECTRIC MASSAOE RATH parlor ? ; restful nnd curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T-M27C Jnn2 tMHt.HOXAli. VIAVI CO. . UTERINE TROUBLES , 3K.-S UEI ! Rldg ; physician conuultatlon or health book free U 953 UATII9. MASSAGE. MME. POST , 313IJ S. 15TH. U-951 CIXJTHE3 CLEANED. PRESSED AND RE- palrel ; day or night ; dress suits far hire. IMntorhim , N. D. Cor. 14th anl Farnam. Tel. OC3. U 855 MME. URUE. . VAPOU AND MASSAGE 1112 Farnam. U-MS5S D29 * LITERARY ASSISTANCE : MANUSCRIPTS picparcd , rcxlftd or corrected ; letters of nil de crlptoni ! written ; experienced newspaper man In charge ; all business confidential. Ad dress P O. Mox 017 , or call for Interview at olllce. 415 Dee hide. U 17S J3 HAVE YOUR GARMENTS MADE RY "OREEN- berc The Piofesslonal I adlcs' Tailor , " 170S Webster. U MS&7-J1S * _ FREE DENTAL WORK ; OVER SOD 1'ERSONS took advantage of the free clinic at the Dental college , cor. 12th and Pacltlo streets , last month ; after January 1 there will be twelve- chairs rceencd for cleaning ut teeth free of charge c\ery Wednesday morning from 3 to 11 o'clock. U-M3M _ _ _ STYLISH DRESSMAKING , REASONA1ILE price , nt the Joy Tailor System School of Dressmaking. 312 Karbach block. Misses Campbell - bell & Caewell. U-M428 Jll _ PRIVATE HOME FOR HD1DS REFORE AND during confinement ; babies adopted and cared for. Removed to 113i * > N. 17th. U MK4 27 * KLONDIKE-ARE YOU GOING ? IF SO GUT Inside information by sending name nnd ad dress to R. Uox S27. New York City. MOXUY TO MAX UU.VI , ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT IXW ) RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Fainam St. W 950 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . ! 15 N. Y. L. ; quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , US ) Far-m. W 068 MONEY TO LOAN' . UEMIS. PAXTON IILOCK. HONE ? TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OXA1IA real estate. Urcnnan-Love Co. , 219 S. IClli.V9CO \V-9CO J100.0M.OO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON llrst-claps Improved Omaha property , or for purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. c rnn , CENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE. PROPerty - erty of non-resldcnta caied for by W B. Melkla. rirst National BanU bids. Omnlia. \V-8C3 rnit CINT MONEY. AND UPWARDS. nn Ktlt-adReu improve. : .Gnaui.i resl estate. Bemls. Pniton block. W 23 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED estate In Omafm , Council lllurfj nnil South Omaha. Puwy & Thomas , 103 rtrat Nutlona , ! Dank , Oniahn , VT M10G WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY IXJANS. R. C Pctcru & Co. , U. S. Nat. Dank bli ! r. W M4JS ; , oco.oo OK usss TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Omnlm rral estate at 7 per cent. No commis sion. Address C Cl Ieooffice. ! . W M70i 310 Mi Y TO 1.0X C1IATTE 1.6. 119 TO 10 CCO TO IX5AN ON iinijMnot.u KL'HNrnmia AND PIANOS. ' JIORBES. WAGONS ANO rARWIAOES. \VAUE110UHE UicKIP18 : , ETC. nt lowrst rates In Onmha. Routh Omnlia anil Council niufO. No lemoviil of Roods : strictly conlldcntlal ; you can pav the loan off ut any time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE IX ) A K CO. . 1'C Houtli ICth St. THE OLDEST LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OftlAUA. x sot IIUS1.VKHS CIIXVOHS. TO OE1 IN OR OUT OP HUSINiam GO TO J. J. G Hi-son. Oil Klrst Nat'l llnnk Y 163 llESTAl'RANT .SnATINd 1 < W PEOPLE DAILY at 230. meals. J. J. ( JILson , 511 Firm Nal'I bank. Y-MCifl 27 _ _ _ _ TOR RENT-CHOICE ELEVATOR PROPERTY cloue to Onialn , cheap. C. 1' . Harrison , 912 New York Life. _ Y 'OI SO * rOu"RENT , IIRICIC HTOREItOOM. CO.N2. . ALL convenience * : liot lonitloii In city. ; splendid Imxlneffl town. John H. Ltmliile , West Pnlnr , Neb. Y Mill _ _ _ _ KII n "nxo a .v.v < ; i : . DRUG 8TOREVANTUD. . TOH WHICH WE will trada city properly unJ some cmli "K. " eae at rarrler 33. Omaha. Neb. Z M.OS jan7 WILL EXCHANGE VERY ns e'er.rocant Omaha ! < > U for CMctiKo pinni'ity. Addreisllti full particulars , llox 2f2 Onmlia. ' l-'OK M.UaC llIiAU USTATfi. PLACE 1IAHUAINH. { 5.SOO. 13/IM TXJ 15,600. J. J , Gibson , 614 Writ Nat. Hank bide. HE-Wffl KARM I.ANDS , C , r. HARRISON. 01 ! N. Y U RE-MS-Jan-lG * LIA11UA1NH. 1IUUSKH. LOTS AND 1'AltMH ; tale or trailt F. K. Darling , llaiker.Dlk . , HOUSErf. LOTS , FARMS , LANDS. LOAN8 ; alto Ilia Iniurincc. Demi * , 1'axton block , HE-MITt LOO AN VALLEY 1'ARMS AND MERCHANT iH < \ IluuUlKML'er & Clrmcnu , I.jons , Ne braska. P.E-MSC9 NEW" COTTAGE. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. CM llco IHJif. BK.-MSSl . nuiLoiNa. a no UND w * < i FEET. naylna 14 per c nt srotsj price J1POOO. Aridresi 0 S8 , Tlca. lti-MU3 HOUSES \vivriuii ) . HOUSES WINTERED ; REST op CARE ; RATES U per montU. W , U. Owens , 3607 Center itrett. GOOD STAULES , I1EST OP CARE , tl AND M month , A. W , 4'lielps & Son , : 07 Now York Life. TeL 1C5I. -43 PAAVXIIROICUUH. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. S N , U ST. LOST. LOST. LA nut ; ST. nniiNAnn POOS AN- wer the name of "Ilex. " lUUirn to 10CJ Oporsln Aand rrtelva reward , lost MC9I MJSIMA'NMl HUUK. AN lf 1C1U M1TS ON DoviKlnx utreet. Plrnler please return to US Houtli KUhteenth street. Lost MJ73 IT LOST POCKUTItOOK ON' DOUGLASIII- twwn Fourteenth nml Eighteenth. Klmlcr lib- etnlly rennnled on tclurn to Thompson & . 's. Lost-M2Jl 27" LOST. KYEai.AS9iH. OOLD Hilt. HKTWEKN Douffla * nnii Fourteenth , ami Sixteenth nml Farnnni. Hcturn to KC9 DctiRln street , nnd receive IS.M rcwnnl. Ixut-C53 24" smvixo M.iciiixr.s AXI > SUPPLIES. NEW IIOMK. HOUSEHOLD & WHITE SHW- Ins machines & supplies. 1514 Cop. nvc. Tel. 1574 i -ors SMOHTII.VM ) A.VU TVPinVIUTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. S1J N. Y. LIF 97 : AT OMAHA 1JUS. COLLEOE , 1STII & DOUOLAS. 97J H. n. noYLES , COUHT nnroiiTKiu PRIVATE leuons ; day nnd evenlnr. 407 Uee Bids. -074 OMAHA SHOUT-HAND COLLUdn.BOYrTs Center. M313 Jnn7 * COAL. T , nnsT. CHEAPEST , pmcn W.75 per ton. 'Phone 84S. Harmon A Weetli Co. ICG DI1KSSMAKI.VU. TO DO DIinSSMAKINQ IN families solicited. Mlsa Sturdy , ZC04 Davenport St. 911 D-M TYPEWHITIJUS. AVD SOLICIT AND FUItNISlt POSITIONS FOR StenoRrnpliere tree. The Smith-Premier Tvpe. writer Co. Telephone. 1281. 607 FIIUMTCIIR P.VqiCKD. M. S. VTALK1N. 2111 CUMINQ. TEL. 1331. -976 XOTICIJ or .sTocicnoi.nuHS jinir SfCH-UhnlilrrV M Omnha & Klkhorn Vnlley Railway com pany : . Notice In hereby Riven that the animal meeting of the stockholders ot the Omaha & Klkhorn Valley Railway company for the election of seven directors ami the transac tion of such other business as may law fully come before the meeting will be held In the olllce of the general solicitor , Union Paultlc bulldlnsr , Onmha , Nebraska , upon Wednesday , the 5th day of January , IsDS , at 10 o'clock a , m. The stock transfer books will bo closed ten days before , the date of the mcotlns ALEXANDER MILLAR , Secretary , Boston , Mass. , December 14 , ISO" . StiX'UIioIilrrn * MtM-l lujr. OFFICE OP LEE-CLARKK-ANDIIEKSEN Hardware Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. Dec. 11. 1S97. Notice Is hereby plven to the stockhold ers of the Lee-Clarko-Andreesen Hardware Co. that the annual mcetlnir of the stock holders of the company will be hold at the olllces of the s\ld company , 1219-1221-1223 Hnrney street. In the city of Omaha , In the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , Januaiy 11 , A , D. 1S9S. at three o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electlnj ; a board of dlrectors- for the company to serve during the ensu ing year and to transact such other business as may bo piesented at such meeting. II. J , LEE. President. Attest : W. M. GLASS , Secretary. Dlld 32t ' STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Union Ele-vntor Company of Omaha : Notice Is hereby Riven that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Elevator company of Omaha , for the pur pose of electing seven directors and auch oilier business a may properly come before the meeting : , will be held at the office of the general solicitor , Union Pacific building Omaha , Nf > b. . upon Monday , the 3rd day of January , 1S98 , between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. nnd < J o'cloc : : p. m. The stock transfer books will be. Rinsed ten (10) days before the date of the moot- Ing. ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. Boston , Mass. . December 12 , 1S37.D14m2H STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. iJnlon Land Company : Notice Is hereby clven that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Land company for the election of live di rectors and the transaction of such other business as may lawfully como before the meeting will bo held at the ofllce of the general solicitor. Union Pacific building , Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , the 10th day of January , 189S , at 10 o'clock a. m. The stock transfer books will be closed ten days previous to the meeting. Boston , Mesa. . December , 20th , 18D7. ALEXANDER MILLAR , Secretary. Dec. 20 to Jan. 10. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby plven that the annual meeting' of 1he stockholders of the Omaha Union Depot company will be held at the olllce of the general solicitor of the Bur lington & Missouri River Railroad In Ne braska In Omaha , Nebraska. Januaty loth , 1S98. at 10 o'clock a. m. The meeting will be held for the election of a Board of Directors nnd for the trans action of such other business as may come before It , Including action upon the ques tion of a dissolution of the corporation. T. L. KIM BALL , President. Attest : J. G. TAYLOR. Secretary. Omaha , Neb. , Dec. 17 , 1897. D21D 20TM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the construction of the Power Plant Building on the Exposition grounds will be received until 11 o'clock a. m. , Wednesday , December 29th , ' 97 Plans and spi'clllcatlons can be peon at the De partment Olllce , corner 13th nnd Spencer Sta. . or acts will be furnished bidders at coit. The right Is reserved to reject any or all I119- ! . , , , ? " . P. KIRKRNDALL. Mgr. Gr'ds and Bldgs Dept. . Transmlssls- and International Expo. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the construction of the Colonnades connecting the Administration building with thp Agricultural and Mines and Mlnlnp bulldlnps , on the Exposition grounds , \\lll be received until 11 o'clock a in. Wednesday. December 29 , 1S87 , Plans nnd specifications can bo seen nt the Department ofllce , corner 15th and Spsnccr streets , or sets will bo furnished bidders at coat. The right Is leservcd to reject any or all bids. P. P. KIRKENDALL. Mgr. Cirds. & Bldjjrt , Dept. , Tr.insmlHslsHlppl and International Expo. M&E until 28th n. m. KANSAS CITY , hi" , JOSEPH & Council Illurti Railroad "Thi llurllnuton Haute" Ticket Oltlce. 150 ! Farnam Btrect , TeUpbone : M. D pot , Tenth anil Mai on streets. Telo. phuiieZS. . Leave. Arrive , Kansas CliyTDay 15x. . . , 8Cj ; am * 6iapm Kantus City Ntirht Ex. . ' 10:01 : utr < IS'J : ant MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD Oeneral Oirice * und Ticket OMIce , MerclmnU Nallonal liank llulUllng. 1134 Famam Street Telephone 101. Depot. Fifteenth unJ Webitt-r B'reeti. Telephon HiS. Leave. Arrive. Kaniaa and Nebraska Limited 3:05 : pm i:3J : pra Kar-eas Clly and St. Iuln Cxpreis : JO pm 6:00 : are Netraika Ixical . , . , tI : ) pm SMS am Dally. Dally except IIMI.H ( Conll aCHlCAGfefej. PAUL. M1NNH polls "fc * * Omih.i Unllway General olllces , N > bra ki fit. \Ulon. Fifteenth anJ WohMer Ftreeln. City TkKft O ncf. HU Fnrnnm Street , TtlenhoT1 , . . . . jt. Fifteenth and Webster Sticets. Telephone , HS5. * Arrlre. Bloux Cltr AccommoJa. 8-V > nm S.IO pm Slonx Cltr Accommoda. :50 am 8.20 pm Illalr , Kmerson , Sioux City , Poncn Hartlng- . „ , ttton nnil Hlonmflelil. . tti ! W pm 11:5J : nm Sioux Cltv , Manknta , St. „ . . _ . _ pm 9:10 : nm Paul. Minneapolis ,3J , , ; , SMS am " " " ' Dally , Dally" - , , } " . " Sunday only " ' * Tliln trnln stoixiii'at stations Florence to So. Blair. Inclusive. Sundays only ; on week days So. lllalr only. HFilKMONT , RLKIIOHN AND Mlssoonrl-Valler lUUwny Gen eral OIHccs Unttoil States Na- tlonl Baals nntldlnir. Ronth. west Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr- . „ nnm SJrets Ticket Onice , HOI nirnam Street. Telephone. Ml. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Telephone. 115 ? . Leave. Arrive , Hastlnpi , YotR. Divli City. Superior Geneva. rxcter and Sfward. . . . 3:00pm : B.OO pm Norfolk , We t Point nnd Fremont ; * * 7BD : nm 10:25 : am Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd ' nn % Fremont .IT'75 . " . rn Fremont Local "J .JW Dallr. * ' PnltJ * except Sunday , Sunday only. " " Dnlly cx fpt Saturday , " "Dally cxcen * Mondni * , CHICAGO ft NORTHWESTERN Rallway-fClty Tlck'-t Omce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 5Cl. Depot. Tenth and Mason Street * . Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley. Sioux ( Minneapolis'7I..T B:40 : nm * 10 : 3 pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City ; ; * 7SOnm : B:03 : pm Dennlson , Carroll , AAl \ lnU6 " 7:20 : am 0:05 pin EaMern ExprcsB. DCS Molncs , Mars.ulHown. CVaar Itaptd , Chicago " 10:4o : nm 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flyer. Chicago . . . . and Emit : 3 pm 4:10 : pm Fast Mall. Clilcaso to. Omaha * 3:10 pm Missouri Vallev1 , Sioux City. Pt. Paul. Mlnnc- tipolls Limited . . . . . . 5:1. : . pm 9:30 : nm Omnha-ChlcaKO Special. 6:30 : pm ill' ) am * Dally. " DJlly except Sunday SIOUX CITY .t PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olllces. United States National Ilank Dullit- Ing. S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce , HOI Farnam Street. Tclcpnone SGI. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Street * . Telephone - phone 14J3. .Leave. Arrive. SIOUT C | ly , Maiiknto. St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . 5:53 : pm 3:10 : am Dally. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER- laml Route" General Ofllces. N. E. Corner Ninth nnd Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , l.03 Fnrnam Street , Telephone 310. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tpietihonc 128. 128.Leave. . Arrive. ' for , Lake , wes'crn points . . . . . . . . . . .tj ' 4:15 : pm Tnst mall train for Demer , Salt Lake. Pacillo coast nnd all : western poln'B 3:30 : pm 10SO : am 12:20 : pm 12:20 : pm . "llQCIC ISLAND & Ultnroad "The Great Hock Island House" City Ticket Oillce. 1323 Fnrnnm Street. Talephonc" KS. Depot , Tenth rtnJ Mason Streets. Telephone- . Leave. Arrive. VestlbuleTniproaa . - ' < * ) pm 1:15 : pm Lincoln. Colorado SPSS , i- ! pm 4:23 : pnr. Chlcaso. Des Molncs 4r Rock Islana " t * < : w pm 8:15 : am Atlantic Kxpress. for Des Molnen sn l eail- crn points . { , . . . - t ? P ra 5:33 pin Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce , 1001 Farnam Street. Telephona 2S4. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Chlcaco Limited Ex. . . . 5:45 : pm 8:03 : am Omaha ana Chicago Ex 11.:00 : am 1:30 : pm Dally. WARASH RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE , 1416 Farnam Street. Telephone. 32i. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. 123. 'Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express . . < * 4:30pm * 11SO : are XEW TW1 E Of BIXI3. . The Krlc OrilerN Forts * I ooomotlvcn ot Iniprovoil DoHlKii. The Chicago & Eric railroad Is building forty locomotives of an entirely new type for use on tlio main line between Chicago and New York. The most striking fcaturo In the new engine Is the position of the cab , which Is placed In front of the steam dome , leaving the boiler and firebox Immediately over the driving wheels. Several advantages are claimed for this arrangement. The en gineer Is given a much clearer view of the track ahead , nnd has better control ot the machinery. The heaviest part of the locomo- tlvo Is over the driving wheels. The area of the boiler Is considerably Increased and the cost of fuel Is greatly reduced. By an Improved arrangement of the firebox the chccoest kind ot fuel can be used , and ' the saving on that score'is uatd to Inconsid The ne\v engine can also be built Tor IS per cent less cost than the old typo. It Is lighter and tha wear and tear on the tracks Is expected to bo much less In cense quence. Two firemen will bo employed on each engine , ono to afoovel ccal and keep up fltcum and the other to assist the engineer. The now engines will attain much greater speed and do muro work at less cost than the present locomotives. The Erie adopted the now engine after a test of oeveral months. Sorao old locomotives were remod- elpd on these lines and employed in freight ind passenger service with satisfactory le- IM2X.SIOX.S Ji'OIl WHSTBHX VnTISH.WS. SurvlvurH of Lulo U'ur Itciiii-inlirn-il liy Hit ! * fiiTn-rnl ( Siivoriiiuuiit , WASHINGTON , Dec. 2C.-Speclal.-Pen- ( ) slons have been ISHUCI ! AH follows : Issue of December 10 , 1S07 : Nebraska : Reissue Jarcd Ayer , Omnlia , $4. Iowa : Original Tj3.faytte Stevens , Cedar Knlls , J10 ; Frederick B.r.Hpes. | Bowen , { ( i. Increase Edwin M , tflke , , Fort Madison , ? 1C to tn. Reissue Cltui'lbs Bnchman , Ot- tuirmn , $10. Oilglnul widow , etc. Laura O. Stoddunl , Hutler Centett l Emily A. John ston , Columbus City , W.ITH , North Dakota : OrlBlMTirvlns W. Shel don , Xo.v Hocloport , 18. , „ ' , South Dakota : Otlglnal-'rvldow , etc. Eliz abeth A. Jarvls , Hurotli W. Issue of December 111K07 : Nebraska : OrlBlnal-Alicl- , Lincoln , JO ; Davlrt K. Williams.Ilepubllcan City , Jfl ; Jnmes A. Tullcys , IledCluud , t , Additional Charlea M. wyman. Cli-iirSvater , J10 to Jli ; Jesse B. KIllRoro. Indlnibla. ) JS to J12. HolBRiio Special , Dpceinlidr' ' 15 , Christopher C. Hldoll. Kullton , $8. T . losa : Original WarrunaW , Jones , Alden , { 0 ; Klnloy M. Onff , Wnpnllfi. ja ; Georee SI. Shearer. Ottumwa , tG&i4iiuel ; AV. llc- Cllntock , Brandon , M ; Frank Lorence , Chur- dan , * J ! ; David D. Davia , Cbtumbus City , $0 ; Friend Cook , Des Molnfep' JS. Additional- Special , December 16 , Almerln Peck. Afton , W to $12 ; William LevrtsfaJIenlo , Jl to 4 < \ < t v iau - * T 11(141(1 * t , VfcUtlUftj A * JluiJt fU IU $10 : Qtiatat Simuelson , New York , $8 to $12. Heljsuo and Increase John W. Stanley , Leon , $ S to $14. Original widow , etc , Agnes ICbrhurt , Davenport , 18. Colorado ; Oritrlnal Benjamin F. Ileece , Oolden , $8 : Patrick Layden , QeorKotown , $ S. Increase William SI , Clark , Denver , $ G to $ S. Wyoming : Original John F. Hlff , Green niver , JO. Montttna : Original William 41 , Belvldge , IlllllUBS , $3 , South Dakota : Restoration nnd reissue Nnvman C , NaHti , Canton , $ J. Original willow , etc. Slary J. Noble , Manchester , $ S , ItuliUIti * for ClirlHtniim Dinner. DENVER , Dee. 23.-I'araou Thomas Uz- zell distributed 3,000 jack rabbits among the poor people wife , applied for them this forenoon. Theno rabbits were shot In t"ie annual hunt at Laniar , Cole , Arrange ments are btliiir inado to feed 2.001) people at the anmr.iV ChrUtmni dinner at the Uz- icll tabernacle next Tuesday , ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM Itpecntly Illshop McFatil of Trenton , nrtil- Irator ibctwcon the rival organizations of "tho Ancient Order of ribcrnlar.8 , an nounced to the joint committee Ills decision and a plan of reorganization to put It In effect. Tlio orjratilwitlon epllt In 1838 , the chief differences between the two factions being as to T.-hother the American organization should bo subordinate to the organization In Ireland , and whether the privilege ot membership should extend to thee of Irish descent through ono parent or only to per sons of Irish descent through both parento. There seemed to bo no way of ending Uio strife until last August \vhon a commlttco form each organization met at Atlantic City In joint convention ami agreed upon Bishop McFaul to settle the difficulties. Bishop McFaul's decision is na follows : " 1. The namn by which -Iho reunited or ganization shall bo known Is 'The Ancient Order ot Hibernians ; ' the words 'In America' shall bo added only to designate the country wherein the organization Is located. " 2. The constitution In use previous to disunion , and adopted at the National con vention held In Cleveland , O. , May 16 , 18S4 , shall bo taken as the groundwork to which all necessary amendments shall be made' , "At thn atlonal convention , held by virtue of this decision , amendments shall bo rcc- ommondej by a commlttco of five- members , appointed 'by ' the permanent chairman , and said amendments may be adopted by the convention after they shall have received the approval of the aibltratnr. " 3 , The qualifications for membership In the order are enumerated In article x ol the above-mentione.1 constitution. Among others , the following will iho found : 'No person ahall become a member of this order who Is not Irish , or ot Irish descent through ci'.thcr ' parent , & c. "Thla qualification has been the c'niso ot much discussion In past years. I am sat isfied , nevertheless , that Its rctcnllcn Is nec essary Tor the continuance , gro'vth , and prosperity of the organization Inhla coun try. A mere restrictive qualification may , perhaps , bo better In Europe ; but In Amor- lea It wpuld be suicidal , owing to the fre quent inarriaRcs of the Irish and their de scendants with other nationalities. "It hai been assorted that this qualifica tion opens the way to objectionable member ship. J do not concur In this view. It Is by vote that a candidate Is received or re jected , and , as this U a sufficient safeguard , an additional means need not bo selected ; and ono that will lead , sooner or later , to the extinction of the order In America "bust be condemned fl > y every member who has the welfare of the organization nt heart. "Moreover , as ths Irish have alwaja been Juotly proud of the part taken by their he roic ancestors in the cause of church ana motherland during- the dark ngcs of per secution , this organization will only bo tru ; to Ita best tradition when It cultivates and encourages the patriotic pulsations of every heart in which circulates a single drop of Irish iblooJ. " 4. The quarterly communications , after the national convention held in accordince with this decision , ehall be manufactured and Issued , subject 1o the approval of the national chaplain , by the chief executive officer ot the order In America , until the European branches of the order shall have united , and < i member of itho Jrlsh hierarchy shall have certified to the National chaplain that the united 'body ' Is In harmony with the teachings of the Catholic church. Then , as provided for eUowhcro In this decision , the question of receiving the quarterly com munications' from Europe may bo consid ered. "You have como together like true and honorable men , willing to make any sacrifice for unity and harmony ; you liavo resolved that all differences shall he forgotten , and you are determined to act for the best Inter ests of your church , your race and the gen eral welfare of your organization. Your brothers In Europe are equally magnanimous , and will , no doubt , cheerfully follow your ex ample. I suggest , therefore , that the new < : blef executive officer , elected at the national convention , held by virtue ot this decision , communicate the chief executive officers ot the European branches of the order , and advise them to unite by 'some such feasible means as you have selected. " 5. A ibond of friendship , unity and Chris tian efharlty shall still exist between the American and 'European ' bodle . This bond shall be the 'transfer card' from either Euro pean branch , which shall 'be ' duly honored , as 'hereinafter provided , by the order In America. " 0. The plan of reorganization , which Is hereto attached. Is a part of this decision , and embraces allimattcrs appertaining to rep resentation , conventions , credentials , prop erty , transfer card , constitution , ritual , gov ernment ot organization , etc. " The quarterly communications referred to In the decision are the passwords. The plan of reorganization referred to pro vides , In brief , that all the divisions now composing the minor organizations of the American branch and ot the Hoard of Erin shall remain undisturbed as now organized and shall comprise the units of the reunited organization ot the lAncIent Order of Hibernians. Where there are two subordinate lodges claiming the same number , provision Is made for renumbering. In counties -where there are two county ( board's they are to be superseded 'by ' a single county organization to die composed of an equal number of delegates chosen from each of the rival divisions In that county , 'Where there are two state organizations In existence they ore to 'be ' superseded by a single ono to bo organized by delegates from the now county boards. A'fter ' the state boards arc re organized a national convention Is to bo called by dllshop McPaul and a single na tional organization formed to succeed the two present organizations. The convention will bo held In Juno or July of next year nnd it Is probable that Trenton will bo llxcd upon for the place of meeting. l Tiio due iilon will bu of Interest In this section' ot the country , for the disaffection spread hero , although It was largely con- flncdi to the east. Both organizations liayo followers In this ftate. Onlcr nr JloiliiiL-ii. The following chlefti were elected to fill the chieftaincies ot Yalrnundaksls trltbe for the first six mo cos ot the great aun 407 : L. M. I'lckctt , S. ; Frank Brown , S. S. ; George Goodwin , J. S. ; Harry Waller , K. of n. ; Dan McGrath , K. of W. Whlto Fawn council , No. 9 , has elected the following officers for the next term : Lizzie Pelronet , P. ; Emma Hlgbsmlth , W. ; Harry Anderson , P , ; Harry Yapp , K , of H. ; Suslo Plckett. A. K , of R. ; Anna Crawford , P. A public Ir.stallutlon of officers will occur on the sleep ot the eighth aun , cold moon , G. S , D. 407 , In the hall at Labor templo. The officers elected In Mlncshako council for the cnsulcg term arc : Grace Duncan , P. ; Nellie Qulnn , W. ; Luello Jackmon , K. of H. ; Wllhelmeua Ilyers , K. of W. : Clyde Kings- bury , P. ; Bmma Stanley , A , K. of n. ; Mart'a ' Klrkondall , P. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to alt members of the order to at tend the Installation of officers on the sleep of the first sun' ' , cold moon , G. S , D. 407. A splendid lunch will bo served-and dancing Indulged In , The teepo Is In Labor temple. The women of Alfaretta council give their annual great sun masquer&do dance on the sleep of the fourth eun , cold moon , G , S , D. 407 , at Thurston Rifles' ball. The patron * ot first-class dances look forward to this event with pleasure , and It goca without saying they will not be dlsappo'ated. ' Nellie Gray and A. J. Aultliaus of Alfaretta council have taken the trail for the hunting grounds of DM Molne to spend Cbilttinaa with friends. \Vooilim-ii of tlit * Worlil. 'New camps of the order have recently been Instituted at Johnson , Neb. , and at Panama , Walnut , Logan , Neoln , Barling , Wood bine and Hancock , la. Sovereign Commando , ' Root , Sovereign Clerk Yates and Sovereign Manager Farmer and others of the sovereign office have attended open meetings at these places , which baa resulted In much good. A new ( eaturo to bo inaugurated In all lodges on the flrat day ot January will bo the saluting the flag of the country , The Hag under the new ruling Is to be placed at the bead of the forest , being conspicuous upon npproachlnc the center of th < * forest. This fcaturo will tend to teach to all woodcraft | the true principles of partotlam and love ot 1 country as taught In the ritual of the order. This la to bo a part ot the opening ceremony at all times. < Omaha grove , No , 1 , Woodmen Circle , will glvo n card party at , Red Men's hall , Contl- neutalblock , Thursday evening. The Christmas tree entertainment given by Alpha camp , No. 1. Woodmen of the World , In their nc\y hall on Sixteenth strcol and Capitol avcnue'on last Thursday evening was an Immense success In every way. It wan gotten up on the spur of the moment and over 1,000 gifts wcro distributed and every ono ot the 275 children present received rrom two toiflvc presents from Santa Glaus. The children wcro entertained with games. Ono of the features of the evening waa the contest for two special prizes for the girl and hey who had the most fun In an hour , The winners were 3-year-old Miss McKelson and G-year-old Master Ururgmnnn. After the children wore entertained the floor was cleared and Until midnight the grown pcoplo danced , \Voiuliucn of Aincrlpn. The local momboni ot the order were dla- appolntcd last week In their expectation of being able to greet a number ot head officers at a. public reception. The distinguished visitors wcro hero for the purpose of asslsti Ing In tbo suit In the federal court against the Union National bank , but they at once left when they foundl that the case could not ibo heard. The trial was continued until January 5 , when It will ccrta'nly ' be com menced. The head officers will bo here again ofc that time acid the reception was therefore postponed until then. Clover Leaf camp. No. 8 , Royal Neighbors ot America , South Omaha , has elected the following officers : Jennie Hainan ay , P , 0. , Emma Fisher , 0. ; Emily Hazell , V. O. : Ada Clements , R. ; Kate Reese , R. ; Amy Sher wood , C. ; Grace Knight , M. ; Joiilo Heath , I. S. : Alberta L. Day. O. S. ; Mary Hruce , P. ; W. H. Slabaugh , P. ; Martfca Jacobs , M. ; Nina Cockrcll , captain ot degree staff. Ivy cump , No. 2 , Royal Neighbors ol America , has elected the following officers : Mrs. Kate Remington , O. ; Mrs. Cliailes Al len , V. O. ; MUs Helen Wlnans. R. ; Mrs. Anna Price , R. ; Mrs. Laura Davis , C. ; Mrs. I. Gramly , M. ; Mrs. Ida Hradtord , I. S. ; Mri , Lucy Stone , O. S. ; Mre. Jones , Mrs. Schncll , Mrs. Martin , M. ; Mrs. Sarah Miller , Dr. C. F. Clark , P. Fi-iid-ruiil Dillon of America. Banner lodge last Thursday elected the fol lowing officers : Dr. II. A. Worley , F. JI. ; George Holtcu , T. ; Robert E. Strlngfellow , P. ; Mrs. E. H. Holton , T. ; Mrs. L , M. Kocse , M. ; J. H. Mason , S. : D. R. Ennls , T. Oscar Poterscti , G. ; Selma Peterson , G. ; D. W. lod- son , S. ; R. 0. Ualley , S. ; IA. J. Whldden , S. The lodge his completed all arrangements for the holiday ball on the evening of Decem ber 30. A numbci" of the members of Mcndamln and Banner lodges vlflted lienscn lodge Wednesday evening , whore a royal reception was tendered the guests. Arrangements are being made by Ikuson lodge for nti enter tainment to bo held In January. At last ( Monday night's -meeting of Mon- dainta lodge , No. Ill , a musical program \\as rendered by Adolph and Chris Thleci. To morrow night tbo lodge elects officers and the committee on by-laws will report. Audi-lit Order of United Worlcineii. Local members of the order will lie Inter ested In the fact that recently the grand legion , Select Knights , ot Kansas , changed their assessment plan flora the giaded tc the classified system. Social Io3ge , No. 102 , Degree of Honor , lias elected the following : Miss Mattle Kelly , P. C. of 'H. ' ; "Mrs. " J. C. Oopeland , C. of H. ; MUs 'Flora ' A. Patten , L. ot 'H. ' ; 'Mrvs. ' Mae Kelly , C. of C. ; Mrs. Luella H. Haft , R. ; Mrs. Kate Gilder , 'P. ' ; ( Mrs. iBmlly B. Lan caster , 'IU ' ; < Mrs. Anna Grass. U. ; Mrs. R. N , Dodson. I. W. : Mr. W. H. Haft , O. W. ; Jlrs. 'P. ' A. Folllnsbce , T. ; Dr. E. E , Wormsly , M. E. ICniKlitn of the MnvculiecM. Gate City hive , No. 9 , Is preparing for a public Installatlcn of officer , ? . Superior Deputy Johnson organized a new tent at Nebraska City this week. On Janu ary 4 quite a number of the knights of this city will assist In exemplifying tbo work there. Lady Holllrter inlve gives Its flrat enter tainment Tuesday evening at Sounder's hall , Twenty-fourth acid Cumlng streets. Paplllkn will be the next of the nearby towns to be Invuded by the Maccabees. A new tent haa been organized and will bo In stituted after the holidays. of I'ytlililH. At a late session of the grand lodge of Illinois the reports showed the state had 516 subordinate lodges with a membership of 38,519 on July 1 , a decrease for the year of G89. Sick and funeral benefits of ? S5- 713.26 were- expended during the year. The a.ssets of the lodges aggregate in value $333- 374.79. In Missouri , according to the reports at the last Grand Lodge session , there are 30.718 members , a decrease of 761 for the year. The number of lodges Is 2G7. The benefits amounted to $19.529.05. The total assets aggregate $326,047.68. Sons anilj IJntiKliterH of Protection , This Nebraska secret organization Is get ting ready to ceiobrato Us first anniversary next month. Although not yet a year old It has already a 'membership ' of over 1,000 , has paid all death leases In full and has over Jl.OOO in the reserve fund , which under the constitution of the order must be Invested In mortgage bonds on Improved farms In Nebraska. The headquarters are at Lin coln. In this city Isabella lodge. No. 14 , was re cently Instituted and has a large member ship. It gave a social and dance In the Cou- tlncntal block Tuesday , of the KoreHl. Supreme Guard C. II. Roediger of Indo. pondenco has been In Omaha ca a business trip the last week. Deputy S. C. Botkln Is spending the holl- dayti In Minneapolis. Garfield council , No , 2 , South Omaha , has elected officers as follows : S. J , Welsch , C , , C. C. Gooden , L , ; John Deadly , B. ; H. V. Pcrsolls , S. ; Clyde Storms , C. ; A. Bock , H , ; E. Carlson , I. C. ; J. Bbcrl , O. G. ; F. Kern and C. C , Goodcn , T. The council will on- tortalu Us .members und friends at a smoker tomorrow evening , Trllie of lieu Ilur. The local hive has elected the following officers : Gcorgo HI. Lowls , C. ; T. L. Mc Donnell , P. O. ; A. C. Kaer , J. ; Elizabeth R. Gllle , T. ; C. D. Allen , S. ; L. E. Lucas. K. of T.j Mlnnlo Schrader. C. ; Fred Glllo. O. : W. E , Putnam , K. of I. G , ; F. J. Glllo , K , of 0. G. The officers will 'bo ' Installed on the evening of January B. The members and their friends will be tendered a social entertainment at the home of Miss flattio Getschmann , Fourteenth and Pine streets , on next Tuesday evening. Tto'ill OllUx. After much trouble and work the order re ceived Its charter tram the state to do busi ness a week ego yi-ntcrday. The work of booming the order will be at once taken up. Toward this end a public mcetUig , cnteitaln- meat and concert will be ibeld on January 0. At the same time the officers of Live Oak lodge , No , 1 , will bo Installed. They are to bo elected next Thuruday evening at a meetIng - Ing to bo held at Labor temple. Order lit SoiitlUli ' 01111111. Clan Gordon , No. C3 , has elected officers an follows ; Charles Macadam , C , ; Andrew Pea cock , T , : William Llddell , C. ; James C. Llnd. cay , S. ; D. II. llrotchle. F , S. ; Tuomaa Mel- drum , T. ; Dr. W. II. Hobb , Pj George Anderson - derson , S , H. ; William J , Hlilop , J. H. ; Wil liam Chapman , S. ; J. I ) . ( McDonald. W , ; llborcaa Falconer , jr. , S. ; J , C , Buchanan and George W. McDougall , P. ; Wllll-im - Hampico , 8. B , ; James Uowlo , T , 'Royiil ' Illdiliiiule'ru. On last Thursday a now castle WHS organ ized at Haatloas , wltlt the following officers- O. W. Tlbtits , P. I. P. ; Samuel Mattocku , I. P. : W. S. McKlnnor , 0. C.j Rev. J. 0 , Power. W. 13.j Percy A. WclM , T. ; Cturlfi F. MoMlllfn. W. ; Thomas Slofkln. B.J George I ) . Myers ; II. ; George Whcclor , 0. ; .John P. IMndgett , S. : J. A. Kennedy , A , 13. AVIlkenson , W. C. : Leroy Iloyce , Cor. S. ! Turner W. Cower. C. of A. : Frank W. Wat- kins. J , J. Simmering , Benjamin Urqtthart , V. C. ; W. 11. Lynn. Frank L. King. M. B. Jl now TIM : cutnvs vnnin IHHSKO. U -Iin1liin ( "miiniUtlniier Tell * of nn Inelili-iit In Motitnnn. When I took charge of the olllco of In- dlnn nffnlrs I found the Crow Indians wan dering over what wna Known ns their reser vation In Montnnn. write * Hiram I'rlco tiv the Davenport ( In. ) Republican. This reser vation contained 4,713,001) ) ncrcs ot land nnd these Indiana were making no attempt to Biiln iv subsistence "V cultivating the soli , but on the contrary wre living the llvos ot ronmlnff Indian * nml wen * known ns the "Wild Crows ot the mountains , " In my minimi rei > ort ns commissioner I save fho condition of these Indians as I found them , and suRKTsted that they bo removed to the valleys ot the IR ! | Horn anil Little 1UR Horn rivers , where there was timber nnil water , so that they might bo Instructed Iti the direction of civilization and eventually eeuso to bo rovln ® nomads , supported l > / the government , nnd eventually beeomo jieacrnblc self-supporting cltlzenx. On my recommendation tbo secretary ot fho Inter ior asked congress for an appropriation to > build Homo lojr cabins , such n many whlto men settling In n. new nnd timbered coun try frequently live In and such a. ono ns I once built and lived In myself , Congress took the matter under consideration and. tlnally appropriated $10,000 for the necessary building ! * . Then with the approval of the Bccretnry of the Interior I advertised fop bids to put up these cabins as dwellings for the Indians A house ot some kind la nn essential feature and toelp to civilization. In answer to the advertisement a bid was received to do the work for JTO.WO. It did. not require a very largo amount of llnan- clal or business ability to decide that JTOW could not be pnla with $10.000. Then I held nnotncr conference with the secretary ana1 It was decided to advertise ugnin , which. was accordingly done , and In answer to this the lo\Yost , bid received \\i\s \ Jllt.OCO. The road to success , In this nttompt , to make Industrious citizens of the Crow In dians , seemed to be blocked , lint I had undertaken the Job of substituting the sonra of the husbandman for thn "whoop" of thu Crow Indians , nnd wnn reluctant to aban don U and acknowledKo defeat * So I suld to the secretary , "I have as * employes of the Indian olllce four sidnl | agents , one oC whom I t'hlnk ' Is familiar with frontier lift and knows how to handle an ax. Now will * your consent and approval I will send him Into the timber In the vtillcy of the BigHorn Horn and Little Hlg Horn rivers and au thorize him to employ n few men who know how to handle nn ax , and In thl * way t'heso ' houHeH can In built , and the $10,000 appro priated by congress bo used to pur chase thu lumber for the roofs , lloors , doors and glass for the windows. " This plan waa adopted and the result was that , whllo Bomo Rip Van Winkle icd tape was dis pensed with , the Crown were started on < v now line of life , which bids fair to rcduco the number of wild Indians and Increase. the number of those \\lio may eventually become luw-abldliiB and respectable citi zens. And all this b.ts been done without creat ing any dellclency In any branch of govern ment appropriations , nnd without the viola tion of any law or rnsulntlon ot congress. The grand , icsult Is t'hat ' whllo the Crows have been given n fair start along tlm pathway that leadi to Industrious , self- supporting citizenship , over 3.000.000 ncrea of land are no longer held as Indian huntIng - Ing grounds , but can now bo utilized for the bcnellt of all citizens. All Indians need educating along imlustilal lines , before they can become valuable as citizens , TO cum : : 001,11 i.osu DAY Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money It It ( alls to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. l > U7//liK CLUH. 55-DIA.MOND. 1. A conaonant.2. Exactly suitable. 3. A lord's estate In lands. I Played In water. 5. A very well known plant. C. Kinging a boll to announce a death. 7. Part ot a bridle. S. A domestic animal , fl. A con sonant. A. W. K. TiG RIDDLE. I'm jrrcatly Iprlzed and In demand By rich and poor throughout the land ; From newsboy up to millionaire. All my great usefulness declare. In character I'm fair and square- In form perhaps you'd call mio spare. I have no hands , or legs , or feet. Yet In my way I am complete. My owner must observe some care. For usage rough I cannot bear ; For should he strike me , much I dread ! I should Hare up nnd lose , my head. I'm nt home , hut I do not doubt When my work's done that I go out : And , strange to say , although I'm prized , When I RO out I am despised. JOSIE. in-FOUR DEPENDENT DIAMONDS. "Upper Lett Diamond 1. A vowel. 2. An abbreviation for a sum ot money. 3. A. largo city In Nebraska. 4. An article. 6. A vowel. Upper right diamond 1. A vowel. 2. A period of time. 3. A beautiful stone worn as an ornament. 4. An abbreviation denot ing more ot a similar character. B. A vovrel. Lower Left Diamond 1. A vowel. 2. A unit. 3. The opening- between two lines whoso points meet. 4. A kind of tree. 5. A vowel. Lower Right Diamond 1 , A vowel , i , Used to agitate air. 3. Masticated and swallowed.1. . A weapon used by tbo nn- clent gladiators. 5. A consonant * PAX , 53 REBUS. BNOTSECNATSMUCniC COME 13 Y The above Is good advice. JOSH5. 09 CHAHADED STATES. 1. A girl's name and from iwhat th farmer makes his living- . 2. An exclamation , away up , nnd nn ex clamation. 3. A girl's name and a garden tool. 4. Performing- ablutions anil a weight. 5. A girl's name , a drunkard und a vowel. i 1C CO-CIIARADR. To COMPLETE a ONE you cut off his TWO , Which ucerns a remarkable thing to do ; Yen It In true , though the atatcmcnt ttecms tall. Take the TWO from a ONF3 and then find ALL. A perfect FIRST has a SECOND , of course. Like a cow , mK. \ > \ . n go it or a horse ; Hut If of hia 11WO ! > oor ONE Is cheated , Stransi > thouRli It poems , he's merely COM PLETED. ELLSWORTH. 01 SQUARE , 1 , A certain style of architecture. 2 , A bird of beautiful plumage. 3. A fold , 4. Scrubbed. B. To declare or nlllrm. C. Wanted. PHILAMEL. C2-NUMERICAL. 2-3-4-1 The nnmu of thn first man , ( i-9-7. Used for heating and Illuminating. S-0-10. A vehicle. C-4-3. To run about. COMPLETE Is a large Island near Africa. I3KHT. 03-CIIAUADE. A rich old ONE lives down the street- Today IIO'R fce.liiK ! quite COMPLETE ; For he's Rotting feeble and old , And scarccly'B TWO to count his ( fold. A. W. 13 OI-PALINDUOXtn , K-N-1-I-N-K. I nm n word of letters cloven , Backward or forward spelled ullUo , The Indian used to gather ina up Far nshatV To Hinoko In his pipe ! JOSIB. C3-HALF BQUAIII3. 1 , A small round moulding ; . 2 , Struggles , 3. A thrce-loBBftl Iron frame. 4 , A. larca Btream. C , To dcclaio positively , G , To ob tain , 7 , A conjunction , S. A letter , PJIILOMKJC Last week's unsworn : < 7- C 11 U T U l U B D O U H T A 1 N | T K A 8 K D I 13 N 4t-IIot-hed , hotbed. 43- 8 H B I , P H O V E T , B V A D H L E D O E V I * 1C 13 T to Too many cookH spoil the broth. 61 C a n a r D H a d j .1 A re t1 C H u H K L o t h 13 K x p n K N H hade S Clmrlcs Dlckena. 62 My-mneet-heart , my sweetheart , 53-idam : Hat , loin , sour. 01 Jlad-l-son , MadUon , TRY GBA1H-0 ! TRY GRAIN-0 Aak your grocer today to show yon package of UUAIN'-O , the new food drink that takes -ho place ot coffee. The chlkj. ren may drink It wltlmut Injury aa well at the adult. All who try it , like it. QUAIN-lS has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java. but It U made from pure grains , and th most delicate stomach receives It without distress , ' /i the price of coffee. I5c and 2M per packauo. Hold by all grocer * .