THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DEOE fBETl 25 , 1897. I FROM THE FARTHER WEST HIGHER PRICES PREDICTED VTest.rn View of tlie Ontlook for the Cattle Market Next Year , RANGES HAVE ALL BEEN STRIPPED ruliirr In Stort- for Uic Cnltle llrtmom Supplr > f I.lvc Stock In Short Jliuij Com- Iiuiilr llnc Sold Out. UKNVKR. Uec. -Special ( ) Dr. Charles Grcsawell. secretary of the State Sanitary Iioird , predict ! that the prices of cattle will bo hlithcr aext > ear than they were this sea son. The Chicago cattlemen are disputing the Btatcment that there Is a shortage of cattle. Explaining vfchy he thought there would be a shortage and an Increase IB prices , he eald jeetcrday : "There will be the same shortage In ohccp as there will In cattle , but the sheep shortage will mot last so long , as the sheep can be renewed la number on the range * In a .few years. With cattle It Is different. Before nil this wortcrn country was settled up largo herds came up from the south for wintering , atternards selling for feeding purposes In the feeding states. While that movement was In Us height c Ule were higher than usual In value , owing to the effect It had upon the eastern cattle Misers. "A great amount of capital went Into the range business , as the producing of cattle was so cheap It paid the eastern loederfl to buy from tlie western rangers and feed them themselves Instead of raising them The result was that the raising ot cattle In the cast was lessened , and the east relied to a great extent for Its supply from the range herds of the west. Before the country was fenced la these multiplied to a great ex tent , and. havtag unlimited government range to feed upon , thov could be raised cheaply enough to supply the eastern market. As the result or the boom there was an over- production. Teen , as the western ranges be came settled up , this range business could not he conducted on the same principle , mainly because the cattle could not drift w 1th the storms , and beoaupe of the actual eating up of tua public range. THEN CAME LIQUIDATION. "Then came the liquidation of these large firms , as they found the business could not nay os before the land hod been taken up by settlers. This wholesale liquidation has been consummating for seven ywrs. As the prices came down the big men sold vv'.iat they could , reducing their holdings , and going out of business Now this process has taken seven jears , and everyone has bpen talking of the western shortage for some time. "The proof of the llquldatloa Is that In spite of he hard times of 1893 and 1S04 , when money was scarce , the actual prlco of a 1,000-pound etecr was aot reduced at all ; on the other hand , they hardened a little. TJp to 1S31 and 189C. while every colnmodltv decreased , cattle kept up. When things Im- jirovcd a little during the early part of thU jiar , eattlo 'were the first to go up. The actual valueof a young steer Is now 33 4 per cent more than a jear ago The price of beef did not go up In proportion , but was , ot course , raised a little. Thu reason for ithat was that as the prices of cattle went up , the flnal process ot liquidation of the < blg outfits occurred , and put on the market In 1S97 and on the western ranges everj- thlng "they " could down lo old cows and fftlvts. At the present time there Is an un precedented amount of cattle being fed on the corn belts of Kansas and Nebraska of the most mixed character ever known , the fcedcu taking everything they cauld get. That may icsult , Tiut not necessarily , In a ailgher prlco of beef In thu future. The east ern men were able 'to ' stock up . "because " money was more easy this jear than for Borne time. time.HAVE HAVE TO LOOK WEST. "When this lot of cattle , which Is now. being fed. Is cleared up , we will have to look to the western rangca to supply them ag-aln. This the west can't do , and for this reason. Jn 1893 , 215.G58 head of cattle came through Colorado from the south for east ern feeders , mostly composed of 3 and 4- 3ear-old steers , with a aprlnkllng of 2ear - old heifers In 1S94. 179,255 cattle went through Colorado an * at that time It was nt/t / realized > : hat thu jounger stock was ( being taken from the ranges for feeding purposes. The fact that prices of 1895 were the same as In 1893 and 1S91 were really an Increase , aa everything else went lower , and that Induced 2S0.8C9 head of cattle to bo forought In for feeding purposes.In that jear nearly all the stock were 2 and 3-year- old steers. In 1898 , 310.S43 cattle went through the state , composed mcstly of 2- yoar-olds and yearlings , and a sprinkling of calves. In 1897 , 372.CS9 head of cattle cimo north , composed of yearlings In a large , proportion. ap < l 2 and 3-yoar-old stock , including everylhlng that could be gotten off 'the rangajvhlch was unmarketable in times past. This proves that there Is an nntml demand for feeding purposes of 372- 000 head of cattle. " \rlzona baa been cleaned out. Although It contributed 155,003 head last jear , It Is fair to rstlmato that there Is not 100,000 head In that rtato today. Now Mexico , which sent up 90,510 cattle this year. Is In a similar flx. Old Mexico , which eent up 72,478 , Is practi cally shut out. owing to the Dlngley hill. The output of Texas has fallen off from 78,000 In 1890 to 48,092 In 1897. With the quarantine limited from January IB , Instead of Febru ary 15 , ns before , the supply will bo limited to what northern Texas , above the fever line , can supply , which will bo less even than 1897. The supplv. for the above reason , Is reduced ot least 150,000 head , with the aime demand for next yaar which exists this yenr. This will result In the ranges being built up again , but the past tohlng up of the land by settlers will limit the production of cattle ; BO > ou see they cin't bo built up In the old- timevigor. . Or It will result In the eastern elates raising eattlo and the eastern men will find tint too expensive , as laud ls too high there to raise eattlo on it. The lack of sum- clcnt grazing land In the west and the extra cost of feeding In the east will curtail the raising of stock , and added to this Is the In crease of consumption of beef- " llrru of the I.IUUIlls : Horn. GREAT FALLS , Mont. , Dec. 24 ( Special. ' ) William McMasternvwhose death occurred at Glasgow Tuesday } was a hero of the Little Big Horn battle. Ho was a New Yorker aad enlisted In the civil war at the beginning and fought under McClollan , He enlisted a second time at the close of the war und was Kent went to fight the Indians > At the battle i ot the Little Big Horn he was In the detach sneat tinder Ueno , which came too late to prevent the massacre of Cutter and the soldiers In his division. When the wounded In Keno's company were suffering and djlus for water , volunteers were called for who "would hazard their llvw to xellava their conuailcs , and among the four fearless heroes Tlie Best leas of Japan are the best teas of the world. Care fully grown and prepared by an Improved process which insures perfect purity and retains all the strength and flavor of the succulent leaves and buds. A cup of Japan Tea "inTigvratti in ibf morn tug and rt/ratfs at ntgtt , " every pouml crlticall ) Inspected by the Japan official- . jooJ eroceri se ! i'ea. who rertwndea1 was McMnsters. It meant almost certain death , but too four Toluntccn , aden with canteens , made the race. One ot hem waa killed getting to the creek , another dllod coming back and a third one , Ian 3'Jlllvfln , severely oundcd. He was sent back to his homo In Illinois and there died , and hU musket Is now on exhibition In the Historical society of Springfield , 111. Mc- Mastera was awarded a medal for his bravery by congress. C'OI.OIIMJO MUMMIHS. Sni > t > o ril Hrninln * nf ( he Ilojnl Tninllj of Cltrr Dweller * . Kew people , perhaps , are aware of the fact that within the state of Colorado arc found the remains of a prehistoric race , preserved by a systora of embalming which , while somewhat different from , that or the ancient Egyptians , has proved equally effective In combating the ravages of decay. Many Know that southwestern Colorado was. hundreds of years ago , populated by a race ot cliff dwellers , nnd the ruins ot their homes on the lllo San Juan , near Mancos , arc annuilly Tlslted by thousands of Inquis itive tourists. It Is not generally knownt however , that these people attained to such a. degree ot perfection In the art of preserv ing the remains of their dead that even now , centuries after they were placed In the tomb , the only Indication of the lapse of time Is the withered anil drlcJ-up appear ance of the sklr > . In the rooms of the State Historical so ciety , at the capltol building , relates the Denver correspondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat , are four of these mummies , the most Interesting specimens yet dlecovered. Those who have read with Interest the re sults of the labor of archaeologists In Egjpt , whose every discover- this character Is dis cussed In the Journals and magazines through out the world , will be repaid by a visit to the capltol building. Were the history of this strange people known and their records pre served the four mummies In the rooms of the historical society might provo to be the re- malrm of a family equally royal and renowned In their own country with Ramascs or Cleo patra lo Egjpt. That they fctm a family group le evident. There arc the father and mother and two children , the latter probablj 3 to S ycurs of age. Not nil the dead of this race were thus preserved. In an adjoining cave are hundreds of human bones , represent l ig the remains of those who did not rank high enough In the cliff-dwellers' world to be thus carefully protected from the effacing fingers of time It Is , therefore , not lirorob- abH ttvat this family was ot royal blood The extraordinary fineness of the embalm ing wrappings la a further evidence of th6 fact Unlike the ancient Egjptlans , this wrapping consists not of manj folds , but a single garment , carefully rawed to shut oui the air. The embalming robes la which the remains are .shrouded are composed of a groundwork of cord , made of the fiber o the jucca plant , and closelj wovca. In this are Icterwoven feathers , or rather the finest down from some species of bird. Eech feather la carefully woven In on uprigh position , and so closely arc the } placed tha neither air nor water cHn pentcrate the ) cloth To make one of these robes with the crude methods emploed , all being done b } hand , must have been the labor of } ears , and It Is probable thst the- were almcst of priceless value. Tens of thouaanita ot feathers would tc required for each robe This feather cloth Is evidently Indestructi ble , showing no signs of deca } . It is Of a light brown color with occasional streaks of white Of the mummies that of the mother and child arc the best preserved The woman's loag black hair hinge down over her shoul ders , cud teeth and skla are In a perfect state of preservation. But the most re markable specimem is tbat of one of the children , which appears to have been about 3 } eara of age. Were it r.ot for the peculiar parchment like appearance of the ekln it would seem that the child had been dead but a few dajs Evca tbe lips have not } decayed- and the fact that the eyes are J m'cslng Is not noticeable , for the o c-soj lids are still Intact. Hair and ejebronj are preserved seemingly as ia. life. The frcntH development of the head of thl& child Is most remarkable , bulging out over the eyebrows , a quite unnatural cse with this people The head displays every Indl- cation of a more than ordlrary Intelligence ' Aaother remarkable cpfdmea ! o that of a no\v born Infant , from which the wrapping bis been- entirely removed , and from nhlch there U not the slightest trace of decsy. They were a diminutive race , the remains of the two adults measuring not more thai , four feet In length. These remains were dls covered In it tomb cut la the solid rock and carefully scaled at the mouth As In the tomto of the royal Egjptlans were placed Jewels anfi articles of silver awl gold , so In this were burled evidences of the belief that the dead would require in the future state some of the things to which they hid been accustomed to ID life The cllft duellers did not work In the metals , but ' . with these < Jead were Interred artlclcu of t pottery and bsskct work and war Imple ments of stone and flint to ensbe them In their journey Into the uokcown About tae . burial places etone slabs are set In the j ground arranged la circles or parallclo- sraras and on these are Inr criptions ch're ed I or painted In the picture loguige These ] appear also upon the wills of the tomb men- tloned Here 1 ail opportunity for the sa varSs to unravel the secret , ? of the dead , and he who deciphers these Inscriptions maj give to the worltf as startling cod interest' Ing a story as was ever unearthed by the mast ardent archaeologist who has labored In Egypt. Who were these strange people ? The question hta never bees , sstlsfactorlly an- j svverah Some hod tbat they were of the I Aztec race , others that tliej wore of the I great Pueblo emp're In the touthw est , of , which they were a part ; others aaiert thit j the ctlft dwellers were a separate and dis tinct people , of whom no posterity now sur- j vlvcs. From their KnowIcSge ot the cecret 1 of the prejarvatlon of the doid , however , ! supposed , until these discoveries , to be pe culiar to Egypt , It Is not an ircredlble eup- priltlon that they vcre t branch cf toait race which , bj some mearvs , crowed the seas to th'fi ' country. Wneu thl > migration occurred. If ever , cannot be Intelligently guessed , as the bsft authorities arc unab'.t lo determine whether the cllif dweler j flourished only ccntiirlci sgo. or wore con- j temporaccaua or anteJHed the eldest racci . of tbe old world. Ciillfrrulit Mint * Hrvlvril. | LOS ANGELES. Cal. . Dec. 21. ( Sprciil. ) The famous Argonaut iqino on tbe mother lode near JacKson , In Aiccdor county , after having been under development nearly flvo years , ha.i ( started milling rock with results which Indicate ttat not ulore than two rths-r mines In California can excel It ei a bullion producer. The first day's run of the stiirp mill yielded amalgam north $1,200 , and as 1 only about one-tilf tlio value U given out until the InsHe Latteries are well amalgama ted , the.maraEer counts nn a twenty-Jur hours' product of $2,503. Tiio present onners have licco olnKIng a sbaft sines 1S33 which Is now dovv n 1,700 feet In roo'i tint 3 lldb frsin 123 to (35 per ten. Thp ore lus ptciillly In- crer ed la richneu with dc.itli. Per thirty ) jears iire-vloua to 1S93 Jhe mine had been j I vlrttclly atoudoncd. I .Soiv JuilKc lu Munutmi , I IlKLENA , Mont. , Dec. 2 ' . ( Special. ) The I governor has appointed \VUUatn T. ' Plsgot of Great Kails supreme orurt JuitlceUa fill ths ' ' place made vacant by Hi * doJlti'o'Ho ace R. lluck , who committed -AUlelde la thU city1 two weeks age , Mr. I'lsso * U 2 $ } .ears o'r ) ' and hjb llvrdhr : tbesb'tc alntalSSl. He Is a democrat ard was appti-nted by * Governor Hmlth , a iroullU , ar.atr t the protc : ! of a ficticn of hU iverty. which vvlbod- - Ignore the "ompict ec'ere 1 Inta lait } ecr by the 1 democrats and I'ouulUts , j > wu'ch the demo crats am ng c'livr offices were awaided as- Borlcte ! onie tus'cn ticket. Miltullon Arm > Colon ) I'liino. DDNVEH , Doc. 24 ( Sptjcfcil ) Major Bell of the Salvation arrai > i received laatruc-l tbns Irom ComnundeJothTukcr. . thst' I enangtmrnts tie establishment of a I olcuy In the Arkansas valley were nixirlng ; , > completion end the time nad come to invite i ' ii > llatkas far allatiuentb cf laud. Major' IeU wis n > t > "lnt J to receive applications for the stete of. Colorado. Major. Bell Bald that the c jj odcr his hid i uch isccesi la tho. > ctit In securing locns and gift * . Ho secured' I ( ' $30,01/0 at one. meeting In N'ew York and $10- 00 at a single meeting In Chicago. SOUTH I1AKOTA Ifommlnko UH lilrniln. DKADWOOD. S. D. , Dec. 24. ( Special ) An announcement has been made by the lomeslake company that two dividends will bo made this mouth of 25 cents each , the extra one being made December 27. The otal amount to be- paid Is $62,500. Prom the superintendent's report for the month of No vember , It Is shown that the HoincEtakc alone produced $ SE > 00 over the previous month. Since the company flr t commenced producing In 1STG , It baa not lost a month n paying the regular dividend. Several mil lions of dollars have been paid out In Ira provcmcnts about the mines , besides. It IR stated that It Is the only mining com pany In the world w Ith this record. It la es timated that $4.000,000 will bo the output oil ot the mines controlled by the Home- stake , for this year. \n < l-Snlnnn I.cnntie > Contention. HURON , S. D. , Dec. 24. ( Special. ) TOo annual state conv eotlon of the South Dakota Anti-Saloon league will be held In this city beginning Wednesday , December 29 , and continuing two das. Churches , Sunday schools. W. C. T. U. , Christian Endeavorcre , Good Templars , etc. , are expected to send representatives. Uov. C. E. linger , llev. IA. E. Carhart. Rev. 0. H. Sproul. Bishop O'Oorman , Dr. J. P. Williamson , airs. Anna D. Simmons , Olrs. E. IV. Cranmer , Mrs. Luella M. Ramsey and other well known temperance workers and lecturers are earned on the program. Ralhvajs arc expected to give the usual reduction In fare. rmtrrnnl Soeloty. HURON. S. D. , Dec. 24. ( Special. ) The National Aid association , a fraternal In surance organization , has established a branch here , the headquarters being In Topeka - peka , Kan. The local division has these officers : Jacob Schuvler , president ; B. F. Tmmbower , vice president ; X. M. Wordall , secretary nnd treasurer ; M. S. Hurd , lect urer ; Mrs M , S. Hurd , chaplain ; Prank Mil ler , sentinel ; O. M. Mills , doorkeeper. The new organization starts hero with twent-flve members. lli-'ll Co > to the _ \i > lum. PIERRE , S. D. . Dec. 24 ( Special Tele gram ) The county Insane commission has passed uprn the case of Albert Hlllbcrt , a Gorrain farmer from the southern part of the county , and decided to 6cad him to tbe aslum Hlllbert has been considered crank } for several years , but a few da9 ago became violent and attacked a neighbor with an ax and was taken Into custody and exam'tied. Sou < li DnKntu NI-\\H \ < > ( < * N. A deal Is on for the sale of a copper mine near CarlUi for $05,000. A new Insurance coirrany has been or ganized at Madison and Is ready for business Leslie W'alte of Belle Fourche has gone to Seattle to be read } to go to Alaska on the first steamer In the spring. Mr and Mrs Gantz have recently returned toSturgis from Iowa to IJxe , taking with them forty bushels of hickory uuts. Work has been suspended on the govern ment survey In the Black Hills country a will not be resumed until next May. The names of 1,154 citizens of South Dakota are signed to the petition for tbe passage of the postal savings tank bill. Owing to the freezing tip of the springs In the parth from which Deadvvo d derives her supply trat clt } Is threatened with a water famine. Joe Battner forged the name of George Lchr , a TmJall grain merchant , to checks aggregating $90. He has not yet been ap prehended A meeting of Black Hills orocoectors has been called for the 25th Inst. to protest against -certain fe-Uures of a bill revising the fedqra.1 mining laws which Is , expected to br passed by congress this Avlntcr Ye\mlxi e \otPN. . Gold placers have been found near tbe mouth of the Truckee river by Plute Indians A homing pigeon was thot on the Petersca ranch ] in Carson valleyvlt4i a ring oa Its leg ] with the lo'tcrs "K. R. 1771 " The Southern Pacific company shiroed ! n November , tnb } ear , 1,171,700 pounds of hay from Nevada , as against 57,000 In November , 1S3G. 1S3G.On On the Comstock It looks now as If very Important work will be started at several points next } car which will jut new life Jato the camp. J. C. tMarrlott found list week CQ his claim In Hogum gulch , near Cars > oa , a nugget w orth $251 , along with several smaller ones and a good clean-up of fine gold. Tuo col'apse of the Gold crc&k boom la given by the Nevs. There are no birds sink ing lu the trees , tel nothing Is heard save the music of the Chtaman In the back yard chopping wood. ' The state land office has been ioing a ! > ad office buslneca this } eir. U has already paid into tae state treasury over $100,000 which goes into the state school fund. One day the receipts were $7,070.78. The people of the east side of Douglas county , those iwbo circuiting the peti tion remcostratlng agali'st a reward for the bnchers of Uberare clrcula ! ng one b : > ) - cotting file Genca Courier for denouncing the lyachers A Clover TrleU. It certainly looks like It , but there Is rcallv ao trick about It An } body can tr > It who has Lame Back and Weak Kldnes , Mala'In lor nervous troubles We mean he can cure himself right awa > by taking Electric Bit- ters This meJlclne tones up the whole ss- tcni , acts as a stimulant to tha Liver and Kidneys , Is a blood purifier and nerve ionic It cures Constipation , Ilersda he , Fainting Spelln , Sleeplessness end Tilelancholy It 1 jpurel } vpgetab'e ' a mild laxative and rsist-ires the system to Its natural vigor. T y Elect ! Ic BSttcrs and be cxjnTir.-ed that ttie } are a miracle worker. Every bottle Guaranteed Onl } 50c a bottle at Kuhn & Co 's drug store. M iMiBiiK coinr MMni. . Baker against Suv dye Error from Da kota county , inni , C. No cause of acticn nnses In favor of a Brantec of "and w ho haa been evlr ted under I title pjrnmoun' , ognlnst his vuirtor who I irade no covenants or itriiosuntdtioi 3 as' ' to title and guilty of ro frwud , I Hurt as-ilnst Mend Investmcn Company. ! Krror from Douglas county. Afllrmed. Ir- VJDC , C In a suit on u bond , nn answer pleading that a defendant Une < I en condl Iqn that others nunud s-hould also blfn before the bond shou d b ; do.ivuKd nnd that auch others did not BlEii , i ? Innulllck-nt unless It funner .illegei * that plaintiff had notlpe > of the condition 1 2. One cf ( .pveral defendant sued on a ! 1 bond , obtaining a favorable vmllct on the i [ that her signature hail been feeured I by fraud , the other defendants. a-rUnst j i whom verdict la nt the eamo ran- , ilcred , cannot be heard to vpmplaJn of tie I Judgment because the rckafr of tag SUP- t-essful defendant also released them , they I not the Invaldlty of her obllKHtlon as a defense for themselves State ex rcl Trester against Leldlgh. J--rror from Lancaster county , Alllrmed. One 'who has been admitted to ball after a preliminary examination on n criminal ' < chartu , and who l > ecom a u fugitive , is not. ' . after his rUum or apprehension , entitled | ' to 1) discharged becuu e no Information J I KIIS filed against him nt the term at which 1 j he was reconilxed to appear , and while he I was a fujltlve. Estate of White against Lederer & Straus. Eiror from Lancaster county. Unversed. Ityan , C. I. A court of record has the Inherent power to coneet Its own recprds , even after I appeal so that such an amended record J may show correctly the history of the pro- eocdlngs In the district couu before the appeal therefrom. t A trial court , after an appeal lias been perfected therefrom , 'Jiaw no power to no correct Its records , that. In fact , a modi- I rlcatlon of the judgment already appeukd from Bhall be effected. Norval , J , , dls- J. Tlie ruling of the district court in this case Is reversed In view of the itnct. OT I the ono hand , tbat , if the amendment ro1 citing tiat the Judgment " was "upon agreej j mriit of parties" wuu tantamount to R sub- { utantlve order after appeal U was void and Hbould not have be n considered by the district court , and If , on the other hand. It was a mere recitation of events which had occurred during the progress of the trial In the county court , the district oourt should not have held the appeal n cetiarlly tj hnvp bft - ltla' d by the amendment , It did br ai'mlralng the np- pe l because of the rocljatlon of such amendment Nonal , J. dls entlnR Granite State Fire ln iiMnco company npnln-u Huclo tnft. Error from I nncaster county. Anirmed. 15an , C , 1. The ceneral nlUgatlouJn a petition that certain Insured properTT" "Mherwiso fully described was real property , did not re quire that the Injured ! Iff making proofs of loss in nn action n f pollc } , should Bhow that the property was real property and totally destroyed nnd thereupon rely Upon the. provMoni of-thc valued policy law , but he may K > iow thc.valtie a It wns just before the flre , anriait ahie Just after , ns affording data for the assessment or hli damages , without attemittdg to classify the property ns real or personal , 2. Where there wn * evidence which showed that the properly bad been totally destroyed and that Its vHlucfbefore such de struction win of n certnln amount , the Jury was justified In accepting this testimony ns the basis for n recovery by the pliln- tiff , notwlthslnndlnjr the fact that there was evidence contradictory of each ot these pro poMtlons. Uncle-land against Stnnfleld. Krror from Douglas county , Afflrmed , Ryan , C. 1 , One who claims an Interest In chattels Jiv virtue of his bid therefor upon the fore closure of a mortgage thereon by sale at public auction cnnnot be hoird to question he regularity of a subsequent sale of the same chattel * rendered Accessary by his own refusal , by patnent. to make good his bid. 3. It -within the discretion of the trial court to allow * nn amendment of n petition In the course of a trial where such amend ment does not charge the original ciuse of action stated bv the plaintiff. Lubker against Grand Detour PloT Com pany. Krror from Platte county. Affirmed. Norvnl. J. 1 Judgment bi e < l upon a finding without sufficient evidence to sustain It ! merely erroneous , but not void. 2 There , must exist a miterlal variance between the allegation nnd the proof to work nl reversal of n cause. Otis acilnst Clau en Hrror from Fill more county. Affirmed , Harrison , J. 1. If a. motion for a now- trial assigns seveml ground- * for a new trial , an align ment In a petition In error that the court erred In overruling the mnt'on ' for a new trlil Is too general nnd Indefinite to pre ° ent anything1 for consideration or review SIg ler ngnlnst McConnell. 43 Nob. , E9V 2 Allcced , errors of the trial court In the admission and exclusion of evidence ex amined and the actions of thn court In re- gird to the assigned pirtleulnrs held not erroneous or not ludlclally s-o. Gllllck against Williams. Error from Burt county. Affirmed , nagan. C. On the authority of Warller against Wll- llnms et nl , 52 Neb , the decree of the district court Is affirmed Chicago , Burlington & . Qulncy Rnllroai Company against Ste ar. Krror froii Cla } county Afflrmed , Harrison , J. 1. A check for baggage U prlma facie evi dence that the bacgafio It represents has been delivered to the Usulng company b } the person towhom the c'lwk Is Issued The Introduction of the chock In evidence Is such proof of the fact of the deliver } ' o the baggage as to cast the burdcn on the party contesting the fact of proving to the rontrnrj or showing the nondelivery. 2 The finding of fact by a trial cour bared on conflicting evidence will not be disturbed on error to this court unless clearly wrong- . Cdney against Baum Error from Lan caster county. Dismissed. rtan. C. Where the letters of nn administrator or e\pcutor have been revoked , such quondam personal representative has no standing In the supreme court to question The correct ness of a Judgment rendered by the district court in an nctlon wherein he. was a party when such revocation took p'ace Oldlg apaln't Pls'-t Error from Douglas county Reversed Irvine , C In ejectment evidence lo1 "Drove adverse possession Is admissible under a general denial of plalnt'ffs title i 2 The purchase f p attempted purchase of an outstanding" title by one In adverse pos- ser < -lon and before the expiration of the statutory period , is nor alone , sufficient to bieak th ? continuity of possession or divest It of Its adverse character , although the occupant may believe fint he is therebv ac quiring the true title. U.igan C , dissenting " One who "lalms Under a , tax deed or by adverse po osson | does not ; by causing to be recorded the fntent from the United State * to another , acknowledge title para mount In that othT Racam C . dls entlni ; . WlNon aealnst State ( jfcirej Plasters. Er ror from Gage county. IJeversed. Norval , ° A claim agnlnst ft. countv tannot be aud ited nnd allowed In advance'of ' the furnish ing of the Items or the rendlt'on of the - 2 A county board mayj not delegateir to Its chairman and clcrkjth8iiqjer to audit dnims asaln the county1" ' 3 It is only after the allowance of a'elaTm upon tbe trensur } of a cppnty that .1 war rant In pn.ment thereof may bo properly draw n , Tomblln. as-i'nst ' Hlgprln = nrror from F"nns county. Afflrmed Post. C. J. The c'efen = e of usury Is ava'lable In nn action bv a national bank for the r&coverv of unpaid Interest where the rate contracted for by It Is In e\cess of tint prescribed by the act of congress. Norfolk National Bank against Schn nk.if ! Xcb. , Sal. Perr } Brothers & Co agiinst The CJer- Tan American Bank Error from Douglas county. Affirmed Post. C. J. Evidence examined and held to sustain the finding adverse to the contention of plain tiffs In error 2 It Is within the discretion of the dls- ir'c ' * c iir * In n oroper cas = to allo ! < > fling J ing questions and the- exercise of such dis cretion In t o abbencp of an apparent abuse tlier of is not the subject of review on ap peal St. Paul rirt- and Marine Insurance Cimoanv agnlnst Gotthelf , 5 Neb. 331. S A timllar presumption of delivery re sults from the entrusting to a telegraph compan } for transmission of a menage properly addressed to that which foKorws iom the posting of a loiter for tran-mls- slon by the "United States mall. 4. Such precurrptlon results frcm the office of a telegraph company to the public wh'ch in this pt.ate U thut of a carrier of intelli gence ix 1th rigits and duties analaqrous to tho'e of curriers of poods and passengers Western Union Telegraph Company against Call Publishing Company , 44 Neb , 23 Warllet against WlH'ams Error from Burt county. Affirmed Ragan , C. A 'Itlgant cannot successfully Invoke the extraordinary remedy of injunction to en force a legal right unless the facts and clr- cumstanccvs In the case are such that his ordinary leal remedies are Inadequate , I. o. that fho pursuit of those1 remedies or come of them will not afford him ns prompt and efficacious redress as the remedy by Injunction 2. A plaintiff Is not entitled to a manda tory Injunction to remove from his real estate one Wio has without color of title unlawfu'ly and forcibly entered and wrong ful y remains thereon , though such tres passer btinsolvent. . SIckel against Bishop Error from Lan caster county Afflrmed. Rngan , C , Ev Idence e\amlncd and held to sustain the finding of the jury. 2 Ui-dcr un assignment that "the verdict Is not supported b } sufficient ovlde-ncc. " this court CiTimot deduct from the nwird made by the jury the amount of a rountfr claimer or sst oft cMstlrig In favor of the d fcnd- ant aitd agalnrt the P alntlff ahere the ramp was not Int rposod ns a defense to tno act'on. i The Harpy County State Dank ayilnst Hlnkl . Appeal from darpy county. Re versed. Ncrval , J , The decree oC the court Jie'ov/ without evidence to suopcrt it. Carbon Wltte Error from Lancaster - caster count } Rsverwd Rvan. C. Tnls case invoUo the mention ! questions Involved In Lederer . .Strauss against Es tate of Vltt acccrdmtriv reversed. Nor- v I , J , dUscnllng. „ , , . , . . frovldercc-WasninKton Insurance Com pany against BuikatafT Brothers' Manufac turing Uompnii } . Spring- Garden Insurance usalnst BuekstafT Manufacturing Company. Krrcr from Lancaster ntfounty. Afflrmed. H > nn , C. /i 73 The four cases above , vvrf submitted on last named muSt detcrmWe the result In each of said four c.ibca ; they ar3 likewise alhrraed. 3 | n Johns : ! ! against the Krror from Douglas county. AHrmilijJorvnl , J. It Is tco late to object term * verification of nn Information after1 'thl- ' accused has bf-en arraigned and p'oaflcft ' not guilty , un- ) eas HUO.I pea ! ban heenxnlthtlrawn. 2. All participants lu ) ijt lmn may be Jointly charged In the ba-inu fnforma'lon.'or they may bo Infornrd Acalnst sepirate'y as the prosecutor may elect. It will not defeat a criminal prosecution for the cvl- dunce to show that all perpetrators of the crime were not made dufimlants. 3. To warrant a conviction In a criminal prosecution. U Is not essential that the evidence adduced on the trial siould ex- elude every posrlbl" hyppthcMs but tha Kullt of tbe accuetd. 4. Mere nondlrcctlon by the trial court will not work a reversal where proper In ctructlons covering' thu point were not re quested , C < in triift > nll V\'url.n In Jiipnu , SAN TRANCIECO , ec.t 21. Charles AV , Richards , a mechanical expert of Cleveland , O , , arrived today from Japan , w herehe his been superintending the. ronHtructlon of a wlru nail iJant costing JJiOOCO nt Toklo The capacity of the works Is GOO U9gs of nails and 1,000wooden ker" dallv. As skilled labor In Jairan Is paid but 23 cents a day as against J1.SO In thtt > country , the output of the factory w ) ' ! cause a cor- re i > ondliir reduction In the demand for the American product. N 1EAVY HOLIDAY TRADING At Many Points it is taa LirgaU for rive Yca . UNEXPECTED INCREASE IN THE DEMAND Wholesale Hnnnrn Kept n ( Work nt Thin Scnooii of ( lie Yrnr , Which IK UnunllThrlr It rut rcrtod. NBW YORK. Dec. 24. H. d. Dun & Co.'a Weekly Hevicw of Trade will say tomorrow : The weekly reports show a remarkably Inrgo holiday trade , at many points the largest for nve vears. Moreover , at the sea son vvSien wholesale business usunllv thinks , the pressure o ( Oemanils for Immediate de liveries , which results from unprecedented distribution to consumer ! " , keeps many es tablishments atork that usually basin their j early rest spell somewhat eirllcr. In stead of decreasing the demand for prod ucts shows nn unexpected Increase In sev eral Important brunches Torelgn trade continues satlsfnctorj' . even In comparison with the remarkable record of a jear ago , when exports exceeded J117.000.COO In De cember , .Bank failure * at Philadelphia , due to Individual operation' , cause no disturb ance anil commercial failures for the month have b en less than half last j car's to the same date. The outgoing flood of praln Is not checked by Chicago speculation , though more corn than w heat tia-s been moving. Wheat exports , flour Included , have been .1,005,321 bushels for the week , against 3.56S. < Wi bushels the previous \ \ ek and 1.B4G443 bushels n joar ago ; and In four weeks IS.TCG.SSJ bushels , awlnst 9.P03.S97 bushels last jcar , while corn exports for the week , 4,054.428 bushels , ngalnst 1,151,740 bush els last year , liavo been In four weeks 14- 420,151 bushels , ngnlnst 8,176,173 bushels last vear. Last jears corn movement was by far the greatest ever known and this jear s wheat movement for the half year nearly ended has been close to the maximum reached In 1S91. Wheat has varied little , closing 3c higher for the week after de liveries of surprising rmgnltude at Chicago , and corn closes nearly a cent higher Cotton has also been moving largely and has risen a sixteenth. Cotton , &oods have further declined In prices of bleached , which meet active southern competition and the Tall River spinners Insist upon n reduc tion of one-ninth In wages , otBier New land mills joining. Out of 110 New- England works forty-five have passed dividends , fourteen at Kail River , with flftecn others paying 1 per cent for the last quarter. The fall In price of cotton , when mills were holding heavy stocks of goods , placed this Industry In rn most embarrassing position. Woolen mills have begun buj Ing domestic wool heavily , especially Montana and terri tory , as If assured of Hrge business for the season about to open. Contracts of un known magnitude have been made. It Is said , many at previous prices , but others it u moderate advance. Wool Is more firm , traders having disposed of 3.00COO pounds of territory and 1,500000 pounds of lomestfc at Boston , and sales at three cities reaching 7.E00.100 pounds. Ihere Is a stronger demand for Iron and Its products , Bessemer rising to $10 ind c-rey forge to $1 at Plttsburg , and the Bitt ern Bir association headquarters has ad vanced the price 11 cents for refined and 12'A cents for common. Owing to possible changes in freight r.ites southern pig Is of fered 2 cents lower. A striking feature Is the unusual demand for the season in building cars , of whidh 4,000 have been or dered at Chicago by one trunk line and rails there have advanced to $20 In new business , with sales here of SI000 tons for home use and 10,000 tons for Mexico Building contracts In unusual number for the season come up , also contracts for Hires dralnow canals at Chicago. The Illinois Steel works has eight months' business booked , with more orders offering. P pe Is dull and weak , but rods are quite active and billets have advanced about 59 per cent The output of Connellsville coke , lo llj tons. Is the largest for many weeks here nnd the contracts to supply a Mnhonlng furnace at tl.CO for half ne-U jear have been made Anthracite coil is 10 cents stronger with colder weather. Tin Is slightly weaker Failures for the we k ha\e been 212 In the United States against 297 last vear and thirty-three in Canada , against fortj-four last vear. WB1JK1.V CI.EIUG HOl'SC TOTVI-S. iKKrrKiitc of Ilnnlnc-Mi Trnnnnct Ions of Assoc'InU'd IlnnKii. NEW YORK , Dec. 21 The following table , compiled by Bradstreet , shows the bank clearings at elghty- = even cities for the -week ended December 2-1 , i\lth the per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding -week last 1 ' u . 2 . j' J " ' ' Bt. John , K"il. , , Totals IlKVIIiW OP Till : STOI'IC \H1CKT. . roffHuloiiiil ( > i > r-rn < fM PuriilNli All the A < Mlvl < > . NE\S' VOniC , Dec. 21 , Bradstreet's finan cial review tomorrow will ray : Speculation Ins been dull , and the profes sional operators who furrl&hed nearly all the activity -were aj > parently Improved with a bo'Ief tbat the money market mlirnt under existing circumstances become rulll- clently stringent to dlcturli price * Till * produced early In the week" general dls- pjJlllon towait and cover a moleratft bearlshness. At the ama tlm the "Htreot" npparcntly bellevea tint values will Im prove , and that the public after January 1 will aopear as purchaser * and furnish a basis for an active and higher market. At- toinptn to force prices down brought out little or no lontf clack and the board room short interest was quick to cover on any appearance o ! support , while on declines , hciAfcu-r ullsit , a demand for stocku , though not of an aggressive kind , made lu appearance. There continues to be more or less evidence -manipulation throughout the market , the absence of any public In terest tending however , to reitrlct demon strations of that kind , London has sold stocks moderately , but the nmrknt , fts U ho cni > 6 hfvro. Is In n holiday mood nnfl tt action lietxvcen now and the end of the oar I * of llttlo Importance The somewhat it-rtrlsh fcellnir ntnonir the traders Already referred to spcmfd to wear off ns thd vvtek iroKres ed. nnd It became apparent that : here would bo no very severe pre uro In the money market. Call loans xvtrrt quoted n * hlKh as 4 to S t > cr cent on iMondiy and Tufstlny , but later In the week ratevere not better than S < i3li per cent , nnd a pooJ effect AVRS produced by the nemn that J10.- 000,000 or more of Kovernment currency os ivAxJiild bo rodeenn * ! forthwith by the trcn- tiry , nnd that only half of the JS.CCCMXO vv hlch the Union Paclllc .i > ndlcato U to | vty on Monday TV 111 BO Into the treasury , the other half coins to depository Innkfl. With this the market. In plto of It1 * duUnc * * , ohoned -further bullish tone and nn In creased Inclination to respond to f.ivorablo reports , particularly thooe In connection with Uitr nnthrnclto conl stocks rnd the Nou- York local transportation corpora tions. lilt VnSTIlHIJT'S IlKVIKW OP TH.VIJK. Homy Iliilltlny IliiMlnciiN Ileportrtl friiin LVI1 ( lunrtrrx. NB\V YORK , Dec. 24. llradstreet's will say tomorrow : Dull business Inliolc < vile lines , but pro- fiounccd nnd notable activity In retnll trade have been salient features In thl * week's traJo situation. I'rlce chnncos , which are numerous , arc In an upward direction nnd the year draws to n close with results fullv equallingnnd In ninny Instances sur- p-xsslnB early expectations. Perhaps the mott notable feature has been the unan imity with which the trndo reports from all parts of the country , with some few exceptions , point to n very heavy holiday trade. In nearly nil cases comparing favor ably with recent precedlnp vcars. Hcports are that , stock * of iroodi have been heavily reduced. Tartlculnrly prominent In report- Inu n peed retail trnde In the west are Chicago cage , St. Louis and Kansas City. At the south Xow Orleans reports retail ers reaping n harvest and December trade larser than usual. Similarly coed reports come from Nashville , Savannah nnd Mcm- phli , but collections and business would bo larger were It not for the low price of cot ton. In the northwest colder weather has Improved the demand for seasonable sods nnd this , combined with the usual holiday business , has resulted In a good totnl trade , with especially' Rood reports from Milwau kee , St. Paul and Omaha. At the east seasonable conditions prevail , wholesale trade being quiet nnd holiday business active. No improvement la noted In the cotton poods situation and , wage ro- . auctions seem Imminent. Good business has been done In boots and shoes and shipments are far ahead of last jear , 1'acltlc coast' ' ' retail trade Is active and Klondike : boom- I ers are gathering in the cities of Washing ton nnd Oregon. Proof that the unsettled condition of fhc wheat situation affects the export business In that cereal Is furnished by the figures of shipments this weeV from l > oth coasts of the United States and Canada The to tal c\ports reported to Bradstreet's aggre gated ( Hour as wheat ) 4.5o7,975 bushels , as against 4,004,000 bu-nols last week and GIM.tXK ) bushels two weeks ago. They also compire with exports of 2.111000 bushels In tills we k last jcar , 3,475,000 bushels In 1S93 and 1.S14.000 bushels In ivjj. Indian corn ex | > orts for the week are 4 $37,011 bushels , against 4.1Z9.S7S bushels last week , 2.4CSCOO bushels this week a jear ago and 2,309,000 bushels In 1SS5. Commercial failures In the United States remain about normal. Total for this week Is 2SO , compared with 2S3 In the previous week , but Is smaller than the total In 1S93 , when 31G were reported There are thirty business failures reported In thoDomlnlon this week , against forty-three last week. The best salvo In tbe world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Hheum. Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin Eruptions , aad positively cures Piles cr no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn SCo > ew SU'jinier for tlit I'nelflc * . SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 24.-R. P Schwerln. vice president of the Pacific Steamship company has returned from a three month ? ' trip to the. Orient. He said that as the steamers China and Qarracouta had obtained Hawaiian register , the t compiny would not seelt a similar register for any more of Its vessels. Continuing , Mr. Schwerln said' "President Asano of the Japanese Steamship company , Tayo "Xesen Knlsha , Is having three steimers built In Eng'and to go Into the trade be tween this port and the Orient. He expects to have them completed by next September. When thej- are finished the Pacific Mall and Occidental and Orlentalconipinles will estab lish a joint service with Mr. Asano's line. The. Pacific Mall company contemplates the construction of two new vessels of 10,003 tons each. " Wlllulrnw from Fcileriitlon of I.nlior. LOUISVILLE , Dec. ! . The Central Li- bor union of Louisville ra 111 probably decide to ( withdraw from the American Federation of Labor at a meeting to be held Sunday afternoon. Since the annual meeting held at Nishvllle a strong sentiment In favor of withdrawing from the parent body has sprung up , and the leaders today say that the step Is verjprobable. . There Is greit dissatisfaction over the ruling made by the federation to the effect that no union pan belong to a branch of the federation with out belonging to the federation It'-elf and ns this will serve to strike from the local union several of Its largest branches the step Is considered probable Killed nt u. Jtallrond Cr < mnInK. WILMINGTON. Del. . Dec. , 24. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McBride of Stanton - ton were killed and their daughter , Carrie , aged C years , fatally in- lured this morning at the Stanton cross ing of the Philadelphia , Wilmington & Baltimore road , five miles below thU city. Tiey started to cross the railroad traces jusi as the Washington and Now York express , duo here at 2 53 o'clock , reached the sta tion. Mrs McUrlde was Instantly klllei' and her husband hurt so badly tbat he diet In a few minutes. The little girl was terribly injured and -will die. Four Children SufTorntcil. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 24 Hour children named Malbelskl. were suffocated by smoke this morning ini nn attlp room occupied bj I th family at 17 Christian street. Their ' parents were both awaj- and the house I caught flre from nn overheated stove Be- j fore the little ones could be rescued they iraere ' rendered unconsolous by bmoke am were all dead The children were. John agfid 7 ; Constantlne aged 5 ; Mary , nged 3 KnsA.ira , aped 1. The flre was quickly ex- tlngulsied.The peeuniarj- Ions Is slight. Cniturc u > < > til Iliirfirlnr ST. LOUIS , Dec , 21. After a vigil of two jcurs detectives have arrested here Thorm Hood , a t-elf-conftssed negro burglar , who has operated 'n nearly every laigo city In tae vw t and south , and even now Is wantei at Memphis , Tenn , , M here a sentence o fourteen Jiars hangs over his- head Thr crimes for which Hood Is wanted here nr three , which ho confessed Ucre committee about two years ago , Hfllff for William llrimt.n Ii-U. William Brunswick called nt the Assocl itted Charities recently and asked Secretary Laughland to assist him In establishing communication with his mothsr. The secretary rotary wrote to the mother , and about two hours before the reply was received young Brunswick called. Ha has not since been been Secretary Laugh'.anil now ha ? money and clothing for him W.ilch he may huve by calling. Cut Cot ( nil Ulll LOWELL , Mass. , Dec. -Tbe treasurer f tli ? Lowell Cotton mills , at n meeting leld here todaj' , voted to reduce the wage f their employes from January 1. T > 1 aujc-s. of the reduction are the name whlci e < l to the manufacturers In Fall Ulver Mnnchcatcr Sunoook. K. H. . ami othe ilac-ts to lower thu wage scale. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 150. package of It takes the place of cof fee at i the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health ful. Imltt that iourrrocorgIfeijo-1 OTIMN-O. . . _ _ ActeptuufnilUtu-n. o. r" < T TOILET UD BATH requirements nro perfectly met In Wool Soap. ' 1 here may bo more e.Npensfve soaps , but no no .better. / / u ab solutely part , I'Ot the bath It Is pleasant , soothIng - Ing and delight * ful. ful.There's only one soap that won't shrink woolens. You Mr Mama Uaod Hod and DOCTORS Searles & Searles. SPECIALISTS IN mmmrn. WEAK MEN SEXUALLY. All 1'rlVBto Disease * & Disorders ot Men. Treatment by Moll. Consultation Frc * . SYPHILIS Onred for llfo and the poison thoroushly ols-vnie * i.loh ; . Somlnil Wc.aknc.8. Lost Mw- hood , Nlrht Emlnslona. Ilccayod rftculticv Female - male Woikness , mid nil flellcato dUordors poca- an AND VAHICOCKLB p ormRni-ntly and 8ucco afull/ cured , Method new an d unf.illlne. Stricture / and Gleel.cA. r new tncthoil without pUn or outtlng. Call oa r BfldrcBS with stiiinP- W. SEARLES S MB Oil 1. > TCHNAI4 .V. U \TKU VI. USE. CUItiS AMI I'llKVKNTi olilx , CoiiKlm , Sore Tliruat , Inllticiii-.n , IlroiipliltlN , 1'iiiit-inonln , SnllliiK of the JolittN , I.iiiuIuiK'S IiiiluiiiiiintloiiH. UIEtniATISM , "M l'U il-CIA , HUM ) . ACIIL ; , room vein ; , ASTHMA , UIF- PICULT iiitiVTIIINC. tudtvn > N' Iti-ucl ) Itellef IN n Sure Cure for L.tcr > Tulii , biimliiH , IlruUcH , I'llini In the IlnuU , Client or I.lnibH. It IVIIH tin * Pli-Ht anil In the Onlj- VlHKMKUY lint Inslan ! } etops the most cxcrutlatlns palna , llnys Inlliimmatlon , and cures Congestions , hetlier of the L.ungs , btomacli. lion els or othei lands or orfJUH. b ) one al < ullcatlon. A. half to a tcii'iioonfui in half a tumbler o' a'.er will In n few minutes cure crumps , pasm , Sour Stomach. Heartburn , NcnouBnes , leeplcssnesa , blclc Jlcadnche Diarrhoea. Dytcn. cry , Colic , riutulency and all Internal pains. There Is not n. remedial agent In tlie world hat vtlll cure fe\er and ague and all other malarious , Ijillou ? and other lc\ere , aided by RAD'.VAl'S PILLS , so qulikl ) as HAD- VAT'S HEADY IlULIEr , COG a bottle sold bj ru glsts. Itaaway & . Co . New Tcrli City. 55 Elm StAnd m And Surgical Institute m lGn5r > od obt.OruHlia , Neb CONSULTATION FKB8. Chronic , Nervous anil Private Diseases and oil WEAKNESS CSCM and DISORDERS of It 1CII lYDUOCJiLK ana VAUICOCKLE uu.inancntly an successfully cured In ei ori c.i o ULOOD AND SKIN DiHe.isi.-s Sere SpotH 1'lin e . Scrofula.Tumors , Tettur Eczema .ind IllooJ 'olHou Ihorontrlih cltMiiseu from the H ) stem NKKVOUS Uoblllly. Spcnmtorrhoi , Seminal jOBses , Nleht EinlHHlonH , Lena of Vital Powcri perniaueutlj and speedily cunxl WEAK AEN ) , ( Vitality Weak ) , undo BO by too clew application o buslnoBS or stndv. H.nero mental xtialn ot Brief : SEXUAL EXCESSES In mlddlu life or from lie pffcctH of v outlif ul folllei. Call or w rite thoui odoy. Uox a77. Omalia Medical and Surgicil Institute Don5 ! Neglect No ra > tt r how tl laht It majr deem to you , for , Lnldfi. lloarpane-M , lufluenKaand appArently in iKQlli- cantC'lie t I'nlnsolttn Inad to IMcurlsy , 1'iu-il- mnnla. . C'oiiHiiniptlunandolUer faUl l.ung Ulst- cancii if nrslBcted. Avert All Dnnscr l y Promptl Applying a > enson s to Urn choet ( front and b&clt ) upnn the fint app aranea of tacti warniiiR frroi toiiin Jt nflurdn iirniiipt prnrrntloii ngln t these danccrtii-jcnmpHcntloni. nnil htirn riiru. Alrrnra reliable. Itut onlj tlia e nulcueffcctivo. PricaSiceBU , JlollnTMl Vlorlu-rr.ll JJIutliurnlll Mr . VVInslou's Soothing t-rup hnj been uie4 for over CXI yearn liy millions of mothers foi their children while teethlnc with perfect euo. cecs It toothcs thn child , softens the eumi , allays all pain , cureit wind colic , and In the besi remed ) for Diarrhoea Sold by druse'sts in every part of the world , lie sure and auk foi " Iri. Wlnslon'K Boothlng Sjrup" und take nf other kind K cents a bottle. SEEING STAFFS , nftcr the innnucr provoked by Hie play , ful Kclioul boy Is no grout aid to oiie'i vi&lon. A more pk-usaiu nnd .ttlsf.ic toiy way of lielplnt ; your cycMght J.s ti nvull youi'riulf of thu resources of a competent - potent optician. Wo oxiunino tlio eyei fiLLof cliniKe , select Urn pinpiu * slas oi for you and fuiulsli tliem at very rcu. bonublu pdc-es. The Aloe &PenfoldCo LEADINQ SCIENriKIC OPTICIANS. ( > | > I > . I'uxtiui lliilc-J. lilts Kiirunm SL trcjtmoat ot tta K fflEM CAUTHOO fr c. ( . . l.o."lc.i d tlint CU.TJJOI will " | M-rniolurrkruV crlcpoclc , knd Ul. ! > r < lii : I. l V Igor. fl ltco t you nothlnirlo try It. CURE YOURSELF ! Vn Dig U lor uoiutorii ltCCr M. lABunowtloBI. Irrllitlciii or ulctritlooi of uuauoi niciBtfiBM. P ! aU i , nod not utrliu