G THE OMAHA DAtT-Y JVEK : FRIDAY , DECEMBEK 2't , 1807 , CURRENT NEWS OF INTERESTFROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.VUIl JIISXTION. Cooper , Fire Ins. , 0 Pearl , tcl. 372. Schmidt's b.is relief photon arc the latest. Eptoncr Grocery Co. , 323 Bway. Tel. 314. T. McK. Stuart Is In the city , the guest of his son , David Stuart , Guy Shcpard hm rcturnofl from a pleasure trip to Indiana and Ohio. 13. M. Davis and Anton Welder of nedfleld , B. D ! , were city visitors yesterday. IleVi W. II. Cable of Denver was In the city yesterday on a visit to friends. W. iA. Wntktns and Gcorgo Wlso of Shelby are In the city , registered at the Kiel. C. B. Calif anil Charles Carson of Elliott wcro In the city yesterday on business. Chnrjcs McDonald Is expected homo this morrilng from Iowa City to spend the hol idays. .Mrs. Holcomb of Watcrvlllc , N. Y. , In In th-/ ( ally , Uho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Baldwin. Hundreds are using our work , why not you ? Satisfaction guaranteed. BluR City Laundry. F. B. Booth of the Transfer freight office has gone to St. Paul to spend the holidays with relatives. A. J. Gcttlor and E. Lloyd , prominent cat tlemen of Qlenwood , were In the city yester day on business. Mies Flora Brewer of Minneapolis , who- hoe been the guest of Miss Ellen Dodge , re turned homo yesterday. Miss Elslo B. Saylca comes homo today from Chicago to spend Christmas with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Saylcs. Mayor Carson returned yesterday from Kansas City , w'jere ho t-pent several djys. Ho saw the big hotel and theuter fire. I a. M. Piitman of Carson and L. F. Potter of Oakland , members of the state legislature , I were In the city yesterday visiting friends. Miss Mary E. Dickey is homo from Wayne , Neb. , to spend the holidays with her parents , Mr.- and Mrs. W. C. Dickey , on Benton street. Mre. B. C. McShano and daughters leave lUmlght for Kansas City , to spend the 'hot- ' Idajs with her daughter , Mrs. John A. Sar gent. gent.Wo want you to feel that your package Is very welcome at our place , and every effort will bo made to please jou at the Eagle Laundry , 724 Bway. Do you want a hair brush , a tooth brusher or any kind of a bristle brush ? Wo have them In cndlrfs variety , and cheap and good. 0. B. Paint. Oil & Glass Co. . Mrs. J. A. W. Waddcll and children ar rived last evening from Kansas City to spend the holiday season with Mrs. WaddoU's mother , Mrs. Leonard Everett. Charles Hardell , who has been confined to his home for the last thrco months from a gun shot In his leg received whtlo on a hunting expedition , Is able to bo about. There will be no 'meeting ' of the exec utive committee of the TransmlssUslppl Ex position association this evening. The next meeting will occur on Thursday evening of cext week. Cards have been received by friends here announcing the mnrrlago of Miss Ircno Marcy Hudson , formerly of this city , and Mr. Henry S. McEwen at the home of the bride's parents In Chicago. Christmas ( Services will be held In the First Presbyterian church on Christmas morning nt 9 o'clock under the direction of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. It will be In the nature of a praise service , to which the public generally Is Invited. The sixteenth annual masquerade ball o the Bluff City Typographical union will be given on Christmas night at Hando'tt acad emy. The printers' ball has always beoi olio of the great features of thu holiday season , and this joar they piomise some strikingly original costumes. A number of society people yesterday were discussing the project of arranging a big sleighing carnival , such rtfl the one that was such a brilliant success In 1SSS that ushered In the big blizzard. In that carnival the pcoplo of Council Bluffs and Omaha united and there was a procession of sleighs tha extended almost the entire distance from one city to another. The plan looked upon yes terday with the n.oit favor was to make It another big Twin City affair and have special entertainments at botn cii.lb of the line , making the exposition and Ice carnival the Omaha feature and something as at tractive us possible on this side. A toboggan Blldo a mile or two long was one of thu things suggested. N. P. Dodge returned yestorda ; ' from a trip of several wi-pk.1' duration In tbo south west. A largo Do-'on of the time was j-pent In southwestern Texas , where ho was pa'r- tlcularly attracted by the "prosperous con dition of thu cattle business. A portion of the tlmo was spent In a district that has been given over almost exclusively to the raising of the long-haired goats that furnish the mohair wool of commerce. He sajs the growers claim that the profits at the busl. ness greatly exceed that of any other kind of business in the state , and that It bids fair to spread Into adjoining states. The goats are much hardier and more easily raised than sheep , and the annual clip Is worth two or three times the value of the wool fleece. C. B , Vlavl Co. , Icmaic remedy ; consulta tion free Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C Health book furnished. 326-327-328 Merrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing com ; > or. TP ! . 250. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. . Marrlago licenses were loaned yesterday to the following named persons : ( Name nnd Address. Airo wllllnm Cnrsteim , Pottawattnmie Co. . . . 27 Mngglo Gees , Pottawnttnmle Co . is Jxist ' We haven't said much lately nbout the ' * * 'f' , El Ca o. the Belle of Sharon and the "Bob. " jbut wo dowant to say to our many frlendu among the readers ot The Bco that ve apt predate their friendly patronage und wishes and will try to appropriately remem ber 'them on Christinas day. This iloi-a rot moan n free lunch or free cigars , but wo want nil our regular customers nnd those who think they ought to become , regular to call Christmas morning. SPECIAL Boxes for ProscutntloH PrlcjB , $1.00 to $10.00. R. C , PEREGOY , Pearl and Broadway. SALOON MEN DROP BLINDS tagin to Bo Good According to the Statutory Bcqniremonts. MULCT LAW IS TO B RIGIDLY OBSERVED of n. Iliuicli of Suit * 1 > j' J. J. Slicn llrliiKN the Operatorvot the DrliikliiK I to Time. The wilcor keepers of Council Bluffs are n a rather profound quandary as to the ourso they will have to take to avoid the onscqucnces of Shea's last onslaught upon hem. The sentiment that was quite general a few weeks ago of operating their saloons n strict accordance with the provisions of the nulct law has grown perceptibly within the ast few days. Many of the saloon men feel hat It Is their only safety and affords the only means of escaping the systematic hold ups of prohibition attorneys that have cast ho saloon men many thousands of dollars. The advice that was given by Judge Green when ho chaiged the grand jury at Hie be ginning of the November term of the district court was In this direction. In DCS Molnce there are a large number of saloons , and they are alt being conducted us closely in accordance with the provisions of the law as ) osslblc. The law Itself contains Incon- ; rultles and Impossibilities , but where an lonret effort to made to comply with It no llfilculty has been encountered n < nd It Is 'ound not to seriously Interfere with Hie traffic. Yesterday several of the saloon men made the first atari toward complying with It by ordering the removal of nil chairs and tables from their ulaccs of business , the putting away of dice boxes and the general denuda tion of the bars of all of the comfortable ap purtenances tl'at have been maintained at considerable cost , solely for the purtxise of adding to the attractiveness of the places. During the day over 100 chairs and tables were presented for storage at one of the argo storage houses. Screens and blinds will come down from the doors and windows and the sunlight will bo permitted to dance athwart the rooms with the same freedom that It Invades the rhurchcs. During the winter weather frost and steam on the windows dews cannot be avoided , and the presence of the glittering and obscuring crjstals Is nol prohibited by the mulct law. The saloon men who nave Rtnrtml tn fol low the old custom of seeing the parties re sponsible for the applications for Injunctions and effecting arrangements that were mutually ratlRfactory to secure a dlsmissa of the proceedings have round some extra trouble this time. Shea bus removed his of fice to Omaha , and one of the Main strce Ealoon men said yesterday that Shea , had in formed him that whenever a saloon man Wanted to see him ho would have to come to Ills office. Hoffmay's fancy pateni flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for Xmas novelties cheap at Davis * . ItiifTulo for ( lie /.on. A man from Montana spent several hours yesterday In consultation with the park com mlsslocers for the purpose of arranging the sale of a buffalo for the park zoo. The man guaranteed * his buffalo to weigh over 1,40' ' pounds and that the price asked would'be low enough to enable the commissioners to make a profit by slaughtering the anlma and selling It for beef. No concluslcn was reached , but It Is possible that the teas will become one of the park attractions nex summer. Offers have been received from al parts of the country within the last few months to eell the commissioners all kinds of "varmints" for the zoo. Each mao was certain that his particular "varmint" wae either the most attractive or was the only one of the kind In the world. The popularity of the little collection that has been made jy Keeper Lamb has been sufficient to con vince the commissioners that a small amount of money can bo well Invested In this di rection and it Is possible that some at tractive purchases will bo made before the season opens up next year. Offers to send n clccamon and grizzly bears have been nu merous , 'bul the experience of Keeper Lamb and some of hU assistants and other citizens with the ferocious ibrute that broke out of his cage laet summer has satisfied' all of Ihe ambition that anybody connected with : lie park management had for the" owner ship of any more bears ot any kind or color. Domestic eosp wrappers call for spoons. CIirlntjiiiiM nt tlio > IIlKli School. The High school pupils have arranged a flno program for tha Christmas exercises on Friday afternoon , when some of the brightest pupils of the school will make an effort to entertain at public rhetorlcals. The exer cises will take place In the assembly room of the school building and will commence at 1:16 : sharp. Prof. Hnyden Is anxious to have the parents and other friends of the pupils como to the building and hear the program which follows : Music Piano Solo pOrn ; Judson Essay Christmas In Different Coun- , trlcs . Jcsslo CJreen Paper-Carbon Dioxide Frank Smith Recitation Lord Dundreary's "Prov- orbs" ; Herbert Pardey Vocal Solo Ilnppy Days Grace Burr With violin obligate by Mnrcnret JlcBrldc. Discussion The Days of Our Great Grandfathers und Now George Meyers , Frank I'lnney. Recltntlon-Old Ace Edyth Thomas Vocal Solo The Hells of St. Mary's. : . , „ , , Fred Murphy. Chr stmaa Story Nina Klntner Christmas Carol , ar"S , "r ! > TIIllttl ° Worley. Edyth Thomas. Wilfred Barnard and Fred Murphy. ; \Hlt Cl7y < o Join , Another communication has been received at the city clerk's olfico from officers of the League of American Municipalities renewing the proposition made to the city a short tltn'o ago to enter the league. The dues are fixed nt J25 a year , but the leaguers think that many times that amount of good will accrue to all cities that Join. Mayor Mac- Vicar of DCS Molnes Is president of the league and In his communication ho eays Des Molnes Is ono ot Uio most enthusiastic members. The matter will bo again brought up. in the city council at ) the next meeting. When presented before the clerk was directed to acknowledge receipt and Invite the league to hold Its next national meeting In this city. The circular received yesterday announces that Detroit has been chosen for the 18D8 moating. Turkeys , geese and ducks by the wholesale - sale or retail at J. Zoller & Co.'s. Tel. 320. Scci Davis for fine perfumes. DfHcrlltrH thr 1,0111(011 ( I'M re. Chief Tcmpleton of the fire department has received a copy of tbo London Illustrated Penny Paper , giving an account of the great fire that occurred In the wholesale districts of the city last month. The paper Is dated November 27. The first page Is devoted tea a wash drawing of the fire as It appeared when viewed from one of the outer galleries of St. Paul's church. The paper Is filled en tirely with pictures and descriptive matter concerning the fire. It places the lots at 1,000,000. The paper was Bent by some un known friend lu London. Give UB your order for Chrlstmari turkeys , geese and ducks. No satisfaction , no sale. J. Roller & Co. lliirkiirM < ! . ! the I'rlxo. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Council Bluffs Tranamlasiaslppl Ex- poeltlru aEdOclatloa several weeks ago Leonard - ard Everett offered a prize of $10 in gold to the nchool boy or IrJ who would mbmlt ho best written article on the subject ot 'How Oin Council Bluffs Receive the Great est Benefit from the Exposition ? " A great nany boys and girls entered Into the compo- HI on for the prize and the committee ap po'nted 'by the association to receive the > apcre and examine them hod a good deal of work to do. The contest closed several lays ago , but the award was not made until yesterday. The committee was In consider able doubt as to which one of a number was the best , but the agreement was finally reached that Edgar G. Harknets had won ho prize. The committee w > is composed of 'rof. Hleey , Caroline Dodge ami Wallet Stlllman. The second best paper was pre sented by Miss Irene Test , daughter of Gen eral E. F. Test. J. Zoller & Coyesterday had the finest and he largest display of dressed poultry that has over been made In Council Bluffs , thus making good their promise In The Dee of yesterday that they would have "plenty" of ho best dressed poultry that the markets afforded. All other departments of their big establishment wcro filled with Christmas goods and dainties for the great feast of the year. Miss Cook's studio , Grand hotel annex. MORI } AIlOtJT C.VTTI.H STKAI.ING. You up ; Klnnpy J'llrn Coinplnlnt ' AurnliiM Two Allcsreil AcconiiillccH. A sensational turn \\oo taken In the Kinney - ney cattle stealing ca o last night. John Klr ney , who was convicted of stealing fif teen head of young cattle from his employer , Solomon McMllhnand sentenced to three year' Imprisonment In the penitentiary , was : akon away last night , but before he went : ie nskeili to ibc taken to the office of Justice of the Peace Fcrrler for the purpose of filing complaints against his accomplices In the cattle stealing crime. He named In his com plaint Leo McMllUn , a son of the old farmer , and J. H. Butler , the son-lr-law , who worked so zealously to secure the joung man's con viction and whoso black-eyed daughter sought so earnestly to help the boy out of his trouble. The Information charged McMillan with being the chief actor In the cattle stealing and the person who negotiated the sale In the South Omaha' ' stock yards. But ler was charged with entering Into a con spiracy to Induce Klnney to escape from the custody of the officer .who had him In charge Immediately after his first arrest. Klnney charges that Butler , knowing It to be a felony under the new. code for a prisoner to break away from the custody of .an officer , no matter upon what chaigo he Is being held , advised and urged him to escape from the constable nnd make the attempt to get out ot the country , rrhls , Klnney alleges , was a plan to have him sent to the penltcin- tlry without being prosecuted for the cattle stealing crime. The Informations were drawn and the warrants Issued and the two accused men brought Into court. They gave the required bonds and their hearing was fixed for next Wednesday. Klnney was. put on the witness st.j.nd . acid his testimony taken. He went fully Into the details ot the crime and laid all af the blame upon young McMillan. Davis always has nice holiday goods. KimiU'H TlnlfjCo 'N to ChlcilKO. Enimctt Tlnley was called ito Chicago last evening on what Is quietly hinted to be very Important business In connection with the future of the Portal Telegraph company's lines In the wesf. Mr. Tlnley is connected with ti'io legal department of the company's western division and -\\uen John W. Rlackay pataed through here en route to New York a few weeks ago he wired Tlnley to meet him in Omaha. It was learned at the 'time ' that the consultation was in regard to sonic of the legal features of the contract of the Union Pacific Railway company wlt.h the Western Union and it has been definitely learned that Tlnley's hurried call to Chicago was the result of that interview and the de velopments that have occurred In ithe con troversy over the ownership and leases of the Union Pacific's lines within the last few days. It Jins been learned also that Mr. Mackay's trip east wus for tbo purpose of preparing plans to secure control ait least of a part of the Union Pacific lines. The Postal has been looking forward with hungry eyes to the 'time ' when conditions and circum stances make It possible to get control of a part If not all of the Union Pacific Hues and from the Information that leaked from the office of the attorneys yesterday the hint that -opportunity has come seems to rest upon substantial foundations. Klcviitor for tinTepee. . Klmball Brothers notified the Council Bluffs Exposition ussociatlon yesterday , thai they would place an elevator in tbo big tepee that the committee will erect on the expo sition grounds. The proposition is to put in the elevator free of charge and guarantee It to carry a big loa-di of people to the top of the structure , ninety feet from 'the ground , in less than ono minute. The preposition will bo formally submitted to the committee at ito next meeting and will be aceptcd. It is believed the elevator can be made the source of considerable profit to the ussocKv tlon. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. Match Live lllril Shoot. A match live-bird shoot was shot off at the grounds of the Council Bluffs Gun club yesterday - terday afternoon between F. S. and J. M. Crabll of this city and James Den "of " Arapa- hoe. and Ray of Omaha. Each shot at 100 live birds. The stakes were $100 a corner , with several side bets. The score stood : F. S. Crabll , 92 ; J. M. Crabll , 76 ; Den , 91 , and Ray , 85. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. ( OCH ttt the Supreme Court. The threat nwdo by R. G. Peregoy that the nlckel-in-the-slot machine case that was re cently decided against him by Judge McGee would be carried to the supreme court was made Rood yesterday , The appeal bond was filed lost evenlnK and the other n-rellminary steps taken to have the highest court In the state para upon the questions Involved In the controversy , Domestic soap wrappers call for spoona InitiiNtrlnl ii-honl. The Girls' Industrial echool will hold Its Christmas entertainment 03 New Year's day In the Etonian building. Ail ex-teachers and every girl who has ever teen a member of the echool are Invited to be present. Ilenl KNtulv TriiiiHferH. The following transfere are reported from the ' title and loan ofllce of J , W. Squire. 101 P'earl street : Jom L. Davis nnJ wife to Frank T. nnd llhoda Archer , lot 12 , b'.ock 4 , Sickett's add , w 1 . S 1,000 Sheriff to Glaus Horst , lot 10 , block 8 , Mlnden H d . 2,001 C. W. Clnrk nnd i.\lro to August H. Huelle , cVfc R.\ " < /4 and w',6 seVi 15-75-11 , w d . 0,720 Peter RnsmUHSpn to Himiio JlasmiiH- FPII , lot 3 , block 3 , Hall's add to Council Bluffs , w d . COO Ira V , Hemlrlcto nnd wife to John M. Galvln , lot H , block 4 , and lot C , lot C , block 20 , Howanl'B add to Council lilufts , b-peclul w d . 1 Same to same , lot 1 , block 15 , How ard's add to Council Bluffs , special w d . . . . . . . 1 John iMndUon and wlfo to Ira R Hen- drlcks , lot It. block 4 , Howard's add to Council B'.uffH. IAI d. . , . , . , , 2,400 Hans Olsen nnd wife to Jra F. Hen- drlcku , lot G. block 20 , Howard's add to Council Jlluftn , w d. . . , . . . . fljO County Treasurer to G. P. Kemp , lots 3 and 4 , block -I , .Wright's add to Council llluffEs tax d . S County pherlff to Nathan P. Dodge , e % lot 3 , block 20 , Mill add n of creek In Council Bluff * , n d..L . 9o9 Same to National Life Insurance com pany , lot IS , block 9 , JefTeries' subdlv of Council Bluffs , s d . 2,435 Same to F. J. Day , lot 12. block 8. ilc- Muhoii. Cooper & Jefferles' add to Council HlunX d . l.CSO Same to president and directors of In surance. Company of North America , rVi nwli 13. c\4 nw'i 2t , ne > 4 nw % nw'4 21-75-H , a d . 9.801 Laurence MoKvoy and wlfo to Patrick T. Conroy , jxirt neU H and part'eeVi 11-77-38 , w il . , . 4 , MO J. W. Thayer and wife o Q. A. Tlinycr , nw'i BW'4 05-7M1 , w rt. . . . . . 800 D. w. Otis , administrator , to C. A. Harrlc , lot 13 , Mock 2. Jackpon'a add to Council IllufTB , administrator d , . 940 Sixteen transfers , total . . . 1,115 AirElIPTATTR NWRECIUSC Malicious Work Oqm iTgar Oauaing a Ba DisiSlcr. loy SPIKES D3AW.1 . FOR [ jfe RAIL LENGTHS - t * ri ! il . 1 HiiKlne on the UiirlttiKlon NlRlit Train .IiiniliM ( ho Track lit 1'oot ' of Murray rtrtl'No ' One I Injurctl. T1IAYEU , la. , Dec. 23. An attempt was made between hero and Murray last night to throw from the track Burlington train No. 2 , from Omaha. Whether for the purpose of robbery or from maliciousness Is not known at present. About 9:30 : o'clock , as < he train was approaching preaching the- foot of Murray bill , the engine left the track. Fortunately no particular daniiigo was done to It or to the train , nor was any ona on board at all Injured. After on examination It was found-that .the track had been tampered with and footprints of men wcro soon on itho hill lending away from tiio roadbed. The sp-Ikcs had been pulled out of the tics for three roll lengths , the work being dooo with a wrench and pinch bar , wli.lcb had been stolen from the car house at Thayer. The company has offered a rcward-ot $300 for the arrest of those Implicated. SAX JOS13 SCALI3 NOT IX IOWA. Horticulturist * Kour It Will He mill Arc I'ri'imri-il ti Meet It. . AMES , la. . Dec. 23. ( Special. ) Prof. Her bert Osbornc , entomologist for the Iowa ex periment station , makes Ihe following state ment In 'regard to the San Jose scale which Is feared by the horticulturists of the state : ' 1A recent report appearing kt various pa pers btateu that at the meeting of the Horticultural ticultural society'tho ' Sfin Jose scale .was . eatd to bo well established and spreading rapidly In the state. This statement was evidently based on a misunderstanding , for whllo this pest la causing great trouble In some of the adjoining stales , there is not , to my knowl edge , any nursery -or orchard In Iowa where It has as , jet appeared. The Horticultural society does not Intend to wait until the damage - ago Is done before taking measures to pre vent It and has very wisely arranged for the prosecution of an active campaign to pre vent , If possible , tfae Introduction end spread of the pest. There ID every reason to be alarmed atthe probable Introduction of the pest , but so long as our nurseries and or chards are free It can only do harm to scat ter brcadcast unfounded statements claiming thorn to be lafcsted. The greatest safety at present Is for planters to secure stock from homo nurseries or from nurseries 'that can show certificates of Inspection. If this pest occurs or Is suspected In any part of tbe state Information should bo cent to this ot- flcu at once , as toy prompt determination and Immediate destruction of , , the pest Its future distribution may be prevented. " I < M\a Ilor'tlciUliirl.HtM. GLENWOOD , la. , ' Dcp. 23. ( Special. ) Yesterday afternoon the , visiting members of the Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society visited General Stone's 'mammoth ' orchard. After reassembling papers were listened to from Hov. G. G. Ulce of Council Bluffs , en "Observations of in "Old Horticulturist ; " It. W. Carson of ' 'iMlndcci ' , "Ornamental Shrubs for Parks and Cemeteries ; " A. Van Kirk of Glenwood , ' "Seven Years' Expert. enco as a Fruit Grower ; " President Hecs , "Raspberries ; " Silas1 Wilson of Atlantic , "Horticulture as a Banch of Public Inetruc- tlca. " "A Paper" < by Dr. F. M. Powell of Qlenwood and one by Mrs , M. Barrens oj Lenox on. . "ATbor DiyrTYee Planting" com pleted the afternoon's 'program. ' At the evening session papers were read by Prof. J. L. Laird1 of Glenwood , on "Geol ogy of Southwestern low'a ; " George Van Houton , on "Tho Future of Horticulture ; " Mrs. Dora Buckner of Lenox , "Window Gar- delng. " The election of the following officers for the ensuing year closed the evening's pro , ceedlngs : President , D. W. Lockspltch of Woodbine ; vice president , J. P. Jackson , Glennood ; secretary , W. M. Bomberger of Harlan ; treasurer , Ira Needles of Atlantic. At this morning's session papers were read by T. B. Maybee of Waukee , on Gooseberry Culture for Profit ; " H. A. Terry of Crescent City , "Currants and Gooseber ries ; " J. G. Berryhlll of Des Molnes , 'Tha Cherry. " Series of Accidents. CORNING , la. , Dec. 23. ( Special. ) Word was brought to Corning today of a serious and probably fatal shooting at the homo of David Russell , who lives on the western line of Adams county. Monday night ho heard a noise at his chicken house and arose from his bed and Investigated It. Ho discovered two menfin the act of stealing his poultry. Ho flrcd both barrels of his shotgun Into one man , wounding him very seriously in the shoulder. The other man escaped. Thomas Wilson , the well known Corning flour merchant , was badly Injured this morn- Ing. A pile of flour toppled over on him , crushing him to the floor. No serious results are anticipated. Alex Conaway , a well digger of this city , met with a. distressing accident last Friday whllo working In a deep well , A bucket of dlii ) fell nearly 100 feet and struck him on the bead and dislocated his shoulder. lie Is still unconscious. to HnnU Directors DAVENPORT , la , , Dec. 23. ( Spcclal.- ) The business men are finding out new thing ) , about the new Iowa code almost every day. "It keeps us busy here all the time reading the code" cald one * business man. "and wo are finding something new In It all the time. One passage I have Just observed make * It a crime for an officer , director or any em ploye of a ibank to borrow money of his own institution , unless his application for that loarKs acted upon by the directors at a meetIng - Ing at which he Is not present. If bo la present when hs ! application for a loan by Ills own bank Is up for consideration every man Implicated in the making of that loan Is an embezzler , la the dictum of the present loua statute. I wonder how nvany times that law has been Ignorantly and Innocently violated lated since October ? Dozens of times , I don't doubt. I know I have violated It raj- BClf , unaware of Us existence. " I'rrillc-tN 11 IIIf Meeting , DENViE-R , Dec.J 23. ' ( Special. ) W. S. Soavey , ex-chief of jjojlse of Omaha and at one time a largo catMo'owner In the west , was a caller at the 'national ' headquarters of the cattlemen's contention. Ho Is on his way east 'from ' a trip , through 'New Mexico , Arizona and Texas , "Everywhere I have been , " said Mr. Seavoyj "stockmen talk of the Denver convention , and of what good can be accomplished1 at1 this meeting. Every stockman In the southwest who can get away at this time will .bo in Denver , either as a delegate or a visitor , and you will have one of the wealthiest , | If not the largest , crowds that ever came ito your city. " Would I < lk < * < n < io to COIIKTPNH. MARSHALLTOWN , , ! ? . . Dec. 23. A spe cial to the Times Republican from Sioux Rapids says that In 'a pongicBslonal district as largo as the big Eleventh there can bo ibut little surprise that there should to a rather abundant crop of candidates dor the Tie fie- position In coiTKrefs now held by Hen George D. Perkins , Among1 other candidates Hon. Prank II. Hclaell ot tills city will enter the llsta , nnd we feel safe In KiylnR that his hosts of friends will stand by him us of ono accord. In yearn pact Mr. Holscll has been the ardent supporter of various successful candidates and now that he him self has decided to be a candidate ho lias a clean record politically to back him up. Ilia wlOo reputation as a business man and an attorney , his popularity as a gentleman and tils remarkable faculty for making friends will undoubtedly stand him In good stead at this time. Move Iij-"rypoirraiililcnl Union. DES MOINUS , Dec. 23. ( Special. ) The Typographical unions of the stale arc Inaugu rating a movement to have lowa'a echool books published In Iowa at the state's ex pense. There was some quiet talk of finch a thing a year ago at the special session ot the IcKtslaturo. but It was too radical a. nronosnt to be considered In connection with the rush of revising the code. The plan Is to have a commission named to secure manuscripts for books nnd purchase those deemed most satisfactory ; to have the state publish ( hem and adopt them for use tn the state schools , and to have them furnished at practically cost prices. It was calculated that the plan would establish a great Industry In Iowa and would keep In the state tha Immense amounts which go In largo measure as profits to the private manufacturers of text books. Conk Thlevrn nt Crouton. CUESTON , la. , Dec. 23. ( Special. ) Thft Burlington road has 'been suffering consid erably of late from coal thieves. Yesterday John Whltley ibecarac bold and drove up tea a car and commenced ! to unload Its contents Into a wagon. Ho was disturbed by n rail road officer anct placed under arrest. When arraigned ho pleaded guilty and was given a fifteen day jail ( sentence , which ho la now serving. Ed. A. Aldrlch of this city Is a prominent candidate for state pharmacy commissioner It Is stated that It tie can Induce the other candidates In this district to withdraw Governor-elect Shaw will name him for the place. 1C 1 in.MiiHt Pay n Kim- . DES MOINES , Dec. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) Dr. J.V. . Klme , convicted of send ing obscene matter through the malls , was sentenced today to a fine of ? 25. Kline , as editor of the Iowa Medical Journal , published various highly obscene matters in his paper In explaining a controversy between the stu dents and faculty of Drake Medical college. The male students attempted to drlvu the women students out of the school and among other things decorated the walls ot class rooms with obscene statements. Klnic In his Journal took the side of the women nnd pub lished some of three Inscriptions. llilmIIcliI for Trial. CEDAH HAPIDS , la. , Dec. 23. ( Special. ) Prof. Philip F. Helso of Omaha , who created a reign of terror nt Billy Smith's saloon a few nights ago by smashing In the elegant nlate class windows and doors with his cnno after being thrown out of the place , has been held to the grand , Jury tn the sum of $500 on a charge of malicious mischief. He was unable to furnish bonds and Is In Jail. It Is believed that Hclso Is suffering with tem porary aberration ot the mind. Onoil Hun Gone Wrcinpr. KE09.VUQUA. la. , Dec. 23. ( Special. ) Leon Cox , a farmer living six miles south- cast of town , has gone wrong In ills business transactions. It Is said that ho has bor rowed from bacilra and friends about $17,000 , giving notes with his father-in-law's , Thomas Hale , name signed to them without that gentleman's knowledge or consent for about half the amount , and the other halt Is se cured by mortgage on his farm and stack. Given a A'CTV Trial. SHENANDOAH. la. , Dee. 23. ( Spsclal.- ) At the last term of court In this county Mrs. J. L. Giles of this place brought eult against the city of Slicnandoali for the sum of $10,000 for Injuries sustained because of a fall caused by tn alleged defective side walk. A verdict of $3,000 was rendered. An application for a new trial was a > t once made and this morning word was received that It had been granted. 'MliiiHtcr In Trouble. SHENANDOAH , la. , Dec. 23. ( Speclal.- ) Rev. I. N. Zook , who was arrested and taken to Council Bluffs yesterday by u postal Inspector specter because of en alleged violation of the postal laws , was released on ball and his trial set ifor the latter part of January , when ho will be tried In Lincoln , Neb. , the crime having been committed there. SIiniiniiilonli'M I'uultry Show. SHENANDOAH , la. , Dec. 23. ( Special . ) - The poultry show which has been In progress here thU week has been well attended and the exhibits arc flno. At the business meetIng - Ing of the association It was decided that because of the ample accommodations at- forded by Shenandoah the exhibit would beheld held here next year. SIIVH ( lie llnllronilH. SHENANDOAH , la. , Dec. 23. ( Special. ) Joseph Auracher , one ot the grain dealers In this place , has commenced suit against the Burl'ngton railroad because of alleged discrimination In freight rates. The sum asked Is $5,000. A like suit by the same man has been commenced against the Omaha & St. Louis road. icpH for lloour Criminal * . BOONE , la. , Dec. 23. ( Special Telegram. ) Judge Weaver sentenced John Patterson to ono year In the penitentiary for assault with Intent to commit manslaughter ; W. F. King , a mute , two years for burglary , and William Nugent , six months lu Jail for the same crime. ' District court then adjourned. Siilclilr of HntlrtMl Mi-reliant. KEOKUK , la. , Dec. 23. Ephriam Radanh committed Bulcldo at ills homo 'lu ibis city today. Ho wa a very wealthy retired mer chant and promluuit member of the low.-x Legion ot Honor. Held for Trlnl. SIOUX CITY. In. , Dec. 2.1.-Spcclal ( Tele gram. ) Hey Smith , the wny ard young pen of Major Smith , a prominent citizen nnd politician of Cherokee , la. , was today bound over to the Woodbury county fjraml Jury on the charge of highway robbery. Smith , In company with Claude Dcvoy and A. n. Wnyo , held up and robbed George Clark , a young farmer , of $51 , on the night of December - comber 11 , Dovoy turned stale's evidence nnd Wlrectly Implicated Smith nnd Wayo In the crime. Young Smith has been hinging around questionable resorts In this city for about two months , nnd hns been In the police court several times on the chnrge ot vai grancj. The men were armed nt the time of the robbery nnd bent Cl.uk \ \ Ith a maul. Kontiil Demi. RLDOIIA , la. , Dec. 23. ( Special Telegram. ) L. Tlege , a pioneer of Hnrdlu county , was found dead here this morning. In his young manhood ho was a. sailor nnd had cast an chor at almost every known harbor In the world. i IIMVU Nc Iowa Falls will try a stone pile for tralnps. The glucose works at Manshalltown will reopen 'March ' 1. A new Presbyterian church will bo dedi cated next Sunday at Oakvlllc. The twenty-eighth child of Lewis Stacker of Clarence was born last week , and six teen of them nro living. The store of M. IA. Haggln at Ferguson Marshall county , was destroyed by flro Tues day morning , with a loss ot about $3,000. The directors of the East Waterloo school district are preparing to equip tdio school buildings with flro escapes In accordance with the law relating thereto. A rumor Is current In Iowa that J. S , Clarkson , formerly t f DCS Molnes , will move to Now York from Hillndclphta and again engage. In newspaper business. A. S. Swell , the Independence merchant who failed a few days ago , was one of 1he oldest established merchants In the city and hail an enviable reputation for sagacity nnd Integrity. The liabilities figure up $ lCi,223.9S. George Stanley of Story county , .who wants < ho Iowa legislature to recommend that ho be pardoned , -will have opposition to his plans. A protest has been circulated nnd generally signed nt Ames , where his crlmo wes committed. He killed William Patter son In 1870 and Is serving n life sentence. A Cedar Palls newspaper gives a statement of Improvements In that city this year : The total amount expended on public and ether Improvements is placed at $220,000 ; of this total $123.000 Is credited to new residences and business houses , $20.000 to street car Bj-Btem , $25,000 to electric light plant and $16,487.31 'to ' sanitary sewers. low n 1'ri'NM Oiiiiiiiiont. Des Molncs Capital : Little did Leslie M. Shaw of Donlsoii think a year ago that he would be governor-elect of Iowa at this Christmas. Iowa City Republican : The suggestion comes from Dea Molncs that horticulture should be tauprht In the public schools. lAr.d this they say , Is not a "fad. " Next. Crcston Gazette : A wire brother of the press remarks that no mortal man can say how long 1ho legislature will bo In sesslcn. If we must have legislatures the legislature will see toIt that we get the worth of our money. i Davenport Democrat : It will be Impossi ble for Governor Drake to make u e of all the suggestions the papers nro giving him without making Ms last annual meuage sev eral yards longer than It should be. Gov ernor Shaw will also have to run the pointers that are being crowded upon him through a sifter. In this country every voter Is will ing and anxious to put his Influence and Ideas where ho thinks they will count. Sioux City Journal : In 1880 John H. King , n republican member of the Iowa house. In troduced and strongly proised a measure pro posing a ctate board of control. Before that tlmo Congressman Updegraff , then a member of the Iowa legislature , Introduced a similar measure. This , however , was not the first tlmo the matter had b en brought forward In Iowa. It Is , In fact , one of the oldest no tions of the correct manner of conducting the public business. IIYJI10X10 A I , . ICnoliliH-Ileiijaialn. TRENTON , Neb. , Dec. 23. ( Speclal.- ) Yesterday Mr. William E. Knobbs ot Hitch cock county and Miss Clara Gay Benjamin of Red Willow county -were married. Count ) Judge H. H. Taylor ofllclatlng. The groom Is well and favorably known In this county and the bride Is ifrom cae ot the leading families of Red Willow county. IlracKott-IIIukH. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Dec. 23. ( Spec-ial.- ) Mlsa Anna Hicks , daughter of T. B. Hicks , president of the First National bank of Chey- entio , was 'married ' at noon today at Bcston , Mass. , to Thomas R. Bracked , u well known lltcwry man of that city. MI-H. .l < ijc < - lleoliiifH ( o Talk. MARYVILLE , Mo. , Dec. 23. ( Special Tele- gram. ) Mrs. John J. Joyce , wife of the slayer of R. C. Montgomery , arrived In Maryvllle late last night after having driven from Coin , la. , In an open buggy. When seen this morning by your correspondent she declined to either deny or afllrm the truth of the damaging rumors regarding her relations with Montgomery that arc In cir culation. She appeared 10 be much agi tated over tha affair. DfiitliN of a Day. PRINCETON , N. J. , Dec.23. . Charles E. Greene , one of the most prominent of the trustees of Princeton university , died sud denly here 'today ' of heart failure. He hai como from Fortress Monroe to attend a mcc/- Ing of the board ot trustees. Upon his ar rival ho was apparently In good health , but complained of fatigue. Ho participated In thu regular business of the meeting and made itho closing speech of the day about noon After 'that ' time he complained of lljncss cm GOLD DUST. Largest package greatest economy. Muclo only by TUB N. K. ICA1KHAMC COMPANY , Chicago. 8U Louis. Now York. Boston. Philadelphia. 11 ( FOUR FLAVORS ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE. Made for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY * * & John G. Woodward & Co. , kWlioIcsule Mamifactttrint ; Confectionery. Council Bluffs , la , tvai taken to the resilience of Prof. WIIIMm Mbbcy. vU B o'clock lu the evening liwrt nliuro developed rnd ho tiled Instantly. Mr. drocno has been very prominent In the iffalis of the university. In addition to DO UR a member of the board of tnti'lccs ho woa chairman of the fln nco committee and repre sented the esta o of Charles arcane ut Prlnco- leu , which estate h s cattrlbutcil about il.600,000 to Princeton university. Mr. Grectio iid entire chArse of the Join C. Qrecue sohool ot science , founded by his uncle , John 0. Irecne. He was also A trustee of the Prince ton Theological ecmlnnry ntid prcAldrcu of the boird x > f trustees of the lyiwrcncovllle preparatory school , \\hlch was also founded Dy John C. Greene. Ily profcsslm Mr. rcciio was a lawyer , practlclnR lu Trenton , the place of his residence. Ho wns graduated from PrUiceUti In the class of 1SCO and wa about CO years of BRC. Ills father was Chan cellor Henry Clreene of Now Jctscy. LONDON , Dee. 23. Lady Mlllals , widow ot Sir John Mlllals. the late president of thi lloyal Academy. In dead. Lady Mlllalu xvaa : ho divorced wlfo of John Husklu , who volun tarily Rftvo her up when It was evident that she loved Mlllals. Uuskln stood by In the church while , In 1S55 , she WIIH married to Mlllnls. COZAD. Neb. , Dee. 23. ( Special Tele gram , ) Mrs M. II. Deems , wife of M. H. Deems , jiroprldor of the Commercial hotel lioro , died tills afternoon ol cancer of the stomach. Mrs. Deems was 48 yoara ot IRO. i native of Ohio , her maiden immo being Deborah McCrenry. She came here with her husband lu 1S9G from Callnway , Neb. , where she had resided about fourteen yeorg. NEW YOHK , Dec. 23.-Ocorso Crokcr , brother of Hldiard Crolter , died at midnight tonight at the residence of Dr. W. T. Jcnkloi ou Statcti Island. THERE IS A GL&SS OF PEOPLE Who are Injured by the us < of coffee. Re cently there has bc ° n plnnod In nil Grocery stores .a new preparation called ORA1N-O. made of pure g-nlns , that tnkes the place of coffee. The rer.st dcltcata stomach re- celves It without dlitu-rs. and but few can tell It from coffee. It. does not cost over 4 as much. Chlldrpn may drink Itlth great benefit. lEc nnd 23c per package. Try It Ask for GR.AIN-O. W. A. MAURER , RCIAIL3I2 AMD 341 imiMUWVY. The luruest Establishment n the \\ust. Prices the "Lowest We nro direct Importers from France Hn nnd Oermany , tnxlnit you the niMdlcinnn or Jobber's prollt We offi-r iou extrnoullnnrv In. ilucpiiients jirlces nli ° olutel > - lower thnn cite- Wiicrc , nnd assortment umnntchnblo. I AMI'S From I5c to JSO.OO Ilnndg-imo cold finish nnd Onyx banquet lntnn , J2.00 each. DINNER WAlin-31 BtocU pr.ttcrnsfrom which jou can buy nn.\tlilnc jou \ \ nnttthout bujltiB a complete tet 100-plecc KrwIHi Porvc- lain Winner SetK Kood qunllt ) uood decorations , JU75. 100-plecc Brcen nnd gold dccotutlon , line IJriKliFh porcelain , (10.00. DOtiLS Wi > shiill repent our uvunl custom at closlnu out nil dolls left In our wholesale dcpait. men' nt ttrlctly Wholesale l'ilee . Many of our customeiK who lin\e bought della from ua during the pant-three > ears will testify that our pilce * are less than ore-half the usual prices. A DHKt CUT IN PHICHH IN bicr OUT CUYST.AI , We nre eellltiK the finest quality of Cut Glasi nt fully one-thlid less than any competition ; for In stance : A 10-Inch cut bowl , In deep rich cut- tlnu , each. J7.7C. Water UottlCH , In the new IVar Shape , nnd new I'rlsm or Colonial Cutting , i.icli , 54.00. Tumblers In the new and beautiful Prism Cutting , doz. JS73. Alt the bent grade of Ameri can Crystal. There are none better made. All ollur Cut Grasi In the same propoitlon. STKUL.INO Sll-Vnil In noxeltles nnd wares for the tnblo. Uiigest Block In the elty , and prices nre far the lowest. Sterling Silver Hair Itrushes , Rood ones , each , only J2./X ) . Htcrllne Silver Pomade or Ointment Jure , each 30o Itabblt'n Feet , Silver mounted , 15c each Files , and a big line ot novelties , each , Me. All other goods In precisely the same proportion. Ster ling Silver Table Ware from the best makcri and In the latest designs , nt moderate prices. 1'l.ATnD WAIIC In the best makes at unus ually low prices , Ch.illlng Db-hcs and 1'uddlng Dishes In large \urlety. CUTI < CUy I'roin the cheapest Plated Knife nt 4i'Sc to the finest Ivory , pearl or Sterling Silver. CAHVINO snTS Prom a good Stag Horn at 75c to the flnc-st of fl'ver. ' A beauty In a Three- Piece 1'cr.rl Carving Set , In case , J7.75. KODAKS The entire Eastman line at factory prices. No goods made that will equal them. Prices from 14.00 upwards . Wa also hnve cheanej makes on low n J3.00 for 3V4x3 > ,4 picture. W arc also solo agents for the new tclMonlns paper. Try It : It Is a success. Iteforo buying jour holiday present ! ) looli through our large line. Itvlll i-nve you money. Vlsltom nnd purchuiem equally welcome. W. A. MAURER , 342 and : M4 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Mount Vernou PURE 1 < YE Owing to its fine , full , mellow flavor , tills whifikoycuinmiimlH tlio high est price in bun-din ( to wholesale ) deal ers ) of any brand now on the market , and li the baslH of most of the bottled tled blondcd whiskey npw BO extensively iidvoi-tiscd , Rottlctl at the DlHtlllcry with au nliHolilto Guaranty ot I'lirlty niul Oriuinil Condition The confmmoibuying1 this the only dlstlllory IxitilliiK of MOUNT VKUNON ( In SQUAHU Untiles , ouch bearing the Num bered Uunrnnty Lnbell-M-cmes thu lilsli- ( Ht ifiiHloof I'lirti Uyn.Whlkldiy In U imturitl condition , niitlruly freu from adulteration wltlicliuaji pplrlli ) unil flavorings , FOR MEDICINAL URR It lips tlio liulnrpniui-rit nf tlm most nromlncol IiliyMolaiiH tlirmiKlinuttlm Unlloil Htutcs. For Halo by All ( tollable Dcalcra. TUB COOK K niUlNIIHIMIUI CO , Now York Solo AiccnfH for tlio United .Stolen JOHN MNHIJH. SnloWcHlorii Aicctit , Coiiu.il HIiilM , li DR. 1 , 33. K.OE . , " - D Itooiii ! ! - - , Merrliim Illuuli , 7nk Kltvator. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. tswvsrvn > A/swJwvri/vKA'Wsv'v\SN'vs''w i > wiu < iN'aH , rjturr. rAiiu AND OAHDJSN Ittndu fur tale or rent. Day & llesn. It 1'carl ttreet. MONIJY TO LOAN-llKnUCHO HATH ON Urn-clans Imrroveil r rm > und Inilda clii iiroperlx. Apply to Jui , H. Cainady , jr. , :31 Slum . bt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Instructions Albln IlUfter , Mudu VIOLIN 533 llrcudwuDcrinun method of Irt 'len Conservatory , * j. w , BQUihii. CITr AND KAIIM UMNB. 1 > OII HAU2. AT A 1IAUUA1N , A HtlAI.I. IIUT well e tabM hed and remunerative intrcantlll tuilneo. Inquire of O. W , Oil * , JJJ 1'tarl t. . Council lllurr . In. I'OH BAI.U. A KINK TWO-HKATKD BUCIQII , ebcap. Ki fieutb tJeytotb itmt , Council ulutri (