Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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TIO3 OMAHA DA1Z.1 * BEEt I1fTDAY , DECEMBER 24 , 1857 * , 11
l > j the Liitor Qjowfl Gives Wheat
/kaetLor / Alvauce.
Onl roilmv tVhrnl wltli n MnK-rlnl
AiHa rr , Com U n Mmrir
l.ut rt-ov ! loii
Arc tliictlmiicrd.
D c. St. Speculative markets
v. i. uh ptrottj ; todar fl jnow B nerall -
im than retttertlay. thtrngh In th end
XM.'iii and Date ww-e JS > e aly mtttstanttel
lii-tnl.'inrloe ol tlie improvement. M iy
vh nt fUwnd S f\c hhfher on hnylnj ; jirtn-
'ijial'y liy tljf Lsh r ) ieo } t . The IWR ,
luwi-vt-r. imviired lit tier -
( jn-UwR. Corn clio3
, : , hii' < tueher. OKI * adranood H fc. and
ltroiHtcin * dioiwd Mntihanped to fit lilEher.
Ajiiwi'tiitly tbf ] irlncijil reamm Jor the
fiTnin-HB wilh whitib wheat opmiofl was the
f r. . np-ttr nhown Llvcrpoo ; In the I of
Iht ! uccltnc herye ierd j , which was due.
.it was flslniHft. to ajiprehtiiftioii pvcr tht
I-urojr-uii political ootlonlu That martot
4.h 'VPdfnW ' advance at uhe opining here.
Way btarind at ! Wl ! l3tec , an comjiared
with yt-nti-rdaj-'s closing price ot
J"or a inonmnt or tv.'o the tnarkot
iitiU n low ale i wurtmadf nt
Ihir. i. . demand net In which , with a
ntl'-rt Ht-iirclty of offerliiRH , cuusmfl an ad-
. . ni'i vhl-1 ; carrlt-d the jirlrr uji to U3iC
III n' it. n very nhon time. ls.xoBi.-tfd poni - - iiftt'r that , but \ > y U o'clock hud again
uuvuiitd. . thlB time to We. Imrlnp the ud-
vanfi ; the L.ilter huyurB wttrc on lioth Bides
of tht murUt-t , but prt'sumubly baught con-
ulderahly more than they sold. Northwest
rtCt ! > ipii w.le jnoflerate. The numlitr of
carloadE reliort < > d at MlnnuBiiDllR and Du-
luth was 4i ) , . nRninut 534 furs last week , and
28 earn the oorruBjionditir ; day ol 18HC. Chicago
cage rDu d IIUJ care ny rail , of wblch
3IM ivfrttMintrai't. . InHjiectbu Into Htore
Irom v-HHel , U PO bu. No. 1 northern KliritiK ,
and frjni uiaiftTii * d clfvutors W.a'M bu.
unj 1M fiirlouds of thp name pradc. .The
rofluced uunibur of cars In the northwuHt
tompurud with a wnik ace continued the
trailers in the bulllBhniiHK wltib which tht-y
Kturtfd the marUct. New TorU soon after
the utart rcjptmed that Tort Ipners were Rued
buyers of 1'M-embe.r wlieut In that marmot ,
and the Imjiresulon prevailed that the ! . -
plnnltiK hu.d tiee.ii reached or another
ii = np i' tied period of esjiort buying nuch as
ivtHfii iirlf B In BO Croat a hurry la t fall.
J'urthi-r Htrfnpth WUB Imparted 'by the re-
part in question. New Tork later In the
duy auviKPtl the Bale Jor Bhlpnusnt to Lon
don of iriil.VbO bu. of Manitoba -wheat at
l"tc JHT bushel I. o. b. above the New
ork Jilay price. The Bhlpmenln ol flour
and wheat Irani tlnat city -were equal to
nearly -JOli.OOU 1mwhich was taken UB an
other reason lor buying May wheat here.
The total of the export clearances , of wheat
and tlour from Atlantic ports wore -160,1100
bu. The continental markets were , as a
rule , steady. The Dticemb r deal was not
Berlousiy uu-turbed by the selling of a Jew
small lots lor account of elevator concerns.
The nunetary depression caused by Buoh
Hilling -was. noon lecovered Trom. The deal
ing ! In Wuy was somewhat more active than
it wus the day belore , and the sttrencth
more coiiEtant and lautlnR. During the lust
hour's tradlnp offerlngR became , more lll > -
cral , renulting- a decline in May to US'iwC. '
That wa the price at the close.
Corn WUB very active , und at tiroes was
EtronK , especially 'durlnc ' the mornlnE.A
peed deal of tine ntren rth came tram the
ilrmneas of wheat and nata. About the
middle of the neH ) on the market began to
yield to Hem Ideal BelllnB prrviare , und at
the end the advance had practically disap
peared. . Elevator people w re the principal
btllers , May ruuped ' 'jm "S5iilf2ii5jc to "S : c.
and closed a Bhude hlpher at 2 ! > M.-c.
Oat WUB KtroiiK , active and hlRher
fhroUEhout , though not all .the advance was
Jielfl. There was quite a Hurry durtnpr the
morning , RhortB.covcrlnfr'troely , and there
lieinc 'considerable Renenil buylne. The
continued urgent demand for shipping -WUB
a Jactor The market ensed off a little 'On
reallzlasi. May rouced from ZiVnc to fsS/ '
22\c \ and closed Mta ic hlRlierat tc.
For the prettier part of the. Besnlon pro-
TlsioiiB were firm and higher , and this Jiot-
-vvl'-hstaiidlnK ' the .hea ' iiae receipts and
energetic Cuflahy ( * elllnR. This woe espe
cially true ol pork. "Market opened a little
uafiir.r , "but noon Improved under a peed
nonerul demand. The advance In wheat
uuiitrlhutea ihe ptrenRth. Later thv
market became dull and with IncreuBod of
fering's jnost of tine ndvunce VUB lort , the
market , however eloBlnK steady. At the
close Muy pork was f > c hi-lier ( at Ih.'is ' ;
ilay lord , uncliorased at W.72ia , and May
ribs , unchanged at Si.nTH ; .
Estimated receipts for rriaaj" TMieat ,
: ! CU earn ; earn. S05 COI-B ; outs , 260 cars ; hogs ,
: M.Mm ( bead.
LeudhiB tutures ranged ts follows.
l Oimu. I HltrU. I I.DVT. i CloBo. Tcal'dy
line . .
LMi v 1M1H Bit It
Mar ii ; > K
Di-c. . . 22V
May . . = : 'SJi
Dec . . 7 70 7 nn
.lull . . B l7h ! , C7 > < ! B70
May . . h K7S II till
4 45 4 45
Jan - - I r.vw 4.rr. 4 Ii7Vii
May - 4 75 4 7u 4 71to ! 4 7 > i
Chtlilo *
DfO 40 4 4' ' i
Han. . j dii 4 4L'lt
Way , 4 ni ! * . 4 nfk. 4 D7K
Ca h ( luotutlonii were ah followB :
i-ilAil li J-'lrni. UrulchtB. f-l.3W4.4V ; miring
epi'clulB , f > . ; Hi"-lnc patents. W.-llii4.SO ) ( bale.
rw' , SS.SOjfS to ; winter putcnth H.77.iil.ta.
vrilEAT Xj. Z pprit.p. k8 . U.c ; Ko. 3 uprlnB
Kljrtlic , Nn. S rwd. UHfeu. -
OOIIN No. 2. : c i
OATP TJo. i. SBlc t , n. b.
Ilir Nn , 2. 4C ! c.
liAlU-UV Nu , S , 274WOC ,
. i .
TIMOTHY STSED TYime. .C7y. . _
1'J : > V1FC NK MniiB pnrt ; . per hlil. .
a-ard Ji-r l i llM ! Jl.T17VsJf4.6D. filmrt ribs Bldeh
( liniHel t4 Cilrt.Tt. Jirj' tailed almulilnrB ( liosc-ai
eBfefi-1.75. Hliurt clear side * ( boxed ) , H.77fce
s.oii.H1BKT DlstUlia-n' flnluhea Bonds , per tral.
KB Cut l3-ot , J3.9 ; ; crunulatBd , K. .
On "the 1'roduce pschniiKC tna r the butter
niarkut was HtiudJ' ; urrumeri'w , lijJSlc ; dalrlf * ,
12tllic Olifpne. ijultt ? lit ki tic. EcKfc. Irt-sh
20e. Dri'Bued juiultry. turUeyiweak ; iitbem
lirni tutUcys. H&10 ; ; chlcUtau ) . Cft i-t : ilUL
BJthc _
QuiitiitlliUK n f tbf Duj- oil Gt-lii-rul
NDW TOIUv. Dea a. I"LOtJll Recelptu , 24-
CT1 bble . exports. IiC.lM l.lilt. ; uulct but llrniur :
city mill i > atitiu. K.K&fi.fV ; city mill clear. & .40
CfS.BOvlnHT jiatetitE , ; winter Htratehtg ,
J4.aHl4.CMlniit'.sutu ] > utenU , Ii.104ro.3Ti . vrtuter
cxtru , J34ifi4.0U ; Minnesota bakers , .201r4.4Uj
winter lo - crudei , K.VJ&S.W , Ityc Jlour. .dull ut
t2.6UiU.2 : > , latter funcy. Iluckwtieat flour , gulut
ut U.254/140.
IH i'K WHEAT Finn at seVatfS'Jc.
COItK MUAl wulut ; yellow wimtern , Co.
JIVE. Kit-uily , Hu , : we e'n. We.
HA11L.EV rinn. K-efluiK. St-'fec
ISAlLL.liV MALT Uulet. wi-Btern ,
"WHEAT Ilnct'lptis , 72,130 bu. , cxporth , 164,6114
bu. , Kiwit firm Na. red , SI WU. Optloni in-n-il |
linn uu uncxiMirtuill ) ' btittur lilveni ul calileB
und udvunod later im war talk Jmra Eunjpe
uud a Ruud dt-nuind Inmi all lucul unurcrii , cliw
IIIR Btrunc ut 1 Willie net udvaucu : No , 2 < ed ,
MuIH S.JCtlU..c. cluin-d ut W .c.
CuliN liecclpu ID.iOO bu. . xiorui. S1.TM bu. ;
Bimt llrm. Nu. 2. 34Tic. t. D. b. . unuut. Oiitloim
ojuea linn with wlirat und rulnd dull but
jiteudj- all da- , aided by cables. cloHne He net
lilclH-r. lln > . 5)\4i' 1lii.cliwtid ut 34 > c.
UATS lirfwljitt , not ) bu. : uijuni , . hU. 3 bu. ;
aptit BtriiiiKer. No. s. r7HW2iic. Optlunn dull hut
unuBUully llrm , with tut- went , clualne % fffeo
net hlcltttr. May uliiHttd at 2Hc
teaaibrun. . C21,4fC7Vc , raiadllncs , 758
f "l. BiJfCSc ; noiuc. .
julet. shlpiilne , 4 4Hic , eosfl to cliulce ,
HOI'Srirni iuc. commnn to cliDlce , Ibai
rniji. 4Jf c. IkW cnip , 74ftic. 1897 criip , Ifrfi'lii- ,
3'ucltlc count. JW -iuj ) , 4&tc. 18SC omp , 74r r ;
\ 18 7 crop , lUtfllic
HIDKs Stuuay , Oulvesluli , ft ) to Hi * . , IBr :
Te a drj54 to SO Iba. , ISc ; California , a to 2-
irt ; bcmloct ole , Iluencw
WcKJL yulrl . flpei'e rrpsir ; Tcxu . IJtfKc-
I'RU VISIONS llntif. utrud > . luraay. f .5iXlr ! . )
extra mms , 7.Stf6.0u. lef ham . 122 WW23.0 ;
jiuckBt U-i-Ofriu-tK ) Cut iiwaU. ea y ; luukled
l.elllcM. . Ji ultimo , pickled Hhiiuldcn. Ji.uu.irt.2. . ;
] iteklud hum * f ! IMT& , firm. weKtern Kteuiu ,
M.K21 , , Dmiumber f4 tu. nainlnul. refilled. fln .
Tullmv meudy vlty * 4r bia. wiuutry. Si.&HBC.
O1US Uittuiutued , muddy. iirliu cruae. 3M9
IStac , crude ycll.iw. Sl , eSc. ! 1'olnileuni. meadc ;
milted clwted. i4Uc bid , 1'enneylvaula crude no
tnarbut , iijnunulty ut Kc. Jlraln. mcadr.
niineQ , rjjnmun su ttoud. W.Wlfl.ii , Turjiea-
tlut FiHudv 3s 3Wc
ISICE Stoady. lair to extra , 4V"'c : Jupan ,
MOUABBHS Quiet New Orkaui open tettln.
guoa to "Jiiiuie rc-itsii-
! ! trull , nmrket tucler tt
. . . . . Tin.
J13 ( JlfrlSTH fiprltcr. janijrip lnCL mtntf nt
ijtirrtlnrTS , KM.
- Rppclptu S-TCJ pkc . inarkpl flrjn
n nnrr , iftflrZc. laiam 52fnr nrv
. rani-tort * tr " ) .
, .
. colorrfl , .
rmll Wifa. frtntntltn. > p ! > c. biiire. l rt
H. lute n t ( K.'B'-ltr ' nifht
1rfls : tMT t full rtcrnm ,
Tn flir1
mate n l' inpylr m . 2ltfWr wwitpm
Cunilltlon nf Trnur nnd Clnotntlnim
ti St n ill r tin il Pnncjr Prudupr.
BOQg Btrlctly frwih. ll ( s.
MtTTTSR-Onnman to fair. lOfllw choice to
finer. 1 + 017C : ( cjiaratorcreamery. . Sr : BBtlrtred
ctnunttrjSic. . .
VKAlr-Chntee fat. SO la 1H > lh . , aunlri nt Br ;
lnr { > ftiiA Doame 49Sc.
imiCTElEO J > Ori.TIlT-ChlS nB , unwliiulp lit
Sf , tnm > y , mruc. ttrese. "c , audtt. 7c.
QAilE Bnrttf nolbtts , jicr dns. , fK : hirre. w
M ? * ? ? ; ! ? ; . * JS&L " * * 6 ; quaii , wr
ve , Ttt ; OenA Plfr-oni ; iwt .
HAT UtilBiift , | S.ta ; mWlanfl , ; InwUino.
K.m. ryr Ktnv. M ; color rnnkrf. tbejirlee on
h y ; Hclrt I * ! * * Mil the Iwst ; only top
bring tnp Jirlwis.
CALirOKlCIA STIlAtVBEatlUDS Per pt. , Sac.
CJUINi-ES l'Bllfonilii. JIMImx , 11.23.
CKLEIIY Guofl mock , larce , 4Sc ; BtnUH , 2RJ
OXIONB- 1m. . W- .
J1EANF Hanfl-jilcl d na - , per bu. . 51.2 ; .
I-OTATOnS-1'er IrtiU , tt. .
. . . .
I'OTATOBSHom ? crown. 66eiSc ; wortern
Ari'L-ns-IVlnter ntwu. SS7S4J8.W ; Callfnrnla
Itellennur. linxi-ii. | l.Ji > ; CMorudo 3onathnn ,
Sl.TS : Oretrnu IKIXFS. .
a-B. jvr bbU It.nOS7.2r-
lltOl anfl IJuclij , J7SO ; WlnrtmBln IJoll
nnd ClirrrjJG.30. .
GIIAJ'K ! ! rmuwfcus , Mh. baultrti , 1481 c ; Mul-
OHA.NGD ? llcxlcnn. per 1ms , J2.EO.jr8.76 Cali
fornia nm-nln , .T M.W ] .
1.KMONB AIcffltlmiE. Ji.OOfiK.OO ; Cullfomla , 360 ,
J8.2rWKBO ; 300. JS.W.
HATCANAS Cliolcp. larpe dtnck. Per bunch , S2.DO
v.3. mcflluni Rlzpd huni-beK. tl .7 2.0(1. (
JfT'TF AlmonilB , per lb. , larce Rise , 12Hl3c-
nnvall. lie ; Urnalls. per lb. . DplOc : Enclleb wal
nuts. ) ior lb. , lancy noIt BheJl , lie ; mandards , *
® 10c JlllwrtB. jwr lb. , inc. pecans. pollRhed ,
uieolum. KitSc ; extra large. lOc , larce hlckorj-
nuts , Sl.OOffl-lfi j > er bu. ; Email , H.25P1.3 ; lier bu. ;
cocoanute , I > TT 100 , J4.00 : pcanuu , raw ,
- '
ported fHncy. 3 crown. 14-Ib. lioxr *
12r ; t crown. 44-lb. bor.ra. 14515c ; S-lh. boxt-B. 22
02li per box Call'nmla , IP-lb. box. J1.CO.
HONEY Cbolcc d-hlte , 12c ; Colorado amlrar , in
KIlAtT Per bbU M.OO ; half bbl. , t.r.2.2S.
> 1A3'LB KYIIUI' Five-Bui , cans. each. S2.75 ;
: al. cans , pun.- , per dos. . $12.00. half-cat , cune
C.2T ; uu art conn. IS.T.O.
, GO to 70-lb. IIOXCE. 6cBalr
U-c : _ Fard. S-lb. boxes. 6c.
C1UUI1 Tcr half bbl. . S2.00bbls. . . K.22.
rnnsH MHATS.
DllESSED BEnF Good native steers. 7c ; coed
: orpiunners. steers , CV.C : cnod hlnaauarters ,
\c western Bteers. Cvc ; Inner helfere. Gljcj
: nod belters , nv.c. ( rood XoreijUarters. hetfcm
; pond hlnaguarteni helfera. Sc : peed cowe'
: fair cows , .vj c.
ItCEF n'TS Tcmlerlolns 2Rc ; lioncl Bp Etrlns
Oc ; strip loins , kc ; rnllB , ImnelesH. ! 4imils' ;
Ipnncer cuth. IH c. Rlrloln butts. boneleB , V.
thoulrter clticlB. bandogs , nyc ; nimibutu. . bonp-
e- , S c ; No. 1 chuchp , uic ; No. 2 chtickE. nc :
Nr > . 3 rlmcUR , 4iAc : ImneleoK clmeks. Br ; TOW
ilaten , r.u.c ; Pteer plates. 4Vic. Hani ; Meal ; * . CUc.
( linn. No 1 14c : UiliiB , No. i I'l r : loins. No. 3
RHc ; Rliort Itilns , market Rtyle. 2tnlmxe Inlne-
nhirrt loins hotel ntj-le 6e nliovo IntnR ; cow loin
ends. Se. Btecr Inln rn n he ; ttantrlnc tender
loins. 4 ic : ribs. No. 1 , 12Uc ; ribs. No. 2. F c
ribs. No. S. filic ; Rti r rounds , 7c ; cow rounds
C'ic ; cow rounds. Rhiinh oft. Re ; cow round
Rlmnl ; und rump off. . Ri e ; trlmmlncs. 4c lie f
8lianlB. 3l4c ; brains , per flor. . . 25c ; RweethrendH.
per lb. . lUr : nweetlireade ( cnlveRl , per lb 40c
hidni'S-B. IHT doz. . 3T > e ; or tallc. each. 3p ; livers'
per lb. . 3e ; hearts , -per lh. . 3c ; tongues , i > er 11) . '
12V c ; calf livers , each. 2T c ; calves , whole car
CBBH nr Rides. 9ff' calf lieaa aufl tent HcaldVa
IMT net 7re
MrTTON Sprlnc lambs. TOr : Inmbi Sc-
Bhfep , "c ; marliel ! raclte ( Innr ) . PUr ; lintel rnrltn
( short ! . Jlc : loins. So ; Raddles. P c : lees. ! > Uc
lamb lcti l lOUc : brea tR and Rtews. S c'
toncueK. eiiph. 3cToretinurters. . 6c.
I'ORKDr Rsed pics , tc : dre Beil hopK 4Uc-
tenflnrlnmR , 12tic ; loins , pplectefl , Gr : " regular
Wic ; Fjnrre ribs. 4 c ; lium Raimace , butts. r.Uc
no ton tutt ( . 3c ; HhoulderB , rnuph. 45ie ; Bhoul-
flem. nklrmed. 3c : trlmmlncn , 4lie ; leaf lurfl. not
rendered. EC : heads , cleaned. 4c- snout * and ears
4e ; backbones. 2Vc. slip bnneF. 2Uc ; check mentB'
< > -c TieckbnneB , 2ej jilRB * tails , 4c plucks , each
Kc ; cbltterllnfr . its hnckB , 4p- hearts per flnz.
Sc ; RiotnachB , each. Jc : toncues. each. 7ci kid
neys. per floz. . 10c ' braiUE , jier doz. . l"ic ; TilCF'
Tent , per iloz. , 2nc ; 'TlverB , each. 3c ; hoe rlnSB
nc ; blade hones Re.
HIDES No. 1 creen hlQcB. 7c ; No. 2 preen
hides , Ic. No. 3 Eulu-d hides. B ic : No 2 preen
EBlted hides , 7 = Uc : Is'o. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibb. .
IDc ; Na2 , ruJ..CiUttojl H > " . , 6c.
SHEEP 1'EL.TS Green Baited , eaeh. 15573e-
preen Bolted bheaTllUEK tahnrtwooled earij
. each ir > c. dry Bhearllnps ( thort woolefl
early Bklnt ) . No. 1. each , c : drj- Hint , Kansas
and Ni'bruEl-.a 'hutchdr 'wool peltB. i rlb. . . uctuul
welcht 4fi25c , dry "Hint. ICunsaE and NehrnBkn
murrain -WDifl 'pelts , iwr lb. . actual welcht. 3S ?
4cdry flint Colorudo butcher wnnl pelts , per
lb actual walcht. 4rr dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool peltB. per lh. . actual weight , 28 4c.
HOUSE HIDES-Each. SI 1062.25.
TAULOVT , nilEASE. ETC. Tallow , No. 1.
i- , . . tiiiiniv Nn. " . i'kiirouch ; tallow , iv-e ,
white preuHC. 21-t2c ; yellow und brown preaBf ,
- " ( black or browrt K.OOeSO.IHl.
otter J1.50W8.00. mink. 13ii6tc ) : beaver. 00
© CW ) ; skunk. 15 : . Sc , SOc ; muskrat. 3c , fc. .c.
raccoon. ir.BMc ; red iox. KcfflSl. ; cr py lox
2.ri c. wrtTT ( tlmbprl. 23cJ2 , . 0 , wolf
cmri.tei toeaia ; wllflcat. 10S23bafltrcr. ; .
silver fox , SpQ.COg7ii.OU _
St. IjouluGenrrul
RT IXJCIS Dec. S3. TTjOUH "WenUcr , with
amall fleclW : patents M.7D&4.ST , stralchtj.
Il.STvgi4.50 clear , S4.eWS4.S ; medium. J3. fif.i , .
% VHEAT Hlsher. closing T 0ic above yefitur-
day for Muy. with otlier optlimB Irrecular : De
cember wsiT ' c hlKber. Junuarjc ewer anO
July J c lilBhcr : Mar oiienefl c hlBher. ud-
vancea luc mnre. fell buck He. recovered Vc nnC
ilosed wlh buyer Vtffce below the top. B | t.
hlcberNo. . 2 red. rasli , elevator. SdVir ; track.
ilf IieeenHier , 9 ! ' * r ; aanuarj" . 2 JJHGTiff
, cash BSffRHc.
7c 3 uly 82Wc No. 2 hard
COnN-TutureB llrm. clonlnc 6Hjc below tlie
ton but V ® Vic hicher than yerterday with buj-
ere Spot ! m. No. 2. CUHU , 2iyc ! : December ,
Kc bid. Januarj23Vic , May. 27 * c.
OATS Futures , llrm and lilBher , nmt. llrm ;
No 2 oatih. 22r. track an * elevator , December.
'c'MHV , 22'C No 2 white. 2-Hic.
ItTE Hatter at 4CV = c.
T'LAXSEEP Lower at tl.l2fe.
TIMOTHT SEED Prime , J2.40.
mnc . . , . . .
ItllAN Uull , BuckeJl , taluble eart truck nt Me.
HAT-Firm ; prairie. f.OU S.OO ; timothy. J7.C ff
il rTEIl Quiet ; creamer } ' . 176 3c ; dairy , Sg
17c.EQOS Quiet nt ISc.
ItAOGING l4 V6 c.
l < eud. ECari'p _ ana
' : . nUlet ; standard mew. Jo
bins JS-7S 1rA. bIRher ; iirime steam. 14. 4.5s :
cbolec. J4.47V , . n con flinxed lotrt , extra bert
rlear , f4.K7V.fei.CU ribs. J.i12is23. . rtinrta.ri.IS
{ fSs Ury pult Tn ntK ( i.axea > . nhnuia-n , .
MTiHi.CO ; i-rtra Bhort clear , S4.-SO-e-4.62ii : ribs
liiirrSSL MT 0 huaia.3MW - ) im "
SHII'MnNTS Klour , . " .w > llhln. i wheat. S.OflO
bu.V corn. 3UC.TO hu.4.jjatK. 4i OW 1m.
putentti , SJiCoft'5 . Flirlnir wheat KtralcntB , J4.kO
tH.ltr. , recetjnt Wtfa tihhf.T cxjuirtB. 342 bblB.
WHEAT Firm ; PI it und month , irri.fcUSc ;
BtMiner. No. 2 r - < l1.'W * < Hle. recelptE , 35.344 bu. ;
expurtt , none , southern wheat , by Bamplc. Intf
icHauih rn u-lieat , on prnde SUluWJS c.
COItN .steady , spot. ESe. a > cemlw. new "r
n'.fl , tB c ; .BV"iniir mixed. D8V.C. recKipts , 3 Ou2
bu , ; exportB 33C.3SH bu . miutheru white unu yel-
? NO. r-whlte. 29c ; receipts , 57,217
bu. : exKjrtK. ) 72.WH ) .
ItVE BleBdy'N ; i * nearby. Kfcc ; No. 2 went-
< -rn , C3tjtu31 c ; receipts , lbWS bu. ; exports , 23-
' HAT Bteafly ; ciiolee timothy. J13.
DKA1N niniGilXfeircrj- ; no demand
for Bteamere. uteiim to JUverpiml. Jier bu , . 4d ,
lroomber ; Cork , for orders , ] r quarter. 36 Cd ,
Jll'TTEIl Clulwt , fnney rrratnery. 23 , luncj-
ImltMiim. mcinc : fancy laflle. l"c.
EGQS Steady ; fn-sli. Tie.
CJinCSE Bleady : fancy New Tork. lame. SK
ffluc ; fancy New Tork. medium , 1010\jc ; luncj'
N w Turk , small ,
Cliiriitnutl MnrUrtfc.
CINCINNATI. Dw 2 ! TTLOmt Dull ; fancy.
H.rt j4.Ml ; imnlly IS iitS M
WHEAT < JulM und nominal ; No 2 red. We.
COHN Firm ; No. 2 mixed. 2SVstr2ae.
OATS Firm. No. 2 mtxi-d. 24M 23c.
ItTE Bteurty. No. 2 46VjC.
J'ltOVlSlHNi I.-BTQ , uctivT ut S4.M. Hulk
meats , ( illli't ut 1.4i Itucon , firm at 5t.CS.
AVHIBKT flluurty kttlaa. .
IH'TTEIt Oulet and lower ; Elcln creamer- .
23c. Ohio. Vsraift ; flnlry. Iiai2c. . .
CHEESE Oulet , Buod to prime Ohio llat , US
EGGS Firm nnfl'lilcher ul 17e.
7'ulrda JHnrki-t.
TOLErX * . Dec. 23.VHnAT T > ull and hlclier ;
No 2. cu hunfl I > sen1lier. "wvjc ; May. Wile
noiix Hull und leu < ljNu. ; . 2 mixed. 2ic.
OATS Hlchcr und active ; No. 2 mlxei , 22Vit
ItTD Tlnuhanced , No. 5 co h 4CV c.
CL/ > VEntS > I5BI Pull und Juwer ; prime cauli ,
and January. ! .
I'DOKIA , pee. 21 COHN-MarUrt Jh-m una
nman > . No. 2. 2CVrC-
OAT6 Market Ibrra und Bteadyi No , : white ,
HTE-Martat quiet. No. I. 4Sc.
Market Bteudy ; hlch proof plrit ,
tM Cltv Grulu und I'ruiUlntio.
KANSAS CITY. Due 2S. W EAT-Herfl about
Rtuadi Kurt neelectva. No. 1 hunt a asSc No.
i. BU&lwkc ; No. ! . tofrBfac. No. 4. Kl'Gr ; No. I
red Mr Ko 1 P T , . . ? WOW 'No < K'ff
1. , ' "K1' S rprinft * jri % L I ,4 * r. ' ca-
ff 5'A TTBrtKmiil T higher RT 4 fMi'i ! " '
" end fa.fix jr-'vr- m-nrtj . Nci 1.
HAT -Market urii'f ti < l ftrni. rt op tttnot.ty.
< l wsj ; , , thotCTprirtri - . * T m
FtTTER Th-ib-e. nmnlr lmti hrHl : emmwi.
Krtmlrj IHMfc - ,
3 fI rk i uptlvf and ftrrn ; frwh. ] tc. I
tiisc rijfci ' . '
HBt'EnT * Wh Bt Cl.JW Im . com. K * < W mi ; i
wty. a. n" m !
MtlfMKICTR W H t. W.I" * tin ; ewn. 4 * 1W '
Im. . o t . mme. , |
Wf-nrr Ciitnmldnlon Cnmjinny--
OMAHA OFFlfE. Drc B. Th cmin murtHH
offtn-e nronr r thif tnnrninK. wnn mch Mvt
or prsit pontrliiathxr ji > tlie tr nrth Cti n i
WP r up V < nn r mutlurfl lilchflr wliloli v f
* tn-prl e ft r th nirnrte. wttti th * buB rvl-
* rtitlj- tin to thfir Job anfl trnit nOi'sntiiiH' of
the nltutlmi una put VKJ wtieoi nr hicn MB Mr. .
nti o&mnrr < rt ISc. vhlt * 3 r f"Hnt * ati
et WVr wa , mil , it net R In nt .
whHe Dprpmlw fltt ee m njc. V ( ( Iwlon the
top. rm4ttnr IV twt advtince
The Khuvtlnn rrtrn bjll the fllltBtrnt
MtatinttciHtni ir hulllKli anfl when we take into
wmninernHon the flral nf whieh v niuc'i i * 1 > e-
Inc iwlfl un the Inti-rentn if prlnckpRl | r-
atin * with their Inspp amount of wheat , which
lina been and will 1 * ( Iwllvprrd to tlwm , they
mnnnt afftirfl to turn around and' ' limr the Slar
ontlim , nr nt leant until thr prtwiwott of Imrvi-m-
Itip a new crnp wnulfl wurrant it. fur w"hlch
reoennii t adl e talcing Bdrantnue of nn.v of
th ? e little u-eahi lor Bhort tir ultimate lone
The corn maihet wns rtimily olid Btroncer on
VftT llttlft kr .l trnflliiR. with the advunce rvl-
flrntly in nj-m ntUr with -wheat , ana ypt corn
aia not full with the recent decline of wheat.
Hhnwlnc wiaenrc r arecth.
Oatf ware mnre native than usual njienlnc as
btu clo''lns : c wronper utter Hue-
LIVERPOOL , I > n. 3.-IVHKAT-Spot. Nn. I
reo. WMteni vlnier. mockv cxhaumedJJo 1
tttjrthern. nirlnc. Wendy at 7 * Pfea.
. P ° IlNnr5'1 J" fftures very H&ud.v ; Dt-ran- ]
„ rw > lll fit. IxiulB fanry winter , HteaSy nt IDs
n-aclllo coast ) , Hrm ut 4
* . llrm ; extra Indian
, „ , , - - - mcBu.
to od ; prtmf J ; 5 , EG * 3fl. Pork , firm iirlmp.
mew , lltir w-estcni. 4Sn d. Bamn. short cut. H
to 1C HIF , S3n llacon. aliort rlhs. dull nt Slf r.d
JUilEii " mlafllffs. llcht. dull at 30r ; lone clear
mlddlfH , heavy , dull at Sis : cl-ar I .IIM | nrm
ut BSB o * ; Bhoulfleni. Kijunrc. nrm ut 2te.
prime western , rtrady ut 4i. Tullow , prime
city , steady at ISs Co.
clin' nncst lrtllle UT > a
r Iii IlccHptH nt I'rincliuil MnrkrtH.
"Wheat , C cars.
! > S. Ilcccliitn : "Wheat.
s can > .
CHICAGO. Dec. H Receipt * today : Wheat
SOT. curs ; corn , SCi carp. oatB. ; aj cnra. Ritlmated
car lots tuniorrow : "Wheat. 3KO , corn. SOT. ; oatn.
JJJT-'J'TH. Pec. S. RpciMptE : Wheat. "S4 care.
J DOIUA. Dec. 25. Itecrlfiti. : Corn. 71.800 tiu.
oatF. rs.iiOO hu. ; , 10o hu. ; whifikv none
oair'Si'-n ' ' ' " ' Blllm"inll ! ! : Com. K'SUO "Si
Ilftroll Miirkt. .
DETROIT , Dec. 55.-AmnAT-Ko. 1 while
Kci Nn. I TPd. Iffiac ; May. J5c. ;
CORK-Jfo. I mixed. > uc.
OATP-No. S while , iCct
ItTE Ko. : . 47fec. *
Pliiliulcllililii Produce
IuJS. ! ! > ; . . .w'eJit "n oH-nmery. 21c.
If hlclier ; fresh nearby unfl
CHEESE Steady.
Severn ! T'nrliirK Cinulilne t EnlH en
the Mnrket.
NBW TORK. Dec 23.-&everal Inctorp com
bined in the lant hour of tradlntr on the Biorl ;
market today to lift It out ( if tlK > dullness und
dijireuBion which had ln > en It * character nil day
and to ralce prices quite sharply aliove last
nl hf6 cloolnc : level. One of thesefactom was
the BUbBldence f upprehenBiirn earil-r in the day
eab > ( ' ! o 1
elphla. Another waB that the
u * -latwn hud suceet-aed In Hecur-
Inc measures ruing ; to assure tlie restoration nnd
maintenance of estaJlbh d aarlff rates on Ihf
Htodk , jirovlBlimB and pruin from western to
eaBtera pnrtB. Another was the announcement
OI ? tlJS , TrpttBUnUppartment at Washington
that Bulllclent amounts of tlie current 6s were
lieinc offered for redemption on D-cembcr 27 hi
uccuiiiiince with tlie government' * pruEter. lu up-
sure reller to ttie mon jmork t from the
"S1 ? ? ° F m"n * ' > ' threatened by the withdrawals
of the Union Pacific payments t j the pm-enim-nt.
Still another factor was xhc ncwh irom Albany
that the rallnmd rommbwion hod extended by
t\vn years thel period for .equipping IrelRht cawi
witli automatic onupllncs In New Tork state A
number of the Hclattles. ) which had showed
marked strength all dav. took on renewed
buoyancy at tlie dose , and helped on the rise
The movement In thfi Bvneral list wus not Im
portant , ttie trudlnp lieinc In small volume and
representing little more than the coverlnnf
truden. ' short contracts. The Tnnderbllt roads
lulled to make any substantial recoveries frnm
yunerday'E depresslan on account < > f the un
favorable quarterly statements. Canada Southern
Is I1 lower nnd Michigan Central Hi lower on
the day. Lake Shore wus bid dnwn 2 points , hut
without uny trannaetlons. The day's business ,
however , was larEiily absorbed by ttie specialties
under the Influmee of special CHUBB. TJiIrd
Avnuetrained 9 tinlntR nn tnn nf VM IM IV .J
vine of G pnlntB. Metropolitan Street Railway
rose an additional 2 points nnd aionbattun n'h
much , nnxiklyn Tnuislt. Fu ar. PmpVe'B GBB
nnd New Jerpev Central are over a point hlpher
Thesn securities not only Bliow the largest
CHlnt. . hut ttlisnrbed the crealer part of the day's
business ,
Cal ! money Icuwfl as hiph as 4 per cent again
and did not yield lielnw 3 jier cent. There was a
nirtbex fall at y In the actual mte for demand
nUr-lltiR , nnd of 14 lor cahleh and lone BtKrtuiR : .
TVmand st < "rllnrwas at the lowest imlnt tourtiKl
BUice tbe fnild Imjiort movement tn September ,
namely W.S li. Rates for money In London .and
Berlin are sittftty held , nnd ime upprehension of
a laiu ezr before Januarj- IB reported from Lun-
don This Rn-ves to oftsot th weakness in the
pxchanjre mtes. Ttie innd morket was hea\-j-
Total bales , $ l,20.00u ! Tnlted StnteB 4t old a-n
id 4s rerisiered are 1 lower , und thu D ci > upon
, Inwer lilfl.
The Evcnlnc POKI'B London financial cablegram
Buys : The stock markets here were ItfeleKR tft-
day. Consols wereadversels * afC rted by politics
nnd dear money. A rife in the liank rate next
year would nit lie wholly surprising. Tiicre WIIB
a further sharp fall today In Cihinu and Julian
sluckh. hut Spanish and Turkish HUJIR | were d's- '
tlnctly lietter. KolIVrc were RIMK ! , crxcept tlie
chartered companies on rumors of a further mil
lion of new capital. AmtTicans were ( rood on
New Tork buylnc. a feature belntj the demand
fur coalerp hut the close was und.Tr the liest
Details of the cold movement for ttie week rtiow
the p-al * < nf iI12XX * ) in mucleb for Germany , the
nale of 2G.OM.ln bar cold , the encasement nf
100.000 nominally lm Pnuth Anwrica. but im > ii-
ulily for the continent , and the receipt of TC.C ! < X >
frnm the Cape.
Following are the closing quotations of the
leudlnc stocks on the New Turk market to
day :
AtchlBon 12 v | do ptQ . . , . . . ] 4J
dontd . aotfBt.P. | .V Om 7B
lialtiniorc fc Ohio. . lH1h do nta 14K
Cam flaPacific 81MiSU P. M. A.M. 1 'V
Cunatlii Soinntirn. JiS Ho. Pacific . . . . iiD
C 'iitralPaolIic. . . . . So. lliillvray. „ M <
Cheh. & Omn . . do | ) M RL'M
Chlcoro Ic Alton. . . .i T xa
C. . H.&Q. . . . . . . . . . H * ' 'OnionPacific t. r. . aim
C..E. x. . . . . . . . . ssi n.p. u. to . . . . i'H
C.C.C.i St. ! . _ . . . SJ | WabaHli 7
dopra HI ) i rln pfd 17M
- - ' . IIS Wliuol. 4 ; L. "C a
Del. L. 4 : W. , . . Ifili \Vhuel. i ; L. E. nfa 3D
DIMI. iltloG. 31M AdiiniH Ex. . . . . . . . . .1SH
Uo pfa _ . _ . . . . - . 4SVs Amorieau Et 115
Erleln w 14K United StatBh Er. . . ! W
" i eiBtjira . . . „ „ 3fj WellbFurro Et..ll8
Ft. WIIVIIB.iiHt iA. cot.on ai ;
GriiatKortuBrnpfil 1811 I llo tifcl 7I > ' -
Hiirlcliic Valluv. . . . Tl 'Am. ' Spirit * . . . . , . „ 7ti
IlllnoiHCBntral. . . . 1IIHV Am.hnlrlti > pU 1HI ,
Later Eric i W. „ " 10 | Am T 'JICOU : HOhj
Uorild 7H UoDtB lie
LaUitShorn. . . . . , 170 iPuuple'B Gas U7Hi
LotiiHVlllct&Kash SOHiiOiiiin. IIIK . .THU
Manhattan L HHm Com. Cable Co 175
Met. St. Uv. . . . 1'JHHi ICol , F. i. Iron. . . . lSi !
Mlchlran Central-.lllim uo lifd. 7JI
Minn. A Ht. L . . . . . . L'S-i lOon. Eluutric. . . . . BilVn
UulHtpfd HH llllliiui BtHal 4(1 (
Mo.Pusltlc.UlHiLaClnde URH. . . . . . 44
MobUn.vomo. . . . . adHjiii-jna. , KIM :
Mo.K. i T „ IS i uoiiTd. .
dopfa. . . . . . . . 'III Kat-Ltn. Oil „ . n
Chicago. Jud. & L. . . HHilOreffon Inui. Co. . . . 1 *
uoj.Id. . ill ) PuclUcJilaU . _ a
N.J. c&utral . . . inly I'uUiuu Pal 171s ,
K.T.Cuntral .107 ! < 1HllvcrO rtlllcatiis. C"
N. V. Ohl. A. St. L. . 1 iHtuiid-llopn JtT.4
dulHt nfd 157 Surar. . . . . . . . . .lHH i
; ii : oo pld
Norfolk A Weaturn T. C. A irou 24 J
Nu. Amwr. C D. S. Lnatbnr 7
No.PucUlc uo Hid 01.
do ] > ia „ . . . 5 y IT. S. Kubbur : . . . „ 1511
Ontario4. W.- . . . 1C ) * < lo pTd . , . nuii
Oru. U. iKuv ao WuMteru Dulon.HS > t
ciro. Short Line IS NortuwtmlBrn. . . . .1'JHt
flopffl . . . .
. . . . . . . Viimillo Oranii ) "WuHt . as
Kiiuklulaud Vt > ndo \ ufd , , .11) ) %
St. irfiutBJtS. r" . . . 7 > * IChlcaffo. G.V. . . . . . IB
doutd 57 IS. L 4. S , W 8 J
lir.Wi du ptd. . . . 30
'blfi. "fourth aiiaemiment paid.
Total salek uf KtocUii today. 212,900 ulmrt-s. In-
cludlnc. llultlmore A : Ohio. t.MU , Chlceco , Ilur-
llniruin A : Qullicy , U.M1. ' , ilunliattun. 4.W ; Mut-
ruiKilltun Street Railway , .H * . New Jn-ney Cen
tral. C.114. Nortlmrn 7'aclflc iireferrrd , C.&K : lieutl-
ItiC. 4kui : ; ll ck Island. 2,270 : Ktpu.ul. . 1MW ) .
Union 1'ucltlc , 64iKi. Clilutim Oreat Westum ,
7.C10. 1'eople'fc Cut , C.SUO Suear. 20,020.
Iiind < in St ! ; Quotutlniiit.
LONDON. IH'C 23. 4 p. ra ClOBirif :
CiTunTilH. m'f . . .Hi iVlfl ML Hum common. . . HTU
CoimolB. ucct . . .lli.7-lll lit T Cnutrui .
, .
Erie . - . 1 jUuadlmr . , „ . . .
Erie 2da . . .10 * Uux CKD. uew4 . .
111. Cttntrui . 10'lkt AlchlHuu .
MBXICOU orrtiuurr . IB L.AK. . . . . .
11AR SILVEK-Ptrm al 20 d i ir ot
MONET 2fc 8 i rent
Tlir rule of dUcount in the o ] > un murlim for
Hlmrt btllt If 2 1&-1C per fi-iu , fur tlxee munthe'
bills , i 15-1G Jier cent
lluuk of Cuerluud
LONIKIK. pec S. Tlie WMklr etatcntent of
the Utt ill ; of Encluud Blmue tlie. fullowinc
nhuncm ac ifimiwed with the urevlau * aocount
TuiiU reserve , dccn-uie. liMUb4 ( circulKtlou.
lnJHlt.llr iTftw C 7 .Ti !
41 < < p" . i-Tni-trt rt urlitM inr-eaw
* fc ) . The iT'pirttBn ' f tn Jianfc fri
rirvt ' < liHinlit ) Th"h i fi T-'K wa 47n :
ptr emit , W l > rw 4S. 7 l "rni Th * BanK of
I9n4tand' * rate or dlrcmrni rema4tii > um-hanc l
at : JWT rent
T033K. Dfr . - * lN-ET CtK
1 * n per omt ; hi h > n. 4 j w rent ;
claj ; nt o4M jwr m-
rTiKL.lTP ; < i KXTHAMf3ft * > akwith _
huvip m tmnfcvn' Ml ! * m n * ( VIM Mtt tm I
( I'-mnna nnd in M nMMJMk tor ftmtf WO : I
pn li I M ' ! H * 1 * Kh.lM.M : MmintBN .
rim itll . W. _ .
quntitlnn * on bund * vrrrr nf fifflnwat
IT. S. ww4 .r r. . ! * ? K. Y C JHM
rj.S.4&.rar .iiSH ! K.'c 0 . . . . . " .1I..1SS
D.S.4seaup 1KW N.C 4K 10 *
O.S.S .r j UltiiKo. l'.ioifts Inu. . .ll
Si S. B . coup lUf'TJo ' Pasinr 4 . . . . P > * 1
ilHtrlrtlt Oi 41M X.T.-O i. St. L. 4 JOWi
Alu. elani A Hi M'S ' A AT. ll . . _ . . 1 * ( > t
Aln..clntnll 1ISHN ( : W. Contnl ! ! . . . . .114 NsC 1054 K. VT. ! ) ! > 5s J17
Ala.CurrenBy. . .Itll O" " * JJac.lHtR llS'f
AtchiHualH.Ill * Ore.NRV. 4B . . . . iWt
Atohlsonaui 4s . . . SB * O S u. s. t-r. . . . . 1S8"
C 4 X. 'p. t. r. fto ! .1U7 fO. iini ) . ln . tT r . lfii
C A. O us . . . . 45V-O ; 1-nti 4B
r.H-il ) a'uK. ' 11H > Panlllc b nf 'BJ. . .1II8H.
D.4.U. G lm . .1IU > * U-ralltitf 4 SB
I ) , tr. G. 4h KH'4'Ii. G Vt'-Jt iHtl b8M
EttHlTjnn. Iwm . . . Ill ) iSt. L. , VI. M. Coa. .1 8S 4
GricGan. 4H Ill I St. L.&S.F.G3n.B.llti i t r . 72 , StJ' . Oon ! ilB 1411
9en.Eli-c. ft . . . rillvjIBL P. C .t P. lRt . . .117Si
G.H. < tS. A. Os . 1'HJJ , BUP. C .t P. fin. . . . . < .
G.H.tS A uda. . .ll ) & , S C. nonfiinn. . . . . . or.
H.tT.Oout us . . .10:1 : southernHv. UK. - WHi
H.AT.C.ran IU . .IIS .S. 11. * T. Us nm
lowu 0. lut& . . . . . .107iilTex 7'ao. L G. InW VS5 *
K 1' . Con. , t.r lls-H : Tax.Pa-j Its. 2afi..lUiy >
K.P.iHtH.t. r. . . . . . Hi 'U.P ' IB - . . 4SV
La.Ne'WCon,4s . . .115 ID. 1' . I ) , i G. iBtn. .107
L.A.N. Util 4B .llimWiib. lul 5a MOM
MlBHoitri HB S7M WaO. 'JUii . . . . . . . . Ill
M. K.iT. ad . . .1(111 ( \VB9tShorB4a i . IIP
M. E.T. . 4B. . . . ( la-e Va.dBTurred it Hi
llOKtnn t'tork < lnntutlim .
UOSTON. lice. 55. Call loans , S3 rent ;
time luniiB , 1414 IM.T cent. Slonlnc lirlci-E lor
litmtlB mid nilnluc Bliun- :
A.T.AS. F. . . . . . . . li'i * w. Bl a. . . liusu
Amcrlcnn Suar. . litiiHIW. Kii c. ptd. : . . . . . Bl
Iinv sttitu an . . B iEa.EiBs.Jh . KiB
Dell TelopUcne. . . 2R4 | G n. ElQS. utO. . „ K2
IloHtoni AlDanv. 'JU ) lAtctilmin lili. . . . ItU !
llOHtun.t Mulii-i. . . 1117 lAtchlHnti 4H . H
lloHUni A , M. jia. . . 157 iG-fimrul Eire. UB . ! W3 |
C. . 11. .S. O . . . . . . . . . HUH. Win. Cent lh. . _ . . ) U
PltchDurr ; , . Ilpy ' Vis Cent tin . 1-BHi
Gmierul Blnntnc. . : t.iti Alloviuz JllutnzC ) Bll
Illinois Stajl . . 40 llloBSoni. Moataai 144
Moxlcun Cuntrau. BV lhitl A llcmlcn.jl
N. T.A-K. B - HO i Calumet 1. Haola. . . 4lir.
Old CDlonv. „ . . . lB. > VCunt < muim . li.'t <
O. S. L - . Iss rrancllu . Ill
Untincr . iri 'Osicnola ' . 87 *
Dnuin Paclus. . . _ 'M lOntney . . . . . 11(1
WeBtEua . _ M0 ( TKmanxnK . ISO
WeBt End ntn. . . . 111.1 ' Wolrt-rinB . IB
Sim FrniK-ifXMi MJiUiic QiKitntlnnK.
SAK PltANClSOO. IVc. 23 The nmnlal cloaliif :
ciiKitutlunB on mining stuuke tofluy were nf lul-
lowt :
OfllC'AGO. B . 23. ClenrlnpE. S. 732,020 : New
Tori ; csctuuiKe. 5Oc pretnltim. posted rules. W.S3
and M.bC. nwrki'l very dull and Jiarrow.
Closlnc : West Chlcacoj bOl : Dlnmsnd Matclh
1S7' . LnJir Stri-rt L. 27 > u ; N < - - TorU lll.irult C2
1'HXL.ADniJ'HIA. IDec.23. . CJrarlnBB
TO31 jalnmy.B , 51.CJl.cao.
JEW TORK , Det. 25. Clearlne * . ' 112 551,5 ! ) ; )
baluiit-ch. SC.5C3.11C.
UOSTON Dec. 23. ClcarlnRs. TlC.15nD14 ; bal
ances. n.SSS.STiG.
MBMJ'illfi , l > ec. 23. Ck-arinKB. ; 2K.rOO ; lial-
unces , J30.1U2 ; New Tori ; exclianse , sellhiB at
. _
ST. LOTTIS. I5n : . 23. ClfarliiBi , Jt4si3"r ; bal
ances. jaiO.OT * ; moncv. 7 > WS > per rent , * Hi-w Tort
xclmnpr * : , | tur bid. 2T r jirumlum uskud.
NEW OIILCAJ S , Per. K.CIearhiRB. . Jl.s : , -
495 ; New Tori : exchange , hunk pur ; ttimnierciul
Jl.K I > nr tl.lKXt dlHcount.
BALTIMOUn. Dec. 23. Clearings , K,02)CJ:8 :
ImlanceR. K71.92T
CINCINNATI , De = 23. New Tork exchange
ROJrJi ( JH.T cent ; moTK-y. 2VfrOr cent ; cl
LONIDON , Dec , 23. The amount of bullion
withdrawn from the "Bant of Eneland on bal
ance ttxlay wu iCZO.OCO. On Uie Block exctmiic * ,
todujClilnew - and Jap'jn'Be B curltleB fell Vto
1 , IwlnR- full of 3 to Sij during the \veel Gold
IE Quoted today at Buenos Ayrus ut 17f 50.
CALCTTTA Dvc. 23. Th- Haul ; of Denc-allm
increased ItF ralp of dlncount tt > R jier wilt ,
I1OMRAT , Dec. 23. The liaiik "f Bomliay lia
Increuced HB nrta or fliscount to 8 i > er rent.
yAlllS. Dec. 23. 4 p. nu Three ] > r cent rentes
103f 35c JOT the account.
J5HILUIN , Dec. 23. IJrloes were firm on tli
l oime hero today. Electrical HpcuritU'B Tcsr
animated on a charter beinir clven to the Grea
Berlin rullrond. whlcn will IHwiirked by i-ler
trlcttr Amnrtron aecurttlM'maintained thrt
Dnnk of PrunesStliteinrn t.
rAIUS. Dec. 23 The Vwkly Ftntcnient of th
Bank of France BhowB "the following chance *
UE compared with tthe irrertous account : Note
in circulation , increun ; . 1,350.000 Irancf. treacur
accounts current , decrease. BT75.00 ( ! irano : pul
In hand. IncreaM ? . 725,000 francs ; lilllB dlxcounted
IncreuKe. 1,200 000 IrancB ; silver In liana , iuaeuBe
I,650Kfr ( ) francs.
Aiiitkrimi et.'uri1itN in Liiiiiilon ,
LONDON. De . 22. The market fur America
peinirltlee was -neglected und featurelesi , todus
The cliwlnp toneUB flulut and steady , with n
Clilili'M -SnriirlfclnB'ly Piiviirnlil
mill Tl fre PurlluT Ailvnm-e.
NEW TOIIK , Dec. 22 , Llvi > n"Wl cables at
hand when the cotton market opened thin morn
Inp were more favurultlr than liud 'been expectec
and latr culilea pure n. Btlll further llf
BhowlnK c ivjitifiniU Bjiat HHCB lor a .holldav
murliot , und ilnally a net cuin of l s@2 If-IHd o
tinmarltetb. . The market cloBed nulet and atvad
at a nrt rls > iif 234 puintu. Ttie local Blinrl
were unzliius to caver their cnntractB , with
bniQof tiullduyn at hand , and In view of u mor
oliterful feelUic on the part of iuvemmeji
buyer * follawlne a iM'lief iln decreased ruttim
acreage. Toduy'n ImH'.nesfi is cotton futures fm t
up 282,000 lialtiB. Hecelpu art ; lullluc hulovth
lurpor croji entlraatea , HjKit , Bteiidj' middling
KIMfie ; net rece-lpts , 1,5.10 I > a1en , KTOKS , 11.2
bales. csportB to the coiitlnetn. 150 Lalcn ; ' for
wardefl , CuM ( lRlen , Baleu , none , Htnck , 1M.5T"
halw. TV-tul fjdny Net receiptH , 41.BU bales
exj > art tli Great Britain , 14.1CT bulea ; tu Frutii-e ,
1U.75 ; liulen. in thu rumUnont. 12.E73 > iak.-n ; ( Hack.
1.12S.34S IxilcH. Cunnjliaa.ted : Net receipts. 30V
V'3 bal R , errmrtB tu Gr * iAt Britain. H7.577 Imle * , ;
la rrun-je , 41 , GUI Uilct. m the cnntlnent. 1W.774
Iml'Vi. Total Blnce Pqiitcmtier 1. llece'pts. 1,514-
225 liali.'B : expoitu -Great Britain. . l.CTrl.OiiU hales ;
to France , 4S4.141 baleir. to The iiuatlnent , l.Slii-
blO liules
JCE1V OHLEANS. Iiec. r..i-CX > TTaN- Futures ,
easy : pales , 13W 'i ' lialiiH DeremtMT , J5.38 hld-
Junuary , } 5.37& 1.26 , Fcliruarj' , 15.4461.43 ; Mart-h ,
Ii.5i > . April , JJ.OO T.rJi , May , K.Wif.K\ \
June. U.riftr.irr ( , July. ii.7JSir , 72 : AUKUDt , ia.Tft
C.16. Cotton Ktttidyvales. ; . 7OJ ; bulcrt ordlnarj' ,
4c ; RtKid ordtnary , 4iiC. , low iniililllnE , 61-lCc ;
niiddlluc , & % c. pmul nikialliic. C c ; mlddlini ;
fair. Cl-lCr , receipts , 32.411 'baleii ; stuck. 41S.W2
bales ,
* 5T. X/SriS , D i a-.OOTTON ! Firm , 1-lfc
hicher ; tnlddllnc , iVc ; juilet , 217 liultt ; recelptk.
C. n3 lialet. HlitinH-ntb | , C.28i ( , baleB : Btticl tl,712
HUiill'HtB DKC SLxnrrON Firm ; nilfl-
illlni ; , I f-lCc : rewliits. .S.2Q Uul < * ; Bhipments ,
2Qit ! Inlee. miicU. 1 J.U3 liales : KIUPR , r.KJj lm"B. )
GALVnsTOX , Jec. 23. OdirrON Finn ; mid-
dltnc. C7-lCr.
LlVniU-OOL. Dec. 23. OOTTON Rpot In fair
demaud. prices luinlontti r A.merl-an middling
Jalr. SlB-Sd. trmid mldrtllnr 511-32d ; American
middling , ! 7-Kd , lu\v mlilnlinc. i-22d ; KO : d
i -dlnarj' , 22U-22d ; nrilinary , id. The alei > of
the day were 12.000 balm , , of which l.OCrt bales
were for Hulu.Urn ] und esinrt and Included
11.4t * > l l * Aroprlciin ; Yemeipts , SOOW bales , in-
cludlni ? 19. 7 % balev American , Futurew ojien'tl
quiet , with a moderate' demand , und L-ti i * < l
bsuvly Btnidy , American middling L. M. 'C. . I > e-
remb'jr. Z 11.0463 1S-C4 , l.uven , Hwivmlier and
January. S ll-w-S'S :2fllmv < w Jmiuary un4
Fubruary , 8 H-MJf4 18-Wd. rUlen.Feliruair nrt
March. 3 12-Wd. uHllurn- March utid A urll. 2 11-Clii
313-Wa. M-llerir , April unil Jltv 3 } t-M&3114id.
mlletr ; May uud June 3 34-GIMfl IS-Glct , liuym
Jlrne luid Julr. fK T4&3 lC-r. l , bnyorr ; Jul ) ' und
Auruot. : iT-C4d , pellerc : Aucruul and Bepti'mber ,
31K-C4d , Kollern. rntpnibep and On'-obr. ! 19-Ctil ,
. O.ti > ber and Nov uil r , S 20-Cld ,
f-ucur MnrkrlH.
NEW OKLEANS. T > ec , S. SPGA11 Ojien kel-
tle. Pteudy at 2V 3i- . . ci-ntrlUicnl. teaily :
eranuluttid. 4MM W-lCd. whlttu. 4ii-.c. yeti | > wB.
JiWWc. wconds. 2Wit2iC. Mola iie8. krtlle
BteaOiut Kfaw. centnfucal. ea r ut Mf - . ;
nyruti Me dv at lOIClc.
CINCINNATI. Dec. 2t BDG AH Firm hurt
Tt'hnrd. t4.10itb.97.
NEW TOIJK Dec. a BT1GAH K w firm.
fair reflnlne. SeentrtfUBal , HC te t , 41 c ; re-
ftuod. flrn. CTualird , ST - ; puwilerrd (7-lCr.
p-unulated Mr-raoul'A ' 5 > , c etandurd A. Hr.
et * A , Si c cut IwiT. Ic. cubes ,
Bnn for the Dny thws tlie FesJiug of
"Western Shippers.
K < > pi Awny from Mnrlivt ai d
JTH G 1'llKt , lllll U 1)11-
tli1 1
SCKtTH OMAHA. Dee. JS.-HwtilirtB J r
the flays indicated w re :
OatUe. s. She Homea.
X > cc mbcr 28 7K 1.2W
ii.a i.i
IH tnl > pr 21 1.11B l.Btfl
l > oenibfr 2t ) E71 . S4 !
"Dewmlwr , 1 * 7. ! 2 1.34S IT
1.871 4.M4 2.BS ITso
Uacembar 1C 2,170
Dpcernber 15 ' IBSO ! so
Dncember 34 2'.4fiT
December IS 2.M9
December 11 1,081 T..OSB bOi
December 10 C.WS
Droenibur * . . . . . . . . lira 737 1.KT9
Derwnbor K. . . . . . 2.713 ll.l S.CJ
December 7 3,474 K.294 1.USS . . .
The omclnJ nurnlier ot cars of Block
urnuchtln toflay liynchroafl was :
C. . M. t St. P. Ry. . . . . . 2
O. t St. L , . Itr 2 -i
fnlon Paainc Sypttnn. . . l is -
P. , E. A : M. A * . R. 11- . . . 7 2.
C. , St. P. , M.O. . HIS S
B. & M. R. n. li v. " 4j . , .
Cr B. & Q. Hy l
1C. C. fc St. J. . . . . B !
C. , R. I. &P. , ai t.- . . . . 1 fc'
C. , K. I. & P. , west. . . 1 -
Total ri-ceijits. . . . . . . . . S3 1 2 D
The fllBpDBltlon of the flu K recnlpts was
us followB , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of liead Indicated :
Buj-ors. uaiuc.
Omaha Packinc ; Co. . . . . . -46
G H , Hammond < 3o 123 1.4110
Swllt and Company „ J0.2 S.41M
Cuflahy tf'ackiiiK Co " 49 2.124
K. Becker & Deeau 14
L , . F. Husz 45
Sn-iift i.Co. . , country. . . . . . . usw
Cudahy , from Sioux City. .
Cudahy , Irom K. C 40
Cuflahy. Milwaukee -
Chicago Co. . Neii. City
Other buyers Cu
Left over 4b
CATTU3 Only thirty load * of cattle were
reparted In the yards and not enouph ol
anv one kind to make a market , 'i here
we're about five loads of fat steens , none of
them -very peed , and the balance of the re-
culptt. ronBisted of cow stuff , feeders unu
odds and ends , -
There was u demand for a few cattle ana
what there was here sold for Rtronc prices.
The peed prices were due simply to the
fact that there was almost iiDthinc here
ne demand IB so llKht that unythluR like
n decent run would be almost certain to
Klut the market and break the prices way
The' yards will be closed on Saturday and
it IF hardly to be expected that the femuna
will he at all active until the ° aayB a"
cleared of poultry and
part and the markets
came Representative saleu :
ucnr STEEHS.
l " "lOS5 SW 2. ' . ' . ' . ' M5 3 0 2 ! ! ! ! 780 3 S5
" Wrt 3 S5 2. . . . CSO 4 DO S..8CO 310
l" u\0 325 1. . . . 410 4 ( K ) 1. . . . CM ) 340
i" B5o sso 20. . . . rnv s so IB. . . . 405 375
c ! ' . . 4S3 4 00 4. . . . S75 4 CO
HOGS "Whatever majl - the dlspoalHon of
packers toward cattle they evidently wunt the
TUlB mnrnlnE. with 153 cars reported In and
with the ChrlstmuB holiday so near at hand. It
seemed reasonable to expect a lower market.
Buyers must have acted on that theory , as they
owned the day's operations by blddinc 5o lower ,
und a peed many of the heavy hoc * sold on that
basis. The demar.l hnwevur. wai , verj' peed and
Instead of Rettlne worse It Bhowed Improvement
and the dope was trouper. Heavj- loads averap-
Medium weluhtB und llcht Bold ut J2.30@3.40. ol
ut pretty close to yesterday's prices , though the
top WIIB 2fcic lower. The fact Is that lipht hops
have chanped very little In price for the past
week or more.
The trade was active at the prices anfl cvery-
thme was sold anfl wulphed up ut an early hour. decline for the two days this week has
wiped out almost uil of the recent advance und
IIUH put the niarkut buck to where it was on
"Mritirtni- wepk utrn.
KHIIHUM City lA\r Mi.rk Mnrlit-t.
CANilAB CITT. Dec IX CATTLE lUicatiibj ,
iift htud market etrunp to ICic blcher , Texa *
l.trj , li-GO-jf ttl , ItxiliCDKL , KMO'JS.IO , UUUVt
frs 9 aifli. > . ndt'tr rnvg n8 "hflfera
( N K Kiocfcern nnft Jeeflrrx. U T.f4.iO. 1'uat ,
UZ fSli
lir > ( ? s RreeiptR. TT.troo hrafl . nmrknt wi > ak to
tir Inwer 1mlk of M > I I. "
-frflirt * . l.WP li ifl markt Hrm to
Or hlicher. lamln. SS7MKN. muttomi. IS WH 40
ut CJitDe Advuncr Acrnlti
7'lirotiK'li Strotic1 aieniniin.
CH1CAOO l vc. H Tlie RTOBI-M T mji tnr
rattlr WBB sutm-lCTiDr larpe tn alwiirti the ot-
at rulltic r rlc * . chnlre l p vw mllm ;
to l r hl hw. IWrt Btwr * rold mi o
nf ftiim J.7 * ta W tor Hif jmon 4 1o rrom
to K.K for pmXI to prlnw "hlpplni : ali
cMtk. the tnrtk or tlw ' rtw b liir at
trom M.R to . an f nc } ' "brwrn * quwtMrtr
at trmn K > > tit KM. The ntora - MI * * or
iranch of the martH-t w f miidenttely actlv *
at nrau . to * 4. n < l tnllRerr nna ttrluprm
were In tstr demnna t the recent flrt-lliif lu
irtce * There w * a poofl ItiQttJry for tat enwn
Hiifl > m n M tmne price * ana canning lots
oia fan"wall. ! . Exi > on boll * broiiRht frmii IS.
n 14 ntifl iKilnfnia * nold nt from 5 ! 40 to St.
C lvir Tf aotn-e unehane < l. TexaK cattle
* nia r > aily at Inmi JS70 tB M35. the nflerlnfts
enibrgcllip lm utraidht from tlie Lnne Star
state and Trxanr lefl In northern Htate Bume
fancy rather heavy black xt < f > r sold at K 4 < !
lluslnem In IIOCT wukiiniln brUl urli'w ml-
IhF f"nm Ftc tp fxf lower. HoRf fold larpely
at frnm l.Ii to Jl.45. tU cnBrrert iwckerc
splllnc ut from tt.26 to . * nnfl the rholceut
IIICT nl Trom S31.4S to 3S.6Q. The lute market
wan bad , l > uyer wlthnrawlnc , niid stlei wore
Blow at fc liclow the l tit time tnday.
Trafla In Bheep and lambr was nptlve nt nleortv
iriccn. fihecp were In ilemanfl ol Irom K > 1"
( t.w for Inferior to common flncks. up to Irom
J4.BI to J4.W lor - '
jr-ime liitB. with imlw larpeb'
at frnm K. to M.2& . Exptirters were Hpht buy
ers or heavy Bheep nround M nnfl S4.2i. LamhR
were in cmid demand nt tnun } 4 to M.W for
common up to from K.SO to $5.71 lor choice
Il crlitn ) : Cattle. . 7'WO heafl ; hoes. 4S.OOO heafl ;
slieep. 10.ROO head.
. .
frr. LOtna. Heo. 23. CATTLE HeceiptB. S.5CO
heaa. of whlcb 7CO were Te uns. BhipmentB.
Sim hea * ; marknt tronp und entice fur natlvo * .
Trxun > lic lilfrlicr ; lair to fancy native ship
pint nnd export steers. K.ST.JHi.W. bulh nf s le
MJipS.lie ; tln-ywdl Iwrf iinft hutclier Bteern. .B6
4i5.Uibulk ( of siilee , H.PHC .TTi uteern umler 1 MW
IhB. . J3.2. tM.SO : 'bulk uf leR. KAHM.S , stmk
rrn nnd Teeders , J2.MHH.1H. hull ; of pules. J2.TH
wS.7T : rOAvm ntifl ml.rl 5 ? imfni Tn * r.\nc , , irt
Indian steem. I2.CS&4.2T , ; hulk nf Kales. J3.2T , &
4.fl : cow * and hellers. S2.we'3.r > o.
HOGS .Bei-elptB. 7.K ) hr ia. shipments. S.SIIO
ht-ad market fie lower , lluht K.2RSS.30 ; mixed.
SVas.Si : heavy , K.S.Vp-S.40.
SHEE1' Ilpcclpts. 1.2UII heuil ; Khlpnrents. E KM
heait ; mnrl.ct steuay. native muttons. JS.TT.p
4. P ; culls unfl bucks. Jl.W S.lD , Btoclcers. I2.00S
2.7Ti ; lumbR , M.RDfit.OO.
liiillniiiiiiillK Live MorU.
INB1ANAPOLIS. I > e- . -CATTLE Iteccli.tB.
230 bead , Bliliimetils. llpht ; murk-t active ; pond
to prime steers. f4.Wi r ) 'Hi. fBi > - to medium steers.
.2 > ; common to piiuil Htockers , S27T > US.80
HOGS -ItecelptK. 7.CW ) head , ahtpmenu 1.500
head ; murKi-t active at u pent-ul de-line or
-Itc. ( rn > d to chulrp medium nnfl heavy. K 45f
S.iv" ; mixed and heavy. SS.40SK ! 47 , ; common
gs. .4l > @ 8.45.
SHEEP llecciiiu. 200 head ; BblpmcntB. llpht ;
nmrkct nulet ; price * ransed from S2 25 for com
mon Bheep to f 5 TTi for choUe lambs.
Ke v TiirV Llv - Stork.
NEW TOUIi , Dec. 23 UEEVES R celptp 121
Jiead ; none on sale and nc traainn. Cables
qmite American stei-rs at UIVJi'llc , refrlperatoi
beef. 7i. < HSlMr ; cxiinnB. r.77 beeves.
CALVES Jl-ceiptB. 112 liend ; llrm. all sold ;
veals , JG.Wftk.Eu , KiusserB , 3 im , westernb ,
o , .
SHEEP AND LA3I11S Receipts 4 BHO liead
Blnw. lambs. Ip o lower ; Bheeji 54 uOi4..Ti
HOGS lleceipts. 2.S10 head , llrm nt
na HI 11 : i 11 nil , 1,1 , , . MocU.
EAST BtTPALO. Ii-c. 2S. CATTLE P.ecelPts
8 cars of Kale Block , about steady ut openlne
prlcen or thn week.
HOGS IleruiptB. 30 cars , abiut Btcndy ; To'kerp
pond to choice. J3.70 : rouchs. common to clinice
lulS-30 ! ; IISBrommon | to choice , 13.3 ( 3 B )
& .HEEP AND LAMIlS-P.ecelpti , . 10 cars , culls
aheep. culls to common , J2. 0g
Cliicliiuuti Hve Moolc.
ecHOGS Active ut J2.S >
y -I2.IMT4.tO. .
SHEEP Easy ul J2.7Tift4.fO.
LAiltliEuHier at J3.7 Hf .C5
Stock in Slcht.
, , Sf rd , of rfeci ts or live Block nt the four
murketa Tor December 23-
fimni , . Cuttle. Hoes. She
C1 JO.I44
. 7,000 4S > 000
l > . .aiiUH City . ; , ooo IT.OiKi
St. LoulB . „ . 2300 7.SKW
Totals - - . - UK ! 3 44
- *
"Wool Mnrlieta.
BOSTON , Dec. 22 TollowlnET ore the quota
tions for leadinR aexcriptlons :
Ohio iinfl Pennsylvnnia fleeces , X and above.
S7t2Sr ; XX and XX above. 2i'B3iir. ! Uelalne.
20c , No 1 conihlnc. 30c No 2 cnmtiluf ; , 2wr :
3 L , Michlpan. AViBConsin. etc. X. Michlpan , 23
5T24C. Nn. 1 Michigan combine. 2KJi'2tNa. ! ; . 1 Illi
nois rombinc. 2S8f2Ic : No. I Muhlsan comhlni ; .
2S&2ic ; No. 2 Illinois combine. 2 82tc ! ; X New
Tork , New Hampshire and Vermont 23t24c , No
1 New Tork , New Hampshire nnd Vermont. 27c ,
unwashed medium. Kentucky and Indiana , quar-
ter-bload combine. .23ffi24r , Kcnturky und In-
cltana. "b22 c ; Missouri nunrter-blniid eoml > -
Ine. 22B2Sc , MlHHQUii thpee-elKhthf-blood comb
ine. 2324c : braid combine. 21c. Lake nnd
Georpla , 2 @ 23c. Texas wonls , uprme metuum
ftwelvc mnntlm ) . IB lSc ; scoured jirlce , 434."ic.
nprine fine ( twelve months ) . 17&lSc , acour a
price. SU4tS2r. TjrrUoriaj wool. Montana tine
m ium anrt lii e. ICSflfec. scoured prl"e. 4S jrOc ,
Btniile. HS3ric ( : TJtuh. Wyomlne. etc. . fine medium
und line. 15ffl7c ; scaured price. 4Rp50c : staple. 12 ?
D. > c. Australian scoured husls combine , supertlne.
70E72e ; trimlilnB. pnod. CT > C8c ; eomhins. averuEt.
C2SCic ; Queensland combine , Cic
ST. LOI1S Dec.23 WOOL Quiet and un-
chaneed : medium , ! S020c ; hen - jline. . bfl4r ;
llBht fine isei c ; tub wushea , 22
NEW TORK , Dec. 2S. COFFEE Options
ojiened IrreRUlnr ut iri points advance ; ruled pen-
erally quiet with firm undertone on lietter cableB
than exjiecteiJ nnfl claims of damage to Buntos
wop. demand moBtly frum KhortB ; closea dull
with jirlces J > &K puintB net advance ; Bales. 4.230
haeu , Includlne March ut JCK. Spot coffee.
Rio. Bteudy , No. 7. invoice J6.7T . No " . Jobblnc
S7.2i. Mild , quiet : Cordova. Jk.Hlifi-lS.OO ; Kales.
tj ) hues Muriu-ulLiD and ion hues Suvanllla.
Total warehouse deliveries from ttiu t'nltt-d
States. 16.474 liufrf Includlne IC.iiCK IIOCB from
New Tork : New Tori : stock today. W4.ii)6 : ) haes.
United States stuck toduy. 74C.202 baps ; afloat
for the Tnlt'd States. 37H m > IIUBB : total visible
fnr th - Tnlti-d States. 1 12.202 hues. acalcBl
741. C7E baps lutu year and 9HB444 hues in 1W3
SAftj-uti neo o. L-VH-JTJU oulet : puod
eruee Buntos , b.QK ) rels. < ccepta | , IC.DiK )
stuck. D14.-00 huiTB.
HAMBCna. I > ec. 23. COrTEE Oi ? ned nt l
fHs pfc. ndvunce ; clo&ed ul optitilnc prices ,
( alcB , lu.CCO liiH'.i , .
R1C OE JANEIRO. Dec. 23 COPFEE Steady ,
No. 7 Illo. B.173 rcls ; cxchnnse. 7 d ; reeelptB.
BWK ) baef. cleumd for the Tiilied States U ftw
buer ; cleared lor Eurojie. ! i0li harp ; block 420-
Xew TorU Dry Gooiln Mnrlcrt.
NEW TORK. Dec 22 , There huve been fur
ther advances followlnc the movement In Prult
nf the Luum und Lnnsdule hleactied cotton
There have tieen mauctloni. In unbleached and
the market has seen that curiouF condition where
the prices are tendlne up and down .on the same
day , Mnsonvllle 4-4 bleuchud wan reduced lo 4c
Willie T'cpperell "hrnwn Klieetlncs were reduced
to 4hiC. llleuubea cotton prlocawere well BUB-
tnlned where advances have not liecn made
The utlltude nf jellers httB1 topp-tl heavy trud-
Inc In there llntH hut tn otlier bleached poods
there IB a well dutuied demand , llrown eoids
are us u rule aisy to buy both' fn"ahlttint nnd
In the wider praden Conveners are fairly ue-
tlve operators In some quarters. 'JnblierB In nil
utuplti cotton llnej arr not rep'e ntea exten
sively There Is very little buylnc for 'export
purposes. The market for eonixeolarnd cottonB
IB quiet in nearly all lines , In prim clotliB
than * 1 continued dullness.
OIL OTT. Pa. . Dec -Credit IwlntiraR , C3c ;
KU.11'11' no Ma" J"r recular ojitlnn * ; sales.
Gmo libli. Cash ilBllverj' nt 6G < ; ; tliiHefl offi-n-a
fni bhiiiincntB. lic,27t hlils. ; rune , lS,72U (
C-HATPLnFTON K r T > fc " 23. OIL'i-TutiK'n-
tlne. nrm 30r Wd. 211 0 urbrd ; > ulec. none.
Itiisin. ilrm unl unrtiariKi-ar ualpRnone. .
RAYAKN'AH. Ga. Tier 28 OILS Tuni'ntlne.
nrra al SO-'Sir ; irales. C1C lililB. ; rcc lite. | CCC lihln
'VVILMINGl'ON N C Pec 2S dtl _ oirit
of turppntlne SDfefl'Slc Ro ln. nrm tft
Crurte tuntitiiie. . BteaOy ar'n.lOS'l.lB. Tar. nrm
at tl.K.
CnUfiiriilu Urleil
TJenTR Onli't nd rteaflv. rvupornted upp'rii
c'mmin. : ! & e nrlm - wlro tno , tWiwoiirt
rtrlea. prime KVtftfc. . chnice , Kite ; fnncy lift
J C. Aprlmiu. lUivuI , SGUnC. .llwir 4urlt'M ! ?
lie 3'rune Sflt . Peuclies , unjieeleO. 7fllc.
J led. 12S2uc ,
Flnil ( InToukr fiullty of Murder.
NOIIFOL.IC. Va. . , Dw. 23V * , the Jury ,
find the priKQiii-r , John Andurtian. .uliUK John
AndcrHon. culltj- asliarcrd In tht indict
ment ' " This JB the -verdict rpturimfl b } ' the
Jury In tbe cane of the- Olive Pfcker cab ,
tinHSHclflr cliarpe lielng the murder of
Mate aaunfluro of thn schooner OllvtJ'aiUur
lij' the cook. A" the caBe F-tariflB Anfleroon
w-111 have to hantr. He rwelvud ttic vuraict
with uiijiarf'tit Inflltferenp * Htu
made u motion for u. new trial.
Mr . ilarr Bird. Harrisuurg , Pa. . .
uVv " ' < worth rnijliont to me ; yet I
wot-- ' . > -i > just her by croup hud I not ta-
reEted twenty-Dve cent * In t buttle o ( On *
Minute Couch Cure. " It cures couchB. culii
and all throat and lunc troublti.
SluiK'.K ll II III IlellrfM.
LOtTSm E , Dec SS Rev. M H.
Houston , -who vua tried and ranrlotud ol
iijijicured liefore tlie l oulsvllle
today unfl declined to rticulvo
! the rrncurr nnd admoni Ion thni had -
jirpjMirea for him nnfl il.j't ' Iwlore IIP m-cnoia
KiVf up Jim beliefs h < would dt'll up tiM
polllnR Flns.1 nr"lonwan postptinoa until
[ the sjirlng meet tup of prrBbrlcrj'
HnA .IMnmnltr lu 1IU Pnrkrt.
SAN JOS1S , Cal. , l > er r-Amazon Her-
nanflex a JlTrleati won < 1chojnier , TVHB In the
habit of rarrylnp clunt i > nwflcr cnrtrlflc i
In hi * 7 > rkf > U , us lif Jrequi-ntly ugpfl them
for Wantlne trw Ptunnis TeKterflitr he
Utsi K-a ana fpti , a knlTi 111 hifi jxinkct Ptruct
a rni > nnd nine pxpios'nnc ' ri.Ur pd in quiet
Httr ? w l tn. HefiiHtiili-t WMS terrlblr man *
pted airfl will ( Uc.
Titlie 1111 1o Stnrt t'n.
ITTTSBt'HQ. ! > ' . 2S l rtipnratlou * are
being ; nmflr to mart the tube mill of t ! " Oil
"VVe.ll Supitlj' ( Hunpany , on Bnoond ntetnie ,
this rtty. This plant ih lie-n Idle for th
m t lour yearv and Us * tantiic mcanit that
i.ltoo men will be clvfti employrnont. The
rcmiinjrtlnn will take place In ubtiut thrci
l.tiiiiit-li n lleveiitie Cittlrr.
TV-ELANTi , I > oc. 22.-In a Winding
Bnowstorm. "tr"1 revenue cutter Onondagi
\VB iKtinohed this * nfiwnoon ut the yard of
the Glebe Iron VTorka roinpiny Th
fteiinicr vast t l ristc'lied l > v M RK
Allen Miitiv covi-rnmctit oltli IUB
A. "Written Oniimntrr to cntE
Ouretire IK permanent Dtifl not patching njx
trcnled ten yt-anmnn h ve ueviit neclifc K ? nipuni Rlne * .
lt o crllilnF > oiiri ! iielullj we ran treat you br nimlL
vntl wr civt. tlte cunie Ktniufr ruarantrt ID curt * ori-efuntl
ull money Tlnr e who prvl 0tc ronir here Inrtren * .
ineut can do no uid * r will piy rnllruati tare hnth way *
wiOliolnl lillln lillc heir If we tall tiu * . V. ecl !
liMilrf the world 1nr m t-ni > v thill mir MlltfitItrmrtljr
lll UJI curu Write tnr lull purtlulia milt sot llio
rTlitflnreU'ltiu thnt jnunn-iibviitlrut Ju tiJ Miluo.
lu the nio < vliihient plivilctoiiH have never tieclt uhlc
TO clvi nintt'tliui ipniiHimn ithi-t. In iiurisnjeRri
pruitlre with thu Jtncle Itrmertr W luti l > e n most
illflLcuU lo oveti-oTUi pn-JuUtcw uinxinH tul Bo allra
sfecltlm. Hut miller nur Btrontr ninvuntee yon
tint liMltutt tn * i-y U'livmedy oa laUenoclauiri' ot
iDAlap vour ntuner Vt cuaratitw to eurt or rrtuwd
even dollar and i > we lisvr a nrutntlon to imitcct.
ul-o'tlimiiclnl lM < rthir ct $ & < ! . ( > ( > < > , tt In iwrtecltr
- fi' to all n ho will trv llio tmtiiuent. lloretutnii ) uu
Imve l tn tniuiuc ui and im.vlniT nut ynur niuuey lot
ttKIerent trentnieutmnil ulUiimcli J-nii an-not yrt cured
im iitie ha ixilU tw.-t yiiur numey Hit nut wuittr n
tuorr inniiev until yvu try us. Old chronic uwi r ii l
ensm. elllvd iu thlrtv to nlnoty liars. lnve tlc tr U1
n-.miirlul Htuinllnc uur jTi'iituilou a hminesB mm
Wrtie UR lur nuiinH und uililrcwteti of taix * ) we lioi
curttd , wild Imvt clvcii | M'rnil Hloii to ruler tn the A.
It eiMti- vim only i i mmt < < ui > tnl ; it will ve j-o4
worm nf nuSErliit Irum mental strain t and II you J
inarrtpu whut tuny your iTtlnp-lnr sutTcr thn tijh yutir
nwn niullpcnei1' It ywur r.vmplunip an' pinieii nn Inro.
mire tlmiut. inii-jou iiutchn lu ninntli rlienniutlMH In
IHIIIM mid jollitt , liair lullilic out , uriipUuni en uuj
pan nT the ImaT feelliiK uf peniml dennnilnn , ) itn In
lieKd or tiniim you have nu time in wuntr. TIIUKC who
ore cmixtiuitly tnUlnc mercurj- d sliouln ul -
rulltliuii It Cnuatunt u - lit UicM Urup. will nurely
lirlnp mnw ami ealluc uleern in the olid. Hunt lall to
ormu. All corn-litmuilence M'nt rtttled in plulll itiVBe
oi > V.'n invite the miKt rtcld liiTentitrutlou ami will
Uo oil iu our povdrtiialtlj-ou lull. Address ,
Muwnic Temple. Chicasro III
IB Hold under positive Written QnnrnctoD ,
bymithoriiudagontB only , to euro Voab Memory ,
DizziinwH. WnUoiulncnn , I'ite , Hyotorio , Quick-
nsBB , Nu ht LMPUB , Evil DniamB. liict of Cocii-
jnnceJsarvimfiiCTK. LaBnitndo , ull Drains , Youth-
Jnl ErrnrB. or EzneflnivB "D o of Tnbaooo , Opium ,
nrldqunrV7hinh J adB to SUaory. Consuiniition.
luaamty and Doutlu At more or b ; moil , d n
unr ; nirior Si ; with -written cunrnntoe to
jure or refund Ejimer. fenniiilepncl-
ajrc , oontaininc iva days treatment , vith full
jiatmctiiiiib , 2B cents. Ore Barqple ouly Bold ta
mch TinrBiia. _ fi.t ntoro or by mail.
Label Special
Extra Strength.
For Irapotency , LOBS ol
Pownr. XiOBt Jllcnhoud
Htorility or
I u tmr ; Biz lor PS.
At ctar
DIlliin Drnn Cn. , S. IS , Corncf
null Pui-nniii &IM. . Oinalin * '
And Surgical institaij
St. , Oiiuilia , ft'ob
Clironic , Bcrrons and Private Diseisa
and nil WEAKNESS
utia U1SOKUERS of
HTDUOCi LE una VAUlCOCELi : -maniiuUr na
HtiucuBBf ully cured lu evury CUHB. . !
BLOOB AKB SKIN BlH-uh B. Sore Sptits. Pirn J
eB Scrofula Tuinurh , Totmr. Eczuitm uud lllual
PnlhOn then > iflLl.v ] cliUiiHe.u ! fruui the HynU'iu.
KEIIVOUS Bublllty Bpuniiutorrhea , Samhml
uuBub. Nlpht BnilBBliiub , IXIBB of Vital Powers
IHinuunuiitly und HjiofClUv-curttrt.
( Vitality TTuaki. made BO i > y too clone njipllcatlon
to biiiilncBB or Htudy ; fai-vcm mental .tttralu of
priuf ; SEXDAL EXCESSES In middle ; llfti orirom
the Kfft-cth of youthful lollleB. Cull or write thorn
today. Box 277-
Omaha Meflical anfl Surgical Institute
In Pictures
Part XII
Now Ready
For Distribution.
Brine 30 cents to The Bee oflioe , oitbcir
in Omaha or Council Bluffs.
Mailed to any address on receipt ol 10
centp in coin.
H. E. PESrHEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg- . , Omaha , IvTeb
Branch Office. 10SB N St. I/mcoln. Nob.
6ecrrtary ,
Ctifisiie-Streei Commission Co
Cniiltnl pr,0 , < ilil.0l ( , Pullr I'uUl.
MembfirE Chiccgo Board of Trade ulnce liC2i ,
Grfiin , 1'roviBions ' ana K. ISloclis
Orders Cunh onfl Tuture DttllvorjSollclt -d.
Omuliu UOli-f. , Jloiuu 1 , X. Y. Ufr
J. CAMI'ilHLu.
J&KES E. BOYD & 00. ,
Telephone : 103 ! ) . Otimha , N ! >
Dlre-n wire * to Clilcufo uud New Tort
CurreujumaujU : Joliu A. Vtirrvu A Cb.