0 TJIKOMAHA DAILV TilCt ? WAY , UJfiOUMBJfllt ' * , KS ! > 7 , I CURRENT NEWS OF INTERESTFROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ir MI.VOIl MC.VriO.V Cooper , Flro Ins. , G Pearl , tol. 372. Schmidt's b.is rcHcf photon ute the latest. Epconer Grocery Co. , 323 Bway. Tel. 3U. J , II. Black of Grlswold was In the city yesterday. II. Uaugh of Harlem was In the city yes terday on business. Good work lg what you will have at the muff City Laundry. William Kohl and wife of Mlncola are In the city visiting friends. Sheriff Morgan Is confined to his homo by a severe Attack of Illness , Mr. E. C. Lalnson nnd family have gone to Oilman , la. , to spend the holidays , G. W. Clapper and A. L. Lacey of Header- eon wcro Visitors In the city yesterday. Not that glaring celluloid , but genuine Now York finish the Bluff City Laundry. * Major Hllcs nnd J. II. Crane of Burlington Junction were visitors In the city yesterday. Mn and Mrs. II , A. Soarlowill spend the Christmas holidays with friends In "Hastings " , Neb. II. Stevenson of Ncrth Platte , Neb. , Is In th city , the guest of his brother , Stymest Stevenson. William Hurz and J. J. Mass , extensive cattle fccdtrs of Silver City , were In the city yesterday. Mrs. E. F. Watts , who has been visiting friends In Chicago , Freeport. and Jackson ville , III. , has returned home. W. 13 , Oaks , cashier of the Silver City bank , and George Adnlr of Gllvcr City were In the city yesterday on 'business. B. F. Wlckham of Denver and James Wlck- hatn of Burlington will spend Christmas with their brother , E. A. Wlckham of this city , / Wo want you to feel that your package Is very welcome at our place , nnd every effort will be made to please you at the Eagle Laundry , 724 Bway. The Married Ladles' High Five club , which was recently reorganized , was entertained last Bight by Mrs. 0. M. Brown , nt her residence on South Seventh street. . Do you want a hair brush , a tooth brusher or any kind of a brlstlo brush ? Wo have them In endless variety , and cheap and good. C. B. Paint , Oil & Glass Co. Frank Shlnn of Carson , who has been In the city 'for ' the last few days attending court , left last o\cnlng for Avoca on busi ness before returning home. Word has been received here that Miss Mamlo Kohl , formerly of this city , but now of Chicago , Is lying at death's door and Is not expected to live out the week. The Council Bluffs Ulfle club will hold a turkey shoot Friday afternoon at 1:30 : , at the Walnut Hill range. A cordial ii.vltntlon is extended to any one In the city with a rifle. H. Thompson , a mining export and ma- Chlie man , has returned from "Colorado and la spending the holidays with his friends , Mr. and .Mrs , Will Stelnkompf , on Washington avenue. Invitations have been iFsued for-a public Installation of olllccm of Council camp No. 14 , WcoJmen of , the World , on January 7. Tlio usual society ball will bo a feature of the event. The Milwaukee passenger trains from the cast wtre delayed by the snow and severe weather In the central and eastern part of the state and 'reached the city yesterday morning over two hours late. County Attorney Saunders yesterday made a formal order dismissing the case In the dis trict ccurt agilnst Harry Helser , Indicted by the grand Jury for felonious assault upon n woman tramp , who has slnco been sent out of ths county. Len Clark , the negro who was arrested by Officer Werd after a severe clubbing , was given a hearing In police court yesterday. Judge McGce concluded his conduct merited a fine of $31.10 , which is equivalent to a term of twentyonedays Imprisonment. The women at the Fifteenth Street mis sion have about completed their arrange ments for giving the poor children of the city a free dinner on Christmas day. The feast will be spread at Eleventh stTMt sad First avenue. Judge Green adjourned the district court yesterday until Monday and permanently dis charged ths petit Jury. The new jurors that Wire drawn a few days ago will servo during the coming year. The work of the Novem ber term has been nearly finished and the docket has been pretty well cleared. The enforcement of the new rules adopted by the four district judges has visibly expedited business. The $10 line that attaches to every cauo that Is taken out of assignment has made the attorneys very cautious about ask ing for continuances. It has also enriched the district to the extent of several hundred dollars. C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consults tlon free OITlco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C Health book furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrlan : block. N , Y , Plumbing compinjT l. 250. ! ClirlHiiiuiH for the Deaf. Elaborate preparations have been made al the Iowa School for the Deaf for a merrj Christmas for the pupils and attaches of the Institution. A gigantic Christmas tree hat Ibeen prepared and It will bo 'brilliant ' ! } lighted after being laden with gifts for the children. In addition to this an Immenrc wheel has been constructed , which will alsc bo freighted \vlth a burdenof , presents. Doth the tree nnd the wheel will bo erected In the largo chapel ; which will bo decorated In E tundsoine manner with evergreens and flow ers. Every person connected with the Insti - tution will bo remembered , with some little < rlflo as a memento of tie day. The tree and the big wheel will bo dismantled on Christ mas eve anil on Christmas the pupils and tbo attaches of tbo Institution will bo given a holiday feast. Domestic soap wrapohrs call for spoons. Turkeys , chickens , cauliflower , lettuce , radishes , oysters and celery , all of the best in the market at J. Zollcr & Co.'s. Telephone - phone 320. J. Zollcr & Co. Import their own oysters direct from Baltimore. That means the best Iherc Is at tlio lowest prices. Turkeys geese and ducks by the wholesale or retail at J , Zoller & Co.'s. Tel. 320. Hoffmay's fancy patent flour makes the best and. most bread. Ask your grocer for It * Cash Is what counts. Everyone knows that a dollar In hand Is worth two In the bush , as well as they know a dollar at Zol- ler's Is worth ( wo elsewhere. Qo to htm for meats , groceries and hardware. Tel. 320. Glvo us your order for Christmas turkeys , eccBO and ducks. No satisfaction , no sale. i , Zoller & Co. Cleanliness , Even Heat , liasc Heat. Economy never hoforo seen with softcoul. 1U tons of soft coal cqua 1 ton of hurd. A report from Hev J. llcnle , 1152 Kutt I'krce m : "I have been unltiff your Hot lllunt with tall coal us fuel for § lx weeka We are \ cry mud pleated with It. U not only R | > C > an tooil tatlifacllon as our Iiartl coa Lute burner , but U savin ic u larue part of the ea it lieattne , " fieu | t Running atCO CO 1.12 COI.Ii'S , 41 Main St. , Council Illuffa. MILTON nOGKUS & SONS , Omaha. \ OliO. W. BIUQGS , South Omaha. CARING FOR THE CITY-POOR SnpcrvisDr Jacks jn Tins n GoD'J , Lively Business Now. COLO WEATHER INCREASES THE CALLS A in D tint nxpi-nitfil Thin Ycnr In Slnoh 1,1-HH Tlmn ill tlio Smile Time Liixl Ho in < Ilccvtit The cold weather has brought about n large Increase In the number of applications for charily at the office of the supervisor of the poor fund , and It has required tbo nicest discrimination on the part of T. C. Jack son , who has charge of the fund , to prevent Imposition by sifting out the real and needy and worthy from < ho > umy of professionals who arc always ready to bo helped at all soisons of the year. The cost of caring for the poor of the townohlp during the month of December will probably exceed $7,000. The contractor who furnishes the groceries will have a bill that will approximate ? GOO. Su pervisor Jackson Is making an heroic effort to keep down the cost , and hca succeeded so far In keeping well within the limit flxed for the same period last year by his predecessor. The supervisor settles up with the contractors who furnish the sup plies once In two months. The report bo has prepared for tha January meeting of Uic Board of County Supervisors shows that his expenses for September and October wcro $1,555.35 , while for the same period last year- the outlay was $3,714.01. The report shows that the amount paid to the two hospitals for the period were neirly equal , St. Bernard's receiving $287.CO , and the Woman's Chris- .tbn Association $247.75. The new super visor Is receiving every possible encourage ment to keep the total expenses of his of- flco down to the low mark established by ex- Supervisor Huntlngton. The majority of the calls that are made upon the county for help at the present time come from elderly people , and of these the larger per cent are women. Domestic soap wrappcn > call for spoons. TO Tim FOOT 11AM , GAMD. Flolil CliiliVol - ( oil til the Suit Iiy ! 'r a ilk CriMtford. The petition of Intervention of 'the ' 'Council ' Bluffs Field club In the attachment of the gate receipts by Frank Crawford at the In terstate college football contest on Thanks giving day was heard In the district court yustcrday. Crawford claimed that the Ne braska college team owed him $155 for ser vices as coach during 1893 , and to get his pay tied up $250 of the gate receipts. The Field clu- > Intervened on the grounds that the re ceipts 'belonged to It. Judge Green held that the club hadi no right to the money , and the petition of Intervention was dismissed and the costs taxed to the Intervenors. The Campbell Printing Press and Manufac- tvring company intervened yesterday In the case of the attachment of Landlord Whitney against the Globe Publishing company , set ting up Its claim to one Campbell press which was sold to the Globe company on a contract and which has not been paid for In full. The Interveners claim that the title to the picss has not passed from them and will not By the terms of their contract until the final payment is ade. Lucy Hlllcr began a suit yesterday against C. S. Lowe and wife to secure payment of $136 worth of goods alleged to have been de livered. -The National Life association began a fore closure suit against J. 01. Ouster on a $2,600 mortgage on property located in this city. A few weeks ago W. S. iMayne secured a Judgment by default quieting his title to sev eral blocks of lots in the northwestern part of the city that were Bold to John W. Paul during his attempts to create a stockyards . boom In that portion of the town. The pur- I chase price was $7,000 , of which $1,400 was paid down. The dee * was executed to Patrick O'Connor. iMayno alleged that O'Con nor was a myth , and It 'was consequently impossible to get service upon him In the foreclosure suit that was under way. There was no defense and Judgment was secured as prayed. After the default was taken P. J. Dmlg appeared as Intervenor. Emlg .was formerly private secretary of Paul. Ho showed that the property In question bad been deeded to him 'by ' O"Connor andi that ho had held possession of it for the last two years , and that In the suit 'begun ' by Mayne no notice had been served upon nlm. The motion to set aside the default was sustained by Judco Green yesterday. It has been as certalned that Patrick O'Connor was a bell boy In one of the Chicago hotels whore Paul was In the habit of stopping. * A motion for a new trial was made in the case of the New ( Nonpareil company and Miss Llzzlo Hulbert , who spcured a Judgment for $2SO for libel against the paper. Hev. T. 'H. Oleland' ' began a foreclosure suit against L. C. Larson to enforce the con ditions of a mortgage for $700 executed a number of years ago. In the case of the .Five-Cent Savings bank agalust D. W. Archer the motion to correct the record was sustained and the degree of orcclosuro granted. The motion for a now trial In the case of Sylvester iHolllngsworth against the motor company to recover $12,500 damage for the mijry to his daughter on the big 'bridge was overruled. Sco Davis for fine perfumes. IlnrlliiK'lun'Nrw Trnlii Service. In answer to popular demand at both ends of tbo division the Burlington has made en mportant change In the running timeof Its trains on the Western Iowa division from * 3reston to Council Blulfs. The change gives the public extra railway facilities that have I I long been needed and which the Merchants and Manufacturers' association has been tryIng - ' I Ing to bring about for a year. A strictly local train will bo put on , kav'ng Creston at 0:45 : a. m. and arriving In Council Bluffs at 10:35 : a , m. Trains on tbo various branches will connect with this train , one from Cla- rlnda connecting at Vllllsca , another from Grlswold connecting at Red Oak , another from Sidney and Randolph connecting at Hastings and a train from Tabor connecting at Malvcrn , Returning , a local train will leave this city at 3:30 : la the afternoon , thus giving a stay of five hours In Council Blulfs to those wishing to return the same day , This train will craned with trains oa all the branches except at Red Oak , which can bo reached by an early morning train. The local train leaving Crcston In tbo morning will cocnect at Paclflo Junction with the , Kansas City train , going eolith , thus af fording additional accommodations for those , desiring to go eouth , * I A train will also be put on from. Albla to Red Oak , leaving Albla at II p. m. and re- turnlrg at 6:15 : a , m. These changes In the time table will bo put In force Sunday , January 2. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. IVII in a KM. H. LMoyers , from Mlneolo , was seized with an epileptic nt at the Crestou hou60 , where lie wau o. guest yesterday. He remained unconscious for a Icng time , and the hotel people becoming alarmed sent for a physi cian , The condition of tbo patient was found to bo such that Immediate care and treat ment 'were necessary. The patrol wagon waa called and ho was sent to the Woman's ChrJotlan Association hospital , He was re ported to bo uerlously 111 last evening. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. Mill ( iliirV In Hit * I'nrlcN. The city baa purchased several new Hag a for uao In the park * . The largest cne ws/i capeclally de&tgncd for use In Cochran park. The Board of Educattcu baa also ordered several more large flags for use on t , o school buildings. The beard his planucd for tde flying of a flag on taoh of the sch ol build- Itvjs durl < g the expedition tttfon ne\t year. The ( lag bought for Coohran p rk Is one of the largest owned by the city at the present time. The f.ag question promises to bo a serious ono for oext year , for flags will be the fashion , and iho man without a flag or some Kind of bunting < o attiact n'.tentln to his business or belongings will be out of date. Xmas no\cities cheap at Davis' . TWO WUHICS * HOLIDAY VACATION. llonril of Killicnlliiii Cralit * Itc < iur < it ( if I'npllM. The Board of Education last night granted the request for a two week's holiday vaca tion formulated by 300 pupils of the High school. It was decided to grant the spring vacation also for the reason that at that tlmo the annual meeting of the Southwest ern Iowa Teacher's association will be In session. The board ordered the secretary to make up the pay roll and Is uo the orders for the salaries of the teachers and Janitors on Fri day to enable them to draw their salaries for use before Christmas. The board spent an hour discussing the subject of getting out the annual report. The plan favored was the rather elaborate | report Issued In pamphlet form for 1893-4 , J which made a book of several hundred pages I nnd was pro'usely Illustrated with pictures of the school buildings. It was decided to Issue the report provided the cost did not run up too high , and the matter was referred to the committee on supplies to secure bids for the book In lots of 5,000 or lesa , The old report contained the rules and regula tions of the board and It was decided not to Incorporate these In the new book , but to issue them In a separata pamphlet. The com mittee has power to receive the bids nnd submit them to the board at Its next meetIng - Ing , i The bond of Contractor Bosen , who did the carpenter work on the Twentieth ave nue school building addition , was ordered to be canceled and returned. The secretary reported that the teachers' pay roll for the lost month amounted to $6,550.16 , Janitors , 784.50 , Interest on bonds , $1,982.50 , postage , $20 , and that warants on the proper funds had , been drawn for these amounts. In compliance with a request the presi dent of the board wag authorized to appoint two delegates to the Department of Educa tion In the TransmlsslsslppI Exposition. By resolution the board Instructed each of the committees to make a full report of everything that had been done during the last year. The reports will be used la the annual report to be gotten out. The remainder of the session was devoted to the allowance of the regular monthly bills. i Davis always has ulco holiday goods. Christian Home Not for a long time has there been more generous Thanksgiving donations than have been received at the Christian Homo or phanage this season. The gifts from the people ple have been comlag In from such great distances and In such unbroken proceeslon that It has required all' of the available space in the Christian Home paper to acknowledge the receipts each week. Ordinarily the do nations havQ oil been accounted ifor within a few weeks after Thanksgiving , but this yeai the list continues to be published weekly until the present tlmo , making It certain tbat the Thanksgiving donations will not cease to conie In before the Christmas offerIngs - Ings begla to arrive. The donations for the week endlcg yesterday were very encourag ing to the Home workers. The report shows a total to the manager's fund of $62.25 , be- lag $27.25 above the needs of the week. De ficiency In this fund , as reported last week , $234.09 , decreasing "deficiency to duto to $227.44. Grand total' of receipts In the general fund amount's to $090.06 , being $490.06 above the estimated needs for current expenses of the week , reducing amount needed In the Im provement and contingent fund from. $8S- 254.66 , aa stated in last week's paper , to $87,764.60. Miss Cook's studio , Grand hotel , annex. Illuu Point Oyntcri. Wo are now receiving direct from the Blue Point beds In Long Island sound these cele brated oysters In the shell. They are uni versally conceded to be the finest flavored oysters In the world and are especially fine for eating raw. Can furnish them In any quantity by the dozen , hundred or barrel. As you are aware , every well appointed menu for Christmas dinner has "Blue Points" as the article with which to commence the feast. We are also receiving , dally , ship ments of N. Y. Counts , Extra selects and Standard oysters. As they come direct from the packers , they arrive In much better con dition than those which pass through the hands of middle men. SULLIVAN , 343 BROADWAY. TEL. 101 , Domestic soap wrappers call for spoona IMI'LEXIEXT JKAI/KHS TO MEET. Annual Convention AVI11 I ) < - Held in CIinrlcH City In Jiiimarj- . CHARLES CITY , la. , Dec. 22. ( Special. ) The first week In January the annual meet ing of the Iowa Implement Dealers' associ ation will bo held In this city and It is exl- pccted that the meeting will be one of the most Important In the history of the associ ation. This will be the- first regular annual convention of the organization , and for that reason the managers look forward to a large representation. The association was or ganized about a year ago , and since then several Informal meetings have been held , looking to the session In January. The dl- I rectors of the association are J. L. Farrlng- ton of Iowa Falls , S. O. Brown of Estheii- vlllo and John Greer of Decorah. At the meeting will bo several prominent Imple ment manufacturers. The program will lu- cludo papers pertaining to the trade. It Is expected that fully 300 delegates will bo pres ent. On tha evening of the second day there will bo a banquet at which covers will bo laid for 200 people. lown IIortluiilturlHtH. GLENWOOD , In. , Dec. 22. ( Special. ) At tbo Tuesday afternoon's session of the South western Iowa Horticultural society In session hero reports from the several districts were read and approved. Tbo annual address was delivered by itho president , J. P. Hess , fol lowed by the secrotary'o annual report. Sev eral papers were read and discussed at length , Two notlccablo papers 'were ' "The Planting of the Tree , " by A. F. Cole-man of Corning , la. , mid "The Family Orchard , " by J , P. Jack son of Glcnwood. The evening session was given over to local "lights. " An address of welcome by 'Mayor Ttoomau L. Stevens was responded to by Hon. George Van Houten of Lenox , la. , on tbo part of the , society. The itoast of the evening was by Dr. F. M. Powell. His subject "was "Horticultural Crooks. " The music at the evening session waa furnished by the Institution orchestra and 'tho Qlenwood Male quartet. At thlu morning's meeting a paper by W. 1 M. Bombcrg of Harlao , entitled "Fruits In Southwest Iowa , " waa read and discussed. A paper by 0. W. Rick of Des .Molncs , en titled "Horticultural Leech In the Home , " was read and discussed. A resolution wiis adopted pledging the hearty suppwt of the society to We Transm'Uslrelppl Exposition. Co-OjuTatlvi' Camp In SIOUX CITY , Dec. 22. ( Special Telegram. ) Sioux City men figuring on going to the Klondike next jear are discussing the plan of a co-operative camp In Alaska. The Idea Is to put ! ii $500 each * and hire a special oir to Seattle , then buy a rcall cteamcr to go up the Yukon. The plan U to start a colony called Sioux City and prospect on the co operative plan. About fifty persons will leave Sioux City for 'Jio Yukou country In the spring. _ XiivnU Will I'riilinlily Ni-ciiro Hull. VINTO.N. la. , Dec. 22. ( Special Telegram. ) It I now almost certain that Frank A. Novak , the convicted murderer of Ed Murray , will be able to furnish the $18,000 bond fixed by Judge Klnne of the supreme court , and that it will be filed before the expiration of the tlmo given InhicU ) to furnish It. It Is believed mat tlio tund will almost all bo furnished by rcutlvra : of-.Novak , now living In Johnson and Jackson counties. _ , rr DORM Unit ! n Suoi'tiftiltl. MASON CITY , Ia.mlfc. 22. ( Special. ) The experience of JaO. L/tndon of Clear Lake In mixing clippp IB nrtt nirouraelnc to the buslctes. lie lilll stock feeder and shipper and purchased nearly 3,000 , sheep In the Uakotar aritl Jton'.ana la t fall and ban been feeding them ut hla jarcis just on the outskirts of town. They are now In fine cotdltldrf ted alrr.cat ready to market , A few nlfhta ago dogs got Into one of the pena containing over BOO lamto and kllleJ about fifty of them , wounding 200 more. The balance Buffered considerably from shrinkage , making the entire loss to Mr. Undon almost $1,600 , Under the now code ho cannot recover damages from the county for Ices of domestic animals by dogs , RO ho will bo a loser1 for the tiUlre nntoilnt. He * proposes to protect hla property agalntit further Invasions of the canines and now boa several men with loaded shotguns on duty night and day , and has given publla notlco that he will shoot every dog that comes oh his promises. I'c'cullar Note CIIHC. OTTUMWA , la. , Dec. 22. ( Special. ) Ono of the strangest cases that ever came up In Iowa Is on fa the Decatur county district court. Forty years ago Samuel lA. Swlggett of Wapello county sold a rifle to S. W. Hunt , now president of the Exchange bank of Leon , j la. Both men were then ycuug fellows anil partially In jest Hunt pivo Swlggett his note for $15 at 10 per cent compound lutercst , payable forty years after date. Mr. Swlggett Is now serving In the- lower house of the Montana legislature. Several years ago be gave the Hunt note 'to ' his wife , Florence Swlggett. She lias brought suit for Its col lection. The note amounts * o $326.50 , with Intercut and cos'is. In Iowa a note outlaws In ten ycurs , but the attorneys for the plaintiff claim that a. note drawing compound Interest never outlaws , because < ho semi-annual periods when the Interest becomes duo keep the account alive. Fort U ilK FORT DODGE , la. , Dec. 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) A hotly contested lawsuit brought by Claud Walnod of Bamum against 'Webster county for $20,000 for damages resulting from a fall from a bridge last spring terminated nt Clarion , Wright county , w.hlther It Siad been taken by plaintiff , today , by the- Jury allowing Walrod $6,000. Wulrod sustained permanent Injuries by his fall , wh'lch hap pened through his team getting frightened while crossing the bridge at night and JumpIng - Ing through the side railing. The Fort Dodge lodge of Elks Is preparing to glvo a rendition of "Julius Caesar" De cember 27 , members of the order taking all the parts. The proceeds are all to bo given to the Associated Charities of Fort Dodge. Ncorly $1,000 was realized by the first night's sale of seats. i Will Content. SIOUX CITY , Dec. 22. ( Special Telegram. ) An Interesting will contest. Is developing In Sioux City. Joseph Tilrkleid will sue the estuto of the late "Stub" Wllsoni to recover the value of his services for the last twenty years. W'llaon ' Is the 'notorious ' gambler who died hero a few years fcgo'and ' left about $50- 000 In money and property. Some of the estate will go to a hospital under the pro visions of the will. Now Thlrkleld claims he has been .tho servant and 'body valet of Wil son ull the years without any pay and he will go Into court In the effort to get part of the estate. The property aside from that going to the hospital Is1 left to Wilson's com mon-law wife and hls'"nleces ' In Pennsylvania. Fire In SI o ml UK .Sun. BURLINGTON , Dec. 122. ( Special. ) In two hours last Sunda'y evening fire in the town of Morning Sundestroyed a row of frame business bulldinga 'Hli a loss of from ' $12,000 to $15.000. The 'town has a hand fire engine- and a cistern , to hold 300 barrels of water and by the usjj.of 'these the remainIng - Ing business houses of tue town were saved. The heaviest losers are J. F. Holiday , Mrs. H. E. Curran , George Cunningham , J. K. Latta , J. H. Cowan , T. M. Edgar , J. T. Gaw- thorp , F. M. Browm and William Bell. Ship Model for a. Library. FAIRFIELD , la. , Dec. 22. ( Special. ) Through the- united efforts of Senator Gear and Rollln. J. Wilson , the splendid library In this city has Tjeen favored with a model of the new 'battleship ' Iowa , the gift of the Cramps of Philadelphia , who built the ship. The model Is about three feet long , enclosed In a glass case and Is perfect Ini every de tail , showing Just what the Iowa looks like. StnrclH 'WHI Recover. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Dec. 22. H. C. Stur- gls , president of the defunct Citizens' bank of Oelwein , who attempted sulcldo Monday by shooting , will recover. The affairs of the bank are said to be In very bad shape. The assets are reported as being practically noth ing , whllo the liabilities will go above $35,000. Iowa 'Xe ' vo NoteH. A successful fine , art exhibition was given In Hnrlan the fore part of the week. The women of Iowa City got out the Christ mas number of the Iowa City Herald. Thomas Mason , 17 years old , of Fort Madi son was accidentally killed 'by ' the discharge of his gun , while hunting last Sunday. The fell term of Tabor college closed Fri day last for the holiday vacation , and It was the most successful term of the college his tory. tory.Tho The grand Jury In Mahaska county con demned .the county Jail and declared It to bo worse than Llbby prison or the London Tower. Charles S. Crall won honors In the Par sons college oratorical contest at Fairfleld last week. Howill represent the college at the state contest ut Indlanbla In February next. lowit I'rcMH Comment. I Keokuk Gate City : The coming session of the legislature ought to be a brief ono. The newspapers have disposed In advance of most of the business likely to come before It. Sioux City Journal : Under the new Iowa law , If a man dies , leaving a child , parent or spouse , he cannot leave , to charitable objects anything In excess of one-fourth of hla entire estate after tbo payment of all debts. And as chalrty begins at home , what 1s the matter with this. Oskaloosa Herald : Editor Illnton , of the Progress-Defender at Albla , recently built a new building for his plant and last week Invested $1,200 In a new press. Ho continues to howl calamity and says prosperity Is still afar off. We wonder | f there Is really any way to satisfy a populstedltor. , Algona RepubllcanjJWst winter Hancock , Wright , KoEsuth , Pa1tt"AUo , and Clay coun ties were represented In/'the lower house of the legislature by republicans. At the com ing session none ofjhem will be. It will look bad for north and , , Central Iowa repub licans when the leelsjaturo meets. AI > niU , Croiiii. The first symptom f f true crop Is hoarse ness. this 4s followcd-by. , the croupy cough. If your children are subject to croup , watch for tbeuo symptoms Had give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as sdo'rwaa they appear , and It will prevent the aUtiilc. It Is a certain euro for croup and caii'nlwaya ' bo depended upon , / < tit n. Ilaj- , BEATRICE , Neb. . Dec. 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) A little after midnight tonight llro broke out In a barn begging to J , S , Ather- ton and located at the rear of his coal olllco on South Fifth ctreet. practically destroying the structure with content * . Two head of horses , several vehlclca and a quantity of grain wcro consumed , entailing a total loss of about $1,000 ; Insurance about $250. DONIPHAN , Mo. , Dec. 22. Fire destroyed the buslncts portion of thin town jcaterday morning. Twenty-six business houses were burned and tlio total Ics * U estimated at $100,000 , with about $33,00 ? Insurance. The fire started In tbe warehouse of a drug store , but Ita origin is unknown. Dentil * of n ln ) . LINCOLN , Dee. 22. ( Special Telegram. ) Edna , the 4-year-old daughter of Assistant State Superintendent C. F. Beck , died tula forenoon of diphtheria. uniiir KOII TIIIJ Yficox .Mtvius. Wiir Department Knrrurtlonll- - linrliiK for the Trip. WASHINQTON , Dec. 22. Captain Bralnard of the subsistence department of the army ar rived In Washington this morning , nnd al though Secretary Alscr Is confined to his homo by a severe cold , he sent Immediately for the officer and had a conference with him respecting the execution of his plans for the relief of the miners In the Yukon coun try. Responses arts coming In to the secre tary's Inquiry as to the amount nt con densed food preparations that can be had at short notice. Generally they Indicate Hut an ample supply can be had at reasonable rates If contracts arc made at once. General Merrlam , commanding the De partment of Columbia , who has been charged by Secretary Algcr with the selection o [ the military guard to be sent out with the relict expeditions , has telegraphed the secretary that ho II.TR selected Major lj. II. Ituckcr , fourth cavalry , to proceed to Alaska nnd make a reconnolsance of the passes leading from the head of the Lynn canal. He reports " ports that "tho ofllcor , who has already started from Fort Walla Walla , Wash. , by hla cjrpcrlcnco as a quartermaster and cavalryman , Is well fitted for this duty and Is also physically able to cnduro the hard ships ahead of him. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts nan brought to the attention of the War depart ment officials the claims of the Boston Transportation company. Its representa tive , I'lerre Humbert , asserts that the com pany Is In position to feed a large number of the minors , Inasmuch as It his Just re ceived news of the delivery by Its agents at Fort Selkirk on the Yukon river of 200,000 pounds of foodi This point Is above J3aw- son and the supplies. It Is said , can bo got ten down easily with th& first breaking up of the Ice next spring , even If It bo not found necessary to attempt their delivery over land. land.Nothing Nothing has been heard from Mr. KJell- man , the reindeer herder , now In Lapland , In answer to the direction of Secretary Alger respecting the selection of GOO reindeer for transportation to Alaska , so Dr. Jackson has been mndo n special agent of the War de partment and ordered to proceed with all diligence to Lapland to buy the animals and arrange for their shipment to the United States. The announcement that the War depart ment Is by no means committed to any one ro lie In the effort to reach the miners In the Klondike country has caused persons Inter ested In various routes to advance the claims of their respective sections. The Spokane Chamber of Commerce has sent Frederic II , Marvin , a nowEcapcr man of that town , as Its representative to urge the superior facil ities of the overland route northward from Sookane. This Is the old telegraph route laid lown by the agents of the Western Union Tel egraph company years ago when they sought to run a telegraph line to Bering strait. Mr. Marvin has stated to the War department that the route Is stllli clear ; that through the dense northern forests there Is a trail 150 feet broad , affording easy passage for draft animals and that the feasibility of the route in winter Is shown by the fact that for man > winters It has beta traveled by numerous trappers and prospectors , while the absence of heavy grades ensures the capacity of anl. mnls to carry largo loads. Secretary Alger Is aeked to delegate some of the army offi cers near Spokane to report upon the advantages of the route. Captain Dralnard left Washington this evening for Chicago by direction of the de partment , to confer with the manufacturers there In regard to food preparations and to getting a sunply for the expedition. He will then proceed east to meet General Mcrriam at Vancouver Barracks. The captain has been placed In full charge of all supplies and their purchase and racking. He will go with the first expedition to Alaska , and thence through to Dawson , where he Is under orders to meet and confer with Captain Ilay , who has not been heard from since September , when he was at Circle City pursuing an In quiry Into things In the mining country with which he had been charged by Secretary Alger. Lieutenant D. B. Devore , military secretary to the secretary of war , has been ordered to accompany Dr. Jackson to Lapland as dis bursing officer of the party , and they will sail on the Lucanla next Thursday for Liver pool , proceeding to Christiana , Norway , and to Alien , where It is supposed the reindeer herd has been gathered. Lieutenant Devore is authorized to charter a vessel for the trans portation of the herd of GOO to the United States , If found necessary to do so. KI.IUIOHX SPOILS A I'UI/IC FIC.IIT. AuMiorKtcH Stop In a nil Uic GadIle - cclptH Dtrliiillt * . ELKHOUN , Neb. , Dec. 22. ( Special. ) At n local hall last night Prof. Cobb of San Antonio , Tex. , and Bert Poor of Omaha gave a four-round sparring exhibition be fore an audience that -was very frosty. For several days prior to the date set for the exhibition word was passed down the line that the affair would be very warm and not end until one or the other of the exponents of the manly art should be counted out. A large number of farmers from the surrounding country nnd a num ber of citizens from ot'her ' towns through out the county dropped Into town during the evening and at 8:15 : were In line , ready to part with 50 cots each for the privilege \vltnesslnc n mire-enough prlsto flRht. At 8:30 : the doom of the hall wcro thrown open nnd the first person to enter wns Mnyor Haldwln , followed closely by the members of the council nnd the city marahnl. The mnnnger of the affair and the city oillclnls Adjourned to n corner of the hnll and helil n brief but animated conference , nfter which the city solons withdrew , in the meantime the people outside , besides becom ing Impatient nt the dclny In the opentmr of the box olllce , became "leary" of tno nftnlr , nnd rather than run the risk of being ar rested for abetting a prize light , most of them dispersed nnd spent the greater portion tion of their respective hnlf dollars going up against the sure-thing slot mnrhlnes In operation In the various pin mills In town , After the light wn "queered" by the nuthorlles the mutineer reduced the price of mlmlpRlon to 25 cents and announced that the two premiers would spar four.selentlllc rounds. The box onico receipts amounted to about * 2. ( or Half n Million. NEW YOUK , Dec. 22. Another suit , In addition to the one now being tried , was today tiled to upset the will of the late Mr . Martha Johnson , who left an estnto valued at $500,000 , most of which Is be queathed to Homnn Catholic Institutions nnd Hev , J. W. Tower , pastor of All Saints church , this city. The comp'.iiliinnts In this now Hull are Charles Shirley nnd Timothy Donovan , and they alleged , as urged In the suit now being tried , namely , unsound mind nnd undue Influence by Father Power. Trni'oy-Wuloott KlRltt Xcvt CHICAGO , Dec. 23. The light between Wnlcott nnd Trncey has been llnally sot for Monday night. Moth men have con tinued their training nnd are In excellent condition , llroiilis lltn Onn MILWAUKEE , Wls. , Dec. 22. Will I or Sanger this afternoon broke his own world's Indoor record for hnlf n mile unpaccd , rid ing the distance In one mlnuto tint. What do the Children Drink ? Don't glvo them ton or coffee. Hrtvo youtiicd the now food drink called GKA.IN-Oy It is ilolioions nnd nourishing nud takes the plueo o coffee. The inoro Ornin-O you give iho children the tnoio health you distri bute through their systems. Grain-0 is made of pnro grains , and when properly prepared tastes like the choice guides of coffee but costs about as much. All grocers sell it. 15e. nud iir c. Try Grain = 0 ! Insist that your grocer gives you GHAIN Accept no Iniitiulon. THE WEAKLINGS OF THE WOULD can be cured. T.ie puny of the earth can become strong. The feeble men can be vlg irons Are you feeble ? Are you weak ? If vou are would you care to be In a better state ? Head enl The Hudson 'Medical ' Institute was organized for the sake of helpIng - Ing unfoitunates like you. It asks you for no single thing except a duslie to get well. It will send you fice of all charge Mntements fiom otheis who have been cured. The Hudson Medlcnl Institute will change you a fair .tnd not an exorbitant sum for treatment. It lias no means or paying Its group of doctors uxccpt tlnougli contrlbu'f tlons of piitlenta. These are facts. Do they rend like truth ? The grand remedy that Is given for punlncss nnd for abuse of faculties Is named "Hudyan. " It Tins fame thnt Is world-wide. U 1ms cured 18,000 men. If you suffer It will cure you. Thnt , too. Is a fact. Hudson Medical Institute Stnulitoii , ' .Mlirliel ami Kills Stx. , SAN FISANCISCO , CAI > . Circular * niiit ti'NtliiiniilnlH , M wlmt "IIn < l > mi" IIIIH done lire finite fretTlicy lire to 1 > < " Imil I y iierxoiinl ajiiilloillliiii or ljivrllliiwr. . If j on Nee xlKMN of 1) lee ill tiilnl 3 on en ii net ' . ' ! < > - < la j-l > loixl-etire" o'lreiilnrx nx euxlly. Anil if you have u IMIMC of Mood taint Hie IIiulNiiiiliin iloi'lorn rtlll eiirc you I > r iiiitly nml they it ill cure you perin.'iiiently. Reduced Prices ! Flew Improved King i of them all , with the best mantle and chirnna1' mide- Burns less sjas and makes more M htthan any other lamp In the market. STEP/iAN BROS. , 529 Bway. Your Noose Not from a financial standpoint exactly butfrce from the delects lound in the average heating system , Sfaani and Hot Wafer Heating All the leading Incandescent , Gas Burners and Mantels. Plumbing work. J. C. BIX BY , 202 Main and 208 Pearl St. COUNCIL KLUFFS , IOWA. ( FOUll FLAVORS ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE. Marie for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY * jt John G. Woodward & Co. , , Wholesale Manufacturing Confectioners Council BluffSj la. DON'T NEGLECT COMMON CAUI3 OH II SIny I , mil lo Srrlotin When people Rcncrnlly understand ttmt all such f.iUl diseases 09 fistula , ulcer of tlio rectum , fissure , etc. , xlmwt Invariably liegln. In ft simple cuso of Piles , they will learn the wisdom of taking prompt treatment for the first appearance of troubles In this quarter. The Pyiamia Pll Cure will ccrtnlnly euro every form of piles , ItdilnR. blcodliifr , pro- trudkiR or blind piles , niul hundreds of lives liavo been saved by usIiiR this cheap but ef fective remedy right nt the start , because * at such a time a slrvjle tmckitRo will effect a. cure , wMlo In the old , chronic , deep seated cases , several pacUuRes arc sometimes nc- * ary before a lasting euro Is effected. I'hjplclnns arc using the Pyramid Nlo Cure In preference to surgical operations and din uniform tucccsu lr sale by dmp- : lsts e\cry\\iicro at GO cents and $1 per acknge. for Prce book on cause mid euro of Addrwaj pyramid Co. , 'Marshall ' , Mich. , ormerly Albion , Mich. 3U BTttMDWXY. The larsest Establishment in the \\cst. Prices the Lowest \S'c nrt > direct Importers from Kroner , HiiKlniiil ml Germany , \lnr : > ou the mltldlemnn or obbcr's profit.S'e niter > ou extraordinary In- ucemcntp prices absolutely | m\er limn olee- lieic , niul nssortment unmntrlmblc. LAMPS l-rom I5c to JJO.CO llnndsame BoM nl h nml Onyx bnnqiict lamp ? , $2.00 each. WAlin-rtl stock puttcrns-from vnlcli > ou can buy anything you \ \ iintlthout n complete srt. 100-pleco KliRllsh I'orcc- nln Pinner Seln Bond quality good devolutions. 100-iMece green imil gold decoration , Hue poicclaln , (1000. UJVe shall icpent our u uat custom ol iloslnpr out nil < ! olN left In our wholesale derail. men' nt ftrlitlyVholcyale 1'ili-cp , Many of our iUsUiiner1"hn have buuitht ilolls from us tinting he pa l three years will u llf > thai our price * CFB than one-half lVie usual in Ices. A DIII > CUT IN pillows IN r iii > rz CUT CKYSTA1. I S3 We are tellliiK the flnesl | § qunllt > of Out Hlasi lully one-thl il less tlmn mi > competition ; for In- Mince : A 10-Inch cut bu\\ I , In deep tlch cut- HUB each , $7 75. Water Dottles , In the new I'ear Shape , niul m-w t'rlfin or Colonial Cutting , inch , J4 CO. Tumblers In the new anil beautiful Prltm Cutting , doz. W" > . All the best sraile of Ameri can Cryttnl. Thiiio nio none better _ niuik' . All ollirr Cut lasH In Lie tame propoitlon. BTiilUNQ : 8II.V13H In no\eltles nnd ware * r the table. I.itRiut stock In the < -lty , and iirlrcs arc far the low in , Hteillnj ; Silver Hair Irus.ics , KOO < > ones , each , only } 2/0 Sterllnx Slher 1'cmaile or Ointment Jiirb , each SOo tabblt'H reel , Sllvci mounted , 15c each Kllcs , and u big line of no\c'tlcs , each , SOo. All other poods In preclFely the same proportion. Ster ling Sll\ir Table Wr.ro from the be t makers anrl In the latent < * epqni | , nt moiUr.ite prices , 1'L.ATKD WAIti : In the best makes at niius- nnlly low prices. Chatting Dishes and 1'uddlng Dishes In laige variety. CCTI.nnV from the rhenpe t I'lated Knlfn at tWa to the llnci-t Ivoiy , pearl or Sidling Silver. CAHVINC SKITS Fiom a Kood Slag Honi at 7Gc to the finc-Ft of fl'ver. A beauty In a Thrcc- I'lece 1'eurl CnivInK Set , In case , J7.75. KODAKS The entire Unstmnn line nt factory prices. No cooilB made that will equal them. Prices from $4.00 upwards Wu nlpo have cheaper makes as low as JJ.OO for r..ixa'i ' picture. We are alto sole agents for the new tclf-tonlnc paper. Try It ; It Is a success. Ilefore buying your holiday prctenti look thinugh our InrRe line , It will have jou money. Visitors nnd puicliahera equally welcome. 342 and'114 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa NEW COLLAR Kiir Hnlf Only Iiy JO1I.V M.VDISII. Jill In hi. , Council 111 n fix. DB If. E. ROE > . . . , " * DENTIST Iloniu ! ! - - , Mcrriniu IIIucU. Take Elevator , SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS' UVVIikLINQU , I'UUrr , 1'AIIM ANU GAJtPKN landi for talc or rent. Day & Uen. 34 Pearl trevt. MONIiY TO I/MN llKnUCji > HAT15 ON firm-clan lmiro\oil | form * nnd Inilde city property , Apply to Jui. H. Caiiady , Jr. , Ut Main Hi. Initructloni. Albln Hustcr , itudia VIOLIN SZ8 Ilroidway. German method ol Die clcn CoriMrvatory. J. W. BQUIUE. CITY AND VMIV LOANS. KOH BAUJ. AT A I1A1UUIN. A SMAUj BUT well ettablUhed and remunerative inercunllli builneti. liuiulre of V. W , OIUi , 183 Pearl t. . Council Illurrn , It , Toil HALE. A KIND TWQ.BEATlJD BIJIOH , cheap , tot South tfoyinth * tre l , Council i