Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE ( KM 4HA BAIT/T BEE : TFT nAY , DECEMBER 21 , 1807.
Poor of tuo Gtcs ! Wffl Hove
Provlfloi bj tic Hmitcti.
) Tlf Fonr Tboi ! nnd for Dlrlrllm-
tuiiiTh - Anntinl Olniifm "U'lll l c
< I < ! > rat tA'crt OnlU Tor
Itncnlc- * .
. Colo. . TtfC. 20. (3KlBl3 The
rabbit bunt at Lara r l over ani tbe
D v-pr ttratcrs Aare returnefl Irom tlie aporL
Thf-e were nearly 4,000 rabbhs IrUtaa end
these will be chli > pe4 to Pueblo. Central Chy.
Buck Havik , Boulder , Crifiple Creek unS
this city , where they will be used for JcatB
Ior the poor people. The -c nn Tor mWiltK
9or thlBpurpose note Sioen mtry and 3'orson
Vzzell wl'o ' Jiae > Ior jeers nttetidrfl to the
du nl u JOP , n ys that hf coulfl use 100,000
t r charity The hunt was n great nuccefo ,
The first day was colfl irad crisp and the
liUEif-B ha2 tftkrep movhig. The second was
. better hUBitag flay nnfl not near as harden
on ttio ct'y men. Besides about 4,000 rabblU
'lie par-y killed oil wild gpcsfc , twelTc ducks ,
"T e coyote one Ixidgcr infl one American
1' The coj-otc anfl reclcwill bejinoto -
grta ta 0ao primp and e.11 the .other game
Jti trhnr If the weetlier continues ruld
tl 2 rabb.tB will not l > e Steturbcd until Christ-
man J-u- 1 * I- turns warm they will be given
nwav tar'ler ' The parson's annual dlnne.r to
tit ptjr wjliprobably not lie on Christmas
ttay , 'but era Monday or Ttrcsfay lollowlng
On rhrtBtniRB tiny there would be vass xilT-
fl-ul y In go .ing the rrqulBlte numi r of
m moa to Berve fhe dinner , us > J1 wish -o bt
a' htme t that day. The fothwlnc ; Tuesday
the iiepesfary 100 women could be on liatid.
Tt idea of the crfat rbblt hunt , which
or ! aniiiMLlly. writes Partion T'nzull.nus toj
pr p i. tie virgin neil Jrom the flep : i-da- j
tiotis nf the * longarefl and long-legged uni-
nialn "i.arrow guuged mules. " ns they are
ca.iej in New Mexico , the Jack rabbit. It to riii the nottlurs along the Arkcnsac
r.vcr In Colorado. < hnt yeai'ljespedltlons of
ri hni n and others were firBt formed Bome
c x or s. VL-n yearn ago Stime idea of the es-
tcit of the injuries done by tbeae anlmalB
in n CMV enuntry may be galn d by the
F - cn-cnJ mude in a rwnt covernmetit rc-
-j.f i. lUed "The Jack Rabbits of the
X n U-J StatFB , " by T S Palmer. M. D. , c. -'ti ; chief of the divtelou of Ornithology
MIL ) MaramolDKy. In this report it IB stated
tha. 'hi damage caused Iry jack rnbbitB to tbi
critn Tularp countv. Colorado , during
t KIEF if ypar aafl been estlmattd at JfiOO OflO
auO one county in Idaho has netually ex-
3 > et ilr3 more than SJIO.OOO in bounties on these
r r'B BtEides these enormous outlEya. it
njighi b here mentioned that Individual
f nners in the went have expended fabulous
Bun , on rabbit fenree and othpr dpvlcee foi
P'otpr'uig their crops cga'nBt ' jack rabbith
But thr thmisandB of rsbbtts destrorcd fnr
bou 'let end tht true of thousands killed Ir
the I IB hurtc appear to dimlnieh the abUD
dci"1 > of the eii-ricK only In these Rpctlon *
v'eni 'br land is well under cultivation.
Tf IB not generally known , but it is a fact
that tbt jack rabbit IE one of the mow
prohflr brcnfleiE of all aiumnls They lireed
cvrrj tsx wecla ! during the entire year , ei-
ctpt in Oc'tobar , NOvembtr and December.
c-d have irom flvo to hin-en progeny ut a
It will > * hus IIP cen to fhe-larroer In varl-
ocs t > ions of the vest. . of tie cztor.nii' -
ti L c.f Ihers T-o t1 1 * one of the , most ssn
om pr < b1 ems that cot'.frants him. Especi
ally ia ith's ' true in Colorado In the cau.tlcs .
of Pr * > * rrs. Pueblo , lArat/aboc and El rat'o
wbcro great fields of alfalfa are grown , ' .he
luhM's rcmlni ; lu from E. adhills un3 cagc-
limt-h for miles around tr whiter. It must
lie retneniopred .ihat live jacl : rabbits will con-
cuiue a. * much IE one Bbrep.
C.M. r.s f Pon-ers coxintr , Tmvlnc this it.
Tlevr tnmefl ont en mes-Be la Dpcembcr
rosie Klx vt-ar ago and distroyed In one day
cbau ISO' ) jack rsbbite. whics wore hauled
in to LatE r an3 led to 'be hogs. It
iot then IciiDva that thr animals were lit
lor human ccnsnnrption. The nert yecr Rev
T \ T. .zell , pastor of the People's T.ibcr-
ma'-le. the plate for the po r in Denver , was
written too. aslwlnc ; if he would assist in
lonr-inc. c large bunt. avl If he could
< hc Iviiling among tne paor. The idea \\a ?
well rcrsiVHd aafl he fpi tt work and tne
iit-n g-Lii1 hfdt wss held in lircembor. 1EBS
Prom tha- time en these nun'.B have been
3i id rcrh 3 ar , Icpreawins in the number
< o ! gutm.-ra and rabbite killed. Sportsmen
from ftii parln ofthe stf and frmo Ne-
1i . -c nnd Ctan have par-klpated in these
\ aesrrlption of one of the hunts wii :
n fli-c lor all. The hunt takes place In ant1
cbort Lamer , in Prowert. couuty , about 150
Tr-ies ccot of Pueblo in tbe Arkansas val
ley nr.O miles from Denver. Lamar Is e
r.aial'Jl".age ' of about tiOO or COO people , nl-
thirrli a county Beat , en the Atchlson , To-
jii'ka & fltnta Fe railroad Sage brush rnj
sana h. Is surround the cultivated Icndt
"We UFimlly leave Denver at 11 p. m. will
Jrnm pveui0vc to 100 gunners , taklnt ; < m
Icrre numbers at Colorado Springs , Pupbk-
cud La Jutna. until the crowd is Increa-e- :
T * > uri AiriviUK at Lamar about 4am
ti" f.i"iov ing day we are all mei whb a
I nil cn3 the Tntrrc pnpul.tion of the vfl-
lagr and nil pHC'ortnd to brpnkfast at hote
un reKHPn"Mi of the plaee co slsUnc ; of
coffpc ham and eggs anfl blKrult-
A-'ter li"e. kfiutt < < ach liuntpr TPjiarts Bt
a tpnipcranlitmdQuarlprs that has lie n
ijrrpnrffl onfl 0ives to the conimlttno Tiia
urine u.nd TI and is suppliud vrith a hndgt.
-vrhi-h entitles him to Iree rldts In the
w B n and to entertainments. nd in haul-
In ; ; in ME dead TabUltB hanging them up pho-
tographiag. Eaoh farmer takes Ic bin wngoo
cnJ 'o IIIB jmiiiotilitc nuighburhjad as many
or 'he gttniiprs as he caa oare for th two
davR , utid BO the -crowd IE distributed oft
sr poiug in one direction and some in
iirsther omr the i pnce lor hunting grounds
th , u tx pad for nllcB on all Hides.
In llic middle of December , when tlie huct
ovs there has never -exeept once \ > rcn
f -v , ujiotbe ground. It Is the rule lor the
t' rtttrun to go upon ths field in ahlri
f ( " -VIS
"We do not hunt < lu circles , CE In other
nt in squads , of Item fiix to lour
te n EC fh man le armed with a double
j jj bhotcun tnfl 500 rounds ot cart
r ? n A equnfl wilt go flowa tlie field
e' ( rt fifty Sttidf apart. The farmer at
wh sr bruise the Bound of guests are tator-
T rtj fuliuv.p with wagon and boy , picks up
) I ' ith He lice in hie vugon a big basket
cf luuth < ir.d K-vwal jups of milk tor the
i T-iti div hour A rapidly es rabblta art
1 1 K"S up from Hieir hiding plsre. On the
ff' tiny B hunt tie rubbiu lny very close
d'd gut up > axil ovi-r t i to fift t > n imaet
There is a
I Class of People
C " \\1io nre injured ly tbe use of oof-
§ { ( ( ' , Enruntly tliuro luu > lioon plaoed
in idl tlio proeory .Uir s u new proC -
C 7 > arution called GIl.UK-O , made of
B pure gruiiiB , Ihut Uikus the jiliii-o of
E coffeo.
p IThe moat dolicuto ctomunJi re-
E oi'ivBs it without distrowi , unQ "but „
K few CUB tell it from ooflec. S
§ lt does nut uost ovur i us muck. 5
flliDdron ffiuy drint it with grtait boti- ;
clJU 1C oucts and 25 cunt * per pack.
C uge. Try it , JUk fnr GliAIK-0.
| TryGrain = 0 !
C ln ! ittlijityiiarcrna3- ; yD aPJLIS-O
t Accojit uu imliMtuu.
* rom the gnmiat. But on the urctmA fl 3 >
luct tbr-rBtrWts bocnmMnore cby ni > fl cot ur.
at Jens r ne.e. no that a firm-abet cbcn
wtfli the most Improve * breeeb-VOBtfinp Ran
does not In-hit ; tetro bin paste vary ttor.
Hunting continues -until 4ary. When with
loaded wapon .the tired tportErat n tsfter a
trerap flt flttfen to twenty mile * HrronRb
alfalfa mr 4t > 7 . sunflowers and fluids prow-
Inj : Urtck vtttiweeds , returns to the larae-fi
house , reset turfciijJil , chicken and del-
Icoclci of the seson
Perhaps the nqund h * Wiled nmrp than
one -wagon full. A last the w Ron U
ni'efl it to flrlvcn to ths rlllage. where boys
tnfl rnrn tMV "l pcn employed to1- them -in
of HI ! unfl hEnc P the klHlng lei
The flrst nlRhfe evripBr at the home of the
Tiost in on event. Inclflenta of the any are
recounted anfl fllstmzsefl with EUBto. Then
the coed wile malic * tipAs on tlic floor unfl ,
the tlrefl boys turn in. BoJore flsyllsht breaV- ,
fusi Is of anfl the second day * hunt
beplns bntlrnes. Tlie senund" day's hunt is
uractlrallr jilong UID sarne line as the first j |
flay , crrcpt that at.nlpht the whole party re-
turnB to Lsmar with Iht rpoIlB of the chnse. | |
There Is one -wifle business street in the | i
vlllapp of liamtu. On this etrcet hupe rocks (
are tcmptrrBrlly erectBd , crtcnfllnc Ior "twom >
broAs , with fin Immense flitch runnlnp thejo
entire leafrth end Into which the oBat is I
thrown onfl covorcfl up wiib ca-th. The racks |
nre Beverol hundrefl Jeot long and are loaaed
with rabblti infl the Blpbt is one -which the
sportsmen o' the eBBt have never liehold.
Durlnp the bunts ol the pact H o years as
DMJ IR 3 can estimate more than 80,000 Jack
rabbits hove been tilled ut Lamar. The comv
.mlttee ropnrt that nhblts nre more plentiful
this year than ever liefore. Last year 102
Kunaerti tnot 4,587 rabbits end in 1893 wla
125 ptmners there -were secured i,142 rabbits ,
Cm December lu 2DO punnere got 10,000
AfU-r the rabbits are all thoroughly cooled
thcr arr. . losdsd into Ircigbt cars and carried
gratis 5 > y the rillroafl coaipEnios tn Pueblo ' .
anfl Denver wiiere they are dltstrlbuted
irunne benevolent BDcirtles and the poor.
The resuUB of the bunts are to feefl the
needy and uutortuautrs. the hmictes of
orphans' hemp of nchools of incorrlglbles and
other similar institutions.
Cunl ? TlnOjurnttonn. .
tVyo. . Dec 20. ( SpBcIal. ) A
fftoam hoiBtlnc apparatus was er-ected nt the \
Dillon coal mloe near tt-U city during the i I
week. 78ie mine Is now in ocadltioa to
Bupjfly ithe IncreoEltiE dcm in-d for its teal
A carload inf ere wan shipped via this place
Thursday Irom the Elkhorn Hilver HJJae in
park. Colo. , to the Dearer eniultcr
The ore from this mine nrte S400 a ton In
silver , gold and popi ; r A copper ve i trn
ieet wide has been reached in the " 'Charter
Oak" Tnim- owned by tbe &tton Karr syn
dicate. in the Battle Crnek copper diaa-lct.
The ore IB rich ic copper and -carries S3 a tea
in golo. TSiree shifts c-f men icve been put
to work to spt out oro.
JIorn < - Tlilprrk t Iln
IIATVLINS , "Wyo. . OJoc. 20 ( Special. )
Horap thieves raided the "Willow Springs
stablen on the Jlnwlins-Dixcn stage Ijne
Wednesday nipht. TR-O horses bcloneing tea
a freighter were ( taken sod a fine" saddle
horBtbt'iongmg to 0. K3. Smith. Three Jaded ,
animals , vfcich .bad . evlOtdtb' been ridden I
down Jiy theHnieves. nere'lelt in place of the I
stolen horses. A saddle belonging to L , N.
Boner was also ntolen.
Ordrantlon . _ .
CHETTENICB. TVyo. . DEC. 20 , , - .
At St. Mark'x Episcopal churrh yesterday
momlnjr Rev. P. Gcvln Duffy of Kansas City .
WIM ordained a priest of Che Episcopal church j
by la. Bev. E3ielb rt Talbot. , nflESlonarv
bishop W ISoio-csia Wyoain : ; ctnil : hfeh5 > - ' )
elect < J tbe eartcrn diocese of 'Pennsylvania
Bishop Talbn : will am Bssume the Qutles of
hie new charge until October nert.
33anley E. Shuck and Miss Oak Pearl Baker
were married In Buffalo a few days ago
A correspondent nl ths Sheritlan Journal
flenics that Crazy TVomnncreek In AVyomins
was named after Jltry E. Lease.
T. 3 Llllard. the naif-breed charged with
robbing the malls , will nnve his preliminary
hearing In Oheycnne on Tuesday.
XLG Reno , a well known signal service
olllcer , Qled at Cheyenne last week after
three years' Hlness. Be left a wife and
The Jla-wllnB Republican , edited and puo-
lithnd by George IV. Perrr , which hat Ijecn
lEsuod once B week , will in the future be
published twice a week , "W-eanesdiys and
E H French. "William Clark and William
Smith have gone from "Casper iwtih mining
tools and neteral weeks' supply of provi
sions to the foot -of the Carper mountains , to
got ere for B shipment to Denver.
Ex--County Commissioner
McCrossln f Inez
claims to have discovered
c 'ledge of copper
ore that will run nearlj DO per cent copper
The location 1s about twenty miles west of
Doi-stes. Development work is being done. .
The Surprise - Coppercompany has com-
pltited over 100 Joel of its fiOO-foot tunnel on
JtK eopior property at Htzenville. The wall
rock hae been reached. -
reached.Copper float -being
found at the proBeat time. The work if , be
ing prosecuted day and night.
The citizens of iDouplas "have decided to
oplf hrate Ct-ristmns eve in royal style. Over
J300 ias lippn 'raist d
lo be espended inprcfc -
enu for the poor children or the city. A
Chrlpttnas tree will ie iad at the opera
bouse unJ an elaborate program rendered
A peculiar disease has been prevailing
among horhes on the "Wagon Hound .and La
Bonte crceke. Tnr
Gutlirlc Brothers - company
pany has lost loirrtewi Lead , John W. Rlarp-
6en flftcien and others report IOSHOK. The ani
mals tcken Etend off aloue with -"head dcrvn
and rnfune to cat ana gcneraHy in a lew
days anc dead. 5flme , io'ever , linger A
rotrple of v.-ucks No rumody has ( been lound.
Prof. Nelson of the department of botany
of the State university has -been making a
Btudy of thp grasscE" nT "Wyoming , He has
discovered fltuipn new species , two or which
have IIPOU na-med after him by IDr Sorlbner
of the Tutted States Department of Agrli
culture. Pro ? Melson has Just received a
very oompHmentary letter Irom Dr Scrlbner ,
ID Which he Kakt ; in -cmBt enthusiastic
way of the sheaves of grasses -collected by
Osi Toot 1o 1b iKlouAIkr. .
C. B. Eahelmas , former'- Cedar Rapids ,
la. , reached Helena , Mont . last week Irom
Chicago , He ion i his way to the Klondike
and intends to walk all the way.
"I * m not looking for & rhj , " he said tea
a reporter of the Jn-dppendeot. "I have just t
roroe in from Townsead , and am off in the
morning for the west. I need to be worth
money. I had J'.IO.OOO of my own but lost it.
and now I am truing to start over aga'n anC j
1 won't ask any favors of anyone , either. I
urn in hope of striking it rich and retrieving
my fortune "
RBpreaentat've Mark Hewitt , who Is in the
city from Basin , knew Efibelmni In the -att
"He used to have the otuff , ' , o.l < l he last
pvnMng "anfl IT ne startu to walk be wiU
probably do It. But It will be a oold trail. "
A-nd Mr Hewit looked out of the window
and pulled his silk hut tighter over his
rar * to keep out -the cold
\\II1 llrluc : Annllirr .
PIEURi : , S. D. , Dec. 20 ( Special Tole-
tm. ) The railroad committee will urine no-
other oult in the
supreme eoun tomorrow un
der their litigation tund. these cases being
brousrht directly against the state bj the
committee to recover about ? .tOO ullogud to
have been jtald by the committee to C. S.
Palmer for sen'lces im cttorney of the com
mittee after Attorney General Grigsby had
furnished the auditor whh one opinion to the
effect that Palmer could not legally draw
anything from tbe funde ,
SuJr of a Kluudlke Mine.
SEATTLE , Wufch. , Dec , 18 ( Special. ) A
J Bletben the Seattle Times las oW lor
Clifford L > Moore ulc lotaouB claims on Right
Port , Eldoradw creek , in the Klondike , to on
Enellfib pj-ndlcote for J100.000. Mr Moore
wii one of the miuing jirosptctorB of IBbC-T
* nfl located thli claim last winter Mr Moore
owm several other Important intereetJ In the
Drm of BttHlloTB Broken Up l-y
thfi B.CSpl'UtO TtrLTKirminn.
A Con-jinurlirr TYIln llir Ptorjlit > nt-
tnjr nt Clnkr Jlnncp Tlir "VVuy * nf
-tlie Cnttlr Thlr-rrn DrurrHirfl
IJnturrrntm nnKlnm * .
My liunlnfw is cow-punching and 1 tan not
much of a scribe , hut J'Ol try anfl toll in my |
* wty of my trip into one of tbe mcst'li '
d < regions In the Untied States in |
search of stolen attlo , writes R. M. Dovlnr
tif , ( Deeper , "Wyo. , ta the San FranolaoK ! '
Chronicle. 1 am range foreman tor tlie C T.
outfit : nnfl 'before relating the story'of my
troubles with the band of thieves -who fur
the last yean hove been stealing cattle
Ion the C. T. xunge I want to describe their
stronghold in the middle or e part of the
country known as the Hole-ln-the-Wall.
The HDleinthpW ill is situated in John
son comity , "Wyoming , tbotii fourteen mllet
from the north line oT Natroua county ,
"Wyoming. It Is about thirty miles from
north to south and twenty from east to west.
It ; IE surrounded by the Big Horn mountains
an tbe north and west and on the ntiuth IF n
high wall or rocks varying -from 100 tn 300 !
feet , in height. There are only two ways to
got into the Hole-ln-ihe-Walr through two
rouses It's as fine o hiding place Ior out"v
laws ] : ofi un br > found and It's In tbe possession '
of one of the worst band of thieves tbot ever
Rtruck the United States. After they flrlve
Btolcn cattle into the Hcile-ln-tht-Wc.ll there
ir , oo way for the cattlf to pet out unless 1 .
they find oue of the two POSHES , acid BO If i
nc don't go in after our stolen stock il stays
Tbf grass IR fine In the Hole-in-the-TVail
end stock keejis fat there all the winter
The Hole is watered by North Powder river j
Red Fork river , Buffalo creek end several j
other smaller Rtreami. It Is a very rough
country and no man who lent well acquainted
with it oucht to venture ic , for hell oevcr
find his way -out.
In the middle of the Hole is the outlaws'
ranch , where a band of thirty of the biggest
thieves unhung live the year round at the
expense of the neighboring cattle owners
Their home is built of pine logs about Els-
teen - feetsquare , with port lioles to ehoot
Irom end a rifle ptt In Iront of it , with u
ditch leading Irom the house to the rifle pit.
They keep u mao co tbe watch all the time.
Their plan of operation IB to drive off rows
and cattle inside ol the HalMn-tbe-Wnll ,
separate them nnd then drive the cowt , out
and brand the calves with a new brand. Tno
cows soon leave and three or four weekf'
Itter the outlaws drive tbe calves out and
sull them to buyers who handle their stolen
cattle. In October 1 found 1'JB C. T. cowg
near the pass that had been separated from
their calves 1 took n band of C. T. cow
boys , went inside of the Hole-ln-the-Wall.
nnd found at tbe Hole-in-the-Wall ranch
forty-threD of the calves I quietly sent part
of the hove after the cows to see If they
would claim the calves.
That night the outlaws drove the calv-B
out. "We followed them over the Big Horn
mountain cbout seventy-five miles Near
Governor Richardson's ranch -we got freeh
horses and kept en the thieves' trail uutll
we cume up to them nt No Wood , where we
found that the calves had ben left with a
ranchman who had contracted tn winter
them. They were all branded with the letter
"E" on the left shoulder. Now , if I had not
found them , nezt winter they -would have
brought some of them back and reported that
they had bought them of the ranchman who
had been taking care of them during the
winter , and the letter "E" would have
seemed to be an old hrand , and BO their
story would pass muster. 1 tell you they
are experts at the business , nre tbe Hole-in-
the-Wail outlaws.
But I'm not getting along with my story.
The outlaws neve been following me up
for a year , trying to do < me for getting
stolen cattle back , but they were especially
noxious to g4& me out of the way after the
affair I have Just referred to. But I man
aged to keep out of tnelr v.aj all right un
til lost July. On the 23d of that moa .h I
waa rounding up stolen cattl-e that had been
driven into the HoU-ln-the-Wall. when Bob
Smith , the leader of the band rode up in com
pany with Al Smith find Bob Taylor. They
oimo quite dear and called out. "How d'ye
do ? " I took no ntrwce until , when they were
about lorty few sway from me. 1 ww them
reach for tiolr Els-shooters , ED 1 reached ior
my Winchester , dropping hehlnd o rock thai
sheltered me o Ihtle. Bob Smith was tt
first one to loose off. He ehm my horse
Bret fire tnrougbthe neck. The horee Jell
us though he had twoa shot in the brain.
I cot the second shot. 1 was cool and aimed
with care. 1 shot Bob through the breast
near the right lung His seccad shar just
rui me slightly on the left side. My second
snot went to tbe mark , striking htm Just
to the left of the backbone near the kldneyn.
I caw htm pitch -forward , dn the saddle and
knew I had him then , * ut I gave bim n
third shot ptrikrag him near tbe same place
as my nnaocd liullot. The third bhot dropped
ihim Irom his horse and 1 then turned my
tOtentlon to Bab Taylor and Al SmJ.h , who
were Ehaotln a * me.
Then some of my men came up and Al
Smith ran like e scared wolf and was saon
out of reach Taylor wan behind a bank Btlll
shooting , but four of my men. Jo Lafard
Jim l > rummond. Lee Drvlne and Bill Rogers ,
had all dismounted and wore cutting the dirt
BO close to Taylor's loot that he threw up
his hands nnd nurrenderpd. He wan dis
armed and takra prisoner. Al Smith got
uwny. and. though thirty or forty shots were
fired after him , he was only hit - inotie hand
raud one arm. Lee Devlne WOE shot through
tbe right iirro fiJid two horses -were shot
That ended the fight
A little later along came Cve more mem
bers of the gang. We all dismounted and
ordered them to drop tholr guns , which they
did , and we disarmed tliem. but turned Ilium
loose. Then J got more of our boys together
and we worked all the Hole-in-tbe-"Wall conn-
try , gathering the stolen cattle and finding
that all our brands had been burned out or
altered to luak like some other brand.
TUP thieves had got the idea that we were
looking ior a fight and let UK alpne , content-
ln thcmRolvpc with setting ambuscades for
us In various -placM. , in which we wouldn't
be caught. Since then -we have gone cow-
punching with our "Winchestnrs and six-
ahnoters always ready. I write this from my
camp fifteen miles from Casper. I am jUBt
returning from a raid into the Holc-in-the-
Wall and have wKh me ulghty-three head
of cattle Etolen by ttir > outlaws from jny
runch I have been out. with two cowboys ,
for fill days and nights in the enow Four
of tbe thieves were with the stolen cattle ,
but they all ran wbeo they haw us coming.
We bcve had little to ut during the past six
days and have suffered much from the cold ,
liut we got our stolen cuttle bad ; and don't
mind the rest.
Wl nt SielirjifcUu rnrmrrk ArcDnlntr
"High-priced Wheat and en immense crop
of corn have brought -prosperity to the farm .
ers of Nebrahka , " said 0. R. Palmer of
Omaha to a representative of tbe St. Louie
"But tbe farmers in Nebraska will not
thiii their oorn to eaBtera r.nkets. They
are feeding ito cattle ud l. , c ut honn
and will tboreby make more money Owing
to tUt Ejurlt cf cattle and hog ftwdme , block
raisers hove again begun to epttate the rv
IIKJ ! of the rouge law Many go
this law wai pautofl when 41 tiac found ttiat
the farmers far outnumbered the exclusive
ralnert m NebretKa The range l w
) oHfC'ted tbe western eouctlet '
tbtt iitati ; ccid iivacticuUylotui many of
them from the toctr Jkers The l n rcra- -j
( he stoctralsets to ay tor uuy flamaee
: by Uier efe"hiorf on a-roue' a1
herd * c.r. Henrr a rnik-i
nrt * r was htrrr * io ilW hertrrs to ktfjv htt
< ttle from ftonwcint the Brain fin ) iiof a8-
* omt tarrn . In vome lncallUei > there wrrt
im terms Inr njUpn IhjPvcry fllmntlon. but
fcerierB wore Dpcpwwu-y even II thnrr wuf
but one larm In BQrotlrc townRblp. The
cettlMalpprr thus hn thetr firofHn rurtallefl.
"The cnttli-ralpers * re now working to
gether with o vie TO of TAvtns this ranee law
ropealnd. They pnlnf''to the Inattputablf'
foot thnt the extreme wesUirn counties of
the cute ore really Dt only lor rattle rilnlaB
Little can V > e raixed thorr on tbe jilalnts. but
wilJ CTOBB crown luxur ThproIorB. it
l argued that UJBR * weBtern oountleB arc
valuable nnlr for rottle reogeR. The cattle-
ralnorB desire to bare the range law repealed ,
and lorre the nntall rarnjert in the veRtorn
ceuntlcn to fence their fartut In order to
beep tbe waiulfirlnc "hrrdt Irom Solng Qamacn.
Th cattlenipa bay that ft repeal -of the range
law would bring mllllonr ot cattle and tntl-
lions at dollar * into ebror.kiL The nmall
catUp-ralBPTB DB well as the large cattle cam-
patlct. euCcr lordshljiK from the range law ,
and thus the number of pornniiK injured IB
far greater tbtn the number of smaH farmers
who are bclin&taQ at tbe expense o ! a great
industry. "
I'lnn nt tbr3 > -rr Co-Operntlro ielirxne
Ki-lnc : Trlpfl In Vnnliincrlon.
SDATTLE , Wnsh. , Doc. IS. ( Special. )
The new colony of the Brotherhood ot Co
operative rojmnon wealth Terently-ontttWished
ct Jlocnt Tcmon. this etntc , lias 4 > een nainpfl
tbe Equality wflony. It IE the flretone
lounilna by the acsociation and voriouE other
colonies ure to < hr eBtabURhed in this state.
l3. F Nolan , recently of Alabama , IE - president
dent of the colony Z. S. Ferris , Icte o'Cali
fornia. In BPcrertary. and G. E. Peltonwho
" wan the mtawho miloctfrl thlE Bite and
brought -the colony liece , Is general agent.
Other members of the colony ore H R.
Horton of ItTwa. John Helm of Montana ,
Alexander Tuch of Mliwouri Mr Blakuly of
Kltsap county , Air Dunckel Carrie E Lewis ,
11 . Sinnot end A Lewis of EdJBon , H Halli-
day , TAr Weston , Mr. DC TV oil. Mr. Johnson
Mr. Peahc. H. Hand. Mr. Ciffordr
Clcvcnijer. Seven families are now en route
here from Dayton , Owhere there is a local
union of the association.
The association IB nomu-rtarian and fliB-
tlnctly nonpolitical. There Tire at present
2.400 members , each one of whom contributes
ID cents per month to go toward founding
colonies The " 80-anre farm which the u&-
Boclation has TurchawKi for this colony will
Ibe partly paid lor tt > y the outside membr-B
The prinorpa ! ) nhn of tb-f aRsticiatlon Is to
ro-operate. instead compete. This colony ,
it is expected , will liave " ( to members , which
will , with women and chlliren .make prob-
al > ly o\er 1.000 persons in the colony.
Members are required to put in flCO or its
equivalent in land , tools or stock of any "kind
needed by tlie colony A two and a half story
building , with ten rooms , lias been put uj > .
and other .buildings wiW follow. The plans
j I described ( in ( Bellamy's "CLooklng ( Backward"
i .
{ ' will be followed as closely as practicable ,
while the Ruskin association colony in
' .
i Tennessee will also be 'held up CE a model
J | The men In this colony ere apparently good
| honest , intelligent men , and about twentj of
I them have families
Members of the colony are > pald in labor
certificates. , and every aneniber is espertefi
I to do eight hours' wor ; per day. If he doeB
j less he IB paid proportionately. All branches
I of trade are to be represented here and stores
and -newcpcper are among the things al
ready in contemplaiion. No member hUds
any goods separate except household goods
Seine of the people about Edison , near whicl
place the colony is located , have Etartec
the story that the Tntanbers of the -colony
are free lovers , but obit IB decidedly -wrong
and an injUEtire to the miembers. A common
table and a common .Kitchen . , are used , bu
many -of ibe jncnrbwe 'U1 ia 'e neparate
houses to live in. _
WaBhington is the only state In tbe union
in which the colonies ol this association
, will be established.
Fir for tlie froutb SPUN.
TA-CQMA. Wash. , Dec. 19 ( Special. ) The
American barkentine Geneva. Captain Paul-
sen , cleared yesterday for Pcpette. Tahiti
with B cargo of 035 CoG feet of lumber , valuej
at SR.SHO The c Tgo Is from the St Pau
and Tncoma mill and Is made up as follow B
7\\o hundred and ninety-one thousand fee
of rough fir lumber , $1.800 ; 17Jii few o :
fieloct surfaced lumber. 44.071 feet , f4SO TO
111.700 feet clear surfaced lumber. Jl.COO
17S.77S Teet rnlect fir , $1GOD ; r.U.OM feet selec' '
spruce , ? 256.
The Daisy group in Mercur iae been
bonded ty < jaircm men tor the sum oT $30
A strike was made last week in the Picnic
Ground in Tjn'tic ' Silver-lead
- ore of bhlp-
plng grade IE now .being iotetod at the
The WellB TirotherE of Oasis -were ar
raigned in the district court at Ftllmore to
aniraer to eictt chargeE of cattle stealing
They pleaded ot guilty -lo every charge.
Shipmpnui of silver 'bullion ' are still ibuln
made weekly from the Ontario , as five ol
the stamps in the mill are -dropping inmak
ing the clean-up One consignment of 24,000
ounces weat out tins -week.
A caae of extreme crneKy to children Is
rejiortefl Irom Preston. Two children of a
resident o. that place lave , it ie charged
besn frightfully maltreated by the woman
In whope charge they were placed by th
father , their mother 'being dead.
Ore Ehlpmenti from the various raining
m-p * of the state are holding tip well am
movement * of copper o.nd gold ores are on
the increase. Silver BhorvB a tendency tc
advance and although lead continues low
chore is much In the situation to encourag
mine owners.
OoeraticiiB at the properties of the Bulllo
Back company at Eureka which have beeu
suspended for some months , are again In
fun KWins , seventy-five additional mine-rn
having iheen jrat to work. The company | i
expected to resume flivldPiid po5Tnents no
later than January 10. One hundred toai
of chipping ore are dally sent from thi
James H. Bacon , president of the defunct
bank of Salt Lake , was found guilty of mak
Inp false entries In his report to the comp
troller of the cnrrencr when president
the American National .bank , which
Ban ) : < if Salt Lake Hu-jcoeded The latter
taBtitutlon foiled during the Eprlng r r Igfi
end it was because of.ithik failure that th
prosecution was i
Cultfurultt J. , . . „ „ ,
Two-y0ir-old Grace Frey was no serious ! . ,
Wtten by a pet Berkeley that it tool
u surgeon two hours to tew up the wtmnfl.
The mudflats of Ainhrrd unlverflity "beard
ing in locana hall madp c 7 > retest against the
poor food corved them Ittoere which resuhefl
in the closing of thf fllnlug room.
The word has boon 'given nut at LOB An
geles by tbr > old producers' trurees that no
more fihutdrwnc will occur in thU jtwr , and
" jsBlbly not in 1B9B. in ioe oil dlEtriet.
Ge-orgH Lowrle of Sar Lorenzo , tbe uldes
registered voter of Aloni da county , died Frl
day. He was over 7 years of age , havln
been horn in Scotland da 1800. He cnme t
Oallloroiu ia 38&0. [
John P. Wnrrmi. o ilouecr of Humbold
couuty , C4 years old , 'had gone Into G fierfd
owir tile home and nm ri'turnlnc when ox
liectedhit , w c hearehed fnr him eat was1
horrified 40 find him lying d a4 to the
Patrlclo Torrw. i married man , wus hnrM--
\\hlp7 > Bd at Salinas by Josi * Irma , & 17-ytor-
old girl. She iy-d 1ieen atigerrt by
dafmatory remsrks buu : her nl , u , .
litm en thf Btrtmt , luahed him Bavurnly
& email tiUGEy whip
the will at the late Jo T. lljrtand of
S n Jose an oata'.ealued i M4 .UM ) WM
< .Upiu d rf nnfl the Jrtiinrltig pabiir 3w
- made St. Jo eph'B Knmmii V4OTIU *
clic ohutoli , Eon Sour. Jtt B ; Ccnvont of
N trf ftjme. Stnta Para JgflO ; SiiHars nf
ChurJ-y. a'Crui. . 1560 ; itaman C fmlir
Onihar eKj-lum. San PjauoUou. SffiO ; CMho-
lir Orjihan aiyluni for b ? > t San 3Ufael
I $501' ' Souptr of Jeeuii In clmrse o' Bt Jc
se.l ; s c iu-e Srr .i , c , J500 F rta ritr-
g'vra ' as t prise to the - Jfr
mast wjliy r a ir
i of vbyear. .
drrfnl npi > lltnrr tnd nclcnUBo rrm-
ait'K ficat on trtzl to nnjrtllnl l -
man. A r-orifl-vldo rcpntatlon buck of
thleorct Every nbBJntfU' tn anTTnjarrioa
lllo TEtnOTCtl. rull strcnrth , florrlopmcnt
titiatna"FlrtmtoPTcrj--pnrttaiJOt thehofij.
Pnllurr taprjrsnil" : OTTO no burner.
Jvo C O. I ) , inhnmix
bU. , llUFFALO. JS. V.
Are Valuable
Christmas Gifts.
Make your
Selection early
Put nTCodulr on Tnttr CUrlntirm * Lint.
The new Kodaks all take our Debt-Proof
' 'lira Cartridges and can be
Thr IJlnnmna Cunirrn nt PK.OO
B a. fine Instrument , Mail orders solicited.
Catalogue Iree.
THE Ml & PEHFOlfl CO , ,
140S Fiirnnisi 5t. Ojii. I'nxlon Boti-L
Anfl Surgical institnia
10n5Dode9t. ; , Onifthu , Sob
Chronic , Karons anfl Private Disease ?
and DlSOKUEKi nt Eli Ctl
HYDfcOCtL.E : unO VAIlICOCEIiT ; itthinnnonUr nn
upcettBf ull > t'liTed In inarjCUHB
BLOOD AKD SKIS TJlHnaHch nrc Bpotn Plm
t-H ScroJulu.Tumnrh Ttitter Ecznmn and lllootl
innitipblt clciiiiHeu trom tlie B.VBtom.
- > ns licbUtty Sjit < niiutorrliHa Swmnnl
Nlcht EmlHBlniiH. Ln h of Vital I'OWUTB
u 0 Hjiwdltv curoa
rVitalttr TVealri martin hy toe rloir application
to buslnoHH or Btiiflv. Ncrere ninntal Htnitn 01
nrlul. SEX DAL EXCESSES in middli- life or Irom
tincffcfth of vcmtWifl Jollies. Call or write tUum
today. 11QIU77.
Omaha Mical and Surgical Institute
Gnurnnlrr to rCTli : ZTTEItT
or KOXET : XLcrTrxDnu.
Our rarrln norm n'nt mid not t-paiclitnr n Cu :
liavp never wscu u ontptomlnrr ,
tlTBtettten fttrtiso
Uy" VVcrlblfie3-oul w lulljr wt u tr a j u by limit.
BHil Cl t " > uunrsOTiur Euunuue * tocuit. nrirUnul
ull mojify Tliour vlio prt-1 IT lo com * imre fur trtav
can do.u mid ff will 1113 ruilroad 1uru bntb WK-VI
ndhmrt lil = "CT | B" il' . 'a .
IIBP tlif world lort CUMtlinl our Slt-elc rnH- .
ill not curt Write lor lull i > artlculnr id pit tlio
vencoVelniowthatyi'imTO VJ-l'UniU -
"lie awn eminent ulijsicliui. , I. . i iv r In-en
to ctft liiontlinn temiiamrr rcltel In nur ten
"mJw lin-ilil. Slncl * ttrn > dT It nm. h n
Ilimrult unwi-rrnmr tinpnuudl . Bpalnt i
prclllo lint miller our ntroiiR ruunuitw you iliould
ji litsltau to tn U-Jit rummy You tnl.f no cluuw ni
loSnvmir niom'T V' ruimntM' > i-uro or rclnud
i3 , iW - to protrrt ,
< T ' rT taiir i u
ST'o SinSal Ketlnc of S5OO.OOU. It i. ; l = rt ' J
NifctPBll wtio-wlll trj tin * tre .tm Ilcratolori-you
Imw hw.n puttlnc P wid pnvlnp nut your nimiry lor
CllSerent trcatmcut aHU ulthouplj rnu arr tint yet currc
no our hu imta ImcL your moiipy Do not wiwtr nn *
Siure mow ? until TOU try us. Oltf curonlc d T-J"-
mw cured in thlrtj to rdnotj days. InTrjtlpatr oui
liriBucial Maudlin ; our n-rutailou or huiiiiiBM mm
\Vrlt u for iiuiuw und aildrttsia 01 ilmtt we IIUIT
riin-d. V.IID lisvt plvi-n pfrnitwlou to refer to i <
It coit > . Tnu only imZMW tu do tills , It will M.vf yon u
woTltforminerlnc from mental Btraiti . aiiOlf J"- "
manicd riiat niaj your ell jirlnc nuOur tlirmicbyi.ur
o necllceuct ' ll your pympiomt. HIT pljiii.lck un lure ,
ran Uiroz.1 nincou nutclirs In nioutl. rSicuraatiim In
lionen nnd Jolnu. tolr lulllnp nut uniiitioiu. on nrj
j rt ut tliolJuUy Jcellnc ot peiK-mi dfjiroalon liatnf In
Leaa or 'Mine * , you lnv ( . nn tlmr to WOMB. TlioKi
runitnnay luUtnc ninrciiry und i-otasu aliould dii-
rontlnui'lt Cmwiant Uir ( if tS w driiB wlU snTi-l :
brlnc ori fc.iid ratine ulcer * In tlirend Itoiil 1 11 1
vrlte. All currtni'0ndon = f rrm mralrd lu T'lnln y
oi - . V cluTltr the riiouJ rlcld InrestiFution din wi
doiJliiiuuriiovrertotldyDU Jnlt. Address ,
3491 Masonic Temple. Chicago 111
At. tinliIllK ore cri-nt , n * tlir
Tiorld U BrriLt , no It. tlie KtreurtU
of mini , lint nil tliiB I'nii l r nom
uwuj. Tliiiiniifl f illjnill flo tlie
ivorL. . And iliennlio run rejilupr
tlie ilnTniiReflouef H - ' - ynu m-ver
Hceii iituu jireiiiattiri-lj tildS Hmr
Tiiu Bfen tlie enmvorn nml tlie
dei > ret < Nefl mniiJ Have ? un n " rr
> ( * rii Hie hojplenfcnnj - inwljlrli
they Tt-nlli nrimud ? " 1 u KUJ1
7' urnelf. "Potir iu.iiJ" Hnt tlilnk
for n few urc-onilw. HOIT lone It-
it ciiiiic : lit Ite lielorir nome < tiir in
nl > lc to tnlli In tbulnti ? of ? on t
It ? -ou pro < ' " nn 7-011 nre uoiiiK
tiMlny it vroii't l e lout : Unt tlipre
Ik liclji nnd there It. liojie Ior ? ou.
D yon liiniTT ivliat "Ilinlynii" i J
If yon < ln not It Trill root ; on nulj
one jioktutrc Mtnnip lo3iiu. . It it ,
the vrrutid yen , the trreitt t > i > eeinc *
wilh tlie linilhoiiiuu ductori. In
tlielr rfHciiri'lii't. I ! ] > . < . < M erefl Home
j < -nrti HCII. It it. the one IliiuK
thut lint , cnri'd nil eiiHet. ofnculi
nnd futlluK Mrendli n-Itli T hleli
It hut , iM-en the fortune iif thette
err en I j uj Kli'luiiK to e-iniie into
enntuet. Tlivf "Mere Trine -nhru
tlie culled it CHEAT "Hndynn , "
for ttlint iril ] mu- < - vteiiU mm
htrout ; , pnny men vlKorotiK , Ktniild
men n-ltte. und t.hnljmen llrm It.
. .nrelrGllEA'P. And It U
flrcnlnrx iind teKtliiioiilult. iifu
thU remedy .are Newt tretty ton !
luijnlrerN , And tliejure iclveu witl !
lileut.ure lo nujni.e ivjio trill eull nt
the Iiihtltutf rtnil IIKU Jttr
them. If j on
t ee c-ojiiier-i-olored
t-jtoin nu j-otir l.'oilj
If j on Jim-re uiiy little nleert. in > our
inouth ron iirohnhly bnve a ioriu
of lilond tnlnt. "Write mid coiiktilt th
li.cuir. .
kiitute ,
Stockton , Market anfl Ellis Sts. .
! inn rruu li.eo ,
L A 0 B E S ER5T
> Stool | FBDiyroyal Tr
' * * = ' ' ' "d ruiinl * sure tic tiii * uur.
tolI'nw. . f. . < K ; BOBS iiy
jjrue C fc n r.or l tb For-
iu m SUPHI. Oiimha. Neu.
SII.IIMTH : ji > ti irr. : > mother * : : :
Mn "WiiifclaWk 5u tlmc feyruji lm > l ji utet
fur eve ; : t > ! r li > miltun | of mciUmr loj
ttitir ch.lUft'n vtititr tfcrthluc wilt ) jMirftfot tfut > -
IMU.V ] t n.iuttiL'H the ci liu fcuftrli * the
lil..yu ml ; u.n cure * Kind rt , < u CUD tlie
n iin'cis tHr I'mrrnui-u fia , liy Cmiec tk Jn
t - - \ p- ' if i lie win , ] H ) ( tire anil nil ; for
i. vmEi" r. o-Hnr fcj-rup ana tuLc no
< cr IT r f tlB Lottlfc.
§ 3
A chance to secure a valuable
addition to your library at very
smnll expense
Prepared in anticipation of the
Centennial demonstrations to
occur throughout Ireland dur
ing next year. This work will
be welcomed b } ' ' all who con
template a visit to the Emerald
Isle during 1898 , and by tour ,1
ists who have visited the islander
or who anticipate a journey to
its beautiful and picturesque
sections. To those who are
familiar with the f
scenes embraced
braced in this splendid series I
of photographs the views will
possess particular interest . .
The descriptive sketches accompanying -
companying these views were
prepared by
These illustrations are not con
fined to any one locality in Ire
land , but include every section
of the Emerald Isle from Lif"
ford to Bantry and from
Dublin to CaHway.
The Round Towers , Vine Cov
ered Abbeys , Crumbling Mon
asteries , Shrines , Churches and
Cemeteries , the Battle Reids
mid Eviction Scenes are all
faithfully pojrrayed in this great
word . .
tSi Fi
Bring 10 cents to The Bee of
fice , either in Omaha or Coun
cil Bluffs.
Mailed to any address on receipt
of 10 cents in coin.