Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Decsmbcr Wheat is Lsft Entirely to the
Leiter and Armour Crowds ,
( lull Cnnvil in filvlnir It" Attention
Annin tin * Mil ) ' Option , nnd
1'rlci-n Advil nrrAc -
Dec. M The Irfltcr crowd
took n turn nt the May option In wheat to-
flny and the market In consequence closed
at the top of an ndvnncr of IHc. The trade
was the nlggcM In the pit for several weeks.
Corn was viry strong nnd advanced fcfi c.
Oats cloned VMJVtC higher. 7'rovlslond were
Influenced by sratn and advanced
a big trade.
Wheat opened n trine under Saturday's
closing price , May BUrtltis at 92Vlfi92Vkc. :
Under covering l y shorts the slight decline
was quickly recovered and the market dur-
ItiK tlie next hour kept a little above the
final quotations of the preceding m-sslon.
Trading during ttic time referred to wns
not heavy and won nlmoct entirely of n
local pr jfcsslonal character. The opening
decline was probably duo to the lieavy re
ceipts at Chicago , much ot which was of
contract irrade. but this was apparently
forgotten when It was seen that It did not
kucp buycru out of the market.
Mlnne-apollH and Dulutti reported receipts
nt Wfi CIM , nffnlnst 1.2S4 the week before
nnd ! i03 the correspondlns week of last year ,
Chicago received , .18 cars , of wftlch 272 were
No. 1 northern sprlnp and Eli cars of No , 2
red winter , and 101WO , ! > u. and SS carloads
were transferred from unlicensed to ri-RUlar
elcvntorn. An addition of about 611,000 bu.
was made to the contract Htoek .
The total quantity shipped from all quar
ters to Europe and the United KliiRdom
last week was 0.7.G,000 bu. , iiBiilnst S.lfW.OQO
liu. the week before. Of last week's total
ItUftRla contributed only 1SSOOUO bu. , against
2.112,000 bu. the previous seven days. This
country nnd ( "unndn whipped as usual two
thirds of the whole. T.ic clearances of
wheat nnd Hour from Atlantic ports were
620,000 bu.
It wa not until after the visible supply
statement for the week was completed and
the Increase In thu stocks found to bo
smaller than expected that the market Rave
tiny very clear Indication as to which side
of the deal It would ultimately favor. With
that out of the way nnd the week's In
crease only 821.000 bu. . as n nlnst from
] ,000,000 bu to V > 00,0"0 bu. Increase looked
for. the bull fcellntr began to predominate
and the price soon responded. The total
of the day's clearances from the fenboard
was Increased to 717,000 bu. by shipments
from Galveston , Thiit truve further courage
to the buyers , who took more Wheat at on
advance of Ic over the earlier price they
paid for May. nnd of course the more the
bulls bought the more was also wanted by
Btich of the bears as had been selling dur-
Inp th first hour. Allen & Gricr , repre
senting the I-elter crowd , were very prom
inent In the- buying , leading It , In fact , but
trade was greatly Increased with plenty
of outside orders.
Shortly after the opening May advanced
< o OS ic nnd hung for nn hour between that
price nnd D2Hc. The heavy buying which
commenced after the announcement of the
day's clearances gave frcsJii impetus to the
Advance and at the close May was bring
ing 94lfcc ,
December attracted but very little atten
tion ; the general body of speculators aban
doned It long ngo and nre now merely on
lookers at the narrowed down combat be
tween the Letter-French bull combination
nnd the Armoiir-Wearo-Senvcrns-Penvey
cleviitor Interests. It ranped between D9c
nnd $1 02 and closed nt $1. About uOO , K )
VU , arc said to have been delivered by Ar
mour to the Leiter crowd In the afternoon.
There wus a. greatly Increased trade In
corn , operators In wheat and provisions
both being In t'he ' market , and prices were
llrm and higher almost from the start. The
action of Wheat , the smal receipts. 1C3 cars ,
and the visible reduction ot 2,141,000 bu. all
helped. The market showed Its greatest
strength after the visible statement. May-
ranged from 23isc to 23Vkc and closed % Qc
Cilriner at 29c. ,
Oats was llrm , but did not keep pace with
-wheat and corn and showed but Hfittc ad
vance at the close. There was better buyIng -
Ing iby elevator concerns nnd by commis
sion houses in general , but them was also
a tendency to realize. Cash demand was
not so g-ood The visible increased 34,000 bu.
Slay rnne-ed from 22Tic to 22c and closed
at 22-'jfi22c. , .
Provisions were very strong and the volume
phowed considerable
ume of speculative trading
erable Increase The market started firm
nnd htpftier , helped by the light run of hogs.
Some of the later strength came from the
advancing wheat and corn markets The
feature was the purchase of about 2.000,000
pounds of ribs by one llrm. The highest
prices of the day were quoted at the close.
May pork , 20c higher nt J9.05 ; May lard. lOc
hlr.hiT at $4.GO nnd May ribs 15c higher at
'Estimated receipts for Tuesday : "Wheat ,
WO cars ; corn , 400 cars ; oats , 410 cars ; hogs ,
33000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows.
Articles. , i Oneu. I Htzh. I Low. I Closed S.lfdi'
Dec. . . , 100-01 102 on [ 00 Oil
Jan. . , IMVj
Way. . . 04H 02 hi 01H
Dec. . . 04HS 2fi
Jim. . . 20H S $1
May. . . HUH
July . . . 3C1 sots
Dec. . 31H 21H
Nay . 22W 22H 22W
Dec. . . , 7 70 77' . 7 70 7 72H 7 05
Jan. . 8 711 8 77) ) , 8 C,7i H77- 8 KO
May a 05 0 05 B l)2 II OS 8 83
IH'cT. 4 CO
Jan . 4 .1 I OS 4 57H 4 05 4 A5
Miiy 1 7 4 ri'JK 4 70 4 HJ 7SH
Gh'tlilu *
Dee 4 47 4 S7
J.-ill i 4 4 1 ( 4 45 4 CO 4 : i7W
" May 1 57M 4 07W 4 57H 4 07M
No. 2.
Oth nufilatlons were an follows :
\ \ 1UTNo. . 5 rprlnir. SfHSBSVtc0. ; . S spring- ,
S.j" o. No. a reil. Jl.tuiil.Ol.
I'OI'N No ? . S7 27lc.
OATS Xa. 2 , :2ic. f. o. b. ; No. : white ,
tt'i < - No. 3 white , SJiflHtc.
'JJAJL > k.NX , f. O. b , I'SMSfC.
I "IJCS Br No. 1 , n.lSfd.'J.
TIMOTHY SEI4O I'rlme. tZ.K. , , , ,
1 HUV'ISIONB Mem pork , iior bhl. , J7.7Z'siP
777" , , HirJ , jfr 1W Jli * . . H.f2Vt04.C3 ; short ribs ,
el * ( loote ) SU'-'WHM ; dry tnlted nhouUers
lli'it 1) ) . } 4.GiiM.ii ! ; hhcirt clear IUca iboxeu ) ,
* 1 , ' . * .to ,
DUllllern' nnlihcd goods , per eal. .
! C"ut iDnf , " 13.93 ; granulated , 3.32.
On tie : Produce exchange today the butter
inrt'Ki ! was Bte d > 'j creamerlcD , ! Mj21c ; dairies ,
32 t 1) ) I'hecte , quiet at Ulk'SiCUghU. . llrm nt
n 1'ierfpd poultry , ennv : luikfjn ,
rhlektiiM..tttcj ducks , CT6c.
( luiitntloiiH of < b ' ! ) " > ' on Gnirrul
ClllllllllMlIt ll-N.
NKW 1'OnK. Dec. S , rLOl'H-Hecelpl , 36 , .
831 bbU.i exp H , JO.M5 Uils. ; Inactive but nom
inally BtcaJy , city mill patent * . tl.CJO3.Sj ; city
mill clear * , 3.40l6.50 } ; winter ttralshts , fl Mi ;
4.CU ; Minnesota i > atrnts , ti.100S.Uj winter ex.
Iran , M 'W.ti ' ; Minnesota baker * . < t.OtT4.49 ;
winter law tsrade . ( MOQIOO. Itye flour , dull at
} : , Dj3. ; : . . latter fancy , liucknheal Hour , ijulet
ut U.Will IS.
W UvVHK.KT Quiet , at SJSSSc.
CiinNMEAU-Quftt ; yellow uentern , C5cr city ,
CSeKYE Dull ; No. 3 wMlern. M'c.
'HHKI.VJulel , : fwlinB , Si c.
Ii.MlUEV MAI.T 4)ul i : wentrrn , tSCCOc. !
\ \ HKAT Ileciltila , 15t,7l bu , | cxixtrtB , K1.773
\iu i t klrutu ; ; No , 2 red , tl.Wi. Optlona
oiienul firmer on > trvnirth In Chicago und nil-
vuncn ] with few Interruptlona all Jay on bull
ish Amerlrun nnil ICnulUll vlBlble eupply Ittmr > ' .
liolter late cabl > * , heavy clearancca an l K'n-
erullj' better ilemanJ. cluslns J' o un on De-
ceinucr and IMil'iC net hlBher on other months.
N . S red. May , DlfittKe. clo l. l , c ,
IO1IN IU < clti | , 51.4 J ejp'iru , 1i7.luO bu , ;
HUM firm Nu. X SiVic. Oi.tloim ntwned ( inn
with wlicut and athanred on bit ; visible nupply
di ruK > ur.J t < U weather vttml. rlantnRjc
iu > t hlKlier. Max , 34 ! M < 3\c. ( cIcuHt. ItKr.
OATS'nwrtpli. . JW.SoOLu. ; exiMJits , Kiifl Ira. ;
MI.II ( Inn , No. t , ITVia O | > tlan dull but flrmer.
with th other tnarkrU , cloning HUKo net
KBEO Steady ; Wa'n , "cstnoc : rnUdllnei , T5O
77Hc , ry * f J. W0 ic ; rtty. 70c
11AV - < } ul U khlpylng , 40UlSc. seal to choice.
llbrtf Steady ; state , common to choice. IS S
crup. KlCcj IMiii crup , CO'HU7 ; crop. 1KJ1S. ' ;
1'dcine couat. IkSi crop , 4bic ; It9 crop , CuJc ;
lilUEMttitilr ; dalveston , SO to IS Ib . . 1 > ;
Texa > ur > - 21 to JO liu. , lie , Callfurnla , II t li
IU I'Utir ,
l ilATUKK Quiet ; lieml ck vole , Ilueno *
Avrvs W tiSl' c
\ViXIL quift fletct * lieil'1. Texa * . UGlTc.
l > HOV18lbNH--ll < f , ttcaily. tarn ly. P.4CMIU.W ;
extra luei * S7&QUii.w , tieef hami , S .DO i S-0 (
nar-kcL , f .OV6 l-.W. C IH mrata. * teody , pirklni
Iwinrt. J * 6 . ' * . pickled Khouli'r * , l3.Mrt.T ;
i * p > cil i1 hnin * | TWo7.ti. I ird. ktronc. wwlcm
; . neanittJ , HM , UccemU-r , ll.t-i ; nominal ; n-nned.
. TV" * . . .
( loan > WOTIiaoOi family.J19.WHM.60. . Tallow ,
Bleadr , < 1ty. HC blil , wuntry. SHtfSHr.
OILS nnii-4if- . tM4y ; prime rruuA
1SV ; crude pHlotv. ai c. retrnl im.
united elo 1 M > vr bt < l ; l > Tiru ) Ivanta crude. n
muMccti nominally at Mr. Rnnln. ! r 'lr :
mralned , mrn"n to Kwxl. tl. * > 61.4i. ! Tun-
unn , iMi4iv. XMTMVK.
KICK Sleiulr ; ralr to extra , 4H"Hc ; Japan ,
MOKASSKS Quiet ; N w Orleans open kettle ,
< xxl to choice , I8031c.
MRTALR Pip Iron wimints. utetuly ; W.7S IjM.
K. 0 askt4 , Lake "otptr , M'-a-ly ; | l < V 7'i I'M nJ
111 "I fwkrd. Tin pinte * . dull at llj.m bM nnil
119 S a k d. PpHtvr. quiet at U.H IrKI anil
14 W asked. And lead sternly at (3.74 bM and
tt.72t aitted. The flrm that flxeo Ui * wlIltiK
price for miner * ami rmelteni calls the lead
mnrtat utroni ? al . .
IHJTTnil Her-liU | , 4.4)0 phmi. : nrmi western
< Mwim rv. ISWBo : KlRln. Kr ; factory , 12B17c.
CUKKSK HfCflptn. 4(87 pVc . ; market Meadyi
lanre white. smf Hc : mnll white. ? U0He ;
larire eoloreJ , $ > 4PS > 4c : unall colored , SftJUe ;
tar r * . late made. 7UW7c : rrmll. late marie ,
SVSOS'ic ; IlKht fklm * . fl < i > ic , part tkltnn , 1'iO
5Hc : full * klm , Jffle.
iOO3 Hecelrit * 3Slt pk ss. ; market firm
tale aril rennsrlvanla. HftXt ; western , SOflMc.
Condition of Trnilt- find flnnlntlon *
on Stniilo mul Knnpy 1'rotluce.
KOQS Strictly frefh , ISc ,
DUTTKIl Common to fair , IWZllc : cholee to
fancy , H017c ; separator creamery , 22ci
crcamerj' , Zfe.
VKAICholce f t , 80 to ISO Ibs. . quotfj at Sc :
Ini-Re nnd conrre. 4SJSc.
DIIBSSED POULTUY-Chlckens. unsalable at
Cc ; turkey * , ] 10ic : Kce e. 7c ; ducks , 7c.
QAMi : Small rnbbll * . per dm. , Me ; larro , per
iloz. , 73cHI.a3 ; prnlrle chicken * . Jo ; qunlU SJ
® 1.X > ; Bqulrr l , COi/COe.
PIGEON'S t.lve. 76e ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAY Upland , JS.SO ; midland , JS.DO ; lowland ,
i.M ; rye trnw , Jl ; color makes the price on
hay ; light bales tell the best ! only tap grades
brlnR top prices.VEGETAI1L.ES.
CKLtillY-Oood stock , lame , 13c ; small. K0
ONIONS Per bu. . GMiMc.
Ill'ANS Hand-plrked navy , per bu. . 11.51
BWKinlorA'taliSrei - bbi : . 2.M.
r'AIUiAniV-iliHid ntock. per Ib. . IHc.
rOTATOKS Home grown , MiBSic ; western
stock. 70c.
CALIPOIINIA aTISAWllEUniKS-rcr pt. . 30c.
QUINCICalirornla. . pep box , S1.S5.
Al'Pl.KS Winter ntnck. JS lffJ. * ) ; Callfornls
Bellenour. boxes. J1.M ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxer Jl.u ! OrtKon , boxes , J1.J1.
CIIANHEHUIES Jeweys , per bbl. . J7.flO7.K-
Wl con ln Ilell nnd Hugle , JT.iX ) ; Wisconsin Hell
and Cherry. J6.M.
ORArKS Cnlaubaii , Hb. bankets , ItHlDc : Mnl-
' " ° 094-oo caiiforni
1 - : ° ' 3co'
IIAJfAN AS Choice , large flock , per hunch , JZ.OO
2.S medium clzp-i bunches , fl .7582.00.
' ' pcr - e.
small , lie : UraElls. per lb. , SgiCc ; EnaU.ff
nuts , per lb. . fancy soft shell , lie ; nlnndardn.
filberts , per lb. , ICe ; pecans , polished ,
me.ll"pi. < . J c : extra large. lOc ; larse hickory
nqts. Il.00ei.lo per bu. ; small , (1.2331.33 per bu. :
oocoanuts. per 100 , J4.CO : peanuts , raw , J03i4c ;
roasted. 6CCiie.
FIGS Imporled fancy. 3 crown , ll-lb. boiex
12o ; 5 crown , 41-lb. Iwxejs. 14OUc ; S-lb. boxes. 22
CrSv.per.Lox' ? Cnllfoinla. 10-lb. box. I1.CO.
HONEY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , in
ICKAUT-l'er bbl. , $4.00 ; half bbl. . ( ! .25j2.K.
MAI'KK SYHVl'-FIVP-gal. cnns. each. J2.75 ;
Kal. cnns. pure , per doz. , (12.00 ; half-gal , cans
JC.J5 ; quart cnns. 13.50.
r > ATKS Hallowce , CO to 70-lb. boxes. Co ; Salr
CHr : Kurd. 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
CIDEH Per half bbl. . J3.00 : bbls. . J5.2J.
DRESSED BEEF Good native steers. Tc : coed
f > n.ijuartera , Btpt-rs , C'ic ; peed hindquarters ,
( Kcwertern steers , CUc : fancy heifers. C 4c ;
KJ > od heifers. 6 c ; Boo.1 forequarters , heifers ,
5Ho ; rood hinJtuarters. heifers. Sc ; good cow ?
CUc : fair cows. 5 4c.
linKF CUTS Tenderloin * . le : bonelfps strips
lOc ; etrlp loins , fc ; rolls , boneless. 9'4c : rolls'
Spencer cuts. 9Uc : sirloin butts , boneless , 9'.ic ;
thouliler clods , boneless. 6Uc. rum ? butts , bone ,
less , r ic : No. 1 chucks , f > ic ; Ko. 2 chucks , ftc ;
No. 3 chtickR , 4'ic ' ; iKinelesa chucks. Sc ; cnw
plates , 3'.4c ; steer plates. 4'ic ; flank steaks. C < ic ;
loins. No. 1 ] 4c ; loins , No. 2 , 10 ic : Inlns. No.3 * ,
8'ic : short loins , market ptyle , 2c above Inlns :
short loins , hotel style. EC abova loins ; cow loin
ends , Kc ; steer loin en-Is. ! > c ; hanplntj tender
loins. 4 c : ribs. No. 1. 12Uc ; ribs , No. 2 , 8 4c :
rlhs , No. 3. Mlo ; steer rounds , 7c ; cow round *
f kc : cow rounds , shnnk off. Sc : cow rounds
shnnk nnd nimp oft , SVtc ; trimmings , 4lcbeef
shnnUs , 3Uc ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; swep'tbread1 ?
per Ih. . 12'4e ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. . 40c ,
kidneys , per doz. . 35c ; oxtails , each. 3c ; livers
r.r lb" 5 : n > rt9. Pcr " ' 3c ; tonsues. per lb' . ' .
12V4c : calf livers , each. SJc : calves , whole ca
cass or sides , 9o calf head and feet scalded
per set , 7.V.
MUTTON Spring lambs. S'Jc ; lambs. Sc-
fhecp , , c piarkfj racks ( lonrt. 9Sc : hotel racks
Jthort ) . . - . loins , 9c ; saddles , fie ; leps , 9Vc-
lamh I-- a lOUc ; breasts nnd stews 3 > ic.
e ch , 3c : forequnrters. Cc.
T\.n. , i t v j- . :
tier * , fkinned. 5c : trlmnrlnirs. 4Hc ; lent lard , not
rendered. 6c ; heads , cleaned , 4c : Bnouts and ears
4s ; backbones , 5140 : slip hones , 2W.c ; cheek meats'
4l4c ; neckboncs , 2r ; plRs' tails. 4c ; plucks each
Sc : chltterllnjrs. rc , : hocks. 4c : hearts , per doz.
23c ; stomachs , each , 3c ; tongue * , each. 7c ; kid
neys , per iloz. , lOc ; brnlns , per iloz. , 13c ; plus
feet , per iloz. . 23c ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rinds ,
3c ; blade bones. 5c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7cj No. 2 preen
hides. Cc ; No. 1 raited hides , 6 } < c ; No , 2 crcen
salted hides , 1ic ; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 Ibs.
lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 .to 15 Ihs. , Sc.
SHEEP I'ELTS Green salted , each , 15S7SC
green salted shearlings ( short wooled earlj
Bkliu ) , each , loc ; dry shcarllnrrs ( short woolei
early skins ) , No. 1. each , Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual
weight. 4iOc ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. SO
4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
lb. , actual weight , 4U3c ; dry flint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3S4c.
HORSE HIDES-Each , 1.COS.23.
TALLOW , GISEASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1 ,
2ftc ; tallow , No. 2 , 2Uc : rough tallow , I'tc ;
white greate , 2ttffl24c ; yellow nnd brown grease ,
FUKS Bear ( black or brown ) . f3.OOS20.00 ;
otter , $1.SO8.00 ; mink , 130COc : beaver. Jl.OO
O .00 ; ukunk. 152 , 23c , 60c ; muskrat , 3c , Re. Ic ;
raccoon. 15&50c ; red fox. 25c&$1.2o ; grey fox ,
25 50c ; wolf ( limber ) , 25cffl2.60 ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) lOgMc ; wildcat , 104(2 ; badger. 6040c ;
silver fox , tW.OOS75.00.
St. LoulH GciicrnI Marlii'tn.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 20. FLOUR Quiet , steady
and unchanged ; patents. 54.W5j4.l5 ; straights.
14.3534.50 : clear. J4.WSj4.2S ; medium , * 3 50M3.75.
WHEAT Higher , closing with buyers l c for
December and May above Saturday , May opened
% e higher. Improved , c more fell back 'ic
and then advanced IHc. closing at the top ; spot
; owtr ; No. Z red , cash. In elevator. We ; on
track. 1 ; No. 2 hard , cash , &MjWe : December ,
J1.00U : January. Wrtic ; May , MT.c ; July , Sl c.
CORN Futuies stronger and higher , with nn
advance ofc to " > , o over Saturday : spot eteudy ;
No 2 cahh.Cc ; December 2Cc nbKed ; January ,
X\'tc ; May , ! TOc ; July. 2SV4C.
' and better spot
OATri l-'uluren stronger ;
strong and higher ; No. 2 cash , in elevator , 2Je ;
on truck , 22lic ; No. 2 white , 23c ; December , tie ;
.May , 23'ic.
RVi : lletter nt 46c.
FL.VXSEED IllRher at J1.15.
TIMOTHY SEEU-Prtine , J2.H3.
tVIItN MEAL-fl-40.
IIIIAN Weak ; packed , east track. 54c.
HAY Quiet ; pralUe , ! O.Mtf7.W ; timothy , } . .i5
BUTTER Dull' ; creamery. 18Q23c ; dairy , ! ) { ?
lie.EGGSHlBher at 18c.
WHIfiKV * ! . .
at J3.MeS.57. Spelter.
lower nt J3.70. sellers. . . .
PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; standard mess ,
Jobbing , JR. " * . Lird. higher ; prime steam , J4 45 ;
cbolw.ll.KVs. "aeon , boxed lot. , extra thort
rleir. t5.a5.12i5 ; Jibs , J3.23W5.0 ; nhoru. K.S.Vi
' salt meats , shoulders. .
5 59 Dn'
Sftra phort clear'H.nHfe K'.ii r .
. 100 bbl , . : wheat.
bu. : corn. 22S.CW Ui. ; oats. SI.OOT bu.
bill I'M KNTS Flour , 7.WO bbl . ; wheat , 2U.WJO
bu. ; corn , 97,000 bu. ; oats , 17.000 bu.
BALTIMORE. Dc. eO.-FLOUR-Quiet tern -
. we tern extra , W3 0
ern ufrflne , J2.70e3.00 : ;
4.10 ; western family , J4.40jll.fu ; fprlnc wheat
patents. J5.00&S.20 ; spring wheat straights , S4.W
ffll.M : receipt * . 13,461 hbls.i export * , none.
WHEAT StronK ; spot and month , 9S < R9Mic ;
itearuer No. ! red. M093Uc ; receipts , 7C.024 bu. ;
exKrt . none ; soqthern wheat , by sample. Wtf
SOc ; Kiuthern wheat , on irrade. W OSS'/jc.
COUN-Strong ; spot. 33H ' 35c ; month , S3 iff
Mic month , new or old , 33c ; steamer mixed ,
33H034c ; n-celpts , 2C.E1J bu. : exportu , none ;
outhem white and yellow , 2S033e ,
OATS Il reljteady ; No. Z white , JOesOc ; No.
mixed , 27 < j27ii , receipts , 20.W3 bu , ; exports ,
RYIJ-FIrm ; Xo. 5 nearby. 62c ; No. I western ,
Mo bid rrceiplB. 12.KB bn , ; exports , none ,
1IAV Finn for the better eradea ; choice tim
othy. J13.W oskeX
GRAIN FRKlOHTS Qulet ; etcam to Liver.
poul , i > er tu , 4d. December ; Cork for orders ,
per quarter. 3s 6d , January.
lltTTiR Fancy creamery , 23e ; sooa ladle. 15
OlOv. store backed , 12ft 14c.
1X1GS Steady ; frf h. Uc.
CHEE.-3K Steady ; fancy New York , large. tKQ
tftc ; fancy Ts'ew York , medium , lOQ-lOUc , fancy
New York , email , IQViOlOHc.
Cincinnati Proilnce Mnrketi.
CINCINNATI. Deo. M. FLOUR-Dull ; fancy ,
H.SKJ4.W : family , t3.2i&3.Ku.
WllllAT Bteadv : No. t red. We.
CORN Sirens' ' No. 3 mixed. S7sc.
OATS-Hlrong : No. S mixed , 2(8:4Hc ,
RYE-Qul : No , i. ICHc.
PROVISIONS- . active and hlglier at
14.50. Bulk meat * , nrm at H.Si lUcon. eaty
at U.M.
WHISKY Quiet at 11.1S.
BUTTER Quiet and lower : Eljln creamery.
lie : Ohio. 14O40c ; dairy , Ilfl3o
BGGB-Flrm at ISHc.
CIIEI3SE Quiet ; good to prime Ohio fUt , IH
KIIUHUII City Gruin uud I'
KANSAS CITT. Ma. . Deo. M.-WHEAT About
cent higher : market Terr flrm : No. I hard
e/66o ; No. I. SSmj6ic ; No. J. Bieao ; Vo 4.
JSCWc , No. 1 red , Sc , No. t , He ; No. J. Jfc ; No.
4. KCTUo bid , No. I prim , KUOc ; No. J. tOiJSlo
CYRK-Art.r * nj He higher ; Mo. 1 mixed , '
( ) A'lS--nrm nnd about sle dy ; No , 2 white.
HYK Na. t. He.
HAt Ptnn and higher In ferae paew ; chelce
tlmr/hr , IS.WilM 7 : ctntc * p'ulrl * .' .
IfTTTKR-WMikeT : crMimer } ' . INrt f : ltT. H
EOGS Firm ; frwli , WHO' ' * tor K . lll c. _
! inCKllTS-\VS * t. IkS.Jco bu. ; com , 11S.WO
bu. ; ofltf , 1C W bu.
8H1P.MBNTS Wheat. S7.SW bu. ; corn , 31.403
bu. ; oatti , none.
I.I vrrinHil MnrUi-l.
LlVnill-OOU , Dec.WHKATPpOL No. t
red western , winter stocks exh u t l ; No. I
northern , siirltiif , steady at 7s SHtl >
CORN Steady ; future * Mere steady ; Deeem-
Ixr. 3s 2J. January , 3 * 1J ; fcbruary , 3s
1 5Ud.
5Ud.Fll R-St. Louis fancy winter , steady at
10s M ,
t HOPS At London ( Pacific const ) , nrm at 1
i 160 1 s.
t PROVISIONS Beef , flrm ; extra India mofn-
6s 3d ; prime mess. W * Sd. Pork , firm ; i > rtm
me-s , fine western. 4Ss > J. Kami , nhort cut. 14
to 1R Ibs , 33 * . Bacon , itiort ribs , dull at 34 W ;
long clear mlddle . light , ( lull t S9 ; long olcor
middles heavy , dull nt 2 ; clear bellies , firm
at Sfs Cd ; shoulders , fnuare , llrm at 29s. Lari ,
prime western , steady at 23n 6d. Tallow , prime
city , steady at ISs 6d.
CHEESE American , finest white nnd colored ,
dull at tit 6d.
Imports of wheat Into Liverpool from Atlantic
nnrta u-nt k CQ nftrt ntnrfi.r ! fmrn 1nplf1n TtnrlS.
none ; from other ports , 30,000 quarters. The Im
ports of corn Into Liverpool from Atlantic | orui
were 33 , W quarters. The Grain exchange will
be closed Friday , Saturday and Monday anJ the
Provision exchange SAturJoy and Monday.
Steady. Me s pork. tUndard , JS.C2H. Lard , re
fined tierce , t3.7Sfl3.S7V4. Boxed meats , dry salt
meats , JI.OHff4 75 ; sides , J4.CJV4. Bacon , clear
rib sides. J"i.37'.i.VW. Hams , clear sugar cured ,
COFFEE Firm ; Rio , ordinary to fair , T'.iC
DUc FLOUR Hxlrn fancy. $1.3084.00 ; patents. 14.00
CORNMEAL Quiet at 11.60.
BRAN Quiet at ( * ff70c.
HAY Easy ; prime. 111. 00012.50 : choice. $ H.O
© 15.00.
CORN Steady. No. 2 sacked white , 3383CC ;
mlxeK 35c ; yellow , 3CQT37c. (
OATS No. racked , Sf9'ic.
RICE Quiet : ordlnan' to good. 354f4i4c.
( Srnln Ilcoclntsi t Principal Mnrk ( n.
MINNEAl'OLIS , Dec. 20. Receipts : Wheat ! > 33
CHICAGO. Dee. ! 0. Receipts today : Wheat.
SIS cars ; corn , 1C ! cars ; oats , 4M cars. Estimated
c-nrlntj tomorrow : Wheat , COO cars ; corn , 400
cars : oats. 440 cars.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 20. Receipts : Wheat. 114
cars.DUI.UTH , Dec. 20. Receipts : Wheat. CZ cars.
PEOIHA. Dec. 20. Receipts : Corn. S7,03 bu. ;
oats. 3S.VO bu. ; rye none. Shipments : Corn ,
lS.2.'iO ) bu. ; oats. 35.900 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , CK
bbls. ; wheat , none.
Vlxllilp Criilu Slnt'kH.
NEW YORK , Dec 20. The statement of the
vlnihlff supply In store and all Jt Saturdny , De
cember IS. nx compiled by the New York Produce
exchange. Is ns follows.
WHBAT : < i.W5.010 ! Lu. : Increase , 21.000 Int.
CO11.N 3 , i,2'J.i , iO bu. ; decrease , 2.142.0X ) bu.
OATS 14.CS2.0'50 bu. ; Increni-e , S2.W ) bu.
RYE 3c : , n bu. ; decrease , 30.CP03 bu.
BARLET 4.Cio.OOO bu. : decrease. 2S4.000 bu.
Tulciln .llnrUi-l.
TOLEDO. Dec. 20.-WHEAT Firm ; No. 2
csicih itnil T fv m ! pr. HfiVir : Mnv. ftjUc.
CORN Active , flrm : No. 2 mixed , -cash nnd
December , 27'c. .
OATS V > ll : No. 2 mixtd. 22c.
RYE Dull , higher ; No. 2 cash. 47c.
CLOVHIlSErD Higher ; prime cash , $3.2.- .
1'eorln SliirUi'tx.
PEORIA. Dec. 20. CORN Firm nnd higher ;
No. 2. ICiJc.
OATS Firm and higher : No. 2 white. 22 > ic.
RYE Steady ; No. 2. 4Ec.
WHISKY Firm nnd steady ; high proof fplrlts.
J1.18. Market.
DErnorr. Mich. , P'C. 20. WHEAT NO. i
white. 0c ; No. 2 red. ? 3Uc : Mai' , 9IHc.
CORN No. 2 mixed , 2 ic.
i - v , . 2 " "iiio. 23Uo.
RYE No. 2 , 4C'ic.
I'III In del phi t > 1'roilupc.
PHIt.Ar > KT.riIIA. Dec. 20. BUTTER rju ! > t
but steady : fancy western creamery , 22o.
KGGS Firm : fresh nearby nnd western , Sic.
CHEESE Uuchnniro.1.
lfellno IHicd Til rim KI out < lie Ocii-
< -rnI LUt.
XEW YORK. Dec. 20. After a few spasmodic
efforts to continue the rise of Saturday today's
stock market fell back Into a decline and failed
to recuperate. The aggressive strength of som
of the specialties nt the opening served to sus
tain that market for a time and to give It an
appearance of strength , but realizing sales In
the general list went hand in hand withIn
manipulation for n rise In Epeclaltlc and even
the stocks whii'h had shown wide gaps los
after profits had been taken In the genera
list. Coalers were strong as a group on account
of the Brewing belief In an agteement to re-
stiict production and to keep up prices. They
were also helped by the cold weather nnd the
consequent Increased demand for the product.
New Jersey Central was at one time 2 points
higher and Rending first preferred ICBC to nearly
51. Suear crossed 140 during the day. Manipula
tion of the Plttsburg , Cleveland1. Chicago &
St. Louis stocks advanced the common 3W 1'er
cent and the preferred 2l per cent. Consolidated
Gas was also 3 points higher at one time.
None of the gains were entirely held and some
of them were practically wiped out. Union Pa
cific was another stock that enjoyed a period
of strength In the late dealings , but It also
reacted. Karfeas City. Plttsburg & Gulf , which
is not usually \ery conspicuous , attracted at
tention today by a cudden break of something
over 4 points and n sudden recovery of al
most all the decline. The flrst mortgage bonds
of the company reflected the weakness of the
stock , though hot to as much a degree. There
was no news to account for the action of the
The contradiction of Saturday morning with
drawals of gold from the Bonk of England
for New York shipment had much to do with
the termination of the rally which pet in on
Saturday mornlne. The conditions of the mon y
market continued to dominate the situation In
the stock market and the stiffening of the rates
for call loans from 4 to D per cent checked hcpes of those speculators who thought they
raw nn assurance of continued ease in money
by Imports of specie. No doubt Is felt that
the isrge trade balance In our favor Is a aulli-
clent security ncalnst any real stringency In
money at New York. Hut It Is not believed a
4 per cent rate for call money will result In
a movement of specie. In view of the existing
hlgli rate for monev In LonOon and la the Eu-
roitan countries. There Is not much prospect
of easy money until after the first of the year
and until that time a halt In speculative ac
tivity In i-ecurltles l felt to be probable. In
what Is known BB the outulde market standard
liquidating certificates weie strong and sold as
high us : < >
The bond market was not as nctlve as of
late. Imt prices held firm with the exception
of Home of tiie speculative bonds Total ! > Hle .
United'States 4s. both of 192J and of 1507 , were
tt per cent lower bid today.
The Evening Post'u London financial cable-
Krnm nays : "The stock markets here today
weie of the holiday kind , with Irregular move
ments end a rather dull tone generally because
of the territorial wiunbble In China. Japanese
bonds were flat. Americans were good1 on New
York support and closed steady. There Is sur
prise here that New York should be looking
for gold the belief heie tielns that none will
vc there from London unleiU either the New
York market rises considerably or the liondon
market declines , neither of which appears prob
able at the moment. "
Following are the closing quotations of the
leading Mocks on the New York market to
day ;
Atchlion . 12 | do pfd 142
dopfd . SlHii St. P. .V Om 77M
llaltlmoro.t Ohio. . l V do pfd l..U
CanadaPaclflo . 14 St. P.M. AM 123
Canada Somnern. fr > M So. Pacific 20
Ceiitrall'.iclflo So. Railway OK
dies , . . - do , > fd S'JM
Chlcaeo i ; Alton. . . . 101 Texas A Pacific. . . . 11
C..U. iQ . P Union Pacific t r. . i'5K
C.AE. I . 2J U.P. D. & 0 7H
C.C.O..V St.L . 33 Wabahh 7
dopfd . fitl do pfd 17H
< WliM > l. Jt I. . K Q
bid. * fourth aeKciment paid.
The total sales ot stocks today were 173. 400
suarra. Including ; Atchlson preferred , 3. 875 ;
Chlratro. Burllncton & Qulncy , 2i > .2)2 ! ; I iulsvtlie
& Natlmlle , 3.C33 ; Manhattan. 15.510 ; Metropol
itan Street Railway. 3,100 ; New Jemey Central ,
7,357 ; Northern Pacific. 10.200 ; Northern Pacific
preferred. 16.491 ; Ontario & Western , 8,7 W ; Head.
Inc. 10,400 ; Rock Island. 1.975 ; St. Paul. It.XU ;
Union Pacific , * > ' > ; Chicago Great Wetlvrn ,
> , C51 ; ' Oa > , ICiO ; Sugar , 41,109.
.Vcw York ilouuy JInrktt.
PrlmSfri ff cent , cl " d , SV.J3 l > * r cent
Prlm m * re Tttlle paper , 3'iff per c nt.
UX < HANOI : Ilisl . with actual
huilnes * In bnnti r * ' Mil * nt f4.MtttM.SS for de
mand , and at M.BTCM.STH for * ltty day * . Posted
nn < . MWW4MH anrt
COMMIUtrlAL till.1
S1I.V1SK CKUTtril"
ItAIl 8ILVKH Stte.
IlAlLllOAn llONDS Klrni.
Closlnc quotations on l > end .werc ns follows :
U. _ ,12(1 ( | N.J. aS 113
U.S. ,12I > W. 0.0-1 123
112 > { lN. O. 4s 103
U.S. Is.ooup .IMH'No. ' I'aeltlo
U.S.'s.res Uff'i NO. r.-ieino 3 ODH
' ' ' " No. Rvjlfle 4 . . . . PI
uis'.ai.'coiip'.i ! . ! 11IVJ N , Y.C &St , L. 41. .
District :1. : IIB Ui.H N. * TVot
A IDS N. Wk Con l
HIS N. w. r - ,117
Ala. , class O lot
A in. Currency.
AtchiMon U O. s."ti < v | > ii. t. r.
Atclil3onmi. 44. . . r-t ' "
CannaaS3.2n.l3 . . 1(17 ( O , ima. Isn. . . . ( )
C. A N. P. t r. 3s. i 4-t O. l-tiS.3 . t.r 434
O.AO. .Is - 'OJ. . ,10'JH
C.II..VD. 4'H. '
D.tR , G. I sis . .tlMHlll. . ( * AVH l l 8H
H.AR , 0.4s ,01 , SU U'.UIIM. CJ1 , 1 8HX
K.IHI r'iiii. iBtn . . llO'vSt. ' IitP.iP.Ojn.0.118H
KrloOjn. < * . . . . , ,73 , iSt-lVC ials 140
P. W..VD. I t. r . . T''St. ' . * . I H..1 < M
Jen. Kl-c. 69. . . . .tllliHlSUPfCVJL'P. A *
G , II. n S. A. Ol. . . . .HIS IS.C.naifa'ia
iiuooor ] 5Vf Franklin in j
Union Pacifts „ > : ( Osrpola 371i
lVv&t na STUJTamiiranK 3UU
West End md loaOwolverina 1UV
\i-vv York \iiuiiiK < iiiotntioiiM.
JTBW YORK. Dec. 29. The following an ! the
closing mining quotations :
Cliollar - : tu Ontario sou
Crown Point. : > 2 Oontr f-7
Con. CU. AVi. : . . . . 115 Plymputti 0
Deadwooa nt ) Quicksilver 100
Gould .t Ourry 33 OulcUsilrur DM. . . 000
Hale&Norc.rosa. . 110 Sierra Nuva > t.i. . . . 52
tlomesuiKQ SOUi ) Standard 1DD
Iron Silver Hi ! Union Con 'JO
Mexican 23 Yellow Juckut . . . . lii
I'fuiiloii Stock ( tiintatIOIIM.
LOXDOX , Dec. 20. < p. m. Closing :
Consols , m'v.-irj 11-1(5 ( \lRMc.inoramarv. , 10 !
Consols , ncct. Hi ! la-10 St.Pain common. . . IKH
Can. Pacific 84 K 7. Centr.ii Ill
Crlo 15 Pennsylvania i"8M
Brloync.9 41) ) Ue.iillii- ! lli
111. Centr.ll 107W Me * . < : an. upw 4s. . li'JH '
American Sci-nrlllcn In l.nmlon.
LONDON. Dec. S ) . The market for Ameri
can securities advanced at the opening nnd re-
mulneil steadj all day on a more buoyant feel-
Inp. The close \vns steady and thu demand
Financial > ( CM.
CHICAGO. Doc. 20. Cleurlnss , J20.533.267. New
York exchunse. Me premium. . Posted rates.
S3Vr and M.M& Stocks fairly active and firm.
Closing : West Chicago , l 2i Diamond Match , '
' 13SV4 ; . North Chlcaco. 2C bid „ -Lake Street b.
1IT4 ; New- York niscutt , et ; MrawDtiard. ; .
South Side ! , C3 ; City nallw.iy , 23 bid , 23i
asked. .
BOSTON , Dec. 20. Clearings. ' J13.120.357 ; bal
ances. J1.C25.371. '
NEW YOUK. Dec. 20. Clearings , JS43,1IO ;
balances. J4. 9CW.
ST. UJU1S. Dec. . Clearings. S3.47G.6S5 ; bal-
anfOi , J131.270. Money , r/flS per cent. New
York exchange , par bid : 2&c premium a keil.
MKMl'HIS , Dec. 20. Clearlnqs. J103.213 ; bal
ances. JG4.141. New York .eachange sellingat
NEW OIU.EANS. Dec. 20.-Clearlncs. JI.030-
462. New York exchanRc. banK , par ; commer
cial. J1.2T. jier discount ,
CINCINNATI. Dec. 20. Montr , 2tIS'C per cent.
New York exchange , 30@50c discount. Clearings ,
Ji.S93'XiO. - ' '
IJ3NDON , Dec. 20. The ' -om'tJunt of bullion
taken Into the Dank of I HRiand on balances
today was 152.000. Money.1 2'fc per cent. The
rate of discount In the onen inarket for short
nnd three montlJU' bills Is 2J5-1C3 per cent.
IJar silver closed flrm at ' 2p&d per oz. Gold Is
ousted at Bufnos Ayres at' 10fC.
HBIIL1N. Dec. 20. On the settlement money
was In strong demand" at li % per cent. Oper
ators were principally engaged In carrying over.
Northern Pacifies were firm. The local depart
ments reacted through realizations on the an
nouncement of the occupation of Port Arthur
by the Kusslans.
Wool Mnrlf.'U.
BOSTON. Dec. 20. Following are the quota
tions for leading descriptions ;
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces. X and above.
27028c ; XX nnd XX above 29Sl' > a ; delaine. 30
OSlc ; No. 1 combine , SOc ; No. 2 combing , 2SS1
30c ; Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. , X. Michigan. 23
CUc ; No. 1 Mlchlsan combing , 2SS23c ; No. 1 Illi
nois combing. 2Sfc2Sc ; No. 2 Michigan comulng ,
2SQ23c : No. 2 Illinois combing , 2Stj29c ; X New
York , New Hampshire and Vermont. 23924c ; No
1 New York. New Hampshire and Vermont , 27o ;
delaine Michigan. 27c ; unwashed medium , Ken
tucky nnd Indiana , quarter-blood combing , 230
24e ; Kentucky and Indiana , three-elghthe-b'-ood
Q3mblng , 2l0Uc ; Missouri quarter-blood combIng -
Ing , 2iW23c ; Missouri three-cighths-blood comb-
Ing. 23024e ; braid combing , 210. Teaas wools.
spring medium ( twelve months ) , ICBlBc ; scoured
price. iOfiMc. Territorial wool , Montana fine
medium and fine. IGWISc ; scoured price , 4SSj'Mc ;
staple , 52 Mc ; Utah , Wyoming , fine medium and
fine , 15SI17c ; Rcoured price. 4S030C ; staple , 52 ®
SSc. Auxtrallan scoured basis comblns. superllne ,
"OSJTJc ; combing , good , C568c ; combing , average ,
C2' Mc ; Queentrand comtilng , C5c.
ST. IUIS , Dec. yi.YOOIv Quiet and un
changed ; medium , 15020c ; heavy fine , Egllc ;
light nn < \ 13SJ17CJ tuh washed , 2230VjC.
NEW YOHK , Dec. 20 , COFTEE-Optlons
opened steady at unchanged prices to 5 points
advance ; ruled quiet , with nanow variations
selling checked by better Uuropean cable * than
expected and small receipts nt IllO and Santos ;
buying checked by large American visible sup
ply on board ; closed steady at net unchanged
to 10 points higher ; sales , 23M bags. Including
March , J6.20 , Spot coffee , nio. steady ; No. 7 ,
invoice , J6.75 : Na. 7. Jobbing , J7.25. Mild , steady ;
Cordova. tS.504jl5.00 ,
SANTOS. Dec. 20. COFFEE Firm ; good av
erage Santos. 9.COO rel ; receipts , 14.1WO bags ;
stock , 949.000 bags. Weekly report : Firm ; K-'od
average , per 10 kilos , 9.COO rels ; receipts , U.WI
bags ; dilpmentu to the United States , 34OuO bags ;
block. H'J.OOO bags.
Mn 7 tlln S.173 rein : exchanei . 73-32d : recelDts.
12,000 bagri ; cleared for the United States , ll.OW
bags ; tock. < 10.000 bag * . Weekly report ; Firm ;
exchange ttandard , K.17S rein ; shipments to the
United States , Ci.UOO bags ; stock. 419.0W ) bags.
HAM11UUO. Dec. 20. COFFEE Opened H I > ' 8-
higher ; closed with a n t gnln of VtO % pfei
sales , S.OOO bags.
HAVHE. Dec , 20. COFFIH : Closed VS- higher
to W net lower ; sales , 20,000 bags.
Oil MurUftn.
OIL CITY , Pa , , Dec. 2) . Credits Imlancea. 65c ;
oertlllcatps. nrst bid , C7c. One Uiousand barrels
options twlj at < 7c ; D.i > / > barrels caih delivery
sold at CCc ; claoed , W/ic bid for regular ; f.Co
bid for cash. Shipments , 181,470 bbla. ; rum ,
1M.CS5 bhl .
CHAHLESTON. S. C. Dec , 25. OILS-Turpen-
tine , firm ; Vv bid ; SO c asked ; sales , none.
Hotln. flrm ; Hales none ; unchanged.
SAVANNAH , Oa. . Dec. SO. OIUS Spirits tur-
pemlne , nrmi 3MVtC tild ; sales , S27 bbls , : re
ceipts. 62S bbls. atosln , ftrmr BaUB. Gi3C rbls. ;
lecflptn. 6,539 bbls. Quiet dose , A. H. C. I ) , ,
ji.iMb.20 ; E. p. . jt.axai.:3 : a. , fi.stcn.s3 : H. .
J1.45 : I , . tl.CO : K. , 11.75 ; M. . ,93 ; N. , 12.30 ;
W. o. . sJ.eaAV. . w. .
WILMINGTON , 7C. C. . D&o. ! 0.-OIUS-Splrlt
turpentine , eteady ; > 0ff0 < icu' Iloaln , quiet , II. IS
flLM. Crude turpentine , uti-aclr ; J1.40 and (1.9) .
RecHpts , SI bbla. Tar , OnUT t.03.
NEW OIIL-EANS , Dec. SO.T-HUOAIl-Open ke- |
tle , steady at J itfJVic ; ffntrltuirnl. steady ;
granulated. 4 7-Hff 4 11-lCo : wJiltfi. 2K04c : yel
lows , s IMCSI 1-16C ! leconda , ttf5Hc. Molassei.
kettle , iteady at U(330ci centrifugal , cany ut to
Ho ynip. steady at' H&jtlc * .
CINCINNATI , Dec. 2U. spnAR-ritm ; hard
refined. J .loe5.W ,
XK\V YOUK. Dec. 20. SVa ATI-Raw , flrm ;
fair refining. 1ltc ; centrlt&t'il. 9C test , 4 1-lCc ;
renned , nrm : crushed & % ? : i m-der , 5i-lkc ;
granulated. tVic ; mould A , BHc ; standard A. t" ;
confectioners' A. f c ; cut loaf , Die ; cubei , 5 0-lCc.
LONDON' , D . 20. SUGAIt-lleet ugar. De
cember. Sa S5W. ' '
CullfurnluUrl - jl ' 'Friilt .
FIlt'ITS tftiiidv. tv iioratd npplen. common ,
6 iCi prime wire tray. 8c ; . * ! dried , prime ,
I'-iffSUc , choioe. 6 c. f nry' 90Sl g. Prunes ,
JiJSc Aprlcott. royal. 7 < ? 8 > ic M'mr Park , ijfllc.
Peaches , unpeeled , IQlte.vtci \ ,
Weei Starts Oat with n Famine in Offerings
at the Yards.
ply Too Mtdtl to Kxcltr ( InIliirers ) ,
Who 111(1 About MriulylloK
Strum ; nnil Slightly
ijccemner ju i.iui u , j3 .
December S 1.S32 J.23J 1.C79
December S 2,713 9,141 3.C11 i
Dcwmbcr 7 3,474 8.204 1.6S3
December C J.iOl 3.4C1 3.WO . . . .
December 4 . 910 2.C2S
December ? MOJ 6.S71 4.130 1
The oniclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
Mo. Pacific tty 2
U. P. system 6 II 4 . .
C. & N. W. Hy 1
P. . . E. & M. V. U. H. . 11 20
S. C. & P. Uy 1
C. St. P. , M. & O. Ry 1 4
B. & M. It. 11 8 11
C. , U. & Q. Hy 2 9
1C. C. & St. J i
C. , n. 1. & 1 > . Hy. , w. . 1
Total receipts . . . . 30 ( U 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purcr.aslng the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 822
The G. H. Hammond Co 170 447
Swift und Company . . . . 1S3 1,137
The Cudahy Packing Co (52 ( 1,114
H. Heeker and Dcgan. . 129 . . . .
Lobmnn & Rothschilds. . 70' . . . .
W. I. Stephens 21 . . . .
Huston & Co 14 . . . .
H. Hamilton 21
Cudahy I1. Co , , K. C 6C < 5
Other buyers 113 7
Left over
Totals S7S 4,193 373
CATTLB It has been a long lltno since
receipts on a Monday were as small as they
were today , only thirty fresh loads being re
ported in the yards.
Only tiiree or four loads of beef steers
were offered , and as there was not enough
for any one packer to get a killing the
tradi ? was naturally slow and ilevold of In
terest. Buyers were claiming that the mar
ket was about steady but sellers said they
tvorp 1iHr1ti * , Inivfir H'hii fnr > t wns there
mere not enough cattle here to make It
nny object for buyers to take hold and to1
buy them.
About one-half of the receipts consisted oC
cows nnd heifers , quite a number of them
westerns. The market as a w.iole was not
much changed , though medium cow stuff
was rather weak , canners or very choice
stult being In better demand.
The few feeders here chanped hands at
about steady prices. Representative sales ;
Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. WS J4 03 5..1120 { JOS 6..ISM $3 95
.115)0 ) 4 ( Jl
1..12CO 2.0 2..1070 200 9..1031 3 03
19 935 3 ft ) 1 1110 3 ; ,0 , 1. . . . BSD S 00
1 1070 2 DO 1. . . . SJO 3'K ) 33 ST6 330
1. . . . ! CO 330 4. . . . 717 383 4..1042 275
2..1005 315 3. . . . 910 315 SO..Ml 330
13.-6S1 223 1..1120 233 G..1018 2 Ca
21 1HG 2 W 17..1172 2 SO 5..1154 3 Oo
1. . . . 9iO 200 1. . . . 78 > 235 S..SSS 2-t
.1..12W 270 C 1038 270 2. . . . MO 310
S. . . . 9M 3 1. . . . 7iO 280 13..870 2 DJ
4. . . . 45 : 3 W . . . . 4 ! 340 2 CS5 3 UO
1..1C'JI 200 1..1130 300 5..1280 2 S3
1 1100 2 K 2. . . .1015 2 S3 2 12)5 2 S3
1..1UW 310 1..11120 350 l..irJO 240
1 UIO 2 63 1 1730 3 CO
4 20 300 I 370 37. CC. . . . 251 400
1. . . . ICO 5 23 1. . . . 0 4 M
. 1. . . . tflO 3 CO 4. . . . C73 3 C3 13..1030 3 70
54. . . . 707 3 43 2. . . . 7CO 3 70
Nn. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
2 feeders. . . . 552 JS 00 14 feeders. . . . 910 13 10
feeders..1127 335 21 steers 1239 333
23 feeders..1126 SCO 27 feeders. . . . S93 373
Scows 7M S 73 19 cows 91C SCO
1 feeder 1070 323 53 feeders..10S2 370
IS bulls 973 225 12 feeders. . . . 821 333
HOGS Buyen were looking and hoping for a
Me rim of hoes at all market points , l > ut their
expectations were not fully realized. Hecelpts
here \\ere Large for a. Monday , tut the estimate
for the day's run at Chicago fell short. This
fact , combined with the very coed demand ,
rendered the market good , and strong , and
Heavy loads weighing 300 pounds nnd over
sold at J3.2TV rJ.MW. as against J3.23.32H on
Saturday , but practically all of. them brought
J3.30 tod-ay , while on Saturday over half of
them sold at J3.25ifr3.27H.
L.Kht loads sold at 13.371,403.43 , while the
top on Saturday was 13.421 , . The average of
all the sales was 2c higher than Saturday , this
being the ? e\enth day in succession that the
market has shown an advance.
The market was active nt prevailing prices
and an early clearance was effected. Rep
resentative sales :
No. Av.Sh. . 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
30 . SJO SO > 3 2T 17 . 321 1GI | 323
78 . 142 40 325 14 . 333 . . . 3 27'A
W . 344 200 3 27& 50 . 33S 4(1 ( 330
27 . 340 40 330 B6 . 328 200 330
38 . 354 40 339 SU . 3TJ 40 330
C4 . 239 ICO 331 CS . 314 80 3 30
5(1 ( . 334 120 SSI 4C . 392 ICO 330
51 . 32D 120 330 43 . 33C . . . 330
6 . 349 200 3 30 75 . 284 80 339
4C . 24.1 . . . 330 58 . 277 40 3 30
CO . 298 200 3 30 43 . 344 l l 330
54 . SSG . . . 330 CO . 2S9 120 330
42 . 307 2W 330 4S . 344 SO 3 30
53 . 318 120 330 43 . 364 . . . 330
Hi . 317 ICO 330 S3 . 328 160 3 3 >
LS . 321 80 3 30 C3 . 29J 280 330
61 . 287 SO 3 l C9 . 2W 200 330
19 . 321 1W 350 87 . 338 . . . 330
CO . 270 120 S 30 57 . 2S2 . . . 330
4B . 349 SI 380 Cl . 308 . . . 3 3 H
C3 . 292 . . . 3 32H 114 . 307 i > 0 3 32W
58 . 307 120 S32Vit 71 . 291 80 3 32lZ
H . 332 . . . 3 32 'A C4 . 2 S . . . 335
T,2 . 281 160 330 G8 . 230 ICO 335
68 . 250 SO 3 3.1 90 . 2U2 . . . 333
CO . Z37 SO 3 33 35 . 211 . . . 335
10 . 219 . . . 340 53 . 205 . . . 340
42 . 239 . . . 340 C7 . 247 . . . 3 42H
159 . W . . . 3 4S'.i 4 ( . 175 10 3424
88 . 1S7 . . . 3 43
2 . 445 . . . 2 M C . 42 ? . . . 3 27 < i
4 . 3S3 . . . 3 27VJ 4 . 4(2 . . . 3 27H
5 . 486 . . . 327 4 7 . 278 . . . 3 SO
5 . JS2 SO 3 30 5 . 1SG . . . 340
4 . 217 . . . 335
SHniSI' The .market was very slow and dull
and buyers did not act as If they wanted any.
Representative tales :
No. Av. TV.
86 stockers . 82 { 323
114 Btockers . S3 340
of Cnttlr Art1 StroiiKt'r mill In
S me CiiHfK Illcbrr ,
CHICAGO , Dec. M. Offerings of cattle were
taken today at steady to stronger prices , good
fat cattle selling In moet Instances at least a
dime higher. Beef steers tola largely at from
J4.40 to 15.1' ' . common lots Bolnf to dressed
beef concerns around 13.70 and (4 , while fancy
cattle were strong at from to. 20 to 15.50 , Ex
porters were buyer * around Jt.75 and 15,10. The
utocker and feeder trade was fairly good at
from 14 to 14.23 , and. coivs. heifers and hulls were
fairly active and stead)1.
In hoes western shippers made very moderate
! > urcha > es , but local puckers bought freely und
jirlce ruled strong at about last Saturday's
figures. UOKB sold largely at from. 13.40 to (3.DO ,
coarce heavy packeru selling at from S3.25 to
t3.7H and/ / prime Bhlpperii at from S3.50 to S3.S5.
I'lKS sold chiefly at from J3.23 to is. 45.
There was a very good demand for sheep and
lamba and prices were steady for desirable
offerings , sheep Wng wanted nt from J2.50 to
13.25 for common ewes , while choice wethen
were salable at from (4 to 14.75. Western fed
sheep were In good demand at from 13.70 to 14.40
and heavy export idieep were dull at ftorn 14.14
to II. .J. Ii'imUi were In good demand at from
3.75 to JO for poor t3 choice tlocks , prices being
from lOo to 15c lower , .
Heceliits : Cattle. H.W ht-ad , liogi , ! 7.t 0 head ;
cheep , 20'JCQ head.
! \ > w York I.lvr Stock.
NEW YOHK. Dec. SO. IlEEVES-Ilecelpts , 5. .
41S held ; Meera and oxen , nctlve an ! higher ;
bulls , easier ; dry rows , generally steady , na
tive f It- ere , I4. 5fi& . ( > 5 : flats and oxen , J2.7I4J
4.60 ; bulls , t2.75&3.:3 ; dry cows , II M&3.4S , Ca-
blt-H quote American steers at 10546 ll'ac ; re-
frtgtratur beef , fc\i@&l c ; no n ports.
CALVES Ilecelpts , 314 head : veals , Me higher :
grasser * . lower : vtal , JS.Wif8.Mt ; cra er , 13.00
6TS.S31westerns. . K.SOH4.70.
SHEEP AND LAMUS-KectlpU , CCM head :
sfep. linn : lamb * , c higher ; sheep , K.0064.50 ;
ii'inl.j. JG.Wijt.C7ii.
HOQS Ueceluu. 14,191 head ; firm at J3.C33
diicliiiintl Mv < * Stuck.
CINCINNATI , nee.HOaSActlv ) and
ttronK at )3. ' > OO3.U ,
CATTLU 8t ady at JS.2S0J.10.
KIIEHI * Steady at JI.MfH.tO.
LAMUS-Steady at IS.W&S.W
liiilliinniiollo Ilve SlooU.
Rt-celptM light. hlprrnt . none , few fresh arrival -
rival * of cattle and < U1 MM ; good u > piima
Kteers. tl.ffia > xro. f lr to mMlum steers , Jt.Mff
4.f ) , i-rnimrm tf KCTK ! nlocKm'S , tS"Hi3. .
llOUS-neeelptft. 4,000 hrd ; uhlpments. t.SM
hil. . market ftcllv * na IHc toner. R.-od to
choir * tne.llum and liravy , JJ.4e8.S * . mixed nd
liMvy , U4 ffS.4& ; common llfhts. .40 a.4i.
SHBEI1 Itervlfts. IlKht , * Mpment . ni ) r-
kM qtfftt l > ly stendy. ( px * ! to ehol 'O lambs. ti.Sl
5.7 ( ; common In medium Inmbs ,
common sheep. It JMM 73.
St. lIMll l.IVP Stopl
ST. lOlVISv Dec , 2'ATTK . .
heivl ; shipments. TOO be d , market Mmdy tn
stiorff tor nullves , E 'Hh the t - t RindM n
slrtrt * hlih r within the rnnse. Te nn steady
and slaw. P lr t fancy nn.ttve shtpplnp and
MKvrt | trem , t4. * & > . . bulk of mlw. M > SlM.7 > ;
dreM l lieet and t > ulohrs' steers , JJ.6SH&.JS ;
liulk of unU's tl.o > JfS.W ; steers unler l.fW pound' .
M.4iM4.CO ; slix'kei nnd feejors , $2. 4. 1 . cows
and heifers , , vtf4.Hl ; bulk ot cowx , H.&o < r2S ;
cannlnp cows , tl. & > riS.40 ; bulls. I.OiHM.4l ; T xas
and Imllnn steers , K.t B4.Ki iws and heifers ,
HOts IteceHtitd , C.CO heiul ; ohlnments , 1,00)
hp d ; market steady ; llirht. J13 H > 8.4i ) ! mlxeil.
W.3SB3.10 ; heavy , J3.40fiJ,45.
SHKEl' H < i i > ts. Son he d : nhlpmentB. ! )
h ad ; market sinmKer ; native muttons , J1.V > W
4/i ; culls nnd bucks , SU7.Mi3.35 ; lambs , J" > .W
Kn t 11 11 It n I < > Lire Stork.
EAST TH'1-VAljO , Dec. M. CATTLt Steady :
choice shipping , M.f "ff8.W ! medium to heavy ,
J4.S,0(14.M , coarse rouith , U.7104.25 ; choice f t
heifers. M.rx ; mlxeil birtchtrs' stock ,
4.00 ; fnt cows. J3.WsrX7.V
HOOSOood to choice Yorkers. I3.CO ; llnht
Yorkers , J3.Mf(3.65H ; mixed packers' Krodrs.
J3.CO : medium weights nnd hntvr. JJ 60 : roughs. ; FtBRS , J.D002.fS plKS. M.5 ( ! ffS.7S.
LAMIIS Yenrllnits , choice to prime , tl.75itS.00 ;
fullto good. H.OOSTt.C ; culls. Jl.i-,0.IO : natives ,
choice to extra , je.C096.30 ; Mir to geol , J5.C3 ;
culls. M.MJ < .M.
SIIEKl'-Cholce to selected wethers , JI.C08
4.M | mixed. J4.2504.50 ; culls , J5.C05JS.7S.
KIIIIKIIN City I.lvtStuck J
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 21. CATTLK-llecclpt" ,
4,500 head ; inaiktt steady ; Texas steers. j.4Wt
4.W ; Texas cows , J2.55Ct3.00 ; native steels , J ! . ! > 0f
0.00 ; native cows nnd heifers , l.Mn.2i ; stockers
and feeders. i2.My4.50 : liulln , J2.75UJ.CO.
HOQS llecelptu , 7.000 hrnd ; mnrket steady ;
I.i.iil-vllle I.lviStock. .
I/DUISVILLH , Ky. , Dec. 20. CATTI.K-Tlc-
celpts , s 9 head ; market active and prices steady
to strong.
HOOS necelpts , 6,653 head ; market steady at
Satunlny's flose ; tops sclllne at J3.43 pgs ! , dull
at J2.7T.i83.30.
S11I3EP AND LAMI1S Hecelpts , ! 15 head ; mar
ket steady and prices unrhanceJ ,
S < iifk In Mulit.
Ilecard of receipts of live rtock at the four
principal markets for December M :
Cattle. Ilosr Sheep.
Omaha 87t 4.1S4 1.1H
ChlcaRO 11.0V ) 137iHX ) Jl.iOl
Kaunas City 4f.ft ) 7.W3 2/O )
St. Louis 4.UK3 8.6.10 00
Totals 23.571 ! il,7S4 23,913
Xrw York Dry Coiult Jlnrkot.
NEW YOniC , Dec. 20. The amount of busi
ness reported1 In the dry woods market toJay
demonstrates the value of the reductions which
were made recently In staple bleached goods.
Itoth In number nnd In sire the mall orders
received today were In the hlKhest degree sat
isfactory for thaie and elmlUr lines and the
store trading has been of n decidedly encourag
ing character. In other lines of staple cottons
the maiket rcmnlns rather nulet , though there
tins been some sympathetic buylnir In brown
sheetings nnd shirtings nnd c-oarse colored Roods
In the main , though , thfre Is no Increase In
the dealings In thtfe ROodp. and nlthoush stocks
In some quarters nre quite heavy , sellers feel
that they will haxe to reduce prices before tney
can force heavy trading. In print cloths there
Is continued dullness , the demand being re
stricted to odd goods at very low prices. The
quotation Is still 2Vic.
ISuroiiunii Cni | > I'r
LONDON. Dec. ! 0. The Mark Lane Express ,
reviewing ihe crop prospect. s.Tys :
The English wheat fields have a satisfactory
appearance and those of France ore now re
garded as favorable , but It IB doubted If the
acreage will be as large as a year ago. The
Italian nrrecge will probably be IncreateJ , as
the whole autumn has been favorable to sowing.
The rows from Itussla varies , lllldness is re
ported In the lllack sea littoral and jnow In the
greater portion of the empire.
The stocks aw-altlnp export In Russian ports
amount to 1.0C2.000 quarters , cgnlnst 2,632. COO
quarters a year ago. n suggestion that the recent
Russian shipments were heavier than the rc-
servej Justified.
riuiiH for ItcmcdyliiK One of ilie DN- |
coiufnrtn of Skymi-rnpi.T'i ,
C. J. Woodbury says In the Globe-Demo
crat that while we are progressing fairly
well In the matter of ventilating our large
buildings , we have somewhat further to KO
In sanitary science before we reach the
ideal Indoor atmosphere , Jlr. Woodbury
points out that the constantly increasing
heljrtit of office buildings , while bringing
their upper occupants relief from the noise
of the streets nnd giving' ' them the comfort
of transacting their business above the My
belt , which is as well denned as the snow-
line on a high mountain , also exposes them
to a fine dust which pervades the whole
structure The modern mefhod of heating
and ventilating such a building Is by means
of a blast of air drawn down u Hue , warmed
and forced through the building In such
quantities that four times the volume of
the bulldlnpi is frequently circulated through
the rooms each hour. Although this method
of heating Is more efficient than direct radi
ation In rooms , is less expensive and affords
the sanitary requisite of ventilation without
cold drafts. U distributes laritie amounts of
dust through the building. In a city using
bituminous coal there Is a line Impalpable
carbon deposit , whichIs especially objec
tionable , spoiling or clogging urawmsa.
books and delicate mechanisms , nnd pro
ducing tenacious smudges whenever It Is
touched This dust la not only disagree
able but an undesirable substance to take
Into the lungs , ilr. Woodbury's plan for
removing It from the air Is to uac cotton
cloth filters , so arranged that the air shall
approach the fabric at an acute angle. The
momentum thus carries the dust wyond
a point where the air passes through the
niter The dust particles are found to have
a tendency to glance off and be carried to
the bottom of the filter , rather than to c.og
the Interstices In the fabric. A successful
trial of this method was made in a build
ing of nearlv r.00,000 cubic feet capacity.
through which 2G , iO cubic feet per minute
was usually blown for heating and ven
tilation The outside air used for t'he ' pur
pose was drawn down a flue thirty-seven
square feet In cross section , and reached
a velocity of 700 feet per minute. From
half a peck to a peck of dirt per month
was gathered from the filtering bags. The
efficiency of the device was tested by
placing freshly painted boards at the bottom
tom of the flue before the Installation of
t'ho ' apparatus , and then giving- another
coat of paint after the device was in
service Jn the first Instance , the fresh
paint collected line dust until It resembled
line sandpaper , and In the second , the paint
dried into a smooth surface.
Washington Star : "It Is a great pleas
ure " said a congressman , as he beamed
over the big bunch of Mowers on Ms desk ,
"to be remembered by one's constituents In
this manner. "
"But you say you don b pay any atten
tion to sneers. " i
"Then why should you not be equally In
different to compliments ? "
"Young man. there is a great difference.
It's H constant temptation to roach for the
always convenient brick to throw ut a
man , whether you really mean It or not.
But when you po to ; ne ttnuMo anJ ex
pense of gtttlng bouquets to throw at him
you arc usually pretty much In earnest. '
\ol' li > lit' Kniliiri-il ,
Chicago Tribune : "I am In the habit of
Investigating things for myseu , remarxeu
TELEPHONE l r > 3 ,
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Office. 103S N St. . Ltncola. Neb.
Chrislie-Streel Commission Co
Cniiltnl ? r.OOOO.OO , Fullr I'nlil.
WeareGommission Go
Members Chicago Board of Trade since 1BC2.
Grain.Provisions and K. Y. Stccfcs
Ordera Cash nnd Future Delivery Solicited.
Onmliu OlUee , Iloiiiu 1 , \ . V. Life lllilif ,
. . . .U'lioiiv OU1. . . .
FLOYIJ J , CAMl'lIP.LL , Jluuneer ,
Telephone 1030 , Omaha , Neb
Dlrtrt wlren to Chlcaeo and New York.
Corrctpoudenti : John A. Warren & Co.
tJio cKIeriy gentleman ! n speit.icie * . "nn.1 in
Iho matter of any right * and rluileetin u
voter on nnr question I tnko no man's Jpaj
"Nollhcr do t , " heartily , but nomewhnt
vaRtioly rcspoiuleil the liccfy citizen nvho
* smoklnR a c.irrr | > len olfmr. "Tnnt's
somethliiR twon't t kc from anybody , If a
man was to cnll mo an Ipso dlxlt heil get
It In the neekl"
II In llto Spirit Tj-Jilllcil thnt
( riirlminnn ( Jlft.
HeplylnR to a letter ot Inquiry as to the
moat appropriate holiday Rift for a young
woman , the Now York Sun gives this sensible
advice :
The multitude of Klfts proper for Christ-
mo * Is endless In variety , nnil , hnpplly , U In-
c'luues numberless nrtlcle whose prices ara
< nlthln the nienns of every River , no matter
how llRht hl.i purse. The cheapnow of many
really beautiful nnnufncturcs Is njnatltif ; .
Our friend , howeX'er , It Is evident , ileslr
thnt his gift shrill represent nnd * l.snlfy In
Its Importance intl npproprlntenMR the RTCAI
depth of his nffcctlon nnil sj-mpEithy for Ilia
woman of whom he Isniimr > red. Most of
all. ho wishes that It should touch her heart
and reveal to hen the richness of his n nll-
menl toward he.r. Hut nvicnltuile In th
Klft Is not requisite for that purpose. It l
the irlvlnfr mthcr than the mere muterlnt
form or thu slCt which expresses that fccl-
InR. The Klft Is only the outward and visi
ble el en ; the emotion thnt prompts the giv
ing IK the Inward uttil spiritual srace.
Hcnco It I * not of mudi matter u\hat the
Klft Is. so Ions as he gives It nnd she ac
cepts It us ! revelation of thnt spirit. If It
is possible for him to discover what she
desires particularly , that will be an ap
propriate Klft but so also will any Rift bo
appropriate. It Is not the gold In the wed-
dlnp rlntr which mnkc * the matron cherish
It through Ufa with nu almost supcnttltloua
rejrnrd. but the marriage It typifies and
symbolizes. The veriest Irllle may be en
riched beyond price by the Inwnrd urace of
which It Is the outward expression. Diamond
mend * tuuV rubles can tell no moro of thnt )
spiritual fontlnieiit than the cheapest nrtlclo
at the baicnln counter. The two hive no
relation. The only vjlue worth considera
tion I ? In Ihe fecllnK.
Great complaint Is made of the unequal
distribution of the bleu'lnss of life , but the
onrrmlzntlon of the social system does not
c.iuse nny Inequality In the distribution of
tlKi Rfcatest blesilnjr of all. Affection Is In
dependent of poverty or riches ; It bears no
rulutlon to material circumstances , Kvery-
body gets of It the full sluiri ; he deserves ,
slnoo the ble'sliiR Is rather hi the bestn.val
of the affection than In the receiving of It.
Accordingly , we do not need to supgest to
our Inquiring friend nny particular gift.
Whatever he Rives to the Rlrl will be Rlorl-
lied by the affection It symbolizes and to
\\hlch It appeals.
It Is cany to catch a cold and just as oas ?
to get rid of It If you commence early ' .o
TEC One Minute Cough Cure. It cures-
coughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia acd all
throat and lung troubles. It U pleasaul to
take , eale to use and ture to cure.
IIoiE Industries
Uy I'urchnsliiK Gomls Matle nt the Fol-
lonliiev1iranUn : Fnctorlen.
( Successors Omaha Tent and Awning Co. )
Manufacturers tents , awnings. Jobber * ladles'
and gents' mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311
Farnam St. . Omaha.
Car load shipments made In our own rxflc-
tratoi curs. Blue lUbuvft. niiie Export. 'Vienna
Export and Family Export delivered to all par' *
of the ctly.
\VITIIM3L > Ii linos. A. S.11IT1I CO.
Tavlnp , Sewer and Building
Capacity. 100,000 per day. Omee and yard. d
p.nd Hickory Sts. Telephone 425. Omaha. Neb
. F. UPI3M3TI3R.
Manafacianr of Galvanized Iron Cornices , On- :
ranlzed Iron Skylights. Tin. Iron and Slatt.
Rooflng , Agent for Klnnear's Steel Celllnc.
105-10-12 North eleventh street.
Wholesale Cracker Manufacturers ,
DTE woiuts.
1VOI11CS , IfiUl Knrnnm St.
Dyeing and cleaning of garments and goods of
every description. Cleaning ot fine garments
fptclalty. .
Flour. Meal , Teed and Bran , 1013-15-17 North
17th Street , Omaha , Neb. C. B. Black , manager.
Telephone 92.
Trun nnd BriisH FonnilcrM.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of Machinery. Gen.
rial repairing a specialty IM1 , 1C03 and 1503
Jackson ctrtet , Omana Neb.
Manufacturers or Architectural Iron Work.
General Foundry. Machine and Blacksmith work.
Engineers nnU Csntractois for fire Proof Build
ings. Onice and works : U. I * . Ry. and South
17th street , Omaha.
Manufacturer ! ulu process raw llntend oil.
kettle boiled Unseed oil. old proress ground Un
seed cake , erjund and screened flaxceed for
rtrjpgletf. OMAHA. NKB.
L. n. noup.
Manufacturer Lounges. Coucheo. .
Jobber of Spring Beds atjl Feathers 411-113 S.
10th trect
Manufacturers of high Grade Mattreitee , 130M
Nlcholat Street , Omaha.
Mfcri. Clothing , Pants. Bhlrts and Overalls.
_ _
Bxcluilv * cmtorn < hlrt tailor * . UK Farnam.
Manoufactureri of Vinegar , Plcltlei , Catsupi ,
Mustard ! . Celery ind Worcetunhlre Sauce.
For a coed lUbstantlul vehicle ot any descrip
tion , for repainting or rubber tlrei on new or old
wheels the lx t place U 27th and Leavenportu
tr ta.
Cheap , medium prk-c-d and toay carrUm.
Any thing you want , second hand or new.
Headquarter ! for Rubber tires , warranted , lltb
and llarney , oppoilt * Court Houi * .
14UU , 1411 DuUiie.
Full Iln * of CarrUgtu , Bugciei , Phartoni , Ponj
Cart * . Wbtcl * rubber tlikd. Th bctt U thl
Largest farto-y ID the west , LeadlnB liV
Urn ot Omaha , Kaniai City. Lincoln and Ut *
; o eph handU our tuui * . I00 faroam tr * t ,