8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEI3 : TSUNDAY , BEOEKBI3K 10 , 1807 , HOLIDAY PIANOS FOR $25 Oash and $8 to S10 Moathly-At Holiday Prias , THE BIGG-ST BARGAINS IN OMAHA The Plnnn Itiiyir * ' ( inlilcn Opportunity of Sreurlnwr n Illitli Ormle 1'lnno nt ( Irenlly lic it it ceil 1'rlvcn , Ix > ok .it these prices. Little used upright Marshall ft Wendell , Mason & Hamlln , Old Scale Klmball , Vo o & Sons , and fisher pianos at $63.00. $73.UO , ISG.OO to $9100. These ) pianos are In thorough need repair , and will b ! taken back toward nny no * ' piano fn the house at the same prlco any time within two years. THEY AllE THE 11IGOEST HARGAINS IN OMAHA AT PRESENT. Over ninety new upright pUtm from Iho best factories In the wo.'ld , Including such well known standard makes as the Knabs pianos , Kranlch & Dach'pianos , Klmball pianos. Krell'planof , Hallet & Davis pianos , Whitney pianos , Hush & Gcrts pianos , etc. In genuine San Domingo mahogany cases circular ( rawed oak cases , genuine roscwooc cases , English , French or'Clrcusslon ' walnut casts. Also In plain and fancy designs , At prices well you can pretty near make the prlcts your own way. Wo must sell fifty by January 1 ; v ll have to make room somq nay , If even at a loss. loss.THIS IS THE PIANO BUYER'S GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. i A. HOSPE , 1513-15 Douglas St. . Omaha , Neb. HOLIDAY SPKCIAI. Vlii MlMxoiirl I'no I HiHy. . Tuesday. December 21. will sell round trip tickets at one faro plus ? 2.00 to ccrtali points In Kansas , Oklahoma , southwcs Mlfssurl , Texas , Indian Territory , Arkansas Louisiana , etc. To loral points , within distance of 200 nillcs. at ono fare on December 24 , 23 31 nnd January 1. . , Hound trip rate to St. Ixjuls , Mo. , $ lu.OO on sale December 24 , 25. 31 , and January 1 For further Information call at city olllccs northeast corner Thirteenth and Faruam or Fifteenth nnd Webster streets. J. 0. PHILLIPPI. T. F. GODFREY , A. G. F & P. A. P. & T. A. KNADK peerless planca , new designs , new Ecales. State representative , A. Hospo , 1513- 15 Douglas street. Omaha. Hamilton Warren. M. D. , ssccc ! and -nag- nolle phjslclan ; special attention to diseases of women and children and all obscure and long-standing diseases. Rooms E03-4 Shcoley block , corner 15th and Homey. Peck & Snydcr. ekites. 35c to $3.00. Townseud Wheel & Gun Co. . 116 S. 15th. IIinlireltiiH anil At A. ManJelberg's , ICth and Farnam. \iit Sure Admit It. Perhaps no more perplexing problem con fronts the Christmas shopper than : What Eholl I give as a present ? Could there bo anything that would be nicer or more ap preciated that a really fine cpcra glass ? The Columbian Optical Co. , 211 S. IGth at. , are showing a. direct Importation ot the finest opera glosses over brought to Omaha. Ele gant pearl aflalrs , dainty enough for a queen. Then the blick morroco covered ones that just suit the gentlemen , op'era glasses that ordinarily would be expensive , but owing to the large purchase and direct Importation are far below what you 'have bedn asked for this quality of goods. In fact , It Is about wholesale cost. You should mall yourself of seeing this elegant display. Sterling silver nail flies , 75c , at John Rudd's , 115 South IGth street. If you haven't yet called on the "Busy Jewelers , " 118 South 15th street , you better do so. They are the boys that have hand some novelties. How < o Kxc-lile Culil ll ml Other Ills. Spend the winter In the south , where sun shine and balmy air make- life worth the living. The principal winter havens la Florida and the south are easily reached over Pcnnsyhunla Short Lines from Chicago via Cincinnati end via Louisville. Far particu lars apply ta H. II. Dering , A. G. P. Agt. , 248 South ' 51.li k st. , Chicago. An Kxi'cllcnt Opportunity. Do not fall to call at Thomas KKpatrlck & Co.'s dry goods store and try the coffee served free by the American Chicory Co , from Dscember 20 to 24 , each day from 11 a. m. till 5 p. m. Ask for c-no of tliolr book lets which telis all about chicory and how to make good coffee. Free eanioles will be distributed. A PiuinrniuiiMO Mil CM From the Observation. Car on the New York Central a living panorama 440 miles long may bo seen. Tula. Includes the Genesee , Black River and Mohawk Valleys and 143 miles of the Hudcon River. Including the- foothills of the Adirondack mountains ; the Capitol at ( Albany ; the Catsklll mountains ; the Palisades of ( ho Hudson and the Now York Central's magnificent approach to the metropolis this being the only Trunk Line whoso Irakis enter the city of New York. Lot of Genuine White Topaz In tie pin set tings , suitable for Christmas presents , lor ealo cheap. Nearest approach to diamonds. Address W. S. C. , general delivery , Omaha. To My I'ntriiujr uuil Otlu-rx. It seems to bo the sentiment for " 'one lino" business , and as sulnlng parlors aio "ono lino" buitaets wo hereby roHfy all that wo hixvo dispensed with our polishing do- ' partmenl and heartily recommend our friends to try "Mogy" or Colin In the future. A. D. MOUSE , I 1017 Douglas St. _ I'tiiuo HllruiiliiN. Bchmoller & Mueller offer the following bargains In slightly used pianos : Klmball upright , only $74.00 ; Chlckertag waluul case. $65.00 ; square planes iirij organs , $15.00 and upwards ; $4.00 payments. New JVEHB & POND , EMERSON and VOSC & SONS' PJANOS at wholesale prices. Easy -terms , WAREROOM , 105 S. 16th st. Miss R. M. Heltlg. late of 'Munich ' , volco Initructlon Itallau method , specialty ; Lie- dcr , Schuhert , Schumann , Draliins , elc. Con cert engagements , musical receptions. Studio , room 25 , Continental block , Omaha , Hun Into liy IMutnr Cnr. A driver named Gilbert , employed by A. IIosp . while crossing the track of the street railway company on upper Farnam street last night , with his heavy wagon and tram. Ivan run Into and his wagon hadly smasieil by n motor car. The , horses and driver oiv coped Injury. KODAKS For Christmas Fifty Styles of Cameras to select from. From $2.50 to $75.00 Each OPEN EVENINGS. 1215 Farnam Sfrest. Bend for Catalogue. A. MAMHM.lUJIUl , The I.pnillnic Jr rrlrr , N. n. Cnrnrr Kith nnd 1'npiinm Street * , lilas the nnMt selection In the city. Ask your friends -who hove been there , they can tell you , or visit other Jewelers , then call on us ; you T/111 bo convinced. We do not bofuit or make a loud talk , wo have the Kootls the latest designs nnd styles fine Diamonds , loose or mounted : Silverware In toilet goods In endless variety ; Gold and Sllver'Wntchcs ; enameled Chnte'aln Watches , with | > lns to match ; Umbrellas and Canes to match , with sold and sliver trimming ; I'urses with silver mountings and Watches enclosed ; Cut Glass and English Tottery handsome Llijuor Sets trimmed In gold and silver. Observe tome ot our prices , as space will not permit mention of all : 100 Solid Sliver Hair Blushes , $2.50. worth 14.00 300 Solid Silver Nail FJIcs , 75c , worth l.f > 0 HOO Solid Silver Thimbles. 25c , worth COc. 300 5nltB and Poppers , silver plated , COc , worth $1.50. 100 Cnncs , solid silver mountings , H 00 , worth $200. . 100 Silk Umbrellas , silver mounting , $2.00 , worth $ .1.50. 50 Imported Pnpcr Welshts , with flowers enclosed , $1.00 , worth $3.00. CO Dresden Clocks , $10.00 , worth $1800. Solid Silver Teaspoons ( set of 6) ) $3.CO. worth $5.00. All other goods sold equally as low. Open ovcnlnss. A. M'ANDEunisna. ' Loading Jewelery , N. E. cor. 16th & Turnam. You may not meet your friends at John Hudd's , 115 S. IGth St. , but you'll find the handsomest stock of Sterling Silver Novel- tics thfro Is In the city and at prices you can afford to buy. t'nInn racltlc. "Iho Overland Limited. " The most SUPEH11LY EQUIPPED train west of the Missouri river. Twelve hours quicker than any other train to the Pacific coast. Call nt Ticket oni'e , 1302 Farnam St. I'tinIHniituiKlx. . At A. Mandclbcrg's. ICtli and Farnam. AfHix-liiU'tl CunrlllrM > rcil Cunl. The trustees , on account of an empty treas ury , nre compelled to make an urgent appeal to our benevolent citizens for funds to enable them to purchase 200 tons of coal for dis tribution amongst the deserving poor this winter. The applications nro very numerous and pressing and require Immediate attention. The board , therefore , hopes to have a llbsrnl and ready rcopanso to Its necessitous appeal. Chccku piynblo to the Associated Charities , or donations of coal will bo thnukfully re ceived at 807 Howard street. THOMAS L. KIMDALL , President. JOHN LADGHLAND , Secretary. Hess & Swoboda , florlm > , I ill Farnara St. 'Phono 1GOI. Palms , cut flonurs and floral design ? . All the latest and newest novelties In Ster ling Silver can be found at John Rudd's 115 S. IGth at. , nnd you can rely on the goods being as represented. A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177. Have you been to the "Busy Jewelera' " yet at 118 South ICth street ? Don't Minn It. The Amerlccu Chicory Co. , will deraon- strato the value of chicory as an addition to coffee by solving It tree at Thomas Kll- patrlck & Oo.'s store from December 20 to 24 , each day from 11 a. m. till 5 p. m. 2 carlaids of line Xmas trees cheap at Helm rod & Hanson's. The ladles are Invited to call at 0. K. Scoflold'a store , where Mrs. Qootzhebucr of Brutsels Is exhibiting till Jcnuary 1 , a fine assortment .of Brussels laces. Personally Uondnctril Hicumloiin to California. VLV UNION 'PACIFIC. Leave Omaha a very Friday , 3:30 : p. m. . reach ing San Francleco Monday , 9:45 : a. m. " Cor respondingly fast time to Southern Califor nia. Twelve hours quicker tnan any other Personally Conducted Excursion noute from Missouri river. City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnarn Street. Thrown , from u Carl Carlson was thrown from a at Twenty-tlfth and St. Mary's avenue about 9 o'clock last night and received a compound fracture of the right leg above inc unee. in turning the corner nt Twenty- fifth street , the horse became frightened nnd springing ouddenly to ono side , wrenched the shafts free from the cutter. Carlson was jetked over the dashboard , falling against Iho curb. He was In com pany with Tilllo Anderson , who escaped uninjured. Carlson ! was taken to the Pres byterian 'hospital ' , where his Injury was attended to. T.ie horse and shafts were later seen nt Fourteenth und Dodpe streets , but have not as yet been captured , Sollil Silver Ilitlr IlriiNlivH , L'.HO. At A. Mandelberg's , 16th and Farnam. Small Fire , A small fire occurred In the tailor shop of Isidore Freedman , 217 South Twelfth .trcet . , lapt night. The l > ! aze started In the summer kitchen from matches in greasy rags and did about $5 damage. Sterling silver brnshns $2.50 at John nudd's , 115 South IGth street. 2 nights to California. 1 night to Utah. via the UNION PACIFIC , 12 hours quicker than any otlu-r Him from Missouri Hlver. For tickets , tliuu trtbk's , or tiny Information , call ut City Tk'Uet Olllco , 3H02 Fnrnum St. Here We Are Again with our celebrated Egyptian. Lotus Cream the finest preparation made for chapped hands , face and lips nothing finer made. Kid Gloves can be worn Immediately after usini ; . For gentlemen's use after shaving , this Cream ls guaranteed to keep the face smooth and free from all eruptions. Kgyptlan Lotus Cream lOc I'ltiaud's Violet Heine Toilet Water. . , . 45o Pinaud'B Violet De Franco Toilet Water 4c I'inaud'a Lilac De Prance Toilet Water 45o Tlnaud's Lavender De Kranco 45e I'lnnud's Lavender Salts 35o Colgate's Violet Water 70o 1'lnaud's Kan do Quinine 28c and SGc Murray & Lauman's Florida Water , . . tOe Wllllam'4 I'Ink Pills S5e Duffy's Malt Whisky SOc Palne's Celery Compound 65c Hood's Sarsaparllla , . , 61c Warner's Safe Cure SOc Itobbs Spaiagus Kidney Pills 35c Oirter's Wyer Pill * 12c J doz. 2-sraln ijuinlne Capsule Bo 1 doz. 3-graln Quinine Capsules . . . . . . . . 7c 1 doz. C-sraln Quinine Capsules 10o COT ! > IC DRU < iGIST lUih nnd Clilcnco Stu. ALL OTHBIIS IN PIlOPOimON. P , S. Wo won't refu e to sell Egyptian Lotus Crtam. to lthor tlie pots or yluggeri. GARBAGE INQUIRY IS- OVER Sadden Conclusion to tha Oontinnons Pcrfoiminoo Benched. PROSECUTION IN CASE FAILS TO APPEAR Ailvlnory Itonril WnltM In Vnlii for I. J. Dunn , who CoiUlilntiu-il , iiml So the Mutter I * llmiilx o < l Without Prejudice. The garbage Investigation which ha been on ns u. ectt of continuous performance , before - fore tbo Advisory Beard for ( ho last nix weeks reached an Ignominious finish yester day afternoon. The complaint was maJe by I. J. Dunn ted the mutter has been sot for hearing halt a' dozen times. On each occasion ono or ttio other of the attorneys \\aa tin- nblo to be present , end it was made a spe cial order for yesterday afternoon , with no- tlco to all parties concerned that It was positively a last appearance. The board met on time end walled for thrcc-quartcra of an h ui' for Dunn to put In an nppcar no , but without result. The members decided that they had fooled long enough auJ cu motion cf Chief of Police Gallagher tbo ccoc was dismissed without prejudice. IUMIVU ai us. DO.NOIIUI : i Female Flr.-l.iiK Htlll Held at Police Station. Mrs. EllenDonahue , or Miss Margaret Donovan , as oho Insists upon giving her name yesterday , Is still con Rued In the matron's department of the city Jail on a charge of arson. She Is alleged to have set Ore to the grocry store of S * Hol > lnsoi : Friday aflcrnoon , and at the tlrai ? admitted her Biillt. She cow , however , denies any con nection with the affair , and says the charge placed rgainst her Is merely cplte work upro the pirt of Mrs. Robinson. Ass'otant Cointy Attorney Winter liad a talk with the prisoner jestcrday , nnd was Inclined to think from her scattering con versation that she was a trine demented. He has. therefore , failed as yet to flic an In formation against ( he woman charging arson , as he thinks one of Incaalty would bo more just. Dr. Ralph examined the woman , but was not positive she was Insane. He In tends to further Investigate the case before giving an opinion. Mrs. Donahue , alias Donovan , claims to have lived In Omaha since she was 4 years old. She Is now about 40 years of age. She claims to have a brother named William Donovan , a shoemaker , who lives at 501 South Eighteenth street. Previous to securing the position with Mrs. Roblnssu the prisoner was confined at the ccunty hospital for nearly a month with rheumatism. She is la a desti tute condition. SIGHT WATC1MIA.V DIES SUDDEW.Y. TliomiiH Heart. , nil Old .Mini , Pound lleiul In HIM Chnlr. Yesterday shortly after 7 o'clock Thomas Sears , ulght watchman for the 0. W. Doug las Coal company , Thirteenth and , California treets , WEB found dead In his chair. Sears wont to work as usual about 7 o'clock Friday ovontag. His duty Is to make d round of the coal yard and report hourly. This he appears to have done until about 6 o'clock yester day morning1. When Oils Telllson , another employe of tha company , went to the omen In the morning' ' he found , 'Sears ' reclin ing , on a couple of chairs apparently asleep. Upco attempting to arouse him Tclllson found that the witchman "was dead. Sears was about 59 yearn of age and was unmarried. He roomed with a friend mar Eleventh and Capitol avenue and > had been lit the employ1.of the coal company for three years. . So far as is known the deceased has no jrelativesliving In Jhls city. Tae'body was removed to"Iho morgue. Holiday Ilnoiu nt I'ostolHcc. The business nt the postofllce Is steadily Increasing as the holidays approach. The big rush In packages anil bundles Is ex pected about three days before Christmas , although many are now being sent. The money order department has been booming for the last three weeks. The amount of money that Is being sent to foreign coun tries by people here Is greater than for years past. Diamonds direct Importation Beautiful Rings. Art China. Cut Glass , etc. Huber- mann's , 13th & Douglas. SEEING STAS.S , after tlio innnncr provoked by the play ful school boy Is no fji'ent nhl to one's vision. A more pleasant nnd Hiittafnc- tory way of helping your eyesight i * tj avail yourself of the resources of a coin- potent optician. AVe examine Ilie eyes free of ehaiw , select the proper glasses for yon and furnish them at very rea sonable prices. TheAloe&PenfoldCo. LEADING SCIENTIFIC OPTICIANS. ) pp. Pnxton Hotel. 14IIS I.'uruuni St. a Jersey But doi.t give him only one give him a box It's the clgur he'll like It's the best 5c clgnr sold. AVe have a nlagnlllcent line of Clfurs nil tlie leadingbrnuda put up In handsome packages of 13 nnd 25 especially for holiday glf tH. Then we've a great variety of I'lpea everything1 that Pipes are m do of. Cotno to UH mid you'll get good treatment. Paxion Block Cigar Store- Jacob Juskalck , propr. Rnute Pititscfr Gas Makes ft Easy to Read On the Burlington's Vcatlbulcil Flyer , A fiplunditl llpl.t brilliant. Edit. Btoatly. A splendid train fust , safe , c-cm- fortnlilo. Leaves Ontnlin. . . .0:05 : p. in. Arrlvt'sClilenso. . . SUO : n. m. Tickets nntl berths at Ticket ofllco , I 150:2 : Panuiin St. , Oinnlin. J. 11. Reynold's , Pass'r Agent. Perfume Sale , On Mondiiy mornliiK we shall begin a week of cuts on parfumes , which will be memorable In the history of the perfume trade In Omaha. 2Sc Murray & Liumnn's t-'iorlda Water 19c 75c Murray < t Laumnn's Florida Water , large size . 4'.ic ' fX > c Imported Florida Water , large size. IMc ? : , c Knstniiin's Violet Water . We 3"ic Eastmiin's Arbutus * Water . We 35e Eastman's Lilac Water . We 25c American Farina Colojjie . 14c ? 1.CO bottles (2 ( oz. ) Glass Stoppered Violet let $1.PO bottles Glass Stoppered White Hobo f Ue Jl.CO bottles (2 ( oz. ) Glass Stoppered Jockey Club . GOc $1.CO bottles (2 ( oz. ) Glass Stoppered Crab Apple . We $1.CO bottles (4 ( oz. ) Violet Extract . U9c Jt.CO bottles (1 ( oz. ) White Rose Extract. . Mo $1.50 bottles ( ) oz. ) Heliotrope Extract. . We $1.00 Plnalid's Violet Rclne Vegetal . 4Uo Il.OD Plnnud's Violet L > e Bols Aregotul. . 4Uc $1.00 Plnaud's Vloltt Llla Do France Vegetal . 4'Jc 33c Seely Sweet Lavender Salts . We 33e Seely Rose Suits . We 33c Seely Violet Sails . VJc 1-F.UKtI.MK ATOM 17,13 US. Nice Atomizers fhat will work . 23c Prettier Atomizers that will work . -lac Gold ( gilt ) Atomizers that will work. . . 60o Cut Glass Atomizers that will work. . . . J1.03 and $1.23 Bohemian Glassware Atomizers that will work . 90c und $1. < X > Colgate's Young People's Perfume (4 ( In box ) . 25c Plnaud's Eau Do Quinine , ! Xc ) ( jlzo . 2 ! > c Plnnud's Eau De Quinine , $1.00 size. . . . Me SACiiirr I'ownEiis ( AI-L. ouuits. I 1513 Dodge St. Middle of HicMHoc-U , - - Omuliu. Would be no Christmas at all and we want to say right here that we've Kot the nicest line of any house In town. Ladles' fine fur trimmed Juliet Slippers 51.30 Ladles' line vicl kid Opera Slippers , with or without straps $1.59 Ladles ! fine warm House Slip pers $1.00 Men's Faust Slippers , made of very fine vlcl kld.l.DO to $2.50 Men's Velvet Slippers..75c to $1.00 Men's fine Dongola Slippers ; $1.CO to $2.50 Infants' fine Suede Kid and Vlcl Kid Shoes In n variety of col ors the handsomest stock In the city We \ViU N. WHITNEY 107 S. IGth St Q-O-O-OO-O-O-oO-OOOO TEET Thin , light and extra strong , Cully warranted. A regular ten dollar plate for fl've. ' A HOW nilNG OFFER Wo also extract teeth WITHOUT PAIN. Our price , 23c. You'll save money by coming to us. Everything In dentistry , New York Denial Co. , nit.CLBMMRR.Mgr , IGth and Douglas Sts. Over Cnrt- rlglit's Shoo Store , O- Sundays , 9 to 3 p. m , Lady nttend- T aant. O-OO-O O-OOoOOO-OCK ? JINOTHEB mm * rami Sheridan CoaS read , "Absolutely the worst" A USEFUL CHRISTMAS ( PRESENT AND ONE THAT WILL GIVE HEALTH , STENCV , GRACE AND SYMMETRY by using for a few minutes each day. Ths WHITELY EXERCISER , , * , * , * Absolutely Nolaoloiu When In Operation. A complete homo Kymnaslum , and \vlll last years with ordinary care. The Exerciser la suspended from two small steel holts In a moment of time , or from the nlntfcs of 11 door. TVie WHITELY 13XEHCI8EH Is equally BUltnb'.o for the 8TUONQKST MAN nnd for the SMALLEST CHILD , and la especially adapted to the use of LADIES. Sole O.nulm Agents. So 15th St. Wo sell the celebrated Peek & Snyder Skutos. Skates at Half Price : : : \Vo huvo { i lot of slightly damapcd skates whloli wo are closing out at half price elzos 0 , 0 1-2 ana 10-luch. ' It's the "Big Store" that has the Bros' Hayden mammoth stock of Christmas Slippers and Shoes The most sensible present you can give. No house in the west undersells us You'll think the price must be a mistake and it's advisable for you to call early in the week and make your selection as you'll never again buy goods as low as we are selling Ladies' Slippers Men's Slippers r. ' Turkish SUrw-rs In 58c black , tan , nnd red. Moil's Velvet ninbroldcrcil 75c Slipper * . . . . . Ladles' Warm Lined Felt 48c Men's Vnlvot Kmbroldo.ri.il 98c Slippers Slippers Lndlcs' Slippers Velvet Opera 98c Mcn't T.ui nnd llluck Goat 1.25 llcnver Cloth 1.00 Slippers Ladles' Beaver Fur Trimmed 1.25 . med Fanst Slippers Luuirn line Vlcl Klil Shoes , silk vest- s' Satin Quilted Fur- ng tops , kid tops , coin toe , military Trimmed Slippers In red and 1,75 heels , kill eyelet stays , heavy single black , soles a hnmlfomo dress ahoe a regu lar H.OO value for Slippers Indies' Felt Lined Beaver 98c Misses' Shoes Men's Faust Slippers SI.95 Hemeinber nre hentltnmrtcrt1 fine kid button pat ent tin spring heel Shoes. . . . 1.25 for Christinas Slippers. Misses' Hue Donjola lace 1.45 patent tl | > spring heel shoes . ' Men's Shoes Mlraes line Vlcl Kill lace- 2.00 kid top extension sole shoes. . Men's flnu box calf heavy Misses' line Y'd ' Kid patent 2,00 solo -laco ? 1.00 shoes . . tli > luce coin toe shoes , Men's fine t-atln rnlf laeo Misses' Arctics 75o coin too shoes Mon's Koiuiiiui o 'It Mdii ' luce welt solo shoes . . . . Children's and Men's full calf , heavy \\ult solo , ' 1 nil ilos toe. luco. J 1.00 hlioo ut Infants' Shoes ' Men's Arctics Child's Fine Heaver Top Shoes ! i to 8 Child's FineKlil , warm lined ' Button Shoes 5 to 8 Ladies' Shoes Men's Hue Harvard CnlT Winter Tan Child's Fine Kid patent tip -d Of ) Ladles' Fine Box Calf lace O rf\ and Blacks extension sole Luce Shoes lace hand turn sole v or button pkatlng $ .1 shoes. . . v w ' J3.W valui- for Infants' Fine Dongola Hnml50o uil ' Kld-lnce-3.M Ladles' Fine - - O , $4.00 Turned Shoes 75o Shoes ff ' It Is like an old SOUK to toll you to Infants' Fine Heaver Top JQo ' . Women's Beaver Cloth Lace < ' Shoes , 2 to a * OL. start out eiiriv Monday morning' , but ' Shoes or nt the risk of belli , ; tiresome wu repent ' Child's Arctics 65o Women's Arctics Hao the counsel "shop early. " ,2fe. for Everbody Boys and girls , men and women , young and old , and at prices to suit all comers 3Bc to $2.60 per pair. SLEDS Wo can please you If you- want a sled anywhere from 25c to $2.25. We also have a goad line of articles suit able for Christmas presents for the older membPrs of the family. Useful prcssnts are always accept able and show the good judgment ns well ns the good will of the giver. John Hussie Kdw. Co , , JMO7 Cuinlnir St. Tel. 111(1. Some suitable suggestions for gifts Carvers in pairs , sets and caiei. Pocket knives from lOc upwardi Wosten- holmes. Rogers' Hon- c"kle and others- Razors single and sets the largest line of Star Razors in the city- Scroll saws and Skates. Silverwear. Jas Morton & Son Go. 1511 < "sar A3IUSISMBNTS. IKE GUILL'S S LI. Cnr lllth uuil Duvcniinrt fit * . CONOUIITS BVCUY SIGHT 7lJO ! TO IK Matinees Tuesday , Thursday and Haturtlay , JSO ; THIS WBBK'S ATTIlACTIOXSl Master Arthur Qaff Cornet Vlrtuso. The original Wrothe and Wekencld , Irish Comedians. I'urlta and Qeorglo , Llllputlan Sketch. Helen Eloane. Besale Haymond. Ella Klrchner , Soloist , SONG - II V - Mmo. Elsaaor I Assisted by Omaha's talented Pianist , MU. JOSEPH QAIIM. A rare opportunity to hear New York's sweetest singer. Price. GOc. Club members , 2Gc. Under tbo auspices of tbo Musical Depart ment of tbe Woman's Club. Mrs. J. M. Mctcalf , Leader. wlntei term oi Mo run it's Untieing school , 1510 Hurnuy , will becln the llret week In January. Children , Suturdiiys 10 a. in. 2 or 4 p. m. Adults , Tuesday * * and Fridays 8 p. in. Assemblies Thurs days 8 p. in. Admission 25c orchestra music. Terms reason * able fur rest of season. _ HOTELS. THE MILLARD 13th and Douglas Sts. , Oniah OENTHALLY LOCATED. American plan , 12.00 per iluy up. turopouu plan , tl.O per duy up J , E. MARKEL & BON , Props. AMISEMENTS. PAXTON & BURGESS , Tclcpliottc 1531. Saturday Mat. and Evening , Sunday Mat. and Evening , . Special Engagement of Vaudeville Stars. 1'lrnt Aiiiiciiriuice In Oinnliu SIG I.IIIIMIATI - . . .MAHY XOIl.MAX. . The IVorlil'H Grentcnt Cornet ' I.jce 11111 Ilurcnti Slur. . VlrtiiiiNU. JOII.V GIKlIHltT. . . . The Fnrce Cniiu-ily Sonhrctte , The Ui - liilnUConicilliiii Lute of Allbnllll Slnliilll , MISS FAN. MIC HLOOIKiOOD , Cryjital Slliipcr , Ktc. Late of Million & Hurt Co. Faun cooi'mt .vxn GCUHGI.VVOOUTHUHl > I2. . HIAGHARA JAPS AsulMtlMl liy OUIK.VTAI * LITTI.R EJIIL.Y . . . . ETC. HDITIIA'S IIUUGLAR . . . . KEATING & GOODWIN OZAV. . . . CllVll IILACIC CE COMEUIAXS. TUB AIIOVE VAVORVII.M > : STAUS AIU3 IlIItKCT FUOM IIOI'KI. > 'S TIIUATEH , CHICAGO , AXD AVEHIO I2XGAGUI1 SI'ECI.VIIY IIY COLOMib 1IO1MCIXS FOR THIS KXGAGEMEXT. MATIXEE IMUCES I.O\VKIl FI.OOH BOC. IIAI OVV : i.C S.tC. KVE.MXG IMtlOES LOU'Ell FI.OOH ljtHIO TnC. IIAI.COXY. . . . T..C , COO. SEATSOX SAL.CVISURSI1AY MOHXIXG , A. M. v -s gftg < 'f ; " 35 7JAil y Tbe Gar.ival of Queen Polaris and Ice Palace on tbe Grounds of ( lie Transraississippl Exposition , JANUAJtY 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 1897. A Grnnd nml Xovel Dlxjiliiy of Klrevt'orkH Uvi'ry JVlKhl Diirlinr HIP Ciirnlviil. A .Siieclnl Low I xuuri.loii Hate Will Hi ! Olvi'ii hy All the ItiillruiulN. The grounds are now lighted nightly with are llghtH. The Ice on the Lapoon In kept In the best possible condition for afternoon and ( -veiling skating. The Toboggan Bllde Is now equipped with the latest Improved Toboggans , and every effort Is mudo by the management to give the public the maximum of comfort and pleasure at the maximum cost. YOUR ATTENTION , PLEASE-PRICES : Admission to Grounds lOc Special Reduced Rates Admission to Ice lOc 20 Admission Tickets for $1,50 $ Hire of Skates. 5c 20 Adoiiss on Ti kcts to Ice j.50 Toboggan Slide , per mile 5c 24 IlidfsonTolio an j.QO Now on Bale at CHA8.A. TRACY'S CIGAR STOIti : , loth and Douglas ; FRANK HUDDLESON. 27th and N , South Omaha , and at the Exposition QroundB. BOYD'S DEC. 22 and 23 BARGAIN DAY MAT , , THJR3DAY The Social Kvcnt RlOEfS 1Z92. GO PEOPLE GO Kvcnlnj prtceil Ix > w r door , ll.CO , 11.00 ; ba ) . cony. Tc. COc. eliow r flocr , ( Oc > balconjr , Its , Ke , OREIGHTON I Tiaill'HONI ! IB3I. ; iMat. Today Ahviiy In tuo Lend HOYT'S A BUNCH OF KEYS ( Or the Hotel ) ADA BOXHNEB n TEDDY * Prices 26c , COc , 70c , 11.09. , Matinee price * 25e , 860 , ( Oo. i * \