0 THE OittAHA. DAILY BK : ] ITyDAY DECEMBER 1 , 1807. cot. Ho eteppoil Into the ihatt ruppostng CURRENT NEWS OF INTERESTS FROM IOWA.cot. CRO was waiting V.V1.1IJ fop OP"IOWA him , , CHOI'S. II COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIXOIl MHXTION. Cooper. Flro Ins. , 0 Pearl , tel. 372. EchmldfB bir relief photoa are the latest Egtoncr Grocery Co. , 323 Bway. Tel. 314. T. C. Heady of Avoca Is In the city on bunlncflg. P. S. I'rlco of dlenwooil \ \ i a city visitor yesterday. Gcorso McMlllen of Glcnwood wan a Bluff * visitor yesterday. A. Green nod H. Green of Lewis were lethe the city ywtcrday. P. H. Mcnclicr of Walnut was In the city yesterday on business. P. F. Davis and wife of Chicago are In to city vIsltlPK friends. The place where satisfaction U always as sured1 Bluff City InmJry. Jacob Hanscn of Underwood was In the city yesterday on business. P. Holier and W. P. Bohlandcr of Shelby were In the city yesterday. William Prlco of Hardln township was In the city yesterday on business. J. II. Morgan at Harlan was In the city yesterday , maklns a vUlt to friends. C. A. Wilson of Fremont Is In the city , at tending to sonic matters of business. B. II. IMlns of Living Springs Is In the city , ( vending Sunday with friends. J. D. Hohtcr and wife of Phllllpsburp Kan. , were In the city yesterday , visiting friends. Elmer Mather end Robert Wallace arc homo from Tabor , to spend tha Christmas holidays with their parents. We want you to feel that your paclcago Is very welcome at our place , and every ctforl will be made to please jou at the Ragle TLaitndry , 724 Bway. Do you want n hair brush , a tooth brusher or any kind of a bristle brush ? Wo have them In endlcts variety , and cheap and good. C. B. Paint. Oil & Glass Co. S. II , Filbert , who has 'been confined to his homo-for the last two or three \\ceks on ac count of n. severely Injured arm , Is cxpeate' 'to bo nblo to resume his work the first o next week. Clara Boyle failed to apppsr In Justice Durke's court yesterday morning to tel why Tom Deerwr.itcr should not too punlshec for assault and battery and the case was consequently dismissed. IMIsa Olla Cook , who has been eonductlni fc a very successful ceramic art display In Omaha during the last week , h8 secured a fct" largo clare cf pupils there and will begli teaching after the first ot the year. lf = Harry Murphy , the hustling Main strce coal dealer , haa gotten out a very pretty llttl advertisement In the shape of a calendar fo ' 98 and a thermometer combined , whlc makes a very lilting ornament for office o home. Ocorgo Green , formerly of this city , dlec nt Ruhluota , Fla. , on last Sunday. Ho wa burled nt that place by the side of his wife who died there last spring. They leave a Infant daughter , who will soon come her end make her home with her relatives. At the last regular meeting of Excelclo loJge , No. 250 , Ancient Free ami Accoptex MaJons , the following officers were clecte for 'tho ' ensuing year : G. II. Jackson , W. M. S. E. Hcor , S. W. ; T. II. Drownell , J. W. J. SI. Klnkle , treasurer ; Nat SheparJ , sccrc tary ; A. T. Elwell , trustee. Council Uluffs tent , No. 32 , Knights of th Maccabees , will give a free literary enter talnment and dance Wednesday opening , DC ccmbsr 22 , nt OJd Fellows temple , commeiic ing at 8 o'clock. Invitations arc being dis trlbuted and ( must be presented at the door A royal good time ( fl anticipated. Deputy United States Marshal Relm o Lincoln arrived In the city yesterday , hav Ing In charge George Bescon , a fedora prisoner who was Indicted for bootleggln at Iho last term of Judge Woolaon's cour His home was In Atlantic when the offens was committed. He has been living I Nebraska , and was brought here on a. ibcnc warrant. He was taken 'before Commisslone Wright and .waived examination. In ue fault of $250 ball he was sent to the count Jail. Jail.The The street' cleaning department of the clt government Is being overwhelmed with aj pllcatlcca from men atd boys anxious t oirn an honest dollar by cleaning off th enow from the sidewalks of citizens who hav neglected to do the work themselves. Th new law In being observed qulto general ! and the prospects are that the city will hav but little to do with cleaning the mow froi the walks. The department Is somewha hampered by the lack ot fundi * In the general oral fund , which must bo drawn upon tem porarily to pay the expenses of the work. C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free Office hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to C. Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Merrlam block. N. Y : Plumbing comctnr. Tl. 250. Domestic soap wrapows call for spoons. Chicago dallies : Tribune , Times , Herald , dirocilclc and Inter Occiin. Dally and Sun day , 20c per week. 103 Pearl st. Tel. 295. JlKlKC IllCtMl'H AllIHlllltlllfllt. The Washington dispatch announcing the appointment of Judge J. Tl. Reed of this city to the position of chief justice of the court of private claims , Is received with a good deal of satisfaction by his friends In this city. If Judge Reed had pressed his claims , or permitted ! his friends to have done so with the vigor they desired , nothing could have prevented his nomination last fall for the supreme judgcshtp of Iowa. It has iboen generally understood that he has been assured that the nomination will bo offered him when the next vacancy occurs , but his appointment by President McKlnley to the highest position In the court ot claims , v.bcro ho has hold the position of associate Juotlco for many years , will probably alter tl.c plans ot the Iowa republicans. The "Corner Cigar Store's" Christmas Kooda are attracting more attention than any thing on the street. Many people cannot afford to pay the price of an ordinary-sized box of clgara as presents for- their friends , and for their accommodation Charley Moore has Introduced the small boxes , containing a dozen.or more of'all brands handled , many special once adapted to flue holiday trade. These Include the peerless Sultana , El Palen- la , the famous Corner , Hold Crofa , Caravana and othcre. Frank Rohrcr was kept busy yesterday , tying up these petite llttlo boxca .end laying them away for Christmas. Many of the orders come from women , who realize they can make no mlbtafco when they order ono of these handsome packages. Xmas novelties cheap at Davlu' . For Rent Furnished room , licat , bath end gas. Flrat floor In Grand hotel annex. Domestic soup wrappers call for spoons. Cleanliness , Even Heat , Uusc ilcat. Economy novt-r Icforo fcocn with soft couli l } ( tons ot soil i-oul cqtui 1 ton of hard , A report from JUv J. Ueule. J1U Hait I'lvrce Bt : "I have been uilnz your Hot Ilium with oft cool uu fuel for ( Ixveek . We are \try much ipleuceil wltli It , it "not only Kl\ei aa Jcxxl wulifactlon i our hard coal base burner , but j > Bav In IT a tare * part of the exp nie jf heutlnc. " See It Running at I COM3 A COLIC'S , 41 Main St. , Council Ilium. MILTON nOQBRS & SONS , Omaha. GEO. W , BIUOG3 , Boutfe Onulia. YIHTTLESEY HELD FOR TRIAL Absconding Surveyor of the Port Brought Back from Kontna'iy. ONDSMAN WICKHAM'S WILD PURSUIT Glume from Council Uliiffn to Dntivlllc mill Hie Hi-turn Amount or tlic Shot-lime Definitely Axccrtnlncil. , , n. N. Whlltlesey rolurnod to too city yes crday morning in custody. Ho was' taken | icforo Commissioner Qcorgo P. Wright , . vhcre ho waived examination and was bound } over to the federal grand Jury. His bond i vas fixed at { 5,000. | Wblttlcsey cnmo ( n c\istody of E. A. Wick- _ lam and his friend Norton , whoso valuable ] Information led Wlckham to the Kentucky town where Whlttlcscy was temporarily so journing. Mr. Wlckham was pretty well ; lrcil out when ho returned , but ho gave the Itlnorury of the long trip. After securing the Information from Norton that Wlilt'.lo- sey hud assumed the name of Munroe and hid named Danville as the place where ho could be reached , Wlckham had Just five minutes to icnch the Wabish depot In time to catch the St. Louis train. Ilo took Nor ton with him and made a quick run for the depot and boarded the train without telling his family or friends where ho had gone. On the train Nortoraca undecided whether It was Danville , Ky. , or Dinvillc. Tonn. Ho was icasonably sure that It was the former p'ace , and the Journey was made dUect there. They arrived at Danville at 1 o'clock In the morning and went to a hotel. The landlord was a llttlo suspicious of them , for the reason that they had no baggage and Inquired Into their business. wicKnam reg istered as R. A. Williams and gave Norton's name > as J. T. Ilougher , Cincinnati as their home ami their mission to buy a few car loads of Kentucky mules. All of the next forenoon there was n stream of Kcntucklans coming to the hotel to sail mules. Wlck ham kept raising the grade of the mules until be had refused to accept or look at a donkey tint did not wolgh over 1,400 pounds. WICKHAM FIRST ON HAND. The rounds of all of the hotels was made bin the name that Whlttlesoy had given waa not found on any of the registers. The fact waa ho had arrived In advance ot W'hlttlesey. ' During the < lay he was flitting In the hotel near a 'window where ho could watch the postoflice In 'the hope ot seeing Whlttlesey If the latter should call for the letters he had directed to be sent .here. Whllo ho. was sitting there an omnibus drove up and \Vhlttlc3cy and a woman got out. Wlckham dodged behind a door and stood with his ( back 'lo them as they passed. They went to the desk to rog'ster an I Wlckham and Norton followed. After Whlttlesey had placed the name of Mr. and Mrs. G. C- Munroe on the rcg'stcr ' he turned and found Wlckham standing In front of him. He waa greatly surprised , but Wlckham says a look of relief passe : ! over his face as he ex claimed : "Are you hero ? " Wlckham whispered to him to come up to his room If ho wanted to avoid publicity. This was agreed to and the two talked the matter over. Whlttlcscy promptly turned over to his friend and bondsman all'of the money ho had In his possession , which amounted to $2,1G5 , almost the exict amount of the check he cashed on the day of his fight. Ho wcs willing to return home and assist In clearing up the shortage as far as he waa a"ble. " The return trip was begun at once. The woman , whoso Identity Is concealed for the present , accompanied them as far as Cincinnati , where It Is said she was sent to her homo In Paducah , Ky. When Chicago was reached three- return tickets sent by Postmaster Bowman were received. No In terference was encountered from the federal officials until Wlckham and his party shc-weJ - their tlcke'Ia at the depot gate to take the train , 'When Wlckham was drawn aside by a couple of men who said they were ppo- clal officers of the Treasury department and had , warrant for the arrest of Whlttelaey. Wlckham assured' them that the man would be taken to Council Bluffs and turned over to the proper authorities. One of the officers. Inspector Stone , said howas going to Omaha , and got aboard the train. At Ma nilla , la. , Duputy Marshal Rclkman got on the train. He had a warrant Issued upon an Information filed here late Friday night. Whlttlcaoy was not placed under arrest and did not know that ho was In custody of federal officers until after he reached this city. He was permitted to go 'to his homo In custody of Mr. Wlckham , where , after B short conversation with his 'wife , the lavter removed $200 in , ,151116 which she had con cealed under the carpet In one of the rooms. This money was handed 'to ' Wlckham. AMOUNT OF THE SHORTAGE. At Commissioner Wright's office the ap proximate amount of the shortage was dis closed. According to Whlttlesey's own esti mate it was about $4,400. The Information furnished by Inspector Crowley raised thld $100. Whlttlcsey's books showed that he had not drawn $300 of salary duo him. This brings the total amount returned $2GC3 , re ducing the total of the shortage yet to bo made up to between $1,700 and $1,800. Whlttlcsey Is very much worried over the future , but expresses his determination' to uo all In hl power to atone for his offense. Ho attributes his downfall to gambling , and declares that the first amount of the gov ernment's money ho lost was In backing Bin Oarrlgg when the latter started his gambling house last summer. He expressed himself as bolng heartily glad that the bondsmen took enough Interest In him to bring him back. Ho bad shaved off his mustache and the growth of side whiskers which ho was mlslng when he left , and his appearance was greatly changed. A strong effort was being made last night tn secure the bond required. B. A. Wlckham was the first of his old bondsmen to announce his readiness to go on the now bond. The bend was not filed at 0 o'clock last night. Whlttlesey has 'but little to say about his lu- tontlons at the tlmo he left. Ho says ho was driven to desperation < and had an Idea that his only safety lay In flight. He had a vague Intention of getting Into the mountains of Kentucky , where he believed he couM remain In seclusion until something would turn up that would help him to straighten out mat ters. ters.Tho The $5,000 bond exacted by Commissioner Wright hid not been furnished up to 11 o'clock last night , although the commissioner remained In his office until nearly that hour In the hope that It woujd bo forthcoming , The work of securing It was abandoned and will not bo resumed , until Monday morning. Whlttlcsey was not taken to Jail , 'but ' was consigned to the custody of an ofilcer , who will bo responsible for his appearance when wanted. The bond was nearly completed last night and It Is bclloved will bo ready for filing early 'Monday. Wlckham and Dow- man , two of the old bondsmen , were most ac tive in the effort to secure enough other property owners to make the bond compara tively light for each. A dollar reaches Ita greatest purchasing power at J. Zollcr & Co.'s. Baltimore arrivals oysterd , solid packed. You know wvat they arc the finest In the city anJ only 25 cts , per quart. At Sulli van's. 'Phono 161. Bee Davis for fine perfumes. Domcatlo socp wrapper * call for spoons. Ohiirrh Srrvluc * . Services will tie tir-ld In the Council Bluffs churchcj at the usual hours today. Broadway Methodtat Episcopal Church , Rev , J , H. Scneeney , Pastor Preaching at 10:30 : a. ra , ; class meeting at 12 m.j Sunday school at 12 m. : Junior loiguc. 4 p. m. ; Ep- werth league , 6:30 : p. in. ; revival eervtce at 7:30 : p. in. Services at the Plrst TlaptUt church con ducted by the pauior. Rev. V. C. Ilocho. ( Morning service * at 1'30. Paitor'i subject , "ObrUtmu Joy * . " Bible school at 12 m. Evening service at 7:30. : Subject , "Truths for Strugglcrs. " A Christmas cantata by the blbla school wilt bo rendered Christmas eve at the church , Christian Tabernacle , Rev. S. 'M. Perkins , iv : or Morning services at 10:45. : Subject , "Paul's Charge to Timothy. " Rvrolng serv ice at 7:30. : Subject , "Small Beginnings and Great Endings. " . Scccod Presbyterian Caurch , Rev. Alex Lltherland , Pastor Morning subject , "Pol * lowing the Savior ; " evening , "Tho Bible ted Humanity. " Cen'ral Christian Church , Odd Fellow B Hall Preaching at 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p. m , by the pastor , Uev. A. R. Candle. Morning subject , "God's Tenter Hooks ; " oven'lng , "No Room for Christ. " 'Bible school > H 12 m. ; Young People's Society of Christian En deavor , 6:30 : p. m. Fifth Avenue Methodist Church , Rev. G. P. Fry , Pastor Prcacalng mornln ? and evening. Morning subject , "Cutting Off ; " evening , "Tho Dcmonlao Healed. " Sunday school , 12 m , ; Epworth league , G:30 : p. m , Christian Science meeting In the rooms In the Sapp block. The subject of the bible lesson Is "Fellowship In Light anj lovo. " Readings from the bible and corresponding selections from Science and Hcaltti. Experi ence meeting Friday evening at 7:30. : Spiritualist services at Union hall , 14G West Broadway. Mrs. Carrie Fuller Weather- ford of Milwaukee , "Wls. , will lecture , give testa and Improvise a song from a subject suggested by the audience. First Congregational Church Services con ducted morning and1 evening by the pastor , Rev. John W. Wilson. Morning , 10:30 : , sub ject , "Tho Principles of the Pilgrims ; " evenIng - Ing , 7:30 : , subject , "The New Testament's Writings and the Order of Chronology. " First Presbyterian Church Morning serv ices at 10:30. : Subject , "Christian Altruism ; " evening subject , "Cilrlstmas Gifts. " Rev. W. S. Barnes , pastor. Everything In the line of Christmas fruits , candles end fine groceries at J. Zoller & Co.'s. Telephone 320. Davis always has nlco holiday goods. Pacific ocean arrivals on sale Mcnday. Shipment of flounders sul'ubJ for baking. Sullivan , grocer , 343 Bway. The finest turkeys to be found In the mar ket are at J. Zoller & Co.'s. Telephone 320. SOOI.U , KVEXTS OK LAST WI2EIC. Ilrllllnnt Colilllnii Clvcii liy Mr. and i Mrx. \ . I * . UinlKO. I The largest and most brilliant event of the , week was the reception and cotillion given by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Dodge for their daughter , Miss Ellen Dodge , and her guest , Miss Brewer of ( Minneapolis , on Tuesday night. The event was of considerable so cial Importance , for the reason that It was made the occasion of the debut of Miss Dodge. Like all largo social functions dur ing the season the number of the guests . required It to bo given In rooms larger than ; prl\ate residences afford. The handsome room known as Hnnde's dancing hall was chosen. No expense had been spared In pro viding for artistic decorations , and the hall was looking Its prettiest. A soft , delicate shade of pink was the prevalent color. The globes on the gas fixtures were clothed tn pink , while the chandallcrs were artistically draped with , smllax and evergreen. Banquet and parlor lamps gracefully draped and sub dued by pink shades were placed In con venient nooks about the rcom. The plan of concealing the orchestra from view with banks of ferns and palms was followed. The refreshment tables on the left were beautifully bedecked with American Beauty roses and red and pink carnations. On the right was the favor table , looking exceed ingly pretty and attractive under the soft , mellow light shed by silver candelabra , shaded In pink. The reception of the guests continued ! until nearly 10 o'clock , when the cotillion was formed. It was led by JIlss Ellen Dodge and 'Mr ' , Stewart. Great credit Is reflected upon these , two society folks for the great skill and dexterity they so grace fully displayed In taking the dancers through the somewhat 'bewildering ' figures of that popular dance the gertnan. Six figures were danced , and handsome and. clever were the favors bestowed. At 11:30 : refreshments were served , Mrs. John ( M. Baldwin and Mia. R. P. Montgomery presiding at the supper tables. After a short Intermission , a.pro gram of twelve numbers was danced. Mrs. Dodge was assisted In receiving by Jles- damcs Baldwin , Everett , Badollet , Tyler and Montgomery , and Misses DoJgo , Ellen Dodge and 'Brewer. To all appearances It was one of the largest parties given In Council Bluffs during the season. All the society folk were present , as well as a great many from Omaha. 'Many of the older guests enjoyed the brilliant scene from comfortable posi tions at the end of the hall. What promises to be the chief -event of the coming week will be the dancing party to be given by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shepard , Mr. Harrison F. G'leason and Mlas Gertrude Gleason at the Royal Arcanum oa Thursday evening. Invitations for the event have been out for several davs. M'es Brewer , who has been the guest of Mies Dodge for several weeks , will return to her home in Minneapolis In a few dajs. Mrs. W. F. Sapp returned yesterday from an extended visit In Chicago. Miss Lena Prlco of Chicago accompanied her and will remain her guest for come time. M'cs Gertrude Neely of Manilla has returned to her home after a visit of several weeks' duration with friends In thlo city. The South First Street Social club held one of Its most pleasant meetings of the season ct the residence of Mr .and Mrs. Graham on Wednesday evening. Scotch hospitality was In abradant evidence , and the members of the club were given additional reasons for being thankful for the lucky thought that suggested Its formation. Mrs. J. J. Stedman Is spending the week with her husband In Des Motaes. Miss Frances Wright la entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Bullock of Sidney , Neb. Mrs. A. R. Hlgbsmltb , who has been con fined' ' to her room tl her homo on Third street , la convalescing. Mr. Ed F. Cogley left last night for Chicago , where he- will acsumo his favorite role of OIo Olsoa In one of the leading companies. Ho will take hi ? part In the rehearsal be ginning on Mead ay night. Mrs. Cogley will remain hero. The company starts out on Chrlstmea day. Mrs. Clark Hills has returned from Little Sioux , where she wss called by the danger' OUH Illness of her father. Mrs. F. E. Sellers and llttlo daughter are spending tbo holidays In' Harlcn , la. , the guest of Mrs. Sellers' parents. MIA. Frank Brlnsmald cud her mother , Mrs. D. J , Rockwell , have returned from a two weeks' visit In Onawa. Mrs. Hiram E. Boucher will spend the winter In Michigan. She left lu company with her son on Sunday evening. Mr , Charles Ott Is visiting li'e parents Mr. and Mrs , Henry Ott , and his brother , Ed H. Ott. Mr. Ott has Just concluded serving his country In an official capacity on the fitg ehlp Philadelphia of tbo Pacific squad ron , lie- has been aboard tbo sh'.p three > can.1 , and the cruises have carried him over a great many thourand miles and to many of the principal foreign ports of the Pacific ocern. He has been granted a leave ol three months. During this time ho .n lo de termine whether or not ho will retnllst for another term. Bright new uniforms , with abundance ot gold lice and ether Insignia ot gallantry , made the drnce on Thursday night by the Dodge Light Guards an ovccit of keen Inter est to the younger society set. Too event transpire ! In the fine armory of the guards. National colors were festooned on walls and col urn nu end entwined around palms end foliage plants , giving the largo room a bril liant appearance. The dancing floor was largo enough to accommodate fifty couples , who enjoyed a prognun of twcaty numbers , The officers' quarters were handsomely deco rated and arranged for the dressing room of the young women , while the company room was used for the same purpose by the men. The quartermaster's quarters were used as n check room , All of the appointments were carcfully'made cod everything provided for the pleasure and the comfort of the guests. The gueslo numbered many strangers , among whom -were number * of the Omaha .Guards and the Thurston nines. A large party came over from South Omaha In a "bobsled and added tbo pleasured of an old-fashioned Blelgh rldo to a brilliant military ball. Tbo Wednesday Night Dancing club will give Its fourth party for the season on Wednesday evening ai Chamber * ' hall , tllw Houston entertained , a party ot * " " * ' -'f t friends at her homo on Fifth avenue on Thursday evening , . ; The party was a pleas ant affair , and partook something of the nature of a mnscKie'rs'de , ending with danc ing and light rcfcuhments. A quiet meddlnR took place In the parlors of the Grand hotiM on Wednesday , when Miss Pearl Hataer ? and Dr. T. Pcrdy ot Norfolk , Neb. , were united In marriage. They returned homo In the evening , The niarrlagolbf , Mr. W. F. Sledentopf , Jr. , and Mls Jezslcn , Jackson was one of the social events of the week. Mr. SloJentopf Is oneof the best known young men In Council Bluffs , and the bride ho won Is ono of the social favorites. The ceremony was witnessed /by / the relatives and Im mediate friends only , but there -were many to extend , their congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Sledcntopt have returned from their wedding trip and will make their home for the present tat the residence of Mr. And Mrs , Frank Haas. Mrs. H , L. Cummlngs entertained Inform ally on Saturday afternoon In honor of Miss Mount of Omaha. Invitations have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. George D. Miller lor the cclabratlon of their tenth wedding anniversary , iwhlch will occur on Wednesday. Mrs. R. H. Harris ot South First street celebrated the 4th birthday of her nephew , Carroll Hlghsmlth , on Friday afternoon by giving a party to a largo number of llttlo people. Thomas Green of Lowell , Mass. , Is ex pected this week 10 take n position In the wholesale grocery house of Stewart Bro thers. Mr. Green Is the brother of Mrs. G. II. Jackson. His wife and daughter will follow him lit a few days. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Bradley have gone to Arkansas City for a brief visit with friends and relatives. Miss Jessie Pontius made a pleasant trip on Friday to witness a social event In Lamed , Kan. She attended the wedding of her brother , Ralph Pontius. The Boat club will give a dancing par'.y Monday evening , December 27 , at Royal Ar- cc um hall. Mr. Fred Ingersoll of Missouri Valley will spend the holidays In Council Bluffs. Ho Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allls. Miss Maud Bechlcr will spend the winter Callforn'o. She left .for San FVanclsrn on Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Key Is visiting In Chicago. She writes friends In th'a ' city that her health has been jjreatly Improved by lor sojourn lu the Windy City. Charles Zlmmer , who has been the euosi ot his father-in-law , Mr. Georpp Ocrner , has returned to his homo In Hccnn , Mont. Mr. Zlmmer stopped for a brief visit here whllo on his return from an extended European trip.The The Irrperlal quartet gave a concert Tues day evening at the Congregational church which was a musical , as well as a financial success. This organization halls from Omaha but Mr. C. S. Haverstock of this city , the baritone , has a fine voice , which be handle's most effectively. His solo , "Forgotten , " b' Eugene Cowles , was one of the best numbers of tha evening and won a merited recall. Dan Wheeler , Jr. , sang one of Jessie L. Gaynor's songs , the "Madrigal , " the first of a series which are contemplated under the auspice of the Men's club of the church this winter and was a most auspicious beginning. Prcf. Chambers w411 give his eighth nnmia ChrlBtmas party to the Junior members of his dancing class Saturday , December 25. Bulk oysters , poultry , fish and all kinds o meats at the meat department In the big store ot J. Zoller & Co. Call telephone 320 when you want anything. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoona .Miss Cook'a studh > . Grand hotpl annex. SAWYER'S I'LtollALITV GROWING Recount of J. < hiv ' Rullatn SciulH lllii Great proarp'ss Lwas made yesterday in recounting the ballots cast .at . .tholate elec tlon. The contest ! board ) that Is sitting fo the purpose of deciding -whether Sawyer o Paulson shall b ? the next county superln tendent of schools , examined eight more precincts , Including 11 of the largo ward In the city. The result showed a net gain for the day of seventeen votes for Sawyer swelling his total plurality up to date to forty-five. The changes are all produced by the exclusion of ballots that were Improperly marked. Not one has been found tp bav been counted wrongly. In the First preclnc of the Second ward Paulson lost nliio vote and Sawyer fl've. ' In the Second preclnc each lost five. In the First preplnct of the Third ward Sawyer last eleven and PAulson only ftve , while In the Second precinct of th ward Paulson's loss was eleven and Sawyer' only four. In the First prpclnct of th Fourth ward Paulson again lost eleven , and Sawyer only seven , and In the Second pro clnct his loss was three , whllo Sawyer's wa four. In the First precinct of the Fifth ward they broke even , with a loss of fllx votes , but when the count of the Secom precinct of the ward was finished thirteen of Paulson's votes hid been thrown out an < only four of Sawyer's , making the total o seventeen In favor of the latter. At the present rate the recount Is going on It will bo finished this week , and I Sawyer keeps up his gains he will have a handsome plurality over his opponent , The hardware department In the big stor of J. Zoller & Co. abounds In fine and uaefu Christmas presents. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes th best and most bread. Ask your grocer fo It. Christmas holly at J. Zoller & Co.'s. for Stolen HORN. Robert Klrkwood has asked for asslstanc In hunting for a number of hogs that wcr stolen from the pens on his farm near Crcs cent. Tracks In the snow were followed showing that the hogs wore driven In th direction of Council iBluffs , and the surmls Is that they were delivered to the Soutl Omaha yards sometime during Friday. Th men driving them wore pointed shoes , ant they are supposed to bo kid-gloved profes slonal thieves. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. For Ealo at a bargain , a small but well cstabllsbel and remunerative mercantll business Inquire of D. W. Otis , 133 Pear street , Council Bluffs , la. All kinds of fruits , candles and dalntle for the Christmas trade at J , Zoller & Co.'s Telephone 320 , v , c Mnrrl'iiKe Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following Warned persons : Name and RWitthce. Ago Antonlu Nelson.Coiincll muffs . 2 Mary Swnnlc , Coiiftcil Bluffs . M William Miircliliiihk , Honey Creek , la. . . . 2. Mary Anderson , Honey Creek , la . 2 ll'tiff Cliolcrn. SIOUX CIT > T'cpec. , 18. ( Special. ) Hos cholera Is working terrible losses In this sec tlon of Iowa. * Eery < day thcro are report of the spread of disease and It docs not ecem that it IB abating In any way. H Nutv * . The Marlon -glWer I * now it-suing three times a week. 1 Donald McLeSfl. 1 expected back In Bloux City this week.'prepared to build the railroad from Pones to the Pacific coast. W , H. Hellcn , editor of the Wllllama Wasp is under bonds to aw ; It action of the gram Jury OT a charge of criminal libel , Committee * arp at work on the annua eisteddfod , to ts held .n Oskaloosa , and the program will bo one of tbo best ever given In the state. President Beirdghear of the Iowa State college at Amf U lecturing In Iowa towns on what he. ttw In his Journey in' South America last summer. E. L. Hlldcbrand told 200 acres of lent near Hdependence to I ) , 0. Campbell o Rockford for $11,000 and a dry goods stock a Rockford waa taken as part payment. Tlio Glenwood Opinion denies that Genera John Y , Stone will move his family from Glenwood to Council Bluff * . "Mr , Stone was reared in Mills county , " tays the Opinion1 "ha * practiced law hero alnco entering tbi profession , and It may bo depended upon wll continue to be > a cHlzea of Glenwood for mwiy year * to come. " NOVAK'S ' BAIL IS REDUCED Supreme Court Mak s it $18,030 , In Place of 337,600 , as Ilist Fixed , IOLDS FIRST AMOUNT WAS UNREASONABLE tnto'n Attorney * liiHlut Thnt Mitrilcr In \ < > t Ilnllnlilc' liv lorrn , tint ( lip Court it Them. DB3 M01NES , Dec. 18. ( Special Tele gram. ) The supreme court today ordered the ewer court lo reduce the ball of Frank A. Jovak , the Bentoo- county murderer , to $13,000. The lower court fixed It at $37,600 and the defense brought a proceeding in labeas corpus before the supreme court to compel a reduction. The state's attorney nslstod that murder Is not bailable In Iowa , ) Ut the court declined to discuss this on the ; round that the lower court had granted > alt and the only question was as to the reasonableness ot the amount fixed , H was icld that the amount was unreasonable and ho reduction was ordered. The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad company announces that It wilt , during 1S9S , complete the double tracking of Its main line across Iowa. This work was undertaken several yeans ago , but after It had been com pleted : to Belle Plalno was dropped because of the hard times. Durkig the last year tbii grading has been completed on the ecconu Lno as far aa Tama. City , and Iron has been ? olng down for some tlmo. Thle section will ) e ready for operation as n double track early n tho' mew year. Belle Plalno and Tama City are both Important Junction points on the system. In the early spring work will bo resumed on grading the second track towartj the west , and the division to Carroll will be opened early in the summer , Carroll lclng still another junction point with .north ern lowai lines Then all the energies will bo devoted to the llmo Into Council Bluffs , which It Is promised will bo ready for traffic with the opening of 1899. The Saturday Review of today announces that It will suspend publication with Its next week's num'ber. Editor John E. Clarcy makes a characteristic announcement of his retire ment from the field in which he has been occupied for several years. Probably no man over had so much fun running a wcekl > paper In Iowa as Clarey has had. Three or four years ago he tnterod on n warfare npjlnst the gas company -and without any other newspaper support managed to get at ordinance under consideration In the councl to reduce the price of gas from $1.70 , a which It was then , furnlahed by the com pmy to $1.30. The ordinance was bitterly opposed by the gas company and Its fate was uncertain. It was suspected that the gaa company was using money to Influence the council's decision. . One week the Review came out without a line on the g s question which caused a greater sensation thca any o Its acrid utterances against the companj could have possibly caused. On1 the sue ceeding Mcnday evening Claroy appeared be fore the council at Us session and walk'ag u ] to the desk of the clerk planked down $1,00 tn crisp greenbacks , which he stated had been paid him by a representative of the ga company "for silence. " He said he ha < lived up to this agreement ; he had furnlshe < a high grade article of ttllence for1 on entire week , and now felt that the public pught to know how the gas compcny was manipulating things. Of course It caused a huge -senea tlon. The gag- ordinance finally passed ant It Is tljl Inforci Clarcy says the Review suspends fcccauea It doesn't altogether pay to flghd the battles of the public. Ho admits that he has had Jots of fun , but thcro liasn' been anything InIt for him. Elilo Rhodes , colored , fell down a mine shaft at the Des Mojnes Coal company' mine , and was Instantly killed. He fell 220 W. A. MAURER , RETAIL 342 AND 3U BROADWAY. The largest Establishment in the west. Prices the Lowest We are direct Importers from France , England and Germany , fcfivlng- you the middleman o Jobber's profit We offer you extraordinary In ducements prices absolutely .lower than else where , and assortment unmatchable. LAilPB From Joe to $50.00 Handsome sold finish and Onyx banquet lamps , 12.00 each. DINNER IVARD 31 stock pattcrns-from which you can buy any thine > ou want wlthou buylnK a complete set. 100-pecc | English force lain Dinner Sets good quality good decorations SC.7. . . 100-plccc Kreen and gold decoration , fine EnKllsli porcelain , J10.00. DO LS We Blioll repeat our usual cuitom o closing out nil dells left In our wholesale depatt men . at strictly Wholeiale Prices. Many of our cuHloniern who have bought dolls from us during the pant three years will UvtltV that our price are lees than one-half the usual prices. A DEEP CUT IN 1'IUCES IN DEEP CUT CRY8TAI- We arc eclllnB the finest quality of Cut Glusn at fully ane-lhlid less than any competition ; for In stance : A 10-Inch cut bowl , In deep rich cut- linn , each , J7.75. Water HottlCH , In the new Pear Shape , and new I'rlsm or Colonial Cutting- , each , 14.00. Tumblers In the new and beautiful 1'rltm Cutting , doz. 1873. All the best grade of Ameri can Crystal. i There arc none better made. All other Cut OIOBB In the same proportion. 8TEntINO 8IL.VEH In novelties and wares for the table , longest ttock In the city , and prices are fur the lowest. Sterling Bllver Hnlr Urushes. eoo < l ones , each , only 12/0. Sterling BlUer Pomade or Ointment Jam , each 0a Habblt'u I'eet , Silver mounted , 15c each Files , and a big line of novelties , each , 50s. All other goods In precisely the eame proportion. Ster ling Silver Table Waie from the belt rnalcr and In the Intent iletlgnt , at moderate prices. PLATED WAIIE In the best malccs at unus ually low prices , dialling Dishes and ruddlne Dlihcs In large variety , CUTI.EIiy From the cheapest Plated Knife at 42ViiC to the llnest Ivoiy , pearl or Hteillng Silver , CAIIVINQ BETS From a good Stag Horn at 75e to the llnest of Mlver. A beauty In a Three- Piece Pearl Carving Ket , In ca e , 17.15. KODAKS The entire Eastman line nt factory prices , No goods made that "III equal them , Prices from.M.M upwards . Wu alto have cheaper make * as low a J3.CO for 314x314 picture. W are also sole auent for the new self-toning paper. Try It ; H ls a tuccess. IJcfore buying your holiday presents look through our large line. It will a\e you money. Visitors and purchaser ! ) equally welcome. W. A. MAIRER , 342 and 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa DR. L , E. B.OE , / DENTIST Iloom 3X2 , Ucrriutu IJIovk. Take El v tor. , nrnp Amount of lAlonry llrniiKlit lo tlntrhcye l-'itrntprn. DCS MOINB3 , Dec. 18. The director of ho Iowa crop service tonight Irsuod his statement of products for 1S07. The prin cipal Hems nrc as follows ! Wheat , 14,600- 000 bushels , valued December 1 at $10,813.- 000 ; corn. 2.19.GOO.OOO bushels , valued at $10- -00,000 : oats , 133,000,000 bushels , valued at $21,000.000 : barley , H.000,000 bushels , valued nt $3,250.000. The tot.U value of .til crops Is given as $151,084,069 at prices which we- allcd December 1. uy fecdlrjR nnd other- wine converting the row products , It Is estimated from 30 to 60 per cent Is nddod to their value , placing the total final value of the soil crops of lowi ot $200,000,000. I'rntcit AKulnM Aimc.tntlnii. AMCS. la. , Dec. 18. ( Special. ) The Amer ican Sugar Growers' society has prepared a jctltlon to congress bcRglng that body not to bo too hasty In taking action on the aurs- llon of annexing the Sandwich Islands. II us Issued o manifesto In which U proclaims to the country that the annexation will seri ously cripple , It not utterly ruln ( the rnpldty Increnelng Industry of sugar beet growing. This manifesto declare * that the American [ armor cannot grow beets. In competition with Hawaiian planters , who use coollo labor at $3 n month and found. The American torincr , says the manifesto , demands that the stands bo not annexed. With coollo competl. tlon out the American farmer can harvest $100,000,000 worth of sugar heretofore Ira- jortcd. The petition Is signed by the president. vice president , secretary and treasurer of the American Sugar Growers' society. Snwycr . CEDAR UAPIDS , In. , Dec. 18. ( Special Telegram. ) The Sawyer habeas corpus hear ing came up In the superior court today nnd after considerable discussion It was con tinued until December 27. An effort Is now being made nnd It Is believed the matter will bo settled out of court. Xow Iowa iDalry CoiiiitilKMliiiu > r. DUDUQUn , la. , Dec. 18. Govcioor-elcct Shaw announces his Intention to appoXU Lovl S. Gates of Manchester as state dairy * commissioner. fl For Snli > Only ! > JOHN UMIUII. la Mnlu St. . Council IlliilTii. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. u\VKL.UNUti. \ nturr , FAUM AND N lands for cala or rent. lny & Uets , ft arl tr t. MONEY TO I/AN ItKOrCKI ) UATP O.'t lim-clnfs Improved fnrnn nml Inclile clti' properly. Apply to Jin. N. CnjjnJy. Jr. , 23 * Main St. Inntructlont. Albln Muster ttuJlu 33S llrniilnny. ( idnuin Inctliod of Dresden Conservatory , J. W. EQUINE. CITY AND KA11M LOANS [ 'OR BA1.H , AT A IIAUCUIN. A SMALL 111 T welt estnlitlshcil tmil remunerative imr < Miilll. ImslncFH Inquire of 1) . W. Oils , 133 I'c.-ui Ft Council llHiffs. In. ron SAI.K. A rixi : TWD-KICATIIH M.KKIII , chonp. KG Houtli Se\fnlli trcil , Council lluffi 521 B'way. ' Tel. 99 Fair Dealing Gives Confidence That's why we arc so cotif lilcitt of pleasing you. We're 1m until UK Wlth business , but wo ciijoy the 1mm of the work It's what wo arc here for. F GUI- East Window. . . Our West Window. . . Will give you a slight Is the attraction for all the L idea of what wo Imvo in children in town. Not only palms , ftfrns , etc. children , but everyone stops to lool : at our tempting Our already - and increasing 0 lai-RO ing display of CANDY. 0W creasing trade tells its own Wo Imvo the 0E story. Before you order celebrated Lou- N 0R your Christinas pro on MJTS ney's Chocolates E wreathing holly , mistletoe GRAPES in many n e w and Christinas tieea bo sure ORANOES llavors. Wo to call on make our own R TAPPY. It , is protnirod Y WILCOX with porfcci cleanliness , S unromiuitif ; < : are , Idfrh in Flowers in abundance. gredients and cxnct knowl- cduo. SEE OUR - - ' Eioniiey's Fine Eoses Chocolates are Carnations Perfection Other Flowers 521 B'way. ' Tel. 99 in Excellence Can fly Not from a financial standpoint exactly but free from the delects found in the average heating system , Steam and Rot Wafer Heating All the leading Incandescent , Gag Burners and "Mantels. Plumbins work , J. C. 202 Main and 203 1'carl St. COUNCIL IJLU 1 ) ! "V SOMETHING JREAL GOOD ( FOUR FLAVORS ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE. . Marie for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY * & j. John G. Woodward & Co. , Wholesale Manufacturing Confectioners. Council Bluffs , la. Reduced PricesI New Improved Klngofthem w'th tha b > 3t mantle ens loss ? 33an4 miles mars llsjht t'iai ai/3tri3r hurmarket. STEPrtAM BROS. , 629 Bway. TIIIJ IMPROVED ROSEPATENT GRATE For Btcam bollerx. funmcce , etc. Tlilt ) itratc lu being largely uno'l In pncklni ; liouaoB , brewurle * , uilllH , Htcum tiea'liitf plants , or liny pluco where Hteuin botler nro biilnK used. They are ttio most economical , dur ables anil flllcltnt vhaklng grata made and will nave fuel. Wilte for clrculuiB describing grate * , giving fulltr Information , to the Rose Patent Grate C Council Bluflu , Iowa