BUDS THAT BLOOM IN WINTER Hits Mnbol Harbor is Ushered Into the Ranks of Society. SEVERAL EVENTS WORTHY OF MENTION C/irtl / 1'iirtlen llreiiiiifiiinrraiiN mid MIP ( Imilltyi iif tinI'rlr.f * Offered 'N In VnliH' Uullc .Mnlurliill- , TTio week Just patthaR brought the coldest wfsthcr of tlio winter , up to date , and an other charming bud , also up-to-date. ColJ weather and buds tnny appear to form a rorltabla paradox , but theme who nro familiar with tlio curious ways of society declare thai the buila of society are iccn at th'lr best when the weather la coldest. The debut of Metis Mabel Harbor has given to Omaha society Its fourth bud of the sea- Ron , and completed a quartet of as Interest- In ) ; and graceful young debutantes nj Omahans liavo had the pleasure of welcom ing In tome llttlo time. In addition to the reception , which uthered In Mini llarbcr to society's rnnks , thcrovcro during the wotk , tlio receptions of Mrs. llolilrcgn and Mrs. Klrkendall , tlio luncheons ol Mrs. Wheeler , Mrs. Martin , Mlcu Andrteson and Miss Dickinson that nro worthy of especial notice In a review ot the week's affairs. The musical given at the Kountzc homo reflected great credit on thaw who arranged it and on those who participated In It. Card tiartlcn have grown In number , and the quality of prizes given have Increased In value to such an extent that some ortho dox mlnintcr Is likely to Interject a few re marks same of these flno Sunday mornings. A trio of luncheons In honor of Mrs. Arthur 3' . Otilou swelled the list of affairs given for Jicr to over fifty , and convinced oven the doubtful that her return to Omaha was a fact. The future holds forth many promising events to society devotees. Tomorrow even ing the dancing club composed of tlic younger married folk of the I'oper set will hold Its Initial party. The Invitations for the coming out party of the fifth debutante have- not yet been Issued , but there an a. number of fair young women whom society would ( inly too gladly receive with open arms. It Is rumored that the holidays will bo ushered In by u big dancing party at the home of one Omaha hank r and bo brought to a close with a cotillion at the homo of another. A pair of events that are scheduled for holi day week will announce tlio twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of the Junior senator of Nebraska and his wife. There are on foot several schemes to form private abat ing clubs to take advantage of the work cf 'the present cold snap. Each of these clubs will bo limited to a small number of con genial young folks , and the evenings' pleas ures will bo generally followed by chafing- dish and other Buppers ut the homo of some member.of the party. , The last fortnight has seen such a wonder ful cxodim of fhe lads and lassies claimed by fickle society from Omalm to Council Bluffs , that It may bo necessary to call out the homo guards to prevent repetitions , It must bo confessed that tlio. style and mag- nlflcnnca of the affairs given on the Iowa aide of the river are tempting enough to ilnduco one to forsake oven the utncnltlm of fered In Omaha. At two f the recent parties In the city to the -oast of us a ma jority of the guests were from Omaha , andes os seine Omaha functions wcru slighted on the same evenings there was almost a so ciety revolution. It Is pleasing to note , however , In the society movement eastward that the hello of the Dodge ball was gen erally conceded to bo an Omaha young woman , attired In a most beautiful toilette which she hadi just brought from the east. If the Omaha young' folks are to emigrate for the sake of society's pleasures It Is ngrceablo In liomo prldo to have them ac corded the premier positions. The multiplicity of society events Is always ( perplexing. A abort time ago The Dee noted that society happenings were crowding each other so fast and furiously that It was necessary for one young hostess to do , her entertaining on Sunday night. The division of society events Involves results just as cmb'arrasslng. During ithe week Just past one popular young woman gave two luncheons. They were given in honor ot the same persons , but were given on different days , and for each a separate list of guests TVOSprepared. . It so happened that ono young woman , -who has been out about a year , was 'bidden ' for the Friday affair , T > ut by some dreadful mistake became mixed In her dates ' and bobbed up serenely at tbo homo of her | p Iiostess on Wednesday. She very naturally Jld not notice -her mistake on entering the ( house , 'but demurely proceeded upstairs to remove her wraps. She came down to the parlors , and was having a lovely- time when tlio frank and outskopen hostess said , "Really I am awfully sorry , but I shall have to ask you to go liomo. You have como on the wrong day. I thought It would bo nicer lor mo to tell you now than for you to dis cover no plaite with your card at the table. " It the demands of society are to engross the attention of the popular young women It unlglit not bo amiss for thorn to purchase memorandum books In which to record their Innumerable engagements. lit tlio Koimt/.e HOIIH * . The sgaslous homo oP Herman Kountzc nvua transformed Into a music room on Mon day evening last , Mien Mlss-Kountzo and Hiss Palmer gave a musical for a largo circle of their friends. Nine numbers , with a few encores , constituted a program that WF.H most charmingly rendered throughout and well received. Miss Palmer sang first , her rich contralto volco being heard to good advantage In the songs : "At Ono Look of Love" and "Spring Night. " Later she sang "My Heart IB "Weary. " Mr. Q. W. Manchester sang two l > asso solos splendidly ; they were "Tho Time Will Como" and "My Little bias. " Mr. Cus- cadcn contributed a well rendered violin solo , "Souvenir do Sorcnto. " The two soprano BOloa of Miss Kountze , "Partout" and "Long- ling , " wore sung very sweetly. MUs Lrvo played "Andalusia" on the harp In an admlr- oblu manner , and Indulged the audience with on equally pleasing encore number. Mien tKountzo anil Miss Palmer sang "Tho Angel" and the program was concluded with d'Hardo- Jot's "Invocation , " In which Miss Koutitze took the solo fiart , accompanied by Miss Ixnvo and Mr. Cuscaden , with the harp and Violin respectively. Mm , IJolilrruf'n Ilrcrpllnn. From 2 until C o'clock yesterday aftornon Sirs. George W. Holdrege gave a very pretty reception at her homo on South Thirty-second avenue. Pink and red roses by the dozen and carnations by the hundred constituted the principal floral decorations. Tlioso who assisted Mrs. Holdrego In re ceiving her guests were : Mrs. Klmball and Misses Klmball , Darker , Kountzo , Hoagland , IMlinrr and Martin. Coffee was served by Mesdumes Charles J. Qrrcno and William Morris , while In a dainty nook upstairs tea was poured out by Mesdamea GooJrlcb and [ bo Royal It the highest grade baking powder known , Actual te U how It flotucno- third furttor than any other brand. Absolutely Pure m rowrjn to. , NEW tern. narttett. The panfhbowl was plcitantly situated In a corner that was rrudn a beau tiful bower by ttatcly plant * and numerous cut flowers. The punch ami rhtrry lcc > WIB norvcd by the young women who assisted tbc In receiving. At Mrx , Itnrlior'N llccrptllin. The reception of Mra. Charles J. Barber at her home , 2115 California , utrect. on Wednes day afternoon , between the hours of ! and 7 , to announce thu entrance of her daughter , Mlns Mabel Barber , Into Omaha go"lcty was one of the most brilliant afternoon attaint Hint lias bcon recorded among the nnnals of lornl unrlnty for upvernl f'SDon1" Thp fslr young debutante started upon her nodal career under especially auspicious circum stances , nnd these augur well for her future successes. Pink was the shade that pre vailed In the parlors and dining room , In numerable bunchai of pink loses from the friends of the bud bcltiR noticeable among the decorations. Miss Barber appeared In an exquisite gown of "roam white satin and mouiisclinu do sole. She carried a largo hunch of American Beauty roses. 'Receiving ' with Mrs , and Mlxs 'Barber were 'Mrs. ' Christian Hartman - man am * Miss Mona Martin , Assisting "through " the rooms were M : * . George I. Gil bert , Mian Frances Gilbert , Miss Grace Allen , Miss Cleveland of Denver , Miss Keller efFort Fort Vales , Miss McSlmne , illm Nell -Me- Fhalie. Sirs. W. F. Allen pou'ed coffee nt the dining table , 'Mrs , Frances Wrssclls pre sided nt the tea table and Miss ISmlly Wakclcy served punch In the library. of tinW M-k. Mr. and MM. Ucnjimln F. Crumtnor en tertained at cards on Monday cvcnlog. Mrs. Arthur Kcmlngton entertained at luncliccn on Wednesday In honor of Mlso Slllowuy. Mrs. W. II. Madden RIVO a high five party on Monday afternoon. The prize winners wcie Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs , Ryan , Mrs. Gcorgo W. Holdrege entertained at dinner on Tuesday at her spacious homo In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Klmball ot Bath , Mo. Mrs. Kills L , Blcrbower entertained at luncheon on Wednesday. The souvenirs were Inndaomo specimens ot yellow chrysanthe mums. The guests numbered twenty-three. The students of Crclghton Medical college gave a banquet In the Commercial club rooms om Friday night to the professors who have been , Instructing tlicm In mcrdlcal knowledge. Tno Jolly Right Coffee club met at the residence cf Mrs. Peter Blsasscr on Thursday. The first prize at cards was won by Mrs. James Delany and tbo consolation prize by Mrs. Albert Pardue. An elabonito dancing party followed the first drill of thu Thurston Rlllra In their new uniforms on Monday evening , The monthly competitive drill for the Thurston medal wivs won by Private Cross. Mrs. Robert Hunter of 2209 Spcncpr sfrot entertained at cards for Mrs. C. C. llunpatc on Friday evening. Mrs. Hungatu and Mr. Herman Ochlltree won the yrlzos. Mrs. C. K. Wcllcr and Mr. Jay Foster divided honors In winning the booby prizes. Mm. James K. Kelby entertained a number of friends nt cards on Wednesday afternoon. The prizes were 03 follows : First , a beautiful hand-painted plate , by Mrs. Tunnlcllffe ; see- enl , china ealt and peppers , by Mrs. Cock- ercll ; third , a line tile , by Mrs. Todd , and the consolation prize , u bunch ot roses , by Mlsa Day. 'Mrs. ' Fmok P. Klrkendall gave an elabo- ratu receptlcu on Friday afternoon In honor ot her mother anJ sister , Mrs. Durgcrt and Miss Burgcrt ot Toledo , and Jlrc. Barber of Dloomlngtcr.i , 111. Beautiful cut Mowers -and petted plants ornamented the house and the affair was made more enjoyable by mandolin music. Mr. and Mrs. William Wlgmem entertained the Bxcclalor Whist club at their homo on Friday evening. Ten long and Interesting games were played. Mrs. J. Burster suc ceeded in. wlnc'hig the first prize , while Mr. B. 1) . Hoog won the gentlemen's first prize. M1.M Truehaut and Mr. G. Kuenne Iho booby , after which light refreshments were served. At the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wood on Monday evening was held an Inter esting ! meeting of the Omaha chapter of the Daughters ot the American Jlevoliitlon. Miss Ktholwynne Kennedy , dressed In a attaint costume of brown brocaded silk , with white muslin cap and kerchlof , represented a daughter lot Miles Standlsh and related the customs of colonial times. One of the most tasteful ot < he smaller af fairs ot the week was the luncheon given by Miss Andreecen In the white nnd gold ban quet room of the Millard hotel on Tuesday afternoon. The room was decorated with chrysanthemums and palms In profusion , und In the center of the table , with Its load of silver and cut glass , was n decorated basket heaped with Bridesmaid roses and narcissus. A delightful party was given last Wednes day afternoon In honor of the Misses Perfect of St. Paul. The hostess c this occasion was Mra. W. B. Wallwork. The beautiful home was profusely decorated with smilax and chrysanthemums. Refreshments were served after a very spirited contest of two hours at high five. The prizes were won by Meadnmes Jackson , Blanchard and Prlco and were much admired by all , The informal reception given at St. Phllo- meua's Catholic church on Monday evening was a great success , all enjoying themselves to the utmost. A short phonographic enter tainment was given th.it . was enjoyed by all. Miss Qulnn favored those present with a beautiful song. A duet was then sung. Much laughter and good naturcd bantcrlm ? wns caused by the drawing for a prize , which was a beautiful bunch of chrysanthemums. Another series o ! brilliant functions have been given during the last week for Mrs. Arthur Gulou. On Wednesday and on Fri day Miss Jcaslo Dickinson gave two delight ful luncheons for Mrs. Gnlou and Miss Short. On Wednesday hyacinths nnd violets pre vailed In the table decorations , while on Fri day the table ornamentations were mainly of holly. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Din- lel Wheeler , Jr. , gave a tea for Mrs. Gulou. Mrs. Euclid Martin entertained in a charm ing manner at luncheon on Wednesday aftcr- nosn for her friends 'who a&jlsted at the re ception given the previous week to announce the debut of her daughter , IMIss Mona Mar tin. The luncheon was served at two tables , ono lu the library and anotiicr In the dining room. At the former geraniums prevailed In the flcral decoratlcna and at the latter chrys anthemums were the principal flowers. 'At each plato were found hand-painted plato cards , Holbnd sccnea Inwater colors consti tuting the decorations. The following program WES given by tlifc Deportment ot Oratory of the Woman's club on , Wednesday morning. "Speech of the Regulars , " Mrs. C , M. Sherrlll ; "I Would Not Glvo ti Copper Plack , " Mrs. Schneider , "No Knot In the Bed of the Thread , " Mrs. Alex UUldell ; "Pluck rnd Player , " Mrs Frank Pugh ; "The Drummer'a ' Bride , " Mrs. F. n. Patrick : "Dream Ships , " MM. R. E McKclvoy ; "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. " Mrs. J. T. Lee ; "Tho Bridge , " Mies Ella Latson ; "The Llttlo Peach , " Mrs , F. c. Fuller ; "Jest 'Fore Christmas , " Mrs , F. B. Crowlcy ; "The Dying Year , " Mrs. Clarcncb Cox ; "Tom , " Mrs. C. B. Coon ; "The Thres ) Rockers. " Mrs , B. F. Carpenter ; "Tho Le gend cf the. Organ Builder , " Mra , B. 0 , Bur- baul ! ; "Omtory. " ( original ) Mra. F. B. Bry- act ; "A Sacrifice to Pmy Interests , " Mrs. L. A. Welch. _ Movi-mcnlK of Siic'lt-l- > t-iiIi > . Miss Cady has returned from a brief visit In Iowa , Mr. CharUa C. Rosawater Is confined to his homo by Illness. Mra , G. W. Hooblcr has gone to Chicago to spend the 'holidays ' , Mrs. Laederlob left last Wednesday for a trip through California. Mr. and 'Mrs. ' Cbrles : E. Ford have re turned from Philadelphia. Mr. Charles George lias returned from a fortnight In New York City. Mr. H. S. Rollins of NellRh. Neb. , la the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. S. A. McWhortor. MUs Lydla Moore Is at homo from St. Mory's school for a two weeks' vacation. Miss Curtis will leave Omaha shortly after Iho holldajs for an extended eastern trip. Mrs. C. 8 , Stockham la expecting her sla ter from San 'Francisco ' to spend the winter. M lanes Kdlth and Dceslo Her are homo from St. Mary's school for two weeks' vaca tion , Prof , Williams of Drown university , Prov- Idpnce. R. I. , will upend the coming \vek with Mr. G. T. Cwndall anil tamlly of this The Innumerable friends of Mlsa Georgia LlnJ ey will io glad to learn that ehe IB to < Uko a brief vacation from her duties au nurse ID the Chicago hospital to pcu4 Oie t ' holldajs wl'h 'her put-ito ' > ' < n d'TStic Is expected home * on Mcailif. | Mr. Harry A. Frank ot Cornell unlvcrsi y will tpend the holidays with frlnU ? in New Yolk. Mr . J. W. King Los heco celled to West Union , la. , on account of Iho Illneta of her clslcr. Lieutenant and Mrs. Doin arc here to spend the holidays with Grn rnl ami Mia. Dandy. Mrs. Barber of Dlootnlngtcn , 111 , , arrived Wednesday and la the guest ot Mrs. J , S. Brady. Mrs , IJams of Cheyenne , who 1ms been Mrs. Outlirlo'H gutxst , left on Tiifsday for her home. Slits Florence Orldlcy Is homo this , wcsk from St. Mary's school , Knoxvllle , 111 , , for thu holidays. Mr. Bernird IlelifcM la expected homo for the holidays after an absence of two year , ? from the city. Miss Ilanchen Rchfeldlo la attending the State Normal sciiool at Peru , Neb. , will spend her Miration at home. Mrs. Charles L. Lawton anil Miss Hcth Valll of Cripple Creek , Colo. , arc the guests of Mra. Hcth. Mr. anil Mrs. Hnny McCormlck are ex pected down from their ranch near Sheridan today for the holidays. Mr. Gcorgo H. Dcndy , Jr. , student at the University of Pennsylvania , will spend the holidays with friend ? at Washington , D. C. , this year Instead of coming home. Ml.'s Stella Harmon , who Is studying at the Unit orally of Wyoming at Laramle , Wyo. , has returned to spend the holldaju with her parents , Mrs. and Mrs. Luther A. Harmon. Mr. and MM. John O'Nell ot Portland , Ore. , will spend the coming week with rela tives and friends In this city. They are re turning to their homeon the Pacific coast after a visit with friends In Ohio. Mrs. O'Nell , nco Miss Fannlo Cobourn , enjoys the friendship of a wide circle of friends , many ot whom will entertain for her. l for tinKiitnri * . , Miss Yatcs will slvo a ewcll dancing party on Christmas night. Tomorrow evening the Dancing club will Klvo Its first meeting at Morand's hall. On December 30 Mr. nnd Mrs. Benson -will Slvo a reception at tholr homo , 4728 Dodge street. The Semper Fldells Card and Musical club will bo entertained ( by Mrs. Cclla N. Wol- cott ami Mrs. Electa Watenbury at 1014 Burdetto street on Thursday evening of thlo week. The first of n series ot socials to bo Riven by the Young People's society of Unity church will bo at Thnnston Rifles' armory on Friday evening , December 24. Admission will ibo by Invitation cnly. The Cotillion club .will . dance out the old year at the resldenco of Herman Kountze. Those who enjoyed a similar event there last year are looking forward to an even more delightful New Year's eve party this next week. The English students ot the High school who are studying Galey'a Myths will , after the holidays , glvo an exhibition ot pictures and statuary founded on the classical inyths. All the people of our city who arc Interested In 'building ' up a higher apprcch- .1 tf' nrt are carncstly desired to lend the High schcol pupils any assistance In their power. KN nml . The marriage of Miss Silloway to Mr. Visco ot Boston Is announced for Tuesday. Mr. Victor W. Deerlng and Miss iMyrtle C. jlamblin were married last Thursday evenIng - Ing at the resldenco ot the officiating minis ter , Rev. Charles W. Savldge. OMAHA summits. . A. Wilson ot Tekainah , Neb. , was a busi ness visitor In the city Thursday. Mr , and 'Mrs. ' William Corcoran were'busi ness visitors In Omaha Saturday. Fred Racbenbauch ot Do Soto , Neb. , was visiting friends In the city Friday. The thermometer it the water works regis tered 17 degrees belowSfcero Saturday "morn- Ing , a Mra. J. J. Merrl'im of Omaha < was in town Thursday vhltlns with her sister , ilka Agnes Huntoon. The Woodmen of the World give a ball and supper : it the city hall Frltay night , De cember 24. The flyer has changed time , due now nt 0:07 : p. m. , stopping only on Sundays to pick up or leave passengers. Mrs. D. C. Hess went 'to ' Omaha Thursday to attend a meeting of .tho Coffee club , of which she Is a member. The Presbyterian Sunday school will cele brate with a Christmas 'tree for the children , and other appropriate exorcises. Mrs. Frank Reynolds returned Tucaday from Williamson , N. Y. , where she has been the last week attending the funeral of her mother. The teachers ar.d pupils of the public schoul are busy preparing for a Christmas entertainment to be given Thursday evening , Uecem'ber ' 23. Thn recent cold weather has frozen the Ice about fourteen Inches thick on the basins , nnd the South Omaha Ice company has com menced cutting' and putting up In the ice house. Mr. and Mr3. James C. Kludred entertained a nun/Jer of tholr friends at their homo on East Side street Thursday night. Progress ive high five was played and nn oyster sup per served by 'the hostess. Miss Agnes Brooka , . 8 years old , the grand daughter of lA. 'Flnkcnkeller ' , left Thuisday for 'Madlscn ' , S. D. , where she E-CM to meut her mcthcr and make her future homo. A telegram announced her safe arrival ut her destination. Among the hospitable homes near 'Florence ' Is that of'Mr. ' and Mrs. D. E. Smith , one mlle north ot town. Both nro past the middle ago and yet their hearts beat in sympathy with young people and their enjoyments. Last Tuesday , while the sleighing was excellent , their bo'os'cd ' was sent .to . town , und a crowd of their young friends were taken to their home , where tlfey were entertained. Kurt Crook , .Mrs. Jack , mother of IMrs. Hall , U visiting her daughter. LlcutcoJiH Dalton has gone on his four months' leave of absence. Lieutenant Godfrey has returned after his twenty days' leave of absence. Mra. Sharpe has joined Captain Sliarpo and Is comfortably settled In Quarters No. 21 , Mra , Wasscla has Joined Lieutenant Was- scls after a elx tnontlw' visit at her former homo at Pltt&burg , Pa , The officers' mess undbr the management ot Captain Sharpe end Lieutenants Campbell and Davidson is becoming very popular. Lieutenant Dlclcnian left last Friday for his new station at Fort Logcn. Ills de parture from Iho Twenty-second U regrelteJ by .ill. The llttlo folks ore anxiously looking for ward to the annual visit of Santa Claua and It la expected that bo will reach hero on Christmas eve. The Ord and the Crlttcndon boys have boc-n worklns upon a toboggan and have It ubout completed. The sljrlu extcndu down a declivity of about one-fourth of a mile , The Twenty-Hecoivl Infantry band gave the third concert of the season last 'week at the niers hall. The attendance was largo and Included many from Bcllovuo and the sur rounding country. The seml-montlily meeting of the Card club was held last Thursday night at the quarters of Captain Getty. Tbo ladles' prlzovao won by Mrs. 'Forbes , T.io lone hand was held by Mrs. Lockwood. Lieutenant Lewis wont ho gents' first prize unl Captain Lockwso : ! hold the lone hand. Theaffair was under the di rection of Mesdamea Getty and Davidson , Ilt'IlMOIl. Services will bo held at the Methodist Episcopal church this evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. ncd Mrs. Q. R , Williams of Elk City were visitors among od ! friends and nolgh- bora a few days of the tarci week , The meeting of the Ladles' Aid society was pcatpoced la&t week to next Thursday at 2 p m , , at the hoiu'e of Mm. S. R , Hoffman , Mr. P. Ne'.son , llvlag oa Coal Cre-ek , met with qutto a m'.Efortuno lait Wednesday evening , coo of the bitterest of tbo winter , In the leca of his homo by fire. The house caught flro from the chimney and when dis covered wn ECI far eono U was ) beyond con- 2IO-2I2 Sn ffitli Sterling Silver Novelties In Sfnnlcuro Plcqes , Letter Openers , Letter Seals , Button Hooks , Shoe Hooka , Shoo HoniH , Nail Files , nil jeweled topped ; Uoriw. scissors , darners , Vnsellno Boxes , Jeweled tops , gold or silver ; Glove Stretchers , Match Safes , Stamp Boxes , Thimbles , "VlnnErettes In gold , silver op cut class ; Purses , Belts , jeweled or plain , oxidized silver or gold ; Chatelaines , Jew eled or plain , oxidised or gold from 75c to $12.50. Sterling Silver Novelties , from 23c up. Infants' Combs , Dressing Combs , Hnlr , Hat nnd Cloth Brushes. Our Novelties are the prettiest ever shown In till" * city such as Handkerchief nnd Glove Boxes , Jewel lloxcs Work Boxes , Needle Books , Hand nml Stand Mirrors , Cnlundnrs , Christmas Cards , Blotters , Music Holders , Music Rucks , Vases , Fancy BrlC'ii-Brnc , Klegant Pyra- llno Baskets , Brush nnd Comb Trays , hand painted ; Pocketbooks , Shopping- Bags , Chntclnlnes , Boston Bags , Mani cure. Sets , Truya nmll'hoto Holders , Card Counters. Opera Glnss Bags , etc. ; mud decorated Linen Cases for clippings and Receipts , Hnnd Decorated Linen Photo Holders , Note Cases , CallliiR Lists , Hnml Decorated Portfolios , linen cov ered Hand Dictionaries , Call Bells , Soap Paper , Novelty Candle Sticks , etc , The very choicest Perfumes und Toilet Waters. We Imve hundreds of beautiful thlnps for Christmas presents which we can not enumerate here. Christmas Presents for everybody We are showing the largest and handsomest line of Christmas Goods ever seen in Omaha and novel ties that have never been shown before Gifts for Ladies Wo know wo nro showing the finest line of Christmas Handkerchiefs ever s'.io\vn In this city , nnd at prices that ara boiiiul to Fell them. All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs from Be up. Embroidered Handkerchiefs from lOo up. Unlnumlered Hand Embroidered Hand kerchiefs for 13c , 25c ntul SOc. A Sheer All Linen Hand Embroidered Initial Handkerchief 13c each 2 for 23c. A finer quality at Ko each , or Jl.GO per box of half dozen. In fancy box. Linen Handkerchiefs from Re to the Sheerest Fine French Linen for M.OO. A Handsome French Linen Handker chief , hnnd hemstitched , Initial , sheer quality. 50a each , or J2.75 half dozen. A very line sheer all linen Handker chief , with dainty script Initial , 33c each , of J1.S7 handsome box of half dozen. Pretty Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs for DOc , Toe and $1.00. A larco line of rcnl Duchess Lace Handkerchiefs , from 75o to $12.50-pret- tlcst goods ever shown for the money. Dainty French Hand Embroidered Hand kerchiefs , from $1.23 up to $23.00. lienutlful Empire Funs. Ostrich Feather and Neck Dons all kinds from $1,50 up ; silk , liSc up to $3.75. Slllt Mittens , lined , from 58c up. Kid Mittens , from 60c ami up. A Inrgo nnd complete llnu of Kid Gloves for street , driving- and evening wear. Prices from $1.00 up. 12-btitton Evening Gloves , $1.CO up ; 1G- button , $1.87 up. We carry the celebrated Perrln Gloves. Elegant line ot Aprons , from 23c up. Hand Embroidered 1 Moors a large as sortment nt very loi.v prices. Ladles' Fancy IlOitc , cotton or slllc , from Me to $3.75 n pair. Ice Wool Scarfs and Heal Lncc Scarfs for wrapping head and neck Itonutlful Dresser Sets. Pllloi.v Shams , Table Spreads , Sofa Pillows. Scarfs Drapes , Meclnin Drawn Work , etc , Handsome Silk Umbrellas. A beautiful line of Toilet Sets brush comb and mirror from $1.00 up. Klegant band decorated Trnys. An elegant line ot Fancy Baskets and Decorated Baskets , Including otllce. In fants' nnd work baskets. Beautiful Sterling Silver Novelties In Manicure nnd other pieces. See the new Imported Mosaic and En amel Broehos , Paper Weights , etc. Infants' Gold Plus , solid nnd plated. Enameled , Sterling Silver and Gold Bracelets the newest designs. Stick Pins , Cuff Huttons and Pins , Lorgnettes and Kan Chains. Ladles' New Ties , In mull , net nnd silk. Handsome Chiffon Fronts. Neck nuchlngs In endless variety from 23c to $2.73 a yard. Gifts for I > Vcn Flue Linen Handkerchiefs , with dainty Initial , at 25e oacli , or $1.50 per hand some box of half dozen. A white pure silk Initialed Handker chief at 2Gc and GOc. Ilcautlful Kmbroldcrcd Handkerchiefs , at DOc , 7Gc and $1.15 each. A very handsome line ot all linen Handkerchiefs , IGc , 20c. 50c and TGc. A bargain Very flno plain linen Hand kerchiefs n t 23c como In one-quarter , one halt and ono Inch hem. Japanese Initial Handkerchiefs , 15c 2 for 25c. A handsome , line of Mufflers nt 33c , GOe , 7Gc , $1.00 , $1.00 nnd $2.25. Elegant Silk Hose at $1.00 a pair. Handsome Silk Umbrellas. New Novelties for Men. Handsome Decorated Boxes for collars , cuffs and ties , Cigar and Tobacco Jars , Oillco Uuskots , Toilet Sets , Traveling Cases , Perfumes and Toilet Waters. Ask to BCD our beautiful Traveling Cases In real seal nnd ebony tlttlngs , Smoking Sets , Calendars , Drinking Glasses In cases , Stamp Boxes , Whisk Urooms. and Holders , Cards In Cases and Shaving Paper Cases , Hair , Hnt anil Clothes Ilrushca , hand decorated and sterling sil ver. Ink Stands and Pen Wipers , Ash Receivers , Soap lloxcs , Hand Mirrors. Perfumes Handsome Koyal Worcester Novelties. Urns , Hotting Tea Pots , etc. , filled with choice perfume. Handsome Atomizers , from 33C to $2.uO. Very handsome fancy Ivorlne Baskets filled with perfume , toilet to.ip and toilet Milter. $2.75 to $3.23. Fur Collarettes WP name n few prices. Imitation Marten Collars. $2.30. Electric Seal or Astrakhan , J3.W. Electric Seal and Astrakhan Combined , JT..60. JT..60.Heal Heal Seal and Persian Lamb , trim med with marten tails , $1373. Heal Marten , $2t. ! . Writing Paper Wo have a gran-1 line of Satloncry. plain nnd fancy , put up In elezant boxes for Christmas trade. Prices Kc. Jic. c and 75o per bgx. Dainty box of children's Stationery , 15c , 20c and 23c. Dolls V ° i".9 from twn ' "Clips up to life nlzo oablcs from Yellow Kids up to the flu cst qualltydiessiM or undressed. Shoes nnd stockings and Dall ToUct Sots. Calendars Wp have the handsomest llnf of Cal endars this year over brought to Omaha Shakespearean and Ityron Calendars- nnd other authors and pouts , with quo tations. Beautiful Calendars In other designs. For the Baby Infants' handsome Hobos. Silk Dibs , Boslecg , Caps. Cloaks and Jackets just the articles for baby for Christmas. Baby Hattles. Toilet Sets. Brushes and Combs , Infants' Baskets , etc. Fans ! Fans ! Bans from o'5c to 'HO.uO. We have the largest and finest line of imported and Indian Baskets ever brought to Omaha. Office Baskets from 250 up to § 3.50. Work Baskets from zoc up. Lar < : e ones hold bushel , 870. A good size fancy work basket only 380. Fancy Bask ets from 50 up. Infants' Baskets and Hampers Our Literary Emporium , , lifts That ar © Sure t ® PIeas0 Eiderdown Dressing Sacques , SI.50 and 1.75. Wrappers at $1.50 , 2.00 and 2.50. Fleece Lined. Black Sateen Petticoats. $1.35 , 1,75 , 2.00 and 3.00. Silk Petticoats$6.50,7.50. 8.75 and 10.00 , all new , Children's Fur Sets , $1.50 , 2.50 , 2.98 , 4.50 , 6.50. 8.50 , 10.00. ladies' Fur Scarfs , Real Marten , 10 tails , $5.00. Finest Marten Scarfs. 8 tails and 2 heads. $7.50. Fur Collarettes , $6.00 , 7.50 , 10. 12.50 , 13.50 15.00 , and better. Representing all most popular styles in Collarettes. Muffs , all kinds , prices , 75c.Sl.00 , 1,50 , 2.00. 2.50. 3.00 and better. PUR CAPES Electric , Seal , Astrakhan , Mink , etc. , at lowest prices. BABIES' ClOAKS lowest prices ever ljnown-$3.0 ( ) , 4.00 , 5.00 and bettor. Tlio nuii'itles ' tit ti i prices wo inulio will nulonlsli you. Ladles. Cupes , Liidlos' Suits , Dress Kltlrts , otc. . very cheap. , CLOAK&SUTCG ! , 1510 SI. trol and but little of the household goods was saved. The family found shelter from the severe cold at the homes of nelgh't-oia ' Misses Zella and Lllllo Smith came up from Plattsmouth a week ago Saturday nnd spent a few days visiting with friends In Denson. The fmeral services over the remains of Mr , Blulc , father of Mr. A. IHuk of this place , were held Mat Monday afternoon at hla late home , about ten miles west of Benson. Mr , and Mrs , Harvey J. Owes and daughter roturnc'd homo from Ashland Uat Saturday , where they were on a three weeks' visit at the homo of Mrs , Graves' sister , Mrs , A. Colson. The last tribute of respect was paid to the remains of Mrs. Gertrude A. fnell Mat Thursday afternoon. Kegardleas of the co'.d weather many friends hnd neighbors gathered at the Methollst Episcopal church , where the services wore IjeliV. to attend the funeral. At 1SO : p. m , the pillbcarers , members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' lojgo of which Mr. Snell was a member , entered with the casket contMnlng the remains and placed It In front 'cfHho ' chancel rail , while the organist , Slri.1 * Morgan , played the funeral inarch. Tlio 'funeral discourse v.'un preached by HevvUilher M. Kuhns of the Grace Lutheran church of Omaha , The services were opebaJ by the singing of the hymn "Nearer My Odd to Thee. " by the quartet , composed.otOIc . rs. J. A. Marjiin , Cbules McCoy tntl Mpadamea P. A. Halley an * George Hawkins , , defter the sermon they sang "We'll NeverJayfGoodbye In Heaven. " The benediction Ia.pronounced and the lid of the casket was rousieil and the friends of the dead filed pat'tjYo fake a last look at the remains , after which they -were followed by the ftmlly and friends to Mount Hope cem etery , where the body was laid to rest , llcllfvur. MUs Minnie Wallace , has returned from David City for th ? holldajs. The women of the Presbyterian church gave a inlto social at the home of Mrs. Flynt Friday evening. Recitations by Rachel Duel and music by MUs Jennb Wallace contrib uted to the enjoyment of the evening. MUs Mary Kerr presided over the refreshment table , Ilcllovuo collcgo floacd a very successful term of school Friday ami nearly all the stu dents have returned to their homes for the holldayti. President S. II. Kerr lias Just re turned from a trip to the east In the Inter- eat of the college. Ho reports that bo suc ceeded In securing funds enough to pay Itnt year's deficit , BO he has reason to feel en couraged In his work. AGIUGUI/l'UHAIj SOCIETY * 'riU > UHI/E. Hint tinFmstluim Will CJo Into Court. The dissensions among the members of the Douglas County 'Agricultural ' society will probably soon bo token Into the courts. The faction that considers Itself aggrieved In the recent election of olllcera has placed the , matter In the hands of a local firm of attorneys , -who have Instructions to begin quo waranto proceedings to teat the right of the new olllcors to hold the offices , and It Is stated that the petition In the case will bo filed In the district court In a few days. The main contention of the petitioners Is that the election was accomplished by fraud. The candidates for the presidency of the association were fi. H. Williams and O. J. I'lckard , nnd the former was successful by 125 votes to 111. A number of the Omaha members of the society wtro mainly Instru mental In securing Williams' election and a number of the farmcub allege that In order to accomplish this they got In enough Illegal vote.3 to control the election. A meeting of the minority was held In the Hoard of Trade rooms a week ago and a committee was appointed to toke measures to contest the election on these grounds. The ocmmlttos has employed the attorneys and Its mcmbtrM declare that they propose to push the matter to the limit. IIV.UUNKAI. , AiiilrrHOii-CliniiiTifrH. WH3T POINT , Neb. , Dec. 18. ( Special. ) Last Wednesday afternoon Rev. W. A. Llpo , pastor of the Grace Lutheran caurUi , united In the holy bcnJs of matrimony Edson An derson and MiP3 Hello Chambers , at the home of tbo bride , eevcn mllea south of West Pclnt. The groom Is a thrifty Garfleld town ship farmer , In which section the couple will settle down In life. Tlio brldo U tiie oldest daughter of Samuel Chambers , a prosperous Sherman toHuahlp farmer , AiiNtlii-Iltiu'li. TECUMSKH. Neb. . Dec. 18. ( Special. ) A. U. Austin and Miss Ella IJoach were married at the -home of the bride's mother In Tecumseh - cumseh Thursday evening hy Ucv , F , 0. Wing of the Christian church In the presence cf but a small company of relatives and friends , Hale 'Hucuet'ilH Ci-neral HrooUH , DENVER , Dec. 18. Governor Adaraa today appointed Colonel Irvlag Halo of the First regiment , Colorado National Guards , briga dier general , 1o succeed the late General E. J , Brooka. ituvv i epiuiu wuu luu greuicsi in iiuunay ouuringa , tuuiiur win KU lul tun * " our store toward buying a valuable and appropriate present than anywhi.ro else la Omaha. Omaha.We We have several hundred copies of Urummond's "Greatest Thing In the World , " which 'will bo given away fro ? to all who ask for them. At Ic Paper books for children Illustrated In colors. At EC Children's Colored Picture Books , linen , paper and board of a grada never before sold at this price. At lOc Nice Urge board , linen and the best grade of colored paper nooks for children. At ICc Books printed on linen and mounted on linen' heretofore sold nt 23c anil 35 cents. At 20c Best grade of Linen and Board Books for children. At 25c Our Juvenile Books at this price Include many beautiful art books for children 207 tltleo of an entirely new line of 12 mos. more than 100 tltlc-s of a beautiful line of Ifl inos. In white and gold also In darker bindings. At 40c Books of travel for young folks many art books for chlldien Illustrated In colors after the drawings by Ida Waugh , Kate Greenuay and other prominent artists. Many copyrighted now books and the St. Nicholas series for boys and girls. Many of the standard authors In sets at the uniform price of 40c per volume. At GOc The handsome Twentieth Century series as good as aciy dollar and a half book oo the market containing such titles as "Thelma , " "Black Beauty , " "Undo Tom'a Cabin , " "Scottish Chiefs , " "Told In the Hills , " and 100 other titles. Wo carry all the different lines of Teachers and Family Bibles , TcstsmcntB , Cath olic and Episcopal Prayer Books. ' Peloubel's Notes and Diaries for 1898. Wo Carry a full line of fine Omes Stationery and have the best stocked News , stand In the west. Megeath Stationery Co. 1308 Farnam Street t -1 1 9 FURS 9 6 6 . * > aiarton . . 6 CollarettP. . . 6A vx 6o Fiss * togs ? $ $1.50 and up. BP , $1.75 . and up. J 4 Fur Muffs , $1 , Sealskin i. $15. . * 9 A A lady Is not In style who does not possess something of Fur uihv . , a Fur Set for XmasY Juat thu thing for this cold weiUner ' y "ot ' ' ° . A Sealskin Jackets , IHO.OO. What could bo u butter KlflY Iiuv vnur r , . r , \ t\ . j m iuis 01 ino manufacturer. Open evenings y A Mail Orders E. Carefully 15th Attended to. and Hartley , . Omaha , Neb AMICKU TO PII.I5 < Hj.VI.MS. Hiiuliurii'M OriH-r In St. .lonrpli & Orunil United States Circuit Judge Sauborn has Issued an order In the Union Puclflc re. celvershlp cases , calling upon creditors of the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad to Hie any claims they iray have against the road , on or before May 1 , next , with William D , Cornish , special master , In tills city. The order was filed with Clerk Hlllls of the fed eral court yesterday. The order Is ma do as a result of.petltlons filed for a final settlement of thu acts of the receivers , and for the disbursement of the funds and receipts of the road , It also pro vides that answers to the many claims maybe bo filed In thirty da.ys alter May 1 , end that the claims may bo contested. > 'e - Ilrvriiuu Cullrr In Ni-rvliie. PHILADELPHIA , Deo. 18-Tho now rev enue cutter Hugh iMcCuIluch left Crump's H IpyardH loilay ' for Iho I'aclflo < : oaHt. by way of Capo Horn , lit command of CntJIii n Iu'0Jltr1'Ion ' with ten olllot-rH , < and u CHM of Hovonty-llvo men. It IA | | | | ) ( . ( ho llaKfiir. of the rovenlio culler llei-t In ! ho"e w ! principal duty , however , wl I bo to Mal ; poactioru from violating the Be" C ° vernlnif the w ter of I'ollllflll DllllliiKf Hull. LOUISVILLE. Ky. , jjcc. -County Judge CliurlfH a , Ulohlo today Hied n $21 - C 0 damuKo suit agalnm Edwin n , Orct-n , a well known drummer for n Main Htn-ct ( Inn. clmrKiiiK that Just prior to "h" No vember election , Uitt-n mada ccrtali fiilBo. " " . mullclouH nml HlamlcroiiH utternno" "on. Tlie rlclint linen and moit ueurge- OUB fllver will not make up ( or the lack of I.lbbey Qlu . TliU trade t mark U cut oa every pltc * .