Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 16, Image 16

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    iisssi ,
Wity John Hnlton IlroiiRlit Snow
anil Ice < < Mnllnrnt , Aimtrnlla.
i t y John C. nemlns. )
John Halton was an Australian squatter
with a problem to solve. Its solution wor
ried him exceedingly for some weeks , but
being , fortunately for him , a millionaire
In the pound sterling sense ot the word ,
eolvo It ho ultimately did to the satisfac
tion of Ills 7-year-old daughter Alice , nt
least. And she , after all , was the principal
party to bo considered.
Wo have heard now , aslthe mountain re
fused to como to Mahomet , that old hum
bug , pretending to have received a sudden
Inspiration , mounted his sacred camel and
0renL to the mountain.
John Halton did better than. Mohamet ; he
brought England to Dallanat and compelled
Bantoi Glaus to visit Alice at the simmering
antipodes. He surrounded her for the one
lay of December 25 , 1877 , with mistletoe
ml holly nnd Ivy ; ho showed her a flurry
of genuine snow ; jho enabled her to slldo on
the Ice , and in fine to do nil man
ner of Christmas things , just as shs
bad done In 'her natfvo Devonshire the pro-
Boding Christmas of 1876. When It Is re
membered that Christmas lu Ballarat Is one
of the midsummer days and ( that the mer
cury In the thermometer stands at 100 do-
erccs It * the shade , It will bo admitted that
too achievement ! Is one worthy at all events
ot a brief sketch.
Alice was a beautiful , motherless child
with blue eyes and golden hair , 01 true de
scendant of the Celtic Cymrl , and her falher
f&Irljt adored her. Ono day It Tvas In Oc
tober the mall from England brought a
number of colored prints to Craig-Devon
* nd amongst ) them a ) picture of Santa Glaus ,
by Kaulbadi. |
" 0 , papa , " cried Alice , ' "I'm so glad
Christmas Is coming. Grandma , told mo I
ah6uld aeo Santa Glaus and1 his reindeer
( when I was old enough not to be scared ,
mnd I'm , old enough now. Ain't 1,1 papa ? "
Henceforth. Alice talked of little but
Christmas and Santa Glaus , not thinking
land notltnowlng that the heat of a Ballarut
December 25 would melt the poor old soul
knd hla reindeer into five grease spots In half
Is the use possessing millions , "
( John Halton asked .himself one day , after
a short Christmas dialogue , "If they
COt enable a fellow to Introduce a small
tih Ot winter Into Ballarat when a fel-
r'a tafoy wants it ? "
Vhat same evening1 John JIalton cabled
Prof , McCulloch of Aberdeen college to send
Dim a cargo of evergreens from the north of
Scotland regardless of expense and to send
them via the Suez -canal. Ho telegraphed at
the same tlmo to' James H. Mulr of Taranakl ,
Netf Zealand , to forward him 500 tons of
now from iMount Tongaralrl In the Walkato
county , and next day ho ordered the plant
iod machinery from Sydney , New South
Wales , necessary for the manufacture ot Ice ,
CCoVdlng to the hygcnlc process.
, He made arrangements. In fact , to have a
fence constructed round the crag , within
Which lor ono day at least winter would
feign supreme. With this end la view ho
Imported COO laborers and mechanics from
( various < polnts , who were soon busy building
hcds , excavating cellars , planting trees ,
creating pools for sliding purposes and doing
Other things to get the place ready to assume
a iwlntry aspect at the proper time. Olcan-
tarhllo the atmosphere grow hotter and hotter
each day.
IMIco's stockings were hung up Christmas
eve. She said her prayers and was Just
* bout to Jump into bed when she felt the
atmosphere growing- palpably cooler. She
ran to tha window and , sure enough , snowflakes -
flakes Were coming down , as , indeed , well
tthoy might , seeing that four ot her father'e
faithful employes wore Industriously shaking
them out of Iceboxes from the roof.
At midnight a clamor that might wake the
IfloaJ roused Alice from her sleep. She heard
loud voices crying out , 'iHold on there ,
Blashcr ; whoa , Donncr ; gee , there , Blltzen. "
Qlunnlng once more to the window In a state
tfrf tilgh excitement , ( Alice Halton saw thai
tha ground Tvas white , and more than that
htt saw four reindeer harnessed to a sledge
from which sledge a stout man furred to the
yea was In the act of stepping.
J'lt la old Santy. " Soliloquized Alice , noi
- - _ , _ _ .
fct all afraid , though her heart beat fast ,
§ ' * nd he la coming here , I'm the only lit
tle tfrl lo < the house. "
Doing a conslblo Child Alice crept softly
feck to 'bed , believing it was the proper
thing lo receive such a distinguished visitor
Uher while asleep or pretending to sleep ,
fbo beard hla footsteps aa he came nearer
* nd nearer and at last the redoubtable Santa
kluuef entered the room. She fancied ho
fcrM somenhat tall for the old gentleman , as
bo bad teen htm In plcturra. but tall or
IhorJ ho was laden down vrltb all manner
good thing * . On the mantloplcce , the
the chiirs , the bed , the beneficent
y' ' heaped up exactly those- articles
'Alice tlK > unht Bho rcQulrcd. Having disposed
ft LU eooda Santt Clauq bent over Alice In
few feed ami Imprinting * soft kin oa her
brow murmured "God 'bless ' you , darling. "
Then Alice fell asleep. When she came
down next morning everything was as
ChrMmasy , as she expressed It , as one
could delro. The hedges so recently planted
were white , 'tremendous ' canvas awnings
covered the grounds immediately around
the house , frozen rivulets wcro 'to bo seen
hero and there , sparrows , chafllnchcs , lin
nets and robins flitted , from ( bush to bush
and from ono clump of evergreens to
another , and whllo Alice was admiring1
thoao sights , their results after 'breakfast ' ,
a coach rolled up to 'the ' front gate , which
contained two llttlo boys and thrco llttlo
Tha visitors assisted Alice In constructing
her snow man , and , though it was , to bo
sure , a little queer to be obliged to do It
In a shed where a machine ground out cold
ness iby the square yard , and whore the saw
dust was. somehow or other , mixed with the
anew , still they got along famously , ana at
night Allco told her father with sparkling
eyes that she had never spent a happier day.
"Tho llttlo piece of deception , " said John
Halton , subsequently , cost mo 75,000 , but
then , It furnished employment to hundreds ,
and It gave pleasure to my little girl. "
Some Q.nccr Chrlslmas Experiences
on the n nil.
"None of my numerous Christmas experi
ences liavo been sad ones , " remarked the fa
mous old clown , Dan Rice , who chanced to
be in o reminiscent mood the other day.
"It was on a holiday , " ho continued , "that
I accidentally determined to be a. showman.
While walking on 'the ' outskirts of Plttsburg.
Pa. , I paused to admire a pen of Hue pigs
by the roadside. Now , a pig Is not the least
Intelligent of animal creation that Is , ho
knows enough to eat w'.icnover ho gets a
chance. I TTOS a fairly proficient amateur
ventriloquist at that , tlmo and the owner
ot the ptu was astonished to 'head mo main
taining an animated conversation with a
sleek , fat porker as ho approeciiod the stye.
" 'Pis , you know ( you ate that pullet ,
feathers and all , ' I accusingly exclaimed.
" 'Dan , you know you He and the truth
ain't in you , ' came 'tlio angry response
from within the stye.
" Tftwat the d'lvll'a got Inter mo plga ? '
their owner wcoderlngly inquires ,
" 'The dlvil take ye , yo Olrlsh nagur , ' a
squeaking voice replied from the pen. 'Dan ,
swot ' 1m In the smeller. '
" 'I'll do nothing ot the kind , you un
grateful beast,1 w my indignant reply.
'You've sot 'Uie ' devil In you. '
'After a few minutes' conversation the
Irishman was convinced that a certain black
and red pig wai possessed of o devil and
was sorely perplexed thereby. He was
greatly puzzled to know how to get rid of
both pig and devil at the same time. At
last I Kindly volunteered to take the duo ,
and to offered mo a smill consideration for
10 doing.
"WlthlD two veeks I was making a neat
sum of money oa the road by exhibiting au
educated talking pig , which proved a great
drawing card. So well did I prosper with It
that the next Christmas I lavishly entertained
a host of old as well as now friends jvlth the
beet the country afforded.
"From thence on my career was singularly
suceesntul and eventually 1 became proprietor
of the first circus In which I had over ap
peared as a clown. The word elown , accordIng -
Ing to Webster , means a churl , a man of
conrso manners , an IH-bred man. But I
found U paid , just the samo. As the original
Shakespearean clown I drew a salary of
$10,000 a season and endeared myself to a
discriminating and fun-loving public.
"Another memorlablo Christmas I spent ns
a prisoner In Blue Eagle jail , charged with
the heinous offense of providing the general
public with amusement , entertainment and
Instruction , In the form of a circus. Now ,
ono of my objections to prison llfo Is thai It
is too confining , but , Just the same , I was
Santa Claus to the prisoners and visitors at
the Jail that day. Wo had a fine dinner of
roast pig and fowl , with cranberry eauce and
mlnco pics. That day I , for the first time ,
sang before a select audience my famous song
of "The Blue Eagle Jail , " which subsequcutly
revolutionized public sentiment against show
" Christmas
"Another never-to-be-forgotten
I spent in Havana when at the bight of a
performance before a large audience the best
lion trainer that ever I knew furnished a din
ner to n cage of fierce Numedlan beasts.
When the lions were finally beaten back
from their prey with red hot Irons there was
Just enough left of Florloelll to hold a funeral
service over. That was all. Well , such Is
circus life , " exclaimed the old clown , mourn
"Tho happiest Christmas ot my llfo was
epent at Now Orleans. At that time I had
a company of 100 of the sweetest-voiced chil
dren that ever eang , and with them I was
giving a series of spectacular musical pro
ductions at various cities to the south , trav
eling on. my own steamboat. The tour had
been unusually profitable and co I announced
that at the close of the last performance , on
Christmas , Dan Rice's original Santa Claus
would appear ta his sleigh , with many
unique effects , and prcocnt to each dear little
member of his company a token1 of the sca-
scn."I and my agents spared no elforta In
perfecting the necessary plans , and at the
close of the last performance era Christmas ,
the lights were lowered ! and a winter's night
scene presented , with full moon shining upon
snow-covered housetops and plains , ov r
which sooa tame Santa Claus dashing along
In a frost-glittering sleigh drawn 'by ' rein
deers , the jingling of whoso bells could be
plainly heard. Upon a housetop the sleigh
baited , and Santa Claus disappeared down a
'Then the scene changed , the lights were
turned on , and the hundred silvery voices
of the company united In singing 'The Star
of Bethlehem. ' Then , still singing , the
pretty llttlo ones , all beautifully costumed ,
marched across the stage , each bearing In
his or her arms the dainty present from Dan
Rico's Santa Olaus. O , that was a great
night In Now Orleans , odd my Santa Claus
saw that co hungry one In the .wholo city
went supperlees to bedt
"And what became of those dear llttlo
boys and girls of my company ? Well , some
are dead , and some are married , whllo I am
still Dan. Rice. I want to eeo twenty-six ,
more years In order to ascertain the ultimate
level of the 'new woman. ' "
Malcolm Douglass.
A funny old professor k pt a school for
littler boys ,
And he'd romp with them In playtime , and
ho wouldn't mind their noise ;
Whlln in his llttlo school room , with its
head against the wall ,
Was a bed of such proportions It was big
enough for all ,
"It's for tired llttlo pupils , " ho explained ;
"for you 'vlll find
How very wrong Indeed It is to force a
budding mind ;
Whenever ono grows sleepy and ho can't
hold up his head ,
I make him lay Ills primer down and send
him oft to bed !
"And sometimes It will happen on a. warm
and pleasant day ,
Wlion the llttlo birds upon the trees go
tooralloonil lay ,
When inldcawako and studious it's difficult
to keep ,
Ono by ono they'll get a-noddlnij till the
whole class Is asleep !
"Then before they're all In dreamland ana
their funny ; snores begin ,
I close the shutters softly so the sunlight
can't come in.
After which I put the schoolbooks In thc-4r
order on the shelf.
And , with nothing tlBO to do , I take a llttlo
nap myself ! "
"Ma , Is thcro any pie left In the pantry ? "
"There is one piece , but you can't have
It. "
"You ore mistaken , ma. I've had it. "
"Is this your little brother ? "
"Yen , be Is , an' he's de smartest kid on do
street. "
"Is ho , Indeed ? "
"You bet he la. He's bad de measles tree
times. "
It is eald that General CrittendeUEC * to
tell with great glee a story of the reply once
made to him by his son , then a little boy of
8 or 3 years.
A day or two after the battle of Chlska-
mauga the little fellow went Into camp. The
general rode during the battle a horse which
went by the name of John Jay. a great
favorite with his small son. The child
showed great delight at serins1 his fatlor
again , but at last , In the midst of a vigorous
hug , he asked suddenly :
"Papa , where Is John. Jay ? "
"Oh " said his " horse
, father , gravely , "your
behaved very badly during the light ; ho In
slstcd , like a cowardi , on taking mo to the
rear. "
The 'boy ' looked at him searchlngly for an
Instant. Then his eyes gleamed , and ho hole
up a remonstrant little finger , pointing U a
his parent.
"Papa , " said he , severely , "I know John
Jay would never have done that of his own
will. It must < have been your work ! "
"There seemed to be .nothing for mo t
say , " the general usually remarked In con
elusion , "and consequently I foreboro t
argue the matter ! "
Ho persisted In using a fragment of hi
broken slate , much to his teacher's disgust.
'Why don't you tell your mother yo
broke your slate ? " she asked. "I'm sur
she'd get you a new ono. "
' "Course she would , " replied the boy , "an
sho'd call It a Christmas present. I'd ruthe
wait till next term before-1 ask for It. "
A little girl who lives In my nclghborhoo
has an Irreverent habit of singing her pra :
crs to kindergarten airs , says a writer 1
the Washington Post. Her mother remonr
stratcd with her a few evenings ago.
"G-od won't bopleased If you say your
prayers that way , " said the mother.
"Why ; can't he hear mo ? " the child asked.
"Yes. "
The llttlo girl looked distinctly Incredu
"Huh ! " she said , "with all them angels
singing ? "
The other day , aays the Indianapolis Sen
tinel , a South Bide teacher was discoursing
to her pupils about the vlls of becoming
addicted to slanc , when she 'paused and
asked them to give Jier an example of a
slang phrase. The school went Into convul
sions \\hen a youngster In knee pants yelled
promptly :
. "You're not so hot. There are other babies
on the pile. "
The teacher did not call for any more ex
Smitten TvHli nn Ovqrclinrsc , It Ko-
volvos ajncl Yvnr l.
A few days ugo , relates the New York
Sun , the Nutley Water company presented a
bill to Clarence W. Noble for 1330 for three
months' water consumption in a ton-room
house , and at that time the trouble was
assigned to a defective ballcock , which was
said to have permitted a steady flow of water
in and out of a tank In the attic. Mr. .Noblo
protested and said < bat all ot the wasteVould
not hive been disposed ot by a cistern 6x8
feet. Into which the overflow from the tank
led. Theater committee gave him no satis
faction , and he called In local plumbers and
experts , some ot wnom experimented while
others figured. They all said that there was
something wrong with the meter. Somebody
sought to remedy tho'trouble , adn , In a day or
two It was discovered that the barefaced In
strument had developed a pang In its brazen
conscience and was trying to compensate Mr.
Noble for the trouble It had caused. An
expert took its record for a day end discovered
that It was running backward at the rate of
ssventy-five gallons a minute.
"Impossible , " said Water Clerk Vreelnnd
and Plumber Thomas Hayes , but after they
had watched the meter for a while they were
convinced. Clerk Vrceland calculated that it
had sent back 60,000 gallons of water to the
company within five or six days and that
at this rate the town would roan be in debt
io Mr. Noble for water. Then It was con
cluded to put In a new meter and this was
done yesterday. The old meter will bo sent
back to the maker but what will bo done
about Mr. Noble's bill Is still a matter of
We're so proud of our line of pocket
knives that we want to tell It again
and ask yon to come and see a larger
variety of styles , shapes and sizes than
you've ever .seen before Wo don't care
how much you've traveled or where yon
have boon We've pocket knives at 23c ,
83e , 50c , 7fC and fee on up to the finest
ever made at $ . ' { .00 no one , but hun
dreds at each of the nrlcos all different
over live hundred new patterns added
to our stock last Saturday We are also
showing u large line of Indian Baskets
baskets In all shapes sizes and for
all purposes baskets big and baskets
little baskets In all colorings soft pli
able and strong beautiful affairs at the
smallest kind of a price.
1514 Farnaiti St.
You are looking for a Christmas pres
ent for some dear friend wo can help
you decide nothing could be ulcer than
a beautiful medallion we have them In
every conceivable mounting then there's
pictures framed and uuframed the
largest collection ever shown In Omaha
how about some musical Instrument-
guitar mandolin violin drum or other
of the large stock we offer you then a
"Reglna" music box would make a very
acceptable Christmas , gift for any one
old or young In sheet music we lieop up
to date all the latest pieces at cut prices
Our store is filled full of the nicest of
the nice seasonable presents.
KOSlC Id AH.I5'3 ' Douglas
Notable Events of History Which Have
Ooonirod on Deosmbar 25 ,
Incident * of AVnr nnd I'cnco , of Dentil
nml DUiixtcr , Jlcnrlnir Unto
Tilth thr Fentlvnl ot. |
On the night of December 25 , 177C , Wash
ington mode his famous passage ot tlio Dela
ware rlvw at McConkcy'a ferry ( now Tny-
lorsvlllo ) , a tow miles abo\o Trenton , where
Colonel Hall , with l.GOO Hessians , T\OS sta
tioned. So great was hla contempt ot the
rebels that ho neglected to plant a single
cannon. At 4 ft. m. on the 26th Washington's
force stood on the Jersey shore nnd wore
upon the enemy's pickets In Trenton before
they were discovered. Colonel Hall was mor
tally wounded In the struggle , which termi
nated In a complete victory , and the capture
ot about 1,000 prisoners , 1,200 small arms ,
six brass field pieces and all the German
standards. The moral effect ot this success
was Immense- ; the colonists wcro stimulated
to fresh efforts and the dread ot German mer
cenaries was dissipated.
American Methodism reckons December 25 ,
1734 , as Its birthday. It was on this day and
In the meeting housein Lovely lane , Balti
more , that a conference ot Methodists de
cided to organize an Independent church , and
the plan was carried out with a body ot
olgb.ty-tb.reo preachers and a membership ot
Thaddeus Koscluslto , the Illustrious Polish
patriot , who led the final resistance of his
unharpy countrymen against the allied forces
of Russia , Austria and Prussia , was released
from imprisonment In St. Petersburg by the
emperor , Paul 1 , on December 25 , 1796. His
distinguished services In the cause of Ameri
can Independence during the revolution
gained him the thanks of congress , a grant
ot land and a pension. Kosclusko passed his
later years lu Franco and Switzerland and
was killed In 1817 by a. fall from his horse
over a precipice.
Sir J. C. Uoss observed a curious phenom
enon on the Island ot Trinidad on Christmas
day , 1839 , when a shower of rain fell from a
cloudless sky , the downpour continuing ( or
one hour.
Thirty-five thousand of the 55.000 volumes
then In the congressional library In Washing
ton wcro destroyed by fire on December 25 ,
December 25 , 1S53 , was marked toy a tragic
ocean disaster In the naval service of the
United States. ( The steamship San Francisco
bound ifor California with 700 United States
troops on board foundered at BOI and 240
persons \vero lost.
Frankfort , Ky. , was visited by Colonel S.
Peatherstone , appointed commissioner by the
state of Mississippi to urge the hesitating
Kentucklnns to adopt measures for a united
defense against possible attack of the north
ern states. On the same day the Crescent
City was the scene of a mass meeting of en
thusiastic Loulsknlans assembled to ratify
the nomination of delegates to a southern
rights convention.
Christmas , 1S62 , was a gloomy day for Min
nesota and the thirty-eight Indian prisoners
at Jtankntowho were awaiting execution on
the following day for uartlclDatlon In the
terrible massacres which had marked the
Sioux uprising of that year.
Fort "Fisher " , N. C. , on theOapc Fear river ,
the outlying defensifof Wilmington , was In
effectually bomtbardcd on December 25 , 18G4 ,
by the expedition neat against It under the
command of Admiral 'Porter ' and General
The celebrated 'Dcnlto Juarez was Inaugu
rated president of ( Mexico on "December 25 ,
1SG7. 'He had first been elected to this office
In 1S61 , and thus led the Mexican resistance
to the French usurpation under ( Maximilian ,
which terminated in the itragle death of the
Austrian iprlnce at Queretaro. The death of
Juarez In 1872 left 'Mexico ' without a recog
nized and dominant leader until the advent
of the present chief executive , General Por-
ferlo Diaz.
President Andrew Johnson Issued he ! his
toric proclamation of amacsty to those who
hail served In the confederate army and were
disfranchised for that reason by actsof
congress then In force , on December 25 , 1SCS.
This was the president's Christmas present
to a large body of ex-confederates.
On December 25 , 1809 , the body of Edwin
M. Stanton , secretary of war under Lincoln ,
lay In state In Washington , he bavins died
on the previous day. Oddly enough it was
In defio KrisnniH ( 'lvln times dc place
where your coin .goes do fardest Is do
place to git deso prices fur do dealer
point do way :
Uattlo Ax , per pound , lOc.
Horse Shoe , per pound , 8e.
I'ipcr Heldsieck , per pound , r 2c.
Mail Pouch , 2 ox. , per pound , 'Me.
Durham , 2 ox. , per pound , , r > 2c.
Seal North Carolina Gut Plug , 2 oz. ,
per pound , 5t'c.
Dose prices arc fur do dealer only
an mondny.'s do day No mall or phone
orders received and my dad's Rot do
biwst Hnoiof pipes ever In Omaha all
nt di-ni about 2Ti pur cpnt below de prlco
Ho makes do Ktoecker Cigar.
President Grout , with whom. SUnton
wrangled for luvlnR ordered the troop *
around Washington to the front upon < us rn-
IDE command n lieutenant general. Grunt
ondcd tlie dispute by appealing ) to President
Lincoln , who sustained the1 general , observ
ing that the latter would reelgn It Interfered
Andalutla , Spain , was stnkon by earth
quakes on December 25 , 1S84. The nhock *
wore felt la Madrid and some 266 persona
wcro killed. The seismic disturbances con
tinued for a week and n. number of towno
In other districts of Spain were tlestroj d.
Usually South America Is looked upon us
the land of the earthquake , but this distinc
tion more properly belongs to Naples , In
which portion of Italy between 17S3 and
1S5 ? no less than 111,000 portions were killed
by earthquakes. Tlila Is at the ralo of more
than 1,500 a year for an average population
of 6.000,000.
On Christmas of 1886 General John A ,
Logan lay In his last Illness at his homo lo
Washington , tfcath ensuing on the following
Samuel Chnmplaln , the famous French ex
plorer , soldier andnavlgitor / , died December
25 , 1C35. Henry IV sent him on his first
voyage In 1C03. A second voyage 'was made
n 160S , when Champlaln Jircendod the St.
Lawrence , founded Quebec , and In 1010 dis
covered the lake -which bears hla tuimo. He
spent several years In promoting the fur
trade and In exploring the region around the
great lakes. Ho was appointed governor of
Canada In 1G20 , and wrote several narratives
of his discoveries , which wore published In
General Samuel Ryan Curtis , who com
manded the federal troops at the battle of
Pea llldgc , served with distinction In the
Mexican war , was a member of congress
from 18G7 to 1861 , end a member of the
peace congress at 'tho outbreak of > the war ,
died at Council Bluffs , In. , December 25 ,
18C6. Ho was born In Ohio In 1S07 and
graduated nt West Point In 1831.
Captain James Cook , who discovered Ha
waii , which ho named' ' the Sandwich Islands ,
discovered Christmas Island December 25 ,
Christmas day , 1C42 , gave to the world the
lllui'trlous ' philosopher , Sir Isaac Newton ,
whoso discoveries In astronomy , physics and
mathematics mark htm aa ouo of the great
est of all scientific Investigators. In eon-
junction with Leibnitz ho shares the honor
of Inventing fluotlons or 'the ' calculus , that
branch of mathematics which has perplexed
and grloved so many college students since
their time.
Sir Matthew Hale , ono of the most cele
brated of English Jurists and famed us an
upright Judge , dlod on December 25 , 1676 ,
at Uio ago of 67. Howas appointed by
Cromwell Judge of the common bench In
1563 , was elected to Parliament In 1658 nnd
In 1600 was appointed chief toaron of the ex
chequer > by Charles II. and chief justlcj ot
fiho king's bench In 1C71. Sir Matthew left
an Injunction upon his grandchildren , > ! o ab
stain altogether from the drinking of hca'tiis.
Pledging ono health meant many more , lie
nald , and resulted In drunkenness.
The combined ages of a couple recently
married In Kansas was 154 years , the bride
being 71 and the groom S3.
Because the widow of Sarony , the late
photographer , has married again , It Is
being eald of her that ehe was unable to
develop a negative.
Miller , the champion six-day wheelman , Is
about to marry. Naturally a man whoso
powers of endurance have been so fully
tested has no fears of matrimony.
An actor at Nashville , 111. , tried to clopo
with a preacher's daughter Sunday , end the
preacher delayed the morning service long
enough to explain to the actor la detail Juot
what ho thought of him , utter which the
preacher' * on knocked the theupUn dowh
and trtnctod his eyea ami the girl ceaacd to
see anything- heroic In him ,
Mlwi Lnura KllU Lcct t : Denver , who on
October 16 last was married lo Arthur A ,
Holler , Is having a very unusual honeymoon.
She an ! her young husband are Imprisoned
nt the Mwito Crlsto silver mlno , In the O *
cado mountains of northern Washington ,
hemmed In on nil ldes by ewow. Provisions
are beginning to grow scarce. It Is prob tlo
that the young woman will bo forced to biav
the hardships of a snonshoo trip of thirty
miles to clvlllratlon.
A Gorimn statistician compiled tome figure *
showing the superior longevity of married
people. Ho finds the proportion of the
people married living at of 60 , In
proportion to the single , to be * a 48 to 111
at 70 , as 27 to 11 , and at DO , as 9 to 3.
The rate of mortality for husbacids and wives
between the ages of 30 and 45 Is about 18
per cent and of the single , 28 per cent The
main factors which favor the longevity 'of
the married arc more regular ha'Mts ' , creator
serenity ot mind and contentment.
The approaching marriage ki Franco ot
Mile , do la Ilourdonn.tls , daughter of VIs-
comto do la 'Hourdonnals
and Ccmte do Mer >
< hon , Is descended from vM. do la liourdcm-
niila , oneo governor of the Isle of Franco ,
now Mauritius , who Is brought Into the story
of Paul and Virginia. As Mark Twain ob
serves , the most Interesting epltwdo In fie
history of the Island uovcr happened but the
governor and progenitor of iho jouug woman
about to bo married were authentically thcro
surviving In the pages qf the romaive rattier
than la Cho records of his administration.
The happy tcrmloatlcii of the adventures
of Assemblyman Ocorgo W. Kauihuugh of
Now York , at Nantaekct beach last summer
took place at Louisville , Ky. , recently , when
Colonel Karnaugh married Miss Julia Kick-
man , the girl ho rescueil from drowning ut
Natrtaskct. One day thcro was a merry
bathing party tn the surf , Including thrco
Now York assemblymen and 'Miss ' Hlckmao.
They had mot at the hotel only a few days
before. Miss Ulckman , who lo an oxpeit
swimmer , went out far beyond the others ,
and was caught In u sea puss. She was pow-
erulcsa to escape tdo deadly swirl , and was
bolng drawn under the water anil carried
out to sea when her plight was recognized.
Colonel Kavanaugh swam out after her , and
after a dreperuto struggle , with the current ,
which well-nigh exhausted
strength , suc
ceeded 'In ' bringing her to the beach.
Lllinnt Croup.
The .first symptom of true crop Is hoarse
ness , this is foyowcd by the croupy cough.
If > our children arc subject to croup , watch
for lhes > o symptoms and give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as soon as they appear , and
It will prevent the attack. It Is a certain
euro for croup and can always bo depended
In < Jlprnr Mitrt * .
Boston Transcript : Tob.iceonist-lf you'll
keep qulot nliout It. I'll lull you how 1
manage to make money out of cigars When
a man comes In nml asks TIIO for a eood
cigar I Invariably recommend that brand
that costs mo the least. It is a creat
sell cine.
Customer Tlmt'R so. What Idiots they
must all be ! By tin- way , 1 want you to
recommend a peed cigar to mo.
Tobacconist Well , confidentially , I ad-
vlso you to take ono of these ( Customer
goes out ) . Only one more Ullot. that's all.
< o I ) < t AVlmtf
Chicago Post : It was after the , first fall
of snouv of the season.
"I wouldn't KO sleighing- with a man I
couldn't trust. " asserted the hloiiclo
"Trust whlc.i way ? " asked the brunette
"How do you mean ? "
"To hug or not to hug , " explained tha
The blonde , however , declined to enter
Into specifications.
Tlio liucst made the famous James
Iloare & Co. , blue white cut gluss every
piece a gcm Nothlng can possibly be as
beautiful for Christmas giving There's
elegant water pitchers with a dozen
glasses to match something your wife
would appreciate Punch bowls that
would please the husband-Ice Cream
Sots Vases-ctc. that the whole fain-
Uv would be proud of hardly a thing In
out glass that we are not showing and
the best of it nil Is-thiH is new Wo sold
out all our old stock before the Christ
mas buying began We've made the
prices right on this new stock we arc
open evenings now.
C. S. Raymond Co , ,
Jewelers ,
15th nnd Douglas Streets.
Drex Ii. Rlioomnn Is figuring on hang
ing up his stocking he'b looking for a
Christmas present of a pair of shoes-
Patent leather shoes lie says nothing
will please a lady or gentleman as much
as patent leather shoes Kot1 gentlemen
wo have an evening dress shoe In all
the latest fads of fashion the cloth top
the kid top all at $ . " > a pair These are
genuine French calf For the ladles we
have them In the Mine stylish dress
shoes-patent leather at $4.00--J.50
and $5.00 In the low patent leather
dress shoe we show the most fashionable
styles ever brought to Omaha Tlieso are
$4 an up-to-date patent leather shoe at
this price Is a rarity to the Omaha trade
these , too , are the genuine French calf.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
New fall catalogue now ready ; mailed
for the asking.
It isn't merely old ago Hint makes eye
sight dim there's little defects often in
the eye wlille young or In middle life
which if taken in time can be easily
rectified our Mr. A. I , Agnew Is a grad
uate optician of over thirteen years' ex
perience and will make a thorough and
practical examination of your eyes ab
solutely free it's an easy matter then
for us to furnish the lenses thai wo re
quired for we grind them here and
know to an absolute certainty that
they're right before we allow yon to
wear them there is a lot in the adjust
ment of the frames our manufacturing
department sees to it that this Is prop-
crly done Come In and see us and lot us
BOO your eyes.
Columbian Optical Co
16 Champa. 211 8. 16th 81. 815 Main.
Never have wo had to reduce our force
of expert workmen on the contrary wo
have been obliged to add to It from time
to time since we have been In Omaha-
It's simply because wo do the best work
the woik wo have done in the past
rccoKiincndB us to the people who need
the assistance of a competent dentist
In filling wo don't claim to be the only
ones who do it hut wo do claim that
our experience and methods enables UH
to ( ill teeth and build them up to their
natural appearance In u way equalled by
none wo use the purest of gold and put
It there to stay small gold fillings uro
$2,00-wo won't .charge for examining
your t oth Lady attendant.
13 Yearn atl Floor I'atan Illic.
Experience. If" ) unil Parnam.