Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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A "Big List of Men's Furnishings for Christ
mas Gifts.
Umbrella * , Ilnlh Honed , Stmpcmlcrii ,
* J < mlnr > - , Milliter * , Xlitht Slilrtu In
Fnrt n Store I-'iill of Unrfnl
I'rcaentH The Kind Yon Want
Men's kid gloves with silk lining , In tan
hades , $1.25. Mon'e extra flno kid gloves ,
with silk lining , $2.00. Hoys' Mocha glovca ,
with silk lining , $1.00.
MEN'S KID GLOVES. $1.60 AND $2.25.
Flno street gloves , now shades of brown
and tan , $1.50. Perrln's best pique kid
cloves , $2.25.
Heavy Reindeer gloves , with wool fleece
lining , fine kid , with wool fleece lining , extra
Flno quality mocha gloves , with warm
fleece lining , all sizes.
Men's ' and boys' heavy Scotch wool gloyco ,
warm and serviceable. Regular 50e quality.
Men's and boys' heavy double-wool mit
tens , all sizes , extra value.
Men's and boys' extra fine quality cashmere -
mere gloves , heavy wool gloves , and heavy
Ecotch gloves.
A largo assortment of men's umbrellae ,
with trimmed handles In sterling silver ,
torn , natural stick and the .new English
pcpul wood.
Block satin shields , "Tho Chumley , " a
new style. White satin quilted lining , $1.50
mJ ; $1.75. Very flno black satin with fancy
white silk lining , $2.25.
Fine quality Terry cloth bath robes , In
blue , pink and tan colors , guaranteed fast
Men's fine elastic web suspenders , 25c , EOc
nd 75c.
Superior quality web with gold plated
mountings , $1.00.
Flno quality satin suspenders , In black
nd colors , for embroidering , $1.50.
Scotch plaid , pure silk web , $1.85.
Very fine satin , with gold plated mount-
Inge , $2.25.
Mcn'a pure Irish linen hem-stltchnd hand
kerchiefs , Vj-lnch hem , with small hand-
embroidered Initials.
Pure linen , hcm-stltchcd handkerchief , > 4
nd 1-Inch hem , plain white or i/rlnted border
pure linen hcm-stltchcd handkerchiefs ,
with uEnd-cmbroldcrccl Initials.
Extra fine pure linen hem-stitched hand
kerchiefs , U. Us and 1 Inch hem , 25e , 50c
nd 7Ec.
CHIEFS , 25c AND 50c.
Men's pure China silk handkerchiefs , with
nniif rnlnrprt hnrdnrfi.
Fine China silk handkerchiefs , with em
broidered Initials , 25c small or largo Initials ,
very neat , EOc and 75c.
MEN'S SILK HOSE , $1.25.
Fine spun silk half hose in black , regu
lar $1.75 quality.
A fine assortment of wooi and cashmere
mufflers , 50c.
Navy blue silk , with white dots , 50c.
Fine s'.lk ' mufflers In Scotch plaids , the
novelty of the season , $1.00.
Persian designs , small checks , In assorted
colors ; Scotch plaids and plain white hem-
tltchcd , $1 50.
The latest novelties In men's neckwear for
Christmas trade In four-in-hands , tecks. Im
perials and the DOW shape puff , ma Jo of
the newest designs of Imported silks.
A new assortment of string tlea just re
ceived in Roman stripes , Scotch plaids and
fancy figures.
Men's and boys' flannel night shirts , made
of fine quality light colored outing flannel
faj navy , pink and grey stripes , extra well
made and full size.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth streets.
Crocker nml Hnvcrly Avolil the Court
IIotiHu Tlicm Days.
Ttomas S. Crocker , register of decds-elon ,
end D. M. Haverly , county clerk-elect , both
keep away from the court house. They take
up the duties of their respective offices on
January C next , but up to this date aelther
of thorn has been arouad to call upon the
men whom they will succeed.
There Is considerable speculation as to who
will serve under the nnw county ofllclalF ,
and no positive Information Is given out
However , It Is pretty certain that E. M. Sten-
berg will bo the deputy under Crkor aad
that L. E. Skinner will bo deputy In the office
of the county clerk. There ore no Intima
tions as to who will hold the clerical posi
AB County Judge Baxter , Sheriff McDonaM
Mid the oilier offlslals succeed themselves ,
there are not likely to bo any changes In
their ollk'ea ,
SoiuctllltlET t" fSltOW.
It may be worth something to know tha !
the very best medicine for restoring the tired
out nervous system to a healthy vigor is
Electric Bitters. This medicine Is purely
vegetable , acts by giving lone to the nerve
centers In the stomach , gently stimulates llio
Liver and Kidneys , and aids those organs In
throwing off Impurities In the blood. Elec
tric Bitters Improves the appetite , aids diges
tion and Is pronounced by those who have
tried It as the very best blood purifier and
nerve tonic. Try It. Sold for EOc or $1.00
per bottle at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store.
II n I D n I'm-lie. (
"The Overland Limited. "
train went of the Missouri river ,
Twelve hours quicker than any other train
to the Pacific coast.
Call at Ticket OlU'.e , 1302 Farnara St.
Read what the Big Store bos to say on the
9th page.
Major Crowdp.r has gone1 to his homo In
IVonton. Mo. , for a few days.
Captain C. W. Taylor of the Ninth cavalry ,
trpompanled by his wife , Is In the city on a
Christmas shopping tour.
Captain iM. B. Hughes of the Ninth cava'ry ,
itatloned at Fort Robinson , accompanied by
KTK , Hughes , Is visiting General Copplnger.
Lieutenant J , A , Penn , quartermaster of
the Second Infantry , made a Hying trip from
Port Kcogh and Is renewing old acquaint
ances for a few days ,
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
DR ;
i f * < kH CrHH el Tartar PowlMi
County Attorney Itnlilrlttr' * Opinion
an the ItcfitnillliK IMHIIC.
County Attorney Baldrlge has prop-lied
an opinion upon the legality of the $1SOOCO
of poor farm funding bovils voted at the
lost election and subsequently eolJ to Farson
Leach & Co. of Chicago.
Some days ago County Clerk Redficld re
ceived a letter from the Chicago firm tu
which the writer stated that he was of the
opltiiui IU.iI the bouda Old not receive the
necessary number of votes. The matter was
referred to Couoly Attorney Baldrlge , who
holds that all of the legal requirements with
reference to the election and the Issue of
the bonds have been compiled with. The
county attorney quotes the law and then
she s that It was only necessary for the
bonds to receive a majority vote. They re
ceived a majority and almost a two-thirds
majority vote. The county attorney contends
that the Issuance of these bonds Is not cre
ating a new debt , but Instead Is simply
funding an existing debt at a lower rate of
There Is no better proof of the excellence
of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup than that It Is
recommended by leading'physicians.
Other Slitu of the Suit.
OMAHA , Dec.17. To the Editor of The Bee :
In yesterday's Evening Boo you gave pub
licity to the fact that ono John N. H. Pat
rick has brought suit against the company
I representjor the payment of $20,000 , al
leged to bo due for certain life Insurance
held by Levl Wilson , now deceased. In order
not to leave a wrong Impression on our policy
holders , I trust you will glvo as wide pub
licity to the following facts : N'o proofs of
loss or evidences of death of said Lovl WI1-
Eon have been furnished to the company.
The company has not refused to pay the loss
because no demand has been made on them
to pay. Patrick's petition says "Levl Wil
son died on the day of December , 1837. "
Whether that means ho died on the day Pat
rick brought his suit or whether the deaUt
occurred In the earlier part of this month , I
do not know , but ono thing Is certain that If
the Northwestern owes anything on the life
of Lovl Wilson , or any other man , It will bo
paid ; If they do not owe anything , It never
will bo , no matter how many suits Mr. Pat
rick may bring. Yours truly ,
General Agent Northwestern Mutual Life In
surance Compiny.
Stronger Kvcry Dny.
Steady Improvement In health follows the
use or Anheuser-Busch's Malt-Nutrlne the
food drink. It Is the greatest of all m.ilt
tonics. Appetizing and nourishing. At all
$10 pictures are going at $3 at the Hospe
auction of framed pictures.
I'ollcv Do l.Vot llollfvc It.
The police place little creduce In the re
port from Tapekn , Kan. , In reference to a
bank being robbed nt Perry of $1,300 by
Omnha crooks. J. C. Collins , one of the.
men suspected of the job. Is unknown here.
Charles Cunningham , ono of the other per
sons thought to be Implicated , Is supposed
to be Charles Yancey , ono of the sextette
who broke jail in South Omaha while Im
prisoned for vasarancy. From data In the
hands of the police Ynnccy Is thought to bo
In an entirely different seclon of the country
than the place where the burglary occurred.
Social 3It > t > ttiKN nt St. IMillonieiia'x.
The second series of meetings of mem
bers of the congregation or St. Phllomcnn's
cathedral was held at the school
hall Thursday evening. This time
the men were brought together
for business and social purposes.
Father McDevItt , tthe pastor , provided en
tertainment nnd refreshments , The pur
pose of these meetings It to more closely
unite the members of the congregation
and tmis promote the welfare of the church.
An important meeting or the Woman's
Guild Is to he held nt 2 p. m. tomorrow to
make arrangements for' Christmas decora
For Hull Colil.i.
The fact should be borne In mind that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is Intended
especially for ailments of this character and
Unit no remedy In the market Is held in
higgler esteem or has a better reputation for
the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds.
It acts on nature's plan , relieves the lungs ,
aids expectoration , opens the secretions and
restores the system to a natural and healthy
Prvnliloitt AVooilluiry GOCN Tloine.
TheoJore Woodbury , esq. , president of the
Omaha water company , has returned to > his
homo at Portland , lie. , after a fortnight's
visit hero and at Kansas City. He said ho
had been Breatly Impressed with the
progress made In the exposition , and should
como back -when It was open and brine his
( whole family -with him to see what he be-
lleveii would bo the grandest exposition ever
hold In America , excepting the World's
Fair. He boused to be excused from dis
cussing matters ln > regard to the controvers
over water company matters.
Siuttli GotH His rrloml'N Money.
C. C. Smith , a fanner from Emerson , In. ,
has been arrested at the Instance of John
Peterson , who alleges that Smith took J50
of his money. The two men arrived In the
city from ISmersan yesterday. Peterson
hau a check for { M , but could not be Iden
tified at the banks. Smith said he could
cash It In South Omaha , and did. When
asked to turn over the money Smith Is al
leged to have refused. Ho Is charged with
grand larceny. i
Arnold's iiromo Uelery cures neadachea ,
lOc. 2. > s and oOc. All druggists.
Too Cold for tlio Court.
The temp'rnture In the federal court
room on the third floor of the postofllce
building was so frigid yesterday that
When JudRo Munuer adjourned at noon .ho
announced that the afternoon session would
be held In the smaller court room on the
second floor. If the big court room Is not
butter hcatt'd the court will sit In the
smaller ono durlnethe , cold weather.
Prosperity comes qulckcsto the man
svhoso liver Is In good condition. DeWitt's
Llttlo Early Risers are famous little pills
for constipation , biliousness , indigestion aad
oil stbmach and liver troubles ,
Today or never If'you want ono of those
framed pictures at less than the cost of the
frame , at Hospo's auction , 1513-15 Douglas ,
J. A. Graham , managing editor of the St.
Louis Republic , < wlll respond to the toast ,
"Tho Prcno , " at the banquet of the Ja-ck-
Bonlan club on the evening ot January 8.
Adoloh Bartos , a barkeeper for Julius
Treltflchke , a Mloon keeper at Thirteenth and
Howard streets , has been arrested for the
theft of a pair of gloves belonging to William
Lillian Ccleman , a girl about 17 years of
age , has been reported to iMatron Ryan of the
police station as living with a crowd of seven
Arabians near Twentieth and Grant streets.
Thn men are emplo > pd on the exposition
buildings. The case will bo investigated.
Mrs , Felix McQuado , whose husband owns
a dog that has been reported as being vicious
and ordered shot , Bays her husband is In
Michigan and tiot In jail , as was published.
Judge Gordon on being acquainted with the
facts In the case revoked hta order providing
for the execution of the dog.
Quong Wall , a Chinese laundryman doltig
business at 324 North Thirteenth street , has
been arrested for receiving stolen property.
It consisted of a bucket ot opium stolen from
the Richardson Drug company. The opium
Is valued at about $35 and was taken by an
employe and afterwards disposed of to the
laundryman , The property has been recov
ered by the police.
A stranger went Into the store of Phllly
Mattln , 1013 South Tenth street , and finding
no one In charge but the young son of the
proprietor , demanded a pair of boots ho
claimed to have purchased the evening previ
ous. The boy , taking hla word for the trans
action , handed over the articles. The boy
learned later that ha had been swindled.
A description ot the man has been given
the police.
Loutber Anderson , a young farmer from
Andover , 111.lio has been working in the
Iowa grain fields during the fall , visited
Omaha yesterday , and while standing around
the union depot fell In with a confidence
man. The two walked up Tenth street and
went Into a etoro. The man owed a bill
and borrowed $30 from Anderson on a prom-
lie of giving him a job. The thief then dis
appeared , A description ot the muu has been
given the police and they are on the lookout
for him. The young man la temporarily
quartered at tU city jail , a * be U without
( uodi.
Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear and Ohrlet-
nns Umbrellas.
IIiiiulrcilH of the Cliolcmt Clfln ( or
ClirUtiiuiN Snmllilc ntiil l.iiNtltiR
1'rcHpntn On Siicclnl Sale nt
Kcllcj , Stlitcr A : Co' * .
25o Ladles' extra fine quality black cotton
hose , double sole , heel and toe , 25c per pair.
35c , 3 pair $1 , Liidlcs' fast black Hue cgyp-
tlan mace cotttu hose ; velvet finish ; double
sole , heel and tee , SSc , 3 pair $1.
Ladles' newest plaid hosiery , also boot pat
tern In the finest lisle ( bread very pretty
combinations , Just received. Special fact
black plated silk , only f > 0c and 75c per pair.
Ladles fast colors In plated silk hosiery ;
black , Un and all evening shades , only 76o
per pair.
Ladles' fast black silk hose , special qual
ity , double sole , heel and toe , regular $1.75
quality , only $1.2G per pair.
Ladles' heavy silk hose , extraordinary
value , all colors , double sole , heel und toe ,
only $1.50 per pair.
Misses' hard twisted black eaxony wool
hose , double knee , heel and toe , all sizes , 5
to 8V6 , only 25c per pair.
Boys' extra heavy fast black cottcn school
hose , double knee and foot , special for hard
wear , size 7 to 10'/4 , only 25c pair.
The unity of high qualities and low prlcea
prevails here.
25c Ladles' silky fleeced vests and pants ,
welt made , special quality , all sizes , only
25c each.
EOc We make a specialty of ladles' fleeced
underwear at EOc ; natural or ecruo vests
and pants , all elzcs ; also union suits , ecru
or natural , all sizes. These lines are the
cheapest In the city , considering quality and
finish. Saturday only 50c each.
$1.00 We take special pride In our lines
of ladles' underwear at $1.00 , white or nat
ural , light or heavy weight ; vests and pants ,
all sizes , non-ehrlnklng ; also union suits ,
fleeced cotton or plated wool , buttoned across
or down front , all sizes. These garments are
all perfect nt and llnlsh. Saturday only $1.00
each ,
Ladles. ' ellk vests , cream , pink and sky ,
flnlshod with pretty lace , only C5c each.
Ladles' extra quality silk vests , cream ,
white and black , very pretty and dainty ,
only $1.00 each.
Mleses' and bo > s' heavy camels' hair un
derwear , all sizes , 22 to 34 , only 25c each.
Children's ' Swiss wool black ribbed pants ,
all sizes , fast b'.ack , non-shrinking.
For a handsome anil useful Christmas pres
ent visit our
Hundreds of the choicest Imported handles
Dresden from Vienna , silver deposits on
pearl , English plmeuto , on the princess of
Wales style , very stylish and new In black
and colored silks.
silk twill umbrella 20-Inch , steel rod and
frame , sterling silver trimmed , natural wood
handles only $1.
Black silk Vemona serge 26-Inch , close
roll steel rod and frame , silk case and taesel ,
very pretty handles $1.25 , $1.65 , $2.00 , $2.25 ,
$3.00 and $3.50.
The Imperiled handles , best material and
finish , black and colored Taffeta and heavy
serge , very handsome handles $4.00 , $4.50 ,
$5.00 and up to $12.00
Cor. Farnam and 15th Sts.
Hayden Brothers' Big Store have an ad. on
the 9th page that may Interest you.
Yin MIsHourl Pnclflp. Hy.
Tuesday , December 21 , will sell round trip
tickets at ono faro plus $2.00 to certain
points in Kansas , Oklahoma , southwest
Missouri , Texas , Indian Territory , Arkansas ,
Louisiana , etc.
To loral poln.ts , within distance of 200
miles , nt one faro on December 24 , 25 31 ,
and January 1.
Round trip rate to St. Louis , Mo. , $15.00 ,
on sale December 24 , 25 , 31 , and January 1.
For further Information call at city offices ,
northeast corner Thirteenth and Farnam ,
or Fifteenth and Webster streets.
A. G. F. & P. A. P. & T. A.
KNABE peerless pianos , new designs , new
scales. State representative , A. Hospe , 1513-
15 Douglas street , Omaha.
Snm'l 'Burns ' sells a dozen cut glass
tumblers , finger flute pattern , $3.00. Open
evenings. I
All About
Our Klondike folder lolls liow to reach
the gold inliu'-s of the North , what the
trip costs , when to go , what to take ,
where to buy It , when the steamers sail ,
etc. . i
Call and get one.
Ticket ofllce ,
150'2 Farnam St. , Omalm.
' J. C. Reynolds , Pass'r. Agt.
Here are the Figures ,
We liaso our clalmrf to patronage up the facts
that we have the goods that they nre new and
genuine that wo have a large force of clerks
so we can serve our customers with prompt-
ne 8VND
25o Oapcarcts We sell , , . , , I9o
25o Carters i.iver i iu& tva ecu . , . . , . . . . , . jzo
J5o Farina Cologne We sell Ho
2Do Packer's Tar Sea | > Wo sell Ho
2So Cuttcura Soap We sell IGo
25o Madame Yale's Soap We sell Ho
25o Urown'a Dronchlal Troches We eell. , . . lOo
60o Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Wo sell S2o
Me Syrup of KlB We Mjll , , 33o
COo Pyramid Tile Cun We * ell 31o
DOe Malted Hills We eell 39c
50o Chamberlain's Cough S > rup We sell. . . Slo
Wo Pozzonl's C5old Box Powder We sell , . . . 34o
DOe King's New Discovery We Eell , . . , 39o
1513 D d c St. , Omalm , Neb.
Chronic Diseases R
In cases not readily cure < l by [ = .J
the family physician , a short | _ J
course ot treatment at the
D miy elve you quick relief.
SI'EOIALTIBS Catarrh and all = =
curabln diseases of men and I
women. Specialists In each de- '
partmcnt. Tel. 1138.
Consultation 1'rcu.
311-312-313 N.V.LIfoDldjr. Tol. 1138 j
IlrnI KMnle Kxclmni * * Will Pi-nut ( lie
T > xn * * VI ltorx.
The Heal Estate exfchafigo will banquet the
Onintm members of Ihe Holrgatlon from Ne-
brnskix which visited a Dumber of cities In
Texas recently In thd Interest of the exposi
tion and deep watrrlbarbors along the gulf
const. The affair will ho held at the Com
mercial club tonight , the arrange
ments bclns In chargfiiofC. C. George , W , It.
Sclby and J. J. aibmjiv a committee of the
exchange. The pisironmnlc portion of the
program will bo followed'by addresses as fol
lows : President E. A. Hen son will open the
ball and will bo followed by ex-Oovcrnor
Saunders , who will speak of the relations of
Texas and Nebraska. W. H. Green will tell
all about the trip to Texas. Including some
unwritten hlotory ; W. L. Selby will relate
how the stay-at-homes watehed the bulletins
of the pnrty'e progress ; A. P. Tukey will
speak of the hospitality of Texas cities , and
J. W. Hobblns will tell about the cordial re
ception tendered the delegation by Kansas
City. The exchange quartette will enliven
the occasion with songs and all the members
of the exchange will bo given an opportunity
of talking on any subject pertinent to the oc
< Attcod the auction sale of framed pic
tures this afternoon and evening at llospe's ,
1513-15 Douglas.
. \Kxncln ( < < ! Clinrltlrnce l Ciinl.
The trustees , on account of an empty trcas.
ury , are compelled to make an urgent appeal
to our benevolent citizens for funds to enable
them to purchase 200 tons of coal 'for dis
tribution amongst the deserving poor this
The applications are very numerous and
pressing and require immediate attention.
The board , therefore , hones to have a liberal
and ready response to Its necessitous appeal.
Checks payable to the Associated Charities ,
or donations of coal will bo thankfully re
ceived at 807 Howard street.
THOMAS I * KIMBALL , President.
Personally ConilRRtrA E-xeurslonn to
Leave Omaha every Friday , 3:30 : p. m. , reachIng -
Ing San Francisco Monday , 0:45 : a. in. Cor
respondingly fast time to Southern Califor
nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other
Personally Conducted Excursion Route from
Missouri river.
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street.
The Omaha Bricklayers' Benevolent Local
union will give Its first 'ball ' at Gormanla
hall Saturday evening , December 18th.
Everybody Invited. Admission BO cents.
Hundreds of pictures have been sold ; to
day Is the last chance. Hospe , 1513-15 Doug
2 nights to California.
1 night to Utah * .
via the
12 hours quicker than any
other HUG from ( Missouri Uiver. For
tickets , time tables , or any information ,
call at I i '
i City Ticket Office ,
1302 Farnam St
tf IM I TMT HTlf PfP Prt.
Another Big Out in the Price of
EllOtf ,
53,00 SHOES , Sl,98j $5.00 SHOES , S2.50
We Are Still Cutting ! I'rlcra on Our
llrnt ShocH We Still lln\ - Too
Mini ) * Shoe * nnil Mtixt He-
( luce Stock nt Once.
Ladles' best quality , dark red Russian calf ,
lace Shoes , welt soles , at $2.50 , Regular
price , $5.00.
Ladles' fine kid welt-solo Shoes , lace , cither
kid or cloth top , cpera or square too , nt
$1.88. Regular price , $3.00t
Ladles' hand-sowed Shoes , turned soles ;
cither kid or cloth top , button or lace , at
Hayden Bros.
If well bought they're half sold
The purchasing power of our dollar again merit the earn
est consideration of every mother who has a boy to
clothe. We deal in no fancy prices * We carry the
best line of children's clothing made in the United
States at a saving to you of from 75c to $2.00 a suit.
From now till Christmas we will sell
A $2.50 Suit for $1,95
A $3,00 Suit for $2.50
A $3,50 Suit for $2-75
A $4.0"0 Suit for $2-95
A $4.50 Suit for - $350
Ages 4 to 16 years DOUBLE BREAST
SEAT pants.
200 Boys' Reefer Coat , ages 4 to 16 , at
$175 , $2.95 and $3.95.
200 CAPE Overcoats , ages 3 to 10
years , at 50c on the dollar to close , *
Open every night until Christmas.
' A largo lot of Dressing Sacquos made
of eiderdown which should have boon
here over two weeks ago nro just re
ceived Wo have BO short a tlino to dla-
pose of them that wo'vodooidod to mark
them very much below usual prices and
lot thorn RO quick. OHO raukob n splen
did Christmas gilt prices rungo at 85o ,
8.00 ! , 81.60 und 81.75. Djn't ' fall to cull
quickly aa they'll ' go with a ruah.
Mull orders llllcd.
2010 Uoutjluu St.
11.98 , cut from $3.00.
Ladles' flno kid button shoes , welt soles ,
coin too , at $2.BO , cut from $3.75.
Ladles' flno "Willow Calf" lace Shoes , coin
.00 , Just the shoe for skating and winter
wear , soft and waterproof , at $3.00.
Ladles' best quality vlcl lild Shoes , olthcv
lace or button , cloth top , turn soles , at J2.50.
Regular price , $5.00.
Misses' flno Kid Shoes , cither lace or but
ton , medium or extension eoles , at $1.15 , cut
from $2.25.
Misses' flno cloth Up Dutton Shoes , exten
sion soles , at $1.78 , cut from $2.25.
Misses' flno Calf Lace Shoes , coin too , at
$1.60 ; best quality at $2.25.
Misses' flno Kid Shoes , cither kid or
cloth top , spring heels , sizes 2V4 to 5 , nt $1.50
cut from $3.00.
Wo have a large stock of Rubbers and
warm Overshoes of all kinds.
Comer Fnrnam and Fifteenth Streets.
Today Is the last of the framed picture
auction at Hospe's.
It won't require glasses to find Hayden
Brothers. All on the 9th page.
Your boys'
nro all to him In
his after life the
YA/f / C1 A
. . . .
Odors special advantages
that cannot be obtained olsc-
whore. Do you know you
can glvo your boy a
Christmas Gift
ol a membership that will
give him all the privileges
of the association
Young Men - - $10 00
Boys - - - - $5 00
See the secretary
or Telephone 849. .
1 Bte , 1J-17-J7.
Gcttiny llcttcr All the Time.
a million
That's what yon mint , frtcfa
, cold facfn. JVcrer in I nil poetic
fanciest JFcrc's a fctv facfn
tibonf Christinas sltoppiny.
Whatever yon buy here will
tie new this season. Whatever
yon Iniy here mill be worth
Slipper more than yon i > ay for it ,
Whatever yott buy here trill-
be cheaper than yon can bny For
the same article in tiny otJtcr
store. JFor Saturday tec offer Neckwear
Men's fine Satin Snupendcru
tvith fancy SilTc Embroidery wear
cacli pair put tip in a neat , Facts
ylaits covered &O.-K , and every
pair worth a dollar here the See our
price tvill be half a del
lar. Ji'or Saturday also ire
offer Men's Jine Seal Slippers
at $ ! . - / ( ) a pair worth tn-o
pender dollars. Men's Jfne Kan
garoo Slippers < tt $ /.vu a pair
Facts worth a dollar seventy-Jive
and Men's neat Velvet Slippers
embroidered for ( tfi cents a
2)air iforth adollar. We say tre
offer them for Saturday. We
offer them as lony as they
stay bnt they tnny not stay
till Monday.
Milton Rogers & Son
Useful and Beautiful Xiuas Goods
Sleds 5 O'clock
Coasters Tea Kettles
T The hapclssomcst patterns In artistic dc-
Sleds oslgns polished brass copper nickel plata
iand wrought Iron. These make a most ac-
A 1)lg line of all kinds for boys and girls I ceptablo gift for the ladles. Prices from
fl f $1.90 to $10.00. no sure and see them.
0 Decorated and plain Pearl Agate Tea and
1 Coffee Pots. Silver plated ware. Hosera
Cft Wft * Q Jkulves cracks. and forks , ? 2.03 per set. Xut picks and
Big ones for roasts and turkeys. Breakfast
and beefsteak carvers. Bird and game carv
ers. The best selection In nil grades and
styles from 75c per pair to $10.00 per sot.
T No where In the city can you find as flno
J& assortment of these goods as wo show.
1IJ 15 - - an
< r * * ± ir * * - * -aT-I
O JI I1C V WSL JOtll/r y iOur stock Is complete and wo have them U
T prices varying from $2.90 to $15.00.
and Klipper I Razors
Klub Skates | Scissors
The largest and finest line of skates In thcc Shears
city. Our prices arc way down on all styles < i
Boys' and Girl's skates 30c and others tot ; Manicure
Pocket Star Safety
Knives Razors ,
Wo hava an elegant variety of the best
brands. Wo are selling a good knlfo for Stiaving
25c and EOc each that for the price can't
bo beaten In the city. Sets
Milton Rogers & Son
14th and Farnam Sis
For Buyers of Inexpensive
Xmas offerings
> % > N
A Neektie Suspenders Gloves
A special selection for holi A large vnrlety-Dc , lOc , 20c , Too miincroim to Invoice
day use lOc , 15c , 25cISc , 21 > c , : i.r > cir.e , COc , ( c , 7.r > e. from He up to ? 1.li5.
Silk , In glass lioxos , nt fiOe.
.We OOc. '
, Oeiitilno iill'l'er.sliui Knr
In glass boxes , ready for KmhroUlored , In wpuclal ]
mailing 7Dc. boxes , $1.00.
C * * * * * NXN NXNX\X\/
Handkerchiefs Mufflers Hose
iOO dozen at Wool , Cotton , Lisle , Merino ,
Plain Special offer of
Cambric ,
Silk ,
Linen , Cashmere , Itlack , Brown ,
Kmbrolderccl , hemstitched , inc. Some-.25c , 'Me , 50c , 75c , flray , Maroon , Mixed , Knncy ,
Figured , Colored tbe pret- $1.00 , $1.23. The finest Is Plain In special Xman boxen ,
\ llest collccllon In tbo city 5e here only $ l..r > 0. ) 5c to DOc. i
< to $1.00.
Cf *
White or colored dress ehlrts sweaters-
cardigans night robes umbrellas waiters
Jackets cook's coats dress Jewelry.
Presents like these are useful , consequently , /ff & CAPITOL Avf OMAHA
appreciative and the ejpecse email , H .