DAtIA jnaiUi SATUKD. BiBOJDEIBJBR IS , 1807. I CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST . FROM IWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIXOK MENTION. Cooper , Fire Ins. , 6 Pearl , tel. 372. Schmidt's bar relief photos are the latett. Bpconcr Grocery Co. , 323 Bway. Tel. 314. a. B. Lodwlg of Marne was a city visitor yesterday. L. Kahl of Jtlneola was n niuffs visitor yesterday , D. B Whltflelil of Malvcrn Is In the city vIMttng friends. Frcrf Pomfrcy of Atlantic was In the city yesterday on business. J , N. Clnrdy nnd I. X. Uassltt of Blanch- nrd were In the city yesterday. Klondyko for flno gold nnd the Bluff City , for flno laundry work. Phone 314. T It. Jones and John Morgan , cattlemen of Wales , la. , are In the city on business. A. J. Vaughn'and daughter of Wcstmark wcro la the city yesterday visiting friends. The seduction case wherein Fred Duncan Is defendant has 'been continued until next term. John Kohrbcrg and wife of Mlncola were In the city yesterday making a visit to friends , E. H. McMartln nnd F. MoMartln , stork- men ot Oakland , wcro In the city yesterday on business. Etl Smith of Dcadwood , S. D. , Is visiting his parents.Mr. . nnd Mrs. E. C. Smith , on First avenue. John Eugcld nni Anna Zrldlar , both of Pnpllllon , Neb. , wcro married yesterday by Jimtlco llurkc. Jolin Van Kirk ot Silver City , ono ot the largest slock feeders In the west , was In the city yesterday on business. Mies Lulu Uudlo haa returned homo oa her holiday visit. She Is attending All Krtlnts1 school at Sioux Falls , S. D. ' In the district court yesterday the case against John Crowe was dismissed for lack of evidence. The case has been pending for nearly a year. Wo want you to feel tlmt your package Is very welcome at our place , anil ovcry effort will bo made to please you at the Eagle Laundry , 724 Uwny. Do jou want n hair brush , a tooth brusher or any klnil of a bristle brush ? Wo have them In enillcts variety , and cheap and good. C. D. Paint. Oil & Glass Co. The Girls' Industrial school ivlll meet this flftcrncon at " :30 : in the Elacman building. The llttlo girls are anxious to complete the garments they are working upon for Christmas. The Intervention of County Treasurer Arnd In the assignment of the Globe Pub lishing company to tnako tliti taxes nov.1 duo ono of the preferred claims waa argued In the dte'.rlct court ycstenlay and submitted. Mra. Fremont West was called before Judge Green yesterday for the purpose ot examination relative to her ability to pay a Judgment that has been returned agalns : her end her husband. She was compelled ito Rlvo a full list of her property , IncludliiK moneys and credits. A short time ago a quaint little bit of Oriental furnlturovos \ put upon the market , designated as Indian stools , and they have ( become a most extraordinarily popular fad. S. S. Keller has 'been obliged to order the third consignment of them. They are very handsome and durable and make a meat ap- , proprlale and cheap Christmas present. The Transraloslsslppl ecsoclatlon has been advised that Its articles and kioorporatlai now on file In the office of the secretary of Btato ore not as stroDg as they might be. The articles bear the signature of only nine ot the members , and It has been suggested that all the o gnaturf s of the committee of fifty/should' ' be attached. The asfloc'-Hloc , haa decided to recall the articles and have all the- members sign them and forward the doc ument at ou.ce. C. D , Vlavi Co. . female romerty ; consulta tion free Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C. Health book furnished. 326-327-328 Merrlam block , N. V Plumbing eom&tnr. T < > 1. 250. I Wo are not content to simply give big b value In shoes. In order that our customers shall get complete satisfaction we aim at all times to keep our line up-to-clato. anJ thus are able to give our friends the latest and most stylish stuff at prices much lower than arc asked by some of our competitors who are about six months behind the times and always howling low price. $1.08. etc. , Which should be $1.76. SAIIGENT , SIGN OP THE BEAU. Pomestlc EMU wrappers call for spoons. MOIIIMZIXCJ THR STATE M1MTIA. Mov < > to Outlier tli > loivn National Omtrili HIT.In 181)8. Secretary Judson ot the Council Bluff's Trensmlsslaslppl Exposition auxiliary , Is beginning under direction of the as sociation a regular campaign In the Interest of the mobilization of the Iowa Notional Guard at Council Bluffs next year. This work Is ono of the meet Important things that the association has un dertaken to accomplish. It la In lln with the original Intention to do everything pos- Blblo to assist In the larger enterprise of national mobilization. Hundred * of letters coming officially from the association have been sent to members of congress In Iowa and adjoining states , nnd to prominent citi zens and politicianunmg ( hem to tnako use of all their Influence tu secure national mobilization. This work haa been productive of good results , If the numerous responses containing favorable replies nnd strong pledges can bo taken as any Indication. Th association has deemed it wlso to make a personal appeal to the citizen soldiery ot Iowa , and for this purpose his Instructed Its secretary to send a letter to the commis sioned officers and noncommissioned stall of the Iowa National Guard. Over 100 ol these lettsrs were consigned to the malls yesterday. The letter Is as follows : Thin association Is endeavoring to secure a Brand encampment of the entire Iowa National Guard nt Council Bluffs In the fall of 189S , during the continuance of the Transmlaslsslppl nnd International Exposi tion , It la posMblo tlmt we may also se cure nn encampment of a larue portion o the national guard of other mates nswel BH n mobilization of the cream of the rcgu mr army of the United States during the same period. In any event It will bo n prand opportunity for the Improvement o the national guard along these lines , UH we hfive some 1,200 acres or choice camp Kroiiml within the city limit * nnd dlrectl ; on the electric car line connecting this clt' wlt'i the exposition grounds. Wa hope to have your valued co-operutlon nnd that of your command In our endeavor especially as certuln legislation will bo neu tssary in order to consummate this project Marriage Jlcenaes wcro Issued yesterday to the folio-wine named persons ; Name nd Address. Age -John Eugold , Piiiillllon. Neb 3 f Anna Zrldlar , Papllllon , Neb 3 ! Vv ACavalryniau sExperience x Clirls. Jensen , of Troop D , 6th Caval ry , U. S. A. , Easily Vanquishes a Foe. „ , I'ortRobJnton , October 13,1807. 4 Eureka Cliemlcnl unit Mnfir. Co. , La Crone. Gentlcmeu : Huco-Curolmt certainly done II you claim far It In my cair. I have ab. olutely no de lre for tUe nnrcotlc , In fact when anyone U molting where I era , the odor U unbearable to me , Your remedy li wonderful , and I have recommended its uie to several other toldlen and they are colnir Jo Hire It a. trial. I think that it I erer set to uiina tobacco ngaln It will be learnlnc the boblt over agnlu. I have not tbe lentt aeilre far tobacco and I rtgard myiclf a > ca- , tlrcly cured , Your * truly , , . CHUIS. JBNSBN , , „ tli Cnvftlry , Troop D , Port Uoblnion. Ntb. 1 The wonderful part of a cure from DACO. CORO U that It remo > e every trace of nlco. tjuc from the lyitctn , leaving It ai free from tbe narcotic at It wai before the firit mokc ercbew "Write lot troo/tt/turn. We given Written guarantee to cure permanently any * ie with three \ > axf , or reluud the money. Oe.or $1 a bor , three boie * ( guarnntetd ore ) .ja.oO. DruBitiiti . .everywl , WHITTLESEY'S PAL WEAKENS Shorty Notion Loads tha Ohasa to the Defaulter's Hiding Place , CAPTURE OF THE ABSCONDER CONFIRMED llfimlnmnii AVIoUlinni GIICK with Mor ton In .Dnuvlllc niul Uvcrlmuln tlitf AVnnU'il , Hit-Surveyor ol tin * 1'urt There. Confirmation of the report published In The Dee yesterday morning of the arrest of n. N. \VhlttIcsey , the defaulting surveyor of cus toms at the port of Council Blurts , was In abundant oldcuco yesterday. Llttto more of the details , however , wcro obtainable. It Is t > n'y known positively that hla arrest was due to the assistance given by his friend , "Shorty" Norton , who Recompiled him at the tlmo of his night. Officer Anderson re turned from Kansas City yesterday and wJs able to contradict the report that ho waa the officer who arrested Whlttlescy at Danville , Ky. It was largely owing to the work that Anderson accomplished that the arrest was effected. Ho learned at Kannis City enough to convince him that Norton could tell where Whlttlcsey could bo found and advised the bondsmen and ofHcens < to put prompt pres sure upon * the young man. This was done and Morten weakened. It has been learned iat Norton had In his possession a letter rittcti by the parents of Whlttlesey aad Ivcn to htm to mall. The letter was In a > ! > . ! In envelope and Norton was to address It o Whlttlesey at Danville , uslnit the name ' . O. T. Munro , Ncrlon waa induce ! to con- ent to deliver the letter In person 1v > Whlt- csuy aud uas accompatiloJ on his mission > y E. A. Wlckham. The Information proved i bo of the most authentic character and Norton led Wlckham to the Kentucky town hero Whlttlesey was temporarily sojourn- ng. ng.Ttao program yesterday was to bring Whlt- esey hero today , but this may be Interfered 1th by the part federal officers will play In ic-case. It vias the original Intention to let Ir. Wlckham take the responsibility of irlng'ug Whlttlesey back and turning him ver to the federal authorities , but the plan eclded upon yesterday afternoon was to 'ln- crcept them at Chicago , where he will be aken in custody by the federal officers , f Uils program Is carried out Whlttlesey lay not bu brought here at all , but will be aken directly to Dea Molnes , wnero Judge Voolson Is now holding a term of the United tati-s district court. Whlttlesey may con- ludo that It Is best to avoid the unpleasant- ess of a public trial ar > J enter a plea of ; ullty before Judge Woolscn at the present orm and let the law take Its course. The iimount of money Whlttlesey had In Is possession at the. time of his arrest Islet lot at present known , the telegram received rom Wlckham , directed to Postmaster Bow man , giving only Uio Information of the ar- eat. It also said nothing about the arrest f thp warr.cn In his company. The fag ends of a rather sensational story vcro picked up uround the federal building esterday. It iy Intimated that future de- clopmtnts will ehow that Whlttle&ey'a mls- tiproprlatlan of government funds covers a erlod of so\cral years Instead of several nonths and really began under the Cleve- aad administration , which was responsible or his appointment. Inspector Crowley vould neither affirm , nor deny these rumors and would offer no explanation of the ap parently remarkable oversight that would lormlt the surveyor's office to remain unin spected and unchecked for a scries of years. Inspector Crowley 'sta > ted last night thac Vhlttlcsey had been turned over to the barge of a federal officer at the direction f the Treasury department and that he would he brought direct to Council Bluffs. Inless 'the ' present plans are changed , he aid , Whlttltscy would arrive here today. lo thought he might toe arraigned 'before Commlsjloner George F. Wright and then erhaps taken to Des Moines. A story -was In circulation last night that Vhlttlcsey had not contemplated night when 10 left , ibin had gone to Cincinnati and Jvanavillo for the purpose of getting money o straighten up his accounts with 'the ' gov- rnment. The story could not be traced o an authentic ! origin. A man's Imagination will do almost any- hlng for him. A man can tell a Us R'J > ften that eventually he will begin to be- love it himself. Some of our competitors are In danger of contracting this pernicious habit. The bsst shoo ever made for women Is the shoe we sell for $3.00. It combine * style , durability , and comfort. That IB why t Is called the composite. SAUGE.N'T. I SIGN OF THE BEAR. Domestic soup wrappers call for spoons. Hoffmayr's fancy patent fiour makes the best aud most bread. Ask your grocer for It. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. SAWYBIl RAINS TWO JIOIIE VOTES. Vet ItfHiilt of the llucnuiit In Tun Aililltlonnl I'rfvliiutN. The election contest between Prof. Paulson and Prof. Sawyer Is moving along very swlf tly and with excellent prospects of reach- . : < g an earlier conclusion than was at first anticipated. This Is largely duo to the ex cellent good feeling that prevails between the contestants and their attorneys , aud the members of the board. Ten precincts were recounted yesterday. The results showed a net gain la all of two votes for Sawyer , making h's plurality at the present time twenty-eight votes. In Crescent township Sawyer lost eight and Paulson six votes. In Garner Sawyer lost ono and Paulson three , evening up the lo& * In the previous town ship. Seven 'ballots ' were thrown out of the Grove returns for Sawyer and six for Paul son , giving Paulsca one the better of It. In Hardln township oich' candidate lost five votes. Five votes were thrown out In Hazul Dell for Sawyer and alx for Paulson , once more maklnc the score for the dav even. James towcehlp count resulted la the loss of four votes for each of the candi dates. The returns from the city were then taken up. In the first precinct of the first ; rcard Sawyer lost fix votes and Paulson eevon , giving Sawyer once more the advan tage of one , la the second prec'act of the first ward fourteen vMe that had been Im properly cpunted for Sawyer were thrown out and fifteen for Paulson , making Sawyer's net gain for the day t\vo. There was no cheogo In Kane outside of the city , each candidate receiving twelve votes. The result of the day's contest largely In creased the cheerfulness of Sawyer and hie friends. Nearly all of the precincts counted are beavly democratic , and they figure that a corresponding Increase of loss for Paulson will bo encountered when the board comes to examine the ballots cast In the republican precincts , The poor form proposition con tinues to bo t-howu to be the bete nolr of the voters. Those who desired to vote agalcet It emphasized their opinion that It was. not the proper thing for the people to In vest nearly $20,000 In uuch an enterprise , by marking .their ballots in ouch a manner that they were clearly mutilated within the meaning of the law , The board will work today on the other precincts of the city , and Sawyer's friends predict that the result will Increase his lead by a largo majority. It ta aald that In ono of tlio precincts tlalrty- eovcn votes that were- counted for Paulson had the poor farm proposition obliterated by vindictive aeoiults of the marking pencil la the bands of the voters. Under the rule es tablished three must bo rejected. Cumiumy .Meeting. A special meeting of the Gold Belt Mining , Milling and Prospecting company was held In the olllce of Secretary George F. Wright yesterday aftennoon , The ineetlcu was called by Pr fld nt O. B. Wheeler , who has Just returned from the mining camp , for the nttr- PORO of transacting some Important business In connection with the company's affairs. Of the board of directors there were present Jolw Beno , George F. Wright , W. J. Daven port , William Moore , Harvey Pace and John Frost , who lives In Weston. The principal thing done waa the ratification of the pur chase of a largo amount of additional prop erty. Domi'Stle suao wrapper * call for cpoons. FliuU Klnncy Utility. The Jury In the district court that heard the story of John Klnncy's attempt at cat- the stealing from his employer , Solomon Mc Millan , returned a verdict yesterday after noon of guilty as charged. Domestic soup wrappers call for spoons. mnl the Imposition. DCS Molnes Leader : The narrow-minded editors who are sneering at the Transmlssls- slppl Exposition 'because held In Nebraska perhaps arc not aware of It , but nevertheless they arc Injuring the future of Iowa. Iowa must look forward ti > ibecdmlng a manufac turing state , or clso bo satisfied with little more than Its present population. When Iowa becomes a manufacturing state Its chief market will bo In Nebraska nnd the "irn- ml-sourl territory. Wo should cultivate friendly relations with the west. It in cer tainly not a good way to do It to seek to discredit a great enterprise In which the west taltcs great Interest and in which Ne braska feels a Jealous pride. Red Oak Express : The State Register has repeatedly declared that no Iowa paper of any standing favors any additional appro- prlatlon for the Omaha exposition. The Ex press has not canvassed the matter In any wise , but wo can clto three or four very re- epectablo exceptions the Creston Gazette , the Council Bluffs Nonpareil and the At lantic Telegraph , to say nothing of the hum- bio merits of the Express. Burlington Hawkeye : The TransmlsHls- slppl Exposition at Omaha promises to bo a tremendous affair , and will .bo an Interesting object lesson In the productive industries of the great west. Twenty-three ctatcs and „ . i rf Virv Mlaal alrtnl ! , . . , ! . . „ . . , i. ut.i Liitr .tll3ai S3lJJl 11UVO glVCn notice of their Intention to bo represented there. The United states government Jias approprlatd $200,000 for a building. Mexico will have an exhibit and South America will ho represented by Peru , Chill , Brazil and the Argentine Republic. An Ion n Man" Sniv Lnfnycilo. A few dajs ago Thomas B. Doxey read an account In the Waterloo Courier of the recol lections of a lady who had seen General Lafayette while ho was In this country. Mr Doxey now tells the Courier that In the city of Baltimore In the year 1825 he saw the great general and had the honor of being spoken to by him. Baltimore was entertain ing the noted Frenchman , and among other diversions ho was given n rldo about the city. Mr. Doxey , then a lad of 5 years , had gone from his homo with a small tin pall for some water at a spring nearby , and having secured It , stood in the line of people watching the parade.s the carriage bear ing the distinguished visitor came oppcalto to where ho was General Lafayette remarked that he would llko a drink from that little pa 1 Proud as a president , Tom pcssed the shining vessjl up to the carriage , and when It was returned to him General Lafayette leaned over and thanked him for the courtesy and dropped a piece of money Into his hand. That was seventy-two years ago. Mr. Doxey Is now 77 years of age , but ho remembers the Incident well. How limn HUB Gronn. In the Tenth general assembly , which con vened at DCS Molnes January 11 , 1864 , Les , Scott and Dubuque counties each had two senators. The Thirty-ninth district was com posed of Hardln , Grundy , Black Hawk , Butler and Franklin , and C. F. Clr kson of Grundy waa the senator. The Forty-third district was the big district of the state and was composed of twenty-eight counties , coming east as far as Wright county and south In cluding Harrison , Shelby and Audubon coun ties , considerably more than one-fourth of the state In territory and In the number of counties. There Is a little difference In the make-up , eays Lieutenant Governor Par- rott In the Waterloo Reporter , but the terri tory of that one senatorial district then makes now practically the Tenth and Eleventh con gressional districts. Or , to put it differently , that one senatorial district of thirty-three years ago now has two congressmen and. eight or nine senators. Th's Is a forcible illustration of the growth of northwestern Iowa , and it is well to bring the matter to mind once In a while because we forgot how rapidly Iowa has developed. lovmVIN \otON. Seventeen families arc quarantined In New Shared on account of the measles. The delinquent tax sale at Independence only took about an hour , but few tracts being thus taken up. Harry Fox , formerly division superintend ent on the Rock Island at DCS Molnes , Is now a conductor co the road. A builder has submitted to the Commercial club ol Muscatlno drawings for a $35,000 opera house under contemplation. Llnnlo Haguewood , the blind and deaf girl at Vlnton , now uses a typewriter and Is get ting alecs nicely In her work. Page comity had nineteen criminal prosecu tions the year ending October 1 , which cost an average of $133 , or a total of $2,481. In the October term of the Mabaska dis trict court there were forty applications for divorce and in the December term forty-four. Mrs. Flora Furman has sued the town of Eldora for $6,000 damages on account of Injuries received by a fall on a defective sidewalk. There Is an Idle packing house at Sabulo and this week three prominent capitalists from Chicago spent several days looking it over , but did not inform the people of. their plans. John W. Clement , aged 69 , died a few days ago at the Soldiers' homo at Marahalltown. Ho was a member of a Pennsylvania regiment during the war and went to the home from Hampton. James Chamberlain died In North Liberty on Tuesday. Ho was 80 years old and had lived there since 18 1. The same day Francis Grove died In North Liberty at the ago of 76. Ho had lived In the county forty years. The woman suffrage 'workers In Lucas county secured the signatures of COO voters to a legislative petition In one day. It Is be ginning to be evidenced that the suffragists mean to make good the promise of a warm flght at DCS Molnes this winter. IIMIa I'ri'HH Comment. Sioux City Journal : Governor-elect Shaw Is rapidly disposing of the chief appoint ments. Them are only a few more to make. It Is well to get this matter out of tlio road In good tlmo before the meeting of the leg islature. Des Molnes News : The recommendation by Secretary Van Houten of the Iowa Horticultural ticultural society that the elements of prac tical horticulture bo taught In the schoo'a of the state would seem to be practical. The Horticultural ( society embraces some of the brightest men of the state. Cedar Raplda Republican : Members of the legislature who dcolro to please the people - plo will rcsolvo on a short business session. Thirty days will bo time enough In which to do nil that needs to bo done. The extra session put things in such shape that a long regular session will bo Inexcusable , Keokuk Qato City : Those white caps out in western Iowa who Intimidated n witness ought to bo punished to the full extent of the law. Public sentiment in this state la over whelmingly against such an outrage and will support the olllccrs in meting out speedy and severe punishment to the offender * ] . Davenport Democrat : The crusade In be half of the Orphans' Homo Is being carried on throughout the etatc. the veteran soldiers and the friends of needy childhood In gen eral rising up in opposition to the scheme of herding these children in tbe poor houses of the otate In preference to giving them a place In a state Institution whcro they will bo developed Into good citizens. This cit izens' movement la likely to be heard from at the next session of the general assembly , Coughs end colds. Thote who are suffer ing from coughs , colds , sore throat , etc. , should try Brown's Bronchial Tiocbea. Sold only in boxe- - -j KLONY TELlr-niS STORY Placed on Trial fcr' 'S Killing of Jesse OUTCOME OF TH IOWA MINERS' STRIKE KI JJ ll > V , ACCIIMOI ! Man , lit llt * < Attempt lu lle- lnc ( the- Story lif ilip < llronkN Don n and TCIITH. DBS M01NES , la. , Deo. 17. ( Special TcJo- gram. ) The trial of Frank Klony. a Ilucttlnn miner , for the killing of Jesse .Conway , a striker , developed sensational features today. Klony went en the stand In his own behalf. He spoke very poor English nnd finally , be coming fearful that on account of hla poor understanding of the language , ho was com promising himself , broke down and wept llko a child. Court wee adjourned till to morrow. Klony said John Dazell , another Russian , representing tho' Carbondale Fuel company , had contracted \vlth him asd sixty other Russians to come here. Dazell told them there was no strike In the district. The first they knew waa when they left the cars at the mine and found It surrounded by a mob of strikers , who hooted at them. Ho wld threats were made against his llto and ho was flnilly furnished a revolver at the company's store , near the mine , to pro tect himself. On the night of the shooting he had been to town to buy tools and was riding homo with Dazell an * others. Sev eral men surrounded the wagon and shouted things which Klony did not understand. Dazell told him they were going to bo mobbed and Instructed him to fire. IClony says he pulled the gun and pointed It tuck of him at the men In. the rear of the wagon , without almtog at anybody and not Intending to hit any of them. Ho fired and Conway fell , but ho testified ho did not know It at the time. The case will probably go to the Jury Monday. In federal court today thirty-two cases were dismissed on motion of State's Attor ney Pullen. whoso term expires at mid night tonight , and who desires to clear the docket for his ! successor , Louis Miles of Cory- dca. Mr. Miles Irs not been confirmed by the eenate. but IK expected to be In a few days. Among the cases- dismissed Is ono against M. C. Booge and D. D. Frazec of Sioux City , who were Indicted for using the malls In furtherance of a scheme to defraud. Itao charged that they operated a bucket shop , and used the malls for their adver tising circulars ; that they swindled Grlr.nell people out of $30,000. Another P3so dis missed was against Mrs. Allco Whlssen Knapp , who married George Knapp of Muo- catlno and Induced him to give her $3,500 the same day , deserting him at once and re- fiNj'ng ' to have anything to do with him thereafter. Her health has "broken " down and she la likely to die at < any time. The annual , convention ol the Iowa State Teachers' cssoclatlon will ! bo held here December - comber 28 , 29 and 30. "There will be no less than 2,000 teachers In1 attendance. GOSSIP ABOUT APPOINTMENTS. A special from De'nisbn to the Leader states that Governor-elect Shaw announces the appointment of Major Melvlu II. Byera of GUnwooJ as adjutant , general.Mnjor Byors had the supportof ? | most of ithc Prlmo men after It became 'appeir'ent ' that Prime was not likely to be Appointed , but the Prlmo men did not 'Entirely lese hopes to the end. Bycrs has-a gbod soldier record and has been for many ycars connected with the guard. He eucc.eedq .Genaral II. H. ' ' Wright of Cent'erville. The same dispatch states that L. S. Gales. oOtfanchester Is an nounced for dairy commissioner to succeed W. K. Boardman of "Nevada. Mr. Gates had a strong endorsement Jrom the dairy Inter ests of thestate. . Whenyuu entered the race ho was weak on account of ( home support S. Odell had captured all ( the home Indorse ment for warden at the Anamosa penlten. tlary. An arrangement was made by whlcn each was given the full Indorsement of his homo county and agreed to take his chances. Thoso-announcements leave- the position of state librarian the only first Iclass one to whlt'h appointment Is yet to be made nnn the situation Is such that Johnson Brigaatn of 'Des ' Molnes Is regarded as a pretty sure winner. Context Over n Will. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Dec. 17. ( Special Telegram. ) Samuel Sawyer , a wealthy , farmer , died In Audubon county about a year ago , leaving the larger part of the estate to the Methodist church. The lielrs contested the will , and after a long end bitter fight It was set aside. F.lwln Sawyer formerly lived In Jones county and last April young Sawyer appeared before the district court and asked that he be ap pointed administrator of the estate on the croundthat his father was not of sound mind. The prayer was granted. Recently the Audubon. county court appointed At torney Nosh of Audubon as administrator of the ebtato , and when Elwln Sawyer re fused to turn 'the property over to him the couri Issued a bench warrant and ordered the sheriff to take him to Audubon to show o-'uso why he should not be fined for con tempt of court. Sawyer was arrested Thursday , but vjhlle passing through Marlon Sheriff Cone served a writ ol habeas corpus upon him Issued by Judge Glberson of the superior court of this city. A hearing on the writ will bo heard tomorrow. Growth of DUBUQUE. la. . Dec. 17. ( Special. ) The Evcnlsg Times jtaterday published a trade and commercial edltlca showing the Im provements In the city of Dubuque In the last year and the business done hero. By this showing li is learned that the popula tion of the city Is now 44,325 , a gate of nearly 2,000 In a year , the street Improve ments for the year amount to $254,611.21 , the postofllce business shows an Increase of about 7 per cent , the manufacturing output Is $10- 072,000 annually , with over $42,000,000 In vested In Industries , and the wholecalo busi ness 1& showing a steady increase. Clrrult of Cliiiiitmiqiiii MeetliiKH. DE3 MOINES , la. , Dec. 17. ( Special. ) A meeting was held here this week of ropre- Bentatlvcs of the Chautauqua associations IT. this city , Burlington , Waterloo and Clarlnda for the purpose of forming some sort of a combination to secure the brat talent for all the Chautauqua meetings ta Iowa and to arrange dates that would , not conflict. It Is understood the Chautauqua association at Spirit Lake would also' ' come Ijnto the combination ' bination , Ui pip IlHIllte. ELDOHA , la. . Dee ; , 17. ( Special. ) The property of George Doxt'er , deceased , nnd late of Charles City , 3brh | of here , Is now ' being distributed by he'at < ornoyfl as fol lows : Hamilton college , Now York , ? 18,000j Charles Dexter of S < ? qalla. Mo. , $29.000 ; heirs of Edgar Talman .pf Madison Wls , , $11,000 ; American Blblp widely , $1,400 ; Mrs. George Dexter , widow , $125000. Notice of ATLANTIC , la. . Dec. fclj. ( Special Tele gram. ) Thomas H , SmltH of filarlan , who was candidate for senator } n the Cass-Shelby district , and was defeated by Dr , M , J. Em- raert , democrat , of this xlty by twenty-two voles , lias had notice served on the latter that ho would contest his election. 11U Atfuraey Fee. CHEROKED , la. , Dec. 17 , ( Special. ) Judge 0 , { I. Lewis , who was atttorney for CASTOR f A For Infanta and Children. fit lit- Atlco Hurt ot Dakota City , Neb , , In ( ho cages ccuneetltig him with the Sunday Sun scan- Ail nn-J who issltcJ In procuring a pardon for Hart nttcr ho was sentenced for extor tion , has sued Mr , Hart ( or $2,000 attor ney's ( cc and attached property \ \ \ this county to secure the same. Itnril Pup or ntt tlu > Killlnrn. The suicide of Editor Rimer W. Heed of the Prcstou ( la. ) Times , t\lio sliot himself dead because ot despondency , says tlio Bur lington Hawkeye , U rendered peculiar liy the fact that Editor Lhlillc. Heed's predecessor on the Tlmts , nlso committed milclJc a year or so ago. Ijddlo wrote up hla suicide , head lines nnd nil , on the day the paper was to appear , hung the copy on the hook , left the otllcc , nml within n hnlf hour committed Gitlcldo by throwing himself beneath n train at the Bpot and In the manner ho had de scribed. The copy was found on the hook whcro he had hung It , and , In accordance with his Implied wish , appeared In the paper ns he hnd written It , A Vina 111 ( hc Sky. The flng of the United States was hung up In the eastern sky this morning , says the Davenport Democrat of last Monday evening. A llttlo after G o'clock , though the sun was stilt below the horizon , his beams lighted the heavens there. The sky was a bluish white , with suggestions of pale green- . CrossIng - Ing It In horizontal bars , at almost equal Intervals , were bands of red clouds. At ono end of the epnco thus grldlroned the brilliant planet Venus hung llko a small eun , while near at hand was a great patch of bluo. The colors wcro nil there , nnd they didn't need much rearrangement to bo In proper form. TrillltllOK. OELWEIN , la. , Doc. 17. The Citizens' bank of this city , H. C. Sturgla & Co. , pro prietors , nvido a voluntary assignment today and closed Its doors. Liabilities , f 23 , 000 ; as sets , unknown. James Smith Is the asolgnee. * Hi-cord of Crime. AMADOR CITY , Gal. , Dec. 17. ( Special , ) The Gold Keystone mine hero since It was first opened has produced $15,000,000 , by the comnany's books. The mlno was formerly worked to the depth of 1,400 feet and was thought to bo about exhausted , The manage ment had almost decided to close tlio prop erty when n change In superintendents brought about a change In the development of the mine and proved that It held In reserve - servo In Its upper works ore bodies ns large and rich as those of the mine's earliest his tory. The upper levels are now being re opened and worked nnd at present the ere Is coming fiom the 700-foot level , where the vein Is nearly 100 feet wide. The Keystone etlll promises many years of profitable pro duction. mi Albino Coyote. HUGO , Colo. , Dec. 17. ( Special. ) A plnlc- cycd coyote was killed near here a few Clays ago , the first albino wolf ever reported In the west. The regulation eye of the coyote la a black pupil with a hazel Iris , but the present specimen had a dailc red pupil and pink Iris. The ncse was nlso pink , the usual color being very dark. The albino fell Into the trap of H. A. Lowell , a cattle man. The coyote was tbe usual size , with a COM of clear white. The pelt was sant to a taxidermist of this city , with instruc tions to make a rug of It. Deaths of 11 Day. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Doc. 17. ( Special. ) M. J. Drummond died suddenly at his home In this city early thin morning from heart trouble. Mr. Drummond was about 50 years of ago and had been 111 for about three months. Ho had lived In this city for about ten years. Ho leaves a widow and live children. HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Dec. 17. ( Special. ) Samuel Till , who has resided In , this vicinity for a number of years , died Wednesday night at the residence of Joseph Cornelius. He wns about 05 years of age. He leaves a wife and several grown children. Double IlmiKiiiKl In ATLANTA , Ga. , Dec. 17. Dad Crooks and Grndy Reynolds , who together murdered Merchant M. C. Hunt of Helton , Ga. , were , taken from the county Jail at Jefferson nnd hanged on a scaffold erected on a hill a few yards distant. The drop fell at 12:17. : Both men died on the same gallows. CiiNlilc-r Arrestcil. DENVER. Dec. 17. Harry N. Clarke , formerly cashier of the First National bank of Bridgeport , O. , who Is accused of having embezzled $ SCOO of the bank's funds. Is In custody here and will bo taken back to Ohio for trial. He was arrested nt Cripple Creek. Extend ( Guiiibllnsr Coiiccsuloii. NEW YORK , Dec. 17.-A special to the Herald from Mo i Carlo eays : There la good authority for stating that a further concession of flfty years lias been granted to the Casino company. Dun ( If r of tinFuture. . Chicago Post : "If masculine and feminine Ideas of appropriate dress , especially In the ] way of outing costumes , continue to move along on converging lines , " said the man who ' alwajs finds something to worry about , "I can plainly see that the time will come when the man who refuses to wear a breard or mustache will be arrested for masquerading as a womap. " Joy. An Irishman was naturalized the o'.her day In Philadelphia , and after thj ordeal vos over he expressed his satisfaction as follows : "It's not so aisy for a man of little eddlcatlon to answer all the Judge's questions , but 01 did It , bcgorra and , thank God , Ol'm now a na tive-born American citizen , " ClUMV Mt'ItUKIinit CAItU 3WUXU OW rnj-n I'pnnHjfor Onp of tlio Mont UrnrilrHx Crime * on iltcconl. KANSAS CITY , De . 17. William Our , the child murderer , wag hanged at the Clay county court houeo nt Liberty at 10:31 : thla mottling. Carr passed A restless olght. When bi oak- fast was broug.it to him , he turned from It with disgust and lighting n clgur stood for a long tlmo looking out from his win-low. Pros- cntly the undertaker arrived sod asked Carr what disposition he wanted made ct his body. "Lot my wlfo take care ot It , oh , let her take care of It , " ho exclaimed wits A sob. Ills spiritual advlsere followed and urged him to face his fate llko a man. "I'll try , " Car sobbed , "that's the best I cn do. " The blblo was read to the prisoner , followed by the singing of a hymn , during which Carr sobbed and trembled like a cnlld. Carr presented n pltlablo sight as he was finally led to the gallows , but braced himself spasmodically nixl went throupti tSo ordeal with a companitlvo show of strength. The sheriff pulled the trigger at 10:34 : & d two minutes later the IIfo had gone out ot the child murderer. The neck was broken , cnicklog llko ahlp cord. Kollowlng the first momentary lull niter the drop had Mllcn , the mass of SOO spectators , as If moved toy a sloglo Impulse , rushed forward , calling , crying , shrieking nnd laughing as they surged under the gallows and picked close arcuiu the dangling corpse. It would not bo aatlsflcd until a close View of the hanged man was revealed. The men wore nogry and cursed ono nntither ; tried to force themselves Up the gallons steps nud cried and hooted at itho sheriff. Finally In their excitement the crowd attempted to break down the barri cade surrounding the scaffold. Sheriff Hy- mor rushed through the first breech and ex citedly warned the crowd against any further violence. The sheriff's deputies ranged about him niU the crowd halted for n mo ment , then suddenly with ono accord n mighty scream was sent up tud surglns'tor- word the crowd swept back the guards and burst through the frail ytockade. Once In the street the crowJ gave vent to Its feelings with further shouts and finally dispersed without trouble , and what for n few minutes looked llko a small sized riot ended quietly. William Carr's crime \\as one of the meat brutal and unprovoked In the history of the state. His capture and execution followed with nttlng dispatch. On October 10 last the body of Belle Carr , n 3-year-old child by the murderer's first wlfp. uns fmimi nn n sandbar In the Missouri river near Kansas City. The case remained n complete mys tery until October 25 , when Carr was ar rested at his. homo In Liberty Ho nt first denied his. guilt , but when 'brought ' toKiinsts City to prexent a lynching broke down and confessed. Later Carr , who Is a gaunt backwoodsman 37 years old , tokl without the least show of emotion how ho had carried the child from Its home , tied Itn arms and limbs securely , corded a heavy etono to the little one's breast , and tiles unheeding her query : "What are 5011 going to do , papa ? " threw her Into the water. Ho admitted that Mrs. Carr had told him to get rid of the child , and It developed that she had been brutal to Belle , but Carr main tained stoutly that his wife- had no hand In the crime. For a time Carr delighted 1" his notoriety and talked glibly to his visitors of the crime. This , was followed by a spell during which he begged to be done away with without delay. At his trial on Novem ber 1C Carr wss convicted promptly , and slnco then ho has weakened perceptibly , and only a week ago Sunday he tried to com mit suicide by swallowing pounded glass. All out Crnltc. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Dec. 17. ( Speclal.- ) Davld N. Crnlg of Rawllns , who will be ap pointed Judge of the Third Judicial district to succeed Judge Jesse Knight , advanced to the supreme bench , was born at Belfast , Ireland , of Scotch parentage In 1S5S. He came to America In 1879 and was admitted to the practice of law at Springfield , 111. , la 1884. Ho located at Rawllns in 1S85 and has elnco lived there. In 1SS8 ho was elected county attorney of Carbon county and wns re-elected In 1890. In 1894 Mr. Craig was elected to the senate of the state legislature for a term of two years. Mr. Cralg'e ap pointment will bo for one year. I'EXSIONS I''Oll AVESTKIIX VETEHAXS. Survivor * of Lute War Xlcmcmlicrcil by tlie fieiiernl ( ioverniueiit. WASHINGTON , Dec. 17. ( Speclal.-Pcn- ) slons have been Issued ns follows : Issue of December 1 , 1&97 : Nebraska Original : Benjamin Spleth , Wood River , $0. Increase : John McGlven , Soldiers' nnd Sailors' home , Hlllsborough , $ S to $12. Original widow , etc. : minor of Robert Jeffers , UrownvlIIe , $10 ; Eliza Ann Rains , Drownvllle , $8. Iowa Original : William Thornton , An- keny. $6 ; George Garnett , Des Aloincs , $ S ; George W , Gulhrle , Bloomfleld , JS ; John Moats , Emerson , $8. Additional : Lewis T. Long , Blnckmore , $6 to $8. Restoration and reissue : William F. Armstrong , deceased , Logan , $12. Increase : Ovid P. Weldlnp , Sioux City , $6 to $8. Reissue : Marlon T Farming ton , Ottnmwn , $ S. Original widow , etc. : Sophie Wlldow , GarnaUlle , $8 ; Marie Peterson , West Decorah , $ S ; Elizabeth W. Harriett , Janesvllle , $ S ; Saiah Wagner , Wlntcrset , $8. Montana Original : Thomas K. Smith , Noxon , $ G ; Loialn B. Sykes , Helena , $12 ; Elbrldsc McLaughlln , Rutte City , $12. In crease : TViomas McGuIre , Knllspel , $8 to $10 ; Albert A. Stowe , Poplar , JO to $10. Colorado Original : Arthur Dooley , Gun- nlson , $ G , Wyoming Original : Horace W. Moore , Cheyenne , $0. Try t Wrvclc Knxt Mull. CHICAGO , Dec. 17. An unsuccessful at tempt to wreck the fast mail train from New Orleans to Chicago on the Illinois Central was made last night near Alma , 233 miles from Chicago. Six pieces of llsri- plnto iron , four feet long , were placed across the track at a place where the embank ment was very steep. The train struck them while running at a rate of lifty-llve miles nn hour , one of the plates being cut completely In two. Fortunately the engine did not leave the track. The motive was presumably robbery. 5a = S.IECBS8oSMgaiBa"EM33B.S3 FOR h OF BEEF. A pure concentrated essence ol Ilio finect beef , Us use In the prcpara- atlon ol gravies , coups , sauces , meat pies and all savoury dishes , Imparts to them the essential features ol good cookery appetising flavour , nourishment and digestibility. Nothing can take Its place. Avoid Nolo this Signature Inferior | n BLUE Substitutes. on every Jar : Bend uddrrei far free Cook nook to Lltblg Co. , P.O. Boi 2718 , New York , SCHOOL FOR SUGAR INDUSTRY AT BRUNSWICK. Established 1872 , Suhsidlcd by the Government. Enlarged 1870. Frequented hitherto by 1,003 persons. COMMENCEMENT OP THE COURSES on 1st of March , 1898. Tlio Direction ! DR. R. FRUHLING nnd DR. A. ROSSING. SOMETHING REAL GOOD ( FOUR FLAVORS ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE. Marie for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY * * John G. Woodward & Co , , Vholcsnlo Manufacturing Confectioners. Council BluffSj la. MiiMHte * Mfffc * * * * " * - ' You H you < ] o not get Whisky of tlic proper Age and Purity.fSix Years Old , lee < < Pure , " is the Covernmenfs Guarantee on every bottle ol Bottled by W. A. CMStS & CO. , franUort , Ky. The Government Internal Revenue Officers nt the distilleries Inspect the contents of every bottle. In buying bo sure the Internal Kevcnnc Stamp over the Cork and Cnp < ulo in not broken nnd that It beats the nnmoV. . A. GUMS & CO. * 3- / / iV ij Gownmtnt Guartnlre t/ut fUft nitfi t/ii ALL DEALERS SELL IT D5 YOU KSOW DR. FELIX LESRUN'S Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment Is the orininnl rndonly FHSNCH , f at o mid tvllab j onro on th mnr. ot. Prlro Si.OO ! sent by rxnlL MjerUlllon Drug Co. S. E. Cor ICth and Far- nan Sllpelt. Omaha Neb. % Chlfht.tcr' . r.nillth Dlomonil Itrand. TKKYROYAL PILLS * - < 5T7v Original Rntl Onlr Qrnnlnr. A l7fW\ * " . l" tl KlltbU. l t > lt Mk A\ | II lf iSDrnicl.l ror Olf lrt fWli JIMA \ Anon J jfran J la lr < l & > ! roM tneulli6\\Av FJlKilM , r loj wllli tlu < rtHion. TnUoNX Jnnotnrr. Kfftiie ( tangtrotitivtulitv v , f llnni and ( milalioni. At Dnnlm.er imi . ' In il&mpi r ir i > &rtlotiUr , lrllmonltli tag ' * 'IIfllpr Tor laillcK , * * < nIfrtfr , br rrlnra Mnll. 10.000 Tritlmonlili Himi rviprr. _ . . . , / > J'il < > ur lFrChclnlrulUa.M > i1l > otilq rtk Boll I/ ill Locil Ltujjliu. 1'JII L.AIIA. , i'A. RtlAIL 312 AMD 3 JI I1ROAI ) WAY. The Establishment in the west. Prices the Lowest We are direct Imnortcrs from Trance , UiiKlatvt nml Germany , snUriB jcu the middleman or Jobber's prollt We offei > ou extmorillrmry In- 4lUicmtntB prlccH nb olutely lo er than eUc- lere. nml assortment unmntctinble. I.AMI'S From Ke to J50.00 Unnilsamo Eod ! llnlfh niul Otis * bniiquel Inmps. fs.oo cucli. UI.VNKR WAIin-31 Block patterm-from winch you can buy nn > thliiK you \\iuit without buying complete rvt. 100-ilece ' a - | Hnnllsh 1'orce- Inln Dinner Sets Rood quality Rood decorations , 16.73 100-jilccc Kroen nlu' KO'd ' decoration , fine niiKli.Mi poicclaln , 510(0. DOI. 1 > S We shall repeat our usual custom of c'.osliiK out nil dolls left In our wholesale ilepait. menf nt s-trUt y Wholesale Prices. Many of our cubtomerslio tm\e bnuKht dolls from us du'lng ' the past tlnee > ears will tcwtlfy that our price * arc less tlmn one-half t.ie usuiil pi Ices. any competition ; for Instance - ) stance : A 10-Inch cut ) bowl , In deep rich cut ting , each , $7.75. Water Mottles , In the new Pear Shape , and new I'rlsm or Co'onlul Cutting , each , } < 60. Tumblers in the new nnd beautiful I'rUm Cutting , doz. IS 75. All the best Krade of Ameri can Crj'Etal. Theie ale none better made. All other Cut Qlass In DC same propodlon , STHUUNG SOA'CIl-In noxoltles nnd warci for the table. l.itRest stock In the city , and prices are far the lowest. Sterling Silver Hair Ilrushcs , Kood ones , each , only $2. 0 Stcrllnv Slhcr Pomade or Ointment Jars , each 30c llablilt'n Feet , Sllxer mounte.l , lc each riles , and a big line of no\eltlcs , each , 30j. All other Froods In precisely the same proportion. Ster- llns Sll\er Tnble Ware from the best makers and In the lateet designs , at moderate prices. 1'LATKD WAHC In the best makes ut unus ually low prices , dialling Dishes nnd Puddlni ; Dishes In laige variety. CUTI.CHY Vrom the cheapest Plated Knife at 42V-C to the finest Ivory , pearl or Blerllng Silver. CAUVIN'O SKTS-Krrm a Rood StnR Horn at 75e to the finest of M'ver. A beauty In a Three- Piece Pearl Can Ins Set , In cate , J7.75. KODAKS The entire Eastman line nt factory prices. No goods made that will | Uul them. Prices from J4.CO upwards Wn HFO ! have cheaper makes ns low as 13.CO for 3'ix3'4 pkturc Wo are also tole ajents for the new eclf-tonlng paper. Try It ; It IH a success. ISeforo buying your holiday presents look throunh cur large line , It will Faxe you money. Visitors and purchasers equally welcome. 342 and 111 ! Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Mount Yernon PURE RYE Owing to its fine , full , mellow flavor , this whiskey cuinniundH Iho high est prlco in barrels ( to wholesale deal- era ) of any brand now on the market , and ! the oasifl of most of the bottled tled blondcd whlslcoy now so extensively advertised , llottlcdnt tlio DlHlillory with nil nliHoIuto Guaranty ut Ptirltj and Oritfliul CoiUltloii The conBunuir buylncr tlits the only dlstlllury Imttllnit of MOUNT VKKNON ( In SQUAniJUotlloi , each bcnrlnz tlio NUIM- bcred Guaranty Laholl-w-ciiics tlio lil li- OH ! iriiKluof 1'iuo Uyo WlilMtoy In Its natural condition , ( intlnily fiuu from iKluHunuluu Vr'ltliclimip spirits anil lluvnrliixti , FOR MEDICINAL USE It IICB tlio ImlorbcmcMt nf Hm most prominent pliyHJcluns throughout tlm United huiteu. Foi-Hnlo by All KolluUlo Dealers. THR COOK K BKIlNIIHIMP.lt CO , Now York Solo Auciifrt for tlio United Htntct . JOHN UNIIIt ! , HoloWcMteru A snt Co tin.II lllufN , 11 , DR. ! , E. ROOBDENTIST * - * -DENTIST Itonin : iiJlerrliuu Illocli , Take Elevator. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. mvuM'iNQH , piturr. VAUU - land * fur ale or rent Buy & He itrtet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1IONIJY TO I/JAN IlKIHJrBD HAT1J ON llrst-cliiBa linjiroicil furnn nnil Inildo city property. Apply to JM . N , Cantady , jr. , 221 Main bt. Inttructloni. Albln Huiter , tudio 333 Ilioadwuy. Oennun rnc-tliocj of IJrcsJcn Conservatory. J , W. BQUinB. CITY AND KAUM IXAN8 , roil BAM : . AT A uAitaAiN , A UMAU < HUT well titabUnlied anil remunerative mtrcanlll * buslnem. Inquire of D. W. Otto , 133 1'earl at. , Council lllurta. la. VOH BAI.i : . A KINO TWo-BBATKD cbtap , Sit Bvulb HovcnlU ktrttt , Council JJlurr * . i * A4