TITE OMATIA. DATTjV TVEI3 ! SATURDAY. T > TTfyi5MUinH ; 18. 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Market Ezporlonces a Reaction from Late Advance , DECLINE , HOWEVER , IS NOT VERY HEAVY Clltinr Prcvonln I'rlcrn fining l.on.-r nnilVn Alilcil 1 > CIcnrnniM-s from Allnntlo nnil Uulf I'urtn. CHIPAOO , Dec. 17.-Therc wns whnt Tnlcht be termed it natural reaction In the wheat mnrkfit today from the advance yes terday , May closing V4c lower anil Decem ber Ic lower , nic sp.ibonrd cienratices sus tained the market for nwhle. ! Other mar kets were cnsler. Corn nnd oats declined about M < i each and provisions cloned 57'/4c lower. It wns the dullest wheat market for weeks , Prices opened a shndo easierbe - catifo of the heavy snowfall nnd the failure of Liverpool to respond. May opened Vl lower at S2c , with one or two sales Imme. dlately nftcr at Dl002c. Trade wns execs Blvely narrow nnd a few covering onlcrs which came In shortly after iwere BUfflclcnl to cauao an advance eto S2 c , but this little demand satisfied , prices sank again to 92f 82&c. U was prevented from Bolns lower diirlnp the forenoon by some help from the bull clltjuc , presumably caused by the enor mous clearances from Atlantic and cull portw which. Including < KC.,0 bbs. ! of flour for Xuwport Nown , amounted to 1,033.61.1 bu This Is most the heaviest nggruRato for onu day In the last two weeks. Northwest receipts were'fairly ' liberal. The number of cars received todny at Mlnneap- ollc and Duluth w.is C.13 , asnlnst C2S Ins Thursday and 363 the corresponding- o ISM. ChlcnRO receipts ivcro79 cars , com ipared with < 3 a year ageanil M.100 bit. am 115 carload * of No. 1 northern EprlnB were transferred from unlicensed to regular Liverpool opened % > \ higher than closed yesterday , but had lost nil but of that before the .session commenced here Later It lost the last Hd of Its early Bain I'arlsvns firm ami noted advances of 4 ( centimes In flour and from 15 centimes. Hs < In nrcir deliveries of ( wheat to 5 centime for the ( March-May option. Acceptances o- wheat from abroad cabled by seaboard yea terday were reported and near the end o the FPEafon hero the quantity taken wa re sorted to lie twenty-seven boatloads. A general desire to let loose scalping line of long whi-at characterized the trading In the last h.ilf hour and prices broku frp h ground on the underside of the iprcvlou lowest limit of the range. Tlmt. was a there wrs In the closing decline , whlcl dragged m.Mty down to 91c and closed a l)15 ) f 0iyic. December I.TOS very Hparlngly trailed In at $1.01 cblelly. but at the clos it was quoted at 69V4c. Tl elevator peopl delivered after 'change not less than l.COO , 0"0 bit , and possibly l.r.00.00' ) bu. wheat o December contracts. Most ot It came from Armour & Co. Corn during the morning -was quite nctlv nnd prices were llrm under the dcmanil Elevator pecplc took no part In the Indicating small country olterlnga. Gear uncos were lar e. 1,223,000 bu. , w'Mch helpei I.nter In the day the Interest died nwa greatly and the selllnR pressure Increasing i when wheat turned downward , the market boc.imo t.icak.May ranged from 29',4c to 2S7W2 | c. closlnit % WUo lo.v r at 23c. Oit was IrrcKtihir. December was steady a'.l day and closed ut a alight advance. o a I , ; a | were fafrly well absorbed and the decline ] wa umall. Jny ranged from ! 12V4c to 22 ? c nnd closed He lower at 22 } c. Provisions were not so active today. Taere was some firmness slul.vn enrly ort the higher bos proluctf , but a decline folloi.vcd on selling" by packers principally. Commis sion houses did the best buying. At the Na 8. Cnuli otiotnttonH were ns follows : FI ) UH Sternly ; hard patcnls. $4.COffT4.SO ; noft. ! I , < 04.CO ( [ ; soft linkers' , f3.3 3. < .0 : winter slrnlghts , ! l..10ffl.7t > . WHEAT No. I nprtng. 87W37Vic ; No. 3 spring. .Slffnie ; No. 2 red , 89Hc. ' ' ' OAT. No. 2 , 22Jo' ! . o. b. ; No. 2 white , 23 % fi21'ic ; No. 3 white , 23UO2IC. El'lY No. 3 , f , o. h. . 26J33e. TIMOTHY SKI'JD-i'rln'ie. J2.C2vio2.C3. t'UOVISIONH SIei > B pork , per libl. , J7.57'fe ' : O 7 ( T-V , Ij'ril per ICO Ibs. . JI.5034.3M4. Short ribs sides ( looBf ) . $ t.6C 4.Ci. Pry called shoul ders ( boxed ) . J4.CHn4.75. _ Short clear sides " ' " ' "v UISl'v- ImtlUcn , ' flnliilicd Ri d8 , per sal. . Jl 19 RtTflAHH Cut Innf. 13.95 ; urnnulated , J3.32. Cash quulntlons were as follows ; ill ) no )0 X15W YOItK OUMJUAI. MAUKKT. ( Inotntl'oiiM of tlu % Day on Cc-iicrnl ColllllHlllltlfH. ' NKWVOIIK , Dec. 17. KI/JIIH llecelpts. 20,100 bbl . ; cxpoitB , 44,733 bbls. ; niaiket contlr'ued vcr > ryU ciulut ut luiroly stdidy pi-Ices ; city mill 'patcnte > , f5.c.-if3.S5 ; city mill clfiira , J'i.40tf3.5) ; winter Hii'ali'htH , JI..VJ4.CO { ; Mlnne ntn patimls , J5.10j j 6.33 , Ityo Hour , dull at JSJOflS.ai. lluckwln-at nour. nulet nt JI.Mffl.13. IIIVKWIIKAT Dull at 3fCSc , c'OltNMKAL Qulul ; yellow veitern , ttc. nyK-Kirmrr ; No. 2 weslein. & ) ' .4c , HAISLUy-CJulet ; frcdlnf , 2b jC. llAltUUV MALT Quiet : western , 5344 < 8COc. \VIIKAT Ilecclpts , 1SICOO bu. ; exports , 3S3.31J bu , ; niwt. caiyi No. 2 red. SS' c. Optbns opcne ; easy , under dlnappnlntlni ; cnblrii , tabled on lUll cupport , itroni ; mtc Kienc.li market and llberii vlrarnncea. Ilimlly hink under Inni ; hellliiK > nd clofcd Uil5 c lift luwcr. No , 2 red. May , WVilf Vl 3Uc ; cluieil at t > 3iC ! ! , COUN-HorflpU. . Sl.SiS bu.i esports , SS1.1M bu. ; * pot , stemNo. ; . - , SUJc. Optluiis opened Bteady und ndvnlicBd yn mallcr rrceliits and heavy clearances , held steady all day und dined iin- cli.niKVd Ui V.c pet higher. May , 34 a-lCJ3lic | cloHed nt 34Vic. OATH lit ! elpU , 'S.d'U bu.t exports. 40.132 bu. ; tl > ot , dull ; Nn , 'I , :7Vc , Uptlona modei-atvly net [ - Ive. iilul uhnut uU'ady , clonlni ; untlliuiKfJ. May Cloned at * I-V HAY Uulct ; Hhliplnif | , 40Q4Sc ; Rttod to choice , 6017730. HOI'S Steady ; btute , cninmon to choice , 1891 crop. 4flCo ; I'M ' erup , C4j c ; ) S97 crop , ISftlXc I'aclllu coajt. li'Jj crop , ( Q6e ; UDd crop , CQ9c ' if'JI crop , l.'tiUc. IIIUKH Quiet ; Onlvcitoii , lie ; Texas , dry , Kc ) Callfornlu. KQlSc. I , I'lATHHIl steady ; hcniloclc tole , Uueno * lvoOf-Oiir l ; lle ce , Z7011C ! Texan , 1317c. I'HOVISIONS Hef. . iUl t ; family , J9.60M10.00 ; extra num. J7.SOOS.OO ; beef hams. JOOU22.50 ; packet , J.WplO.OO. ) Out meats , quiet : pickle [ bellies. J . &Hie.tO ; sruiilderu , J3.TJ ; hams , JI.iOlj 7,75. I.UHI , itcudy ; Kfnteru tteamed , M70 : De cemhcr cloied. 14,75 nominal ; refined , steady Deat JI.OO&4.12H. I'ork , dull : mcrs. J .Zi 9.00 : rhor r'rnr. JlO.OOif 11.00 ; family , Jl .QO j 11,00. Tallow , firmer : city. 3H ; country , S % < J3Hi\ OII.H tVllsnwfd. uteady ; prime cmde , _ prlmo yellaw. JH'.JISJc ; off sununer yellow , 2 liutUr oil. 2IV4tf7e ; prime winter yellow , t , 27u. l' troleum , iiulct ; Hulled closed ut CCo bli ' ] ( i ln. rlmdv : stralnnl , cnmmnn in eood , Jl , " 1 4V Tunventlne. stead ) ' nt 13itI31i < < . niCl'-Hrnu fair to extra , 4tioC'.ic ; Japan . MOllASSKS Steady ; New Orleans , open kei tie. Rood lo choice , iOttllc , MIJTAIJ' 1'lB Irun warrants , quiet , J6.75 bli Jfi.tO asked. 1.aka copper. unrlianKed at J10.S1 bid and 111.00 inked , Tin. easy at JU.CO bli JU.W n ked. Spelter , nulet at I3.I7K bid. 11.0 Oiked. Lead , caller , Jl.ClHi bid , J170 asked ; broker * . JS.CA. IIUTTKH ll cclpt . 1.370 pkgi.j qulelreiter creamery. 15 Mc ; Klglnn. e ; factory. UtM7c. ( .TlBKBR-ltecelpts. 5.2 0 pkir . : nulet : Inr iv i lie , September. 81iflSic ( ; ni.il. ) white. ( Vit ( V InrKe , colored , tUtl * e ; mall , colored , 'Jim larxo. lat inad . 7Hi7 o ; small , late nm- fUCSWc ; light klmj , Ci/61o ; part klnu , 4Vi < 6 Vic i full ( klini. St/tc- llOOS-llecelpU. 4.M3 pksi. ; quiet ; elate and I'tnniylrnoln. 21 JlCo ; vreitern , Hiilltiiioro nALTlMOltli , Dec. . 17.-FLOim-Qulet : re- telpu , licit libli.J exports , none ; western > u- pernne. H.70 : extra , jmlOj family , O.40O ,6 ! ) wlnt r wettern patents , JI.8J35.10 ; rprlng , tprlns ; whevt * to\kii , H.WfH.ss. Uulli pot and monlh , 97 O97Ho ; fttennier No. S red , KQOl'lc ; receipt * . 7S..1S2 bit.i xports. none ; southern wheM , br rumple JJO nouthfrn whent. tm gny c , 93ri ! c. COIlN Steady ; fpot. .13H "Ue monlh , c ; tleainer tnlxftl. imflSHie ; receipts , 11H.- 80S bu. ; export" , 30l..r.E bu. ; roulhrrn white and ellow corn , ISVifWic. OATS Dull : No. Z white , western , Z > HJ ! e ; vcplptn. 34.917 bu. ; expurtf. none. HVK Firm No. J , nriirby , B2ct No. 1. vresttrn , tc ; receipts. 27.2M bu. ; exports , nonr- . IIAY-FIrm ; cliolc * llmnthy , JI3 nuknl. OIIA1N FrtHIOHTrt-fltpam to Liverpool , P u. , 4 < l December ; fork for ord < r , pr quarter , s 414.1 Jnnimry ; 3 3d February. HUTTRll Firm : fanty creamery , 2iJ2lc ; fancy adl * . 1701Se ; ( ? oo > ladle , 15 l c ; store packed , ZSlHe. KOOP Stendy : fre ti. 19fIJOo. CHKIJSn Stwtdy ami unchanged : market stock h avy ; fancy New York , large , S'.iOlOc ; fancy Vew York , small. ' " - O3I.VM.V fSB.VKIlAi. 3IAU1CI5TS. lonillllon nf Trniic mill < liiotntlon nn Sinple nnil Fiiney Produce. EOO8 Strictly fresh , lie. nUTTEIt-Common to fair , lOflllc : choice to fancy , 14017c ; separator creamery , " 22c : gritlisreJ reamery , 20o. VEAI-Cholco fat. M to 120 Ib * . , quoltd nt So ! largo nnd coarse. 4fl5c , Dm 8ET > POUT.TnY Chicken * , unsalable at Sc ; turkeyn , 88K1 ; Keene , * c ; ducks , "c , UAME Hmab rabbits , per doz. , 20o ; large , per doz. . Me , slow ; pralrlc chickens , 13.00 ; quail , 80c UJ1.CO ; tqulrrels , ,051 tOc. I'lOEONB Live , 7uo ; deftil plgconn not wnnloil , HAY Upland , J8.M ; ml.ll.iiul . , J3.50 ; lowland , 3.oi ) ; rye stmw , Jl ; color makes the price on hay ; light bales sell Ui < < best ; only top grades bring top prices. prices.VECIETAIlLnS. . CELEUY-Oood stock , large , 40c ; Bmall. St f JOc. JOc.ONIONS ONIONS Per bu. , DEANS llaml-plcked navy , per bu. , 11.23. BWKKT- 1'arA'lOES-I'er bill. . $2.5) . rAtlHArui tvd stock , i r Ib. . lljc. POTATOES Home grown , 50J33o ; western iloclt. 70c. PIUJITS. CALIFOHNLV STltAWDEIlIlIEH Per pt. , 30c. QUINCKd Cnllfoinla , P r lux. 11.23. APPLES Winter slwk , .7rfi3.'W ; Callfornl Hellcllour , boxes. $1.50 ; Colorado Jonathan' , boxen , J1.73 ! Oregon , boxes , H.Sri. " ( "riANllEnitlMS Jerreya , per Mil , . $7.00a7.M ; WlMonnln Hell nnd Ilugle , $ ? .CO ; AVIn.-onsIn Hell nnd Cherry , JU.CO. K C'nlartbas , C-lb. baskcls. 14ifl5o ; Mai- gn , $5.00flO.O. ) . TrtOl'lCAL FllUITS. Mexican , per box , J3.&OSJ3.75 : Cali fornia nnvnls. J3."iOf(4.00. LEMONS Mcrslras , JS.COSkOO ; California , SCO , } 3.2af/.1.GO | SOO , $3 , CO. HANANAH Choice , large idoek , per bunch , $2.00 < t(2.'nmedium \ alzc.li bunchCH , (1.732(7,00. MISCELLANEOUS. NV.TSTAImol"j ! < ' 'icr ' Ib" tnl"Ke ! > . 12VlW"o ; nall , lie ; Hrnzils , per lh. , flifioc ; Kngllsh wal- mits , per Ib. . fancy soft . shell , lie ; standards , ! IOc. Hlhcrts. per Ib. , lOc ; ptcans. i-ollshirt. medium. MJSc ; extra Innte ; lOc ; large hickory mitH , $ t.oofll.lo per bu , : smnll , $ l.25JJ1.33 per hu. ; cocoanuts. per 100 , J1.UO ; peanuts , raw , JHsiic ; , F1O8 Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-ib. boxes J : f 6 crow" . 4l-Ili , boxes , IIRKe : 2-lh. boxes. 22 23o per box- California , 10-lb. box. Jl.CO. IIONKY Choice white , J2c ; Colorado amber , in KKAlTT-lVr ' Vol. . JI.OO ; half bbl. , J2.2392.33. MAl'I.K SYItUI' Klve-gRl. cans. each. JJ.75 ; Kal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half-gal , cans dunrt cans , J3.CO. DATES Ilallowpe , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , Gc ; Salr. 5V4c : Faril. 9-lh. boxes , 9c. C1DEP. Per half bbl. , $3.00 : bbln. . $3.23. FHESI1 MEATS. DUEHSED 11EEP Qcod native Vtucrs. 7c ; good fjrwiuartet-o , 8101 ! " . 6140 : good lilnd uaricrs , STIC ICc ; strip loins. 8c ; rolls. iionele s , 9Vlc : rolls' Spencer . cuts , 9 c ; sirloin butts , bender * , 0ic ! ; shoulder clods , boneless , IIMc ; rump butt ? , bon * . iPt-s , . , 0ie ; No. 1 chucks. Mir ; Xo. 2 chucks , Cc ; No. .3 chucks. 4lc ; bmele ! H chucks , Be ; row plates , S'.ic ; Eteer plates. 4'ic ; ( lank steaks. C'.Jc ; Inlns , No. I Ho ; loins , No. 2. Wic ; loins , Nn. 3 " ' " 8',4o ' ; short lalns. market style22 niinve "ioTnsH ; fhort loins , hotel style , Cc nbovi loins ; cow loin' ends , fc : steer loin ends. 9c ; hnntrlnir tender loins. 4\tc : rlln , No. 1. 12Uc ; rlhs. No ? 2. S-Hc ; rlhs. No. 3 , Gc ; steer rounds , , 7c ; cow roundv 6c : cow rounds. Fbank olT. Sc : cow round * ' shank and rump eft , 8iic ; trimmings. 44c- ! beet shanks. .IWr ; brains , per doz. , 33o ; sweetbreads , per Ib. . IJiic : rweetbrtads ( calves ) , per Ib. . 40c kidneys , per dcz. , 33c ; or rolls , Vnch , 3c : liver ? per Hi. , So ; hearts , per Ib. , 3c : tongues , per Ib. ' , 12Hc : cnlf livers , cnch. ! 3c ; cnlves. w hole carv or sides. 9c : calf head and feet scaldeil | M , fPt. 7SC. MtTTON Spring lamte. SUc : Inmbs , Re ; rncep. 7c ; marke' ' ; racks ( lonit ) , 9Uc ; hotel rncks ( short ) , Itc ; lonm , 9c : saddles , Sc ; ICRS. 9Uc- lamb lees , 10lo ! ; hreA ts nnd stews 3c tonirues. p ch , ! c' forequnrters , Cc. 1'OIHC nre ? ed piss , 5c : dressed . . „ „ . . . 4Uc : tendcrlolnp , 12.cr ! loins , selected. Co- regular BMo ; fpare ribs. 44i ! > ; ham .sntisace , hutts , 5Wc : Io toii Imtts. r.c ; shoulders , rough. 4Vve ; shoul ders. Fklnned. Cc : trlmnrlnns , 4V4c : leaf lard , not rendered. Cc ; heads , cleaned. 4c- snouts and cars neys , per doz , , I0f ; hralns , per dnz. . 13c ; pins' feet , per iloz. , 2"c ; livers , each , 3c ; hoe rlnda. 3c ; blade bones. Cc. HIDES. TALLOW , ETC. 1IJDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 green hides. Co ; No. 1 tnlted hides , SKc ; No. 2 green sailed' hides , 75ic ; No. 1 vent calf. S to 12 Ibs , , 10 ? : No. 2 vcnl calf , 12 to 15 Iba. , Sc. SHEEP PELTS-CJrcen Failed , each , 13 73c ; green suited shearlings ( short wooled early sklmO , cnch , lie ; dry vhearllngn ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1. ench , Be ; dry Hint , Kaunas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4f5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 31i > 4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4C5c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , . 384c. HOUSE HIDES Each , Sl.GOe2.25. TALNOtt' . ( HIEASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1. 2 ic ; tallow , No. 2. 2'So : rough tallow , IVic ; white grease , 2142c ; yellow and brown grease , KUIIS near ( black or brown ) . $3.00820.00 : ' St. I.onli * CJciieral < SInrkct . ST. LOUIS. Dec. t7.-KIXtlK-Qulet nnd un- chaiiKed ; patents , S4.SSOI M : stralsthts , Jl.34.50 ; clear , J4.00l.23 ; medium , J3.50if3.7j. WliUAT Unfeltlcd , clDflm ; with buyers l-16c Iwluw yeeterday. May opened steady , advanced ' , * . lost that and recovered Vic laler , llnally dasllned 6ic below the top nnd closlnB with buyers 1-lCo nbovo tic ! > bottom. Spot , stendy : No. " red cash , elevator. 97c : track , IKicffJl.OOU ; No. 2 hard cash , S7ftCc ! * ; December , tibc ; January , J3cr May , ! )4Ha84iAc ) ; July , nov c. COIIN Kuturew declined , eliuins for Slay with buyers 'le below yesterday. Spot , hlBh'r ; No , 2 cash.3V4W2lc ! ; Occemhcr , 24Ho bidj January. J4e ; May , JCTiir37c ; July. 2Sc bid. OATS Klrm for May. a i-hade better than yes- tenluy. Spat , firm ! No. 2 cash , elevator. 21io ! ; Iruck , 22c ; No 2 white , 2iO ; Uecember , 21ie ; May , 22K 22T4e. BYE Klim , 41 c. KLAXBUHD HlKher , J1.13. TIMOTHY SKKD I'rlme , J2.CO. C011NMHAL-JI.40. I1HAA sacked on east truck , 55u bid. HAY Dull : prnlrle , J7.00 ; timothy. JS.O OIO.OO. 1IUTTKH Quiet ; creamery , ISu'iJc ; dairy , 9 JlkiKOOSHlKher. KOOS-HlKher. lOVic. COTTON ffi-rs'-csc. MKTAUS-Lead , stendy , JJ.CZ4W3.53. ! Bjiclter , dull , J3.T3 sellers. 1'llOVISIONS 1'ork , lowers standard mess , jGLblnir , JK.60. 'Ijjrd. enslerr prime steam , JI.33 : choice , J4.40. Bacon , boxed lots , extra short clour. | 4.t 7403.W ! ; rlbn. t5.iatf5.60 ; tihorts , J5.37 < 4 tjtl.t-'i. ' Dry salt meats , hexed shoulders , Jl.75ru > 5.1-0 ; extra abort clear , Ji.lljVi .J.C2'/4 ; ilba and shorts. I4.75ir5.CO. HKfKIITS Hour , 4.00 : ) bhl . ; wheat , 67,000 bu. ; corn. kS.Oftl tiu , ; oats , ln.OfO hu. SHH'MUNT.S Klour , S.OCO bhls. ; wheat , 27,000 bu , ; corn , i'J.COO ' bu. ; oats , 41,000 bu. . Liverpool LIVKIH'OOL. Dec. 17. WHEAT-Rpor. No. 2 n > d , western winter , stoutly nt 7s 9'd ; No. 1 red , northern H'Hnc. steady at 7s S1 ! > J. OOIIN Spot. American mixed , quiet at 3s 2 d ; Dorcmber , 3 ! ' , i < l ; January , 3s Hid ; February , 3s lN.il. KIxiUIl St. Louis fancy winter , steady at 10s. HOI'S At London ( Pacific toast ) , llrm at 4 it. I'llOVIHlOXH-ltccf , extra India mess , 66 3d ; prime mws , Ms 3d. l irlc , tlrm ; prime mess , wcxterii , Wu Cd , Hams , short cut , U to IS Ibs. , utMidy Bt S3i. IMivin , short rtb > , 20 to 24 Ibs , , dull at 29 CJ- long clear middles , light , dull at :0 ' short clear backs , dull nt 30 ; lonir clear initialed , heavy , dull at 29 | clear bellies , firm nt 3Sn W ; shoulders' ' , squaw , firm nt Ws , Ijird , prime woitt-rn llrm at 23s 6d. Tallow , prime city , 'steady at 18 d. CHEEHE American , flnut while end colored , Ktcudy nt 4ii 6d. Orlriiim llarkflN , NEW oni'HANa DPO. 17-nqo 1'itonurjs- Sleaily , 1'ork , ulandard inois , 8Hc. I ird , leflned tlarw. 3P. lloxed meaJH , dry Halt * hmiM rr , l 4/lic : ( H'lcw. ' 4 He. llaroo. clmr rib sUli's , OHc , llunix. choice sugar cured , ' f9'ie. ( VlKKHE-nrm : 1113. ordlnarv t < fair. "HOOWc. FI > ltMl-StPBdv ; cxtru fancy. $ .I ! JI.C' ) ; patents. JIMfAVO" " ) . CinnNMK.\I/-Oillel , J1.60. HAY-iiny ; prime. 12 01lc ; cholfe. 15c. COIlN Steidx ; No. 2 necked VThltf. S5e ; mixed unit yellow , SCc. . . OATS Steady : No. I tacki d , „ c. 1IICR Quirt ; ortllnary to good , Cliicluiintl MnrUctn. flNCINNATI. Dec. 17. VtOUP Dull ; fancy , II.KR4.40 : family , t3.K03.M. WHBAT Blqxv : No. ) red. : No , ! mlx I , ' Z7Hc , OATS Flrmj No. T mixed , J Hc. KYE-Oulet. 46V4O47C. 1'ltOVIHlONB-ljinl. nrm. ' 4.27M. Hulk meati. dull. II. . lUfon. qnltt , J5.M , \VH18KY-Wendy. 11.19. 11UTTI3II Quiet and lower ! nisln creamery , S4o : Ohto. IIOUc : d.lry , 12tflte. KOflS W tk at KUc , rlllit-Slv-Steady ; caod to prime Ohio nat , 3H ICnimnM City ( irnlii nnil l'rovl lnii > . KANSAS CITY. Dec. 17. WIIRAT ' tile .higher a > a rule , but iluw No. 1 hint. HfrtVio ; No. 2. S3ff S c | No. t. J S2o ; Na . 76 7 iJo , I one car inlscd , SOo ; No. 1 red , Scj NO , Z , Wo ; No. 3. Mo ; No. 4 , ( V3SScj No. 2 tprlnR. { OffSlc ; j i N i 3 , 7 > ft7tc1 ! mlxeil , UMS/23HC. ' ' ' , OATS Abmt steady ; fairly active ; No. S' ' WhltPi 2 ! lr. j IlYK-No. J. 3OtJV4 < - . I HAY Act lie , very nrm ; choice timothy1 , JiDO ITS.7S : choice prairie , 17.207.60. ' III'TTKIt-Falrly active , receipts moderate ; creamery , 17I19c ; dairy , 13B15C. KOOH Very llrm ; fresh. ISci Morn so. 1101J . IIRCEIPTH Wheat. 37a bu , ; corn. 39.0CU bu. ! oils. s.ft Du. SHH'MKNTS Wheat. 32.4OT bu , ; cornW | bu , ; eats , none. IJrnln 'HcoclpU nt lrlnilinl Mnrhpts , ST. .LOUIS. Doc. 17.-Ile elpt : Wheat , 85 c rs. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec 17.-Itecelpt : Wheat , COI cars. CHICAGO , Dec. 17. Itecelpt * todny : 'Wheat , 2.9 cars ; corn. 290 cars ; onm , 277 ears. Estimated car lots tomorrow : Wheat , 250 cars : coin , Ku cars ; oats , 210 cars. DUI.UTH. Dec. 17 , Receipts : Wheat. 31 cars. ' I'HOIHA. Uoc. I7.-Hecelpts : Csrn. SS 400 bu. ! oats , 22,930 bu. ; . rye , CO I bu , ; wlil ky and -wheat , none. SHIfMENTS-Corn. M.OO ) bit. ; outs , 45,000 bu. ; whisky , 1,000 bbls. ; rye nnd wheat , none. Ilnirnlo 'Mnrlict. ' nUFKALO. N. Y. . .Dec. . 17.-WItnAT-No 1 northern , old , JI.02W ; new , 9S'loi No 2 winter cim.V No , S , 31f31Kc. OATS-NO , i whit * . 2 * . HAIILI3Y Stronp. I 11YIJ Dull ; ! No. Z , In ttore , COc naked. Toledo TOI.nDO. Dec. 17.-WHUAT-Lowcr nnd weak ; No. 2 , cash. 9IV4o ; May , 4c. ' COIlN Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 27c. OATS Dull ami imchnntredr No 2 mixed , 2c. 11YI3 Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 , cnsh. C 4c. ClJ3VnnsKKD Dull and easy ; prime , cash and December , J3.20. Ui-trolt SlnrUct. DRTIIOIT. Mich. , , tec. 17. WHEAT Nn. t ivMic , 91c ; No. 2 red , 92V4c ; DrcembJr , 52'io ' ; May , Vo'llN No. 2 mixed. 9 c. 0TS No. 2 white. J3c. IlYR-46 c. c.STO STO CKS AJ I10.V n S. Aliiencf of Actlv < > lUcnmnil 'MnUen the NEW TOttK. Dec. ir. Tbaay'B Block market wns mor < , i or Irm depressed nil d.iy , thousrh tlnat prices considerably better than the law point or the ilav. Liquidation xvna not IIPHVV outside or a few mocks , ami the namlm ; tendencies of a fens' iremcd to be ilud intller to nn nbsrnce of ns- live demand. Sonic of the recent prominent bulls b./iiiht ; usk.s on U downward scale ot prises , Lut without uny attempt to sustain values. JJunh.tl- Inn and New Jersey contlnui'l to be the rnncintl objects of manipulation , as was the cajo ycs.er- dny , und SiuBar continued tn show wenknsis. Us decline from yesterday ri'athlnrr , at one ) . time 2 tier cent , but with a llnal rally leiivlnsf Hi net hum only ! fractional. Manhattan was traded In ox-dlvldond , and * /aa / quite feverish up t > the announcement of the 'de cision of tlte appellate court on the underground rapid ] trnimlt plan. This news , which had been dlHcrtUlti',1 , caused the shorts tr > cover , the price advancing over 2 points , with only a fractional reaction afterwards. lenvlnir a small nrt Rain. Short gulns owing to the name cause helpc.I Man hattan , and there were reports of a business c in- bine with im opposition company. This vnrlntiniD In New Jenny Central were dlcla'ed by the needs of the shorts. There were come continued npprehimslcm re- Kanllng the Immediate future of the money mar ket , and the tlmo money market wns quoted nt 3 per cent for thirty and 3V4 for sixty to ninety days. For roll loans 3 per cent continued to l j pnld. but the rate eased off to 2 par cent In the llnal hour. New York banks have Rained on Lnl- uncft during the week fn > m the currency move ment , but have lost heavily to tha subtrcusury , p.1 tlic comtltlons to bu shown by tomorrow's statement will depend on the amount of loons which have been called. There wns no further fall In sterling exchange tr li y. but yesterday's slinrp decline-here wni re flected In a stiffening of the London discount late toof 3 per cent , which Is a quarter nborc tht > Hank of Knjtlnnd's minimum rate. ConJIdcncewns ex- prcs.'ed that th" tedcmntlon by the Rovcrnmcnt of the currency Cs beRlnnlng nt'xt KrMny would serve ivs n safeRuard apalnst strlncency In the money market. But them Is much room for un certainty an to what ninount of these bonds will bo presented for rcilemptlon before January 1 , when thcv mn'ure. The next payment of Union Pacific purchase money Into the treasury Is to be on December 27 , the amount Utm ? JSKO.OX ) . the final payment of an equal n mount falling duo January 5. In ad dition the usual heavy accumulation of funds pre liminary to the January disbursements ot divi dends Is to te reckoned with. An n result of the rally before the close .of to day's mmket net losfes are In moat Important In stances reduced to fractions , the notable excep tions on the side of galna having been already Indicated. Some Inactive stocks Show losses from 2 to 1 per cent. Tliere was a marked falling oft In the bond market , nn.1 some losses were shown. Union Pacific 4s declining 3 points. Sales. J1.713- 000 GDvernmenti bonds steady nnd unchanged. Tlio evening Post's Londcn financial cablegram says : The stock market lure was quiet and easier tcday on realizations prior to the npproach- Inir holidays. Tliere was a tinn undertone. Hull if were hotter. Americans cltxicj dull on New York selling , but the br4lef here1 In a continuous rise In these securities In the new year Is unshaken. as It Is nlHO In Argentines , which are dull for the moment Mines were booming for much of the day. but tha close was under the lxt. Grand Trunk , wns largely dealt In nnd there was tnlk of higher prices. Gold wns In stronger demand. I nm Informed that German orders for 2O,0 In gold are In thla market to ba shipped within ten days Some of It may have to go from live Bank of Encland. I have reason to susix'et the nc- ci-rr.ry of the quotation of 20.37 for checks on Berlin and know of business that lias taken place nt " 038 : this notwithstanding- proposed gold n'llmnents. Vienna exchange stands at 12.0JW. Further pales of Indian drafts werp made today up to Is S&d per rupie. The Paris and Kerlln mirketB were firm. Some months ago Berlin raised large loans on bills In London. A Innse amount will mature next- week , but they probably W ' Theefoflowlng' the closing quotations on the leading stocua or the New York exchanc today : _ _ Atchlson . 13 dopfd . 30 St. 1' . & Om 77K Baltimore 4 Onto. . ll : do pfa 150 Canada PaclHo . A'l SUP. M. AM 123 Canada Sontnorn. . M So. Pacific -IIJ ( Central Paelllc. . 101 So. Hallway SU Chen. & Onto do pfd 32W Texas .t Pacific. . . . 10U Union Pacific t. r. . 2fi D. P. U. A G 7 > 4 Wnbaah 7 ilopfit do pfd 17K D I.X Hudson. UW Wheel. A L. E 2 Del. L.Ji W. . . . Wheel. A L.E. pfd 10 Den. AUloO 11W AdaniH Ex 160 dopfd. . . . . 4 h American Ex 115 Krlo ( now ) 1" Jnlted St.-.ten ix. . . 40 Krlolstpfa 38 Wells Fargo EX..110- Ft. Wiivno H' ' h \ . Cot. Oil 2'JK 0 reatNorthern p td. 1 : > l > do pfd 74 * < Hockln ? Vallav. . . . 4X Am. Spirits „ 7) < IlllnolsCantr.il. . . . ll > 3 ! < Ain.apirlmpfd ltl > 4 L'lkoErinV. . . . . 10 Vm. Tooacco 83 > i dopfd 71 do pfd .112 LakoShor.i 17:1 : : Voi > io's Gaa 0H Loumvlllo&Naah. SOW 3oni. ( ian 170 MauhatuiH L 10-H Com. Cable Co 175 Met. St. Uy. . . . . . ial Col. IiA Iron 22 Michigan Ceotril..lO.J dopfd 70 Minn. & St. L -'Ol Oen. Eli-ctrlo S3K dolstnfd HH IlllnolsStoel 42U Mo.Pacltlo 3'JH I lOli'do G.IH 44 Mobllu.VOhlo " $ Lend 3m : Mo.K. AT " do nfd lon : < do pfu 3SH Not. Lln. Oil HIM Oliienno. Ind. & L. . . I ) Oregon Imp ; Co i 17W dopfd. Pacific Mall. , , N.J. Central U-'H Pullman Pal 172 N.Y.Oentr.il 107K Silver Certificates. . B < H < N.Y.C'hl. ASUL. . 13 Stand. Hope A T 4M dolHt pfd " : i Sugar 13UH ( lo'Jdpfd 34 } do pfd ; > 4 HVt Norfolk .t Wcatorn 11 T. G. A iron 2-JH No. AllHT. Co 4) ) U. S. Leather 7 No. I'aclllo 21) ) do pfd OHf do pfil OH' ' . U. 3. Rubber : 15 % Ontario * w l-1Hi do pfif. . (17 Ore. . 11. .tNav : ) il Weslorn Union. . . . BOW Oro. Short Line Id Nnrthweateru 11IIH I'lUBburir , .1U8 dopfd IH3hi Kcadini ? . . . . . 2'J ! lllo Orando Went , 23 Hock Inland do pfd 57l at. IxmlHAS. P . 7H S. L. A 8. W 4U dopfd . do pfd 0)1 | St. I'aul . Chicago. O. W 15 fourth nraespment paid. The total sales of stocks today were 3C3.300 shares. Including : Atchlson preferred. 12.U9 ; Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , S0,9l5j Ixmlsvllle & NaBhvllle. 7 , WO ; Manhattan , 3U07 ; Metropoll- tun Street Hallway , 4:04 ; MUsourt Paelllc. 16.- 46J ; Missouri , Kansas & Texas preferred. 3.311 ; New Jersey Central , O.Ctlj Northern 1'acltlc , li,043 ; Northern IPnclflo preferred , 21.832 : neading. 4,190 ; St. Paul. 23,710 ; Southern Hallway pre ferred , 0,700 ; Union Pacific , B.BCSj American refer - liacco , 8,410 : Clilcago-Oreat Western , 8'JM ; Pee ple's Gait , 12,700 ; Sugar , C6.5SS. Hoiilon Stoulc < . BOSTON. Dec , 17. Call loans , SffJ per cent ; time loans , S'/AUt per cent. Closing prices forD stocks. ImnJs and mining share ; A.T.A A 13m W * K lee ' " " " " American Suar. W . Eloc.'pfd" . ; . . , . 51 Aui.Sucnr pfd. , , . 113 Ed. Eleo. 111. . , . , . DavSUitoUa * . , . , .2 7-10 Oeii. Kloo. pfd HJ lioll ToloDliiio. . . 201 Atchlson pfd ao lioBton A Albany , 210 llostonA Maine. , . 10HM N , Enir. On C..U.AU , UdH Ounenil Kloo. 6 . . VltchtMirir . . 0 * Allomiz MliUnzOj Uonoral Electric , Atlantic Illinois Stem. . . . lloBion A Moutani 145 r Mexican Central , ItuttoA Ilonton. . , . N. Y.A N.B Calumet A lleoU. . 470 Ola Colony , . . . . Centennial 13N O.S. L , Prunkltn * luiooor. . . . . . . . IBM Ottceola. . , . , . . . . . $ Union P.ielno. . . , 2 K Qulncy. . 114 West End H7 Tamiiraott 125 Went .End pM. . . . Wolrerina IB Sim l''rimcl ' c < > .Mliunic Uunditluni. SAN KnANCIHCO , Dec. 17 , The official closing quotation * un mlnlnif stocks today wcra foi- low : Alia . 3 Moreroa . . IM AlphnCon . 7 Justus * . . . . . . . , . . , . 34 Andes . 14 Kontiicky Con . 4 llelcher . Id Mexican. . . . 20 nest&lleloher , . . , 01fi Oco deutalCoa. . , . J'jo million. . . fi Ophlr . . . . U2 Caledonia . . . SO Orormau . , , . .1 CballeneuCon . 23 Savant ) . 20 Chollar. . 3 > 1 Slorra Nevaai. . . . ,58 Conndenca . . 83 Sliver Illll . . 2 Cou.Cdl. A Va , . , . 21I Umou Oou. . . . . . . . . 34 Con. Iniuerlal. , . . I UtaUOon . , „ 34U Crown Point. . 27 Yellow jA3Xal , . , , < 31 ( loultt A Ourrle. . . . 38 'SUncUrJ . HJO asked. Hllvi-r barf , ECUc ; Mexican dollars , 47)ieSc ) ; dTafts , sight , lie ; t ltjrr paic. 17Hc , Aiiutrlcnii HeonrltleM in I < tinilou. LONDON , Dec. IT. The market for American I ncurltlM ruled dull anil Inactive all day- . The cto e wn dull and Iho demand gtnenlly light. York Money .1Inrlrt < NKW YOniC. Dec. 17. MONET OM Basler at ! CI3 per cent ; last loan , t per elored l 2 < j2H per cent. PHIMH MEHCANTIW3 rAl'Kn-JURl ptr cent. STRHUNn KXC1IANOK About steady with nctunl business In bankers' bills nt ( .SC for dcmnnd nnd Bt II.SS ) .82i4 for sixty days : . . -wiled rates , . and commercial tills , H.S2H. HAH SILVBU-SSHC. MKXIOAN DOMjAlL - - - - GOVKIIXMKNT nONDS-Flrm. STATE HOND3 Weak. CloslnB quotations un bond t were ai followi ; N. C , 'in $ S.nnw-lH cou. N.CI49 1011 ' Vft ' ' ' ' i : r No. Metric Ists. . . .llll U.'s.Un.'ooup'.V..V.iuH No.T.i ' ina : i U.S.2K.ro/ ! ) U No'.TAClllo 4s 01 U.S. 3s.re ? 114V < N , T.'CXASt. I..4H u. s. M. coup. . . . .1I4W N. * iW. V > . 1'JIH District H. 039. N. w. CoinoU . . . . .141-4 Ala.cl.ii9 A. , , KM N. Y .Dal ) . fit .117 .11)1 ) ' ' " ' ' ' ' .111. ) OroV 49' . . . Ala. Currency. . .100 o. i. . 1.1. r. . , . . 1513' ( AtchlROllJn O. H. U * . t. r U94 Alchlsonaui , in. " O. Ihjm'lHts ' , l. r. . . 10l > 107H O. Imi > . n . t. r. O.AO. 111. ot'OJ..10im C. It , A D. 4H1. D.AH. f > . tslt . . II. Cliirtiqt iBtl . 8-l D.A.R (3. Is .3 ! . U Ail. M. Cat. I 8H KiiBtTinn. Isti . . . St. K3. F.Osn.U. 1 1HM ErloUan. 4a . . . . . . . 91. P.caisols . 1411 V. W.AD. la t.r. . SU Pj . Uls. . . 123 Jen. KI--C. As St. P'.CA1 ' > . s 117 < O. H. , 3. A. IH. . . . nn _ , . tt honfitnd. . . . . . . W (9.II.AS. A. ' .M9.1110 Southern Hv. an. . . . II.MT.Cuut.5a . ll'JS - - SVf1 II.AT.C.con Os. .1II7X Toninnaw ; i- . . 01 Iowa O. lsts , . < . OSS . . . .liU ( > 7H K P.Con.t.r . . . . . HI i.ltf. 2llS. . 281 * K.I1. iHtn.t.r .112 La. Now Con. 4s. . .1(11 ( L. .vN. Unt 43. . . . 87 Missouri OB. , 1011 M. K.AT. lids . U.IK WeatBlioro 11 Ill M.K.JbT.4 Vn.Osnturlps. IM N. Y C. lals. . . . . V ; . daferrjj U N.J.G.d HUM I.diidnn StooU Uuntutlntn. N , Dec. 17. 4 p. m. Closing ! , IMui common. . . US ' " ' " Consult ncct'"ui'13"ill Y. Coutnii Ill can. Vaoinc. . B4H . . . . r > H ICrlu lt > n Rc.-idln ? KriolHtnfa : t ! > Max. Ken. now 4 . . 7U III. coiitr.il 107M AtehlRou.,1 l.'I Mc.\icni unliii.irv. . 1S ! < L.&N C8 I1AH SILVKH Flat nt 23 13-1M per ounce. MONEY 2JM4 ! Per cent. The rale of discount In the open market for thort bills. 213-1C per cent ; for three months' bills , S 13-1603 per cent. Noiv Yuri ; .Milliner OttntntloiiN. NEW YORK , Dec. 17. Thefollowing arc the closing mining quotations : Chnllar. : n > < > mino. ; . . 2.1(1 ( Crown Point. US numr. , r > n Con.Unl. & V.i. . . . 1115 Plymoutu 10 Dcnilwoou ( ID QulcltHllver KID tiould&Unrrr 'M UnloUailver DM. . . Dili ) Ilalc&NororoJs. . Ill ) Sierra Nuvi'la. . . . BO Hume.HUKo 'MM stanDara 150 Iron Silver 45 Union Con 18 Mexican -4 Yellow JacUot . . . . ' . ' 0 I < M ii n 11 ( ' 111 I ? Tntt > 9i. CHICAOO. Dec. 17. Clearings. J13.9CO.:31. New York exchange , 40o premium. I'osted rates. JI.MVi Ol.Wli. Stocks were dull during the morning but were more active Inter on dem.iiid for Ele vated shores. Closing : West Chicago , 101V4 ; Diamond mend Match , 142 ; North Chicago , 230 asked ; Lake Stivet L. , 174 ! : New York tllscult , 62',4 ; Strawbourd , 2i i ; South Side I. , 63 ; City Hall way. 236H. NE\V YOIHC , Dec. 17. Clearings , $172f34S30 , ; balances. J9.II3,007. ( 1JOSTON. Dec. 1" . Clearings , J19,700,11S ; bal ances , J2.407.174. ST. I.OUIH. Dec. 17. Clearings. II. 413.467 ; bal- nncefl , f487.U72. Money. B8 per cent. New York exchange. 25c discount bid , par asked. MEMl'HIS. Dec. 17. Clearings , 422.i:4 ; bal ances , 501. ITS. New York exchange , selling at par. par.1IA.ITIMORR , Dec. 17. Clearings , J3.025.C43 ; balances , J4J2 SG7. 1'HII.ADBL.l'HIA. Dec , 17. Clearings , $14.932- 765 ; balances , J2.020.673. NEW OUUBANS , Dec. 17. Clearings. t2,3C3.C61. New York exchange , bank par ; commercial , ; i.2S per Jl.OOO discount. Foreign Fluniivlnl , nONDON. Dec. 17. Gold Is quoted nt Buenos Ayres at 176.20. PARIS. Dec. 17. Three per cent rentes , 105f t 23c for the account. - Dec. 17. Northern Pacific securities were easier i > r > live bourse today on realization * . . Canadian ' Pacific shares were strong. llanlc stocks' were dull , owing to the unsettlemcnt of the Austro-Hungnrlan market and closed Iresl- tatlng on account of uncertain state of the money- market and In view of thi > next settlement. COTTO.V SIA11ICETS. Simile Lower After itti Un eventful Day. NEW YOniv. Dec. 17. The public cables at k > hand ; when the cotton market pened this morn- 'Jng were .sized up a Indifferent * although .prl- fvate cables caused an Increase ) ! , inquiry' foV 'spot' ' cottora nt , Liverpool from Lancashire. This gave our market 'steady start , vjlth , prices 1 per cent better to 1point worse on the rirst call , us com pared with yesterday's u'loMnj. For the rest of the session the' ' market was ; without pronounced feature , while showing a wjaK ! undeitono most ot the time , following discouraging Fall Illver and New lingland accounts noncrally , and with out siieculatlvc or Investment .support to epeak of. There wns , however , iv jlttle Investment buying ; here by parties who'arc'quietly ' picking for discouraged holders. Thr entire swlnj ? of the day's market was only a matteflaf 1 or 2 points , with the tone quiet and steady ut net unchanged prices to 1 point lower at th < : luEe. Spot , quiet ; middling , 5J4c ; net receipts.1)263'bales ) ) ' ; gross , 5,700 bales ; exports to the continent , 1,457 bales ; forwarded , 2.333 bales ; alesr 37 bales , all spin ners ; stock , 9S.8C9 bales. Weekly : Net receipts. 8,724 bales ; KTOSS , 30,355 bales ; .exports to Great llrltaln , 3,932 bales ; to France. 1,084 bales ; to the continent , 5,470 bales ; forwanied. 16.838 bales ; sales 1,123 bales , all spinners. Total today : Net receipts , C2.4S8 bales ; export * to Great Brit ain , 32.874 bales ; to France. 9iOO bales : to the continent , 33.470 bales ; stock , 1.100.0C3 bales. Consolidated : Net receipts. 3S9.002 balca ; exports to Great Britain. 131.640 bales ; to France , 32.0,9 bales ; to the continent. 148.609 bales. Total since September 1 : Net receipts , 4,841,287 bales ; ex ports to Great Britain. 1.556.33J bales : to France. 442.418. bales ; to the continent , I.255,03 bales. Tlin following arc the total net receipts of cot- tJ at al1 pttrtS Sine , September 1 , Igj : Galves- . 1.237 OSS bales : New Orleans. 1.278.2 , ba es Mpblle.194.0M. . . tal : Bayann.h. e.W tale , , , ER Wl 5 ? bales ; I'cnsacala , 43,673 bales ; r5 r5SS July. .L . August , . , e. 32.079 ; continent , . - mid- 'W ' SU/L 182 "ST'WJUIS. ' lie flT OTTON Qutetj ; no sale , reported ; Middling B C-16c ; receipts B.547 bales ; 8 dniVPIUOOI ! ! ; < Dec 17-COTTON-Spot. good bfles. of Which 1.000 bales were for pec- 500a 111- dlng I SI. C. December. 3 7-64 3 84d buyera : December and January , 3 7-64W3 8-64d se ere ; January and February ; 3 74 3 8-614 eller : February and March , 3 8-64d sellers ; March ami April. 3 1864H364d sellers ; April and May. I Si 644M 10-64d Iwyers ; May nnd June. 3 ll-C4d sellersTjune and July , 3 12-64d buyers : July and August , 3 H-64d buyers : AuBu t and .September. 3 14-Wd buyers ; September and October , 3 lS-64d buyers ; October and November. 3 16-04d buyers. Coffee MnrlCetH. NEW YORK. Deo. 17 , COFFBn-Optlons opened steady at B points advance , ruled gen erally llrm , but quiet , pn encouraging European ' cables an4 forecasts of moderate receipts at lllo nnd antes : speculation slack tind buying chiefly by ell ort a ; closed * tendy at S to JO point * net advance : ealra , 12.7W ) bags. Including March at JB.flOB0.03. Hpot coffee , Ha ! , firm : No. i. IH- voice. I0.62H1 No. 7. Jobbing , I7.12H. Mild. steady ; Cordova , 18,50(313.00 ( ! ales , 1.100 bags Maracalbo nnd 400 bags Savnntlla. Total ware- hoiiso deliveries from the United States , M.7J4 , bags , Including18.6&9 UKB from New York : New York stock today , W3.33S bags ; Un ed States tmck. 613.660 lags : afloat for the United States , 411.000 bags ; total visible for the United State * ! 1.024.6 0 bae , agalnirt 700,818 bags last year nnd 835,070 l > ag 111 1898. . . HAVRE. Dec. 17. COFFEB Closed net MOHf hlKlior ! sales. 23.000 lues. SANTOS. Dee 17. COFFER Firm : good nver- aire Santos , 8.WO reU ; recelptf , 19,000 bags ; stock , 031. WX ) Imm. IIAMBUnn. Deo. 17. COTFKB-CloK-d un- chnnim * to Hn'ir ret advano i nleii. HMO bags. TtIO DE .TANnmO. Poo. lI.-rovFBn-irirm ! No. 7 lllo. 8,0-V > re's ' ; rxrhanr Tfi-J-1 : rec lot . 13000 hag * : cleare < 1 for. tha .United PtatM , 7.000 bags ; for Europe , 8.WM bags -stock , 438,000 bags , on OTL CITY. Pec. 17 CYedlt balsnces l c ; rer- tincate * oil sales , 15.000 bbli. lieath nt MUo < * nd 2noo M'U. ' of regular nil t Kat ihlpmenti , M- Otn I.I.I" . : nirx. 97 349 bills. > , < rilAHLKSTON , S. C , Dee.U7.-OLfl-Ti"-n ! r. . ine. market Trm nt Ma ; Mltx , none. Jlos'n * * r-i * n < ilo , pfv e rfcelnin * ; , nonftl A , IV r . J > i Kj V. V , fl.i' O. l. Hi. f4S ! T. J1.M ; K. Jl S : M. l ( N JZ. ? ) : WO. JflV ) : WW. JJ. RAVANVAir n . . D r fU riJJ Snlrll. ti- - - - - , recelnls. 7r.J . Prm1 r nt A. TI , r. ' it ji . . . ntn l.MIf. . M ; I . ( if < " > : St. . II.C3- v \v ' v p m. > MiTmT n vi > - ' turpentine , itrady. | l,40Ol.ft. Tar , fl ( " > i1- 11.05. OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Ban Lets Up a Little , but tbo Effect is Blight , CATTLE PACKERS ON THE BEAR SD. I Prior * Pounded for It ) to 15 Cpn All Alonff ( lit * l.tno Iln C n- ' .Innu to Advance In Vnluc. , , | SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 17. nccclpta for the daya Indicated wore : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Horses. December 17 1.S1D 3,131 2.C24 December 10 2,270 6,817 2,969 December 15 , 2 , 5,131 l.wo W December 14 2,467 C.67U 3.420 December 13 2.99L 2,849 2,012 1 December 11 1.031 5.6SO S06 4j December 10 1.107 6,593 December 0 1,833 7,237 1,679 . . . Decembers 2,713 9,142 3.0H 2 December 7 i 3.474 8.294 1.6S3 . . . . December t > 3,201 3,401 3,900 . . . . December 4 919 2,023 Decembers. , 1.4GO B.S71 4,130 1 December 2 3,101 8,074 4,199 . . . . December 1 2,463 9.S2S 1,420 2 The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was ; Cattle. Hoss. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. Ky . . O. & St. L. Uy Missouri Pncino Uy . . Union Paelllc System S 14 4 C. & N. W. ny 1 P. , 15. & M. V. U. U 0 10 3 S. C. it 1 > . Ily 1 C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ily . . IJ. & M. U. R. U -14 7 1 C. , U. & Q. Jly 1 13 1C , C. & St. J 1 C. , H. I. & P. Ily. east. . . . G * . C. , H. I , & I * , Uy. , west. . Total receipts 79 71 12 Tim disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated ; lltiyers. , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha P.ioUlne.Co 17 S.TS The G. II. Hammond Co * X ) 1.119 Swift and Company . . . . 320 l,2r > 2 I,0i3 The Cudahy PackingCo 447 737 1,200 J. L. Carey . . . , . ' , , > . . . . .i. . S W. I. Stevens 16fi II. Hamilton.- . . . . . , . _ . . . 32 Cutlahy P. Co. . 1C. C 1,001 Other buyers .1. ; 224 3 Totals Tfl73 ToTO 2,273 CATTLK llecclpts of cattle wore the smallest ot the week to date , but that fact did not help out the market. O the con trary , the market could hardly have been worse with heavy receipts. It looks very much as If the packers had their houses pretty well supplied with beef and were taking advantage of the fact to pound the market. This morning the buyers did not venture out Into tihe yards until after the middle of the forenoon , but stood about the exchange - change building nursing their bearish feel ings. There was complaint of high-priced cattle and low-priced beef , nnd cheap and abundant poultry. The puckers ar untnls- taltably on bear side and it looks very much na If cattle values will ihave to come down If they .have their way about It. \\1hen the buyers llnally showed up In the yards this morning some of them an nounced at the outset that they did not want anything but a few choice little cat tle , and others started In bidding ICdplOc lower. Under such conditions the market was not only late In opening , but It was slow al ! day , and latu before anything like a clear ance was effected. In the end , however , the most of Che cornfed cattla were sold , I but at prices that were all the way from Iflc to 15e lower. Cows nnd heifers wereIn fair supplj and tha market was In about the same condition as the steer market. The buyers seemed to want good heifer stuff suitable for Christmas beef , but they did not want to pay fancy prices and were a long time In clearing the pens. As a general thing the market was fully 10e lower. Veal calves were scarce and In good de mand , and as .11 result sold at way up prices in spite of the condition of the mar ket on other kinds of cattle. Feeders followed beef cattle on the down irade. While there were quite a fow. feod- srs and stocjt caiUclutuo yards the de mand was of very moderato proportions and the market slow and lower. Uepre- sentatlve sales : NATIVES. BEUISTEERS. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I r. No. Av. I > r. 2..1025 p .so CO..1102 Jl 23 S2..1172 Jl 25 17. . .lOfK ) 4 55 1..1730 4-75 9. . . . 797 3 IS SI..1045 3 45 1..1130 3 75 4..1152 4 10 11. . . . 9SS 4 23 10..115G 4 00 21..1086 4 00 S9..11SS 4 10 B..1164 4 10 19..1011 4 10 6..135S 4 15 19..1141 4 15 315..1229 4 SO 4..14S5 4 30 1..S50 2 50 1. . . . SCO 375 ! Oc.,103J 3 73 19..1272 3 75 24..1250 3 75 31..1307 173 37..12)5 3 75 1..1100 3 75 1..1299 3 75 J2.u. 887 3 80 2. . . . 933 380 II. . . . 010 393 COWS. 1. . . . 980 2 00 2. . . .1133 260 2. . . . 980 2 CO 3.lir,0 2 C5 2. . . . 915 2 S3 1..1320 3 00 I..113a 3 10 15..1156 3 ID 8..1080 3 30 1..13U ) 3 40 1. . . . 970 2 23 2. . . . 933 2 25 8..IOCS 2 93 1..11CO 3 00 2. . . . 990 3 W I..1220 3 15 1..10SO 3 23 3..1COJ 3 30 20..1113 3-45 1. . . . 890 3 50 1..1080 3 75 4. . . . 9C3 2 25 1. . . . 920 2 25 16..1078 2 S3 I9..1Til ( 3 15 16..1115 3 25 21..1C54 350 1. . . , 820 175 2 , . . . C5 2 10 1. . . . 700 2 15 G..10SS 2 20 0. . . . 671 2 25 2. . . . 720 2 25 S. . . . 993 2 DO 3. . . . SS6 2 75 25. . . . S26 275 J7. . . . 841 2 75 1. . . . Wl 2 75 4. . . . 933 2 80 3. . . . SCO 2 SO . . . . 988 2 90 -3..1080 2 95 1. . . . SSO 3 00 0..1136 3 00 1..1C20 3 CO 1 , . . . S30 300 3..1163 3 15 1. . . . 940 3 20 1..1140 3 25 48..t'91 3 25 3..1143 325 1..1M9 3 25 11..1020 3 30 2..1285 3 30 20..1150 3 SO 42. . . . 973 3 40 2..1075 3W 1..1420 350 2..1025 3 85 HEIFBI18. 2. . . . CIS 2 M L. . . . 810 3 00 C. . . . 82S 300 1. . . . 470 4 00 2. . . . 710 3 00 1. . , . U10 3 10 i. . . . am 3 K 25. . . . 816 3 35 1. . . . 900 3 75 1..1030 4 CO 1. . . . OK ) 3 15 1. . . . 960 4 35 IV. . . . 848 1 DO 1. . . . 4SO 2 CO 2 , . . . 755 2 85 C. . . . 983 3 20 3. . . . 936 3 20 17. . . . 831 3 3) ) 23. . . . 5G9 3 30 1..1040 3 35 1. . . . 73J 4 10 BUI LH. 1..1S70 SK 1. . . . 940 2 85 1..1040 2 55 1. . . . 990 2 70 1..1620 2 K 1..1500 2 tS 2..1373 3 IS 1..1700 3 40 1..UO ) 3 15 1..107) 2 35 1..1140 S3) 3.1393 2 35 2..1453 2 40 1..13JO 2-CS l.,12:0 2 K 2..IKK ) 2 85 1..1230 2 CO 1..1300 3 JO i..nw 310 2..132G 3 40 STAGS. 15..1323 390 CALVES. 1. . . . 120 5 CO 1. . . . Wl 3 25 1. . . . 230 4 00 1 , , . . 3W 4 35 1 100 BOO 3. . . . SO G W 5 , , . , 141 C 00 . 1. . . , IS ) COO STOCKEHS .AND FEEDERS. 1. . . . 520 325 3. . . . WO 340 1..11SO 300 17. . . . 10-1 170 ' . . . . - ' ( ) 3 9o 5. . . . C9S 4 CO 73. . . . 362 3 45 WESTERNS. IWYOMING. No. Av. IWYOMING.No. . Av. Pr. 1 cow IftlO Jt 90 2 feeders..1PS ! Jl 0 4 bulls 1.137 3D5 2 feeder.1210 3 C ) 21 > ullfl ntil 2 40 2 feeders..1105 .1 ID 2 feeders. . . . 843 3 25 73 feeders. . . . Srs 3 70 C fecdfrs. . . . 874 3 2 * > 32 feeders. . . . 953 3 73 1 heifer 6W 3 40 HOdH-HccelpU of IIOBB were the lightest alnce Monday , and uomewhat smaller than a week ( LffO. The market , for the Jlrnt time thin week , opened without any advance , the early alen being at nhout teady prlcca , The advance , however , cume- later In tha day. As It became evident that the receipts would be rather light and hardly up to full requirements of buyers , the market took on more trenKth and closed strong to f c higher on heavy and butcher weight ! * . Ixmds averaging 300 pounds and above sold nt J3.25Jf3.30. the same n j-enterday , but the proportion tion of salea at J3.27HW3.3) ) wua much lareer to day. IlKht hOKS told at about the name prices aa yesterday , that IB at J3.8583.41) . The average of all the sales waa lo higher than yesterday , lee higher than on llonduy und IGftc higher than on 1'riJuy of last week. Hoes Hold today at the highest point touched since Novem ber 29. hut only 10yi5c higher than a year ago. Today's market was fairly active at current prices and an early clearance was effected , llep- retcntative sales ; No. Av. fih. Pr. No. Av. Sll. Pr. 14 412 ICO J120 Co 333 . . . J3 25 CO 315 240 3 25 M 315 . . . 325 53 340 200 3 25 48 m M 3 W 12 341 240 323 29 297 80 S IS 13 27D . . . 3 25 27 323 . . . 325 63 S25 So 3 25 31 3X1 40 323 M 310 200 3 23 S8 327 . . . 325 54 Sll 40 3 47 421 80 3 25 43 , ,305 i:0 3 23 . . , , . . , , 120 3 271,4 33.,328 40 327 Cl , ,335 . . . 327 % W.3(1 120 3 27 43 340 320 32715 C3.503 W 3 27V f > 5 332 ICO 3 27 % M S87 . „ 3 Z7VJ 49 333 . . . 327(4 ( W 331 10U 3 271,1 a 3'9 ' 40 3 nu. < J1 223 . . . 3 37VT f.0 2 09 3371 9 ! 214 . . . 3 37li C.1 230 3 40 81 189 . . . 3 40 340 70 233 . . . 3 40 29. 223 340 JMOS-ODDS AND ENDS. 67 . .263 . . . SSO CO 2Cfl 200 320 G7 280 40 3 30 40 315 120 SSO 37 , .337 . . . 3 SO U..2S8 40 3 30 C4 S03 40 3 30 6.1 311 40 3 30 4J , . ,1Z3 3 SO 35 288 . . . 330 61. . 323 ICO 3 SO 11 241 40 3 30 5J 27 ! . . . S31) 20 110 . . . 330 44 , , , 2S4 . . . 330 CO 295 ICO 3 32U 83 , , . KG . . . 332Vi 62 278 832(1 ( C9 , , ,301 40 335 58 267 3 S3 3S. . . . , , .27 ! > 333 65 227 I. . . . , . . . ! * . 1 50 2 325 . . 33 j ( n ) 1 370 . 3 25 " ' " ' ' ' ' ' L. . . . , . I. . J 25 1 , , ,420 . . 3 25 1 660 . . . 223 t 4S5 tn 3 23 . . ! . . . * . . . S 21 80 325 , . .330 40 325 3 423 . . . 3 25 J 338 . . . S 25 2 303 . . . 330 4 , , .312 . . . 3 25 C 248 . . . 315 . . . . , , . . , „ 321 3 . . .150 . . . 3 35 ( 403 , . . S25 4 205 . . . 335 4 410 . . . 325 8,1 112 . , . 335 7 214 . . . 335 811 EBP There wereB dozen load ! of sheep ID the yards , the moat of them Mexican year- lines. The market wai active a.t steady to tronx t > rfcM , everything btlnx Mid early. Uer > - r cmiitlv tntii : yearlings . M l K 61J Mexican yrnrllncs . , . , . 77 4 M COI Mexican ycarllnzt . . . . , . . , . , . . , , , , , , . .M 423 1 buck . . . . , . 2W IS 10 C nntlriy. mlxM . . . . . . . . 12 S wtthorn 10 > > 450 1M nntlv.lAtnln ( S BO" , spring lambs 41 700 ClltO.UlO I.TviJ .STORK MAIIKKT. Omul Dcniiiiiil for lluan llrittilin In UlKlirr Hrlt i < ft. CHICAOO , Dec. 17.ood entile cold actively nt tlrm prices , but other kind * were slow and weak. As H tisunl at this eeason of the1 year many of the cattle were choice and such lots , sold quickly , some fancy Chrlsimim beeves fetching J3.Wtr5.G3. The bulk : at the entile went for Jl.3i > o5.lo , the poorest Meen > celling nt 13.60 JtJ.Mj western fwl stfcrs told st JJ7W4.HI , nnd northern fed Texas steers at J3.45JM.2iX The stoker and feeder trade wan only nipdernte nt j.UU4.2) , prices showing no improvoment. Can- n rs sold n , little higher nnd fat cwws and heifers were considerably hlRher. Milkers and springers moved off niowly. There wa n coed demand for hogs from Chi cage packers and prices nvernpeil 5ir hlRher. The ofmliiRs were well taken nt nn extreme ranee of JJ.IiW.r.j for the poorest to the best IIORS , the bulk of the nle < being at J3.40ii3.50. I'lKS old chiefly nt JJ.3 lf3.4.i. I'rlcw are now about 15o higher than a week OKO. The lamb trade was particularly active nnd theie was a very animated tralllo in fancy . . . * ! j > m * * liu"bs nveraKliiR lij and W pounds , nt JU.20 6.2S. Oilier sale * of liunlH ' were nt Jl.OOr ? * -10. the bulk Rolnir nt J3.75. Native sheep sold ntn.Wdri.i5 , wcslem fed lots KolnR nt .10if 4.W. The IMc sheep mnrket was dull , prices closing ? a lute lower than n week Uo. ( LlBht wclRht Inmhs clo cd slow of sale. . HKCElI'TS-Cnttle , 5,000 bead ; hogs , 3\MO head ; sheep , 8,000 head. St. l.ntiN ! . ! % . Storls .ttnrkot. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 17. CATTLK-Hecclpts , 3JOO head , of which MM were Texans ; shipments , S.3 0 head ; market dull for natives , with very little good stock here ! Texans strong ; fair to fancy tmtlvo Mhlnplnff and- export steers , Jl.005f3.35 ; bulk of sales. J4.20fir5.0u ; dressed beef nnd butcher steers , J3.tW5.00 , steers under 1.000 Ibs. , J3.25ift.2S ; bulk of sales , J3.(03.M ; stocKers nnd feoJvrs. JJ.ISiTt.IO ; hulk of sales J2.IOO4.10 ; cows and heifers , J1.75if4,00 ( ; Texas nnd I nil Inn steers. J2,75tl.OO : hulk oC rales , J3.2T > { t3.9i > ; cows nnd heifers , J2.00tf3.50. HOGS Hecelpts , 4,400 hend ; shipments , GOO head : market stt tdy to utrnni ; ; llKht , J3.3o03.40' mixed. S3.JMr3.40 ; heavy , J3.40iT3.4o. SHEBl' llecelpt * . 1,504 head ; shipments , none ; market steady ; native muttons. J4.G004.GO ; lambs. J3.0005.75. InilliiiiupiillM Live S topic. INDIANA1\L1S. Ind. , Dec. 17. CATTLK-nc- celpts. KiO hen < l ; FOilpmcnta , 400 head ; m-irket Hteady , Ific lower ; gooit to prime siren ) , JI.CoGi 5.00 ; fair to medium rtpers , Jl.391J4.60 ; common to ROO < I stockern , J2.7AR3.50. HIII3ICP Uicclpts. 2 > bend ; shipments , fair : market stKidy : coo.1 to choice lamha. fS.tiW-.TS ; r-omnion lambs , J3,2" > ff3.ir > ; common sheep , JlMM ? 2.73. City Livestock JInrUot. JCANSAS CITV. DPC. 17. CATTLE Receipts. 4,500 head : best grades , steady ; others wealc ; Texas steers , J3.OOtT4.20 ; Texas cows. S2. 1003. 00 ; native steers. J3.35tj5.15 ; nntlvo cows nnd heifers. Jl.COIf4.rS , stockcrs nnd feeders. J3.IXKf4.:0 : bulls , J2.IWf3.BO. HOGS Hpcelpts. It , COO head : mnrket weak ; bulk ot sales. J3.5003.33j heavies. J3.2003.37W ; packers. $3.233.37i ! ; mixed. S3.2214B3.43 ; lights. J3.155f3.30 ; yorkers. J3.27H03.40 : pitrs , J3.30. 8HEBI' llecclpls , 2.000 head : mnrket firm ; lambs , J3.00g8.00 ; muttons. J2.S5g4.30. Xt w Yiirlc I.lvo Stocli. NB\V YOUK , Dec. 17. llKKVRS-HecelpIs , ? . ' 20 head : bwf Kteers , JI.OOT4.f5 ; flaps and oxen J2 W { f4.BO ; dry cows , J1.50CT3.23. CiiMc-s quote Amer ican steers nt lO-Mlfll'.tc ; rctrlRcnitor beef , SHS ? So : no experts. CAL-VKS-llecclpts , 70 brail : stcaly ; veals , J3.00 S.23. SHBnP AND 7.AMI1P U'c-plpti. 4 . " 23 held : dull. Sheep. J3.00iffl.50 ; lambs. Jj.SOfc'S.'M , one tar at J0.03. I1OOS Hecolpts , 3.315 head ; nnu at J3.C3tt3.90. Kant IlulTiilu Ilv < - Stoclc. HAST nUI-TAUJ , N' . Y. , Hc. . 17.-CATTM3 Slow. HOGS Yorkers , Rood to choice. J3.KJi53.CO ; roughs , "common to cbolce , J3.OOiT3.25 ; piss , com mon to choice , J3.55Jf3.CO. I.AMIIS Choice to extra. J3.SOflC.10 ; culls to common. J1.50 < ff3.40. SIIBRI' Choice to selected wethers. JI.C00 1.75 ; culls to common. J3.OOff3.C3. Cliiclmintl I.lviStnqlt. . PINCINNATI , Dec. 17. HOOS Active , J3.4C1J > 3.50.CATTI.B CATTI.B Steady. > 2 25 5.1fl. SHEEl' t wir. J2.759I.44. LAMBS Slow , lowcv- , J3.50S.W ) . Stock In Sltclit. Tlocord of receipts of live stocknt the four principal markets for December 17 : Cuttle , HOKS. Sheen. Omaha . 1.S10 3.134 2.6J4 Chlcaeo . . . . 5.000 30.000 S.OOO Kansas City . 4.500 . H.JWr ) 2,000 St. L uls . . . . 2.4CO 4,400 1,500 Totals . 13.719 51,034 1U24 Wool .llnrkelx. DOSTOX. Dec. 17. Kollowlriff are tlio quotations for leading descriptions : Ohio nnd Pennsylvania fleeces , X and above , 27@2Sc ; XX nnd XX above , 29 J3''c ; delaine , 30 ® 31c : No. 1 cpmhlnR. SOo ; No. 2 combing. 23W 30c : Michigan.VlsconEl.i. . etc. , X , Michigan. 23 4Z4a ; No. 1 Michigan combing2S@23c ; No. 1 Illi nois comblns. 2S 29c ; No. 2 Michigan combine , 2ir29c ; No. 2 llllnoln comblnfir , 2S829C : X New Yoik , New Hampshire nnd Vermont. 23R2lc ; No. 1 Now Ynrk , New Hampshire nnd Vermont , 27o ; delaine Michigan. 27c ; unsrashed medium , Ken tucky and Indiana. quarter-bloD < l combing. 23J } 2lc ; ICfntucky nnd Indiana threc-e hths-b'opd ' combing , SI025c ; Missouri quarter-blood comli- \ng \ , 22ff23c ; Mlssoutl threc-elghths-blood comb- Ing. 23@24c ; braid comblnu , 21o. Texas wools , spring medium ( twelve months ) , ICSUSe ; scoured price , 60fl62c. Territorial wool , Montana line medium nnd fine , ICWISc : pcourcd prltu. 4S@50c : staple , 52i'55cr ' Utah , Wyoming , line mciUum nnd flne , 1517c ; scoured price , 450c ; etaple , 52O 55c. Auntrnllan scoured basis combing , superfine , 70(3 ( > 72c ; comblnir. good. C38CSo ; combing , average , C2UG5c : Queensland combing , C2c. ST. I.OUIS. Deo. 17. AVOOtr-Qulet nnd un- chnnReil ; medium , 1520c ; heavy flne , 814c ; light flne , 1317c ; tub washed , 22JJ30VSC. 'Illile mill IjiMitlii-r CHICAOO. Dec. 17. The Chicago Shoe nnd Leather Itevlew of Deceinlicr IS will say ; The sales of packers' hides will amount to nhout 42,000 thla week. Including some purchases from the branch packing bouses further west. Native steer hides have Fold at HVic and lO'/ic and nt lie nnd lOo for Iho two weights , the lots con taining a large proportion of lights commanding a premium. Tlie packers are absolutely cleaned up on fpready native steer bides , having sold about 5.SOO thla week at llTiir. Hut the brands Bold nt lOo nnd Texas steers also cold at the even figure. A Kansas City packer sold SOO steer hides nt 9l4c and 9Hc for the heavy and light weights. Mranded cows sold at O'/ic and Colorado rado steers brought 9e. A few heavy native cows were taken at lOHc nn * some lights brought 10c. Country bull hides nrc n shade firmer , with sales nt 9Vc. Oreen calf skins sold nt 13io for city nnd 13c for country , a decline of almost 2c a pound since Ihs decision nf the Hnnrd of Appraisers that calf Ulnn wore not dutiable. Cnllfomln Drloil Frultx. NRW YOIIK , Dec. n.-CALlFOUNIA DniBD PHUITS Steady. Ift-aporatcd npple. . common , e , 9c. I/JNDON. Dec. 17. Garcia Jnc l loilns' sold 2,000 caws of California penrs , which wer not In Ind sn'Bood condition as tbofe which were auctton'il oft on Friday a week agj. Half cases brought 5s U > 89 and whole cases wwo sold at from fs to ICu. A ronfllgnment of 1.400 mils , of apples were nlio sold. California New atones nvcrage , ! 12s M. Smith's cldei-H avera eU 7s a bbl. Four hundred boxes of naval oraages were sold for an avi'raso of ICa a box. N MV VorU IrjnnoilN NEW YORK , Dec. 17. The dry goods market : shows more activity , the trading which ban mnde Its appearance since the reduction In bleached goods linvlng had the effect of benefiting the market generally. The Increased activity Is noticeable both In store trading nnd In mall illas orders , but .tellers are yet afraid to predict as to how much real benefit will accrue. In other linen of utaplo cotlons the market shows no particular change , although brown goods have gathered ome > strength , ns the result of heir reductions In bleached poods. On the I'roduce exchange today the butler market - kot was Bteady ; creameries. 15fl22o : dairies. ir12 B19C. Cheese , quiet at 8f8V4c. ICsgs. steady ; fresh , 2 < ) c. Dressed poultry , market ( Inn ; ducks , 10J4o ; chickens , 6CCc ; geeae , 6.C. Miirkcts. NEW ORL.EANH. Deo. 17. SUOAIl Open Itet. tic. steady at 2ie3'ic ; ccntrlfusal. steady ; granulated. 4 7-UJM 11-lSo ! whiles , JttG4We : yel lows. 3 11-1CG4 M6c ; seconds. 2Uff3e. MQlasses , kettle , steady at 12 30c : centrlfugnl , casy it W ! " ? < ) ' 13CmgclNNA"TIilbettct. ; . 'OuOAn-Flrw , bard irdm . . n.-suaAii-iiaw. nrmi : fair rennlne , 3 : ceutrlfugal. 3d te.t. 4c : re. lined , firm ; crushed. 5c ; powdered , BVio ; Kranulated , 6 l-16o ; mould A , B B-1B ; standard A. 4 15-lCo : conffctloners A , 4 15-lCc ! cut loaf. 5 11-160 ; cubes , tVie. I'l-orlu Dee , 17. COIlN Market firm ; No. t , 26c. 26c.HYR Hcarce , nominal ; No. 2 , 4c. WIIIHKY-I1.W. MANCIIESTEIl , Deo. 17 , CLOTHS AND YAHNS Quiet and steady , Phlluilclplili' PHILADELVIHA. Dec. n.-IJUTTUIl-Dull and lo lower ; fancy we tcrn creamery , 22c. Two Children Ilurnvil < o Dcutli. OSKAI.OO3A , la. . Dec , 17. Two children of Albert Keltner ot MuclmUlnock perished today In a tire which consumed the family dwelling. One of the victims wat a Kid I years old and the other was a baby of 0 montliH. The mother had left tha children alone In the liouso. 1wo flIy terl - Instead of One. RIVERBIDB , Cal. . T > ey. 17-FrIends of lawyer Ira P , Ilodson ot Hiinkato , Kan , , to bo the victim of a mynterloui murder hort , called tit the moriii and M that the body them wns not thn.t of Hod. i on. Now thorn Is another myitrry , for Hmlson I * mlsfitnR nnd < hn boon for two weeks The worst In fcnrcd for him , for lit ; Imil $1,200 on his | x > rsoit when last ccen. Ibn 'Wronir SAN D1KQO , Cal , : Doc. 17-Advlcpa front , Knsotvtda nro Unit Joxo do T.una , a miner who < rpccntly arrived there from Saiito DomltiRO , tells of n qimrrcl between n. num ber of men nt tos Angelc-a liay inhlch ro suited family for 0110. lln HA.VS that cnc- inlps of M' scented nn Indian to throw i\ ntlclc of dynnmlto nt him , lull the Indtnn missed him nnd n 'innnl natnoil Uomero wan no b.idly Injured by the explosion thnt ho ha * ? incp died. Tlio Indian nnd two of the conspirators inoro arrested. IIonvy Snn\v nt SI. l.ouls. ST. 1.OU1S. Doc. 17. The snow which be- Ran fnlllm ; last nlgCit continued until thla mornliifr and In still coming down , H la spread over the ground In almost a sollit miu several lnth < a deep , covering th ( * tracks of the street cnr lines nnd Impeding1 traillc. The wcathop la sevural degrcea colder thnn last nlRht. Why d you \vn1lc nlxint linlf ItriulfVIiy do you ulilvor nnil sluiIce f \ Vlijtlo yiiu IriinbloU yuu nee HO me trllllni ; < 1nntri < r Iic- f rv yout ( ) nl > - IIOCIIIINC you nrr jiint linlf u mint mid not n VIIU ntie. Ciiu you not ) HOC tlint you nro m-ttliiHT YvorHO frniii ilny to liny , toof AVIiy xhonlil you f Yon UtiiMV Hint "Iliidynn" linn MIIVCI ! Ilioii- Mnuiln upon tlioimniidn of onitm tlint < T < TO i-ver NO lunch wnmc tlintt your IMVII.Vli > - not lot I BIVVO you f Cpimo liuluir n trenlc- IlnKl I' * ' in u nly. Arc yon nfruli ( lint you linvc KOIII- too furf lln not worry. Tlicro nru iili-iity ol n-nyn for you to licconie unxiirud tlint j-oiir TvcalcncHNOH onii he ovcrvuinp. AVrlte nnd ante for MCIIIIC proof of It ( o the IiiNlltntv. It ivlll not cost you nnytliliiK. Kcc wliut IIIIN lii-i-n done for tin- rent of tuc vorlil. And NceliiKlic - llcvcl Hudson Medical Institute , 'Stockton ' , MnrUot mill IJIIIn St.i. , 'San KriinclKco , Calif uriiln. If you nr < - In loiil < UN ( o relict her linvt * hliinil ( nlnt In 11113of It * fornn -rlt > for " , ' 10-ilay lilonil cure' ? clreii. Inrn mill tt'NtlinoiiliilN. Tlic > - tire iiultn UN fri-f UN "IIud > im" liiforiiiiilloii , nm ] HO IN ( lie IieNt nnil the Niiiiiri > nt Icnl nilvlcc In thv ivorlil. fl. 'Written Guarantee to CURB EVERY CABG or MOXKY iiKi/VM ) * : ! ) . Our cure la permanent nnd not a patching np. Caacn treated ten years ago have never t-eena tmnpioutfncr. Ily dt'Rcrlbliin : your case fully no can tit'at you by mail , and we ntvo the iiamebttunu ; cuat autec to cure or reluud all money. Those who mvf : P lo come here fur treat ment can do so and wevlll piy railroad taro bothwajfr and hotel bill * whllo heie IT * e lall to cure. Wo dial- fcnKu thcvvorld foracaso'that our Mutflc llcmetly 'ill ! n > t cure.Vrltotor full paitlculan * and net tha crfdtmce. W knowthatyounnibkeptlcal.Jtutlytotoo. as the most eminent phjlclftns have never been nhlo to Rive more than trinitomi v relief. In our ten 3 van piactlcowlth this .M it ale Eletmuly It lias been mutt' dlfllcull toovcrcome tlie prcJiuUccHU Alntt all BO-fMled perllies. But under our ntrong iru i ntpcyou uliould not hesitate to try ttf < ientedy * You take no clianco ot loslnff your money.vo guarantee to cuie or refund cvcrr dollar and an wo Imvo a reputation to protect , also 'financial backing of QL3OOOOO , It Ju perfectly tafo to all who will try the treatment , lleietoforoyuu have Utn putting up and pa > lnir out your money for different treatments and although yonaienot yet cured no on has paid bf.cU your inoucy. Do not waite nny more money until you fry us. Old , chronic , deep-fcated coses-cured In thirty to ninety day p. Invent ( grate oui financial Btandluir. our reputation as buttlncea me a U'rito ui for naiiiea and adtirthscd of the no we hava cured , who have Riven permission to refer to thortu U ooHtB YOU only po.ilaco to do this t It will pavwyojn world of Kurlerliiff frum nit-nial utraln t andlfyouura married n-hat may your oifNprlnir nuffcr Dirouifh ycur own nf ullffencol It your r > yniitoinu ) arc pi tuple * un lace , voro thiuat. mucous mtcne > t In mouth.iheumotlbm lu bones nnd joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of the body , feolJntr of ( rtneral deprenMun , palm > In head or bone * , yotfliavo nutline to wiutc. Thuc"ho are constantly taking mercury and j-otanh - i houd ! dis continue It. Constant UHH of tlirno drugs will eurelf brlnKvorcsand eatintr ulcers tn tlio end. Don't fall to write. All cuiTesnunuonco rent sealed In plain tnvtd- opc . V/o invite the most rlpld InvrMieatlon ami wUt do all In our power to aid you In It. Addre&a , COOK REMEDY CO. 1401 Musoiilo Tcninlo. Ohicuiro III BPBI And Surgical InstitutB 10nsioUuSt.Oiiiiilia , Neb CONSULTATION Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases and nil WRAKNI3SS 01 CM and IMSOItniilt.Sof lYlCSI UYDIlOCrtLEund VAUIOOCKnK iie.-niauontly an succuiuifitll.vciimt Inevory cauu. DIX5O1) AND SKIN Diseases. Sere Spots. I'dn en , Scrofula , TiimorB , Tultor , Kczouut and lllool PolHon thoroughly clt-iiiiBcii from the Bystuni. NEHVOUS lJc > blllty. Spvriiinlorrlinit. Somliml LOHHUH , Night EniliiHloiiH , Lu s of Vital 1'oxvunt pcrmuiiciillr nnd uiK'edilv t-ur.'cl. IVBAK .MIJN. ( Vltallly Weak ) , Hindu BO by too nlonu application1 lo biiHlnusB or Htndy : HHVITO iniMit.il Htraln ot griuf ; SEXUAL EXUKS3K9 In mlildlo llfo or fro.n Iho oireclHof .vuutiirul'follio.-j. Call or writu tlio.u today , Ilex 'J77. Umaliu Medical and Sur lcil lustitute t MJAX TABLUTS POS1TIVIJLY CDRIJ prr , Impotuncjr , Klecplownocj , oto. . cnusod by Abute or other Ktcuuei taiii Jmlls- cretionn. 27i / oulcft/i/ and tartly rastoro JjMt Vltnllli In old or 701102. nj - -TBVT- . fltomanforttndjr , busluwrau. uumuini. S M-rcwnt Jn unlty ona Con.umjitlon It tsknn inifmn. Tbelrniui nlioira iomodlato Jmproro- - JnentnniJ offcota nCUKE nhoro nil other foil In. lit upon having Iho cenalno Ajar Taliloto , Thor Jmro cured thotunnasand willcuruion. Wonlra a po > itl 8 written Boarant M > to oflect o euro Cft nTC la oochcnsoor rotund tbo moner. 1'rlceOU Wl diiwr . packnrjoj oroU rknei ( full troatmentl for K.GO. Sir mall , in plain wrapper , upon rocnlptof rrlco. f Ircufcp ' , . A JAX REA1EDY CO. , For sale In Omaha or Jttinej Korsytli , lift Uth street , Kuim Co. . 15th and Dauelni Otrrtt * . OLD COLO.VY IIUILDIMi , GIIIOAOQ. Members Chlcaeo Board of Trudu nlncu If 02 , Grain , Provisions anil N. Y. stocks Orders Cash nnd Future Delivery Kolloltcil , Oiuuliu OHIue , Itoiiiii 1 , N. Y. Life lllilnr , . . . , 'I'll n in1)111. . . . . FI.OYO J. OAMPIIIJL7 , , JAMES E BOYD & GO , , 'I'clcphoiic 1030. Oiiioha , Nub COMMISSION , GIIA N PllOVISIONSandSTOCKS I10AHI ) OH THADIi. Direct wires to Chlcovo and New York. Correspondents : John A.Vnrrcn A Co. TELBI'IIONIfl lOXJ. H. E. PENNEY & CO. , 10 Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCK Branch OQlce , 1038 N St. , Lincoln , Npb. tt C. CHllIBTlE. K. S. BTrtKBT. 1'resldcnt Vlcc-Vrctlilcnl. O , W. KENNBY , ( Secretary. Cfirislie-Street Coonnission Co. Capllnl f5O,000.00 , Kully UTOCICS , OIIAIN AMD