SPECIAL NOTICES 'iiipnlH for tlicap rnliinuiM rrlll lie ( nUcii until llini. for ( lie cvcnlnir nnd until H p , m , for the inornlntr nnil .Stiiuliir ( Million * . Artvcrllnpm , 1 > > - rpn i' < l"K n " ' " - lirrcil clit-clt , can linve ntim er nil- rtrpiixoit to it iHiinliori-cl letter In pnrp of The lloo. AnnnorH * o nililrpnnril vrtll lie licllviTcd on ur "ri < olln of ttir cliccU iiiily. Ha ten , 1 I--0 n vviird nrnt liincrtloii ) Jc n iroril tliorpnftiT. > otlilii - Inkcn for IPHH tlinn "Su for HIP llrnt Inm-r- tlon. TliPNiuilv ertlMOiiirnlo niimt lie CANVAS-HHHS TO TAKK OIIDP.IIS ! NUW LINK of work ; no heavy uooils to carry ; salary or commission. C. r. Adams Co. , 521 So. 'Jlh * fOU CIQAUS , J125 A MONTH AND cxp n ; old firm ; experience imnecers. ry ; In- ilucemcnts , to customers. C. C. Illshop ft Co. , 8t. Ixiuls. 1 * 9n _ WANTUO-TWO riUST CLASS TKA AND clear salesmen : useless to write unless you have nn established trnlo In thue ( roods in Ne- bmiUn. II. C. l''l her , Chlcngn. ll-MSil- QOVKHNMKNT POSITIONS. DON'T I'llK- oaro for the p l oftlce or other civil renlcc cx- tnlnatloiv without seclnc our Illustrated cntn- liimie of Information. Sent free. Columbian Correspondence College. A- TO SUM. VIIHV COM- pletc line of luhilcatlns oils. Rreases nnd spe- ilaltles : liberal terms ; salary or commission. Jewel llcnnlnif Co. , Cleveland , O. II M48t--at ) \VANTJOD-A COMPnTHNT MILLER WITH KOOO or jmre cash capital to tahu chnrRe ot the best mill In southwest I own ! we Rimrnntce n position thnt will be satisfactory. AililrcM Wlnkler & 1'atrlck. Olenwood. In. H-M492 lil riTlM A COMPirrBNT NVANTCD-nY UKTAH < , Hnd experienced younp man a * stenographer and to niBlM In office nnd do city collrotlnBj must have good tcfcrencea. Address C WvNTED-A JANITOH TOH I1UII.D1NO. MUST undertlnnd how to run steam boiler ; slntc nse , experience nnd size of family ; nnjw'r quick. C 41 , Hcc ottlce. I1-1UM 18 IVANTHD IN' A P.AIMIOAD OI'I'ICH A COMp - p tent bnoLkeepor ; mu * be vvcl pducated. a jmrnl prtiman an I .trlctlv temperate : none othtr r .1 iiPPly. AiMrc r 40. lice. Mai I nB : | . ev- p -rlcnc < ! and roferencea. _ 2il ± ! ± _ WANTED. TOAVnUNO SALiSMHN : ILWIXp tabllsiod ! irmlo < m.l Virllojy to Inndle n proiu rommliwlnn , stnto llbwnl nblo sld line on a preseat line , lerrltorv nnd clve reference Ad- drc s J. C. Dlnckford. Sycamore , } jM.J ( . 22. WU WANT TAPAllLO LSIir-S OK anNTLU- mm to lin\p | In Nebrn-Un vvnrk pleasant and WB pay. Addres , 212 North llth. I'ln " - . , . ,1'- WANTKD. AOHNTS : J0 TO r , A WUKtC SUr to wcrkcrs ; no capital nei-ded ; new Roods ; new H. every family needs H plan ; sells nt elKht ; S , Co. . box 431. Cincinnati. Ohio WANTUD. ON STUAiaitT SALAUY AND nen > cs. two Bollcltori wlfi rcfe'ence nnil noMrcjs. Call Saturday , 031 P.ixton 100 anu > s rou AIJT.I KINDS ov wouic , ? s to $7 week. Canadian Office 1522 Douslns C" 931 riHEJT CLASS COOK AND SECOND GIUL AT bnoe. 1711 Dodge street. tf M4jl 1S * _ \VA NTD D COOK IN IMUVATH TAMtLY , WBRCS J300 ; references. Apply Mrs AVIlhelm , 1821 Douglas. C 4i5 vVANTED-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worlf. must IIP Urst-clast cook ; good pny ( Ad- rtrefs S3I S. : Sth St. C-.M3.i5 SI WANTED. GOOD Q1RL FO1I HOUSEWORK ; amall family. Apply 2700 lllondu , . _ ; ) 19. WANTKD. A rillST CLASS MILL1NCUY trimmer , c 1S. Hee. C-517 23 TO DO NEEDLH WOIIK AT THC1IV. homes. Gen. MfB. Co. . 3124 N. FOR IIK\THOOSES. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THC CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1505 rnrnam. D 935 HOUSES ! BENEWA & CO , 10S N. 15TII S"K D 936 FIDELITY RAROAINS. ONLY A FEW LEFT : _ _ , 110 S. 25th Ave. , " 7 roomi , porcelain bith , cloet , K hot water , gas , mantels , furnic' , laundry , 130.10. 14 , 2917 Mason Ht. , D rooms , all modern , $25 OT , t 973 N. 27th Avp. , 7 room * , bath , clo-ot. hot water , cistern , furnace , cemfiite < l cellar , 200 feet froni- nge : all rooms to tx > painted and pnpered , $20 00 1314 N. 28th Ave. . 8 rooms , city water Inside. fJOO being spent for repairs , llnnl , $12.09. 1622 N. 31st St. . 6-room cottage , cistern , f300. 3301 Corby , 7 r. , city water , chtern , barn. $10 00. 717 S , 33d St. , fi-room cottage , city vva or , $8.00. SOth ft Curtis Ave. , 7 loomi line repair , well , cistern , barn and 1 ncro lot , $8,33. 2320 S. 29th St. , 3-rosm cottngf , city water. ! 5 01. 712 and 714 S. 10th St. 7-rwom IHtu , bath , closet. hnt water nnd fins. $20 00 to $2J.OO. S015 Izanl St. , 4-rooin lints , city water. $ T to $9. Wo have others. Fidelity , 1st tloor N. Y. Llfc _ D 543 iff HOUSnS. WAt-I ACD , UHUWN I1I.OC1C , 10TH and Douglas. . ° ° ? ? _ HOUSnS. COTTAQHS & STOnU' ' . AIvI PAIITS ot city. IJrcnnnn & lave Co , 219 S. IMh. LIST. M'CAGUE , 1DTH AND DODOC D 9U IIOUSKS , PLATS. dAIlVIN imOS. . 1613 FAn'M D D41 HOUSES roit HINT. iinins , PAXTON D 042 JIOOSE3. 3. II. SIinRWOOD , 423 N. Y. LIKE' D-043 iioiiflnuoi.D aoons AND PIANOS. Om Van & Storage Co , 1M1',5 rnrnam. Te' . 1339 D 913 1IOUSU CCS SO 2STII ST , TDN HOOMS MOD- rn , JIO.OO per month. Bjion Reed m.D948 D-948 IlKNT-LAHOn NINIMICIOM IIOUSH near California nnd ! 2il Ktu. . nil convcnlcncci , with or without barn. Inquire COO N . V. Life bullilliiK. - D P29 FOH itKNTjnon s-nooM nousi : . JIOD- crn ; No. 1329 I'm It avenue. Inquire at 2130 B. 33(1 ( street , or call telephone I2J7 nftcr 0 o'clock p. m. I > MHO FtrilNISIIKD HOt'SR. 8 ItOOMS. KOUNTSCH Place. Wlrt St. J. J. CSIteon , CU First Nttfl Uanlc U 191 18 N1CIJ PIVIMIOOM HOUSn. 1120 N. 17TH. 11 430 rrrrTAan. ruiiNAon. WATHR Lath room ; ! S3 CMcnttn' rent low to cool Itnnnt ; ncvv-lnlU carpet for sale cheap Apnly 2 i Chicago. D M5'.9 19" BT1UCTI.Y riP.ST-CU\H9 MOl > UnN H1X-HOOM lieu i ? , l > ti. | Kn , etc. , complelo : in excellent rendition ; nice lawn. 2703 Scwnrd ; $17 no ; KPJS M10 Bcwnrd. -1IW4 ' rou nn.vr frim.visiinu itoo.ns. S FUnNIHIUID 1/OOMS / TON IIOUSCKUCPINQ ( or man ana wife. Kent taken In bonni , 319 N. 17th. 11512 EEPINO. 2023 Bt. Mary's , U-M523-20 * ' WARM HOOMS. Jl TO UP ; HltAUTIFlir. 1'ROMT room ; modern , with bay win low1. 614 N. 10th. U MS33 23 _ ruoNT noou. STEAM HEAT. 9n > 4 s. nth , lanton lllock n B17-1S * TOR RUNT , ROOMS FOR 1913 DoUflttl. K S1500 IS * HOOMS AMI un.uin MKnRIAM , I'lIlST CLASH FAMILY lt > t l , 2Cth und Podee Bit. r MT07 TAKE BIIHRMAN AVE. CAR TO N. W. COR. ncr of Uiiioiltlon groundi nml put up at the UurntciKa ; iH'Bt 12 a day haute ; lionrdert , ( SCO to 15.00 ; flrnt week. J2 ; nne meal free ; we nro making- , teputntlon now ; after the ixpoiltlon : open * we will make noney ; nil modern cnn- venlcncei. Telephone 1334 , F M733 1).M JJBWLY FUIINISIU'.D ROOMS , WITH HOARD ; but wattr heat. 2402 Cata ttreet. F 17C-J-I' ROOMS AND HOARD. STHAM HEAT ; PRICES jra tr.aDlo. 1911 Davenport. F 552 19 KIJKJANT WHONT ItOOMS. BTEAM HEAT ; /Ifit-eUm board. 1909 Opltol Av . F-M54J19 * IX I'llIVATB FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT T * JfiJ. IJW DoJge. r-M5S-Jl VOH IIKVI' tLVKUHMSIIKD 11OOM.S. 4 vatUIIIIT \ IIOt'HKKBUIWO : MOD- * / ( W < if rilnn ; wtlklnit illilanco Oown town ; no Midnn. Aiiuro * t * . n . Von III8\T STORES AXI > OFFICBS. po : NT-tnsK ROOM iNnttot'ND ottlw II c liulKIln ? ivnter , * tcam Yieat tieorlc llRlit nml Janitor srrvlce. Apply to Supo In- trndent , I ee bull. . 11ns 1 197 IIKNT THE 4-RTOUY IVi'K ) 1 1 1LUINO nt 91C Karnnm Ht. Thin building lm < n nr > i > roof cement bn emfnt , ' vrnler on nil lloorn , ga , etc. Apply flt the olllce of T.ie I'ee . 1 Ulu HOTELS , STOnCS. ItUMIS , PAXTON 11LK. i M4W POR RKNT-IN Tlln lir.Ii UtTILDINQ ! One lure corner room , 2d lloor , nlth vault nna liihalD umcu , v.alei , etc. Ono Urge front room , 2d ( ioor , illvlaca Into two rjomt by pnrtttlon ; water , etc. One large corner room , td lloor , with vr.ult , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition ; thlid Hoor. On corner room with vault , third floor. One large room , thirl floor , with partition fllvld- lrg It Into one large room and two smaller ptlvnte rooms ; water , etc. Two IniKe ground lloor rooms , fronting lith St. , with vault. Severn ! small rooms on fourth floor , with vaults All these rooms are honied with Menm elcctrlo llp-its , supplied with nrst class Janitor service. IJicvntors tun clay nnd nil nlRiit , building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 101 Uc bulldlny. I-IM WANTED , PARTY WITH GOOD llttHINHSS to occupy same nfllce nnd have teivlcp ot snnn1 bookkeeper nnd telephone v lth advertiser , 0 47 , Hoc. 1-5I4.JO * AOIINTS WANTED. APPLY PACIFIC Ml'TtfAL ' Life Int. Co. , A. V. Todd , gen'l ngt. , 210 lice bldtf. J-M239 J4 WANTED , AOENTS FOR THE TASTD.ST 8UL- line , most entertaining liwlt nf the KC ! 1 .V)0 ) life histories of fnmous purcc ful wom n ; 1 It ) portraits , many fttll-nnRe plate * . Very low IHlte , richly Illustrated , bHIa vvondprfully. Ladlrs fiic- ced rcmarKnbly. Extra profits njvv. AUdrfBS Woman' * Home Companion , Sprlnfilleld Oiilo. SALARY AND COMMISSION PAID TO LADIES' nnd gentlemen for Felling the best holiday novoltron t.io market. Room 10 , 1121 Painnm. AOI3NT3 MAKE ) G TO $19 A DAY SELLINO our popular priced cameras , most urolltnble nKpnts' line nn the market ! general nnd local ngcnts wnnted. La Crosse Camera Co. . X 59 , Li Cnwe. WIs. J-M549 19' STORAGIS. PACIFIC STOHAQE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 90S-910 Jones ; general storage and rorwsrdlng. OM. VAN & STORAQC. 1511'/t PAUN'M. TUL , 153J PIIANIC CWKR8. STORAOC. 1211 IIARNCV. Hnullng and pncklnc. cheapest rates. Tel. 951 M "jO TO 1IUY. WANTED , A FOl'll OR TIVD IIORSIM'OWCP. trnsollne entlno ; must be In Rood shnpc. Ad dress J. S. Chrlstensen , Fremont , Neb. FOIL SALK MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST , DULK OR SACKED-CRIItUINa and l-og fence. C. H .Lcc , 301 Douglas. 2ND-HAND I1ICVCLES. OMAHA I1ICYCLE CO Q Oo , UARNKY & I1CRHY , SKATES , 33C TO } 3 50 ; skates sharpened , 15c. Omalia lllcyclo Co Q 326 GOOD SnCOND-HAND SAFE CHEAP 114 S. 13th. Q-M30G 21 NEW HICYCLCS FOR SA1.E LESS THAN factory co t. 1'lrst clns-i sowlns inachlnp ftom $18 up. Nebraska Cjclo Co. , 15lli Hnrney. Q M293 Jan. 0 HATIOMAN PIANO SLIGHTLf USED : A IHO bargain. 214 So. ISth. Q-M4WJ IS PATENT UPRIQHT PIANO. 617 S. IBTH. Q-M557 21" SALE ONE HAY PRE S VND POWEH , one feedmlll and power. AUdre's N Pn n , Fre mont , Neb. Q-M1 ! ! ! IS' FOR SALE. orincE FIXTURES. DESK. chairs , rug , mops and other llxtures wry cheap. Adilrcsa C 41 , IJec. Q M33" 10' JIASS VUH , HATHh , ETC. MME. 1JUISSON OP PARIS GIVES ALL kinds medicated baths and massage. 107 N. 12th St. T-M232 J4 I1AT1IS , MASSAGE. LAURA ELLISON Crounso blk. , 119 f. 15th St. , room 123. upstairs. T M403 IS * MRS. DR. LUON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlots ; restful and curntlvn. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T M471 18' MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND IIATHS. 1C23V4 Howard street. T M4"0 10 * l niliO\AL. VIAVI CO. , UTERINE TROUBLES. 346-8 1IKU 131dg ; physician , consultation or health book free U-933 BATHS , MAS8AQC. MMB. POST , SUii S 15TH. U 934 CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND TIE- palred ; day or night ; dress suits for hire. . I'antorlum , N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam. Tel. 363. U-3M MME LA nuE. VAPOR AND MASSAGE baths. 1112 Farnam. U M85S D20 * LITERARY ASSISTANCC ; MANUSCRIPTS prepared , revised or corrected ; letters of nil descriptions written ; experienced newspaper man In charge ; all business confidential. Ad dress P. O. llox 637 , or tall for Interview nt ofllce , 419 Ree bids. U ITS Jl FREE DENTAL WORK ; OVER 300 PERSONS took advantage of the free clinic at the Dentnl college , cor. 12th and Pacific streets , last month ; after January 1 there will be twelve clmltB reserved for cleaning of teeth free of charge every Wednesday morning from 9 to 11 o'clock. „ U M304 STYLISH DRESSMAKING , REASONABLE price , at the Joy Tailor Sjstem School of Dressmaking. 312 Karbaeh block. Misses Camp bell & Casvioll. U M428 Jit LADIES' FRIEND , FOR MARRIED OR single ; safe and sure ; never has failed ; cent vvllh full direction * In strict confidence to you ; no publicity , for 15.00 ; send at once. Ad dress O 33 , lice. U 463 ! ! > IMUVATn IIOMC TOR LADIES IJEfORH AND during conllnement ; babies adopted nnd cared for. Removed to 1136 N , 17th , U 478 20 KLONDIKE MINING ( LAWS , RULES AND regulations of the U. S. and Canada ; applicable to Alaska and N. W. Ter. . with forms ; copy righted ; emiulre of news nsents ; Bent to nny addresH for 50 cents Hill & Ausherman , box 11C8 , Seattle , Wash. U-M524 20 MOXKY TO LOAN III3AL ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Furnam St. W MO A.NTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 515 N. Y. I. . quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , noithern Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W 937 IvOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Fuinum Smith & Co. , 132) Far'in. W 958 MONEY TO LOAN. UEMIS , PAXTON BLOCK. W 061 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA leal estate. Drennan-Lovo Co. , 219 H. 16th.W860 W-860 $100,00000 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON. llrst-class Improved Omaha property , dr for building purposes , Fidelity Irust Company. W 90 ! 0 PER , CENT MORTOAQES VOR SALE. PROP , erty of non-residents cared for by W. ii. Meikle , First National Bank bldg. , Omaha , W 961 G PER CENT MONEY , $ lOOA AND UPWARDS , on Kilt-edged Improved Omaha real cftnte. llemls , Paxton block. W J3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED RKAL pitate in Omaha , . Council muffs and South Omaha. Pusey & Thomas , 503 First National Hank , Onmha. W M100 WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITV I.QANH. R. a l'etcr & Co. , U. S. NaU Bank bids. W M453 MOM2V TO LOAN $10 TO $10000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HPRHES WAOONH AND PARRIAQES. WAREHOUfaE RECEH13 , UTC. at lawcft rate * In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Uluffe. Nu removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; > ou can pav the loan oft at any time or in any amount * . OMAHA MOHTUAUH LOAN CO , , 3"0 South Kill St. THE OLDKST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED /LOAN / COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-MI BlISIXICSS CHANCES. TO GET IN OR OUT OK UUBINKSM GO TO J. J. ( Jtbson , 514 Firtt Nat'l Bank , Y-fU FOR HALK , RESTA"URANT , DOING A aooo businra * . Aclvlrsu ( 41. Bee. Y-M515 SALOON. l-ARNAM ST ! J. J. QIIISON. (14 First Nut , banlt , Y-M55& M 1IU8INES8 CHANcTT * I'OR A RELIABLn , cumi > vteiit andi energetic man to Uka mpnane- mrnt of etot * axnry h > r ( arm Implement : ex cellent oppurtuiutr for a. proiltable bu > ln > ; corrtniuncleiico | nuUrllrd. AddreH Otti > Wink * Indlunupoll * . Ind. Y.-UU11S ijjjriii lUrr l iron r.xni DRrci STORE "WANTE ! roil Wn icn \ % w will trn l city property and fame cnsh "K " ca ( of I'nrrlrr M , Omaha Neb. a-'M-Oi ja 7 vmt r.xatANcij VERY n c.rnr vacant Omnha lots for Chlcnim property. Address with full particular * , llox ifl. Onmhn. SAI.IJ Oil TRADB. T OT OX 2ITII ST Joining exposition for farm In eattem Nfli. or Uklnhomn. Hex 101 , SlelK Neb.M MaO _ i HAVE A H7o7LY iMPRovm , C'ATTLH rnnch ( Oil acres ) , partly Irrigated. which I wruld trnde for n small farm " Uliln two nr t.ircc miles from Omihit , or for Omnlil city property. Addres * Henry Helmcm Pixtan , Neb. K M557 * : iinvi. KSTATI : . ICOUNTSU : PLACE DAROAINS $2 DOO. t3,7M TO $0,200. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat. llnnk bldg. PAHM LANDS. C. V. HARRISON , 12 N. Y. L RE 54S-Jnn-16 IIAHUAINM , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ) nlo or trnde r , K. Darling , llarker Hlk. HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS. LOANS ! also nrc Insurance. Hcmls , Pnxton block. RE M971 iLOOAN VALLEY FARMS 'AND MERCHAN. illfo. Huntsbcrger & Clements , Lyons , Ne braska. r.E-MS-O nirrctc nuTtjmiNoi GROUND wvi ; FEET , | njlng 14 per cent ftrofs : price } tt'Wl. Aililrpsn iJ js , life. 4lh M4SS NRW rOTTAQi : , MONTHLY PAVMnNTS. .004 Hen llldff. HB-.M531 SlIOItTHA.M ) AM > TVPIJWHITI.NC ; . A. C. VAN SANT'ft SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. MPI3. 172 AT OMAHA HUS. COLLUOn. IGTJt . DOUOLAS. -973 II , U. UOYLiS , COUHT riRPOUTnU , PIUVATU ICFS-OIIS ; ilay and c\enlng. W llco llldg- , 574 oitAHA siioiiT-UAND CO"LLKQG. novu-a theater. < M311 ! Jan" * nonsns wiNTunnu ; nnsT or CAnr. ; $3 per month W. U. Owens , 2KT7 Center street r'-JMlB ( JnnJ * GOOD STADLKS , DUST OK CAltU. S4 AND JO month. A.V. . ll'lielpa A , { ion. 207 New York Life. Tel 1034. t 242 anisic , ART -AMI ijA > fir.i ULMOUR men. VIOLINIST POUMUIILY so lolst Klce Concert Co. , will receive pupils ; highest references 4H-15 Slieelj Block Hours 2 to C p. in. 73G D22 ACCOMPANIST. TOR GKNTLDMAN TAKING lessons Inolce culture ; state terms. Adilrc s C , Dee. MJ32 17 * COM. . IlUnLINQTONNUT , 1JDST , ClinAPHST. I'HICE J3.75 per ton. 'Phone 818. Harmon * c Weeth Co. n TO nonnow. PARTY WIIJ , PAY NIND PKIl CMNT Hiinunl coupons ) for JCOO to JSCO , on Inside icntal property. Security ample. Answer soon U 41 , liee. 330 pvw.vituoicrcns. II. aiAUOWlTZ LOANS IIONHY. 41S N. 1C ST 077 niinssiiAKi.\r. . ENOAOEMKNTS TO DO DIIKSSMAKIXG IX families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2COI Davenpori St. 931-D-2S TYPIJWIHTBHS. n SOLICIT AND TUnNISH POSITION'S TOK StenORrapliera tree , the Smith-Premier T\pe- \\rlter Co. Telephone , 12S4. 307 M. S. WALKIN. 2111 CUMINO. TEL. 1331. 1331.97S 97S SIEVING MACIII.VKS AMT Ni\V HOME , HOUSHHOLD & WIflTE SKW. ! HK machines & supplies. 1514 Cap. a\e. Tel. 1571 073 LOST. LOST. POCKETUOOK AND PASS. HETUKN to 1820 N. 20th. llecehe reward nnd no ques tions asked. Lost M5CI IS * UNITOD STATES CIRCUIT COURT , FOR tbe District ot Nebraska Oliver Ames , Second , et al vs. Union Paclllc Railway Company et al ; Central Trust Company of New York vs. St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company et al. Upon reading the petitions of the Kansas City & Omaha Railway company , Kllaa C. Benedict , the Central Trust Company of New York , Frederick P. Olcott and others for a final settlement of the account of the receivers and a distribution ot the funds and proceeds of the property of the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company 'n their hands In these cases , It Is hereby ordered that all per sons who have or claim any Interest In or lien upon any ot such funds or property as creditors of the said receivers or as creditors of such railroad company or In any other way lllo verified statements of the natures , dates of accrual and amounts of their respective claims with William D. Cornish , Special 'Master , at Omaha , In the State of Nebraska , on or before the first day of 'May ' , A. J3. 1S98 , and that If any of them fall to do so they and each of them so falling shall bo barred from sharing In the benefits of the distribution of , the moneys and proceeds of the property of the said railroad company that now aio or hereafter shall bo In the hnnda of said re ceivers In these cases. Any party to these suits and any party who files his claim In accordance \vlth this order may file an answer to the claim of any other party hereunder with said Master within thirty days after May 1 , 1S9S , and nmy contest the same. All claims against or upon these funds are referred to said Special .Muster , who will hear them and report the amounts Justly owing theron nnd ho order In which they are lawfully entitled to payment. This order slmll bo published forthwith once In each week for four successive weeks In the Omah.i Hep , which Is pub lished In the City of Omaha , Nebraska , und In The Independent , which Is published In the City of St. Joseph , Mlsgourl. Let a copy of this order bo served within thirty days ) from this date upon the re- reivers of the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company , upon the Union Pacific Hallway Company , upon the Central Trust Company of New York , upon the St. Jo seph & Grand Island Railroad Company and upon the Kansas City & Omaha Rail way Company. Each of these parties may fllo answers to either of the petitions on which this order Is based on or before the 1st day of February , 1893 , and the petition era may reply thereto on or before Feb- ruuiy 20 , 1S9S. All the Questions presented by the petitions and answers not hereby disposed of are referred to said Special Master. . WALTER H. SANUORN , Circuit Judge. December 3 , 1S97. D 11-18-25 Jl IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITKD STATES FOR THC DISTRICTS OK NEBRASKA , COLORADO , WYOMING. UTAH AND THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA. F. Gordon Dexter , et al , trustees , complnln- antt ) , vs. Union Pacific Ry , Co. , et al , de fendants. Notice of time nnd place of payment of first bonds of the Union Pacific Rail road company secured by Us mortgage dated November 1 , 1SC3. Notice IH hereby ulven to tlm holders of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Hortlci * .rnl Building on the Exposition trrounds will bo received until 10 o'clock a in Saturday , December 18 , 1S97. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the De partment olllce , corner 15th anil Spencei sta. , or sets will be furnished bidders at The right Is reserved to reject nny or all bids F. 1 > . K1RKENDALI , , ' Mpr'Gr'ds and Bld'KS Dep't , Transmlssls- slppl nnd International Evn. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Power Plant Bulldlni ; on the Exposition ciounds will bo received until 11 o'clock S m , Wednesday , December 28th , ' 97. Plans nhil specltlpatlons can bo seen at the De partment Olllce. corner 13th nnd Spencer Sts. , or sets' will be furnished biddets at The right Is reserved to reject anv or all l.iils F. P. KIRKEKDAI.U Mcr'Gr'd and Bldfrs Dept. . Transmlssls- slpipl and International Expo. , all first mortgage ; bonds liuued by the Union Pacific Railroad Company under the mort gage of eald company dated November 1 , IStiJ , and the Interest coupons upon uuch bonds , that I will bo prepared to pay all of the above described bonds and matured coupons thereon , then outstanding , with In terest thereon to the date of such payment , at the Hanking House of the Mercantile Trust Company of New York , at No. 120 Broadway In the City of New York , N , Y. . on the 20th day of January , IS'JS. This notice Is given under the direction and upon the authority of the final decrees of foreclosure of the mortgage securing said bonds heretofore entcicd In the above en titled cause , which decrees provide that "No holder of any claim to bonds or coupons of the payment of which notice shall have been HO given , who shall fall to present the same for payment at the time and place specified , shall be entitled to the payment of any Interest thereon after that date out of the proceeds of the vald sale , or the ad ditional sum furnished to the Muster by the purchaser. " Notice U therefore given to tne holders of all such outstanding bonds und coupons that no Interest thereon after January 20. 1KW , will be paid by me. WM. D , COHNISH. Special Muster , Dated November SHU , IKft. D-l-U-lS-rn Ktti TO STOCK110I.HKH9. Storliliolilcrx' Mooting. Omnha & Rlkhorn Vnlley Hallway corn- pnny. Notice Is hereby given thnt the nnntinl mt-rtitiK of the sti-khoPor of the Omaha & ElkMorn valley Railway company for the ejection of seven directors and the trans-ic- lion ot such other hiNlnet * ni may HA- fully com ? be'oro the tncetlni ; will bfl held In the ofllce of the general solicitor , Union Pac'tlc building , Onmhi , .Nelmi'k t , upon Weilne'ilixy. the 5th dny ot January , IS'JS , nt 10 o'clock n , m. The stock transfer books will bo closed ton days beforu the date of UILiiiuulliiH. . ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. il Mnya. , December 14 , 1S9' . , ftCCtltlHt iTB * > xiniTfff Byi | * OFFtcn OP i.wn-oEAnKK-AN'rmKnsnN Hardware CoiJ rjirtana , Nebraska. Vtc. Notice'is hereMriven to the stockho'd- cr * of the I..oe-OIarkd-Andree < < en Hardware Co. that the nnjirtnl irieetlng of the stork- holders of the cormi-xfiy will bo held nt the * , mn < i t\f Mm c , 1.1 * AA mn * 4. 1OI n-1221-12. . > > , the anuaiy 11v. . i't isn , n\y iiiTee o ciuun H. ' "t * for the purpose of t'ltfctlite a hoard of dlrcctprs for the company'tofcrvo during the ensu ing yenr nnd to tninsiot sue1 ! other busiius ? ns ina'bo nrcseWtcilJit wuch meeting. t IB J. LEI3 , President. Attest : W. M , Ot.A S , Secretary. m ill , nild 32t STOcicHQLDan8' MnirriNG. Union Elf.vatur Ooinpan > of Onuha : N'otlce ! here'1)-'fflvon ' that the annual meeting of the MocWho'.der * of the Unlrm Klrvatnr compatfjt oi' Omaha , for the purpose - pose of plcctnifiC sc\vu directors nnd such other liuslnMi nri nnj' properly como before the meeting- , will bp hold at the oMIco of the general solicitor , Pnlon IMclilc building. Omaha. Ne'i. , upon Mond.lv , the 3rd day of January. 1SSS , between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. nnd 0 o'clock p. > " Tlio stock transfer books will o rinsed ten (10) ( ) dayq before the date of the mout- liiB AI.EXANDKH MILLAlt. " Secretary. Boston , Mass. . December 12 , 1S97v. . , 2U u TO cojrriuvcToiis. PROPOSALS FOR ERECTION OF buildings , U. S. Indian service , Ro - bud Agency , S. D. , December 11 , 1S97 : Sealed proposals endorsed "Pro posals for Erection of Buildings , " and addicted to the undersigned at Rosebud , South Dakota , will be received at this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of Thursday , January 5th. 1S9S , for furnWiInK1 the neces sary matcilals and labor reciu'.red In the erection and completion of one frame woik shop and one frame , double employes mmrteis , nt n nolnt south ot White River , on the Rosebud reservation , S. D.here . . the now Ih'-ue house Is'locatcd , In strict ac cordance \\lt-i plans and specifications lAhtch may be examined at the olllce of the " 13eo" ot Omaha , Neb. , the Builders & Traders' Exch ingc , Omahn Neb. , nnd at this agency. Tor any additional Informa tion apply to Clins. E. McChtsncy. U. b. Indian Agent. D1S-23 JIM POSTOKKICK MTICK. ( Should bo rend DAILY" by all Interested , ns changes may occur nt any time ) . Foreign mails for the week ending De cember IStb , 1897 , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the General PostolHce as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than clObing time shown below. Triinii-Atluutlc Mnlln. SATURDAY At A ? * n , ' " . 'or " , FRANCE , . , " SWITZERLAND , " TrALY" . SPAIN , PORTUGAL , "TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , 'per s. s. La Gascognc * . via Havre ( letters , or other parts of Eu- rons must be dlicted "per La Gas- cogno" ) ; at S fm. for GENOA , per s. s. Ems ( letters must bo directed "per Ems" ) ; at 9 n. m. ( supplementary lu:30 : a m. ) for EUROPE , per s. a. Umbrla * , via Queenstowrl' ; at 10 a. m. for SCOT. LAND direct , ptu' S , s. Ethiopia , via Glas gow ( letters muStc bo directed "per Ethiopia" ) . ot j PRINTED MATTER. ! ETI7. German steamers talllnsr on Tuesdays lake Printed. Matter , etc. , for Germany , and ) Spool-illy Addressed Printed Matter , etc. . for Other jiarta of Europe. Ameri can and White SUineicamers on Wednesdays , Clermun steamers'1 on Thursdays and Cunard , French nnd German ) steamers on Saturdays take Printed Matler.fetc. . for all countries for which they are aQvertlsed to carry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls numaU adove. additional sup plementary mails ! urci opened on the piers of the American. Enjri'ih ' , French and German steamers , and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of aniline of steamer. MnllH for South mid Central America , West IiiilioN , Etc. SATURDAY At 9:20 : a. m. ( supplementary 10 a. m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CROIX , LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per 3. a. Fontabclle ; at 10 a. m. for FOR TUNE ISLAND , JAMACIA , SAVAN- ILLA nnd GREYTOWN. per s. s. Adiron dack ( loiters for Costa Rica must be di rected "POJ Adirondack" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( sup plementary 10:20 : A. m. ) for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA , per a. s. Holste. i ; at 10:30 : a. m. for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS , TABASCO and YUCATAN , , per s. s. Seneca ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must bo directed "per Seneca" ) ; nt 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND , per steamer from Nortel Sydney. Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by steamer , close at this ofllce dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Mlnuelon , by rail to Boston and thence by steamer close at this ofllce dally ut 8:20 p. m. Malls for Cuba close at this olllce dally at 7:00 : a. m , for furwnrdtnK by steamers Hailing ( Mondays anil Thursdays ) from Port 1 oinpii. Via. Malls for Mexico ice City , oveiland , unless specially addressed for dispatch by atenmer , close nt thin oTlc ( < > dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. "Reelatercd mall closes at 0.00 p. m. previous day. TrniiH-l'nulilc MnllH. Mnllfl for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s. s. City of Peking ( from San Francisco ) , close here dnllv tin to December 12th at 0:30 : p. m. Mails for China nnd Japan , per s. s. Tacoma ( from Tncoma ) , ciloso heic dally up to December M12th nt 0:30 : p. m. Mails for Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to December 2 d at 030 ; p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship TropicBird ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dallv up to December 2."th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China nnd Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s , a. Empress of India ( fiom Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to Decem ber * 27th at 0:30 p. m , Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) , which are forwarded via Europe , Now Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samonn Islands , per s. s. Moana ( from San Fra'nclsco ) , close here dally up to Dceember _ " 31st nt 7 ft. m. , 11 a. m. and 0:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s , s. Campania with British mails for Australia ) , Mulls for Australia ( except Wont Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per s. B. Mloweru ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally after December * ' 31st and up to January 3d at 0:30 : p. m. Trnns-Paclflo mulls are forwarded to port of Balling dally und the schedule of closing is arranced on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit , "ricgljtercd mall closes at C p. m. previous day. Postofllce New York , N. Y , , December 10 , 1S97. CORNELIUS VAN CQTT. Postmaster. HAIMtOADS. CI11CAC10. HOCK ISLAND & 1'Uftflc Ilallroad "The Great lloclr Island Home" City llukbt Ortlce. 1323 Karnom StrMt. Tc'fphone 4iS. Depot , Tenth and Jlaeon Streets. Telephone 123. Leave. Arrhe , Chicago and St. i'"j Veitlbuled JJxpie" " * " < :5 : ( ) P * l'15 Lincoln , Colorado ap'e > Pueblo , Denver1 Und we t s > .t ' t-S : pm 4:2j ChlOKO , Dt Mclne * Ilock Island < > . . , H 7CO : pm 5:16 urn AtUntlc Express , for DCS Maine * ar-5 fait , ern points . . . . . . . . . , u..9 " 7:20 : am 5:35 pm Lincoln. Iftilrtmry fuul HelU'vlllif , . , . & : pm " 10:40 : am Dally. Dally except Punday , WAHABII lUILHOAn TICKET OITICE. JU1' 1 ' Farnsia Street , Trplvom > . : : ! Depjt , Tenth , and Masun Rtiesta.IfK'P'i ' - > n' . 123. I Ixa e. . Arrive , i Bi. Loul "Cunnon D H" Cxprejs . „ . . , „ . . . . , , „ * l:0pm U.3) ) m Dftlly UAH.uuvns. ( ( . 'ontlnucd ) A MlSPOtHU Rl\n ltnilrmd-"T 10 Ilntllntr. ton Houtt * UonPrnt Onircn , N , \V Corner Tenth nnrt 1'nrnnm Stiretii Ticket Olllce , 11W3 Karnatn Street Telephone 2i > . Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Trlcphonn 12 ? . Arrive. 0.35 am CHICAtlO , DttKLIXOTON & Qulncy Itnllroml "The mirl. Burlington hiBton Houte" TlcUet Olllcc , 1V)3 ) rnrnnm Hlrcet , Tcltplnns Route 2 , * > 0. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone US , I eave. Arrive. Vcstitiuled Hx 6.05 pm 7:53 : nm : lt am 4:15 : imi & St. l > iulR Ex 7:50 : pm 7:55 : nm Pacino Junction Local. . U:40 : am 6:40 : pm I-nst Mall . > . . .t 8:60 : pm Dally. Dallr except Sunday KANSAS CITV. t > T. JOSI3PH He Council tllulTn Rnlliond "Thu llurllnnton Houtc" _ - Ticket Olllce , ISO * Parnam Unlltn Street. Telcphor. , . 560 Depot , nUllID Tenth nna Mmon Streets. Tele , phune 12S.r r cavc. Arrive , Kansas City Day Ex. . . . ace : nm 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night r.x. . M0:0) err < iSU : tun CIIICAC10. SI1. PAUL , JttNNB npolii & Omnhn llnllwn\ OtnciBl oillccn , Nobriskn III- vision. Fifteenth and \\Vhster Ftrecls. City Ticket OHlce , 01 ratnam Street. Tele"h no , [ jcpot. Flttcenlh andV < bster Strectf. Telephone. H5S. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. Sr : o am SSSO pm Slonx City Accommodn. ' 9:60 : am 8 SO pm IJInlr , nmcrson. Sioux City , I'oncn. llattlng- : tunn and nloomOeld. . * 1:00 : pm " 11B5 : am Sioux CHv. Mnnkato , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . " uuj ! pm 0:10 : am nmersjn Passenstr B:10 pm " SMS am Dally. > .Dully , except Sunday. Rundiy only. . This train stops nt stations Florence to So. lllalr , Inclusive. Sundajs only ; on week dnyn So. Dlalr only. , FRKMONT , ELKHORN A Nil Mlswmrl Valley Hnllnay Ccn oral oniccs. United Stnti" ? No lliiiin ! Har.l : Handing , South west Corner Tnelfth and Far- nnm htre U. Ticket Otllcc 1401 rnriinra Street. Telephone , Ml. Dfpnt Fifteenth and Webiter Street * . Telephone. 1IM Leave. Arrive 5:00 : piE Hosting York , Davli City , Superior Geneva. Exeter and Sevvanl. . . . 3:00 : pm E 00 pm Norfolk West Point and Fremont " 7.55am " 10:23 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and _ M 10:25 : am ' ' ' ' Fremont Lo'c'al' . * " 7:50 .im Dally. Dally except Sundny. Sundn\ only. " Dally ' .xccpt Saturday. Xlcndav. CHICAGO & NOnTlIWCSTIJHN llallnay City Ticket Oincc 1401 rarnnm Street. Telephone 6C1. Depot , Tent and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Artlvc Ml'i-ourl Valley , Sioux City , St. and Minneapolis * 5:40 : am 10:43 pm Missouri Vulley , Sioux City 7:30 : am 8:03 : pm Dennlson , Cnnoll , Wall 7.M am 9:05 : pm Eastern Kxpress. DCS Molnes Marshilltovvn , Cedar P-nplda. Chicago * 10:43 : nm 4:10 pm AtUntlP n > er. Chicago nnd Kast . * 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pm Past Mull , Chicago to Omaha . 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Piul Minne apolis Limited . 5:15 : pm ' 9.30 am Omnha-ChlcnKO Special. 0:30 pm ' sl > am Dally. Dally excep' SunJay SIOUX CITY , * PACIFIC RAIL- rend Oeneia' ' Olllees United States National Hank Build- Ins , SV Corner Twelfth and rarnam Stieets Ticket Oillce , 3401 Farnnm Street. 'relepnone 501. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Stieets. Tele phone 145S. Leav ° . Arrive. Sioux C I y. Mankato. St. Paul Minneapolis . . . . 5:35 : pm 9.10 am Dilly. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVEU- land Route" General Oftlces. N. E. Corner Ninth and rurn.im Streets. City Ticket Onice , IMS Tarnam Street. Telephone 310 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake , western points . . . . . . . . > 8:20 : 4:45 : pm Past mall train for Denver , Salt LaUe , Paclllo coast and all western poln'B 3:30 : pm 10.20 nm Lincoln , JleatrlcR ani Stromsbure Express . . 5.00 pm 12:20 : pm Keainey Express rCO : pm 12:20 : pm - - uu j * uauy. uuiiy CAVUJH. Council Illufts I ocnl Leaves 5:40 : n. m : 6.50 a. m ; 7:30 : a. m.l S:25 a. m. : 10:43 : a , m. ; 2:15 : p. m , 4:30 : p m. ; 6:55 : p. m. Arrives , C:20 a. m. ; 7il n. m ; 8 a in. : 9:25 : a. m : 11 30 a. m. , 3:10 : p. m , 5:49 : p. m. : 9:05 : p. m. ; 10:43 : o. m. . _ _ CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. r" " > c-- Pnul Rallvvay City Ticket JlMittiiiisrr ) Otllce. 1504 Farnam Street. /MILWAuKEEl Telephone 2S4. Depot , Tenth / * ' sa I nnd Mason Streets. Telephone & &UL 12S- iti/ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5:43 : pin 8:05 am Omaha and Chicago Ex * 11:00 nm 1:50 : pm * Dally. MISSOURI PACIPIC RAILROAD General Olllces and Ticket O'tlc ? , Merchants National Bank Bulldlns , 1224 Fainam Street. Telephone 101. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster S rests. Tetephonj 145S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas" and Nebraska Limited 3:05 : pm * 12:55 : pm Kansna City and St. LDU | Expres 9:30 : pm 6.00 am Nebraska Local 4:30 pm 9:4o : ara Dally. Dally except Sunday. KUM1S TO THY IIIAII/IIOAD CAbKS. Oiivcrnor Io - Will IliilHe S iu < > un < l AUoi-iie > Will Wiill. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. . Dec. 17. ( Special. ) Govcmof Lee haa agreed to raise $1,000 for the uao oC-tho State Railway commission , and Attorneys Null.4aml . Temple have offered to conduct the cases without compensation , ex cept for 'personal expenses until the legisla ture meets. The commission haa on hand $ G50 , which has been drawn for the payment of attornejB , hut which will now bo used for expenses , the ottorneyn agreeing to wait. There are eight cases to ho tried , but the commission has decided to lake up but one , that against the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. As the other cases resemble this , the commission expects to win all If it wins this. No testimony will be taken In the other cases. Under Judga Garland's ruling the railroad companies will bo compelled to pay all expenses of the master's court while Intro ducing testimony , even vvhllo the state Is cross-examining the road's witnesses. This ruling will reduce the expected expenditure somewhat. _ KniiMiiM Olllrcr firlH HlH Mini. CHICAGO , Dec. 17. John If. Shevlln made a determined but futile attempt to avoid extradition to Kansas yesterday. Ho Is wanted In Topelfa on two charges of larceny. Deputy Sheriff J. J. Halsh of Topeku came to ChicaKo with requisition papers to tnk'o him back to the Sunllower state. After some legal snasa had been overcome Deputy Sheriff Halsh nrrpsted Shevlln , plactd him In a cmriago und was driven rapidly to the Polk street depot , Attorney Wade hastened to Judge Ghet- luln'B court and procured forthwith a writ of habeas corpus. Deputy Sheriff Solomon went to the I'olk street de-pot to Intercept Deputy Sheriff aialsh nnd hla prisoner , but the Knnsu ollleer had departed on a Bantu Fe train vvlth Bhevlln. l for AiHniiKliiK a Girl , ST. LOUIS , Dec , 17. A special to the Post-Dispatch from lilrmlnghnm , Ala , , say. ) : 13Ud Heard , aged 14 , colored , was ihanged at Carrolton , Plckens county , at noon today , Carrolton la reached only by telephone lines , which ari > down , and the governor this morning- refused to rein love and thuro In no doubt that the boy suffered tlio death penalty , although private advices are tihu only source of Information to that effect , Ilnlrd assaulted the S-year-old daughter of Ben Crocker , a "Keform , Ala. , farmer , ( Milbliiui I'ulV flciirx Ilie He-nil , Do your hen 4 nche ? Ha\c you pain * over i.jur evcis' . ' In ( her u ror.sliint drop ping | .i tnrthTMt ? H the bieoth orfcnulvo ? Tlicsc ore. ctrtnln jm ; > ioma of citarrh. Dr. Agnew's Ca'.arrl'n' 1'ovvder will euro nint mubborn twif In n m rvelou ly ehort tlm . If you've had Cii'anli a tt-tk. is IE nut" cine. If Iff of " > > oir8' m.-inillnn IliV Jui-i in elft Hve.Kuhn & fo. , 13th InnJ lUtiKlo * ' , Herman & McComtcll Uru Co , , ir-13 REDUCING DAKOTA'S ' DEBT Chopping Down the Amount that the State Owes , CUT DOWN THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND Stnlo TrfiiuioiflK'i III * Anniiul lit port with ( lie ( I over n or MnltcM a Klnl Slum In M ; * HUHON , S. I ) . . Doc. 17. ( Special. ) Hon. Kirk 0. Phillips , state treasurer , tins sub mitted hla report for tlio fiscal jear ending Juno 30 , 1S97 , to Governor Leo ( or examina tion. It contains n tabulated statement of the business ot the treasurer's ofllco anil shous that the flnnnclal condition ot the state Is Htendlly Improving and tlint the public IndDbtedness Is gradually decreasing. In Ms letter ot tranemlttal , .Mr. Phillips saja : At the oominenrement of Hit * fiscal yenr , July 1. UW , the state hud outstanding anil unp-im revenue or funding wurrnntt to the nmotint ot t250uoo. which constituted the entire floating Indebtedness of the Mtntu. At the end ot the yenr , Juno 30 , 1897 , the stnto hiul oulstundlnij utnnld revenue or funding warrants ninountlnrr to $ T6(00 , which constitutes t'hc ' entire floating Indebt edness or the mute. Knowing iv net reduc tion of $175,000 since the commencement of the flscn.1 year , besides having paid the expenses of the legislature for 1S97 , Mnroh 27 , 1S97 , nn Issue of revenue or funding war rants to tlio amount of Ji..WO was mndo to meet the current expense' * of the state. These warrants will be due January 1 , 183S , for the payment ot which arnulu prepara tion Ima been made. Should the revenues of the elate continue to como Into the treasury as promptly as during the past two years , the- state will not bo compelled to ISEIIO any more warrants llko those referred to , and Mr , Phillips bo- lleveo that In a short time the state will be In such condition that temporary loans will not be necessary. The Interest on the bonded Indebtedness has been promptly pild and during tlio jcar the following stale bonds have been redeemed : HONDS REDEEMED. May 1 , $25,000 5 per cent bonds Issued for the Normal school at SpMrflsh ; J12.000 G per cent bond ? Issued ! qr the- School of Deaf Mutes at Sioux Palls , May 1 , 1893 , and $1G.OOO bearing same rate of Intcresl and Issued for the same school July 1 , 18S5 , $30.000 C per cpnt bonds Issued for the State university at Vermilion : $20000 G per cent bonds Issued for the State Agricultural col lege at Brooking" , July 1 , 188r > ; $13,000 i ! per cent bonds Issued for the Madison Noi- inal school , July 1 , 1S85 ; $10,000 C per cent bonds Issued for the School of Mines at Rapid City , July 1 , 1885 This iwikes a net reduction of tbo bonded Indebtedness ol $12GGOO , leaving a. total bonded IndebtGdncni of ? 1,011COO. Of the bonds redeemed $101.600 bore G per cent Interest per annum , anil $25,000 bore G per cent Ily this redemption the Interest reduction Is. $7,34G Of the re maining herded Indebtedness. $99.000 bears 5 per cent Interest per annum ; $322,600 bear 4V6 per cent ; $302,500 bear 4 per cent ; $227- . - Mr. Philips says It will ho his policy to reduce the bonded Indebtedness as rapidly as the funds accumulate , nnd he expects to re deem nil the 5 per tent bonds , amounting to $99,000 , ilurlns the ensuing year. At this time there Is duo the state In taxes from counties $411,220.18 , and while It ih true that the financial condition of the state Is Improving , It Is n matter for regret that the revenue laws are no more efficient for the prompt collection of taxes. Hefenlng to the revenue derived from liquor licenses , he expresses the opinion that funds from this source v111 amount to about $50,000 per jear. As only a small ft action , of these licenses -were collected the past. ' fiscal > ear , the amount given In his report is small , only $2 91G.C7. Mr. Phillips also sa > s banks are prompt In giving monthly statements of state funds In their possession , as required by the act of the legislature of 1895 , and- adds that the- law , In his opinion , Is a very vvlso one ; all re ports from banks are comprehensive , show ing the transactions with the treasurer the preceding month and the amount due the state at the close of each day's business. These , \ \ Ith the sworn statements of the auditor and treasurer , serve to give the gov ernor a full statement of the financial condi tion of the state and at the same time they act as a check upon the treasury department. llnnlc Dciioiltt luerenxo. SIOUX PALLS , S. D. , Dec. IT. ( Special. ) Public Examiner Marls Taj lor has Just com pleted his leoort ot the condition of the 158 state and private banks on July 10 , ISO" , or lather , he has Just aggregated and published the statement. It shons that the deposits increased $930,307 from June 6 , 1SOG , to July 10 , 1897 , The deposits on the > Ulo Mat ntiine\ were $1,274 , OH. The next M.Ucmcmt , which In not yet ready for publication , will mdko an oven better showing than this. m.uiii : > i.A * nMsisu co.vi , MI.MO. South Dnlioln OlrlVlio Novrr Dn > lllTlit Until Ton Your. ( ) | , | . SIOUX ITALLS. S. U. , Dec , 17Al the Children's homo In ( his city la n joiiny girl who was born In a coal mine , as vvera also her piruils , nnd who ncvtr saw tlm ptinllfiht iratll she Mas 10 years of agt. At thnt time her parents died , anil nn undo brought her to thla country. A few dny.i sa she VVMS aahpJ by Superintendent SJicrrard to write an account of her life In the KK- Kllsh mlno and this Is the "campciltlon" ha wrote In respoitno to th.it request : Hear KrlrmlH ! AH t was born In nn Kng- IMi co.tl mine I will try nml toll you some. inlng nbout howe llvul umlorRioiiml. Ot poursu thee thliiKsJ will seem str.in e to Tljo , HMt ten yen ra of my life I never saw tlnyllRh . nnd If my father nnd mother jm.l . not died perhniw I never vvouiu lm\i known Mnt the iiUiisuri'i of diyllght wrrc. Tim hotijcs i down Ihoro nrt. not llko the liomi'i of blotix I'-iill , the hou8i-a tnero nre built of r-onl. They tire not ixtpertil , The stove-t nro iltifr out ftom the wrtIN , The children thete so to school nnd chuntri the tcuno the children of America do , but they don't hiivo the nice sunllRht that they do here. They nlvrnjn 1m vo Faillght. Tie itrerts nn of coal Insteiul ot stone or oitrth. I will tell you the munei of soinu of tip towna underground : Unkind , t'entnnz , 1'ensllni nnd Leymlll. When WP mine out of tin ? mlntl wo had tp climb InddersIt , took us four hourM , so you ciin lmngim > how fur tindcreround we were. The first time wo crossed the ocean wi wore blindfolded ; when wo crossed the Paclllc oci-in wo weio moro uied to tihu light. The chnlrs down there nro made of old boxes. The tlosia uro not carpeted nml the tnlilrs nre niudo of boxes. They do not know whnt oarpoN are down Ihere I remember when wo nsked our friends where the ualibiKu nnd potatoes cnnio ftom they would tell us they found tihcm 'In n hltf pit. Down there the boys and slila work the same ns the men du bete. W'jen ' we cnnie out of the mlno we saw snow on the nrouml , but did not know wlmt It w 11. My little brother called It salt , i rememlrr how he asked his nuntlo for a cup to gut some Nilt , and when we touched It you ought to hiive heard us scream , H wasn't so cold as It N lucre. I cari see bolter In the dnrk than 1 can In the light. We en joyed out selves down In the mine , hut after wo ciuuo out and seen the wet Ido would not go back there ngaln. My mother and father were born down In the mine nnd got mart led down In the in lie , and they me burled down In the mine , so you can see how some people In t hH world have to live. I hnvo oftfii s.ilil since we have been out thnt wo weie burled alive , and Home-times people tell mo they nre going to take me back to the coul mlnc-i again. And now my uncle and auntie are none back to Afilca again. 1 was In Africa \\ben the oxp'oslon wis , nnd I will tell you how It happened. There were two carlo Ida of dynamite setting on the tinrk and thi > man that wns to unload It did not do It , so the p.tssengfr tinln came up anil the sparks from trto engine lit on tlio cam of dynamite and blew 4CO pnssenceis to pieces and blew the town down In a pit. Wo lived six miles away fiom the ralliotd and a large stone broke In out front window. We , hnd Just taken the b.ibv out of the cindlo two minutes before , if vve hnd not he would have liten killed. After the ex plosion you could go to any part ot .Io- hannosburK nnd pick up a dead bodv And now my uncle and nuiitle are gone b.uU ti > Afilca again. lil.sci | > | ) nl Cliiireh HtirinMl , HOWARD. S. D. , Dc.c. 17. ( Special ) -\t 3 p. m , Wednesday , wlllittho wind blonlni ; a flfty-mllo giile , tbo Episcopal church \\ai discovered to bo on nre. T.ie fire started In the basement , where the licatlns apparatus \vos located and spreading under the tin - orou'.id the basement , which was not the f I size of the building , reaction the side \\All , where a strong draft carried It qulcll > i > the roof , between the lath and sliEa'lilnj TJO firemen weio unable to reach It , and in twuitj minutes all hope of saving the builJ- Ing way abandoned. It burred to the ground In aio hour. The ptopcrty was \\orih .l 000. It v\as Insured for $1,500 In the Hartford. Thu building was compamtlvelj nw , having been finished and consecrated less than two years ago. The lor.3 falls heavily on the parish , which is a small cue. It las struggled through adversity to build and furnish a creditable church. It Is not probablp ihat any attempt will bo made to rebuild before spring. DoiitliN of n Day. CHEYENND , Wyo. . Dec. n.-'Mll'on ' G. Hcno , aged 36 , Into United States signal cb- server here , died last night of consumption. Mr. Hcno has been In the signal service for tie past ten years , coming here from the Philadelphia station In August , 1S9C , In the hopes -of regaining his heal til. Ho was ono of the most clllclont ofllcers In the signal service. It Is easy to catch a cold and just as ossv to get rid of It If you commence early > jt i-so Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia ncd all throat and lung troubles , It Is pleasaul t take , safe to use and turn to cure. CLOTH WALKING COiTUMIJ PKOAl HARPER'S RA2AR Tiio present aim of the dressmakers ijnd talloru li apparently to make up plain cloth gowna moat elaborately. That In , the lines are tialg- and severe , while tbo trimming Is as odd eu jxwslble. One of tfco most unique eowns In of doth , made with a round klrt fitting to perfection over the hips , sud while much narrower than soy ot Hat year's atylea , still llarlng out about the foot. U has a wide and what might bo called o bold trimming of bands ot velvet of a mut i dtoper eharte lot Into the cloth and finished with bands ol clotii on cither eldo. The patterli goes down Into a point In front , but up nearly to tbe bell at tbo back. The Jacket U short aud tight- fittog ! and haa < be amo style of Dimming put en the revert , with unothar band Ju t above Iho walit. The Bleeve , of mellum lzo , bavo a bond Jimt btlow Hie top and another around the wrUt. The gown U almply. yet need * to bo carefully built , aud a tut paper inttcrr. of It. skirt. aUt ted ilceves U lulled by Hurper'a Bazar , where U appears. The coat J cut wllh a very lilgh collar of the coth | , which Jurns over Hi o vAlua paints , aud Ihese poltiU are faoed with tup ilarU velvet. Tlio bat Is decidedly odd-a tolt felt with 4he crown dcoted lu and brim bound wllh iik , a baud ot vulyot orabrolaered jn steel , apd at ttiu left Me * omo long plum .