MMM 2 THE OMAJJA BAXLY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER K ? , 1897. Omaha. 12-15-97. here with the throng Naturally and with the best of reasons the steps of the discriminat. ng buyers of gifts tend toward this store. The certainty of finding the substantial , season m able and sensible things sought is , we presume , the predominating influence , and then there is that comfortable feeling that buying here is always safe that prices are right and that frowns never meet the returning customer who is not quite satisfied. All of these have an influence. The crowds are here and are welcome. Agents for McCairs Bazaar Patterns roc ana ic no highc\ LACES ttf -f LJICOS of ovcrj descrip tion for Christinas work. < ! Valoncl- ' ) cnncHln " and Imltiitlon nil widths , plain nnd dotted foatlnjr : Cotton Luces In oream nnd white ! Bilk Ibices , Chiffons , etc. OSTRICH BOAS Don't fall to BOO our line before buying - 20-Inch Ostrich Doaa from $2.50 to $0.oT cnch. Longer lloas In higher prices , up to J17.00 each. \Vo ulso have black I'lnmauo Hoas , 4o InchcH lone at 75c , $1.00 and Jl.W each. CORSETS "W. B.No. 410 mtulo of Cou- f tlllo , with Biitccn strlpos in White ana Drab ; also in fast Hlnuk ; of lasting cloth ; White lined ; lijncd buat ; two wida stcols ; double busk ; handsomely lleascdulllt edging ut $1.00 ouch. CHRISTMAS To assist you BA ( iAINS IN THE in rr. a k 1 n ye CLOAK DEPARTMENT yoiu1 ClM'lst- m u s bolco- tlona , we iitimo some very decided bar- pains in out1 Clouk Dopurtmont ovoi y Item is much bulow its value. 20 CHILmiKN'S HERITOR Coats , slzo C to 8 yours , the last of our Immense slick , ono price : to close , $1.73 each. 1C FINK FLUSH CAI'HS. beautifully embroidered with jot and lirnla , tdtnmcd with fur , plaited back , Chtlst- nras price , $5.00 each , worth double. MISSES'JACKKT3 , sizes H. 1C. IS years. You will Ilnd s'lmo rare bnrpuinn In this line. Wu luivo them nt $1,75 und $3CO , worth $3.00 , $8.00 arid J10.W ) . UNDERWEAR Ladies' Ribbed Swiss Veals and Punts in mixed wool nnd. cotton , 75o each. Ladles' Natural Wool Itlblied Vests and Pants , Jl.CO each. Ladles- all Wool Sc.irlet Underwear , fl.OO n garment. Ladles' Kxtra Flno Fleeced lined garments - monts , 60c each , open or cloned pants. Ladles' mixed Wool nnd Cotton combi nation suits , $1.00 each. Ladles' Fleeced lined Vests and Pants , very nice quality , 2Jc each. KID For the Holiday Season Wo GLOVES are showing u roinurknblu ' line of Gloves for all occasions - casions for ladies , gentlemen and chil dren A read kid sbln Glove nt $1.00 Per pair. The latest Paris novelties In embroidered Kid Gloves. The correct 1'lquu Kid Gloves , In all the newest and most fashionable styles and coloring , tor street wear. The now liousquolalro Gloves In Kid , 12 , 10 und 20 button length , for recep tion and evening wear. The newest liovelty In white plaoo Kill Gloves\vlth jewel hooka ami embroid ered to match the j wols. All the latoat styles and highest qualities In .Men's Kid and Leather Gloves , for iitreet , dress nnd rldlnir. All at most attractive prices. or a demurrer or some specific writ or ac tion presented to the court oa which a ruling could bo based , "Thereupon Mr. Hall , aa attorney for the pollco board , aiked tbit the case be post poned ) until yesterday morning , In order thst ho might examko the showing that was on nli\ and make such showing aa ho might desire , rod be prepared to argue the motion for a temporary injunction. | "Ycetcrday morning , when this case WES called ; at the time appointed Mr. Hall ap peared hero very 'briefly and stated that h3 had been Instructed by th'o pollco board to take uo further action In the case and to make no further appearance 'a court except to Mate to the court that they Instiled upon their .plea to the jurisdiction of the court. Thereupon ho withdrew from the court room and left theoiso to be argued and prownted by the attorney for The IJeo Publishing com- pany. That was done. Thu case was submit ted to the court. It was taken Under advleo- incnl uatll this morning. "Throe proceedings up to this point are rather remarkable. Here Is the pollco bord of the city of Omaha asked by a proper writ to come Into the court .ind ir.uke a showing. It Illcu an answer , sets up a lot of matters , end tlieu at llio last moment abandons them n'.l , except the plea of jurisdiction , and Its attorney walks out of court , does aot argue the plea to the court , nor does not state on what grounds they c'alm that tholr pica icstj. It may be a proper way for a litigant to use a court , but tn my judgment U Is jiot right ( or thess. If these defendants haie any rights hcra. It Is their duty to aw 1st the court In determining what those rlghta are , BLAME HRSTS WITH THEM. "Now , I have tnhcn this ease- under ad visement , and examined the pleadings ami the evidence , and am going to decide the bolt I can. If there Is any m't-tako made in thh case oil against this pollco board , or ngalnat the World-Herald , It Is the duty of theao people to lay the blame upon them- Bolvc.i and mot upon the. court. "Now , then , what Is thu issue in this case ? I want to say at the outset that It oenia that ( his police board , in collusion with this newspaper , Im-o done everything they could to 'befog the kauea of tlib can ? , , and to deceive the people of this community In regard to what they arc , "Yesterday morning the Morning World- ' Herald comes out with the statement , 'LI- I censjB board stone's pat. Will rralst en croachment upon Its powers iclatlng to the 1 granting of ejlooni licenses. ' Now tbit state ment Is absolutely and unqualifiedly false , eo far as the' Ionics In this case arc can * 1 corned. This court has not been aeked to ' Interfere with tills board In any way , chape or manner , with reference to the Issuing of saloon licenses , and If such a request had be on , made It would have been refused abso lutely end unequivocally without any hesi tation. "What Is the Question In this case ? Sec tion ot chapter 1 , relating to liquor licenses , provldea that no action shall bo taken upon such application ( relating to tha application HANDKER CHIEFS Every desirable quality for raon , women nnd eli I Id run , from medium to the very finest linen Hnal Duchosse and Point Lace Hand- kerchiefs. . Initial , Hemstitched and Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs. ( At 23o each. The largest line wo have over shown In women's all linen em broidered and hemstitched handker chiefs , z 23c each for Initial Handkerchiefs for men und women , all linen , hand em- „ broldcrcd Initial. Men's White SHU Hemstitched Handker chiefs at 25c , 60c and Too each. WOOL DRESS GOODS Jinny a fllQQ Call bo brifiht- onud on Christmas morning for a moro trifle of cost briitht- onod to sttiy when instcuil of n trinket you can buy stioh n sensible jrift in the wtiy of u dross pattern - torn for a moro trillu. Three great bar gains. IHC , HEDUCED FROM SOC AND 40C. Standard Roods , and little prices , they nro nil this season's goods , good styles und uholce colors. 33C , REDUCED FROM ! -IOC. These handsome cheviot checks are very now nnd stylish , the check la not larjic. beautiful quality for children's , and misses' school dresses. ToC , KEDUCED FROM -IOC. Mixed cheviots or mingled novelties , you would call them cheap at We , but for Christmas selllnR the price we have marked tlionrvi'i hurry them " * Uomo early to a\9id b la ; a GENTLEMEN'S Wo have just ton SILK SMOKING Japanese silk ZA.CKET5 , $4.00 Smoking Jaukots , embroidered , which wo will close at1.00 each. HOLIDAY For the Christmas table , era LINENS a gift for a friend , these splendid Linens will bo satisfyin Nothing loss than best would be iv wonder that wo can-say buch "r " ' prices , _ * - ' * " * " " " Dinner Set _ - * * - Blpavhrtl Dnmask Table cloth , GSxM Inches , and one dozen napkins , 20 Inches , to match , $3.W a set. Hemstitched Bleached Damask Table cloth. C-lxSO Inches , J3.50 each. Hnnduomo Cameo Quilts In blues and pink. ! , J2.2J each. FiliiROd Quilts ! for metal bedsteads , J3.CO , J3.60 and $ J.OO each. of the liquor dealer for a license ) , until at least two weeks' notice ot thu filing ot the same , hes been glvca by publication- a newspaper published In said county , having the largest circulation therein. Then the statute goes on to provide : 'If there 'bo ' no newspaper it may bo done by posting notices , ' otc That Is the only provision that , I car. nnd In this chapter relating to this question of the publication of notices. The . statute says explicitly that It must bo In a 1 ttuwsaaper liavlns the largest circulation. ] But the statute does not give to any court or police board or anybody , except a liquor dealer himself , the right to say what news paper hns the largest circulation , when the publication begins. * BOARD HAS NO AUTHORITY. "Our supreme court , In the case of Plnzenscham , which was an appeal from the liquor license board , tiled before the district court when I was on the criminal bench. Is affirmed by the supreme court , and that ques tion was decided In that case , and I will read the syllabus , the third paragraph : 'A license board has no authority to designate the newspaper In which the publication of such uotico shall ho made , ' "Now , I say that the statute In express terms docs not Klvo this pollco board any authority In advance to designate what news paper publication shall bo made In , and the supreme court have said that they have no such authority. "Now , It seems to ma , and It has alwaya sccnud to mo , that a nawspapor that Is good enough to publish the notlco for the sale of the property of the people In this judicial district U Rood enough to publish a liquor license In , but that did not seem to have been the Intention of the legislature , for they have not pro vided that theao notices may bo published la a legal newspaper , but In ono newspaper , and that newspaper having the largest cir culation. Now , then , I suppose the object of that was , cs has been stated , namely , that on application for a liquor license shall have as wide a notice as possible , and I sup pose and I believe that that was the Inten tion of the legislature. Now , then , any man , or any body of men , wh6 dealro to comply with the law of this state , will see , eo farce co ho la concerned , that his notice , or that liquor notices are put In the paper having the largest circulation , because that was the Intent of the legislature , and this llconso board , the Hoard of Flro and Pollco Com- in lua Ion era , by their own plea , are the ones that are interested In having the notices put In the paper of the largest circulation , . so1 that they can hear all the protests that nny bo brought HEalust the Issuance of 11- * censes. "Now , then , I state hero , thnt the Issue In this case la not whether the question of which paper has the largest circulation nhall bo determined as to the validity of a license thnt may bo Issued or may be refused , but the question In thla case. IB whether or not thlo circulation shall bo passed upon by this court as a Jurladlctloiul matter tor the- excrclno of equity power. "Tho functions of the board , as I under- MEN'S FURNISHINGS Silk Suspenders just the thinr ; for a gift and our line was never m o r o complete. Hand embrotdurod satin buipeiulur.s cold p 1 a t o il buckles , iMn pair. Fancy plaid nnd figured silk , suspenders , gold platted bucUtes , 72.25 a pair. Fancy silk suspenders , with solid silver bucklen , $2,75 n pair. Fancy silk suspenders with solid silver buckles , $1.75 a pair. Fancy crochet nuspenders , kid ends , black , white , navy , maroon , light blue and Unlit green , $1.X ( > a pair. Plaid silk suspenders , ) l,25 a pair. Plain black shutln suspenders , Jl.OO , J1.50 nnd $2.00 a pair. Plain white satin suspenders , $1,00 a pair. Men's cotton suspenders , 25c , COc , 7Jc nnd $1.00 a pair. HOSIERY Wo have just received a vsry nicn line of Ladies' Silk Hose in Black and plain colors Pine Silk Black hose , with high spliced heel and double toe , $2CO pair. Also a very nlco spun silk Hose In black only 31.GO. In nil sizes. WOOL The most beautiful Yarns for YARNS for knlttinir , orouholing and fancy work are to bo found in our stock. Have you scon our Astrachan Wool yarns. Wo have some colors left that we close out at 2Jc per skoln , former price 75c. Our Starlight Spanish yarn makes dura- bio mittens nnd gloves for children , 20c per ukoln. Fleur do LIs Floss Is silk anil worsted : exquisite for fine work and novelties , lOo per skein. Try our Lmly Grey yarn , It Is beautiful for line fancy work , 20c per skein. Our Utopia Ice wool Is the tlnest In the land , lOc per ball. FANS Acceptable Holiday Gift a superb absorttnnnt of Hand Painted and Spangled Fans , mounted on bone , shell , pearl , ivory and ebony sticks , in black , white and colors. Hand Painted Fans , mounted on beau tiful sticks , from $1.00 up to $15,00 e.ach- NOTIONS , Venro " showing a very hamlsomo line of ladies' Fancy Gurtan ; , beautifully made up wiin bows and buckles each pair conical in a separate btix at 25c , 50c , T5c , SI.00 and 91.25 per pair. ' Ladles' fancy side elastics , -newest pat- turns , at 25c , EOc nnd 7Dc per pair. We also have a very nice line of fancy garter elastic by the yard at 20c , 25c and 35c. stand them , are Judicial. When a liquor dealer applies for a license , It Is the duty of the beard to consider hla explication , to look at his service of notice by publi cation , to hear any protest , and take evi dence In the matter , and paes upon the whole question , and grant him or refuse him a llcer.t-e , and It seems to me that that Is a Judicial function , and one ot the things to bs decided by them Is , uhon they grant or refuse a license , Is the question of whether or not a proper notice has heed' published , ccd In my Judgment a board that acts Judi cially has no right , 'before ' any application for license Is made , to determine that ques tion without a hearing. BOARD'S KX PARTE PROCEEDING. "Now , this board , Ini this case , did not wait until a liquor dealer presented his , application for a license and then take his testimony ; they did not call In all the news papers ot tills city , as they ought to have done. If they were going to have a hearing and give all these newspapers a chance to show their circulation , It they so desired , and to obtain this prlatinjj If they could es tablish tholr claim to having the largest circulation. But , so far as appears to th& couit , without notlco to anybody , unless It bo to the World-Herald , they pissed a resolution elution which , In a legal effect , plainly des ignates the newspaper In which these mo- tlces shall be published , and t'.v/s to the liquor dealers ot this city , 'It you don't pub lish your uotico In that now papar you dco't get your license , because wo , as a board , notify you now that on the action that was taken by the pollco board two years ago wo bellovo tbit the World-Herald now has tha largest oliculatlon.1 "Tho Dee Publishing' comrany comes Into tttd court nnd says 'Wo are a newspaper , wo claim to have the largest circulation of any newspaper In this county and In this city ; wo claim thnt we have a prop erty right In the publication of thcso notices and that this board has not given us a hearing ; tbit wo have not hnd an op portunity to present the question of our . circulation ; that thera U no Issue before this board for determination when this resolution' Is passed ; that this lesolutlon works us an Injury In the obtaining of these licenses for publication ; that It U a valuable privilege to publish thcso licenses for the- legal fees , We ask that this board bo restrained from proceeding any further Llttlo Girl the Victim of Impure Blood Suffered Intensely Until Hood's Sarsaparllla Cured. "When three months old , my llttlo' ' daughter had eruptions on her face. , I was obliged to keep her hands tied at night and it was necessary to watch her during the day. She would scratch her- eoll whenever nho got the chance , until her clothes would bo covered with blood. Wo concluded to try Hood's Harenpurllln , because I had great faith in It , and after nwhilo wo could see that flho was getting better , People often nskeil 'How did that child burn her face ? ' and they said eho would certainly bo lolt with scars , but Bho was not. It is now a year since aha was cured by Hood's ' Bnraaparllla and bar face is as smooth and white and soft as that of any child. " Mns. WiLBtm WELLS , Warren , Conn. N , B. Do sure to got Hood's because Mood's SarsapariHa Is the best-In fact the Ono Truu lllood 1'iiriDcr. Bold by all druggists. Si ; six for S. Cllro IJver 15' | | to , eajy EJI ' r ni > HOOd'S. PHIS UJteoasyUoiiurato.vto. under the rosolullort * which thor hove pub lished ; from InlorffOng with The IJee In Ha solicitation ot business In publishing thcso licenses. ' - - DDK HAS ArtnOPEUTY RIGHT. "Now. as I siy1,1 rAavo not hadr nil the advlco In this c BOrperhaps , that I ought to have , but I recollect somewhere , and I bellovo authorUlcA1 ckn bo found that a statute like that'trtifers a property right. This statute saya-lthot the notlco shall bo published In the p pr having the largest circulation. The legislature not only Intended - tended by that ntatuie that the applicant for a liquor license should go to the paper having the largest circulation , but that the paper should liavp the right to publish It because that rapor. would give It the widest publicity. Now , then , whether they In- twidcd thht OP not , 'the cffoct of the Rtatuto Is to confer upon the newspaper having the largest circulation the exclusive right to publish these notices ; It Is valuable and It Is a property right. As I say , I cannot cite this morning any authorities upon thnt proposition , but I have a dis tinct recollection of coming across siich authorities some years ago , and I nm satlfled I could find thorn It I had the op portunity to search. "So then The lleo Publishing company comes Into this court -with a property right , and they ask that thnt property right bo protected. Now , then , hero Is a question ot jurisdiction , as I understand It , from \Mr. \ Hall's statement , when ho was skirmishing around the edges of this case. It Is ad mitted hero , by Mr. Hall , for the pollco board , that the police board had no power to designate the newspaper. That Is ad mitted. It Is admitted that two years ago , In January , the pollco board did take that power upon themselves and did say that the Dally World-Herald hod the largest circulation , and It Is admitted that this present police board adopted a resolution , standing upon that finding which was made two years ago. And now , then , It Is argued to me , and I admit that I felt humiliated to have a lawyer innko such a proposition tome mo , but It was done here. It was argued to mo that the finding that the World-Herald In 1S96 or U9J , as the case may be , January , 1SD6 , hnd the largest circulation at that time , was an adjudication that It had the largest circulation at this time , and that this court and the pollco board were bound by such a finding as that until It was re versed or set aside. QUESTION FOR TODAY. "Now , then , It Is not a question of what the circulation of these papers was In 1898 , In January. The question for our liquor license applicant today to determine Is. what Is the circulation of the papers today. Which Is the one now In which ho Is to publish hla notice or proposes to publish his notlco , has the largest circulation ? That Is the ques tion , and the II nil Ing by a police board of two years' ago , which was made without any authority whatever , as to what the circula tion at that time was , did not bind anybody , not even this -police board or this court , as to the circulation of the newspapers at the present time. "Now , to allow the good faith of that pica , let us suppose for a moment that two years ago the pollco beard found The Dee had the largest circulation , do you suppose that this present pollco beard , by their attorney , would come Into court and say they were bound by that finding ? Not for a minute. In my Judg ment the pea was.ljot made In good faith , It was not a lawyer like oka to make to a court of the dignity of a , district court , and I felt Indignant to thlnk'jtbat.n lawyer would come In here and presume ! that this court did not know any more ot law Jhan not to be able to distinguish the fallacy and foolishness of that klcid of a pica. KOW , , then , It Is said the Jurisdiction of this coujt , thr.t this court has uo Jurlsdicton ot the CIBO ; If the police board had no authority todctcrmino , what newspaper the license should he flubllshod-Iiirtnen this court has got no aMt.aorHy todo that. - QUESTION OF JURISDICTION. "This plea to th6 Jurisdiction of the court Is entitled to be t'fSateJl with respect , and I have given It my best consideration , but 3 confess , as I said' the "other day , that If the pojlco board had nb'Mithorlty ' to designate the newspaper1. I do not ? self how they could claim the right to do it , W doljls , when they admit they had no1 authority and then come "Into this court nnd say totthlB"c3urt lias no au thority to examine Into the circulation of the newspapers for tbfl purpose of determining the cqultatile eights of the parties In this case. And I want to say , and I say It em- yhatlcally , now , that In passiug upon the olr- cu'atlon of these newspapers I am not passIng - Ing upon the circulation , and I do not Intend , and do not expect to bind , and do not think for a moment that I am bidding the police board as tn which paper has the largest cir culation , when they come to oass upon the validity of any license that Is asked for. "I believe Just as thoroughly as this po lice board believes , that public authorities should bo allowed to proceed according to law , within the scene of their own power , and in case of doubt I would refuse to etoh forth my hand to Interfere with them. But the question la as to the equities of this case 'to-day ' , whether or not The Bee Pub lishing company Use any standing In this case , tmd I stated hero the other day , and I still think I am right , that Mr. Rosewater or The Bee Publishing company , would have no standing Inti.ila court at all , In this case , unless ho alleged In his petition and made proof 'that ho did have the largest circulation , because , If ho did have the largest circula tion , wh > 2t business was Id to him what the pollco board docs about 'U. HDRD ARE THEFACTS. . "Now , luen , what are the facts ? In 'this ' case there are filed numerous affidavits ; a showing Is made hero which on Its face seems to bo very reasonable ; seems lo bo fair ; I cannot nnd anything wrong about It. It Is undented. Neither the. World-Herald has come In here to dis pute It , nor has the police board over offered any evidence against It , end whether the allldavita be true or untrue , EO far aa I can observe , they are true and I am bound ! to take thorn , because they are. In my Judg ment , and the uncontradtctcd testimony In this case Is that The- Evening Bee has the Urgest circulation' ' of any newspaper lu this city."Now "Now , them , If that is so. then The Even Ing Bee has got a property right , under this statute , and the question then comes whether or not that property right Is being Invaded or Infringed by the- action of the pollco board. COLLUSION IS CLEAR , "It la charged here , In the amended peti tion , that the Omaha World-Herald and the pollco board are In collusion ; that they have Joined In a conspiracy for the purposa of obtaining this printing for the World-Herald , or of keeping The Bee Publishing company from getting- . Now , I cannot go into de tail lute all 'of this proof , but the fact that the attorney for the World-Herald appears hero for the pollco board ; not a single mem ber of the pollco board has appeared In this court ; that every time this case has come up the World-Herald. } ias been hero , either represented by Mf. JUuchcock or others , or both ; that the WorJa-JIcrald Is directly In terested In this iirpjcet'illnn ; that they have been prcacnt In tliujpojlco board when theeo notices , thcso resolutions were passed ; that they have , . ] ; published this resolution elution and eeat | It out to the liquor dealers , > xltb. . , . a threat attached to tholr publication ; I say , I think without any. question the fWl' shows hero that without any quostlvp fl'oso ' two parties , the pollco board and Llio World-Hciald , are actIng - Ing together designedly , and that aa a matter of fact they are < ] o K , so In my Judgment the evidence ainply-Jualllloa the finding thai ' ctich ana knows wu'at tuu other Is doing , and that they are actlngjic thor for the purposes charged In this amended petition , and In th9 petition , , ,1 , Ilrru IH an ; | llinvlt | of flrciiln- tloii , Hcnt nut tliriiiiKli ( lie United .StlltCK llllllln OIL II llllMllll'HN lllllIl'H pOMtal ciiril , Hfiil to il llijuur ilt-ulri- ' Iicrr , niul Illuil " nn exhibit to tlilH iitlliluvlt , iiml nf COIITHO nonu of tlipHe iillliluvltN nro tlunlril , TlilM HlutL-M that ) "TJiuiuuN ft , llur- 111 a n , inuiiuKur < > ' tin ulrc'iilutluu of tli Dully Worlil-lli-ralil , IIL-IIIK llrwt ilnly ( Mvorii , on natli HlatvMi Tluit I Inri' iilni' IKIIIII Ililu cl re-il lation of tiiu liil | } ' Worlil-lli-rulil . In IloiiKlaH iMiimtv lu itouanil IIIIM iturlnur tint jtiiHt month licuii moru tllllll ! ) , < > ( ( > UOIllfM I > IT . | ll ) . " Tlll alllilavlt In HlKiifil by 'I'liiiiiuiH 12. Illinium , nianiitfiT olrciiliitloii , niul In Hivorii to liufum anil HiiliHurllictl ' lu thu pri-Nfiu'c ofV. . II. U'llliur , a notary iiulilUs < > n ( In1 lltli day of Ili-fOinlu-r , IhUT , ThiTf IN u K oil < li > al of foiniilalnt about the ITH I nil n I nur oritrr of n c-onrt of uillilty , lint I tliliilc It wuulil l > i ! it mttruy to tlitr VIIII * > - H of that liauur If till" uuurt or HUIIIU ntlicr court -tronliV rciitraln the innklttRt of Hint kind of nllldavK , M.vnr. TO utscistvn. " 'flip roKiiliir liona lido circula tion of thi > Dally World-ltrraldr" j Tlirrc In u tiitcitu-nt , tti > my Jmltc- iiu-ut , thnt tvnn tiindc drllhcrately , wltli Intent to ilucolvo the public , lirrauxo tlirrc In not n tievtuitaiirr IMihllHlicd ivlthln tlilM city ot nny HiiiOi drNlKiiatliin at * thr Dnfly iVortil-lIorali ! , nnil yeti cnnc."t , nor I cannot , nor itny oilier | > or- HOII cannot nay , from that alllilavlt , nlii'tli.-r It iiii'iiiiH tin- Morning World-Herald , much an I now havci oit my drnk , or whether thn Kt filing ; World-Herald , or liotli. The aflldavlt IN luUlcailliiKI It dorn not iirov.nnytlilua , nnd It T\IIH m-nt out In cunnratlon irlth thl * resolution , iiiiltllnli.-il at the liol- toni , which tlio lloenno lionrd IMINMIM ! , and Ilieii dmvii nt tlio bottom tom It HIIJ-M , In very plain lottvrni "You can-'t Rot llccnnp - your 1111- Ir.iM yon mlvortUe In the Worl.l- lloralil. " "Now , then , I think I am Justified In find ing that when the license board , la advance , without a cnso before them , without an Issue made up , decided that the World-Herald had the largest circulation , on a finding made two years ngo , by another bonrd , thnt they Intended that the World-Herald should make use ot that for the purpose of obtaining these publications ot licenses. CONSIDERS THE DEFIANCE. "Now , I have got ono other thing to say about this case and I am done. This newspaper reports that night 'before the board passed a resolution : 'Whereas , The Boo Publishing company hns brought suit In the district court , Judge Koysor presiding , and under pretext ot seeking a restraining order lins sought to put In Issue the present circulation ot the newspapers of Douglas county Irt which the notices ot application for licenses may bo published ; and , whereas. This board has answered by a plea to the Jurisdiction of the said court , and has re fused to take any Issue upon the circulation ot the nmvspapere published In .Douglas . county In that this board has solo primary Jurisdiction to try and lulermine the matter , and no Issue has yet been raised before' this board upoa which appeal can bo taken to the district court. ' Mow that Is correct ; In my Judgment they lave the solo primary right and Jurisdiction to determine which newspaper has the greatest circulation when they ore asked to ; mnt a license , 'but that Is the only time they have got that right , and' the supreme court has said eo. "Now , then , because they have got a right to determine that whenever they grant their license , does that deprive this court ot the right to determine that , when a man comes In hero and asks that his property rights bo protected ? I do not think so. I have tried to glvo this calm and dispassionate consideration , and I do not think , I do not see how the action of this court In passing upon this ques tion , lu order to determine whether The Dee has any standing In court to ask re lief that It affects the right of the Board of Klro and Police Commissioners to pass upon that question when It comes before them on an application for a license , and I do not think It docs , and I do not think the plea to the Jurisdiction Is well taken for that reason. Then It says : 'Now , there fore , this board directs Its attorneys , Hall & McCulloch , that 'they proceed no further therein , and in courtesy advise the court that wo stand upon our plea denying the Jurisdiction of the district court In 'the ' mat ter. ' OVERRULES THE PLEA. "As I understand the law ot this case , as t has boon presented to mo , I think that plea must bo overruled , because It does not la- : ringo upon tholr Jurisdiction In determining the question of clrculaton when they pass upon the queoton whether or not a license shall bo granted. "Somo other matters In this. It says ( here Is a statement in quotation marks , which I suppose Is true , otherwise the paper would aot put In quotations marks. ) It purports to OQ an Interview with ono of the members of the pollco board. 'We have great respect for the courts nnd wo have been courteous and considerate to. a great extent , but wo also Isavo respect for the law , and for our offices , and wo shall not allow any Judge to deprive us of powers and authority which the law : lves us. ' "I do not think there Is any Judge in this state , nt leaot I am not aware of It , that wants to deprive them of their office , or of any power , or of any right , or of any au thority which they may exercise. The only question Is , whether this court will deprive them of the right to do things which the law says they shall not do , to prejudice the property rights of any citizen or corpora tion. This goes on to say : 'The matter of governing the pollco and lire department and the granting of saloon licenses or the re fusing of them la in our hands. ' "Undoubtedly , there Is no question about tint , and I am glad it Is In their hands. I am glad It don't devolve on this court to issue thcso licenses. And we shall keep It there , and In doing so shall not hcsitato lo put our authority to the teot. Then this paper goes en to say that th ! board pro poses to Ignore- the proceedings of the court and to proceed as they see fit In the matter. Well , I have only got one other remark to make about this. I , as a citizen , and cs a public officer , I have respect for the consti tuted authorities of this country It doesn't make any difference what their politics or their religion Is. Hero Is the police board tint has- been appointed ) according to law , Invested with the power of managing the police department of this city , and as uiich I respect them. If their ofllclal acts do not correspond with my Judgment I am free , as a citizen , to express my criti cism. But when It come to official matters I propose to treat this board with Just as much respect as any litigant , or any ether officer In 'this ' slate , and I think they are entitled to It. But , on the other hand , I think 'that this tribunal Is entitled to Just as much. Hero Is a court that Is es tablished iby the constitution of this stale ; hero ! s an officer thnt Is elooled by the people ; this Is a higher tribunal ; It traces its origin further back than theirs ; thuy are appointees of the governor under legis lative enactment. They have not been elected 'by ' the people of this district , and I think it 111 'becomes ' a body of that kind tn aland up and say that 'they propose to Ig nore the proceedings of a conntUutloir.1 tribunal like this. It doesn't make any differ ence who the Judge Is , and of all the people , of all the bodies in this state , that Is the body that ought to bo the last to say ono A GIRL'S TALE. Wllli it lU'imoii fur MIxloiulliiK Uic Fntlier. "Wo have tried for a long time to > pcr- .suade pcpa that perhaps his diet had some thing1 to do with their 111 feelings , ho used to laugh good naturedly and say 'why. glrlb , Ivo been used to eating and drinking ever a'raco I was a boy , I waa trained that way , no , I fear some change has taken place In my body and I soil never be wel | again , ' Wo often suggested tliat ho leave oft coffee and tobacco , but he urged that they did cot hurt him nnd were a comfort ; > wo acquiesced until ono day sister Insisted on 'making the coffee % I'ostum Food Coffee and H was made that way for about 10 day * unlll papa seemed brighter and complained leas of his head , 'That's It ! ' slater explained , and from that day ehe served 1'ostum alone without any coffee. Papa never detected the difference for wo have learned the secret of making I'ostum to glvo It a prime , crisp flavor , it Is easy enough , Just allow It to continue boiling 15 minutes , counting from the time boiling commences , not from the time It Is placed on etove. Well the dear o'd > soul seemed flay by day to take on now life , ho began to stay at the office later and was full of fun when ho came Homo In the evening. The proof Is plain enough that , morning after morning , year In and year ont , wo had been feeding our doir old governor with cof fee that lo really a strong liquid drug and. H was gradually tut surely killing him. Whro It wan partially removed ho got a llttlo better and vhen It was entlrey removed and the pure food coffee , I'ostum served , his recovery was rapid. Wo don't fool Papa on many things , but wo Just had to this time for he was steodJIy and surely leaving us and wo love the dear old man too much to leave anything undone that will keep him here. It la woman'a privilege you know to toaio , cajole and beg. then 'lliiwso K the dear old Uard headed , thing * wont lUten to. reaion , won ! spalnst obedienceto the law or obcdl- once to the orders ot the court. COUIVra SUIM'OHT TUB POUCH. "If It wore not for the court * tholr police lepftrtmont would soon become n nullity. If t were not for llio courts punishing the criminals they nrrcst nnd atslsttnn them In ho enforcing ot public order , they would soon bo without a Job ; ami thnt Is the Xnct , \nd I say now that I know every ono lorsonnlly ot these members of this pollco board , and I do not bollovo now nnd I can- lot believe that thcso men Intend to do- Iberntcly say that they propose to Ignore md disobey -whatever order may bo made jy the court. Judge Gregory la n member of 'his board , a Judge and a lawyer , i man who lias all his llfo been engaged In ho business ot cither obtaining justice tor its clients or ot administering Justice ns a udgo , and I do not believe that Judge Gregory would solemnly nnd soberly stnnd.up and say that they proposed to enter Into n conflict , with the district court , ot this kind , and gnoro Its orders. I am Inclined to tlilok that this newspaper has put It a good deal stronger luin It was far the purpose ot spreading It out n this community thnt there Is a fight bo- .ween the district court and the { lollco beard , and the court and police board are to fight It out lllto boys in a ring , which Is ab solutely not so. "This court will make such orders ns It deems right , and ! the police board will obey them. There Is no doubt about that. I luwo never had anji occasion , tmd I say It with n good deal ot gratification , to punish anybody , for contempt. Last summer I had a depot Injunction case where n railroad company undertook to take an alloy and Infringe upou the rights of a private party. Ti'io sympa thies of the people ot this community wcro with the company , because they all wanted a depot , and I wanted u depot. -wanted to sco a good depot there. Dut It sec mini to mo tJiat that -was the tlmo tor < the court to stand up for what seemed 'to bo the law , notwith standing public opinion , and In my best judgment I cold that this rail road company tan got no right to take private property without first hav ing It condemned according to law , nnd that the city of Omaha , through Its city council has no right 'to ' vacate streets and alleys and glvo them away to ii corporation , and I stated that In that finding. There was another raso where the same question was involved between 'the ' city , nnd the city of Omaha was restrained before Judge Scott , iind ho held In his Judgment under the Lindsay case that the city did have authority to vacate an alloy and dispose ot It. Our rulings were somewhat tn conflict , but In this case the city was defendant ; In my case the railroad company was defendant. After the case was decided the city ono Sunday , went down there nnd excavated this alley ; tho. attorney came to my house Sunday morning about 10 o'clock , was In n hurry for something to bo done , nnd I told him I had eorloua doubts about the order , but I would give him such ordpr as he clalme iTo was entitled to and try to protect his rights If I could. Ho took the order. U was served nnd disobeyed. I cousldcicd the matter nnd submitted , that matter to this attorney , Mr. Mclntosh. Ho cave It his consideration tor five or six days , and he came to mo and told mo that on his deliberate Judgment , while It was agakist hio wishes and what ho deemed to bo his best Interests , yet under nil the circumstances of the case ho believed that there was no case for contempt that could bo made out , either against the rail road company or the city , and I dropped the matter. The matter went Into the federal court and Judge * Hunger sustained my vlowa as far as he decided the question at all. "Now , then , I nm making this stntement to explain why there was no effort made by this court to punish what was apparently n slight of the court's order , or a case of contempt. HIS SOLEMN WARNING. 'I will say this , that If wo had had a cabe : hnt could have been made out , that the mat- : cr would not have bocn Ignored. And I say to the police board that If an order Is made in this case , they may Ignore the proceed ings of this court , but they had better not Ignore Its order. And I will enforce that order not by a fine , but by some other" means that Is within reach of the court. I say this with no Intention of making a threat , without any Intention of saying to those men anything that ought not to bo raid , but if the Idea Is abroad that I nm going to let the dignity , the power ot this court , to go to decay , because I do not an- awer newspaper attacks that have been made upon mo In this case. This uewspaper last week lines mo uo and down hi a proceeding that was pending , that good lawyers have advised me was contempt of court , but I said , no , wo have too much contempt iwoccediUKS In this court. I will let It go and let ray record take care of me. "It seems that they have comr > ro 'ho con clusion that because I have not yald any at tention to these proceedings that they can Ignore the orders of the 'Curt. I say to them now that If they do It they will find out there Is. a tribunal here that will stand by the law as the people of this stale have unacted It. I will Inforco Us order cod let them go to the supreme court and correct mo IT they think I am wrong. Now , then , If there Is any body hero , If there Is any lawyer here , or anybody can tell mo why this relief asked for In this case under this showing shouldn't bo granted , I will be glad to It. Hero Is the uncoiitradlcted and undisputed evidence that The Kvcolng Uoe has got the largest circulation. Here Is the police coin- mission practically withdrawing all of Its answer exeeyt as to the question of Jurisdic tion. And I say that In my Judgment what I am doing does not Infringe upon their juris diction In regard to liquor licensed , and I do aot think , In vlow of the decision of the supremocourt. _ In view of the provisions In the statute , that this board lias got any right , without nn issue before it , without a case before U , to stand upon a resolution made two years ago , js to what the circulation ia now. and thereby prejudice The Dee Pub lishing company In Its rights to solicit thU advertising , The order of this court Is that the relief prayed for will .he granted , and that this pollco board , acting collectively or singly , and their officers , are enjoined from proceed ing under this icsolntion which they luvo adopted to Interfere with or to In- lluenco liquor dealers ns to where they shall publish their licensee , When they shall have taken judicial action , ns they ought to do when a case is before them , they can stand on that Judicial action , and the only relief the members will have will bo nn appeal to the district court or tha supreme court. OnDKIl OP THE COURT. In the District Court of Douglas County , Nebraska. The Dee Publishing company , plaintiff , against Frank 1C. Mooroa , Robert 12. L. Herdman , D. D. Gregory , J , II. Peabody - body , W. C. Hullard , W. J. Wolahans and the Board of Fire and Pollco Commissioners of tlio City of Omaha , defendants. This day this cause coming on to 'be ' hoard for a temporary Injunction upon the order to show cntiso heretofore made , thn peti tion and amendments thereto of thu plaintiff duly verified , and the allldavlts on behalf of said plaintiff , and the answers cf the de fendants , and also the pica to the jurli llctlcn of thu court 'to ' pasa upon the question ot Hio circulation in Dcuglea county ot , tie ! newspapers known ns The Evening Bee , the Mornng ! World-Hernld and the Evening World'IIerald , and aUo the jurisdiction of the court to pass upon the legality of the actldi of Oho said dcfoudiiivts ! a the passing of the rcBolutlon of November 29 , tct fort'i In the plaintiff's petition ; the court overrules said plea lo thu jurisdiction and fl nds that It has for llio purpodo of action complete- JurUdlctkn to hear and determine all of said questions. And the court further finds as a jurlsdlctltoal fact In llrb caee from the undisputed cvldtncu on fllo herein that as between The Kvcnlng Bee end the Morning or Uvcnlng World-Herald , > the cald Kvcning Dee Is ttie newspaper printed In Douglau county having the largest bona fide circula tion therc-ln. It Is therefore ordered 'by ' the court that until the hearing herein thu said defendants , Robert K. L. Hordmnn , D. D. Gregory , J. II. Porbody , W. C. Dullard , W. J. Wolshans arvd the Board of Flro and Police Cammlsuloncrs , Individually and ) officially , their agents , iicrvnntB and their co-conspirators , the presi dent , managers and olllcers of the World Publishing company , a corporation , bo , and llio same are hereby temporarily and until the further order hcrln , enjoined from refer ring to olliclally or otherwise the said Illegal leBolutlon of November 29 , 1697 , or from carrying the same out In letter or In spirit , for the purpose of Inducing any person , linn or corporation by threats , Intimidation , co ercion or sollcltatloni to place any liquor notices or druggists' permits In the news papers known as the Evening World-Herald and the 'Morning World-Herald , or the un called "Dally Worldrlluram , " or. & " ' imauner p/uvoatlug by r " any persons , firm or corporation from d- vortlslng their snlil notices In The Evening Dec , Upon the cxcullng nnd delivering to tha clerk of the court nn undertaking to the defendants In the sum of 4:00 with ipprovod sureties conditioned ns required bf law. By the court , WILUiVM W. ICKYSOK , Judge. Otnnua , Doc. ID. 1S97. Shot liy SitttiKKlrri. * D13TOOIT , Dee lG.-1'rlvnto Prod Mo- Mlllon of company V , Nineteenth Infantry. will IORO his right hand ns tha result of an encounter with snuiRRlora cnrly this morn- Irur. The soldier -was patrollliiK hla bent nround the lmrrnck.1 at Fort Wayne , when two men crossed the road ahead of him. Ho ordered thorn to halt , Ono of thwrt stopped until the sentry came within ton paces , when ho tired. Later the oillcor of the fiunrd found JleMlllPti lylns- helpless nnd the ground npnt tared with blood. Th smupRlers have been operating recently bo- twtun the vicinity of the fort nnd the Cana dian alioro. McMillan's ' homo Is In St. Louis. AtiHtratlnnn Follow On. SYONEV , N. 8. W. , Dee. 15. The Austra lian cloven In the cricket match with the ylsltliiK English team , which began on Monday last , were all out today fit their first Innnliiff for 237 runs. As the English man , In their llri i Innltius , ended yester day , were all out for Mil runs , the Austra lians- followed on with tholr second Innings and nt the close of play today hnd 120 runa to tholr credit for ono wlckot down CURES QUICKLY AND SAFELY. The Pyramid Vile < 5nrp Ciirrn 4ha MONt .iKKfllVlltlMl ClINOH Ot l'lllN ! > AVUh AliNoliUc Surety. , Pyramid I'llo ' Cure will euro the most ag gravated cas'o of hemorrhoids In nil nston/- Ishlngly short times It relieves the congas- ted parts , reduces the tumors Instantly , no matter how large , allays the Inilammatlon nnd stops the aching1 or 11011)1117 ) at once , Thousands who have resorted to expensive surgical treatment have boon cured by the Pyramid I'llo Cure In n number ot Instan ces persons -who have spent months In a hospital under a pile ? specialist. It Is a remedy that none need fear to ap- nb * even to the most ngrnvnted , swollen and Inflamed hemorrhage tumors. If you are mulcted with this stubborn dls- easa you can master It niul master It quickly. This remedy h no longer em experiment , but a medlral certainty. Druggists sell at W cents per bos. It Is becoming- the mo t popular pllo euro this country has ever known nnd dniBsIata everywhere , arc orderlnj ; It for their custo mers. hook on cnUso nnd euro of piles ml- dreH Pyramid Co. , Marshall , Mich , , ( for merly ot Albion. ' .Mich , and Are Valuable Christmas Gifts. Make your Selection early Put a Koilulc oil Your Clirintmnn I.Ut. tf-I.OO to 1 5.OO. The new Kodaks all take our Light-Proof Film Cartridges and can bo LOADED .IN DAYLIGHT Tin * Dlnmimil Camera at If. . 00 Is a. line Instrument. JInll ciders solicited. Catalogue free , THE ALOE & PEIFOtfl CO , , mOTOGUAPHlC SUri'HlKS , 1-tO.S Farimi at. OiM > . 1'ii.xton Hotel. Ma Second's Variation The perfect accuracy of Elgin Full nuby Jeweled Watches Is one of the reasons for their world - wide reputation. Their great durability Is another. It pays to own a watch of known merit. Full Ruby Movements arc made In sizes for ladles and gentle men. Appropriate Holiday g.fts. At all dealers everywhere. An Elgin watch always has tha word "HlRln" cncravcd on the voiles fully guaranteed. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. . Elgin , III. AMUSI3MKWS. BOYD'S THEATER Fvian > 'fe n. CHAM ) CO.VUKILT Direction 1 Junior'Moore. iiULIll UUIIll K.M'litiiiXu lluUetH now on Hiilo nt Clmso'n , l.llb 1'iuiiiim St. llox ollli'o at theatre npun lo tlii" > u tickets only on Tuesday. ltinliii'silu ; : ; of souls opiuis WudiuiHday nt U:00 : A. M. I'rlcos.ri ' ' ! ( ) . ? i.iU ! , n.rjii. lloxuH , 410 and $10 Galli'i'y.lOU , Sloluwiiy I'liino.uiod , ONLY CIIA.NCITO HKAII A ( IIIIAT : AUTJST TIIIU at-ASON. TjjE Oteagii ' T.I.BI'IIONB IB3I. 3HflHTSi ! jyS5lSlf BEG. 19 Always In thu I/vail HOST'S A BUNCH OE1 KEYS ( Or thu Hotel ) ADA BO'f rtNER n TEDDV , Prices 25c , COe , 7Dc , $1.00. Matinee price * 25c , 35c , COc. H , 1C. Cur Kllli nnd llnvi-iiiiiirl .Htx , COXCKUTS HVISIIV MHIIT 7lIO ! TO 1'J lliithiscs T'Je J.O' , Thursday anil Balurilny , 2:30 : THIS WHISK'S ATTU.tOTUl.V.Si Master Arthur Gaff Cornet Vlrtuso. The original Wrotho and Wekefleld , Irish Comedians. Purita and deorgle , Lllputlaa ] Sketch , Helen lonno. Ilcralu Raymond. ICIla Klrchner , Soloist , 13th anil Douglas StH , , Oinuh CKNTUALLV LOOATKI ) . American pi" " . . * 2.0U pur iluy up. Kuropouu plun , tl.OOporduy up J. E. MAHKEL & SON , i'ropa. BATLKEB THIUT15M.Vri' lUt '