Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Baptists Gather at the Commercial
Club Boom ; .
fVlili Millie , Spfcolir * nnil Convrmn-
lloii Iliir Kvcnlnir I'nNHrn I'IHH -
A vny Scvcrnl i : cn (
of n Social Anturc.
Kcarly last evening between 200 ana 300
ot the members of the Omaha Baptist Social
union and tliolr frlenJs gathered la the par-
tors ot the Commercial club to enjoy and
participate In the second nnnual public recep
tion ot that organization. IloprfBcntatlvca
from all the American Daptlst churches In
the city vscro present and In the audience
was alto a fair sprinkling ot the members
ot the German and Danish congregations.
The opening hour was In the nature ot a
toclal reception , Following this was ren
dered a program of music , song , recitation
nd addrraaes. The entire reception and en
tertainment was under charge of L. D.
Holmes , tlio president of the union.
The program was opened with a piano
tolo , which was excellently played by Miss
Bertha Illgglna. J. n. Thompson followed
with a number of enjoyable character
sketches. Thcso numbers preceded ono of
the addreisca of the evening , which was de
livered byi Ucv. C.V. . Brlnstad' ' of Fremont.
Ills subject was "Denominational Strength. "
Rev. Ilrlnstad Insisted that Haptlsts could
only make strong -their creed and denomina
tion by grasping firmly their principles and
maintaining them at all hazards. Ono ot
these principles was that the church was
authority of all faith and'practice. Another
iros that the constituency of the church
hould be composed only of regenerate mem
bers. In the past a wide difference had sep
arated the Daptlsts niul other denominations ,
tint this wns.unlshliiK from the fact that
< ho latter wore learning that the former
were right In the principles which bound
111 cm together , AB the necessary means of
securing strength ns a denomination , Rev.
Ilrlnstad asserted that the rank and file of
iho church must bollevo what they know
and know \\hat they believe.
AIlss Hattlo I > odga followed with a recita
tion , "Mary , Queen of Scots , " which she de
livered with considerable effect. Miss Dora
fiwcarlngen and Mr. O. E. Johnson sang n
duet \\hlch called forth much applause. Thu
final number on the program ns an address ,
delivered by Rev. C. H. Strickland of the
First naptlat church of Sioux City. Ills
topic was "Christ the Comparable. Preacher
and Teacher. "
The speaker guvo quite an exhaustive an
alysis of the Savior's career as n teacher of
the common people. He described him a , < >
feeing popular nnd the causes for this he
found to bo tils truth , his fullness of sym
pathy and tha fact that he brought Into the
lives of the multitude an Inspiration to bo
something better , nobler and higher than
they hud drcamsd of before. Teachers of the
modern day , the preacher concluded , must
follow the lines set out by Christ to be suc
cessful , either In the pulpit , In the missioner
or In tbo school.
Last evening at the Haydcn annoi the
Derthlck club held another of Its meetings.
The program vaa devoted to Schumann and
fc'oa conducted by Mrs. Ho\yard Kennedy , Jr.
Miss Klmball read the characterization and
Miss Van Gleson the analysis. The program
was decidedly Interesting. The flrst number
was a song entitled "Spring Night , " sung by
Mlra Gertrude Kountze , Mra. Leslie- Potter
played the "NoveMte In F ; " Mrs. Q. W.
Johnston Bang "Thou Ring Upon My ringer"
and Mss [ Laura Van Kuran closed the even-
Ing's entertainment with the song , "Moon
light. " The next meeting will bo held two
frprn last night.
A piano recital given by the pupils ot Mies
Rachel Wilson attracted n largo juvenile
audience , together xvlth their elders , " at the
Castellar Presbyterian church last night.
The program was pleasantly Interspersed
with recitations and the musical numbers ,
both vocal and Instrtimetitnl. nhoned unusual
excellence for such youthful performers.
Among those Mho took part t\ero Miss Nclllo
Wright , Grace Welshans , Joslo Parkins ,
Q cargo Laubcck , Gcorgo Long. Maud Cloud
and Met tie Cloud , Nellie Drown , Miss
Soudcrs , Nellie Horn , Edna Drunnlng and
Minnie Drlnholt. Among the adults who
neslstcd In the entertainment were Miss
Rachel Wilson , Mrs. J. W. Koopmau and
Mr. J. W. Koopman.
The seventeenth annual bill of Bricklayers'
union No , 1 was given In the Thurston RHIes
armory last nlglit. The hall was well filled
frith the members of the craft and their
women friends. The evening was occupied
with a long list of dances , with a recess for
refreshments. The oroceeds of the affair
wer&i devoted to the treasury of the Brick
layers' union , The committee In charge naa
composed of the following : J. H. Wlthncll ,
Charlea McCall , Rert Booth , Frank Wlthncll ,
Frank Gardner , n. E. Griffith , Anton Prusha ,
tt. P. Anderacd , Richard Morris , L. F. Snrum
ind George Clark.
Sill-lit CONIIItlM Cllll ) .
The club met on last Trld.iy evening
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Glllesplo , nt Fort Omaha.
Mlus Blcanore Cornish B VO a short , sketch
of the life of William Slmltcspearc. whose
works tha club la perusing. Mr. Glllesple
epoke on the wisdom of having nn or
ganization \\hero the deaf could meet for
discussions nnd soclil Intercourse and as
it Is ono of the club's purposes to capture
the national convention for the deaf for
Omnlm for the summer , he- thought the
club could not do better than to labor to
gether for one or any object.
Then Mr. Cotnp spoke nt some length , on
President McKlnloy's message. In response
to u call for u speech. Mrs. Glllcsple gave
a short sketch of ench of the members as
they appeared for the llrst time at the
Nebraska .School for the Deaf , nnd In her
usual teasing strain she told of some rem
iniscences which she thought were too fiood
to liter.
Then all repaired to the kitchen , where
fun In tafCy-pulllnp was prevalent. Dancing
was Indulged In later on. At a late liour
Iho vlnltors turned their thoughts home
ward , after hnvlns tendered their host and
liostiss a vote of thanks for the cordial
reception given them. The next mooting
will take plnco at the. home of Miss Stella
K. Forbes , 1S32 North Jilchteenlli street ,
Friday evening , December 17 ,
A I'osrrtvn cuiii ; KOII AM , VOIIMS
Fi-eo Yourneir from ' 1'liln I.imtliHuiur
To zay that a remedy bag at last been
found for the positive cure of all forma of
Catarrh Is a bold assertion , but when a
remedy stands a J'fteen-ycar test and cures
thousands of cas's , It la BUfllolent evidence
to back up bucli claims. |
Dr , IloburU , tliu eminent specialist and one
of the foremost graduates ot tbo University
of ailchlgijm , naja : "In my fifteen years of
practice I have never found so valuable a
remedy In Catarrhal and Tbroat affectlona
u Gauss' Catarrh Tablets. I recommend
them In every Instance as I know the rem
edy to be a safe , reliable medicine , acting
Immediately upon the Inflamed membranes
and mucous surfaces. "
puu&s' Catarrh Tablets will positively cure
any case of Catarrh , no matter -where located
or bow long standing , because they contain
In a concentrated form all the rcqultltra
csscutlal to restoring the Inflamed membranes -
branes and mucous surfaces to their natural ,
baalthy state and to carry all purlform mat
ter through the natural outlets. This Is the
Simple secret of BO many marvelous cures.
Qautu' Catarrh Tablets are taken Inter-
sally , and being neatly put up ID tablet
form cun be taken at any time and place
without the aid of a bottle , spoon or syringe ,
as with Blmllar remedies.
pause' Catarrh Tablet * can be obtained at
your druggist's , GOo for full sized package ,
or will be mailed postpaid , to any address
w receipt ot the price. Address
y JO. R. iQAUSS , WMiQill , Mich.
.Vctirn kn-ltr i1 Anlmnl * Kctoli Nice
I'rlccft nt Auction ,
One of the most successful public Mien ot
shorthorn cattle ever held In the etato oc
curred at South Omaha yesterday. Tbo cattle
xvcro owntd , bred and fed In western Ne
braska , 250 mllca west of the Missouri river ,
by Thomas Andrews of Cambridge , Furnas
county. The outcome of this solo demon
strated Ncbrasta'a possibilities In producing
flno cattle on blue ctcm grass and Alfalfa ,
with ordinary cnro and without being ( stabled.
The well known tine- stock auctioneer , Colonel
IM. . Woods ot Lincoln , cried the sale and
sold thirty-four head for $5,035 , an average
of HIS. Nine bulls averaged ? HG.20 < ind
tttonty-nvo cows and heifers averaged JUS.80.
U \\nn the first public ealo ever made by Mr.
Andrews end waa good enough to attract
buyers from Iowa , Mlteourl , Illinois , Kansas
and the Dakotas. Only seven head sold for
1cm than $100 each , and some ot three were
but 4 to 8 months old. The cattle were In
good fmlo condition and bidding was lively
at times. Ono noticeable feature ot the sale
Is the fact that more than seven-eighths of
tbo receipts wcro paid In cash. The fol
lowing Is detailed report as given by the
clerk of the sale :
No. 28 , Roan Dick. 2 years , W. E.
DwlRllt , . * 135
No. HO , Sunflower , 10 months , same. . . . 15
No. 20. Klondike , 7 months , John Shields ,
Dunlni > , In . 0
No. 31 , Corncrncker , S months , J. H.
Hunt , Cliirkson , Neb . 123
No. 32 , Clark Bowcrby , 7 months , Charles
Dourller , Auburn . SO
No. 33 , Forest Doy , 7 months , U. Z ,
UoBitn , Norman. Neb . 1C5
No. 3 , Ilagliui huke , 2 ycnrs , W. B.
Rlchey , UlyweH , Nub . 195
No. 33 , Light Keeper , 15 months ,
Charles Sexey , Armour , In . ICO
No. 13. rstlicr , 30 months , A. C. deer ,
Wnliio , Knn . 255
No. 18 , 1'rlde of Oxford , 20 months , same 130
No. 19 , Tied Mary , 21 months , same . Ii5
No. 6 , cd Ilose , 3 yours , K. 1' . Canard ,
Omnha . ISO
No. 22 , Cnsslc19 mouthy. Bruno . 110
No. 2 , Pansy , 2 years , G. E. Ward.Hay-
vvnnl , In . 1S5
No. 3 , Pnrktwm Mold , 7 yenrs , same. . . . ICO
No. 4 , 1'rnlrle Queen , 3 years , snmu . UO
No. 1C , Miss Hrynn , 21 months , samp. . . ISO
No. 17 , Lounti of ParUJinm , 2 years ,
same . . . 110
No. I. Violet , 5 years , C. C. Blgler , Hart-
wick , la . 505
No. S Mailc. 18 months , Charles Scxey ,
Armour , la . 100
No. 23 , Moyilonor Countess , 10 months ,
saint * . . . 0. )
No. 5 , Queen Ann , 4 months , T. It.
Westsane , Hnrlnn , la . 110
No 7 , Younp Matchless. 4 months , J.
H. Hunt , Claikson , Neb . 50
No. 9 , Scottish Gem , 3 years , Paul
Fraucn. Gr.ind Island , Neb
No. 14 , VoiuiR Mary , 10 months , same. . 123
No. 21 , Hetl Cmma. 10 months , same. . . . 120
No. 11 , Nebraska Gem and b. c. , L. C.
Todd , Nehnnnkn , Neb . 200
No. 15 , Kosella Queen , 19 months , C.
D. Broun. PnnFlllon , Neb . 120
No. 20 , Roan Phoebe , 4 years , samo. . . 145
Mlfs Evans will have an exhibition and
sale of water color sketches on Thursday.
Friday end Saturday , December 16 , 17 and
18 , from 10 to 4. Studio , 302 Boyd's The
Via Cliu'Itiiintl or Via lioulxvlllc.
Take jour choice over Pennsylvania Short
Lines. Trains leave Chicago Union station
10 a. m. and 8-15 p m. dally. Pa engers on
morning train arrive Jacksonville second
evening , and on night train early second
morning. Tourist tickets to leading resorts
In Florida nd the southern states , \\lth re
turn limit cohering the entire Eeasca. As
certain partlcu'ars by addressing H H. Dcr-
Ing , A. Q. P. Agt. , 243 South Clark at. , Chi
for AKHHtilt.
Charles Robbing was brought to trial In
pollco court yesterday for an as&iuit upon
Charles Brcadhead In Sheely station several
weeks ago. Broadheadas a stranger In
Omaha and his story Is that In an endeavor
to reach Council Bluffs be wns carried to
Sheclytown. Ho was \\anderlng about the
village , when ho met a gang , one of whom
\\as Kobblns. Broadhead refused to buy beer
for the cro.ul and in the encounter which
followed his jaw \ \ > is broken. Bobbins did
not deny the statement , exccot that be acted
In self-defense. Ho was bound over to the
district court under bonds of ? 800.
KNADE peerless platws , new designs , new
scales. State representative , A. Hospe , 1513-
15 Douglas street. Omaha.
R , E. Glffcn of Lincoln Is In tbo city.
James C. Dahlman ot Lincoln Is In Omaha.
It. L. Sprlgg of Cincinnati , O. , Is at the
P. P. Shelby left yesterday for Cleveland -
land , O.
J. H. Knowles of Fremont Is a visitor to
the city. -
Charles W. Ha cr of-"New York Is a Millard -
lard guest.
James Brunaugb of Cincinnati , 0. , Is at
Uio 'Mlllard. '
E. C. Dickey and family went to Dcadwood ,
S. D. , } esterday.
Fred K. Hlgblc of Chicago Is a late ar
rival at the Mlllard.
Prof. F. W. Taylor of the State university
Lincoln , Is a 'Barker ' gueat.
E. H. Andrews , formerly of Lincoln , but
now of Kansas City , is in Omaha.
Walter Divis and wlfo of North Loup
Nob. , are stopping at the 'Barker. '
J. E. ( Morrlll and wlfo and two daughters
of Cnapman , Neb. , are stopping at the
P. U. Root , LMankato. and J. H. Preaton
Minneapolis , Minn , ore stopping at tbo
Barker. *
F. O. Hultman , formerly of the Swcdlsl
Lutheran church of this city ; was in Omaha
jcstcrday with hla mother on a short vaca
tion from his duties in Stromsburg , Neb.
Howard Leonard left for Albany , N. Y.
on Monday and- will make that city hla future
turo home. Mr. Leonard was with too Aetna
Fire Insurance company of tills city am
had lived hero for nearly twenty years.
H , M. Boj ilston of Nebraska City , Judge
William Novlllo of North Platte , W. A
Poynter of Albion , O. D. Carper of Davli
City and W. M. Dutton of Hastings , all of th
State Exposition commission , are in the city
At the Mlllatd : Henry tAshburner , Phlla
dclphia ; H. P. Barlow , St. Paul ; Will J
WhHo , Ottawa. Can. ; William Neville. Nortl
Platte ; A. W. Gates , Kalamazoo ; L. E. Smith
Now York ; J. M. Hopkins , Chicago ; O , M
Pettlt , Kcaosha , WIs.
Nebraskans at the hotels : F. W. Illley
Albion ; It. 0. Fallwork , Alliance ; A. M. Wll
ECO , Lakeside ; A. C. Russell , Henderson
Joe Giaham , Avoca ; C. M. Hall , Plalnvlew
Mrs. N. II. Doug'asa. North Platte ; Ira E
Atkinson , Dodge ; E. Farley , J. E. Casey , M
Finnan , Bancroft ; D. C. Everett and wlfo
G. E , Haskcll , Beatrice ; A. D. Sears , Fremont
mont ; George II. Downing , Lew Robertson
II. 0. Andrews , Kearney ; It , H. Horth , Grani
Island ; H. II. Lougbrldge , Crawford ; J. E
StookttoII , A. S. Green , A. E" Ewan , Llo
coin ; Frank H. Young , Broken Bow ; J. A
Tullcys , Red Cloud ; M. E. Gettcrlng , Ordway
Aaron Wall , Peter Roe , C. Lane , Z. 11
O'Brjcn. Fred Ehrmann. Loup City ; C. F
Kaul , Madison ; W. II. Bushcll David City
Mrs. S. 0. Knoulca , Miss Melville , Steel
City ; W. A. Tackett , Santee Agency ; J. II
Hunt , Clarkson ; Q. H. Thomas , Nebrask
City ; W. B. Ktonedy , Genoa.
Y. W. O , A. .Vote * .
All the classes close for two weeks to re
open January 3.
Supper Is being served at the rooms every
evening this week and next from 6:30 : t
7SO. : - -
Miss aiacDougal , the physical 'director
leaves tonight for San Antonio , Tex. , tor
two weeks' visit with her alster.
Mrs. Illchars Issues a call to ( the members
ot her bouse committee to meet utr at th
rooms oa Friday of this week at 10 a. m. 1
Is an Important call to arrange for Cbrlstma
and New Years.
The finance committee Is arranging for a
elaborate homo-made candy salu for thre
consecutive daja before Christinas. Booth
will be hem at Kllpatrlck's. Kelly & Stlger'
and Orchard & Wllbelm's stofcs.
Dr. Eleanor Dalleywill lecture before tb
Misses' class on Friday oening of this wee
on "Laws Governing the Health of Youn
Women , " Every young woman ought t
hear It. It wjll he mad ? very practical , on
Is free to member * , othera re'welcome , bu
are charged 10 c ati , i i
mportant Matton Qlvan a Brief Eoarlng
Before the Bodj.
Judiciary Committee 1 ClmrRotl vrMh
the Duty of Cnrrjliiir on the
Inquiry Other Mnltor
I Under ConHlUcrntion.
The city council bad a number of Important
matters on Its docket at the regular meeting
ast night , but In most cases they merely
ppcared In the way ot routine , And final
ctlon was deferred. The card had brought
ul an unusually strong lobby , but the pro-
ecdtngs were unc\cntful. About itho only
H > lnt of more than passing Interest was the
nstructlon of the judiciary committee to
ako up iho Inquiry Into affairs at the police
The corrratttce on street Improvements and
laducts submitted a report on the Sixteenth
trcct viaduct matter , but failed to recom
mend any Immediate action. Stunt explained
hat no funds were available for the pur-
> esc , but Dlngham Insisted that this was not
difficult problem , Inasmuch as the city's
hare of the expense iwas only $1,000. Ho
Igorously declared that the matter had hung
re long enough and that the repairs should
o begun at once. Ho offered a resolution
( reeling the Board of Public Work * to pro-
eed with the work at once and Itwas
The report of City Attorney Connol ) on
he report of Comptroller Westberg relative
o the uncollcctcd balances in the various
unds was placed on ( lie. The attorney stated
hat lie had not had time to make an cx-
laustlvo Investigation on account of his oc-
upatlon In the Dot In trial , but on general
principles be recommended that no warrants
hould be drawn against the balances ludl-
atcd. Ho held that It would bo better policy
o Issue funding bonds to take up outstainl-
ng Avarrnnts.
In regard to the resolution of the Board of
Education demanding an Investigation of the
lollco court , City Attorney Conncll recom-
ncndcd that ti special committee of three be
appointed to make the necessary Investlga-
Ion. On the suggestion of iBcchel the
udlclary committee was substituted.
The request of City Electrician Schurlg
hat a fire alarm box too placed at the ofllce
of the electric light company was referred
o public property and buildings. The elec-
rlclnn made the recommendation In order
hat the company might bo able to send out
Incmcn In a case of fire to assist in taking
care of the wires.
On the recommendation of the finance com
mittee the refunding bond ordinance vnn
referred to the comptroller with n request
hat ho prepare at once a statement of the
loatlng debt and liabilities of the city. In
Tie same connection the city attorney was
Itrectcd to submit a statement of all taxes
hat had been declared Illegal by the courts.
The contract and bond ot the Globe Light
and Heat company for gasoline lights waa
ecommended to the committee on gas and
olectilc lights. This was nt the urgent re
quest of Mount , who was absent from the
ast meeting and wanted time to Investigate.
3urmester tntrcdliccd the ordinance pre
pared "by " the exposition officials by which the
naturlty of the rliht of the city to purchase
he water works plant was postponed to Sep
tember 1 , 1898. It was referred to the com
mittee on file , water and police.
Ordinances \\erc Introduced providing for
> avlrfi Wlrt street from Sherman avenue to
Twenty-fourth sticet , and Patrick avenue
'rom Twenty-fourth to Twenty-seventh
Per IliKl Colds.
The fact should be berne _ ln mind that
Chamberlain's Cough Rcmedy Is Intended
especially for ailments of this character and
th/it / no remedy In the market Is held In
lilsbcr esteem or has a better reputation for
the speedy and permanent euro of bad colds.
It acts on nature's plan , relieves the lungs ,
aids expectoration , opens the secretions end
restores tbo system to a natural and healthy
' *
Union Piioillc.
"Tho Overland Limited. "
train west of the Missouri river.
Tnclvo hours quicker than any other train
to the Pacific coast.
Call at Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St.
Peck ft Snyder , ek-ifes. 35c to $3 00
Townsend Wheel & Gun Co. . 110 S. ICth.
Sam'l Bums sells on elegant Iron Banquet
lamp and Canary globe , $5 00. Open evenings.
Itu IiiiinKCH to S Imllo Several Local
The operations of a forger , who has ork.ed
successfully among several local merchants ,
tiavo recently come to light. He represented
himself to le.a traveling man and gave tlio
names of C. D. Hart and E. II. Brown Under
tbo latter name be bought a suit of clothes
at the Continental Clothing coitnany and
that he would make payment upon its de
livery at 2G58 Douglas street , where he had
engaged rooms. When the boy called to de
liver the goals he was tendered a worthless
check for $23 signed by E , II. Brown. The
eamo game. In a similar amouftt , was worked
on Kelly , Stlger & Co.
A slightly different method was taken with
KUpatHck & Co. and the Bostco store. To
them he raid ho was a traveling man with
B. Lowenstcln & Co. ofMeraphis , Tenn. In
their presence he opened a letter purporting
to bo from 'this house and containing
check to his order for $27.50. The game was
successful and In both cases the full amount
of the check was secured. His coeratloas
were so well-timed that Ills last victim was
called upon half an hour before the protested
checks were returned by the southern bank" .
Detective Cox later called at the stores men
tioned and endeavored to identify Hart with
a well known caatorn crook , whoso photo
graph was In his ijosseflfilsn. In all cases the
likeness was stated to be that of Hart. He In
wanted In a number of places as a forger and
all-round swindler. The photograph was also
recognized at the Commercial National bank
as that of the man who endeavored to pas
a worthless check there for $750 endorsed
with the forged signature of C , E. Yost.
It Is easy to catch a cold and just as easy
to get rid of It If you commence early to
leo Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia and all
throat and lung troubles. It Is pleaiaul to
take , gate to use and sure to cure.
INSTRUMENTS placed on flic Tuesday ,
December 14 , 1S97 :
Herman Kountzo to M. D. Ednilston ,
lot 6 , block 17 , Kountzo Place , . < . . . > $ 2.300
W. G. Partridge and wlfo to I. M.
Nlchol , 030 feet of n 120 feet , lots
21 nnd 21 > A , Mlllard & C.'B add 4,000
Winter Bytes to A. J. Hayne , lot SI ,
bloclo 1 , Plnlnvlow add 600
II C Bettermen and wife to A. M ,
Goodrich , lot C , block 1 , Orchard Hill i
Edward Donahoo nnd wife to W II.
Wilton , lot 23 , block 4 , Wise & 'p 'a
add . jo
O. F. Davis Co. to J. C. Havemeyer ,
lot 12 , block 11 , Omaha View . . . . . . . ! 10
A. R. Pardun and wlfo to N. J.
Kcefur , lot 11 , block 2 , Junction View
Terrace. j
M. J. C. Ryan and husband to Nets
und Mary Peterson , Jot B , block 5 ,
Corrltran Plucn too
John Mcnel to M. U Moody , lot 14 ,
block 132 , South Omaha 2.COO
D. W. Shufl et nl to L. J. Drake. lots
12 to 15. block 9 ; lotu is and 1C , block
1C , Shull's Second add , i
Sheriff to Waller Ure. lot 2 , Uro's
subd ] coo
Sheriff to A. A. Havemcyer , nit lot
1 , Hickory Place DOO
Same , to L. J. Droko , trustee , und. 1-5
lots 8 , 9 , and 10 , block 7 lots 9 and 10 ,
block S ; lots 12 to 15 , 13 , 19 , 21 and 22.
block 9 , and other property In Shull'u
Second add , 3,726
Total amount of transfers Vl5,33S
Toke Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
drugflats refund tfae money It It falls to cure.
25c. The genuine ho L. D , .Q. on each tablet.
Uncle Dick Berlin chaperoned a party bent
on tobogganing Monday evening. They had
sorao trouble In finding "toboggs" to nt , but
madn 1ho best of It and scooted down the
atcep Incline and walked back , carrjlng
their toboggans up to the top of that high
platform. Dick failed to do Oils "stand up"
act , but promises to get In condition and
glvo It later on. Ono of tbo young ladles In
the party , who had Just finished a hearty
dinner , remarked that she had never In nil
icr life found anything that could 'touch the
toboggan. Twenty minutes later she was
sailing 'Into a double porterhouse steak.
Thirty members of the Hanscom Park
National Skating club will fl'isi ' tbolr rod ,
white and blue suits at the Lagoon a few
nights hence. There will be a meeting of
the club on Friday evening at the home of
Miss Grace Vandcnoort , 1110 South Thlrty-
second street. The club la a popular one nnd
Uiero Is room for a few more active mem
bers. Particulars may be had of D. H.
Thompson ot 2313 Poppleton a\cnue.
The workers In the ticket department of
the Koes Printing company feel obligated to
their manager. Mr. Cal Martin , for uis ktad-
i.ess In furnishing them an evening of
pleasure at the Lagooon. Skating , toboggan
Inf ; and a general good -time Is what hap
pened. I
The managers have arranged a special line
ot tickets which will be sold at very low
rates. Clubs or Individuals desiring to lake
advantage ot this rate can secure tickets at
Charles Tracey's cigar store , southeast cor
ner of Douglas and Sixteenth streets.
A goodly number of the members of
the Boston Store. Toboggan club vis
ited the exposition grounds Monday
evening , and though they had somu
trouble In convincing the . nlglit-v.atch-u
man thati they wcro not conspirator * *
out to capture a building or two , the fun
they got out of the few sample toboggans
pali them for their trip. Emll Brandels
did not need a tobogg ho Just wont at the
slide "an natural" and had more fun than
uUiVbody else.
The first lot of bran-new toboggans la
expected here today , the three additional
runs will bo completed Thursday , the elec
tric lights will be ready Friday , and Friday
nlpht Is the night for fun.
Toques are becoming the proper thing ,
and arc now quite plentiful. Colonel Fred
ericks , the hatter , of Fifteenth street has
Just returned from Canada with a lot of
beauties , and says that hats In that country
are discarded during the winter months.
The voting contest continues as Interest
ing as ever , and all the candidates are
strvlng to get well up the list ibeforo It
closes on December 31 ,
Toboggan sulls are beginning to show
themselves in numbers as each day goes by.
Cases of crueltj to animals ic-qulrlng pros
ecution reported to the humane society ,
room IB , Commercial National' ' bank building ,
will receive prompt attention. The names of
two or more wltncssco and a statement of
facts are required , im attention being paid
to anonymous communications.
I'emoinillConducted ExctirNlons to
Leave Omaha every Friday , 3:30 : p. m. , reachIng -
Ing San Francisco Monday , 9:45 : a. m. Cor
respondingly fast time to Southern Califor
nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other
Personally Conducted Excumon Route from
Missouri river.
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street.
Murrluirc LITho
The following marriage licenses were. Is
sued yesterday by the county judge :
Nnmo nnd Address. Ago.
Henry , Omaha 21
Julia Thompson. Omaha 18
Clinton O. Balrd , Allegbany City , Pa. . . . 21
Nellie J. Udgerle , Chicago 23
James O. Battle * , Sarpy county
IMna Cnln , Sarpy county
Dining Cars
On These Trains
Tlio 0.05 n. m , for Kansas City
Tlic 430 p. in. ' for Denver
Tlio O.-o. ) p. in. for Clilcngo
Meals served on Kttroponu plan
Prioes icnsontiWc ,
Service prompt I '
What you get Is cooked to a turn.
Ticket OIHco '
3502 Knriiiun St. , Omalia.
J. B. Reynolds , Pass's Agt.
Perfumes come nnil pcrfuircs go but Violet
still renmlnh the t > p6 of dalntlncca In Bcent.
Oilr stock comrrlses nil the \iirlous kinds na
proilucod by the \nrloui mnnufacturers ot the
Hoser nnd Oillcts Vcra Vlolettn Hxtrnct.
HoKcr nild Cliillctn Vera Vloletla Toilet Water.
Iloser end Onlletta Violet Do 1'armc Toilet
UdKer nnd nnllettB1 tthlto Violet Extract.
I/c QrnnifH Vlol t Orlzn.
PlnauJ's Violet Itelne Kxtract.
Mnnud'B Violet Do 1'arme Kxlrnct.
Mnnud's Wood Violet Ilxtrncl.
'Innud'B Violet UoJnc Toilet Wntcr.
'Innud'B DC Trance Toilet Wnter.
'Innud'B Violet De llola Toilet Wnter.
'Inaud'n Violet DP 1'nnno Toilet AVnter.
ColKatt'8 VIoM Wnter. JI.OO sl/e \\e fell 75c.
Colfrnte'R Violet Wnter. TOO size we sell < 0o.
AlCrwl Wrlijlit's Violet Woter , Kplehler's Queen
of Violets , Seed's Hojnl Violet Kxtract , Uast-
mnn'B Violet Wntcr.
Violet In cut RlnFB bottleB , nil plzos.
At Kln oii Wood Violet , In one ounce hottlee.
1113 DODGE St. Middle of Ulock. Omaha.
Sherman& cGonnell Drug Go
15ti : Undue St. , Oiunlia. Nell.
Middle of Block.
* " May Some-
; { T tinyos Startle
i But Never
* | t Convince.
i'i 5'i.
h By calm , torso , thoughtful ! '
T T statement we wish from day Vf
i i to day to tell you of our vaA i
i * vious coals. ' ? *
i T Today eonsitior with us TT
! | J Economy
f Nut $5.25
| Per Tom
* Ji Poi- cooking it is especially
'J , adapted
Requires very little kind-
iji ling
T. No need poking often as i ,
W with many kinds ? tfp
ijA Quick , hot lire for cooking ii
. , , Steady , strong licut for ' ?
* * baking ? ?
te No clinker to fish out ii
. . Very little ash 'K
* " Egg nnd Lump sizes 23c
4 % moro per ton
V The moro you use it thj
* jr bottoiyou'll like it
Ajf Sold only by
* } ? Omaha Coal
jjf CokG < JLii22e
? 'f S , E. Co. IGth and Doug-las
{ Tel. 252. Basement.
What you can find in the Clothing Lie
nartment for Christmas Presents.
Smoking Jackets , in satin lined and Skele
ton form , : at $1,75 , $2.50 , $5.50 and up.
Bath 'Robes in the finest Australian wool ,
at $3.50 , $3. 7:5. $450 ,
A double breasted all wool Boys' suit , $1.95
A long pants suit , age 11 to 19 all wool , $2. 95
A fine Qassimere suit for men , all wool , $4.50
A fine $10 suit , all wool for $6.75
A good Storm Ulster , men's ; at $4.50
A 35-oz all wool Irish Frieze Ulster , men's ,
at $7.50
A fine Overcoat , $4.50 ; a better one , $6.50 :
still batter one ; $7.50 , and the cream of pro
duction at
The celebrated Reading pants , $3 ; value at
Hayden Brothers ,
Uco , 13-1S-JJ ,
"Getting better all the time. "
mas Your
. . .
of an
Jrfosiery excellent
nil wool
jrfolictcti/ Surprise , In Hoeo
Our prlco
e f/iree ant < t-
will bo
tNltiiljtVIHCfl in JlCll'lt
Your holiday / tonici'inofltingtttot'c 15 cts
acccjttnMc for CItrintina uifta.
. Jftcin JVo. J Yoitt' cholccofftmt'
of a tlijfci'cnt Isiin1n of very mtpert-
good or hosiery , inclurtitty faticg
silk Htrtye tit JO ccntfi a jw/r
Choice inntcul of tltc initial 2 ! cciifn ,
ot . . ' ' nil
Ttcin IVo. < ? MCH'H clcynnf
Cour Your
tt'ool zcjtfiyr IIOHC n-orth 3l >
kinds' different cents tn > air otir holiday jjrfae Idea
at IS ccii/H or OO ccnfH for H/.W
a pair in n box. Item jYo. it of
jinc imported Jtotticnj infancy fifty-cent
fancy pltiitln , the rcyitlar XO
cent hoHicry crcryirhcrc , our Imported
jpricc only 25 cents a pa troy
oy f/iejwir or box. All of thcHc
stii'iirittcN aiHl others arc in
onr tvindinv , jirttt north lath 2cts
street door.
= \ Chronic Biseaes ;
j In cases not readily cured by
I the family physician , a short
j course ot treatment at tbc
) may give sou quick relief.
SPECIALTIES Catarrh and all
I curable diseases of men and E
i women. Specialists In each de-
j partuient. Tel. 1138.
j Consultation Free.
1 311-312-313 N. Y. Life DWg. Tol. 1138
Recognizing the superior qualities of this
machine , the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition
have adopted It exclusively.
Embodies best points of nil other machines
and has many features distinctively Us own.
Write UH.
1OI2 Fumnm St. , Oilman.
20 Silt St. , DCH MoIiieH. ln.
v * viA.UBUBH Jlliuiund UrAndL
/rr "rlgla.l
nnd Oolr Cronlno.
Art , iltji rtlltUi LADII * uk
Urufilit In C/ktckullr t Katllilt Itla .
Mind Brand \tt \ Kei oj fcofj nif i.Ulo'
boiu , ictlid wliu tlm rlbWo. TnLe
poolher , Jttfuitdtnownufubiiuui
'Hani ant imitation ! . ADroHlilicr nd
lyt.r,1. ! ! ° r 13.1"1"- " 'llnipoUll .nt
No Dotontlon From Business.
In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain.
Osi ! TREATMrur Dons THE WORK.
( BaccenBorn to THE 0. E MII.LEH CO. )
932-933 New York Life Building , Omaha.
Call or write for ctrcuhrs.
THAVin VIA Till :
bollcl Trains , , Suprrlt iiiilinu : | > ut ,
Ulnlni ; C'arn a In Cnrtti. hcvnory
Itnuto of tlio
HnndHomcst Train In tin ) World.
I'or AdtiTtlsliiK ItliittiT anil Other
Iiiforiiiiitlonrltn to
J. A. N. HICKII , \ . \ \ , V. \ ,
VMH Nniilli Cliirh Nl. , t liliniri ) , III.
A. A. IIK1III ) , W. l . A. , lllimili ) , X. V.
CIIAH. H. l.ii : : , 4pll. I'nsMCIIKrr AKrlll ,
I'lilliiileliililii , I'n.
Faclnl Soap
Facial Cream.
Undecided What , to Give ?
Just Stop Into this Store to Look.
Hero are things to ploaio the man folks , utm w imon , too , for
that matter. "Wo soil a fovv silken item < j handUorchlofs , ties and
other articles which would bo much upproclatod bjr the fullBOX. .
However , wo arc outfitters to man. Lut 113 , therefore , chat ot
things that interest these who a * o anxious to make tome man happy.
You may find hcra pretty und useful Christinas presents. Wo
haven't ' tlio ornamontiil. There la mnro good sense in the useful. A
eult is of more bonollt than a Hinoking jaelcot , and an overcoat is uurely
moro appreciated than a bath robe , and it won't coat very much to got
It hero either. A pretty black Clay Worsted milt , for Sunday wear , is
only 85.00. A dress overcoat of three or four different shades is to bo
had hero for $5.00.Vhat a dllTorenuo to S3,00 worth of useless
knlclc-knaclfs , isn't it ?
And If that man is not worth a 85.00 present wo stifrpest other
things less expensive , Hero are lovely ties from lOo up to the finest ,
Jr glass boxes , ready for the postolflce , nt 7Sc. A do/en linen collars
for OOc. Suspenders all the way from Ho up to the loveliest ombrold-
orod ones , put up In soporato glass boxes. Handkorjhlefi ) , either eilk
or linen , Glovea , Hosiery and well , everything a man needs for
wear , oven cuff buttons and bhlrt studs ,
Depend Upon Buying Cheaper Here
Than in Any Other Store
.Open Evenings Till B O'clock-