r THE OMAHA DATI/T HE ' : MVN. > AV. DECEMKER 13 , 1807 , MoKinley's Trcatmont of InnarUnt Qatsiions Strengthen ? Trade. SATISFACTORY TO MEN OF RESPONSIB LITY FrccMlntu from niMnrlilnir Political AKllntlnn Will Unto Onoil 1 - Huciicc In lU'xIorliiur HIIH- Pr < i i > rrlt - . NfiW YORK , Dec. 12. Henry Clews , head ol the banking house ot Hoary Clews & Co. , writes of the situation In Wall street. A substantial advance has taken place ! n the stock market during the past week , an ; ; prices nro nci.v npproachlnB o. level thnt will induce realizations unless frcsn stimulus to the rise IB obtained. This advance has been , entirely due to the Improvement In political ami business alTalro and was thoroush.y justified by conditions. President McKlnlcy'9 message made nn excellent Impression. His position on Cuban nfralrs , which have long been u serious rourco of disquiet , \\as > eminently satisfac tory to men of responsibility and thouuht. On the currency question : he takes the sldo of progressive reform , and his whole mcs- uttRf , If open to criticism at certain uoliits , breathes the spirit of pcoce nnd concl.latlon. \Vhat Is equally Important , congress Is In a lean Irrltablo mood than formerly , and Is likely to Blvo more attention to prcvsilng homo questions thun to disquieting interwi- tlon.ll nffnlra. The presidential election Is behind us , and the turlft question has been Bottled ; so there is , happily , loss occasion for bombtmtlc t-petchcs n1 resolutions for nollllcnl effect limn u ycur ngo. currency , bankruptcy and rallroid legislation likely to occupy more effective nltP than Cuba or Hawaii ; for which , If results nro .accomplished tic nation will devoutly return thitnkp. This promised freedom from disturbing ipo'.Ulcal ngltatlon IH destined to i have a puAerlul Induenco In the restoration I of business prosperity , for nothing has so compiotrly fettered enterprise In the last three or four years na the state of chronic four largely developed by political dis turbances , Nor la the Improvement conilncd to politi cal nfT.tlr.i , These have n very clo < ? e con nection with business conditions ; but the latter show a recovery of their o.vn. l.io nront foreign demand for our w.ieat at high prlce-i has Imp-tried a Uondcrful stlmu- lui to business In the' west , ' .shlch Is not likely to subside when that cause Is spent. The whole Interior Is apparently about to start on a new cm of development. Kansas carea little- about free silver , now that lt& citizens are ( jettlnc out ot debt and becom ing 'prosperous. ' The Iron trade Is conlulent- ly loo'/lnfr .forward to a very large business In 1S3S. The south Is fairly prosperous In Biilto of RiA-prlced cotton and the check Imposed on tratllo by the yellow fexcr ncare. Here , and there the llliRer can lie nl.icert upon sore spots ; some of our Industries arc Btlll Buffering from overproJuctlon , nnd at tie hit ? c.istern centers where the brunt of hard times had to be borne , the recovery In natural'- slower than In younger and smaller centers. The general trend , however - over , Is certainly tcUnrd nxpanslon , and the strong1 undertone of conlldenco which now prevails will within ; i few weeks express htolf in action. This , however. Is not the senson for business activity and great Im provement need not be expected before the 'ilallroads arc no.v having1 their full share of the ntnv prosperity. Earnings both net and cross nro .slowing the most gratifying galnn. The uniformity and steadiness of these gains Is something very unusual. 1-or thn Inst tnrce months the soventy-Ilvo to eighty roads regularly reporting their carn- lng-3 each week have shown gains of from 10 to TO per cent. Very fit A road ? reported declines , and these were unlrrportant. As a result a f w dividends have been In creased and others arc c.rtaln to frlnw ! If the rends only icfraln from rate-cutting- . The preferred stocks of reorganized com panies have of course been strong becaust unil r these conditions tney would b3 Ilrst to benellt. Some properties have also bcnc- iltel by funding their debt at lower ii'.cs of Interest , a process which Is likely to llnd favor -with stockholders , The darkest slik of the railroad rlUmtton Is the. pooling mics- tlon. Railroad mnnugers are not In the brightest frame of mind In this respect. They arc united In their demand for con gress legalizing the pooling method , but they are very properly not prepared to ac cent the terms upon i.v'ilch congress seem- ? willing to act that of surrendering the rate-making power. Stockholders shoul l make them-relvcs felt In this imatter. Thus for they have left the whole burden of In fluencing legislation to their managers. This la not a very promising means of success. CON'DITIO.V OF CN'ICW YOIIIC IIA.MvS. I'fL'Hcnt I < oniiH LnrKcpr Hvcr Carrlt-il in the .Mi'tropolln. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. The Financier says : The Union Pacific reorgnnl/atlon com mittee last week made an additional pay ment of $8,500,000 on account , nnd this sum , passing Into depository hanks , has In creased the averages of the clearing house Institutions no lesa than $ ! l,000COO In de posits. The Increase In loans Is connected with the same transaction , but It haa swelled the total loan Item to $007,723 , 00 , which Is by far the largest ever carried by the New York banks. , The effect of the transfer of the Union Paclllc to the new purchasers may be traced In the e panslon of the loan Item of the banks during the past llvo weeks. On November 13 last loans stood at $ . " 5- 3CO.OOQ , as compared with $ C07,725"CO , De cember 11. The loan Increase , therefore , liaa been over $3J.OOOOCO. In the same time loanH Increased $10,000,000 and cash reserves JS.OOO.OOO. Admitting thut the regular mcr- rnntllu demand for accommodation had Bomo place in this change , the main cause contributing to the enormous Increase has been In the operation In connection wltn the Union ranllle transfer. The deposits of the bank prominent In the deal have grown nearly JWWOA ) in four weeks , nnd Its loans $12,000,000 , The banks have been gaining ; cush from the Interior for a number of weeks past , but the effect , for Uho reasons Just set forth , hr'H bren crontlv mlnlmUcd. The rapid expansion In deposits require * cacn wtuc u heavier ICECIVO , and iho opera tions of the past six dnys have resulted in a decrease in the surplus c.ish In banks of $3,323ESj , bringing the excess reserve to $ l8.SS7,42o. the lowest slncci October 10 lust. That t'no changes noted nrc of a special character Is also Hhowu In thrHern of cash , the loss for the week having been Jl.012,100. This Bhrlnkage cnn bo traced to eoveral large Institutions , one of which lmn probably decrtaBed Its cash through the payment of the Butrnr dividend. There will be more or less shifting of funds an the Ilrst of the year approaches , In anticipation of the heavy dividend pay ments , and another Installment of the Union Paclllo money is also duo about that limp. The effect will be to in alto ma terial chtuiKes in forthcoming bank state ments , link with the supply of nv.illablf funds In slcht and the credits held abroad , there docs not seem to bo much chunce for anything like u higher level for money rutCH. The KOVcrnmcut'H payments of maturing bonds the Ilrst of the yenr will release u great deal of money now locked In bank vaults as special deposits. I.OIIlloll Stllt'ICH mill HllIlllH. LONDON , Dec. 12 , Discount rates were maintained last week nnd the supplies of money promise to continue scarce well Into January. The Stock exchange nan stronger nnd moio active , American railway Fecurl- tlen led tao van , with a. nearly gcneial ad vance. Kven Ilrltlsh railway secutltles par ticipated In the UPAS that the threatened rnllUny strike wan averted and the cotton trade dl ° puto nettled. Among the Interna- tlonnlu , South and Central American r < ? ciirl- tlea were well supported. There we-re sub stantial IncrcareH In Venezuelans , which rose 0 poln'.H. American securities were de cidedly buwy , pnrt'cu'ar'y the speculative klndH. Prcsldtnt 'McKlnley's ' message to congress hue mnde an excellent Impicuslon , though the postponement of currency re form Is dlsnix > l'itlng. ' Atchlson , Topeku & fUntu l-'e preferred advanced 3 points ; Southern prefrrred , 3 ; Southern 6s , 3 ; Northern Pacific , preferred , 2 ; Louisville ft Nashville , i > i ; Illinois Central , 254 ; Cht- caco. Mliwiukce o > St. Paul. 2 ; New York Control. ? ; Chesapeake. & Ohio. 44s. 2 ; Den ver and Itlo firande ( IratK , 2 ; Uric llrntp , 14 ; ] /ako Shore & MIc-hlgan Houthcrn , ll,4 ; Nor folk & Wtstcrn. prefeirel , 1W ; Pennsyl vania , Hi ; Wabasn , preferred , Us ; Wubaxh dobenturr 1 4 , Canadian I'ltclllc preferred eliares rose I''i ; Oanadtnn Piiclllo Ilrstx , 1 , und On nil Tuink vhnrcti , on the strength of tratllo rcturiig , rose l to 4 points , Ti-xtlli- JIANCUBSTEU , Dec. 12. The market mils quiet nnd uteudy lout week with a fair l > UElnes paaMnsf In alilrllngH nnd wide cloths for China , and shirting for India. Buch gooJa are not largely engaged. Otherwise business \vus Etna ! ) and scattered , with most of the ofterlnifs being unacceptable. Prices all around BO far liuvo been fairly held , but activity la dlboouraged by un known possibilities In the faeo of an 11,000- tt crop. _ 1 Wool JI r-i-t . J1OSTON. Pec , U.WQOIV'olIowlnit are th quotations for laadlnK dttcrlptloni : Ohio and I'cnniylvunla licccei. X and above , na-Mo ; ? X and XX above , SSBJOo ; Pelalno. i lo ; No. 1 couOilnv , WUJtoj No. 1 miv. tr vucj ii nnti ii , Wisconsin , etc. , MlchlKMi. . MUt4c ; No. t Michigan comblnir. 5S : c. Xo , 1 Illinois combing. JSfl2 ei No. 2 Mlc.iltftti tombing. . 2ltlSOci ! No. 1 Illinois eomtlnit 2ft H' ( X New York. New llnmtinlilro lM Vermont. 23fi24c ; No. 1 New York , New Hawphlre and Vermont. J7c ( De- lilne Mlclilcnn. te ; unwimhed medium Ken tucky and Indiana nusrter-blood combing. 211 } ! 4c : Kentucky ard Indiana thtee-clxhths-Mood combing , 2IQ23c < MlX'ittrl nuartrr-li'ood combing , Jlc ; Mlttfourl lhr < r-fIgulhf-ljlftod combing , 232lc ; brsld cfimljlnp , U'i lake and Oeoiitln. 22 (23c ; Tesaaa't , rptlng- medium (12 ( monthr ) . HtflSc , scoured price , 4JfJ4ki ; iprlnc fine ( U months ) , KjIlScj trourea price , COSC& ; ; territory noel , Munlnnn fine medium nnn lino. Itf.lTci cmirM price , 4 fl5fle tspl , f.Jff.Wc : Utah. Wyoming , etc. . nni > medium nd fne , UftlTc : scoured price , 4SfDOc ; ttple , C2CAjc ; Australlsn , scoured briMf , combing , mi > trnnc , "CI/lIo ; ( "omblnrj. eood , (3QC c ; combing a > rrase , CtQCoe , Queensland , C ° " CPT , "EbUIS , Dec. 11. WOOIQuitt nnd unchanged - changed , m-.llum 1520c ; heavy fine , 5314c | light fine , 13Q17c ; tub - cmo.tr.o GitAAJi ( PHOVISIOXS. I'Vnttircd of the Trncl I UK nml CIo ln 1'rU-pfi on Sntiirday. CHICAGO , Dec. 11. Wheat was quiet to day. In m.ttkcd contrast to the violent fluc tuations of the last three nerslona. The. close Bhowcd nn advance ot lV4c for Decem ber over yesterday , Corn nnd oats closed IInn after a dull day nnd provisions were In good demand at an advance of lOc for porlc und 2 < 4P for lard and rlba. The spe-cul.itlvo trade In wheat was light , but the feeling continued nervous. The. clique was thought to have picked up moH of the offerings , possibly enough to replace the amount sold yesterday , at much higher prlre.3 , to check the feverish adx-anco which had been started on the action of the shorls. .nut while December fold higher , the more distant futures were lower , Mn.v selling at ono time V4o boJcUi the close last night and January nearly 2c off , but both recovered Bomu , The heavy movement of wheat which la under way for this market tended to relieve , to pomo extent , the ap prehension of the short * and there was less urccncv In thn rtnmnnd from that Interest. It wan currently reported that wheat was coming In good volume from Minneapolis and thnt 609,000 bu. of Duluth No. 1 north ern on the way to Huffalo hod been stopped by tclcgrpohlo orders and tinned back to Cmcatro , whom the price would net the owners ! > c per bu. pro lit. It l < 5 kncn.Mi thnt Uiere nro large amounts of wheat elsewhere- only waiting for the price hero to reach o flguro which will warrant putting It on thei ears for Chicago and the bears hope to sec It coma In such a. flood as to seriously cm- b.irrasa the clique to take care of H. U was felt that such would l > s the case , which en couraged the short selling. Joe Lcltcr la credited with the statement that however much wheat the clique might get. It would all bo promptly shipped , but the bonra looked upon tills as n bluff. In December very llttlo was done , but nny offers to sell depressed the price Ho a bu. , and a bid for 10.0CO bu , was sulllclent to correspondingly advance It. The opening of December wuf $1.01 and It after that ml- vnnced to $1.0) and later dropped to J1.03 and the la t trade was at $1.04 > i. January was In about : i similar condition to Decem ber , extrcmly sensitive , nnd orders to buyer or sell were In sonu > cases Impossible of execution within Ic to l 4c of the Imme diately preceding transaction. The range at the start w.is from S3c to 03'/4c. after i.\hlch It fold again nt flWiC nnd down to O3',4c at the close. While December In the end showed 1V.C jjaln for the day , January shows c loss. Corn opened easy nt ' .Ac decline for Slav nnd % c for December. Uuslncss Is now nil In May. except In the way of changing open trades Into , later deliveries. T.io bearlshness of the crowd quickly changed with a llltle buying for long account , and the early short sellers met their losjos In competition of the offeiings. At the clojc May recovered nn I closed at the same price as the day before. December 1-lfie lower. May ranged from 2Sc to ? Sc. closing at the latter. The day's receipts la-ere 330 cars. A fair business was transacted In oats , notwithstanding the narrow range of prices. May opened at 22l4c , sold at 22c nnd closet ! at 22'Jlc.ic oft from yesterday , llc- ce-lpta were 292 cars. Provisions wen * firm nnd trading was n lit tle more general than for some days. May pork rose lOc to $ S.57'i and closed at that May lard retted at $ l.o26. ! nn Improvement of 2'Ac. and iMay ribs at $4.35 , knowing also 2'/c ' advance. Ustlmatcd receipts for Monday : Wheat , SOO ears ; corn , 390 cars ; oats , 415 cars ; hogs , H.COO head. i.ruuuiK futures ranged as follows : Jan. . . . 8 i.2 B HeR 8 22n ! 8 2fl May. . . a 47 R liO 847,4 8 47h Liird Dec. . . 4 an 4 17" " Juu . . . 4 . .254 4 ai ! 4 ns 4 32h May. . . 4 DO 4 511 4 S2 ! { 4 GO tli'iltlb * Dco. . ' 4 20 Jan. . . . 4 2-J' 4 25 4 22 4 5B' 4 .ivs'i ' May. . . 4 J25 4 a ; 4 32h 4 30 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows : l.'LOUK . Steady ; hard tmtents. J4 0001 SO ; roft (4 ( 43UM.IO ; eolt bakers , 533 ipl.C ) ; wlntir ttralghts. WHUAT No. 2 spring , l8ISOi/c ; No. 3 spilns , t25J > S6c : No , 2 red , Jl.01MGl.OI. COHN-No. > . , 25O2iii4c ; No. 2 yel'cw , 2G > " OATS-No. 2. 22Uc ; No. 2 white , 22O22'/ic ; No. 3 white , 23'iifr23 4e. HYH-No. 2. 4CUC. , HAULIIY No 2. 2EJT2SJe. ' J1.1S01. " TIMOTHY BRED Prime. 52.C2U. PHOVIblONS Mesa pork , per bbl. , J7.4007.43. Lard , yer VO Ibs. , tl.33OI.4l > . Short ribs tildes ( Ionic ) , M 12V&G4 M. Dry ittlteJ shou'dern ( hexed ) , Jl MfM. ; : , ; short clear flilts ( baxed ) , Jl. IS'rfl.c ; . WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd goods , per gal. . J1.1D. SUGAIIS Cut loaf , J3.80 ; granulated , 55.H ; rtandard A , unchanged. ArllcluH. Shipment ! . Flour bbla Wbeat.bu. . . . . . . . . . . Corn. bu OatB.bu llye , bu. . . llailcy.bu On the 1'roduce exchange today the butter market was fctcndy : crcnmcrlcn. ICjJ'S.lc. C.iece. nrm nt 7 ? 68'ic. KsRs. Urm ; fresh , :0 : . Uressej poultry. In coed ucmand : turkeys , lO chickens , 500'ic ; ducks , CfjScecfe ; , Case. XK\V VOHIC 3IAIIKCT. of \\\v Day on General CiimnioiIltlfH , Nr.W YOIIIC , Dee. ll.-rLOUn-Ilccclpts , 34- G79 bblii.i exports , 2C.5GG bbls. ; dull , but nomt. hally bteady ; city mill intents , J3.75iSil,00 ; city mill clears , JS.tfffS.OO : winter stialghts , > 4.55jj 4,70 ; Minnesota patents , J5.1fjj.jj ; winter ex trua. J3.40W4.00 : Minnesota baiters' . J4.20S4.40i winter low erades , J2.101J3.10. H > c Hour. < iulet I2.70ffi3.23 , hitter lancy. Iluckwheat ( lour , qulel' ilUUICWHUAT-Qulet at 373Sc. COllNMUAL-Steady ; yellow western , C3c HYK Ensyj No , 2 western , & ) } 4e r | otB 5 lIAItLUY Dull : fceJIng , IIARLUY MALT Quiet ; wcttern , u. v v. WlIliAT-llfCPlpts , 17C.C75 bu. | exports. HI , ' , , , hu , Optlonn opened cutler and decilnr-i under llquldatlcn prompted l > y weak cables. lack or export demand > ind dull trn-.e ccnerully ; clOEeu ? > < a"/4o net luner ; No. 2 led. May , Oj'ijjosjie1 closed at f2Hc ; December , PT' ItTfto closed at 97 Vic. CORN Hecelpts , I5.S75 hu. ; exports , 153,740 bu. Spot , steady ; No , 2 , 31Hc. Onllona opene ) steady on bad nealber ncrt , riil.'d quiet all day , \\ltli few dianers , and ckunl unchanKcd toio net lower ; December clcred at 319 ci Mry. 33VIW337J1C : rlrvpJ ot 33c. OATS ItccelptK. 213.fCO bu , ; experts , 442,081 bu Bpot , quiet No , 2 , :7't2ic. ' Qptlons quiet , but fa.rly steady , clonlni ; partly Ua net lower ; DC. ct-niber closvil t 27o ; Miy doted at 271/ * . ; . lIAYluli'l > shipping. 400150 ; fcoJ to choice , HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice. 1WS crop. 457Cc ; UMS crop , 6fi9e ; 1687 crop. 15 } I8c ; Pat-ins coiift , U93 crop , 4iiCc ; 155C crop , 609o 1(97 ( rrrp , ISfflSc , Uinr.S-cjult'f. qalycflon. I3c ; Texas , dry , I2oi California. 17Mfe. LiATIIiil Steady : hemlock sole , Duenos WOOIQuict ; fleece , 27H31o ; Texas. 13fP17c. 1'ROVIPIONS Ilccf. quiet : family , J9.6oniO.03i extra me" f.r.0 8.00 : beef hams. 122.001 ? 12.f,0 ; pnrltet. 9.f'flifTIO.W. ' Oil meats , quiet : p'ckld UlllPH. J5,76 J6 fO : pickled . houlder . I3.7S iiKklcd linin * . J7.25O7.0. | ; iJirri. ( Inn : western , JS.OO : December , J4.f5 nominal ; reflne-J. firm. I'nrU diillt merf 8.2J8M.rO : short clear. lin.C fi'2.0 : fomllv , JlO.tO. Talli w firmer city , 3'Jci country , % ( ! % . Ol | prtroleum. iliiHi United clewed with no market , llrfln , steady : rtralned , common to eood , Jl 40 ( > I)5 ) , Tiirp'ntlnc. steady. aj OJSMo , CottonfCfd. li 'dy , but rather quiet ; pr'ms rrad ? , 18V4a ; prime crude f , o. b mill * ISV4 HHoi prime summer jellow , 2mr2 : off sum mer > elmv | , tlKe butler ell. 24JiOC7c ; prim * w'ntprellow , 'JCSOI7C. IjiPK-l'lrmi ( air to extra , 4U i c ; Japan , MOF ASPRS < " * i1yi New Orleans , open ket , tie. BMd to chrlcc. WllSlr. MBTAIjS Plir 'T" ' " onUt ! southern. J10.rtjJ > 11.2S : norliK-rn. J10.IX14J12.2J. Prpner. oulet ; brokers' , J10.12M. l d. nulet : brokers' , Jl.M. Tin. _ plates steady , J13.63CU.70. Spelter , J3.91 lil'TTBH ' ItecflnlK , 5U rks . ' Hteadyi we t. rrn cre-cmery , U02 < e ; Klc'ns , 24c ; fartory. 13 fMIUKHI"Ilfcclpts. . 4103 pkir : steady ; lirse white , tWptBinticr , BMRS'.Jc ' : mnll while tB9'4f ! \nrr \ colbre l. SfntemiT IUfi8U | * mcolnrrd \ \ , large late , 707Uci err.a'.l , 7071i ; sklmv , . IXIGB RecclPtn. J.S7T pl < it : slradvj state and IVnnavlvanla , ilC25oi > ve lern , SJG-lc , I'rorlii SlnrkrU , PDOIUA. Dec. 11. COI N-SI ady ! No. J , K'.iC. OATH-Flow < No. S whits , Domlaal ; No. 3 white. I3U.O. j i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Closes with tbo Cnstomarj Condition Prevailing Ever/when , CATTLE BUSINESS HAS MANY FEATURES H ninl Dun-nii ot Hie AVccU Sec the ( Irncrnl Prlrcn Much Loner at the Kurt HOKH About Stonily. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 11. Receipts for the ilnys Indicated were ! Cattle. Moss. Sheep Horses. December 11 1,031 S.usu t03 December 10 1.1W 6,5'JS December 9 1.832 7,237 1,679 December 8 2,713 D.142 3.011 December 7. . . . . . . . 3.474 8,291 1,633 December C 3,204 3 , 1 3Wfl December 4 019 2,023 . . . . December 3 1,400 6S7l 4,130 1 December 2 .1,101 8,074 4,183 December 1 2.4G3 923 1,420 2 NovomborSO 3.U4 7,375 3,040 Nowmber 2' 2.171 2,3.0 I,2i3 71 November 27 811 C.B72 37 1 November 10 1,824 Bi20 4.S3S 25 November 25 1,800 5,000 700 . . . . Receipts for the past week with com parisons were : Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Week ending Dec. 1..13,361 40.402 llli > S Week ending Dec. 4.,13,749 36,145 14,682 Week ending Nov. 27..15,263 3C.24S 11.310 \VeeU ending Nov. 20..17,727 26,143 9.0& > Wtek ending Nov. 13. .19,273 30.G23 10.0.W The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by cnch road vrus : s * 1 4 t In 11 * rvrt OV > * tl'tfoO C. , r. & St. P. Uy . . 1 3 O. & St. Li hy 1 Missouri Pacific ny. . 10 3 Union Pacific System G 14 C. & N. W. Uy 3 P. , 30. & M. V. U. U. . G IS C. , St. P. . M. & O. Uy 1 7 13. & M. U. U. H G 28 C. , Q. & Q. Hy 3 1C. C. & St. J 5 C. , H. I. & P. Hy. , 13. . . S Total receipts 33 SG 3 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuyeis. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 755 The O. H. Hammond Co 29 033 Swift anil Company . . . . 1'JS l.HW The Cudahy Pncklns Co , 103 1,053 S03 H. tlcoker & Depan . . . . 78 \V\ I. Stephens S 11111 & liaulzlngcr G Oudnhy P. Co. , K. C 730 Hammond , K. C 353 Other buyers 11 Total * 491 5,654 0.i CATTLE Only Uventy-nlno loads of cat tle \vero reported In the yards today , and of that number tun loixds were not oifeteU for sale , so that there were hardly enough cattle In the yards to make a market. A portion of the cattle held off of the mar ket wcro from Mississippi and Arkansas and were on their way Into the country to be placed on feed. With so few cattle here there Is not much to bo said of the market , as the inulc was without any Importance. The prices paid were probably about steady on all kinds. The downward movement In cattle values which commenced the week before .continued djirlnf the llrsf half of the past week. Tne country seemed to get panic slrlckcn and snippers rushed for ward their half-fat and Immature cattle , which Hooded the markets at all selling points and contributed more to the gen eral demoralization of values. By Wednes day the force of the downward movement seemed to have expended Itself , tempo rarily at least , and on Thursday thuru was a silt lit reaction , so that the week closed with values a little above the cx- tremo low point. In a Renoral way values for the week were about 23c lower. 13eef steers were In pretty fair request all the week In spite of the fact that the market was both slow and lower and as a Ktneral thing unsatisfactory. The half fat cattle especially were very slow and they were much neglected on some days. Prime cattle did not Bell oft very much , some fancy Christmas cattle aslllng at $5.CO , the best price paid thlsr season , but the general - oral run of cattle wati anywhere trom 25MOc lower than they were at the his a time. A week or ten days ago very few cattle were selling under f4.CQ , but n con siderable proportion of the receipts sold during the last half of the week at 53.75 ® 1.00. showing In degree the extent of the decline. Cow stuff suffered In about the same proportion ns fat cattle and the market at the close of the week was anywhere from luc lower on the most desirable kinds to 30ig40c lower on common cannerg , ns compared with the lilgn time. The Btocker and feeder trade was rather quiet all the week. On most days the offerings were light and not many wanted. The market iciaduolly worked lower In sympathy with the break In fat cattle , the decline amounting to about c. HOQS The week , closed with a Mir run and n In to be said on the subject. Tne range or lirlota XMIS fj. OifiS. So , ens l3ul gelling at the last montlonol price , which was 5o high"1 than good Btetuly maiUct and that Is alwut all there was paid for ahythlnu yesterday. The erent bulk of rul tho' hoR.i fold nt the three piloa , TJ.10 , JS.i:1 nnd f J 15. The market cloved early , with everything sold. Iho hop market , ns welt as the cattle market , traveled the down hill road the part wrck. At the onenlnc of the wek the hops sold 5c lower than the opening of the piwloua week. On Tuesday It fell nearly 5o nnd \Vcdnetitty It list oJinther shoving 'if aViut the Fomo thickness Thursday's market pn ed to be the lv > tlom for the wesk. The halnnce of the week the rmrkct did not Hhcw much change , \ allies remaining about ptntlonaiy. The total decline from Mon day's prices was 12' e , but figured from the ex treme low pilnt of the week before It was only SfflOc. Values durlnst the punt week touched the lowest point reached by the market n'nc January , when the n\ erase price dropped as low as 13.07 on ona day. The demand for hos ? was good nil ( he pnst week nnd receivers had no trouble on most yB | i ( unloading nt current prices. imni1 Tln-rn were three loads of Mexican yearlings In the yard * , which met with prompt Kilo nt a little better prices. Khcep , llko cattle- and hop" , dropped In value the past week , Init priced held up better here than at most belling points , ovine to the very good demand nnd moderate receipt * . For the week the market \\rus only Ittijllc lower , allow ing for the Btronuer market nt tha close. CIIICAOO MV13 STOCK 3I.UIKET. Viilrl- Active , 1ml Cuttle anil Slicop Are Hull. CHICAGO , Deo. 11. Cattle were , in light de mand and the week closed with an unutu.illy dull market , except for a few Christinas entile. lluyers were well filled up latt week and re quired few or none the past six day * . The pens have been cleared nnd better prices arc looked for Monday. Many cattle sold this week ut much ICES than they rot > t at country ship ping points. Christmas cnttle. * 5.ZS 5.5 ( > : extra bteeru , I5.W35.SO : medium. JllUiH 25 : fair to prlnm fcedeiH. W.i5S4.25 ; common to good stccK- ers , } 30\W3.iOi CDWS and heifers , JJ.75M4.Mcan - ncra. $1.7te2.40i Texas fleers , i3.40O3.7S Trade In hogs wcu active nt about' yester day's prices. A peculiar f future of the mar ket Is a ftopp.igo of the eastern ehlpplns de mand and lecvlpts of fair numbers ot eastern hogs here , owlnur to the lowe-- prices prevailing thtrej fair to choice , f3.27te03.3S ; heavy } 3 l"f " | 4i-&J" " w Bhuep are 15j2Sc lower on tlie wesk , but larnbs have advanced 25O33j per ICO ] bc al- thouKn for the day they were off lOc ; lambs , Jl.Wo6.75 ; Bheep , J3.fXiWl.lOi jcar.lngu , f4 lll < if 4.80 , llecelptf HOBS. 22,000 head ; cattle , 400 bead : sheep , 1,600 head , , . l.OlllN IIVO SlOOk. ST. IXHJ1S , Dec. ll.-CATTLU-Ilccclpta , 700 head , of which COO arc Tcxani ; shipments , Joe head ; market utiady ; fair to choice native viiln. pliiK. nd export eteerB , ? 3.7S 5.So ; bulk of salen. .158i.o5i dreried beef an'i' ' butcher ulcers 13 M MS.CO bulk of rnlo , 13.8584.25 ; Eteers umler 10CO Ibs. . W,25ffl .23i bulk of | e , t3.SOiJ3.7Gi strckers and feeders. JZ. 0 < .a ) : bulk of ilc I3.00e .00 : co and hclfern , J1.75ff4. ( ; bulk oi cown. ti.K il.W , rannlng cow , | l,60ii2.30 : built Jl.7Sa3.Ji ; Ti'xna nnd Indian Htceis , f2.7S3.5 j COWB and heifers , J .COSi3CO , HOaS-ltecelpl . 2 KO heaJ thlpments. J.200 hcsidi market Jo h Rher : light , J1.25U3.50i mixed , J3.23 3.85 ; heavy. J3.SStfJ.tO. BHir.r llwflpts , 30i head ; shipments. 800 bead ; market Mtady ; native muttons. I3. t > ( t 4.CO : culls unJ b\ick , : .75e3.f tto.k r I2.il CZ.S3 ; lambs. | 3. ( < ) ff5.60. IniUniiupollii I.tvo Siopk. INniANAI'OUS , Dec. H.-CAlTLK-Jlecelpts. 17S head ! ehlpmenls , 100 beods no Improvement whatever ! good In prime Metrs , J4.COS5.CO : fall to medium liters , } . (0f4.45. ( ' HoaH-Itei-eipU , 4.TW hentlj thlpnients , 2KK ( > head : market active. : KOa hlKher ; good ti , rholro medium and heavy , 3.MO3.34. ! mlx l , J3 IOifS.35 ; rommon lights. JJ.ZOffJ.W. SIIEIU' Hecelpts , light : shipment * , nonet market closed ) ijulet ; ucod tp cholco lambs. 13. IS 05. M ; common to medium lambs , t3.OOSO.CK ) common ibeeji , > 3.Uat,7S. Kunt II u It'll In Live UA8T IJUKl'AIX ) . N. Y , . Uec. ll.-CATTLB- W ak. HOaS Vorker , freed to choice. J3. H03. < 3i roiiehs. common to choice. JZ.WSf3.10 ; plgB. common to choice , J3.4183.,0. ( LAM IIS Choice to extra , JC.0086.M ! culls to common. J4.Ptfi3.w. HIIKEl' rhoire to ( elected wethers , JI.COO 4,75 ; culls to common , J3.0083'C. City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. Deo. II. CATTIJi-Uecelpts. l.tVO ; markft unchanged ; only retail trait ; Tc-xui > te r * , J3.1IQJ.CO ; Texas cows , J2. 10 3.75 ; native Utri. JJ.WW5.tO ; irntlv * owa ( .aa lulftrn , 11.100 JOBBERS FIND tyRNUFRCTURERS tf Of OM.W1R. AGBICUM UHAL/IMPLEMEN F. I insngor & L letealf Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements. Buctles and Carriages. Cor , tth and PftclfV Bts. Jobbers of Farm Machinery. Wasons and Buggies - Cor. tth and Jones , ART GOODS Hospe * Pictitre Moldings. Mlrrore , Frames , Hacking and Artlnta * Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC Pricing Go. i.iTuuaiitruisa , JMJl.VTJA'O ASD BOOK ISUi'DlSO. Eleventh anil Howard Sts. B JOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , M'frs | Jobbers of Fool Wear WESlEtlN AGENTS FOH The Joseph Bani aii Kubbor Oo. Rubbers and Mackintoshes. Ouinhn , Neb. oo.'s , Shpes and Rubbers T' s Balesrooms 1I02-1104-U06 Ilarney Street. T. Lindsay , VVHOLCSALH RUBBER , GOODS' ' Owner of Chief Brand Macklrxtasher Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT T\'HOLE3ALE. omco nnd Salesroom | lU9-'l-23 Howard St. llianis-Havward Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Agents Goodyear Glove "Rubbers. lilt Ilarney Btrcet. BAGS IS ! Va ff w Importers and Manufacturers BAGS 614-16-18 Soulli nth Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. SYRUPS , Molasses , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jclllov. Also ( in cans and Japanned warn. CHICORV Growers and manufacturers of all forms ot Chicory Omaha-Frcmont-O'Nell. 4.00 : itockeis and fee-Ifrs. J2.731I4.CO : bulls. J3.CO. I1OOS Itecelpts , 9UOirmarket steady to a made lower ; bullc of aien.Tj3.22i403.3u ; heavlrs , 13.11IQ 3.3ZVJ ; packers. J3aHtf3.5j ; mixed , JS.15B3.3J ; ' " ' ' 3.2o' . „ i No glieep , New Yurk Live SlooU. NR\V YOIIK. Dem M. llUKVKH Itecelpts , 210 head ; cjpjits , f > S3 heud bccvcE , 3) ) lieaJ shrep and 3WS quarters of bc < rf. C'ALVi:8-Hcelpls 23 h.ad ; dull , Btcaiy , Vcol , HHUin1' AND LAWIfeHeselptr. . 2150 head. Khcep , steady , J3.00OI.23. Lumba , ueulc , JO.Wt * 6 40 ti * * I10QS Receipts , " , 0 I'end ; s ealy ; J3.45if3.C5. Clnctuiiutl Llvi > Stuck. CINCINNATI , DC ? , 11-HOOS-Stcndy , J3.I5GI . . . . BIIKIIP AND LAMIld Steady ; sh < rep , J2.75W 4.03 ; Iambi , 3 Sliilit. necord of recelpt 'pfeHve slock at the four principal markets a r , , December 11 : ii. i Cattle , Hop-i. Bhren. l.WI 660 W3 410 22 fO ) KanMs"cYty" ; : ' . ; : ; : . ; ; , ; ; : ; i.wo : CM . . . . . Ht. Ixiula if , M * < M _ 3 ' Total 8.1" 3 SO 2W > 3 fit. Louis ( ionernl Markets , ST. I/31'IS. Dec. 11. PLOUH Patents , JI.7W COO ; stratKhts. IL40W4M ; clear , Jl 0034 23 ; me dium. J3.ti'C3.75. WHEAT Lower , closing 1W for December below > esttrilay. but May only Uc and July % c loner ; May opened ' , ( > c off. and told down HO more ; recovered lie. declined HftUc , again re acted , but closed at opening price ; December was almost deserted durlrg the early hours , but on call there was considerable trading In that option , \\lilch was offered freely by a leading long , and finally It doted Ic below opening vales ; tpot , lowrr : No. , t red , cash. In elevator and on track ; Jl.oOli ; December , H.WV4 ; January , tie bid ; May , I > 3ttc ; July , 81o luki-d. COUN I'Mturo * ruled weak mott of the day , tut near the close advanced on corlng by shorts , and closed steady to fractions on from yesterday ; rpot , firm : No. 2 cakh. 2IVic ; De- cenilwr. 2IUc : January , 24o aeked , t4o bid ; May. 2CK&2CKC. RYE Dull at 4Cc. I'LAXSiullIlghcr at 11.10. OATS Future * dull , neglected and lower ; cpot , lower ; .No. 2 caih , in elevator , : i'ici on CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. H , Bliss , Jinjtorttr and Jobber Crockery. China , Glassware , Silver Plated War ? . Looking Glauses , Chan. dellera , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc. 1410 FAUNAS ! ST. CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company Creamery Machinery And Supplies. Boiler Engines. Feed Cookers , Wood Pul. leys. Shafting , Beltlno. Butter Pack ages ot all kinds. 907-909 Jones St. - - - - - - COAL. Fuel Go. Ofllco 1G05 Farnaru Street. SHERIDAN COAL. C. N. Dletz , President. Oou'.d Dlcti. Sec. & Tres. DRY GOODS. M.- T Importers anil Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUGS. lohardson tag 60 = 902-006 Jackson St. J. O. LICHARDSON. Prest -vj | ) a P. WELLEH , V. Prtet. lU'f'ra StsiiilzrJ P.'izniixceittlcitl 1'raiarci- tlons. l > l > total Formulae I'reparnl to Order. Send far Catalogue. Laboratorr , 1112 Howard St. , Omaha. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen Bee" Srcclaltlts , Clears , Wliito and tlr&ndlca. Comer 10th and Hurncy Street ! . II . , ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Electrical Supplies. Klcctrlc MJninjr Bells nnd Gns Liqhllng a.v. . JOH'KSTON , MET. isio Howard st. WHOLESALE AND KETA1L ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1204 Farnam St , FRUIT-PRODUCE. Commission Merchants. 8. W. Corner Kth and Howard Stn. Members of the Xatlenal League of Ccmmlt- elon Mtrchanta of the United States. & JODCEH3 Fruit and Vegelablss BPnCIALTinS Straw berries. Apples , O Lemons , Cranberries , Potatoes. 1017 Howard St FURNITURE & StoKQ FurBiitee SS © WJIOLnSALE Furniture Draperies 1U&-1117 Farnam Btiett. track , 22cJ December , JIc ; Slay , 22ie ; No , 2 white. 24WO25C. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme , J2.tO , CORN MIAL Ji.io. UllAN Quiet but firm : sacked , east track , 57c. HAY Firm , with choice trad a ] tcarce ; prulrle. J7.503JM ; timothy , JS2SS10M , - creamery , 18ije23Vjo ; dairy. . KGOS Steady at 17e. WIIIHKY 11.19. -I/-ad , dull at 3.50. Speller , dull at J3.75 3.775. ! PHOV1BION8 Pork , quiet ; standard mcts , Joh. blntf , 18 23. Lard , hlcner : prime steam , Jl V3 : choice , 14.30. Jlncon , lioxcil lots , extra hort clear , Jl.n',405.00 ; ribs. 5 37 ® ) .ti ; sncrti , Jif.u fiS.cu. Dry salt meets , boxed thoullers , J4.7G 5.C ; extra thort cleur , I4.37V4&1 Wj ribs , Jl.tl',4 515.00 : shorls , H 87V4 J5.CO. RBCKIl'TH Plour. 4,000 bbl . : wheat , M.OOO bu. : coin. 1C3.CCO bu. ; oalr. 18.100 bu. SHIPMiNTS-Plour , 7Ct/l this. ! wheat , C.CO ) bu , ; corn , (9,000 bu , ; cats , 10 , (00 ( bu , Ilnlllnifire I3ALTIMOI113 , Dec. 11. FLOUH-Qulet and unchanged ; lecelpts , 13 ( f3 Milt. ; exports , 1,97) bhls. ; ettern suptrllnc. K."OffJ. 10,1 western ex. tra , i3.3Ji74.10veetern : family. tl.4CQ4.63 ; winter wheat patents , H.fcJfj-5.10 ; riirlnirhrat patents. Jl.t ( ' t.15 ; ; tprln ? wheat stralcl.ls , 14.7084.S3. WXI2AT Kiisy ; spot and month. 714087Kc ; Muy. JiI'So tld ; steamer. No. 'I ted , Wo : re ceipts , 72 JI9 liu. ; expoits , 18000 til. ; southern wheat , by sample. KQ'j'jc : southern wheat , on grade. W.iGliilic. CO11N Steady ! * pqt , 33053110 : month. 32iSO 32ic' December , nw or old. XfiZWlc ; tteam i mixe,1 , 3l4j31'.ic ; receipt * , 149kCH ) ! , . ; exports , 1,418 bu. : Kouthern white corn , 23(733c ; southern yellow , 30f33c. OATU-Klim ; No. 2 wlillp. 3',5e30e ; No. ! mixed , 27Q27lio ; lecelpts , > l,233 bu. ; exports , HY'R Kasler : No. 1. near by. tllo bid ; No. : western , (3G53Uo ; receipts , Vt.WA bu. ; exports , HAY Steady ; choice timothy , 113 asked , 1X3(33 Steady ; fresh , VWKc. Oil Miirkt-U. OIL CITY , Dec. ll.-Credlt lialance . tSs ; cer- tlncates , nn bid : offered and rlciiod , CSKc ; slilp- inents , 67,221 bbls. ; runs. 109.C62 bbls. CHAItLKSTON. B. t' . Bee. ll.-OILB-Turp n. tln < \ market firm at 30c : ; alt , p n > . Kojln , firm ; sales , none ; recelptB , nous : A , II. C , D , J1.15 ; I ] . P. ! . ) : O. 11.23 : II. ( l.4 ( | ( . U.Ml U , l.es ; M. 1.K > : N. K20 | WaWl WW , 11. BAVANNAH. 0 . . Vta. IL-OlLeWP1' " * , lur' prntlna , firm at 20Uoi MlM. iiZ bblf.l NMlnU , tu LL1 . iictla. flrnt ua uixctumgtii wuuiii TYPE FOUNDRIES. r reaf Wes' ' Type Foundry Superior Oopptr Mixed Tjrpt li th b it on th mr.rket. ELEcrnoTYrn POUNDIIT. 1111 Howard Street , GROCERIES. tnr 13th and Leiivcmvorth St. Staple and Fancy Groceries IF.A AND COrrtE RCUSURS , Etc. eyer & Raapke , WHOLimtB FINE GROCERIES I Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. I 1103-1407 Ilarney BsreeU IMPOUTlMtS. GAS COFFEE IIOASTKUS AND JOUUINQ GHOCnUS. Telephone 2S2. HARNESS-SADDLERY JI'/T. , HADDLt-S AX It COLZAKB Jobbers of [ .father , badtllcry Hardware , Etr , Wo solicit your orders 1315 Howard Et , HARDWARE. Wholesale Hardware , Oinalm. lardware Wholesale Hardware. nicyclca and aportln ? Gooils. 1210-21-23 Hur- ncy street. LIQUORS. Boise & WIIOLESALR L/QUOXS. Pronrietora of AMnniCAN CIGAR AND QLASh WAKU CO. 214-216 South llth St. East India Bitters Golden Sheaf Pure Rye and Dourbon Whiskey , Willow Springs Distillery. Her & Co. , 1112 Ilarney Street- 'rickfiHerberiz , Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 Furnniu Street. Wholesale Liquors and Cigars. lllSParnum Stroct- WIIOLESALB Wines , Liqiiors and Cigars. 413-415 8. Uth street. 1,163 bbls. ; rccflptti. 3,743 hhl . ; A. IJ. C , D , 11,15 ; K , P , II.:0 ; n. H.SO ; U , il.40y I. Il.&i ; K Jl.'O ; M , ll.M ; N , J2.23 ; WO , 12,53 ! WW. IJ.03. OMAHA GB\iil.\i , MA11KISTS. CoiiillUoii of TiMiiln nml < tno < ntloiiM on Mnplr nml Kiuitt } ' I'ruililUL . iaas-Strlct.ly fresh , IS ; , UUTTKIl-Common to fair , lOffllo ; choice to fancy , 017c ; separator creamery , Z2c ; ealhtrej creamery , 20c , VEAL Choice fat. 80 to 120 Its. , quoted at Be ; Inrico and coarse. 40oc. UnUBSUO POULTKY-Chlckens , COCo ; tur- ' < . ' ! * ! ! Bi-tse. bu : ducKn. 7c , OAML Small rabbltH , pir doz , , ZOo ; large , per I' ' ' * Bow ? Pralrlo clilclttns , J5.CO ; qujll , l)0c ) WI1.CO ; ( qulrrcls , DOMCCc. I'laKONB Mve. 7Gc ; dfnd plscon * not wanted. HAY-tJpland , td.fO ; mldlnml , J3M : lowland , 15,00 ; lye utrnw , ( I ; color makes the price on bay ; llcht Imlcx tell thu belt ; only top croilca brlnt" top prices. , - utocU. larue , o ; email , 2C ® ONIONB Per bu. . COJjCSc. JIKANS llond-plcked navy , per bu , , Jl.KO 'HWEET POTATOKS per bbi. , : ,5r OAIIDAOC Oncd stock , per Ib. . l c. POTATOES Homo ( frown , IJtfjSs ; ( Btern Block. C5B70c , FIIUIT8. jCAWFOHNIA BTItAWUIinniCS-Pcr pt. , 107 QUlNCns California , per box , tl.23. API'LKS Winter stock , IJ J1J.OJ ( ) California Iltllellour. | jox - , i.w ; Col-rado Jonathan ? , boxt . Jl.75 ; OreROn , boxes , 11.15. CltANUiilUIIiS-Jcr * . per bbl. , J7.01 ; AVIs. consln Hell and JJugle , } 7U ; Wlscqns'n Hell and aiui'i.S-C'ata bas. Mb. baskets , 14ei5e ; Hal- nguu , | 3.008 < I.W. I.W.TJIOPICAL TJIOPICAL 1-'RL'1T . OIlANanflU-McxIcan. ptr box , 3.73fl ,00 ; Call- fornla navels. M.OH.ti. ) , ' 'IJ"ON MeMlniiji. SCO , J3.0)O3 M ; SO ) . tl. 00 > 4'Jii iIrina' | ZMW C .Wi tOO. 3.T Jl. < 0. . I'ANANAH-Cholce , larea sttck , per buncli , iWa.ZS ! medium * l cd tunchej. | l,7a2.00. 2II8CELLANiOUU. NUT&-Alrnondi > . ptr It. , larce sire , UHCKoj email , Has Hrazllv , per lb. . J/lOo ; ttngllih wai- r > ut . per | b. . fancy , soft shell , llo ; standards , 8 lllberti. per lb. , lOc ; pecans. pollsheJ , extra , large ; l cj lareo iildury LUMBER c hlcago Lumber Oo. WHOLESALE DUMBER . . . 014 South 14th St. LUMBER. WHOLESALE AND nKTAtti LUMBER Offlc * and Turds. . . , . . . , , . .13lh and California Bit. Wholesale Lumber Lime , Etc. Otli and Douglas Stg. OYSTERS. David 001 © & Oo , PACKERS. KING COLE OYSTERS , CKLErtY AND POULTIIY. 1015 llouard St. OILS-PAINTS Paint Co , MANUFACTUnnnS Air Floated Mineral Paint And Palnt nf Ml Kind * J'ntty , Eto. 1015 and 1017 Jonri St J. A. MotTct , 1st Vice Pros. L. J. Drake , Ocn Mir . . . .OILS. . . . Onfo.lne , Turpentine , Asia Gienso. Ktc. Omaha Hrnnch and Agencies. John lluth Mgr. PAPER-WOOD2NWARE. Printing Paper , Wrapping Paper , Stationery , Corner nth and Howard itrccti. Wrapping Paper , Stationery , Woodemuare. 1107 Horncv Street SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Publishers , Manufacturers nnd Jobbers. The largest Supply House In the Weat. Corner llth and Ilnrncy Streets. STEA l-WATES SUPPLIES. IOM-IOJ6 Doualns Struct. Manufacturers and jobbers of Steam. Qas and Water Supplies of All Kinds. t nit ad Staffs BIB rroS-irro Harney St. Steam Pumps , Engines and Dollers , Pipe , . Wind Mllli. Steam nnd Plumblnc Material , Hcllln ? , Ilosa , Etc. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 'foys , Dolls , Albums and FANCY QOOD3. nousa furnlrhlngii. Children's Carrlagea , Eta. 1319 rurnam Street YEAST-BAKING POWDER. Manuraclurois' celebrated "On Time and German liaUInu ' 1'owder. SatlBfactlon suniantceil. 43or to 432r North 'lu'enly-eight Street. TRLKI'IIONH 1J)5 ) . H. R. PENNEY & CO. , 10 Board of Trndo BlUg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCK Branch Office. 103S N St. , Lincoln , Neb , OLD COLONY IIUILDI\i , UllIOAliO , Membnru Chicago Uojrd of Trade Blnco ItC Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Slocte Ordern Cush nnd I'uturo Delivery Hollelttil Oniuliii Olllec , lloinii 1 , \ . Y. Life Illilir. . . . . 'Phono 11(11. ( . . . KLOYD J. O.V.Ml'IIiL7 , , JlniiiiKvr. 39YD & GO , , Tuluphouu 103 ! ) , Oinnlia , N'-'J COMMISSION , GHA N I'UOVlSIONSanUSTOCIvS. Ol' Direct lre to Chicago uitlf New York. Correipondtnls : Jcl.n A. Warrin & Co. nuts , tl.Olffl.IO p-r bu , : tmall , I1.Z3O1 35 per bu. : CDCoanutB. | ) T 10) , JI.OO ) | t-ariUl , rau , fii 'i ! , , KIOH-Impurtcd fancy , 3 crown , 14-11' . I" x < / \ 12c ; 6 crown , 4Mb. IMXCH , KJflici 2-lb. Inien , SI tilla rer bx ; California , lO-lb. box , Jl.(0. ( HONUY Cbolco white. 122 ; Cubrado umler , 11 Clio. KHAl'T Per lbi. , JI.03 ; half bill. , $2.2682 K. MAPLK BYJtUr-rive-GTil. cans , iKicli. Ji.TJ ; Pl.l. carm , pure , ittr dor. , 112.00 ; half-ual , cam , | ; 20 ; quart cam , J3.CO. DATiS-Halluwte , CO to 70-lb. Ixixes. Co ; Kard , 9-lb. baxcs. o. IMU blil. . 49,00 ;