Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1897, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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BESS ! * IS"
. . .
.JL. JL > A. i m-r
Wise buyers realize that they want goodness plus cheapness in price.
We invite inspection. We urge comparison.
'A ' Word to
You wll find n ! i'ltlcs ' nnd price * on
reliable up-to-date Dress Goods such op
portunities Unit you must not mis' * .
We will sell at H.'c line all wool Cash-
were , any color jwuu'only : SL'JS for : \
dress pattern.
We offer at r > 0e all wool Krench Twills ,
15 Inches wide tills Is n 73c iiiwllty
any shade. *
As IOIIK as ( hey lust , J."c New all wool
fiiiitliiKS. : ' .0e , .Tie and -JOe snides. This
Includes pretty heather and Seotch mix
turt'H , checks , ete.
Don't oversee this bargain , 7fc ! Im
ported Novelty Satin .laijuards , $1.00
Kriidc all colors new and of the present
Iiif.xpeiislvo and most appreciated
IMalil for a waist.-
We have made a special cut for this
week on silk and wool 1'lalds. Our rich
und latest style Silk Velour 1'lalds , .fl.tKi
and $1.-I5 f'i-ade. dnrlnt ; the sale $1.00.
We Include DO-lnch Tartan I'Jnldavortli
Silks as Gifts
for Xmas
Satin Duqhess , 27 Indies wldr- , rich
lustrous black satin , $1.00 a. skirt pat
tern only $7.00.
Black Dress Silks for this week at $1
Peau de Solo , Armure , Satin Luxre ,
Satin Duclu * High Art Brocades all
nt $1.00 , regular price $1.25.
Would yon have a select gift for
Christmas offering a dress pattern of
these are recommended.
$1.00-extraordlnary vnltio $1.00Ve
will sell at this price n grcntt va
riety of Waist and Dress Silks. On
view at Silk counter. Stylish and de
pendable Silks.
Evening Silks-$1.00-Evenlng Sllks-
Wo will sell this week Brocaded Silk ,
ricli and new styles , $1.5 : ! quality , In leg-
honiv rose , del , eucallptus and lavender
all at $1.00.
Henrietta , 75c Full line of all the late
shades street shades new tones for
house gowns regular value $1.00.
Cashmere , iWc A complete range of
colors In line all wool goods regular
price JOc and 50c.
Black Dress
Goods as Gifts
in Black
Dress Goods
.Tic for flnc all wool Cashmere , sold
usually 50c.
50c high grade Satin Jactiuards , usu-
ti5c and 75c grade.
75c French Novelty Satinettc , rich
and now sold formerly $1.00.
55c Storm Cheviot , a great bargain-
worth 75c.
S5e silk finished Henrietta our $1.00
$1.00 Hindoo Cloth , 50 inches wide-
regular price § 1.I5. !
$1.25 High grade 50-inch silk finished
Broadcloth $1.50 grade.
Hemstitched fine Cambric Ilamlker-
chleft-i , Iu all white , dainty printed bor
ders , lace corners , etc. Special , "c each.
4 Special Bargains Scalloped nnd
lleinstltcliod borders , all linen and Swiss
U.Uiste Handkerchiefs , very pretty do-
slRiis 1'JVst1 , l"ic , 'Ma , -"ic ; eacli.
Hemstitched Hand ICmbrohlercd Init
ial All Linen Handkerchiefs at ir > e and
Children's Ilaiulkcrclilera In pretty
picture boxes , only Sic ti box.
Irish convent hand oinbroltlercd all
lliieu Ilandkorchli'tV , beautlftil desltrns
and very serviceable , nt iMc , 5UL , Too.
Jfl.OO , $ l.iiO and up.
Huliled footing bordered and cmbrolil-
ered Ilandkerchlers , SKic , I0c ! , SOc , 7."e
and ? 1.H ( ) each.
Flue hand made Inoe border Ilnml-
kerchicfs. elcjiaut assortment , at 7"c ,
$1.00 , $1.'J5 , $ l.r 0 , $1.75 , $2.00.
Kino imported hand painted Gauze
Fans , 7"e. $1.X ( ) , $1.'J. , $ l.r > 0. Vj.oo up.
Heal Ostrich Colarettes and Uoas , from
? LM > 5 to $110.00.
Bargain Week
Specials in
New Outer
We are showing the largest and finest
line of Ladles' Jackets in Omaha. We
can , give you the best Jacket for $5.00 ,
$7.50 and $10.00 you have ever looked
' " . .
See our $12.50 Jacket , made of kersey
and ctamlnc cheviot , wide shield or box
front coat , or storm collar , lined through
out with Taffeta silk or : satln , colors ,
navy or black.
Ladles' Black Kersey Jackets , nil satin
lined , strapped seams , fly front , 21 or
28-Inch length , $15.00.
Ladles' best grade Kersey and Molten
Cloth Jacket , lined throughout with best
Taffeta silk or heavy satin , "chle
styles. " for $10.00. $20.00 and $25.00.
Ladles' Stylish Velour Russian Blouse ,
beautifully made and trimmed silk or
satin lined were $ : ! 0.0now $20.00.
Ladles' Husslan Blouse in wool , light
or'dark ' rich colorings , various styles of
trimmings , all silk lined , go at radical
Misses' Jackets Newest styles of ex
tra tine kersey and all wool mixture' , in
handsome colorings , perfect lilting sixes ,
0 to 12 years at very low price.
Girls' Long Cloak , made of kersey or
fancy boucle cloth , fur or braid trim
med sixes 0 to 10 years $5 to $12.50.
1'TUS ' A complete assortment of La
dles' and Children's Furs.aiv shown in
our Fur department at popular prices.
Ladles' Silk .Waist of best quality taf
feta , short yokes , full , blouse front , in
all new colors , for $5.00.
Ladles' All Wool Waists- , extra quality
Scotch plaids , perfect fitting $ : i.50.
ITovelties in
Fine grain , morocco , peal , mon
key , giraffe , etc. , at Mc ) , GOci 7."c , $1.00 ,
$1.25 , $1.50 up I.- ) $5.0U.
Boston Shopping Bags , in all the ne.v
leathers and cloths. < LOQ , . i. ; ' . ( > , $2.00 up
to $5.00 each.
JusJ. received , a new r assortment
French Valenciennes Laci-s-and Inser
tions for trimming Immikcivhicfs.
Just received , the litriri t/.issortmi'nt of
men's women's and cli'UH'en' ' lmbrllas
ever exhibited iu Omaha.
You Will Need
for Xmas
Select Them Now
'Ere the Assort
ment is Broken
$1.2r > ' -'Mascot" ? 1.1 ! . > . There Is not
a better Rlove to be had at this price-
up-to-date ni every respect.
$1.50 "Mocha" Silk lined mo
cha an admirable street > : lovo.
? ' _ ' .00 "Trefousse" $2.00. Is the
genuine T.u'fotHs-2 . Oluve . > f this s-ason ,
with all the new fcatii-w also with PCS-
t'-r fasteners and ci.Mp.t.
.f'J.'jr > "I'errlno" $2.i- ! . " .lolnville"
the most recherche. glove brought out
this season. Wetluw all the late shadIngs -
Ings and stitching.
$2.riO "Monarch" $ J.fiO. The "Mon
arch" has the new jewel stitching' . Ideal
pearl clasp , and as the name Implies , the
monarch glove in every pulnt , with a
full line of most oximlsltu colors.
For misses , v\o call at tout Ion to the
"Lolrctti" and "VpiiiV the most reli
able and stylish atveot gloves ovit.
Flannels , Etc
No wonder we sell Tlhinkct. ; , when our
pi Ices are the 'ovtvt ' of the low. We
show the biggest and best assortment
ni'il sav < > you nnney on til's smallest
Klg lot of G'.tton lUankei.In ' white ,
gray and fawn , at o'.je , it"c , 7o ! ) and $1.00
Hero and nowhere eise can yon buy
a lleece Hobo lilatiket at ! Kc ) pair ; beau
tiful designs In all colors.
One case six-pound Hlankets , pure
wool tilling and worth at the least S.YOO ,
tomorrow $ JUS ) pair.
One case exera heavy 1J. & 1C. IUan-
kets , absolutely pttre wool , gray or
white ; sold els. wh > ro and called a bargain -
gain at $ (5.00 ( our frl'a .15.2."i pair.
Others at $ t'J.- ! | , $ -5.0 , $7.00 , $7.50 ,
$8.00 , $8.50 , $0.00 .and up-prices greatly
Biggest display of 'homemadeComforts
ever seen In Omaha nt prices lower than the
cost of material llicy come In Gingham ,
s'llhollne , Satin , Dotted Swiss , Challle , Dlm-
Ity and Imported Lawn filled with best
white cotton batting and sells at from $1.25
to $3.00 each.
Scotch Flannels for Shirts and Night
Gowns warranted unshrinkable at Sue , 30i\
33c and 40c yard.
Endless assortment of 30-Inch Shirting Per
cales , In all shades and colors , figured or
striped , at 12' c yard.
Endless assortment ot Dress Per
cales all colors figures or Roman stripes ,
12 > ,4c yard.
Endless assortment of Fleece lined Wrap
per Flannels , beautiful designs , all colors ,
lOc , 124c and 15c yard.
Just Received A big shipment of Linens
Imported direct from the manufacturers In
Ireland fop our Christmas trade. Case after
case reveals the finest product of the Irish
looms. We have been very careful In the
selection of these goods , and In buying
them direct can save you the middleman's
or jobber's profit. Towels , Tray Cloths. Lunch
cloths , Doylies , Bureau Scarfs , Hod Spreads ,
Napkins , Table Cloths and Hemstitched Col
ored Table Covers at manufacturers' prices.
Art Goods
Just Opened for
the Holiday Season
lllch embroidered goods and fancy
needle work , leather goods , silver novel
ties , fancy aprons , handkerchiefs , etc.
Uloh Oriental figured Art Satins nml
Velours for pillows and draperies.
Novelty Taiestry , Uussian Uloth , Gold
Embroidery , Linen and Denim Tnblo
Hand made Kenalssnnce L'atleoiburs
I.tiCp Doylies , Tabl-j 'Jovers , Dresser and
Sideboard Scarfs , Guipure and Irish
point embroidered.
IMlow Shams and Scarfs to match.
Handkerchief Cases , Address 1'nds ,
Needle , Hat , I'ln and Watch Cases , Pen
Wipers and Skein Silk Holders , made of
art linen with dainty hand embroidery ,
at 75c , $1.00 , $ l. r > , $1.50 up to $2.50
Silk satin and linen hand painted
embroidered and lace trimmed I'ln
Cushions , ISc. HOc , 5Qc , "tie , -l.OO up to
Taffeta Silk Combination Kensington.
Hag and Nccdlo Cases.
Novelty Crochet Needle Holders. LT > c.
Sterling silver mounted Kmorys , 3oo
( tomato and strawberrv hapes ) .
Sterling- Silver Scissors , $1.2.'i each.
Sterling Silver SIioi > Hut ton Hook ,
Horn and File Sets , $2.-IO each.
Sterling silver handle Darners , ( We
Novelties in hand embroidered nnd
leather mounted PIcluiu l-'ramcs and
Fancy willow and straw lined and
trimmed Work , Scrap and Kaney Bas
Fancy trimmed Swiss A [ irons , 'IHc ,
'Oc , 7."c , $1.00 up to $1.50. Ilemstitchou ,
tucked , embroidered and lace trimmed.
rnniTp r\rn m TIXTP AlWTfPn
Naughty Nebraskan Eun to Earth in New
York Oily
linn Hecii In Xetv Yorlc Ever Since
\ 'JiriiHJin.Vt PrcNCiit
iu the ICmiiloy at
the Cllj. | , |
NEW YORK , Dec. 11. Eugene A. Cash-
man , a foreman In the street cleaning de
partment ot this city , was arrested today
on dho charge of embezzling $25,000 from
persons In Nebraska. The arrest was rnadu
on a requisition from the governor of Ne
Cashman wae county treasurer of Greeley
county , Nebraska , three years ago. It Is
alleged that ho suddenly disappeared and
left a shortage In hlfi accounts of between
$25,000 and $30,000. It Is further alleged
that the cause , of his ( shortage was the
making of loans out of the county fundrt to
farmers at a high rate of Interest. The year
Cashman Is alleged to have disappeared tlie
crops failed and the farmers were unable to
repay the la > : cis. Cashman's bondsmen were
obliged to make the tihortago good , and > It Is
on thu procedure ot the bondsmoa that he
liaa been arrested. Caahinan has been in this
city ever since ho left Nebraska.
LINCOLN , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) News to
day of' the arrest ot Eugene P. Cashmcn in
New York on a requisition from Nebruska
on the charge of embezzlement brings to
light the fact 'that the requisition was Issued
In August on HIP application , of the county
attorney of Greeley county. The news of the
application was not given to the public nt
Miat dime , for fc\ir that Caihman would'
learn that Ms whereabouts were known by
the Nebraska ofilclals. So carclul were the
flrccloy county olllclals that when Luke
Untcrcsting Facts About the New
Gauss Remedy.
Ipnets the Time-Worn and Useless
C. K. Gauss of Mursliall , Mich. , has pre
pared a new kind of catarrh euro that Is
meriting the attention of phyalulans and
doing wonders In tint way ot curing catarrh.
It 'U In tablet form , dry nnd taken Internally.
This plan of treating catarrh In somewhat
different from the widely advertised In-
tialanta , douches , snulers ! ! and other reme
dies for local application.
It U claimed by all well-Informed physi
cians that caturrh .means a disturbed bodily
temperature , producing Inflammation In tiio
delicate natal membranes , and becomes
chronlci aa the rreult of a succession cf colds.
The only ay te reduce this Inflammation
anil restore the membranes to average bodily
hat Is to treat thu nervous system con-
trollne bodily temperature. The success cif
Gun Tablets is thus far so surprising that
It a wonder the plan was not tried years ago ,
I'hyslclans have all along contended tbit
coiurilutlonal treatment was tSo only way to
cure caUrrb , but tbo abicnco of an exact
epoclllc prevented practical demonstration of
the theory , Now that the specific ius been
found considerable progress U reported In
curing a dlsraso which has heretofore re-
sUted the heat medical talent. Gauta Ca
tarrh Tablets are being placed with all first-
class druggUta , who will { 111 jire-
ccrlptloua , or the tablets may be
bought by the box at CO cento.
Iu caco your druggist docs not have them u
box will bo mailed direct , prepaid , on applica
tion to C. B. Qauti , Marshall , Mich. , If the
prlca U InclMed. Uo also sends a treatise
on catarrh ot the mucuous membranes ot the
ear , uoco , throat , ye , vtomacb - , bladder and
- -
Finn , the officer designated to go after Cash-
man , came to Lincoln after the requisition
ho did not himself go < to tiio s'tate house for
fear he would bo recognized by some one and
the object of his errand be guessed. Cashman
was county treasurer of Greeley county , his
term ending January 5,1894 , and an elimina
tion of the affairs of the- office Brewed that
ho was short in his accounts. The 'indict
ment charges him with converting to his
own use about $34,000 belonging to Greeley
county. Cashman left the state on the 1st
ot April , 1894 , anj since then several at
tempts have been made to bring .Mm back ,
but without success. Lr.isl summer It was
ascertained from a letter wrlttcm by Cash
man to a Greeley county man that he was
In New York City and papers were at once
Issued 'With ' the view of bringing him back
to this state to answer for fais crlmo. In
tbo meantime his bondsmen have been sued
for the shortage andl < the case Is now pend
ing In the supreme court , Judgment having
been rendered against the bondsmen in the
lower court.
Aililltloii lli-Inu Ereutctl lit ' ( lie Slnlc
\ < > rnuil School.
FREMONT , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
Prof. P. F. Helso , who was badly hurt In a
saloon row In Cedar Rapids , made Fremont
his homo In the summer and fall of 1S96. Ho
put In his tlmo making free silver speeches
in German In Dodge and adjoining counties.
An addition 32xOG feet in size and two stor
ies high Is being built to the young men's
dormitory at the Fremont Normal school.
The addition , which Is of brick , will bo
ready for occupancy about February 1. There
arj at present over 400 students.
W. D , Moulton , who has leased the old Eno
hotel. Is making cxtenslvo'lmprovcments In
the building.
Gerraanla lodge , No. 310 , Ancient Order of
United Workmen , at Its laat regular meeting
elected the following officers : M. W. , Detlef
Hinecn ; foreman , C. Grabcr ; overseer , A.
Snyder ; recorder , John Peters ; financial sec
retary , C. Peters ; receiver. Julius Jacobson ;
guide , C. Oxford ; I. W. , J. Peterson ; trustees ,
It. Motter and II. J. DIcrks.
Fremont lodge , No 89 , Daughters of Honor ,
has elected the following o Ulcers for the com
ing term : C. of I ! . , Ilertha Ihlenfeld ; L. of
II. , Sirs. A , B. Newton ; C. of C. , Mrs. Katella
DeLong ; II. , Mrs. Uertha Day ; P. . Mrs.
Tom Johnson ; receiver. Mrs. l > . Denglcr ; G. ,
Mrs. John Stratton ; I. W. , Mra. D. Gannon ;
O.V. . , L. A. Harris ; trustee. C. II. Schaeffer.
Olil .Si-HIfr Meet.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Thp annual meeting ot the old Set
tlors' association of Adams county was
huld today In the court house. As the '
weather was fine there , were over 200 old
celtlers in attendance. The business mo tIng -
Ing was held nt 11 o'clock after which din
ner was served. At 1 o'clock the meeting
was opened 'With ' a song by Mr. and Mrs.
Oussek. Prayer was offered by Rev. L. P.
Rose. Hon. R. A. Hatty delivered the ad-
diess of welcome , which wes r spndol to
by Sam Dress of Junlaln. Mrs. C. F. Orvln
read a paper , as did Miss Maggie Caton , j
The rest of the afternoon was spnt In short
bpcechcH and reminiscences. Isaac lloyd ,
was elected president and Jurob Wooster j
vice president. Tha next , annual meeting
will be held In Hastings , December 12.
( dllet-rx Cliost-u.
CLAY CENTER. iNeb , . Do : , 11. ( ? peclal. )
Clay Crtiter lodge. No. 75 , Ancient Order
of United Workmen , held Us annual election
this week , with the following result : Frank
Slanton , master workican ; L. I ) . Sluyter ,
foreman ; Henry Klchert , overseer ; J. M.
Jones , recorder ; George A , Shlke , financier ;
C. J. Hcnsloy , receiver ; J. C , Ward , guide ;
Horace Wolford , Inner welch ; J. W. Uemp-
Fcy , outer watch ,
Clay Center camp. No. 1700 , Modern Wood
men of America , clectej the following o Ul
cer * for the ensuing year : W. 11. Smith , V.
C. : Frazler Troxel. W. A. ; P. Crulckshank ,
K. U. ; A. Epperson , clerk ; W. A. Sunnier ,
escort ; Kd Mark , watchman ; Harry Johnson ,
sentry ; Joseph Tolle , manager.
ami llilillu-rln ,
ORD , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) Appendl-
dlcltls and diphtheria seem to be very com
mon diseases at the present time. Three cases
ot the former and five ot the latter ore re
ported LX the doctor * ,
County TrcnHiirer * Will Hold a Con
vention nt MeCuok.
LINCOLN , Dec. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
The county treasurers of the southwestern
counties of the state will hold a meeting at
McCook ncx'c ' Friday afternoon to discuss
the recent decision ot the attorney general ,
which makes a serious reduction In their
fees for collecting state taxes. The meeting
Is called by Fred Archard. county treasury j
examiner , at the request of several of tne |
olllclals of the souMiiwest part of the stale.
iA requisition was Issued today for the re
turn of Charles Prince from Jchnson county ,
Texas. Prln < : o is charged with ( being Impll- .
cated In the recent robbery of the State ]
bank at Adcms , Gage county. The robbery j
was committed on the olght of October 22 ,
the vault havlog beem blown open arJ Ilia I
bulldlns baddly damaged. The 'burglars ' EC- ,
cured $24 In cash , a. $10 revolver and a $10 j
watch. The cashier of the bank , as well as |
several other citizens of Adams , towe Identl-
flcd Adams by 'means of a photograph takca
since he was arrested 'In Texas. They reccg-
nlzo It at being the picture cf a man who
was In town tljo day before the robbery was
committed and who visited the bank on the
excuse that ho wanted to look at m map
that was on tSio wall. There Is some doubt |
expressed that Prince can bo brought back
on this sort of tui Identification If he re
sists extradition.
Under the provisions of the now act gov
erning the National guard an examining
board IE meeting at the offlco of the adjutant
general tonight to examine non-commissioned
officers as to their fitness to be made com *
missioned officers of the guard. The boanl
Is composed of the following : Colonel R. E.
Glffen , surgeon general ; Major W. M. Decker ,
First regiment ; Captain A. E. Campbell , Second
end regiment ; Captain M. Herpolshelmer ,
First regiment ; Lieutenant Frank D. Eager ,
First regiment. Those who are ordered for
examination are : Captain J. V. ' . McDonald ,
company D , Second regiment , Falrbury ; First
( Lieutenant W. K , Klniiey , troop A , Mllford ;
( Second Lieutenant E. B. Culver , troop A , Milford -
ford ; Second Lieutenant W. P. Shultz. com
pany D , Second regiment , Falrbury ; Second
Lieutenant 0. A. Abbott , company M , Second
regiment. Grand Island. This is the first ex
amination under the new law.
The secretaries of the State Doard of Health
yesterday filed their report on the complaint
against Dr. Iledell of North Platte for unpro-
j fccslonal conduct. The complaint was made
by N. F. Donaldson , William Eves and N.
McCabo. fellow nhvslctans of Dedoll. The
secretaries recommend that the prayer of the
complainants bo not sustained.
Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lin-
dell J. II. Miller , C. U Kerr. At the Lin
coln F. W. Bodle , V. K. Lair , Mrs. P. Hel
ler ,
Kallx City Court Ilrlrfx.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special , )
The December terra of the district court con
vened the first of the week , with Judge Stull
on the bench. Nothing of particular Interest
his come before the court thus far , Thu first for a Jury was that of lioanett Sperry
against the city of Fal ! & City for damagcn.
The- street in front of Sperry'a residence was
guided , which raised It several feet above
I to former level , loivlng the house In a de-
prrsslon , The- Jury returned a verdict for
$150 damigca.
The suit of Gladwell against the city of
Falla City will probably go over , ThU Is
the case wherea son of Gladwe'.l's was
killed last summer by his team running off
. a email bridge In the south part of town
and falling on htm. The usual number of
divorces were granted.
ci-il liy n Victim * Hull.
PLDASANT DALE , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Spe
cial. ) P , C. Thomas bid hlH right leg broken
in two places below tbo knee. While riding
horseback he was attacked by a road bull
belonging to George Tiodall , which butted
his leg against the side of the tioree , break-
lug It a * stated. Tbo bull tuined on him
tcveral times and came very near killing
Ground In I < "lnc Condition.
HAYES CENTER , Neb. , Dec , 11. ( Special. )
A fins snow and rain fell hero yesterday.
The BO ! ! la in tbo beat condltlop known ( or
years. A largo acreage of small grain IB
being town. '
CelN No Immediate ItonetH
from It.
CRETE , Neb. , Dec. 11. To the Editor of
The Bee : Since the death of the late
Thomas Doar.o of CharlestonMess. . , It has
become evident that there Is much miscon
ception ao to his will , especially In reference
to Us provision for Doano college.
In view of this I have been requested by
the trustees of the college to make a brief
statement of the main features of the will ,
a certified copy of which Is la my possession.
After the making of a few small bequests ,
the remainder of the property Is given In
trust to three executors and their successors
In ofllco until the time when no child shall
bo living and no grandchild under the age
of 21. at which tlmo It la to bo given to
Doano college as a permanent fund. In the
meantime the Income la to be used in the
payment of certain annuities of definite
amounts. The annuities to the children are
to be paid so long as they live and to their
children afterward until the expiration of
the trust ; to the other persons the annuities
arc to be paid during the life of the recipient.
If In any one year the income Is sufficient
to pay all the annuities of that year It Is to
bo used EO far as It will go , the annuities
being diminished proportionately. If the Income -
como In any ono year Is more than enough
to piy the annuities of that year the surplus
la to be paid to Doanc college for general
uses. If at any time any child , or grand
child , Is In any special need , the executors
are empowered to pay to such person an
much as may bo necessary to afford relief ,
drawing upon the principal , if need be , to
do so. The property la at present very
roughly estimated to bo worth about $100.000.
In all probability the Income will not be
sufficient to pay the annuities for several
The college Is to be congratulated In hav
ing such a generous provision made for the
future , but It Is evident that It will bo a
long tlmo before much direct benefit will be
received from this bequest. In the near
future the need of contributions for current
expenses may be more urgent than hereto
fore , owing to the death of so wtrong a helper
as Mr. Doano. A. B. FAIRCHILD ,
Treasurer Doane College.
Corn IiiHiuit * Over
COLUMBUS. Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special , )
John Welln , a Swede farmer living In Wood-
vlllo township , was adjudged Insane by the
commissioners Tuesday < * inI''lVrBs ' taken to
the asylum at , Lincoln by ' 'Deputy Sheriff
Gentleman. We ] In Is u Wll-to-do farmer
about 50 years of ago anil fas lived In this
county for many years. ' Ho' Is a religious
fanat'lo ' and It is this siTC3cf that has un
balanced his mind. His friers believe- fiat
a course of treatment rnajrv vfove beneficial
and may eventually reBto f | lt\e rcaFon.
KiitiTtnln ( lu > ftrufiil CluiiiL'fllor.
COLtTMBUS , Neb. , Dectai | .c-Special.-H. ( )
M. Boydston of Kearney , # -md chancellor of
the Knights of Pythias tftSebraslra , visited
Occidental lo.lge , No. _ 2J. .at this city
Wednesday evening , at WMch some important
business wjs transacted.3' ' lATfer the meeting
Wo distinguished vlaltsr'jwaiwntertained ' and
dined. The knights byfo'a strong , iicallhy
lolgo hero and they liadaimost , a ful | repre
sentation. UiDI
PALLS CITY , Neb , , Dec. 11. ( Speclll. )
Miss Lillian Farlngton and Mr. Edwin H.
TC-wle were married at 'the'homo of the bride
I In thia city ThursJay CYJ-olns at G o'clock ,
Rev. Mr. Tefz of St. Jossph , a cousin of the
bride , performing the ceremony. After par
taking of a wedd'ng supper the couple left
for Kansas City , Chicago and other eastern
points ,
Ni-ltriixUii Cltj'u NViv TliciiU-r ,
NEBRASKA CITY. Dec. 11 , ( Special. )
The Overland Uieatert which Is being
nrcctcd by cx-Sccrctary J , Sterling Morton ,
Is about completed. Its. cost In approxi
mately $20.000. Elaborate preparations are
being made for the opening night , which
will bo December 18.
Omulm 3luii VlalU jluiirnts
MONROE , Nob. , Dec. 11. ( Special , )
George A. Hoagland of Omaha Is hero vlslt-
lag the family of George.
Delegates Put in n llimy Day tit
HASTINGS. Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
This morning the third day's session of the
eighteenth annual convention of the Young
Men's Christian association of Nebraska
opened at 9 o'clock In the Presbyterian
church. John W. Dougherty , general secre
tary , Lincoln , conducted the devotional
extremes. William W. Hastings , professor
of physical training In the University of Ne
braska , talked on "Physical Training. " Tula
was followed by "Bible Study , " by F. F.
CaiTUthc-M' , genera ! secretary , Hastings.
Tbar.'kEglvtag service was then held for
fifteen minutes. A short business session
was , held , after which the state executive
committee held , a secret meeting.
Prof. Condra. chairman of the state
executive committee , reported that the laet
year has been an especially active one.
There are twenty-one associations In the
state , of which ten are city or town , and
eleven college associations. The committee
ias applications from over twelve small
.owns asking for organizations. An especial
ntercst In this line Is manifested at Have-
loch. Each OEO of the city and town asso
ciations has made Improvements' ' Qurlng the
year and the college associations are In ex
cellent condition. A marked feature Is the
appearance of "College Men , " a monthly do-
votenl to the interests of the state college
organizations. The committee lost a most
valuable member by the death of Brother
William Dougherty. The debt of the etate
organization has practically been wiped , out.
Dr. Ward read a letter addressed to the
convention from C. V. Vlckrey of the Gate
City Mission , New Haven , Conn.
To wo association work was dscty ! , , by
Mr. Kelsey of Hastings , followed by S'i. -c-
tary Dorethy of L'ncoln. and John F. . re.
International rallroid secretary of New York ,
who emphasl7.e < I the Importance of the work.
E. W. Ellis of Doano college and Charles
J. Allen of the Slate university followed
with remarks on the Importance of "bnd
work" by college mem In smaller tovvco.
Dr. Hastings of the University of Nebraska
then presented the International tra'nlng
school at Sprlngvllle , 111. , and answered
questions concerning that Institution. In-
ternatlccral Secretary C. C. Mlchecer pre-
cente-d the Icternatlon-al " "
organ , "Mea. The
conference on railroad work followed , con
ducted by Is'tersatlon-al ' Railroad Secretary
John P. Moore ot New York. The college
oozfercnce WEO led by Dean Fordyco of the
Wc&Ieya univeraity. He took for his sub
ject , "The Fishing Scene of ChrMt and His
DLsclplco , " and he emphasized the Impor
tance of Imparting the good derived from
the convention In their respective associa
tions upon their return as to educator. He
t'poxe or ino B I relationship , ciiarncter-
iBtlc of this convention , existing between
raliroad and college men. Questions upon
the blblo study department of association
work were answered by International Secre
tary Mlchccer , after which the"Students'
Volunteer Movement" was presented by
John L. Marshall of Lincoln.
The offlcew elected for the ensuing year
ore : President. Dr. A. B. Weir. Chadrou ;
first vlco president , Dr. H. n. Ward. Lin
coln ; eecond vice president , II. II. Hollrngg-
worth , North PLUte ; secretary , E. W. Willis ,
Crete ; prcfsmea , Charlea J. Alien and R.
W. Childs , Lincoln.
Tonight the church was crowded. After
the aong service a platform meeting , In i
charge of John P. Moore , was held.
IlilNlnt-NH Troulili-M of n
WHST POINT , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
Frank Cejda , a general merchant of this
place , made an assignment today for the
benefit of his creditors. Liabilities , { 8,000 ;
assets , $10,000. The cause of the failure In
an overstock , too mcuh credit and slow col
annul Cliiiiic-Hlor'M
HUMI30LDT , Nob. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
Grand Chancellor II. M , RoycMon of Ne
braska City vlelted the local Knlghto of
Pythlte loOgo last evening. After an Inter
esting Eoiston 'i banquet was served ,
Cond-d trllh Iff.
DUNCAN , Neb. , Dec. II. ( Special. ) Today
Is dark and. threatening. A fine mlat baa
been JaJIIng all day and freezing as It falls.
Everything la a clone ot Ice.
Fire Oepiirtiiit-iit Riven n Hull nml
Cli'iirs Thirty DolliiTK.
KEARNEY , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) The
members of the fire department gave a mas
querade ball at the armory building Wednes
day night and cleared over $30.
Next Sunday will bo anti-saloon day In
Kearney. Rev. A. B. Whltmore , superin
tendent of theAntiSaloon league , and Dr.
R. S. Stein of Lincoln will speak In the Pres-
terlan and First Methodist churches In the
morning , and the Cccigrcgatiotml and Evan
gelical churches In the evening. At 3 o'clock
in the afternoon a union mass meeting will
lie held In the Baptist , church , with an over
flow meeting In the First Methodist church.
At the last meeting of Hcpe camp , No.
31C. Modern Woodmen of America , officers
wcro elected for the ensuing year as follows :
T. J. Scott. V. C. : A. L. Hamilton , W. A. ;
C. A. Nelson , banker ; James Jenkins , clerk ;
T. A. Tollcfson , csscrt ; J. A. Van Meter ,
guide ; C. W. Shahan , forester , and George
W. McGlll , manager.
The Royal Highlanders elected the follow
ing officers : R. D. Phillips , illustrious pro
tector ; J. S. Ewart , chief counsellor ; D. C.
Showers , secretary ; Charles W. Shahan , treas
urer : C. A. Nelson , evangel ; R. Rlngnell ,
warden , and A. Johnson , sentry.
A day or two ago , while Mr. N. H. Dryden ,
father of Hon. J. N. Dryden , was assisting
In putting up a steve pipe , be fell and broke
two ribs and sustained other serious injuries.
As ho is nearly 80 years of age ho has since
been In a critical condition.
Ccptaln and Mrs. Anderson ot the Volun
teers of America have opened headquarters
m > rniA.s cou.vrv TBACIIKHS MISKT.
Gather nt Vnlli-y nml DIMCMINH Muttcrx
of linjiorlanc-c.
VALLEY , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) The
Douglas County Teachers' association con
vened hero today , County Superintendent
Bodwell presiding. The subject for discus
sion was : "Influence of the School Library on
the Teacher , the Child and the Home. "
At 2 o'clock Superintendent Hodwcll called
'the ' meeting to order aril after a quartet ,
compose-d of pupils of the Valley schools ,
sang and Miss Byars and Prof. Myers ren
dered instrumental 'music ' , Miss Free-land , a
teacher in the Valley schools , read a paper
on "Tho Influence the School Library Has
Upon the Child. "
Mrs. W. G. Whitman ) of Valley In a brief
paper gave her "Observations of the Influ-
enct > cf the School Library upon the Home , "
In the absence of Prof. Loiter of Waterloo ,
who was assigned to read a paper on thu
biibject irom tno Bt > : nupomt 01 a tcacncr ,
Prow. Cash spoke briefly ,
Tbo discussion of the subject was opened
by 'Prof. ' Tullls , who In , a general way gave
his pcrecnal cxperlenco and observations on
the subject. Mr. Davifl , a teacher and
patron of the Valley school , discussed the
quc-stlon from the standpoint of an in
structor and patron.
Then followed * general discussion , par
ticipated In by a number of the school of
After supper Mr. S. R. Towno of Omaha
delivered an address.
ANhlitllilevii. .
ASHLAND , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. ) The
Woman's Christian Temperance' union of
Ashland will celebrate the fourteenth anni
versary of Its organization next Tuesday
evening. Mra. Charles M. Walker , state pres
ident of the union , will deliver an addreeH.
While hammering a plcco of steel la War
ren Coon's blacksmith ahop Thursday Julius
Oiffren wa * a'.rucl : In the rlgh * . cyo with a
sliver from the anvil. He will not lose the
The Ancient Order of United Workmen In-
Itlated ten Ithaca citizens in the Oriental de
gree Friday night.
The Alumni astoclatlon of the Aehiand
High HCliool gave a good program at Die High
school Friday evening ,
Another \mv Clmri'li.
DLOOMINGTON , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
Dloomlngtoa is to have another new
church , The Catholic * liavo been , for some
time worktag It up anil today the contract
.was let. ' - , - t
Scvrrul Cltlxoiis AUnokoil tvltli IClun-
illlco I'Vvi-r.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
At a recent meeting of the city council the
lours for the rlng.'ng of the curfew bel !
were changed. From November 1 to May 1
the bell will be rung at 8 o'clock , and the
balance of the year as heretofore.
H. Hunker and wlfo returned last Wednes
day from their trip to Lafayette , Ind. , where
they visited their daughters , Kate ami
Anna , who recently took on the habits ot
Franclsccn slaters. Mr. and Mre. Hunker
aliio visited relatives st their old homo of a
ge-neration ago at St. Clarlea , Mo.
A'est Point will furnish a small portion
of the vest army of men who will Hock In.
the spring to the Klondike region. James
Conlln and William Splllner , the latter an
old miner , anil several other men. are calcu
lating to leave for that cccllon early next
Mrs. D. C. Giffert , who la ono of the woman
managers ot the Educational Department of
the TransrnlKstesIppl Exposition , was In
Bcemer last Monday to enlist the interest
of the schools of that city la the scheme to
ralso funds for the Girls' and Hoys' building
which Is to be erected on the exposition
groundn. She Is meeting with considerable
success In her efforts.
Dan Drebert left West Point last Wednes
day to make his homo in Omaha. Ills family
will move to the metropolis In a few days.
'IVLMIlllHlllOHH. .
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Dec. 11. ( Special. )
The elevator In. . connection with the Model
Roller mill plant hero hca been. . leased to a ,
Chicago firm. It will bo repaired and oper
ated by tha lessefe.
The boiler at tlio city pumping and light.
Ing station has -been , condemned and camot
be used. Accordingly the city has been la
darkness the last two evenings.
I'rolmlily Knlr mill Warmer ,
SoiiUurlyVliulK. . '
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Forecast for
For NobniHkn , KnnwiH nnd South Dakota
Probably fair Sunday ; warmer ; Boutlierly
wlndn ,
For Iowa Cloudy wrnthcr. followed by
fair ; warmer ; southerly iwlml" .
For SllsHourl Partly cloudy weather ;
slluhtly liuirmer ; cat : ' * to south -winds
For Wyoming Probably local rains ;
warmer ; southerly winds ; Hhlftlng to west
\CMV KciMiKiilrt-il UN n GIIIINO of Herloui
Acid dynpcpsla , commonly called licart-
burn or sour stomach , Is a form of Indiges
tion resulting from fermentation of the food.
The stomach being too weak to promptly
digest It , the food remains until fermenta
tion begins , filling the stomach with gas , and
a hitter , sour , burning taste In the mouth la
often present. This condition soon becomes
chronic and being an every day occurrence
In given but little attention. Because dys
pepsia Is not Immediately fatal , many people
ple do nothing for the trouble ,
Within a recent period a remedy has been
discovered prepared solely to euro dyspepsia
and stomach troubles. It Is known an Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets and Is now becom
ing rapidly used and prescribed as a radi
cal euro for every form of dyapcpala.
Stuart'B Dyspepsia Tablets have been
placed before the public and ore sold by
druggists even-where at 60 cents per pack-
ago. It Is prepared by the Stuart Co. . Mar
shall , Mich , , and while It promptly and
effectually restores a vigorous digestion , at
the same tlmo U perfectly harmless and will
not Injure the most delicate stomach , but
on the contrary by giving perfect digestion
vtreng-thunu the stomach , Improves the ap
petite and makes life worth living.
Send for frco book on Stomach DUeaget
by addrmlng Stuart Co. , Marshall , Mich ,