WSW ! ' * { " " > " " ' THE 5 T 3 > * . ' ri/'itS"1' " . K ; 'TvTW ' : ' / 77 ESTABLISH ! D JUNE 10 , 1871. ( WATTA , SUNDAY MOjINlfr ' DEOJfiKBEll 12 , 18J)7 ) 'PW.ENrr\r-3fOIJUi ! . PAGkE FIVE . OJgVTS. * _ * _ .r . itTj : .riij . . .j , > / w < , y > ; > * * * < * v&v'ft ( * .w Ewj * - * VL ; - OUR WHOLE n Evenings From Now Till Xmaa , From Now Until Xiuns. Barney and Berry Graqd Evening Oar prices prove that buying * and selling1 for spot cash , and Handling such , immense quantities en With every purchase ' of ables us to sell the same goods lor less money than any other house. Real Live Santa Glaus BOYS' CLOTHING Amounting to 12.50 or Ovor. 16th and Grand Elecfric Dip lav Grand Concert Douglas Drop Letters in Sailtn Every Evening Omaha Clans' Mnil Box- Outsldo . our store. FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS On our front bargain square 1,000 dress patterns to select from , all rolled on boards and tied with colored silk ribbons , Gold illlcd Indies' fnney cfievlots , novelty suitings , changeable effects jliilnhand clinscd band nnd plain colors , rada , navy , black and all colors Inns 1.25 , In worth nn/ rlrns , warranted to ors , each pattern contains from 7 to 8 yards , owulry store , wuur cental to xnd many worthUD to SOc yard , but tno en UtrltiK the solid potcl , for tire clrass pattern Monday for $1.08. " irlco mild nys COc. our the BO atSCo holidays Brooches January Prices in December. COLORED and FANCY"DRESS PATTERNS of late have We rio not wait to make reductions in On main bargain square just as become the our cloak prices after the season , but begin you enter , 800 patterns to select from In dm most stylish our clearing sale Monday. rlnc ilp- strictly all wool French Serges , black pnrtiniMit - jewelry lor SO 'Black ' Dcavor Cloth Jackets , our $5.00 | O fl wo n ro ladies' quality , on sale at tlgD H B % p % POur wear and colored , imported choice novelties showing , tno'-t n - this Our 57.50 ; 'Braided Shield front Jackets , also A dress pattern is always an acceptable dtwllng we have Christmas qift. These goods are worth 7B3 nssort- braided on the back and sleeves , lilack or $ ! - of imported nu-Mt on sale at $2.09 for entire pattern. sot rings , year iiavy blue , all sizes plain ed an immense Our . Russian Blouse Jackets , black ( D rlnir" $10.00 DRESS PATTERNS in line luiiid ilneq. mense and colors , at H'1' \vrildlng G e r m a n , OUR DRESS GOOS DEPARTMENT rlnjis. Our | 12.50 Black and Colored Kersey Jack- friend H u dgari an cts , silk llmid throughout , made In the In rough effects , chaviots and novelty cllnmntm ship rliiR In the Silverware Department we are and French newest style , vat 'goodsentire pattern at $3.98,54.98 , lilrth showing a very dazzling collection. We li r o o c h e s. Our I2C.OO Imported Jackets , no two nllke S ! )50 ) Black and figured dress patterns in p ain Henriettas and r'ivj'5 rlncs , are. agents for the 1847 Roger goods , they are in including Russian Ulouscs , on. sale nt Serges , figured and rough effects , on sale at § 2,25 , § 2.50 and snnli pet with Iros W. H. Wallace , the Hamilt'on Mfg. Co. a 11 styles , and rlncs and the Iloiuan Silver Plato Go. all Ihe most standard Roman § 3.98 for entire pattern. f-rt with , plain , ' riiirralds ard manufacturers with world wide , reputations for _ MimyinMV - . We mailing 'a leader of tea man gold DRESS'PATTERRTS well-wcai-intr goods. are " beau- Holiday SILK and do- ' hoice ot10 imported Clotla Capes , 'for and handsome rlrtod seta like above cut at Cfep QO the four pieces , $7.50 for entire dress pattern of biocaded silk or nnvoltlps to any $0.50 ' soldelsewhero. some color ilully braided , many of them fur trimmed ami plain satin dudiesse , 12 yards to each pattern , In flimvu v. Ill Hues 1)0 In our ed . jeweleJ silk lined throughout ; they have heretofore been on sale at which linvo ranging in soil at $20.00reduced for our $11.95 for a full dress pattern of extra quality iipvrr hrrti SPPI price from clearing sale to Black Satin Bucliesse Iwforo In Oinnh : 20 cents for or Black Figured Heavy bilk- ' the neat gen entire pattern for teel gold we have on sale .more silverware plated SilkWaisfc Patterns in Roman stripe ? A Stick sword Fancy , pins , ware than a'ny qthfr- house in brooch checks , plaids , changeable taffeta , a new pins anil sc-nrf pins WG luive a full asaoi'liueut , Omah.a. There tire to the combinations , beautiful brilliant colors , worth musing in price from 'J. > e up to $1.00 a yard , entire waist pattern at 1o .flO.OO. All niv tleeltletl- TEA SEJTS. gorgeous Choice of Child ly now iiovultk'K as to du- CAKE BASKETS- $20.09 ren's $5 tlaekeis AN ENTIBE DEESS PATTEEl FOE 98c. sini ; ami finish. FRUIT BOWJLS , diamond all colors , handsomely - A handsome Xo\elty Dress Pattern m checks' and Gents' watch charm , CARD BOiM-BCSST RECEIVERS BOXES brooch. somely irinuneJ. and plaids , also roifo-h effects , bright colors , lockets and frater CLARET P2TCHSKS goods wotth 19c a yard , entire dress pattern at nity charms all the SILVER TRAYS Choice of our different emblems , all the SILVER CUPS ATdD Misses' A Great Stock of orders t'.es , all , iill on the display secret In BOCO- our ! SAUCERS. 12.00 Jackets bis jewelry department , MEN'S SHAVING MUGS at SUGAR BOWkS , UK assortment HTDIVIDUAI. SALT 3 and ff at Opera ( . .hisses PEPPERS Huautlful Open Bouglit at 4Oc oix tlio Bollar from tlio Leading Haiail- ' ( In jltlSM renl > B morocco CMCilSOC korcliloi' Importers of Now and all the new novelties in M lens with , line at Freud toilet accessories. All on dis MEN'S , LADIES' , MISSES' and CHILD'S play and all on sale at the well known Boston Store prices classes , from if'J. All tlio ! > i..i.aikna uf montlis come to a' ' Umax with the opening oC the new hull&iy hand rfliafs nt ilii1 ItMiou Store , with in no Imnil For this special holiday sa'e ' we have Sterling sil er iciclilufn than any < Hh r tlnvo or lour houce < ' fitnbln ( ! . Imiiirtatlons , pribably the l.irc an immense assortment of ladies' , handsomely cha : ed , UVIT pnEVOil tlnuuKli the custom houc , urt More in this sale than in all other so : s in town ilinca factory's entire of corUiln ' ' fine tappers one a proiliictlnn a gent's and boys' xvatches. dial ; at 54 . . . , st > lp. alw n. bon.i liU ' purclmso of tlie tiulr * mock of ono of New Yoik'n luit'ont ImportciK , combined. r.lni'jFit boiiKlit 51D.QCO for spot wjrtli cnah of at lilsh urcat favlns hanrtitcrihleff , Our special leader is the Ladies' 6 size hunting 1 At Sl'.c About 5.COO dozen of ladles' LOT 0 Consists of Rent's plain white and Yankee watch , ' guaranteed by the cases , warranted 5 years ehoer India lawn , pliilu white and fancy fancy bordered handkerchiefs , inndu or manufacturers' to glvo perfect American movement at Tomorrow we placa bordered handkerchiefs that are worth.In . Uncut quality of sheer linens and cottonn time , nt the pliennmunal price of , ( the the resnlar way up to too each to nt 5 and % c i-aoh sold ns a bargiln on sale greatest , 3ic by others at 2oc each 5o anil El in watches , silverine rt Ladies' 6 size with 7 most complete and vari " ed stock of slippers evf > r CUFOS , beautifully cngravoil , JDl- je\volod American movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . brought to Omaliarang 1hfl reKiilnr wny up to 13c eaeh gin movement , tfuaranteetl for warranted 5 years , with olepo.nt , LOT 7 XO dozen pure Irish linen und ing in prise from 20c to LOT 'J At 7Hc each 3W)0 , ) dozen ladles line embroidered , 5 84.08 engraved cases , $7.03 nnullty of embroidered handkerchiefs , liom- itial handkerchiefs liumstltnliod , latest style In years , ut $2 BO , every pair in the stltched. real lace cdslnjr nnd lace Insprt- so at 15c. IDc and 23c. nil worth hand up embroidered to GOo each. silver Ladles' 0 size , cliiunjiiil Hot lot worth nearly double. liib'S , worth u ? to25c each < Sterling cases , include Children's 15c 25c. Intuit , satin fmi&hed In raised They 7-ic , line movement , warranted to bean dcbigns.'oholco of 7 jeweled foil slippers , Misses' felt LOT S At 23e one Immense lot nil kinds , an accurate tirao piece Elgin \Valtham iiiovmiieiHK , at sllppsra ; C.iild'o and M LOT 3 At lOo one Immense lot of llnt-st im Junancso silk liandfcorchlc ftt und ambroidIT. . ? 10.08 , i oiltlvvly worth ( * 30 Misses' white , blue , pink m ported SvvUs qmbrol-krcd and all jiuro linen handkerchiefs In extra lame ' . , ereil Initial and black kid strap son- hemstitched and Initial hund'.ierchlefs all sizes , th 50c quality , KO nt 25e A cixclnl liarpaln la eent'o Haovatrh rhalna , ' go at lOu each , worth up to 30a heavy rolled i.latiRuarantnil . by the manufacturer dales ; Ladlss' while , lOc 25c turer- for live ycure , in Awlsn anil pattern equal black , purple , red and to tlio best wild fold wnlcli clmlii'i , lhe a iiro sandalsLndies wM in moiy Jewell y Htoro nt JVO ) , we inulra ttie tan strap ; ' LOT 0 At S9o onch this lot will Incluilo lilicnjiiilnnl prlcu for tin ) Ucllilajs only. U-3 white , blackblue ; , green , lot of Indies' 1 At 15c One immense all the high prade handkerchiefs such an li'mfortoil pure linen sheer handkerchief * , the llncst quality ot nil Blllt anil ombrolU- red , lavendar , br-own , Boino embroidered , others Inco edged , drawn cn'il Initial , In Bt'ntH extra heavy wcluht bronze and gold satin thread hnmfitltchcd nnd with hie * edgings and largo SKC ! , also extra , htsivy twilled slippers I-a'dles' faney , 'Wortti Mo each. nil at fflo ; - all KO nt 35o and Uc ' up to Jajiancsu silk Imiidkerchlcfa KO 25c each , worth up to $1.00. . . . , , , warm lined , high out 3Oc back nnd front , black and red , plain and fur IX > T C At 25c each over f.03 dozen Indies' ' ' trimmed ' slippers every llnept quality In the most elaborate LOT lO-Inoliides-'ladles' nnd KCIU'H Bilk 23 ; dcmgiiB very nnd iiatteniH. nil Imported bwlss mulllore In polkn spots , chck , plaids , brocades - style , wldh , size and and linen I'lnbroldined liandkerchlefa , This cades nnd lloman ntrlpes , KO nt 39c. 49c. tea in Ladles' black kid of haiHlkPrehlefs was Imported CSo and 8So onch. The nuiIlUrs In this lot lot linuul brand narrow , to sell up to ? 1,00 o.ich. t'holco 23c worth up to J2.W OUR SOc slippers an'l round ; opsra toe , too 25c sllpp3i3 , and over AYc make a remarkable purclias2 of the entire sample lines ' 1 of the finest German linen importing houses in America. Men's H. WAENTIG,290 ChUrch-st New York Chas . , , equal to are any and SOLINGER & CO. , 112 Franklin-st. , N. Y. , doll sold in Omaha Slippers Noyor vvaa tlioro shown in Sell Us Their Entire Sample Collections for $1.00 , and equal O limb u such an assortment of At a Most Phenomenal Discoiint , to any sold for $1,25 Drums , Snare Drums , In real goat alligator , fine dongola , genuine which wi 1 enable ns to s ll See them and be Bass Drums , and fine imitation plush and alligator velvet , convinced. Yankee Doodle Drums , slippers with handsome High Glass tasiilciistl Talile Sets with wood frames. fact nhenlle evovy embroidery style.kind , and in- In all sixes , with all s2 : Nn pklns to Match , the finest size child for. that man you , woman can ask or Iiitiicli Sets with fine Drawn Work an.1 Hemstitched , Fringed for , Man's leather slip pers on sale In the men's and Plain Lnncli Cloths. Tray Cloths , Doylies , Loads thfju nil. U Is the iwoKiiIxed Bantu C'laiw Iloadquiirters i ( Oiimha. No shoe department. ' ' om > niiit 'n tills dopiii'tniont ' Hiieli a Knnid i-n'orl IIH wu do , dcrutliiK Uu Dresser Scarfs , Pine Hig'i Cla s Towels , the Very Pinest \Vi tire Mio\Ylit9 tl > most complete Ililnl nnd murlli ilixirn of uui * uuw aiiiiox to tlio nulo of Iiolldny ondK. ' ui l the most InuiiliioMiit display , linvc foatnreH mid Men's velvet slippers moro Bpuclal KTapkinsf 'Novalty Cer fcer Pieces. Hue la Ouinlm. Xowlierovlll fliul more you ' " on bargain In Inn ImrKiiluH in f'pya than"uiiywhere else. Nowlicru Biich DruiiiH , squares At the remarkably lov prices at which we borght these , ch tui tirniy ' of Kiel lloily Dolls n In such Dolls. Doll itiiKKlft ; , tiio lI Bt'st line of ( iiitiieH , Hloelw , Alhiinw , Toilet the basement shoe de i1 ifi'l'rtfti'rt'nt.Vi > ImporkHl very ox- I'asw , Miiiilcuro HetH , Trunks , Mechanical TOJ-M , Htumu 12iinlniM , Doll partment , all the rest of \\e will offer them Moi hy at really before tlio raise In duly ami Stovt'tf , Furiilturo , in fact cverytlilug that Is out new this SWIKOII In the toy and the ' .Ladles' and Chil Kame line was bought by our buyer niul will bo found hero at our Hmtti : t'latis dren's slippers on the Lower Prices t has ? the Gkapesi T tile Oamask illy wo tfr& cunblctl to sa\\ \ \ our headquarters. main floor In the ladies' for imii'li less thnn man ' slios . to . you } tlocs to narrate one-tenth of the sold In dep.\rtmsnt. Spnco not pennll us - thlnns this de Attend this s.ile if only to sue ili3 remarkable collection of rs liad to pay for Uicni after thu partment , but one visit will easily couvluco you thnt wo lead them nil Iu Toys fancyUaens , linissagc of tbo now tariff bill. and Holiday Goods , \ \ \