Tr THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUSSJDAY , DECEMBER 13. 1807. ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM R Mssonlc circles nro"lowly resuming their uiual winter activity and another lmpctu l to ho Blvfn during the coming wcok , when the ( jrani chapter of the state will hold Its annual 8t lon In this city , The convention wilt bo called to order on Tuesday morning end will probably adjourn sUio die on Wednesday night * omo time. On Thursday night the delegates nnd visitors will bo ten dered a magnificent reception. All the meet- leg * and the social event will take place In the Mtftonlc temple , the Improvement * In which will be completed by that lime. It la expected that the- attendance at the mcotlnR will be lii the neighborhood of 100 , the- majority of whom iUII conrtkt of dele- , eatca ; a number of the latter will bo ac companied by their The meeting Is not expected , to be a very troublesome one , I Inasmuch as no very Important business Is In sight. The election of officers will prob ably be the most Interesting feature. The reception to bo given on ThuiyJiy night Is to oo quite an extensive affair. Great preparations are 'being made for It. The Twoaty-aecond Infantry band will fur- n.'sh the music snd the refreshments to bo nerved will bo from one of the best caterers In the city. The affair Is In the hnnds of a committee , cons'ollng ' of J. A. MaynardV. . T. Uoblnson , T.V. . Richards , M. J. Ken- nard , R. T. Thomas and A. T. Ayers. During the last three days of the Icet week Thomap H. Caswell , grand commander of the fonthern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Order of Scottish Rite Masona , has been In the city. Hie residence Is In Ban Francisco ar.d heIs on his way homo from the meeting of the supreme council In the cjsot last October. He Is one of the most noted. Masons In the country. During his stay In the city Mr. Caswell Jm made hlm&elf busy In becoming ac quainted with the prominent members of the order The only olllclal recognition ot his prwenico hero was given last night , when a reception In his honor vvai held In the tem ple betwc ° n the hours of 7 and 8 After that ho conferred the thirty-third degree , the highest la the craft. The candidates were L 1) . Richards of Fremont , II.V. . Wilson of Uiicon aid Martin Dunham and Gustave Acilcrson of this rlty. Eleetlors hold the high place In secret EOC cty circles during thU month. They arc occurring everywhere In the elate Reports of the results In n great many of the lodges have been sent tn The lice , but they arc crowded out today on account of lack of space They will be published during the coming week. Knluhlf of l > > ( hliiH. Triune lodge Is making arrangements for a public ItiFtnlljtloii of Its officers on Tuesday evening , January 4 , which will bo lolloped by n musical nml literary oiittrl.ilr.mftit with dancing and light refreshments. Di. L A. Merrlim , the cluncellor commander-elect , Int-nds during the com'ng year to Iraugurato a series of entertainments In connection wlih the business ot tbo lodge In aider to bring the membeis and their families together lu social enjoyment. The Joint commltte' on Pythlim headquar ters will be > called together alter the Im'al- l Mco of next year's officers of all the lodges , and a general consultation ; vlth the n w chancellor commanders of the inrlous lodges will be had with 'tho Joint commlttoo. The plan of the 1'ythUn burial plot In I'oicst Lawn cemetery , submitted by the cemetciy association , has been adop oil liy a majority of the lodges In this city. There are three lodges yot'to bo heard from. The ac.ioclalC'n ' agicee to donate ICG sln- glo graves for nothing , providing that nn'anjomonts can bo made by fam ilies to purchase at Uast thirty feially lots at 2E > cents per square foot. Lodges adopt ing the plan arc In nowise under any finan cial obligations to purchase , nor can they be held responsible for any private arrange ments made by the { Cnlghts. Those purchas ing family lots have one year to pay for the same from January 1 , 1SOS. A now lodge was last week organized at Cortlaud. Representatives were present from the lodges at Linco"lu , Beatrice , Wllbcr and Uauieston. Lodge No. " 79 of South Omaha has elected those officers : B. n. Hawley , C. C. ; C. J. Collins , V. C. ; J. I' . Hayes , P. ; Z. V. Hedges M. of W. ; II. M. Christie , M. of F. ; William Bennett , M. of E. ; S. II. Christie , K. of It. and S. ; U. A. Carpenter , M. of A. : A. II. Murdock , T. Audi-ill Orilrr of United \Voi-Kiucii. The following officers were elected by Xc- bnjslta lodge No. 227 : Henry Drees. M. W. ; P. A. Martin , P. ; Ed B. Wllllts , O. ; A. M. Wcppncr , P. ; M. Hock , U. ; P. S Casey , n. ; Joseph Voltz , G. ; B. Murphey , I. W : Frank I'ratt , 0. W. ; Dr. W. J. McCrann , P. Lai > t Tuesday 'cvenlnt ' ; Omaha lodge No. 18 lccled the following officers for the ensuing term : Dr. A. Crawford , P M. W ; Lyman Searl. M. W. ; Dr. II. A Worley , K ; w. Broadflold , O. ; C. II. Collier , n. ; Q , W. Lower , P. ; n. B. Yocum , R. ; P. Barrow- clough , G. ; D. Mucro , I W. ; J. J. H. Reedy , 0. W : T. N. Martin , T. The election passed off quietly and rapidly , there bc'ng no con test save for the ofllce of guide , in which Mr Barrovvclough recelvedi a slight majority over the present officer , Mr. Hughlltt. Dur ing the evening light refreshments were eerved. The following officers ha\e been elected In North Omaha lodge No. 159 for the term commencing January 1 : P. M. W. , J. C DouM'e ; M. W. . P. J. Connor ; P. , J. H. McGuIre ; 0 , , J. S. Inure ; R. , P. II. MC- Cullough ; P. , J. Cornoby ; R , , C. W. Brlnn- O. . . J. P. Polen ; I. w. , w W Dutchur ; O. \V. . C. Johnson ? T. , J. LIddell ; M. B. , Drs. C. D. Spraguc and W. A. Hcstetter ; repre sentative on relief board , George A , Maguey. On Mosday evening a social time will bo had at the hall. Addresses will be made ex plaining tlio objfclf of the order to the mem bers and their friends , South Omaha lodge No. GG has elected of ficers us follows : John Kennedy , M. W. ; II. J. Shupp , P. ; Jamca Qulst , 0. ; J E. ICIndler , G. ; George W. Howe. R. ; Thomas \V. Fletcher , P. ; C. W. Miller. R ; W. H. Btecii'.orr , Ivor Thomas , August Miller , T. ; Wr H , Slabaugh and W. Berry , M. E. M ) htlC SlirllKTX , The trip the shrlno made to Grand Island en last Tuesday > was In every respect a suc cessful and enjoyable one. A'bout ' fifty went from this city , but before their destination Jia } ibeen reached as many more were picked up along the route nnd fully 100 visitors disembarked from the train. This number did not Include the Twenty-second Infantry Ibaud , which had been taken along to assist In tbo festivities. The residents of Grand Island wore given a touch of high life. A public concert was rendered by the bawl , which scored Its usual 1 success , ( Following was a parade and then the hosts disappeared In the hall to deal % vlth wUteoii candidates. At the conclusion of the ceremonial session an elaborate ban quet WOH enjoyed. A good many speeches were madti before the party broke up. The trip to and from Grand Island was made In a special car. The slirlnu U preparing for a social on a week frotn next Tuesday , ( irmicl 'Army or tlif R General George Crook post , No. 262 , ha elt'otoi tbo following officers for the jcar 1898 : John B , Fumy , commander ; Leo S Ketcllo , senior vice commander ; George P. GarllcU , Junior v Ice commandur ; George C , ( Banner , adjutant ; Albert K. Rhoades , quar termaster ; S , K. Spaldlng , surgeon ; Edward T. I'ratt , chaplain ; Henry P , Horran , oillcor ot the guard. The following delegates to the department encampment to bo held at Norfolk vvere also elected : Fred W. Qlmp- Bon , Ji-fT W. Bedford , Leo S , Kstcllo , John II. I'Icrco and Edward I. Davis , This pos Is the banner post of the state , having now a larger num'bor ' of members than any other YrU'raiin' The flrut campflio ot the Union Veterans union and Us woman's auxiliary was holt last Monday evening at the old Ctistcr pea hull. Ths campfire wua well attendeJ by T prcsentatlvci from the other veteran or ganizations and the relief corps of the Orau1 Army of the Repub.-s , Ladlu of Garflol'1 Clr- clo und Daughter * of Vateratia. I'ho ubjvi Is of the union were explained In length by Department Commander B. I. Davis and of the "I.idle ' Relief union" by Its president , Mr . L. F. Brltt. An abundance of reftcsh- Inputs nas provilol bv the ladle * , and a Short program , jur.uist OR of ivrliAtIOIIR , speeches and elections on the Rramnphonc , nmdo the evening psss off very pleasantly iiihl a good old-fachhni'd time \\ns tnjoycd by the old soldiers and their families , Modern \Voodmcu ot Vniorlrn. Within the next few days Head Clerk C. j \V. llanos , General Attorney J. O , Johnson , Director A. It. Talbot of Lincoln and D. C. Zlnk , former head clerk and a past resident of Grand lellnd , are expected to bo In the city to Attend the trial of the suit Instituted by the order to recover some (30,000 from the i Union National bank ot this city , which had been deposited there by Zlnlt In his official ' ' capacity. While hero the visitors will bo I made the guests of the local members and , will be tendered a reception. Commlttoo have been appointed by all the camps to take the master In charge. Omaha camp has elected the follow Ing offi cers : Phillip Mueller. V. C. ; A. W. Ander son , W. A. ; J. E. Van Glider , B. ; C. W. Bak r , E. ; C. P. Hartmann , W. ; D. G. Reed , S. ; Drs. Clark und Merrlam , P. ; Zimmerman. Rclpcn , Swlgert. M. Beech camp elections resulted as fol'ons : A. A. Smith. V. C. ; W. A. Belknap , W A. : Charles L. Hopper , B. ; Frank Whltmarih , C. ; Lester B. McConn. A. C. ; J. B. Hlmoe , E. ; Hans Backtnscn , W. ; Chris H. Long. S. ; I Q. H. Parsc-ll. W. 0 , Henry , P. ; > . II. Vos- burg , M. The Omaha Hebrew camp , No. 4944 , Mod ern Woodmen of America , was qulto an In teresting one , as every -member 'took ' in great deal of interest in electing thfrlr new officers. The result of too ballot was as follows : V. 0. , II. Schomstadt ; W. A. , S. Woxsenburg ; L. B. , M. Rosenblatt ; C. , C. B. McKocben ; L. . J. Wnxsmon ; W. . N. Marks ; C. , S. Dia mend ; U. of M. , J. Brown. They also de cided to give a grand mnsquoall at Slxtec lb and Capitol avenue , Crown's block , for the benefit of .their Foresters. I'm It-mill Onion or Aiucrlon. lianner lodge , No. 11 , cnppul the climax Thursday evening in the matter of attend ance , thcio being more than 100 membeis present. Mrs. Frances M. Ford , George W. Ilervoy and H. M. Waring gave very Inter esting and Instructive addresses on subjects , of Interest 'to ' the members. Mrs. Ford's address - . dress was on the Transmisslsslppl Exposl- I tlon. Mis. Pugh , Mrs. Jackson and Miss Mason contributed very Interesting numbers to the musical program. Next Thursday evening the .bawl . will give a public con cert , which promises to be aery InterestIng - Ing cntertnlime-nt. Election of oiHcers for 1858 will take place on December 23 and the holiday .ball on the evening of December SO In Myrtle hall. The contest ! for the binner and other pre miums offered by ithe supreme lodge Is now In full .blast . , with good prospects for Banner ledge winning the royal prize. Wood m < n or llu > World. At Its annual election of officers at the Woodmen ot the World hall the following officers were electedW. . Y Tcetzel , C. C. ; J. A. Bowler , A. ; G. S. Meek , B. ; J. P. Lally , C. ; M. Kelscr , E. ; A. J. Bruggeman , W. ; W. B. Church , S. ; J. B. Huso , M. ; AV. II. Han- chott , J. E. Clausen. Charles Rosewater , E. E. Womersly , H G. WlesJ , P. The rustic furniture at the Woodmen ot the World hall Is the furniture which was used In the Woodmen of the World cabin ai Nashville. The pictures of a number of prominent woodmen are now adorning the walls. KiiiuJitH or ( lie Forest. Forest council , No. 1 , gave ono of Us cm- : crtalnmonts on last Wednesday evening at Its hall In Odd ' Fellows' block. The pro gram was excellently rendered throughou and the audience was large and appreciative Prof. Davis entertained the audience for half an hour by his gramophone selections Mrs. L. V. Moise sing a solo , Mrs. Ely alsc sang. Miss Haverly rendered a piano solo and Mis. MoKelvy resiled , by request "Nora Mulligan's Party. " Llttlo Miss Snow- den gave a very pretty song and dance- with " banjo accompaniment. Iiiilt-l > i-inloiit Orilc-r of Foresterx. All tbo courts of the city have combined to hold a Joint Instillation of the newly elected ofllcers on New Year's eve. The affair will ibo public. It Is > to take place In Myrtle hall In the Continental 1)lock. Omaha court has elected the- following officers : P. C. R. , 13. G. Brabrook ; C. R. George R. Young ; V. C. U. , A. S. Ruth ; K S. , W. 0. Carr ; P. S. , Robert Morlaon ; C. A. G. Sablne ; 'S. ' W. . W. J. Blackmore ; J \V. . James W. Trulll ; S. B. , W. D. Hamilton J. B. , Robert Mulr ; C. D. , T. L. C. Mulr P. , Dr. J. > M. Alkln and R. I. Mattice. Uojnl Art-iiiiiiin. Tomorrow night Union Pacific council , No 1069 , .iad Omaha council , No. 1791 , will hold a Joint meeting In the hall In Thi Boo build Ing to consider the advisability of coiiboll dating. The first Is one of the oldest and th second the youngest ledge in the city. 1 they wore combined they would form ona o the biggest and strongest seciet society lodges In Omaha. The scheme of consoll dating has been quietly agitated for sorn little time and It has now reached a stag where It can be put before both bodies. RilkliK-KM MCII'H lrHU-rnlty. Omaha lodge. No. 1 , held Its annual clec tlon oj officers at Its hall In The Bee build Ing Wednesday evening. The following were elected : W. E. Cady , P. ; J. M. Welsh an" , V. P. ; T. H. Pell. S. ; M. Cunningham T. ; L. B. Walmer , G. ; T. S. West. I. G. ; A Anderson , O. G. ; W. A. Illxcnbiugh , r Maxfleld , S. Plans for active work for th coming year along- the lines of bettering the business In tercets of the city wcro dip cussed. Xiilloiuil Union. Omaha council has elected the following officers : George Brush , P. ; F. M. Bell , V. P. ; G. II. FlBseu' S. ; Robert Richelieu , S. and P. S. ; William P. Nagle , T. ; Chailcs E. Morris. N. ; William Wallace , C. ; M. P. McBrWo , S. at A. ; A. Boukal , D. K. ; C. Hardy , F. M. Bell , W. P. Sloan , T. The council meets In Patterson hall at Seven teenth and Parnam streets on the first Mon day night of each month. Guild Templar * . Mrs , Anna H. Ilirrle , grand superintend ent of Juvenile temples of Iowa , will addrern a public meeting at Woodman hall. Sixteenth street tnd Capitol avenue , tomorrow evenIng - Ing at 7:45. : Her theme .will be : "Good Templary and Temperance and Its Relation to .the Home. " Mrs. Harris Is an earnest , eloquent speaker of wide experience In this work. The mcd'lng Is public. I.IHlll-H II f till.MlKflllldH. . laurel Hve , No. 19 , last Tuesday after noon elected the following officers ; Carrie Scott , P. LC , ; Anna Crawford , L. C. ; Ella Crawford , R. K. ; Carolina Doll , P. 1C. ; Mar tha B. Walker , C. ; I/niro , B. Newton , S. ; Carrlo Carmella , . .M. at A. ; Miss Honzlker , S. , ' Miss Kcnnady , P. Soi'lclyotcx. . Vesta chapter No. C , Order of the Eastern Star , will give a dani.ii i * Masonlo temple on next Tuesday evrnir.s. An entcrti-ilfilng program has been ar ranged for next Filday evening's meeting cf Uvo Oak grove , No. 1 , Royal Oaka , In Labor Temple hall. Mrs. E. D , Watt , euproms oracle , and Mrs 0. E Allen , supreme board of manager , of the Royal Neighbors ot America , are In attendance upon a meDtlng of the uupremc beard In Pe-orla , ill , Clan Gordon No. 63 , Order of Scottish Claim , nominated Its officers for the coming year at last Tuesday night's meeting. The election will take place on the night of December - cember 21 at the hall , 212 North Sixteenth street , At the regular meeting ot the beaver moon Omaha triba No. J8 , Improved Order of Red Men , ekctc-d the following chiefs : II N. Yapp , P. ; W. c. Congdon , S. ; W. H. SUu ° ' Bl S' ! Jamt * CarrJ s'i A. A , Smith , C , of R , ; L. II. Smith , 1C , of W. ; Harry Androeson , O of W. : James Boysen , and C. C. Stauloy , T. , , I3XCITIOVRHIC ITIII3 W1II5AT 1MT. I'rnmiiecn of Ilcnvj- Shipment * Cnuno n Ilrnclloii. CHICAGO , D.'c. 11. The wheat market this week bas been remnrkablo for the fnct that It has retched the highest prices that have been made here since the summer ot 1891. From Do cents , the December cloMng prlco a week ago , that month rose a cent on Monday , 2'i cents on Tuesday , 2 ccnta on Wednesday and on Thursday made the ru- markablo jump of 8"-i cents to $1.09. Nat urally , trading was heavy , and at tlnus the. market was wildly excited. Yesterday a very substantial reaction occurred , Decem ber closing at $1.03. Belief In the existence of a corner In that option was Intensified , though dealers Credited with being members of the combination strongly deny that such a , thing exist ; , May wheat was also strong , especially during the latter part ot the week , hough suffering In yesterday's reaction. It shows an advance of 1 % cents , the closing price jestcrday being 91V4 cents. Reports that the holders of contract wheat til through the west were preparing to ship t to Chicago were confirmed by many firms and undoubtedly had much to do with the decrease yesterday. Two factors entered Into .ho virtual stampede of the shorts. Notth- vest receipts were much more moderate nu < l [ hough only once during the week falling : ielovv last } ear's figures , yet It was qulto jonerally believed the end of heavy receipts was In sight. By far th most Important In fluence , however , was the statement , which was confirmed , that members of the so-called Imll clique had made arrangements to ship cast by rail all wheat delivered thorn on December - comber contracts and hod made advantageous storage contracts In the east , Indicating a letcrmtnatlon to keep the market as bare as liosslble of contract grade wheat. The con tract stocks Increased only 355000 bushels 'or the week , notwithstanding heavy receipts. The spread between December and May has now widened to 1114 cents. For a time dur ing Thursday's oxcltemont It was as much as 14 ccnta. CHECK TO TII13 IRISH TV STOCKS. Hull Clliiiu * FlnilH SovurnI .Sl llIockM In the AVny. NEW YORK , Dec. 11. The stock market responded with apparent readiness * during the early part of the week1 to tie manipula tion of the large operators who have cm- barked upon a. bull campaign. But as the week progressed < the bull element had sev eral adverse factors to contend with. Weak spots developed In the market and the vig orous support offered proved unavailing to prevent declines In individual cases , which spread through the list , ana by Friday aft ernoon had effectually 'broken ' the market. The president's message on Monday dls- closed tlm fact that ithero was no disturbing prospect on the horizon of government af fairs. The buoyancy In Sugar and rumors of an extra dividend gave an Impetus to the rise. The excellent showing of railroad earn ings In the statements for the fourth weefc In November offered a very substantial ba sis for advances In the rillroad list. All sorts ot statements on "good authority" were offered as to the intentions of North ern Pacific directors to declare a llbsral div idend on the preferred. The stocks Of the local traction companies were rushed upon confident assertions that 'the ' underground rapid transit plan would fall of endorsement by the court. The Vandeibllts were ag gressively raised .by . the bull clique for effect on ths market , but nil this failed to offset the realizing sales of traders , large selling for London account of all the Inter national stocks , disappointment o\cr the lack of an extra dividend on Sugar , the gov ernment's course In the matter of the Kan sas Pacific sale and other adverse factors Prices , which -were at one < lme 2 to over 4 points higher than Saturday's close vvere sharply clipped > by Friday's reaction , though net gains of over a point remain In a large number of shares. Dealings In .bonds . have been of very heavy proportions all week and prices are materially higher all around. INSIST ox iio-wra CIicri > IcComiiilttcf 'Voiv ' on KM Wny to WnxliltiKton. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 11. The Cherokee In dian delegation , -which Is on the way to Washington to appear before the Joint In dian committee of congress , arrived here late last night. The party will stop in the city a day or two iboforo going on to Wash ington. Speaking of 'their mission to Wash ington , Hon. S. U. Walklngstlcknho Is a Cherokee senator , said : "Wo go to Wash ington ito use every honorable effort to pre vent the proposed abolishment of our trlbil courts , and to head off the Impending change by which the president of the United States will have the power to sanction or approve the acts ot the Cherokee national council be fore .they . become laws. " "Chief Ishpereher of the Creeks has a plan by which the tlndlans are at some tlmo to become part of the United States as an In dian state and I "bellcvo his Idea , so far as I understand It , Is a good one. " IT.NSIOXS FOll WKSTUHX VKTCUAVS. Stirvl\-or of l.iitcVnr ItcmemlioriMl 1 > tinO < > iiral ( io\i-riiiiiiirt. WASHINGTON. Dec. ll.-Opeclal.-Pcn- ) slons have been issued as follows : Issue of November 21. 1837 : 'Nebraska Original : Tilghmnn A. II Berkley , Lincoln , JO. Original widow , etc. . Molvln.a E. Lewcllen , Auburn , $ S. Iowa Moses Hush , Davenport , $ G. Hester. ation nnd reissue : Milton L. Godiey ( de ceased ) , Eldon , $12. Increase : Illley C Whltmtirsh , Vail , $8 to $12. Original widow , etc. : Minor of John P. Klnncy , Des Molncs , Colorado Original : Uladen Asliby , Canon City , JO. Original wldow.'etc. : Special De cember 1 , Mary Ann Hlghtovver , Grand Junction , $ S Montana RelsFue nnd Increase : Charles C. Sargent , Nashua , J10. AtoirrtN ElrutliH Were All .Viitiirul. NEW YORK , Dec. ll.-Chnrles Kanolll , the baibcr who has collected Insurance upon the HVCH of four wives , a motlier-ln- 'aw , a daughter nnd nn employe , nnd has pleaded guilty of defrauding an Insurance company , was aguln iirralgned In court today nnd remanded for further examina tion. Ills counsel stated thnt xho vvns anxious that the police should h.ive every opportunity to assure themselves that the curious sequence of deaths was from natuinl causes. The prisoner expressed himself perfectly willing thnt the body of Jennie Sunnier , his fourth and last wife , should bo exhumed nnd examined for traces of poison , The body , which wns Interred at Astoria , L. . I. , will bo taken out of Its grave today , AIiilinloiiH I/I 1 1 > rut ii re for CHICAGO , Dec. 11. Ira Nelson Morris , sonot _ the millionaire pucker , Nelson Mori lit , tins abandoned the career of letters which ho entered some months ngo by pub lishing 11 small volume of travel , Huwill enter his father's ( Irm , "With the irmly Winds : A Jnunt In Venezuela and the Wt-st Indies" Is the title pf Mr , .Morris1 first nnd only book. "A million mt-n can vviltu books , " dec-lured the older Morrln , "but few lutve opportunity my son enjoys to become preat In thu business world. A book Is rend by few ; n largo commeiclul enterprise , well conducted , la a blpsslnn to the world ut large. " Him ! Tlii-lr Victim on tinTruck. . ST. L.OIU8 , Dec. Jl A special to thn I'ost- Dlspatch from Carthage , ( Mo. , says : At Culfton , the junction of the St. I.ouls & San Fr.Uiclbco nnd Port Arthur nillioacU- , n mnn nnm-tl Hlnsrmun , from Monctt. Mas. held u ? und robbed of } 1" hv tirco hlsh- way-men last night , After taking his mony the robbers marched their victim down tin- 'Frisco trick , and binding his hunda and feet , tied him to the rails to be mangled by the llrst passing train. Fortunately for Illnsman. tmveral people cnnm alonff the Hack xoon ufter nnd idea ted htm. There IB no cue ! to the perpetrators of the outrage. Jiillirnitut AunliiM ci Our Company , CHICAGO , Dee , 11 , Judge Sevvan of the United States circuit court today ordered the United States Cur compuny to pay the Central Trust company of New York , wl hli ten tlayp , $2,018,703 for principal ana Interest upon niortgnfe3 nnd bonds. In cuf-o of default the company's plant at Hegewlseh , a suburb of Chicago , is to be Hold ut auc tion. i CHAIlMiSTON , W. V.I. , Dec. 11. The- Board of Public Works today received n Ickgram ( ram Hunting-ton stating that ex- Sccrctury of State W. n. Chilian U there and had arranged to pay the shortage of } ) , OGO to the etate , Mr , Chllton sold eomo timber lands for { 23,000 , the deeds recorded today. , , j SPECIAL 'NOTICES Ailvcrtlsrim-nts It\r \ llicac column * lie tnUeiintitll 12 m. for the ntiil unlit S l > . tn , for tl > c nuil Suniliiy editions. AilvcrdmTM , ID * rrijncjitliiK n mini- lieroci clioulc. en ii liiwc nit T ersi rut- ilrcsmctl tn ii mimltrrcil letter In cnrc of-The lle. . . \iiM-rrcrs no nitili vdRol lll lie ilfllvorvil on prcucnlnJlon of the clicck only. ' HntvH , 1 1-au n unr < l rtrnl limer < loii Ic n itnril tln rpnf ( r. .Notlilnpr Inltcti for U-HM tliuii a.o for tlic first Iimer- iloti. TliCHo nil\rrtUciiivntH iinmt be rim consceiitlely. . AVAM'KD SITUATIO.NS. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER DESIRES sewing In families , cos North 18th St. POSITION WANTED BY A RETIRED AND experienced mcrohant nil tt collector or man- nger ; can furnish good references and trcurlly. U 21 , lice. A 380-12' WANTED. POSITION BY BOOKKEEPER ; to > cnrB' experience ! icfercnce tlrst-dnss. Ad Urcss Ross , room Ml , 1st Nat. Hank bUlK. A 45 * 12 * A3 nooTcKEEpER OR ci.EitqiCAi. WORK. can give beet of references : no objection to leaving the clly. c t . llee. A 383-18 * AVANT13I > _ MAIiU III3I.P. CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS ; NEW LINE of work : no heavy goods to carry ; salary or commission. C. F , Adami Co. , 521 Bo. 16th St. I-932 SALESMEN FOll CIGARS. J12S A MONTH AND expenses ; old firm' experience snnccessarv : Inducements to customers. C , C. Blsliop & Co. . St. Louis. 11 933 WANTED , AN EXPERIENCED uuuo , BALES- mnn for Nebraska and contiguous territory , by a prominent manufncturcr of Pharmaceuticals. State age , married or single , UnKth or. nc- quntntnnrc on territory , amount of sales , sal ary expected , etc. Address Vf , 28 , I ord & Thomas , Chlraso. B-M3C7 13 * S1HPCARPENTERS. FLANKERS AND caulkers wanted Mornn Bros. Company , SMp Ilullders , of Seattle , Wiis.ilnKton , wnnt fltst- class mechanics who nrc experienced In vest- cm river Fteamcr conrtructton , for work on fourteen steamers and twentvfotir barges now being built by them nt { Seattle , Wash. , for the Yukon Companv , Andicw F UurlelKh , Presl- dent , all ot there vestcls to be complete and In .service on the Yukon river. Alnskn , Jjcxt spring. Wages 33 cents per hour. Steady woik In it contpnratheU mild climate lit Seattle. \V'e nrc prepared to offer free transportation from Seattle to the "Klondike" to a limited number of Ilist-clntis mechanics , who will re main In our employ until the completion of the work. Apply In person nt our oltlce In Seattle. Wash. , with unquestionable recommendntlon" ) BR to ability Only Hrst-cHps mechanics , wlt.i their tools , wanted factH ale Plated above , and we- have no time to carry on cor respondence. Motun Uros , Co. . Seattle Wash. YOFNG MEN TO LEARN RARMER TitAnE , growing demand among barbers for graduates of this svMcm. a graduates placed this week nt peed wages ; only eight weeks reqtilrol to com plete ; two j cars' npprentlccshlp Hned tn two months ; vvo offer special Inducement n iw bv presenting complete outllt of tool" , Illustrated catalogue mailed fre- . Molar Sj'tem Ilnrber School , Clark and Van Ilurcn sts , Chicago. R-M3S3 ! WANTED , TWO ( FIRST-CLASS TEA AND clear salesmen , usblfsB'to write unlcsre von hive an eMall'shcd trntia In lhe = e go-d ? In N lirn kii. II. C ri'hcr , Ch'0 > BO. ' T3-M371 10 GENERAL SOLICITORS AMONG FARMERS and others ; stockdnveitmeiits : no competition ; Incorporated , exclusive , territory , big cninmln- slon. Address C J2 , " - - * WANTED , SALESMAN ; SALARY PAID weekly , experience unnece sarjpermanent. . Hrown nrothers Co. , ChlcaRO. n SALESMEN1 "WANTED TO SELL UY SAMPLE ntholefnle ami retail goods pell on BlKht. salary rmd commission Address Centennial MfK. Co. , 493 Sth AVe. . New York Clt\ . i | II J1313 S * A. SALESMEN T6 SELL CICJARS TO UEAL- eis ; salan , JCO.CQ , to 7 0000 per month nnd ex pensed , exporlen'O unnccessan permanent po sition. The De Morn Cigar Co. , Springfield O. ' " n AAA WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN. YOUNG nnd old , to work for un-ln their owa > homcs In spare time , day or evening. We pay $10 to J15 per week no canvahslni ; , any child fcnn do the work , send address todiy. We send woik nt once. II. A. Grip , Uept. 377 , Tsronc , I'a. ( -n WANTED , RELIAI1LE AND WELI < RI5COM- mended men , all nationalities In every city , to solicit BUb crlbers for Illustrated , In Eneltsh , Germin , rrench. Swedish , Nor wegian-Danish , Bohemian SpanUh , Italian , Ilollandlsh , rolhh. Slavonic , Hungarian. $1 per jcar Commissions and salary. Appllcints state nationality and correspond In English Address , Subscription Department. Poljplot Publl'hlni ? Co , St. Louis , Mo. 1 ! ARE YOU A CATHOLIC ? ARE YOU UNDM- plo > td7 If so , and > ou are nllllng to work to pleise employer , write John O'Toole , 331 Dearborn - born St. , Chicago , III. H- OOVEIINMEXT POSITIONS. DON'T PIIE- pare for tht postoftlcs or other civil service ex amination wlthrut seeing our Illust'nted eita- lofjue of Information Sent free Columbian CornKpondcnce College , Washington , 1) . C. H M3S7 IS * WANTED TWO SALKSMEN IN ItONDED Whlnhy for western tcrrllon' . A1 refern i-H required Adc ess J. Guentncr , P5 Tlnndolnh St. . Chlcagn. n M3K-lt WANTED PERSONS DI IRINO EMl'I > OY- ment or homes In the south to send for our list of one thousand manufacturers , merchant * , etc. . who are emplojlng men ml women in southern states , also how to obtain free ticket south nnd oilier valuable Information ; sent postpaid for ! 5 cents , silver or stamps. South ern Immigration Co. , Jacksonville , l"l.i. H 210 12' r --Mnv TOR SAMPLING , Dis tributing circulars , sign tacking and selling our new sonps nnd spc"laltle , nt home or traveling ; siilarv $10 weekly nnd expenses , Schncfcr D-os. . Mllnauluv. WIs. H-3-0-12 i " TTIM * VtM VI J7H A WEEK-NEW LINE. Great merit , qulclc sellers to all merchants. Hush right now , Addreps , stntlng crppron f * Traders' Dcpt. , 102S Cuthbert St. , PhlladdpM i. n K9 II * CI.EHKt AND CARRIERS FOR THE OMAHA postofllec , examinations soon ; 3,0 ) npmlnt- ments In postofllcu F ? nlco Ins/t year , full i r- tlcular nlont nM cove nment po'lt'ons B lar'rs dates of examination , etc. . and b-autlfiil A Icn ser or Wn hingtnn Trff National Correx'vnHoiro Inst. , Dept. K , Washington , D. C. B-W 12 fi.Z'o A Y"EAR SALARY , PERMANENT SIT- uatlcn ; pleasant employment ; want ROO < J BKents , male or female ; write Immediately. Mlzpah Medicine Co. , Monsey , New York n 440 12' WANTED EDUOATHD MEN TO HANDLE quick selling ChrlstmnH presents among le- llglous people. S Paxton block n M4 < 5 IS WANTED , MAN TO SELL OUR NEW ADJIIFT- nMo FUHtiender to the retail trade ; HW.OO per mrmth rnfilb' made. Address , with nlxmp , the Adjustable KusnenJcr & > . , Kcnrnov , Nb 11-433 1S WANTED , A ItOY AI1OUT 1C YEARS OP AGE for ofllce work. Address C 27 , lleeH422 H-422 12 ACTIVE SALl JJIAN TO SELL TO DEALERS. SCO to ? 175 monthly and expenses ; experience unnecessary. Apris Cigar Co. , Chicago . , , IJ 118-12 * WE WANT A ri'AV CAPAIILE MEN TO SELL our Walker Telephone disk , J2 000 a > ear easily made by Kf'Mi salesmenj every telephrne user bu > s at iH htj re"ommended by every telephone exchange ; retails nl tl 50 ; lares dis counts to ngentsi ktnidy Income for year's sup pljlnu the nddltldnal rolls of paper required ; can be Instantly attached to any leleph n' . Address The I ) , Wait Mfg. Co. , Clnelnnntl O , II-38M2 * , „ . Uri. ZOO TIEMAKEII8 FOR ARKANSAS AND IN. dlan Terrltorv : UWrtlc at stump , good llmtier I'.fberg 1H rn'iiain , 11-4CO 12 ' ' ' < > i LA1IORE1IH TTf'rA'MSTKHH AND STATION men for levee .VOrJi , south. In Ml sl lnn | . Etberg. 1314 rontbht. 11-400 12 * iMALi ; I1ULP. 100 cmu.s FOII KINDS OF WORK ; to 7 week. Cai dlan Ofllce , 1122 Douglas. WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- warli : no waihlnfr- Ironing , Mrs. Jan B. Melkle , 2117 Wlrt t. C-M3J4 12 WANTED , A Nl'HSC C1IUU 113) ) B. SOTII AVK. C-i8-18 * COOK AND IIOIIBH MAID WANTED ; COOK inuft he thoroughly competent ami house niulil ctllclent anil * xpnenc' U. none other * need ai ply rtfcreiictn required ; apply on Monduv nnj Tuv . day nurnlngB from 10 to 12. Jlris. llutidemon , 3100 Chicago fit. c 351-12 WANTED rllTVik 1O DO work for us at the ' hoinee , Clem f'o KIlD J-ADIES OP OOOD to i-ll the l urU Skirt , ll'tr ' money for right I rty , AdilreM l'arl Skin Company. 21 Arcade. HocliMterNy. _ _ f git IS * WANTED , IllliqUT Ql\Uj \ I'OH 'fM work : peed wt llguren nnil quick. Apply llr , Heldy , NetrtmKu Clothing Co , C-MIM H iZTnira TO DO wonic AT IIOMI : NO CAN- vanning : three months' work guaranteed : end Bluinji for sample und particular ) ! of work. In- UrmUlonal Co. , Third Avc. , New York. C-I1S-U * \VAJiTnnFGMAi.r : IIRI.P. ( Continued ) WANTED I.AHT nnADEIlfl TO TELT. US what In the lonerat vrt c tn the nibl . If > nu enn Sell us In wl-ot chnpter It IK we will irlvo you iprl e of 1100.01. If more limn one pemm nnincTfl correctly tte will Olvlda cnoh fqunlly. With your nnsnn fund 10 ccntu for our new Illirnry , ot U complete rooks , n prnml nrlis In thcmwlvc * . AiMr < i Kcylon Hook Co , 1111 Arch SU , Phllndelphla , I' < u , C 4H-12 * UMMEH TO ir > O VI.A1N RHWIJCO AT HOME : It M per dnvj four montnv woik Runrnntwli Hcnd FtnmpMl , nddrc . f < l env-eiopJ for pirtlculir * . Wllday A lliuton. PhlladclphU , I'a. C6 12 CLAPS COOK AND SECOND OIRI , AT once. 1711 Dodge street. C MI31 1S ron ntiXT tiousns. HOUSES IN AM. PAHTS OP THE CITV , THE O , r. DnvU Company , 1V rarnnm. D 1JJ HOUSES. DENEWA & CO. . 10S N. 15TII ST. D-930 IlXnaAINS. ONLY A PEW MJl'T : S24 N , 2th Avc , 7 rooms , linth , clo et , hot nntcr. Ra , furnnce , fin * comllllnn , only J29. 073 N. S7th Ave. , 7 rooms , bnth , clotei. hot water , cl'tern , furnace , cemented cellar , SCO feet front- aces nil rooms tn he painted nnd tmptred , 120. 1928 S. iSth St. , 7 roonn. city , water InoMc nna cistern : entire bnune newlv pnpcre.1. Hent , m. t" > U N. 28lh Avc. . 8 rooms , city water ln lde , J300 bclnir tpent for repairs. Hcnt , 112. 1S22 N. 31 t fit. , B-room i-ottnKe , cistern , J ? , SMI Corliy , 7 rooms , city wntor , cistern , him , t\0 \ 2707 Cnldwcll St. , 5 rooms , city vvnter Inside , S10 2521 B. ISth St. . 4-room cottdge , city water , fj. 712 and 714 B. 16th St. . 7-room Hals , bath , clofct , hot nntor and ens , > M to J2S. ? 015 Iinnl St. , 4-room flats , city water. J7 to M. We have others. Fidelity , 1st floor. N. T. I.lfa D-M104 HOUSES. WA1.LACE , BROWN BLOCK , 1GTH nnd Douqlns. D 037 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORES. AM * I'AllTS ot clly. Drennnn & Love Co. , 215 S. IGtJi. D-83J LARGE LIST. M'CAGUE , 15TH AND DODGE. D-940 HOUSES , FLATS. GARVINi BROS. , 1C13 FAIVM D-S41 HOUSES KOU RENT. 11EMIS , PAXTON 11MC , D-S < 2 HOUSES. J. S1IEUWOOD , 43 N. Y. Uffi , D 313 MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Vnn KiHtornge Co , 15HV4 rnrnam. TeI.'lG59 D 545 HOUSE. TO SO. 2STII ST. . 10 UOO.MS MOD crn , J40.CO per month. Ujron Ueed Co.D910 D-910 HOUSES ALt.l'AllTS. WEAD , 1C .t DOUGLAS D-47S U15 BTEAM HEATED HOUSE , son IIAHNEY. ItENT I.AHGE NINE-ROOM HOUSE neir Cnllfornln nnd J2d Sis. , nil conveniences : with or ttlthout barn , Inquire 500 N. Y. I.lfe bulldlns. D S2i . I.AIIOE 8-noOM HOUSE , MODern - ern , No 1320 I'nrlt nxcnue. Inquire nt SirO S 33d street , or cnll telephone 1227 nftor 0 o'clock p. in. D 11140 roil IlENT , EI.UOANT K-llOOM HOt'SE , ALT. inmlirn Improvements. 1'or Information cnll nt National ClothlnR Co. , corner 14th S. DnislSt. . D-313-12 _ " " rUHNISHEI ) HOUSE , 8 HOOMS. KOUNT7.E Plnce , Wlrt St D-M36S 15 fl-HOOM MODEHN HOUSE JI5 month. 831 S. 21ft St. D 3S2-1C * 5-nOOXI HOUSE. 1120 N. 17TH. 17TH.D D 430 HOfSi : AND IJAHN rUI.t , IX3T ; RENT. J3 Inquire 724 N. Y Utv. D-3SH-1J * TO RENT 2-STOHY HOtT.SE , 7 GOOD ROOMS 2 < H I'llnknov St. nonr exposition $ S vi > ry cheiip Stringer 1522 DolRrSt. . D 3M-12 * TOR RENT A 1S-I1OOM , STRICTLY ALI modern IIOUFO. cintmlly Incnteil , pro\ldltiK furnllure cnn be sold. McCngue Inve tm nt Co , UCG Dodge. D-45G 12 KOIl UK.NT Ft'HMSIICn HOO"IIS. TWO rilRNIPHED ROOMS : CAN HE TSEIV for light hou kecplng. C S3. Hee. E 432 12 FOR RENT. DOUDLK PAIllJOItS , TOGE1IIEI 01 ponirate , vvlth orIlhout boird 1SH Doclpc st. E 423 12 ri'RNISHED ROOM , WITH CLOSET , 1IEA1 nnd BUS 2208 Dousln * . E SlC-li * ONE I AROE FINELY TURNISIIT-D ROOjT modern reasonable rates. 118 S. ! 3th St. E-3117-12 * ELE ANTllY Ft'HNISHiro ROOMS FOI light houfekecplng , everything llist-elaFs. 2U S. 24th ft. E 102 12 noons A.MJ iiovun. STEAM HEATED ROOMS WITH BOARD 2M ) Hartley. F-MO-D-12 * THE MERRIAM , FIRST CLASS FAMILY HO tel 25th and Dodge Sts. I' M7'tf TAKlTsHERlilANTvE. CAR TO N. VT. CORner - ner of Exposition grounds and put up nt tin. Saratoga , best (2 a day house ; boarders , $30 to $3.00 , first week , $2 ; one mcnl free ; \ve me making a reputation now ; after the Exposition opens we will make ironey ; nil modern con venlenrps. Telephon" 'Ml K M713 122 NEWLY ITRNISIirD ROOMS. WITH ROARD hot water heat. 2103 Ca s street. r 17G .13 * ELEOANT FRONT ROOMS. RTEVM IIPAT nrst-clnso honid. 182) ) Capitol Ave. F J42-12 * NICELY ri'RNISHED FRONT ROOM , MOD ern conveniences ; pr'lvatc family. ' 02 S. 2St F 310-14 * street. - ROOMS AND HOARD. STEAM HEAT PRICE reasonable. 1011 Davenport F 3'2-lD' IN PRIVATE FAMILY , WITH OR WITHOUT hoard. 1819 Dodge. F-MM1 13 ROOMS , FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED cheap. MS So. 25th Ave. * P M449 14 * HANDSOME LARGE SOUTHEAST ROOMS prlvnte iPiliUnrc ; fte.nn , telephone , tlrst-olHp boird refenncrs. 502 No. 18lh. F 148 12 * ROOMS OPPOSITE SIIR1NER , 25SI ! L\'tNEY F M13q 1C * NIOI3I.Y FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOI rent with hoard In private family. tv\o block rrom cms VU1 S ITth St F-39S-12 * -OR nnvruvKiin-Msiinu HOOMS. SUITS OF UNFURNISHED ROOMS , MODERN 610 H. 29lh St. G-3S4-12' IXR RENT FOUR UNFI'RNISHED ROOMS modern. C21 > & S. 10th st O 4',7 12 FOII ni : > T.sTouns AMI OFFICHS. FOR RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND FI.OOI ofllcc , Dee building , vvnttr , bteam hcut electrl light and janitor tervlce. Apply to Supcrln tendent , lite building. 1 137 FOR RENT THE 4-STORY RRICK RUILDINT at 910 Fnrnam St. This bulldlnx has a flreproo cement basement : vvnter on nil lloon , trns. etc Apply at the olllce of The lice. I-010 FOR RENT-IN THE BEE BUILDING : One lure rornci room , 2 > 1 door , with vuult am pilvcto olllce , v.ntcr , etc. One lurct front room , 2d floor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc. One large corner room , 2d fluor , with vault water , etc. One front room , divided b > partition ; third floor One corner room with vault , third floor. One large loom , thirl ( lour , with partition dlvld Inn U Into one large loom and two pma'lt ptlvate rooms ; water , etc. Two Inrso ground lloor rooms , fronting 17th Bt. with vault. Several email rooms on fourth floor , with vaults All lhn > o rooms are heated with steam electrl Ilirite , supplied with flrat class Janitor service En > vntorH tun day anil nil nlgnt , bulldlni , strictly firepioof , Apply to Superintendent Itcoin 104. lice hul'.dln ? . 1-188 HOTELS STORES. 1IEMI8 , PAXTON IILK 1XJR RENT. 30 } M IT. IHHPK MOREIIO' ) ! nnd liH.emcnt In Rood loc.Tlty In Arllmrtin Neb , Inquire o. trunteeH cr seereta y of Wafh InKton linUc. I. O , O. F , AillnglOti , Ncl W .1 Crpnisferetiiry I A i3.N'i'.s WA.vrnn , A INTH MAKE * TO m A DAY HULMNO ouiiiopular prlo ' 1 cnmeiasi mnst iirofltnhl BKer.ts' line tin the m.irl.ct ; gcnernl nnd l-oi aei-nlH antnj , I n Cro ta Camera Co. , X ' 9 I Crcm'Win , J M3CI 12 > AOKNTS WANTED. APPLY PACIFIC MI'TIIAI Life Ins. Co. , A. V. Tool , , sen'I agt , . 310 Re bide. J M2-J3 J4 AOb'NT.S MAKING t 0 TO ' 10 A WKEICi eJRE\T ( st affpnts' H ller ovr Invented : rnnvni sine nnd ccni > rnl agents nrodril : full jiirlii-ulnr by mall. Mrjnpjo Ntg. Co. , X10 , Ln Cioi-w Win. J-JI37) ) K < AGENTS WANT13D IN EVERY TOWN AN county In the ITnlUd 8tnte to sell th" lates SmokelPi-s Frying Pan : odorleEg and smokplrii HinU'thliu- und a regular gold mine ti men nnd women canvasscm : ono can IM so ] In cv ry fRmllvj B xl pay ; nd M een < r fo full B'IO ' Kimple , jiccket moilel and cxcliulv rontruli name lirrltory uanled and for u.llln prlce-i and dlicounm. Address Iho llevprldi ; Mfg. Co Ilex fC3 , IlRltlmore , Mil. J \\1DE AWAKE MEN AND WOMKN , CAN positively make tlOO to J200 ptr'nionth an ( xiifiiKfg handling' our "Wonder Hoap" an Family RlttaU ; puslneue pleasant Und pprman nt ; e'frlf ce not nrcttiury. no rl kj n failure ; man In Itulne clain173 W In on we k , another In Nebraika. H2.CO the flrit day woman In Oregon made IW , only the * wh mean butlne thould write nt nce for proof nnd full particular * . M , A , Church & Co MoiTUtown , N , J , J-39MI * iA UXTS AVANTUH. ( Continued. ) ° P WEAITII . . AND FAME W1M. . , , , Ktntcel fmplnj incnt lo energetic l dlm of rennemtnt. A rnre opportunity to m k n Independent - dependent Income Permits of truvel or home work. Aadrc Drawer V , P. O. ClilcnKc J- " NT"NT ' SEND'FOU /NT uin MONEY. frc famrlc nnd pirllcular * . Rtnndard Ink Powilfr Co , . 154 P ul St. . New York AOKNTS WANTED"EVKRYWH ERE. W DAH.r niadp e-nsllv : inn t lhi | > r l plan known ! Roods In con lant domnnd ! write tnlny for fiiii In. formntlon , Aluminum Novelty Co. , SW Ilrond- vvay New York. J 447 12 * _ VOENTSWANflit * : NEW NOVELTIF.M IN Photo button ! " and Jewelry , send for HUislrate-d circulars. Gaily Novelty Co. , 12 Washington St. , Chkro. . J-441 I2 OENTS TO HANDLE THU "ONE MINUTE SoMerlnR Pencil : " no ncld , ro ln or soldorlnB Iron uiwl : sample tree. Wm. M. llun i > n A Cb. , O-ilcsvlllo. WIs. .1 437 12 * IRIOIIT. I3NERC1ETIO MAN OF GOOD AD- drrs , to solicit orders for leading fncjclo- rcdla : good commlrslon < pild. Inquire between B nnd 7 at room' < 0. Atcado hotel J-M4M 1S JANVABS1NO AGENTS WANTEIJ ! WHO wnnt to rnrn n much n nnyonp can turn with the l.ikpulde Sentence iiullrtfr for souns children ! Hdy aitont In Gardner , Maw. , hooked CO orders her flr t week ; rommltflons J27 M ; several Inexperienced camn pprs hnve rmde 2.vO to II CX > per day , Special Inducements to loonl canvassers dc'ltlng to rarn peniinnent positions HH traveling' Renernl ngentn. No ot'ier peni-ral n pnts desired. Addrets School Princi pal , llox 24 , Chicago Lfivvn. HI. J 3' < l-I2 AOENTS MAKE MONEY SF.I.l.lNO INCANdescent - de-scent gai light buriifrs : lots of M I3c , mantfN ISc : complete lights 31o and COc ; singly ( Be ; cash vv Ith order. U. S. Light Co. SSI W Mndlion St. , Chicago. J 400-12 * 30 WEF.KLY TO GIVE AWAY TOILET SOAP : samples free. D. D. ForMiee Co. , Cincinnati O. VANTEO. SALF.SMEN ALREADY ON THE road for staple sldo line George A. linker KCo. , South Rend , Ind. J-417-12' TO VANTED. Ft'RNISHED ' ROOMS 1'OR UO1IT liousokeeplnR. liy man nnd wife , near city hull : sltto terms and particulars. Addrois C 32 , Reo olllce. K 433 12 * STOUAC5K. 'ACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 903-010 Jones ; general storage and forwarding1. M-54S OM. VAN . STORAGE , 111IV4 FARN'M. TEL 157) M-049 FRANK EWERS , STORAGE. 1214 HARNEY. Hauling- and picking , cheapest rates. Tel. SSI M S30 \v\vrnnTo IIUY. WANTED. A MEDIUM SIZE FIREPROOF safe for cash , give dimensions nnd price. Ad dress C D. Ree office. N M233 WANTED , TO HUY VACANT 1X1T IN Hnnscnm Plant' ' or Windsor PI ice. Addroot r * 31 Hee. N MI3I 12 * WANTED. GOOD. FRESH IX3VV , NOT PAR- tlculnr ns to breed. Room 1 , N. Y Life bldp N-12I 12 FOll .S M.U FOR HALE , ONE P. P STEWART UEATINO stove and one * two-burncr Kaeollne stove. In quire i020 Fitmift St. O M313 12" FFRNITt RE OF C-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE Flat for rent , good location. Address C 23 Uee. O 102 12 s\Liiumi i : . < s , "ivtrcovs ETC FOR SALE CHEAP HOUSE , SPRING WAGON harncFB und buckboard. Inquire 526 S 24th ave P-42G 12 * FOR S 11,13 IIISCCLMMSOUS. SAAVDUST , BULK OR SACKED-CRIUBING and ] \oe \ fence. C. R .Iec , 901 Douglas. Q-931 2ND-HAND BICYCLES. OMAHA BICACLE CO Q-902 LATEST STYLES LADIES' CAPES AND JACIC- cts , eas > pajmentB. drop postal , will call will sample. E , Illrsh. 10M K > Ave. Q-OW D27 HARNEY & BERRY , SKATES. 33C TO $3 CO skaLca sharpened , Isc. Omaha Hlciclc Co Q-920 GOOD SECOND-HAND SAFE CHEAP 114 S 13th Q-M30G 21 FOR SALE. POSTOFFICE CASE , ISO CALI boxes , 21 lock boxes , easy terms. Also for salt , or trade. ICO acies of land In Hitchcock Co. Neb. Address P. D. McCormlck. Grctna , Neb Q-M303 13 PATENT UPRIGHT PIANO. S17 S. 1CTII. Q-M3IO 11" NEW HICYCLES FOR SALE LESS THAN factory cost. First cl isa scnlnp : machlnoB fiom $18 up. Nebraska Cjcle Co. , 15th Harney. Q-M295 Jan. C FOR SALE , YOUNG , FRESH JERSEY COW 4C02 Center St. Q M350 12 FOR SALE ] SECOND-HAND STANDARI tvpewrlter ; flrEt class condition ; price J23 00 If taken bv the 15th. C 17 , Ree. Q-4'13-12' FOR SALE. OLD VIOLIN1 WORTH 1400 : WILI Fell at ICO If taken thlH week. 709 N 32 < l st. Q-421 12' UPRIGHT PIANO AND HOR = E. MUST 111 sold. Cottage. 2322 Hnrney St. ( J 4M 1 ! IIARDMAN PIANO SLIGHTLY USED. A BIG bait'uln. 214 So. ISlh , Q-M4CC IS CI. 1IHVOYANTS. SPIRITUALIST SERVICES , SUNDAY , 2M : AND 7:30 : p. in. , Morund'fc hall , Hnrney , Mr. Hull ere it ticbatennd theological scholar , \ \ I lecture , followed by Mro. Clara Ferris , ofle brutfd lest medium. Small admission. S-MSC2 12 PROF WHITNEY AND PROP PIERCE. Till phenomlnal mediums , are heic to stay , Pmf Whltne ) , the clairvoyant , slamli without rival nnd Is Indormd by I > otli press nnd public This crc'it medium Lenri , the reputnt on of beln the Btrongptt nnd the finebt magnet medium In the world. Theic art- mediums of all kinds nnd clrs ofi , hu when you have live op | > ortimliy of wclnR sue ) woik us this medium ilwt you will siy. ullhon fcnr of rnntmdlctlon. thnt Prof. Whitney ha no rival In his line of work. At the penncoK. which nn > held thrcfnlghtB In every week Tucwliy , Thursday nnd Knndn > PVonlngH rlll cnn como nnd re"Plvp a mefsau from your deceased friend ni relatives ellhiT by slate or tippvvrlttl , rnl' ' 'fo your frlfnd < co-n foith from n > lrt : land ns plain no 1C they v.en In life. Th'iso tests nrc benutlful nnd are Just ni repro scntnd. No doubt jou liavo nt dlffonnt times when rr id Ins tl-e iiewpiMpfrii notice ! Iho ndvertlsvjn"nl of dlfTPrenl peopUvvhc claim lo do the cam work thnt Prnf Whitney pnumi tales In h's ad vtitlsenient , hut whi-n sou call nt IlKlr olllo jou fall to SPIthfte lesls tnrrlid throuah. Thrro In no nsfcrtlrn maile by Prof. Whltne ) that he will not mnlsp good If lou nn skeptical , or ln"Hnol to be , g and IK ) convlnefi of thu tiulh of this. Go nnd c > i < iinimlcut < > vlth jrur fnlher mother sIsKr or brother This In Ilia npnoitunlty of a llfn time , nnd It mimt b * ivin In ord r to lie appivclatod , Hiinduilii nf our Om ilm reiplc ImvP cnnsultri Prof. Whllnpv nnd have had their trtmblcs trialo nrd trlbulM'ons c-Tid en cd le'ivlnu a ron tent" ! mind nnd a hnpny hoirl , nnd all pronounce nounco him a plfnomlnnl master of liln hit ; ! art. At f-.o seance nf Welnendnv nliht laft a certain Indv of this city rec inlzcd her Inmband. vvhi camp lo her In full frrm nnd I ro Kb' ' her Ix-aull fill irses Til's ' wai a mopt convlnrlTR IH a.nd nnv re-sin dnnbtinii IK' t'lith of this imiulf go nnd M > convinced Hint It Is no humbug Ah ml twenty nthcr peojilo re-elved cr-mmunlra tlnn ? from IlK-lr departed frhnds the rnm cvciilntr and nil pronounced II tin tmst wondei fill Icsl meeting thev avof Hlicni'ert , Thn clnlrvf > > nnt iradlnuH by P.of. Whitney ni true nnd coricrt In every particular. lie read your past , present nml futu-e from fie cradle t the travo The luipnlnrm ! nnd contentment now In Iho lmm < of irnnv In Otruh'i Is due lo the powers of thl windirful mrd'um , Cla'rvfvH.T ' if'd'ni-i by inall compV' ? . I idff-s < l and gcntli-men 12. Write at once nnd Irrirn wlmt HIP fiitur > * holds In skun for ynu Don' dclny , ne delays are somttlnic.i fatal. Hen yc-ir. month and dit < - f j mr birth , niil In r < - turn > ou vi III ret a sketch of y ur life rcm pletp , Prlci n ( the rfllpej I/idps. | r/ > rents and rnntu 1 Pr-f. WhHn-ynnd Pnf Pierre 1K2 H'vvnrd t. cor , of IClh ft , , Omnlri. Nfl Ofllru hours from 9 n m , lo 9 p. in IVniinnnl of dlseakp fr'-p , PM elcn , B MI'S 12 THE FtTfuiii ; "AND TH"E PAST im. A" Wheeler , pfjchlc and s < Unll''c palmist , an trolcrer teacher nnd deinnnstratnr ( if occul phllo < phy : horrncnpe-s ran , rt-cdlnril by mal give date of birth enclose MOO nnd tu ktRinpr , Persons dolrlnir private ronsullu lions on business , ct < - . , are ti'iUMtted lo milk iipp Intmrnt in advance , Olllce In f elghto block near pnloIce ! ! roorrw 9 and 9'4 ; hour * 9 to 12 m 2 to < ! ; 7 lo 'J p , rn. Telmhone 1SIO Omulin , S-427 12 * K , IIATIIS , UTO. , MMU. HRI8&ON OF T'AIIIH 5TvE8 A LI kinds medicated baths nnU niarsagp 107 N 121 iPt. ' T-MZ32-J-4' MRB. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATI imilornj rmtful and curative , 417 , 11th , up talr . T MZ75 12 WME. AMEH , MAHSAGB AND HATIIH 1C19VJ Howird tt. T M2SO 12 * MADAM SMITH. 1115 DOUGLAS , MAfTsAfTll Uiia bath * . nn , 1I.VTIIS , KTC. ( Conllnurd. ) . . MASSAGE. UIUIIA. 1M.1.1RON. Crounne lilk. , 119 N. ICth it. , room It vpUatn. T-r - VIAVI CO. . TJTERtNK TROl'DI.ES , S4S I1KII RIdgi chjslcliin , coniultfttlon cr IK ft Ith bm > k frer U-M3 1ATH9. MASSAGE. MMI5. POST , MjiTfTrnTii ! U-9M CLOTHE. ' CLEANED. PRESSED AND HIJ. pnlrcdj day or nlRhti dress suits for hire Pnntorlum , N. E. Cor. Hth nnd rnrnam , Tel MME. LA m K. VAPOR AND bnthB. 1112 Fnrnnm. U-MV > S D IS * .ITERARY APStSTANCE ! M VNUSCRIPTH prepared , revised or corrected ) letters or nil descriptions vvrllten : experienced newspaper man In charRo ; all buslnrcnnndontlul Ad- dn s P. O. Rex SJ7 cr cnll tor Interview t ofllc * . 419 Hce bldg1 , uUS JJ PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND dnrlni ; confinement. Bibles adopted nnd cnreil for. ItCtt Coining. uM237 1J TO ALA8K.VANY ONM5 WIRltlNO TO SKNO experienced miner to ROld fields eonnilt E. It. Cljnc. room 3SS , Omalm National bihU. U-MSI4 12 FREE DKNTAL WORK ; OVER SOO PERSONH took ndvantngc of the free clinic nt the Dental college , cor. Ulh and Pacific streets hm , month ; after January 1 their will be twelve 1 clmlrs reserved for cleanlns of teeth free ot chnrire every Wednefday moinlng fiom 0 to 11 o'clock. U MC WANTED , FAMILY WASHING AND IRON. INC ] ; vvork No. 1 ; price chiMp. Address c 2 , Ree. U441 IJ * CUTAlT.\NlMEtl CURE - INDlGIJSTioN AND oiitlvHiess cliro.1 without mcdlcliu'- free on re ceipt of nlninp , Address D , A. , isl1 * Onk si. , e'hlcngo. U 432 12 STVLlsTl DilES MAKINo"PEASON'AlILn price , nt the .lov Tnllor S > nem Hoinnl ot Drt-ssnuklng , 31 : Knrbach bio U Ml c-s Cumpbcll A : Cnswell. 1' MI5S .111 ENI.VROE YOUU llt'STS. LAI fTis4 TO 10 Inches nt home , with Dr < 'OIIVMI\'S Ilust Tnli- lolds , nt timing loot ; $1.00 > for n cnso we cnn- nol , thtw develoio | < l In past 12 veirs prove 'tis porminent. scaled fuels 'c stamis r nnny Speclllc Co. , 2 Paik Sauaro. Huston Mn s U r5 12 * A piiirrr-Y FUUNPH OIHU AGE 2 > HAS snOW , - OW , will Inherit } 2f n moirs w.nild mnrrv I'n- clllc Agency , 110 Ellin St. , Snn I'mml i > , I'nl AMF.RICAN L\DY O' . ' FINE APP11HMT3 nml rptlted illRpisltlnn , l.-urv cnpll il $1" "M In come , but vor > lonrlv. vII npprp air busbind ot esllm.ible clinrniter IMumhla. ? n E I t Bt. , New' York. F ( Ii 12 * FEMALINE , THE miHATKST"rT RlflN I'llll world for nil fematp tlnuti'cs Itenudlrs at Stnti Hepiirtinent. 2 7 q 21th t Mrs ,1 11. Web ter. Ftnte muniKrr 1 u I v. * LADIES' FRIEND , roll MARRIED OR sltiK P. safe and sure , never hns fnl'ed rent with full illreitlons In Uriel conlldennto Jim , no pulillclt\ for J3CO , find nt unco Ad- i dreU ylipp 1' (03 ( IS * 1 FREE l.KSSONS IN EMRUofn1TlY DAH/V7 ! 1 stnnipltic done ; llnlti icd pieces fur snli > M'S . Frank Leslie. Woman's i\ihnngc : F 4CI 12 * MOM'.V TO LO lNHi\I. HV | 1TI3. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES THE O. F. Dav Is Co. , 1C05 Farnnm St. W9G " ANTIIONY LOAN S , TRUST IX > 31 % N Y quick money at low rates for choice farm lundi In Iowa , norlhern Missouri , eaitLrn Nebraska. W-3o7 LOANS ON IMPROVED . UNLMPRavlfl ) CITY properly. W. I'nrnnm Smith \ . Co. , 132J Fu 'm W-95F FROM J1CO I'VWARD. F. D WEVU TcTH and Dougbis. W 473 UH MONEY TO LOAN. 1ILM1S , 1'A.VlCMTiiuje iCT \ \ 9C1 _ _ MONEY TO IJDAN ON IMPROVED OM AHA leal ettate. IJrennan-Lovo Co. , 21S S nth ' \ nth9CO JlOO.fOO 00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN O.V nrst-cliss Improved Omaha prope-tj or for building purposes. Fidelity Tiust Comp.mj W " > 52 c'pER CENT MORTGAGES FOR HALE PR < 5pI erty of non-refldenls cnre.1 for bj W I ! . Melkle , First National Rank bldg. , Omalm W-1C3 C PER CENT MONEY , } 1 COO AND UPVVARDsT on gllt-e < lged Improved Omaha real estate. Hemls. Paxton tilock. W D23 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED R E AL estate In Omnhn. Council Illuffs and South Omaha. Puscy & Thomas , 603 First National Bank , Omaha. W M100 WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS. It , C. Peters & . Co. , U. S. Nat. Rank hide VVM433 MO.XHY TO I.0.1\CIIATTii.S. " $10 TO HO.OCO TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANO3 , HOUSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Illuffs. No removal of goods , strictly confidential n can piy the loan off at any time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO COG South ICth St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMMIA X-M4 IlUblMS&S CIIAXCHS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO 1O J. J. Gibson. 514 First Nat'l Haul- . Y-5 FOR SALE. RESTAURANT , JOHN JACOn- son , 1004 No. ICth St Y M3JJ 10 * FOR SALi : , A GOOD PAYINO ROOK STA- tlonery , confectionery tobacco nnd clqnr stor * In bherldanVo. . Address UjcU Hex 12 Y M3I8 1 ! FOR RENT , A FINE RESTAURANT , PARTLY funilshtJ of hotel nn European plan Call nt once at Ko 10k-10 Njrth 13th St Y 3W 13' AN OPPORTUNITY OF INVESTING t4f > 00 AND taking It all rut the first jeir and then hiving a better buslncs * : than when started AVant a man to take out third Interest nnd contiol on salary Pleafe do not UIIFMIT vvllhoiit jou mean buelncss , as this Is no fake Addi na C 20 , Bee. Y M3CO ! . ! FOR HALE , RESTAURANT AND LUNi'H ' room ; S sleeping rooms In connection Addict * Ick Itox 2 < 1 , Valley. Neb Y M377 12 FOR SALE. WELL IXiTARLISIIED I'VUN'Ol bnkrry in good location , for suitLhe.ijr guod reason for telling. Address C 2S Hit Y-M4.0 14' FOR HVLE , AT A. IIVROVIN KTOi K Op * ilniKS ar.d llxluros In good live Nebraska townj ( jood tradu mil pro pects. Addriss C 30 dec. WANTED N.OUNtl MAN TO TAKE e-A | | ( ill of Omaha brnntli offlcof e'h'ins ' Mamifnc- turlni ; Co. TCI mnn who cnn Inv t st } i/M In Jl.O'l In Block to l - e.inlid and furnish AI refni-nor-s , n llbcinl mlarj mid p rccntiige prop- oslllnn will le made , Don't answer If > nu bnvin't the inoncj. or If vim innnot fiiuilfh tlui renulrod ri-'e. < nc < s. Adhe'H "Hicict.iri " 701 , 703 and 703 Ponlluc Building , Chlui8 > , III. " \ \T-4I6- . * KI/ONDIKE-PEROONM HAVING FACILIT ES to p-11 'hurts fn I irp" corporations hlolieKt refinnceH , cnn Join Its p pi-dlion | for Kl nd k ; paxsiiro an'l ouflt f < rar fn . Addicst ? sa- tlnmil Klondike. Mln'riir ' nnd TmdlnK fninpiiny. 2 ) BiMiilwny New York. Y 4U 12' FOR SALE , HOTEf. WITH FURNITI Hi ; AND barn , chenp Addrcfew George Poterrrn Elk Point , Bo.DiI : T MII3 13 JI.COOOO , AVAIL YOFRSELF OF THIS MODW of acquiring wealth , by It many homes urn tlio ruclplenls of fortunes giil < l < n shower , no conimciclal or rpecu'ntlvo inlfrprlce t < | unl tti > ( iur surplus dolbrs will do II ; lu t xeiwiiii we realized more tl.nn JllWlOO per montlr. write for imitlrulnrs Condtn & Co Ilitn Block , Covlnglon , Ky Y W5-1J * J237 AVERAGED EACH WEEK LAKT FIVE years by pl.iiln 110 dhlddiJs paid vvetky ; cnn withdraw nt nn > time , < lumen if n life time. C. E. Cooper & Co. , Covlngton Ky WANTED , e'APABLE MAN WITH II < > 00 TO carry stock of ioods und innnugihrnnch fir CillerRU house , sala y tlZ'i p-r month nnd all txponstH ; aluo cxtrn p.'tc ntngc , pcriiunent pitltlon with good future iinifpcctf Addriim Jamt Barton , 123 Frnnklln i-'I , Clilcnro KOU I\CH : \\i ; : . WILL KXCIIANOE VERV IJI.hlltAliLKI clear vncnnt Omahi loin fir Chi ugo propo ty. Address with full particulars , Box 2C2 Omnluu DRUG HTOHE WANTF.D. FOR WHIOH WH will trade city prop rty and mmc rnn 'K cnru of Cnrrlir SC , Onuha , Neb , H M3'iH Jan7 200 ACRK FARM WEHHTfHiTo MO fl W ) to e-xclmnjic for reildsnto prmx-rty n line farm. W. I , . Ktlby , 34 Ilcniril of Trade /4 142 12 } 100u ( .0il OF GOOD MINING HTOl'K TO FV. cliariK" for clly or K < " " 1 faun i > ro , < rlr. I" or cloto Invollbutlon , Addresu c J5 , lit FOR HALE Oil TIIAIJI5 FOR TMl'ltOVFI ) farm one 10-ronm hc.uH' , corner lot rxnl41 , and pnu 2-ronm lioum. lrt (0x128 , all III it- pair ; both on 17th it. , ono block from c\ > jiosltltin ( .rounds , and mine from 16IU ; l . car line , AdilrtnH J , J , B. , 3S N , Hill t Omaha. ' MI23 14 * IXR.flAL13 OR TRADE , KQl'ITY W - - fruit farm , 3 mlt | from Council Bluffs. 011- fcl Av . , Council Bluff . "Wra. Wlld . owncli'