- - - " - ' * ' " sgmtw BST't W TTIT2 OMAHA DAIliY BEE : THURSDAY. DECEMBER 0. 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Dccxmbsr Whsat Once MOTO Reaches the Dollar Mark and a Little flver , NORTHWEST RECEIPTS ARE FALLING OFF 31nrl < ol Oprnn nt nil Ailvnnri * Orrr Tiirnilny , nnd Slcuillly I'n.ilicn tMvnr : | l to 151.01 , tioiln ; . a Trllle Loin-r. CIIICAao , nee. S. December wheat sold toaay at l.M nnd closed at tt.tOU. Or 2c aliovo yc-ntcnmy'n close , ilny nlso ad vanced % c. ' UvcclpU la thr. northwest nl hint tire frilling UelOAthone of la t year. This fnct cnu Hl anxiety nmotiK the nhorls nnd wns undoubtedly the principal reason for the advance. Ollior markets were un- Inlerc-sllns Corn closed a shade lower ; o.ita unchanged , nnd jirovlslons 2Vili"V4c lower. A llrmcl- tone wns observable In wheat at the opening , and It Improved ns the BCS- Hlon processed. The chief Incentive to buy came fr m tno further decrea5 In the ilc- Hvcrk's In the northwest , nnd though other l > ulllsi ) nu--fl came In during- the day. thta proved the main rUBtalnln ? factor through out , For the llrst time shorts In December showed real anxiety * . December opened nt Me. or Aic above yesterday's close. A llttto HollliifT by the bull clique suillced lo put the prlcu back to i'EVU' , but an hour Inter an nttompt to luii * a few lots put the price to * 1 very quickly. Thn Interest In the option did not th n < llo out ns It did yciUordiiy. More buylns orders c.imu In after a Blight reaction which 7 > ut the price lo 11.01. Again the bull crowd let go , but for tbo rest or the. day December HhoweJ nil nffpctlon for thu dollar mark. Thorn was KOod action In iho Jlny price also , duo partly lo the bidding up of December nml partly lo bull Inlluonce9. Slay opened ovnr the Tuesday figures , clos ing at WHc , nnd pold nt once to t"0c. The llj-gt half hour found the price advanced Ho over last nljrht to WifiliO'/ic. Tien when DecomlMT went to $1 , May ? o1d at WJHc. AVhen December went to 11.01. May sold up to Olc , It Is fair to EU | pOrto Uiat fully Ic of this gain wan du to the pressure In De cember. Chicago receipts were still as dispropor tionately heavy us ever , numbering 2M cars , compared with 27 cars last year , but there. nro extraordinary Inducements bjlng offered to bring /Aheat hero If It Is ujt to the high Teiiulrr.ments quality. Minneapolis nnd Duluth reported CflO cars received , aBnin.it 713 cars Wodivewlny ( previous , and C2a cars the corresponding day of this year before. In view of the line weather and tie cash premium , this was regarded as auguring n permanent let up In the heavy receipts In Ihe northwe-st. Brads-treot'B visible statement i a a ir- .prlse , and was Intluentlal In the high prices both of December nnd May. It showed a decrease of 417.000 bu. , whereas an Increase of at ) Hst 3OMCOO bu. had born looked for. The primary market receipts were Sil.OOO bu. , compared with 070,00) bu. the year be fore , Atlantic port clearance of wheat nnd Hour were equal to COl.COQ bu. During thp last hour's trading May sold off to SO1 > c on realizing and closed at SO',4 4 ! Wine. December closed at Sl.CO',4. Corn was utterly IndllTTent to the ad vance In wheat and barely managed to hold Its own. Outside of n little trading In May early In the day there was almost nothing dolnp. llecelpls wire moderate , 33) cars , but country offerings showed an Increase , nnd this country selling caus.'d even the slight early advance to be lost. Cables were steady. Clearances amounted to 5.1G- COO bu. Shipping demand was poor , con sidering the nearness of the close of nav igation. May ranged from S''sc to 2S-.S.C and closed n shade lower at 2SHc. Oats , though quiet , werp firm helped by the strength of wheat. December showed especial firmness , showing Jvc advance nt one tlmx There was some covering by aborts In that set-Hun. CommlfPion houses were moderate buyers of May. ns were ele- valor concerns. Urndstreet's showed n visi ble Incrcnsn of XOTT.COO bit. , about the only bearish Influence. The rctlpts were SOI cars. May ranged from 2iViC to 22'c ! and closed tmi'haiifivd at 22\'tc. I'rrvNIons were weak from the stnrt. Hog receipts wtre much larger than expected and heavy selling by Cuilahy helped to fur ther weukon the market. j-.ocal operators iind packers took offtrlnss. There was a Flight recovery from the bottom. January pork closed "lie lower at ? S.22's ' , January lard ! > e lower at $4.23 and January ribs 7"e lower at $1.17i. ! Ksllmatcd rocelptH Thursday : Wheat , 200 oars ; corn , -ICO cars ; oats , 340 cars ; hogs , 43CCO bead. 1.failing futures ranged as follows : Arllclrc. . ! O 3n. | lllfh. | Lo.v. | Clono. | YesJy. Dec. . . . 09 1 01 no Jan. . . . 1)1) I'll ' , HO May. . . 80K-90 01 88H Corn- Pec. . . cr.w 5lny. . . Oats- Dec. . . . 21 I 21 W lorl ? " Ik-o. . . . 7 30 7 : 2K 7 3D i : I-JH Jan. . . . 8 ! ! 3 H ' . ' .5 H 'JO K 22 S May. . . 8 47K 8 CO 8 4'JV 8 .l.'i .S 53 Liird Dec. . . 4 in 4 30 J.-m . . . I - ' . * > 4 ? r I 25 4 . ' . " May. . . 4 40 4 42K I 40 4 4'JLj 4 47W Dec. . 4 17i < 4 17M 4 1 * t f Jan. . . . 4 17' 4 'M 4 17V , 4 2 , " > May. . . 4 S21 , I 30 4 a7 No. 2. Cnni ! < quotations were as follows : FI.orU-HlPu.ly ; winter pntcnu , J4.709190 ; etralKhts ' 4 20'M.40 : 'l > rln ? rpecli ! > , (1.33 ; spilng patents , tl.t'in V ) ; bakers. J3.W03.80. . WI1UATNo. . ? Hiring wheat. Mi03o ; No. 3 prim ; . SlfiaNo. . 2 red , Jl.COIfl.OOU. CORN" No. 2. 23 > ic. OATP No. 2. 21Sf22c f. o. b. ; No. 2 .white. 2I1.C. No. 3 white. ISUOJlkc. RYU Nn 2. 4 ? > iC. FI AXSKED Nu. 1. Il.IQttLlSU unked. TIMOTHY SKKD-Prlme. 12.63. PROVISlONS-Mois pork , per bbl. . J7.40. Lard , per ICO Uu. Jl 255I.27V4. .Short ribs rides' ( loore ) . Jl ir. fl ' 0. Dry Failed shoulders ( h * eil ) . Jl.TJQi Jo 00 Short rU'Hr iiJilaxoi | ) , fl.4M74.C3. WHISKY ninlllerV llnliilied goods , per gal. , Jl in. Bl'OARS Cut loaf , J3.SO ; grnnulaled , { .I.1 ! . r.ye. bii Quntntliiiix of I InDn.v on ConlinnilKlt'N. N13W YORK. Pec. S.-I''l > OrR-llecelpts , 17f > U libls. ; reports. 9,149 bbls , ; llrmlv tic'ld. but quiet nnd lilKher. Ityo Hour , steady at JJ.7lj1.,1 ) , Iho latter for fancy. Iluckwlieat Hour , t > tadr at Jl.inai.45 , IH'OKWIIKAT-SlenJy at 37' ' ? : Sc , CORNJII'IAL-Kleady ; yellotv western. 63c. IlYr Oul'-t ; No. 2western. . 5Ic. HAIM.nVDull ! fecdlne. Wic. IIMII.MY MAI/f-itiil > - ; neutern , Il.tSfll.C ) . Wlll-JXT RecolptK , ! ! , > ) bu. , cxivtria , 15Si21 lm , , rpot , llrm ; No. 2 ted. Mo. OptlonM npunrd llrm anil wltli few exceptions ruled Mnmf nil "lay , Inlluencrd by an.jlhor niucciu ut IK-csln- ber fthoils , nnijll northwest receipts , unexpivtitl Occrcasii In the world's stock nnd Fii > nch exi > rt Iniylni ; ; closed TiOlc net hUlicr ; Su. t nil. May , ! > 2 l-lG4jU3ftiC , rloifml ' Jc ; Pt-cembor , IfOH'i ? 97 9-l o , I'loseJ 7 > 5i' . COItN-KecelplH. lU.lISbu. ; exports. SM.JC7 bu. ; | < ot. llrm : Nn. 2. M } c. Options oiioncsl ntnady nnd were dull nil day wltli trim ? nrmnest en n"iir months , owiiiK to heavy eivort | purciwiu s ; clni'il unchaiiKiHl to * ic net lilclieri 11.ly closed nt 33Kc ; Din-ember closed at Jl * c. OATS - Ilfi-rlptn. ZIP * ) bu. ; exports. 1C5.411 bu. : rjioi. dull : No. t. M'iWOptions \ver < ilull nil dny. rloalnz.unrnniiKfd ; May clo tt ] at ! 7 e ; December closed at tfi i' . - - " Pull ; slilpplnp , 4'ffllc ; good to choice , Ot . HOPP'-steiifly : li te , romm.nto cboIcA i 3 crop , < 8 ' . ; I1-8 * crop. Ctfi > c ; 18S7 crop , 134316C. Purltlo waul. 1J95 crop , 4ft6o ; 1 0 cipp , SO C 1SI7 null. 13O1SC. HIDr.H S'f 'lv ; Oalveilon , lc ; 1Vxa dry , Ito California KftlSc. l.UATIIBR l l ' 5 beml'-ck oe | , Ruenos Ayres light t.t he-ivy welylit. SJlilCIHc. WOOISl ady ; dumcutlc ilreve , 27J81c ; Texas ISOlTe A i'uoVlHlONS-He f. steady ; family , JVOC'0.01 , ' fxloi H" " * " KMS.M ; brrf Irims. JS2 00fi2.5" j ivii-kal. J3.0Mll .iX > . Cut rnratu , qultt. p'.clilei * Lelll s , 6B7c : nhuuldtrs. 5 , c : bim : . Hi t ' ' 1100. niw , a SXc. nil to quality. OU > S < 'oito > e l oil iileady ; prime crude ICWc ; yelliiw. SJc. Pftr.il.njn. dull ; Unite. rliuwl CJUc iisknt. Tt'wln , rtrady ; strnlntsl , com mnn in good. JI.4iKjl.45 , Turpentine , steady n ' llH'K-8irnc\y \ : Jaimn , Sft".ic , Mr LAH i-Q ltJ New O.-lrani. op n kettle , riin.1 ! plml't JMJ1I" . rnmnilTS TO UVr.llPOOIDull : collon by stPiinuT , rotfllc ; ernln by strain. 4UOIHc. MRI'AIJl Tli inarkPO for inHals in * * < l wllli buyer * liavina lh nhanlnK' . The New York Metal Mchaiw rej ) it * lh nuiki't for pig Imn wiirrant * rnflrr , wllli * ala * of ! M tutu at lt0 bid nnd 1C 71 ktknt. Lakg oop | > er , oulrt. but firm nt l'Vil7V , bid nnd Jlt.W uked. Tin very quiet nt J13.tt bid " 1 Jlt.TO nsktU. HiwIUr , quirt at J3.M bid ruid 14,03 oskrd , and le d c jy at M. n.nd J4 70 kfd. Tb' > Prm that nclilon the M.prl price for miners and nmelttra callg the lesd , mnrk > 't quiet nt J3.V ) . I llITTKR-UtelpH. S.Mfi pkK . ; mft knt < fl.lr : wentern rreamer > , llf c : ii : lnx. J4fnrtorr ; , . * HKEHB n eelpl . S. M rkg . ; mfllkct large i wdlfo , 9er > U4nW. fHe ; smnll. ( c ; colored , Pepiemher , * H * Hc ; mull , } 9Hc : laricp , l t made.7ii 7ic : nmulf , i if SHc ; Tight fklms , 7B7He ; full sklrrJi. l * 4c. IK1OS Rpceiptd. 4W nkus. market firm ; nt l § and Peniwylranla. J1Bc : western , OMAHA CICMII.VL : MAIIKHTS , Cnnilltlnii of Triulf nml < iuontloii nn 5titil < * mill l-"ntn-y Product- . IttlOS-Strlctly freli , Ic. IWTTKR-Coinmon lo fair. IMJUc : choice to fancy , 14017c ; * pnralor crramtry , lie ; satlifre.l cream ery , * ) c. VISA L Choice fat , SO to 1W Ibs. , quoted at Sc ; ' " " D7lE8lSKD'"pOULTRY Chickens , 6 JCc ; tur- kcyc , not wanted ; crrse , * ; ducks , 7c. PIOKONB Live , " * < ? ; aen.l plqeonft nol wantM. HAY Upland. JI.Mj midland. W.M ; lowlnnd. JVOO ; rye Mrnw. Jl ; color tmkei the price on hay ; lliht Ifllen sell the best ; only top t.rlns top prices. prices.vuatrrARLr.3. . CiLERY-aood stock , Inrs * . 4)o ! pmnll , " ' o'xiONS Per Iiu. . OTfKBe. I1KAN8 llnnd-plckod navy , per bu. . 1 ' .30. SWEET POTATOi:8-Per Mil. , J2.5X CA1I1IAOE Oood stock , per lb. . l'.4c. 1-OTATOEB Home grown. 41U o ; \v Blern lock. 65(1700. I-'RUITS. CALIFORNIA STIlAWUKIUHKS-IVr pi. , 'qUINCKS-Callfornla per box. tl.K. APPLKS Winter stock. JJ.ff3.0ii ) CnllrornK icllellour. bnxes , Jl.M ; O > b mdo JuliMhan twxcn , J1.7S ; Orejron , t > exes , 11.25. CHANHEIUm * * .Iirajys , l > er bbl. , J7.0) ; WIs- oonsln Hell nnd Uuglc , J7.DO ; Wisconsin Hell nnd 'hrrry. J6.GO. i OItVPB-Calawbai . buskcts , Hylic : Mai ogas , J5.r a .U' ) . TRoncAij ntorra. OUANOlVt Mexican , per box , i2.7J01.CO ; Call- rotnl.-i navels. | 4.0Ht'4.2 > LBJIONK-Messlna . 3GO. J3.OW.XvO ; 300 , y ; California , 60 , J3.2fj3.W SO ) , J3.7T.W. . . . I1ANANAS Cliolce , Inrsc stock , P < T Iwnch. J3.W8S.2i ; medium fllze.1 l.unche * , fl.7 ; 2.00. MISCKLLANKOUS. NUTS Almnnilt , per lb. . Inrito size , ISiiUJlSc Bmall. Ilc ; llrazIK rcr lb. , SfllOc ; Knprllsh wal nuts , p r lb. , fancy , soft nell , lie ; standnrda , 0 OlOc ; niberls , iwr lb. . 10 pecans , polished medium , Sfl9c ; extra larpi0c : Inrue hlckon nuti , II.OX/1.1V / per bu.l nm Jl , JLZH(1.S3r bu. ciDoanuts. per 10) . JI.CO ; pejnuui , raw , 5y ! 4 = r R3ti-J , CC6V4C. TIOS linx-rt | l fancy. 3 crawn. ll-lb. baxer ISi1o crown , 41-lb. boxcx. HSfl c : 2 > lb. luxes , C t:3c IXT box ; California , 10-lb box , Sl.'O. IIONKY Cliolce nhlte , ISc ; Colorado anH.er , I1 Cllc , KRAl'T Per bbl. , II.0) ; half bbl. , JI.ZCfl2.SS. JIIAPL1- SYRUP Hve-Ral. cnn , csich , J2.75 K.il. c.-uiH , pun- , ! dJi. , JI2W ; linlf-eal. cans t5.2 > : ninirt cans , J3.J ) . DATKS Hallowt-e , CO to 70-lb. lioxcw. 6c ; Salr 5V4c : Knnl , 9-11) . boxfs. 9s. CIDHll Per half bbl. , 'J.1.00 ' ; Mils. , Jo.K. . FRESH SIKAT3. DRKSSKD REK1Oood native steers , 7c ; gooJ forenuarters , steers , Cc ; Rood hindquarters , 9c wpstcrn steers , GGCHc : fancy lielfera. CVSc : ROO < helfeis. fie ; ( food forequarters. belters , u'.ic ; ROOI hindquarters , heifers. 8',4c ; good cows , 5c ; fair cows , o . I1KI-JK CUTS Tenderloins. ISc ; boneless strips 9c ; strip loins. 7c ; rolls. SVic : sirloin butts S c shoulder clods. O'.Jc ; rump bulls. 5V4c ; stec : rhoulder clods. CHc ; rump bulls , SV c ; stce chucks , 5Hc ; cow chucks , 4ViC ! boiichug chucks IVic ; cow plates. Sc ; steer plates. SVic ; Hani steak. 6iic ; loins. No. 1. 14c ; loins , No. 2 , 10'ic loins , No. 3 , Sc ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , Sc ; ribs No. 1. lie : No. S. bHc ; rlbi. No. 3. Cc ; vtee rounds. 7 c ; cow rounds. G * c ; cow rounds shanl off , S'.4c ; trlmmlliKS , 4Tic ; beef uhnnkii , 3c brains , per doz. . 35c ; sweetbreads , per lb. , lOc sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. . 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 3Sc ; ox tails , e.lcli , 4c ; llvcrf , per lb. , 3c ; heortH , per lb. , Cc ; I IIEUS , per lb. , 12 0. IH'TTON Lambs , 7c ; sheep , eitc ; market racks ( Ions ) , Fc ; hotel , racks ( Khoit ) , lie ; legs and fnddIeK , Be ; larnb less , Sc ; brentts and stews. 5c ; tongues , eacl ) , 3c. PORIC Dn" ed plgc , S'.Jc : dressed IIORS , fc ; tenilrrlolns , 15c : Iritis , 7c ; spare ribs , uc ; ham sausage bulls , G e FhouKlers , rough , Cc ; uhoul- Jcrs. skinned. ! > Hc ; trimming ? , 5\ie \ ; leaf lard , not rendeied. 6Uc ; heads , cleaned. 4c ; snout and ears , 4c ; backbones. l'4o , ; cheek meats , 4Jie ; neck lioncs. 2c ; plw * tails , 4c ; plucks , each , 5c ; cliltterllnK ! " , 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. . Me ; stomachs , each , Sc ; tongues , each. 7c ; kid neys , per doz. . lOc ; brams , per doz. , Utj pigs' feet , per doz. . 2c ; livers , each. Sc. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hide * . Cc ; No. 1 waited hides. S4c ; No. 2 green sailed hides. 7 = ! ic ; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 Ibs. ; lOc : No. 2 val calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , ( c. 8HKEP PELT.- * Green FoUed , each , 15875 ? ; B'een salted Hhearllngs ( short woolcd early skins , each , 15c ; drj' shearlliiBs ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1. each. 6c ; dry flint. Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 4S.c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , p r lb. , actual weight , 3ff 4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight. tffJci.dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 3fl . 4c. 4c.HORSE HORSE HIDES Each. Jl.Wt2 2.1 TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1. 25ic ; tallow. No. 2. 2Uc : rough tallow , IVic ; < ! 2l3''ic' ! 'cllo ' l"4frn'S-reaS ' ' > ' " 'd brown grtaiw. KURS Rear ( black or brown ) , t5.OOS20.00 ° < < " . JI.MRS.OO ' ; ; mink , lofln'c ; bedvcr. li.CO r.lffrtnn 6CO ; skunk. 1 .Ci n I5c , , 25c. .i f Me ; i mutkrat - _ . . , Sc , 5c. _ 7c ; S * . T.oulN RciicrnI .MnrlcutN. - MTi7a ! WHUVT Higher , closing with December me May HWV1 and July So above yesterday ; xia > opened ' 4 Jic blgher. sol ; off i/.c. advanced Tic relpprpd He and closed with buyers % c below the top. Spot , higher ; No. J red. cnfh. ' elevator SSc ; track. i9yjc No. 2 hard , cash. SWSScDc " : Janua' ' ' WeMay' M'ic : " " > - CORN cldtiTj ' Fulures 'the same ns yesterdny after selllnB l-l6c lower 'and 1-lCo lilcher. Spot lower : No. 2. cash nnfl IWi > ml > er , 24 > ,4c ; Janu. ary. 24Hc : May , 2C ; cj : c. . OATS Futures strong but dull , sellers belnc oi.n and iiFklng on advance. Hpot , hlchcr , N'o. 2 , cash , elevator , 21o' track. 21'4c ; No. Z rhlte. 2lc ; December. 21c ; May , 22yi 221ic KYK-Qulet nt 45V/J. J'I < . \NSiKD I wcr attJl.OS. TIMOTHY 8KKD Primr , 2.50. CORNMKAI1.4i ' . < -1.4i ) . HRAN-Sackcd. east -'Irnrk. SCc. HAY Quiet ; prairie.JTronS. . 50 ; timothy. J6.DO fflO.50. ' lit TTnit Firm ; creamery. lSUii23',4c ; dairy. 11 lo. ! ) EOOS-T sy at 17 > ic. WHISKY Quiet nt Jl.lV POTTONTIF S Unchanged. P.VOO1NG Unchangetl. MUTAUS-Lad. dull. 53.4333.30. Spelter. nomln-il. * 3.7 : T3.77K. PROVISIONS Pork. nuIeU'rtumlard mws. Jou. bln . JS.23. Lard lower : prime steam J1.12U- . iolce | 4.t7'A. Racon ( Imxwl lot" ) , extra short lear. Jl.S7"4 ? 3.Cfl ; ril . 5.37H 7".f-0 ; shnrls. K.M fi. > .WV4. Dry salt meats ( br-xed ) hcuMer . J4.7S iJS.OO ; extra short "liv > r. J.37J4TI.50 : rilM , JI.S754 93. DOfliorts , l.S7 .igi > .00. IlKi'EIITS Flour. 1000 bbl . : wheat. 34000 bu cnrn. IPOOOn bu. ; enl 13 C > 00 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4 CM bMs. : wheat. 15.CC * corn. 21COi ) bu. ; oats. Kf bu. ' * N VlMlhlo rnln NKW YORK. D.-C. C. Special teleR-aphlo nnd cable dlrpatches to Ilradftreet's covering the rincipal | > oliits of r.ccumulhtlon Indicate the fol owing changes In available supplies last Fatur- nv ns compared with tit ; preceding Saturday : Wheat. Untied Slates nnd Canada. en t Ricky mountains. Increnpe. 233.MO bu. : afloat for nml In Kurope. decrease , Uvfrpool "Corn Trade News. " 700.000 bu. : world's supply , net deo'eoje , 447.COO bu. Corn , Unlte.l States ami Canada , past Rocky mountains , decrease , 039,00) bu. Oats. t'nlted States and Canada , east Rocky moun tains. Increarc. : C7."f > bu. A decided shifting- available slocks fit wheat s Indicated by reports to Dradstrpet'a this week. The larger Increases Include. 2M Vn burhelo In Noithwextern Interior elevators , 11 WX ) bushel * nt New O leans. 134,000 bushels In Chicago private e'cvalors , M.OflO bushels at Cle\eli.nd and 40.(00 liciahcls nt Rochealor. Tl' larger Oecreoses , how- ever. Include a falllne otf of alxiut l.KP.OX ) bushels - els In ManltoVi and nt Fort AVIlllnm and Kowa- tin. Ont. 78.000 Ijimltels nt OalveJton and 47,000 bushels In Mlluwukec private 'elevators. Lively Criil n MurUcI , OMAHA OFFICE , Dec. E. ToiJa s nuirkft was tlio IUv4le t seen for moru llian aveek nnd llfte.1 Hi' * clnud ot dullneM that usually Wlioit op"ned linn with the news of a Inilllrl tendency. Northwestern rcce'pts. partly on ar count of tlw poor condition of roads , were much lighter , which after lavliitf been , fully realise , and ronllimed with Ihe manipulation In IVwm ber , Ktartcd the ball , rulllntr , when Ilnd.it rent's mrprtalnir report of a decream * of tfO.ooo hu In tlut world's supply caused It to jump to Jl.OL for December , nl which iwlnt II held % vll , doting at JLWi. May wheat followed nt a very much slower ittco , touching Olc and closed at W'.f Hc. H haa been a bull day. but we hardly lo , llovn that with the Isrgo deliveries of wlie-it , which will bu made at the rlnne of navigation which will prolnbly put an end to manipulation la December , together with the natural dull neg-s of this month , that thru ; prices con bi maintained ( or any lenitlh of time. tV > rn iui < l ra.U were llrm. wllh Boml trading and closed prnclktilly unchanged , appearlne I ba but little afTectivl by the action of wheat. ICunmiH City Grulii tiuil I'ruvlnlonji , KANSAS CITY , D > c. . WRKAT-About Jo higher ! No. 1 hard. 75c ; No. J , to ossc ; No. kOJTMc ; No. 4. 77H i'9Uc ! No. 1 ivil. 4c ; No. 2 Me ; rolxe < l , S7cj No. 3. 91c ; No. 4 , We ; No. 3 sprlnir. l'4 : No , 3. 791/6rtc. COHN'-FIrm and ) n omo caf hlghtrf No , mixed. MVCiXiUc. OATS-l'Irm ; No. ! while. UCWic. RYI-Flrm ; No. 8. 4k\ HAY Active. hljrhiT f r betler irrade ! prairie choice. JT.2i&7.W ; cholfo/llmolhr,1 JJ f-OB8.7i. IIUTTKR OramfryJJlfiw lul uteady , U&20C dairy , IJfllSc. ! 1WOS-Active nrm ; rrtuh. ISUc ; rtntair , llfllf RKCKIITS Wheat , CS.JUO bu. ; corn , fi.flCO bu. oat * . ItOM bu. * ! T SlUPMlJNTS-Whcalv , COO bu. ; corn , O.4W bu.j uut , none. OrlrmiM MurUeU , NEW ORLBANfl. D c. 8.-HOO 1'RODUCTS- Steodr. pork. m u. atandaM. Jt.JTVi. l ird , r lined tierce , t J 15 nosed inealt , dry mil ahoul. dcrt , II.S7H , ili > r , ti.UVi. Oacan , ckiu rlba ' ' * / > . Utmr. choice utar ( cutV * t\ KUull Rio , i rUnary to fair , 7Hi5' ' ' . -Kvy. extra fancy. J4.6C I.R' ' . pa-.eni * . . . " . COIlNMIiAL-Qiilct nt Jl.M. I1IIAN Quiet at ; < K , . . , lme , | lt. : ll.C ; ehc ) t * : * , * . No. I , fucked , whll # , 3K1. , * Se ; yellow. Mo. OAT8- t * dyNo. . 3. M kJ. . * IIICB Quiet ; or lln ry to good , Clnclniintl MnrUctc. CINCINNATI. Pe * * PI1TR Quiet : fancy. I.M4J4.IO ; family. Jl.sn4J1.t . WHAT ! Firmer ; No. S red , MVi. COHN ! ! / No. 2 nilnfd , i < OATS Strong ; No. ! mixed , RYi : StwiJy ; No. Z , 4 e. . PROVISIONS I rd. fttltr lit " ! * Ilulk meats , dull nt JI.S5. Haccn , fury at t .K. in-y iJluln creamery , 2IV4d OlYlo. ilfrWc : . ' * ir > 't 124J13C. ud lower ; Rood to prime Ohio"lYsil. . " 8Hg9c. ' ; rnln lloci'liiln nt rrlnrliuil MnrUcts. ST LOflfl. D < c. . Rocelpln : Wheat. 48 cnnj. MINNKATOLIS , Dtc. S.-Itfreepts ! : WhMt 513 " ( HU'AOO , Dec. 8-R"celpt today ! Wlywt. 2 < rnra ; corn. 3M cars ; cnls SOI cars. Ujt mated ir lols tomorrow : Wheat , 20) ; corn. 4 < X > ; oats , UUHrril. Dec. S.-Rccclpts : Wheat , fi7 cars. Toledo Mnrkot. TOLEDO. Dec. S. WHEAT Higher nnd dull. No. 2 cash and December. Me ; May , MV4c. . CORN-Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash nnd Jecember , ZCVic , OATS Quid : No. 2 mixed. Me. RYi : Unchanged : No. 2 cash , 4.c. CI.OVEI18EED Active nnd steady ; prime , nnd December , JJ.12',4. I'oorln PCOniA. Dec. 8.-CORN-Markel nrm 3 Dcccm OATS Market utevly ; No. 2 while. 2mo. ' RYE Market quiet nnd nominal ; No. 47'iS WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits J1.18 ; nlcohol , 12.21. Liverpool MnrUot. LIVERPOOL. Dec. S.-WHEAT-Spot. No. 1 red , northern spring , steady , 7s 7d. CORN December , slcn'y. 3s . , d : Janui ary , steady , S IVid ; Kcbninry. Mcndy. 3s l-d. ! STOCKS AM ) HOMS , Mnrlci-t OIU-IIB Strong. l l n llreiiK IlOMlItN III IlOWCT I'rlct'H. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. The slock market bpcnei this morning with a tremendous show of anlmn tlon and vigorous upward tendency , gains being uniform pretly much tliroughout the list. It was evident that the strength dlrplnyed by tlie matke ymterdny had brought ordecs to the commission houses to buy stocks. There was nlto buying fo. London account for the first time. In severu da > ' . the advance In prices here apparently fall Ing to tempt nrblti age brokers to fell. Thrl : purchases of St. Paul were on quite a large ucole and they also bought Vnlon Pacific , bu there were sales of Louisville and Atchlson foi London account. Kugiir was the one exceptlnn In the strength o thu market at the opening , but Its loss noon widened and heavier liquidation In the Mock set in. orferingB lielng very heavy and active support being of no nvall to recover Us losses Viiiterdny's rumor of nn extra dividend was thoroughly tllrcredlied Ibis morning nnd yester day's gain was In consequence completely wlpei out before the announcement of the regular dlv Idcnd. The stock was very feverlfh nil day am fluctuated widely and frequently , but worked constantly towaird n lower level nnd closed near the lowest at a net lots ot 4H per cent , lota sales were nearly HO.ftOO shares. Consolidated QOi was nlfo n mark for the reac tlonlstg nnd dropped nt one time 4'.4 ' points. Th consequence was that the market was kept un settled all day. . . . \Vhc n I le general advance cnme to n stop dull new Intervened and there were frcauent rallies Barly In the llnnl hour prices of many stock were at the best , but the llnal drop In Suga again weakened prices all around and left lie gains confined to fractions in nlmdit all case nnd n fair sprinkling cf Infres all through th Hit. Oifc of these lo = fes occurred in Mlnneapoll & St lynils 21s prefer ed , which had been nd vnnr-od In the niomln ? on a numor that th dividend was to be Increased , and which reactei en the announcement of the regular dividend t'nlm Pacific was alto heavy on ncraunt of th Bteps taken by the government to qualify ns i bidder at the Kansas Paclllc tale , other stock Inclined to heaviness were Western Union. Man hattnn. Jlelropolitan Street Railway and Ne\ York Central. Southern preferred continued th advance which wan liegun yesterday , on rumor of nn approaching dividend nnd roe at one tlm 1 % per cent. Tobacco nlso developed late Etrengtl but reacted before the close. Cleveland , Cincin nntl. Chicago and1 St. Louis enjoyed the beneH of a favorable 5tntement of earnings for th fourth week in November. The activity displayed by the bond market wn quite remarkable , sales for the first hour np proachlng Jl.750.101 In par value , nnd It Is sal breaking t'.ie record for one hour's inisln FS Them -was some decrease in activity late. in th day , but the tone of the market continued stron and prices of a number of Irands of the mlddl isrnde moved up from 1 to 2 points. Somr ; of th high grade bonds showed heavy gains. Mlchlgn Central Cs of 11131 rlylnsr 51-j per cent. Mllwauke & Northern consols of 1S31 gaining 3i , Liulsvlll & NaKiville. 1' . & A. division , 5s. 3 NTthcrn Paclllc terminal flrels , 2 ; Mis Fourl Paclllc collateral 5s nlso gained 5' points. Total sales. JI.IT.O.'XO. United Stales ol 4s. registered , declined Vs per cent and I'ni' States 4. " . coupon. ' ,1 per cent bid , but the _ icsd H per cent bid. The new 4s , coupon , sold n J1.23. which is higher than ever \ > sa e. The EveningPost's financial cablegram says The markets were today Inactive , the feature the buoyancy of Americans and Arisen In thf. fnrmpionnf. . the tnnp WH ! due to New York yuppirt. There was a good feeling here , but little nctlon. So apathetic are dealers that Secretary Gage's currency plans had little cnVct Of course. It Is felt that If t.iis Fcbemo for sn Issue for ! V4 per cent bonds , repay - pay ble principal and interest In gold coin , is < -arrled through a great stride will be made to ward currency reform. Prices closed at the best. Southern railway preferred was especially good. Grand Trunks were booming and all descriptions if Canadian securities. Including Hudson nay shares , were good. Argentines were bought from Influential quarters. It was urgixl with the re sumption FOOD of full Interest the bonds are cheap. Apropos the rise In Argentines I Just Icrcri privately that n meeting of what Is known as the Rothschild committee has been called for Frld'iy. It Is believed that some ptatement Is coming relative to the payment of arrears of In terest. Mines were dull. Silver was Hat on the announcement that thf Indian government will offer forty lukhs of bills when only ten was ex- i -cled. The Paris markets were ftim und the Berlin market Irregular. The following were thp closing quotations on < h leading ttoou : of Ihc New York exchange today : * Anierlruti Sociirltic-N In Lfiiiiluu. IJONDON , Dec . Tiie market for American securities advanced it the oixnini ; atvi remained steady all day on a more buuyant ( eeltni ; . The lone web strung and tlio demand active. \i'iv Vorlc .Money MiirK'rt. NKW VCRK. Dec. S.-MONBV ON ( TALl - isy at 1HQ ! Ir cent ; last loan , Z per cent , oluiinc. I'niJi per cent. P11U1H MERCANTIU : PAPHR-SOI per cent STOIIUNO KXCHANOnWtak wllh orlual bu.lntw In banker * ' bill * at K.UW 4.Ctti for itm n < t n.l at II CHfi4 \ for tln-y P-M rates , 14 MmM > n > i 14 R 4H.s ; . COMMKIU'IAL HILLP-JI H , SILVER CKRTKICATm-r3S9M'ic. IlAll 8ILVK ' - ' * * MHXICAN IHJLLAR ? 4 Sc. OOVKRNMKNT 11 jNI > S-c .rm. i - . TtAlUtOAD 110NDSStronger. . fro ns follows : 11.3. ni > w4i.r-c. . . . .I'M . . .1IW U.H. Is.cjup , U4 > | N'i > . P.ialnn l u . . .ll'J It. S. ' . ' < . rx , 03 INO. P.i"ina Hi. . . . 01 .Ill I No. IM-Mrt ! 4 < t. , . HI U.S. r i ! conn Dlilrict.l.U.U. . . . , i.N. .v w. I.A . 121) , An..cliii ! : A llU IN. W. Co.-uoli 14 1)4 ) .HIS IN. W. Deb.Ai 11HH , US lOro.Nuv.lMi lllIU Ala. Currency. . . , us IOM. N.-xv. 41 . . . . i'i ' : AtchtROll 4i , n < uo. | & U. Hi. t , r. DiMX AtchUnn.Vil. It. . . fiTMIO. 8/L. i. t. r "I" * 10)1 ) | O. Imn. lntv t. . . . . ( ) C. A I' , 1' . t. r. Su. . 4.v.ia. l-nu.Ai.tr . . . . . 41' < C.0. .M 11iMoincfet of'OJ. . .losM ' 101 * ll'l'lll ' ? 4i MH n.\ . ( i. isti , n.AR. O. Is lJ , SU 1. A I. M. Ooa. I 87 > ( Bam 1'Min. lots . . 111 | St.lA.U .VO3U.0. 1l8U KrloOeu. 41 -IJ StV.Cuniol * . 141)4 ) K. W..V1) . l . t. r. St. I1 , Q. S : P. . . .lVi ) 3on. Elec. 61. . . . till su P. av p. s . in O.II. , 3. A. Oi. . . , llll s. n.niiiiunii. . . . (1. It. A S. A. ' 'da. . HU ) iSDUlliomHv. Oi. . . . 01 R..tT.C < > nt.5s , . . . iS. H.VT.0 . 6 H. AT. a can ill. . T inuntw not : i . , 1)1 ) I own C. IBH TCXP.WL ; . isu us K P. Con. . I. r 01) Tax..PAiV US. Ms. . SDH K. P. Ists.t. r II'- U.P. IsFi . 102H 101) ) TJ. Puva. : inn. . s L.VN. Unl 41. . . . , 874 WHO. Is : 51 IOOM " ' " ' ' ' 100 8DM M."K'T.-lis" . . . . .1HH M. K. AT. ts. . . 87 Va.CoiKiirlus. . . . N , Y C. IBIS. .11U ' llnnton Stnclc ( lii < i tn , tin it H , 1JOSTON. Dec. 8. Call loanr. 2'iCJ per cent : time loans , SVit4 per cent. Closing prices for ttocks , bonds and jnlnlnc , share i 18M W. Kleo. pfd 61 American suiar. . 14UH Bd. Eleo. Ill 10'J Ani.Suif.ir nrd 114H Gnu. Kloj. nfd fit : AtchlHon 4s Hll ) ! n-ll Toljnhona. . . 2(10 ( N. Hnif. ll 112S llos cni AlU.inv. 'Jill RnncralKlec.ua. , 100 DOB 0114 .tlatne. . . 107 Wls. Cent U :14 : C..H. . . . vl . . -IH \VI . Cent. Us I'-'fi Fltcliotitv UUK Allonoz MlnlurUJ ( in General Kluctna. . : i:14 : All.inllo 23M lllluolH steal. . . 47 HoBton A Monl.itu 117H Mexican Coiltr.il. . ffj < lliltto.V HoHtcn. . . , ' . ' 5 N. Y. .VN.E 8i C.lllllilPl.t Heoli. , 41)0 Old Colonr , . . . . . . 1X1 CciUciinlal 17H o.s. L in Fr.inkllu 18 ! < Union Pacific 'JMl Oiccol.1 3HM West End. . . . . H.-.VS Oulucy lit West End pfd. . . . . 104 TanuimcK i'JS W. Eloc 'Jllli Wolrerme HIM Sun Krniictxoii Sllnintr ( Inotntlnim. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 8. The oinclal closing quotations un mining stocks today were as toi Iowa : ' Altv. . , r Julia 1 AlDhaCon 8 Justice CO Andes 17 Lady Wash. Con. . 0 Helehcr 18 .Mexican 28 lie ti Uslchor. . . . ui > Occidental Con. . . . I'M Iliilllon S Ophlr. 0 : C.lleilonl.1 IK Orel-man (1 Challoneo Con 28 1'oloai 45 tlhollar 4' ' Sarairo U3 ConllUoncc. 75 Sierra Nov.ia.i. . . . 48 Con.OJl.ft V.T. . . . 130 Shvor Hill 3 Con. Imperial. . . . I Union Con 24 Con. Now Yorit. . . . 1 Utah Con rt Urown 1'olnt 11 YollowJaeltot 25 liouIa.itOnrrio. . . . 43 Standard 150 H.ilo.t Norcrosi. . IHO Silver bars , COHc ; Mexican dollars , 47847iei ( drafts ( sight ) . 15e ; telegraph , 174c , l.iiuilnn Stnclc < itiotntlniia. IjQNDON. Dec. S. 4 p. m. Closing : m'y . .llf : l-i ! ! St.IMni common. . . H8 Conmils , ncct N Y. Central 110 Can. Pacific 821 * I'ontmylvantn Erto lii'f Keadlnir Kdlson Isl pfd MOT. Con. now43. . ( > ni-j 111. Coiur.il KKW AtcblRon L. &N RAR srLVKR Wenlcr nt 27Jd per ounce. MONEY 2H - > er cent. The rate of dkwounl In the open market foi short bills. 2 ir-lC1J3 per cent ; three months' bills 3 15-1CS3 per cent. Vork Mlnlntr ( iimtntlonn. NEW YORK , Dec. S. The following are th < closing mining quotations : Chollar T. . . its Ontario aao Crown Point. 10 Ooiiir. 00 Con. Cal. & Va. . . . 110 Plyinoutn on Doaxlwooa Ill ) Quicksilver. 100 Could JtCurrr " > j Oulckailver ofd. . . 1)00 ) ilaleA .Noro.roda. . 1'JO SlorraNorala , . . . 4fl UomcstaKo 3UOO Standard 100 Iron Silver US Union Con 15 Mexiuuu 'JO Yellow Jacket . . . . 30 Financial \ati-n. BALTIMORE. IDoc. 8. Clearings , J2SC1.C13 ; bal iK-os , | : C9,055. IJO3TOX , Dec. Clearlngs , J1SS17CO ( ; ances. J312.69S. NHW YORK. Dec. 8. Clearings , S121,43S$63 balances , JS.E27.532. 1'HILADBLPHIA , Dec. nBS , 0TD1 , C19 ; balances , J1.6SS.040. MEMPHIS , Dec. 8. dearhs ! , J5S3,21S ; bal nncea , J1E3.339. New York exchange , selling- par. I CINCINNATI , Dec. 8. Mbneyl 2406 per cent New York exchange. 254f33opremluin. Clearings J2.9W.209. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. S. CIearlngs , J1.D5S.233 New York exchange , bank , par ; commercial J1.23 per 11,000 discount. . ' . ST. LOUIS. Dec S. Clearings. J4,616,49 ; bal finccs , JC04.723. Money. ( QSi per cent. New Yor ; exchange. 2oc discount bid .and par asked. CHICAGO , Dec. 8. Stcckn Ktrons , but quiet West Chicago and South Side L In demand o Increased earnings ; closing : "West Chicago. 10IH Diamond Match , 142 ; I ike Street L , 16 i ; Ne\ York Illscult. C2V4 ; Strawboard , 23 ; South Side L C5 ; City Railway. 2 ) . ' Fnroiurii Flnnnclnl. PARIS , Dec. 8. Three per * ent rentes. 103 92Hc for the account. Ruslnei ! on the bour.M , today was dull. 1'rlces clojckl Irregular , but wit a firmer tendency. BERLIN , Dec. S. Ruslnesa On 'Change her and at Frankfort was quiet and favorable today Mexican and American securities were In goo demand an.3 hardening , especially Northern Pa , cifio securities. LONDON , Dec. 8. The price of silver decline litre today from 27d to 27V4d i > er ounce on th announcement by the India council that the ral of India bills would be resumed on December IS on which date gold tenjers will be asked fo forty lakhs. Gold Is quoted nt JJuenos Ayrea to day at 170.50 ; at Rome , 101.SO ; at Lisbon , 4C. Wool Mnrkct * . ROSTON , Dec. 8. WOOL Following are th quotations for lending descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces. X and above 27f/28 ; XX and XX. nliove , 2SO30c ; Delaine 30l/.11c ; Xo. 1 combing. & 31c ; No. combing , 29J30c ; Michigan. AVlsconsin , elc X Michigan. 23&24c ; No. 1 Mlchlga combing , 2S 29c ; No. I Illinois combing 2SST28C ; No. 2 Michigan combing. 29230c ; No 2 Illinois combing. 2S030c ; X New York. Ne\ Hampshire and Vermont , 23@2lc ; No. 1 Ne\ York , New Hampshire and Vermont. 27c ; De lulno Michigan , 27c ; unwashed medium Ken tucky and Indiana quarter-blood combing. 23' ' 2te ; Kentucky nnd Indiana thiee-elghths-bloo combing , 2lf(2 ( > c : Missouri quarter-blood combing 21c ; Mlosouri tliree-elghths-blood combing , 23T'4c braid combing. 21c ; lake nnd Georelu , 22Si23c Texas wooic. spring medium (12 ( months ) , ICglSc woured price , 43S45c ; fprlng fine (12 ( months 17flSc ; scoured price , 60052c ; territory wool Montana line medium and line. ICQUc : secure price , 4SQ50C staple , I23.r > 5c ; Utah. Wyoming etc. , fine medium nnd fine , I5Jfl7o : secure price , 4SffiVc : staple. S2i55o ; Australian , ncoure hauls , coniblnc , superfine , 70ff72c : combing , gooi K50f.Sc ; combine , average. C28CJc ; Queenslarv combing , fiTc. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 8. WOOL-Qulet nnd un changed ; medium. ISflMo ; heavy fine , SffHc ; llgj fine , 13fl7c ; tub washed , IJiJMljc. CofTcc NKW YORK , Dec. 8. COKI''KE-OptIcns openci steady at unclianKed prices , showed a rathe ; weak undertone In the alwence of outside sup port nn.l a local disposition to try the marki on short ride In view of unsatisfactory cabin. . heavy nupplles and iipathy of ppot demand ) closed uteady it unchanged prices to 5 points net incline ; Drtrember. $ " . .H > 95.S3 ; March. < i.flOJ > 6.03. Ppot coffee. Rio. llrm ; No. 7 , Invoice , $6.50. No. 7 , jobbing. $7. Mil. . ! . Cordova , quiet. SS.SOft 15.00. Total warehoute deliveries from the United mate * . 11. IPS bags , Including 9,396 from New York ; New York stock today. 5.13.00 bags ; United States stock. C74.000 bags ; afloat for the Unlte.t Platen , 372.000 bags ; total visible for the United Btates , 1,046,033 bags , against (32,822 bag last year. SANTOS. Dec. S. COFFBB-Rantos. nrm ; good average , 8.200 rel ; receipts , 20,000 bags ; stock , 1.064 000 bags. ifAMIlt'RO , Dec. 8. COFFHE Ppenert UO Vjpfg lower ; closed Mpfg net lower tp unchangeai salef. H. ( hag' . RIO .DI3 JANEIRO , P . S.-COFFUB-FIrm , No. 7 Rio , 7.9 rels ; exchange , 7lid ; receipts. g 000 bags : tleared for the Unite ] . States. l.0oo bags ; cleared for Europe , 7.000 bags ; stock. 47 , * ft VI Ijaes HAVRH. Dec. g.-COFFEB-CIwed H8f net blglier ; Kales , 17,010 bans. _ SiiKiir MnrlirtN. -NEW ORLBAN8 , Dec , S-rSUOAR-Open ket tle. Pteady at 2 9-l f3'ic ? ; Cfnlrlfucal , steidy ! Kranulate.l. . .4K t9-lt : whlte f.3 IMfCHVic : yel- lowf , 3KO4c : teconds. ; ' , < .W3'ic. Molasicn. kettU fteady at llfl-'c ; centrifugal ) easy at 4Olci tynip. ptfidy at 1702e , , CINCINNATI. Dew. 8. SUQAR-rirm ; hard re. nne.1. I4 34.il3. „ r. LONDON. Dec 8.-8UGAJl-rfleet sugar , De. cembpr , flu 1 * 1. NBW YORK. Dec. . SUOARr-RaW. firm ; fair reflnlne. SKc : centrlfnirali M test , i U.-lCc ; re > fined , firm ; crushe < l , me ; jv > wdej-eil , 93-16c ; gran ulated , EC ; mold A , 4Tic : standard A , 4Tlr : con fectioners' A. 47ic ; rut l f. IVf ; cjubes. BVte. Iron nml Slc'-t'Slnrliel. CHICAGO Dec. R.-Ttie > lidi ) > trlal WorM tomorrow - morrow will say ; December'Fvr \ * im'\Y \ promlte nf a record breaker In Iron < > njl f tr'I In th ineM. Tha month Is uiually dull anil quiet. Till * year It surpasses Ihn exiwclallons nf the trade Orders - ders com clilrny frim manu/acturlnx rnur'e * , wantlnif material for Immffllati' c"nnminll' > n , Thi-ra are al n thn | . clnnlnn of trade for ISM. P'lpen lire generally > lfady Pie Irrn l nrm on the basis of 111 for No. 2 foundry Structural material tends somewhat lnvnl a > ler quata * Jlons , though prlcei are unclmnged. Frnm-ldi'ii Wlirnl HAN FRANCISCO , DtcJ > VHKAT-Inactlve , M y II S7H , nARLDY-Inactlv * : Hay. } 4Tic. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Business nt the Local Ynr.li of n Vciy Unsatisfactory Kind UNFINISHED STUFF SENDS P.TCES DOWN Ptooil ( lie Yard * ultli lintnn- Inro Murk nnd llrcnk Vnltifn on licet Sd-iTf lloRM I , AUo Sliding. SOt'TH OMAHA , Dec. S.-Uecelpts for the days Indicated wcro : Cattle. Hogs. Shc p Horse * . December S 2,713 O.H2 H.611 December 7 3,474 S.294 l.CSJ December C 3.20J 3ttl 3.WO December 4 919 S.C23 December 3 1.460 fi.S'l 4,130 1 December 2 3,161 8.074 4.1W December 1 2I J U.2i 1.420 2 November SO 3,111 7,373 3,640 . . . . November 2t : 2,171 2.370 1,23 Jl November 27 811 6,572 37 1 November 26 1.224 6,1.20 1.SI3 ! j November 23 1,300 5,000 700 November 24 4,23-i 7,783 1,656 . . . . November 2.1 4.6y > 8.27i ) l.'aUl . . . . November 22 3.017 l',703 l.OSC 25 The olllclal number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road -was : Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. C. . M. & St. P. Ry . . O. & St. U Ily. . 0 1 Missouri P.iclilc Uy . . Union Pacific System. . 2 IS S C. & NV. . Ily 5 K. , K. & M. V. U. K. . . . 39 30 3 S. C. & P. Hy . . C , St. ! , . M. & O. Uy. . 15 10 U. & M. R. II. U 21 2ti 4 C. , 11. & Q. Uy 3 17 K. C. & St. J . . C. . H , I. & lUy. . , east. . . . 8 C. , U. I , & P. Uy. , west. . 1 2 Total IIS 1W 16 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of hcnd Indicated : Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha Packlnp Co 27 1.W3 O. H , Hammond Co 241 1,317 C05 Swirt and Company 569 l,94- , Cudahy Packing Co 033 2,739 1.S99 II. Iioekcr & Dcsnn 261 J. L , . Carey 43 \V. 1. Slupnens C ! Huaton & Co S Cudaliy , Knnsas City 1,033 Planklnton , Milwaukee 91 Other buyers 237 . . . . 603 Left over 200 131 600 Total 2,001 CATTLI3 There wo another very fair ruiuof cutllo today , and the market was In thu main a. duplicate of yesterday's. That is. It was extremely slow and at the same time lower. As nvns the caee yesterday , the offerings of cornfed cattle1 were quite liberal for this point , but good cattle wcro scarce. . It seems strange that the country should ship In w > many Immature cattle. Some of thu cattle sent In for beef do not look us IP they had over had any corn , und as a salesman re marked , "It is necessary to SPO tne owner before one can be sure. " In former st-ason5 this liasto to market cattle has ) uecn ascribed to a lack of money In the country , but thut cannot bo at the bottom of the trouble this season. It would probably be nearer the truth to lay the blame to a lack of judg ment on. the part of shippers. With the yards full of common and half- fat cattle , and Avlth advices from other markets all Indicating IcH.vcr values , the buyers were naturally bent upon securing a substantial concession , and they followed the same tactics as yesterday. In the mornIng - Ing almost nothing was done , and It was late before the buyers tried to do much , and still later before ven the wcmblancu of a clearance was effected. Tne most of the catttle , however , .were sold before the close , and at a decline of about lOc on an1 average , or 20g23c lower than on Monday. One choice. load sold at $3.00. Yesterday the market On cow -stuff held up pretty well In spite of the decline on fat steers , but today It did not fare so well. Holfcrlsn stuff that was especially desirable In the eyes of buyers sola pretty well , but the general run , of the cows and heifers on sale were carried down by the. break in beef steers and sold about a dime lower than yesterday and 13i20o lower than on Monday. There iwere not many stockera and feeders here nnd not many were wanted. The mar ket , to say the least , was slow and devoid oJ all Interest. No one could be expected to buy feeders very freely with the market on beef cattle breaking down so rapidly. Still a fd.y feeders are selling and at coed prices considering the unfavorable condi tions surrounding the trade. While markets like that of yesterday and today are far from satisfactory to the sellIng - Ing Interests It must be borne In mind ' .hat the markets at other points are also breakIng - Ing badly , and under such conditions a de cline here becomes unavoidable. Repre sentative sales : NATIVES. JIBEF STUKUS. No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ZJ. . . . 815 J3 S3 3. . . .1015 01 St. . . . 1035 Jl 30 17..1M1 430 8..11SS 385 1..13W 400 2) . . . .1203 403 1C. . . .1315 4W IS. . . .1118 5 Ol 41. . . .1183 3 Si ) .5. . . .1210 375 39. . . .1148 393 18 - 1J10 410 40. . . . 805 373 7'.llSa ' ) 4 CO 1..114' ) 405 31. . . .118a 405 21..1S50 t 15 61. . . .1233 430 4. . . . 707 340 1. . . . BIO 375 19. . . .0 ! 373 ; 5. . . .1133 375 2. . . .ISO' ' ) 373 7. . . .1200 390 25. . . .1128 305 40..1WS 3 W 48..11SO 393 34. . . . 989 400 S1..123S 400 47. . . . 92S 4 ( W 63. . . .1195 4 ( a 1..122I ) 4 15 11. . . .1229 413 17. . . .1312 420 40. . . .1410 4 M 20..1222 4 30 2..122" " ) 315 1..SCO 315 18. . . .1092 343 3. . . .1143 250 0. . . .1213 3ft ) 13. . . .1470 310 1..11M 425 1..S10 223 2. . . . 915 223 1. . . . C40 223 1. . . . 810 250 3. . . .1060 263 ] _ 1070 2 & 3 1..1220 890 1..1190 300 S _ 1123 303 6. . . .1173 320 1. . . . 970 325 45 _ 1073 330 2. . . .1160 370 1..12SO 2 i3 24. . . .1034 2 S3 1..11C' ' ) 2W > 4. . . .1020 210 1 _ 870 223 5. . . . 663 233 l..II.r ) 2W 1 _ 970 3DO 1..1070 S 50 ! . . . . & 231 2. . . .1060 26) 2. . . . 973 270 1..1C90 273 1. . . . 90) 273 19 , . . .1115 283 1..1200 283 1 _ 122) 2 STi 1. . . .1050 285 39. . . .1083 2W 1..10SO 2 SO 4..KCO 2 0 1..12SO 300 3 _ HC9 3 CO 1..1WO 325 1..109) 32.3 4. . . . 847 3 3 11. . . .ISM 321 1..130) 3 f S 6. . . .1055 330 17. . . .1181 3W 24. . . .1071 333 10. . . .1073 340 ' 6. . . .1011 340 35. . . .919 349 2 _ jjtO 360 1..12W 3 tO 19. . . .1171 3 t5 1..147) 30) 2. . . .1213 30) 1..S1) 0 W 1. . . . 900 30) ) . 2 _ 9C1 24) 1. . . . 030 300 4. . . . 4CO 29) 20 . . . 730 315 30. . . . 723 301 8..1iM 320 1. . . . COO 323 S..KO 350 19. . . . ! < 75 335 4. . . . 937 310 C. . . . 99.1 3 C5 1. . . . 9SO 3 C3 2. . . .1103 3 65 2. . . .1103 370 12. . . . SG3 3 M 5. . . . 70-i 373 3. . . . 73IJ 4 OH 74. . . . WO 330 1..1320 345 3. . . . 490 323 27. . . . 953 330 13. . . .1017 360 1. . . . 60 350 1..830 360 1. . . . 900 4 03 2. . . . C23 4 60 1..1230 2S5 1. . . .1200' 2 S3 1..1130 300 1..1310 310 1..1130 275 1..1020 8W 1..1520 30) 1..1S2' ' ) 315 2. . . .1200 200 1 _ 1500 223 2. . . .1293 245 1. . . . SOO 273 I. . . .ISA 300 1..1510 300 1..1S10 323 1..12W 330 1..1900 340 1..1750 360 1..20IO 350 1. . . ,1550 75 2. . . . 245 575 1..1430 2 C3 . . . , 2 60 1..1050 SCO STOCICEUS AND FBEDKRS. 1. . . . W ) 451 1. . . . 600 3 C5 1 , . . . 4V ) 423 " . CIS 4 3 1. . . . 870 250 II. . . . MS 3 CO 1 . . Rf 300 1. . . . 790 560 S3. . . . 840 3M 1..770 3 C5 1. . . , 870 370 47. . . .1031 373 3III < KKRS AND Sl'HINGEHS. . No. 1'r. 1 pprlngfr . I" 'JO 1 cow and calf . . 20 CO 3 cows nnj calves . . . 3500 1 springer . 3u Oi C COWB nnd calves . . . 40 CO WK8TBHNH. I WYOMING. i No. Av. Pr. No. Av , Pr. 20 bulls . 1103 | J 53 16 feeders. . . . 1J2 ! " M 3 bulls . ItOS SCO 24feeJer . . . .llCO 370 2 tailings. . . .1993 2 75 HOGS Hogs n * well as cattle pot a Mock eye today. The inurkel opened 60 and In home cares lOo lower , nnd it did not Improve any ns th day advanced , Kvej-ythlnB was against the isell ura. nnd buyers were able to hiuo thlnea n , Kood deal their own way.i Quite a numh-r of and light mixed lo.uU cold at tJ. iirt. . with a J3.3) t < n > . Heavy h : s sold at f3.Wf3.15 , wllli the IlkutrltiB ut .13. The close was very alow ana weak at the de cline noted above , the late sales bclni ; lower than the opening. Itw s late before anything like a clearance WM effected , Today'g decline carried tno market to the lowest point touched since July II , wh n the hog * sold In the aame notch as today , rieprea-nlailve Bales : No. Av. Bh. i Pr. No ? Av. Sh. Pr. U . 343 . . . (310 51. , , . ? 3) ) < 0 15 10 . OS . . . 310 61 . 213 10 315 15 . S.V . . . 310 U . 3H W 3 n 28 . S41 W 310 HI . 3 10 313 59 . 317 * ) 310 67 . S15 . . . 313 Vi . 372 SV ) 310 81 . 321 2U ) 3 K. 31 . 300 40 310 50 . 299 SO 3 15 17 . 332 1Z > 310 43 . < 0i 16) ) 315 44 . 332 12) 310 69 . 31 ! 40 315 46 . , .SM . . . 310 ' 45 . S09 . . . 315 48 . 371 S 10 Ct . 2W . . . 3 15 49 . S53 160 S 10 51 . 3"C ISO 315 66 . 2)3 44) 3 12W 23 . S23 W 315 61 . 332 40 3 MV , 41 . 3uO . . . 315 65 . 141 8) 3 iti 4) . ! C1 ISO SIS vl . : wj M .3 1SW ' -T . . .3)4 . . . 315 S2 . 343 4) 312V , 17 . 314 8) ) 3 IS 61 . 3 8 160 3 iU . 67 . SOB 19) 315 13 . y , ; 18) J 1JU S3 . ,112 4) SIS 61 . JO ) IN 3 12iJ 66 . Mi . . . 313 19 . SM . . . 3 1ZU H . 267 . . . 315 43 . 349 ICO 3 IH 10. . . . 361 . . . 315 Cl . : I5 1 * ) 3 1U 66 . 3K . . . 115 158 . 7 . . . 3 llS f . 3Z4 14' ' ) 315 4'J . # 5 SI 3 IZtJ 60 . SM 1 I ! 5 47 . 417 . . . S l'i ' 66 . 314 . . . 15 CJ . 823 40 3 l ! ' { ! . 313 tO 313 43 . 1H1cn S ltv ( I1 . > -6 . . I 15 , . . ni EO i IH u. . . . , * i * > 3174 K , . Jll (0 3 1 H 14 . SMl . . , 3 liVi K . .31 } . . . K'J 'nl . 2-8 . . Slitt 109. . St 0 S 1ZU 1 . . .til fO tso 43 WS 41 3 12H ( M 310 J Ifn 81 S 4) 3 lUt Si 2 < t 1 J2) R7 ? * l l SIS S . . . . ' ! 81 S SO M 257 IW SIS M US 160 1 S > SS SS9 4' ' ) SIS 11 t . . 3 Z > n JSG s > s u n MI < * > s M W 947 4) 3 IS 09 S 7 0 3 > > Hi ? M . . . SIR 79 JIJ JK ) 3 I2H s- so : in sn CT : is ice 3 2i < 57 SU 41 3 IS 24 II ) . . . ST. . M JOT ) 3 IS CJ VQ . . . S 25 * 3 Ill 4) SIS M S . . . 32- M Ill 191 S 13 71 ll40 3 : : . M 7 ! ! IM SIS 79. MS . . . 315 11 * ' 0 > SIS ! 3.1 . . . 3 31 .IIS . . . SU St 1J 1ft ) SSI 57 3 S . . . SU M * B SO 33" . 7 ttt . . . S IS . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IS W 3tt . . , 3 % 40 11 ] . . . 310 K 3ft . . . 3 3ft 12 1 ? ) . . . 3.1) 14 IK ) . . . 3X M KM CO J > > 1) Stl . . ' . 31 SI , .2JS . . . 1 JO M S 2IV4 TIGS-ODDS : AND KND3. 2 255 . . . 3 10 6 SOS . . . I CO 1 3M . . . S 10 S 37 * . . . S 10 3 410 . . . 31' " ) 4 4 ) S ) 310 S ! S2 . . . .1 I2V4 1 390 . . . (10 < t 306 4) 3 I2 > 4 C m . . . 3 2i J 4V. . . . 3 13\i \ S ! 4S . . . 1 : - , 7 31' . . . 315 C 1JO . . . J2S 4 396 . . . 3 M 4 1(5 ( . . . SSO 4 237 . . . 3 20 8HHK1' There wu a cooj run of niicep for mix market nnd nt the panic time Chicago wn.i -rporlliiK icon Iiltnililo broik in vniuM. t'mlpr h condltlonn buyrro wnnlpil to tnke off lOflljc , < eoncp ! nl. > n that snlcKmen were Mow lo tnnkp , hlch mnilff Iho ntnikel ilrnngy nil Hie wny trough. IKvroontntlvo iwlcs : " . Av. Tr. S weslorn BWPS , ' IDG t > W 3 wrslern < nvo . , , jo3 3 $5 5S weotoni mlxol 94 3 M 2 ycai-HnpTs j- 411 , ) 5v elern wetlicrrt 107 4 J5 23 wo trrn lamhs 90 BIS i ) tftlllriKa jit j po flS western wptliwn m 3 jio IS Mfxlcnn ttockcrs F9 3 94 II mixed we tcrn 97 4 15 OS western yenrllnir. . ss 431) MMcxlcnnyrnrllnf.il 75 455 I1ICACO MVK STOCIC MAUKUT. ) nll All Arininil. ivllh 1'rli-rt. I.cnvi-r on All -Sloclt. CHICAOO , Dec. 8. Trmlc In entile wns very utl nml buyers were unusually finding , n hero wcro a Rood many lola of nllrnctlve look ns corn-fe l entile. 1'rlces were very lirefrutai and averaged Itc to 20o lower limn al the cKwt if last week , with tales of common dressed beet jteera at from W.50 to K.7J and leally Kood shliv L'ilf ' I4-M to50' , O'M , ltiflS.'n - - ' | Ivevc , . n.nd f""c > ' C-Iirlstnma cattle i J . nominal aroun.l } 3.1o to J5.40. The bulk or ' .he Kulei ! today were mticli below JI.7S , many xJtH rclllng for much less than paid for them. Stucken and feeders country were vhliswn fVUtPl > ' m > < } Averaged lOc to tfc lower than ast week , as tlld butchera' and cannera1 stuff. hile very fen- calves went over * G.K. Orcii numbei-H of cayle were left unsold. Iluyers of hops nuccceilkil In suj.plylns thclh \vantn ' ut an averasc reduction of Be from yci. erday's iirlcc * . Sales were largely ut from W.Sw ' ' rse ' 'ett'y tmc era sclllns it . , . at Iron , 'in 'F f"1 "rlme , 8l"PI'lnB 'ots ' t from .2 ui.W' < % > 1 llB * told "i ° stl > ' at from W.15 tu . 1f W.40. The lati market was very active and the greater part of the supply was taken. Lambs were steady , but sheep were rnlhoi slow of Rale at a decline of about lOc. Sheet , wcro salable at from J3.75 to J3.M for Inferior to common , from W.75 ti * Jl.uO for fair to cjioicn nd from 44.W to J4.CJ for prime llocKs , rnms < e llnR at from S2.7J to W.75. AVestern fed sheet. sold In largo numbers t from J3.73 to II to Lamia sold freely nt from M.90 to J4.W for culls up to from J3.CO to 15. 73 for choice to extra lots Some feeding lamb brousht J3. llecclpts : cattle , 17.COO head. IIOEB , M.OCO lieadj sheep , 19.COO head. St. LoulH ! . ! > Stock. ST. LOUrS , Dec. 8. CATTISH Ilecelpts. C.300 lii-ad , of which 3.0M ) were Tcxnns ; shipments l.SOO head , market 10c lower for poor grades or natives ; Texans slow and l c lower ; fair to famy native shlpplns and export Htrrs , J4.20i3.30 | iulk of sales. J1.30ff4.90 ; dressed beef ami jutehor steers. $3.COjJ4.7i ; steers under 1. 000 llw. J3. 4034. SO ; stockcrs and feeJers. J5.40t4.10 ( ; eow and heifers , J2.fOS4.10 ; bulk of cows , f.r < 0ff3.5 cannliiK cows , Jl.T.tf2.40 ; bulls. j.Wj3.50 | ; Texni and Indian steers. JJ. 0004. 15 ; bulk of wiles , J3.W 3.83 ; cows nnd heifers , J2..fr3. : : . HOGS Hoeelpts. S.CCO head ; shipments , " 00 Head ; nidrket 5c lower ; light , $3.:0f3.i3. mlxe < l , J3.9H13.30 ; heavy. JS.Mf/U.SJ. . . SHKKI' llecclpts , 3.1XW head ; shipments. 40fl liead ; market dull and slow , but stroni ; ; natlva muttons , t3.rOIJ4.CO ; culls nnd bucks , ; : .OOJj3.rOj stockers , t2.C05T2.75. lambs , J4.SOfT3.60. InilliiniiiiollN IlviSlorlc. . INDIANAPOLIS , Dec. S. CATTLB Receipts. tOO head ; shipments , light ; nmt butcher cnttlo were from lOc to 13c lower ; Kt > od to prime pteers , JI.50S1.73 ; good to choice steers. J.l. . $ ? 4.45 ; com mon to good Mockers. J2.7 , " > i73.40. HOOS Receipts , S.EOO head ; shipments , 3,000 es l ; market active at an average decline of 4S3c. good to choice medium , nnd heavy , J3.30 3.3 > ; mixed nnd heavy , SJ.USJD.CO ; common lights. J3.-fT3.30. SHEEP llecclpts. 309 head ; shipments , K head ; market active nnd steady ; goaj to choice lambs , J3.0ilff3.50 ; common lambs. J3.73ff4.7S > common sheep , 12.5302.73. Rn t Ilnirnlii Mvo Stool ; . KAST HUPPAIX ) . N. V. . Dec. 8. CATTLE Slow ; extra Chrlnttms. J.T.30SaOO ; geol to cholc * shlnplnc steers. I4.C3ii4.75 ; choice to smooth fat heifers , J1.CW4.CO ; fair to gi > vl nilved buthers' stock. J3.40S4.00 ; fat cows , J3.COIS3.55. HOOS Yorko.8 , good to choice. J3.40S3.45 ; rough ! * , common , to good , J2.9083.1' ) ; pigs , J3.40Q1 i i- * LAM US Choice to extras , J3.80SC.10 ; culls to common. J4.75W5.00. SHKKI' Choice to selected , J1.7595.CO ; cullsi to common , JJ.OOS3.75. City Live StoeU Iliirkct. KANSAS CITY , Deo. S. CATTLK nece'pt" . 5,000 ; market weak. 10j lower ; Texas steers. JS.Oig 1.53 ; Texas cows , J2.40if3.00 ; native steors. > 3.BJ'a 4. 63 ; native COWB nnd heifers , J1.50I.U ; stockers and fpwlers. J2.75f(4.30 ( ; bulls , Jl.SOffS.5) . HOGS Hecelpts , 17.000 head ; market steady to He lower ; bulk of sale. J.1 3iX32Vi ; heivlw. JS. W3.M ; packers. J3.27iT3.37 ; mlxrd. J1.22' ff 3.33 : lights , J3.20Jf3.SO Yorkers , J3.I7 j&3.0 ; pigs , J3.25. SI1RI' lltcelpts , 3.000 head ; mark'.t weak ; lambs. JJ.OOS5-.C3 ; muttons , J3.WO5.CJ. Jfi > iv York I.lvc1 NEW YOIIK. Dec 8. IIREVKS Receipts , I.MO head : native eteers. J4.2J81.83 ; ? UICT nnd oxen. J2.SftS4 ( 10. Cables quote American steers nt Jll 00&11.50 ; refrlRcrator be.'f , 8S 5ic ; exports , 317 beeves , 3.SS8 quartcrB of lieef. CALA'KS Itecelpts. 1.100 head ; KrnFcr . lower ; veal * . SS.005I7.73 ; BraEfcrn. J2.75B3.CO. SHUlil' AND U.VMHS nerelntti. 7.000 head ; eheen. $3.0004.7 ! ) : lambs , > o : ; sJ.C2V4. HOGS Ilecelpts , 7.900 head ; llrm nt 13.5033.70. I.otilnvillc IIre Stride. IX3UISVII..L.C. Ky. . Dec. 8. CATTJ I Stead ) nnil imchangcil. HOGS Ilecelpts. 5,000 head ; market , Gc off. all IIORS 120 ll > s. and up pMllns at J3.33 ; lighter. J3.005T3.23 ; roUKll. J2.tOW3.00. SHEKI' Steal'/ ' and unchanged. riiiflinmll llv < - HtucU. CINCINNATI. Dec. 8. HOOS Dull anJ lower ; $2.MW3.40. ) CATTLE Steady nt J2.2Jijvi.10. SHl-ii'-Steady nt I2.71ff4.50. IJ.VMHS Steady nt J3.75fi5.50. Slock In Record of receipts of Hvo stock nt the four principal markelH for December 8 : CJtlle. llnsr. Sheen. Omaha . 2.713 9 14 ! 3.C11 Chicago . 1T.CCO OS 000 19.W ) Kansas City . . M U.fOI 3.004 St. Ixiuls . C.3M S.riOO 3WO ( Totals . 33013 SO.C12 IS.Cll Xi-jv York Dry Cuoil.t Alarlcot. NR\V YORK. Dec. 8. The dry goods nurket shown no change today from the dull condition * of the earlier days of the week. In ptaplc cot tons today the trading In liMh brown and bleached gocds hari l > een dull , both In ( torn nnrt by mall. Prints and ginghams are In prac tically the earne poaltlon that they were nt thr nloso of list week , an'i HIH more staple fanclct. are dull. Print tloths ncmlnally : ' , ic. ( nllfdriilii DrliMl l.'riiltM. Ni\V YORK. Dec. -CALIKmiNIA DRIHD rilUITS Quiet and nrm , evaporated appks , common , Wf. [ > rlm < > wire tray. 7iflSc ; wrd ried prime. Mic , choice S'c ; fancy. Oili'tf- runes , 3Bfc. AprlcoU , royal. 7W > Wr ; Meor Park 0811C. Peaches , unjweled , TtSlOc , peeled. OLD COLO.VY HUILDI.VC. CIIICAfiO. Memljers Chicago Board of Trade since 15C2. Grain , 1'rovisions ' anJ N. Y. Stocks Orders Gush nnd Kulure Delivery SollcllM. Oimilm Ollluc , llooni I , .V. V. Llfn Illiltr. . . . .U'lioni * 1)111. ) . . . FLOYD J. OAMlMIBI.n. .UininK r. E60YD & GO , , Tclcplionc 1030. Oinalui , Neb COMMISSION , GKA N PROVISIONS and STOCKS KOAliU OP TR\IIi , . Direct wire * to Chicago and New Yorlc. Correspondents i John A. 'Warren & Co. C. C. CHRIBTIK. C. i. STREET , President. Vice-president O .W. KENNEY. Secretary. islie-Stfeet Commission Co Cnnltnl $ riO , ( > ( > 0f > O , I'Milly Pnld. STOCKS. CJHAIX A > D PROVISIONS , H. E. PENNEY & CO. , 1 O Board of Trade Bldf * . , OmahaNob GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Brincb Office , 1038 N St. , Lincoln , Neb. ill MEDICAL AM Snr < ltil Inslllii ! ) COSsL'tTATIOS I'RRH. Chronic , Nervous and Private Dlsusw and nil WK4KNHHS ptTBl ntul DISOIfniiHMof III till IIYimoCtiLKninl VAniCOCRT.K | nt.-niitni > iUlr .in ' BiipcoBsfuHv ( uml In pvcrj- i i" . IILOOI ) AND SHIN DlHcawR , Sere 8pot . I'lm c . Scrotiilit.TiiiiHirH. T 'ttor. Kcronin und Illoai Voljoii Uiorouplilv rlc.insni fnvu Iho HyMem. NKIlVnUS f > oblllly. -ntialorrlipn | , Scinlntl Ixsso , Nlglit Kmlssloim , IA ) H of Vlt.il Powur * l > cnn.invntl > nnd upwdllr cun l. iVItallty WonlO. tiinilo HO liy too ole i * niipllp.itlon to biiMni > 4 or Kind } i Rpvrrc menial ulnilu of prior : SKXUAL KXtKSSK3 III nilddlo llfo or fro.n . iho off rets of youthful folllc'V Gill 01' wnto thoiu today. llox''J7. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. WEAK MAN CURE YOURSELF Ur. Uradondcrful Irish invlgoraior , ihe srealest. remedy for Lost Manhood , otvrvoniva prematurenes * nml ilops all unnnturnl mains uml losses , All i-mall , weak organs enlarged and strengthened. Surfetcrs , by remlltliiK M n ponied pncK- a i > cuiiliilnlnit CO iilllK. rare , fully compounded , will t * i > enl by mall from our tabor. Hlory. or MC will furnish U I" cka60 'or Ji , -V.T-TT . - r with a Old lr. ( Srnily fJl'AUANTKK to euro or Success for { A years money refunded. All letter * 200.000 cured. confidential , and Roods vent vlth lull Initruillons free from cbsorvnllon. Address. CY11STAL , MUD. CO. . txinrll. M s . .T tmr ! > K . ' .BtoimxED. Mad o a ' cll Man of 0 y a autcv , s lo thrnnkon oraar.n. mid qalcklr bat jMtt * Wa i/iotnlln old or JOUDK. 1 In ett pockot. Prlcoll.oOapsckaza , irttkatvritlen r ? aran e ( oeiirvor nonrv refund * ! . DON'T HOT AN IMITATION , bui Innst on hurl no INDAPO. It rour druKElit hni not tot It. w wlll.on.lit prapnld. : UI.1UOO BEaillT CH. , I'npn , lliluroIM' " " ' * r Bt . i in tin , v Co. , Cur l--'b nnd IKiUKlnsa HUH. , und J A fuller i Co. . lull & Duuulius BUS. , OMAHA. MKI > Patroinze i Ily I'liri-liiiMliiKr nooilw Sliulo nt the Fill- | ; \ebriiHkii Fnctorlv * . AWNINUa AND TENTS. OMAHA TIS.VT AM ) llL'llltlill CO. ( Succcsrors Omaha Ttr.t and Axvning Co. ) Manufaclurers tents , awnings. Jobbers ladles' and gentc' mackintoehca. Tents for rent. 1311 Farnam St. . Omalm. OMAHA IIUBWI.NC ! ASSOCIATION. Car load shipments made in our own rxrlg- rntoi cars. Uluc Rlbuuo , K'i\ie \ Export , fiennn Export and Family Export delivered to all par.i of the ctiy. \V1T1I MCIL Hit OS. A. SMITH CO. Paving. Sewrr and Dulldlng IIHICK. Capcclty , 10C.OOO per day. Offlce and yard. 2M rud Hickory Sts. Teleunone 425. Omaha. Keb WORKS ' n. P. El'lS.NCTEU , / 1 F.ACl.n COHMCE WOUKS. Monafjuiurcr c1' Oalvanlzcd Iron Cornices , Gal vanized Iron SltyllghU. Tin. Iron and Slatb Hoofing. Agent for Klnnear's Steel Cellini. IOS-10-12 Nortli Kleventh streel. CRACKKU TAirroitms AJinillCA.V IIISCUIT AM ) 3IPG. CO , I Wholesale Cracker Manufacturers , OMAHA Neb. DYE WORKS. TWIN CITY WOHICS , ir.ill Knrnnm St. Dyeing nnd clennlr.R of garments and foods of rvrry description. Clcunimj of fine garments a rpiclalty. FLOUR MILIJ5. S. P. GILMAX , Flour. Meal , Teed and Bran , 1013-13-17 North J 17tb Street , Omaha. Ne-b. C , E. Dlack , manaeer. Telephone til. IRON WORKS. 1JAVIS & COWOILL IKON WORKS. j Iron nml HriiHN 1'iiiniilci'n , ' -j Manufacturers and Jolihtrv nf Machinery. Gen. frol repairing n rpecloll.v. 1MI , 1S03 nnfl 1HJ Jjichton clrtet. Onmna Net ) . I'AXTO.V .t VIEtLI.\R IHO.V AVOIIICS. j Manufaclurern oj Architectural Iron Work , General Foundry , Machine and lllncksirllli worK. EiiBlneerH ni" ! ' . 'ontr.ictors for Klro I'ronf llulld- lng . Offlce am ) works : U. P. Ily and South A I7lh street , Omahn. " " LINSEED OIL. WOODMAN I.IXSnill ) OIL WORKS. Manufacturers ulJ proceM raw llnaerd oil , kettle boiled MnstcM oil , o'.d piores.i ground | tn- feed cake , gi-jund and screened flnxteed for . OMAHA , NEII. LOUNGES-MATTRESfins. L. O. DOUP. Manufacturer I ounecs , Courhek , Matlrr .i . JoblKr of Spring Dtds anl Feathers 411-413 H. 10th street. OMAHA IIEDDINn CO. Manufactururs of blgli grade Maltrettef , 130S-J Nlcholat Street , Oninha , OVERALL ANI' flHIRT FACTOIUE3 , ICAT/-N1JVBNH COMI'ANY. Mfir/i. Clothing , Pants , Shirts and Overalls. OMAHA. NEH. SHIRT FACTORIES. .T. H. iV.\NS. , XKIIIIA.SKA SHIIIT COMPANY. Exclutlve cuifni shirt tailor * . 1515 Farnam. V1NHOAR AND PICKLES. II.VAIIMAV.V VIXKC.VH CO. , Monnuruclurers of. Vinegar , Pickles , Catiupi , Mustards. Celery and Worrtii-irshtre Bnuce. WAOONH AND CARRIAGES. WILLIAM I'l For a KOC'J substantial vehicle ot any descrip tion , for , repainting or rubber tires on new or obi whteU the beat plact la tltn and Leavenforto streets. s > itL'.iisi < ) M ) CAiniiAnr ; co. Cheap , medium prli-cd and tony carriage * . Any thing you want , tecond hand or nuir. IKadQUurlirv for Rubber lire * , warranted. Uiu and Hurney , c/ppotlto / Court House , t A. J. SIMI'HO.V i-ion , i-in Doiitf. Full tin * of Carnages , Uufgle * . Phaetoni , Ponj Carts. Wheel * rubber tiled. Tbe beat la tin CIO AH MANUFACTUIlUna. II U.MS & CO. factor In the west. Leadlnif ) al > . Lert ct Omaha. lUnua City. Lincoln an1 Bt Joseph handle our goods. ' ( Xt Funiam ulrett ,